33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish
Our Lady
Lady of
of Peace
Peace Parish
on August 15th
Ministry Offered By The Marians of The Immaculate Conception
Pastor Page!
“Sins and Distractions”
There are certain constant themes that run through the Scriptures. One such theme is that we are made to walk with God.
I can more easily say that all of us are hungry for God. We feel a natural inclination for the spiritual life. Whenever we
sense that we are growing in the spiritual life, whenever we hear or read anything that touches that part of us that hungers
for God, we cannot help but feel good – as if everything is ok in the world.
But the other theme in the Scriptures is that there is another part of us that has a tendency to move in a different direction.
Even a slight movement in a different direction takes us off the path to God. But because we have that centuries old desire
to walk with God still within us, we will want to walk a solid path with God again. We will know this intuitively at first. It is
said in spiritual writings that God is both the goal and the goad. We walk a path to God as the goal, and simultaneously are
nudged toward God – by God Himself as the goad!! Yes, one could say that here God acting as “goad” largely makes up
that intuition within us that reacts as a warning for us when, by our bad decisions, we seem to be moving away from God,
rather than moving toward Him.
You just sort of know. You might feel guilty, as an example. The feeling of guilt has received a bad press as of late. That’s
unfortunate, as the feeling of guilt can be a tremendous aid in the spiritual life letting us know, once again, if we are moving
away from God by a poor decision. What is interesting here is that we might want to recognize that we indeed do “choose”
to move away from God. We don’t stumble away from God accidently. It can be a decision in a slight area, what we refer
to as a venial sin. Or, it can be a decision to move away from God that involves a grave area. This is called a mortal sin. In
either case we choose.
If we can additionally recognize that we make such choices repeatedly, than perhaps we can also recognize that we are in
effect training ourselves in such a direction. This “training” imprints on us what is called a “tendency” toward sinful decision-making. That is why we can never be totally perfect after leaving confession. Although absolved, we still leave with
that tendency toward sin, which we sort of “did” to ourselves by our repeated choosing to sin over a period of time. You
could say we become addicted to moving in this direction, considering that there have been psychiatrists who have stated
that the very nature of the mind is to be addicted. I guess we choose what we want to be addicted to.
God as “goad and goad” encourages us to be addicted to Him. This is a great addiction to have and trains us in a completely another direction, one filled with Grace and Light. But to choose this, we must see the logic that supports the need for a
disciplined life. This does not imply anything forceful and stressful. A disciplined life can be quite gentle and graceful. It is
simply a matter of falling in Love with God and allowing Him to teach us and guide us to Himself.
Reflecting on the act of choosing here is important. Why? Because we can talk night and day about sin and/or vice being
the culprit that takes us away from God. But really, to get simplistic, what we are talking about here is excessive egoism, the
lust of power over others, selfishness and the like. These aspects to our character is what influences our choices. Much of
this is due to societal influence that acts easily upon a personal history that due to poor character training is ripe for such
societal influence. To choose God, we need to be willing to let go and let God. It actuality, it is the spiritual definition of
real maturity, immaturity being the choice to choose self over God and others. We are basically letting the Church form us
rather than society. Always a good choice! Blessings!
Fr. Walter
November 22
5:00 P.M. - S. Sobotka
6:30 P.M. - R. Wulff
November 23
7:00 A.M. - D. Nietzel
8:30 A.M. - E. Koranteng
10:15 A.M. - K. Lyman
12:00 Noon - J. Jakosalem
November 24
(Third Sunday of Each Month)
Downstairs Church Hall
Laurie Parus
Dick Slad
November 16
Veretta Slad
Pat Metsch
Lou Larson
Genevieve Liska
November 17—November 23
MON: 11/17
(D) Alice Bonnamy
TUES: 11/18
(D) Wladyslaw & Tatarata Anna
WED: 11/19
(D) Silvestra Arquines
THURS: 11/20
(L) Bishop Conlon
FRI: 11/21
(D) John (Sigitas) Palulis
SAT: 11/22
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
(D) Souls in Purgatory
(D) Eugene Sobotka
7:30-10:15 AM
Maureen Lorenzo, Nancy Cima
10:15-1:00 PM
Pat Ziccarelli, Eileen Budney
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10
Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10;
Lk 20:27-40
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
November 17—November 21, 2014
Brigid LoConte, Shea Slaten
Saturday, November 22
7:30 AM— B. LoConte, S. Slaten
6:30 PM
(D) Lloyd Heim
SUN: 11/23
5:00 PM— A. Momchev, B. Chodl
6:30 PM— E. Kurley, R. Carli
7:00 AM
(D) Krystyna Sraga
8:30 AM
(D) Helen Bialas
10:15 AM
(D) Michael Luisi
Sunday, November 23
7:00 AM— H. McDavid, M. Arflack
12:00 Noon
(D) Catalina/Serafian/Eulogia Arca
8:30 AM— A. Carrillo, B, Brown
10:15 AM— P. Cyriac, G. Hogan, N. Carpello
12:00 Noon— T/B Rudolph
MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DATES: Please help the less fortunate with a
charitable gift. Your donation allows us to supply the needy with food from
week to week. The recipients graciously thank you and God continues to bless
Questions: Call Deacon Paul on 630-323-4333 Ext. 24.
In gratitude, we announce:
Budget: $24,000
November 9 : $22,351; Short: $(1,649)
Dear Heavenly Father,
We place our worries into your hands. We
place our sick under your care and humbly ask
that you restore your servants to health again.
Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge
Your holy will and know that whatsoever you
do, you do for the love of us. Amen.
Please pray for the joyful rebirth into the eternal
celebration of God’s love for the departed.
For the Deceased of our parish
Rose Paoletti, Samuel Boza,
Carl Cignetto, Eileen Nauman, Lotie Lezan
Death is not something to be feared. It has no bitter
end… but rather holds for us a light to better see our
Through the Saving Waters of Baptism, we
WELCOME the following:
John Michael Del Medico
Holden Basiorka
Audrey Frederick
It is with joy that we announce the
upcoming wedding(s) of:
Maragaret Welgos/Brandon Louks, 12/13/14
The beautiful Altar Flowers
Are in loving memory of
Nancy Anne Ruffolo
Donated by Dante Ruffolo
John Andryzak, Alan Amann, Rena Arend, F. Arquilla,
Kathleen Badon, Michael Bair, M.E. Banas, Diane Basile, Antonio Bellini, Abby Beranek, Deacon Frank Bina, Carol Britig,
Fran Brindac, Linda Bronsteader, Scott Bocek, Elizabeth/
William Boggio, Sharon Bradley, Donna Bogda, Mary Both,
Bourelle Brochocki, George Brower, Lisa, Calabrese, OFC,
Aden/Kim Carlye, Cindy/Rita Case, Roy/Nancy Cheske, Valerie & Dorothy Chodl, Edward/Shirley Carter, Steven
Chmielewski, Kelly Crewed, Ann Cristofaro, Paulettte Dabek,
Lill Dargis, Brother David, Bridgette DeHan, Miguel DeJesus,
Butch/Jim Dennis, Anne Deutsch, Frank DiPadova, Cindy
Dolle, Joseph/Carmel, Brooklynn Drab, Jay Dvorak, Marianne
Doherty, Brittany Domaradzki, Diane Durkin, Helen Draus,
Zaory Edqueda, Kimberly Ferrari, Donna Fiorito, Linda
Fischer, John Foster, Brian Freid, Maryellen Giner, Scott/
Deanna Gehrke, George Grabert, Mary Pat/Emmett Healy,
Ryan Heedy, Kelly Hedrick, Laura Heren, Rachel Herman,
Becky Hollaway, Candice Hough, Joanne Hug, Scott Ingram,
Christine Jelinski, Sandi Jeziorski, John Johnson,
Kay Johnson, Mike Jozwik, Gaye, Rosemary Kaiser, Erma
Kieback, Kevin Keily, John Klocek, Anne Kairis, Taylor Kassell, Edward/Frances Kmetz, Maria Komperda, Sylvia/John
Krones, Lorraine Kuenster, John/Michelle Landato, Barb
LaSalle, Jeanine Marie Lewakowski, Scott/Deanna GehrkeLewakowski, Mary Lezaj, Douglas Long, Rev. David Lord,
MIC, George Lynch, Ray Lupori, Al Malley, Carol Manalley,
Virginia Marsico, Tosha McKathrine, Lunetta McLaughlin,
Catherine McManamey, Medina Family, Scott Meyr, Dolly M.
Michael, Adeline Mika, Ronald Molfese, Susan Monaghan,
Katlyn Montgomery, Jane Motl, Randall Moody, Genevieve
Mroz, Daniel Murray, Rita Murtaugh, Rich Myers, Walter Nawracaj, Jeff Nigowski, Joan Novak, Elaine Oltman, Vicki
Olsowka, Ken O’Toole, Jr. Edward/Joan Palasz, J. Pisarczyk,
Eileen Pattenaude, John Paul, Charlie/Gloria Pavesich, June
Pincuspy, Daniel Poloway, Cindy/John Pratt, Roger Ramona,
Kenneth Ritzert, Joan Ritzert, Roger Rodrigues, Joan Rolaff,
Laura/George Rossano, Carol Rutledge, Charlene & Scott
Samuel, Charlie Sanders, Mary Martin Saso, Betty Saunders,
Lois Skedd, Riley Slovey, Karlton Smith, Joan Sobocan, Bertha Sobotka, Marylyn Sobun, Patricia Soukup, Alfred J. Stramaglia, David Sniegowski, Laureen Spencer, Virginia Stack,
, Marsha Stelter, Veronica Siwek, Mary Ann Tanouye, Paul/
Annie Teich, Irene Tobolski, Virginia Todro, Steven Trinco,
Elaine Vassallo, Alana Celeste Venegas, Tom Versaci, Jaycelyn Herman-Walsh, Rich Waliczek, Jr., Alison Weingahtner,
Therese Wess, Laverne Widiger, Theresa Winstead, Henry
Wlezen, Patricia Wolf, Robert Wort, Jr., Geraldine
Youngbrandt, Peggy Youngren,
Our Lady of Peace
Holy Name Society
will be on December 14, 2014
Alpine Banquets, Darien, IL
5:00— 9:30pm. Ticket cost is $35/person.
For information and reservation,
please contact:
Luis Ferrer (630-986-0944)
Dave Mueller (630-663-4479)
Bernie Maresh (630-325-0739)
Frank Modelski (630-963-0450)
Bob Kern (630-964-5461)
Frank Piekarz (630-968-6559)
“Prepare, Praise & Give Thanks”
Choir Concert
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Our Lady of Peace Church
The O.L.O.P. and St. Damian Choirs
Special appearance by the Berardi children
Join us after the concert in the school gym for
Younger Than Ever Seniors
Meeting will be held on
Monday November 17th
12 Noon
at the Sportsplex
We are collecting donations for the Food
Christmas Party
December 15th at Carriage Greens
Luncheon Tickets $28.00
Saint Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Custodian (part-time) Position
Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Naperville, IL is seeking a
part-time custodian reporting to Facilities Manager. This
position would work 29 hours per week in the afternoon
and evenings. Days and weekends would be on an as
needed basis. This position is responsible for providing
custodial services inside and outside all of the parish and
school buildings. Duties include, moving items from
building to building (ex. boxes, tables etc.), setting up
rooms in ministry center and school for meetings or
events, painting as needed, minor electrical and plumbing
repairs, snow removal, general landscaping and general
cleaning of parish offices and bathrooms (empty trash,
spot mopping and vacuuming and monitoring bathroom
for needed supplies). Individual should be a practicing
Catholic and displays a true Christian example of patience,
compassion and understanding. Individual must be able to
communicate in a professional, positive and supportive
manner at all levels with the parish and school. Demonstrate ability to set priorities and organize work effectively
and efficiently according to needs. Must to able to lift and
stand for long periods of time. Also, honor and maintain
absolute confidentiality both at work and away from work
in regard to any and all parish business. This is an hourly,
part-time, non-exempt position by definition of the U.S.
Department of Labor and as such requires a working
presence on the job of no more than 29 hours in a given
work week as scheduled by the Facility Manager. Overtime will only be used with approval by the Facility Manager. Time away from the job must be approved in advance (except for illness) by the Facility Manager or their
To view a full job description visit
www.dioceseofjoliet.org/hr/. Send resume to fpartipilo@sspeterandpaul.net.
Youth Ministry
Tired of wrapping presents and
ending up with this?
Peers Educating All with Catholic
When: Sundays from 7-9PM
Where: Our Lady of Peace Church Hall
Who: Teens in high school & 8th grade
What: Youth Ministry
Why: Because God is awesome!!!!!
P.E.A.C.E. Youth Ministry
Seeking Adult Volunteers
Contact Jill Horneman:
Young Adult Ministry!
Our Lady of Peace Young Adult Ministry would
like to welcome all young adults between the ages
of 18 and 30ish to participate in our dinner meetings and service trips. We are a group of young
adults who get together to discuss our faith and
daily challenges to our faith. We are seekers. We
do not have all the answers but we wish to journey together to discover Jesus in our lives. Our
meeting dates are varying, but we often meet at
Stats Grill on rt. 83 across from Portillo’s. So if
you’re interested please contact Rissa Loucks for
more info.
Rissa Loucks 630.935.6702
rloucks@olopdarien.org or facebook.com/olpyam
Well, do we have a solution for you!
P.E.A.C.E. Youth Ministry will wrap up
to 10 gifts for you during Masses on
December 6-7.
Drop your gifts off at the beginning of
Mass and pick them up wrapped at
the end of Mass.
Suggested Donation: $3 per gift to
help youth attend Youth Leadership
For questions contact:
or call 630-487-1507
We as a youth ministry are offering
to wrap presents of parishioners
during Masses.
When: Masses on December 6th /7th
Who: 7th grade- 12th grades
Bring: 1-2 rolls of Wrapping Paper
Service Hours Available for helping
during 2 Masses. To sign up for a
specific Mass to wrap gifts contact:
or call 630-487-1507.
Crusader Chronicles
November 14, 2014
During this season of Thanksgiving, the teachers and staff of Our Lady of Peace School would
like to express their heartfelt appreciation for the very generous and delicious monthly luncheons donated by the OLP families. This is such a treat, as all enjoy the variety of soups, salads,
sandwiches, and special meals delivered and set up by Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Mitra. OLP is truly a blessed family! The giving and caring spirit of the gospel shines through the OLP parents
and grandparents, which instills the love of God and Our Blessed Mother in the children.
Thank you Father Walter, Dr. Stockhausen, Mrs. Mosquera, OLP teachers, student body, and
the special guests for the moving celebration of the Eucharist on Veterans’ Day, honoring the
many men and women who have and are currently serving the United States of America in the
armed forces. Our HSA parents again displayed their wonderful hospitality in preparing a reception for the veterans after the school Mass. Let us all continue to pray for world peace and
the continued protection of the United State of America.
Trivia Night was great fun for all with the table movie themes taking this event to the next level!
The first place trivia prize went to the Jaw’s theme table including Pat and Beth Lynch, Suzy
Trott, Karen Lessmeister, Rhonda Esposito, and friends. Congratulations! The tables were so
clever with great details from the movies! Not only did the people dress up, but they brought
props like the leg lamp from A Christmas Story. The winning theme table was Christmas Vacation, but there were so many more great themes including Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A
Christmas Story, Caddy Shack, Jaws, Men in Black, MVP, 17 Seconds, Aliens, Outbreak, 50
Shades of Gray, and The Big Chill. The winning table included Mike and Lizz Cappetta, Pat
and Richard Fulfs, Joe and Carolynn Ventimiglia, Lisa Phelps and Robert Wiatrowski.
Prizes for the winners were provided by wonderful local restaurants and movie theaters. Please
be sure to visit these delicious restaurants including The Crazy Burrito (name changed from El
Burrito Loco) located at 7516 S Cass Avenue in Darien (where Pamy’s Hotdogs was), The 19th
Hole Bar & Grill located in Carriage Greens Country Club at 8700 Carriage Greens Drive in Darien, and Vincitori Fine Italian Cuisine located at 14 North Cass in Westmont. Movie Tickets
were donated by AMC Loews Woodridge 18 located at 10000 Woodward Ave. in Woodridge and
Hollywood Blvd. located at 1001 W. 75th Street in Woodridge. Stop by and see a show today!
A huge thank you to all the people who attended and helped with the OLP Trivia Night. Special
thanks to Tony Duffy, Tony and Karen Lessmeister, Vince Esposito, Mark Corey, Bill and Alexis Gannon, Dawn and Jack Quinnert, and all who gave a helping hand to make this event a
The Varsity Football team was in the playoffs; the Cheerleaders recent competition earned
them competition at the State level; the Cross Country team had several new runners this
year, and the coach was impressed by the commitment and consistent improvement of all
runners; volleyball teams were undefeated; 4 volleyball teams came in first place and 1 volleyball team came in second place.
6A Girls Volleyball: Congratulations to the 6A Girls Team! Madison, Abby, Olivia, Cieona, Brooke, Adriana, and Brigid remained undefeated and earned first place for the regular season; then went on to win
the Championship game this past weekend! Thank you to all the players’ families and friends as well as
the familiar OLP faces we saw in the stands. We appreciate your friendship, enthusiasm, and support!
Great job, ladies! We’re so proud of you!
The 7A girls defeated St Pius in two sets to advance to the Championship match on Saturday against Ss.
Peter & Paul. In the Championship match, the Crusaders started out slowly and fell behind early to P&P
13-4. As they’ve done all season, OLP maintained their composure and with the help of some great serve
receiving, rallied back to tie the set 15 15. OLP’s momentum continued, and with strong serving, they
pulled out a thrilling come from behind victory, 25 17. The second set was a tight, see/saw affair with
both teams battling for momentum. With the set tied 17 17, the Crusaders took control with good defense
and attacking offense never letting P&P gain momentum. As a result, OLP held on for the 25-23 win and
the 7A Championship! What an exciting end to a great season!
We would like to thank all the fans who came out to support us for this championship match and congratulate the other OLP championship teams!
7B Girls Volleyball: First Place
8A1 Boys Volleyball: First Place
6A Boys Volleyball: Second Place
5Boys Volleyball finished their season with an exciting game against St. Mary’s of Downers Grove. The
boys played St. Mary’s in the regular season and in tournament play, so this was a great opportunity to
challenge their skills. The play was exciting and close. Although OLP lost in two games, it felt like a
win! The boys worked as a team and use three hits. It was fun to watch! Congratulations on a great season!
5A Girls Volleyball ended their season with an 8-2 record. They defeated St. Mary’s in the first round of
the playoffs but lost to St. Pius this last weekend. The girls have learned and improved so much this year
thanks to Coaches Vandercar, Samsa, Dietrich, Vahl, and Healy. With all that was learned and the fun
that was had this year, the girls can’t wait for next year!
My name is Michael Mellon and I am a graduate from Our Lady of
Peace in 1985. I am the youngest and have 3 older sisters who graduated from OLOP. I attended Montini Catholic High School and later
received my Bachelors in Economics from Illinois State University. I am married for 18
years and have a 4 year old boy. I currently reside in Oswego and work in Sales. Looking back on my education, I realized that it prepared me for life. Starting with the foundation from my parents, I was taught to rely on my faith with God and to be disciplined.
Also, to have a great attitude and the desire to succeed was reiterated from my 8 years
with Sister Sylvia, Sister Ruth to Ms. Mosquera (aka Ms. Jarmul), Mrs. Skurkis and Mrs.
Wiesinger and of course Mr. G. I am excited to see that the school is still instilling
those morals and am impressed on how the school expanded. I am proud to say that I
attended 12 years in the Catholic school system and that I was a part of the Our Lady of
Peace Family.
“Who do YOU say I Am?”
Sister Wendy Cotter, CSJ, Ph.D.
As we move into the Gospel of Mark this Advent,
the key question of Jesus to his apostles and to us,
seems a good way to focus our preparation for the
celebration of our Divine Savior’s birth. Are we
ready to say Jesus is for me? For our parish? For
our Church? This gospel calls for our committed
discipleship to Jesus, and renewal of our desire to
imitate Jesus. Let’s come together to hear the
evangelist call us to join the earliest Christians and
remind ourselves through this Gospel of Jesus’
commitment to us and our new life in Him.
Dr. Wendy Cotter is a Sister of St. Joseph from Ontario, Canada, and a professor of Scripture in the
Theology Department of Loyola University of Chicago. Her scholarship and writings have focused
on the Synoptic Gospels and on First Generation
7:00 p.m., Monday, Dec. 1st
Divine Savior Church
6700 Main St., Downers Grove
Annual Scout Day of Reflection/Retreat
The Diocese of Joliet will hold their Annual Scout Day
of Reflection/Retreat on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at
the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. The retreat will
start at 9 AM and end at 1 PM. The theme of this year’s
Day of Reflection/Retreat is “How to Be Friends with
The event is for scouts 9 years of age and older. For
further information and registration & permission forms
please visit www.dioceseofjoliet.org/scouting.
Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network
Dear Parishioners,
Bishop Conlon is promoting the Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network (I-CAN) maintained by the Catholic
Conference of Illinois.
This email network allows participants to receive
occasional emails from the Catholic Conference regarding legislation at the state and federal levels that
affects the Church and her mission. Issues include
respect life, Catholic education, immigration, social
services, social justice, and religious freedom, to
name a few.
Bishop Conlon recorded a short video message
about I-CAN, and would appreciate it if you would
send an email to your parishioners about I-CAN, as
per the example with links below:
The subject line of the email to parishioners would
be A Message from Bishop R. Daniel Conlon.
Inside the email:
The Web Address to view a message from Bishop
R. Daniel Conlon:
The Web Address to learn more about the network
Bishop Conlon is recommending is:
This may also be viewed on the Our Lady of Peace
Website at:
Thank you, and God bless.
Bishop R. Daniel Conlon
Bishop of Joliet
Our Lady of Peace BLOOD PROGRAM will
hold its last blood drive of the year on Tuesday,
December 2nd, at Lace School (Northwest corner
of Cass Ave. & 75th St.) from 4:00 - 8:00 PM.
If you are 17 years of age or older and weigh at
least 110 lbs. a pint of your blood is a special gift
you can give to three individuals in need. This is a
worthwhile community program that gives others
the "Gift of Life". It is also a great way to start the
Advent Season.
All it will cost you is approximately an hour of
your time. Please remember to bring a photo ID
with you.
If you have any questions please call Rosemarie
Courtney at 630-964-8415 or e-mail her at
Saturday, November 22, 12:00-3:00PM
Sunday, November 23, 10:00AM-1:00PM
Sunday, November 29, 10:00AM-1:00PM
Bring a team for basketball or “Walk it off…”
- take those unwanted pounds off walking around the
gym. The “one mile” target is calculated for you!!!
Mini Young Adult Retreat
Are you busy? Are you a young adult? Can you spare an hour to regroup and refocus on Christ? On November 23 at 8pm, please join YAM, the young adult
ministry at OLP for a mini one hour retreat in the Church. We will pray together as we grow as a community in our love for Christ. If you have any questions
please call, text, email Rissa.
630.935.6702 rloucks@olopdarien.org
Rev. Walter Dziordz, MIC - Pastor
630-323-4333, Ext. 14
Rev. Ron McBride, MIC – Parochial Vicar
Ext. 29 rmcbride@olopdarien.org
Rev. Al Micka, MIC - Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Anthony Kelpsas, MIC
Clergy: clergyolop@comcast.net
Msgr. Jim Burnett
Email: jburnettolp@gmail.com
DEACONS – 630-323-4333
Frank Bina – Ext. 25
Paul Brachle – Ext. 24
Larry Fudacz – Ext. 23 lfjf7930@prodigy.net
Dennis Stolarz – Ext. 19 dstolarz@olopdarien.org
Kathleen Curinka – Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
630-323-4333, Ext. 10 kcurinka@comcast.net
For Bulletin Submissions olpbulletin@yahoo.com
Raye Ann Durr - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant, Ext. 17
Kellie Moore –
Business Manager/Parish Administrator
630-323-4392 kmoore@olopdarien.org
Jackie Noel—Business Office
630-323-4392 jnoel@olopdarien.org
John Berardi - Music Director 708-828-2138
Jimi Serrato, Maintenance Department
630-880-4392 – jimiserrato@olopdarien.org
SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.olopschool.org
Dr. Marian Stockhausen – Principal
630-325-9220 - mstockhausen@olopdarien.org
Secretaries: 630-325-9220
Eileen Gray egray@olopdarien.org
Barbara Sweeney bsweeney@olopdarien.org
PARISH WEBSITE www.olopdarien.org
Saturday Evening Masses: 5:00 & 6:30 PM
Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:15 AM & 12:00 Noon
Morning Mass: Monday-Saturday 7:30 AM
Vigil Mass (Evening before Holy Day) 7:00 PM
Holy Day: 7:30 & 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Immediately Following Saturday Morning Mass
Visit on-line: www.olopdarien.org
Click On: Welcome & Registration
Or Call Office: 630-323-4333 Ext. 10 or 17
Or Visit the Church Hall – 3rd Sunday of each
Month 7:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Jeanne Waliczek – Coordinator
630-986-8430 – jwaliczek@olopdarien.org
Michele Perisin – R.E. Administrative Assistant
630-986-8430 – mperisin@olopdarien.org
Dc. Larry Fudacz – RCIA & Marriage Prep.
630-323-4333 – Ext. 23 – lfjf7930@prodigy.net
Jill Horneman, Youth Ministry Coodinator
630-986-4130; jhorneman@olopdarien.org
Rissa Loucks, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
630-935-6702; rloucks@olopdarien.org
RECTORY FAX 630-323-4354
SCHOOL FAX 630-325-1995
BUSINESS OFICE FAX 630– 323-0379
To schedule an Anointing of the Sick or a priest visit
only, please call our answering service at 630-323-4391.
Calls will be returned in a timely manner, between the
hours of 8:00 AM and 9:30 PM, based on priest availability, and arrangements will be made to assist your
request. No other calls will be handled by this service.
Thank You.
Our Parish is a wonderful setting to celebrate your Sacrament of Marriage. Couples must make arrangements at least
9 months to 1 year before your proposed wedding date to allow for ample time for Marriage Prep.
Please contact Deacon Larry Fudacz.
We ask that the parents be registered members of the parish. First time parents must attend one hour (plus) of
Pre-Baptismal instruction held on 2nd or 3rd Tuesdays of February, April, June, August, October and December at 7:30
p.m. in the Church Hall. The Pre-Baptismal class may be taken before the birth of the child.
Call Fr. Ron McBride for more information and to schedule, at 630-323-4333 Ext. 29.
Our PASTORAL CARE MINISTERS are available to bring Communion to Shut-Ins at home, in hospitals and nursing
homes. Request CARDS for PASTORAL CARE VISITS can be found in the Church Lobby and may be placed in the weekend collection basket OR, please contact Deacon Frank Bina 630-789-9521.