Summer 2013 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of
® Ronald McDonald House Charities MARSHFIELD Celebrating 30 Years Summer 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Carol Adler Vice-President Pamela Acker Secretary Carol Willfahrt Treasurer Ron Fish Directors Patti Shafto-Carlson Heidi Giese Joe Dolezal Liz Kracht Lisa Roy Kevin Krautkramer Adrienne Cruz, MD Financial Advisor Jim Bartelt House Staff House Director Sandra Zygarlicke Evening Managers Pat Passo Georgi Sartain Cindy Marks Kim Krueger Weekend Managers Marilyn McCann Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Sue Nelson Gloria Nixdorf Housekeeping Judy Schiller News That Love Built The Ronald McDonald House Charities mission is to “create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children.” Lang Honored as Volunteer of Year April was Volunteer Appreciation Month, and our Ronald McDonald House staff members, board members, and House volunteers had a great time celebrating at the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts in Spencer. After a time of fellowship and refreshments, Sandra Zygarlicke, House Director, introduced the Senior Volunteer of the Year, Debbie Lang. Debbie has been a House volunteer for twenty years and counting, and we are glad that her goal is to continue helping out for many years to come. Michael Perry, bestselling author from New Auburn, and his band “The Long Beds” were the entertainment for the evening. Coming Events MARSHFIELD CRANBERRY CENTURY 20/40/64/100 mile bicycle tours SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 LUDWIG BUILDING - west side of Wildwood Park, Marshfield at corner of Adams and 17th Street Onsite registration begins at 7:00 AM. • Helmets are mandatory. PRE-REGISTER AT w w w.rmhc -marshfield.o rg Title Sponsor: McDonald’s of Central Wisconsin Century Sponsors: MARSHFIELD MEDICAL CENTER CREDIT UNION $25 Bike Tour Fee Includes • T-shirt • Sag wagon • Lunch and refreshments • Well-marked route • Chocolate Chip Cookies • Cranberry Coffeecake Coordinated by Spencer ALL sag wagons and rest stops will be off the 64 and 100-mile routes at 3:30pm. Riders will then be on their own! We recommend that you carry a cell phone. 715-387-5899 Proceeds from this event will support the Ronald McDonald House program of RMHC of Marshfield ® A Sweet Affaire RMH 30th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Thursday, October 24, 2013 Holiday Inn 750 South Central Avenue • Marshfield, WI Cash Bar - 5:30pm • Dinner - 6:30pm Entertainment and Auction of Delicious Desserts Join us for this sweet event to celebrate our 30th anniversary and help raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House. Are you interested in donating a dessert and/or attending? Tickets: $35 per person, available until October 18, 2013. Call the Ronald McDonald House at 387-5899 for details. 1983 2013 MARSHFIELD Out with the Old - In with the New! After 30 years and more than 9,000 families served at our Ronald McDonald House in Marshfield, you can understand why it was necessary to make some upgrades to the House over the past several years. In the fall of 2011 we did a major remodel of the main floor public kitchen- dining room and outdoor deck –play area. We moved the main floor toy room to the basement rec room area so that the kitchen could be expanded to accommodate two kitchenettes with a beautiful bay of windows looking out onto the deck-play area. Old Kitchen New Kitchen New Kitchen New Patio This past fall and winter, the old bathrooms were gutted and remodeled. We removed old wallpaper and fixtures and woodwork. Thanks to a generous donation of terrazzo tile from Wausau Tile, Tim Richardson of Design Flooring designed and installed the tile in the four public bathrooms at our “House that LOVE built.” Other donations included ADA toilets from GERBER, paint from our national donor Benjamin Moore, and hand blow dryers from World Dryer. Remodeling these bathrooms gave us the opportunity to ensure that the bathrooms designated for handicapped use were in compliance with the most current guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Old Bathroom New Bathroom New Bathroom This summer three of our ten family bedrooms received a much needed makeover with new paint donated by Benjamin Moore and wallpaper border donated by Creative Paint and Decorating in Marshfield. We are so blessed to have the support of so many as we continue to provide temporary lodging for families of seriously ill children 24/7 - 365! Thank You La-Z-Boy A great big thank you to the La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries of Appleton and Green Bay for doing an instore fundraiser for our Ronald McDonald House this spring! For a $20 donation, both galleries offered consumers a 20% discount on their furniture purchase. Heidi Kiecker, Marketing Director said “La-Z-Boy is committed to not only providing comfort to our customers but also to those in need in our community. We look forward to continuing to make a difference at our local Ronald McDonald House for years to come.” As the official furniture provider of Ronald McDonald House Charities, La-Z-Boy has been supporting RMHC since 2008 through annual furniture donations, monetary contributions and volunteer efforts. Bruce Gerondale - Vice President, Heidi Kiecker - Director of Marketing, Sandra Zygarlicke - House Director Ronald McDonald House Charities is now a partner charity in Coinstar’s “Coins that Count” program. You can now collect coins with your family and friends, take your collection to the big green machine in your local grocery store, and watch your pennies, nickels and dimes add up to a significant donation for your local Ronald McDonald House. The following retailers have Coinstar machines that support the Ronald McDonald House in Marshfield: Copps - Antigo Festival Foods - Marshfield Pick-N-Save - Marshfield Pick-N-Save - Mosinee Copps - Plover Pick-N-Save - Schofield Copps - Stevens Point Pick-N-Save - Wausau Copps - Wisconsin Rapids Coin by coin, you are helping children and families. February 1, 2013 June 30, 2013 Many Thanks The Ronald McDonald House of Marshfield is a not-for-profit organization that provides a temporary “home-away-from-home” for families whose children are undergoing medical treatment at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Children’s Hospital or Marshfield Clinic. The House relies on the support of individuals, businesses and organizations to provide services to families in need. We would like to acknowledge those who have demonstrated their support in many ways during the past quarter. This list represents cash and in-kind contributions received from February 1, 2013 - June 30, 2013. If we have erred or omitted anyone, please accept our apologies. CASH DONORS American Legion Aux 543-Plover Dan & Michelle Axford, family Steven & Debra Bailey Babette Baltus Bill & Dorothy Barr Randy & Jill Bauer Teens Today Students-Ben Franklin Jr High Kathy Benzschawel Westley & Angela Biese Jessica & Patrick Bloczynski Bluegill Bar-Birchwood Judith Bohne Kimberly Bruss Ken & Pat Buckingham Laronda Burns Jeffrey & Susan Burton Bob & Donna Byrne Charles & Yvonne Capek Margarita & Paul Capelle Charles W Neff Jr Estate Children’s Miracle Network-Marshfield Darryl & Joyce Clauson Coca Cola USA-Atlanta Colby Community Chest Fund JARP Industries Employees Jon & Corie Compton Richard M Connor, Jr Edward Denny & Laura Nelke Donna & Aaron Denofree Emmanuel & Esther Ebanyenle Roman & Julie Eggebrecht Grampa Duffy & Gramma Cindy Enger Felker Brothers Corp-Marshfield First Presbyterian Church-Phillips FOE Ladies Aux 624-Marshfield Forward Financial Bank Charitable Giving Money Market Acct Customers Tom & Linda Fox Kirk & Deb Franske Paul & Joan Freund Rick, Pam & Austin Gilles Girl Scout Troop 3410-Cadott Give with LibertyMutual Foundation Match-NJ Kristina J Apfelbeck Sarah Blarek James J Blenker Tammy J Fischer Kay Fochs Jody Gale Theresa A Graveen Pa Her Joy L Holubets Shirley M Huebsch Evelyn E Jansen Abby N Kurz Margaret Mateer Lacey Miller Audrey A Mueller Duane E Mueller Kelly Murkowski Tamara Newman Diane Paap Robert Pomasl Kristine L Punke Jennifer M Rainville Traci L Schreiner Lynn Springer Debra Thurs Ashley N Vacha Dawn Zieher Golden State Foods Foundation-Whitewater Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Marshfield Carrie & Roger Halls Wendy Harrington Grace Hendel Heritage Bank-Spencer Heather & Zachary Houston Rose Huser I Brandl Inc-Marshfield Jack & Karen Jarvensivu Jason & Kim Jasicki Johnson Pharmacy of Merrill Jason & Heidi Kelbel Ron & Joan Klebs Bill & Sue Knetter Jessi Koeshall La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries of Appleton La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries of Green Bay Cassidy Lamovec John Linsmeyer Living Faith Fellowship-Aniwa David & Nancy Mancusi Dr james Donahue Marshfield High School ROTO Club Pete & Patty Marsnik Terry & Renee Marzofka McDill 6th Graders/Economics Bazaar- Stevens Point Charitable Canisters at McDonalds Abbotsford McDonalds Adams McDonalds Antigo McDonalds Eagle River McDonalds Marathon McDonalds Marshfield McDonalds Medford McDonalds Merrill McDonalds Minocqua McDonalds Mosinee McDonalds Nekoosa McDonalds Park Falls McDonalds Plover Crossroads McDonalds Rhinelander North McDonalds Rhinelander South McDonalds Rib Mountain McDonalds Schofield McDonalds St Point East McDonalds Stanley McDonalds Stevens Point North McDonalds Stewart Ave McDonalds Thorp McDonalds Tomahawk McDonalds Wausau McDonalds Wausau North McDonalds Wis Rapids McDonalds Wittenberg Larry & Shelly Meverden McDonalds USA-Midwest Region Staff Nestle Community Care Program Northern Star Lodge 332-Weyerhaeuser Dawn Olson Tami Olson Joseph & Janet Orella Mary Ousley Parks Happy 13 4-H Club Eben & Lacey Peck Ray & Loretta Piehl Tim & Claudia Ploeger Ken & Julie Rogers Leo J Ruesch Nicole Sackmaster Jamie Sarver Bradley & Christine Schinker Ashely Schmitt Joline Schug Scott & Lori Schuman Security Health Plan-Marshfield Patti Shafto-Carlson Solarus employees-WI Rapids Joshua Wickersheim St Augustine Altar Scoiety-Tomahawk St John the Baptist PCCW & Christian Mothers-Edgar St Paul’s Catholic School David & Arline Stark Lester Stephanie Ron & Judy Sturm Sunrise Rotary Club- Marshfield Jeanne Taggert Total Electric Service-Marshfield Trinity Luther League-Loyal U.S. Cellular Associate Matching Program Shannon & Cory Udler United Church of Christ Circle 3-Owen UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign Valley Community Credit Union-St Point Lori vanden Plas VFW Aux 10262-Greater Plover Area Dave & Joan Weber Jeremy Weller Jaime & Nathaniel Weness Willard Council of Catholic Women Barry & Holly Wolfgram Abe & Rachael Yoder IN KIND DONORS American Legion Aux 532-Fifield Belka Furnishings-Granton Elaine Bennett Audry Berger Blendtec Care Wear Volunteers of WI Carrie Jacobs Bond Quilt Group-Trout Creek Central WI Steam Way-Marshfield Deb Chamberlin Children’s Wish Foundation International- Atlanta Clark County 4-H Youth Clark County Homemakers John Doerr Julia Eastman FCCLA-Stanley/Boyd High School First Presbyterian Church-Mfld John & Erin Fischer Kendall & Hope Fischer Girl Scout Troop 7398 Girl Scouts of the Marshfield Area Hawkins, Ash, Baptie & CO -Marshfield Tyler & Sara Hogan Immanuel United Methodist Church Women -Chili Keurig Inc-Reading Tina Lamovec Lioness Club-Boulder Junction LuCille Tack Center for the Arts-Spencer Mabel Luepke Katherine Maratiny Marshfield High School ROTO Club Michael & Lia Mayenschein Dale & Laura Millard Wayne Molitor Monday Nite Yarn Group-Park Falls Nestle Pizza/Tombstone-Medford ODC Inc-Marshfield Dr Chuck & Mary Ozee Tim & Claudia Ploeger Portage County HCE-Bancroft Reigel Plumbing & Heating-Marshfield School Dist of WI Rapids Central Office Joan Shoberg Simply Fun LLC-Bellevue Split Coast Stampers-Brandon Lori Stamm Stratford FFA Sugar Camp Elementary SchoolRhinelander The Bunny Hop-Wausau Cailyn Tolaney Trinity Lutheran Church-Loyal Samantha Pohle Wausau Tile WI Farm Bureau -Taylor County Wood County Retirees Zion Early Childhood Center-Colby James & Sandra Zygarlicke “SHARE-A-NIGHT” CAMPAIGN DONORS Beta Sigma Phi-WI Lambda Master Chapter Mark & Carrie Brandenburg Virgean Dallman Julie Dusel Betty Grancorvitz Mr & Mrs John Grassl Harlan & Nancy Harmelink Doreen Kuse Laskowski Farms-Plover Al & Janet Matthiesen Bruce & Kathie McDonald Michelle McDonald Roberta Mieritz Kim Mueller Ray & Maggie Newmier Kathleen Pribnow RMHC of Western WI & Southeastern MN Roy & Gene Sobolik Tim & Susie Sprouse Jackie Stange Lawrence & Adelle Stettler Jeanette Telford Brent & Barb Wagoner Ken & Sandy Wrezenski HOUSE VOLUNTEERS Melanie Aspeslet Patsy Berkholtz Denise Eiberg McKenna Eiberg Brad Katzenberg Debbie Lang Mabel Luepke Ginger Orth Quinten Orth Kiersten Orth Katie Porter Karen Reyes Jamie & Roni Sachs Jessica Schaefer Cindy Schecklman Kathy Schrader JoAnne Strachan Sheila Weis Mary White Many Thanks TRIBUTES “MEAL A MONTH” DONORS Alternative High School-Marshfield American Legion Post 54-Marshfield Belvedere Supper Club-Marshfield Ron & Marilyn Berry Church of Christ-Marshfield Church of Christ-Spencer Community Bible Church-Stratford Covenant Community Presbyterian Church Youth Group-Schofield Culvers-Marshfield Dominos Pizza-Marshfield Elk’s Lodge 665-Marshfield Robert & Geraldine Foltz Immanuel Lutheran Ministries-Hewitt McDonalds-Marshfield Mosinee Area Action Club Pick N Save-Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Subway North-Marshfield Wal-Mart of Marshfield Renee Richardson RECYCLING Alexander Middle School-Nekoosa American Legion Aux 337-Pulaski American Legion Aux 451- Boulder JunctionAmerican Legion Aux 509-Rosholt American Legion Aux 532-Fifield Antigo Middle School Big Flats Community Church-Arkdale Birchwood Public Schools John & Yvonne Buetzberger Christ Lutheran Church-Marshfield Faith Lutheran Church-Marshfield FCCLA-Stanley/Boyd High School Golden State Foods Foundation-Whitewater Good Sam Club Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Plover Harley Owners Group 5536 Tatianna Hetzel Jack Hoelter Holy Rosary Parish-Medford Hope Lutheran Church-Wautoma Humke Elementary School Immanuel Lutheran School-WI Rapids Jake’s Pizza-Winneconne Jo-Jo’s Bar of Vesper Greg & Dorothy Kizewski James & Donette Krcmar McDill 6th Graders/Economics Bazaar - Stevens Point Moundview Memorial Hospital Partners Adams/Friendship NewPage-/Stevens Point & Biron Karen Nigh Our Lady of Victory Hospital-Stanley Owen-Withee Schools Pagac’s Bar-Ashland Port Edwards High School Erika Rein Rib Mountain Elementary School Rotary Club-Granton School Dist of WI Rapids Central Office Mary Seehafer Lois Spence St John’s Lutheran Church-Mosinee St Peter Catholic School-Chippewa Falls St Peter’s Lutheran School-Schofield Stratford FFA Sugar Camp Elementary SchoolRhinelander Super Wash-Marshfield Trinity Lutheran Church-Phillips United Church of Christ-Nekoosa United Methodist Church-Tomahawk Valley Bummers Travel Club Valley Communities Credit Union Kristin VanNess WFLA-Lodge 144 Mosinee Greg & Dana Witte Zion Lutheran Church-Kennan Zion Lutheran Church-Big Flats Who’s on Facebook? Please go on line and “friend” us. Our goal is now 213 friends by the end of 2013. Watch for more news and photos coming your way on Facebook about our House and the families we serve! In HONOR of: THANK YOU LILLY CHRISTENSON Mark & Carrie Brandenburg HAPPY 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY- BOB & NANCY RUTKOWSKI Kathy Brekke HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARRETT BROKER HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL BROKER Fred & Kathy Broker PAUL & TRACY FLEURANT Sam & Linda Cannizzo STELLA CLARK Eau Claire Emergency Center Eau Claire Police Department ANDREW CANNIFF Debra Canniff ISABELLA BARON Haase & Sons Construction-Franklin David & Nicole Hartmann Home Solutions Realty-Milwaukee JOSEPH KENNETH HECK Ken & Jenny Heck family TRENTON & EASTON HELWIG Dan & Sharon Helwig ALEC JOHN PILAT John & Trudy Houlihan JAYCINE GEIGER Phil & Karen Huber HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES & MARY PAWLICKI Daryl & Barbara Jakubek TREVOR HAUSER Bill & Amy Krause EVAN KIRSCHLING Laskowski Farms-Plover SARA MAREK Bradley & Teresa Marek IN HONOR OF MY BIRTHDAY DeAnn Marley LIBBY MAUS David & Julie Maus VICTORIA MARIE PETRUS Bruce & Kathie McDonald Michelle McDonald ALEXIS & CODY MILLER Erin Miller PAIGE MUELLER Kim Mueller CHRISTIAN STEVEN CLAUSEN Stephanie Nelson HELEN K KOSKI Rita Perrault JESSICA BEGALKE Cheryl Recore BENJAMIN LANSING Smokey Express Gospel Show-St Point CARLY ANNE BOERS Roy & Gene Sobolik CHASE KRAMER St Paul Lutheran School-St Point HAPPY 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY- JIM & PAT BINDER Mark & Rosemarie Weber AUNT SUSIE CALLAHAN Judi Coppock MEMORIALS In MEMORY of: MARJORIE A ANDERSON WANDA BOCKUS Cheryl Brekke OUR MOTHERS Dan & Judy Akin family MARVIN CALLAHAN Donald & Joy Anne Arneson family Dave Callahan family Jim & Mary Jo Callahan family Wally & Jane Callahan family Jerry & Carleen Johnson family Pat & Jill Massa family Dean & Jeanine Peck family Chuck & Jacky Smith family Bill & Elaine Steinhafel family Judy Coppock Shelley Callahan Neal Leggett Mary Callahan Ronnie Eichstaedt Ronald & Susan Garrison Mitchell & Susan Hawkins Donald & Melanie Moyle Don & Linda Pashek Clarence & Elaine Viegut Janis Vogt GARY & CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM Donald & Marion Froemming CHARLES DALLMAN Virgean Dallman JAN ENGEL MARY ANN FRANE JOHN HUTMAN JOE KREMSREITER DALE PALMERTON BETTY SHEMENAUER MARVIN SCHILLINGER WARREN SPATH MADELYN THUMS Bob & Ruth Blume JERRY WAGENSON Jim & Marcy Bell LEONARD DUSEL Julie Dusel MARCELLA HUSSIN Joyce Kreager Koplitz Duwayne Kreager Insurace Center TABITHA LAMBRECHT Roman & Julie Eggebrecht Ronald & Linda Fischer Liz Blume Graebel Van Lines Employees-Wausau Mike & Tracee Lambrecht MADDIE MARTINEAU Grampa Duffy & Gramma Cindy Enger TOM NETZER Mert & Judy Fischer STAN & HARRIET PAWLAK Donald & Marion Foremming DORIS SCHRADER Joy L Holubets SCOTT PAAP Diane Paap JASON SCHMIDT Betty Grancorvitz VERONICA KRECKLER Doug & Kitty Hafermann CHARLES EDWIN HALTENHOFF Harriet Haltenhoff WANDA BOCKUS Darlene Insteness VIVIAN RONGSTAD Darlene Insteness Eileen Myren WILLARD JOHNSON Ann Johnson ELDA McHUGH Doris Kennedy DEET Jill Kerns FREDERICK COOK Jill Kerns Richard Zehe Don Begalke Jessica Begalke Dayton Nuhus DALE KUEHN Gerald & Donna Kuehn GLORIA & DANIEL KUSE Doreen Kuse GUNNAR HALVERSON Richard Leverentz ALFRED BOON Doug & Claudean Lezotte DOROTHY NIKOLAI Pat & Darlene Lloyd JAMES BELANT MARLENE ESSERT Jerry & JoAnn Marvin AVA MICKLAS Jerry & Jan Micke JENNA LEATHERS Kathy Wilson Monday Nite Yarn Group-Park Falls LUCILLE BUSSE Tom & Ann Moran GORDON BERGUM WANDA BOCKUS LILLIAN MOLTZAU Eileen Myren SANDY STERNWEIS PAUL THEURER Ray & Maggie Newmier BEN BLOCK RODGER NYBERG Beryl Nyberg SUSAN ZUELKE ROBERT ZUELKE PHYLLIS GERBITZ Arlene Polege DOROTHY MATHISON Mary Rebhan B J TOWNSEND MARY ANN SEIF Duffy & Jackie Replogle LYLE DOEHR VIOLA GARBISCH DOROTHY PRIOR LUCILLE SCHMIDT Don & Fern Rowe CARMEN ARMBRUSTER Cindy Schecklman DEAN ANDREW SCHMIDT Dennis & Margie Schmidt HELEN PATTER Esther Schott DR STEVE FONTANINI Robert & Mary Lou Shuda ISAAC TIMOTHY PANN Greg & Kathy Skerven SCOTT McCLEAN Dick & Ginny Smith JEFF VICKER Tim & Susie Sprouse JOYCE HAMISCH HOLZHUETER Heidi Stair ROGER KOPS JACK WARNS Lawrence & Adelle Stettler PAUL THEURER Randy & Darla Syring THOMAS STEIDINGER Richard & Verna Viegut CLARK DOWNING John & Barb Wais EDNA MAE ROSE Norman & Carol Jean Wesenberg JAMES FRANCZEK Ken & Sandy Wrezenski BILLY APPLEYARD RAYMONG BARTH ALFRED BOON ALVIN HECKEL RUTH HOUTS MARIE RATSCH BOB STARK JERRY STILLMAN DAVID VRADENBURG SUSAN WIENKE Ron & Amber Zank Special Notice to Third Party Fundraisers The RMHC of Marshfield is always grateful for fundraising efforts by area organizations. However, it is necessary for us to approve all events that use our name and logo. If your group would like to organize a fundraising event to benefit the House, please call us at 715-387-5899, and we will be happy to discuss the details. 803 West North Street Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 (715) 387-5899 Fax: (715) 389-5991 E-mail: Web site: Return Service Requested ! rs a e Y ta ing 30 Celebr Would you like to help the environment, save money in postage and printing, and still receive our “News That LOVE Built” newsletter? We can now e-mail it to you! If you would like to receive our newsletter via e-mail approximately 3 times a year, just send us your e-mail address to In loving memory... Ava Micklas Kayleigh Gurzynski Our Needs List Please check this list of items and foods that we so often need at our House. We’re thankful for all the businesses, groups and individuals who refill our pantry. Before making a large donation, we ask that you call 715-387-5899 to set up a delivery time. FOOD ITEMS Grocery Store gift cards (these work great to purchase items as needed) Hamburger & chicken breasts (fresh or frozen) Fresh milk, eggs, bread & butter/ weekly Fresh or frozen fruits and veggies Breakfast bars Coffee creamers Scalloped potatoes Brown Sugar & Powdered Sugar Ketchup Tomato Juice Ranch Salad Dressings Tuna Peanut Butter Honey v Single portion sizes of fruit cups, cereals, mac n cheese, peanut butter, soups, etc. for our family lounge at the Children’s Hospital Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit 6235 Wausau WI HOUSEHOLD ITEMS STORE gift cards (ShopKo, Target, Wal-Mart, Menards, MACCI, etc.) Liquid Laundry Detergent Paper Towels 4 & 8-gallon garbage bags 13-gallon drawstring garbage bags Pledge Multi-Surface everyday cleaner Furniture dusting wipes White standard pillow cases White wash clothes, hand towels & bath towels Dishwasher tablets Kleenex OFFICE ITEMS Books or rolls of stamps Manila envelopes - all sizes OTHER Volunteer group to do all fall yard work in October Thank You!
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