July, 2016 - Plainfield United Methodist Church
July, 2016 - Plainfield United Methodist Church
Vacation Bible School 2016 July 10-14, 6:30- 8:30 p.m. at PUMC Imagine upwards of 220 children of all different ages, backgrounds, faiths, and abilities excited and ready to learn about “the Wave of God’s Amazing Love” and 100+ adults there to make it happen. For some of these children, it will be their only opportunity all year to hear about God’s love for THEM. WELCOME TO PUMC VBS!! Our church’s largest outreach program begins soon. Some important dates: Weds, July 6th - 6:30 p.m. Last Volunteer Training Session - Rooms 206 / 207 Sunday, July 10th following 9:30 a.m. worship & coffee Help Decorate for VBS (all at PUMC are invited to help!) Sunday, July 10th - 6:00 p.m - Volunteers Report for Duty Can’t volunteer to teach or be onsite?….WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Below is a list of supplies needed, or you can grab a tag or two from the Surf Shack “Snack Board” Surf boards Boogie boards Beach balls Inner tubes Black lights Flood lights Fog Machine Packing “peanuts” Beach chairs Palm trees Liquid dish soap Seawater scents Hydrogen Peroxide (must be 12% solution) Blue cellophane or plastic wrap Kool-Aid “Jammers” plastic drink bottles (empty) Large Beach Umbrellas 1-Liter bottles (empty) Foaming hand soap dispensers (empty) Sandbox sand (several bags) Rainbow loom bands Page 2 July Worship Schedule July 3 8:30am 9:30am Preacher: Special Music: Eucharist Worship Worship and Communion with Special Music Eun-Hye Choi on “The Author of Freedom” Sophia Armstrong & Nate Scates July 10 8:30am 9:30am Preacher: Special Music: Eucharist Worship Worship with Special Music Eun-Hye Choi on “The Faith of Gentiles” Hannah and Jason Hawkins July 17 (VBS Celebration) 8:30am Eucharist Worship 9:30am Worship with Special Music Preacher: Sherry Scates on VBS Celebration Special Music: VBS Band July 24 (Hymn Festival Sunday) 8:30am Eucharist Worship 9:30am Worship with Special Music and Hymns Hymn Singing Leader: Jason Hawkins Special Music: Ariana Jimenez & Snydersmith family July 31 (Celebration of 20th year of Deacon Ordination) 8:30am Eucharist Worship 9:30am Worship with Special Music Preachers: Sherry Scates & Kathy Wellman on Deacon Ministries Special Music: Carrie & Paul Wrubel Date 8:30am 9:30am July 3rd Caryn Feris Betty Sacco July 10th Helen Hill Garden Group July 17th Lolly Adolfson Widows’ Group July 24th --- Widows’ Group July 31st Paul & Victoria Eggerstedt Melissa & Nick Wilson Women's Book Group — We continue with our summer “Book and a Page 3 Movie” series! This month the Women’s AND Kids’ Book Clubs will combine and visit the movie theatre together on Thursday, July 21st, to see Roald Dahl’s “The BFG.” On August 18th, the Women’s Book Group will discuss “This is Where I Leave You” by Jonathan Tropper. All women are welcome to come and join us anytime this summer, as we read, discuss and watch some amazing stories! We meet at 7:00pm at the church unless otherwise indicated. Contact Pastor Sherry at sherry.scates@plainfieldumc.com if you have any questions or if you would like to be added to our direct communications. Green Team News The Really Really Free Market is Almost Here! (Saturday, August 6) In four weeks Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a wonderfully awesome FREE community outreach event and, at 8:30 AM on August 6th, PUMC will open the doors and welcome everyone to come in and bring what they don't need and take what they do! Everyone is invited to be a part of this - whether you donate items (to simplify your life and remove that clutter)...volunteer to help organize and sort the plethora of "stuff" that will begin to be stored in classrooms...help to pick up donations at offsite locations (Plainfield Village Hall and JJC)….help to “get the word out”….or plan to be on hand during the event (wearing a very stylish green apron!) to help our guests as they choose items - WE NEED YOU! This event cannot be successful without all of us, as a church family, coming together. So, THANK YOU for all that you have already done - or will do - in the upcoming weeks. Your Green Team RRFM Leadership Team, Carol May, Char Baker, Mindy Cadogan, Judie Sharar, Ellen Sterrett, & Sandy Krzywanos Visit our Facebook page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/plainfieldfreemarket/?fref=ts Beginning this Sunday, July 3rd, share your abundance with your church family (and support the Missions Committee) by bringing items for the “Garden Cart.” All proceeds from the Garden Cart will support “Imagine No Malaria.” Page 4 Be a Part of Our New “Family Album” Our new 2017 PUMC Church Directory is “in the works” and we need your smiling faces! Our goal is to include everyone in our Church Family, therefore, it is extremely important that you schedule a time for your photograph to be taken (at the church) by Lifetouch, our directory production company. Just for coming in for a photography session, you will receive a FREE 8 x 10” photograph, a copy of the directory, and a $10 coupon as well - to be used toward the purchase of any additional photos/Christmas cards ordered. Below is a list of the photography sessions being offered at PUMC (Please note: groups of 7 or more will need two back-to-back sessions): Wednesday, August 10 Thursday, August 11 Friday, August 12 Saturday, August 13 Wednesday, September 14 Thursday, September 15 Friday, September 16 Saturday, September 17 3PM to 9PM 3PM to 9PM 3PM to 9PM 10AM to 4PM 3PM to 9PM 3PM to 9PM 3PM to 9PM 10AM to 4PM There are 3 ways you can sign up for your portrait sitting. If you are viewing this newsletter from email or the PUMC website, you can simply click on the blue “PORTRAIT SIGN-UP” link above. You can also sign up online via the direct link contained on our church website: www.PlainfieldUMC.com or, lastly, representatives will be available following both worship services on July 10th and July 17th, to assist with sign up in Parks Friendship Hall (at the top of the stairs). If you are unable to sign up online or after church on those dates, or if you have any questions, please feel free to call Caryn Feris at 630-649-9924 or Sandy Krzywanos at 815-254-0724. We are very excited about this project and look forward to working with all of you on our new directory. Sincerely, Sandy Krzywanos & Caryn Feris PUMC Membership & Outreach Committee Youth Ministries News Page 5 SUMMARY OF TRIP TO RED BIRD MISSION The mission trip to Red Bird in Appalachian Kentucky went well for the 12 youth and 5 adult participants. We built a wheelchair ramp for a lady in a mobile home whose grandson has had multiple reconstructive heart surgeries since the day he was born. We also painted four bathrooms in Red Bird Christian School and replaced several tiles in the floor throughout the school. The week was full of bonding through hard work in the heat and humidity, mosquitos and chiggers, good food, a fun trip to Cumberland Falls on Wednesday, and lots of humor and emotional reminisces and well-wishes in our closing ceremony on Friday night. More than painting, fixing stuff, and building things, young people (and adults) that go on these trips experience an intense and extended time of living with a purpose that extends beyond themselves. They experience being sent by the body of Christ as the body of Christ. God is a “missio Dei,” a “missional God,” in which missio in Latin means “sending (away).” When Jesus sent out The Twelve in Matthew 10:9-10 (The Message), he told them, “Don’t think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light.” The church, the body of Christ, is both the “equipment” that Jesus talked about and the “senders” of the equipment. The church sends out these young people from their parents and families so they can become more in tune with their identity in Christ as “sent ones,” sent away from the pressures and constraints of our culture that is so steeped in competition, striving for accomplishment, entertainment of the senses, and social networking through technology. When you really think about it, everything the church does, even or especially worship, is “missional” because, in those times, we extract ourselves from the competition-and-striving-oriented culture we live in to be reminded that everything we are and everything we have ultimately comes from God. “Do this in remembrance of me.” We remember who we are and whose we are. And then we go out, “that we may be for the world the body of Christ … and one in ministry to all the world.” Without regular rehearsal of this core truth of Christ’s teaching and mission through ritual worship we are merely people painting, fixing, and building stuff. Anyone can do those things … and they do. What makes us different is that sending and being sent in the Name of Christ testifies to the world that God seeks to redeem each and every person for eternity, which is a message so many people deserve to hear in a culture so full of self-worship and seemingly endless strife and division. Wishing you the “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) … Sincerely, Pastor Chris. Page 6 The PUMC Cycling Group will be hitting the roads and bike paths of northern Illinois again this summer, and we are always eager to have new participants! Our weekend rides are meant to be casual and fun, with a typical distance around 20 miles and a pace of 12-13 mph. We are training for a daylong ride from Plainfield to Wisconsin on July 8th, with camping that night at Big Foot Beach State Park in Lake Geneva. For more information about being part of this group, call Eric Lenning at 636-577-1774 or emailing EricLenning@sbcglobal.net. Not getting PUMC Newsletters and/or Weekly Emails? Did you know you can manage your own subscriptions, by visiting the PUMC Homepage (http://plainfieldumc.com/) and entering your email address in the lower, right-hand corner where it says, “Join/Update PUMC Email Newsletters.” Then, click on “Go.” You will then receive a confirmation page, and instructions will then be emailed to you. Don’t miss out on any of the latest news from PUMC – subscribe (or re-subscribe) today! An Invitation from Becky Potter I invite you to prayerfully consider attending The Northern Illinois Conference Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation, Your Spirit Calls, which will be held Monday, August 1st – Saturday, August 6th at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, IL. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from two outstanding faculty presenters, Jane Patterson and Daniel Wolpert. Who attends a Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation? At a Five Day Academy, you will find laity and clergy, men and women of all ages, Christians from many denominations, people with a variety of interests and hobbies; all of us hungering for a deeper relationship with God. What draws people to a Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation? Some are drawn by the spiritfilled worship, the excellent teaching by well-qualified faculty, opportunities for deep spiritual conversation, solitude, community, or rest. But I go for the rhythm of the day. A rhythm of rest and activity, silence and talking, solitude and relationship, a rhythm marked by morning prayer, evening prayer, and night prayer. Through yielding to this rhythm, I find myself ever so gently turned toward the Holy One. And I am blessed more richly than I have words to tell. I have attended several Five Day Academies and would be delighted to share my experiences with you and answer any questions. rspotter6@comcast.net or 815-351-1759. The Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation is a program of Upper Room Ministries which invites clergy and laity to a deeper Christian spirituality. This Five Day Academy is sponsored by the Spiritual Formation Committee of the Northern Illinois Conference in partnership with the Upper Room. A brochure and registration form for this 5 Day Academy can be downloaded from our conference website https://www.umcnic.org/th_event/5-day-academy-for-spiritual-formation-2/ More information about The Academy for Spiritual Formation can be found at http://academy.upperroom.org/about/five-day Welcome to Our Newest Members Page 7 Linda Bahr is retired, and enjoys having time to devote to her many hobbies. She has a son (Kevin) and daughter (Khara), as well as 5 grandchildren. Linda currently resides in Joliet. Mike Gosling is employed as an Account Executive for Houghton, Mifflin & Harcourt in Geneva, Illinois. He and his wife, Laura, reside in Plainfield with their daughter, Melissa, who is beginning her sophomore year this fall at the University of Illinois in Champaign/Urbana. Mike is joining by transfer of membership from the United Methodist Church in Dolton, IL. Shirley Reardon and her husband, Chester, were married in 1952, and lived in Downers Grove until Chet retired from Northern Illinois Gas. They moved to North Carolina and lived there for over 27 years. Chet passed away 5 years ago, and Shirley moved back to Illinois, and currently resides in Plainfield. She and Chet had 4 children: their daughter, Barbara, resides in Downers Grove - son, Tom, lives in Virginia - son, Charles, lives in Lisle, and son, David, lives in Kalamazoo. Shirley joins by transfer from another denomination in N.C. Tony and Jayme Reda live in Plainfield’s Aspen Falls subdivision and have resided there for 15 years. Tony works as a police sergeant for the Village of Addison and loves keeping active whether going for a run or helping out their kids with their sports. Jayme works part-time at Silver Cross Hospital registering patients in the Emergency Department, and enjoys reading and spending time in Michigan on Round Lake. They have three children: Carsen, 12, is an avid hockey player & loves to sketch and draw; Nolan, 8, enjoys building with Legos and playing baseball; and Aubree, also 8, can be found doing gymnastics or reading a great book. The Reda family eagerly joins PUMC, by transfer from another denomination. On June 19th, we celebrated the Baptism of OLIVIA MAE PALER Olivia’s parents are Kaitlyn and Nick Paler. Also celebrating with the family were grandparents Robert & Kathleen Hammack and Claudine Paler. Maternal great-grandparents are Murley & Patricia Wheeler. On June 26th, we celebrated the Baptism of MACY RAE CARDONI Macy’s parents are Marissa & John Cardoni. Siblings include sister Madeline, age 5 and brother Jack, age 3. Grandmothers are Debra Hill and Janice Madl, and great-grandmother is Ann Roberts Please welcome Olivia & Macy as members of Christ’s church. Page 8 DATE TIME EVENT ** Church Office Closed ** Fri., 7/1 Sun., 7/3 DATE TIME Mon., 7/18 9:30a Music Together (203) 11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L) 7:00p YMAP Meeting (C/L) ** NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ** 12:30p Fun Men’s Group (Offsite) Mon., 7/4 EVENT HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY ! **CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED** Tues., 7/19 9:30a Music Together (203) Weds., 7/20 8:15a Men’s Group Breakfast (Offsite) 9:30a MEM’s (Eaton Forest Preserve) TBD Combined Women’s / Kids Book Club MOVIE(Offsite) Tues., 7/5 5:00p Cruise Night Hosting (Offsite) Weds., 7/6 9:30a MEM’s (Renwick Park) Thurs., 7/7 6:30p Plainfield Aktion Club (202/203) 7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206/207) Fri., 7/22 ** Church Office Closed ** Sat., 7/23 12:00p Private Event (JBFH) 10:45a Baptism Orientation Class (C/L) Sun., 7/24 6:30p Finance Comm. (C/L) 6:30p ** VBS Mon., 7/25 9:30a Music Together (203) 9:30a Prayer Shawl Knitting Group (PFH) 11:30a Lunch Bunch (C/L) 6:30p ** VBS 7:00p Admin Council (JBFH) 5:00p Cruise Night Hosting (Offsite) 9:30a Music Together (203) 6:30p ** VBS 5:00p Cruise Night Hosting (Offsite) Weds., 7/13 6:30p ** VBS 7:00p Walkers Grove HOA (C/L) Thurs., 7/14 7:00p Trustee Meeting (TBD) 10:00a MEM’s (Phillips Park) 6:30p ** VBS 11:00a Trinity Food Pantry (Offsite) 7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (TBD) 6:30p Stewardship Mtg. (C/L) 6:30p Staff-Parish Relations Committee (C/L) 7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous (206 / 207) Fri., 7/8 Sun., 7/10 Mon., 7/11 Tues., 7/12 ** DUE DATE FOR NEWSLETTER INPUT** Fri., 7/15 Thurs., 7/21 Tues., 7/26 Wed., 7/27 Thurs., 7/28 ** Church Office Closed ** Sun., 7/17 9:30a Baptism - KYLIE LYNN SCHWARK Fri., 7/29 ** Church Office Closed ** ** Church Office Closed ** Page 9 Prayer Requests *Russ & Louise Corey *Tom Corzan *John DeGroot *Carolyn Dement *Jeff (Carolyn) Dement’s brother, Mark Provance *Arleta Gordon’s aunt, Vada Jackson *Ron Henbest’s friend, Alexis Wathier *Carole Holloway’s friend, Russ Slinkard *Ron Lee *The Lenning Family *Chip & Veray Mackley’s niece, Tricia Ryan *Belinda Maranowicz’s father, Bill Courter *Misty Martin *Carol May’s husband’s cousin, Sandi Kania *Harriett Nelson’s mother, Harriett Chrismon *Kelly Newton’s uncle, Cliff *Lois Schwiesow *Beverly Stanfill *Pam Testin’s dad, Vic Pech *Trinity Trevino & Family *Claire Wellman’s friend, Ehiosa Ocuqun *Please pray for the Orlando shooting victims and their families, as well as those impacted by the recent terrorist attack in Turkey. ***Those serving in the military, fire fighters, police officers, refugees & immigrants. Our thanks and prayers are being sent with Pastor Chris, as he begins his role as President of the Northern Illinois United Methodist Foundation, effective July 1st. The Foundation's Board of Directors unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Foundation's Executive Committee to hire Pastor Chris as the new President. This was announced from the floor of the Northern Illinois UMC annual conference in June. Good luck, Pastor Chris. You will be missed, but we know you will be a great asset to the Foundation! Thank you for everything you did for us !! On August 7th (at the 9:30 a.m. service) we will enjoy a Youth Mission Trip Celebration. Those that traveled to Kentucky to serve the Red Bird Mission will share their personal witness and experiences with the congregation. Following the service and coffee hour, the Youth will have a farewell gathering with Pastor Chris, to wish him well, as he leaves PUMC as our Youth Pastor, and takes up his new position as President of the Northern Illinois United Methodist Foundation. Page 10 Plainfield United Methodist Church 15114 S. Illinois Street Plainfield, IL 60544 Plainfield United Methodist Church Ph: (815) 436-9651 Fax: (815) 436-9764 Web: plainfieldumc.com Email: pumc@plainfieldumc.com CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday Office Hours 8:30am - 4:30pm Summer Sunday Worship Schedule 8:30am Eucharist Service 9:30am Traditional Worship with Special Music 9:45am Sunday School Plainfield UMC Pastoral Staff Rev. Eun-Hye Choi, Lead Pastor eunhye.choi@plainfieldumc.com Rev, Sherry Scates, Minister of Faith Formation sherry.scates@plainfieldumc.com Plainfield UMC Staff Victoria Eggerstedt / Cheryl Henbest Administrative Assistants pumc@plainfieldumc.com John De Groot, Chancel Choir Director johndegroot@comcast.net Kelly Markwell, Bellissimo Choir Director bells@plainfieldumc.com Jason Hawkins, Worship Band Director jasonhawkins@comcast.net Cheryl Henbest, Financial Secretary cheryl.henbest@plainfieldumc.com Kathy Hermansen, Organist kathleen_hermansen@comcast.net Karyn Holstead, Children’s Choir kholstead@hotmail.com Danielle Ivins, Parish Nurse parishnurse@plainfieldumc.com Hope Wooldridge, Bookkeeper hope@plainfieldumc.com
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June 2016 - Plainfield United Methodist Church
eager to have new participants! Our weekend rides are meant to
be casual and fun, with a typical distance around 20 miles and a
pace of 12-13 mph. We are training for a daylong ride from