High Holy Day Issue – Dove Tale
High Holy Day Issue – Dove Tale
The Dove Tale VOLUME 32 ISSUE 1 In this issue: Rabbi’s Study 2 Synagogue 2 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4 E L U L The Rabbi’s Study 5 7 7 4 - 5 7 7 5 High Holy Days 5775 We All Are Together! Information T I S H R I Information & Board Members From the 3 President High Holy Day 4-6 Information Inclusion 7-9 B’Kavod Religious School 10 Early Learning 11 What is most special about Ohev Shalom? It is those who together form the community of Ohev Shalom. College 12 13 Member Focus 13 Fundraising 15 Sisterhood 16 Men’s Club Pages 4 - 6 SELIHOT Saturday September 20 Havdalah, Selihot Service & Reception 7:45 PM 9:30 PM ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday September 24 Thursday September 25 Leyl (First Evening) First Day 17 Friday September 26 Hazak 17 Second Day Blessing of the Babies FOR THE KIDS (BOTH DAYS) Donations 18-19 Cook for a 21 Friend Baby Sitting High Holy Days Schedule 5775 Connection Good & Welfare Guest Tickets we are a community and a family. Page 2 12 Reserved Seating As long as we feel the sense of “we,” Center Calendar Ticket Policies Shaharit Tashlich Ma'ariv Shaharit Young Family / Pre-school Service (Ages 2-7 with parent) Babysitting (Ages 2-4 years) Junior Congregation Service and Activities (Grades K-6) Young Teen Service (Grades 7 and up) 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 1:15 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM-10:00 AM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 10:15 AM - 1:00 PM 10:15 AM - 1:00 PM SHABBAT SHUVAH Friday September 26 Saturday September 27 Kabbalat Shabbat Morning Service Shaharit 6:00 PM 9:30 AM P AGE 2 The Rabbi’s Study Rabbi Eliott Perlstein Follow me on Twitter @EliottPerlstein we own this together we are that community and we are that family. I visited a dear congregant in the hospital in the beginning of August. She had little strength when I walked into the room. She gathered enough strength during the visit to tell me more than once or twice how grateful she was for our Ohev Shalom community, its caring, its support, its prayers. I was in no way surprised to hear this because she had expressed the very same sentiments in recent telephone conversations during her illness. I felt grateful that our Ohev Shalom community has been a loving presence in her life. I also felt a sense of sadness. My sadness is for those members of our synagogue who have never experienced the sense of our community, of our synagogue family. More sadly, some have had experiences that would reflect neither family or community. It is not so easy for me to paint a clear picture of what community means at Ohev Shalom. The term is a bit abstract but you know it when you feel it. A regular at Shabbat services in other synagogues had reason to be with us one Shabbat morning recently. Coming over after the service, Dr. Eliott N. Perlstein, Rabbi Paul Frimark, Cantor Emeritus Frani Goodman, Cantor Barbara Glickman, Interim Religious School Director Jacquelyn Siegel, Director of Early Learning Center Ohev Shalom of Bucks County 215-322-9595 Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Synagogue Office Staff Rachel Blum Elizabeth Gallagher Ruth Kresge Hilary Leboff Paula Segal Ellie Zmuida We All Are Together! he commented how much he appreciated the sense of community we have at Ohev Shalom. For this synagogue goer, it was not at all abstract, it was tangible. He could feel it right away. Over the years, whenever someone asks me what is most special about Ohev Shalom, I have immediately said our community. It is those who together form Ohev Shalom. There is no one person, not the janitor, nor the rabbi, not the secretary nor the president, not the board member or the cantor who makes Ohev Shalom. We all do together. Who is the face of Ohev Shalom? We all are together! Life is not perfect in any family. We all know that first hand. Paradise is not found in any community. There will be disappointments small and large, things we love and things we would love to change. But as long as we feel the sense of “we,” we own this together, we are that community and we are that family. Janie and I recently visited our Ohev Shalom kids at Camp Ramah in the Poconos. Campers invariably love Ramah. Our campers were having a great (Continued on page 22) 215-322-9819 215-322-9595, ext 54 Rabbi@ohev.org cantor@ohev.org 215-322-9597 215-322-9583, ext 21 bglickman@ohev.org jsiegel@ohev.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barry L. Klein, President president@ohev.org Rachel Saks, Vice President Dana Podob, Vice President Joanne Adar, Vice President Scott Edelman, Treasurer Susan Reiter, Recording Secretary Joshua Laff, Legal Counsel David Weiss, Building Chairperson Craig Stoltz, Corresponding Secretary Eli Shapiro, Adult Education Chairperson Jodi Stahl, Early Learning Center Chairperson Marnie Dratch, Education Chairperson Chad Schieken, Finance Chairperson Marilyn Gelb, Programs Chairperson Jared Pashko, Membership Chairperson Ilona Fligelman, Religious School Chairperson Alan Shandler, Social Action Chairperson Idelle Wood, Ritual Chairperson Lindsay Miller, Inclusion & Youth Soan Dubrow, Volunteerism Rachel Betesh, Fundraising & Programming Jennifer Cheifetz, Youth Chairperson Barry Dratch, At Large Director Sheila Tannenbaum, Hazak President Mark Podob, Men’s Club President Linda Crowell, Sisterhood Co-President Hedy Hoffman, Sisterhood Co-President Gary Freedman, Dove Tale Editor Hal Barrow, Immediate Past President Past Presidents: Arlene Rosenbaum, Natalie H. Brooks, Laurie Segal, Barbara Kind Berman, Bruce M. Shapiro, David Friedman, Mark Shapiro, Mark R. Pachman, Mitch Ziegler, Bruce Baron, Fredi Lisgar P AGE From The President The Summer of 2014 is winding down and you are probably starting to fill in your calendar for the upcoming months. The Ohev Shalom website shows a very packed and exciting calendar, with many events that will connect you to the community and to help you embrace Judaism. Some events we will try for the first time. Others are tried and true. All represent the hard work and love of our volunteers and are usually made possible only through the generous donations of our donors. benefits the Camp Ramah system. Camp Ramah is one of the jewels in the crown of the Conservative Movement, producing leaders and future leaders. Camp Ramah in the Poconos welcomed 10 Ohev Shalomers this summer, our best attendance in many years. As you complete your personal calendars, include some of our great events. You can’t go wrong. Here is just a sampling: Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner and Family Shabbat Service. Experience the beauty of Shabbat with your community! Our first ever congregation pot luck dinner will be September 12th. Kashrut rules are on the website and on the Shabbat-O-Gram. Tour de Shuls. Join the Mens Club September 21st for this great 45-mile bike-athon through Montgomery County that The exciting 2014-2015 calendar Second Annual Chai 5K Run in Tyler State Park. Following on the great success of last year’s first Chai 5K, join your friends for a refreshing early morning run through Tyler State Park on October 12th. Registration will open shortly. Proceeds benefit the synagogue’s general fund. Barry L. Klein President 9/12 Pot Luck Dinner Share-A-Shabbat Dinner – Host another family for Shabbat Dinner at your home or accept an invitation to another family’s home. It is said that Shabbat has sustained the Jewish people. Experience this most beautiful and sacred ritual in the warmth of your home or a neighbor’s home. Lists of hosts and guests are being made. We have training materials if you are not fully comfortable leading a Shabbat “seder”. 9/21 Tour de Shuls 1/10 Monte Carlo Night (Continued on page 22) 3/14 Comedy Night IV 10/12 2nd Chai 5K Run 11/7 Art Auction 11/16 Global Day of Jewish Learning 12/19 Hanukkah Dinner RICHBORO Shop n Bag Murray Battleman, Owner and member of Ohev Shalom A full service Supermarket giving great value to our community Use Shop n Bag scrip and benefit Ohev Shalom 1025 N. Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954, (215) 355-5300 3 P AGE 4 High Holy Days Brief Summary Guest Tickets are $150 per person, per holiday. If your eligible child is between the ages of 22 & 30, you need to call the synagogue office to request a ticket. Tickets for children between the ages of 13 & 21 will be included in your ticket mailing. A limited number of Reserved Seats are available for $250 per seat. Services are open to the community for Erev Rosh Hashanah, the evening of the 1st day & the entire 2nd day. On Yom Kippur, the community is invited to Yizkor services & to stay through the conclusion of services. Your synagogue bill must be current, as of August 31, 2014. Don’t forget to order your Lulav & Etrog for Sukkot. For information contact Paula Segal at 215-322 -9819 or email at psegal@ohev.org. Orders need to be placed by September 18, 2014. High Holy Day Reserved Seating The reserved seats are for the first and second days of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur services. The reserved seats will be located in three different sections and will once again be in comfortable, soft upholstered chapel chairs. To reserve your seats, please complete the form and return to Ohev Shalom along with your check. The reserved seats will be assigned on a first-come, firstserved basis. Reserved seat locations will be mailed to members in good standing in September. For questions call the synagogue office at 215-3229595. Thank You, Hilary Leboff Reserved Seating Form 1) Name: _____________________________________________________________ 2) Number of Reserved Seats Requested ________________ Contribution is $250 per Reserved Seat. As in prior years, Guest Tickets for out-of-town guests will be required. Include each guest for whom you wish to have a Reserved Seat. 3) Total Amount Remitted with Request ________________ Make check payable to “Ohev Shalom of Bucks County.” Reserved Seats cannot be billed to your account. Reservations will not be processed without full payment accompanying the reservation form. Seat assignments will be selected by the HHD Reserved Seating Committee based upon order received. 4) Key Contact Person _______________________________________________ 5) Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 6) Preferred Phone Number Day: (_____)______-________ Evening: (_____)______-________ P AGE Member High Holy Day Ticket Policy Tickets will be issued to congregant families in good financial standing (all June, July and August payments to Ohev Shalom are received as of August 20 and account is current as of August 31, 2014). A family unit consists of husband and/or wife and their dependent, unmarried children. Tickets are not transferable. Any requests for adult children to attend High Holy Day services must be submitted in writing to the office by September 12, 2014.. If your child is a full time student, regardless of age or marital status, or is single and age 30 years or younger, he or she may attend High Holy Day services as part of his/her parents’ family unit with no additional fees. If your child is not a full time student, children of congregants in good standing may attend services if: 1. A $36 minimum contribution per person per holiday is paid by the married children, who with their spouse, have a combined age of 60 years or less. 2. A $36 minimum contribution per person per holiday is paid by the single children, who with their significant other, have a combined age of 60 years or less. 3. The High Holy Day Guest Ticket Policy applies to an unmarried child over 30 years of age or a married child, whose combined age with his/her spouse exceeds 60 years of age ($150 per person per holiday). Tickets will not be available in the synagogue office after 11:00 AM on Friday September 19, 2014. Tickets will not be distributed at the door. Tickets must be carried at all times. Congregants will be asked to present their tickets upon entering the Grand Hall. No one will be admitted to any service without presenting a ticket. Reserved Seating: We will make every effort to accommodate reserved seating requests for guests. However, reserved seating is on a first come-first served basis. If a seat adjacent to your seat has been reserved previously, your guest will be seated in the reserved seating section as close to your seat as possible. Newtown IRIS SEGAL, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES Take advantage of my 30 years experience. I am a member of the Centurion Honor Society Specializing in Residential Resale & New Construction Proudly Serving Bucks, Philadelphia & Montgomery Counties From Your First Home to Your Dream Home, I Can Help! (SRES) Seniors Real Estate Specialist (ABR) Accredited Buyer Representative (CRS) Certified Residential Specialist OFFICE: 215-968-6703 CELL: 267-474-7030 WEBSITE: www.irissegal.com E-MAIL: iris@century21.com IRIS is a proud and active member of Ohev Shalom since 1978. Results Not Promises, When Buying or Selling Your Home 5 P AGE 6 High Holy Day Guest Tickets Deadline is Friday September 12, 2014 Guest tickets for extended family (limited to parents, children or siblings) are available to unaffiliated relatives living outside a 30mile radius of Ohev Shalom. Guest tickets will be limited to 2 per Ohev Shalom family. Guest tickets are $150 per person for either Rosh Hashanah OR Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur; and $300 per person for both holidays. For unaffiliated relatives, guest ticket reservations with payment must be arranged in advance. All guest ticket requests are to be received by the synagogue office no later than Friday, September 12, 2014 and they will be mailed separately to the host congregant. A member of an out-of-town synagogue may worship with us as a guest, provided arrangements have been made in advance with our synagogue office. Out-of-town synagogue guests need to provide proof of membership from their “home-base synagogue.” All full-time students, regardless of age or marital status, who are children or children-in-law of a congregant in good standing, are invited to attend High Holy Day services as part of their parents’ family unit with no additional fee. The Ohev Shalom office must be notified by Friday, September 12, 2014. GUEST TICKET REQUEST FORM Host Congregant Name: ___________________________________________________ Host Congregant Phone: ___________________________________________________ Guest Name: ___________________________________________________ Guest Phone: ___________________________________________________ Guest address: ___________________________________________________ Guest Relationship to Congregant: ___________________________________________________ Rosh Hashanah # Tickets ($150pp) _________ Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur # Tickets ($150pp) __________ = $____________ Out-of-Town Synagogue Information: Synagogue Name: ___________________________________________________ Synagogue Address: ___________________________________________________ Synagogue Phone: ___________________________________________________ High Holy Day Babysitting Deadline is Friday September 12, 2014 Babysitting is available to our congregational family on the premises of the synagogue. The babysitting accommodation is limited to children ages 2 to 4 years old, who can adjust easily to parental separation. Your children will be involved in the spirit of the High Holy Days with our experienced babysitters to enable you to attend services. For your child’s safety and security ALL CHILDREN MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED. All children in babysitting will be eating lunch at 12:00pm. Please send your child with a kosher dairy lunch (including a d rink). A baby-changing table will be provided in the school building. Please be sure to bring sufficient diaper changing supplies. B A B Y S I T T I N G R E G I S T R AT I ON F OR M Parent's Name: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________ Home Phone: Children's Names & Ages (_____)______-________ (_____)______-________ __________________________________________________________________________ Please register my child(ren) for babysitting on (check all that apply) _______ Rosh Hashanah (1 st day) 9:00 am – 1 pm _______ Yom Kippur 9 am - End of Yizkor _______ Rosh Hashanah (2 nd day ) 9:00 am – 1 pm P AGE Inclusion B’Kavod 7 “When times get really tough, the internal fortitude you need in the face of hardship sometimes becomes little more than stubbornness - a flat-out refusal to surrender.” - Charles Sherman An Evening with Noted Author and Spiritual Leader Rabbi Charles Sherman Author of The Broken and the Whole: Discovering Joy After Heartbreak Lessons from a Life of Faith Ohev Shalom of Bucks County, 944 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954 Rabbi Charles Sherman Please join the Inclusion B’Kavod Committee of Ohev Shalom of Bucks County in welcoming Rabbi Charles Sherman who will share his message of hope and inclusiveness for all. Learn about Rabbi Sherman on his website www.thebrokenandthewhole.com where his interview on DATELINE can also be viewed. Rabbi Sherman will be featured in the Fall issue of the USCJ magazine, “Voices of Conservative Judaism.” You will not want to miss this uplifting and inspirational evening! Our entire community is invited to read, as one, Rabbi Sherman’s book, The Broken and the Whole: Discovering Joy after Heartbreak, prior to our event. You may place your preorder, at the reduced cost of $21.00 per book, by sending a check paid to the order of Ohev Shalom of Bucks County. Please include “IBK Rabbi Sherman Book Presale” in the subject area of your check. Books will be available at Ohev or by arrangement in early September for your convenience and reading pleasure! For additional information or questions, please email Suzanne at Sgold@ohev.org. Ohev Shalom celebrates uniqueness and welcome diversity within our sacred community sarakinteriors@gmail.com www.saraktorjmaninteriors.com David Geltzer, CLTC, LUTCF Agent CA Ins. Lic. # 0131975 New York Life Insurance Conpany 172 Evergreen Court Holland, PA 18966 Tel. 215 920 9194 Fax 215 525 4469 dgeltzer@ft.newyorklife.com The Company You Keep® www.GoldsteinsFuneral.com SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday October 29, 2014 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM P AGE 8 Inclusion B’Kavod "A human being mints many coins from the same mold and they are all identical, but the holy one, blessed be G-D, strikes us all from the mold of the first human and each one of us is unique." - Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5 Inclusive Thoughts: IBK in the Coming Year As we move into our third and final year of our generous grant, it is hard not to reflect on and take pride in all that we, together with you, our devoted community, have accomplished since beginning on our path in 2011. We began by treading lightly, taking small steps to identify the needs of our congregation and the interests of all. Our anonymous donors supported us throughout the development of our name, vision and mission. As each of our first action steps were completed, we know they shared our pride and joy in what we would never have been able to accomplish without them and you! Our Camp Ramah friend, Howard Blas, wrote in a Zeh Lezeh blog post on July 17, 2014, "Let this be a summer of reflecting on our successes and moving forward to continue working together to create a more inclusive world." Our Inclusion B'Kavod committee in fact did just that. When we met on July 1st, we reviewed our PATH, smiled at our accomplishments, and agreed we were ready to move forward. We plan a continuation of our successful programs, accomplishing goals that were already set, and discussing new programs and activities. We are delighted that what we discovered during our "Walk Through our Campus" activity in June has already led us to accomplish small yet necessary changes, and develop our soon to be publicized prioritized "wish list" of accommodations that will enable Ohev Shalom to be more accommodating and welcoming to all. Surrounding the ramp and main steps, the landscaping has been trimmed for easier access. More lighting has been installed along the main entrance way and yellow paint is lining our steps to the main sanctuary, making the entrance way more visible and safer for all. The auditory amplification units are now working again - those who need some assistance only need to request an amplification device. With the collaboration of our Ritual Committee and Men's Club, an Ohev Shalom Keruv Committee is being formed to discuss and develop activities that will ensure our ability to draw in, invite and, most importantly, welcome our interfaith families and congregants into all aspects of our Ohev Shalom community and life. A new sub committee with a focus on Mental Health initiatives is forming and will plan and build activities and discussion groups. We are extremely excited about several upcoming events and activities that are in the planning stages: We will be welcoming Rabbi Charles Sherman, author of "The Broken and the Whole," as our guest speaker just prior to Jewish Book Month, on the evening of Wednesday October 29, 2014. Rabbi Sherman's family's story and his message, "discovering joy after heartbreak: lessons from a life of faith," will be one you will not forget. Please read about Rabbi Sherman and his book by going to www.thebrokenandthewhole.com. To celebrate Jewish Disability Awareness month in February, we have several great activities planned. You will certainly not want to miss any part of the weekend so please save the dates of February 6th and 8th! Our first Inclusion Kabbalat Shabbat is Friday, February 6th, 2015. We hope to see a large turn out for this special evening. That weekend continues with the religious school celebrating Jewish Disability Awareness Day on Sunday, February 8th with special activities for the students planned by Barbara Glickman and her team. While the students are busy, we will be having light breakfast and enjoying a presentation by Kristin Arniotis, author of the children's book, "I have Autism and That's Okay." The morning will culminate with the very exciting and special, magical show, Deafinitely Magic, starring Sam Sandler. Last but certainly not least, we are so thrilled to tell you that Live Stream will again be possible for all of the High Holiday season, as generously sponsored by Rabbi Perlstein, Cantor Frimark, our wonderful sisterhood and the Inclusion B'Kavod committee. We will be (Continued on page 20) Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom Welcomes You As the summer is beginning to wane, the Celebrations! Program is busy preparing for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year. Celebrations! will meet ten Shabbat mornings, 10:30 am – noon, throughout the school year, beginning in September. Each Celebrations! session will highlight timely Jewish holidays and themes, through prayer, song, movement and crafts. September 20, 2014 is our first Shabbat with the theme “Festival of Holidays”. Youngsters ages 4 through 18 years of age, and their families, will come together in a joyful, fun, and spirited session to learn about Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur. As quoted by Isaiah 56:5: “For my house shall be a house of prayer for a people”. Celebrations! is designed for students with cognitive, neurobehavioral, sensory or physical disorders. Students and siblings participating in Celebrations! engage with a teen buddy throughout the Shabbat morning. It is free of charge throughout the Jewish community and space is still available. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Shelley Rubin to register, 215-399-7668. Suzanne Gold P AGE Ohev Shalom has “Walk Through” for Inclusion Many synagogues who are committed to providing inclusive communities for their congregations engage in “walk throughs” of their shuls. This process provides a special lens for dissecting procedures, structures, practices, and programs at a synagogue, as they apply to the many special needs congregants can present. In the Fall of 2011, Ohev Shalom presented a survey to our congregation regarding Inclusive Practices. As a result of that survey, and the need for a more in- depth look at what we do and do not have in place for the needs of our members, the Inclusion B’Kavod Committee developed a “Walk Through” plan. On June 8, three teams, representing many different arms of Ohev Shalom engaged in a thorough inspection of the building wearing a special set of “inclusion” glasses. Utilizing an extensive checklist, over 50 areas of issues were recognized, to be discussed and addressed. This ongoing process has a committed and hard working group evaluating and making recommendations for change. As the year progresses, you will be aware of these changes, as they will hopefully, make life at Ohev Shalom easier and sweeter for you and those you love. Please take note of the new lights on the walk-ways into the main entrance and the yellow lines at the edges of the steps, making them more visible. The “Walk Through” subcommittee welcomes your suggestions, input, and comments. Shelley Mattleman-Rubin shellmr2@aol.com. Inclusion B’Kavod Notecards and Necklaces Inclusion B’Kavod notecards are ready and waiting to be purchased, for all your communication needs. Beautifully wrapped in ready-to-go packages, they are available in packages of: 5 cards for $25; 10 cards for $50; 20 cards for $100. They make wonderful gifts or to have for personal use. Each card is a meaningful donation to the Inclusion B’Kavod Endowment Fund. Cards may be purchased at Ohev Shalom in the Simcha Boutique or by calling: Caren Bosk (Richboro/Holland/ Newtown) 215-860-1481or Shelley Rubin (Langhorne/Yardley/ Phila) 215-504-7083. Also available are round, silver necklaces, one inch in diameter, with the Inclusion B’Kavod logo inscribed in a beautiful blue color, on a silver chain. These meaningful, keepsake necklaces were designed by our own Marla Levy, and make extraordinary gifts. They are $50 which includes a donation to the Inclusion B’Kavod Endowment Fund. They may be purchased at Simcha Boutique or by calling Shelley Rubin at 215-504-7083. 2014-2015 Celebrations! Dates and Themes 9/20/14 Festival of Holidays 1/24/15 Tu B’Shavat 10/18/14 Simhat Torah 11/22/14 Shabbat 12/20/14 Hanukkah 2/21/15 Purim 3/21/15 Passover 4/18/15 Israel 5/16/15 Family Honor’s Day Celebrations! is Back for its Third Year! We look forward to another year of our wonderful Celebrations! program for children who have special learning needs and their families. Please share the dates with friends and family members. Our Special Needs Coordinator will continue to support the Hebrew School with her expertise and ideas so that all children, regardless of having any special learning needs, are able to attend and benefit from our Hebrew School programs. Our Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Inclusion B'Kavod Facebook page is alive and growing with close to 130 "friends." Facebook users please check it out, "like," and share it with your Facebook friends! Join us for a Joyous Shabbat and Holiday Experience! Celebrations! Is a family education program for children with special needs and their families Celebrate Shabbat as a Family! Celebrate being Jewish together! Celebrate with a loving community! Celebrate with inspiring teachers! Celebrations! is for children ages 4 through 18 years of age who have a variety of learning needs. It is designed for students with cognitive, neurobehavioral, sensory or physical disorders and is open to families throughout the community at no cost. Family involvement and pre registration for each date is required. All sessions run from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. 9 P AGE 10 Religious School Barbara Glickman Interim Religious School Principal The Hebrew School is looking for donations of used iPads and Tablets. Please contact Barbara Glickman 215-322-9597 bglickman@ohev.org to donate. Most educators agree that summertime is a wonderful time to rejuvenate, reflect and plan. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity from year to year to start fresh and new. This includes being able take the time to consider the previous year, what worked and what did not, and how to include new and exciting lessons, projects, and events for the upcoming school year. Successful reflection and planning translates into new and innovative curriculum, meaningful programming and many differentiated learning opportunities to meet the needs of all students. I would like to share some of our results with you, which include new and returning experiences for our Hebrew School students and families. Our younger students will experience Hebrew Through Movement, a groundbreaking Hebrew curriculum and learning methodology that incorporates total physical response, a way that engages students and teaches Hebrew vocabulary by having them do and practice the words they are learning. For example, instead of simply teaching the Hebrew vocabulary for sitting and standing, the students are physically sitting and standing while learning the words. This process accesses our students’ multiple learning styles and activates multiple learning centers in the brain. We are excited to share that our entire school will participate in a Krav Maga (Israeli Martial Arts) demonstration. This is always a big hit and is also physical and engaging. Other new programs for the upcoming school year include an extreme dreidle contest (super fun) and during Jewish Disabilities Awareness Day, a hands-on workshop for students allowing them to experience what it’s like to have a specific physical disability. We are also thrilled to welcome members of our Men’s Club, Sisterhood and Hazak as they periodically join and enrich our Sunday T’fillah and other school programming. Our school community welcomes opportunities to build relationships with and learn from the vast resources and wisdom of our entire congregation. If you or someone you know has a special skill or life experience that they might like to share with our students, please reach out to me. New for teachers is an in-house professional development workshop that is geared towards active and experiential learning, improving lesson plans and classroom management skills. This is an The New Religious School Year exciting and welcome addition that I know will prove to be meaningful, beneficial and lasting. We are pleased to have our new Education Chair, Marnie Dratch as well many other experts in their fields join us as presenters for this workshop. Along with new programming, I’m happy to say that the popular Family Workshops will again take place. These interactive, hands-on sessions include the Aleph Wimple Workshop, Bet Israel Museum, Gimel and Hei Seder Plate making workshop and the Daled Yad Workshop. Gan, Kesher and Mechina will again combine for a Hebrew flashcard/game making workshop which takes place during our school-wide Back-to-School Day Sunday September 28th … please mark your calendars now for this important event! SOME of the other many returning programs include: Class Shabbatot Library with Morah Soni - who we thank for her continued dedication and service to our school and community. Music with Cantors Frimark and Goodman Bet Israel Pen Pals The Global Day of Jewish Learning School-wide Mitzvah Day Class visits to the Jewish Relief Agency Hei class trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC Gimel trip to the National Museum for American Jewish History Daled Kosher Cooking Experience Aleph Consecration Ceremony Special holiday programming for Sukkot, Hanukah, Tu’Beshvat, Passover and of course, the new and improved Purim Carnival! There are many more favorites coming back, so please check the school calendar on-line and the calendar-at-a-glance that is distributed the first day of Hebrew School! Speaking of the first day, it’s Sunday September 7th. We will meet as a school community, so please bring your student(s) to the Sanctuary at 9:00a.m. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone once again and can’t wait to begin another wonderful Hebrew School year together! Barbara P AGE Early Learning Center Jacquelyn Siegel Director of the Early Learning Center Our program was chosen as "The Best of Richboro" in the preschool category. The award is based upon surveys of the community that focused on our reputation in the area, including name recognition; how well we are able to promote our mission; our commitment to servicing our customers; as well as community involvement. It seems everyone had an amazing and fun-filled summer. Those of us who were here at The Learning Center throughout the summer worked tirelessly to restructure many of our programs including researching and securing new talent for our “Wonderful Wednesdays.” We are excited about our new club offerings as well. This promises to be a year filled with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and a positive direction for the school. The teachers and assistants are all eager to engage the children in wonderful lessons and activities in the classrooms, and Morah Barbara and Cantor Paul will continue our Hebrew and music programs, respectively. Our PTO is also hard at work planning various activities and events throughout the coming year. If you have a chance, check out our newly sodded playground and garden area to the rear of the school building. This area provides yet another soft play surface for the children and an opportunity for them to learn about nature first hand through gardening experiences. 11 "The Best of Richboro" We hope to see you at one of our Shabbat Mishpacha programs this year. It is a wonderful chance for our young families to interact with the larger synagogue community and for Ohev congregants to see our ELC children in action. These programs include an abbreviated service and a special themed oneg which follows. I look forward to meeting some of you there. Just an FYI - We are always looking for volunteers and classroom substitutes, so if you have any interest please feel free to contact me. My email is jsiegel@ohev.org. B’Shalom, Jacky FOR YOUR PERSONALIZED PRINTING NEEDS SEE MIMI POLLACK FOR INVITATIONS, STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES, HOLIDAY CARDS, KIPOT, ANNOUNCEMENTS BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE 215-355-5069 WE CAN CREATE THE MOOD FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION www.SRDAYCAMPS.com P AGE 12 SEPTEMBER 2014 Monday Sept. 1st 6th of Elul Tuesday Sept. 2nd 7th of Elul First Day of Early Learning Center 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg begins 7 pm Minyan Wednesday Sept. 3rd 8th of Elul 1 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Thursday Sept. 4th 9th of Elul 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Minyan Friday Sept. 5th 10th of Elul 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:07 pm Candle Lighting Saturday Sept. 6th 9:30 am Services 8:35 pm Havdalah 11th of Elul Sunday Sept. 7th 12th of Elul 8:45 Minyan Men’s Club Trip to Jewish Museum and Baseball Exhibit 9 am - 1 pm Simcha Boutique Open 9 am First Day of Religious School 9:45 am Aleph Parent Orientation 10:45 am Hei Parent Orientation Monday Sept. 8th 13th of Elul Tuesday Sept. 9th 14th of Elul 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday Sept. 10th 15th of Elul 1 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Officers Meeting 7:15 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting Thursday Sept. 11th 7 am Minyan 1 pm Canasta 16th of Elul Friday Sept. 12th 17th of Elul 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm Kosher Pot Luck Dinner 6:55 pm Candle Lighting Saturday Sept. 13th 9:30 am Services 8:23 pm Havdalah 18th of Elul Sunday Sept. 14th 8:45 am Minyan 12 pm Hazak Event 19th of Elul Monday Sept. 15th 20th of Elul Tuesday Sept. 16th 21st of Elul 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday Sept. 17th 22nd of Elul 1 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 5:30 pm Cook for a Friend 7 pm Gratz 7 pm Minyan 7:15 Board of Directors Meeting Thursday Sept. 18th 7 am Minyan 1 pm Canasta 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Torah on Tap 23rd of Elul Friday Sept. 19th 24th of Elul 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:44 pm Candle Lighting Saturday Sept. 20th 25th of Elul Selihot 9:30 am Services 10:30 am Celebrations 7:45 pm Selihot Service - Welcome to Cantor Goodman 8:12 pm Havdalah Monday Sept. 22nd 27th of Elul Tuesday Sept. 23rd 28th of Elul 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday Sept. 24th 29th of Elul Erev Rosh Hashanah Early Learning Center Early Dismissal 1 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg No religious school 6:35 Candle Lighting 7 pm Minyan Thursday Sept. 25th 1st of Tishri Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Early Learning Center Closed Friday Sept. 26th 2nd of Tishri Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Early Learning Center Closed 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:32 pm Candle Lighting Saturday Sept. 27th Shabbat Shuva 9:30 am Services 8:00 pm Havdalah 3rd of Tishri Sunday Sept. 28th 4th of Tishri Tzom Gedaliah 8:45 Minyan 9 am Religious School Back-to-School Day 10 am Gan-Kesher-Machina Workshop Monday Sept. 29th 5th of Tishri Tuesday Sept. 30th 6th of Tishri 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan 7 pm Sisterhood Book Club Sunday Sept. 21st 26th of Elul 8:45 Minyan Tour De Shul Event for Camp Ramah - www.tourdeshulspanj.org College Connection It’s that time of year again to register! For returning college/graduate students you must register every year. For college freshman, you don’t want to miss out being part of this group. The College Connection sends token holiday gifts and e-mail messages about Jewish Holidays and Ohev Happenings, keeping our students part of the Ohev community. We are able to send these gifts due to the generosity of our congregants. We DO NOT rely on synagogue funds. Please think of the College Connection when you want to celebrate a simcha or remember someone special. Click on http://www.ohev.org/college-connection/ to download the form and then email the form to collegeconnection@ohev.org. P AGE Good and Welfare Elaine and Irv Levin celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 7, 2014 at the Manor of Spring Mill Country Club. Rabbi Eliott Perlstein officiated in front of the 130 family and friends from New Mexico, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Virginia and surrounding area. Their grandchildren went down the aisle: Holland Levin was flowergirl, Harrison Levin was ringbearer, and Deniyele and Mikena Levin were flower girls. In the wedding party were Sydney Levin, bridesmaid, Austin Levin, groomsman and Fran Levin, Matron of Honor. Alisa Levin escorted her father and Alan Levin escorted his mother down the aisle. The Levins now reside in Boca Raton, Florida and return during the summer months to their home in the Villas of Five Ponds, Warminster, PA. to be near their children and grandchildren. Irv and Elaine Levin are being honored October 18th by the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life where they will receive it's Family Award, the Center's highest honor for their support of the Center and their commitment to the Jewish Community. The following people gave to the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Project after the June issue went to press: Marc and Shelley Barbash; The Dotzman Family; Ilene, Philip and Evan Jaffe; Steve, Iris and Jordan Sabel The long awaited installation of the 8 1/2 ton unit has come to pass! The new Lennox unit is one of three units that sit atop the second floor of the school building and can be seen from the McDonalds' lot. This unit will serve the library as well as 1/3 of the second floor of the school building. The old unit had a long history of expensive repairs and safety concerns and like the others atop the building was 17 years old. Not enough praise can be attributed to the fine members of the Sisterhood who without hesitation supported the purchase and installation of the new unit. Sincere thanks to my partners in the Building Committee who were there to support moving this project to completion; they are Hilary Leboff, John Myers (JVAC) and Roberta Gordon. A special thanks to the leadership of the Sisterhood, Roberta Gordon, Iris Segal, and Hedy Hoffman who supported the purchase with hard work and dedication. Sincerely, Dave Weiss Building Chair Member Focus Amy Perrone z’’l Dear family, Jonathan, Bruce (her brother) and I wanted to thank everyone for their outpouring of love and support with Amy’s passing. She was an amazing soul with whom I got to spend 25 + years. She always looked forward to the next project, the next event, the next baby. You are all part of her life and legacy - I will always see her handprint on everything we do together now, in the past and the future. We are fortunate that we were able to give back so much of ourselves to this community. Sisterhood, Hazak, Men’s Club, PTO, Religious School, Pre School, the Board of Directors and Executive Board, and many sub committees and groups, if you only saw me then you only saw half the picture. Everything I did, I did with her knowledge, blessing, guidance, and with her volunteering me. We were and will always be a team. I would be remiss if I did not thank the Adath Tikvah-Montefiore family, who warmly accepted us in all those years ago, and the beautiful women of the Woman’s League for Conservative Judaism (MARWLCJ) who let Amy flourish as a member. Amy spent time on both the sisterhood board and MARWLCJ boards, she took each and every job to heart trying to do the best she could. She allowed me to flourish as well with the Men and all of the things I did. I will always consider myself blessed to have her and by an extension all of you in our life. With Love, Stuart 13 P AGE 14 Sarah’s Dog and House-sitting Service sarahdogandhousesitting@gmail.com Sarah Washerstein 215-630-0513 www.ccrhlanghorne.com www.casualcandids.com joanne@ruvoautomation.com SEARCHING FOR THE PROMISED LAND? LET ME LEAD THE WAY Nadine Simantov Co-Owner/Realtor Cell:215-858-2068 Office:215-757-6100 x 125 nadinesimantov@gmail.com www.NadineSimantov.com Triple Gold Award www.poyntelle.com P AGE Fundraising 15 Fundraising Brick Pathway Ohev Shalom's TD Affiliation Consider the purchase of a brick for: 1. Do you already have accounts at TD? Great, even better. Please go to the Richboro location and let them know you are an Ohev member. 2. Don't already have an account? Please consider opening up one. All types of accounts are available. How do we benefit? We will earn between 1/4-1/2% of your balance. Of course all your information is kept strictly confidential. When you visit TD ask for Reyka, the manager. Thank you for your support and please call me if I can help you out in any way. Linda Crowell 215-450-2405 www.briarwooddaycamp.com info@briarwooddaycamp.com * Life and family milestones - birth of a child, grandchild, or anniversaries * Simchas in your life - Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, achievements, and graduations * Memorialize a loved one or friend * Or just because!! If I can offer help in deciding wording or questions you may have please call. Help us to complete the Brick Pathway. Linda Crowell 215-450-2405 P AGE 16 2014-2015 Sisterhood of Ohev Shalom 5775-5776 We hope each of you and your families had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. We are thrilled about all the exciting plans for the coming year. Last year, with your help and support, Sisterhood raised $40,000 for Ohev Shalom. How proud each of you should be! We look forward to seeing you at all our upcoming events. From our families to yours we wish you L'Shanah Tova. B'Shalom, Hedy Hoffman & Linda Barankin (Crowell) Coming up * Sunday September 7th - Grand Re-opening of Simcha Boutique * Tuesday September 30th - Book Club with Denise Kolber * Sunday October 19th - SOLD OUT trip to NY to see 'Beautiful'. * Tuesday October 21st - Boscov's Friends Helping Friends * Thursday October 23rd - Paid Up Membership Dinner with Author Pam Jenoff * Thursday November 6th Book Review & Dinner with Rabbi Perlstein * Saturday November 8th - Congregational/Sisterhood Art Auction Wine and Wyeth * Sunday November 9th Torah Fund Founders Day at Beth El in NJ. <<<<< >>>>> Torah Fund The Mishpachah theme this year encourages us, Conservative Jews, to recognize the diverse character of families. It also encourages our communities to be pluralistic, welcoming and open hearted. Join us once again in supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary by purchasing a Mishpachah pin representing the Family and the Tree of Life. Contact Michele Bernstein at 215-741-9937 or Michele.Bernstein@uphs.upenn.edu Birthday Greetings Say 'Happy Birthday' in such a sweet way! Our Birthday Greetings Program is just .75 cents per greeting or $118.00 for the entire Sisterhood membership. Your name will be included on the beautiful Birthday card which we send. IT'S AN EASY, FUN AND THOUGHTFUL WAY TO WISH YOUR FRIENDS A SPECIAL DAY!! To participate contact Susan Berk at sfb22@verizon.net / 215-956-0432. Mah Jongg Every Tuesdays at Noon beginning September 2nd. 18 week sessions for a donation of $54.00 Bring your Mah Jongg card & set … $$$ Prizes Any questions call or email Lrshapiro@comcast.net / 215-322-1166 Canasta Canasta Open Play for $2.00 each Thursday from 1 to 3 PM in the Ohev Shalom Social Hall. Lessons also offered for $5.00/ lesson or $18.00/4. Any questions or to request lessons please email Marsha Freedman Mfreedman21@comcast.net / 215-968-6755 Do you shop at SHOP RITE in Warminster? GREAT! Please write Ohev Shalom Sisterhood on your receipt & drop into the donation box in the Shop Rite. They will donate a percentage to our Sisterhood. Thanks to Shop Rite in Warminster! Have you sent in your MEMBERSHIP DUES? If not, today is a great day to do so. $45.00 Regular Membership, $36.00 Senior Membership (65+), $72.00 Rachel Membership, $118.00 Leah Membership Call Rachel Goldstein 215-441-4910 or Marsha Verbit at marshaverbit@msn.com Honor & Memory Cards Such a wonderful way to support our Sisterhood. With a donation of $5.00 (or more) cards can be mailed for you or you can purchase them in advance. Call or email Joanne Babbitt at 215-968-0107 - jb_toot@att.net BOSCOV'S Friends Helping Friends Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Boscov’s Department Store will again host this most popular day filled with fun and fundraising, to benefit area non-profit organizations. Purchase your Friends Helping Friends pass for $5.00 & receive a 25% discount shopping pass for purchases made only on October 21, 2014. Passes available at Simcha Boutique and All Functions. Questions call Ilene Jaffe 215-629-6684 or sisterhood@ohev.org Book club with Denise Kolber Please join us for our first book discussion of the new year. Our selection is "Love and Treasure" by Ayelet Waldman. Waldman's latest book is described by Barnes and Noble as "a spellbinding new novel of contraband masterpieces, tragic love, and the unexpected legacies of forgotten crimes. Ayelet Waldman's Love and Treasure weaves a tale around the fascinating, true history of the Hungarian Gold Train in the Second World War." Our group will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. Sisterhood can be reached 24/6 by email at Sisterhood@Ohev.org P AGE Men’s Club 17 Save the Date September 7, 2014 - Trip to National Museum of American Jewish History Also look for our mailing with an application and calendar of events. We hope that everyone has had a great summer, and the Men's Club wishes you a Happy and Healthy New Year. We have some great programs planned for the New Year, and encourage all the men in the synagogue to become part of the club. Join the Men's Club as we visit the National Museum of American Jewish History (6th and Market Streets) in Philadelphia, on Sunday September 7, 2014 for the Special Exhibit Chasing Dreams, Baseball & Becoming American – focusing on Baseball's Legends and Myths, its heroes and flops, celebrating well known Jewish and minority baseball players like Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax, Jackie Robinson, Joe Dimaggio and Ichiro Suzuki and others. We have secured a block of discounted tickets and invite you and your family and friends to participate in this special event. Plan on joining us for lunch afterwards at one of the Kosher Chinese Restaurants in the area. For more details and tickets, contact Jeff Berk at berk@brodskyberk.com to secure your reservation. Mark Podob חזקHazak Save the Dates September 14 ~ Hazak Meeting September 16 - Bus trip to Seaport Museum Theatre Sunday, November 16, 2014 Seaport Museum Theatre Presents Old Jews Telling Jokes Preceded by Lunch at the Hyatt Regency on the Delaware Bus Pick-Up Times: 10:15AM Crossroads Shopping Center, Richboro PA Sign Up Information Name: __________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ # attending Deposit @ $30 ____ Total $ ____________ # attending Full Payment @ $89 ____ Total $ ____________ Choose Lunch Selection which includes soup and dessert 11:00AM Adath Tikvah-Montefiore, 8200 Summerdale Ave., Phila Lunch Selection: □ Roasted Salmon/Pasta Salad □ Portobello Sandwich □ Tuna Salad Sandwich □ Grilled Vegetable Sandwich Cost: $89 includes Transportation, Lunch & Show Bus Pick-Up: Deposit $30 due August 31, 2014, full payment due October 1, 2014 Checks Payable to “Hazak of Ohev Shalom” Marlyn Harris and Jerry Gottesman Hazak of Ohev Shalom, 944 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954 □ Richboro □ Philadelphia Simcha Boutique WINE & WYETH ART AUCTION Annual Grand REOPENING Sale Sunday September 7th We went shopping, come see all our new merchandise. 20% off most items (Except Tallits, kosher scrolls & honor/memory & inclusion cards) 50% off selected items Saturday November 8th 6:30 pm Wine & Nosh Preview 7:30 pm Auction & Desserts FULLY MATTED & FRAMED ARTWORK STARTING AT $40.00 ***Remember to shop Simcha Boutique for Bridal Showers, engagement gifts, new baby, hostess gift, new house, Judaica, and just about every gift you will need. *** Hours: Sunday 9-1 pm; Monday closed; Tuesday 11-3 pm; Wednesday during Hebrew School; Thursday 11-3 pm; and Fridays by appointment only Should you need us when our doors are closed please call … Gail Wiener - 215-293-0506 or Email us at sisterhood@ohev.org Tickets: General Admission $10 Per Person or $18 for two * Patron $36/4 and *Benefactor $54/6 have special door prizes The Tradition Continues ... Bubby Gourmet of Ohev Shalom The answer to your Shabbat Kiddush Dairy Luncheon Celebrations. We do: B'nai Mitzvahs, Aufruf, Baby Namings, Birthday's, Anniversary's & More!! To plan your next Simcha and to reserve a date call: Jerry Kaplan 215-698-9244 or Linda Crowell 215-450-2405 We are looking for a few new faces to be part of our team. Come join us! P AGE 18 We Thank Our Generous Contributors ADATH TIKVAH -MONTEFIORE CHAPEL FUND In Honor of John Nolan’s retirement, by Ana Andrusier and Paula Spigler Wedding of Sheila and Mort Tanenbaum’s grandson, by Ana Andrusier and Paula Spigler 50th Anniversary of Irv and Elaine Levin, by Sol and Rose LaKier Marriage of Kim Rubin to Jim Couture, by Alice and Sammy Heller Marc and Laura Ferm’s 1st Wedding Anniversary, by Alice and Sammy Heller Joel and Johanna Goodman’s wedding, by Fred and Anita Dorfman In Memory of Fred Cove, by Alice and Sammy Heller Beloved husband, Herbert Carson, by Rose M. Carson Richard Baker, by Arthur and Estera Weiss Fay and Barry Sherman Michelle and Eric Etkins and Family Alice and Sammy Heller Beloved Past President of Adath Tikvah-Montifiore, Friend and husband of Marcia Shore, Stan Shore, by Harvey and June Cantor Alice and Sammy Heller Sandy and Morris Weinstein Fran and Roy Silverman Ana Andrusier Paula Spigler Mildred (Millie) Cantor, by Harvey and June Cantor Max Rapp, by Alice and Sammy Heller Martin Gusoff, by Alice and Sammy Heller Amy Perrone, by Alice and Sammy Heller Elaine and Irv Levin A M Y R OCKOWER M EM OR I A L A R T CENTER In Memory of Bernyce Staff, by Gary and Sharon Delson Evelyn Donoff, by Gary and Sharon Delson BENNETT ZION FELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY In Memory of Abraham Friedman, by Judy and David Friedman Martin Gusoff, by Eileen and Jahn Nolan BROWN-FREEDMAN PRAYERBOOK FUND In Honor of Hedy Hoffman and Linda Crowell becoming Sisterhood Presidents, by Roberta Gordon and Iris Segal CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of Phyllis Halpern’s Talit expertise, by Gail Wiener Tzedakah, by Phyllis Halpern Arlene and Paul Frimark’s anniversary, by Syra and Norman Schutzbank Appreciation for helping prepare Norman Schutzbank for his 2nd Bar Mitzvah, by Norman and Syra Schutzbank Marsha and Warren Verbit’s anniversary, by Syra and Norman Schutzbank COLLEGE CONNECTION FUND In Honor of Eric Cohen’s graduation from RIT, by Ellen, Dave and Heather Cohen 50th Anniversary of Irv and Elaine Levin, by Jerry Gottesman Anastasia’s graduation from Penn State, by Holly and David Goldberg COOK FOR A FRIEND In Honor of Birth of Hedy and Neil Hoffman’s granddaughter, Rebecca Faye Korenstein, by Jerry Gottesman Samantha Procz’ graduation from Council Rock South, by Fran and Roy Silverman Roy Silverman’s special birthday, by Sherry and Art Havier Gratitude for return to good health, by Syra and Norman Schutzbank Stephanie and Jon’s Wedding, by Fred and Anita Dorfman In Memory of Diane Savrin, beloved sister of Mike Silverman, by Fran and Roy Silverman Marilyn Leibowitz, by Gloria Brooks Vince O’Donnell, Father, by Denise Kolber Stan Shore, by Fran and Scott Gordon Amy Perrone, by Holly and David Goldberg Jerry Gottesman EARLY EDUCATION CENTER FUND In Honor of Birth of Hedy and Neil Hoffman’s granddaughter, Rebecca Faye Korenstein, by Jerry Gottesman Lizzie Klein’s graduation from Brandeis, by Rachel Betesh and Family Wishing Rachel and Brian Saks all the best in their new home, by The Betesh Family Thank you Barbara Glickman for all that you do and a great year in the Early Learning Center, by Rachel Betesh 50th Anniversary Irv and Elaine Levin, by Jerry Gottesman In Memory of Bernard Burns, by Theodore G. and Andrea Rothman Sheryl Rosner, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz Amy Perrone, by Shelly and Saul Jacobs Jerry Gottesman Martin Gusoff, father of Randi Pashko, by Shelly and Saul Jacobs Elissa, Ken, Alexa, Brooke and Paige Goldberg GARY DOLINE HIGH HOLY DAY PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of Martin Gusoff, by Ohev Shalom Pre-School Staff For donations call 215-322-9595 or on-line at http://www.ohev.org/donations P AGE INCLUSION B’KAVOD In Honor of Birth of Hedy and Neil Hoffman’s granddaughter, Rebecca Faye Korenstein, by Jerry Gottesman Josh Havier’s marriage, by Liz and David Nover Sara and Albert Torjman, thank you for your kindness, by Iris Spector 50th Anniversary of Irv and Elaine Levin, by Jerry Gottesman Lindsay Miller’s installation as Inclusion B’Kavod Board Member, by Suzanne and Larry Gold Joanne Adar’s leadership of Inclusion B’Kavod Shelley Rubin’s vision and passion for Inclusion B’Kavod, by Suzanne and Larry Gold In Memory of Judy Grossman, by Suzanne and Larry Gold Stan Shore, by Jerry Gottesman Shelley and Len Rubin Max Rapp, by David and Shelley Geltzer Suzanne and Larry Gold Lynn and Roger Lenz Ruth Greenberg, mother of Marcy Wouch, by Jerry Gottesman Loving wife and mother, Amy Perrone, by Stu Perrone Martin Gusoff, by Arlene and Warren Roman Amy Perrone, by Jerry Gottesman Randi and Bruce Pashko KOPPER/POLLACK CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of Iris Segal being the recipient of the Shalom Award, by Mimi and Bernie Pollack and Family Janie and Rabbi Eliott Perlstein’s wedding anniversary, by Mimi and Bernie Pollack and Family Samara and Jordan’s Wedding, by Mimi and Bernie Pollack and Family MAX ADELSB ERG TORAH READERS’ FUND In Honor of 50th Anniversary of Elaine and Irv Levin, by Mimi and Bernie Pollack In Memory of John Nolan, father of Jahn Nolan, by Jahn and Eileen Nolan Amy Perrone, by Sam and Gail Goldstein M I RIAM PERLSTEI N M EM ORIAL FUND In Honor of Samara and Jordan’s Wedding, by Marsha and Michael Freedman and Family OH EV SHALOM GENERAL FUND In Honor of A dear friend, Hershel Andrusier, by Sara Weingram Lilly Rubin on the birth of your granddaughter, by Paula Spigler and Ana Andrusier Iris Segal, by Linda and Marv Waxman Engagement of Josh Havier and Amanda, by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Marriage of David and Theresa Feder, by Diane and Art Miller Confirmation of Jeffrey Wexler, by Michael and Leslie Krum and Family 19 Mazel Tov on Lizzie Klein’s Graduation, by The Saks Family Mona and Art Steinger’s granddaughter, Evelyn, by Arlene and Paul Frimark Liz and David Nover Betty Myers’ 80th Birthday, by Bonnie and Jack Kapenstein Samara and Jordan’s wedding, by Neil and Susan Mittelman Terry Jaffe’s Special Birthday, by Rose and Marvin Mintz Ohev Shalom Men’s Club Softball Team In Memory of Rose Cookin, by Fran and Marvin Gelb Shirley Coff, mother of Howard Coff, by Arlene and Paul Frimark Stan Shore, by Debbie and Marty Bashoff Paul and Arlene Frimark Max Rapp, father of Adele Teller, by Don and Lee Seidel Ken and Susan Bieber Nancy Levin Linda Joseph and Family Marc and Phyllis Rosenthal Paul and Arlene Frimark Amy Perrone, by Janet and Ron Zaritsky Martin Gusoff, by The Zaritsky Family Susan and Paul Steerman OHEV SHALOM TORAH FUND In Honor of Birth of Mona and Arthur Steiger’s Granddaughter, Evelyn, by David and Shelley Geltzer R A BB I ’S DI SCR ETI ONA R Y FUND In Honor of 50th Wedding Anniversary of Elaine and Irv Levin, by David and Janet Hofeld Rena and Max Syken Beatrice and Philip Barrish Love and support, by Larry and Lori Peck and Family Grandson, Mackenzie W. Schwartz’ graduation from Phillips Academy at Andover, by Bruce Baron Phyllis Parkansky’s Confirmation, by Inessa and Gary Parkansky Thank you Rabbi for a wonderful year and Brendan’s Confirmation, by Lori and Keith Warren Thanks to Rabbi for Presenting with The Shalom Award, by Iris Segal Engagement of Hillary Gendler and Jarret Kleppel, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Neil and and Hedy Hoffman on the birth of their granddaughter, Rebecca Faye Korenstein, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Aufruf of Alisa Levine and Joshua Barbash, by Pamela and Alan Levine Appreciation to Rabbi Perlstein, by Sylvia Linsk Spencer and Sophia Edelman’s graduations from Pre-K and K, by Carol and Harvey Edelman Naming of Neil and Hedy Hoffman’s granddaughter, Rebecca, by Neil and Hedy Hoffman Remi Mitnick’s Bat Mitzvah, by MomMom Linda and PopPop Dennis Mitnick Rabbi Perlstein’s friendship, by Alan Golombek Trudi Verbit’s 90th Birthday, by Marsha and Warren Verbit and Ilene and Paul Goldberg (Continued on page 20) P AGE 20 (Continued from page 19) Marriage of Samara and Jordan, by David and Meryl Lubchansky David and Shelley Geltzer Rick and Cheryle Goldberg Caren and Nat Bosk Joyce and Allen Laiter, Jessica, Heather and David Sue Maslow and Richard Goldhammer Holly and David Goldberg Lovely wedding pictures, by Helen Jahss Wonderful and safe trip for Rabbi and Janie to Israel, by Harvey and June Cantor In Memory of Bernard Scharf, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Harrison Treiman’s Bar Mitzvah and Sam Treiman’s Confirmation, by Ellen, Phil, Sam and Harrison Treiman Unveiling service for Shirley Levin, by Shelley, Harvey and Nadine Geltzer Max Rapp, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Gwen and Lou Forman Phyllis and Bill Schwartz Yahrzeit of Nicolas Steiner, father of Bob Steiner, by Bob Steiner Martin Gussoff, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Amy Perrone, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Marty and Roz Rudoff and Family SHABBAT KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of Baby naming of Rebecca Faye Korenstein, by Neil and Hedy Hoffman Brian and Melissa Korenstein SISTERHOOD In Honor of Iris Segal’s speedy recovery, by Sisterhood Libby & David Weiss Linda Crowell Linda & Mark Shapiro Graduation of Steven Gordon, son of Roberta & Greg Gordon, from Jeff Medical School, by Iris & Mort Segal Graduation of Steven Gordon, son of Roberta & Greg Gordon, from Medical School and Jefferson internship, by Fran & Roy Silverman Marcia Landy’s birthday, by Bea Tannenbaum Marsha Verbit’s speedy recovery, by Roberta Gordon Paula Spigler’s 90th Birthday, by Fran & Roy Silverman Linda Crowell Bea Tannenbaum Roy Silverman’s 70th birthday, by Paula Spigler and Ana Andrusier Bea Tannenbaum Iris & Mort Segal Birth of Eli Jacob, grandson of Cheryl & Steve Gross, by Linda & Mark Shapiro Elaine & Irv Levin’s “milestone” anniversary, by Syra & Norman Schutzbank Marriage of Samara Jaffe, daughter of Rabbi & Janie Perlstein, to Jordan Hirsch, by Joanne & Howard Babbitt Roberta & Greg Gordon Birth of Evelyn Paige Gallagher, granddaughter of Mona & Art Steiger, by Roberta & Greg Gordon Linda Crowell Fran & Roy Silverman Brandon Schulman graduating from medical school, by Larry and Lori Peck and family In Memory of Leonard Rabin, husband of Karen Rabin, by Syra & Norman Schutzbank Marv Bloom, husband of Dene Bloom, by Syra & Norman Schutzbank Anna, wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother of the Kirsh family, by Linda & Mark Shapiro Fran Fader, mother of Linda Fader Crowell, by Linda Crowell Sigmond Strauss, husband of Heather Strauss, by Sisterhood Stanford Shore, husband of Marcia Shore, by Sisterhood SOCIAL ACTION FUND In Memory of Aunt Ruthee Commaker, by Andy, Shelley, Deena and Jacob Rosen YAHRTZEIT FUND In Memory of Donna Levy, by Sidney and Audrey Levy Gene Verbit, by Marsha and Warren Verbit Trudi Verbit Yizkor Service, by Paula Spigler Yahrzeit of beloved husband Leon Spigler, by Paula Spigler Emanuel Glazer and Anna Lieberman, by Susan and Richard Rosenthal (Continued from page 8) sending out more information soon for you to share with anyone who otherwise would be unable to attend services and can enjoy being present with us through the magic of Live Stream. As you can see, the philosophy and mission of Inclusion B'Kavod has neither stopped nor slowed down through the summer months. On the contrary, it is growing and clearly impacting our entire community in a positive way. Together with all of you, we are moving forward to enable everyone in our congregation and the community to participate in all activities and aspects of our congregation. Ohev Shalom truly does celebrate the uniqueness of all individuals and welcomes diversity within our sacred community. B'Shalom, Lindsay Miller P AGE Cook For A Friend Something is cooking at Ohev Shalom Wednesday September 17th On Wednesday, September 17th, we will be starting to prepare meals again for Cook For a Friend. Please come out and give us a hand or two. I would like to thank everyone who participated this past year, especially: Marc Barbash Steve Finer Roy Silverman Paula Rosenzweig Harriet & Steve Rellis Nina Surden Jerry Gottesman Jerry Kaplan Rick Goldberg Al Wiesner Carol Bregman Nancy & Rich Sewell Stan & Roz Schwartzman Marty Rosenfeld Dani Crowell Gail Wiener All the Bar & Bat Mitzvah students who helped out this year (I apologize if I’ve forgotten anyone). And a special thank you to Steve Rellis for delivering the meals to the JCC every month. With your help we were able to provide 300 meals each month to The JCC Senior Center. Many Ohev Shalom students choose this committee for their Bar and Bat Mitzvah projects, and some high school students volunteer to fulfill their community service projects. Finally, a special thanks to everyone who sends in contributions to Cook For a Friend. Without your contributions, we could not continue this wonderful mitzvah project. If anyone has any questions or needs additional information, please contact me. Hope to see you in September. Cheryle Goldberg Cook For a friend Chairperson 215-682-7733 or cherrick55@comcast.net www.diamondridgecamps.com 21 P AGE 22 (Continued from page 2) summer and are planning to go back next year. Ramah is a community. It is in fact, many communities. They have their bunk, their Edah (age group), friends from special activities and then the entire camp. We outgrow our summers at camp, but I don't think we outgrow our wish to be connected to others who, with us, form a community and at Ohev Shalom, like Ramah a most special Jewish community. Some people, maybe many, join our synagogue to have services rendered and in return pay a sizable sum. I am, for one, deeply grateful to them and to all of you and know that we have a responsibility to render those services as well as we possibly can. And there can be more. There can be more for which we don't really pay but it may be the greatest product we receive in being part of our synagogue. It has to do with relationships that lead to community that leads to the feeling of being part of a synagogue family at Ohev Shalom. This may involve taking a step or two away from the sidelines, but I promise when you do, there will be others ready to embrace you. I think of one family in particular who joined us a few years ago. When they joined, they knew very few in our synagogue. They have come regularly on Friday evenings for Kabbalat Shabbat. I have happily seen the connections they have made at the Oneg Shabbat grow over the course of time. They would tell you without question, they are part of a very special community at Ohev Shalom. In the past year or two, I have also seen members who have been loyal and loving members for twenty and more years. For some reason, they have recently chosen to leave the sidelines and venture into our community. I can see how enriching and rewarding this is for them. Though it may be too abstract to paint a clear picture, when it happens, I see it happening very clearly. As we are about to begin a new year, I invite you to take the step that can lead to truly becoming part of our community at Ohev Shalom. At first, it may seem abstract but at some point, when you've connected, you'll definitely know and that knowledge and feeling is good. Janie and I both wish you and your family a healthy, happy and sweet New Year. Rabbi (Continued from page 3) This program will begin October 24 and other Shabbatot throughout the year. Torah on Tap. Join Rabbi Perlstein on the third Thursday evening of each month for an in depth review of the week’s Torah parsha, with good company, snacks and beverages (all provided). Organized by the Mens’ Club but everyone is welcome. Sisterhood Art Auction. On November 7th, we have the return after several years of our elegant art sale and auction. Sisterhood celebrations are unique! Global Day of Jewish Learning. Join us on November 16th as we join 400 communities from 40 countries around the world in a celebration of Jewish learning. Annual Hanukkah Dinner on December 19th. The Ohev Shalom annual hanukkah dinner is always spectacular and always sold out. A mustattend event for the entire community. BYOB. Celebrations! Services. Attend one of our Shabbat services sponsored by the Inclusion B’kavod Committee. Live holiness. Held various Shabbatot Throughout the Year. Monte Carlo Night. Take your chances on January 10th 2015 at our first ever Monte Carlo Night. Proceeds benefit the Synagogue’s general fund. Comedy Night IV. Side splitting laughter all night long plus great auction items. Proceeds benefit the Synagogue’s general fund. Save the date on March 14th 2015. Come to one or more events and check the calendar and your in-box frequently. There are always more events being planned. B’Shalom, Barry P AGE 23 Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Non Profit Org. 944 Second Street Pike Richboro, PA 18954-1527 Phone: 215-322-9595 Fax: 215-322-8253 www.Ohev.org POSTAGE PAID UNITED STATES Southampton, PA 18966 Permit No. 164 Return Service Requested The Early Learning Center at Ohev Shalom Do you have children, grandchildren, family members or friends with young children who are looking for a quality, innovative and award-winning child care program? Tell them to look no further and to check out The Early Learning Center at Ohev Shalom. We offer full time/part time programs, extended hours for working families and much more. Ages 12 weeks through state certified Kindergarten! Synagogue families are eligible to receive a referral credit towards membership for every new family you refer who registers a child in the ELC. Call the ELC office at 215-322-9583 for more information.
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