Fall 2014 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Fall 2014 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of
30 1983 2013 years ® RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES MARSHFIELD News That Love Built The Ronald McDonald House Charities mission is to “create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children.” Fall 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Carol Adler Vice-President Pamela Acker Secretary Carol Willfahrt Treasurer Ron Fish Directors Patti Shafto-Carlson Heidi Giese Joe Dolezal Liz Kracht Lisa Roy “Krauty” Krautkramer Adrienne Cruz, MD Heidi Fish Financial Consultant Jim Bartelt House Staff House Director Sandra Zygarlicke Evening Managers Georgi Sartain Cindy Marks Kim Krueger Weekend Managers Marilyn McCann Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Sue Nelson Gloria Nixdorf Housekeeping Judy Schiller “What a Gift the House is!” BRIAN -- In 1983 I was seven years old and growing up in Marshfield, Wisconsin. My dad was the local McDonald’s owner/operator. Unique to a rural town of 20,000, Marshfield was home to a major medical complex. One day a Marshfield doctor suggested to my dad that a Ronald McDonald House be built in our small town, making it the first of its kind Heidi & Brian Fish with Alida & Lucie in Wisconsin. I remember planning meetings being held at my parents’ kitchen table. Just a few short months later, the Marshfield Ronald McDonald House opened its doors. I remember being touched by the movement and donating all of my money, all three dollars and sixty five cents. Since its inception more than 30 years ago, my dad has served as treasurer and board member of the Marshfield Ronald McDonald House. HEIDI -- In July 2013 I was pregnant with identical twin girls, Alida and Lucie. The girls had twin to twin transfusion syndrome, which is where all of the blood and nutrients flow one way from twin to the other, putting both girls survival at risk. Due to this and other complications with the pregnancy, I was on bed rest in Marshfield for 17 days. On the morning of July 24th, 11 weeks before their due date, the decision was made that the girls needed to be delivered. Lucie weighed 2 pounds 11 ounces and Alida weighed a tiny 1 pound 8 ounces. The babies clung to life in the early days and our NICU journey began. Lucie spent 52 days in the NICU and Alida spent 101 days there. We learned the importance of taking one day at a time. Because we live in Wausau, more than 50 miles from Marshfield, we were candidates to stay at the Marshfield Ronald McDonald House. Luckily Brians parents still lived in Marshfield so we already had a home away from home, but we started to realize the value of the Ronald House. Our days in a Ronald House were not far away. A few short weeks after we had both girls home, our lives were about to change forever yet again. Alida needed open heart surgery a Heidi holding Alid to repair a hole in her heart. We anticipated a 7-10 day stay in Milwaukee while she had surgery at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. We gratefully accepted a room at the Milwaukee Ronald McDonald House. This became our haven as our 7-10 day stay turned into 45 days and one surgery became four, including a permanent pacemaker and a G tube. We were in Milwaukee for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. We never dreamed our first Christmas as a family would be spent 150 miles from home at a Ronald House while we had a baby in the hospital. BRIAN -- Today, we are home with both girls. We’ve had two Alida during surgery more short stays at the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee and more visits are likely in our future. Today, I am a proud McDonald’s owner/operator. Today, Heidi is a member of the board of directors at the Marshfield Ronald McDonald House. Our family story has come full circle. I didn’t quite comprehend the meaning and importance of my small donation so many years ago, but after being on the receiving end, I realize what a gift the house is to so many sick children and their families. Heidi & Brian at Milwaukee RMH We will continue to find ways to give back and support the families who are in need of the wonderful services provided by the “House that Love Built.” “In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.” Flora Edwards Volunteers are Priceless Comfort Food Layered with Love We are in need of casseroles to freeze so we can make sure we have a meal for our families every night. After a long day at the hospital, the last thing our families want to think about is where to get a hot meal, especially since they are from out of town. It’s our goal to take away as much stress as possible so the families can focus on helping their children heal. Casseroles give us the opportunity to provide a hot meal on nights we don’t have a volunteer group coming in to prepare dinner. If you have any questions or to coordinate your donation, please call our office at 715-387-5899 or email staff@RMHCofMarshfield.org. Your love of cooking is a great way to provide Comfort Food Layered with Love! Meal a Month Having a home-cooked meal was a relief to Theresa Krohn of Marshfield during the week she spent at the Ronald McDonald House in Madison while her daughter was hospitalized. To show her gratitude for the Ronald McDonald House and its volunteers, Krohn decided in October 2013 to start making monthly meals for the Marshfield facility, which provides a place to stay for out-of-town parents whose children are receiving treatment at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital or Marshfield Clinic. “From personal experience, it’s satisfying helping the families who have to travel,” Krohn said. Theresa Krohn & Kristin Glass She enlisted the help of her friend Kristin Glass of Marshfield, who works as a nurse at the hospital’s birth center. “They’ve been a wonderful group to work with and very faithful in wanting to give back,” said Sandra Zygarlicke, director of the Marshfield Ronald McDonald House. “The families so appreciate having a homemade supper meal when they come back from the hospital.” “A lot of moms with babies in the NICU stay at the Ronald McDonald House,” Glass said. “If they don’t stay here, they could be hours from their babies. It is rewarding finding other ways to care for patients and their families and preparing a meal only takes few hours each month.” She and Krohn brought tater tot casserole and blueberry muffins to the Ronald McDonald House this time. They plan their meals based on what other volunteers brought during the week, the weather and what frozen items the facility has in stock. “If anyone wants to donate a one-time meal and not be on the monthly schedule, we would enjoy having them do that as well,” Zygarlicke said. “Just give us a call. Weekends and a few weekdays each month are open for volunteers to bring meals. If you do not have time to prepare a meal but would like to drop off fresh fruits and veggies, those are always greatly appreciated!” A Secure Home Last year the Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield provided housing for 287 families with 418 House visits ranging from days to months in length. Over 9,000 families have stayed in this House since opening in December, 1983. Our families rely on a safe, comfortable haven during a stressful time. We provide a secure facility, working utilities, accessible kitchen space, maintained common areas, and much more. Donors trust in this organization to provide families what they need seven days a week, 365 days of the year. This organization could not operate without the strong support of individuals, businesses, civic groups, churches, and schools each year providing support for our daily operations. Often overlooked is the power of planned gifts that secure the future of the House for those families who will need our unique services. Planned gifts can come in many forms, but the simplest and easiest way is to designate the Ronald McDonald House as a beneficiary in your will or revocable living trust. As a general rule it is best to consult your financial advisor if you are considering a planned gift, but below is general language that you can use in a will. “I give (___ percent of my estate) or (the residue of my estate) or ($_____specific dollar amount) to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Marshfield, Inc (tax ID #93-0833012), located at 803 W North Street, Marshfield, WI 54449 for its general use and purposes.” We are grateful for you support. Please consider the Ronald McDonald House in your personal estate planning to ensure the long-term sustainability of the House. Special Thanks! Help Spread the News The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Marshfield has been enrolled as a participating organization in Thrivent Choice. Thrivent Choice is a charitable grant program that allows eligible members to recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable outreach grant funds each year. If you have any questions about Thrivent Choice, please contact a representative from the Member Connection Center at 1.800.847.4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” at the prompt or email: mail@thrivent.com. House Highlights October 1, 2013- September 30, 2014 Our Occupancy Rate: From October 1, 2013, through September 30, 2014, our Ronald McDonald House served 287 families. 1 Statistics: 1 Total number of families served.......................... 287 Total number of family visits to 9 our House.............................................................. 418 18 Average Room Occupancy rate (includes 139 Accommodations Vouchers given out for 9 alternate lodging when we were full)....... 70% Average length of stay.................................6 nights 2 Geographic area served.................... 39 Wisconsin counties, the U. P. of Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, New York and South Carolina. Frequent medical problems served: • Premature babies • Head/back Trauma • Respiratory/RSV/pneumonia • Other complications at birth • Surgery • Oncology • Seizures Distance families traveled to stay here: 0-25 miles: 26-50 miles: 51+ miles: 9 families 75 families 203 families 17 1 7 5 23 19 7 1 5 1 1 2 1 19 9 1 5 37 9 19 1 14 6 7 2 6 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 Colorado - 1 Indiana - 1 New York - 1 South Carolina - 1 Economics: Total program service expenses for 2013.............................................................................. $261,445.00 Operating revenue from McDonald’s & customers (canister collections).................................... 23% Amount families are asked to contribute per night’s stay............................................................. $5.00 Guest family contributions (room rent)................................................................................................. 3% Individual & corporate contributions, fundraisers, interest & dividends......................................... 74% Fast Facts: Ronald McDonald House is a “home away from home” for families and their children who are receiving treatment at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital or Marshfield Clinic, regardless of their ability to pay. Our House has 10 bedrooms, 4 public bathrooms, several living rooms, indoor and outdoor play areas, large remodeled kitchen and dining room, 3 laundry facilities, elevator to make house handicap accessible, basement rec room and WiFi wireless throughout the House donated by AT&T. Marshfield’s Ronald McDonald House opened on December 8, 1983. We are the only House serving one hospital for all of central and northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Our House is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by 2 full-time and 7 part-time staff and many dedicated House volunteers. Group volunteers also help by making home-cooked meals for our families (part of our “Meal a Month” program) and doing special projects. July 1, 2014 October 15, 2014 Many Thanks The Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield is a not-for-profit organization that provides a temporary “home-away-from-home” for families whose children are undergoing medical treatment at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital or Marshfield Clinic. The House relies on the support of individuals, businesses and organizations to provide services to families in need. We would like to acknowledge those who have demonstrated their support in many ways during the past quarter. This list represents cash and in-kind contributions received from July 1, 2014 - October 15, 2014. If we have erred or omitted anyone, please accept our apologies. CASH DONORS Pamela Acker Kim Adams Alliance Collection Agency-Marshfield American Legion Aux 176-Weyauwega Scott & Sarah Andrea Dave & Terri Bahe Steven & Debra Bailey Bill & Dorothy Barr Annie Becker Jerry Binder Black’s Valley Ag Supply-Durand Patrick & Jessica Bloczynski Judith Blumer Judith Bohne Chris Brimblecom Mike & Cindy Broker Ken & Pat Buckingham John & Yvonne Buetzberger Ron & Sherry Burnett Christ Lutheran Church-Marshfield City Point East Fork Homemakers Darryl & Joyce Clauson Connexus Association-Wausau Corporate Giving Program CRANBERRY CENTURY RIDERS Deer Acres Dairy Farm/Traun’s Custom Work Angel De Leon Regen Erickson EZCORP Foundation-TX Bill & Nancy Febry First Lutheran Church Women Ogema First Presbyterian Church Westminster Society-Phillips First United Church of Christ Women’s GuildColby Stanislaw & Maria Gal Sue Englesby Gerrit’s Lakeview Inn- Kevin Worrall Memorial Musky Masters Carol Giannoni Rick,Pam & Austin Gilles Give with Liberty Campaign-Wausau Sarah Blarek James J Blenker Annette M Bunkelman Debra A Canniff Kay Fochs Shirley M Huebsch Lacey Miller Audrey A Mueller Duane E Mueller Kelly Murkowski Tamara Newman Robert Pomasl Kristine L Punke Jennifer M Rainville Lynn Springer Mike Gleisner Richard Glesiner Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Marshfield Mary Grassl Joseph & Beverly Gromek Chuck & Peggy Haddock Harlan & Nancy Harmelink Harmony-Ho of Stratford Bill & Peggy Harycki Edward Hasenohrl Robert & Robin Holzhaeuser Bill & Jo Horton Joe & Sheryl Jacque Colin & Heather Jenkins Scott & Krsitina Johnson Mike & Carol Jonas Johanna Jones & Dane Luethi Jason & Heidi Kelbel Albert & Alvinia King Bill & Sue Knetter La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries of Appleton Jason, Wendy & Madison Lange Darla Langreck Alta Borntrager Tammy Lenz Lioness Club-Lake Tomahawk Living Water Lutheran Church Cameron Louise Desper Irrevocable Trust Acct Dr George & Anna Magnin Marshfield Senior High-Sophomore Class Dakota DeLeasky Charitable Canisters at: McDonalds Abbotsford McDonalds Adams McDonalds Antigo McDonalds Eagle River McDonalds Marathon McDonalds Marshfield McDonalds Medford McDonalds Merrill McDonalds Minocqua McDonalds Mosinee McDonalds Nekoosa McDonalds Park Falls McDonalds Plover McDonalds Plover Crossroads McDonalds Rhinelander North McDonalds Rhinelander South McDonalds Rib Mountain McDonalds Schofield McDonalds Stanley McDonalds Stevens Point East McDonalds Stevens Point North McDonalds Stewart Ave-Wausau McDonalds Thorp McDonalds Tomahawk McDonalds Wausau McDonalds Wausau North McDonalds Wisconsin Rapids McDonalds Wittenberg Mead Witter Foundation-WI Rapids Jim & Janet Michaud Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital Marshfield Monday Sit N Sew Group-Marshfield Kia & Pao Moua Ralph & Diane Mueller Nestle Community Care Program Jeff Nettesheim Newood Fishing Reunion/River Valley Bank Gloria Nixdorf Northwestern Bank-Chippewa Falls Northwestern Bank- Thorp Branch Joshua & Heidi Odegard Orv’s Old Iron Show-WI Rapids Parks Happy 13 4-H Club Tim & Claudia Ploeger Tyler & Sara Pockat R.E.S. Photography-Abbotsford Ronald & Eileen Rahm Grandpa & Grandma Reese Dennis Regan Dave & Mary Beth Robach Romig’s Inc-Gilman John & Ann Ruesch Michael & Shannon Sahey Charles M Schaffer Bob & Marty Scheff Lauren Schroeder & Joshua Hunter Scott & Lori Schuman Matthew & Samantha Schwartz Michael & Susan Secora Smokey Express Gospel Show-St Point Lori Songs Shane & Diane Sparks Kerry Steinmetz Ron & Judy Sturm Vicki Swank Ken & Jean Swenson Shayne & Kristin Swonger T B Scott Free Library Staff-Merrill THANCS-Nekoosa The Jeanie Marie Fund Patricia Trierweiler UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign Carmen Sankey Thomas Vanderpool Valley Community Credit Union St Point Dan & Holly Virnig Tammy Jo Warwick Rebecca Washkuhn Martin & Joy Weires Harold & Rita Werth Wesley United Methodist Church Marshfield WFLA Lodge 236-Phillips Wise Owl Auctions of Mauston Susan Wittman Shawn & Mandy Zabler IN KIND DONORS American Legion Aux 451- Boulder Junction American Legion Post 54-Mfld Gabriel Russo Cindy, William & MacKenzie Brandl Michael & April Brill Ray & Camille Bukowski Care Wear Volunteers of WI Carrie Jacobs Bond Quilt Group Trout Creek David Building Supply-Marshfield Jeff, Mary & Marcy Eckrich Elk’s Club-Marshfield Event USA-Green Bay Brian & Heidi Fish Golden Glow 4-H Club / Marshfield JJ’s Bakery-Marshfield Catalina Juarez & Roberto Villa Jason, Wendy & Madison Lange Marshfield Clinic-Crafters for a Cause Marshfield DoorSystems, Inc McDonalds USA-Oak Brook Monday Sit N Sew Group-Marshfield Neillsville High School FFA Nestle Pizza/Tombstone-Medford NTC-Dental Hygiene Club-Wausau Tim & Claudia Ploeger Portage County HCE-Bancroft Mike & Nancy Sanfelippo UW-Alumni Association Thirty-One Gifts/Arpin Trinity Lutheran Church & School Marshfield UAW-Women’s Committee-St Point James & Sandra Zygarlicke HOUSE VOLUNTEERS Patsy Berkholtz Denise Eiberg Pamela Kangas Brad Katzenberg Debbie Lang Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Quinten Orth Karen Reyes Jessica Schaefer Cindy Schecklman Kathy Schrader JoAnne Strachan Sheila Weis Mary White “MEAL A MONTH” DONORS Alternative High School-Marshfield American Legion Post 54-Marshfield Ron & Marilyn Berry Church of Christ-Marshfield Church of Christ-Spencer Community Bible Church-Stratford Culvers-Marshfield Jennifer Dittner Dominos Pizza-Marshfield Elk’s Lodge 665-Marshfield Immanuel Lutheran Ministries-Hewitt Theresa Krohn & Friends McDonalds-Marshfield Mosinee Area Action Club Pick N Save-Marshfield Renee Richardson Sunrise Rotary Subway North-Marshfield Wal-Mart of Marshfield RECYCLING American Legion Aux 337-Pulaski Antigo Middle School Kimberly & Lillia Bell Big Flats Community Church-Arkdale Linda Blahnik Ronald & Teresa Brown Aaraya, Aryona, & Abellah Karissa & Montana Dahm Laura Dassow-Larson family DC Everest Elementary School-Rothschild Jeff, Mary & Marcy Eckrich Kris Fehrenbach Rick, Pam & Austin Gilles John & Mary Lou Hodgson Josie’s Bar-Finley Lil White Inn Tavern-Stevens Point Jacklyn Loos Monday Sit N Sew Group-Marshfield My Innovative Services-Stevens Point New Page-Stevens Point & Biron Northland Pines Elementary School Park Falls Elementary School Quest Diagnostics Erika Rein family Leadership Academy- Woodruff Rib Mountain Elementary School Schulz’s Recycling-Merrill Super Wash-Marshfield Trailside Bar-Browntown Trig’s-Minocqua United FCS-Marshfield United Methodist Church-Sidnaw United Methodist Church-Tomahawk VFW 5778-Phillips VFW Aux 8733-Mosinee VFW Ladies Aux 5778-Phillips VFW Ladies AUX 6352-Stratford VFW Post & AUX 2534-WI Rapids Village Cooperative-Wausau Wissota Health-Chippewa Falls Wolf’s Eagle Lodge Resort & CampgroundLoretta Woodside Elementary School-WI Rapids Zion Lutheran Church-Kennan Zion Lutheran Church-Big Flats CRANBERRY CENTURY BIKE TOUR Title Sponsor: WI Valley Operators Association- McDonalds Century Sponsors: Burnstad’s Market-Spencer Hawkins, Ash, CPA’s-Marshfield Marshfield Medical Center Credit Union Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital T-shirt Sponsors: Associated Bank-Marshfield The Boson Company-Marshfield Dental Clinic of Marshfield Felker Brothers CorporationMarshfield Heinzen Printing-Marshfield Security Health Plan-Marshfield Total Electric Services-Marshfield Other: Heritage Bank-Marshfield The Coca Cola Company-White Bear Lake Abbyland Meats-Abbotsford The Sports Den-Marshfield Marshfield Amateur Radio Society CellCom-Marshfield WDTX-Wausau FOX 55-Wausau WDLB-Marshfield Dennis Riedel Rich Kaczmarowksi Many Thanks TRIBUTES In HONOR of: ROY & SALLY POKORNY Mary Armbruster & Roy Lippert HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, JERRY & ALICE SMITH Roy Lippert HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY, MACKENZIE BRANDL William & Cindy Brandl ALIDA & LUCIE FISH Jeff & Aschley Fish Liz Guldan Matt & Kim Tremain BRIAN & HEIDI, ALIDA & LUCIE FISH Leigh Linden Caitlin Seeley TODD HASS FAMILY Anonymous AIDEN BOYD Richard & Georgene Grenfell HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOSEPH KENNETH HECK Ken & Jenny Heck family ANDY MOLL Abby Holmquist HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMES & MARY PAWLICKI Daryl & Barbara Jakubek EVAN KIRSCHLING Laskowski Farms-Plover SARA MAREK Teresa Marek KOLTON OULETTE Summer & Kiara Moravec HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUSTIN WEINHOLD Todd & Denise Prosser SUSIE SPROUSE Tim Sprouse CONNOR NEWBERG Vicki Swank JOSEPH A WELCH Larry & Shirlee Welch MEMORIALS In MEMORY of: ANNABELLE GARBISCH Her family GEORGE DRAEGER Mary Armbruster ED SAAD Ken & Pat Buckingham RICK BURGER Susan Burger JAMES W CAIN II Nancy Cain MARVIN CALLAHAN Mary Sue Callahan VICTOR CARPENTER Nelrose Carpenter CHARLES DALLMAN Virgean Dallman NOREEN PLANTENBERG Ronald & Susan Garrison Dean & Ann Hussong CHRISTIAN GEHRMAN LINDA GEHRMAN Esther Gehrman MARVIN KNETTER Theresa A Graveen DORIS SCHRADER Joy Holubets STANLEY KOBACK SUSAN PIERSON Mary Grassl VERNA LAFEVRE Mr & Mrs Gerald Holubets DEVAN BREMNESS Larry & Penny Hoover DOROTHY SCHILLIUS Mike & Carol Jonas KALEB KENNEDY Kevin & Tania Kennedy MARGE BROWN IRENE CATER CHARLES DALLMAN ROMAN “PETE” KENNEDY DOLLY LASKEY Doris Kennedy LIAM JOSEPH KORTZ Joe & Robyn Kortz DALE KUEHN GERLAD KUEHN Donna Kuehn DANIEL KUSE GLORIA KUSE Doreen Kuse BETTY RONDORF Doug & Claudette Lezotte PHYLLIS CHRISTIANSON Darlene Lloyd JEAN VOLHARD Ruben & Rosalie Miller PATRICK IWANSKI Paul Mirman family BEN BLOCK RODGER NYBERG Beryl Nyberg DARLENE UTTECHT Roy Schmidt family Verna Viegut DONNA VANDERWAAL David & Arline Stark ED BROWN Lawrence & Adelle Stettler SHARON EHMKE Chuck & Joanne Strachan Mary White BILL GIESE CAROLINE PASSEHL Randy & Darla Syring DOROTHY SUSKEY Walgreens-Windsor DARLENE KIELISZEWSKI Robert & Mary Shuda For more information, call 715-345-2262. Special Notice to Third Party Fundraisers The RMHC of Marshfield is always grateful for fundraising efforts by area organizations. However, it is necessary for us to approve all events that use our name and logo. If your group would like to organize a fundraising event to benefit the House, please call us at 715-387-5899, and we will be happy to discuss the details. Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit 6235 Wausau WI 803 West North Street Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 (715) 387-5899 Fax: (715) 389-5991 E-mail: Staff@RMHCofMarshfield.org Web site: www.rmhc-marshfield.org Would you like to help the environment, save money in postage and printing, and still receive our “News That LOVE Built” newsletter? We can now e-mail it to you! If you would like to receive our newsletter via e-mail approximately 3 times a year, just send us your e-mail address to Staff@RMHCofMarshfield.org Return Service Requested In loving memory... Kaleb Kennedy Our Needs List Please check this list of items and foods that we so often need at our House. We’re thankful for all the businesses, groups and individuals who refill our pantry. Before making a large donation, we ask that you call 715-387-5899 to set up a delivery time. FOOD ITEMS Grocery Store gift cards (these work great to purchase items as needed) Chicken (fresh or frozen) Fresh milk, bread & butter/weekly Fruits and veggies (fresh or frozen) Breakfast bars Flour Salad Dressings Peanut Butter and Jelly Chicken and Beef Broth Whole Grain Breakfast Cereals Brownie Cake mixes Chocolate Chips Tomato Juice products Ranch salad dressings Raisins Mayo and Miracle Whip v Single portion sizes of fruit cups, cereals, mac n cheese, peanut butter, soups, etc. for our family lounge at the Children’s Hospital HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORE gift cards (ShopKo, Target, Wal-Mart, Menards, MACCI, etc.) PAPER TOWELING 4 & 8-gallon garbage bags 13-gallon drawstring garbage bags Pledge Multi-Surface everyday cleaner Furniture dusting wipes Disinfectant Wipes White standard pillow cases White hand towels and wash cloths Zip-lock bags (quart and gallon) Spiral Light Bulbs - 13 watt CFL or 10 watt LED 75 Watt outdoor flood lights 65 Watt indoor flood lights Sidewalk salt 18-40 ft. flexible rope lights to decorate for the holidays “D” Batteries NEW sturdy laundry baskets (10) Thank You! OTHER “Forever” Postage Stamps White letter-size printer paper
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