90-Gallon Fish Tank Donation - Ronald McDonald House Charities
90-Gallon Fish Tank Donation - Ronald McDonald House Charities
30 1983 2013 years ® RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES MARSHFIELD News That Love Built The Ronald McDonald House Charities mission is to “create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children.” Spring 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Carol Adler Vice-President Pamela Acker Secretary Carol Willfahrt Treasurer Ron Fish Directors Patti Shafto-Carlson Heidi Giese Joe Dolezal Liz Kracht Lisa Roy “Krauty” Krautkramer Adrienne Cruz, MD Financial Consultant Jim Bartelt House Staff House Director Sandra Zygarlicke Evening Managers Georgi Sartain Cindy Marks Kim Krueger Weekend Managers Marilyn McCann Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Sue Nelson Gloria Nixdorf Housekeeping Judy Schiller 90-Gallon Fish Tank Donation Back in December, the Central Wisconsin Aquarium Society (CWAS) voted to donate a tank to the Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield. Voting members included Brian Aschebrook, Mark Aschebrook, Matt Deicher, Robin Kurth, Kelly Rector, Mike Rector, Jeff Steubs, and Jill Steubs. Aquarium setup was recently finished on Sunday, February 2, by Brian Aschebrook, Mark Aschebrook, and Bob Cohen. The donations included a 90-gallon aquarium, stand, canopy, glass hoods, canister filter, lights with timer, thermometer, and a rather large piece of driftwood by CWAS. The snails (Red Ramshorn and Malaysian Trumpet), Natural Substrate, Starter Fish (Assorted Guppies), and plants (Anubius Barteri, Java Fern, Valisineria, and Rotala rotundifolia) were donated by Sunset Tropical Guppies. Future donations of fish are being made weekly and will include Angelfish, Bristlenose Plecos, Corydoras, Guppies, Rainbowfish, and Swordtails. “It is such fun to feed the fish each morning. The aquarium keeps adults and children alike enthralled and entertained. It gives them a chance to relax and de-stress from a busy day at the children’s hospital across the street,” said Sandy Zygarlicke, House Director. From Then... Quiet Generosity Remembered My grandfather, Carl Theiler, has been collecting aluminum cans for as long as I can remember. I remember crushing the cans in the furnace room in my grandparents’ basement and tossing them into big black garbage bags with my cousins and siblings as we grew up. I knew that collecting and crushing cans had something to do with recycling, but this past summer I had the chance to see just how much more there was to it. In August of 2013 my grandpa donated 1,000 dollars to the Ronald McDonald House in honor of the time my family spent there after my birth in August of 1989. I was born nearly two months early, and while I was kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, my parents and older sister Jessica were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House for about three weeks. It meant a lot to my family to be able to stay near me, as we lived nearly two hours away in Tomahawk. It wasn’t until around Christmas time a year ago that I realized my grandpa Carl had this donation in mind. He pulled me away from the kitchen table where I had been catching up with my aunts and grandma after months away in Kosovo where I teach high school, to let me know that I needed to make sure I left some time in the summer when I would return back to the U.S.A. to make a trip to Marshfield. He explained that he had been collecting cans for a while and wanted to donate the money to the Ronald McDonald House. I assured him I would have time once I returned to the States in July to go together with my parents to revisit the Ronald McDonald House. The next August came, but after having heart surgery, my grandpa couldn’t travel to Marshfield, so Sandra Zygarlicke, the House Director, came to us in Tomahawk to accept the donation. My time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with my parents, Chris and Julie, and my sister Jessica. To Now! Before our conversation that Christmas I knew that collecting cans was something my grandpa had always done, and that usually he had donated the cans to a local nun, Sister Theresa, who used her ‘canvent’ to supply the local food pantry. But his thoughtful gesture to thank an organization that helped my family and continues to help families in need is something I won’t forget. My grandpa’s quiet generosity is something worth remembering and repeating. Natalie Kainz Natalie Kainz, Sandra - House Director, and grandpa Carl Theiler accepting the aluminum recycling donation at the Kainz home in Tomahawk, WI. August 2013 R.E.S. Photography of Abbotsford A day with the Ducklings Tell your Friends, Children and Grand Kids Celebrate Spring, in time for Easter March 27, 28 & 29th A 5% donation will be given to Ronald McDonald House with all orders. Doing a Good Thing A few years ago my son Isaiah mentioned to me that he wanted to do a fundraiser for charity. I thought that was very sweet of him, but I didn’t think too much about it. Later, Isaiah said again that he really wanted to do a fundraiser for charity. And then he said it again, and again. After awhile I finally realized that this was something that he truly had a heart for, and it was very important to him. One night I found some simple bracelets on Pinterest that we could make and sell to raise money for charity. But first I told Isaiah that we had to pick a charity. My older son Isaac quickly suggested the Ronald McDonald House. They agreed to pick this charity because I had told them about it in the past. When Isaiah was born he was taken by Life Flight to the Denver Children’s Hospital. While he was there, we had set up to stay at the Ronald McDonald House. Isaac Sanchez - 12 years old Fortunately, Isaiah was released the day we Isaia h Sanchez - 11 years old were going to stay. The Ronald McDonald House did, however, provide us with a few brand new toys to give the boys for Christmas. This was a huge blessing since we really didn’t have much for money at the time. Over the last year and a half Isaac, Isaiah, and I made many braided, beaded and buttoned bracelets. I sold some of them at work. The boys, on the other hand, were eager to sell them to everyone they could. They sold them around the neighborhood; to their friends and teachers at school; and to their aunts, uncles, and cousins, too. Finally we were blessed with a free booth at a local craft fair. Isaiah insisted that I let him run the booth. With Isaac’s help, they were able to sell sixty more bracelets. A couple weeks before last Christmas we took a family trip to Marshfield. Isaiah was very proud to hand over the $318.13 that they had raised for the Ronald McDonald House. (This had way exceeded his goal of $100.) The boys were excited to receive a tour of the House. Next, we went across the street. There we donated bracelets to the children who were being treated at the Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital. I’m so proud of both my kids, and I believe this was a great opportunity for them. When I talked to my kids about this experience, Isaiah said, “I wanted to be helpful in our community because I thought it was the right thing to do. I feel really good about it.” Isaac said, “It was fun, and it was something good that we were doing. When you help others, you help yourself become a different person.” Melinda Duncan Upcoming Events Fannin Motorsports Partners to Bring Awareness & Support to Charities Argonne, WI (February 17, 2014) - As the off-season progresses, Fannin Motorsports continues to prepare the race truck for the 2014 race season. At the same time, Jeff and his family are working on partnerships that will bring awareness to charitable causes that are close to the team. The upcoming TORC Sportsman race season will see Fannin Motorsports working to raise donations for the Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield, WI, the Wounded Warrior Project, and Prayers for Kolton. Last year The Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield gave Jeff and his wife Lindsey a place to stay when the birth of their son Chase came several weeks early. The House also was the part time home of the Ouellette family while they were in Marshfield for the medical procedures needed for Kolton after injuries. The team will donate all of its winnings from the Saturday race at the Spring Crandon event (Round 3, June 28) to this great charity. “Last year was a very humbling experience,” remarked Jeff Fannin. “Whether it was the help and generosity of so many to help us have the season we did or the help of charities like the RMH while dealing with a premature baby in the hospital. It made me feel very indebted to someone or something so this is our way of giving back.” 1983 2013 MARSHFIELD Every day for more than 12,000 children the Ronald McDonald House Charities is the answer. When life unravels, programs like the Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald family room are sources of strength, hope, and healing. While RMHC doesn’t have the cure, we do have some of the best medicine of all, family. And with it, the healing hugs, kisses, and support that are proven to help a child heal. Our mission would not be possible though without supporters like you. THANK YOU! November 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 Many Thanks The Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield is a not-for-profit organization that provides a temporary “home-away-from-home” for families whose children are undergoing medical treatment at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital or Marshfield Clinic. The House relies on the support of individuals, businesses and organizations to provide services to families in need. We would like to acknowledge those who have demonstrated their support in many ways during the past quarter. This list represents cash and in-kind contributions received from November 1, 2013 - February 28, 2014. If we have erred or omitted anyone, please accept our apologies. CASH DONORS American Academy of Professional Coders- Marshfield Judy Andrew Charlotte Arts Associated Bank Sevice Center Associates- Stevens Point “Casual for a Cause”” William & Carol Avelallemant Steven & Debra Bailey Babette Baltus Banner Banks-Wittenberg Ezekiel & Ashley Bant Kathleen Becker Teens Today Students-Ben Franklin Jr High- Stevens Point Arthur Bernhardt BILCO, Inc-Schofield Birchwood Highlands Apt Residents-Weston Patrick & Jessica Bloczynski Irene Borntreger Boson Co-Marshfield Duane & Linda Brecke Bill, Jenny, Robert & Meghan Bruening Andy & Joan Bruso Ali Bseiso Burnstad’s Market-Spencer Jessie Callagan & Stephan Westlock Cellcom-”Givin’ A Little Back”” Program” Cequent Performance Products Employees- Mosinee M. Martha Chamness Sheng-hsiung & Fang-yuh Chang Allan & Peg Cihlar Coca Cola USA-Atlanta Richard M Connor, Jr Dr Adrienne Cruz & Ernest Olivarria Julie Dagit Daubert Law Firm-Wausau Employees Bryan & Edna DeVries Jim & Shelly Diamond Elizabeth Dickman Doine Excavating-Marshfield Eau Claire Co Child Support Agency-”Casual Fridays” EZCORP Foundation-TX Bill & Nancy Febry First Evangelical Lutheran Church-Ogema First Lutheran Church Women-Ogema Bill & Sharon Fish Brian & Heidi Fish Ron & Betty Fish Ralph Smudde & Mark Brittnacher-”Adopt a Family” Program Jim & Lillian Francken Kirk & Deb Franske Mark & Dori Fuehrer family Eric, Karrie & Eric Fugina Doug & Char Furst Allan & Mary Luehmann Bruce & Pamela Luehmann Tim & Nancy Reilley Dan & Carla Gilchrist Give With Liberty Campaign-Wausau Joy Holubets Kristina J Apfelbeck Bernice L Baumann Sarah Blarek James J Blenker Debra A Canniff Kay Fochs Jody Gale Theresa A Graveen Shirley M Huebsch Evelyn E Jansen Abby N Kurz Margaret Mateer Lacey Miller Audrey A Mueller Duane E Mueller Kelly Murkowski Tamara Newman Robert Pomasl Jennifer M Rainville Traci L Schreiner Coreen Schumacher Lynn Springer Debra Thurs Dawn Zieher David & Heather Gjerseth Thomas & Janice Gold Good Sam Club-Sawdust City Chapter Aaron & Deborah Gruenloh Gary & Marian Gunn Timothy & Karen Haase Thomas & Mary Hageny Harlan & Nancy Harmelink Beau & Jodi Hartman Bill & Peggy Harycki James & Laurel Hasner Charles & Dolores Heindel Phillip & Chris Heniff Drs. Amy Herbst & Todd Risa Gladys Hettler James & Vickie Horman Rose Huser IBEW Local 1147-WI Rapids Immanuel Ladies League-Merrill Teri Dassow Isabelle J Berg Family Advised Fund Jack & Karen Jarvensivu John & Lea Javenkoski Colin & Heather Jenkins Mary M Johnson JOJO’s Bar-Vesper Paul & Andrea Jonas Tyler & Rachel Kadlec Ruth Kalms KC Window Cleaning Kevin & Leslie Keeffe Arnold & Nancy Kehrli Joseph Kilsdonk Patrick & Keresa Kilty Mary Kitowski Bill & Sue Knetter Knights of Columbus-Ironwood 1396 Curt & Liz Kracht Dean & Jennifer Kramer David & Rebecca Krause Maggie & Natalie Kurylak Fran & Debbie Lang Mark & Heather LaPage James & Diane Lechman David & Susan Lehto Lewitzke Foundation-Rothschild Liberty Mutual Group-Wausau Ralph Liesch John & Mary Jo Link Robert & Janyce Link Lioness Club-Shawano Lake Lions Club-Colby Lions Club-Lake Tomahawk Steven & April Lipp Lutheran Social Services-Wittenberg David & Olivia Mach Dr George & Anna Magnin Manitowish Waters Community Church Bob Manninen Marshfield Middle School-PAWS Group Ken & Stephanie Martell Aaron & Sara Martineau Al & Janet Matthiesen LeRoy & Gail Matzdorf Kate Hardina Jeff & Roxie McDonald Charitable Canisters at: McDonalds Abbotsford McDonalds Adams McDonalds Antigo McDonalds Eagle River McDonalds Marathon McDonalds Marshfield McDonalds Medford McDonalds Merrill McDonalds Minocqua McDonalds Mosinee McDonalds Nekoosa McDonalds Park Falls McDonalds Plover McDonalds Plover Crossroads McDonalds Rhinelander North McDonalds Rhinelander South McDonalds Rib Mountain McDonalds Schofield McDonalds Stanley McDonalds Stevens Point East McDonalds Stevens Point North McDonalds Stewart Ave McDonalds Thorp McDonalds Tomahawk McDonalds Wausau McDonads Wausau North McDonalds Wisconsin Rapids McDonalds Wittenberg David & Karen McGivern Dave & Pat McHenry Jerry & Diane Meissner Sheri Meissner Merck Partnership for Giving Rod & Lisa Metz Dr James A Meyer Al & Rhonda Michalski Jim Michaud Mark & Jamelle Milne Dale & Sue Mork Moroch Nasonville Dairy Nestle Community Care Program Colleen Linke Thomas Nesvacil Gloria Nixdorf Open Season on Cancer fundraiser Ortho Molecular Products-Stevens Point Grandma Barb Charles Paine & Patti Hanley Bill & Sandy Panzigrau Pat Passo Barbara Tsopanoglou Steve & Linda Pelton Peter Schwabe, Inc-Brookfield R David & Karin Petty Jamie Pieper & Ronald Lundt Tina Pliska Tim & Claudia Ploeger Genevieve Pollard Kathleen Pribnow Prince of Peace Lutheran Church-Coloma Ronald & Eileen Rahm April Anne Rickl Dave & Mary Beth Robach Del & Beth Rustad Erica Ryskey & Jesse Matushak Sacred Heart CCW-Stetsonville Isaiah Sanchez Terry & Adrienne Sather Daniel & Karen Sauer Bob & Marty Scheff Mitchell & Lisa Schindler Roy Schmidt family Roger & Marion Schmoldt Paul & Jo Ann Schreiner Eli & Lizzie Schrock Bill & Jenna Schug Joline Schug Albert & Ruth Schumacher Scott & Lori Schuman Patti Shafto-Carlson Kathy Shelley Jim & Iris Shewchuk James & Lynne Simpson Leslie Sluga Alton & Penny Smart Babatunde Sobowale Erin Webster St Anne’s Sodality-Glidden St Bernards-St Helwigs PCCW of Thorp St John the Baptist PCCW & Christian Mother-Edgar St Joseph’s Hospital-Marshfield St Louis PCCW-Dorchester Verla Stange David & Arline Stark State Bank Financial-Marshfield Rod & Cathy Steele James Stingl Elizabeth Strong STRUT Fashion Show-Madison Ron & Judy Sturm John & Jan Tappe Sarah Taves Mark & Cathy Temme Trudeau Construction-Marshfield Ryan & Jamie Trzebiatowski Lois Umhoefer Unified School District of Antigo United Methodist Women-Bloomer United Way-Marshfield Area United Way-Clark County United Way-Greater Milwaukee United Health Group Employee Giving Campaign Carmen Sankey Thomas Vanderpool Tracy Xiong Up N Coming Homemakers-Spencer vanKerkhoven Family Fund-Schofield Lisa Vele Steve & Pat Wagner Lori Wasserburger & Lynus Brown, Jr Dave & Joan Weber Gary & Kay Weirauch Morgan Stanley-Smith Barney Westland Insurance Services-Neillsville Westland Insurance Services-Tomah George & Lorrie Wetzel WFLA Lodge 236-Phillips Wickersham Jewelry-Marshfield Susan Wittman Barry & Holly Wolfgram Women of the Church-Pine valley Ken & Sandy Wrezenski Facsheng Xiong Patricia Zager Don & Carrie Zoromski James & Sandra Zygarlicke IN KIND DONORS 2510 Restaurant A & B Process Systems Employees-Stratford Ann Alberts AM Vets Ladies Aux Post 50-Phillips Sierra & Serena Bakke Bents Chiropractic Center-Marshfield Audry Berger Heather Berndt Boson Company-Marshfield Bright Horizons Child Care CenterMarshfield Brighton Recneps 4-H of Spencer Fred & Kathy Broker Mike & Cindy Broker Care Wear Volunteers of WI Cargill -Naperville Carrie Jacobs Bond Quilt Group-Trout Creek Cellcom Customer Care-De Pere Central WI Steam Way-Marshfield Children’s Wish Foundation International- Atlanta Community Care of Central WI-Member Authorizations Dept Matt & Aimee Eckelberg Ecolab/Kay Chemical Co-Greensboro Ruth Elderbrook Nancy Erickson Chuck & Sarah Fastner FCCLA-Marshfield Senior High Brian & Heidi Fish FOMPL-Friends of the Marshfield Public Library Georgia-Pacific Corp-Atlanta Girl Scout Troop 6075-WI Rapids Jeff Gukenberger Hackbarth Family Hanover Direct, Inc Brenda and William Hartl Amanda Heiman Jean Hein Drs. Amy Herbst & Todd Risa Sheryl Hiles Holiday Inn & Convention CenterMarshfield Holy Rosary Pre-School of Medford JJ’s Bakery-Marshfield Junction City Santa Betty Kayhart family Keurig Inc-Reading Mark & Heather LaPage Darla Leick Lioness Club-Boulder Junction Pat Maertens Marshfield Clinic Patient Education Dept Ann Marx Melody Gardens Employees-Marshfield Al & Rhonda Michalski Joe & Julie Moenck Monday Nite Yarn Group-Park Falls Hildegard Morris Beth Mroz Nelson-Jameson Employees/Marshfield Nestle Pizza/Tombstone-Medford Pat Passo Penguin Group USA Inc Perkins Restaurant & Bakery-Marshfield Tim & Claudia Ploeger Portage County HCE-Bancroft Project Linus-Merrill Reigel Plumbing & Heating-Marshfield Rotary Club- Winter Wonderland Lori Scheller Trey Schoelsel Tami Seefluth family Cindy Semenchuk Southwest Airlines CO. Split Coast Stampers-Brandon Target Store-Marshfield The Cakery-Marshfield The Spiel Foundation-Indianapolis Thirty-One Gifts Thirty-One/Eau Claire Thirty-One/Medford Trierweiler Construction Supply & Ready Mix-Mfld Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group- Athens Trinity Lutheran Church-Loyal Trinity Lutheran School-Marshfield Trudeau Construction-Marshfield Jerry & Sue Uher Valley Bummers Travel Club Don & Darleen Van Ryn Karen Wegerer Virginia Weirauch Bailey Welch West 14th/Blue Heron Brew Pub- Marshfield Greg & Carol Willfahrt York Center United Methodist Church Missions Acct-Loyal Patricia Zager James & Sandra Zygarlicke Keith & Debbie Zygarlicke Many Thanks “SHARE-A-NIGHT” CAMPAIGN DONORS Brent & Barb Wagoner Dr Joseph & Diane Gerwood Tammi Olson & Jim Krueger Up N Coming Homemakers-Spencer HOUSE VOLUNTEERS Patsy Berkholtz Denise Eiberg Melinda Gindt Brad Katzenberg Debbie Lang Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Quinten Orth Karen Reyes Jessica Schaefer Cindy Schecklman Kathy Schrader JoAnne Strachan Sheila Weis Mary White TRIBUTES In HONOR of: ISABELLA BARON Rachel Connet Neil & Brenda Roepke Michael Baron’s students ROBERT & HELEN BECKER FAMILY Helen Becker ELIZABETH BLENKER James L Blenker ELOISE BREITHAPT ADELAIDE REYES SYLVIA REYES SALLIE STELLE & STEVE KATIGBAK Karen Reyes DANIEL BROKER’S B-DAY Fred & Kathy Broker ANDREW CANNIFF Debra Canniff RECYCLING AM Vets Ladies Aux Post 50-Phillips Linda Blahnik Elizabeth Brehm Dick & Mary Anne Connor Robin Cook Covenant Community Presbyterian Church-Weston Girl Scout Troop 2657-Stevens Point Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Plover Greenheck Fan T.A.P.-Kronenwetter Hope Lutheran Church-Wautoma Immanuel Lutheran School-Wis Rapids Junction Bar-Amherst Junction Greg & Dorothy Kizewski James Kleifgen, Sr Lutheran Social Services-Wittenberg Make a Difference Day Project-Rhinelander McDill 6th Graders-Stevens Point Missy’s Broken Arrow-Ladysmith Moundview Memorial Hospital Partners- Adams/Friendship Northern Lights WIT Camping Club- Menasha Northern Metal Recycling-Minneapolis ODC Inc-Marshfield Jamie, Kara, Jacquelyn, Ruby, & Jace Paul family Regal Mfg-Black River Falls Linda Remington Rib Mountain Elementary School Rotary Club-Granton St John’s Lutheran Church-Mosinee Super Wash-Marshfield Trinity Lutheran Church-Loyal United Methodist Church-Tomahawk VFW Post & AUX 2534-Wis Rapids Eugena Wiler Yaeger Auto Salvage-Weston Zion Lutheran Church-Kennan Zion Lutheran Church-Big Flats Zion Lutheran Church-Stratford BARB JAKUBEK Daryl MARY KUNZE’S B-DAY Bill & Christine Stone LOVED ONES Donna Neihart SARA MAREK Teresa Marek JOAN NEWBERRY Marie CAROLINE PIETROWSKI Paul Johnson KATHRYN REED Elizabeth Hansen-Clay RMH STAFF Mary Ann Knoblock CAROL TWIGG’S B-DAY John & Sue Twiggs MEMORIALS “MEAL A MONTH” DONORS Alternative High School-Marshfield American Legion Post 54-Marshfield Belvedere Supper Club-Marshfield Ron & Marilyn Berry Church of Christ-Marshfield Church of Christ-Spencer Community Bible Church-Stratford Culvers-Marshfield Jennifer Dittner Dominos Pizza-Marshfield Elk’s Lodge 665-Marshfield Robert & Geraldine Foltz Immanuel Lutheran Ministries-Hewitt Theresa Krohn & Friends McDonalds-Marshfield Mosinee Area Action Club Pick N Save-Marshfield Renee Richardson Sunrise Rotary Subway North-Marshfield Wal-Mart of Marshfield RYAN & EMILY CHART Jim & Darlene Kunze TODD COTA & MATT SLOAN Bill & Bertie Cota MILAN & LILA CZARNEZKI Joanne Wolf ELOISE FRANK’S 7TH B-DAY Kathleen Baier LILY & JACE FRICK Bill & Debbie Nelles MERLIN FUHRMAN Greg & Gail Graunke JAYCINE GEIGER Phil & Karen Huber TAYLOR & MARSHALL HACKEL Uncle Tracy & Aunt Susie RON HUEBSCH FAMILY Shirley Huebsch In MEMORY of: PAULINE BEYER AGNES OLDENBERG Dan & Judy Akin family SHIRLEY HENSCH Lonna Alexander SHAUN WHITE Cindy Baumann HELEN STOUGHTENGER Jim & Mary Bell JOHN B BRANDENBURG Mark & Carrie Brandenburg TED BURGER SR Susan Burger JOHN & DOLORES COYLE Joe & Tina Coyle CHARLES DALLMAN LARRY FISCHER WILLIAM GORMAN ROMAN “PETE” KENNEDY ED PELTIER Virgean Dallman STEVE & MOLLY DANIELSKI Ernie & Joyce Danielski JAMES KASTEN Richard & JoElynDaul JADELYNN SCHOENECK Chuck & Pat Delikowski ALEX & FERN SCHIFERL Kathy DeWitt MADDIE MARTINEAU Grampa Duffy & Gramma Cindy Enger MANDA RAE ESSER Alan & Marie Esser DORIS SCHRADER Joy L Holubets ED CRESKE John & Mary Grassl ELINOR FUHRMAN Greg & Gail Graunke FRAN KOKALY Joseph & Beverly Gromek LORRAINE TASSE Bill & Kathy Hahn JAMES GOTTSACKER William & Kay Haling LESTER & DOROTHY LEWIS Cheryl Lewis Hartl DEVAN BREMNESS Larry & Penny Hoover JOHN MIAZGA Carolyn Eschenburg Nancy Miazga JX Enterprise JX Financial of Hartland Laura Kisting Therese Wilder JAMES KASTEN MOLLY MAGUIRE ABIGAIL OKRAY Doris Kennedy WOZNIAK & KOFFARNUS FAMILY MEMBERS Carol Koffarnus ELSIE JANZ Bill & Amy Krause DANIEL KUSE GLORIA KUSE Doreen Kuse ROBERT HOLUBETS Bill & Joy Holubets Mike & Pam Holubets David & Kathy Lenz BETTY ANN DOVENBARGER David & Kathy Lenz LYNETTE ANASON ESTHER KING Doug & Claudean Lezotte FRANCIS & ROSE ZELL Lois M Luedtke Frances & Rose Zell family DAVID DAWSON Arnold & Darlene Mathis KOLTON NORMAN Arnold & Darlene Mathis JENNA LEATHERS Monday Night Yarn Group Park Falls Kathy Wilson KENNETH BRANDL IRENE HEEG AL SALZMANN Ray & Maggie Newmier BEN BLOCK RODGER NYBERG Beryl Nyberg GERRY DOBSON EDITH WILLS Rita Perrault ROBERT ZUELKE SUSAN ZUELKE Arlene Polege LORI NEHLS Prentice Area Optimists GERALD LUCHTERHAND Quad CO Dairy Nutrition Abbostsford EUNICE NITZ Francis Clark Susan Crawley Barbara Davison Ronald & Eileen Rahm Bill & Deidre Stevens CESAR & CARLA REYES Karen Reyes SCOTT PAAP Russ & Sue Schreiber BRETT LAVEY Larry & Shelly Schultz LOGAN DICK Lori Schuster-Will Crum family SHARON R OLSON Sharon R Olson Estate DOROTHY M HINTZ Robert & Mary Lou Shuda WAYNE & ISABELLE RUPLINGER ROBERT WEST Leonard & Patricia Silverman KENNETH KILLIAN ROBERT “BUCKY” SKERVEN Greg & Kathy Skerven STARK & WOJDAC FAMILIES David & Arlene Stark MICHAEL STRACHAN Charles & Joanne Strachan Laura White Mary White BENNY THOMAS Richard & Doris Thomas LAVON HARKNER KATHY HEATH William Treat & Darlene Harkner HERBERT VIEGUT Verna Viegut WAYNE MENTINK Ken & Sandy Wrezenski JANICE CERVEN DONALD MILLER ROBERT RATSCH Ron & Amber Zank Special Notice to Third Party Fundraisers The RMHC of Marshfield is always grateful for fundraising efforts by area organizations. However, it is necessary for us to approve all events that use our name and logo. If your group would like to organize a fundraising event to benefit the House, please call us at 715-387-5899, and we will be happy to discuss the details. 803 West North Street Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 (715) 387-5899 Fax: (715) 389-5991 E-mail: Staff@RMHCofMarshfield.org Web site: www.rmhc-marshfield.org ! rs a e Y ta ing 30 Celebr Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit 6235 Wausau WI Return Service Requested In loving memory... Riley E. Krause Our Needs List Please check this list of items and foods that we so often need at our House. We’re thankful for all the businesses, groups and individuals who refill our pantry. Before making a large donation, we ask that you call 715-387-5899 to set up a delivery time. FOOD ITEMS Grocery Store gift cards (these work great to purchase items as needed) Chicken breasts (fresh or frozen) Fresh milk, bread & butter/weekly Fresh or frozen fruits and veggies Breakfast bars White Granulated Sugar Salad Dressings Raw Honey Coffee & tea K-cups v Single portion sizes of fruit cups, cereals, mac n cheese, peanut butter, soups, etc. for our family lounge at the Children’s Hospital OFFICE ITEMS Books or rolls of stamps Ipad or Tablet HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORE gift cards (ShopKo, Target, Wal-Mart, Menards, MACCI, etc.) Liquid Laundry Detergent Paper Towels 4 & 8-gallon garbage bags 13-gallon drawstring garbage bags Pledge Multi-Surface everyday cleaner Furniture dusting wipes Swiffer Sweeper cleaning sheets Disinfectant Wipes Dishwasher tablets Kleenex OTHER Volunteer group to do Spring yard clean up! Thank You!
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