CHUPA CHUPS TO SCHOOLS case study of company LOGIK, s.r.o. 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 CONTENTS WE UNDERSTAND THE ACTUAL NEEDS OF OUR CLIENTS WANT MO RE FROM YOU R PRI NTI N G H OUS E 2 COMMUNICATION 3 THE ASSIGNMENT 5 AN UNCONVENTIONAL SEGMENT 6 IN ACCORDANCE WITH… 8 SOLUTION 9 RESULTS 13 CONTACTS 16 w w w. l o g . c z | contents „The campaign Chupa Chups to schools which had been organized for us by LOGIK exceeded our expectations. Thanks to a creative mechanics and well-chosen, attractive prizes, hundreds of schools joined in and the result was fantastic outputs promoting the Chupa Chups brand. On a thousand of schools in both the Czech and the Slovak Republic, the students worked with our products on their own volition. The result is a brand activation with an incredible impact.” Katarína Fiantoková, Regional Brand Manager ČR/SR, Perfetti Van Melle 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 THE ASSIGNMENT CRAFTING A GOODWILL OF A PLAYFUL AND FUN BRAND FOR THE YOUNG. 4 w w w. l o g . c z | communication The goal of the Chupa Chups brand activation was to address the target group in a creative way so that a goodwill of a playful, fun brand for young that has a relationship to music would be crafted. That’s the reason why the brand joined forces with music stars: in the Czech Republic, the main puller was Ben Cristovao, in Slovakia it was rapper Majk Spirit. The main prize in both countries was a concert for the whole school. 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 AN UNCONVENTIONAL SEGMENT EVERYDAY, THE STUDENTS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS ARE TARGETED BY MANY ADVERTISEMENTS… Respectively, their parents. This is a segment where the success or failure is decided even by the apparent details: the phone you own, the games you play or what sweets you like the best. That’s also the reason why it is not an easy task to push through in the overflow of products targeted at teenagers. An effective way is to come up with an unconventional advertising campaign that will pull the target group into action. So we came up with an attractive solution. For students, schools and the client. 6 w w w. l o g . c z | an unconventional segment 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH… 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 vylet! 14 - 15 MEGAPARTY S BENEM Možná právě díky vaší třídě skončí školní rok ve The client’s priority was for the activation campaign to take place in accordancevelkém with the stylu! Stačí, když z Chupa Chups obalů School Act which requires for the advertisement to be in accordance with goals and content vyrobíte cool plakát of education. Supporting creativity of class groups s hudební tematikou. and individuals in schools fulfils this definition Autoři toho nejlepšího unambiguously. získají The participants received a theme for an art mega party s Benem project using wrappings from the Chupa Chups pro celou školu! products. The coordinators were the class A nejen to. teachers themselves, the activity was approved by the school’s principals as well, so that all the requisites of the School Act and2014 ActDereck Hard on Advertising were met. 8 w w w. l o g . c z | in accordance with… 16 SOLUTION NA T I S E T during the time when the fight for limitation E Z U M E S A of promotion and sales of some snacks in schools RID T A N Z E t T r u I l in the Czech Republic was at its peak. That’s e V c o n k S o k U O Y l N e A why it wasn’t easy to persuade the teachers that NADUP RISTOVAo prO c joining in the competition was appropriate and 1 BENA C to persuade them of the benefits for the pupils and let Y v I N D I r t students which would then have a positive effect a 2 40 000 KC n on popularity of the teachers. What’s more, the competition was planned 3 kolnI t S i n e v a b y v a n C 80 000 K elocviCnY SINCE THE TEACHER AS THE CLASS COORDINATOR IS THE ONE WHO WILL TAKE ITS GROUP TO THEIR DREAM CONCERT, A NEW GYM AND AN ATTRACTIVE CLASS OUTING. Z .C s p u h c a p u h .c w w w a n E vIc 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 CREATIVE MECHANICS FIGHT FOR THE STARS Some types of competition mechanics don’t fit into a school environment. This is the case of a performance competition, for example, which consists of awarding the one who will consume the most during a certain period. Even though both national stars were the main puller of the Chupa Chups competition, their concert wasn’t the only part of the major prize. Conversely, the creative mechanics which supports a longing in the target group to create something valuable, is an ideal tool for presentation of brands in schools. In the case of Chupa Chups, a simple, but all the more effective model was chosen. Class groups received the task to, under the guidance of their teachers, create a poster with a music theme (Czech Republic) made out of Chupa Chups wrappings, alternatively, to make a cover for the new CD of Majk Spirit (Slovakia). 10 10 - 11 w w w. l o g . c z | solution Another prize for the winning class was the financial contribution of 80,000CZK for the reconstruction of the gym or its equipment. The winning class also got to go for a cool trip worth 40,000CZK. The classes in 2nd and 3rd place went for a trip worth 15,000CZK. 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 EXECUTION Apart from the competition itself, LOGIK designed the whole execution of the campaign. At first, it was necessary to get the school principals on our side. They received an information letter with the explanation of the mechanics and goals of the competition along with a description of specific benefits for the schools involved. Together with the letter, they also received leaflets for the students. In Slovakia, in cooperation with the company that handles advertising media at elementary schools and high schools, a poster campaign took place as well, with the aim to include as many classes in the competition as possible. As the results show, the selected communication channels, along with attractive mechanics, registered a grand success and they confirmed the erudition of our company in designing communication campaigns. 12 w w w. l o g . c z | solution 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 RESULTS The bet on stars, on other attractive prizes, creative mechanics and involvement of the collective spirit worked both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Collecting wrappings and their reshaping into perfect works of art at once became a pastime for a thousand of schools in both countries for a month. The jury had a particularly tough job in selecting the best ones, the works, that would be prized. After all, it was from first years from elementary schools to last years from high schools competing between each other. And the quality on both ends of the age spectrum was fantastic. 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 1516 VOX POPULI “The competition which we had decided to join in April, was from the Chupa Chups company. The idea came from students of several classes, but the 8th A had been the one to go for it. From the TV and the website, they found out the rules of the competition: To send a poster with a music theme made out of Chupa Chups wrappings. At first, they announced a collection of wrappings of Chupa Chups products. Which means that they advertised their activity on the school radio, on Facebook, they had placed a collection box and billboards in school’s foyer and this way, they involved all the students of the school in the collection. At the moment when it became clear that there would be enough material to create the competition poster, they started with the design. It was clear that the poster will not be made by all of them and that’s why 4 students from the class agreed to work together: Sára Sikorová, Miroslava Urbánková, Aneta Fedičová and Dominik Džurina. 14 w w w. l o g . c z | results In art class, they prepared the design, and then began the circle of getting up at seven and staying after school so that they could finish their work in time. For two weeks, even the classmates from other classes could watch them at work and support them. During the whole week, we took pictures and filmed, and Mirka Urbánková then put all the documentation online. Part of the whole video is also a thank you to everyone who helped to collect all the material. I appreciate that the competition led the students to promote what they do, to communicate between each other and with the teachers, it motivated them to inventiveness, endurance, cooperation and dedication. On behalf of the active team from the 8th A, the supporting class teacher Mgr. Lenka Pastirčáková” Source: Orlovské noviny, 12. 5. 2015 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 FOR FURTHER DE TAILS, PLEASE CONTACT US: LOGIK, s.r.o. Pod Šancemi 4 | 190 00 Praha | Czech Republic tel.: +420 270 004 398 | e-mail: IČ: 25748483 | registered in the Czech Registration Office at the Municipal Court in Prague – odd. C, vl. 66683
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