January - Congregation Beth Shalom


January - Congregation Beth Shalom
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Music and Comedy
at January 23 Cabaret
Let us entertain you with lively music
and comedy performed by singer,
guitarist Ron Coden plus Steve Fava
on bass and Ron Blight on the guitar,
at Beth Shalom's 1999 Cultural Com­
mission Cabaret on January 23 at 8:00
P.M. The theme of the evening is
"Comedy and Music at Its Finest".
Ron Coden's show has something for
everyone: comedy, Hebrew and
English ballads, Broadway show
tunes and country folk tunes - mixed
within a fun- filled, high energy perfor­
mance with audience participation.
A native Detroiter, Coden has per­
formed all over the United States with
major bands, on TV and radio shows
and in over 200 concerts for more than
25 years. He has been named "one of
Michigan's favorite entertainers."
Other awards include one from the
Alzheimer's Association, the Greater
Detroit Picture and Television Council,
and the 1993 Motor City Music Award.
Tickets are $12.50 each if ordered in
advance, or $14.00 at the door. Ad­
vanced reservations should be in the
office by January 19, 1999. Full tables
may be reserved with a list of all
persons seated and payment. Checks
should be made out to
Congregation Beth
Shalom. For informa­
tion call Doris Schey at
545-7112 or the synagogue office
at 547-7970. Scrumptious refreshments
will be served.
Please, send me__ tickets for the 1999 Cabaret on January 23, 1999.
Enclosed is my Check for $ __ _for__tickets. Please reserve a table for__
Enclosed is my check for $____and the list of my guests.
Name ___
___________ Tel. __ __________
Address_________ City__ _ ___ State __ Zip ____
David A. Nelson, D.D........................... Rabbi
Samuel L. Gre'ehbaum ......... "........... Cantor
Rev. Samuel Semp ............... Ritual Director
Shoshana Ben-Ozer Director of Education
Barbara Cook ................ Executive Director
Mark Goldsmith ............................ President
Karen Knoppow ............ Youth Coordinator
Telephone (248) 547-7970
Fax: (248) 547-0421
e-mail: cbs@congbethshalom.org
Helen Herman
Jeannette Tichln
Irene Schwartz
6ob Katz
May Mack
Anthony Meisner
6everly Travis
Christine Lichota
Granddaughter, Julia Louise Aronow
to 6arbara and Mike Aronow
Granddaughter, Julia Shade Solomon
to Lorraine and 6111 Solomon
Faith and Jeff 6raech
Karen and Martin Wel,erman
Maxine Gardner
Martin Taylor on his 80tn 6irthday
Christine Lichota
Re"1ecca Flaieher z'I, mother of
Lesly Flalsher and Carolyn Segal
Michael Monehlne z'I, brother of 6onnle Cohn
Leonard Efros z'I, "1rother of Jerry Efros
Rosa Lynn Kief z'I, sister of Jeannine Davidson
Eilu v• Eilu
Rosh Hodesh Study Series continues at Borders Books
& Music 30995 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills
Join us for meaningful Torah study in honor of each
new month on the Jewish calendar - especially for, but
not limited to, women. Teachers and topics vary. No
charge, no reservations required. Coming up:
Sunday, January 17, 7:00 PM
Susan Krakoff will teach:
"Appreciating Shabbat Shira: Poetry, Music & Torah"
Beit Midrash: Encountering Jewish Texts
3 Wednesday nights @ 8:00 PM January 13, 20 and 27
Laker Complex of Congregation Shaarey Zedek 2075
Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield. A different theme
is explored each week. Students are paired
hevruta-style to read aloud and discuss classical
Jewish texts. Rabbis Stephen Weiss, Leonardo Bitran,
and Joseph Krakoff take turns serving as facilitator,
providing an introduction, roving assistance, and
wrap-up at each session.
Topics for the January Beit Midrash were not available
at press time. For more information call Nancy Kaplan
at 737-1931 or Rabbi Joseph Krakoff at 357-5544.
"The Joseph Story: Bible and Commentaries"
with Nehama Glogower, 6 Wednesdays
from 2:15 to 3:15 pm, starting January 6
COLLEGE ADDRESS:.____________
OTY:_________ STATE:__ -z.,p; ___
COUEGE PHONE#:___________
E-MAIL ADDRESS:._____________________
Synagogue cl c.onservatlve Judaism's COiiege Network).___
Eilu v' Ellu is o community,wida odulr Jewish looming
partnership of the Delroil (onsarvorive movement. We
offer yaor-round learning opportunities for adults soaking to f::
connect with Jewish history, holidays, culture and Toroh. ;::
Call, fax, or e-mail us for information obout classes, study
groups, ond spacial events, including our annuol pre-High Holiday
learning SOJias, "Elul-A Time lo Prepare·. Eilu v' Eilu welcomes
all intmsted odult learners regardless of offiliotion, bockground
01 previous Jewish study experience.
Ellu ,· Ellu il sponsored bv Ador St,,k,m Svoogogue, Congregolion Barh Abrohom Hlllal Moses,
Congr,uotion Be� Slr,lom, Congragotlon B'nai Mosha, Congregollon Slr,oray Zed,� Hlllal Dav
iduxrl ol M,tropoli�n DBlrolr, and Women's le,gua for Co"'"'"" Judollm,Mlch�on Branch,
Latte & Learning
with Rabbi Aaron Bergman, Mondays @ 10:00 AM
New 8-part series begins January 4:
"Dear Rabbi: The Role of Responsa Literature in
the Evolution of Jewish Law"
$40 for the series or $6 per sesson
There has been a lot of interest in having an "Adult Bat
Mitzvah Class." We will meet on Sunday mornings at
9:15a.m. - 10:15 a.m., beginning January 10th. Members
of the class will chant a Haftorah, as well as various
liturgical portions of the service. A reading knowledge
of Hebrew is required.
The Bat Mitzvah will take place on the 2nd day of
Shavuot, Saturday, May 22nd. Please call Cantor
Greenbaum for more information.
"How Rashi Wrote the Bible"
with Ruth Bergman, 12 Thursdays starting January 7
12:30 to 1:30 PM at Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel
Tuition: $60 for Hillel parents and members of other
Eilu V Ellu sponsors, $84 for others. We strongly
encourage you to make a commitment to attend the
entire series. You will learn how to read and write
Rashi Script, find out about the man and his times, and
study his commentary on the Exodus Story. This will
be an adult-level version of material that is part of the
4th grade curriculum at Hillel. Prequisite: Phonetic
Hebrew reading ability
Note: For those who are unable to come to a daytime
class, "How Rashi Wrote the Bible" will also be offered
in an evening format, on 8 Monday nights starting
March 8. Watch for details, coming soon.
Festive Event Honors "Our Sam"
It will be an evening of food, fun and festivities.when
our congregation honors "our Sam," Cantor Samuel
Greenbaum for 25-years of devoted aervice at 8 p.m.
Saturday, March 13, at Congregation Beth Shalom.
In a freilach (joyous) setting depicting a shtetl (small
Eastern European village), the evening will feature a
dessert buffet by Sperber's and fancy kosher coffees
by Viva Cappuccino. Entertainment will be provided
by the Old World Folk Band, whose repertoire in­
cludes klezmer music, Yiddish theater songs and the
indigenous folk music of Eastern Europe. A special
tribute program also is planned.
Cantor Greenbaum has been cantor and music direc­
tor of Beth Shalom since 1973, after serving congrega­
tions in Staten Tsland., N.Y.; Union, N.J. and Portland,
Ore. A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Cantor Greenbaum
pursued studies in music and liberal arts at Jackson­
ville University. He was graduated from the Cantor's
Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary's School
of Sacred Music in 1967, and was named an honorary
fellow of the Cantor's Institute in 1992.
Cantor Greenbaum is an active member of the Cantors
Assembly of America and past president of the
Tri-State Region of the Cantors Assembly and the
Cantors Council of Detroit. He also sits on many
community boards and give his time and energy to
Jewish groups, presenting programs of Jewish interest,
particularly music.
¢ Tevet/Shevat 5759,January 1998
Sam is married to Mona,
and the couple have
three children,
Alexander, Shira and
Ilana and a grandson,
Jan Wanetick is chairing
the anniversary event.
Her committee includes
Marcia Abel, Sharon
Alterman, Barbara
Aronow, Eileen
Greenbaum Astra, Don
Berlin, Bertha Chomsky,
Deborah Cohn, Phil
Elkus, Bill Fitzerman, Ethel Fitzerman, Howard
Fridson, Mandy Garver, Sheila Goldberg, Gladys
Goldsmith, Judy Goldsmith, Mark Goldsmith, Miriam
Goldstein, Karen Knoppow, Paul Levine, Bobbie Lewis,
Joe Lewis, Lynn Lipman, Sandy Lipman, Linda Lublin,
Heidi Press, Richard Racusin, Jan Rosner, Doris Schey,
Sharon Schwartz, Sally Schulman-Gaft, Paula Zaks
Stein, Marcia Tanzman, Marvin Wanetick, Arnie
Weiner, Diane Wertheimer and Fridell Wolson.
Cost of the evening is $38 per adult and $19 for chil­
dren under 21. Both include 3% for Yad Ezra, our
community's kosher food pantry. Invitations will be
mailed in January.
What's Happening at
Beth Shalom Religious School
We in the kindergarten have had a wonderful time
this month. We are learning basic concepts of
Judaism. The children have already memorized the
"Shrna" and are familiar with "Modeh Ani.
The kosher place mats have been mailed. No matter
what is done in our homes, we know how the Beth
Shalom kitchen works. Our tour was very interest­
Harriet Drissrnan
The children are now looking forward to the Ha­
nukkah party. Elliot Littman is anxious to make the
kindergarten projects which will tum him into a
Maccabee. "You better believe it!" said Shelley,
Elliot's Morn.
It should be a great day and a great time for both
parents and teachers.
1st Grade
Shalom and Happy Hanukkah!! Mrs. Berkowitz's
first grade class is very busy this month. We are still
learning our Hebrew letters and we are also learn­
ing about Hanukkah. We know the blessings over
the candles, the story of Hanukkah and some new
songs. Next month we will begin to learn about
Arny Berkowitz
2nd Grade
2nd grade religious school students have prepared
a program for the Hanukkah festivities in Decem­
ber. Besides the special things we do for the holi­
days, we are continuing to learn Hebrew, Bible and
about our Jewish heritage.
Sheila Goldberg
Klari Orley
3rd Grade
This month was very exciting - we learned about
Abraham and Sara, Isaac and Rebecca and their
two children, Esau and Jacob. We also learned
about Jerusalem and continued to practice our
Hebrew. We were especially excited to participate
in the Friday evening service. It was special be­
cause all our families came to watch us on the
Bimah. We sang the songs that we have been
practicing all month.
Alex, Ronit, and Sophia, 3rd grade reporters
Haya Tzipori
Students chosen to sit in the HonorChair for the
month of November: RebeccaCooper, William
Feinberg, Chelsea Foster, Megan Justice, Alyse
Waldhorn have completed the most homework and
extra credit assignments for November.
The students were busy learning Shabbat Blessings
and songs for the class Shabbat dinner. We learned
several new Hebrew letters during the month of
Novernber. A weekly discussion is held regarding
the Sidrah.
Sy Kaplan
4th Grade
In Mrs. Margolis' class we continued to learn the
Torah Pasha. We also started our history book and
have completed chapters one through three.
In Mrs. Kapitany's class, the students have made
progress in their reading and in their study of the
Hebrew letters and vowels. The class participated
in the Kabbalat Shabbat Service and demonstrated
Netilat-Yadayirn (the washing of the hands). They
did a great job!
Mrs. Margolis
Mrs. Kapitany
HAKOL ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom ------�'!}
5th Grade
paper and imagination! Hanukkah was also a great
success with our play "Judith The Warrior." The
Holocaust unit is starting soon, which will be a
great learning experience for students and family
Clara Silver
Another exciting month has gone by. Students are
quickly learning how to daven. Students can be
heard down the hall singing the ancient melodies of
our prayers. Hebrew reading skills are definitely
improving. We are learning so much about tzedakah
and our Torah value system. We are also preparing
7th Grade
for our upcoming Hanukkah program, which
This month the 7th graders learned many interest­
promises to be a lot of fun. We will also be doing
ing things. The Rabbi came to our class and ex­
some hands-on activities, a play and we will learn
plained Jewish wedding and marriage. We visited
some background information about the Hanukkah
the sick at Sinai Hospital and learned about the
historical significance of Sinai being the first Jewish
The only class with a Tai Ch'i mama is excitedly
hospital in Michigan. During the month of Decem­
preparing for Hanukkah, when the class point
ber we will visit Elan Village to celebrate Hanukkah
leader will get to go last in the Hanukkah gift
with the senior residents and the JCC to observe
pictures of Hassidik Jews, taken in Jerusalem.
Parents, you can help your child boost their points
Bosmot Dovas
by verifying that they read every day and write out
their 10 Hebrew words every day. This is worth 14
points, out of a weekly total of .. well, a lot.
Congratulations to Avram Barth (know to his
parents as Adam), for taking the Amidah challenge,
worth an extra 10 points; and to Betzalah Wanetick
The students learned about the many aspects of
(known to her parents as Sala), for taking the
Hanukkah, including the Hashmonaim revolt, and the
Ashrei challenge.
miracle of its success. To help illustrate the miracle of
Parents, you'll find me on Shabbat in Junior Con­
oil, a special hands-on demonstration by Chabad,
gregation when you want to talk about your child's
illustrated the process of purifying olive oil. This
process normally takes 7 days to make into holy oil.
Mr. Robbie Margolis
Oil that had been made holy by this 7-day process was
the only oil allowed to be used in the holy temple.
6th Grade
of the Hanukkah miracle, one days-worth of
In October and November we had very successful
lasted for 7 days and allowed time to make
cooking classes. Students learned to make challah,
kugel and humantaschen and the homework was to
Each class prepared and performed a special Hanuk­
make 2 challot for the family at home. We also
kah skit, play and/or song to the delight of their fami­
made 40 loaves of challah for a Shabbat dinner at
lies and peers. In addition, each student prepared a
Beth Shalom. December will focus on making
craft to take home. I'm sure these crafts
challah covers and matzo covers from various craft
became a "Hanukkah conversation piece" for the
supplies. During November and December we will
work on Hebrew as a spoken language. The stu­
dents are responsible for translating a short story
Each of our talented teachers brought their own gifts
from our comprehension books, as well as a weekly to their classroom and helped encourage their stu­
spelling test of Hebrew words translated and
dents to express a certain phase of Hanukkah.
written in cursive Hebrew. December 12th it was
Our wonderful R.S.P. distributed a "Goody Bag" to
our tum to chant the Ashrei during the Shabbat
each student. They also enjoyed the sufganiyot. Each
child also received its first semester's report card.
Sherry Walsh I hope all the children and their families had a wonder­
Come and see the student-made bulletin board in
ful Hanukkah and winter holiday. We here at Beth
Mrs. Silver's room. Each group chose a theme and
Shalom Religious School are looking forward to the
artistically produced a great representation with
beginning of the new semester.
News from the Director
Shoshana Ben-Ozer
¢ Kislev/Tevet 5759, December 1998
Messaie ho• tbe President
The Homeless
During the week of January 17, Beth Shalom will host
several homeless families. We will fix meals, provide a
place to sleep and offer fellowship to those desper­
ately in need of it.
This effort fills me with a complex set of emotions. I
am sad that there are fellow human beings, down on
their luck, who literally have no place to call home. At
the same time, I am uplifted that we, as a congrega­
tion, have taken it upon ourselves to extend a helping
hand to those in need. Yet a third stream of emotions
focuses inward: How close I have come to becoming
homeless? What props in my life have allowed me to
give, rather than receive?
As we welcome the homeless, I also think about the
spiritual nature of homelessness. Lacking a physical
home is, of course, devastating. But lacking a spiritual
home creates a void in one's life that can be terribly
destructive as well.
Fortunately, the Jewish tradition has created an
institution to insure that no Jew who seeks a spiritual
home will be denied one. That institution is the Syna-
gogue. No Jew can be spiritually
homeless because every Jew is
entitled to come to the Synagogue;
Mark Goldsmith
to pray, to study, and to seek
Remarkably, there are too many spiritually homeless
Jews. But the cause of this kind of homelessness is not
"downsizing" divorce or emotional breakdown ...it is
entirely self-inflicted. Those Jews who remain spiritu­
ally homeless do so on a purely voluntary basis. They
have chosen homelessness.
We, as a congregation, must nevertheless reach out to
these homeless Jews, much as we reach out to the
physically homeless. Although the wounds of the
spiritually homeless are self-inflicted, we must not flag
in our effort to let them know that Beth Shalom stands
ready to offer spiritual nourishment and a place to
rejuvenate a tired soul. In doing so, we not only open
the gates of Judaism for others, but we also reinforce
within, ourselves the priority and value that Judaism
has in our own lives.
Jeff Ford Goldsmith
January 30 1999
Jeff is the son of Jane & Steven
Goldsmith. His paternal grandparents,
Max & Alice Goldsmith, of blessed
memory, were steadfast supporters
of the Detroit Jewish community.
They would have taken great
pride in their grandson, Jeff.
Believe it or not, PURIM is
just around the comer and it's
time to start thinking PURIM CARNIVAL TIME !
We are looklnq for Jl.AfflE
J1EJ{5(tickets, entertainment, services
USE VOU.1{ lM;;tGJN;rT'lCTN!)
If you have anything, or know
of anyone who can make a
Please contact -
HAKOL * The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom ---------------------�
Religious School Parent News
On November 15, we held our first
general meeting of the year, which
was very well attended. As we had
our morning coffee and bagels, we
discussed many issues critical to
our role as a supporting arm and
liaison to the religious school. RSP
sponsors Sukkahrama, Field Day,
provides juice and snacks to our
children on High Holy Days,
Chanukah goodie bags, the siddurs
and party for our third graders,
Shabbat Under the Stars, and
volunteer labor for many other
events. We also want to expand our
role as a forum for parents voicing
concerns and ideas and take them
to the syngagogue and school
The first item was our financial
status. Since we spent more than
we took in last year, we need to
focus on fundraising efforts. Mem­
bership dues help a bit but at only
$5 a family, and 53+ current mem­
bers out of well over a hundred
families we need more families to
join. The Passover candy sale is by
far our best fbndraiser, followed by
Entertainment Books. We are
switching to Cherrydale as our
Passover candy vendor, since there
were concerns voiced about
Bartons last year. We thank Lois
Balaj and Elaine Trotz, who are
heading up the Passover sale this
year. A mah jongh tournament
sponsored by RSP was one well
supported idea mentioned. Indi­
viduals interested in helping in
fundraising efforts in any way
should call our fearless leader,
Karen Weberman, President of RSP.
We distributed school directories to
all members attending the meeting.
The directory includes a listing of
our board, fundraising chairs and
room parents, with one change
noted. We still need a room parent
for the first grade and only have
one room parent for all grades
except third and sixth. We antici­
pate that the room parents will
primarily make phone calls to line
up volunteers so it really requires
minimal time. Call Shoshana Ben-
You may know a family where one parentIs
Jewish and the other is not. Quite often
decisions regarding religious education for their
children are put off. Listen to what some adult
children of intermarriage say:
• ''I'm half and half and on the
fringes of things:·
• "It's not like being a Republican
or Democrat. Every day, some­
thing arises that reminds me that
I'm split".
• "I felt like nothing'.'
Don't let that special something grow up to feel
like a nothing. Show your friend or famtly
member this ad and ask them to call us for
more Information.
Make the connection...
Ozer if you would like to volunteer.
Lively discussions followed con­
cerning the parking situation on
Wednesdays, potential programs to
educate the parents on what our
children are learning in religious
school, a summer program like
GRASP to enable our kids to retain
the Hebrew skills learned during
the school year, and RSP sponsor­
ing of the tile wall to commemorate
the opening of the Education
Center. Many good ideas surfaced
to help address these issues and
they will be taken to School Board
at the next meeting. We would also
like to have an RSP meeting space
on Sundays where parents can chat
over coffee and have a pickup mah
jongh or card game. and get to
know each other.
Our next meeting is scheduled for
Sunday, January 17, 1999. Members
and nonmembers are welcome to
come with their ideas, opinions and
kvetching. If you are interested in
joining (and you don't have to have
kids in religious school), please
drop your name and dues in the
RSP box or send them to yours
truly at 26380 Dundee, Huntington
Woods, 48070.
Heidi Coffman, RSP Treasurer
What Is DONOR?
Sisterfwod ofCongregation r.Betfi Sfiafom
DONOR is Sisterhood's major fund-raising,
culminating in a fabulous luncheon MAY 19,
1999. Sisterhood has made a commitment to
raise $5000 each year for five years as our
part of the Capital Campaign.
Please, help us meet this challenge. Pledge
DONOR Today!
Send pledges to Bernice Gill, 21475 Indepen­
dence Drive, Southfield, MI 48076. For more
information, call (248) 353-1631.
PLEDGE$----to support the Donor Luncheon
May 19, 1999
o $36Double Chai
D $50 + Silver Chai
o $100+ Golden Cha·.,._,,
The following women have already signed pledges to support Sisterhood's DONOR. They don't want to miss the
opportunity to be part of this years DONOR luncheon, Wednesday, May 19, 1999.
JOIN US! Call...Ethel Fitzerman at 885-8690 or Liz Kannon at 546-5330
Marcia Abel
Ruth Appel
Debbie Balkin
Ann Barth
Ruth Bressler
Esther Davis
Ethel Fitzerman
Adele Friedman
Sheryl Gaynor
Bernice Gill
Gladys Goldsmith
Judy Goldsmith
Rose Gordon
Mona Greenbaum
Fay Jacobs
Marilyn Katz
Shirley Kramer
Barbara Leff
Bess Lipson
Linda Lublin
Anna Mickel
Helen Miller
Helen Moss
Alicia Nelson
Ruth Nelson
Sophie Pearlstein
Ellen Racusin
HAKOL X:X The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom
Frances Rice
Helene Robbins
Marilyn Rosner
Rhonda Rosenthal
Tibie Rudofsky
Barbara Schubiner
Frances Schwartz
Ruth Selvan
Reva Talon
Marcia Tanzman
Sophie Ulanoff
Phyllis Young
Helen Zimmerman
Phyllis Zusman
13et\l Staalom
volume I
& Volume II
Compiled by Sis
$15 each or
both IOI $25
Av ailable at the syn
or call Shirley Kra
at (248) 968-3133
Reserve March 25st for a very
special day. Watch for more
Gladys Goldsmith
"I wish someone
could tell me where
to get some help."
If you're an older adult looking for
a special service or referral to a
helping agency, pick up the phone
and call Elderlink.
If you need advice or simply have a
question that needs an answer,
think Elderlink.
For day care, hot meals, home­
maker, recreation and other ser­
vices for older adults, get infor­
mation and referrals from
-S59.�..."'i:.._ .,..__..
Sponsored by the Commission on
Jewish Eldercare Services of the
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit.
¢ Kislev/Tevet 5759, December 1998
View From The Top
Ruth Marcus, Linda Lublin, Judy Goldsmith and I represented Beth
Shalom at the Women's League Convention in Philadelphia, November
15-18. Congratulations Linda on joining National Board!! Ruth did a great
job as Convention Proceedings Editor! We attended workshops on every
Jewish topic imaginable, participated in a Women's Minyah, were greeted
by Philadelphia's Jewish mayor and by dignitaries from the Jewish Theo­
logical Seminary, United Synagogue, MERCAZ and the Consul General of
Israel in Philadelphia. Speakers included Rabbi Ismar Schorsch (Chancel­
lor of the Seminary), Danny Siegel, Dr. Ron Wolfson and Dr. Ruth
Ellen Racusin
Sisterhood Upcomin!I Events
January Calendar
January 11, 1999 .................................... 9:30 a.m. ........... Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 a.m. ............................ Open Board Meeting
January 16 .............................................. 1:30 p.m. ................ Yiddish Conversation Group
January 20 ............................................ 12:30 p.m. ....................... Book Discussion Group
February Calendar
February 6 .............................................. 9:00 a.m. ............................. Sisterhood Shabbat
February 8 .............................................. 9:30 a.m. ........... Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 p.m. ............................ Open Board Meeting
February 17 ............................................ 12:30 p.m. ....................... Book Discussion Group
February 20 ............................................ 1:30 p.m. ................ Yiddish Conversation Group
Bibi, Bill and Ba!lhdad
Professor Raymond Tanter, University of Michigan
History Department, nationally renowned Middle East
expert, television consultant, advisor to Presidents,
and dynamic speaker will address the 67th
Intercongregational Men's Clubs Dinner on Wednes­
day, February 3, 1999 at Adat Shalom Synagogue,
Farmington Hills.
The Intercongregational Men's Club Dinner is the
oldest and longest running event where men from
conservative, orthodox, and reform congregations
gather to eat and learn together.
Hors d'oeuvres and open bar are 6:00PM and dinner is
7:00PM by Rosenberg Kosher Caterers. Reservations
and payment in advance to Men's Club required by
January 27, 1999. For tickets and information contact
Richard Racusin, 968-8848 (rchrdgrcsn@aol.com)
67th Annual Inter-Congregational
Men's Clubs Dinner
Topic: •a1bi, BIii, bin Laden and Baghdad·
Speaker: Professor Raymond Tanter
Professor of Political Science and
Research Associate of the Middle East Center
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Family Snow Sculpture Contest
This January, your Men's Club is sponsoring a family
snow sculpture contest on the front lawn of our
synagogue. This is a first! The fun will take place after
religious school so all students and their parents can
Plan to stay after school on Sunday, January 24, 1999,
to enjoy the fun. The Men's Club will be providing an
inexpensive hot lunch consisting of hot dogs, chips
and soda. (Well, the soda will be cold). We will also
have warm cider through out the event, so as you get
cold, you can come in and warm up.
We shall have prizes for the first, second and third
place winners. We will have fun. It is time to start
singing, "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...
-Ask The RabbiDo you have questions
for Rabbi Nelson?
Jewish Law, Holidays and Customs, Services,
Jewish History or any other Judaic topic?
Please write your questions on a card
and return it to the synagogue office.
Name (Optional)
W hen: Wednesday, Februar y 3, 1999
Where: Adat Shalom Synagogue
My Question Is ...
Time: 6 PM - Cocktails 7 PM - Dinner
Cost: $40.00
Richard Racusin 248-968-8848;
David Marks 248-737-4548; or
Don Berlin 248-967-215 9
Please do not fill out on Shabbat
HAKOl ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom -_____-:::"r.
On the weekend of November 20-22, five Beth Shalom USYers traveled to Toledo, Ohio for the annual
Kinnus North. Alayna Bialick, Ellie Levine, Judith Horwitz, Amit Levran and Alison Tschirhart spent
Shabbat socializing with other Jewish teens from
Michigan and northern Ohio, singing and praying
and joining in interesting discussion groups. We
then danced Saturday night away and even got to
learn the latest swing dance moves. Everyone
who attended had a great time.
Coming soon:
Beth Shalom USY hosts Specialty Kinnus the
weekend of February 5-7. For more information
contact Alayna Bialick at 354-8808. Hope to see
you there!
CBS's Chalutzim
1999 Calendar - Save the dates!
Jan 17 ........................ Movie (Moses, Prince of Egypt)
Feb 7 ........................................... Sledding in Oak Park
March 28 .................................... Detroit Youth Theatre
April 18 ............................................ Animal Adventure
May 15, 16 .............................. Campout in CBS Woods
June 13 ..................................... Detroit Science Center
What is it?
· I'{·
JANUARY 22-24, 1999
CBS kids from K - 2 and their parents who get
together once a month for fun adventures in a
Jewish context.
What will we do?
Have a great lunch together one Sunday a month,
then set off on the adventure. It might be a metro
park day, a putt-putt adventure, an exhibit or
project at the JCC or discovering how a Torah is
How much does it cost?
... $60.00 i1 your child attends Beth Shalom Religious School, or i1 the family is a member
Yachad or Kadima. All others $70.00.
of the synagogue, or your chlld is a member o1
Special one-time start-up offer. Only $10 per family
for the year which includes a Chalutzirn T-shirt and
hat for you and your child! (Extras available for an
additional fee.)
Become part of the adventure!
Volunteer for the planning board, or as one of the
monthly family project teams!! Or just become a
member with your child, and begin your family's
introduction to CBS Youth programs.
For more info, call Mandy Garver at 248-737-3708.
Congregational Events
Help Wanted!
On November 20, 1998, over 200 adults and children
The Shabbat and Holiday
gathered for a Kabbalat Shabbat service and delicious
Committee is looking for
Shabbat dinner. Children in grades 3 and 4, from our
congregants and religious
religious school and Hillel Day School, participated in
school parents who are
the service and-led prayers during dinner.
interested in helping to plan and implement our
monthly Shabbat and Holiday events. Very little time is
On December 19, 1998, we celebrated Chanukah with
required, and you will be able to help our congregation
Beth Shalom's annual 1,001 Lights celebration. Fami­
maintain its commitment to quality family program­
lies made candles, participated in a Havdallah and
ming and the mitzvah of bringing the joy of Shabbat
Chanukah candelighting ceremony, then feasted on
other's lives. If you are interested in joining us,
latkes, a dairy meal, pizza for the children, and of
course, traditional Chanukah sufganyot (donuts). After please contact Judy Goldmith at (248)547-6397.
dinner there was programming for all the children,
from pre-school through high school. Many thanks to
all who helped make this event such a great success,
with special thanks to the support of the Youth Com­
CBS Social Clubs Update
mission and the Pre-school Committee, who provided
the programming for the children.
Are you aware that the C. B.S. Social Club is a
Please be certain to join us on January 29, 1999, when
vibrant, growing group that is open to Couples and
we have a Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Shabbat
Single members of Congregation Beth Shalom?
dinner. This Friday evening event will feature kinder­
To give you an idea of what we did during this past
garten through 2nd grade students from our Religious
year, we had a wonderfully funny evening at the
School and Hillel Day School. For information or
Comedy Castle; an evening at the Jet Theater;
reservations, please contact Richard Racusin at (248)
some won and some lost at the Hazel Park Race­
968- 8848.
way; we attended a concert at the Meadowbrook
Theater with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra with
music by Gershwin, Hamlish and Bernstein; a
Sunday afternoon Apple Picking Day; a Hit Musical
Comedy at the New Gem Theater and in addition
to all of this, in the early summer, plans were made
for a December Caribbean Cruise aboard the Royal
January 29 ...................... Kabbalat Shabbat & Dinner,
Caribbean "Enchantment of the Sea" (Thirty Nine
K-2nd grades
members of the Social Club are going!!)
February 26 .................... Kabbalat Shabbat & Dinner,
In addition to all of these kinds of events, would
-th and 6th grades
you like to learn to play Bridge or join a Bridge
Club, or Tee Up with the C.B.S. Social Club Golf
March 1 ................................ Purim - Megillah Reading
League? All Golfers! Male or Female, New or
March 19 ......................... Kabbalat Shabbat & Dinner,
All of these types of activities are available to you
7th Grade
(couples or singles-no age limit) if you are a
member of The C.B.S. Social Club.
May 20 ................................................................ Shavuot
For more information about joining The Social
Club please call Fay Jacobs at (248) 626-2321
and please watch this column for more dates and
Looking Ahead
HAKOL ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom
Homeless Week AS,ain at CBS
'� willing helper does not wait till he is asked." Danish proverb
Once again, Congregation Beth Shalom will be providing food and shelter for the homeless clients
of the South Oakland Shelter. The dates are Sunday, January 17 through Sunday, January 24.
CBS's Social Action Committee, chaired by Sharon and Paul Levine, needs the help of every
Synagogue family. The volunteer needs are listed below in the handy tear-out response sheet. Our
homeless week volunteer coordinator, Marvin Wanetick, will help you with the day and time. 248646-4624 or e-mail him at Muffintom@aol.com.
COUNT ME (US) IN-----------------
home phone
_ 'D�. u � /M"'- SOS oUt,u i4 ie� ()d
6:30- f:00 "'·""· ad-/� 6:30 - 7:30 P·"'-·
6:()() "'·""· - 7:15 a-.m. ad-/� 6:00 P·"'- - 7:30 P·"'-·
_ 1)� � flt"efu (� 6:00 p .•.J
_ Set «,fl, (f� 17, 2-4 p.•.J
_ 1 � #Ot k atte. u Up. kt 1 U# Up� "'1t tk �1/(a.l/. � u (!BS, � Sodat ,4e.au �
Tony Award winner Diahann Carroll stars with a cast of Broadway performers and on stage musicians in a song
and dance celebration of classic Lerner & Loewe Music. Tickets are $26.00 per person
DIRECTIONS: 1-696 east to Groesbeck Exit. Follow Groesbeck north to Utica Rd., turn left on Utica Rd. to Garfield and turn right on
Garfield cross 19 mile Rd. and turn left at the entrance across from the bowling alley just before M-59/Hall road intersection. If you reach
the Big Boy, you've gone to far. For further information and directions, please call Phyllis Zusman at (248) 788-0220
----------------------------C LIP AND M A IL---------------------------MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO C.B.S SOCIAL CLUB
Enclosed is my check for $ _______ For----- Tickets
Mail to: Phyllis Zusman
29738 Nova Woods Drive
Farmington Hills, Ml 483 31
We will join you for Dinner. Number of reservations
Nov 1
Jerry Efros (in memory of his Father, Max Efros)
Nov. 2 Jack Goldberg (in memory of his Mother, Meta Miriam Goldberg)
Nov. 3 Dr. Bob Katz (in memory of his Wife, June Katz)
Nov. 8 Ida & Al Rosenblum (in memory of her Sister, 'Illlie Bloch, and his Mother, Anna Rosenblum)
Nov. 9 Ben Wettenstein (in memory of his Son, Theodore Wettenstein)
Nov. 10 Sid Schwartz (in memory of his Brother, Edward Schwartz)
Nov. 11 Gadele Elbaum (in memory of his Wife, Luba Elbaum)
Nov. 12 Betty Pianin (in memory of her Brother, Marcus Plotkin, and her Mother, Dora Plotkin)
Nov. 13 Lisa Cohen & Roseanne Fenster (in memory of their Father, Louis Berman)
Nov. 15 Cindy Wilson & Jack Kahn (in memory of their Father, Harry Kahn)
Nov. 16 Mae Weine (in memory of her Husband, Rabbi Max Weine)
Nov. 17 Manny Jacobs (in memory of his Wife, Ann Helen Jacobs)
Nov. 18 Bill Schumer (in memory of his Father, Harry Schumer)
Nov. 20 Sylvia & Gil Gladstone (in memory of her Father, Sol Zimmerman)
Nov. 22 Susan & Fred Cahn (in memory of her Father, Guenter Lindemann)
Nov. 25 Charlotte & Seward Goldin (in memory of his Parents, Lilly & Max Goldin)
Nov. 26 Charlene & Steven Levine (in honor of their Daughter, Emily's Bat Mitzvah)
Nov. 29 Janice Waxenberg & Dr. Paul Goodman (in memory of their Father, Harry Goodman)
Nov. 30 Dr. Ralph Greenberg (in memory of his Mother, Sylvia Greenberg)
We would also like to express our appreciation to:
Etta Solway for sponsoring our Nov. 21 Se'udah Shlisheet (in memory of her Husband, Dr. Paul Solway),
and for their thoughtful contributions
Lillian Gold (in memory of her Husband, Reuben Gold),
Alisa Reger (in memory of her Husband, Arie Reger).
Thank you one & all!
SE'UDAH SHLISHEET is the special third meal we er\joy Shabbat afternoon before saying "goodbye" to our
weekly guest of honor, the SHABBAT! Once a month, here at Beth Shalom, we gather for a delicious, light and
er\joyable meal, with some singing of Shabbat Zemirot (Songs) and an interesting D'var Torah from the Rabbi.
There is NO preparation you need concern yourself with, and there is practically NO clean up after. All you do is
come, eat, sing, er\joy and wait eagerly for the next one!! What we would like you to do is to sponsor a Se'udah
Shlisheet for the Congregation. It's only $125.00 (that feeds 50 or more ... ) and we promise you a good time, a
wonderful time, a great time. We'll feed you, teach you some songs, have wonderful conversation and a short
timely message. How can you go wrong? You can't. So please call Rev. Sammy right now, or 5 minutes from now
is also 0.K. and sponsor one of the following dates: JANUARY 30 - FEBRUARY 27 - APRIL 17 - JUNE 26 - JULY
24 - AUGUST 21.
Thank you.
Sammy Semp
HAKOL ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom
TbOUihts About My People
New Americans
by Grigoriy Serebryanskiy, translated by Genrikh Shif
...All right. What happened, happened. You can't
take it back, or change it. But what about the
present time? Now, when we are living in a free
country, shouldn't we profoundly think about the
question: "Who are we?" And the main thing is where we are going, we the Jews of the Diaspora.
Such questions crossed my mind when I was
listening to the festive prayer on the occasion of
the holiday Shavuot - the day of the granting of the
Torah - in the conservative synagogue, Beth Sha­
lom, in Oak Park I have been living in the U.S.A.
for a year and some months, and " am a bit over 70.
That's why my English is poor, and I didn't under­
stand everything well that Rabbi David Nelson was
saying in his speech. The Rabbi is of middle height,
about 50 years old, very lively and with an ironi­
cally wise old face. He spoke very expressively,
supporting his words with gestures of his arms all
the time. His raised hand squeezed into a fist and
then unclenched, and his not big palm was appar­
ently throwing into the hall his regular 'khockhma"
- joke. The people sitting in the sanctuary willingly
and infectiously laughed - and this is where I
lashed myself for my dullness to the English
But, in spite of not understanding everything, I felt
very comfortable and cozy in the large and bright
Conversations with
New Americans
Sunday MorningQ
10:30am-12 noon
sanctuary, where there were more than 200
congregants. I felt a little bit homesick. In the sanctu­
ary, there were many children of various ages, from
15-16 year old teenagers to one year old kids (or
younger), who rested cozily in their mother's or
father's arms. But we didn't hear any yelling or even
crying. Some children, behaving freely and naturally,
left their rows and meandered up on the Bimah. There
was no calling for order, or shouting, nor were there
other admonishing directions or rebukes from the
parents. The 'problems' were settled silently, peace­
fully, with a smile. And on the whole, they smile to the
children a lot and tenderly. Very likely, a cult is domi­
nating here, a cult for the children. The main thing
about the general atmosphere of the sanctuary, which
is hospitable, warm and cheerful, is best of all ex­
pressed by the words: 'a joyful worship to the Mighty
and Kind God'. The prayer turned into a song, the
people stood up, the congregants clapped their hands
joyfully and sang: "Shalom Aleichem, Shalom
Su n d
11 :00 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
•Loo eacb oa tS ,:oa •,.oo
5 FOR tt.oo
(may be IIWClhmed at the
eynagogue oflloel beglnm,g
Sca'fdl,.K February � 1111111
4 FOR .tll.00
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
ColleS,e Students EliS,ible for Israel Dream Lottery
An "Israel
spend a period of time in Israel is
again being offered by the Women's
Campaign and Education Depart­
ment of the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit.
The Women's Department will
award cash prizes in the amount of
$2,000 for a semester program or
longer, or up to $1,000 for shorter
programs. Metropolitan Detroit­
area students age 30 and under
who have completed one year of
college by June 1999 and are
currently enrolled at any college or
university are eligible.
The cash prize may be applied
toward any program approved by
the Michigan/Israel Connection of
the Jewish Federation. Deadline for
entry forms is Wednesday, March
10, 1999. The drawing will take
place Thursday, March 18, 1999.
Programs must begin by September
Only one entry is allowed per
person. Applicants may be eligible
for additional financial assistance
toward the cost of the Israel experi­
ence through various other
Children Participate in T1edakab Experience
Fifth graders in Detroit-area Jewish congregational and day schools
will learn about tzedakah through the annual Tzedakah Experience
9:40- 11:45 a.m. Jan. 31 at Temple Beth El.
The annual event is a partnership of the Agency for Jewish Educa­
tion and its School Services and Jewish Experiences for Families
programs, Jewish Educators Council, Jewish Federation Women's
Campaign and Education Department, Temple Beth El and the
Detroit Jewish News.
The Tzedakah Experience is a hands-on event that teaches students
about the activities of Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Detroit-supported agencies and other local agencies that serve the
Jewish community. About 500 children and their parents are ex­
pected to attend.
NeiS,bborbood Project Plans
Homeowner Workshop
The Neighborhood Project will have a homeowner workshop,
co-sponsored by Capital Mortgage Funding, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Jan.
28, at the Jimmy Prentis Morris Jewish Community Center, 15110 W.
10 Mile, Oak Park.
The workshop will cover topics such as refinancing, home equity
loans, home improvements and landscape design. Contractor and
home inspector Bob Mitchell will speak on how to choose a contrac­
tor and how to identify problems in the home. Kevin Collins of
English Gardens will talk about landscaping. The community is
invited free of charge. Refreshments will be served. For reservations
by Monday, Jan. 25, call Marion Freedman at The Neighborhood
Project, (248) 967-1112.
The Women's Department is fund­
ing the award program with a
portion of increased contributions
to the Allied Jewish Campaign.
Lisa Lis chairs the Dream Lottery
program. Susie Goldenberg is
associate chair.
Entry forms will be available after
Jan. 8, 1999 at synagogues, temples,
campus Hillels and the Michigan/
Israel Connection of the Jewish
Federation, 6735 Telegraph, Suite
206, Bloomfield Hills.
For information, contact the
Michigan/Israel Connection by
phone, (248) 645- 7878, or e-mail:
JVS Hosts Parent MeetinS,
on Financial Aid for
ColleS,e Students
Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) will
host a parent informational meeting on
the Jewish Educational Loan Service
(JELS) and additional financial aid
options for college students. It will be
held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 26,
1999 in the JVS Library in Southfield.
JELS Coordinator, Marvin Berman,
Ph.D., will discuss how to apply for an
interest- free loan offered through JELS.
JELS is open to metro Detroit area
Jewish residents and is administered
through JVS, Hebrew Free Loan Asso­
ciation, and Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Detroit.
Dr. Berman also will address the avail­
ability of financial assistance through
state, federal, institutional, and private
sources. Although the meeting will be
directed toward parents, students are
welcome to attend.
JVS is located at 29699 Southfield Road,
between 12 and 13 Mile Roads in
Southfield. For advance registration,
please call Dr. Berman at (248)
559-5000, Ext. 266.
HAKOl ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom ------�,)}
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Voice Mail 2000 \\ ,loll\
Home office: Columbus, Ohio
Ju.st $75
'til the YEAR 2000
HAKOL welcomes items
from members of the
congregation and synagogue affiliates. All material
must be typed, or supplied
on diskette, and include the
name and phone number of
the contact person. Items
should be left in the
HAKOL mailbox in the
synagogue office.
The next deadline for
articles is February 1.
'- Low
10f a ll'lfnute
HaKol published by:
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Owner: Maureen Landau
¢ Kislev/Tevet 5759, December 1998
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{248)544• 1666
Education Center and
Capital Campaign
In Honor of:
Marcia and Jerry Abel on their
so•h Wedding Anniversary
Mark, Diane, Michael and David
Ida and Jack H. Schwartz
Irene Schwartz
Sophie Pearlstein
Perky Ellison
Linda Lublin on her Presidency
of Women's League
Sophie Pearlstein
Matilda and George Rubin on
the Birth of their Granddaugh­
ter Sarah Rebecca
Bertha Chomsky
Sophie Pearlstein on the Bat
Mltzvah of her Granddaughter
Ada and Jerry Efros
Debra Nelson on her Special
Barbara and Mike Aronow
Sandy Danzig on her Special
Shelley and Marc Littman
Andrea and Wayne Miller on
the Birth of Emily Rose
Shelley and Marc Littman
Bonnie Cohn on her Special
Alice and Murray Ehrinpreis
Meyer King In Appreciation
CBS Sisterhood
Sasha Zoller on her Bat Mitzvah
Moiseev Family
Betty Levine on her Special
Sandy and Alan Eidelman
Sidney Eidelman
Good Health:
Debra Nelson
Hilda and Leon Lucas
Rolland Bellefeuille
Shelley and Marc Littman
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Harry Pearlstein
Sophie Pearlstein
In Memory of:
Clare Sabin
Irene Schwartz
Dorothy Cooperman
Sandy and David Kirsch
Betty Passman
Thelma Schurgin
Sara Greenspan
Ida and Al Rosenblum
Phyllis and Fred Clinton
Sandy and David Kirsch
Simeon I. Freedman
Stanley Freedman
Marilyn Katz
Risa and Brian Wolf
Ada and Jerry Efros
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Phyllis Zusman
Sandy and David Kirsch
Max Katz
Sandy and David Kirsch and
Dr. Joseph Kopel
Marilyn Katz
Marilyn Katz
Grandson, Seth Horwitz
Marilyn Katz
Leonard Efros
Father, Hyman Cohen
Mother and Bubbe Rebecca
Ed Gordon Scholar­
ship Fund For Youth
In Honor of:
Leonard Gluck
Rose Gordan, Charlene Gordon
and Steven Levine on the Bat
Mitzvah of Emily Levine
Charles Knoppow, Carol Philips
and Karen Knoppow
Eleanor and Ken Zuppke
Sandy and David Kirsch
Carolyn, David, Sam and Jake
Shelley and Marc Littman
Dr. Maurice Borin
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Moiseev
Vera Dresner
Marla Rogers Moiseev
Cultural Commission
In Honor q.f;
Marcia and Jerry Abel on their
501h Wedding Anniversary
Helen and Irv Herman
Dr. Max Garber on his Special
Sheilah Goldberg and Harry
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Florence Gorelick
Arlene Gorelick and Jerry
In Memory of:
Arlene Gorelick and Jerry
Brother, Marcus Plotkin
Mother, Dora Plotkin
Betty Pianin
Mother, Regina Peiss
Marilyn and Nate Peiss
In Memory of:
Moe Belkin
Ben Bloom
HAKOL ¢ The Voice of Congregation Beth Shalom
Sophie Pearlstein
Good Health:
Marilyn Katz
Estelle and Bob Lewin's Aunt
Yetta Epstein
Manuel Ben
Adele and Earl Friedman on
their so•h Wedding Anniversary
Oscar Cook
Sylvia Kopel
Gloria and Bob Ellis
Receiving An Aliyah
Marilyn Katz
Yetta and Ralph Epstein
Dr. Karl Bauer
Ann Barth
Dr, Sidney J, Katz
Trlhute Fund For
Jewish Education
Good Health
Beatrice Phillips
Eileen and lrven Leider
Pauline and Julius Markman
Phyllis Zusman
Barbara and Mike Aronow on
the Birth of their Granddaugh­
ter Julia Louise
Rose Gordon
Manuel Ben
Marlene Aronoff
Fran, Heidi and Lorie Savin &
Adam Larky
George and Muriel
Tarnoff Special Needs
Good Health:
Irene Schwartz
Pauline and Bernie Jonas
Marking the Yahrzeit Qf:
Brother, Walter Jonas
Matilda Kraus
Pauline and Bernie Jonas
Father, Louis Jonas
Bernard Jonas
In Memory of:
Estelle and Bob Lewln's Aunt
Pauline and Bernie Jonas
Rose Klaper
Pauline and Bernie Jonas
Gold Leaf on
the Tree of Life
In Honor of:
Martin Taylor on his SO•h
Rabbi Nelson, Cantor
Greenbaum and Rev. Semp In
Appreciation For Your Kindness
During Emily's Bat Mitzvah
Marcia and Jerry Abel on their
so•h Wedding Anniversary
Marcia and Stanley Freedman
on the Birth of their Grand­
daughters Rachael Hannah and
Lindsey Jordyn Freedman
Jeanette Serling
Scholarship Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit q{.·
Rose Gordon
Sheila and Chuck Mudryk
In Memory of:
Leonard Efros
Rose Gordon
Dr. Norman Moss
Rose Gordon
Evelyn Ben Video
Lihrary Fund
In Honor of:
Rabbi Nelson and Cantor
Greenbaum In Appreciation
Adele and Earl Friedman
Your Loving Family
Roma and Nate Blitstein
Sister, Esther Killian
Jeanette Serling
Leonard Milstein
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of:
Barbara and Mike Aronow of
the Birth of their Granddaugh­
ter Julia Louise
Gail and Art Langer
In Memory of:
David Radar
Alan,Jeanne, & Jeffrey Milstein
Marshall Moss
Risa and Brian Wolf
Hilary and Alana Hart
Yetta Epstein
Gertrude Milstein, Shelly
Milstein and Dan Tukel
Rabbi Mordeeai S.
Halpern Library Fund
In Honor of:
Receiving An Aliyah
Arnold Yerman
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
In Memoru of:
Cousin of Sheilah Goldberg
Friedel! and Leonard Wolson
New Ameriean Fund
In Honor of:
Barbara and Michael Aronow
on the Birth of their Grand­
daughter Julia Louise
Mireille and Peter Plotke
Prayer Book Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Charles Rubel
Sister, Sandra Goose
Menorah Fund
In Honor of:
Father, Sam Bell
Isa and Steve Medow
Marcia Klain
Max Bell
In Memoru of:
Dr. Max Garber on his Special
Dooley A. Cohan
In Memoru of:
Irene R. Cohan
Friedel! and Leonard Wolson
Rosa Lynn Kief
Friedel! and Leonard Wolson
Leonard Efros
Rhoda Krauss
Minyan Breakfast
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Father, Isaac J, Taylor
Martin Taylor
Pauline Kilberg
Anne Rasick
Parents, Morris and Minnie
Gerald Abel
In Memoru of:
Leonard Efros
Eileen and lrven Leider
Musie Fund
In Honor of:
Cantor Samuel Greenbaum In
Marsha, Hershel and Bryan
Meyer King and Harriet
Goldman In Appreciation of
Your Performance
The Social Club
Cantor Greenbaum In Appre­
ciation For Your Support and
Patience In Helping Me Achieve
My Goal
Bonnie Sorkin
Marcia and Jerry Abel on their
501h Wedding Anniversary
Marcia and Arnold Tanzman
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Lillian and Abraham Margulies
Anna and Joseph Tanzman
Marcia and Arnold Tanzman
2 Prayer Books By Eelia and
Michael Cohan
2 Prayer Books By Eelia and
Michael Cohan
Anna and David Rosenblum
12 Prayer Books By Ida and
Albert Rosenblum
Rabbi Diseretionary
In Honor of:
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wallis on
their SO•h Wedding Anniversary
Lois and Don Pearl
Mother, Dora Colman
William Colman
Rebecca Greenberg
Marilyn and Norman Schakne
Parents, Helen and Louis Nagel
Sheila and Charles Mudryk
In Memoru of:
Rosa Lynn Kief
Judy and Mark Goldsmith
Julius Barth
Marilyn and Seymour Matenky
and Family
Judith Lowe Knopper
Ben Wettenstein
Leonard Efros
Judy and Mark Goldsmith
Pearl and Julian Nusbaum
Pauline and Julius Markman
Ruby Samson
Ben Wettenstein
Michael Monshine
Judy and Mark Goldsmith
Rebecca Flaisher
Judy and Mark Goldsmith
Eleanore and Robert
White C:amp Ramah
Seholarshlp Fund
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Arthur Rosenbaum
Richard Rosenbaum
Zedakah Fund
In Honor of:
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller on the
Naming of their Daughter
Rachael Brittany
Barbara and Mike Aronow on
the Birth of their Granddaugh­
ter Julia Louise
Debra Nelson
Stan and Pam Aronow on the
Birth of their Daughter Julia
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
Adele and Earl Friedman on
their SO•h Wedding Anniversary
Lenora and Irv Beron
Good Health:
Reva and Bernard Talon
Gladys and Larry Rockind
Yetta Dashevsky
Irene Schumer
Barbara Cohen and Family
Barbara Cohen and Family
Minimum for
Congregation Beth
Shalom's tribute funds
help to support many of
the important Synagogue
programs and services.
However, operational
costs are considerably
higher today than they
were years ago. There­
fore, we have established
a new $10 minimum price
for tribute cards.
We are grateful to our
members and friends who
have purchased tributes
marking life cycle events
and other significant
occasions, and we en­
courage your continued
support. Our tribute
secretary, Sheryl Kaminer,
will process your tribute
and mail it promptly.
Sheryl can be reached at
our Synagogue office at
Tributes received by the
30th of the month will
appear in the following
month's HAKOL.
Cookie Frenkel
Brother, Harry Pomerantz
Ruth Selvan
Sanetuary Fund
In Honor of:
Hela Jutkiewicz
Sharona Shapiro and David
Lerner on the Birth of their Son
Amy Neistein and Marion
Freedman (The Neighborhood
Good Health:
Murray Chodak
Roberta Schare
Marking the Yahrzeit of:
David and Esther Cohen
Celia Meisner
¢ Kislev/Tevet 5759, December 1998
From the Editor
Please remember that all
articles are due by the
first of the month in
order for them to appear
in the next month's
edition. This will help
insure that everyone
gets his or her HAKOL in
a timely fashion.
Submissions may
be sent by e-mail to
January 1
Services ................................................ 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting ................................ 4:54 PM
January 2
Services ................................................ 9:00 AM
Minchah .............................................. 5:20 PM
January 3
No Religious School
January 5
Shabbat & Holiday
Committee ......................................... 7:30 PM
Cantor's Celebration
Committee ......................................... 7:00 PM
January 6
Religious School ............................... 4:00 PM
January 7
Boy Scouts .......................................... 7:00 PM
Cantor's Celebration
Catering Committee ....................... 7:00 PM
January 8
Minchah .............................................. 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting ................................ 5:00 PM
January 9
Services ................................................ 9:00 AM
Minchah .............................................. 5:25 PM
January 10
Religious School ............................... 9:00 AM
R.S.P. ...................................................... 9:15 AM
Circle of Friends ............................. 10:30 AM
Men's Club Board .......................... 10:30 AM
Religious School Staff ................... 12:15 PM
Kadima Program ............................ 12:30 PM
January 11
Sisterhood Board .......................... 10:30 AM
January 12
Institute for Judaism ....................... 7:30 PM
School Board ..................................... 7:30 PM
January 13
Religious School ............................... 4:00 PM
Youth Commission .......................... 7:30 PM
January 14
Boy Scouts .......................................... 7:00 PM
Parent/Teacher Conferences ........ 7:00 PM
January 15
Minchah .............................................. 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting ................................ 5:08 PM
January 16
Services ................................................ 9:00 AM
Minchah .............................................. 5:35 PM
January 17
Religious School ............................... 9:00 AM
Circle of Friends ............................. 10:30 AM
Housing the Homeless
through January 24
January 19
Institute for Judaism ....................... 7:30 PM
January 20
Religious School ............................... 4:00 PM
Board of Directors ............................ 7:30 PM
January 21
Boy Scouts .......................................... 7:00 PM
January 22
January 23
Services ................................................ 9:00 AM
Minchah .............................................. 5:40 PM
January 24
Religious School ............................... 9:00 AM
Circle of Friends ............................. 10:30 AM
Men's Club Snow Sculpture
Contest & Lunch .................................... Noon
January 26
Institute for Judaism ....................... 7:30 PM
January 27
Religious School ............................... 4:00 PM
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Meeting .............. 7:00 PM
January 28
Boy Scouts .......................................... 7:00 PM
January 29
Services ................................................ 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting ................................ 5:26 PM
January 30
Services ................................................ 9:00 AM
Minchah .............................................. 5:15 PM
Se'udah Sh'lisheet
January 31
Religious School ............................... 9:00 AM
Tu B'Shevat Program
Circle of Friends ............................. 10:30 AM
Services ................................................ 6:00 PM
Candle Lighting ................................ 5:17 PM
Constr-Sation Beth Shalom
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Oak Park, Ml 48237
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