+usrl - KUDA LRS Calculations
+usrl - KUDA LRS Calculations
8c&F{etrm +usrl,{ m:" J u( LANGANA A 805211 tl^ - <^4r*" &raa, E DEED ( 8.1o. Kun r'.u 000/- S MADE AND EXECUTED ON THIS 2gthDAY OF JUNE,2015. MULA AF ^{-'q 1O sRINrvAs S/o. y. *-,iUfirl'lReddy, Aged 35 years, occ : pvt. Employee, R/o. Koroi<ondapally (V-), Kesam;dr;; Mandal, Warangal District, presentrv izzi, east B"it Li;; Road, Apartment lesi{i1s'1t No.102s, coppeil, Tex-usr. pin Code r,l" zsolq,'..p.uv his mother as a G'P.A. Holder-: MULA nilnu*rein w/o. rrrr. Mui.rr.roa Reddy, Aged 60 years' occ : Housewife, R/o..Koro]londap_3irt (u,^ii"samudrari'nna-rrcat, warangal District, pr""".tily residing at-H.wo.2l-z-+oa/+, Excise coronv.. Near : Rythu Bazar, Hanarirkonda, warangar city and District, GpA by the District Register, vide FIte No.'cr ttsoolzorJ, a.t.a ;:.eli3:?1 HEREINAFTER CALLED AS THE VENDOR' * H rN FAVOUR Or H HEREINAFTER CALLED AS THE ?URCHASER, MUTHADI RAM RED_?I S/o. Sgnjeeva Reddy, Aged SB years, Occ: Retd. g Teacher, R/o. Kunur vilrage, zittiiiiah M;d;I, Dist. warangal. The u q and terms and expressions i.e. the Vendor zrncl the purchaser shall mean include wherever they said context may so require ali their legat heirs, representatives,' successors-in-interest and .*"igr.". .t". g ,'.2 $ ht M Pg g u.,pyya Presentation Endorsement: Presented in the office of the Joint sub-Registrar, warangar (R o) arong r,yith the Photographs & Thumb lmpress.ions as required Under sectioi szln of Registration Act, 1908 andfee of Rs. 37sot- paid betweenthe hours of ii--' r;J -:itDl""';;' the 29th day of JUN, 201S by Sri Nirumata iEieaiiio;i aamittea Ey (DetaiiaATett Exeiu?lnii/e ieimiiliiE unctei Sei i9] lto -co!e izAil: photo rl_utlllmpression Photo - Address 1Y:':-: .- MUTHADI RAM REDDY ' i .:. :iffi ,- *r:i;::'ffi. llYl?1iliff"-1.'i?ryfli KUNUR.ZAFFERGADI |#ffi ilE i:F, sisn6ture/tnk Th,,'-h Thumb ,F_-^_-,^lmpression \ I W/O. M,MUKUNDA REDDY " KOROKONDAPALLY, KLSAIV '*"" uDRArvr, wnnnr,rCni M fiqg* - MULA [2111-l-201 ldentified bVWitness: Name &Tdiliess Signature A.AJITH REDDY 1-1-1034 HNK DtSt ^ -\ N}Y <r).r' !<'s --j i V.NARAYANA REDDY i HNO 5-5-17l1 ; KESAMUDRAM DIST WGL 29th day of June,201 s Signature of "fel^&, qf-, ' EIHE hffi i rated On: 2s1061201s izi2z:43 pM (?s$e \n Phvti'r's .bl .-o,-*,r-rUr ',. ,! ..r l hc Seat of _ro;0t Subkeg'srr6i ***"*i'i"il* '%,^. I, o),*il ,,;#ry'' '.: 2 :: WHEREAS the Vendor is the absolute owner, peaceful possessor and enjoyer of the Open plot No.37, admeasuring to 3OO.OO sq.yds. or 250.80 sq.mts. in Survey No.570 of Shayampet Jagir Revenue Village, situated at Doctors, Coiony, Shayampet Viliage, Hanamkonda, Warangal District, having purchased. the same from Kondoji Laxmi W/o. Kondoji Soma Narsaiah, R/o. Valimidi (V), Warangal District, through a Registered Sale Deed bearing No. 9 LI4/12, Dated 27-A9-2OL2 at S.R.O. Warangal Urban. Since then the Vendor is in peaceful possession and enjoyment of the schedule mentioned property. WHEREAS the Vendor in view of his family and personal requirements has offered and agreed to sell the Open plot, the same is clearly described in the schedule hereto and particularly delineated in the map enclosed hereto, to Purchaser for a total sale consideration of Rs.TrSOrOOOI {Rupees Seven lakhs and fifty thousand only| and the Purchaser has also accepted the offer made by the Vendor and agreed to Purchase the same at said consideration. As such the Vendor is executing this sale deed in favour of the Purchaser under the following terms and conditions: 1. The total sale consideration of the sched.ule mentioned property is Rs.7,SO,OOO1' (Rupees Seven lakhs and fifty thousand only| and the purchaser has already paid the total sale consideration to the Vendor by way of cash, and the Vendor hereby duly acknowledges the receipt of entire sale consideration and does here by convey, transfer, grant and assign the property mentioned in the schedule annexed hereto and better delineated in the schedule plan enclosed hereto, with all attendant rights of ownership. 2' The Purchaser is inducted into the vacant peaceful possession by way of delivery the schedule mentioned property today by.the Vendor and hereafter the purchaser shall hold and enjoy the same forever as absolute owner and possessor from this day, as the schedule property have been transferred bv virtue of this deed in favour of the purchaser. ..3 Ivr rre $a c+L --' Endorsement: Stamp Duty, Tranfer Duty, Registration below in respect of this lnstrument. Fee Description ot Fee/Dutv of Duty , Transfer Duty , Reg. Fee : t UserGharges I I Totat i , _Stamp In the Form and lJser Charges are collectcd as ,,ji:l',3x", cash ;:iTi,l":t ;:;T[ NA 30000' 11250 0 0 NA NA 100 , 150 45150, 0 0, .o 100 3750 DD/BC/ Pay Ord'er Total 0 0 301 00 9 0 1 0 0 3750 0 0 150 0 0 45250 1250 i iRs.412501 towards Stamp Duty including T.D under Section 41 of l.S. Act, 1899 and Rs. 3750/- towards lRegistration Fees on the chargeable value of Rs. 750000/- was paid by the party through Challan/BC/pav i Order No ,475457 dated ,26-JUN-15. -. i Date I ZStn gay of NM\I U\ \ June,2015 llcglstered as Warangat l+a33 Y: Day of Book 1e3l ,^A signature Einob"t"r-r-g 6f.o; of 201 of clUn{-* {}ti"o, v 5 cr,r l( I .l /)\t I Begistdii$.9-t?-c{ (P" Ravta ivluii'l'$y, ' '. ,\ it tg"l{!:> ;'1 ;'!' &?-k*aor5" .': "'-'" ..i/ :' Certificate of Scanning ttThe Document hi:s been Scanned uith the Identification l-{o; 2ll1'1 or, ''.),. ,t : *'-s: It€. :i f . ,1: .i? .*-hLL"q,li '1 - ,-,. ,-i i. .qsy-u'=,= ; r' : 1 EHEI Hffi Generated On: 2910612015 12:22:43 PM o' ,,-J-Y \ p;. \, :, ,/' lhe Stal ol Joi.rtSubReBistral,. alflic* l i .";.,Sarangal (R.o)0.,,*., /nytt'* ""'""-:..?k' '" 3' ::3:: The Vendor assure the Purchaser that the schedule mentioned property is free from ail sorts of charges, encumbrances, claims, disputes, alienations, and mortgages etc. and the Vendor undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the purchaser that in the event of any litigation or for any loss sustained. on account of any defect in his title in respect of possession or ownership whatsoever pertaining to the property hereby sold and that no court litigations or pending in any court in respect of the schedule property. 4' The Vendor undertakes to perform his part of duty in causing mutation of the schedule mentioned propert5r in the connected records of Revenue and other records in the name of the Purchaser as and when demanded to cause mutations. 5. The Vendor hereby assure the Purchaser that he has not sold the schedule property to any other person or persons prior to this saie deed and it is not encumbered in any manner either by way of sale, mortgage, pledge, gift etc. 6. The Vendor further assure the Purchaser to execute further documents or affidavits for effective and proper conveyance of titie unto the purchaser or her/his/their nominees 'without any objections either to attend before municipal authorities or before any revenue authorities etc. 7. The Vend.or today delivered the title deeds pertaining to the schedule property to the Purchaser in original for his verification and record. 8' The Vendor declares that no House or structure is constructed in the existing site mentioned in the scheduie property. 9. The said Plot does not belong to Government or its agencies and mortgaged to Government or its agencies. it is not 10' The Vendor/s hereby further declare and assure the Purchaser that, any complications, objections, claims whatsoever raised in future from any others or adjacent holders or neighbors, legai heirs towards the said sold land/plot in relating to the schedule and boundaries of the property (said sold land lplot) herein, so the Vendor and their agents/heirs are held responsible for such objections and claims and make to clear-off such objections, disputes with their own risk and conveyed a valid title in favour of the purchaser. ,..4 Fo, -S 9\ -^--- "di$-t€K:Q.., ,,/ ahe Seat of \ \ joirlt SuhRegistraf, i c{fideii ,l (R.O)/, . i I "E;; j# .;,Warangat ::4:: SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY PLor No.37 to an extent of 3oo.o0 sq.yds. or 2so.go sq.mts. in Survey No. 570 of Shayampet Jagir Revenue Village, situated at Doctor's OPEN Colony, Shayampet (V), Hanamkonda, Warangal District, within the limits of Warangal Municipal Corporation and within the Registration District and Joint 'Sub-Registrar, Warangal Urban and bounded by : BOUNDARIES EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH : 33'-0" Road Open Plot No. 32 Open Plot No. 38 Open Plot No. 36 The said plot is near to H.No. 23-I-2221 19 / A The said plot is not an assigned land under A.p Act 9 /TT p.o.T. ' The Market value of the property is Rs.2rsaol- per square yard, total market value is Rs.7,5o,ooo/- as per u/R. (3) of A.p.p.o.u.v. Instruments Act, 1975 The parties hereto have affixed their true latest passport size photographs in a separate sheet as per Sec.32-A Registration Act, 1908 and also affixed their left thumb impressions and signatures thereon in the presence of witnesses and the same is annexed to this deed. The parties hereto have enclosed a true digital photograph of the schedule mentioned property to this deed duly attested by them. ..5 M }e{u - EIHEI Hffi .**{{io:"e - ." .r ,' rne Soat of \ ,. ,loinr SutrRegrstrali \ ofriccil ;i . Generated On: Z9lO6t201 S 1 2i22i4}.pM r, i,Warangal (R.O1,i 'll,b.., ] ::5:: we declare that if any suppression of facts/deficits at a later date we are liable for prosecution apart from payment of deficit stamp dury and registration fee. DSD Rs. 30,000/- Registration Fee Rs. 3,750/- User charges Rs.150/_ TD Rs.11,25o/- in ali Rs. 45,1so/- remitted into s.B.H. Nakkalagutta Branch, Hanamkonda, vide challan No. 4764sr, dt. 26-o6-2ors. . IN WITNESS WHEREOFTHE PARTIES HERETO HAVE SUBSCRIBED THEIR SIGNATURES TO THESE PRESENTS WITH THEIR FREE WILL AND FULL CONSENT ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR AS ABOVE MENTIONED. WITNESSES 1. 2. =trrw v \30" ts, Lt + : T p?*"ld\ E_\h -N> ',+. - r'igLd SIG. OF THE VENDOR. (As GPA) + SIG. OF TH k Prepared. bg : K.V. Krishna M fo$o ilo, Aduocate, Hanamkonda. PURCHASER. lf *d ./\ anlF\tq -*\S i^c€. .r. 1af${ Co\\ffiri.o';"" !SELI-J,I*Y r!] );": .w -oQAl EIHEI Hffi ,6,,r35:rE lqr., ., '\ / The Seal ot j leint sutrnegistra\ \ ::offi(ell i *\Warangat (R.O# I ./ Generated On: 29t06t2015 12:22:43 pM '"qh^. ,r# PLAN SHOWING THE OPEN PLOT No. 37 OUT Otr SURVEY N.J,O-_I OF SHAYAMPET JAGIR REVENUE (V), SITUATED AT DOCTOR'S COLONY, SHAYAMPET, HANAMKONDA MANDAL, WARANGNI OIST. I i VENDOR: MULA SRINIVAS, S/o M. MUKUNDA REDDY Rep., by his mother as a G.P.A. Holder; MULA NIRUMALA, W/o M. MUKUNDA REDDY VENDEE: MUTHADI RAM REDDY, S/o SANJEEVA INCLUDED: REDDY TOTAL AREA: 300,00 Sq.Yds. t"'A (OR) : 250.80 Sq.Mts, Open plot No, 32 lonooa (o @ r'') 00 z Open Plot No. 37 P E z +) o o- c c o 0) o. o WITNESSES: 1) {skt-{o* M I?9QO SIGNATURE OF VENDOR 2) 3) v k',F"*lrt \tfurs (G.P.A. llolder) w SIGNATTJRE OF VENDEE ) I t!E i! "tii l*':u,rr:,''frfju,' gnri'iutto" EHE Hffi .69e-ff1 i, Generated On:, 2910612015 1222:43 pM ).,,^ r i.l!.t?"lu'... s+. 'i .' ,r' Theseat "t \ y'qint $uliRegistrai \ '' j1"".;;"(^ ol*j \frA\. # M fte$e.r arf,,,llo"r,"". \"ANL-'$"'DP- V \\) V 3) h,fr--hF wN>:= \ t( T.*" Gt-A" ' Ut-'- a""atot\- io''-;i3 t',, ofa'r1*r sto) $ : i.-.{_i;1;1l') ' + )\\*v ed. v-,u'Q' Lr \\ t\sp tw*t'ri[4iil" Generated On: 29te6t2015 12:22:43 pM . *ixti;r' lt.: seui I *".in"ii*.ori". j ,J.f'' 'iq,;., .. g', ai '.,, ,, I roarrtSuirliFg,str&i."