Barony of Hawkwood - Society for Creative Anachronism


Barony of Hawkwood - Society for Creative Anachronism
The Talon
The Barony of Hawkwood
November AS 50 (CE2015)
Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA Inc.)
Volume XV – Issue 11
A look at Estate of Versaille, Paris, France Photo by Mahala
Their Royal Majesties
Christoph & Adelhait
Photo courtesy of Baron Bardulf Raven
Baron Ronan and Baroness Muriele
Ronan MacGregor & Mary MacGregor
Ronan (828) 226-7979, no calls after 9PM, please
Mary (828) 545-0244, no calls after 9PM, please
If you are not on TalonTalk (our Yahoo discussion group) please make a
request to be added because you’re missing out on a lot of what’s
going on in Our Barony.
This is The Talon, a publication of the Barony of Hawkwood of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Talon is
available from the Baronial Chronicler, Mahala of Sully Cove,
This newsletter is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies.
© Copyright 2015, Barony of Hawkwood, Inc.
For information on reprinting articles from this publication, please contact the chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original
creator of the printed material. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Contributions are due by the end of each month prior
if possible.
This is Issue 11 of Volume XV.
Copies of the Talon are available online at:
Lord Fionn MacKonnell
Rich Coleman, 3 Spring St., Candler, NC 28715
(828) 458-0161 nlt 9PM, please;
Lady Veronica Pasamonte
Jennifer Loeffler, (828) 273-8057;
The Honorable Lady Marryn Blackgroves
Mindi Bishop; (828) 467-3914;
Lord Edward Godale
Justin Mashburn, 2 Smith Graveyard Rd., Asheville, NC 28806
(850) 896-7011;
Lord Dante di Lucio della Luna
Matt Broadway,
Mistress Siobhan NicDhuinnshleibhe
Heather McCloy, 20 Southwicke Drive, Arden, NC 28704-8456
(828) 687-1983 nlt 9PM, please;
Lady Mahala of Sully Cove
Sherry Baker; 239 Laurelwood Ln., Mills River, NC 28759
Lady Zuzanna Mrva
Beth Coleman, 3 Spring St., Candler, NC 28715
(828) 458-2388 nlt 9PM, please;
Baronial Fighter Practice
For More information regarding
Rapier practice please contact Baron Ronan at:
Contact Lord Dante for Heavy Fighter Practice at:
2015 Hawkwood Armored Practice Schedule (Nov & Dec)
Armored practices at Noon, on Sundays, in Weaver Park, Asheville.
This is the schedule for the second half of the year's Hawkwood Baronial Armored Practices. These are set in
stone, and hopefully, we will seed more spontaneous practices into this schedule as appropriate.
Weaver Park is on Merrimon Avenue in Asheville. Driving North on Merrimon Ave. it is on the right, just after
the Coleman Avenue Intersection. We practice at the top of the park, by the tennis courts.
If you pass Luella's BBQ, you've gone too far.
Contact info:
Knight's Marshal: Dante della Luna (Matt Broadway)
If you have any questions at all, I'm more than happy to answer them. Sling me an email.
Fighter Practices for the rest of the year.
November 22
December 13 (weather permitting)
Baronial Equestrian Practices
The set dates of practices:
Nov. 1st
Equestrian wrap up and dinner out for the equestrians
This is from 12pm until????
Location: 720 Lower White Oak Rd
Marshall, NC 28753
Greetings everyone!
We had a wonderful time at War of the Wings! So glad so many of you were able to make it!
We had a fantastic camp and we're already making plans for next year.
Hawkwood was well represented in all the martial disciplines. Lord Robert and Lord Edward
ran the thrown weapons range. Lady Veronica is beginning her MiT for archery. Lord
Maximilian won the rapier champions Tourney and Lord Von won the joust. M'lord Leonardo
Corazon won the youth fighting.
Many Hawkwoodians were recognized in court as well. Lord Solomon received his Opal, Lord
Roland joined the Order of the Kraken and Ladies Draven, Rose and Marguerite all joined the
ranks of the nobility. Lady Rose also joined the King's Missiliers.
Next week Lord Roland will be fighting in Crown Tourney. I hope to see lots of you there!
We also plan to attend Yule Toy Tourney in Nottinghill Coill in December. This a wonderful
event to benefit children in SC. Last year we had a great turnout -- we'd love to have an even
better one this year.
Our annual holiday party will be the weekend of December 18- 19. Location and time TBD at
the November business meeting. We will also hold a short curia.
Last but not least, our Dinner Out this month will be at Yao buffet on Smoky Park Highway at
6:00 on Sunday November 22 after fighter practice.
Baron Ronan & Baroness Muriel
From War of the Wings
The winner of the Inter-Baronial Bardic Champions Competition on Saturday
night at War of the Wings was Lord Jaume de Monçó, the Performing Arts
Champion of the Barony of Windmasters' Hill!
He performed an impressively smooth period magic trick of "Cups and Balls"
and will share the research documentation of it by request.
He also happened to provide his own "Oktoberfest" brew in his role as
Kingdom Brewer for the evenings "Bards and Brewers Concert" event, and I
personally guarantee that there is no relationship between his delicious
Oktoberfest brew and his successful collection of the most voting beans in
the contest. ;)
Many very special thanks to Their Excellencies of Windmasters' Hill,
Callixtus and Adriana, for attending the competition in person. They braved
very cold temperatures, biting wind, and allowed others the closer spaces
to our single fire bowl. They made the time to come support all the
Baronial Champions in Performing Arts in the face of personal discomfort
and other warmer temptations, and I thank them most sincerely for their
time, attention, and support.
All seven of the participating Baronial Champions in Performing Arts
deserve massive rounds of applause for their performances not only for
delivering high quality performances, but for doing so in the most
challenging physical circumstances I've seen in 23+ years of SCA
performing. Please keep an eye out at future events for these performers
and mention to these folks that you heard the tale of these brave,
tolerant, and talented performers:
-Baroness Morgan Wolfsinger - Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of
Black Diamond (Who won the Unbelted Bardic Tourney on Friday!)
-Lady Thamira HaSopheret
Baronial Bardic Champion of our hosting Barony of Sacred Stone
-Lord Jaume de Monçó (Craig B. Daniel
Baronial Performing Arts Champion of the Barony of Windmasters' Hill
-Lady Morgaine Ferguson (Ivy Pandora
Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Hidden Mountain
-milady Reynsa Keyferin - Baronial Bardic Co-Champion of the Barony of
Notinghil Coil (also Director of the WoW European Pick Up Dance Band!)
-Lady Diedre O'Bardon - filling in for the Baronial Bardic Champion of the
Barony of Bright Hills
-Lady Scholastica Joycors (Mylinda Butterworth
Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Lochmere
Many thanks to those who braved the cold to witness and provide an audience
for these dedicated and loyal Baronial Champions! That includes a few
performers who had committed to perform in our "Bards and Brewers Concert"
which turned out to be a cozy circle of dedicated bards and a teenage gentleman,
Xavier, who juggled 3 bean bags and was awesome!
Please applaud these folks when you see them in the future! These dedicated
souls did what few dared to do!
--Lady Sophia the Orange
Deputy Village Steward for Performing Arts at War of the Wings
Kingdom of Atlantia, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Deputy for Performing
From our Senschal
Gentles of Hawkwood,
Hawkwood has been to War and has once again made an impact! Thank you to
everyone who was able to attend and lend your skills to our success! Lord Von was the victor in
the joust for a second straight year. We had great successes in archery and on the rapier field.
Our Baronial Heavy Champion Lord Roland left many foes littered across the field. Lord
Robert commanded the thrown weapons range. Lord Solomon kept us fed. The singing,
laughter, and hot buttered rum carried on through the night. It was a glorious event! As well
attended as it was though, there were people missing. Some of our regular Hawkwood family
was unable to attend and they were sorely missed but I also felt the loss of those that should
have been there but haven’t found us yet. I encourage you all to tell your friends, family, and
coworkers stories about your experiences. Share the dream. You never know who it may touch.
May none of us ever be without good company...
Lord Fionn
Court report from:
War of the Wings
Greetings, populace!
Herein is the business opened in the
court of Ronan and Muriele, Baron and
Baroness of Hawkwood, at War of the
Wings X, which was called to session on
the evening of Friday, October 16th.
Lady Bera begged a moment of time
and presented Baron Ronan with his
long-overdue Award of Arms scroll.
Lord Alesander Davidson was called forth and as thanks for his service was given the
Golden Decrescent.
Baroness Bessenyei Rozsa was called to attendance and given the Baroness' Award
of Courtesy.
Lady Gracia Slay was called, and given the Award of the Silver Wings, and while she
remained the rest of the "House of Mashburn" was called forth and given many thanks
for their contributions to the Baronial arts and sciences, including hosting sheet wall
day to make our camp "AWESOME!!!"
m'Lord Cole was called forth and recognized for the numerous services he had
provided to the populace, and was awarded a Green Acorn.
Thus closed Hawkwood's Baronial Court.
In service,
Æsa gylðir
Barony of Hawkwood Deputy Herald
On Saturday, October 17, after Royal Court, Their Excellencie’s Ronan and Muriel opened a
stealth field court. Her Excellency went to the Corsarium camp and brought back Lord Ihone
Many moons ago, Lord Ihone use to reside within Hawkwood when She was just a wee
canton. When he moved away, he was granted Citizenship and will always be part of
Hawkwood. Because of all the wondrous A&S talents he has, Their Excellencie’s did see fit to
bestow upon him, Hawkwood's Award of the Silver Wings.
There being no further business, court was quickly closed so that all could go back to their
camps for warmth and food.
Done in my presence and by my hand this 21st day of October, AS 50.
Directions to Meetings
The Enka/Candler Library is accessible by I-40.
1404 Sandhill Road, Candler, NC 28715 (828) 250-4758
From I-40 West: Take exit 44 (19-23) and turn right at the off ramp light towards McDonalds. Turn
left at the 5th traffic light onto Sand Hill Rd, which is directly after Food Lion. The library is less than a
mile on the right after the stop light.
From I-40 East: Take exit 44 (19-23) and turn right at the off ramp light towards McDonalds. Turn left
at the fourth traffic light onto Sand Hill Rd, which is directly after Food Lion. The library is less than a
mile on the right after the stop light.
November business meeting notes:
A&S: We went to War! Our Sheet wall looked nice. That's it for A&S
Chatelaine: We had tons of new people come to WoW, but not as many as we hoped. We've had a lot of emails from
newcomers from a chivalry group. Many awesome questions have been sent in, and we hope to see some of the people
that are in that group begin to come to events.
Exchequer: We have a new Exchequer
Herald: We're still doing our thing! The first push of heraldry that we've been tag-teaming is starting to go through the
letters, and with luck in a few months we'll have shiny, brand new registered work to make new sheet-walls for!
Archery: We have Royal Round targets now! Meaning we can do RR shoots at our events now! We're working on finding
places to practice, and will probably begin scheduling regular / monthly practices when the warmer weather returns in
Rapier: Some new fighters have been showing up to practices, but they're not officially SCAdians. They want to learn.
Web minister: none thing to report
Baronage: WoW was great! We have Birthday coming up soon, so PLEASE let's not wait until the last minute to send in
award suggestions so we can get those processed quickly so the scribes have plenty of time to get scrolls done! No one
likes getting assignments three days before an event!
Knights Marshal: We're looking at changing the time for fighter's practice to 1:00PM so more people can get to practice,
especially in the cooler months we have upcoming. Stay tuned.
Exchequer: We had several practices this year that were very successful, and many jousters starting. We've had a lot of
people from the Barony authorize and participate. The next 'big' Calvary event will most likely be Ruby Joust, in
May. Practices will be scheduled
Seneschal:Sorry that I wasn’t able to make it last meeting. Crown Tournament is this Saturday. Our Baronial Champion will
be taking the field and I encourage everyone to cheer him on! Unevent is scheduled for December 5th in Petersburg, VA. If
you are an officer, a deputy, or think you might like to be one someday, it is a good opportunity to see what it takes to
keep the Society running. We have an Officer switch in the Exchequer position about to happen. If you are interested in
being a deputy to our future Baronial Exchequer Lord Wilhelm, please let someone know. (Preferably Lord Wilhelm) In fact,
if you want to be a deputy to any position, please let the officer know!
New Canton of Stormwall: There will a general meeting on Nov. 29th at 5:30pm at Novgrod residence. Address is
109 Old Rogers Ln. Silva NC
Old business: Dinner Night Out is at Yao's on the 22nd - PLEASE RSVP with Baroness Muriele if you plan to attend!
Christmas Party & Curia: We have two options to hold our party - Friday night at Finn and Zuzana's house, or Saturday
night at Indy and Julie's house. We decided to put it out there and let people discuss it before we made the choice. A
vote was held at those present as to which home they preferred, and it was chosen to be at Finn and Zuzana's home on
Friday, December 18th by 6:30 (ish). Dinner will be potluck - please bring a little something, and BYOB.
Birthday - Last month we couldn't bid on birthday because our Financial Committee was not present. They are still not
present, therefore we are going to suspend the vote once again and hold it at the Christmas party.
New Business: Plan for Yule Toy and 12th Night. 12th Night is Jan 8-10 and is in Pickens, SC where Yule Toy is held, and is
a dry site. If you have toys for Yule Toy that you would like to donate, but you will not be able to make it to the event,
PLEASE bring your toys to Dinner Night Out on the 22nd and Muriele will get them where they need to go!
From Muriele: Lets start thinking about our "other" event for the year - for the past few years we've always had very good
"other" events, Birthday and Tourney of the Brethren, Chicken Festival, etc... Suggestions were brought that Stormwall
might consider hosting an event - maybe even a third Hawkwood event for the year.
Final reminder: there will be no Business meeting for December, as we will be having it at the Holiday party. There will
also be a Curia at this meeting. See you there!
Atlantia Fall Crown Tourney (R)
Hidden Mountain
Known World Academy of the
Rapier / Known World Costuming Middle
Buckston Birthday Bash (R)
Cathanar Rapier Colegium
Fabric, Fiber, Fighting, Fencing,
etc (FFF)
In A Phoenix Eye
Sacred Stone
Holiday Faire (R)
Jester's Tourney
Misty Marsh by the
Morehead City,
Winston Salem,
Manassas, VA
Florence, SC
Unevent (R)
Yule Toy Tourney 2015
Caer Mear Yule
Nottinghill Coill
Caer Mear
Petersburg, VA
Pickens,, SC
Richmond, VA
Nottinghill Coill
Roxbury Mill
Tear-Seas Shore
Black Diamond
Pickens, SC
Silver Spring, MD
Ridgeville, SC
Blacksburg, VA
Severna Park, MD
Nottinghill Coill
Bennettsville, SC
Greenlion Bay
Chestertown, MD
Atlantian 12th Night (R)
Feast of Fools
Tourney of Manannan Mac Lir XXXVI
Ice Castles XXXI
Torquemada’s Trans-Iberian Winter Tour
Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday and
Investiture (R)
Lion's Head Tavern
Hawkwood’s Awards
We want to send out a big Vivant to the following people
who received the following awards that were awarded by:
Their Royal Majesties Christoph & Adelhait
War of the Wings
Award of Arms : Draven Archer, Rose McDade and Marguerite deVienne
Order of the Kraken : Roland Wodeman
Companion of the Opal: Kaete MacDavid and Soloman Gray
Companion of the King’s Missilier: Rose McDade
There are other awards from Barony Courts why at War:
Baron’s Award of Excellence : Kaete MacDavid
Barony of Nottinghill Coill
Black Gull : Draven Archer
Barony of Raven Cove
We also want to congratulate the following people:
Roland Wodeman for Authorizing in Rapier
Leonardo Leon Corazona : Winner of the Youth Tourney
Maxamilian Brudder : Winner of the Rapier Tourney
Lord Von : Winner of the Jousting Tournment
Domina Arria Marina was awarded "Miss Congeniality" in the Atlantian Garb Challenge –
of which the theme of this reign was to represent a Saturday morning television cartoon character in periodaccurate garb. She went as Medusa, from Mythic Warriors, a cartoon that ran from 1998-2000 and portrayed
Greek mythology. The overall winner of the competition was Genevive d'Estelle of Windmaster's Hill, for her
depiction of Usagi of Sailor Moon. Genevive will now be responsible for selecting a theme and running the next
reign's garb challenge.
Estate of Versailles
Have you ever wondered about this place in Paris, France ???
The old brick and stone chateau of Louis XIII was transformed and greatly
enlarged by his son Louis XVI who installed the Court and Seat of Government
here in 1682.
In 1661, Louis XVI undertook the transformation and enlargement of the
original chateau of Louis XIII. The work was done by two architects, Louis Le Vau
and Jules Hardouin-Mansart. The work continued even after his death in 1715.
The palace was the home to Louis XV and Louis XVI. On Oct. 6, 1789, the
monarchy left the Versailles which was the first day of the French Revolution.
The Estate of the Versailles was opened as a Museum in 1837 by King LouisPhilippe.
In 1661, Andre Le Notre the grounds were laid out with many fountains, pool
and canel that is a site to see today.
The Petit Trianon and its park are linked to the memory of Marie-Antoinette
who was the only queen to have imposed her personal taste to the Versailles. Given
to her in 1774 by King Louis XVI.
The Palace and garden sits on 17 acres.
Photo’s by Mahala of Sully Cove.
I hope you all enjoy the beauty of this wonderful Palace in France.
Remember you can view all the Kingdom e-newsletters by going here: your username will be your ID number on your
SCA member blue card. Pass word is “start” for first time user’s.
Thank you for reading The Talon and for your support to the
Barony of Hawkwood!
Art work by Dover Publication, Inc.