The Officer Reports for the April Business Meeting


The Officer Reports for the April Business Meeting
Unto the populace of the Barony of Bhakail does your Chronicler, Lord Martyn de Halliwell, send greetings.
Ahead of this Wednesday’s Baronial business meeting at 7:30pm at DeLuca’s Custom Window Treatments at 195 N
Springfield Road, Clifton Heights, PA 19018, I have copied the officer, committee, and event/activity reports I have
received below for your review.
Please note, these reports haven’t been edited, are posted in the order in which I received them, and may change prior
to official publication in The Salamander following the business meeting.
In service to the Barony,
Chronicler of Bhakail
***Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust***
Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust HAS AN EVENT COMING UP!
Noisemakers X on April 18th at St Kevin's. We have a great lineup of classes and activities. Ælfric fitz Hugh has
been doing a great job wrangling things in his very first venture as autocrat. Meesteres Annetje van Woerden
has been planning a scrumptious dayboard. And many thanks to Brunissende, who first envisioned this event
ten years ago and has kept it strong since. This will be the very last Noisemakers.
Tavern Talks will be taking a hiatus for April, but it shall return in May. If you have anything you are
researching - or a nifty thing you just learned - or a class you are just putting together and want to give it a test
audience - please let us know. We welcome all topics, not just A&S. Practical aspects of making the SCA work
and fighting and all sorts of things.
Also welcome to our new deputy MoAS - Osric.
Livia Petralia, AoA
Seneschal of Ivyeinrust
Corrections and updates are being made to the Bhakail website. Check it out! Please let us know of any errors
or omissions, and please send any suggestions about improvements to The Website Redesign/Improvement Committee meetings will be
starting back up again shortly, but all comments/suggestions about the Baronial website are welcome whether
you attend these meetings or not.
Thanks from the Bhakail website team!
Mistress Philadelphia Brown
Markus der Yeager
Deputy Webminister
Many thanks to Lady Lianor de Matos for stepping up as Deputy Chronicler. If anyone is interested in the
position of Chronicler, please contact me at I plan to step down no later
than October 2015.
I apologize for the further delay of the expanded issue; unfortunately, due to receving near-constant overtime
from my new job, I have been unable to complete it. I am hoping Lady Lianor and I will be able to produce
something for you all in the coming weeks. If there is anything you would like to contribute, please email me
at the address above.
In service to the Barony,
***Minister of Arts & Sciences***
Due to back to back events in Bhakail, things have been hectic.
There is a Brass hooks class scheduled for 4/26. There are currently some openings. Please contact me for
more info.
The new A&S deputy is Lady Triona MacCasky.
Enjoy your Spring!
Meesteress Annetje van Wœrden
Minister of Arts & Sciences
***Rapier Marshal***
Rapier practice continued to be held at the Mayfair Presbyterian Church in Northeast Philadelphia. Attendance
has been moderate.
Several requests were made to the autocrat for Coronation for pickup fencing to be run at that event. Since
the location of court will be indoors and the decent amount of outdoor space available is amicable I have
agreed to Marshal informal fencing at the event. Weather permitting.
Don Melchior Kriebel
Rapier Marshal
***Minister of the Lists***
Greetings to the Barony.
Sprig has finally arrived. Lots of Events and Tourneys happening in the next few months. Take advantage and
maybe authorize in another weapon form. Check you expiration dates on your cards and let me know if you
have any difficulties getting paperwork through to Kingdom.
Baroness Judith the Confused
Minister of the Lists
***Salamander Pursuivant***
All scrolls for Noisemakers have been assigned and I have the honor to announce that I have a deputy.
Mistress Sabine has done me the honor of saying yes when I asked her to be my deputy.
In service to the East,
Lord Bryan mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair
Salamander Pursuivant
***Thrown Weapons Marshal***
Thrown weapons I will be setting up dates with Damiana for Wednesday nights and I will be preparing the
Baronial gear for the season.
In Service to the East,
Lord Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair
Thrown Weapons Marshall
***Chancellor of the Exchequer***
Barony of Bhakail
2015 Breakdown
2015 P&L
Total Revenue
General Supplies -- software reimbursement
Occupancy & Site Charges
Non-Member Surcharge
Total Expenses
Net Profit (Loss)
Balance as of 3/31/15:
Dedicated funds:
Gold Key Project
Baronial Army
Siege Weapons
Children's Activities
Unallocated balance
01/01/15 Beginning Cash
Jan-Mar Net P&L
Net P&L Activity
01/01/15 Balance Sheet Items
Current Site Charges Balance Sheet expense items
Yule Revel 2015 deposit (-)
Yule Revel 2015 cleaning fee deposit (-)
Yule Revel 2016 deposit (-)
Yule Revel 2016 cleaning fee deposit (-)
Baronial Championships deposit (-)
Baronial meetings, use of St. Kevin's Church deposit (-)
Net Balance Sheet Activity
03/31/15 Current Cash Position
Doña Damiana Almodóvar
Chancellor of the Exchequer
I've answered a few newcomer requests. Also, I've received one request for Gold Key for Coronation and I'll be
providing a family with Gold Key for Noisemakers.
Violet Coleson
Greetings, and - we hope definitively, by now - welcome to Spring!
We've had a very busy past few months, so it is a little surprising to have a quiet month to report on, this
time. We had to miss Mudthaw due to a family commitment and we also had to miss Carolingian Investiture
this past weekend. We hope all who attended these events had a wonderful time.
Of course, locally we are not only having Coronation this coming weekend, but the Bailiwick is bringing us
another Noisemakers, tenth of its name! Coronation should be quite the event for a number of reasons, and
the classes for Noisemakers look very compelling. Our annual Bardic Championship will be happening too, and
our outgoing bards have set a poetry challenge. This can either be an existing period piece or something
original that is period inspired, so sharpen your wits and and sharpen your quills!
We would like to thank Baron Ian Raven of Tadcaster for allowing us to be his patron in furthering his arts this
past year. We look to offer our patronage, again for the term of one year, and while we have our eyes on a
few local artists, we always welcome nominations!
In Service,
Mael Eoin and Ysmay
Baron and Baroness
***Chancellor Minor***
I have filed my quarterly report with the Kingdom Chancellor Minor.
At Coronation we will have a Family decompression room with games for those families who need to get out
of the hubbub of Coronation and relax for a bit. Lady Eleanora will be in charge of this room.
I will be running youth activities at Noisemakers, including a quest open to children and adults alike.
In service to the Barony.
Lady Alesia de Maris
Chancellor Minor
***Black Icorndall***
From the Seneschal of the Canton of Black Icorndall.
The Canton has had three new people show up at various meetings.
Various A&S classes of ever increasing coolness have been committed.
Our Regional Fight Practice this last month was done as a Tourney (How Green Are Your Bruises Tourney).
Judged a success by one and all.
Progress continued this month on prepping for the upcoming Coronation event. Full steam ahead.
THL Muin maqq Minain
Seneschal, Black Icorndall
Upcoming events
Coronation (Canton of Black Icorndall) April 11th, 2015
Noisemakers (Baliwyck of Ivyeinrust) April 18th, 2015
Champions/Commons August 2015
Yule December 12th, 2015
Call for Bids - note that bids can be workshopped after being presented.
Champions/Commons 2015 – preferred by January 2015 meeting
Yule 2016 - preferred at or before September 2015 meeting
Any new event idea
All officers, if you don’t already have a deputy or even if you do, please consider taking on one or more
deputies both to share the load and to train up a replacement in case of a Life Event™. Everyone please
consider volunteering as a deputy!
Their Royal Majesties have created of a K&Q Thrown Weapons Championship. Implementation is to be
decided by Their Heirs.
As of the Curia at Mudthaw, Branches may now change their bylaws to allow officers residing outside their
boundaries. The EK Seneschal has asked us to wait to amend our bylaws until some guidelines have been
Lady Suba al-Hadid
***Old Business***
• Chamberlain office
• Barony-Meeting-Discuss-List - Mistress Philadelphia Brown
Could we add to the Barony Meeting agenda for next week the idea of creating a list-serv for the
Barony to discuss event proposals, or expenditures, or other things which are usually discussed during
Barony Meeting?
There are 429 e-mail addresses on the Bhakail-list, so it would be nice to have a separate smaller listserv created just so people could discuss Barony Meeting issues, when there is either not enough time
to call a Barony Meeting, or when people are unable to attend Barony Meeting.
I would expect that this would be supplemental to the Council of the Exchequer list-serv and the
Baronial Council list-serv, and would be open to anyone who’s interested in seeing how sausages are
made in Bhakail. I would envision this to be a “discussion” list, not a “voting” list, and that it would be
used simply to get a feel for how the Barony feels on certain issues.
• Deputy email address forwards; discussion of forwarding officer email to deputies.
***Announcements & Reminders***
• Volunteers needed for Wednesday April 15th 6:30pm Folsom Library Children’s Reading program.
Contact Lady Violet Coleson ( for details.
• Lady Lianor de Matos is organizing Largess for TRM. Gifts for foreign royalty are especially needed,
especially ones that travel well on airplanes.
• Dance hosted by Caer Adamant in Kennett Square on Second Tuesdays 7-8:30pm
Class is held in the Kennett Friends Meeting building
(125 West Sickle Street, Kennett Square, PA 19348).
Garb optional. Bring snack to share. Small donations to offset the site cost encouraged.
Dances taught by Lord George Kopman from Hartshorn-dale (mka George Tolton).
Contact: Baron Padraig O'Gealagain at, (302) 378-7444.
• Volunteers needed for Omega and Etheldreda Coronation 2015 on April 11th hosted by the Canton of
Black Icorndall. Please join the event planning list by sending an email to - we need your help for planning and executing this event!
• Volunteers needed for Noisemakers on April 18th hosted by the Baliwyck of Ivyeinrust! Contact Ælfric
FitzHugh, MoAS, Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust.
• Next Business Meeting will be Wednesday May 13 , 2015 - location to be announced.