summer - City of Marshfield
summer - City of Marshfield
Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department TA FR KE E ONE E! 630 South Central Avenue Suite 201R, Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 Office: 715-384-4642 Information Line: 715-387-6409 SUMMER 2016 Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 GENERAL INFORMATION Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department Office Information Location City Hall Plaza 630 S. Central Avenue, Suite 201R Marshfield, WI 54449 Telephone Office 715-384-4642 ext. 0 Information Line 715-387-6409 Office Hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed weekends and holidays E-mail Address Website Parks & Recreation Department Staff Director Justin Casperson Maintenance Supervisor Ben Steinbach Supervisor Kelly Cassidy Administrative Assistant Amy Beauchamp Office Assistants Dana Krokstrom & Allie Ott Recreation Program Supervisor Jeff Scott Zookeeper Steve Burns Maintenance Staff Charlie Adamski Jeff Dolgner Dan Rogers Jeff Weinfurtner ACTIVITY INDEX Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 & 7 Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Biking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 & 27 Boxing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Civic Band/Music in the Park . . . . 28 Department Information . . . . . . . . 34 Disc Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Facility Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Gymnastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hefko Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Horseshoe League . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Jazzercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Library Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Movies in the Park . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Older Adult Lifestyles . . . . . .22 & 23 Mission Statement To provide quality recreation opportunities for the citizens of Marshfield that are both accessible and affordable and to plan, promote, acquire, develop, and maintain parks and recreation facilities that will enhance the City of Marshfield and meet the recreational needs of the community. “The City of Marshfield Parks and Recreation Department believes that all individuals should be provided with leisure opportunities that allow for performance at their highest level of ability. We welcome people with disabilities into our recreation programs through specialized programs and inclusion opportunities. We will comply with the services and activities for individuals with disabilities. Please contact Kelly Cassidy, 715-486-2043, for further information or questions about accommodations and inclusion.” NEW TO THE AREA? Our department invites you to come in and find out what we have to offer! We have programs, classes, and facilities for all. Call us at 715-384-4642 ext 0. We'll be happy to help you! Cover Photo: 3 On 3 Basketball, Photo taken by Jeff Scott Members of: Committee Meetings Notice Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Committee John White, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair Jane Yaeger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chair Rick Reinart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alderman Tom Buttke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Nick Faber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Ali Luedtke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Chris Viegut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Park Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Pickleball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Pool Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Skate Park & Skateboarding . . . . . 21 Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Softball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 & 20 Special Olympics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Swim Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tennis/Racquetball Center . . . . . . 13 Tennis Lessons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Trails & Map . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 & 31 Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Volleyball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 WPRA Discount Tickets . . . . . . . . . 5 Zoo Hours & Programs . . . . 24 – 25 Zoological Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 THANK YOU! The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department would like to thank the advertisers for their support in the publishing of this 2016 Summer Brochure. -2- The Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Committee invites you to join in the activities offered through the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department. Share your thoughts at our meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at: City Hall Plaza – Room 108 630 S. Central Avenue Marshfield, WI 54449 Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: INTRODUCING THE NEW is the new SE RV IC E • PA R T S • AT TA C H M E N T S • FA C T O R Y C E R T I F I E D 10566 S. Washington Ave., Marshfield, WI • • (715) 591-7774 Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~ Saurday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. -3- SUMMER 2016 A Better Mower At A Better Price Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 SUMMER CAMP Adventure Day Camp (ages 8-12) Are you looking for something to keep your kids active this summer and have some fun, too? Your child will be guaranteed a summer full of fun and excitement at Adventure Day Camp! Activities will include arts & crafts, games, sports, special events and much more! Camper will need to provide their own lunch. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided. Sign up per month, or for the entire summer! Monday – Friday June 6 – August 26 (no camp July 4th) 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Oak Avenue Community Center Limit 21 June 6 – July 1.................................... 7200.201 July 5 – July 29 ................................... 7200.202 Aug. 1 – Aug. 26 ................................ 7200.203 Residents ................................. $400.00/month Non-Residents ......................... $500.00/month If registration limit is not met each month, a daily drop-in rate will apply at $30/resident, $35/non-resident. Summertime Summertime Summertime s for u e e S ur all yo team rel appa s need Enjoy The Sunshine 550 S. Central Ave., P.O. Box 267, Marshfield, WI 54449 • 715/384-4959 -4- Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: WPRA DISCOUNT TICKET PROGRAM The Original with the Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association, sells tickets to numerous area attractions and theme parks at discounted rates. Tickets are sold at the Parks & Recreation Department office Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. from mid-May to September 2. All tickets are non-refundable and good for the 2016 season only! We accept credit cards (with a convenience fee); check or cash . Adventure Golf WPRA PRICE GATE PRICE AGES FREE $65.00 $89.00 None $19.95 $29.95 Under 2 12 & Up $24.50 $28.50 Ages 4-11 $13.85 $14.25 12 & Up $24.50 $28.50 Ages 4-11 $13.85 $14.25 $46.25 $70.03 $35.25 $70.03 $78.50 $97.84 18 & Up $22.50 $29.95 Ages 4 – 17 $13.50 $15.95 13 & Up $10.50 $14.25 $8.50 $11.25 Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park "All Day Pass" $10.00 $48.03 2 & Under Noah's Ark Family Park "All-Day Unlimited Use Pass" $27.00 $41.62 2 & Under 12 & Up $24.50 $28.50 Ages 4-11 $13.85 $14.25 $5.50 $8.50 Adult 48” & Up $34.00 $52.00 Ride & Refresh $41.00 Not available at gate ATTRACTIONS BigFoot Zipline Tours Ages 4-80 Chula Vista – Indoor & Outdoor Waterpark Dells Boat Tours – Jet Boat Adventure Dells Boat Tours – Upper Dells Six Flags Great America Any ONE Day • WPRA Week • (July 2-10 only) Adult 49" & Up Season Ticket House on the Rock Milwaukee County Zoo Tickets expire 12/31/2016 Wisconsin Ducks Tour Ages 3-12 Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf "18 Holes" (Unlimited Drink Wristband) Valleyfair 3 Years – 47” & Adult 62 & Up $34.00 $34.00 Includes Dinosaurs Alive Dinosaurs Alive Parking -5- $3.50 $5.00 $13.00 None 3 & Under 2 & Under 3 & Under 2 & Under 3 & Under 4 & Under 2 & Under SUMMER 2016 SUMMER'S BACK AND SO ARE OUR DISCOUNT TICKETS! The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department, in conjunction Marshfoeld Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 AQUATICS Aquacise Early Bird Lap Swim Get fit without stressing out your muscles and joints. Improve flexibility and lower your blood pressure. Enjoy the water as it cushions your joints. Make some waves and feel more invigorated than ever! You don't need to know how to swim as the program is held in shallow water. Check with your doctor and sign up today! Wake up with a splash! Swim or water-walk at your own pace. Take the stress off your joints and bask in the comfort of the water. Lane lines can be set up – Just ask! Tuesdays & Thursdays April 19 – July 22 (No July 5) 6:00 – 7:30 a.m. Marshfield Senior High Pool Tuesdays & Thursdays April 19 – May 26 ..................2001.201 June 2 – July 14....................2001.202 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. Marshfield Senior High Pool At the door: Residents: ...................................$1.25 Non-Residents: ...........................$1.75 Residents: .................................$25.00 Non-Residents: .........................$37.50 Advanced tickets at our office: Sold in sets of 10 Residents: .................................$10.00 Non-Residents: .........................$16.25 Entrance into Sr. High pool can be obtained by using the commons entrance and using the locker rooms located on the east side of the fieldhouse. Swimming Lessons See pages 15-21 on the YMCA's side of this brochure for swim lesson schedule. A joint program between Marshfield Parks and Recreation and the YMCA allowing city residents to register for swimming lessons the same time as Y-members. The Parks & Recreation Department helps subsidize city residents' fees. Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons at the Y. Feel free to share your comments with us; we welcome any opportunity to improve this program. Y-members and city residents may register in person between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the YMCA beginning May 18. All others may begin to register May 20. YMCA Members: ......................$44.00 City Residents: .........................$54.00 All Others: .................................$64.00 (City of Marshfield subsidizes all city residents' swim lessons. Does not apply to adult/teen instruction.) Marshfield Senior High Pool & Hefko Pool are available for group rental. Contact Kelly @ 715-486-2043. Pool Rules 1. An adult must accompany children under 9 years of age. 2. Swim suits only. 3. Persons with infections, open sores, or rashes are prohibited from entering pool. 4. No snorkel masks (cover nose) or fins. 5. Hair six inches or longer must be pulled up. 6. Clean aqua socks are allowed. 7. Life jackets will be allowed. Parents must be within arms reach of child. 8. No food, juice or carbonated beverages on deck (drinking water allowed). 9. Swim diapers are required for children not pottytrained. Cancellations and more... Just a Mouse Click Away! Information at your fingertips! Log on now to: -6- Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL Hefko Pool 1805 S. Roddis Ave. Opening Day: Saturday, June 4 FREE Swim: Monday – Saturday • 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. Regular Hours (daily admission rates apply): Monday ..................... 1:00 – 6:45 p.m. Tuesday .................... 1:00 – 7:45 p.m. Wednesday ............... 1:00 – 6:45 p.m. Thursday ................... 1:00 – 7:45 p.m. Friday – Sunday ........ 1:00 – 6:45 p.m. Daily Admission Fees (Check or cash only) Residents, 2 & under ................... Free Residents, Youth (3-17)..............$2.00 Residents, Adult (18 & up) .........$2.50 Non-Residents, 2 & under........... Free Non-Residents, Youth (3-17) .....$3.00 Non-Residents, Adult (18 & up) .$3.75 Our lifeguards are highly trained and skilled. Their jobs are to assist in making our facilities a safe place to bring the family. However, they are not babysitters. Parents are expected to watch their children and to assist in enforcing policies for the safety and enjoyment of all patrons. In addition, all children under 9 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation. Summer Swim Passes Purchase a swim pass for the summer and don’t worry about paying each time you go swimming at Hefko Pool! Family passes cover parents and all children under 18 in one household. Baby-sitters and grandparents not included. Purchase passes in the office or online. We will mail passes to those who register online. Discounted Pass Rates! Purchase your 2016 swim pass by Thursday, May 19 and receive a discounted pass rate! NonResident Resident Youth (3-17) $20.00 $31.00 Adult (18 & up) $30.00 $46.50 Family* $70.00 $108.50 Frequently asked questions: • • • • Water temperature: 79° – 81° Pool depth: 2’6” to 4’6” Diving Well: 11’ Lockers available for .25 cents Pool Closing Policy Hefko Pool will close under the following circumstances: - Air temperature of 66° or lower. - Severe weather. - 10 patrons or less for one hour. - Any maintenance problems. Special Activities at Hefko Pool Flotation Device Night Bring your inner-tubes, rubber ducks, rafts, life jackets, and other floating objects to Hefko Pool for safe fun for everyone! 1. No balls allowed. 2. Nothing larger than a standard air mattress (36" x 72"). 3. No inner-tubes with a height higher than 10". 4. No tipping people off of devices. 5. No throwing devices. 6. No jumping off of or onto devices. Tuesdays and Thursdays June 7 – August 25 5:00 – 7:45 p.m. Family Swim Night Children get in free when a parent or adult (18 years or older) pays. A chance to spend time together as a family! Sundays June 5 – August 28 • 4:00 – 6:45 p.m. HEFKO POOL FREE SWIM Monday – Saturday • 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. We would like to thank the following sponsors for making this available to the community for 2016: Baltus Oil Company, Marshfield Clinic, Forward Financial Bank, Cellcom, Roehl Transport, Bents Chiropractic, Weber Farms, Hub City Ice Cream, NAPA 2016 Pass Rates Effective Friday, May 20. Resident Youth (3-17) $22.00 Adult (18 & up) $33.00 Family* $77.00 Duplicate Pass $4.50 NonResident $33.00 $49.50 $115.50 $4.50 *Only family members residing at the same address can be included on a family pass. -7- Auto & Truck Parts of Mfld, MSA Professional Services, Inc., Chips Hamburgers, Kwik Trip, McDonald’s, Security Health Plan, Dairy Queen, Java Junction, Mueller Publishing We are still looking for sponsors for the 2016 season. Anyone interested in sponsoring should call Kelly at 715-486-2043. SUMMER 2016 Location & Hours Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 BASEBALL Parent Participation Requested 3-Sport Ball, Rookie & Triple-A. Rookie League (Grades K – 1) Boys and girls will learn the fundamentals of baseball through practice and mini games. Wednesdays June 8 – July 13 (7/20 Rain Date) UW Fields 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. ....................6008.201 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. ....................6008.202 3-Sport Ball (ages 4 & 5) Residents: .................................$15.00 Non-Residents: .........................$21.25 Youth Baseball Leagues Note early registration discount. American League (Grades 4 - 5) Tuesdays & Thursdays June 9 – July 14 Games at 5:15 or 6:45 p.m. G.P. Olson East & West Fields First Year Player ...................6002.201 Experienced Player ..............6002.202 by 4/29 (4 p.m.) by 5/13 Residents: $30.00 $35.00 Non-Residents: $42.50 $47.50 Skills Evaluation Date Monday, May 16 - 5:00 – 6:15 p.m. American League – Braem Park Rain date is May 18. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Boys & girls will be introduced to team sports including: soccer, T-ball and kickball. Each sport will run two weeks. Child will need glove and shin guards. Triple-A League (Grades 2 – 3) Tuesdays & Thursdays June 7 – July 19 (Excludes July 5) G.P. Olson Fields 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. ..................6007.201 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. ................6007.204 Tuesdays & Thursdays June 7 – July 19 (Excludes July 5) GP Olson Fields Games at 5:15 or 6:30 p.m. ...............................................6001.201 Residents: .................................$30.00 Non-Residents: .........................$42.50 Residents: .................................$30.00 Non-Residents: .........................$42.50 Baseball B b ll C Camp (Grades 4 - 7) Are you interested in learning or improving your baseball skills while having FUN? Each camper will ge a balance of individual skill development and team play. Monday - Wednesday June 6-8 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Raeths Field ......................... 6005.201 All programs are based on grades entering in Fall 2016. Residents: .................................$30.00 Non-Residents: .........................$42.50 Mondays June 6 – July 18 (Excludes July 4) UW Fields 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. ....................6007.202 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. ....................6007.203 Boys and girls will learn baseball and softball skills while incorporating hitting a pitched ball. Participants must be 6 by June 1st. SPECIAL THANKS! Residents: .................................$15.00 Non-Residents: .........................$21.25 The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department thanks all the volunteer coaches who have made our programs successful. Without you, the programs could not happen. Jack Hackman Field Batting Cages Open for drop-in use when games and practices are not scheduled. The City of Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department is very appreciative of all the efforts and dedication the volunteers have given to this community. WANTED Coaches & Volunteers Interested in being a volunteer coach or assisting with the youth baseball league? Apply at the Marshfield Parks and Recreation Office by April 29, 2016 or download an application from our website. All applications will include a background check. -8- Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL GIRLS SOFTBALL & VOLLEYBALL Girls ages 8 & up will be introduced to the world of softball. Emphasizes participation, development of softball skills, good sportsmanship, and fun. Girls will be introduced to pitching from a distance of 35’ or 40’. Each night there will be 45 minutes of drill work and 45 minutes for a scrimmage/ game. All divisions will have practice in May Wednesdays, June 1 – July 20 Junior Division (8 & 9 year olds): 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Minor Division (10 & 11 year olds) 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Intermediate Division (12 & up) 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Fairgrounds Softball Fields......$45.00 Forms available in the Parks & Recreation office, or online at Click on “Departments,” then “Parks and Recreation,” and choose "Registration Forms" for camps. Diggers Volleyball Camp For those going into grades 4-9: Are you interested in learning or improving your volleyball skills and having FUN? You will receive a balance of individual skill development and team play. T-shirt included if signed up by June 4th. Oak Avenue Community Center Grades 4 to 7 Monday – Thursday - June 20 – 23 Grades 4 & 5 .........................6402.201 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Tiger Volleyball Camp The Tiger Volleyball Camp will introduce and develop fundamental skills (passing, setting, and serving) and team concept (serve reception, team defense, and team offense) through drills, contests, and scrimmages. July 18 – 20 Girls entering grade 3 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. ......................$25.00 Marshfield School Gym Girls entering grades 4 – 6 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. ......................$45.00 Marshfield Senior High Fieldhouse Girls entering grades 7 & 8 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. ........................$45.00 Marshfield Senior High Fieldhouse Grades 6 & 7 .........................6402.202 2:45 – 4:45 p.m. All participants receive a camp t-shirt and chances to win daily prizes. Grades 8 & 9 Monday – Wednesday - June 13 – 15 12:30 – 3:15 p.m. ..................6402.203 Registration Deadline: June 30, 2016 Rain date: July 27 Residents: .................................$29.00 Non-Residents: .........................$43.50 Contact Dawn Sadowska for additional information at 715-572-5223 or Standout Volleyball Camp Marshfield High School Wednesday, June 15 - Friday, June 17 Skills Camp (Grades 9 & 10) 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ............................. $45.00 Contact Janelle (Tomlinson) Richard for more information (715) 296-5091. Youth Sand Volleyball Camp Fastpitch League The Marshfield Softball Association is sponsoring a seven-week fastpitch league for girls on area teams of 18 & under. Roster deadline: Friday, May 27 Games at 5:30, 7:00, & 8:30 p.m. Mondays, June 6 – July 25 Fairgrounds Softball Fields Player fee $30.00 For more information or to enter a team, contact John Donahue at 715-864-2979 or email jdonahue2229@ Girls Volleyball League Grade 8 – Graduated Seniors Wednesdays June 8 – July 13 Roster Deadline: Fri., May 13 Game Times: 5:15, 6:00, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15 & 9:00 p.m. Junior League (Entering grades 8-9) Site to be determined Senior League (Entering grades 10-12) Oak Avenue Community Center $110.00/team Plus $5 Non-Resident Fee per Player -9- The Columbus volleyball camp is offering boys and girls in our area a chance to work on volleyball skills. We will work on the fundamentals of the game while providing a safe and fun environment. All areas of skills are welcome and we hope to teach kids to love the game of volleyball. Columbus Catholic High School Sand Volleyball Court June 27 - 29 Grades 7-8-9:............ 12:30 – 2:00 pm Grades 4-5-6:.............. 2:00 – 3:30 pm Grades 1-2-3:.............. 3:30 – 5:00 pm $25.00 – includes t-shirt and cold treats. Registration deadline: June 6th Contact Kat Egle for additional information at 715-384-9748 or SUMMER 2016 Marshfield Fastpitch Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 GYMNASTICS June 13-23 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Senior High Gymnastics Room Entrance at door 28 in back of building Advanced Tot-nastics (Ages 4.5 & 5) Students must have been in one class of tot-nastics and be at least 4.5 years of age. This class will introduce your child to more tumbling skills and apparatus. Residents: .................................$25.00 Non-Residents: .........................$37.50 Class Limit: 18 Gymnastics – Boys & Girls Beginning/Adv. Beg. (Ages 6 & up) Students will learn basic tumbling skills, forward & backward rolls, cartwheels, and be introduced to gymnastics apparatus. Class Limit: 21 6:15 – 7:00 p.m. ....................6100.206 7:10 – 8:00 p.m. ....................6101.204 More Programs for Your Little Ones Learn Tennis using fun games and increase motor skills at the same time in Pee Wee 12 Endless amounts of reading fun awaits you at the Marshfield Public 32 Get an early start on the game of 18 Tot-nastics (Ages 3.5 – 5) Students will learn new physical skills on various gymnastics apparatus and beginning tumbling skills. Develop and enhance listening skills, self-confidence, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Introduce your child to Team 8 Mark Your Calendar! The Fall Program Brochure comes outt Class Limit: 15 AUGUST 5, 2016! 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. ....................6100.203 5:20 – 6:05 p.m. ....................6100.204 For additional gymnastics courses, please visit the UW Continuing Education website at: PROUD TO SUPPORT MARSHFIELD AREA SPORTS Randy Le Moine Agency LLC PO Box 1106 -ARSHlELD7) RLEMOINE AMFAMCOM - 10 - P.O. Box 929 306 W. McMillan Road Marshfield, WI 54449 (715) 387-1702 August 5 2016 Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL SUMMER 2016 - 11 - Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 TENNIS ACTIVITIES Youth Tennis Lessons Learn the game or improve the one you've got! We've got the tennis balls – you bring your water bottle and put on your smooth-soled tennis shoes! Bring your own racquet for all classes except Pee Wee. Monday – Wednesday (unless noted) S.J. Miller Tennis Courts Residents: .................................$25.00 Non-Residents: .........................$37.50 Pee Wee (Ages 4 – 6) Lessons will introduce young players to pre-tennis skills, gross motor skills, tennis basics, and fun! Racquets and tennis balls provided. MFLD Area Youth Tennis Learn tennis and experience a fun, energetic atmosphere. Coaching will be led by High School Coach, Tim duncan. Open to all youth ages 7 and up. This program will focus on fundamentals, scoring and the importance of good sportsmanship. Lessons will be held Tuesday – Thursday, starting June 14 to July 7. Friday will be a make up day. Ages 7-10 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. .............. $50.00 June 13 – 29 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. ........6600.201 July 11 - 27 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. ........6600.203 Mondays, June 13-July 25 (no July 4) 6:40 p.m. – 7:40 p.m. ............6600.204 Wednesdays, June 15-July 27 (no July 6) 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. ............6600.202 Beginner (Ages 7 & up) Lessons will teach participants the basics of tennis play, skills, scoring, and rules through games and drills. June 13 - 29 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. ....................6601.202 July 11 – 27 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. ....................6601.203 Mondays, June 13-July 25 (no July 4) 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ....................6601.205 Wednesdays, June 15-July 27 (no July 6) 6:40 – 7:40 p.m. ....................6601.204 Adult Tennis Lessons Mondays, June 13 - July 25 (No Class July 4) Singles and Doubles Strategy 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. .......... 6701.204 $30.00 Boson Courts (by Mfld. Sr. High off Hume) Late fee of $10.00 after May 27. For more information contact Tom Duncan at 715-305-5896 or e-mail - 12 - Ages 11-14 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m ................ $50.00 Ages 15 & Up 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. ...............$65.00 Boson Courts (by Mfld. Sr. High off Hume) Late fee of $10.00 after May 27. Contact Tom Duncan at 715-3055896 or e-mail duncan@marshfield. for more information. Sponsored by Marshfield Tennis Association. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL CENTER TENNIS/RACQUETBALL Tennis & Racquetball Court Reservations Call the Parks & Recreation Office at 715-384-4642 ext. 0. Reserve the court no more than one week in advance. Kindly give 24 hours notice when cancelling or you will be charged. Contracted Court Time Guaranteed weekly court time for 14 weeks beginning Sept. 6. Applications for desired time are due by Wednesday, August 3 at 4:00 p.m. Watch for applications in the Parks & Recreation office or in the Tennis/ Racquetball Center lobby. Lottery determines who receives requested time. Apply for 1.5 hours of tennis or 1 hour of racquetball. Mark Your Calendar! The Fall Program Brochure comes outt AUGUST 5, 2016! Summer Hours May 1 – September 7 Mon. – Fri. 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. . 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Summer Payment Policy Pay BEFORE you play at the Parks & Recreation office during our regular business hours. If you're playing after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends, you must pay during business hours. You will be issued a code to access the Center for your use. Fall Hours September 8 – December 31 Mon. – Fri. 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday..... 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Sunday ....... 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Hourly Fees Tennis.................................$16.00 Racquetball..........................$8.00 Prepaid Court Time Purchase prepaid court time from our office. We will track your prepaid court time use. Prepaid time expires one year from the date of purchase. A convenient way to use the courts and save money at the same time! Tennis 5 prepaid hours .................$72.00 10 prepaid hours .............$130.00 August 5 City Hall Plaza Indoor Tennis/Racquetball Center Hours and Fees Hours 2016 Racquetball 5 prepaid hours .................$37.50 10 prepaid hours ...............$70.00 MARSHFIELD TENNIS ASSOCIATION USTA League Tennis MTA Doubles for Fun Local Tennis Leagues Adult men and women compete against players/teams of similar levels in the Central Wisconsin Region. Match play starts late May/early June until early/ mid August. For more information contact Dave Droste at 715-615-6596 (men’s league) Donna Hanson at 715-207-1834 (women’s league) April – August Last Sunday of each month: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Boson Courts - Bring 1 can of balls Everyone Welcome! Wednesday Night Doubles, Male & Female Singles Flex Leagues, Doubles League. Local players compete against players/teams of similar levels in Marshfield. Singles and Doubles will be gender specific unless there is low registration, then coed. All levels 3.0 and up are welcome to register. w MTA Website: www.marshfield MTA Tennis Tournaments Marshfield Open July 9 & 10 Doubles August 6 & 7 Contact Ali Luedtke at 715-387-6572 Registration forms available in the Parks & Recreation office & website. - 13 13 - All leagues will start week of June 6th A Registration deadline May 27th R Fee is $10 for singles, $10/person F doubles, and $10/person Wednesdays d F For more information or to register contact Holly Reckner at 715-207-1046 c or e-mail o SUMMER 2016 No Sunscreen Needed! Don't get beat by the heat or let a rainy day keep you off the courts. The sun ALWAYS shines at the City Hall Plaza Indoor Tennis/Racquetball Courts! Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 BASKETBALL Junior Basketball Camp Marshfield Boys & Girls Basketball Camp Get in the game this summer! A program for boys and girls entering grades 2 through 8, placing emphasis on development of fundamentals such as dribbling, passing, defense, and shooting! Monday – Wednesday June 6 – 8 Marshfield Sr. High Fieldhouse Boys 1 - 5 ...................8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Boys 6 - 9 .......... 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Girls 1 - 5 .............1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Girls 6 - 9 .............4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday Marshfield Sr. High Gymnasium July 11, 12, 14, 15 Grades 2-5 2:15-3:45 p.m. .......................6801.203 Grades 6-8 12:30 - 2:00 p.m....................6801.204 $50.00 The Parks & Recreation Department Needs You! Residents: .................................$25.00 Non-Residents: .........................$37.50 Columbus Dons Basketball Girls & Boys Camp Monday – Thursday June 6 – 9 Columbus High School Gym Grades K – 3 ....11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Grades 4 – 6 ...... 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Grades 7 – 9 ........1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. $35.00 Girls & Boys Summer School Tuesday - Thursday June 14 – July 21 Columbus High School Gym 3-on-3 Basketball For boys/girls going into grades 2-9. Program focuses on building individual skills while learning sportsmanship and teamwork in a safe, fun environment. Teams will be chosen before every game, giving participants the opportunity to play on different teams. Mondays and Wednesdays June 6 - 29 SJ Miller Tennis Courts 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Grades 2-3 ............................6804.201 Grades 4-5. ...........................6804.202 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Grades 6-7 ............................6804.203 Grades 8-9 ............................6804.204 Residents: .................................$25.00 Non-Residents: .........................$37.50 Grades K-3................... Noon – 1:00 pm Grades 4 -6 ............1:00 p.m. – 2:15 pm Grades 7 -9 ............2:15 p.m. – 3:30 pm $85.00 If signing up for both Camp and Summer School, both $110.00 Are you a stay-at-home parent, a new retiree, college student, or just have some spare time on your hands? Our department has numerous part-time job opportunities available. Many positions are flexible and can be planned around your schedule. Summer Openings: • Lifeguards • Program Directors & Instructors - Volleyball - Tennis - Baseball - Basketball - Gymnastics - Skateboard • Volleyball Referees • Soccer Referees • Summer Day Camp Summer positions are filled by early May. Apply now by logging on to the City of Marshfield website at Applications can be downloaded from there! Volunteer Opportunities: For more information contact Joe Konieczny at 715-387-1177 or 715-305-9839. • Wildwood Zoo • Youth Sports Coaches Registration forms for all camps listed on this page can be picked up at the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Office, or online at Click on "Departments,” then “Parks & Recreation,” and choose "Registration Forms". - 14 - Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL SOCCER Age-specific sessions will focus on the “ABC’s” - develop agility, balance and coordination; the MOVES - ways to turn, face and beat opponents; DRIBBLING - change directions quickly while in control of the ball; PASSING & RECEIVING, SHOOTING and TACKLING AND DEFENDING. Marshfield Tiger Soccer Camp This camp is designed to help the participants with fundamentals and understanding of the game. Marshfield High School coaches and soccer players will emphasize proper fundamentals. Wednesday – Friday June 15 – 17 Griese Park Grades K – 4 ..... 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Grades 5 – 9 ..... 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $25.00 Includes camp t-shirt Register by June 1, 2015. For more information contact Steve McCann at 715-650-7327 or Registration forms for all camps listed on this page can be picked up at the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Office, or online at Click on "Departments,” then “Parks & Recreation,” and choose "Registration Forms". Monday – Friday, July 11 – 15 UW-Marshfield/Wood County Soccer Field First Kicks 3-4 years ............9am-10 am, $89.00 Mini Soccer 5-6 years .........10:30am-12pm, $105 Half Day 7-10 years ..............9am-12pm, $135 7-10 years ............... 1pm-4pm, $129 Full Day 8-16 yrs 9am-12pm&1pm-4pm, $175 Middle School Camp 10-14 years ............. 1pm-4pm, $129 High School Camp 14-18 years ............9am-12pm, $129 Marshfield Fall Soccer Co-sponsored with the Marshfield Youth Soccer Association. A soccer program for kids going into grades K to 6 in the fall. Game times vary each week, but will not start before 11:30 a.m. Sign up early for this one! Sundays August 14 – Oct. 2 (no September 4) Griese Park Grades K to 1 .......................9100.201 Grades 2 to 3 ........................9101.201 Grades 4 to 6 ........................9102.201 $25.00 if registered by July 7 $30.00 July 8 – 17 $35.00 after July 17 “Parks & Recreation The Benefits are Endless...”™ NEW! UW Challenge Brazilian Soccer Camp TetraBrazil age-specific sessions gives each player a solid foundation in all the basic skills of the game. Special attention is given to fast footwork, combination plays and Brazilian moves with mastery of advanced techniques, game tactics and FUN! Monday – Friday, July 11 – 15 UW-Marshfield/Wood County Soccer Field Half Day 10-14 years .............9am-12pm $145 14-18 years ............. 1pm-4pm, $145 For either camp register at by 5/27 to receive a FREE replica jersey. A $10 late fee is applied to all registrations made after 7/1. For additional information contact UW/Marshfield Continuing Education at or call 715-389-6520. - 15 - Elks Soccer Shoot Marshfield Elks Lodge 665 invites boys and girls under age 13 to show off their soccer skills! Sunday, August 28th Griese Park Registration on site 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Contact Josh Kilty at 715-305-5629 for more information. SUMMER 2016 UW Challenger British Soccer Camp Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING 7-on-7 Passing League Athletes entering grades 9 to 12 will improve passing game skills in an 8-week competitive program. Registration deadline: Wed., May 18 June 1 – July 13 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. Marshfield Senior High Practice Fields $125.00/team Football Fundamentals This program will focus on basic fundamentals for the game of football. Sessions will consist of a period of fundamental work for various positions, and will conclude with a 7-on-7 passing game every day. This program is for all students interested in playing football or just wanting to have some summer fun. Tuesdays & Thursdays: June 14, 21, 28, 30, July 5, 7, 12, 14 Marshfield Sr. High Football Field Grades 3 to 5 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. .....................9200.201 Grades 6 to 8 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. .......................9200.202 Residents: ...................................$30.00 Non-Residents: ...........................$45.00 Marshfield Football Perimeter & Lineman Camp Hosted by the University of WisconsinStevens Point. Registration forms available at the Parks & Recreation office or website. Monday- Thursday, July 18 – 21 Marshfield Senior High Grades 4 to 8 ............ 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. $40.00 Grades 9 to 12 .......... 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. $60.00 Rich Seubert Football Camp All youth entering grades 3-8 are welcome to attend. A portion of the proceeds will support the Celine Seubert Endowment for Cardiology Research at Marshfield Clinic. Stations for the camp will include: proper running, blocking, tackling and catching drills, and a timed obstacle course. See camp flyer on web for date. Please contact Joe Konieczny at 715-305-9839 or for more information. Contact Denny Goettl at 715-676-2109 or Marshfield Area Youth Football & Cheerleading Boys and girls grades 1 - 4 play nocontact flag football. Boys and girls in grades 5 - 6 play 11-person, full-pad football. Cheerleaders also needed! Register online at Contact Derek Freis at 715-305-4271 or email For more information, contact Dennis at 715-676-2109 or e-mail Football and Cheerleading Columbus Youth Football and Cheer is an exciting program built on the premise of developing teamwork, sportsmanship and team spirit for youth athletes. This program is open to ALL private, public and home school students between 8 and 12 (As of September 1, 2016). For more information, please contact Joe Konieczny at 715-305-9839 or e-mail or Dan McGiveron at 715-897-0343. Registration forms for all camps listed on this page can be picked up at the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Office, or online at Click on “Departments,” then “Parks & Recreation,” and choose “Registration Forms”. - 16 - Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: POOL BUS TRIP, HEFKO RUNNING & DISC GOLF Summer Fun Runs Co-sponsored by UW Continuing Education. We will depart from and return to Oak Avenue Community Center. Come join your friends for a fun run of a ½ mile at S.J. Miller ler Park. Milwaukee Zoo Trip Fees include admission and coach bus transportation. Meals are NOT included. Trip will include a dinner stop at a fast food restaurant on the way home. Participants may bring their own lunches and snacks if desired. Participants 17 & under must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian. Signed permission from a parent or guardian is required for anyone under 18 years of age. Secure Your Spot - Register Early! Forty people must register by deadline for trip to run. Learning at the Zoo is fun! The Milwaukee Zoo offers entertaining and educational opportunities for everyone to get a closer look at nature and the animal kingdom! Tuesday, August 9 Depart: 7:30 am Return: 8:30 pm All ages Wednesdays July 6 – August 10 7:00 p.m. S.J. Miller Shelter FREE For more information call Dan Akin at 715-389-2328. Arby's Dairyfest Fling Double round of 18 holes singles tournament. Professional, Amateur, & Recreational Divisions with sub classes of Men, Women, & Masters or Juniors. Sunday, June 5 Braem Park 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. – Registration 9:15 a.m. – Players meeting 9:30 a.m. – Tournament starts For more information contact Dave Tiffany (715) 207-3539 or Jake Marx (715) 305-1341 “Parks & Recreation The Benefits are Endless...”™ Under 3 8101.203....................................$29.00 3 - 12 years/over 65 8101.201....................................$41.00 13 - 65 years 8101.202....................................$44.00 E Experience i Disc Golf Disc golf courses? hat's In Marshfield? That's right! Marshfield is home to two fantastic disc golf courses. Take up a new sport this summer and learn disc golf! Instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc or Frisbee. Instead of a ground target, players try to throw their disc into a metal pole and basket target. The player who sinks their disc with the fewest number of strokes (throws) wins. Disc golf is easy, fun, and affordable for people of all ages and skill levels. Visit the 18-hole course at Braem Park and the 9-hole course at Wildwood Park (near Hefko Pool) and give it a try! Summer Disc Golf League Weekly random player pairings happen at 6:15 p.m. (sharp!) in the Braem shelter. A great chance for newcomers and experienced players alike to have fun at an organized group level. Registration deadline: August 2 by 4 p.m. After deadline, add $5.00 Players 11 yrs. and up will be randomly paired up to play 18 holes of disc golf. Participate in one or all sessions. Michelle M. Nikolay NMLS #222301 GSF Mortgage Corp. 507 N. Central Ave. • Suite 1 Marshfield, WI 54449 • NMLS #1166205 Office: 715-384-7900 • Cell: 715-305-0050 Email: • • • • SUMMER 2016 016 Bus Trip Best Shot Random Doubles Tuesdays, May 3 – July 26 6:00 p.m. Braem Park Disc Golf Course Player assignment @ 6:15 p.m. FREE Lived in rural Auburndale entire life Mortgage Originator for 17 years Involved in community activities Specializing in first-time home buyer and government loan programs This is not an offer to make a loan or to make a loan on any particular terms. All loan applicants must qualify under the underwriting requirements and satisfy all contingencies of loan approval. GSF Mortgage Corp., NMLS#1018. 15430 Capitol Drive | Brookfield, WI 53005. Equal Housing Lender - 17 - For more information contact Dave Tiffany ................ (715) 207-3539 or Jake Marx ............... (715) 305-1341 Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 YOUTH/ADULT GOLF Golf Instruction for Women Ladies, here's the perfect opportunity for you to learn golf! You will be introduced to all the fundamentals of the game. Learn the grip, stance, swing, rules, and more in six weeks! Lessons include two complimentary rounds of golf. Wednesdays, May 4 – June 8 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ....................6200.201 Youth Golf Lessons (Ages 6 – 14) This instructional program will introduce your child to the game of golf. First class held at the Clubhouse; all others at the Learning Center. Adult participation is required. Sundays Marshfield Country Club Limit: 12 Beginner May 1 – May 22 Ages 6 – 10 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. ....................6206.201 Ages 10 – 14 6:00 – 6:45 p.m .....................6206.204 Advanced June 5 – June 26 6:00 – 6:45 p.m. ....................6206.203 $25.00 per child (parent free) Do I Need Golf Clubs For Lessons? If you have your own clubs bring 1 iron, 1 wood & putter. Otherwise clubs will be provided for lessons. First class held at Marshfield Country Club Golf Range (Hwy H). Limit: 15 $40.00 Golf Camp (ages 9 – 15) An intensive week of golf training. Participants will be introduced in methods of grip, set-up, swing fundamentals, pitching, chipping and putting. The 9-hole golf course will be used for on-course instruction, rules, etiquette, and tournament play. Tuesday – Friday July 26 – July 29 ...................6219.202 $150.00 Marshfield Country Club Limit: 16 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. • 9:00 – Noon Instruction • Noon – 1:00 lunch (included) • 1:00 – 3:00 course instruction & play “Parks & Recreation The Benefits are Endless...”™ Barry L. Cole D.D.S. 1807 Prairie Drive Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 Phone 715-387-1724 Email: - 18 - City of Marshfield is on Facebook Become a fan today! DNR Safety Education Courses Log on to for more extensive course descriptions, requirements, certificates, and more information on On-Line Courses, as well as courses scheduled in surrounding communities. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL HORSESHOES, BOXING & PICKLE BALL Pickleball Sponsored by the Marshfield Horseshoe League. Lighted horseshoe courts. Created with one thing in mind: fun! It was designed to be easy to learn and play whether you’re young or old or somewhere in between. The game is played on a badminton-sized court with special Pickleball paddles. The ball used is similar to a whiffle ball, but slightly smaller. The lower net and whiffle ball allow the game to be accessbile to people of all ages and abilites, while still allowing more competitive players to test their skills. Season runs May 24 to July 26 Tuesday nights League starts at 6:45 p.m. Braem Park Horseshoe Courts Men's & Women's Singles: ......$15.00 Junior League (6 – 18 yrs.) .........$2.00 Organizational meeting held May 3rd at 6:30 p.m. in the main meeting room of the library. Contact Sonia Cook at 715-384-5540, for more information. AUGUST 5, 2016! August 5 Take a swing at boxing! Open to anyone ages 10 to 34. Run by the Marshfield Boxing Club at Gust Gym. Fee includes USA Boxing Membership and insurance. A child can start at anytime Tuesdays & Thursdays April 19 – September 1st 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Oak Avenue Community Center Mark Your Calendar! The Fall Program Brochure comes outt Boxing B i April 11 - October 6 Oak Avenue Community Center Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Thursdays: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. No Pickleball: 6/23 & 8/9 $2.50 Drop-In fee 10 tickets for $22.00, purchase in office only $50.00 USA Boxing membership -Including insurance 2016 Contact Dick Hannum at 715-897-1567 for more information. For more information about this program please contact Marshfield Parks & Recreation Office at 715-384-4642. Marshfield’s Only E E R F N E GLUT Bakery Breads Cookies Cakes Pastries Muffins Here for you - Join Us! “Baked Fresh Daily” In Our SEPARATE Gluten Free Kitchen Personal & Home Loans Home Equity Loans Commercial & Agricultural Loans Checking, Savings, & CDs IRA & HSA Accounts Debit & Credit Cards ATM Services Online Banking 409 N. Chestnut Ave., Suite 14 Marshfield, WI Marshfield • 715-384-4005 Spencer • 715-659-2430 Monday-Thursday: 8:30-4:30, Friday 8:30-6:00, Saturday 8:30-12:00 p.m. MEMBER EQUAL HOUSING LENDER FDIC - 19 - HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30am-2pm Thursdays 6:30am to 6:30 pm Saturday 7:00am to Noon SUMMER 2016 Horseshoe Pitching League Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 ADULT SOFTBALL, BIKING, & JAZZERCISE Jazzercise Adult Softball Leagues Jazzercise is an exercise class that includes a gentle warm-up, 30-minute aerobic workout, muscle toning, and strengthening segment with weights and a stretch finale. The Marshfield Softball Association is offering adult 12" slow-pitch softball leagues for those 16 years of age and older. Leagues run Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Marshfield Fairgrounds. Men's upper, middle, and lower, women's and youth leagues will be offered. The 14-week schedule will run from early May 2 through August 4, 2016 (pending weather conditions). Teams from last year are given priority when filling leagues. New teams will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. All new teams and any individuals looking to be placed on an adult softball team should contact Gordie Adler at 715-384-9176. Marshfield St. Alban's Episcopal Church 1413 S. Felker Ave. 715-387-1979 – Karen Mondays & Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m. Thursdays (every other) @ 5:30 p.m. For July schedule, please call instructor. Group Bike Riding Get your bike ready! The distance of each ride will vary as the summer progresses. Each ride starts at The Sports Den at 6:00 p.m. Family to Intermediate Group Rides will be offered. Call the Sports Den at 715-384-8313 or for more information. B I CY C L E S SKIS C L OT H I N G S N OW S H O E S S N OWB OA R D S F IT N E S S S KAT E B OA R D S M-T-W 9am-6pm Th-F 9am-8pm; Sat 9am-5pm 1202 South Central Avenue Marshfield, WI 54449 Dennis Riedel phone 715-384-8313 cell 715-207-9904 fax 715-384-3318 email )5(( 0$56+),(/'/2&$7,21 67$/%$16&+85&+ 6((6&+('8/(217+,63$*( &$// JAZZERCISE (0$,/-=.$5(1#*0$,/&20 - $==(5&,6(&20_),7,6,7 21(0217+ 2 UNLIMITED :LWKWKLVFRXSRQ Healthy Choices at McDonalds ([SLUHV - 20 - 1101 N. Central Ave., Marshfield Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: POOL SKATEPARK HEFKO & SKATEBOARD LESSONS Learn how to ride the ramps and rails at the Skatepark! We will review Skatepark rules and proper etiquette. Helmet and knee pads required. Elbow pads strongly recommended. All Skatepark and other city park rules will apply. Bring your own skateboard. Mondays, Wednesdays, & Friday July 25 – Aug. 3 Marshfield Skatepark Limit: 14 Beginner For those 8 and up with little or no experience on a skateboard. 8:15 – 9:05 a.m. ....................6300.201 Advanced Beginner Learn how to drop-in, ollie, kick-flip, grind, and other basic tricks! 9:15 – 10:05 a.m. ..................6301.201 Residents ....................................$25.00 Non-Residents ............................$37.50 Lights at the Skatepark are on an automatic timer and are set from 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 905 N. Cedar Ave. Marshfield, WI Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Weather-permitting) Come ride the ramps and rails at the Skatepark! Located at Braem Park on the corner of Ives and Cedar, the Skatepark is the place to be if you're into skateboarding, rollerblading, and BMX biking. Skatepark Rules · Park is for rollerbladers, skateboarders, & BMX bikers only. · This park is recommended for ages 6 and above. · Proper protective gear such as helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads are strongly recommended. · Skate/bike one at a time. Be respectful of others using the Skatepark. · Skate/bike at your own risk. · Spectators are to stay outside the fenced area. · No food or drinks allowed inside the fenced area. · No excessive music or loud/vulgar language. · Alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs are strictly prohibited. · Graffiti, stickers, vandalism, or other destructive behavior will NOT be tolerated. · No unauthorized obstacles or materials such as ramps or jumps are allowed. · Do not use the park when ice, snow, or other unsafe conditions are present. · All other City of Marshfield park rules are to be abided by. Buy 5 lunch entrées, get the 6th free! Sign up at or 715.715.387.2711 - 21 - SUMMER 2016 Skateboard Lessons (Ages 8 & up) Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 OLDER ADULT LIFESTYLES MSCC Board Meetings: The Marshfield Senior Citizen Council meets the 1st Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Center. Monthly Potluck/Social: 4th Tuesday of each month at Noon. Senior Community Center Chess: 503 E. Ives., Marshfield (Former Hallmark Store in Marshfield Mall) 715-486-2055 Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Welcome to everyone age 50 and older! No membership required! The Center features different activities and programs held throughout the year. Pick up a newsletter at the monthly potluck. • Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Monthly Social: An informal gathering of craft enthusiasts meet every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. 2nd Monday of each month from 10:00 am. – Noon. Meet and greet social. Coffee & Rolls will be served. Come find out what the center has to offer. Exercise Classes & Tai Chi: Open Pool: See page 23 The Center has two pool tables available for use during regular hours. Leagues are played in the fall & winter/spring. Craft Tyme: Square Dancing: Aquacise: Intermediate square dance group that meets Thursdays 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. No partner needed! Fee to dance, watching FREE! Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. Marshfield Senior High Pool (See page 6) Bingo: • Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. • 2nd Friday following Brunch Brunch: 2nd Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Speaker to follow. Card Parties: Polish Poker • Mondays at 1:00 p.m. Sheepshead • 1st & 3rd Wed. at 1:00 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Sun. at 1:00 p.m. Smear • Fridays at 1:00 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Sun. at 1:00 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Wed. at 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot • Tuesdays @ 10 a.m. • Sundays @ 1 p.m. Wii Bowling: Fitness Area: We have a treadmill, stationary bikes, hand weights and more. The room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Anyone wishing to set-up an appointment to be shown how to use the equipment should call 715-486-2043 and talk to Kelly. Health Screening: Get a FREE reading of your blood sugar levels and blood pressure the 4th Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Mark Your Calendar! Senior Health Fair FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 Jr. Fair Expo Bldg. Doors Open at 9 a.m. - 22 - September 30 2016 Join others for a game of bowling on the Wii (no heavy ball). Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. – Noon Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: OLDER HEFKO ADULTPOOL LIFESTYLES CLASSES FOR 2016 Exercise E i P Program** An exercise program designed to help those who have joint and/or muscle problems achieve improved joint mobility, muscle strength and endurance in order to improve the performance of their daily activities. Tues. & Thurs. 9:00 – 10:00 am Session 1: May 3 - June 30 No class 5/10, 5/24, 5/31 & 6/2 Class held on 5/9, 5/23 Session II: July 12 - Sept. 1 No class 7/26, 8/23 Class held on 7/25, 8/22 $3.00 a class or 16 for $42.00 Tai Chi* Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise that combines relaxed, fluid movement with a calm, alert mental state. It is a non-impact exercise that builds endurance and enhances flexibility, balance and coordination. Tai Chi can be practiced by most people of all ages and most physical conditions. Regular practice helps develop healthy breathing patterns and relaxation skills, while also strengthening the body with minimal stress to the joints, and improving coordination and strength. Tues. & Thurs. 10:15 – 11:15 am Session 1: May 3 - June 23 No class 5/10, 5/24, 5/31 & 6/2 Class will be held on 5/9, 5/23 Session II: July 12 - Sept. 1 No class 7/26, 8/23 Class held on 7/25, 8/22 $3.00 a class or 16 for $42.00 Class schedule may change. Please call 715-486-2043 prior to joining a class! of Central Wisconsin If you have balance problems, have had a fall or have a fear of falling, this class is for you. Stepping On: Building Balance and Reducing Falls, is a program which covers exercises to build strength and improve balance, plus education on how to manage medications, home safety, changes in vision and balance, community safety, footwear and travel. Join us for this fun and interactive program. Class meets 1 time per week for 2 hours. Living Well with Chronic Conditions* Sick and tired of being sick and tired? This program is encouraged for those who suffer from any chronic condition. Living Well with Chronic Conditions provides the tools to help manage symptoms and overcome obstacles. Subjects covered include: techniques to deal with fatigue, pain and isolation; appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance; appropriate use of medications; communicating effectively with family, friends and health professionals; nutrition; and making informed treatment decisions. Classes meet for 2 ½ hours once a week for 6 weeks. - 23 - Promotes choice and independence through information, personalized options counseling, advocacy, and access to services which prevent, delay, and lesson the impacts of aging and disabilities. We serve adults age 60 years and older and individuals age 17 years 6 months or older with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental health concerns, substance abuse issues, as well as their families, caregivers, and friends. Interpreter service available. Office located at 300 S Peach Avenue, Marshfield. 715-3848479 Meals on Wheels and Chore Provider Services are available. Strong Bones Strong Bones is an ongoing exercise program designed to help adults become or stay fit, strong, and healthy. Individuals will improve muscle strength, bone density, selfconfidence, sleep and vitality. Also, participants have shown a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression and obesity. Class meets 2 times per week for 1 hour. SUMMER 2016 These programs are brought to you by the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin. For more information call 1-888-486-9545 or 715-384-8479. Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department WILDWOOD ZOO Zoo Hours "To provide professional and responsible care of animals while offering the community the understanding of our partnership with nature and the environment through animal exhibitry, conservation, education, and recreation." April 1 - May 29 Daily ...................7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. SUMMER 2016 Mission Statement Memorial Day - September 4 Daily ...................7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Labor Day - October 31 Daily ...................7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 608 W. 17th Street Located on Highway 13 South (turns into Central Ave.) about 1/4-mile north of 29th St., or off West 17th St. & South Adams Ave. Wildwood Zoo Sensory Gardens The Zoo is home to unique sensory gardens that include a wide variety of flowering and non-flowering plants designed to encourage the visitor to experience the senses of sight, sound, smell, and touch. Animals to See At Wildwood Zoo Core Zoo: · Kodiak Bears · Mountain Lions · Canada Lynx · Prairie Dogs · Great Horned Owls · Sandhill Cranes · Mute Swan · Turkey Vulture · Bald Eagles · Peregrine Falcons · Canada Geese · Wood Ducks · Mallard Ducks · Arctic Fox · Gray Fox · Rough-legged Hawks · Red-tailed Hawks · Screech Owl Large Animal Drive: · American Bison · Timber Wolves · American Elk · White-tailed Deer · Bighorn Sheep 1200 South Oak Ave. • Marshfield 715-384-3326 We’re on the Web!! We Ma Our Owkne Restaurant Hours Open Daily at 6:00 am Full Breakfast, Lunch & Supper Menu. Daily specials! Call Us s il For Deta on Birthdaynd a Parties e Privat Parties Skateland Hours Thursday 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Saturday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm & 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm Sunday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Summer hours vary. 715-384-5125 Fax: 715-384-7583 907 S. Central Ave. Marshfield, WI 54449 - 24 - Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL WILDWOOD ZOO 2016 Wild Wednesdays! Visit Wildwood Zoo on Wednesdays this summer for a series of FREE educational programs, sponsored by the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department and area sponsors! Programs last approximately 45 minutes at Wildwood Station, 1800 S. Roddis Ave. Held rain or shine! Concessions and our zoo store will be available. DATES th PROGRAMS June 15 June 22nd June 29th July 13th July 20th July 27th August 3rd August 10th August 17th TIMES Wildlife Rehab (Northwoods Wildlife Center) 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Minnesota Zoomobile 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Farming Around with the Medford FFA 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Raptor Education Group Inc. (REGI) 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Nature Niche (Dino) 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Zoozort 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Wild About Llamas 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Laughing with the Animals (David Strokes) 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. Marshfield Police Department K-9 Program Thanks to our sponsors: Associated Bank, Athens Veterinary Service, Baum’s Mercantile of Pittsville, BMO Harris Bank, Marshfield Country Store, Chips Restaurant, Dalco Enterprises Inc., El Mezcal Restaurant, International Association of Firefighters - Local 1021, Marshfield Professional Police Association, Marshfield Rotary, Marshfield Teacher’s Association, Nasonville Dairy Inc., ProVision Partners, Rogers Cinema, Marshfield Zoological Society, and Marshfield Parks and Recreation Department Call the Parks & Recreation office at 715-384-4642 ext. 0 for additional information or visit us on the web at Zoo Education Coordinator at 715-486-2059 for more information. 2016 WILD WEDNESDAYS! - 25 - SUMMER 2016 Wildwood Park Zoological Society is proud to annouce.... Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 WILDWOOD ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volunteer at Wildwood Park & Zoo Join The Zoological Society! MEMBERSHIPS Check One: Friend of Zoo. . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 Zoo Supporter. . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00 Zoo Associate . . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 Zoo Partner . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 Zoo Patron . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200.00 Zoo Ambassador. . . . . . . . .$300.00 Zoological Society Contact Tom at 715-384-2261 for anything on this page. Address ________________________ City ________ State ____ Zip_______ Phone Number ___________________ Mail form & check to: Wildwood Zoological Society P.O. Box 523, Marshfield, WI 54449 Love to work with kids? We offer outdoor projects, tours, and special hands-on projects for children. Perhaps you are retired and would like to share your valuable skills with the community. Volunteers make our community a better place to live! Name__________________________ E-mail __________________________ Let us know what your talents or interests are! Do you like to grow flowers and work in the dirt? We have sensory gardens that are home to a variety of butterflies and can be utilized for environmental education programs. Get tips from a horticulturalist as you volunteer with us! October 8, 2016 Trick-OrTreating Event! Call the Parks & Recreation Department at 715-384-4642 ext. 0 to have your name added to our volunteer list. All volunteers must be 16 years or older. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Kids get to go trick or treating at the zoo and learn about the animals’ diets! $5.00/family Hayrides, Pumpkin Patch, Concession Stand, Petting Zoo, Bio-Facts & More! Adopt An Animal WE HAVE TWO LEVELS OF ADOPTION: Visit the Parks & Recreation Website __$35 Level – 5 x 7 photo, certificate signed by zoo keeper, animal fact sheet, and your name will appear on the zoo website as one of our animal adopters. __$50 Level – Everything in above level, plus a metal sign (approximately 16.5” x 13”) Need an additional registration form? Download one from our website! (Sign will feature the adopter’s name, an image of the adopted animal and adoption year. You can pick up upon completion. You will be recognized for your adoption on a name plate under a sign similar to the one you purchased that is placed on the animal’s enclosure.) To be a part of this program visit: or call Tom at 715-384-2261 - 26 - Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL COMMUNITY EVENTS SUMMER 2016 JOIN US FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND Food • Games • Hay Rides Petting Zoo • Bounce House And Much More! SATURDAY, JUNE 18 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. $5/family suggested donation Visit: FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Fabulous 4th of July fireworks display! Marshfield Fairgrounds • Mayor’s Breakfast, 5:00-10:00 a.m. Columbia Park • Picnic in the Park, 5:00-8:30 p.m. • YMCA’s Kid’s Fun Run, 5:45 p.m. • Movies in the Park, dusk South Central Avenue • Sidewalk Art, (afternoon) Sponsored by Festival Foods Show begins at 10 p.m. FAMILY FUN DAY Sponsored by Marshfield Clinic SATURDAY, JUNE 4 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Marshfield Fairgrounds Park Marshfield Fairgrounds (Food, crafts, & fun for all.) • YMCA’s Cheese Chase, 7:00 a.m. • Arts & Crafts, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. • UW-Madison Band 5th Quarter, 1:30 p.m. • Lip Sync Contest, 3:00 p.m. South Central Avenue • Gigantic parade, 11:00 a.m. • Inflatables galore, fun for kids of all ages • KB Magical Productions wandering the grounds with magic and ballooning • Concessions on the grounds • Live Music Visit go to eventssponsorships for a full listing - 27 - Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Indoor Walks Check out the walking path at the Marshfield Mall! This walking program is geared for adults who are interested in staying or getting in shape while being surrounded by a secure climate-controlled environment. It makes a perfect place for friends to meet and walk together before shops open! 2016 Movies in the Park event dates: • Friday, June 3rd at Columbia Park Monday – Friday7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Holiday hours vary) • Friday, June 24th at Marshfield Fairgrounds Park (Drive-in style event) Wisconsin Marshfield Area • Friday, August 12th at Columbia Park Concessions will be available on the grounds and benefit various community organizations at each event. For more information or event updates, call the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry at (715) 384-3454. Like us on Facebook at “Movies in the Park – Marshfield, WI.” The Marshfield Area Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with cognitive disabilities. Participation in Special Olympics improves physical fitness and motor skills, heightens self-confidence, influences a more positive self-image, and offers friendships and increased family support. Sports Offered: Bowling, Bocce, Basketball, Softball, Track & Field, Power Lifting, Swimming & Flag Football. Volunteer coaches needed for sports. Call the Marshfield Area Special Olympics at 715-323-1219 or e-mail Randy at Clearly See The Difference! 715-502-3464 The Marshfield Civic Band, under the direction of Robert Johanek, will fill the skies with music this summer during a series of FREE concerts! Dairyfest concert at Columbia Park Bandshell will be held Friday, June 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Weekly Concerts at Columbia Park Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. starting June 15. • Friday, July 29th at Downtown Marshfield (between 300-400 blocks) 1645 N. Central Avenue Marshfield WI 54449 (In Century 21 Suites building) Civic Band Music in the Park Mon: 8-4, Tue & Wed: 9-5 Th: 9-6, Fri: 8-4 Other hours by appointment Dr. Katie Bluhm Call For An Appointment - 28 - "Connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in the Marshfield Area." The Marshfield Area Community Foundation has proven to be an important partner of the City of Marshfield for individuals who wish to enhance and improve recreational opportunities in our community. If you would like more information regarding how you can help, please contact the Marshfield Area Community Foundation at 715-384-9029 or write to P.O. Box 456, Marshfield, WI 54449. Marshfield Area Friends of the Trails "To promote a fully integrated, nonmotorized trail system which supports improving health, and provide recreation and commutability within Marshfield and neighboring communities." Marshfield Area Friends of the Trails meetings are open to the public and held the first Wednesday of each month at the Marshfield Public Library, 211 E. 2nd St., Marshfield at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Dan Umhoefer at 715-3849373 or visit their website at See page 30 & 31 for current trail information. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL Over the years the stock of Superior Gas Service Inc has been passed down from generation to generation. The Mitten family has had 4 generations on our board of directors to date. The family owned business still has the same values and practices as we did in 1956. Our once small business has turned into the largest locally owned and operated propane dealer in our area. We service over 2500 customers and we are still growing because of the close ties with the local heating contractors, appliance dealers, and builders. For further information please call or stop in to speak with Ron Johnson or the office staff about any questions or concerns. - 29 - SUMMER 2016 212 W. 14th Street, Marshfield, WI 715-387-8020 Superior Gas Service Inc was founded in June 1956 by Clarence Mitten Sr., Herman Kaufman, Donald Tremelling, Henry Maurer, and Clarence Mitten Jr. Our first bulk delivery truck was a 1955 Dodge. The manager, Willard Anderson, had little competition at the time, so with the help of some of the heating companies and appliance dealers the company grew. Many people were converting from fuel oil to propane at this time. Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department 2.2 Braem Park 905 N Cedar Ave 33 Columbia Park 201 W Arnold St 2.5 Connor Park 1812 E Blodgett St 5.5 Forest Ridge Park 1137 W Blodgett St 3 Grant Mini Park 601 Oak Ave 1 Griese Park 1001 E 29th St 25 Hamus Nature Preserve & Recreation Area 201 Wilderness View Dr 32 Joe & Bernadine Weber’s Nature Park 2901 W 5th St 37 Marshfield Fairgrounds Park 513 E 17th St 45 Northern Hills Park 1601 Broadway Ave 0.5 Pickle Pond Park 713 E Arnold St 1.5 Praschak Wayside 2209 S Central Ave 0.5 Steve J. Miller Recreation Area 501 W 4th St 21 Strohman Park 600 S Central Ave 0.4 Veterans Park 206 Park St Wildwood Park 1800 S Roddis Ave 130 Wildwood Zoo 608 W 17th St 30 Zoo 1703 Waushara Dr Trails 1.2 Benedict Park Tennis Courts Address 805 S Hemlock Ave Soccer Fields Park/Facility Name 8th & Hemlock Park Skatepark Shelters Restrooms Swimming Pool Playground Picnic Area Ice-Rink Horseshoe Pit Helicopter Exhibit Disc Golf Course Basketball Court Ballfield Bandshell Acreage SUMMER 2016 PARKS 2 TRAILS Galvin Avenue Trail McMillan Marsh Trail Wildwood Park Trails A 10-foot-wide, 1-mile long asphalt trail located between Becker Road and nearly to 4th Street. On-road bike lane from Becker Road to McMillan Street. Located north of Marshfield off Mann Road at the McMillan Marsh Wildlife Area, this trail boasts a distance of 6.25 miles with a surface combination of crushed lime and gravel. The McMillan Marsh Trail is open May 1 until September 1. Wildwood Park contains a number of trails of both granite and asphalt suitable for biking and walking. Griese Park Trail Located at Griese Park, 1001 E. 29th Street, the trail is a 3/4-mile long, 8-footwide, asphalt surface. Hamus Nature Preserve & Recreation Area Located at 210 Wilderness View Dr. just north of V&H Ford. This 32-acre area is managed by Marshfield Utilities and includes 1 mile of asphalt trails and over 1.5 miles of natural surface trails. Joe & Bernadine Weber’s Nature Park Trails This 37-acre city park accessible at the corner of Holly Avenue and 5th Street includes a .3-mile asphalt trail plus over 1.5 miles of natural surface trails. Millcreek Business Park Trail Located on Marshfield’s southside. Preferred access to trail is at 29th & Apple. This trail is a 10-foot-wide asphalt surface approximately 2.6 miles long. Prairie Run Trail A 10-foot-wide asphalt trail located at Adams Ave. and McMillan St. UW-Mfld/Wood Cty Arboretum Located at the west end of 8th Street, this trail is approximately 2 miles long and has a granite surface. No bikes allowed. Wildwood Station Trail This 10-foot-wide, 1-mile long asphalt trail can be found between Sycamore and Oak Avenue. How can you help improve our trails? The Marshfield Area Community Foundation has funds for trail projects. Contact the Foundation at 715-384-9029 to learn more about how to make a donation. Send it to: P.O. Box 456, Marshfield, WI 54449 for trail improvements. Veterans Parkway Trail This 10-foot-wide asphalt trail can be found on the south side of Veterans Parkway between Oak Avenue and 29th Street. The trail is 3 miles long. - 30 - A variety of volunteer opportunities exist. Help improve the trails! See page 28 for information on Friends of the Trails. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: 9/18/2015 Deer Run Ave Peach er X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Wa Ka th erin e u s Ct hara Je an Hume Galvin Ave Apple Cen tral Palmetto Av e Chestnut Ave Peach Ave Irene Anton Ave Anton Meadow Ln Hume Auburn Hin man Ju n o Willo w Bluebird Ln Hume Juniper Weber Pa lm etto Ap p le Purd y Galvin Ave Wil low Commerce Dr d Dr Enterprise Nikolai Yellowstone Dr H A Washington Ave Airpark Rd Milling Ln Laemle Ave Anton Ave Hume Ave Popple Tamarack Washington Ave Felker Ave Maywood Felker Ave 24th 26th St Tamarack Madison t s i de Wallonnie Dr Apple Ave Vine Ave Peachtree Cir Cherry Ave Cedar Ave Central Ave Cedar Ave Elm Pe a ch Ave Apple Ave Erickson Ave Palmetto Ave Hemlock Ave al A ve Ce n tr Cedar Ave Wittman Oak Lincoln Ave Ba n d Ball Sh e ll Bas Field k Dis etb all cG Hor olf s Ic e esh oe s Nat Rin k u Picn re Pla ic Tab ygr le Poo ou n d l Res tr Sh e oo ms lt Sk a er te P So c c ar k Ten er n Tra is ils X 22nd 25th Mallard Ave X X X A H ay X X Ave Short Ln w ar k X X X X X 26th 27th 28th 21st St sP an ter Ve X X X X X X r X X X y X X 24th St s X X X i Mad X X X X X X kw an P X X X X 29th St Green A c 20th 22nd on 35th Dr X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20th 21st ec H 5th St 13 nwin D ow X X 8 4th St Karau Praschak Yellow Riv er Rd X 19th e m m el Ct 25th St 29th 1 - 8th & Hemlock Park 2 - Benedict Park 3 - Braem Park 4 - Columbia Park 5 - Connor Park 6 - Forest Ridge Park 7 - Grant Mini Park 8 - Griese Park 9 - Hamus Nature Preserve BB 10 - Joe & Bernadine Weber's Park 11 - Marshfield Fairgrounds Park 12 - Northern Hills Park 13 - Pickle Pond Park 14 - Praschak Wayside 15 - Steve J Miller Rec Area 16 - Strohman Park 17 - UW-Athletic Fields 18 - Veterans Park 19 - Wildwood Park & Zoo 18th Pheasant Ln Bluebird Ct 4th 14th 15th Anton Ct Meadowbrook 5 8th P Airport Rd B 25th 26th 27th 28th Ea s Cir Tr 14 Fillmore Hume Ct Y Hintz Lawraine sD re 17th St 18th 19th 20th 21st St Ju n Ct o Willo w Ct St Moniq u e Arnold 13 Pkwy H 11 Fillm ore Edis on De p ot 1 14th Emerald St Becker Rd Washington Ct Prospect Locust Ave Av e 16th Tiny Tigers 13 ernut Bu tt 19 15th Rod dis W ildwoo d Ct Balboa Ave 17th St 10th 11 th St 12th 13th Central Ave Devine Dr H Schmidt Ave 13th St 14th St 11th Locust 12th St 8th 9th Cherry Omah a 11th St Forest St 3rd 4th 5th 6th 716 th Map le A ve Ce d ar Ave Ch e rry Ave Vin eA ve 18 Pa rk St Forest Cle vela nd As h Ave State Concord St Mage e Park Clark Severns Arlington St 2nd Oak Ave Pin Sp ru e Av e ce A ve Wa lnu t Ave Ch e stn u tA ve Wisconsin Hardacre Colu mbu s C Drake t Ct Drake Adams Ave Columbus Lincoln Ave Schmidt Ave Maryknoll Ave Birch Ave Cypress Ave Magnolia Dr Sycamore Ave Ley Larch Mulberry Linden Ave Evergreen Hawthorn 17 Ma r Ge o Woods view Wren Rd 8th St t i n Dr r ge Dr Holly Ave 5th St 15 3 Harrison St Holly Ct ry ko Hic 10 4th Upham Trout Rd Walnut Ave Broadway St Adler Rd b ra De McMillan St Wood Co Kalsched Ash Plum Balsam St Joseph Ave hon Western St 2 Ren e Vilas 97 Ha rr iso Gra n nt Fra nk li Ed is n on Do e St Cle ge S ve la t nd Blo St dg e tt 4Arnold St De p St ot 7 Y Westview Fig Oak North Hills W B ro ood ad wa Sh y aw a no Dr ow North St Wood Ave Schmidt Columbus Sawyer Dr Laurel Upham St Leonhard Kalsched St Jefferson St Ives St H e ide e at Mar Y Laird Kalsched Ridge Rd Briarwood St w r vie D r Fai nstad Dr O 6 St Blodgett State St Sunset Marathon Co McMillan St 12 en Chapel Colonial Laird Upham rm Ca Jefferson Ive s St P ra ir ie Pheasan t n ho at ar A mb er D r Adams Ave M 13 Ma l l W il d f La ure Ct l ge nta y wa rk Pa o Fr s an Nelson n AAA Redhawk Ln Sunflower Marathon Co McMillan St Wood Co Wren Rd d g e woo Northridge Ruby Ru 97 Hamus Ed d Wilderness View Dr E Zyg Spencer St R 9 34th St Business Park Ave r te Ve Frey Ave Penney Mann Can dl e w o od e Av pp Po Lincoln Ave er ett Hu City of Marshfield Mann St Joseph Ave Villa le Mann St Williams Meadow Ave Ruhe l Luther Ct Immanuel Ct ey Av e nvi M an Zimmermann Fr 13 Parks and Bike/Pedestrian Trails Corporate Dr Heritage Dr Heritage Dr 13 10 10 10 This is not a legal survey document. This map was compiled by the City of Marshfield’s Geographic Information System based on interpretation of resources to the date printed herein, duplication without consent is prohibited. A F:\Home\GIS\Depts\Public\proj\PublicMaps\NewGISMaps\GISMaps_Parks2.mxd City of Marshfield Parks and Recreation (715) 384-4642 Bike/Pedestrian Trail Coming Soon Bike/PedestrianTrails On-Road Bike Lane - 31 - Parks Park-N-Ride 0 0.25 0.5 Miles 1 SUMMER 2016 Galvin Ave HEFKO TRAIL POOL MAP Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 MARSHFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY Mission Statement Marshfield Public Library 211 E. 2nd St., Marshfield 715-387-8494 Hours: Labor Day – Memorial Day Mon.–Fri. ...........9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday ...........9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday ..............1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hours: Memorial Day - Labor Day Mon.–Fri. ...........9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday............9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday .....................................Closed "Marshfield Public Library provides citizens in the Marshfield area with a comprehensive collection of books and other media that record human knowledge, ideas, and culture. The library's main objectives are to organize materials in an easily accessible manner, to provide qualified staff to offer guidance and encouragement in use of materials, and to make the library a reliable source of information and reference." Story Time The Marshfield Public Library is offering FREE story time sessions. The program is open to children ages 2 & older. Registration forms available in the children's section of the library two weeks before story time begins. Spring Session March 28 – May 13 Summer Session June 153 – July 22 Home to over 160,000 items, the Marshfield Public Library really does have something for everyone! Books, DVD's, videos, CD-ROMS, audio recordings, magazines, newspapers, and equipment for people with special needs make up the bulk of the items available for checkout and use at home. We also provide specialized collections including large print, genealogy, Spanish language materials, and exhibits. Toddling Two's This is a lap-sit program that offers quality one-on-one sharing for a 2-year-old and an adult. It features stories, songs and fingerplays. For the library's over 29,000 registered borrowers from Marshfield, the Town of McMillian, and surrounding areas, the library also has workstations with Internet access, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software, in addition to periodical databases, meeting room space, quiet study areas, and typewriters. Mondays ................10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays................10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Thursdays ................. 6:15 – 6:45 p.m. Friendly, knowledgeable staff provides reference and informational service in person, over the phone 715-3848494, by FAX 715-387-6909), and via email ( Participation in the South Central Library System brings material from around the state to Marshfield through interlibrary loan and delivery services as well as virtual reference services all day, any day, through "Askaway." Visit the Marshfield Public Library and the catalog in person or through our web page. Fridays ...................10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Story Time for all Ages This program invites families as well as individual children of all ages to participate in songs, stories, crafts, and fingerplays. 2016 Summer Library Program: “On Your Mark, Get Set... Read!” Featuring special programs and performers. Registration begins June 6. Contact the Library for more details. Tuesday Night at the Library Save Tuesday nights for fun activities for the whole family at Marshfield Public Library! Each week features a different program, such as crafts, LEGOs, movies, storytimes, games and much more. Stop by or call the library for the current calendar, 715-387-8494 ext. 220. Marshfield Public Library is on the Web: - 32 - Read-to-Me Club Family member or friend will record the amount of time they read to a pre-reading child with a goal of 600 minutes of reading for each child. Reading Club Youth up to age 18 will record on individual cards the amount of time spent reading. The goal is 600 minutes per child. Book Buddies Book Buddies is a program for residents, predominantly the elderly and handicapped who cannot get to the library to select and retrieve material for themselves. The program matches the homebound person with a volunteer who delivers and returns library materials. People interested in receiving or providing this service may contact Mary Adler at the library. Local History & Genealogy The Marshfield Public Library gathers materials on Wood County and the surrounding counties of Marathon & Clark. Research your history using Census records, City Assessment Rolls, Community Histories, Directories, Indexes, Newspapers and Passenger Lists on Microfilm, Plat Books, and Year Books. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HEFKO POOL FACILITY INFORMATION SUMMER 2016 Big Party Ahead and No Place to Have it? Wildwood Station Check out our website for more information: Reserve the Wildwood Station or any of our park shelters for birthday parties, bridal showers, or even wedding receptions! Call us at 715-384-4642 ext. 0 for more information. Wildwood Station (1800 S. Roddis) Reserve the whole building, or just one side (Soo Line Room or Chicago Northwest Room). Pay a rental fee of $90.00 per time period, per room. Time periods: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. Extend to midnight for an additional $30.00 per room. A key deposit of $25.00 will be collected when you pick up your key. Shelters Reserve from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 4:30 to 10:30 p.m. for $33 for the Braem Park, S.J. Miller, Columbia Bandshell, and Labor Council Shelters, and $44 for the Hamus, Weber and Wildwood Shelters. How to Reserve Oak Ave. Community Center (201 S. Oak) Reserve the gym for a volleyball tournament or other event! $135 gym rental fee (athletic event), or $165 (non-athletic event requiring protective mats on gym floors). A key deposit of $25.00 will be collected when you pick up your key. Book between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Also available is use of the dining room. Call for details. Hamus Shelter (201 Wilderness View Dr.) Junior Fair Expo Building at the Marshfield Fairgrounds For a rental fee of $185, you can reserve the Jr. Fair Expo Building for even the largest events! Weddings, auctions – you name it! Book between 8:00 a.m. and midnight. A key deposit of $25.00 will be collected when you pick up your key. Wildwood Shelters I & II (1800 S. Roddis) We have shelters available for use at Braem Park, S.J. Miller Recreation Area, Weber Park, Hamus Nature Preserve & Recreation Area, Columbia Park, and Wildwood Park. Jr. Fair Expo. (A/P) Building (513 E. 17th St.) Our office accepts checks or cash for facility rentals. We do accept credit or debit cards with a fee. All rental fees are to be paid within two weeks of making your reservation. - 33 - Call the Parks & Recreation Department at 715-384-4642 ext. 0 or stop by to inquire about any date or facility. Reservations can be made over the phone. Rental fees must be paid within two weeks. A key deposit of $25 for all buildings must be paid at time of key pick up. Facility rental information also available on the web. Go to: • Departments • Parks & Recreation • Parks, Facilities, Rentals & Rates • Facility Information Call us with any questions! We'll help you find the perfect building or shelter for your special event! Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department SUMMER 2016 DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Fee Policy Insurance & Liability Parks & Recreation Department activities are supported through taxes paid by City of Marshfield residents. All participants not residing within the corporate city limits of Marshfield are charged according to the formula below. Participation in any recreational activity carries with it a certain degree of risk. We urge all participants to have adequate insurance coverage and doctor examinations before signing up for any program. The Department does not provide insurance for people enrolled in its’ activities. • Non-Residents: Persons residing outside the city limits are charged 1½ times the resident fee. • Fee Policy Exception: Swimming lessons will be at the YMCA at Member/City Resident/ Non-Member rates. Please register through the YMCA for all swimming lessons. • Class fees will NOT be prorated. 24-Hour Information Line 715-387-6409 At your convenience 24 hours a day! Listen for updates on pool hours, cancellations, time changes, etc. For additional information, please call the office weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 715-384-4642 ext 0. “Parks & Recreation The Benefits are Endless...”™ Right 2 Play 4 All A non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to families in need of assistance with the cost of athletic activities. If you or someone you know needs help paying for registration or equipment, contact the Marshfield Area United Way. All applications will be reviewed and families will be notified upon approval. For more information please call our office at 715-384-9992. To apply go Parks & Recreation Department City Hall Plaza 630 S. Central Ave. Suite 201R Marshfield, WI 54449 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 715-384-4642 ext. 0 Holiday Closings The Parks & Recreation Department Office will be closed on the following days: • Monday, May 30th • Monday, July 4th • Monday, September 5th Activity Changes/Schedules Due to circumstances beyond our control, some activities may require time or location changes. All participants will be notified, if possible, if a change or cancellation does occur. Class Cancellations In the event of inclement weather, all daytime program cancellations will be announced on our Information Line at 715-387-6409, on our website at: • Departments • Parks & Recreation • Closures, Cancellations & Make-Ups (before 5:00 p.m.). For events cancelled after 5:00 p.m., please listen to WDLB-1450 AM. Scholarship Program The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department believes all individuals, regardless of financial means, should be able to participate in recreational programs. Because of this, we work to provide affordable programs through scholarships. For more information, please call Kelly at 715-486-2043. - 34 - Let Us See You Smile! Our staff may take pictures of participants enjoying our parks and programs. Please be aware that these pictures are only for Parks & Recreation Department use for future program brochures and flyers. Software Due to a software change, we are now required to obtain an e-mail address and birthdays for all customers. This information will not be shared and is for Parks & Recreation use only. Also, if you include your cell carrier, we can text program cancellations to you! We Need You! The Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department has many part-time job opportunities available. Many of the jobs have flexible hours and can be planned around your schedule. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, a new retiree, or anyone in-between, the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department may have the opportunity you’re looking for! Who is a City of Marshfield Resident? A Marshfield resident is defined as someone whose home lies within the City of Marshfield city limits. If you are a homeowner, you can confirm you are a Marshfield resident if you pay your property taxes at Marshfield City Hall Plaza. If you are renting a home or apartment and want to confirm residency, just call or stop in and give us your street address. We can check the city register to confirm that you are a city resident. Phone: 715-384-4642 • Website: HOW TO SIGN UP FOR ACTIVITIES Residents... ...mail-in or drop-off registration begins Monday, April 18. Register at the counter beginning Monday, April 25. Non-Residents... ...mail-in or drop-off registration begins Thursday, April 21. Register at the counter beginning Monday, April 25. How to Register 1. Carefully and clearly complete the registration form. Incomplete registration forms will delay or prevent us from processing your registration. Include the PROGRAM NUMBER for each desired class. List a second choice of program. You will be notified if your first choice is not available. 2. Make check payable to Marshfield Parks & Recreation. Credit or debit cards accepted in the office with convenience fee. 3. Drop off or mail your registration, or register at the counter at the Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department. See dates under "When to Register". We do accept credit & debit payment with a convenience fee. Online Registration Available beginning Thursday, April 21 for summer classes. Register online for classes and activities. In just minutes, you can view a list of programs, register, and submit your payment all from your computer. It’s quick, easy, and immediate confirmation is given by e-mail. Please note that convenience fees are charged. To view and register for current programs online go to: and click on Departments Parks & Recreation Online Registration Please remember... Mailed-in or dropped-off registrations will be date-stamped and processed in the order received. The Department does not mail registration confirmations or receipts. Enclose a selfaddressed, stamped envelope if you wish to receive a receipt, or include your e-mail address and we’ll be happy to e-mail your receipt. Late Registration Policy: Program fees will not be pro-rated for late registration. Instructors will not accept registration/ payment at the classes. Register at the Parks & Recreation Department office before attending class. What if... Your class is full... You will be placed on a waiting list. We will send your check back to you or we will credit your account. You will then have the option of applying the credit on your account to enrollment in another program. NOTE: If you send ONE CHECK to cover numerous programs, and you are unable to get into ALL of the programs, we will credit your account for the unavailable program. We will not cut you a check for cost of the filled class, the money will stay on your account. Your class is cancelled... Refunds are made in full only when the Department cancels a program due to lack of enrollment. Refunds will not be given after a program has begun except in instances of emergencies or medical issues. Why do you need my cell carrier? If you have a cell number and list it below, please include your cell carrier. Our software now allows us to text message our program participants if a class is cancelled, which gets the information to you quicker! Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department Registration Form Last Name of Family/Head of Household: ___________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________ Mailing Address, if Different: ___________________ City, Zip: _____________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Work Phone: __________________________________ Cell Number: _________________________ E-mail Address: _________________________ E-mail receipt! Cell Carrier: Parent(s) Name(s) & Birthdate(s): _______________________________________________ Participant/s’ Name First Name Last Name Gender M/F Date of Grade Birth Program # 1st Choice 2nd Choice Fee / / / / / / / / One check per class, please! Total ________ Are you interested in being a coach or coach’s assistant for your child’s team? Yes No If yes, please indicate your full name _______________________________ Coach Assistant Please enclose only one self-addressed, stamped envelope for registration confirmation or provide e-mail address above. Return to: Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department, 630 S. Central Ave., Suite 201R, Marshfield, WI 54449 Allergies or requires special accomodations; please list. ________________________________________ - 35 - SUMMER 2016 When to Register
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