June 2016 - Plainfield United Methodist Church


June 2016 - Plainfield United Methodist Church
Vacation Bible School 2016
July 10-14, 6:30- 8:30 pm at PUMC
Registration is now open & space is filling
We encourage everyone to register ASAP
before we reach capacity!
Click HERE to sign up today!
We are now recruiting volunteers for:
· Teachers/Site Leaders
· Decorations/Theme
· Set up / Take Down
· Greeters/Registrars
· Acting/Drama Team
· Helpers
· Photographers
· Publicity
· Musicians
· Other
Want to be a part of the fun?
Contact Pastor Sherry Scates at sherry.scates@plainfieldumc.com
or by calling 815-436-9651.
Carillon Concerts
PUMC will host two Carillon Concerts this summer, free and open
to the public. The first concert will be held Sunday, June 26th, with
a performance by Rachel Perfecto from New Haven, CT. Ms.
Perfecto will perform special music during our 9:30am worship
service, followed by the concert, beginning at 11:00am. You can
enjoy these concerts outside or in our sanctuary. If you plan to be
outside on 6/26, please borrow a chair from JBFH following coffee
hour - or bring your own lawn chair, sit back and enjoy the concert!
The second concert will be Wednesday, August 3rd, with a
performance by Ellen Dickinson from Hartford, CT. This concert will
begin at 7:00pm. Ice cream will be served! If you plan to enjoy the
concert (and ice cream) outside, please bring a lawn chair. This is
a family-friendly event. We hope to see you there!
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June Worship Schedule
June Worship Theme: Who are we as United Methodists?
June 5
Communion Service
Worship and Communion with Special Music
Chris Walters on “The Birth of Methodism”
Special Music: Liz and Claire Wellman
June 12
Special Music:
June 19
Special Music:
June 26
Special Music:
Communion Service
Worship with Special Music
Eun-Hye Choi on “What Divides and Unites Methodist Church?”
Abigail Kellermann
Communion Service
Worship with Special Music
Larry Newton on “The Polities and Structures of UMC”
Megan Marconi
Communion Service
Worship with Special Music
Eun-Hye Choi on “Jesse Walker and the Past, Present and Future of PUMC”
Carillon Bells (Rachel Perfecto performing)
Summer Sunday School
Our Summer Sunday School schedule begins on June 5th
at 9:30am. All children will begin the hour in worship with
their families. Following the children’s sermon,
Preschoolers through 5th graders (2015-16 school year)
are invited to join us for hands-on learning! Presechoolers
through first graders will gather in room 106; second
graders through fifth graders will gather in room 202. We
are still recruiting teachers and helpers for all ages.
Curriculum and instructions will be provided. See Pastor
Sherry for details and to volunteer!
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Women's Book Group — This month we begin our summer “Book and a
Movie” series! All women are welcome to come join us anytime this summer,
as we read, discuss and watch some amazing stories! We’ll meet at 7:00pm at
the church unless otherwise indicated:
June 16th: Brooklyn by Colm Toibin
July 21st:
The BFG by Roald Dahl (we’ll see this one in the theater!)
August 18th: This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper
Contact Pastor Sherry at sherry.scates@plainfieldumc.com if you have any
questions or if you would like to be added to our direct communications.
Green Team News
Coming Soon…..
The 4th Annual Really REALLY Free Market
Saturday, August 6
In just two short months PUMC will, once again, open its doors and invite everyone to come in and bring
what they don't need and take what they do! The Green Team core leadership team, which includes Carol
May, Char Baker, Mindy Cadogan, Judie Sharar, Ellen Sterrett, & Sandy Krzywanos, are gearing up for this
year’s event, and are hoping to get a large turnout of visitors and volunteers.
If you have not started already, now is the time to put aside those items that are taking up space, and save
them for the Free Market. Donations will be accepted at the church beginning in July, and there will also
be offsite collection points.
Special thanks to everyone who generously donated accessory items for the "Freeview"! We heart you!!
For more information, contact Carol May at carolsuemay@gmail.com or call 815-352-9004.
Visit our Facebook page for more details
When the MEM Children’s Resale started in 2010, we had 14 sellers and sold
$1,438.46. Six years later, our sale has grown to include over 40 sellers from the
congregation and community and sold $8,368.00! Of the $2,400 MEM earned
from this year’s sale, $836.80 will be tithed to PUMC apportionments, as will the
$85.10 that the bake sale earned. The Moms Encouraging Moms small group
would like to thank the following people who supported our 7 th annual resale:
Patty Habersberger, Cheryl & Suzy Henbest, Donna Morrow, Judie Sharar, and Jeanne Dupre
for watching our children while we set-up.
The Fun Men’s Group for setting up and tearing down our custom-made
garment racks.
Joe Maranowicz for acting as our security guard.
Everyone who shopped during the sale, sold with the sale, donated items
for the sale, volunteered to work during the sale, baked for the sale, and
publicized the sale.
We would not have been successful without YOU!
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2016 UMC
General Conference Summary
1. General Conference adopts Bishop's proposal after contentious debate
Bishop Bruce Ough proposed the Council of Bishop’s recommendations for a way forward for The United
Methodist Church delegates of the General Conference. The bishops asked delegates to defer any votes on
human sexuality to a special commission that would work, specifically, on those paragraphs in the
denomination’s law book - possibly revising every paragraph in the Book of Discipline related to human
sexuality. The bishop also said there could be a specially-called session of the General Conference in 2018
or 2019 to vote on the work of the commission. The Council of Bishops also called for a time of prayer and
discernment during the General Conference. After a contentious debate, the 2016 General Conference
eventually adopted the Council of Bishops’ “Offering a Way Forward” proposal.
In response to this action of the General Conference, Matt Berryman of the Reconciling Ministries Network (a
group which advocates for full inclusion of GLBTQ persons in the life of the church) released the following
“This historic action by the Council of Bishops (COB) represents a significant institutional shift in the
direction of inclusion and equality. It is just a beginning, but it signals hope to an end of church trials, to
celebrating all marriages, to accepting the gifts of our LGBTQ candidates for ministry, clergy and lay
employees. This is the first time the COB has put their collective voice around the urgent cries for change
and acceptance. We applaud their efforts knowing that the real work lies ahead. We call on the Council to
act quickly and deliberately and to lead the church as promised. Today, we commit to hold the COB
accountable for finally bringing justice to The United Methodist Church.”
2. General Conference votes to withdraw from Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Choice
On May 19th, the General Conference voted that two United Methodist entities should withdraw immediately
from membership in the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. The motion passed 425-268. The
General Board of Church and Society and the United Methodist Women currently are members of the RCRC,
a national community of religious organizations and faithful individuals dedicated to achieving reproductive
justice. But five annual conferences submitted a petition to withdraw from the RCRC—Mississippi, North
Carolina, Indiana, Western Pennsylvania and Alabama-West Florida—stating that RCRC’s advocacy often
directly contradicts The United Methodist Church’s Social Principles on abortion, while still using the UMC
3. General Conference approves $604 million budget
After a long session of conversation, debate, and even a little laughter, the General Conference of the United
Methodist Church passed a budget for the next four years of $604 million. This budget contains - for the first
time - an apportionment for the Central Conferences of the church and includes an additional $5 million for
educational efforts in the Central Conferences - more than originally proposed.
Youth Ministries News
Page 5
ANNUAL CONFERENCE YOUTH SESSION 2016 - Sunday, June 5, 2:00-6:30
Who: Students (grades 6-12) and youth leaders are invited to attend.
 Theme is “Caring, Compassion, Community!”
 Our featured presentation will be “Addiction:
Awareness and Prevention” by Rosecrance
Health Network & The Night Ministry.
 Worship featuring the Sounds of Judah (Saint
Mark UMC)
 We will enjoy a delightful spaghetti feast.
 $10 cost is covered by PUMC
When: Sunday, June 5, 2:00-6:30
Why: Because you’re a part of the body of Christ known as United Methodists!
Where: Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 E. Main St.., St. Charles
Contact Pastor Chris ASAP to go and to discuss travel options. Thank you.
PUMC Youth mission trip team of 12 youth and five adult leaders!
We will: 1) Leave (early, early!) Sunday, June 12, for Beverly,
Kentucky. 2) Replace a front porch and kitchen floor and build a
wheelchair ramp for a local resident. 3) Repair tile and other
aspects of the girls’ locker room in Red Bird’s school. 4) Visit
Cumberland Falls State Park on Wednesday, our day off. 5)
Return Saturday, June 18, around 7:00 PM.
Thank you to everyone that supported our mission trip team over the past year. Through your
generous participation in various fundraisers and direct donations, we have financially equipped our
team of 18 workcampers at minimal cost to the youth.
CRUISE NIGHTS - Tuesday nights, starting June 21 to August 30. Come downtown with friends
and family to enjoy summer nights, classic cars, snow cones, hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, and other
refreshments from PUMC Youth in front of the Lincoln Way Barber Shop at 24045 W. Lockport
St. Your purchases will help fund next year’s mission trip!
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The PUMC Cycling Group will be hitting the roads and bike
paths of northern Illinois again this summer, and we are always
eager to have new participants! Our weekend rides are meant to
be casual and fun, with a typical distance around 20 miles and a
pace of 12-13 mph. We are training for a daylong ride from
Plainfield to Wisconsin on July 8th, with camping that night at Big
Foot Beach State Park in Lake Geneva. For more information about being part of this
group, call Eric Lenning at 636-577-1774 or emailing EricLenning@sbcglobal.net.
Judie Sharar
Fun Men's Group
Helen Hill
Kelly & Larry Newton
Women's Book Group
Betty Sacco
Arleta Gordon &
Kim Pondelicek
An Invitation from Becky Potter
I invite you to prayerfully consider attending The Northern Illinois
Conference Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation, Your Spirit Calls, which
will be held Monday, August 1st – Saturday, August 6th at the Bellarmine
Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, IL. We are fortunate to have the
opportunity to learn from two outstanding faculty presenters, Jane Patterson and Daniel Wolpert.
Who attends a Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation? At a Five Day Academy, you will find laity
and clergy, men and women of all ages, Christians from many denominations, people with a variety of
interests and hobbies; all of us hungering for a deeper relationship with God.
What draws people to a Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation? Some are drawn by the spiritfilled worship, the excellent teaching by well-qualified faculty, opportunities for deep spiritual
conversation, solitude, community, or rest. But I go for the rhythm of the day. A rhythm of rest and
activity, silence and talking, solitude and relationship, a rhythm marked by morning prayer, evening
prayer, and night prayer. Through yielding to this rhythm, I find myself ever so gently turned toward
the Holy One. And I am blessed more richly than I have words to tell.
I have attended several Five Day Academies and would be delighted to share my experiences with you
and answer any questions. rspotter6@comcast.net or 815-351-1759.
The Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation is a program of Upper Room Ministries which invites
clergy and laity to a deeper Christian spirituality. This Five Day Academy is sponsored by the Spiritual
Formation Committee of the Northern Illinois Conference in partnership with the Upper Room. A
brochure and registration form for this 5 Day Academy can be downloaded from our conference
website https://www.umcnic.org/th_event/5-day-academy-for-spiritual-formation-2/ More
information about The Academy for Spiritual Formation can be found at
Page 7
As part of their outreach and planning, the Stewardship
Committee recently asked PUMC members to provide examples
of what it means to be a Good Steward. Below are the results of
the survey.
Thanks to all who were able to reply to this stewardship survey. Below are ways PUMC members responded
Talent for
Listen /
Help others
Ways to be a Good Steward
Giving time
Using talents
Sometimes little things like a kind word
Actively listening and counseling
Being mindful of how we use Sunday School materials
Volunteering for VBS
Sharing musical/artistic talents (choir, praise band,
decorating for special events, etc.)
Raising children in the church community
Spending time outside and practicing conservation
Being patient and kind with people who make bad
Support to those in need, being a part of card-writing
Support to those in congregation each Sunday, through
singing in choir
Volunteering with the Green Team (upcycling, Really,
Really Free Market)
Helping with child care for church events
The Garden Group goes to older people’s homes and
helps with gardening projects
Helping with JFON – translating and hospitality
Nurturing, caring for and raising grandchildren
Planning a garden, sharing the abundance
Driving those with no car or licenses to appointments,
By providing, dropping-off, and distributing used
batteries, CFLs, printer cartridges and clothing
PUMC serves as a steward and makes it easier for me to
be a good steward of the earth and my possesions
Caring for all of God’s creatures
Spending/using my blessings wisely
If you have additional contributions or would like to know more, please contact Bob Kutsy at rkutsy@gmail.com
Page 8
First Doris Stabler
Scholarships Awarded
Sunday, May 22, 2016, was especially significant because
Plainfield UMC awarded the first-ever Doris Stabler
Scholarships to four graduating seniors within the PUMC
A legacy is what each person leaves behind, usually in the form of money and property, as a
bequest. Often the gift is a statement of the person’s beliefs and values that will be carried forward.
Doris Stabler was a member of our congregation from December 2, 1962, until her death January
1, 2012. She was a woman of faith and strength and was purposeful in her stewardship. Doris
followed her beliefs in the value of education and the potential of PUMC’s young people when she
gave a substantial gift to PUMC for college scholarships through her ultimate earthly wishes.
The first four recipients are Kylie Burkett, Zack Martin, Ben Paulson, and Phoebe Snydersmith.
Each will receive a scholarship of $1,000.
Kylie graduated from Plainfield East and will study Civil Engineering at the University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Zack graduated from Plainfield North and will play baseball for the University of Notre
Dame and will study Business.
Ben graduated from Metea Valley and will study Earth Science at the College of DuPage.
Phoebe graduated from Plainfield Central and will study Psychology at the University of
Congratulations to each of the Stabler Scholarship recipients! We celebrate their achievements.
May God bless and guide them during their college years.
We celebrated with the family, as we celebrated the baptism of
at our May 15th service:
Klara’s parents are Jen and Jason Kukler. She joins her mother,
father and older brother, Connor (two and a half years old). Klara’s
grandparents are Vince & Joyce Consilio and Ken Kukler, Sr.
We welcome Klara as a member of Christ’s church.
Page 9
Prayer Requests
*Cherie Chan’s dad, Charles Gianino
*Kim Cornell’s mom and dad, Sally & Charlie
*Tom Corzan
*Jeff Dement’s brother, Mark Provance
*Jeanne Dupre’s brother, Fred Summerfelt
*Skip & Sue Glasgow’s niece, Dawn Marion
*Ali Glodoski’s sister, Maloy Van Faussien
*Arleta Gordon’s aunt, Vada Jackson
*The Jiménez Family
*Sandy Krzywanos
*Barb Lawrie’s friend, David Garcia
*The Lenning Family
*Chip Mackley’s niece, Trish Ryan
*Belinda Maranowicz’s dad, Bill Courter
*Harriett & Rick Nelson’s neighbor, Charlie
*Wendy Proulx and the Proulx Family
*Cheryl Reichert’s friends, Stan Nowicki & Lois
*Friends & Family of Alexis Richardson
*Lois Schwiesow
*Pam Testin’s dad, Vic Pech
*Tim (& MickeySue) Traver’s mom, Faith Green
*Nancy Trevino’s granddaughter, Trinity Trevino;
son, Dwight Trevino; daughter, Tamara Trevino;
and uncle, Edward Trevino
*Claire Wellman’s friends, Tyler Grabil & Everly
*Jeff Wigton’s step-mother, Ann
**The United Methodist Church and our Bishops, as
they implement the decisions and work approved at
the recent UMC General Conference.
***Those serving in the military, fire fighters,
police officers, refugees & immigrants .
LaVerne Corzan, loving wife of Tom Corzan, and long-time member of
Plainfield United Methodist Church, passed away Monday, April 25, 2016.
Tom & LaVerne were married at PUMC on July 30, 1950.
LaVerne worked as a food preparer/server in the Plainfield School District
for several years. Whenever you bid farewell to LaVerne, she
would always respond with "see you later, the Lord willing and
the creek don't rise".
A Memorial Service was held for LaVerne at PUMC on Wednesday, May 4th.
Please keep Tom and the family in your thoughts and prayers.
Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Tom at:
1230 Dogwood Dr., Chesterton, IN. 46304
Not getting PUMC Newsletters and/or Weekly Emails?
Did you know you can manage your own subscriptions, by visiting the
PUMC Homepage (http://plainfieldumc.com/) and entering your email
address in the lower, right-hand corner where it says,
“Join/Update PUMC Email Newsletters.” Then, click on “Go.”
You will then receive a confirmation page, and instructions will then be emailed to you.
Don’t miss out on any of the latest news from PUMC – subscribe (or re-subscribe) today!
Page 10
Weds., 6/1
9:30a MEM (Village Green)
Thurs., 6/2
6:30p Kids’ Book Club (C/L)
6:30p Plainfield Aktion Club (202/203)
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206/207)
Fri., 6/3
** Office Closed **
Sun., 6/5
12:30p Fun Men’s Group (Offsite)
2:00p 2016 Annual Conf. Youth Session (Offsite)
Mon., 6/6
9:30a Music Together (203)
11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L)
Tues., 6/7
9:30a Music Together (203)
Wed., 6/8
9:30a MEM (Hassert Park)
9:30a Music Together (203)
6:30p Immersion Bible Study (Offsite)
7:00p Girl Scout Troop # 362 (203)
Thurs., 6/9
9:30a Music Together (203)
7:00p Trustee Meeting (C/L)
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206/207)
Fri., 6/10
Sun., 6/12
** Office Closed **
12:15p Baptism Orientation Class (C/L)
Mon., 6/13
9:30a Music Together (203)
9:30a Prayer Shawl Knitting Group (PFH)
11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L)
Tues., 6/14
9:30a Music Together (203)
7:00p Membership & Outreach Committee (C/L)
7:00p Prayer Shawl Meeting (PFH)
Weds., 6/15
8:15a Men’s Group Breakfast (Offsite)
Communion Worship at 8:30a**
Sunday School & Worship at 9:30a**
Jr. & Sr. High 6:30p
**Pls. note: Nursery care for infants & toddlers
provided for 9:30 worship only.
Monday - Friday:
7:00a - 6:00p
YMCA Before/After
Kindergarten Program*
Mondays: 11:30a Lunch Bunch
Mon., Tues., Weds., Thurs.
9:30a Music Together
Boy Scouts Tuesday Nights*
6:00p Pack 82 Den 8 1st & 2nd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 4 1st & 2nd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 1 1st & 3rd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 7 1st & 3rd
9:30a MEM’s
6:00p Jr. Choir*
7:00p Boy Scouts
WHAM! (1st & 3rd)*
Girl Scout Troop #362 (2nd & 4th)*
7:00p AA
Boy Scouts Thursday Nights*
Pack 82 Den 4, 2nd & 3rd
Pack 82 Den 6,1st & 2nd
Pack 82 Den 9, 2nd & 3rd
Fridays: Office Closed
9:30a MEM (Blackberry Farm - Aurora)
9:30a Music Together (203)
6:30p Immersion Bible Study (Offsite)
* indicates will not operate, when District
202 schools are closed
Page 11
Thurs., 6/16
9:30a Music Together (203)
9:45a New Member Class—3rd session (C/L)
7:00p Women’s Book Club (205)
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206/207)
Fri., 6/17
** Office Closed **
4:00p Wedding Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Sat., 6/18
2:00p Buchanan / Dee Wedding (Sanctuary)
Sun., 6/19
9:30a Baptism (Olivia Mae Paler)
Mon., 6/20
9:30a Music Together (203)
11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L)
6:30p Education Committee (C/L)
Tues., 6/21
9:30a Music Together (203)
5:00p Cruise Night Hosting (Offsite)
6:30p Stewardship Committee (C/L)
Wed., 6/22
9:30a MEM (Shorewood Splash Pad)
9:30a Music Together (203)
11:00a Trinity Food Pantry (Offsite)
6:30p VBS Training (206 / 207)
Thurs., 6/23
9:30a Music Together (203)
6:30p Staff-Parish Relations Committee (C/L)
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206 / 207)
Fri., 6/24
** Office Closed **
Sun., 6/26
11:00 Carillon Concert (Side Lawn / Sanctuary)
Mon., 6/27
9:30a Music Together (203)
11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L)
7:00p Administrative Council Mtg. (JBFH)
Tues., 6/28
9:30a Music Together (203)
5:00p Cruise Night Hosting (Offsite)
7:00p Walker’s Grove HOA (C/L)
Weds., 6/29
9:30a Music Together (203)
9:30a MEM (Marconi Home - Pool)
Thurs., 6/30
Communion Worship at 8:30a**
Sunday School & Worship at 9:30a**
Jr. & Sr. High 6:30p
**Pls. note: Nursery care for infants & toddlers
provided for 9:30 worship only.
Monday - Friday:
7:00a - 6:00p
YMCA Before/After
Kindergarten Program*
Mondays: 11:30a Lunch Bunch
Mon., Tues., Weds., Thurs.
9:30a Music Together
Boy Scouts Tuesday Nights*
6:00p Pack 82 Den 8 1st & 2nd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 4 1st & 2nd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 1 1st & 3rd
6:30p Pack 82 Den 7 1st & 3rd
9:30a MEM’s
6:00p Jr. Choir*
7:00p Boy Scouts
WHAM! (1st & 3rd)*
Girl Scout Troop #362 (2nd & 4th)*
7:00p AA
Boy Scouts Thursday Nights*
Pack 82 Den 4, 2nd & 3rd
Pack 82 Den 6,1st & 2nd
Pack 82 Den 9, 2nd & 3rd
Fridays: Office Closed
9:30a Music Together (203)
6:30p VBS Training (JBFH)
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206 / 207)
* indicates will not operate, when District
202 schools are closed
Page 12
Plainfield United Methodist Church
15114 S. Illinois Street
Plainfield, IL 60544
Plainfield United Methodist Church
Ph: (815) 436-9651 Fax: (815) 436-9764
Web: plainfieldumc.com
Email: pumc@plainfieldumc.com
Monday - Thursday
Office Hours 8:30am - 4:30pm
Summer Sunday Worship Schedule
8:30am Eucharist Service
9:30am Traditional Worship with Special Music
9:45am Sunday School
Plainfield UMC Pastoral Staff
Rev. Eun-Hye Choi, Lead Pastor
Plainfield UMC Staff
Victoria Eggerstedt / Cheryl Henbest
Administrative Assistants
John De Groot, Chancel Choir Director
Kelly Markwell, Bellissimo Choir Director
Jason Hawkins, Worship Band Director
Cheryl Henbest, Financial Secretary
Kathy Hermansen, Organist
Karyn Holstead, Children’s Choir
Rev. Chris Walters, Associate Pastor
Danielle Ivins, Parish Nurse
Rev, Sherry Scates,
Minister of Faith Formation
Hope Wooldridge, Bookkeeper