free class designed to prepare for energy efficiency improvements
free class designed to prepare for energy efficiency improvements
Green Building EDUCATION A Workforce Training Grant from NevadaWorks has enabled the Builders Association of Northern Nevada to offer Free Green Building Skills courses! FREE CLASS DESIGNED TO PREPARE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS BPI MULTIFAMILY BUILDING ANALYST TRAINING CleanEdison Class to Achieve BPI Multifamily Building Analyst Training or Certification Multifamily residential buildings endure exponential heating, cooling and air leakage problems that cause extemely high utility costs for building owners, which will drive demand for those trained to recognize and remedy these problems. Participants in this course will be able to analyze multifamily structures to ensure that they are operating as safely and efficiently as possible. This course covers boiler system analysis, whole building envelope analysis, audit software and audit reporting, and energy end-use allocation. It covers ventilation, air flow, heating and cooling, blueprint analysis, HVAC system analysis, moisture analysis, combustion, and appliance zones. Written and field testing examination opportunities are offered in conjunction with this course. TRAINING SITE: BANN Office - 5484 Reno Corporate Drive, Reno, NV 89511 September 17-20, 2012 - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. For more info, or to enroll in courses contact: Teri Scharosch or Tina Laramie 775-329-4611 This training is made possible through a Workforce Investment Act grant administered by Nevadaworks. Training courses are offered at no cost to workers who can provide proof of current employment at the time of registration/training. The Builders Association of Northern Nevada and its training partner, Clean Edison, will comply with the provisions of the Workforce Investment Act, and are governed by compliance requirements with respect to discrimination and equal opportunity. Enrollment Form – Green Energy Training Add a New Participant Name: Home Address: City, State, ZIP: Home Phone: Alternate Phone: E-Mail Address: Date of Birth: Social Security #: Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Ethnicity: (Hispanic/Latino) ___ Yes ___ No ___ Not Specified Race: Education Other Demographics (please indicate if any apply): ___ Eligible Veteran ___ Limited English Proficient ___ Individual with a Disability ___ Unemployed Individual (not working for reasons other than those of “dislocated worker” below) ___ Dislocated Worker (unemployed due to company closing, company relocation, abolished position/shift, not enough work) ___ Worker Impacted by National Energy & Environmental Policy X Incumbent Worker (currently employed; authorized to work in US; compliant with Selective Service regulations) X Individual in Need of Updated Training Related to the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Industries ___ Individual Seeking Employment Pathways Out of Poverty & Into Self-Sufficiency ___ Individual with a Criminal Record ___ Disadvantaged Worker with Areas of Poverty ___ Individual Impacted by Automotive –related Restructuring ___ High School Dropout Employer/Company Name ________________________________________________ Ph: ________________________ Course Name: BPI Multifamily Building Analyst DATE: September 17-20, 2012 Class Instruction: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: BANN Office - 5484 Reno Corporate Dr, Reno, NV (Ph: 775-329-4611) Employment Status at Enrollment: X Employed (proof of employment must accompany application: current pay stub, employer letter of confirmation, latest payroll tax report, etc.) ___Not Employed ___Employed but received Notice of Termination Signature ________________________________________________________ Return completed form to: BANN, 5484 Reno Corporate Dr, Reno, NV 89511 ▪ Ph: 775-329-4611 Fax: 775-329-5689 ▪ Attn: Teri Scharosch (