hawkwood - Whats on Group


hawkwood - Whats on Group
ar t s • na t u re + s u s ta ina bi li ty • spiri tua lit y • healt h + well- being
A ce nt re f or adult educati on i n th e C o tswo l d s
January – August course programme
ar ts
n atu re + s u s t a ina bi li ty
s pi r i t u a l i t y
Bibi Basch ©
h e a l t h + wel l -be ing
Hawkwood College, a Registered Charity, is an independent
centre for adult education. We aim to provide an
educational programme within a holistic, sustainable
environment that encourages people to develop their full
potential through social, artistic, and spiritual exploration.
Its founding anthroposophical ethos provides a welcoming
context for our programme of short courses and retreats.
Emma Kirkby
Our place
Our 19th century Grade II country house is an enchanting
place to visit, surrounded by its own extensive grounds and
situated at the head of a Cotswold valley with panoramic
views down the Severn Vale. It is a beautiful, peaceful
setting for courses, retreats and conferences. All the land is
Jason Chan
under biodynamic management – a sustainable organic
approach to agriculture which aims to enhance soil and
plant vitality. There are ten acres of native woodland
bounding the estate; twenty four acres of grassland
managed by Stroud Community Agriculture; a Victorian
half-walled garden growing fruit, herbs, flowers and
vegetables; an award-winning pond and wetlands system;
mature ornamental grounds with a magnificent ancient
sycamore and beside it the constantly flowing Hawkwood
45 Booking info
47 Booking form
48 Our partners
49 Facility hire
spring. Tucked away in the woods is our Meditation Space,
a place for quiet and stillness. There are regular gathering
times on Sunday and Wednesday mornings but it is also
available at other times for use by Hawkwood guests and
the wider community.
Satish Kumar
This year, we are delighted to welcome some
new faces to Hawkwood alongside many of our
inspiring regular tutors. We will be joined for the
first time by Robert Hollingworth of I Fagiolini,
Jason Chan of Light Foundation, Emma Kirkby,
internationally renowned soprano and
Satish Kumar of Resurgence and Ecologist magazine.
Two themes stand out in our January – August
2013 programme. We will be celebrating Food,
Land and Healing with courses run by Touchstone
Collaborations, Weleda and renowned author
Wendy Cook. Also included are several courses
on nature, sustainability and pilgrimage. Our ever
popular open day on Bank Holiday Monday 6 May
is a treat for all the family and we will also be
holding a dynamic eco-spiritual festival in July with
music, talks, debates and workshops.
January – August
We l c o m e t o H AW K WO O D
c o u r se s Ja n u a r y – Au g u st 2 013
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Alicia Carey Principal
www.h awkwood c ollege .c o.u k
exquisite examples of vocal chamber
music ever conceived. Beautifully
crafted, wonderful to sing and full of
passion, our programme includes
nutritious home cooked food provided
for all the guests. Our resident
professionally-trained Chef John Butt
will pass on his wisdom and teach
you how to wow your own guests with
your new found culinary skills.
No previous experience is required.
laments by Monterverdi, Schutz
This course will focus on puddings.
and Weelkes and in case that’s too
£50; £120 for all 3 cooking courses
heavy for post-Christmas fare, two
The Work of Byron Katie
Saturday 26 January
Described as ‘a spiritual innovator for
Friday 1 – Sunday 3 February
This weekend is run by two well-known,
experienced players and can include
the New Millennium’ (Time Magazine),
opportunities to play from facsimiles.
The Work of Byron Katie is a way of
We will also be studying larger scale viol
identifying and questioning the
pieces, working one to a part. A good
thoughts that cause anger, fear and
level of playing and sight reading is
depression. Experience the happiness
expected and pre-formed consorts are
of undoing those thoughts, and allow
very welcome. Players with Renaissance
your mind to return to its true nature.
viols may bring their own instruments.
Delightfully simple, anyone with an
Early application is advised.
open mind can participate. single £235; shared £205; non-res £160
light-hearted vocal soufflés by Senfl
John Butt trained at Burleigh Court Hotel
and Claude Le Jeune will serve as
near Stroud and has worked at Michelin
sorbets to cleanse the palette.
starred restaurants including Le Manoir Aux
Joginder and Marketa Bola are both
gamba) combines a busy teaching practice
Please see our website for music editions.
Quatre Saisons alongside Raymond Blanc.
graduates of Byron Katie’s School for The
with a professional life and has played with
single £265; shared £235; non-res £190
See also courses 116 page 12, 203 page 24
Jane Francis (Baroque cello, viola da
Work. They are organisers of Tree of Life
the City of London Chamber Players, the
holistic magazine, events and festivals in
Corelli Orchestra, and the Company of Viols,
Robert Hollingworth founded the
the West Midlands.
among others.
innovative Renaissance and contemporary
See also course 42 page 4
David Hatcher (cello, viola da gamba)
solo-voice ensemble I Fagiolini in 1986, who
has recorded with I Fagiolini, Evelyn Tubb
perform to sell-out audiences. He has recorded
and Bach Collegium of Japan, among others,
19 CDs and 2 DVDs, toured internationally
and has performed with Dame Emma Kirkby.
and undertaken many innovative productions.
than getting inside some of the most
Hawkwood prides itself on its delicious,
Viol Consorts
HAW KWO O D 2 013
What better way to start the New Year
Monday 21 January
Loving What Is
a r t s 041 n
Friday 11 – Sunday 13 January
Hawkwood Cookery Course
spir it ualit y healt h + well- being 032 n n
Exquisite Renaissance Miniatures
healt h + well- being 033 n
a r t s 011 n ✱ new
H AWK WOO D 2 013
A Weekend of
Madrigal Singing!
See also course 081 page 9
“Truly excellent in every aspect.
The meals were exceptional.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Nouveau, Art Deco, Free Style or a design
of your own. After an introduction to
the wood and carving tools you will
transform a plain wooden frame
approximately 450mm x 300mm made
simple and transformational for your
well-being. This incredible shift in your
consciousness about eating live-food
and superfoods will not only shapeshift
your body and increase your mental
clarity but it also brings new, lighter
Friday 15 – Sunday 17 February
This nourishing weekend is an ideal
Monday 18 – Friday 22 February
This unique art form originated in
Buddhist temples and is used for the
introduction for anyone interested in
elaborate decoration of Kimonos.
exploring the way emotions shape our
This rarely taught skill has been based
bodies and for therapists looking to
at Hawkwood for over ten years. Using
complement their existing skills.
traditional methods and techniques you
Through gentle yet deep touch we can
will produce truly stunning works of art
let go of unconscious tensions locked
and learn about Japanese culture.
of Jeletong Wood that is a soft, easy
process. Includes demonstrations,
in the body and expand our capacity for
All levels are welcome.
wood to carve.
preparing and tastings.
well being, creativity, and an authentic
single £455; shared £390; non-res £310
single £275; shared £240; non-res £200
relationship with life.
materials extra
energy and naturally reverses the aging
single £240; shared £210; non-res £165
including materials
Marketa Bola teaches Tantra, healthy
Jackie Hall has worked with needlecraft
David Lovemore is an experienced
eating and raw food preparation at the Tree
Ingrid Maria Nordgren is a Director of
for over 20 years and Japanese Embroidery
sculptor and teacher. He has a very gentle
of Life holistic centre in the West Midlands.
Rosen Bodywork Training offering the only
for 18 years. She has exhibited in England,
approach to guiding students of all abilities.
See also course 32 page 3
introductory workshop in the UK.
New Zealand, America and at the World
Trained in traditional and dynamic sculptural
Exhibition in Tokyo.
techniques, his own work includes classical
See also courses 164 page 19, 252 page 27
styles as well as abstract studies of forms
mirror or picture frame based on Art
Preparing raw living food can be fun, so
Japanese Embroidery
H AWK WO OD 2 013
With expert guidance, create a beautiful
Saturday 2 February
The Rosen Method
a r t s 074 n
Friday 1 – Sunday 3 February
Raw Food – Living Magic
healt h + well- being 061 n
Carve a Wooden Frame
healt h + well- being 042 n ✱ new
a r t s 043 n ✱ new
H AWK WO OD 2 013
Woodcarving for All
that occur in nature transformed by imagination.
See also courses 287 page 34, 324 page 41
“Another thank you for another incredibly inspiring weekend at Hawkwood.
You should know that for many of those students, this will be a place that
they always remember as the backdrop for the day their lives changed.”
Audrey Stephenson Wilson Wiltshire College
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
you aligning, in a deeply practical and
connected way, to your best self – who
you really are – and sets the wheels in
motion for you to attract your heartfelt
simple, but profound, Infinite Tai Chi
and Chi Kung sequences, together with
a range of very practical spiritual tools
to raise your consciousness and guide
you home to your most natural state of
being. Relax and share fun and laughter
Saturday 23 February
This is a great course for individuals
who wish to improve their skills in job
interviews, public speaking, social
situations and teaching. Learn how
to express yourself naturally and
Saturday 23 February
We will explore the nature and meaning
of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and
Water and look at how they are
expressed within the signs of the
effectively in front of any group
zodiac. We will explore our own
and discover the key to establishing
elemental balances from our birth
instant rapport with your listeners.
charts. Participants will need to supply
desires – now.
Master of the Infinite Arts.
You will be given an opportunity to
their birth data in advance – date, place
Sessions are 9.30am – 12pm.
single £245; shared £210; non-res £170
practice these skills within the group.
and time of birth – or participants can
bring along their own charts.
in a beautiful environment with a true
£105 (including a one-on-one
visualisation session with Theresa)
Jason Chan is a Tai Chi Master and an
inspiring spiritual teacher. He is the author
Nicola Belle is a psychotherapist and
Theresa Sansome is a writer, life
of The Radiant Warrior (Hay House 2009)
counsellor, and a trained facilitator with
Cat Cox DFAstrol MA began her
coach and workshop leader. She developed
and Infinite Abundance (2012) and founder
Speaking Circles. She has been teaching
astrological journey over 25 years ago
her innovative programme Future Self Now
of Light Foundation, which is dedicated to
and running groups for 22 years in yoga,
having always had a fascination with the
from 12 years facilitating The Artist’s Way
promoting World Peace and Harmony
meditation, parenting and life skills.
stars. Cat practices astrology in London and
and coaching others. Theresa is
through assisting individuals to find deep
See also course 113 page 13
teaches for the Faculty of Astrological Studies.
developing her career as a presenter and
inner peace and strength.
full potential, this 5-week course has
Jason Chan leads a retreat weekend of
The Four Elements
in Astrology
H AWK WO OD 2 013
taps into your inner knowing of your
Friday 22 – Sunday 24 February
Speaking with Confidence
spirit ua lit y 073 n ✱ new
Based on a powerful visualisation that
Infinite Tai Chi
healt h + well- being 072 n
Wednesdays 20 February –
20 March
healt h + well- being 071 n ✱ new
healt h + well- being 077 n
H AWK WO OD 2 013
Future Self Now
motivational speaker.
See also courses 151, 152 page 16
“Fantastic, very thorough,
effective and inspirational.”
Participant 2012
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
like a real ‘personality’? We shall be
Friday 1 – Sunday 3 March
This weekend is open to all woodwind
and string players (including viols
Friday 1 - Sunday 3 March
A creative, rewarding and accessible
profoundly satisfying way as we
looking at ways to understand how the
and theorbos), singers and keyboard
weekend for anyone who would like to
become more present, less defended,
qualities of individuality find their way
players. Pitch will be A=415Hz.
try composing songs. Starting with
more connected, and more open.
into the features, and how to capture
The weekend will include playing as a
simple phrases and harmonies, we
Drawing on psychosynthesis, gestalt
expression. We will study icons and
baroque orchestra as well as in
will build up songs in different ways,
therapy and focusing we will open up
other portraiture as we uncover the
chamber groups. Please see Hawkwood
working individually, in pairs and in
a heart dialogue. All you need to bring
steps towards capturing an accurate
website for more detailed information
small groups. Bring along any texts or
is yourself, just as you are. Open to
likeness. This course is suitable for
on repertoire and instruments.
poems you would like to compose into
singles and couples.
all abilities.
single £245; shared £210; non-res £170
songs, and musical instruments are
£73 including materials
Jane Francis (cello/bass/viol) has enjoyed
of experience.
Jay Ramsay, BA Hons. (Oxon), PGDip,
Fran Whiteside is a professional artist
organizing baroque music courses at
single £235; shared £205; non-res £160
NFSH is an acclaimed poet, healer and
and teacher, who has been working from
Hawkwood for over 25 years. She is joined
psycho-spiritual therapist. His many books
the figure for over 30 years and specialises
by Katharine May (harpischord/continuo),
Helen Chadwick is a performance
include Crucible of Love – The Alchemy of
in the art of icon painting.
Sharon Lindo (Baroque violin, viola,
creator, singer and composer whose work
Passionate Relationships (O Books).
See also course 342 page 43
recorder, pictured) and Jonathan Morgan
has been commissioned by the Royal Opera
(Baroque flute, recorder).
House, English Touring Opera and the BBC.
See also course 041 page 3
She has written over 250 songs and has
See also courses 134 page 15, 182 page 22
welcome too. Suitable for all levels
What is it that makes a drawing look
Songwriting with
Helen Chadwick
HAW KWO O D 2 013
We can experience relationships in a
Sunday 24 February
Baroque Chamber Weekend
a r t s 083 n
Sunday 24 February
Drawing a Likeness
a r t s 081 n
A new way to relate
a r t s 076 n ✱ new
healt h + well- being 075 n
H AWK WO OD 2 013
Soul Talk
recorded 10 albums.
“We love coming to Hawkwood,
meeting old friends and making new friends.
Enjoying the environment and peaceful surroundings.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
bringing your ideas and projects out
Discover how to free and develop your
singing voice in this fun and
Sunday 10 March
Learn how to give garments new life,
whether pre-loved or new but never
empowering course. Through song,
worn. Improve the fit, change the style
playful practices and illustrated talks
or embellish it. You will be guided
you will learn how the vocal instrument
through planning, designing, cutting,
works, how to use it in a healthy,
decorating, sewing and also making
embodied way and how to help others
your own buttons from wood, yarn or
do the same. Open to all regardless of
cloth. Feathers, beads and ribbons will
experience and suitable for continuing
be available. Bring your own sewing kit
professional development (CPD).
and machine or share ours!
The Sunday Times Style magazine) is the
Stefan Cartwright is an experienced
creative catalyst, producer and director
voice teacher, singer, musician and Yoga
Transition Town Stroud Textile
Group get together regularly to swap
behind the global philosophy and music
practitioner. His approach draws on insights
clothes, embellish them, run ‘trashion’
project 1 Giant Leap. Jamie is also a founder
from a range of disciplines: vocal pedagogy,
shows and generate ideas about how to
member, singer, art director and video
Yoga, Indian raga singing, body percussion,
make clothes last longer rather than buying
director of Dance Music super-group Faithless.
Alexander technique, action theatre and
new ones transported across the world, thus
somatic movement.
reducing CO2 levels.
of your head and into the real world.
Jamie mixes a project building
masterclass with processes and games
to amp up the levels of presence and
make sure we’re creating from a 100%
inspired and empowered place.
single £230; shared £210; non-res £150
Jamie Catto (as seen recently in
“It was everything I hoped it would be.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
A Retreat Weekend
Friday 15 - Sunday 17 March
Walking can be experienced as a sacred
spiritual practice. Karin will lead a walk
that forms a sacred circle around
Hawkwood inscribing it into the
landscape as an invisible yet tangible
form. This walk will be the starting
point for artistic work that will be
based on the ancient practice of
creating mandalas.
single £230; shared £200; non-res £155
Karin Jarman works as an art therapist at
a NHS practice in Stroud. Twelve years ago
she went on a pilgrimage by herself, tracing
workshop designed to facilitate
Saturday 9 March
Walking the Earth
with Passion
HAWK WO O D 2 013
What About You? Is a two day residential
Rejuvenate Your Wardrobe
nat ure + su st ai na bi l it y healt h + well- being a r t s 101 n n n ✱ new
Tuesday 5 – Wednesday 6 March
Finding the Voice
a r t s 092 n ✱ new
What About You?
healt h + well- being a r t s 091 n n ✱ new
healt h + well- being 093 n ✱ new
HAWK WO O D 2 013
“Jamie Catto is kind, wise,
open, boundlessly energetic,
optimistic and passionate.
I adore him.” Stephen Fry
the distance between her home town of
Stroud and the Karlstein Castle in the Czech
Republic. This life-changing event has
integrated walking into her daily life as a
spiritual practice.
I will be returning!”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
For the fourteenth successive year, the
A Creative Approach to Life
Saturday 23 – Sunday 24 March
The practice of the Metamorphic
Technique involves a light touch along
Radiant Well Being
for Women
Saturday 23 March
This day is for women who want to feel
for all the guests. Our resident
Aurora Ensemble returns to Hawkwood
professionally-trained Chef John Butt
to run their increasingly popular Wind
will pass on his wisdom and teach you
Chamber Music Course. The course is
how to wow your own guests with
open to all players of the flute, oboe,
your new found culinary skills. No
clarinet, horn and bassoon – grade 5
previous experience is required.
or above. Early booking is advisable
£50; £120 for all 3 cooking courses
for flutes and clarinets.
suitable for parents, practitioners and
in service to bring greater levels of love
the spinal reflex points on feet, hands
and head. This simple yet profound
approach to growth, transformation
and personal development can easily
be learnt in this two day course and is
a greater connection to themselves and
their strength. We will explore how to
feel love, intimacy, confident selfexpression, creativity and purpose.
Movement and guided meditations will
be included as we empower each other
For more information on repertoire
individuals. Meditation, visualization,
and care into our world.
John Butt trained at Burleigh Court Hotel
please see the Hawkwood website.
music, practice and dialogue are included
near Stroud and has worked at Michelin
single £300; shared £270; non-res £225
to encourage your full participation.
non-res £130
starred restaurants including Le Manoir Aux
Quatre Saisons alongside Raymond Blanc.
See also courses 33 page 2, 203 page 24
Nicola Belle is a psychotherapist and
Prize winning wind quintet, the Aurora
Ensemble, will be visiting Hawkwood as
Sam Bloomfield works at Ruskin Mill
meditation, parenting and life skills. Her
part of their busy 2012 – 2013 season.
Trust and is both a trustee and editor of the
particular interests lie in dance, movement
Gwenllian Davies (oboe), Andrew Mason
Metamorphic Association Journal. He writes
and tantra, having explored these for
(clarinet), Stuart Russell (bassoon) Helen
articles on MT, non-violence and Taoism.
many years.
Shillito (horn) Maxine Willis (flute).
He works as a healer and facilitator across
Judith Puckmayr is a registered Dance
See also course 312 page 39
the UK.
and Movement Psychotherapist and has
counsellor, and a trained facilitator in yoga,
nutritious home cooked food provided
Friday 22 – Sunday 24 March
Metamorphic Technique
HAWK WO O D 2 013
Hawkwood prides itself on its delicious,
Jane Alexander Daily Mail
healt h + well- being 113 n ✱ new
Monday 18 March
Wind Chamber Music with
Aurora Ensemble
healt h + well- being 115 n
Hawkwood Cookery Course
a r t s 112 n
healt h + well- being 116 n
HAWK WO O D 2 013
“Thousands who have
experienced the Metamorphic
Technique affirm that life is never
quite the same once you step
onto the metamorphic path.”
completed several Feminine Leadership
training programs with world leading pioneers.
See also course 072 page 7
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
consciousness within the Divine Light,
an illumination which you too can
experience. This Mystical Initiation
takes place over the Easter weekend
Nikki Simpson ©
Learn how to make your breathing both
Saturday 6 April
Contemplative photography offers
participants an approach to quieten the
conscious and satisfying. Through
mind through walking and sitting
mindfulness, exercises and biofeedback
meditation practices before immersing
you will discover the breath’s pivotal
themselves creatively in the idyllic
role in physical, emotional and spiritual
landscape at Hawkwood. Session time
health and gain a vital self-help tool.
will be spent developing and practising
Led by a doctor and an osteopath, the
camera skills alongside considerable
– when millions of minds focus upon
course is also suitable for health
time in nature capturing images.
the Resurrection. Through the
practitioners undertaking professional
recognition of our oneness with the
development (CPD).
Divine, we can realise our oneness with
single £215; shared £200; non-res £180
all that lives and by using the spiritual
Writing and self-expression
Sunday 7 April
This series of brilliant, original
exercises extends our receptivity and
imagination opening out new
possibilities of expression through the
written word. Sharing and supportive
critical input on our work will ensure
we will touch on our creative ‘edges’
and progress in our craft. The lovely
landscape and atmosphere of
Hawkwood provides an inspirational
Nikki Simpson is a professional
backdrop for this exploration. Suitable
photographer, artist and teacher. She has
for all levels of experience.
dynamics of Esoteric Christianity, we
David Beales, FRCP MRCGP worked
a regular meditation practice and has been
can experience conscious immortality. within the NHS as GP and now runs a holistic
teaching photography since 2008.
single £525; shared £460; non-res £380
practice in mind/body medicine.
See also course 273 page 32
Christ-consciousness. This is a state of
Friday 5 – Sunday 7 April
Poetic Edges
HAWK WO O D 2013
taught their members how to attain
Optimise your health & well-being
Contemplative Photography
healt h + well- being a r t s 134 n n
The original Christian communities
Mindfulness and the Breath
a r t s 133 n
Raffealino del Garbo
Friday 29 March – Monday 1 April
healt h + well- being 132 n
spirit ua lit y 121 n
HAWK WO O D 2 013
A Mystical Retreat
for Easter
Jay Ramsay, BA Hons. (Oxon), PGDip,
Jonathan Nunn DO (Osteopathy) has
NFSH is a published poet, healer and
David Goddard is a true original. Author
over 30 years’ experience, including as a
psycho-spiritual therapist who pioneered the
of Tower of Alchemy and Spiritual Alchemy,
clinical tutor at the British School of
connection between poetry and personal
he has vast experience as an international
Osteopathy and a Harley Street practitioner.
development in this country. His work has
teacher and practitioner of Alchemy for over
been praised by Ted Hughes, Kathleen Raine,
20 years.
and Robert Bly.
See also course 323 page 40
See also courses 075 page 8, 182 page 22
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
that differs from one person to the next
is the extent to which we allow our
creativity to blossom. This rigorous
twelve-week course based on
The Artist’s Way (Julia Cameron’s
groundbreaking book) encourages you
Tuesday 23 – Thursday 25 April
Social Entrepreneurship addresses
social problems in terms of positive
returns to society rather than
Thursday 25 – Friday 26 April
This course is for anyone interested in
exploring their spiritual development
through connection with the timehonoured traditions of Shamanic work.
with the F.M. Alexander
Friday 26 – Sunday 28 April
The Alexander Technique is known to
help back problems and other body
troubles yet it is more than a therapy
monetary profit, creating sustainable,
We will introduce Shamanic journeying
resilient communities and groups.
which brings us in touch with our
because by learning and applying it you
Case studies, practical exercises and
original power and our helpers from
discussion give a thorough grounding
the spiritual world, our power animals
increase well-being and improve the
learn how to rid yourself of hidden or
unwanted tensions, look after yourself,
in the concept and ways to apply this to
and teachers which protect, guide and
skill of your performance in any
guidance and play. Get to know yourself
participants’ own life and work. Ideal
support us.
activity. Suitable for all ages and
on a whole new level – you’ll love what
for people who are keen to start or join
single £160; shared 140; non-res £120
experience levels.
you uncover!
a social enterprise.
£245 (excluding the book)
single £255; shared £225; non-res £180
to open your heart, tune into your inner
single £245; shared £210; non-res £170
Béatrice Simmons-Heiz SVLAT, MSTAT
runs a private practice for shamanic work in
Robin Simmons has been teaching the
Theresa Sansome is a writer, life coach
Isabelle Duquesne, PhD is the director
Zurich, Switzerland, having trained with
F.M.Alexander Technique since 1971. He and
and workshop leader. She developed her
of the training and consulting firm
Sandra Ingerman.
his wife Béatrice Simmons-Heiz are
innovative programme Future Self Now
EuroBogen, based in Germany. She teaches
co-directors of an Alexander Technique
from 12 years facilitating The Artist’s Way
Social Entrepreneurship at various
teacher training school in Zürich, Switzerland
and coaching others. Theresa is
universities in Mexico, France and Nepal.
We are all creative – the only thing
Dreaming our world into being
Freedom and Flexibility
HAWK WO O D 2013
Course 152 7pm – 9.30pm
Introduction to Shamanism
healt h + well- being 167 n
Course 151 9.30am – 12.00pm
Social Entrepreneurship
& Resilience in Times
of Transition
spirit ua lit y 162 n
Wednesdays 17 April – 3 July
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 161 n ✱ new
h ealt h + well- being a r t s 151 + 152 n n
HAWK WO O D 2013
The Artist’s Way
developing her career as a presenter and
motivational speaker.
See also course 077 page 6
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
In partnership with Select
Stroud International Textiles
Sunday 28 April – Thursday 2 May
This unique art form originated in
Buddhist temples and is used for the
A wonderful opportunity to study with
Stroud International Textiles
Be inspired and enjoy a tactile journey
elaborate decoration of Kimonos.
one of the world’s most renowned
Hawkwood College is the perfect venue
of discovery experimenting with
This rarely taught skill has been based
sopranos Emma Kirkby and lutenist
to discover how photography can be
surface, colour, line and composition
at Hawkwood for over ten years.
David Miller. This course will include
used as a tool to visually explore the
through mark making, collage and
Using traditional methods and
masterclasses and group work and all
natural and built environment, mapping
stitch. Activities are designed to
techniques you will produce truly
voice types are encouraged to apply as
the land and your relationship to it from
encourage participants to observe
stunning works of art and learn about
the repertoire will include Dowland
a textural point of view. The workshop
details, challenge and be aware of
Japanese culture. All levels are welcome.
songs in one, two and four parts.
will be kept simple, playful and fun.
their creative responses; develop
single £455; shared £390; non-res £310
single £265; shared £235; non-res £180
Participants will use stillness and
confidence; take risks with ideas and
materials extra
reflection to experience a real
nurture their own artistic voice.
Emma Kirkby, DBE is an English soprano
connection with the land.
non-res £105
Jackie Hall has worked with needlecraft
singer and early music specialist.
non-res £90
To book contact Stroud International
for over 20 years and Japanese Embroidery
David Miller is a long established
To book contact Stroud International
Textiles on info@stroudsit.org or go to
for 18 years. She has exhibited in England,
soloist and well known as an accompanist
Textiles on info@stroudsit.org or go to
New Zealand, America and at the World
and continuo player on lute, theorbo and
Exhibition in Tokyo.
Gizella K Warburton is a renowned
early guitars.
In partnership with Select
Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 April
Japanese Embroidery
H AWK WO O D 2013
Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 April
Collage – Textiles – Stitch
a r t s 164 n
Friday 26 – Sunday 28 April
Colour, Texture and Form
in Photography
a r t s 166 n ✱ new
Bibi Basch ©
Celebrating the 450th anniversary
of John Dowland’s birth
a r t s 165 n ✱ new
a r t s 163 n ✱ new
HAWK WO O D 2013
An English Orpheus
Ruth Davey is a creative with an integrated
award winning artist, designer and maker
and holistic approach to life. Look Again
who exhibits her work regularly and creates
brings together her love of photography with
contemporary textiles and mixed media
her 20 years experience of project management,
pieces for interior spaces.
See also courses 74 page 5, 252 page 27
facilitation, training and marketing.
Stroud International Textiles
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Stroud International Textiles
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Artists in Residence at Hawkwood
Open Day
In association with Select
An enjoyable day for the
whole family!
Stroud International Textiles
Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 May
Monday 6 May 10am-5pm
Soap Making
A quintessential craft in Spring
Saturday 11 May
Soap making is a satisfying hands-on
Friday 3 – Sunday 5 May
The irresistible feel and scent of
Free taster workshops from our
craft. The course will combine collecting
Growing, cooking, eating and
willow and other weaving materials
extensive 2013 programme, as well as
petals and discovering colours and
composting – Food, Land and Healing is
and the opportunity to learn one of
tours of the Grade II listed house and
textures in Hawkwood’s beautiful
an invitation for a hands-on exploration
our oldest skills means this is a
estate, stalls, delicious home-made
gardens followed by a step-by-step
of the living exchange between food,
workshop not to be missed. You will
organic food and ice cream, children’s
journey through the process of making
soil and the rhythm of the seasons
make a basket or willow container
activities, live music and singing,
vegetable oil soap. You will go home
during events spanning the cycle of the
of your choice to take home.
Maypole dancing and more. Special
with about 8 – 10 bars of your own soap.
year. This first weekend of Food, Land
All materials provided.
guests Touchstone Collaborations will
£75 including materials
and Healing courses at Hawkwood take
non-res £70
present their celebratory Food Feast.
place in early May. Our journey will
To book contact Stroud International
Free entry
Jonathan Code runs Quintessential
inspire the co-creation of a light-filled,
Textiles on info@stroudsit.org or go to
Parking £2 per car
Soaps, his own soap-making business,
beautiful, edible and seasonal feast for
sharing. The second of these workshops
and teaches at Ruskin Mill Educational Trust
with Touchstone collaborations,
Willow Basket Making
H AWK WO O D 2013
Thinking food and feeding thought
a r t s 183 n
Food, Land and Healing
a r t s 172 n ✱ new
n at ure + susta inabilit y healt h + well- being 171 n n ✱ new
H AWK WO O D 2013
in Gloucestershire.
will take place in late Autumn.
Helen Lomberg is a willow artist and
single £175; shared £145; non-res £100
also the founder of the Gloucestershire Arts
and Crafts Centre.
Miche Fabre Lewin is an artist-cuisiniere
and culinary activist. Flora GalthorneHardy is an artist-geographer and
landscape architect.
Stroud International Textiles
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
“Always a beautiful, magical
atmosphere, wonderful grounds
and good service.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
moving beyond limiting beliefs, habits,
addictions and dysfunctional
relationships to Love. The real thing!
This workshop guides us towards this
‘true love’ through a process of
remembering, releasing, renewing and
affirming ourselves and others, through
Saturday 11 May
Enter the hidden world of the bees with
an experienced beekeeper who will
explain the hierarchy and community
that exists within a hive. The course is
designed as a guide for new or
potential beekeepers and those more
experienced beekeepers who wish to
explore alternative methods of keeping
solo and partner work, visualisation,
bees in an empathetic way.
meditation, creativity and movement.
Jim Divers is a member of the British
Jay Ramsay, BA Hons. (Oxon), PGDip,
Beekeepers Association and has observed
NFSH is a published poet, healer and
beekeeping in a variety of countries. Jim is
psycho-spiritual therapist who is part of
a regular speaker on beekeeping and assists
the Be the Change movement. He is also the
new beekeepers through a mentoring
author of Crucible of Love – the alchemy of
programme which he instigated.
passionate relationships (O Books, 2005/2012)
This weekend is an opportunity to learn
about medicinal plants, their qualities
and how they are used in
anthroposophical medicine. We will
Friday 17 – Sunday 19 May
This weekend is open to people who
already have some experience of the
Western Mystery Tradition. We will
visit the realms of Avalon and the
ancient mysteries of Britain, particularly
use an exact observational approach
the magical chess game (Gwyddbwyll)
developed by 18th century scientist and
which is mentioned throughout the
poet JW Goethe and then collect herbs
Mabinogion and Irish texts. Our
and learn the principles of transforming
exploration will be supported by the
them into medicines and tinctures.
practical methods of the Western
single £225; shared £205; non-res £160
Mystery Tradition including meditation
and ritual.
Michael Bate is the recently retired head
single £230; shared £195; non-res £175
gardener at Weleda. He has been growing
medicinal plants in their biodynamic gardens
Mike Harris of the Company of Avalon
for many years.
has over 30 years experience in the Western
Zoe Smith has been working as a
Mystery Tradition, he has taught and
pharmacist at Weleda for the last
participated at Hawkwood for many years,
10 years and also works closely with
written three books and lectures widely on
anthroposophical doctors.
the subject.
just courage, flexibility, openness – but
Herbal Wisdom with Weleda
Friday 17 May – Sunday 19 May
Merlin’s Chess
H AWK WO O D 2013
inviting us to something different – not
Introduction to natural
beekeeping methods
From Plant to Medicine
spirit ua lit y 192 n ✱ new
A current shift in consciousness is
Basically Bees
n at ure + susta inabilit y healt h + well- being 191 n n ✱ new
Saturday 11 May
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 194 n
spi rit ualit y healt h + well- being 182 n n ✱ new
H AWK WO O D 2013
Towards a Greater Love
from which this work is also drawn.
See also courses o75 page 8, 134 page 15
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
professionally-trained Chef John Butt
will pass on his wisdom and teach you
how to wow your own guests with your
new found culinary skills. No previous
experience is required.
£50; £120 for all 3 cooking courses
John Butt trained at Burleigh Court Hotel
near Stroud and has worked at Michelin
starred restaurants including Le Manoir Aux
Quatre Saisons alongside Raymond Blanc.
See also courses 033 page 2, 116 page 12
men, the diversity of men, the wonder
and integrity of masculinity. ‘What does
it mean to be a man in the modern
world?’ This workshop will explore
through talk, psychodrama, ceremony,
creativity and guided exercises different
ways of being a (hu)man – and emerge
from the day with a more authentic
sense of who we can be.
Saturday 25 May
After an introduction to the scythe and
its safe handling, a practical afternoon
session takes you through scything
short grass and progressing to longer
grass and tougher weeds. Advanced
mowing techniques, warm up
exercises, assessing risks and the care
of blade and ‘snath’ complete the day.
By the end of the course, you will have
learnt a safe, comfortable, efficient
mowing technique.
Bursaries available for people under 25.
Friday 31 May – Sunday 2 June
Open up to your potential by exploring
and reflecting on your material, social
and ecological environment. During this
artistic weekend you’ll have the
opportunity to explore your innate
creativity within Hawkwood’s
beautiful, welcoming environment.
Artwork and images, found and made
objects and outdoor experiences will
be included.
single £240; shared £210; non-res £165
Chris Seeley leads an MA programme
Nick Clements, PhD has extensive
Alastair Inglis is an experienced
at Ashridge Business School and works
experience of teaching and training,
scythesman as well as a
with post-graduate learners and
particularly community, social and care
permaculture designer-gardener and
organisations concerned with sustainability
workers. Visiting Professor at Staffordshire
rural skills practitioner.
in Europe and Africa.
University, Nick has written two books on
James Aldridge is an artist and creative
masculinity – Using the Ugly Duckling and
learning consultant, working with adults and
his latest The New Ages of Men.
children as well as making individual artwork.
for all the guests. Our resident
Come and celebrate the generations of
Mind, Body and Place
H AWK WO O D 2013
nutritious home cooked food provided
Saturday 25 May
Introduction to Scything
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y a r t s 211 n n ✱ new
Hawkwood prides itself on its delicious,
Men Together
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 202 n ✱ new
Monday 20 May
spir it ualit y healt h + well- being 201 n n ✱ new
healt h + well- being 203 n
H AWK WO O D 2013
Hawkwood Cookery Course
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
by being seen in isolation, out of
context. Process and Pilgrimage brings
people together from different
backgrounds in settings of dynamic
inquiry, such as a pilgrimage or long
Theta Healing is a simple yet powerful
healing approach, providing fast,
effective release of negative emotions
and beliefs. It can be combined with
counselling, coaching, hypnotherapy
and most energy healing therapies to
enhance the effectiveness of treatment.
An introduction to
biodynamic beekeeping
Monday 24 – Friday 28 June
This unique art form originated in
Buddhist temples and is used for the
Friday 14 – Sunday 16 June
elaborate decoration of Kimonos. This
Michael Weiler will share his insights as
rarely taught skill has been based at
a bee enthusiast and lifelong bee
Hawkwood for over ten years. Using
keeper. He will tell the story of bee life
traditional methods and techniques
and show how important it is that bee
you will produce truly stunning works
keeping respects the inner laws of a
of art and learn about Japanese culture.
bee community. This workshop held in
All levels are welcome.
walk and the silence where poetry
We will cover the development of
arises and science finds its creativity.
intuitive abilities, healing plants and
the context of a bee friendly landscape
single £455; shared £390; non-res £310
Includes Goethean observation,
animals and space clearing.
is for everyone with an interest in bees
materials extra
walking and conversation in the
£395 includes training manual
and their place in nature.
company of writers and scientists.
and certification
single £280; shared £200; non-res £160
Jackie Hall has worked with needlecraft
There will be a public talk on
for over 20 years and Japanese Embroidery
Friday 14 June 8pm.
for 18 years. She has exhibited in England,
single £255; shared £220; non-res £180
Ina D’Costa is a therapist with over
Philip Franses teaches complexity
20 years experience. She is a Clinical
theory in the MSc in Holistic Science at
Hypnotherapist and practitioner of
Michael Weiler is a leading authority on
Exhibition in Tokyo.
Schumacher College.
Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP,
bio-dynamic bee keeping from Stuttgart.
See also courses 74 page 5, 164 page 19
Alice Oswald is an award-winning poet.
Peter Oswald is a reknowned playwright.
Chris Clarke is an interdisciplinary scientist.
Aromatherapy, Bereavement Counselling
He has been instrumental in developing the
and Reiki.
Demeter (biodynamic) Bee Keeping
ecological concerns are often blocked
Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 June
Japanese Embroidery
HAWK WO O D 2013
Scientific debates, social conflicts and
Basic training course
The Wonderful World
of Honey Bees
a r t s 252 n
Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 June
Theta Healing
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 231 n
Walking with Science
healt h + well- being 222 n ✱ new
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 212 n ✱ new
H AWK WO O D 2013
Process and Pilgrimage
New Zealand, America and at the World
Standards which ensure a system of bee
keeping practice that accords with the true
“I just love the tranquillity of the surroundings.
Super food and comfortable accommodation.
Our course is an absolute delight.
A retreat from the real world, which I think we all need at times.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
nature and being of these remarkable insects.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Discover how to use essential oils to
Make a range of wonderful products
medium of stained glass using ‘Tiffany’
make up poems and tell stories, but
copper foiling. You will learn all the
most of all it’s for those who just like
basic techniques needed to complete
words – the way they rub against each
your project within a creative and
other, say things we don’t anticipate,
supportive environment. You can either
create effects, work small wonders.
follow one of Caroline’s designs or she
This is a weekend to enjoy yourself with
will help you to develop your own
words, build confidence and generate
replenishing powers for radiant skin,
Ingredients include organic shea butter,
ideas. Open to complete beginners as
material that gives real pleasure and
healthy bodies and happy minds and
cold pressed oils (jojoba, sweet
well as those with some experience.
satisfaction. It’s a chance to surprise
make and take home an assortment of
almond, apricot kernel and rosehip)
single £225; shared £190; non res £150
yourself, to rediscover and to relish
personalised products.
essential oils and honey.
including materials
your own wit and imagination.
£85 all materials included
£85 all materials included
single £230; shared £210; non-res £165
£15 discount if booking courses 254
£15 discount if booking courses 254
and 255 together
and 255 together
Caroline Lambert is a professional
stay well, treat common ailments,
Sunday 30 June
prevent illness, alleviate stress and
bring radiance to the skin. In this
inspiring, hands-on workshop we will
gain in-depth knowledge of 12 key oils,
learn about their healing and
for face and body with expert guidance.
Products will include: moisturising
facial elixir, whipped body butter,
nourishing lip balm, freshening dusting
powder, invigorating body scrub,
orange and poppy seed soap and more.
stained glass artist and experienced tutor
Matt Harvey is a writer, poet and enemy
who trained in Decorative and Stained Glass
of all that’s difficult and upsetting! He is host
Gareth Despres, Aromatic Therapeutics,
Gail Francombe runs her own natural
at the City of Bath College.
of Radio 4’s Wondermentalist Cabaret and
IEB Qualified Aroma & Massage Therapist
skincare business, Goodness & Wonder.
author of The Hole in the Sum of my Parts
and member of the International Federation
She loves inspiring people to live in
of Professional Aromatherapists.
optimum health and wellbeing.
and Where Earwigs Dare.
Gail Francombe runs her own natural
skincare business, Goodness & Wonder.
This workshop is for people who like to
Saturday 29 June
Naturally Nourishing
Skin Care
HAWK WO O D 2013
a beautiful piece of art in the vibrant
Friday 28 – Sunday 30 June
Aromatherapy for Health
and Happiness
healt h + well- being 255 n
Spend an enjoyable weekend making
Poetry, Word Play and
healt h + well- being 254 n ✱ new
Friday 28 – Sunday 30 June
a r t s 253 n ✱ new
a r t s 256 n ✱ new
HAWK WO O D 2013
Stunning Stained Glass
“Fantastic teacher
and atmosphere.
You go home feeling
a million dollars.”
Anisa K
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Alchemy of the Soul
Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 July
Saturday 6 July
Engage in a weekend of discussion,
Seed Festival combines art, ecological
debate and reflection with Satish
ideas and inspired creative living.
Kumar. The future well being of
Together we will plant big ideas to seed
humanity and the earth is dependent
our future. Musicians, Poets, Artists
on a world view in which the care of the
and Speakers will be pollinating the
planet, nourishment of the soul and
event with big ideas and encourage
the nurturing of the human community
our own creativity. A jam-packed day
are integrated and seen as a
for all the family, whether it be planting
continuum. Our reverence for the earth,
songs, dancing landscapes, following
light we each walk, who inspire and
our care of the soul and a just order in
streams of poems, thoughts and ideas,
develop the soul’s potential.
society represent a trinity of
all that inspire an intimate and
single £400; shared £355; non-res £290
sustainability, spirituality and justice.
personal connection with our living
single £250; shared £220; non-res £175
world and our place within it. See our
Caitlín Matthews is an initiate of the
website for the programme!
Western Mysteries and author of 65 books.
Thursday 11 – Sunday 14 July
Join us for a weekend exploring the
essence of the soul. The soul is a fruit
continually ripening the transformative
potential seeded within each of us, as
we quest for the right balance between
our environment and our vision. The
influences shaping our quest are
the divinities and archetypes in whose
Qi Gong
The Art of Cultivating
Friday 12 – Sunday 14 July
This weekend we will practice basic
Qi Gong exercises aimed at bringing the
body into a state of balance. We will
engage with energy-cleansing
exercises, time-honoured traditional
practices which strengthen the body
and release stress, subtle Qi Lell
exercises, as well as working with
Qi Gong meditation and self-inquiry.
Qi Gong can be practised by anyone
and the practice can be adjusted to
one’s own capacity and pace.
Satish Kumar, a former monk and
Felicity Wombwell is an artist,
long-term peace and environment activist,
psychotherapist and shamanic practitioner
has been quietly setting the global agenda
and co-founder of FíOS.
Barbara Brown developed the bodytao
for change for over 50 years. His
Dr Angela Cotter directs a PhD
method: body psychotherapy combined with
autobiography No Destination tells the story
programme in psychotherapy and
Qi Gong and meditation. Barbara trained
of his 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage from
counselling studies and is a Jungian
with Zhixing Wang and has studied with
India to America, via Moscow, London and
analytical psychotherapist.
many other excellent teachers over the last
Paris. Editor of Resurgence magazine, he
Seed Festival
HAWK WO O D 2013
Soil, Soul and Society
spir it ualit y healt h + well- being 272 n n ✱ new
healt h + well- being 271 n ✱ new
n n n n ✱ new
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 261 n ✱ new
HAWK WO O D 2013
single £235; shared £200; non-res £160
20 years.
also appears regularly on BBC Thought for
the Day and Midweek.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Saturday 13 – Sunday 14 July
This course will introduce you to a
range of techniques to capture the
Monday 15 July
Create your own mosaic panel 200 x
200 mm (8”) working from a selection
the cry of a kite
across the valley
Poems in miniature
Tuesday 16 July
Originating in Japan, these poetic forms
pottery and for those more advanced,
world around you in new and creative
of glass, ceramic and china pieces.
arise spontaneously to invite us to
we will start with a discussion of form
ways. Using the stunning landscape
You will learn to design, to cut and
appreciate the transient detail of our
and function, explore hand-building
of Hawkwood as our support and
shape the tesserae and how to finish
lives. The plain language, directness
methods – pinching, coiling and slabbing
inspiration we will spend time slowing
and grout your piece. Bring your own
and open-endedness allow the reader
– as well as trying out the potter’s
down, focusing on our breath, our
design ideas or be guided by Erica.
to participate as an equal in the
wheel. Participants who want can have
bodies and how we relate to the
All levels of experience are welcome.
unguardedness of being alive at that
their work biscuit fired (1000° C) for
environment we inhabit.
£65 materials included
moment. We will study examples and
collection the following week.
non-res £130
learn how to write our own poems in
single £245; shared £210; non-res £170
Erica Bibbings is a Gloucestershire
the environment around Hawkwood.
Nikki Simpson is a professional
based mosaic artist who exhibits regularly
Adrian Bates worked as a graphic
photographer, artist and teacher. She has
and has been teaching workshops for
designer until re-training as a craft
a regular meditation practice and has been
many years.
teacher and finally becoming a full time
teaching photography since 2008.
tanka in English since 1991. He founded
potter in 2011.
See also course 133 page 15
and edited the poetry journal Bare Bones
A weekend for complete beginners to
Contemplative Photography
a r t s 284 n ✱ new
Friday 12 – Sunday 14 July
I could hear
a r t s 285 n
Earth and Fire
a r t s 273 n
a r t s 274 n ✱ new
Pottery Making
the words of parting
H AWK WO O D 2013
H AWK WO O D 2013
Nikki Simpson ©
whispered so quietly
Brian Tasker has been writing haiku and
(1991-1993), is widely published and
anthologised, has published four collections
and edited In The Ship’s Wake, an anthology
of English-language tanka for Iron Press.
Join us f or a creati ve week o f wo rk s h o p s
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
10% off if booking three or more courses
within the Creative Arts Summer School
arts summer school
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
In this practical painting course, with
group and individual tuition, we will
Friday 19 – Sunday 21 July
This weekend focuses on different
aspects of rhythm, expressed with a
interest and inspire all levels of jewellery
uses minimal equipment. We will be
study The Impressionists who provided
range of easy to play instruments from
maker. You will practice techniques
working with Lime and Jeletong wood,
a revolution in liberating painting from
around the world (including body
such as soldering, forging, stone
both easy for working with knives.
literal imitation. We will explore
percussion). In particular we will be
setting and polishing, going home with
You will be carefully guided through
bringing light throughout our whole
working with the hang and udu which
completed items of jewellery. The
techniques used to create a simple
picture, creating forms from the inside
allow melody and rhythm to be
teaching style is flexible, allowing for
spoon or spurtle (a Scottish porridge
rather than outline/colouring in,
effortlessly combined. Simple
individual progress regardless of ability.
stirrer) and further shapes that may be
experiencing colour harmony and
movement, relaxation and
£70 materials extra: £10 – £20
functional or decorative.
complementary shadows and gain
improvisation are included. Everyone is
depending on project(s)
£70 including materials
confidence to move away from copying.
welcome, no experience necessary.
single £235; shared £205; non-res £160
single £240; shared £210; non-res £165
Steve O’Keeffe, author of Practical
Amber Sculpture Studio was established by
Jewellery Making Techniques and Tips and
sculptor David Lovemore. David has
Michael Mulready is an exhibiting
Barry Mason is a professional drummer
Short-cuts for Jewellery Making, has been
many years of experience teaching people of
painter and leads a range of Adult Education
and teacher working with drum kit and
teaching students of all ages for over
all ages and abilities the art of clay modeling,
Art classes, workshops and residencies
indigenous percussion instruments. His
25 years with plenty of enthusiasm, good
woodcarving, stone carving and basic casting.
throughout Britain. He trained at the Tobias
partner Lina Lotto is director of SenSpa in
humour and skill.
He runs courses all year round in his
School of Art in Sussex and was a Scene
Hampshire and has a lifelong interest in
well-equipped studio.
Painter/Stage Designer in Theatre, Film and
complementary health and music. They
See also courses 43 page 4,
Ballet for seventeen years.
share a love of the hang, which creates a
324 page 41
Whittling is a form of woodcarving that
Friday 19 – Sunday 21 July
A Journey into Rhythm
HAWK WO O D 2013
invaluable hints, tips and skills to
Thursday 18 July
The Gift of Impressionism
a r t s 288 n
This popular, practical course provides
Whittling Workshop
a r t s 282 n ✱ new
Wednesday 17 July
a r t s 287 n ✱ new
a r t s 286 n
HAWK WO O D 2013
Silver Jewellery Making
unique healing sound combining melody
and rhythm.
10% off if booking three or more courses
within the Creative Arts Summer School
creative arts summer school
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
will explore how food preparation has
evolved through the ages and how
exciting menus can be prepared using
fresh, high quality ingredients. It will
include practical demonstrations of
food preparation as well as introducing
the biodynamic approach to nutrition.
single £245; shared £210; non-res £170
Starting with exploring the grounds of
Hawkwood, we will look at the flora and
fauna we find and take this experience
into inspiration for sketches and drawings
related to the natural world. Some study
of reference material and natural history
samples will accompany techniques
in pencil and pen-and-ink to help you
Explore the opportunity to become
more playful and experience Laughter
Yoga, the global phenomenon where
participants “laugh for no reason”.
During the day there will be times for
laughing, playing, singing and the
amazing experience of laughter
meditation, as well as lots of fun!
A day to experience joyful relaxation
and a deepened sense of well being
through the giving and receiving of
simple touch and spending time in
nature. Learn simple techniques you
can use on your family and friends
while respecting their individual needs.
Develop confidence in your natural
healing abilities.
create accurate images of nature.
£75 all materials included
Sunday 28 July
Julie Whitehead
is a UK Laughter
Ambassador and Co founder of the Laughter
Annabel Hollis is a skilled facilitator and
Wendy Cook is a writer and speaker on
Steve Roberts is an accomplished
Network the only organisation in the UK
experienced massage therapist. Writing,
food and nutrition. As the first wife of
natural history artist as well as a countryside
promoting health, happiness and work life
painting, bodywork and a deep reverence for
satirist Peter Cook, she gained a reputation
interpretation designer, graphic designer
balance through laughter related activities.
the natural world are her passions.
as a hostess and developed cooking and
and wildlife illustrator.
interested in food and nutrition and
Saturday 27 July
Simple Touch
HAWK WO O D 2013
The course is for everyone who is
Saturday 27 July
Laughter Yoga
healt h + well- being 293 n ✱ new
Friday 19 – Sunday 21 July
Capturing Nature in Black
and White
healt h + well- being 292 n
Bringing vitality to the table
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y a r t s 291 n n ✱ new
n at ure + susta inabi lit y healt h + well- being a r t s 283 n n n ✱ new
HAWK WO O D 2013
The Story of Food
entertaining as her creative motif. She is the
author of Foodwise and The Biodynamic
Food and Cookbook.
“Everyone really enjoyed the
Laughter Yoga session.”
Kelly Investec Financial Services
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
“A warm and nurturing
environment that allowed us
to become fully immersed
in our course without any
cares or distractions.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
improvisation, mindfulness, clowning,
meditation and the red nose. Sacred
Clowning is a journey of self discovery
of laughter, of joy and learning to let
Generations of smiths and
coppersmiths have dedicated their
work to the search for the One Perfect
All-Transcending Sound. Under Ton’s
friendly, professional supervision you
will learn the technique of forging.
Thursday 8 – Friday 9 August
In depth work with attunement
meditations and sound work to gain
Richard Strauss Wind Music
Friday 9 – Sunday 11 August
a deeper understanding of the tuning
Aurora’s sixth summer school focuses
of the singing bowl. Open to people
on Richard Strauss’s Serenade in E flat
who have already worked with Ton
and the Suite in B flat. It is open to
and Carolina Akkermans.
players of the flute, oboe, clarinet, horn
single £135; shared £120; non-res £100
and bassoon with at least Grade 7
go of expectations. Open to adults of
The rhythm of metal work, the heat of
£10 discount if booked with course 303
standard. We play in pre-arranged
all ages including beginners and those
the forge and the alchemical process
Create a Singing Bowl
groups and there will be opportunities
with more experience.
of shaping your own instrument in an
to perform selected movements to each
single £230; shared £200; non-res £155
outdoor studio offer a unique
other in an informal setting.
combination of physical and
single £300; shared £270; non-res £225
Reuben Kay studied at the Fool at Heart
spiritual engagement.
School of Sacred Clowning under Didier
single £580; shared £515; non-res £430
Prize winning wind quintet, The Aurora
Danthois. He has performed widely as a
materials extra: £25 – £50 depending
Ensemble, will be visiting Hawkwood as
mime clown at street festivals, to health
on project(s)
part of their busy 2012 – 2013 season.
care and education.
Ton Akkermans is a gifted blacksmith
from Holland with extensive knowledge
of singing bowls and metal instruments
of ancient Tibet. He is assisted during
the course and at the concert by his
partner Carolina Schomper, a dancer, artist
and energy worker, Gabriella Kapfer and
Quentin Cowen.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
“I have just returned home from
Hawkwood. The whole
experience was a joy! Your
staff were all very helpful and
courteous and the food was
wonderful. The presentation
and the flavours were exquisite.
The setting is idyllic and the
gardens are beautiful. I felt so
pampered during my visit.”
Gwenllian Davies (oboe), Andrew Mason
explore dance, stillness, mime,
Sunday 4 – Thursday 8 August
Aurora Ensemble
Summer School
HAW KWO O D 2 013
soft movement, gradually we will
A meditative crafts process
Singing Bowl Initiation
a r t s 312 n
Beginning with the breath, voice and
Create a Singing Bowl
spirit ua lit y a r t s 315 n n
Friday 2 – Sunday 4 August
spirit ua lit y a r t s 303 n n
spiri tu al i ty healt h + well- being a r t s 302 n n n
HAWK WO O D 2013
The Sacred Clown
(clarinet), Stuart Russell (bassoon), Helen
Shillito (horn), Maxine Willis (flute).
See also course 112 page 12
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Over this weekend you will learn to
model a head out of clay that bursts
Sunday 18 – Tuesday 20 August
As a complement to learning the theory
of Kabbalah and its devotional practices
This four-day residential workshop uses
with personality. You will be amazed at
the ancient ways of ritual, chant,
your ability to create a lifelike person
meditation and sacred drama to journey
by applying three simple stages of
moving mandala. This weekend will
on a quest for the Holy Grail, a universal
forming a head. In an atmosphere
the Kabbalistic Summer school.These
coalesce around the theme of
symbol of healing and empowerment
of friendly, professional guidance this
are made using acrylic canvas and
pilgrimage, journeying together to
that reflects our own essential
will be an experience of the uniqueness
paints after drawing the diagram with
finally come home to ourselves.
goodness. Journeying along this path
of each human being coming alive
pencil and compasses. No previous
We will also have a lot of fun! Some
can lead us towards enduring happiness
through universal laws of creation.
experience or artistic ability necessary.
previous experience of circle dance
for ourselves and our communities.
single £265; shared £235; non-res £190
single £305; shared £270; non-res £230
would be helpful.
single £560; shared £495; non-res £410
materials included
together with modern choreographies,
open our hearts and lift our spirits as
we connect with each other to form a
we are pleased to offer the opportunity
of constructing a diagram of the Tree of
Life or Jacob’s Ladder for members of
Kurt Browne and Jonathon Clark have
single £235; shared £205; non-res £160
David Goddard is author of Tower of
Tessabella Lovemore PhD is a social
both been students of Z’ev Ben Shimon
Stephanie Rose has been passionate
Alchemy and Spiritual Alchemy, he has vast
scientist, educational consultant and
Halevi for many years and have supervised
about circle dancing for nearly twenty five
experience as an international teacher and
counsellor. She has a deep love of the
the construction of many Trees and Ladders
years and during that time she has led many
practitioner of Alchemy for over 20 years.
unique in everyone and [with many years’
during that period.
regular groups and residential courses,
See also course 121 page 14
experience working with people she] will
See also course 331 page 42
inspiring dancers with her warm and
reveal how the nature and character of the
easy-going teaching style and the vibrant,
shape of each head expresses an inner
creative themes around which she weaves
personality. She will be assisted by her
her events.
husband David Lovemore.
Monday 12 – Thursday 15 August
Friday 16 – Sunday 18 August
Kabbalistic Tree Building
H AWK WO O D 2 013
Ancient dances from around the world,
Discovering your wholeness
Modelling Clay Heads
spirit ua lit y 325 n
Friday 9 – Sunday 11 August
The Path to Ultimate
a r t s 324 n
The Pilgrim’s Path
spirit ua lit y 323 n
a r t s 313 n
H AWK WO O D 2 013
Dance the Circle Round
See also courses 043 page 4, 287 page 34
“Delighted to have finally made it to Hawkwood.
A very lovely setting, peaceful, in beautiful nature
with a strong spirit of place.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
progression of theory and practice,
giving reality and experience to the
of ‘Ubuntu’ (humanity), where people
will learn how to connect to their
Ancestors, nature, one another and
ceremonies we will learn to transmute
Friday 30 August –
Sunday 1 September
negativity. Finding our own inner
Drawing from observation connects us
stillness, we will reconnect with the
with the world around us in a very
origin of creativity, with the laws of
direct way. We shall be honing our
nature and the elements in recognition
observational skills as we work
that there is no separation. By shifting
directly from the figure, as well as
our perception we can become the
developing more expressive dynamics
change we want to see and truly serve
in our mark-making. Using charcoal
the planet. A basic knowledge of
and coloured pastels as our main
shamanic work is necessary.
materials, carefully tailored exercises
single £515; shared £452; non-res £370
will help to develop the vocabulary of
themselves. Participants will be guided
Action, Formation, Creation and Emanation.
along an ancient path to learn about
Each day is a balance of study and
Sangoma Medicine from the Xhosa
reflection with an afternoon break for
tribe, whose members include Nelson
solitude, rest, socialising or excursions.
Mandela and Desmond Tutu.
single £395; shared £345; non res £285
single £295; shared £265; non res £220
Z’ev Ben Shimon Halevi is the Hebrew
John Lockley works as a Sangoma in the
name of Warren Kenton. He sees his task to
Xhosa townships and brings African Ubuntu
translate the Judaic line of the Kabbalah into
teachings to the US, Ireland and the UK.
practice for Shaman work in Switzerland and
a modern form. He has lectured extensively
Caitlín Matthews is co-founder of FíOS
has been trained by Sandra Ingerman, a
Fran Whiteside is a professional artist
throughout the world and his many books
and head of the Walkers Between the Worlds
leader in the field of shamanic journeying
who has worked with the figure as her main
have been translated into 14 languages.
shamanic training programme.
and integrative medicine.
subject for more than 30 years.
See also courses 162, 167 page 17
Barbara Hunt MFA received a visual art
and Israel.
See also course 325 page 41
“Outstanding on every level,
and a major opportunity to
communicate with, and learn
from, other students from other
parts of the world.”
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Thomas Donley ©
esoteric doctrine of the four worlds of
He leads tours to Kabbalistic sites in Europe
The weekend experiencing a ceremony
In simple practices and community
your visual language.
Béatrice Simmons-Heiz runs a private
single £280; shared £245; non-res £205
Jewish spiritual tradition is an intensive
Monday 26 – Friday 30 August
Life Drawing and
Coloured Pastels
HAW KWO O D 2 013
This four day course in an ancient
Friday 23 – Sunday 25 August
Medicine for the Earth
a r t s 342 n ✱ new
Tuesday 20 – Friday 23 August
Ubuntu: Wisdom
of the Ancestors
he alt h + well- being spirit ua lit y 344 n n ✱ new
with Z’ev Ben Shimon Halevi
spirit ua lit y 333 n ✱ new
spirit ua lit y 331 n
HAW KWO O D 2 013
Kabbalistic Summer School
diploma from the University of Manitoba
and completed an MFA at Concordia
University, Montreal. Her work has been
shown internationally.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
Come and join an ongoing study group
in a creative encounter with the stars.
We explore planetary gestures with
eurythmy, we walk the planets’ paths to
experience their interaction and we work
on themes such as the characteristics
of nodes. The gathering is inspired by
the work of Rudolf Steiner and Willy
How do I make a booking?
Please complete and return the booking form together with
Friday 30 August –
Sunday 1 September
either the total course fee or a deposit. You may also book
A unique opportunity to explore
email info@hawkwoodcollege.co.uk or via our website.
biodynamic fruit growing. It is often
To ensure yourself a place on the course and
difficult to produce a uniform crop of
accommodation, we recommend that you book early.
by phone 01453 759034, fax 01453 764607,
fruit without resorting to some form
of crop protection. In this workshop
Please note that we cannot confirm your booking without
we will show how to overcome many
a deposit or fee payment.
of the common problems that occur
in orchards. For everyone with an
Deposit and fee payment
A non-refundable deposit of £25 for a one-day course and
Sucher. No previous knowledge required.
interest in fruit trees whether in their
single £175; shared £140; non-res £100
back gardens or as part of a
£50 for longer courses (unless otherwise stated) is
commercial enterprise.
necessary to make a booking. The balance of your fee will
single £230; shared £200; non-res £160
be due four weeks before the course commencement date.
Juliette Elgrably is a eurythmist and has
Friday 30 August –
Sunday 1 September
Growing Quality Fruit the
Biodynamic Way
HAWK WO O D 2 013
Connecting to the starry world
nat ure + sust a ina bilit y 343 n ✱ new
spirit ua lit y 3 41 n
H AWK WO O D 2 013
supported the work of the Astrosophy group
for several years.
Erich Will manages a 6.5 hectare orchard
Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable if you cancel
Ute Schlossmacher is a registered
in South Tyrol, northern Italy which has been
within this four week period.
nurse and experienced biodynamic farmer
biodynamic since 1989. He runs an organic
We recommend that you take out insurance, eg with
and has studied anthroposophy for 30 years.
bio-hotel as a supporting enterprise, offers
Cancelsure in case you need to cancel your booking due to
biodynamic consultancy and has founded a
unforeseen circumstances.
regional organic marketing network.
When do I arrive?
For courses of two or more days, the arrival time is between
4pm – 6pm on the first day of the course, with supper at
6.30pm (unless otherwise stated) and finishes with
afternoon tea (4pm) on the last day of the course.
For one day courses, the arrival time is 9-9.30am, finishing
between 4pm-5pm.
w w w. h aw k wo o d c o l l e g e . c o. u k
HAWK WO O D 2 013
by telephone 01453 759034, or by fax 01453 764007
Course No
Course Name
Course Dates
Name (in capitals)
Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / other
Should you have any questions about the courses or
Hawkwood then please call our bookings office on
01453 759034. Shortly after enrolment we will send you a
confirmation document containing a ‘what to bring list’ etc.
You can also find more information on our website.
Room required:
Financial assistance
Hawkwood College is committed to supporting and
 Single
 Non-resident
nurturing participation for all. The Eileen Nesfield Cookson
Dietary preferences:
bursary fund is available for those who wish to take part in
 Meat  No red meat  Vegetarian  Vegan
Hawkwood courses but find it difficult to do so for financial
reasons. Please contact the college for an application form.
Access information
We are committed to making Hawkwood as accessible as
possible. Most teaching spaces are wheelchair accessible,
 Sharing (2/3 beds/room)
I should like to share with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Allergies? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other requirements? (e.g. disabled access)
Data protection. Hawkwood College will use the information you have provided on the booking form for the purposes of administration and
marketing. Hawkwood College may from time to time wish to send you information on other activities. If you would prefer not to receive this
information, then please email info@hawkwoodcollege.co.uk
as are some bedrooms. Please contact the bookings office
Payment details:
to discuss your needs 01453 759034.
 Deposit
 Full fee
 Cheque enclosed (made payable to Hawkwood College)
 Visa/Mastercard/Maestro card (fill in details below)
What if my course is cancelled?
Cardholder’s name and address (if different from above):
Hawkwood reserves the right to cancel a course for
Hawkwood College
whatever reason but where this happens we will endeavour
Painswick Old Road to give as much notice as possible (at least two weeks for
Tel: 01453 759034
Where can I get more information?
You can book courses: by posting this form to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud GL6 7QW
Postal BookingviaForm
See pages 45 & 46 for how to book courses
our website www.hawkwoodcollege.co.uk
Fax: 01453 764607
Security code (back of card):
Card number:
weekend courses and at least one week for one-day
courses). In the event of a cancelled course, full fees
including deposits are returnable.
w : w ww. haw k woodc ollege .c o.uk
e : i nfo @haw k woodc ollege .c o.uk
Expiry date:
Maestro cards only:
Valid from
Cardholder signature:
Issue no.
www.hawkwo o dc o lleg e .c o.uk
Stroud International Textiles
organic/biodynamic farm in the grounds of
course has been based at Hawkwood for
the college. There is an active community life
over 10 years. Course organiser Lynne
around the farm with regular work days,
Oldfield is author of Free to Learn:
shared meals and seasonal activities.
Introducing Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood
Education. The course is a validated Level 5
diploma. Email: lynneoldfield@lineone.net
Amber Sculpture Studio is the creation
of artist David Lovemore. David has
experience of teaching people of all ages
School of Homeopathy This school,
and abilities in the art of clay modeling,
which was established in 1981, is the longest
wood carving, stone carving and basic
running homeopathy school in the UK and
casting. David runs courses all year round in
been based at Hawkwood for the last three
his well equipped studio.
years. This school is recognised for clarity of
vision, for precision in homeopathic
prescribing, and for its professionalism.
Waldorf College runs an outdoor
educational programme at Hawkwood called
young people aged 16-19. Activities include
Transition Town Stroud Building
Skills Action Group. Hawkwood is
creative arts, theatre skills, green woodworking,
pleased to be hosting the Transition Stroud
gardening and other practical crafts.
Building Skills Action Group in the Hay Barn.
These workshops, run by Steve Rush, give
Bridging the Gap, a one-year course for
you basic DIY and building skills – and it is
Stroud International Textiles We are
all free! To join BSAG please email:
delighted to be co-hosting textile courses
with Stroud International Textiles – look out
for these in May 2013.
ww w.hawkwoodcollege .co.uk
Are you looking for somewhere to hold your away day
or residential gathering?
We have six meeting rooms including a large hall, a peaceful
library and two studios that are ideal for arts & crafts.
For those wishing to stay overnight, our accommodation
comprises twenty nine comfortable bedrooms with original
features, looking out onto the gardens and over the
beautiful valley.
We are renowned for our catering and aim to offer organic
produce whenever available. What we can’t grow ourselves,
we source locally.
All of this is supported by our friendly staff to help you plan
your event and make it a success.
We look forward to welcoming you
and your guests to Hawkwood.
For more information
email: anita@hawkwoodcollege.co.uk
or call: 01453 759034
www.h awkwood c ollege .c o.u k
co-operative of 200 members managing an
Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher
Training This two-year part-time training
meeting rooms
wholesome food
comfortable bedrooms
Stroud Community Agriculture is a
H AW K WO O D i s t h e i d e a l
p l a c e f o r a l l so r t s o f eve n t s
Our Par tner s & other activ i t i e s
at H AW K WO O D
A c e ntre f or a dul t e d u c at i o n i n t h e C otswo ld s
ar t s • n a t u re + s u s ta i na bil ity • spiri tua lit y • healt h + well- being
w ww. h aw k wo o d c o l le g e . co. uk
how to find us
Car: access Stroud from the M5 (J13) or M4
westbound (J15) via the A419. On reaching
the town, follow signs for the A46 towards
Cheltenham. Pass under the railway viaduct,
past the Apollo Cinema (on the right), turn
(signposted ‘Wick Street’). Hawkwood is
a mile up the road, on the right.
Train: Stroud is on the London Paddington
to Cheltenham Spa line, just over 1.5 hours
from London and 35 minutes from
Cheltenham, where there are connections
to Birmingham and the north. The station is
30-40 minutes walk from Hawkwood and
taxis are usually available.
Coach: Stroud has a limited National
Express coach service from London’s Victoria
Hawkwood College
Painswick Old Road, Stroud,
Gloucestershire GL6 7QW
email: info@hawkwoodcollege.co.uk
Tel: 01453 759034
Hawkwood is a registered charity: no. 311767
Coach Station, Heathrow Airport and from
several other cities.
Air: nearest airports are Bristol (40 miles;
bus/train), Birmingham (70 miles; train) and
London Heathrow (100 miles; coach/train).
Prin te d by St roud prin t
Turn right onto Painswick Old Road
Pu bli she d by H aw kwood © 2 012
right (2nd exit) at the next roundabout.
De sig n e d by Chris J B a ile y © 2012
left (1st exit) at the roundabout, and bear