The UK`s biggest and best toy magazine


The UK`s biggest and best toy magazine
The UK’s biggest and best toy magazine
- The UK’s
biggest and
best toy
John Baulch
Over the past four years, Toy World has clearly
established itself as the UK’s number 1 toy trade title.
There are three key elements that form the
foundation on which any successful trade
publication is built: industry knowledge, contacts/
relationships and a love for the subject matter.
I have always maintained that the best trade
magazines are produced by people who know and
understand the market, and no-one comes close
to my personal experience in the toy trade. I have
a great editorial team, which has recently been
extended: combined with my years of experience,
this mix allows us to stay fresh while maintaining
the highest editorial standards. What’s more, Toy
World is 100% focused on the toy trade – it’s the only
magazine we publish, so the whole team spends
every working day concentrating on the toy market.
As a result, Toy World is undoubtedly the toy market
specialist. Retailers are knowledgeable people: they
want to read a magazine which tells them things
they don’t know and which offers them insight and
analysis. This is why we are confident that Toy World
is the most widely read magazine and website for the
UK toy market, and therefore why we remain the best
title in which to advertise.
The print edition of Toy World remains the core of the brand – its heart and soul. Print remains by far and away
the most popular way of accessing valuable in-depth industry information and keeping fully up to date with
what’s happening in the trade. Toy World features news, opinion, insight, analysis, comment, interviews, articles,
product features and much more. We have lined up an unrivalled panel of expert contributors, comprising some
brand new columnists and some old favourites. Our roster includes the trade’s leading information provider NPD
Group, experienced industry and social media professional and major retail buyer David Ripley, award winning
independent retailer Toy Barnhaus, and PR and social media guru Jim Hawker. Toy World also features the
industry’s premier gossip column, ‘Allegedly’. In short, everything you would expect from a great trade title – and
a whole lot more!
Superior editorial
Toy World really hit its stride from an editorial perspective in 2015: just about
every major story affecting the UK toy market has been broken exclusively by
us - the launch of the Toy Store in the UK; the changes to the buying team at
Toys R US; Argos seeking price reductions due to Chinese currency fluctuations
; Star Wars product shortages; major companies pulling out of Toy Fair: the
Grossman buy out and many more. We aim to balance editorial coverage
for our advertisers with genuine news content, while our competitors seem
content to reprint press releases or focus on niche stories which are of limited
interest to many toy retailers. Toy World’s superior editorial content is a key
factor in maintaining our position as the number one UK toy magazine.
There are a finite number of retail buyers in the UK toy trade, and the honest
truth is that all three magazines send copies to them. What actually counts in
whether those buyers choose to read the magazine when it arrives - and this is
where we comfortably beat both other titles.
Licensed products make up a healthy 30%
of the total toy market. So it’s no surprise
that every edition of Toy World incorporates
a dedicated Licensing section- Licensing
World- and we also devote an area on the
website homepage to highlight the latest
licensing news stories. Publisher John Baulch
has 35 years experience in the licensing field,
so Toy World is perfectly placed to deliver the
right licensing coverage to help licensees and
retailers in the children’s sector make decisions
as to which properties to work with.
For further details please contact:
07932 651207
01442 502 408
07710 532 952
01442 502 405
e 4 iss
ue 10
July 20
15 vo
4 iss
ue 10
The business
The Toy World database has been
painstakingly researched to provide an
a pa
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up-to-date, quality circulation with zero
wastage or duplication.
let F
The backbone of Toy World’s circulation
is its retail component. Toy World
reaches every significant buyer of toys in
the UK, including:
All the key personnel at the
major multiple accounts (the
whole buying team at each
Online retailers involved in
the toy and kid’s sector
The widest possible selection of
independent toy retailers, including all
Toymaster, AIS and Toy Shop UK members, plus many
other ‘non-mainstream’ independent retail outlets which sell
toys as part of their product mix
Department stores, wholesalers, and other retail channels which sell toys and children’s
products in any volume
Toy World also reaches the key people at every toy supplier, as well as representatives from
industry bodies, media organisations and other companies which have a commercial interest in
the toy industry.
The Toy World circulation also encompasses every licensing company which offers children’s
properties, as well as all licensees which operate in the kids market in the UK (not just toys).
In short, anyone in the UK who has a legitimate interest in the world of toys receives Toy
World, along with a selection of major toy suppliers and retailers operating in the global market.
a passion
for toys
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Double Page Spread
1 page£1525
1/3 page vertical strip
Front Cover£3000
Front Cover / Inside Front Cover
Front Cover / Inside Front Cover + Page 1
Inside Front Cover + Page 1
Outside Back Cover£1950
Inside Front Cover£1750
Inside Back Cover£1650
4 page Hard Centre Bound Insert
2 page Hard Centre Bound Insert
2 x 1/2 page ‘bookends’ (outside edges of DPS) £1600
Loose Inserts – Quoted individually based on
size, number of pages and overall weight of insert
Agency Discount – 10%
All prices shown are exclusive of VAT at 20%.
Toy World is designed
in large format A4.
The sizes are as
Full page
240mm wide x 315mm deep, with 3mm
bleed. For full pages please include a
10mm text margin on all four sides
Double page spread
480mm wide x 315mm deep, with 3mm
bleed. For double pages please include a
10mm text margin on all four sides
Half page Vertical
100mm wide x 285mm deep, no bleed
Third page Vertical
70mm wide x 285mm deep, no bleed
Half page Horizontal
210mm wide x 138mm deep, no bleed
Quarter page Vertical
100mm wide x 138mm deep, no bleed
In addition to our regular database, Toy World offers extra bonus circulation at all relevant trade shows, including Toy Fair, Brand Licensing and the Nuremberg
Toy Fair.
A full digital edition of Toy World is uploaded to the website every month. With an average of 12,000 monthly unique visitors, many of whom access the digital
edition online, this further increases the monthly readership, particularly in overseas markets.
Quarter page Horizontal
(Strip Advert)
210mm wide x 65mm deep, no bleed
1 currently averages 12,000
monthly unique visitors (November 2015)
Excellent online communication is a vital
component in the success of a 21st century
b-2-b organisation. The ability to circulate
information on a daily basis to its readership has
revolutionised trade magazines, and has ensured
their pivotal role in trade communication remains
Toy World’s online and social media presence
reflects the importance of these channels of
communication, whilst ensuring that the level of
coverage complements its print edition, rather
than detracts from it.
The Toy World Daily Newsflash service keeps
the trade up-to-date with the most important
developments from the world of toys, whilst
avoiding the ‘wall-to-wall press release’ approach
adopted by some of its contemporaries. For
example, the ‘Baulch Blog’ remains the only
weekly online column within the toy trade press to
offer personal opinion, analysis and a perspective
on the week’s news and developments.
We believe that interesting, informative, original
content is what truly drives online readership and nobody is better placed to deliver that than
Toy World.
Advertising opportunities on the website and Daily
Newsflash service are limited to ensure maximum
visibility and impact for advertisers, and a
rewarding, commercially-balanced experience for
its readers.
There are five key advertisement positions; each
of these ads appears on every page of the website
and on every newsflash. These positions are shown
on the image to the right
The website also incorporates an online recruitment section, offering companies the opportunity
to highlight their latest vacancies to the widest possible cross – section of potential applicants in a
highly cost-effective way.
For only £195, the vacancy will be featured on the home page of the website and every daily
newsflash which is sent out for the whole month.
ONLINE RATES (per calendar month)
1) Banner Ad - £1250
2) ‘L’ shaped banner ad - £1600
3 & 4) Skyscraper ad - £850 5) News Sponsorship ad - £700
AD VOLUMES Jan – Oct 2015
The strength of a trade magazine can be gauged by the volume of display ads it carries
(which actually represents the turnovers of the respective titles).
Throughout 2015, Toy World has maintained a very clear lead over its two competitors
in commercial terms, showing that toy suppliers believe Toy World to be the most
effective vehicle to reach their existing and potential customers
Toy World Toy News Toys n Playthings 530 pages - 43.5%
347 pages - 28.5%
339.5 pages - 28%
Toy World articles are the only ones to say it how it is;
to point out the things going wrong when they need
to be pointed out, whereas other magazines try to love
everyone no matter who they are. Toy World is the only
magazine you can trust to tell the truth; great copy, great
articles, great views.
WOW!!!! The power of Toy World Mag produces an
unbelievable response. The recent article....has resulted
in a truly global brand- leading response.
2015 volu
me 4 issu
me 4 issu
2015 volu
The business
for toys
with a passion
Here is just a small selection of some of the things which readers have been saying
about Toy World....
It’s a weighty tome but produced with a lightness of
touch that makes the whole mag eminently readable. I
get gravitas as I work my way through, but gravitas with
a smile!
and informative. Even when I was in HK myself I was
reading your blog to get a feel of what was going on in
HK, since I didn’t get to leave the showroom much.
I really like your new magazine. It seems more
focussed on us independents.
It was a really great read. Normally they are sooooooo
dull, but I read yours from cover to cover! Keep up the
good work Toy World peeps
Just read your Friday blog. It’s cool, keep it up. It sets
Toy World apart.
We’re very happy to continue supporting your magazine,
we really like the format and fresh ideas.
You are much more well informed than your
competitors, positive and basically you get it right which is why we like to support you.
I get all 3 publications now and always thought there
may not be room for 3, but I have to say Toy World
brings something a little different and a very good read.
Far greater knowledge of the toy
I think the work you have done on Toy World really
makes it stand out.
We have already had a good response from the ad so
thanks for your continued support.
Far closer to the toy trade, with
a finger on the pulse of what’s
really going on
I really look forward to receiving your magazine every
month, it’s the best on the market with lots of inside
Less of a ‘cut and paste’
approach to editorial content,
both in print and online
A lot of people have commented to me how much they
look forward to reading the Friday Blog - because it gives
a summary of what’s happened in the week, it’s funny
and honest. It’s refreshing to see someone writing their
thoughts down and publishing them.
I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I enjoy your
Friday blogs. You make the industry seem more
intimate, more like a family, and you have interesting
takes on the industry.
Feedback from retailers suggests they prefer reading
Toy World
The Toy World team is 100% focused on the toy market - we publish one
magazine, making us the toy trade specialists
More advertisers means retailers get a more comprehensive view of what’s
available in the market – they will always prefer to read the largest publication
Regularly published first / second all year (often a week or more ahead of at least
one competitor)
Initially I was not that keen to have three toy trade
mags as I did not think the industry could support
that number. But the reality is that competition has
significantly improved the quality of the publications.
Keep up the good work.
I am a big fan of your blogs! I find it really entertaining
You have such a way of being positive and realistic, not
something everyone seems to be able to grasp.
I’ve noticed recently that your team are fastest in
getting out news and press releases on the web which is
a positive sign.
Toy World is more informative and has a good mix to
cater for retailers and suppliers.
We do find Toy World the best, as it has the most from
the independent retailer viewpoint.