May 2015 - Beth Ami Congregation


May 2015 - Beth Ami Congregation
May 2015
Iyar/Sivan 5775
Cover Photo by David Burns
Rabbi: Joseph Fishof
Inspiring Message from Rabbi Joe
Cantor/Assoc. Rabbi: Elliott Dicker
President: David N. Strauss
Lots O’ News Items
Executive VP: Sarah Goldberg
May 14, 1948
1st Vice President: Gloria Kotick
Gala 2015 Scrapbook
Great Events to Attend in May
Programming: Beverly Strauss
Editor: cj
Step Up for Israel
series continues
Matt Weisbaum
Wednesday, May 20th
at 6:30PM
Crossing the Line Part II
Desserts & Coffee
with Rabbi Joe
May 14th, at 7:00PM
Dianne Fried
Neil Friess
Stuart Timoner
It’s been an inspiring few months for me since I began here at
Beth Ami Congregation. I trust, hope and pray that it will
continue as such. The warmth and embracing feeling I’ve
received since I’ve been at Beth Ami has been nothing short of
I want to personally thank David & Beverly Strauss, Sarah &
Gene Goldberg, and our Chazzan Elliott Dicker - amongst others for making me feel most welcome since the first day I came here.
Since I’ve been here, I’ve witnessed enthusiasm, teamwork,
dynamic revitalization and an atmosphere of positive thinking.
We had a successful gala, a great Purim program, and wonderful
Simcha Shabbosim.
On a sadder, but on a most encouraging note, we had a
tremendous turnout for our most moving and touching Yom
Hashoah program. Our services have been well attended and our
most talented Cantor Dicker has engaged all of our worshippers
with his exuberant melodies, on both our Friday Night and our
Shabbat morning services. We have great energy and potential for
increased energy and for more members to join our ranks.
I’d like to think of us as the “Beth Ami Family”, and as family,
we must continue to forge ahead with the same vision - the vision
of continued success for our synagogue.
We have some great enlightening and fun programs coming up,
and I feel it’s incumbent for as many people as possible (to the
best of their ability of course) to participate and even more
importantly, to head up some of the exciting activities we have
If we at Beth Ami make the time and effort to “band and band
together” Beth Ami will continue to grow and thrive.
The bottom line is commitment in different ways. People’s
commitment to religion is a very personal thing, but our
commitment here at Beth Ami should be to have intellectual
honesty with each other, to be happy with our shul, to be cohesive
in our commitment to our positive goals, to our commitment to
Judaism, to the spirit of the Torah, to good Jewish living, and last
- and by all means not least, our total commitment and dedication
to Israel and it’s survival.
Let us all continue mi-ko-ach l’ko-ach - from strength to
strength in the best of health.
Beth Ami Chai. Am Yisrael Chai.
Rabbi Joe Fishof
This has been an exciting year. I wish to thank all those who
attended our Annual Meeting, and welcome Dianne Fried, Neil
Friess, and Stuart Timoner, who were elected to join Beth Ami’s
Board of Directors. Board Member Nancy Boyman was elected to
serve on the Executive Board as Recording Secretary. I look
forward to working with everyone.
It was first a dream here years ago to have a security system that
would cover all our exterior and interior areas by cameras, with a
recording device that lets us know 24/7 what’s happening at Beth
Ami. We have now finally realized that vision. We are so proud of
this important accomplishment - and I thank all the members who
have donated towards the costs, and all those who will contribute
towards helping us pay the final costs. We are all excited to be
installing a new phone system, new computers, internet and cable.
Finally after 41/2 years of hard work I can see light at the end of the
In the future we will be working on a new roof for the Social Hall,
paying off our mortgage, and waterproofing our building to help
ensure we won’t need to have expensive renovation projects, such
as the extensive renovations of the restrooms that we completed last
One more special accomplishment I would like to remind you of is
Beth Ami’s Pillar Program. Our 2015 Annual Gala was held in
honor of this program, and recognized the Pillars, Keystones, and
Guardians of Beth Ami, who have all made an extremely significant
financial contribution to safeguard the future of Beth Ami under the
umbrella of the Pillar Program. The Gala was a tremendous
success. It raised $20K - our biggest gala yet. And I’m sure next
year it will be even bigger. So far, our Pillar Program has raised
$475K of our $500K goal! I hope some of you who attended will
be inspired to join the Pillar Program yourselves.
We cannot run a Shul on Dues and Yom Kippur Appeals alone. We
recognize and deeply appreciate all contributions by our members.
Anyone looking to join a Synagogue in our area will discover our
dues are extremely modest, and this is possible because our
members support all of our programs and projects generously.
So as you can see, with all the improvements, activities and
programs, Beth Ami is a new Shul. Change is difficult, but we are
recognized in our Community. We are a Zionist Shul. With study,
education, movies, parties and services: we are huge supporters of
Israel and many Jewish organizations. THAT’s what we are all
My administration has been very busy working hard to complete all
the necessary improvements to Beth Ami. It is now up to all of us
as members to share what we all have helped build.
David N. Strauss
Dear Friends:
It is very difficult to find the words to express my
appreciation and thanks to all of you who participated
in celebrating my 70th birthday. The social hall
looked magnificent. There was so much love in the
air as we celebrated together. I cannot say thank you
enough for the demonstration of caring and respect
for me you showed, for my wonderful gift, and for the
many donations to Beth Ami in my honor. It is my
21st year as your cantor and I am totally overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness. May all of
us continue to be blessed.
Todah Rabah,
Cantor/Associate Rabbi Elliott Dicker
Gale Barshop
Dr. Burton Bergman
Alan Bergstein
Irene Berkey
Nancy & Richard Boyman
Sharyn Carr
June Cohen
Yvonne & David Cohn
Geoffrey Colton
Gloria & Samuel Deutsch
Eileen & Michael Dolfman
Phyllis & Jay Drossman
Selma & Richard Ehrlich
Jane & Robert Fink
Dianne & Ted Fried
Joan & Neil Friess
Marty Gerber
Barbara Glickman
Sarah & Gene Goldberg
Fred Goldsmith
Bernice & Bernard Gola
Beverly Gralla
Lorna Greenspahn
Marcia & Rolf Hess
Judy & Wallace Horowitz
Jay Jacobson
Rose & Martin Jaffe
Niel & Edith Jonas
Terry & David Kahan
Sheila & Dr. Hal Kallman
Betty Kapnick
Gloria Kotick
Priscilla Kronish
Cal Kunin
Ruth & Harvey LeFrock
Ann & Arthur Lerner
Fran Levitt
Herb Mendel
Gay Mandon
Sue & Abel Merrill
Irene & Lewis Messulam
Ursula & Max Meyer
Marilyn & Jerry Miller
Ina Phillips
Thank You
Regina Plawner
Rita & Herb Raiffe
Miriam & Harold Ressel
Irma Revesman
Reva Rogoff
Beatrice Sussman &
Henry Rosenthal
David Rowe
Trudy Shultz
Gladys Schwardron
Cheryl Joy Sculnick
Shelly Sigale
Selma & Joseph Sitrick
Diane Shafer
Beverly & David Strauss
Sue & Dr. Irwin Suna
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Alan Ward
Toby Waller
Carol & Jacob Wandner
Ileene & Joseph Yashpeh
Ronnie Yavneh
Beth Ami Community News
We are a year round synagogue, and the
summer months are loaded with activities!
May 14, at 7-9 pm – Open House Dessert
Night: for Beth Ami members and the J ewish
community, to get to know our newest Clergy
member, Rabbi Joseph Fishof. The past three months have been terrific with Rabbi Joe on our Bimah. Come meet personally this
learned, caring rabbi we are so fortunate to have in the Beth Ami
May 20, at 6:30 pm – Step Up For Israel presents “Crossing the
Line II”: Matt Weisba u m of J er u sa will modera te
and discuss the increase of anti-Semitic issues facing the Jewish
Student on college campuses throughout North America. Learn about
how serious this is and what, if anything, we can do.
May 22, at 2pm – 2:30 pm – 1st Meadows Road Shabbat:
This caring outreach brings residents at the Boca Rehab Center a
connection to their Judaism. Saying the words of the Shema and the
Shabbat Blessings with them deepens our commitment to our fellow
Jews. This is a mitzvah and every Beth Ami Member is encouraged
to attend at least one of the 12 services planned in the coming year.
June 11, 17 and July 9, 29 - Summer Film Series: One of our most
popular and requested programs! Movies soon to be announced.
July 19, at 12 noon – Luncheon and Beth Ami Talent Show: F UN
FUN FUN! This is new and different for us - don’t miss participating !
August 30 – Mahjong Tournament: sign up to be part of the F un,
Food & prizes .
If you aren’t receiving email notifications, please email to be added to the email list!
Beverly Strauss
MAY 14, 1948
Three score and seven years ago Our People brought
forth, upon this land, a new nation, conceived in Our
History, and dedicated to the proposition that this is Our
Homeland for all Jewish People for all time.
Now we are engaged in a great civilizational battle,
testing whether this nation, or any nation so conceived,
and so dedicated, can long endure.
We cannot dedicate – we cannot consecrate – we cannot
hallow – this land. The brave men and women, living
and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far
above our poor power to add or detract. The world can
never forget what they did here. Will the world note and
remember what we say here now?
It is for us to be dedicated here and now to the
unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly
carried on. It is for us to be here dedicated to the great
task remaining before us – that from the honored dead
we take increased devotion to that cause for which they
gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here and
now highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in
vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom;
and that this Land of Israel shall not perish from the
We are so proud of Beth Ami, we want to
share our Shul with everyone! It’s so easy
to be an ambassador for Beth Ami. You
can forward our emails to your friends.
When you tell people about Beth Ami, ask
them if they would like to receive our
emailed flyers and announcements to
learn more about our events, services,
programs. Just turn in the names and
Along with many of the other positive
changes taking place at Beth Ami, our
website has been under construction for
updating. The new site should be up soon
(maybe even by the time of this printing).
This is really great for reaching out to a
wider community of people looking for a
true Zionist synagogue in Boca Raton.
New items and options will continue to be
added all the time.
Check it out!
May 31, 3:00pm: Presentation of
Security Issues facing Israel and America
today. Beth Ami member May Long
attended a recent trip to Israel with emphasis on security concerns. She along
with Tom Trento, who developed the tour
with Israeli government associates will speak
and take questions. This program is open
only to Beth Ami members, their guests,
and invited members of the Jewish and
Christian communities.
Beth Ami Community News
“Sunday Afternoon Live” - July 19th 12 noon
Wanted: Singers, dancers, joke-tellers, skitperformers, ladies with gowns and men with
tuxes (for opening act), and for the more shy
among us - backstage crew members! Show
meetings are: May 7, 21, 28; June 4, 18; July 2,
9, 16. Contact Joan Friess to join the
committee: (561) 391-1419. For those who just
like to have a good time and watch, tickets for
the show with luncheon included are only
$20pp*. Call the Office to reserve your tickets
now! * Performers and crew get a discount.
Here’s another great event to look forward
to: a Mahjong Tournament will be held at
Beth Ami on August 30th. Doors open
9:00AM, play begins 9:30. National
Mahjong rules (13 tiles). Bring your
Mahjong set if you would like to be East.
A great day for serious players, and open
to Beth Ami members and friends in the
community. Cost for the tournament is
$40 and includes a buffet lunch. Contact:
Miriam Deutsch (561) 477-8244 or
Sheila Wiener (561) 245-7693.
Sorry to air our laundry in public, but this
is something you should know. For years
to help save money on cleaning expenses,
a group of ladies from Beth Ami has been
taking home the Synagogue’s wash every
week. That’s hundred and hundreds of
loads of tablecloths and towels. But now
thanks to the extreme generosity of a
handful of people, Beth Ami has its own
washer/dryer! This is so needed and
helpful - thank you! Now, if we could just
get the guy in the t-shirt to do the laundry …….
The Child Survivors/Hidden Children of
the Holocaust Palm Beach County held
their 10th Yom Hashoah commemoration
with Beth Ami on April 19th. With over
200 people attending, it was the largest
gathering yet for this most important
memorial day. Thank you to Nancy
Boyman for coordinating. Visit here
for a great write-up. Beth Ami is noticed!
On April 18th we celebrated the 70th
birthday of Cantor Elliott Dicker with a
packed house for Shabbat services and
Kiddush lunch. It’s nice when everyone
gets together for a special occasion. Of
course the food was great - as always!
Easy does it in line! Almost 100 people
contributed, so the Cantor received a nice
gift, and a nice donation in his honor to
the Shul. Thank you Beth Ami members!
A very special memorial minyan was held
on April 27th in honour of longtime Beth
Ami member, Al Cohen. Over sixty
people attended the Monday morning
service. It was a real tribute to Al, who
attended almost every Minyan until past
his 102nd birthday. Family and friends
shared stories about him from the Bimah,
and afterwards gathered in the social hall
for light breakfast. Al would have love it.
Hashem is watching … And so are we! As
part of the renovation and revitalization of
Beth Ami, the new security systems have
been installed. There are monitored cameras outside and inside the building, a
new gate, and security fencing. Congratulations to President David
Strauss for seeing this project
through. (Donations to finish paying for
it are still being accepted. See David to
learn more…)
Correction: The Passover 2015 Issue of
the Beth Ami Post has an error. Miriam
and Max Deutsch put the committee together for the Shalach Manot bags we all
received. Gloria and Samuel Deutsch did
not, but we hope they did enjoy the bags!
A phone call to apologize was placed to
Miriam by a very mortified editor. She
was a doll about the matter. You’ll enjoy
working with Miriam & Max on an event,
or just attend one!
Miriam & Max Deutsch: They have joined
with Ileene Yashpeh to organize a trip to
the Mardi Gras Casino in Hallandale on
June 23, 2015. Bus leaves Beth Ami at
9:30AM and returns 5:00PM. Cost is
$20pp (includes $5 free play and $3 lunch
coupon). Unlimited soup & salad buffet
lunch is $5 plus coupon. Flyers for signup are in lobby or call office: 561-347-0031.
Miriam or Max Deutsch: 561-477-8244.
Ileene Yashpeh: 201-937-9479.
May 2015
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
Shabbat Service
Kiddush Lunch
Candle Lighting 7:34
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Meeting 10:30a
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Crossing the
Line II w/ Matt
Shavuot I
Light after 8:43
Security Issues
facing Israel Special Briefing
3:00p - 5:00p
Shavuot II
Yizkor Service
USA Memorial
1 June
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Talent Meeting
Exec Meeting
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00
Meet & Greet
Rabbi Joe
3 June
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
Candle Lighting 7:38
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
Talent Meeting
Candle Lighting 7:45
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Mother’s Day
Shabbat Service
Mother’s Day
Shabbat Service
Kiddush Lunch
Meadows Rd
Shabbat 2:00p
Oneg Shabbat
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
Service 9:30a
Kiddush Lunch
Erev Shavuot
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
Light after 8:42
Shabbat Service
Kiddush Lunch
Candle Lighting 7:49
4 June
5 June
Talent Meeting
Candle Lighting 7:52
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Candle Lighting 7:41
Minyan 9:00a
Breakfast 10:00a
Talent Meeting
2 June
8:00p - 10:00p
Open Bar
6 June
Shabbat Service
Special Kiddush
IHO M. Yashpeh
Is happy to begin
The Meadows Road Shabbat
At Boca Rehab Center
One Friday A Month
A 20 minute service designed for the residents
The Joy of Shabbat with prayer, song – and a
little Challah!
Participation is a Mitzvah. Join Us!
Synagogue Office: (561) 347-0031
“Crossing the Line - Part II”
May 20, 2015 - Wednesday: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
With Speaker and Educator from
Matt Weisbaum
Beth Ami Members and the Jewish Community
are invited for an evening of
Desserts and Coffee
“Rabbi Joe”
Thursday, May 14
7-9 PM
Beth Ami Congregation
Israel is under assault on North American college campuses today like never before. Anti-Israel activities to alienate,
demonize, and delegitimize Israel are increasingly
crossing the line into anti-Semitism, in the form of hate
speech, harassment and intimidation.
Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism
on Campus is a new documentary that reveals the
rise of anti-Israel activity and anti-Semitic rhetoric on
North American university campuses, and
demonstrates when reasonable criticism of Israel
‘Crosses the Line’ into anti-Semitism.
1401 NW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, 33432
Come and meet the newest addition to the
Beth Ami Family!
Rabbi Joseph Fishof is from Cedarhurst, NY,
where he spent 21 years at Beth El Synagogue.
He came to Florida planning to retire and play a
lot of golf. But Hashem had other things in
mind for him! Within a month of his arrival he
met Beth Ami leaders (lucky for us) and
poof...he was back on the Bimah!
We are so happy to have such a knowledgeable
and personable Rabbi at Beth Ami. Please
come meet Rabbi Joe, as he shares his life’s
journey, thoughts on Judaism, and hopes for
the future of Beth Ami.
ABOUT STEP UP FOR ISRAEl: an international,
grassroots campaign that connects individuals
and communities to Israel. Beth Ami is proud to host
this continuing series of programs that have educated
so many people across America and worldwide.
Please RSVP by May 11th
Light Refreshments – Cost:$10 Cash at Door
Credit Card in advance through Beth Ami Office
Beth Ami Office (561) 347-0031
The beautiful Gala Journal (pictured above) is also our
Annual Directory of Beth Ami Members. The Ad sales
for it constitute our largest annual fundraiser. The
response this year was huge - from our members, and
from our community.
Thank you everyone for
supporting us. This is a major portion of our annual
operating expenses. This makes our great programs
Thank you David Burns from Imprint Specialties for the
outstanding custom design work and printing. David can
be reached by email:, or
by phone: (352) 636-4059.
If you have not received your Annual Directory, please
contact the Beth Ami Office for your copy: (561) 347-0031. When you
have your copy, check your name and contact information. If
there are any inaccuracies , call the Office and we’ll make sure
to have our systems updated.
Alpha Fence & Rail
Allegra Printing
Susan & Edward Alter
Sandra Becker
Dr. Burton Bergman
Irene Berkey
Michelle & Gary Bettman
Irene & Leon Blitt
Nan & Chuck Bolz
Nancy & Richard Boyman
Norma & Meyer Burgstein
Sharyn Carr
June Cohen
June Cohen: for Edward & Bruce
Yvonne & David Cohn
Leslie & Ronald D’Anna
Gloria & Samuel Deutsch
Bonnie & Anthony Dimun
Eileen & Michael Dolfman
Judy & Bruce Drossman
Phyllis & Jay Drossman
Seymour Fleck
Dianne & Ted Fried
Joan & Neil Friess
Marty Gerber
Laynie & Sam Gershwin
Phyllis & Leonard Gilbert
Nancy & Sheldon Gilman
Barbara Glickman
Sarah & Gene Goldberg
Fred Goldsmith
Rabbi Yisroel & Devorah Goldstein
Beverly Gralla
Lenora & Richard Hall
Susan & Malcom Hermele
Donna Higer
Judy & Wallace Horowitz
Michelle & Darren Indyke
Rose & Dr. Martin Jaffe
Edith & Nathaniel Jonas
Sheila & Dr. Hal Kallman
Harold & Sandy Kaplan
Ivan Kaufman
Danita Kilcullen & Jack Gillies
Gloria Kotick
Calvin Kunin
Ann & Arthur Lerner
Frances Levitt
Light & Power Electrical
Bertha & Kenneth Litvack
Marjori & Matthew Lobman
May Long: IMO husband Jay Long
Harriet & Leonard Mayer
Susan & Abel Merrill
Erin & Michael Nickler
David Ogman
Mollie & Connor O’Grady
Nancy & Larry Pantirer
Dr. Lance Raiffe
Rita & Herb Raiffe
Jerome Reiss: IHO Sheila & Hal
Nadine Richterman
Rosalie Rose
Beverly & Meyer Rosen
Beatrice Sussman & Henry
David Rowe
Vicki & Paul Rubin
Monica & Jeffrey Ruthizer
Amy Salzverg (for son Harrison)
Irene & Alan Schachman
Gladys Schwardron
Cheryl Joy Sculnick
Steven & Bonnie Shapiro
Shapiro Management Group
Sarah & Marc Sheridan
Marilyn Shorenstein
Meri & Mark Sirkin
Selma & Joseph Sitrik: Sitrick
Emma & Clement Sofer
Marlene Solomon
Philip Solondz
Bruce Steinberg
Charlene & Charles Steinberg
Myra & Jerry Stemerman
Beverly & David Strauss
Robyn & Dr. Lester Suna
Jennifer & Douglas Suna
Joann Suna
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna (children)
Ellen & Robert Sussman
Thermo King East
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Toby Waller
Carol & Jacob Wandner
Allan Eugene Ward
Barbara & Philip Warshaw
Drew Weider
Ileene & Joseph Yashpeh
Yoakum Landscape Services
Madelyn & Danny Zelman
There are many people to thank for the
success of this year’s Gala, starting with
the Committee: Nancy Boyman, Joan
Friess, Donna Higer, Sara Goldberg, Hal
Kallman, Rita & Herb Raiffe, Beverly
Strauss, and Alan Ward. Alan also gets
extra thanks for taking so many beautiful
pictures, and dancing with everybody!
This was our first Gala at the Addison:
thank you for doing such a wonderful
event! Everything was beautifully done.
Most especially: Thank you members
and friends for attending our Gala. We
hope you enjoyed our big night - and
would love to see you back next year!
Synagogues cannot survive on dues alone! Thank you all for your generosity!
Dr. Burton Bergman
Ann & Arthur Lerner
Frances Levitt
Frances Levitt & Marty Gerber
Henry Rosenthal & Beatrice Sussman
Beverly & David Strauss
Stanley & Muriel Tharler
Miriam & Harold Ressel: IHO Cantor
Irma Revesman: IHO Cantor
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: IHO
Henry Rosenthal & Beatrice Sussman:
IHO Cantor
David Rowe: IHO Cantor
Trudy Schultz: IHO Cantor
Gladys Schwadron: IHO Cantor
Cheryl Joy Sculnick: IHO Cantor
David Rowe: Donation
Diane Shafer: IHO Cantor
Shelly & Les Sigale: IHO Cantor
Selma & Joseph Sitrick: IHO Cantor
Gale Barshop: IHO Cantor
Beverly & David Strauss: IHO Cantor
Dr. Burton Bergman: IHO Cantor
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: IHO Cantor
Alan Bergstein: IHO Cantor
Deborah & Stuart Timoner: Baby naming
Nancy & Richard Boyman: IHO Cantor
Deborah & Stuart Timoner: IHO Cantor
Sharyn Carr & Shelly Sigale: IHO Cantor Toby Waller: IHO Cantor
Carol & Howard Cohen: Minyan breakfast Toby Waller: Minyan breakfast 4/27/15
4/27/15 IMO Al Cohen w/Toby & Arthur
IMO Al Cohen w/Howard & Arthur
June Cohen: IHO Cantor
Carol R. & Jacob Wandner: IHO Cantor
Mari & Arthur Cohen: Minyan breakfast Allan Eugene Ward: IHO Cantor’s B'day
4/27/15 IMO Al Cohen w/Howard & Toby Ileene & Joseph Yashpeh: Kiddush 6/6/15
Yvonne & David Cohn: IHO Cantor
IHO Matthew graduation High School
Geoffrey Colton: IHO Cantor
Ileene & Joseph Yashpeh: IHO Cantor
Gloria and Samuel Deutsch: IHO Cantor Ronnie Yavneh: IHO Cantor
Eileen & Michael Dolfman: IHO Cantor
Phyllis & Jay Drossman: IHO Cantor
Nancy & Richard Boyman: IHO Richard's
Selma and Richard Ehrlich: IHO Cantor
Jane and Robert Fink: IHO Cantor
Dianne & Ted Fried: IHO Cantor
Joan & Neil Friess: IHO Cantor
Alan Bergstein: Sale of Chametz
Martin Gerber: IHO Cantor
Nancy & Richard Boyman: Sale of
Barbara Glickman: IHO Cantor
Bernice & Bernard Gola: IHO Cantor
June Cohen: Sale of Chametz
Sarah & Gene Goldberg: IHO Cantor
Fred Goldsmith: IHO Cantor
Bernice and Bernard Gola: Sale of
Beverly Gralla: IHO Cantor
Lorna Greenspahn: IHO Cantor
Marlene & Dr. Irwin Goldstein: Sale of
Marcia Hess: IHO Cantor
Judith & Wallace Horowitz: IHO Cantor Rose & Dr. Martin Jaffe: Sale of Chametz
Lorita & Jay Jacobson: IHO Cantor
Betty Kapnick: Sale of Chametz
Rose & Dr. Martin Jaffe: IHO Cantor
Gloria Kotick: Sale of Chametz
Edith and Nathaniel Jonas: IHO Cantor
Ruth & Harvey LeFrock: Sale of Chametz
Terry and David Kahan: IHO Cantor
Ann & Arthur Lerner: Sale of Chametz
Sheila & Dr. Hal Kallman: IHO Cantor
Regina Plawner: Sale of Chametz
Betty Kapnick: IHO Cantor
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: Sale of
Gloria Kotick: IHO Cantor
Priscilla Kronish: IHO Cantor
David Rowe: Donation to Passover fund
Calvin Kunin: IHO Cantor
Cheryl Joy Sculnick: Sale of Chametz
Ruth & Harvey LeFrock: IHO Cantor
Lenore & Paul Steinberg: Sale of Chametz
Ann & Arthur Lerner: IHO Cantor
Stanley & Muriel Tharler: Sale of Chametz
Frances Levitt: IHO Cantor
Carol R. & Jacob Wandner: Sale of
Herbert Mandel: IHO Cantor
Gay Mandon: IHO Cantor
Ronnie Yavneh: Sale of Chametz-also for
Irene & Lewis Messulam: IHO Cantor
Audrey & Stephen Provda
Ursula & Max Meyer: IHO Cantor
Marilyn & Jerome Miller: IHO Cantor
Ina Phillips: IHO Cantor
Geoffrey Colton: IHO Cantor's birthday
Rita & Herbert Raiffe: IHO Cantor
Gloria Kotick: Passover 2015 Issue
Carol & Howard Cohen: towards
memorial plaque IMO Al Cohen w/Toby &
Mari & Arthur Cohen: towards memorial
plaque IMO Al Cohen w/Howard & Toby
Carol & Frank Hinchey: IMO Al Cohen
Joyce & Michael Liebman: towards
plaque IMO Al Cohen
Deborah Nyman: IMO Al Cohen
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: Torah Sparks
IHO Richard Boyman B'day
Toby Waller: towards memorial plaque
IMO Al Cohen w/Howard & Arthur
Nancy & Richard Boyman: towards
June Cohen: towards security
Sheila & Dr. Hal Kallman: towards
washer & dryer
Judith & Bernard Kristal: towards new
Gloria Kotick: towards washer & dryer
May Long: towards security
Stephanie & Steven Prince: towards new
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: towards
new computers (IHO Strauss)
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: towards
washer & dryer
Allen Spector: Donation
Charlene & Charles Steinberg: towards
Beverly & David Strauss: towards washer
& dryer
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: towards
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: towards washer
& dryer
Sandra Becker
Nancy & Richard Boyman
Gloria & Samuel Deutsch
Barbara & Fred Gerkin
Barbara Glickman
Fred Goldsmith
Doris Katz
Gloria Kotick
Lilly Malnik
Ursula & Max Meyer: IMO Bruno & Ilse
Renee Schiller
Cheryl Joy Sculnick
Beverly & David Strauss
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna
Synagogues cannot survive on dues alone! Thank you all for your generosity!
Sheri Adair: Tree (2) IMO Al Cohen
Sheri Adair: IMO brother Gary Herman
Sheri Adair: IMO brother Ricky Herman
Sheri Adair: IMO George Maringer
Nancy & Richard Boyman: IMO Joseph
Nancy & Richard Boyman: tree to Dr.
Burton Bergman IHO 92nd B'day
Arthur Dolgan: Circle of Trees (5) IMO
Roth Altland
Phyllis & Jay Drossman: Tree (2) IMO
Robert Jaffe
Seymour Fleck: IMO Joseph Rubenstein
Maxine & Angelo Gatto: Circle of Trees
IMO Herbert Gruenstein
Louise Herman: tree IMO Al Cohen
Betty Kapnick: tree IMO Cynthia Kushel
Arlene & Dr. Joseph Katz: IMO Don Katz
Arlene & Dr. Joseph Katz: IMO Irving
Arlene & Dr. Joseph Katz: IMO Ronald
Dale & Fred Lasky: IMO Al Cohen
Shelly & Les Sigale: IMO Deanna Kohn
Phyllis & Jay Drossman: IHO Richard
Boyman's B'day
Sheila & Dr. Harold Kallman: IHO Dr.
Burton Bergman's 92nd B'day
Sheila & Dr. Harold Kallman: to Timoner
IHO baby naming of grand dghtr Libby
Gloria Kotick: card to Ethel Schwartz
IMO son James w/Laura Burnnet
Gloria Kotick: Get Well Sarah Goldberg
Ursula & Max Meyer: to Cantor Dicker
IHO 70th B'day
Lillian & Herbert Baron: IMO Joseph
Simone & Joseph Calfon: IMO Marcelle
Geoffrey Colton: IMO Sue Bordan
Doris Duyk: IMO Charles & Selma
Bonnie & Ronald Edelman: IMO Selma
Frieda Freshman: IMO Chana & Shimon
Betty Heindel: IMO Ida Diamond Gottlieb
Carol R. & Jacob Wandner: Leaf IHO
Marcia Hess: IMO Selma Shore
Carol's 75th B'day by grandchildren
Freda Jacobs: IMO Albert Jacobs
Cooper & Jonah
Rose & Dr. Martin Jaffe: IMO Bertha
Betty Kapnick: IMO Sidney Diamond
Phillip and Gloria Cutler
Leonard Katz: IMO Grace Katz
Joanna & Larry Tarzia
Leonard Katz: IMO Sidney Grossman
Shirley Krug: IMO Debra Krug Drori
Sheila & Irving Lesnick: IMO Frances
Frances Levitt: IMO Charles Levitt
Dr. Burton Bergman: IMO Martin
Irene & Lewis Messulam: IMO Fay
June Cohen: Get Well Charlene Steinberg Marilyn & Jerome Miller: IMO Francine
Beverly & David Strauss: Get Well
Clement Sofer
Ina Phillips: IMO Maurice Emont
Beverly & David Strauss: to Donna Higer- Stephanie & Steven Prince: IMO Herman
IHO engagement to Howard
Beverly & David Strauss: to Toby Waller
Selma & Milton Robbins: IMO Jennie
IMO father Al Cohen
Beverly & David Strauss: Get Well Irma
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: IMO
Beatrice Itkin
Beverly & David Strauss: Joanna Boritzer Rosalie Rose: IMO Hannah Daniels
IMO mother Sadie Sonnenreich
Henry Rosenthal & Beatrice Sussman:
Beverly & David Strauss: to Sheila
IMO Hedwig Rosenthal
Kallman IHO B'day
Helene & Mel Sacharow: IMO Alice
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: Get Well card
to Sarah Goldberg
Irwin Schultz: IMO Phillip Schultz
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: Get Well Trudy Cheryl Joy Sculnick: IMO Sheldon Tkatch
Deborah & Stuart Timoner: IMO Louis
Suzann & Dr. Irwin Suna: to Ethel
Schwartz IMO son James
Toby Waller: IMO Ceilia Cohen
Dr. Burton Bergman
June Cohen: Yizkor Donation IMO
Norman Cohen
Joseph Feuer
Sarah & Gene Goldberg
Edith and Nathaniel Jonas
David Katz
Calvin Kunin
Belle & Nathan Lescher: IMO family
Reva Rogoff & Sue Rogoff Heller: IMO
husband Sidney
Sylvia Scheininger
Cheryl Joy Sculnick
Beverly & David Strauss
Ronnie Yavneh
Beth Ami offers the following
suggestions for people (members or
non-members) who would like to make
donations for any life cycle event:
Endowed Seat
Kiddush Club Fund
(per person-per year)
Sponsored Kiddush
– basic-regular
Simcha Shabbat
(celebrated 1st weekend of each month)
$25 /Birthday/ Anniversary
$36/ 2 events same month.
Leaf for Tree of Life
Memorial Plaque
4X8 Plaque
(placed under memorial boards)
Tribute cards: Pkg of 10
Golden card
Chai card
Platinum card
Bimah Flowers
(starting cost)
Torah Sparks
(in weekend program)
Prayer books
Siddur/Sim Shalom
Chumash/Etz Chaim
Tree Certificate
Every donation helps our Shul, our
Members, and our Community. Thank
you for all for your kindness and