February, 2015 - Ohev Shalom of Bucks County
February, 2015 - Ohev Shalom of Bucks County
The Dove Tale F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 S H E V A T - A D A R 5 7 7 5 VOLUME 32 ISSUE 6 In this issue: Rabbi’s Study The Rabbi’s Study Inclusion B’Kavod 2 Hebrew School 4 Good and 5 Welfare Inclusion 6-7 B’Kavod Jewish 9 Disabilities Awareness Day! Calendar 10 Comedy Night 11 2015! Monte Carlo 12-13 Night Sisterhood 14-15 Torah Fund 17 A Brighter Place After putting away our Hanukkiot, we can continue to celebrate light with one of our most beautiful Jewish customs. IBK Volunteer Focus of the Month: Sarah Washerstein What Makes us Special Makes us Strong Page 2 Page 7 Inclusion B’Kavod Monte Carlo Night Sunday February 8th Breakfast honoring Mimi Pollack Jewish Disabilities Awareness Day Donations 18-19 Synagogue 19 Ken and Hilary Leboff, Shelley Jacobs, Rachel Saks and Information Comedy Night Dana Podob 20 2015 at registration Page 9 Pages 12-13 Ohev Shalom celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and welcomes diversity within our sacred community. P AGE 2 The Rabbi’s Study Rabbi Eliott Perlstein Follow me on Twitter @EliottPerlstein How wise of religions to have a celebration of lights at the otherwise darkest time of the year in December. Now that we’ve reached February, each day has a bit more light but the days remain “short” and cold. Some understandably deal with a seasonal depression from the lack of sunlight and benefit from some sort of a sun lamp. We all do what we can until spring and are grateful we don’t live in Minnesota or North Dakota. February is not the most exciting months of the year. There’s not a whole lot going on. Good that it has only twenty-eight days (twenty-nine every four years). It can have the coldest days of the winter though we have frozen enough already. The days may be getting “longer” but not long enough to make a real difference yet. Our neighbors have long taken down their holiday lights and even practiced procrastinators have put their Hanukkah Menorahs away. We need some more light and that brings us to the Source that first said “Let there be light.” One of the most beautiful of Jewish customs has to do with light. This light doesn’t have great wattage and doesn’t come in the new LED mode, but it somehow has the power of transforming our homes, our souls and our lives. I am talking about lighting two Sabbath candles at sundown on Friday afternoon and thereby ushering in the most special day of the week, Shabbat. If you light Shabbat candles regularly or have at some time in the past, I’m sure its spiritual power and beauty resonates with you. If I can inspire you to begin to light Shabbat candles, I would bet you will come to experience all of this for yourself. The investment in lighting the Sabbath candles is actually relatively small and yet the return can be great. All we need are a pair of Sabbath candle holders which range from the simple to beautiful works of art. Once they contain the lighted candles, they are all very beautiful. Add to that two candles and a match and you’re all set. This blessing is recited in lighting the Shabbat candles: אֲ ֶשׁר,ֹלהינוּ ֶ ֵֽמלֶ ְך הָ עוֹלָ ם ֵֽ ֱבָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי א . וְצִ ָוֵּֽנוּ ְלהַ ְד ִליק נר ֶשׁל ַשׁבָּ ת,וֹתיו ָ ְִק ְדּ ָ ֵֽשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצ Barukh Atah Ado-nai Eloheynu Melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, vetzivanu l’hadlik neyr shel Shabbat. Praised are You O Lord our G-d who has made us special through the Mitzvot and has directed to kindle the lights of Shabbat. A Brighter Place Normally, we first say a blessing and then perform the act. We first recite Motzi and then eat the bread. No one, not even the house of Shammai, would ever first eat the bread and then say the prayer. We first make Kiddush and then enjoy the wine. Lighting the Shabbat candles is the one exception. It is in a class of its own. First, we light the candles and then say the blessing. The reason for this is that the words of the blessing have the power to have the Sabbath begin. Once Shabbat is upon us, we would not kindle a fire and so we light first and then recite the blessing. We have to do something however after reciting the b’rakha - the blessing to fulfill the meaning of the blessing. This conundrum is solved with the following. When we light the candles, it is not yet Shabbat. As soon as they are lit and the match is safely extinguished, we close our eyes and recite the blessing. Upon reciting the last word of the blessing, we open our eyes. We see the candles for the first time on Shabbat. We have been transported to a whole new dimension. We reach what Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel calls an eternity in time. So you see, it is that simple and that sublime. There is then the candle lighting time. In Jerusalem, you can hear a siren when it is time to begin Shabbat. That public service has not yet come to Bucks County, PA, so we are on our own. In ancient days (before the smart phone), we consulted a calendar. Today, I look at an app on my iPhone and I see the candle lighting times for February for Richboro. February 6, 5:06 pm, Lucky Friday the 13th in February is 5:15 pm, February 20 at 5:23 pm and February 27 at 5:31 pm. You can see the days are in fact getting “longer.” In lighting the Shabbat candles, our lives are becoming immeasurably brighter. If you presently light Shabbat candles, you will surely continue. If you haven’t or haven’t in some time, I urge you to experience it once and twice and three times. You will want to continue. I hope this February is filled with all types of wonderful happenings for you - and so much so, you’ll be sorry 2015 is not a leap year and we have but twenty-eight days. In lighting the Shabbat candles at sundown each Friday, we will bring light into our souls, our relationships, our lives. It is not only for ourselves. We will help to make the world a brighter place. Rabbi P AGE RICHBORO Shop n Bag Murray Battleman, Owner and member of Ohev Shalom A full service Supermarket giving great value to our community 1025 N. Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954, (215) 355-5300 www.diamondridgecamps.com 3 P AGE 4 Hebrew School Project based learning involves students researching and investigating real-world concepts to gain knowledge and skills. Our Bet (4th grade) class explores Israel through this process and presents the Israel Museum to showcase their newfound knowledge. Most of our Hebrew School classes participate in project based learning activities. Barbara Glickman Principal The Hebrew School would like to thank the Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Men’s Club for generously sponsoring the bus for this month’s Hei Class trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.! A portion of the curriculum for the Gimel classes (5th grade) is learning about famous Jewish Americans. The process by which they learn is true project based learning because they are given a very broad topic to start, and then end with something more specific. Under the direction of Annie Bloom, one of our Gimel teachers and a recent Jewish Education Technology Fellow, the students spend several weeks researching famous Jewish Americans using our school’s tables and books in the library. Technology plays a significant role in this project, especially the immediate availability of information via the internet. The sky is the limit for the students and they are able to learn about American Jews from all genres including politics, film, sports and music. The next step for them is to decide which specific American Jew they want to detail for presentation in a special project. More research ensues and the students become the biographer of the famous American Jew they choose. This year’s culminating project is a poster in the format of a giant baseball card, detailing the statistics of the famous America Jew that the student researched, just as you would see on a standard baseball card. The final step in the process is project presentation. All projects are displayed at the Gimel Shabbat and during the Service some students can present their culminating project. Extreme Dreidal Contest Teachers’ In-service Day The Mechina class (2nd grade) uses the project based learning approach to reinforce what has been taught throughout the year. Gavin Berkowitz, our Mechina teacher, adapted the game “Headbandz” for his Mechina students. The students are assigned different topics according to what was learned and what they need to research. Examples include holiday specific concepts, Hebrew letters, vocabulary words, Torah heroes and other Judaic concepts. Then they design flashcards with specific information. The flashcards can have pictures, words and other important information. For example, the flashcard may have a picture of a challah, with the word written in Hebrew, or it may be of a specific Hebrew letter or word. Gavin then collects all of the flashcards, keeps them in a large container and has the students make their own headband to wear. To play the game, without looking, one person chooses a card from the pile and puts it on their headband. The students then take turns giving clues so the person wearing the flashcard can guess what it is. The students continue to design cards as the year progresses. This is a fun and educational age-appropriate approach to learning. Benefits of project based learning in supplementary Hebrew School settings include a better understanding of concepts, a sense of learning ownership, hands-on experience and the acquisition of real world skills. Teachers benefit from project based learning, also. These benefits include creating a sense of classroom community, motivating students and encouraging student interaction. Look for more project based learning opportunities throughout the Hebrew School. P AGE For boys and girls ages 3-15 Well-rounded camp experiences for kids since 1986 Lunch and snacks provided ACA Accredited Door to door transportation Rental facilities available for picnics and weekends 1380 Creek Road Furlong, PA 18925 (215) 598-7143 www.briarwooddaycamp.com info@briarwooddaycamp.com FUN IN THE SUN! Arcade Archery Arts & Crafts Basketball Beach volleyball BMX bikes Boating Ceramics Drama/Dance Fishing Ga-Ga Gymnastics Hockey Lacrosse Miniature golf Nature Newcomb Rock wall/zip line Soccer (indoor and outdoor) Softball Swimming (3 pools) Tennis Wiffle ball Good and Welfare Kol HaKavod to our December Torah and Haftarah readers Sandy Blumenthal, Eric Cohen, Cantor Frimark, Mitch Gerson, Gail Goldstein, Roberta Gordon, Bernie Grossman, Rose La Kier, Gabby Kogut, Remy Mitnick, Neil Mittelman, Rabbi Perlstein, Mike Rabinowitz, Rachel Saks, Eileen Schein, Iris Segal, Fran Silverman, Gabe Smithline, Shep Smithline, and Idelle S. Wood. We always have opportunities for readers. Want to learn? Please contact Idelle S. Wood at idelleswood@gmail.com. Kol HaKavod to our December Minyan leaders Cantor Frimark, Bernie Grossman, Saul Jacobs, Jahn Nolan, Jeff Pevar, Mimi Pollack, and Rabbi Perlstein. We are looking for more people to join our Minyan Leaders Club. Please contact Idelle S. Wood at idelleswood@gmail.com. ilenegreen@comcast.net 5 P AGE 6 Inclusion B’Kavod "Just because someone is different doesn't make them incapable." Sarah Washerstein, 2015 February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month! Hanukkah is long behind us, a new year has been rung in with gusto, and the cold, unpredictable winter weather is upon us. The warmth at Ohev Shalom, however will be amazing when we celebrate February as Jewish Disability Awareness Month. This year, we are thrilled that our Jewish Disability Awareness Month celebrations are totally family oriented. Please read about them and join us for all or at least some of the scheduled events. If you are reading this issue of the Dove Tale after the fact, then we sincerely hope that you enjoyed February 6th through 8th with us. Jewish Disability Awareness Month in theory is great! It facilitates awareness, motivates us to plan unique activities, and encourages us to be more aware, more attentive and naturally, more inclusive. I do question, however, why we need a special dedicated month. Are we not inclusive all of the time? Have we not yet learned to look past a wheelchair, a walker, hearing aides, glasses, those using sign language, etc.? When my "little" brother was four years old, he got his first pair of glasses. Of course we all thought he looked adorable and we were thrilled that he could see better. It was however like the title of that movie … "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Kids called him "foureyes," and an uncle referred to him, well intentioned as it may have been, as "The Professor." Funny to some I'm sure, but certainly not to a little four year old. Why haven't the days of name calling ended? Are little kids with glasses still called "four eyes?" Do some still automatically assume an individual cannot do something or immediately needs assistance just because he or she has a visible challenge? Do some still raise their eyebrows and stare down at that mom whose child is having what they think is just an outright temper tantrum in the line at the supermarket and wonder angrily why she can't control her kid? We have been making assumptions based upon what we see and probably just don't understand forever. When the Torah portion Vayechi (and Jacob lived) was read early in January, we learned that Jacob blessed his grandchildren Menashe and Ephraim. But when he placed his right hand on Ephraim's, the second-born, head, and his left hand on the head of Menashe, the first-born, his son Joseph tried to correct him with the reminder that Menashe should have the primary, right hand blessing. Joseph made the assumption that his father - blind, elderly, and seemingly challenged - was erring because of what he perceived as a disabling condition of age and poor sight, and therefore confusion. In the Ruderman Family Foundation blog post of December 20, 2014, entitled “Facing Disability: Stereotypes with Dignity,” Rabbi Michael Levy shares that “his might be the first recorded incident in which a non-disabled individual assumes that age and/or physical disability automatically result in diminished intellect or misguided judgment. Jacob calmly reminds Joseph that not only does he know exactly what he is doing, but also that he prophetically foresees that Ephraim will be greater than his older brother. His perceived mistake is definitely not a mistake." People inherently mean well but we must work together to remind each other to get past the stereotyping of individuals based solely upon what we assume. Let's celebrate February as Jewish Disability Awareness Month but as Sarah Washerstein, our IBK Volunteer Focus of the Month reminds us, "Just because someone is different doesn't make them incapable." B'Shalom, Lindsay Miller Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom A Sensory Friendly Purim Carnival! Purim … a time of noise makers (groggers), loud noises, music, and waiting in a line to play a game or to participate in a relay. For children with sensory “disorders” or “avoidance of large groups,” Purim can present challenges. On Sunday, March 8, 2015, Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom, will have a “sensory-friendly” Purim Carnival during Ohev Shalom’s Hebrew School Purim Carnival. Children participating in the Sensory-Friendly Purim Carnival will be able to create personalized groggers, play games and puzzles, listen to Purim stories and taste delicious hamentashen. *** Please note that the originally scheduled February 21st 2015 Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom session is cancelled to focus on our March 8th 2015 Sensory Friendly Purim Carnival. Our next Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom is March 21,2015. Passover will be our highlighted holiday and will including preparing and participating in Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom's Model Seder, complete with jumping frogs, magic and searching for the Afikoman. Suzanne Gold Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom is a special time for Jewish youngsters with cognitive, neurobehavioral, sensory or physical disorders, who may have been unable to attend a traditional Sunday or Hebrew School Program. If you know a family that would like to attend Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom, please contact Shelley Rubin 215-399-7668 to register. Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom is provided at no cost to members of Ohev Shalom and to the Greater Jewish Community, for children ages 5-18. Ohev Shalom celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and welcomes diversity within our sacred community. P AGE Inclusion B’Kavod IBK Volunteer Focus of the Month: Sarah Washerstein What Makes us Special Makes us Strong We are taught as young children to be kind to one and other and love each other no matter what. That love is so powerful that it can move mountains and change the world. They say you only have one true love, but by the time I’m married I can assure you I’ll have two. Working with children with various special needs has been in my life since the fifth grade. I was the girl who made sure everyone was included no matter what their abilities might be. From that moment on my love for these children only grew stronger. When I began attending the Kulanu Chavarim program at Woods School, my life was changed forever. There is something so beautiful about seeing a smile on the face of a child who has faced so many problems. Sitting, reading a story to a child who doesn’t speak, and seeing their face light up with each word read. Hearing the kids laugh as I attempt to play kickball in the gym at Woods. Ohev Shalom has played a huge part in furthering my love for working with these remarkable children. The atmosphere on our Celebrations! Shabbats is so incredible. One by one the kids come in and join our circle as we sing fun Shabbat songs. They grab puppets and sing our songs with smiles ear to ear. The rest of the day is filled with fun activities, laughter, and so much happiness. As we conclude arm in arm I can’t help but feel emotional. It really is a beautiful sight. Just because someone is different doesn’t mean they are incapable. We have to make sure that we teach our friends, family, and even strangers to be open to differences. We have the power to make this world a wonderful place for all living in it. These kids just want to have fun, laugh, and be treated like everyone else. Never forget that. Sarah Washerstein SAVE the DATE for Jewish Disability Weekend at Ohev Shalom! February is recognized as Jewish Disability Awareness Month, so you know that Inclusion B’Kavod and friends are already busy planning! We have a wonderful weekend of activities planned for Friday, February 6th through Sunday, February 8th! Everything this year is family oriented! Here are our highlights thus far so be sure to mark your calendars and SAVE the DATES! There will be no cost to attend these programs! We hope you will join us for all but at least for some with your family and friends! Friday evening February 6th, we will be hosting our first Inclusion Shabbat. Kabbalat Shabbat services will be warm, inclusive and inviting as always with some special guests and plans that are still being formulated. Sunday, February 8th is sure to be an incredible morning filled an exciting agenda for all. Our Hebrew School students will be participating in their own special inclusion program led by Barbara Glickman and her amazing team. Note that Hebrew School will end at 12:30 that day. You are all invited to join us for a light breakfast and resource fair, which will begin after minyan followed by a presentation at 10:00 AM by local author and parent of a young child with an Autism Spectrum diagnosis, Kristin Arniotis who will present her children’s book, I Have Autism and That’s Okay. Kristin will also be selling and autographing her book. At 11:15, you and your friend and families will be joined by our Hebrew School students as we all enjoy the incredible show, Deafinitely Magic, performed by the amazing Sam Sandler, “America’s Only Full-time Deaf Illusionist!” The show will begin promptly at 11:30 AM so be sure to come early for all of our other activities and get your seats! This is certain to be an amazing weekend that you won’t want to miss so mark your calendars now and watch for more information! Share this with family and friends … all are welcome to attend! Great News for Parents of Young Children and Children with Special Needs! As collaboration between the Early Learning Center and Inclusion B’Kavod, we are pleased to announce the availability of a designated toy area with a special basket of Shabbat related toys and books, located in the back of the main Sanctuary. This toy area and basket is available for your children to use and share with their friends during services. We thank you for monitoring its use by your children as you enjoy Services while they may be playing. Please be mindful and return the toy(s) to the basket at the conclusion of the Service. 7 P AGE 8 Ohev Shalom’s Winter Visitor Photo courtesy of Mindy Dion www.GoldsteinsFuneral.com MILL CREEK SPORTS CLUB FEASTERVILLE, PA 215-355-0515 www.millcreeksportsclub.com Pickleball Open Play ($5 - $10) Tuesdays * Fridays Saturdays * Sundays Lessons $10 Tennis $20/hr Monday-Fridays sarakinteriors@gmail.com www.saraktorjmaninteriors.com David Geltzer, CLTC, LUTCF Agent CA Ins. Lic. # 0131975 New York Life Insurance Conpany 172 Evergreen Court Holland, PA 18966 Tel. 215 920 9194 Fax 215 525 4469 dgeltzer@ft.newyorklife.com The Company You Keep® 7am - 3pm Clinics * Leagues Round Robins All year round facility! Indoors we have 3 tennis courts and 4 pickleball courts. Outdoors we have 8 clay courts and 6 hard courts. Pro shop on site with stringing service. PICKLEBALL PASS Good for one pickleball open play at Mill Creek Sports Club Call to sign up: 215-355-0515 Expires on 1/31/15 One pass per person P AGE 9 P AGE 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Feb 1st 12th of Shevat 8:45 am Minyan 9 am Tu B’Shevat Seder - Gan, Kesher, Machina 9 am World Wide Wrap 10:15 am Israel Magical History Tour Meeting for initial information May 15-26, 2015 Led by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Light breakfast served Monday Feb 2nd 13th of Shevat Tuesday Feb 3rd 14th of Shevat Erev Tu B’Shevat 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan 7 pm Adult Confirmation Class 7 pm SWEET Cooking Wednesday Feb 4th 15th of Shevat Tu B’Shevat 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5:45 pm Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan Thursday Feb 5th 16th of Shevat 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta Friday Feb 6th 17th of Shevat 5:06 pm Candle Lighting 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Inclusion Shabbat Saturday Feb 7th 18th of Shevat 9:30 am Services 6:17 pm Havdalah 8 pm Havdalah Under the Stars Sunday Feb 8th 19th of Shevat 8:45 Minyan 9 am Jewish Disabilities Awareness Day Program See Page 11 Monday Feb 9th 20th of Shevat Tuesday Feb 10th 21st of Shevat 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan 7 pm Adult Confirmation Class Wednesday Feb 11th 22nd of Shevat 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5:45 Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting Thursday Feb 12th 23rd of Shevat 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7:15 pm Sisterhood Book Club Friday Feb 13th 24th of Shevat 5:15 pm Candle Lighting 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday Feb 14th 25th of Shevat Valentine’s Day 9:30 am Services - Board of Directors Shabbat 6:25 pm Havdalah Sunday Feb 15th 26th of Shevat 8:45 Minyan Hebrew School Closed 10 am Torah Fund Breakfast - Honoring Mimi Pollack See Page 17 Monday Feb 16th 27th of Shevat President’s Day Early Learning Center Closed Day Care and Infant Care Open Tuesday Feb 17th 28th of Shevat 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan 7 pm Adult Confirmation Class Wednesday Feb 18th 29th of Shevat 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5 pm Cook for a Friend 5:45 pm Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan Thursday Feb 19th 30th of Shevat Rosh Hodesh Adar 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh Event 7:15 pm Men’s Club Torah on Tap Friday Feb 20th Rosh Hodesh Adar 5:23 pm Candle Lighting 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Bet Shabbat 7 pm Share a Shabbat Saturday Feb 21st 9:30 am Services 6:33 pm Havdalah 1st of Adar 2nd of Adar Sunday Feb 22nd 3rd of Adar 8:45 am Minyan 9 am Bet Family Workshop Dalet Kosher Week Monday Feb 23rd 4th of Adar Tuesday Feb 24th 5th of Adar 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday Feb 25th 6th of Adar 3 pm Early Learning Center - Wonderful Wednesday 4 pm Cooking for Dalet Kosher Week 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5:45 Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan Thursday Feb 26th 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7th of Adar Friday Feb 27th 8th of Adar 5:31 pm Candle Lighting 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Dalet Shabbat and Dinner Saturday Feb 28th 9:30 am Services 6:41 pm Havdalah 9th of Adar Got thirty minutes? MINYAN IS A MITZVAH Sunday: 8:45 AM Thursday: 7:00 AM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:00 PM P AGE 11 P AGE 12 At Ohev Shalom What a Night! Photos Courtesy of Joanne Adar On January 10th, 2015, 150 congregants, community members, friends and neighbors had a fabulous evening of fun and games at Ohev Shalom's very own Monte Carlo Night! The night proved how much fun a community can have, both young and beyond young, long time congregants and new, while supporting Ohev Shalom. Heartfelt thanks to all of our incredible sponsors … what can we say? Without you, this incredible evening could not have happened. Thanks to EVERYONE on our fabulous committee who worked so hard to make the evening such a huge success! The core committee members brought strength, ingenuity and creativity every step of the way. To all those who volunteered leading up to the event and at the event … what a team! The various local and out of town donors deserve multiple thanks! The boutique raffles were unique, beautifully packaged, and kept the excitement going. Special thanks go out to Kevin and his Tumbling Dice team. Most of all, thanks to all of you who came out for the evening. The fact that everyone filled the room with joy and camaraderie was a clear display of what our community at Ohev is all about! Can't wait to see you all again at the next great Ohev event! Todah Rabah to our Monte Carlo Night Sponsors! Brodsky Berk and Associates, LLC and Jeff Berk Croydon Mattress Company and Ron Wolf Diamond Ridge Camps Edelman Wealth Management Group and Scott Edelman Furniture Mart USA and Rob Betesh Goldsteins' Rosenbergs Raphael-Sacks, Inc. and Carl Goldstein Hoffman, Michels and Sternberg, LLC and Neil Hoffman Metlab and Mark Podob Steven I. Miller, Family Dentistry and Steve Miller, D.D.S. Preservation Health and Keith Sadel, M.D. Special Thanks to our Monte Carlo Night Core Committee Members! Lindsay Miller and Dana Podob, co-chairs of Susan and Jeff Berk Monte Carlo Night and newest interns at Bain Capital Rachel Betesh Ruth and Sheldon Katz Lindsay and Steve Miller Stu Perrone Dana and Mark Podob Rachel Saks Joyce Tenenbaum Ron Wolf Helene and Dave Zeitzer Thank You to our Volunteers Leading Up To and At Monte Carlo Night! Joanne Adar Michele Bernstein the Core Committee Members Jeff Berk, Steve Miller, Mark Podob, Cantor Paul Frimark Steve Springer, some of our "bankers" Suzanne Gold Scott Gordon Shelley and Saul Jacobs Ilene Jaffee Hilary and Ken Leboff Marla Levy Arlene and Warren Roman Brian Saks Eli Shapiro Steve Springer Ron Stark Sheila Tanenbaum To our dedicated Ohev Shalom Staff members, Hilary, Ruth, Ellie, Paula, Craig, Nick, Alex and Amin … thank you all for everything you do every day and most especially leading up to, during, and after Monte Carlo Night! The Starks, Stoltzs, Warrens and community guests at Bingo P AGE Please Join us in Thanking and Supporting our Local and Not So Local Donors! Ace Hardware at Strathman Hardware Adventure Aquarium Ambler Theatre Arden Theatre Barclay Caterers Barnes and Noble Battleship New Jersey Bed, Bath and Beyond B & E Jewelers Ben's Kosher Deli, New York Berta Sawyer Booster Soccer Boscov's Catering Brandywine Museum Bristol Riverside Theatre Bucks County Children's Museum Cindy's Nails Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick Costco Create Me Pottery County Theatre Denny's Children’s Wear Dominick Graziano Flowers and Gifts Eastern State Penitentiary Expressions Photography Extended Stay America Franklin Institute Garden State Discovery Museum Gasper Landscaper and Design Glen Foerd on the Delaware Jerry Gottesman Shelley Jacobs Scott Gordon Latitudes and Longitudes Liberty Science Center Longwood Gardens Mad Golfer Golf Club Mama's Vegetarian McCaffrey's Food Market Mealey's Home Furniture Medieval Times Melissa and Doug Mercer County Community College Theatre Mercer Museum Nail Glamour National Constitution Center National Museum of Jewish History Neshaminy Valley Music Theatre Northeast Racquet Club New York Skyride Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Ohev Shalom Men’s Club Ohev Shalom Sisterhood Ostrum Entertainment Park Lane Limo Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Rock Gym Philadelphia Soul Purple Pumpkin Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Times Square Rococo Men's Wear Shirley an Company Alan and Kim Shandler Sesame Place Speed Raceway, Horsham Split Rock Resort and Water Park Spring Mill Country Club Hal and Terri Barrow Studio 454 Top of the Rock Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center The Crayola Experience The Neuseum The Little Gym, Newtown The Ride, NYC Tumbling Dice Entertainment Weis Market Whole Foods Helene and Dave Zeitzer Our very generous sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous Mimi Pollack and Cantor Paul Frimark Saul Jacobs, Howard Rosenfeld and Carl Goldstein Judy Klein and Rachel Saks 13 P AGE 14 Sisterhood of Ohev Shalom Sisterhood can be reached 24/6 by email at Sisterhood@Ohev.org Were you able to join us for our first SWEET (Sisterhood Women Enjoying Everything Together)? If not you will have two more chances to do so. Sometimes it's just fun to be out with the girls - join us! February 10th we are going to Giant Supermarket in Willow Grove for a cooking lesson. Then March 16th we will be able to paint our own masterpiece when we go to Art In The Pod. The spaces are limited for both, so please register early. We look forward to a fun evening together … just the Girls. B'Shalom, Hedy and Linda Coming up Tuesday February 10th - SWEET #2 - Cooking class at the Giant Supermarket in Willow Grove. Thursday February 12th at 7:30 pm - Book Club with Denise. Sunday February 15th - Torah Fund Brunch where we will be honoring Mimi Pollack. Thursday February 19th - Rosh Hodesh event. Monday March 4th - Shalach Manot basket delivery Monday March 16th - SWEET #3 - Art in the Pod in Churchville. Wednesday March 25th - Rabbi’s Daytime Book Review Queen of the Jews, by Judith Petsonk Sunday March 29th - Passover wine pick-up Thursday April 30th - BINGO Torah Fund The Mishpachah theme this year encourages us, Conservative Jews, to recognize the diverse character of families. It also encourages our communities to be pluralistic, welcoming and open hearted. Join us once again in supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary by purchasing a Mishpachah pin representing the Family and the Tree of Life. Contact Michele Bernstein at 215-741-9937 or Michele.Bernstein@uphs.upenn.edu Simcha Boutique Remember to shop Simcha Boutique for bridal showers, engagement gifts, new baby gifts, hostess gifts, new house warming gifts, Judaica, or just about any gift you will need. Hours: Sunday 9-1 pm; Monday closed; Tuesday 11-3 pm; Wednesday during Hebrew School; Thursday 11-3 pm; and Fridays by appointment only Should you need us when our doors are closed please call … Gail Wiener - 215-293-0506 or Email us at sisterhood@ohev.org Birthday Greetings Say 'Happy Birthday' in such a sweet way !!) Our Birthday Greetings Program is just .75 cents per greeting or $118.00 for the entire Sisterhood membership. Your name will be included on the beautiful Birthday card which we send. IT'S AN EASY, FUN AND THOUGHTFUL WAY TO WISH YOUR FRIENDS A SPECIAL DAY!! To participate contact Susan Berk sfb22@verizon.net or 215-956-0432. Book Club Feb 12th @ 7:30 pm The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich. It is the story of Hannah Levi, a Jewish midwife. This is a richly painted portrayal of life in 16th-century Venice and Malta. Mah Jongg Every Tuesday at Noon. 18 week sessions for a donation of $54.00 Bring your Mah Jongg card & set … $$$ Prizes Any questions call or email Lrshapiro@comcast.net / 215-322-1166 Canasta Canasta Open Play for $2.00 each Thursday from 1 to 3 PM in the Ohev Shalom Social Hall. Lessons also offered for $5.00/ lesson or $18.00/4. Any questions or to request lessons please email Marsha Freedman Mfreedman21@comcast.net / 215-968-6755 Do you shop at SHOP RITE in Warminster? GREAT! Please write Ohev Shalom Sisterhood on your receipt & drop into the donation box in the Shop Rite. They will donate a percentage to our Sisterhood. Thanks to Shop Rite in Warminster! Honor & Memory Cards Such a wonderful way to support our Sisterhood. With a donation of $5.00 (or more) cards can be mailed for you or you can purchase them in advance. Call or email Joanne Babbitt at 215-968-0107 - jb_toot@att.net SWEET - Sisterhood Women Enjoying Everything Together aka Girls Night Out! 1) Tuesday February 10th - Cooking Class at Giant Supermarket in Willow Grove. Limited to 22 ladies … $20 per person for a 4 course meal. Please RSVP to Hedy at hnmjjh@aol.com. 2) Monday March 16th - Art in the Pod … $20 per person. Please RSVP to Linda at tantalaya1015@comcast.net. Rabbi’s Daytime Book Review Wednesday March 25th 11:00 am - No Charge Queen of the Jews by Judith Petsonk. Queen of the Jews makes the history of Judea and the Jewish people in the first century BCE come alive. She recreates in fiction the life of the queen of Judea Shulamit-Zion in that turbulent era. She is both excited and repelled by her husband, a brutal but often commanding presence, and has two very different sons. But she must prevent his wars of conquest from destroying Judea. She also must maneuver through the treacherous political factions that divided Judea in her era. P AGE 15 Bubby Gourmet Join us for our next Rosh Kodesh February 19th. Look at these great pictures from our last one. We are here to cater Shabbat Kiddush luncheons for your simchas - everything but not limited to Auf Ruf's, special birthday and anniversary luncheons, and baby namings. Luncheons are served in our beautiful Social Hall. We are currently booking parties thru June 2015. To see a Bubby Gourmet menu, pricing and other particulars, please go to our website at http://www.ohev.org/bubby-gourmet-ohev-shalom/. Please contact our Committee Chairperson Linda Barankin at 215-450-2405 or our Head Chef Jerry Kaplan at 215-698-9244 to answer any questions as well as to reserve your 2014/2015 date. Your simcha will help raise funds for our Ohev Shalom community, as all profits are going to our Ohev Shalom General Fund. IRIS SEGAL, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES Take advantage of my 30 + years experience. I am a member of the Centurion Honor Society Specializing in Residential Resale & New Construction Proudly Serving Bucks, Philadelphia & Montgomery Counties From Your First Home to Your Dream Home, I Can Help! (ABR) Accredited Buyer Representative (CRS) Certified Residential Specialist (SRES) Seniors Real Estate Specialist Results Not Promises, When Buying or Selling Your Home OFFICE: 215-968-6703 CELL: 267-474-7030 WEBSITE: www.irissegal.com E-MAIL: iris.segal@LNF.com IRIS is a proud and active member of Ohev Shalom since 1978. P AGE 16 Don’t Make a Move Without Me Nadine Simantov Top Agent 2014 Co-Owner/Realtor Cell:215-858-2068 Office:215-757-6100 x 125 www.ccrhlanghorne.com joanne@ruvoautomation.com nadinesimantov@gmail.com www.NadineSimantov.com Top Selling Real Estate Company in Bucks County the past 5 years FOR YOUR PERSONALIZED PRINTING NEEDS SEE MIMI POLLACK FOR INVITATIONS, STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES, HOLIDAY CARDS, KIPOT, ANNOUNCEMENTS BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE 215-355-5069 WE CAN CREATE THE MOOD FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION www.SRDAYCAMPS.com P AGE michele.bernstein@uphs.upenn.edu 17 P AGE 18 We Thank Our Generous Contributors ADATH TIKVAH -MONTEFIORE CHAPEL FUND In Honor of Speedy recovery to Jerry Kaplan, by Marcia and Sid Weinberg In Memory of Marcia Landy, by Florrie Fisher A M Y R OCKOWER M EM OR I A L FUND In Memory of Donald Nasshorn, by Fran Jonas Eleanor Cobert, mother of Eileen Weinstein, by Fran Jonas B ENNET ZI ON FELD M EM ORIAL LI BRARY In Honor of Deena Freedman’s engagement, by Eileen and Phil Weinstein A long and Happy Retirement to Mark Pachman, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz In Memory of Stanley Goldman, by Helene Malenbaum Millicent Kaplan, mother of Joan Becker, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz CANTOR FRIMARK’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of Bertha Murawzyk, beloved mother-in-law, by Bob Steiner COLLEGE CONNECTION FUND In Memory of Elaine Aronson, mother of Estelle Rabinowitz, by the Nover Family COOK FOR A FRIEND In Honor of Jerry Kaplan receiving Man of the Year Award, by Nina and Michael Surdin Jerry Kaplan’s speedy recovery, by Jahn and Eileen Nolan Marv and Linda Waxman Dave Zeitzer’s speedy recovery, by Jahn and Eileen Nolan Good Health to Jerry Kaplan, by Jerry Gottesman Refuah Schlema Debbie Mindel, by Al Weisner Speedy recovery of Mark Pachman, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz In Memory of Elaine Aronsohn, by Estelle, Mike, Joel, Sabrina and Ariel Rabinowitz Edward Bregman and Rose and Herman Bleshman, by Carol Bregman EARLY LEARNING CENTE R FUND In Memory of Frank B. Solar, father of Hal and Jeffrey Solar, by Saul and Shelly Jacobs Andrea and Ted Rothman FINANCIAL AID FUND In Honor of Donation by Scott Goldstein INCLUSION B’KAVOD In Honor of Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Weiss, grandson of Libby and Dave Weiss, by Shelley and Len Rubin Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Lessing, grandson of Roz and Stan Schwartzman, by Shelley and Len Rubin Speedy and Complete recovery to Terri Barrow, by Shelley and Len Rubin Katie Bosk and Mark Maged engagement, by the Nover Family Good Health to Jerry Kaplan, by Jerry Gottesman In Memory of Manuel Roda, father of Rachel Goldstein, by Shelley and Len Rubin MAX ADELSBERG TORAH READERS’ FUND In Memory of Marcia Landy, by Marci and Joshua Charm OH EV SHALOM GENERAL FUND In Honor of Engagement of Deena Freedman and Bill Furman, by Iris and Morton Segal In Memory of Miriam Wexler, mother of Michael Wexler, by Hal and Terri Barrow Gloria Kaiser, mother of Barbara Kaplan, by Hal and Terri Barrow Henry Geller, by Hal and Terri Barrow Stanley Goldman, husband of Arlene Goldman, by Lois and Bill Bachman Harvey Goldglantz and Roberta Burke Betty and Rubin Levin and Harry Rosenbaum, by Alan and Cheryl Rosenbaum Joan Becker’s mother, Millicent Kaplan, by Dennis and Ricki Tafflin Manuel Roda, father of Rachel Goldstein, by Sandy, Mark and Josh Fisher OHEV SHALOM ONEG SHABBAT / KIDDU SH SPONSORS In Honor of Sam and Gail Goldstein Allan and Gail Silverberg on their 37th wedding anniversary R A BB I ’S DI SCR ETI ONA R Y FUND In Honor of Support and thoughtfulness at the passing of Elaine Aronsohn, mother of Estelle Rabinowitz, by Estelle and Michael Rabinowitz In Memory of Stanley Goldman, husband of Arlene Goldman, by Jahn and Eileen Nolan Michelle and Douglas Smithman Marsha and Warren Verbit Diane and Gary Rosen Enid Waldman Herbert M. Ross Morris and Phyllis Kamens Marc Engelsman Jean Edwards Helen, Louis and Steven Shankroff Marsha Landy, by Marv and Linda Waxman P AGE SISTERHOOD In Honor of Jerry Kaplan being named “Man of the Year,” by Roberta & Gregory Gordon Freda & Herb Sollod Engagement of Shanna Weinberg to Hayden, by Linda Barankin and Stephen Springer Janet & Marc Weisberg Linda & Mark Shapiro David Zeitzer’s speedy recovery, by Linda Barankin and Stephen Springer Jerry Kaplan’s speedy recovery, by Linda Barankin and Stephen Springer Engagement of Deena Freedman, daughter of Marsha and Michael Freedman, to Bill Furman, by Joanne & Howard Babbitt Linda & Mark Shapiro In Memory of Eleanor Cobert, mother of Eileen Weinstein, by Denise & Mark Kolber Manuel Roda, father of Rachel Goldstein, by Denise & Mark Kolber Hedy & Neil Hoffman Lindsay & Steve Miller Freda & Herb Sollod Florrie Fisher Hymen Kirsh, father of George Kirsh, by Linda & Mark Shapiro Clara Rozner, mother of Agnes Lebovic, by Agnes Lebovic Stanley Goldman, husband of Arlene Goldman, by Sisterhood Marcia Landy, by Freda & Herb Sollod Elaine Aronsohn, mother of Estelle Rabinowitz, by Sisterhood & Linda Barankin Dr. Eliott N. Perlstein, Rabbi Paul Frimark, Cantor Emeritus Barbara Glickman, Hebrew School Principal Jacquelyn Siegel, Director of Early Learning Center Ohev Shalom of Bucks County 215-322-9595 Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Synagogue Office Staff Rachel Blum Elizabeth Gallagher Ruth Kresge Hilary Leboff Paula Segal Ellie Zmuida 19 Millicent Kaplan, mother of Joan Becker, by Sisterhood & Iris & Mort Segal Denise & Mark Kolber Libby & David Weiss Linda & Mark Shapiro Myra Hopp, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother of Ted & Marsha Hopp & Family, by Iris & Mort Segal Lee Segal SISTERHOOD KESHER CAMPAIGN FUND In Memory of Manny Roda, father of Rachel Goldstein, by Florrie Fisher SOCIAL ACTION FUND In Memory of Hal Lefcourt, by Steve Sabel YAHRTZEIT FUND In Memory of Mother, Minnie Merion, by Rose M. Carson For donations call 215-322-9595 or on-line at http://www.ohev.org/donations 215-322-9819 215-322-9595, ext 54 215-322-9597 215-322-9583, ext 21 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barry L. Klein, President president@ohev.org Rachel Saks, Vice President Dana Podob, Vice President Joanne Adar, Vice President Scott Edelman, Treasurer Susan Reiter, Recording Secretary Joshua Laff, Legal Counsel David Weiss, Building Chairperson Craig Stoltz, Corresponding Secretary Eli Shapiro, Adult Education Chairperson Jodi Stahl, Early Learning Center Chairperson Marnie Dratch, Education Chairperson Chad Schieken, Finance Chairperson Marilyn Gelb, Programs Chairperson Jared Pashko, Membership Chairperson Ilona Fligelman, Religious School Chairperson Alan Shandler, Social Action Chairperson Rabbi@ohev.org cantor@ohev.org bglickman@ohev.org jsiegel@ohev.org Idelle Wood, Ritual Chairperson Lindsay Miller, Inclusion & Youth Soan Dubrow, Volunteerism Rachel Betesh, Fundraising & Programming Jennifer Cheifetz, Youth Chairperson Barry Dratch, At Large Director Sheila Tannenbaum, Hazak President Mark Podob, Men’s Club President Linda Crowell, Sisterhood Co-President Hedy Hoffman, Sisterhood Co-President Gary Freedman, Dove Tale Editor Hal Barrow, Immediate Past President Past Presidents: Arlene Rosenbaum, Natalie H. Brooks, Laurie Segal, Barbara Kind Berman, Bruce M. Shapiro, David Friedman, Mark Shapiro, Mark R. Pachman, Mitch Ziegler, Bruce Baron, Fredi Lisgar Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Non Profit Org. 944 Second Street Pike Richboro, PA 18954-1527 Phone: 215-322-9595 Fax: 215-322-8253 www.Ohev.org POSTAGE PAID See Page 11 UNITED STATES Southampton, PA 18966 Permit No. 164 Return Service Requested
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