Southside Businesses… - Hendricks County Business Leader
Southside Businesses… - Hendricks County Business Leader
Where Greater Greenwood Business Comes First July 2015 | Issue 0107 ➤ Kicking the Bucket List Upstairs HUMOR Page 4 ➤ Bray's Backyard ➤High EI Equals Business Success FOCUS ON SUCCESS Pages 8-9 YOUR BUSINESS Page 10 LOOK INSIDE! ➤ Continuum of Caregiving ➤ Fit for Service NOW THAT WE’VE BEEN OPEN OPEN FOR BUSINESS Page 7 Page 12 ➤ Moving to Main Street BEECH GROVE CHAMBER NEWS The peach of the Beech Laura Barnard’s forward-thinking brings stability and growth to the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce. Page 5 Page 15 ➤ Retirement: A thing of the past BIZ RESEARCH Page 6 Technology Gets Things Done BUSINESS WEB page 6 The Value of a Year BUSINESS HISTORY page 11 Defining Your WHY? PERSONNEL MATTERS page 12 Leadership Johnson County (LJC) provides personal and professional development to a diverse group of individuals representing small and large organizations, nonprofit and for-profit groups, government officials, volunteers and anyone interested in improving individual leadership skills, learning more about Johnson County and making connections. With over 575 graduates of the program, LJC continues to make a positive impact on our community. Come be a part of the next great class of leaders! LJC Offers Board Governance Series Nonprofit organizations are vital to the progress and sustainability of our communities. Join Leadership Johnson County for the Board Governance Series, moderated by Dr. Carolyn Goerner, Clinical Professor of Management at the IU Kelley School of Business—Bloomington. Series highlights include: Board Basics: Board members can have many different duties and roles. We’ll use principles of Strengths-Based Leadership to help you learn your best fit and identify those duties that best use your talents for maximum benefit to you and the organization. Nonprofit Finance: Learn what you need to know to be a fiscally savvy steward of your organization’s financial resources. Nonprofit Fundraising: Fundraising is one of the key responsibilities of nonprofit board members (as they say, “No margin, no mission”). You’ll discover a variety of different ways to raise money and awareness for your cause. Legal Responsibilities: As a Board member, you have certain legal rights and responsibilities. We’ll identify the legal issues surrounding you, your organization, and its staff and volunteers. Strategic Planning: We will explore a number of tools Boards can use to set and maintain strategic direction. In particular, you’ll focus on developing activities that keep the organization true to its mission and goals. Contact Leadership Johnson County today for your registration information to participate. Call (317) 738-8264 or email for more information. PROGRAM DATES: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 PROGRAM TIME: CLASS DAYS RUN FROM 8:00 A.M-5:00 P.M. LOCATION: SERIES HELD AT FRANKLIN COLLEGE HENDERSON CONFERENCE ROOM COST TO PARTICIPATE: PER PERSON, $395 TWO TEAM MEMBERS, $600 BIZ OPINION / NEWS Southside Business Leader • July 2015 › From the Publisher I Social media goes sour don’t do much with Social is, my business is my business – no one else’s. It is between client and Media. Most people know that. me; between employee and me; I guess it qualifies as a mediand between vendor and me. um of mass communication now; Facebook has given people the the only one where it seems that opportunity to write what they responsibility - the idea that you want when anger or happiness thoroughly make sure that what fuels the need. Unfortunately it you post is accurate - doesn’t alseems as if there is more anger beways seem to be of paramount iming posted than happiness. I’m not portance. sure what that says about us as a I’m tempted sometimes to make Rick Myers personal posts. Like a few weeks FOUNDER/PUBLISHER society. I’d like to think of Facebook as a happy medium, where ago when I was with my daughhappy things are shared. ter at Kansas State University for her freshman orientation. I am very proud of her. I would have loved to have shot photos Rick Myers is publisher of the Southside Business Leader. of her and all of the beautiful places on K- Email: State’s campus and in and around Manhattan, Kan. But I didn’t. Because no one cares. SOUTHSIDE BUSINESS LEADER Occasionally there are some posts that COVER PARTY find their way to me. Many of them have August 28th turned from “It’s a Don Pablo’s night – woohoo!” to posts attacking business people or a at Main Street Pallazzo particular business. This is disappointing to 626 Main Street me and shows a lack of professionalism. For Greenwood, IN 46107 me, the lesson here is one I have held since I SEE YOU THERE! started my business almost 10 years ago: that › Finance Dispatches Trusting advisors with your life savings? Finding a trustworthy financial advisor can be somewhat of a challenge these days with the countless scams that continue to surface. Before settling on an advisor or a firm to help manage your savings in retirement or in preparation of retirement, shop around—find out what each advisor can offer you, and find out if the persons involved fully suit your needs. Some questions to ask during your meetings with advisors: What will you do for me? How and how much will you charge? What line-up of products and services can I choose from? How will we assess whether your advice is actually working? Lastly, and as a matter of formality, be sure to vet him or her with the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or FINRA. – CNN Money US home prices steadily rising According to the Associated Press, home values rose 4.9 percent in April from just one year ago, with particularly large gains in Denver and San Francisco. Low mortgage rates and strong job growth have been cited as major contributors to the increase in home values, but the continued gains are out-pacing wage growth—which may out-price potential buyers. However, employers have added approximately 3.1 million workers in the past year and many suspect that those paychecks will be flowing into real estate before higher borrowing costs make homes less affordable. – Yahoo Finance Is your budget not working? Simply creating a budget won’t be enough to guarantee financial success; it must a budget that you can stick to, you can keep yourself accountable for and most importantly, it needs to work for you. If you’re struggling to maintain a budget, you may be making unrealistic assumptions about where your money is going. Keep track of your receipts and records in order to better estimate where your expenses are coming from. Furthermore, if you set yourself a strict budget without any “wiggle room”, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Getting organized about your income and expenses will ensure better use of your money. – Yahoo Finance Any firm can give you an opinion. We will give you a partner. In today’s competitive marketplace, successful companies are growing and innovating by hiring top talent. At Express, we help our clients quickly find top local talent allowing them to stay focused on other things. Hiring is difficult and you need a resource that is looking for specialized talent everyday on your behalf. We can help in the following areas: • Front Office • Customer Service • Administrative Assistant • Accounting • And more! (317) 888-5700 707 South Madison Ave. Greenwood, IN 46143 Somerset is an Indianapolis-based accounting, tax and advisory team of forward thinking, proactive experts. Whether you are a start-up business or representing a multi-million dollar corporation, Somerset is ready to work with you, not just for you. With experts in the following industries, Somerset is capable of helping you reach all of your business and financial goals: · agribusiness · architecture & engineering · construction · dealerships · dental · entrepreneurial · health care · manufacturing & distribution · not-for-profit · real estate find us on... 3925 River Crossing Pkwy, Suite 300 | Indianapolis, IN 46240 | 317.472.2200 | 3 4 OPINION July 2015 • › Editor's Note Milestone month to celebrate The end of June marks the end of the first half of a year—2015 has certainly had its ups and downs. We celebrate the birth of our great nation in July and thank the thousands of veterans who have fought to secure our freedoms at home—and we continue to thank those still abroad putting their lives on the line every day. America turns 239 this year and we’ve come a long way from our hum- "We celebrate the birth of our great nation in July and thank the thousands of veterans who have fought to secure our freedoms…" ble 1776 origins. We’ve faced threats near and far and overcome each challenge, ready to meet the new one. Perhaps that’s a good attitude to approach the rest of the year with. Given what you know about the first six months of 2015, what are your goals as we turn the corner through the heat of summer? Whether you need a refreshing vacation, a refocusing of personal or business relationships, now is the time. Celebrate our American heritage with fireworks, barbeque and a few brews with the neighbors. Here’s to us, our rich history, and the rest of 2015. Just remember to be courteous with fireworks around combat veterans! › Quote of the Month Wouldn’t it be great to be gifted? In fact … It turns out that choices lead to habits. Habits become talents. Talents are labeled gifts. You’re not born this way, you get this way. ~ Seth Godin, American entrepreneur › Humor O Kicking the bucket list upstairs ne of the exercises I convincing customers to trust us, or tramping out a living whilst remember in my self-help paying back our loans. But those journey keeps haunting me. are external qualities. Internally, Participants are asked to imagine we want peace, integrity and love. what they want inscribed on their We secretly long to be of service to gravestone. What is the epitaph of others; be a part of something largtheir life? er than ourselves. If that's too morbid, pretend (Wow, that was so deep. I need you wrote a best-selling novel. to take a selfie of me writing that!) Write the obligatory "About the Brooks calls our current culture, Author" blurb for the inside cover. Gus Pearcy the Age of the Big Me. We are so COLUMNIST What would you write? self-centered that we miss out on a How do you want to chance to fill a void we be remembered? may not even be aware. New York Times A current trend is "Don't you want to be columnist David a bucket list, a list of Brooks recently reremembered for contributing things we want to acleased his latest book to mankind rather than complish before we examining charackick that bucket. These just using it up?" ter. (The good kind.) lists include visiting exBrooks' distinguishes otic places, experiencbetween resume viring thrills, or buying something extravagant. tues and eulogy virtues. He argues, in The I want those things, too. My first bucket Road to Character, that good character is a list is filled with trips with my kids, jumping product of the virtues you want to be spoken from perfectly good planes, owning a Tesla at your funeral. car, and dying with the latest version of the In business, we have an attitude of coniPhone. I'll make bet yours is similar. quest. Whether it be against competition, What if we looked at a bucket list differ- Times-Leader Publications, LLC 7670 US 31 S • Indianapolis, IN 46227 Phone: (317) 300-8782 Email: Copyright 2015© Times-Leader Publications, LLC All rights reserved. Southside Business Leader Founder & Publisher Richard K. “Rick” Myers Contributing Writer Gus Pearcy Content Editor Nicole Davis Editor's Assistant Eric Ellis Copy Editor Katie Mosley Design/Production Carey Germana The Southside Business Leader is published by Times-Leader publications, LLC. Content published alongside this icon is sponsored by one of our valued advertisers. Sponsored content is produced or commissioned by advertisers working in tandem with Times-Leader’s sales representatives. Sponsored content may not reflect the views of The Southside Business Leader publisher, editorial staff or graphic design team. The Southside Business Leader is devoted to clearly differentiating between sponsored content and editorial content. Potential advertisers interested in sponsored contact should call (317) 300-8782 or email ently? What if our bucket list was simply to help others scratch off accomplishments on theirs? What if our goal was to help others reach theirs? Wouldn't this be a nicer world? My bucket list has a goal of cultivating close relationships with seven people. Close friends are hard to come by. Look at your friends and tell me how many are really close friends? Don't count family. Don't count your kids. You should already have a pretty solid relationship with them. A bucket list filled with your own experiences warrants an epitaph that reads: He lived life to the fullest. Don't you want to be remembered for contributing to mankind rather than just using it up? Our human experience is inextricably linked to our demise. Yet, we live for the moment. The road to character is not paved with bucket list items, but peering deep inside ourselves to understand the core of our being and how we can add to the lives of others. Gus Pearcy is a contributing columnist to the Southside Business Leader. He may be reached at (317) 403-6485 or Gus blogs frequently at Yes, we want your letters: Readers of the Southside Business Leader are encouraged to send letters to the editor as often as they wish. The stipulations are that the letter is timely, focused (not more than 200 words) and verifiable. Please make sure to provide your complete name and daytime and evening telephone contact numbers. All letters are subject to editing for brevity, clarity and grammar. Please direct correspondence to COVER STORY Southside Business Leader • When I’m not here, I’m taking care of my 2-year-old twins, Tyler and Savannah; going to the zoo, the park, playing with the hose. How Laura did it? Best business advice: Understand your target audience and always set goals. Whether they are short-term or long-term goals, you have to set goals to know what direction you’re going. Best business decision: Continuing my education, through workshops or seminars that I can attend either with the Indiana Chamber Executive Association or the local Hoosier PRSA Chapter. Any way that I can keep learning. You can always take any information you’ve gathered and if you aren’t going to use it today, you will six months from now. In 5 years… My hope is that the chamber continues to have its own office and keeps building upon the success that it’s had over the past few years. Personally, it doesn’t matter how many members we have versus how many members we have that are active. Right now we have close to 80 plus percent participation rate, which is pretty great. You want people that want to be involved. I want to see that continue. Secret to success: I don’t give up very easily. If there’s something personal or professional that I want to achieve, I’m pretty driven to get it done. Sometimes it might take longer than I like, but I will get it done. “She has been a wonderful asset to the chamber. Her can-do attitude and willingness to get out in the community and make connections with members as well as nonmembers has really helped grow the chamber.” ~ Dawn Whalen Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce PO Box 702 Beech Grove, IN 46107 (317) 800-8499 (New Phone Number) 5 The peach of the Beech Getting to know Laura… • I enjoy reading. I’m in the midst of The Outlander series. • July 2015 Laura Barnard’s forward-thinking brings stability and growth to the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce By Nicole Davis A lot has changed for the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce in a year’s time since Laura Barnard was hired as its executive director: membership has increased, events and luncheons are planned through the coming year and the chamber now has its own space. “She is phenomenal,” says Dawn Whalen, of Whalen Realty Group, who previously served as president of chamber board of directors. “She has been a wonderful asset to the chamber. Her can-do attitude and willingness to get out in the community and make connections with members as well as nonmembers has really helped grow the chamber.” Barnard grew up in Greenfield, graduated from Indiana University in 2003 and later earned her Master’s in public relation from IUPUI. She started her career with The Promotion Company, a special events organization based in downtown Indianapolis. She then spent four years with the Indiana Dental Association, which she says sparked an interest in membership-based nonprofits. She went on to work for the American Cancer Society as a communications coordinator and then Miller Brooks, a public relations and advertising agency in Zionsville. After getting pregnant with twins, Barnard says she decided to take a year off from work and spend time with them at her Greenwood home. After that year, she saw the GBGCOC had an executive director position open. “They were looking for someone for parttime employment which gave me an opportunity to still spend quality time with my kids,” Barnard says. “They needed someone who understood marketing, public relations, how to work a budget and someone who was organized and could bring not just the Beech Grove chamber together but the community together. They felt I had the experience they needed. The job is a perfect fit.” Barnard officially began her role with the chamber on July 7, 2014. In one year’s time, chamber membership has grown more than 35 percent, to 105 members as of June 15. “Personally, I really wanted to have 100 members before I had been here for a year,” Barnard says. “I knew it was a strong organization that for various reasons, members had left the chamber. I wanted to be able to address those members' concerns and bring them back. We did that.” She and the board took the time to plan all of their luncheons for the year. An events Photo by Nicole Davis Above and on the cover: Laura Barnard in fron of the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce. committee identified what events would be beneficial to residents and members. The chamber will host Music on Main Street, a concert featuring Big Roscoe and the Hammers and the Woomblies Rock Orchestra, on Aug. 9, 3 to 8 p.m. The chamber is planning a community fair for March 2016. “We’ve made it a goal to plan ahead and be more organized as far as the board, making sure the board is always thinking forward and making sure members get what they want out of their chamber membership,” Barnard says. “Members want to network with each other and have ways to have visibility with their customers.” The chamber moved from its office at Hornet Enrichment Academy to 409 Main Street in Beech Grove in June. Previously, office space has been donated to the chamber. This is the first time the chamber has its own space, signing a two-year lease. With the move came a new phone number, (317) 800-8499. “We are in a position as a chamber to be able to afford our own office space,” Barnard says. “We’re thrilled to be back on Main Street... I’m really excited. It’s a strong organization. We are consistent. I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon. I think that brings a comfort level to the board and to the members.” Barnard says she has enjoyed spending much of her time out of the office in the past year, meeting with Beech Grove business owners and residents. She says the next goal of hers and for the board is to work with more businesses in the industrial park near Emerson Avenue and to continue to create and grow connections between their members. “When we hired her, within the first couple of months, I knew the chamber was going to be in very good hands,” Whalen says. “She took it and ran with it. She has been very proactive in regards to what the chamber needs, what we need to do to grow the chamber. She is very forward thinking and the best decision that the board has made.” 6 July 2015 • D BIZ RESEARCH Southside Business Leader Retirement: A thing of the past o seniors actually retire? The answer According to a national survey, the sedepends on your definition. If you’re niors’ continued employment interest is thinking work, the answer remains “it supported by one part necessity and by one depends.” The latest government data indicates part self-interest. Apparently, the “recommended” retirement goal that one that while 15 percent of people age should plan on reducing spend60 to 70 are working more than 35 ing to 70 percent of one’s pre-rehours a week, 2 in 3 seniors remain tirement income is being ignored in the workforce, in some capacity by our Boomers. Boomers want to until age 75. Apparently, the full continue a “spend freely” behavtime 15 percent stay engaged in ior long after retirement by redithe joys and demands of work life recting necessity spending toward until a health issue takes them out. pleasure spending. Conversely, 22 percent plan on A pent-up demand for traveling, remolding, relocating, as well exiting the workforce as early as as for recreational toys like boats, possible. Regardless, few workers (2 Jim Ittenbach RVs and Harleys exist. Seniors are percent) remain active beyond age COLUMNIST planning on spending up to 125 75. percent of their pre-retirement anSo what about the other 2 in 3 nual income, until they reach the ripe old age part time seniors? A recent survey revealed that these part-time seniors are leaving their of 75. As such, part-time and seasonal emcurrent occupations only to take on differing ployment is crucial. Smart employers are responding with job part-time work. The key word is “differing.” offers that capture and empower the workAllegedly, these seniors want to emulate our millennial workforce entrants by uniquely ing skills of seniors within a flexible, customcrafting a balanced work and life plan. Both ized work arrangement. These enterprises feel that “health is the new wealth” and “abil- are trying to gain competitive advantage by ity to only do what interests you” are the es- enticing seniors with part-time, job-sharing and seasonal work opportunities. sential drivers in a job selection. As such, a perfect job storm may be on our horizon. Wise seniors and savvy business leaders pay heed. With 2 in 3 retiring seniors seeking meaningful part-time work and 2 in 3 companies seeking affordable talent, void of costly benefits, a willingness to craft personalized work schedules may benefit all. To learn more, pick up the book “Work Wanted” by James Walker & Linda Lewis. Live long and prosper. Jim Ittenbach is owner of SMARI, a research company, and he offers insights based in his years conducting research. BIZ WEB Technology gets things done T he barrage of tech innovations pouring The most significant interruption I eninto our lives is intended to make life countered during our mutt’s sniff quest was better. It seems like the next "big thing" receiving a video Skype call from one of my developers in India. With HD quality live arrives every week. I have news for video in my left hand and a leash in you: The changes are accelerating the right I introduced the developat an accelerated rate. While it is er to our pet, plus a couple of our unnerving, it’s exciting! neighbors along the way. Despite As readily available technola gap of thousands of miles and ogy keeps coming, keep in mind a 10.5 hour time zone difference, that it’s not about the technolwe are face-to-face getting things ogy. These gadgets and apps were done. On the Internet, geography not built to complicate our lives; is irrelevant. it’s here to simplify things, to free Competition demands that we your time, and ease your mind. To get things done better, faster, and prove how this tech can make life Andrew Angle cheaper. The early cave men who easier I am writing the bulk of this COLUMNIST hunted prey by trying to outarticle without writing at all. I am run and catch critters using voice dictation with their own bare through an earbud mic hands were probably attached to my smartawe-struck the first "The changes are phone (Samsung s6 time they witnessed Edge), mostly while goaccelerating at an lunch being secured by ing about my morning hurling a sharp stick accelerated rate. routine before work. through the air. The Rather than being tethWhile it is unnerving, spear was a better way ered to a desk under to catch prey. Better it’s exciting!" fluorescent lights, I am ways are what technoldelivering prose while ogy is all about. Are you munching down a bowl using it effectively to of cereal, primping in catch customers? the mirror, and walking our dog. Every day Let’s hear it from you. Go to http://Busishe pesters me for a trot through the neighnessLeader.BZ/tech to join in the conversaborhood to sniff every post and leave her tion. own scented messages, a task I refer to as “checking her ‘pee-mail.’” Andrew Angle is the owner of Net Gain Associates, Incorporated. He can be reached at (317)534-2382. Southside Businesses… do you have news to report? Please direct correspondence to: PEER TO PEER Southside Business Leader • July 2015 7 The art of fine dining rediscovered R ecently, my daughter Christi and I I do not know; I guess it just seemed like a started a new business venture, Christi bother. Actually, I think we all get in a rut. We develop a group of folks that Hubler Chevrolet. Like all are our lunch partners and we unnew businesses, it required some knowingly just “round robin” our outside selling to the community choices. Yes, every now and then a to tell them who we are and what new name slips in, and sometimes all we are selling. While she did the an old name just slips out. That is heavy lifting tasks, I volunteered for how it is. the gastronomical tasks. It was the Now, let me offer you my reality least I could do. My job consisted check. I am on an emotional high of calling local politicians, chamber after a lunch with a new person. It members, manufactures, and the never fails; dining with a new perlike and introducing ourselves to son or group of people who are Howard Hubler sympathetic with me is rejuvenatthem over lunch. COLUMNIST ing. They want to share stories of Over the years, I have done their company with me; they want this a number of times; however, I must admit, I have basically put my out- to invite me to their company to do a meet side lunchtime selling skills to rest. Why? and greet with their staff so we can do a Fit for service By combining their ideas and years of expertise, Shannon Smith and Jacque Bush developed Studio 317 Fitness & Cycling, offering cycling, BodyPump, Athletic Step, Zumba, HIIT, Insanity, TurboKick and other styles of exercise. “We both are very passionate about health and fitness,” Smith says. “Personally, we want to be healthy and involved in the community. We hadn’t been able to find a location we really liked and fit our needs, until we found this.” Studio 317 opened at 500 Polk St., #24, Greenwood, on April 6 and celebrated its grand opening on April 11. Both owners are residents of Perry Township. Smith works full-time as a dietician. Bush has taught group fitness for more than 10 years, beginning with BodyPump. They alternate the times they work in the business so that one of them is always working at Studio 317. They have five additional instructors, and say want to have a smaller staff so that clients can become familiar with their instructors. “What’s really important to group fitness is the connection that you can’t get in larger gyms,” Smith says. “It was also important to have a little area for kids. Moms especially are busy. They can work out and be close to their kids. That’s something I want to in- “personal touch” selling job on the staff as a company benefit. If they sell a product that I need, they want to deep discount it as this CEO I am dining with wants to go back to work with a victory to tell his staff about as well. I have to take the oath for future lunches so that we can continue to grow our personal relationship, and he wants to introduce me to the community. All this for a $10 investment in him, and an hour and a half lunch! I had to eat anyway. This gives me bragging rights when I go back to the store. I act like I have been doing this for years. Actually, I have. There just have been several years in the desert in between when I was in my own rut. I say, “Hey, why don’t you guys get off your cans and call some of your customers and ask them out for coffee or lunch and make friends out of them?” I do this like it is an extension of my arm. Yes, I can be a hypocrite at times, too. So what is the message here? You do not have to wait until you start up a new location or your sales take a dive to meet new contacts. Push yourself. Make a significant lunch date every week. Who is a mover and a shaker in your line of work? Call that person up for lunch. I can all but assure you that as you drive back to your work, your head will be buzzing with electricity with that feeling you get when there is some kind of a deal or significant relationship somewhere starting to bud. Now, with your bragging rights, you can go to your selling staff and get them to do the same and turn up the gas on relationship selling. It is just a phone call away. Howard Hubler can be reached at OPEN FOR BUSINESS Studio 317 Fitness and Cycling in Greenwood offers a variety of small group fitness classes years and have a personal passion for health and fitness. Over the last five years we have struggled finding a group fitness location to fit the needs that so many group fitness lovers desire. We wanted to provide something unique and personal to individuals who may need more individual instruction and motivation than a larger gym provides. Our goal: Imagine. Inspire. Ignite. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Inspiring powerful group fitness to ignite your potential.” - Smith What did you do to prepare for opening your business? Photo by Nicole Davis “We had several planning meetings for different areas Jacque Bush and Shannon Smith. needed for start-up, i.e. legal, still in my kids is that you work out to get financial, operating agreehealthy, not skinny. They learn a lot more by ment, vendors, licensing, software, business our example and not what you tell them.” management, etc... There is competition in Class sizes will range anywhere from two the fitness industry. We researched what the to 15 participants. The first class is free, area has to offer. The location was really imwhich the co-owners say allows anyone in- portant to us to be successful.” - Smith terested in small, group fitness to experience it. Who is your ideal customer/client? Bush says their goal is to “continue grow“We welcome and have members from all ing and hopefully expanding – that’s the fitness levels, beginners to advanced, both goal, to fill this room to where we need to male and female primarily ages 25 and oldtear down walls.” er.” - Smith “Our goal is to teach to every single perWhy did you open this business? son who would want help or change. The “We’ve been in the industry for 10 plus ones that walk in a big gym and feel very overwhelmed are the people who are drawn to us. You get the attention that you wouldn’t get in a bigger setting. We want a diverse group of men and women.” – Bush How do you plan to be successful? “By being active in our community and promoting healthy lifestyles with our members. One of our main focuses is partnering with organizations and other local businesses to build a network to promote health and wellness. A lot of our business is word of mouth and referrals, and therefore ‘member connection’ is one of our other focuses – as sometimes larger gyms are not able to do. Our third big focus is quality – all of our instructors are qualified and selected based on specific certifications and fitness qualities like being energetic and informative. In addition, as a small business, spending wisely is important.” - Smith What would we be surprised to learn about you or your company? “Our primary focus is group fitness classes. However, Jacque offers 1:1 personal training sessions and I provide nutritional consultation as a registered dietician.” - Smith Studio 317 Fitness 500 Polk St., #24 Greenwood, IN 46143 (317) 883-7644 Compiled by Nicole Davis 8 July 2015 • FOCUS ON SUCCESS Southside Business Leader Court’sYard & Greenhouse 609 W. Epler Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46217 (317) 784-3152 Courtney Bray will reach 15 years of owning and operating Court’sYard & Greenhouse on July 1. Pictured are scenes from Court’sYard & Gre Top, left and above: Photos by Nicole Davis. Remaining photos are submitted. It is my yard. We make it feel personal, with the courtya and the grass. I always liked to watch the whole process things growing and being outside. I didn’t go into it as business. It’s my big hobby that keeps growing. ~ Courtney Bray FOCUS ON SUCCESS Southside Business Leader • July 2015 Above: Following a snowstorm in 2007 that resulted in the loss of the two original greenhouses, Bray rebuilt the structures from the ground up. Below: One of Bray's children enjoying the greenhouse space. eenhouse throughout the past year. ard s of sa Bray’s backyard By Nicole Davis Courtney Bray spends time year-round tending to her yard; the perennial and annual flowers, trees. She’s built two greenhouses and had her hand in a variety of construction projects such as laying the patio. July will mark 15 years of since Bray purchased Court’sYard & Greenhouse at 609 W. Epler Ave., Indianapolis, but she still considers it her big yard. “We make it feel like we’re very homey,” Bray says. “It is my yard. We make it feel personal, with the courtyard and the grass. I always liked to watch the whole process of things growing and being outside. I didn’t go into it as a business. It’s my big hobby that keeps growing.” Bray says she’s always helped her mom with gardening and even had her own section in the garden. She became Perry Township’s Court’sYard & Greenhouse to reach 15 years in business for Courtney Bray a Master Gardener at Garfield Park at age 15. She began working full-time at the greenhouses at age 15, while she was homeschooled. The original greenhouses were German-owned and built in the 1920s. She left her job after graduation to attend a semester of college in Florida and when she decided to come back home, the owners were still looking to sell the business. Bray purchased it July 1, 2000 at age 19. In 2007, snow took down two greenhouses. “It has been amazing,” says Bray’s mother, Danna Strain. “When we first started this was a one-room shack. We were standing at the window when the snow crashed them. I told her we’ll just start over and do a clean sweep.” Bray and her family rebuilt the two greenhouses and have added onto the ascetics of the property for the past seven years. They plant 90 percent of the plants on the property, starting in January. Court’sYard is open from the second week of March through Halloween. Bray, Strain and Bray’s sister, Bethany Miller all work in the business, and she says her three children all enjoy playing in the yard. “My sister and I like to take care of everything and have eyes on everything daily, keeping it all up and looking nice,” Bray says. “I enjoy being involved in every bit of it from building the greenhouses to laying the patio. I’ve done it all. I’m always looking at what can I do now.” Bray says they are looking to build another greenhouse in the fall, although she’s not looking to grow too big. “I try to be able to maintain it myself,” Bray says. “I want to keep it small so I can personally help each customer.” 9 10 YOUR BUSINESS July 2015 • B Powerful solutions for powerful businesses. Southside Business Leader High EI = business success ack in 1991, I found myself in a college course called Listening with Empathy. A prerequisite for my major, bachelor of social work. If I had a buck for every time I have utilized the skills I learned… well, Erin Smith I could vacation in the COLUMNIST Caribbean any time I like! Having empathy for others is one of the five components of Emotional Intelligence (EI), which Daniel Goleman first introduced to the world in 2004. If you are not familiar with EI, Google Daniels’s name along with HBR and read his original article. Here is a quick review of EI’s components: • Self-awerness • Self-regulation • Motivataion • Empathy • Social Skills Remember that Intellectual IQ ad EI do not correlate. Dr. Travis Bradbury, author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and creator of TalentSmart (the world’s leading provider of emotional intelligence) found leaders with high EI ran circles around other leaders that only have high IQ’s. Even more encouraging, EI is a skill that can be learned. This is really good news for me. After taking the online EI test, I have room for improvement in the areas of self-regulation and empathy. Fascinating since the college course I took on empathy was a semester long. I guess I need a refresher. So, how does EI equate to business success? Dr. Bradbury suggests that EI is the foundation of a host of critical skills that we use to navigate through our business and life. Trust, accountability, communication, anger management and change tolerance are a few of these skills. He also explains in his Huffington Post article dated April 14, “Why You Need Emotional Intelligence to Succeed,” after testing EI alongside of 33 other critical workplace skills that “it is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58 percent of success in all types of jobs.” Every job in every industry ties EI to performance and pay. Notably, on average those with higher EI earned $29,000 more per year. Learning more about yourself, how others perceive you along with your ability to relate and empathize with others is powerful. I encourage you to pick up a copy of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and embark on a deeper dive into who you are and how you “show up” in your business. Increasing your EI will not only benefit you, but also potentially inspire all those who work alongside of you to excel. Erin Smith is co-owner of Spotlight Strategies a print, apparel, promo and sign company located in Franklin, Ind. She may be reached at COACH’S CORNER Businesses depend on Duke Energy for our reliable service, competitive rates, and technical support to help manage their energy use. Our award-winning site selection services are also available to help our business customers gain a competitive edge – and have a positive impact on our communities. H Importance of following up with perspective clients ow many times do you follow up after it? I know it did mine when I first read these making contact with a potential buyer statistics, especially when I looked at what were then my follow-up activities. of your goods or services? It’s said that at any given time there My answer for you… probably not is only three percent of the popuenough times! If you follow-up more lation looking for what you’re sellthan three times with a prospect, ing. Statics prove this theory, too, you are better than 90 percent of in that only two percent of sales other sales professionals. According are made on the first attempt. That to the Direct Sellers Association means that the person out wanderthe most sales (80 percent) are ing around looking for what your made between the fifth and twelfth salesperson is selling and your contact. salesperson happened to bump Here are some staggering statis- Jack Klemeyer into each other. Might be the lucky COLUMNIST tics about follow-up efforts: seat at the local Starbucks. •48 percent of people never More statistical information follow-up with a prospect from the Direct Sellers Associa•25 percent of people make a second tion, only this time from the salesperson contact and stop perspective: •12 percent of people make three con• 3 percent of sales are tacts and stop made on the second contact •Only 10 percent of people make more • 5 percent of sales are than three contacts made on the third contact Kind of makes your stomach turn doesn’t • 10 percent of sales are made on the fourth contact The good news is that by adding only two more contact touches you can more than double your results. Certainly if you do four follow-up touches… you get five times the results. Think of the processes you have in place now and how you can add just a couple more follow-up touches. Here are some ideas: a follow-up email campaign, another phone call, a postcard mailed to your prospect, a letter or handwritten note sent to your prospect. Nobody sends notes anymore… so be different and start sending those handwritten notes as a regular practice in your follow-up process. Reach out and make a few more touches and a few more sales. Jack Klemeyer is the founder and head performance coach of GYB Coaching ( Contact him at: Jack@ • July 2015 Southside Business Leader 11 BIZ MANAGEMENT Benefits of implementing an internet usage policy W BIZ HISTORY Y The value of a year ou try something. You fail. A year spent the next several months getting to passes. You give it another go. This know better his newly-adopted home of time, it succeeds. And then you file Philadelphia, the most forward-looking community in British Colonial your experience away for another America. He continued meeting day, another challenge. with the Junto. And he turned over This scenario precisely tracks a and over in his mind the challenge real leadership story from the life of exactly how to start the lending of Benjamin Franklin. It might library. hold a lesson for you in the year Then he realized what to do. upcoming. Franklin re-structured. Keeping Franklin was all of 24 years old the Junto as the core group of the when he hit upon the new concept lending library, Franklin ventured of a lending library. It was 1730. into the community, seeking subFranklin envisioned a lending Dan Miller scriptions from interested leadlibrary not for a ruler, a church, COLUMNIST ers. He found that people outside or a church-related university. He the Junto loved the concept. They thought of a library that loaned quickly signed on as potential books to people who wanted to read them without any particular allegiance or affilia- members. They pledged financial support. tion. The library would be secular, the first A year after it had failed inside the Junto, Franklin's lending library succeeded in the of its kind. The key to success, Franklin believed, was broader community. The effort resulted in the hiring of the first the existence of a platform for executing his plan. He had already formed a club—called librarian, the purchasing of books, and the the Junto—of like-minded young men. His location of a facility. It was everything Frankclub was comprised of men who were smart, lin had envisioned and much, much more. Twenty years later, a local doctor would curious, ambitious, interested in new ideas and eager to promote change. They were also approach Franklin with the idea of starting avid readers. The Junto would start the lend- the first community hospital in North America. Not surprisingly, Franklin had a plan in ing library on its own. Franklin's thinking was sound. Common mind for precisely how to proceed. It's possible that you'll fail in the pursuit values, highly motivated, similar outlooks. of something new in 2015. My counsel is to The problem was that it flopped. At this point, any number of options and embrace the example of Benjamin Franklin choices were open to Franklin. He might at age twenty-five. Use the time available to have shelved the whole thing; the concept you. Reflect on what happened. And be open was pointless if this group couldn't make it to adjusting your concept in small yet sigwork. He might have become somewhat bit- nificant ways. You might be surprised at the ter or jaded; if they can't see the good in it, value of a year. why bother? He might have cut his losses and moved on; there are too many positive Dan Miller is founder and president of Historical Solutions activities to undertake without knocking LLC - Ideas and Inspiration Through History. Dan uses history to help people strengthen their leadership. His website one's head against the wall. But Franklin held on to the concept. He is hile there are many ways for factors, employees engaged in less personal employees to avoid work, one use of the Internet when their company had of the most difficult to manage an explicit policy prohibiting it. One caveat here: the policy needs to be clearly is “cyberloafing.” Defined as an understood by all affected employemployee’s use of their work internet ees. They need to know as preciseconnection for personal activities ly as possible what behaviors are such as surfing non-job-related appropriate. For example, a policy websites, using personal social might allow employees to check media accounts, or even handling their personal e-mail accounts personal email, cyberloafing once or twice a day, but expressly can take a toll on workplace prohibit use of social media sites productivity. It is pervasive: the such as Facebook or Twitter for average American admits to wasting non-business-related purposes. Cyberloafing is a relatively new about two working hours each day, Carolyn Goerner phenomenon, but as more workwith personal Internet use being the COLUMNIST ers rely on the Internet to do their primary distraction. work, it becomes more pervaSo what can you do to effectively manage cyberloafing? A recent study sug- sive. While prohibitive policies are one way gests two things that can reduce this prac- to thwart this practice, a more positive aptice: providing employees with meaningful proach is to ensure that all employees underwork, and having an explicit policy prohibit- stand the importance of their work and their ing personal use of the Internet on company skill set to the organization’s goals. When work is meaningful, employees are more entime and property. Meaningful work consists of tasks that gaged in it. This principle holds true in both an employee views as significant and im- the “bricks and mortar” world and in cyberportant to the organization. If a worker sees space. his/her day-to-day activities as central to the company’s mission and objectives, and uses Jia, H., Jia, R., & Karau, S. (2013). Cyberloafvaluable skills and abilities to complete those ing and Personality: The Impact of the Big tasks, they experience meaningful work. In Five Traits and Workplace Situational Facthis study, after controlling for workers’ de- tors. Journal of Leadership & Organizational mographic and personality characteristics, Studies, 20, 358-365. the researchers discovered that employees who viewed their work as meaningful were Carolyn Goerner is a Professor of Management at Indiana less likely to cyberloaf. University-Bloomington’s Kelley School of Business. Email: Similarly, after controlling for personal BIZ BRIEF Southside Business Initiative could provide coworking space for Southside entrepreneurs Bringing new business and how to best improve Southport is a central topic of discussion at every Southport Redevelopment Commission meeting. One idea is closer to reality after the RDC made a motion to support the efforts of the Greater Southside Community Alliance (GSCA) in establishing the Southside Business Initiative, a coworking space for home-based and start-up businesses. GSCA, a 501c3 organization branched from the Greater Southside Business Alliance, is in the planning stages for SBI. GSBA President Joan Miller said the coworking space would be a development tool to support the growth of Perry Township small businesses. While they are still looking for a “home,” they intend to establish SBI in close proximity to Southport Road and Madison Avenue. Members would pay a yearly fee to have access to workspace, high-speed Internet, a kitchenette and conference room. Membership and sponsorship information can be found at 12 July 2015 • PERSONNEL MATTERS Defining your WHY? A good friend recently gave me a book inspire others to think, act and communicate in the same way. People don’t to read. It was a book I had buy into what you do; they buy my eye on so I quickly took into WHY you do it. Simon beher up on the offer. The book was lieves that great leaders and great Start With Why by Simon Sinek. organizations are good at seeing You may know of Simon for his what most can’t see and then talks. In this book, which ticulating that to others. It’s the I highlighted and underlined like exact opposite of the norm. Most crazy, he shares that WHY is the try to go with the flow. People that thing that inspires us and inspires know their WHY, go with their those around us. The book reignited gut. Sometimes this means making my passion for excellence. When I a decision that others don’t agree Mike Heffner COLUMNIST fell in love with my work is when I with or see in the beginning. figured out my WHY. It’s now part People Are Drawn to of who I am and how I do things. I wanted to share a few takeaways from the Good Communicators Those that we consider great leaders have book. a way about them that draws us close to them and that commands loyalty from othGreat Leaders Think Alike When we understand our WHY, we can ers. It’s a bond or a feeling that many don’t understand until you have experienced it. This is what draws you to certain people or products. People are drawn to leaders that understand their WHY and can comfortably communicate it. They can inspire others by sharing it. Simon shared that people like to feel connected and safe. “As humans, we crave the feeling and we seek it out.” Belief Is the Key When your heart is in it, your mind comes with it. Then your gut responds and others see a sense of belief, resolve and authenticity. “We trust those with whom we are able to perceive common values or beliefs.” People see what we do and what we say and can see our belief. This then inspires others to act. People Want To Work For Something Bigger Than Themselves We all need a reason to do things. People Southside Business Leader want to trust that their hard work goes toward something of value. You can’t convince someone to trust you. You have to earn that trust. Great leaders talk about their WHY and prove it with how they do things. People want to work for leaders that have their best interest at heart and companies that have a WHY. The WHY is what builds your culture and it becomes the reason that people come to work and stay with a company. They love what they do. They get to work inspired. They draw in the best clients; they are always growing and have a confidence about themselves. When you know your WHY, it’s not work, its fun. I hope you find or know yours. Mike Heffner is the owner of the Greenwood Express Employment Professionals franchise. Contact Mike at mike. or visit www.expressindysouth. com. NOW THAT WE’VE BEEN OPEN Continuum of Caregiving When Beth Bigham discovered ComForcare, she says she knew it was the right franchise for her to invest in because of its “laser-sharp focus,” and her previous experience with caregiving. She opened the 5915 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, location on Jan. 1, 2014. “I am looking forward to more people seeing we’re a great team of people, making great decisions, managing caregivers well and providing training,” Bigham says. “I’m looking forward to more people understanding that when they pick ComForcare, that they can trust us. They’re in good hands. We keep focusing on continuum of care.” Bigham, a longtime Perry Township resident, said she was her mother’s caregiver part-time, while her father would need to travel for work. He passed away of cancer unexpectedly and her mom passed away a couple of years later. When Bigham began looking for another career, she kept thinking about what her parents would want. “I wanted a vehicle that made sense and this made sense,” Bigham says, “where I could go out and impact others in a positive way because I understood homecare. It’s not always rosy to being a caregiver. My mom was in assisted living, in a nursing home. I understood the continual care program. As I told the corporate team, I just need this vehicle to be something where I can make my parents proud... That’s what keeps me going. Every day, I ask, ‘would dad be proud?’ ‘Am I making quality decisions?’ So far I think I’m doing alright.” As the business grows, Bigham says they look forward to introducing new programs. Their next goal is to focus on dementia training and support. Two staff members are currently trained to teach about caring for people with dementia and they will begin training first responders in the near future. “We’ve definitely grown,” Bigham says. “We are past the break-even point and now we have key referral partners that send us work and people that need home care. So, it’s working and it will just get better and better. There are a lot of people that have a need. We just need to keep making those key decisions to continue that growth.” Beth Bigham grows programs and patient-centered services with ComForcare, South Indianapolis wrong, train others in what you do... This way you’re not ever in a bind. Third, there’s not to be any negative around the clients... We coach our caregivers on whatever is going on in your personal life, leave it at the door. I’m a strong believer that you have to give your client a positive experience. How have things changed since you started your business? Business-wise, we are at this point where things are running really smoothly. There are a lot of decisions to be made when you start the business, a lot of trial and error and that can include location, marketing Photo by Nicole Davis What is the most materials, who you’ve valuable piece of hired. I think now, my Beth Bigham advice you've been business plan is right given? on track for being You have to consider your business like a able to achieve a lot of growth. bamboo tree. It doesn’t grow very fast. You keep watering it, watch it and hope it grows. Tell us about your biggest challenge and One day it starts growing and gets to the how you overcame it. point you can start trimming. That basically Getting everything done that I want to get means: patience. done in a day. I’ve had to adjust my responSecond would be risk aversion and work sibilities in that I have to be better prepared ethically in all aspects of your business. It the night before to go in the next day, know can be as simply as having back-up care- who I need to talk to, what I need to do and givers ready to go if something should go who I can delegate to. I usually have a bigger to do list than I can do. I’ve had to learn how to delegate. What do you wish someone had told you before you started your business? I was more business-minded and I knew I was strong with operations and accounting. Had I done it all over again, I wish they would have stressed that I had a really strong, clinically-minded person by my side in the office with me that understood homecare and could do some office things. Now I have the right people in place, but I think that slowed me down in the beginning. What is the hottest new trend in your industry? A patient-centered focus. Social Services Administration just had a seminar and they were talking about let your client make their own decisions, let them do what they want. It’s their decision to make. That’s already been a part of our ComForcare philosophy. It’s just great customer service. Those companies that can give the clients a quality, customer service attitude, those are the ones that are going to succeed. ComForcare Home Care 5915 S. Emerson Ave. #600 Indianapolis, IN 46237 (317) 664-5135 Compiled by Nicole Davis BIZ LOCAL Southside Business Leader Matt Green, Gus Rojas, Maryann Rojas, their daughter Mia Rojas and Lisa Rollings. Pat King and Charles Ogborn. • July 2015 From left, Matt Green, Marlo Webb, Tracy Webb and Lisa Rollings. Matt Green, Ben Stallings and Lisa Rollings. Rojas, Webb and Stallings honored at June Cover Party John Schwentker and Lynell Nixon. Rick Denny and Mike Tollar. 225 S. Emerson Ave., Ste. 181 Greenwood, Indiana 46143 (317) 881-7575 | The Southside Business Leader held its June Cover Party, sponsored by Simons Bitzer and American Family Insurance – Matthew Green Agency, on June 4 at Simons Bitzer, ADDRESS. Honored were March cover, Gus Rojas, (The Palms Banquet & Conference Center), April cover, Tracy and Marlo Webb (Metro Printed Products) and May cover, Ben Stallings (Beck Service Center). The Aug. 28 Cover Party, 4:306:30 p.m. For more information, contact or call (317) 918-0334. Photos by Nicole Davis Michael R. St. Pierre, CFSP CEO/Chairman of the Board Bus: (317) 632-9431 Rotary Club Greenwood Evelyn ‘Ebbie’ Crawford CLU 586 South State Rd 135 Ste A Greenwood, IN 46142-1439 Bus: (317) 888-0101 Cell: (317) 727-7353 Partner Rick Myers (317) 300-8782 family owned & operated since 1897 The Greenwood Club Rob Bailey, Agent The Rotary Club of Greenwood was organized in 1965. Its members represent a broad cross-section of businesses and professional leaders of our community. The club is one of about 32,000 Clubs in more than 200 countries’ and territories in the world that make up Rotary International, the world’s largest service club organization. The members of these Rotary Clubs form a global network of more than 1.2 million businesses and professional men and women who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Meeting Time: Monday at 12:00pm Club meetings are held in conjunction with lunch every Monday at noon in the conference facilities of Jonathon Byrd’s Banquet Center in Greenwood. Meetings offer an opportunity to visit with other members, learn about Rotary projects and hear from speakers on a variety of topics, from politics to humanitarian issues. 48 N. Emerson Avenue Greenwood, IN 46143 Bus: 317-882-1299 CONTACT ME TODAY. Meeting Place: Jonathan Byrd’s Cafeteria 100 Byrd Way Greenwood, IN COME JOIN US! 13 Club Meetings For more information, contact membership representatives: Chris Rosser (317) 412-5114, or Jerry Sparks (317) 626-9002, 14 PLANNER OF NOTE July 2015 • Upcoming Chamber Meetings and events 1 - Greater Greenwood Chamber of Commerce (Horizon Bank Ribbon Cutting & Relocation); July 1, 2 – 3 p.m., 942 U.S. 31 S., Greenwood. For more information, call (317) 859-6330. 9 – Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce (July Networking Luncheon); July 9, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Hornet Park Community center. For more information, call (317) 759-2873. 11 - Greater Greenwood Chamber of Commerce (Greenwood Public Library Craft Fair); July 11, 1 – 4 p.m., 310 S. Meridian St., Greenwood. For more information, call (317) 881-1953. 14 – Franklin Township Chamber of Commerce (Monthly Member Meeting Luncheon); July 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Wheatley’s, 8902 Southern Ave., Wanamaker. Cost is $12. For more information, visit 17 – Franklin Township Chamber of Commerce (Franklin Township Education Foundation Golf Fore Kids Tournament); July 17, 12 – 6 p.m., Hillview Country Club, 1800 E. King St., Franklin. For more information, visit myftef. org. 23 - Greater Greenwood Chamber of Commerce (2015 Chamber Golf Classic); July 23, 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Dye’s Walk Country Club, 2080 S. State Rd. 135, Greenwood. For more information, call (317) 888-4856. Newly Incorporated Catsplus DBA Robert Browning 305 Main Cross Edinburgh, IN 46124 Fit for a King Brian King B. 2152 Bridlewood Dr. Franklin, IN 46131 Gaughan Show Pigs Timothy Gaughan 6734 E. 700 N. Needham, IN 46162 Greenwood Cheer Sheila Martin 784 Brookview Dr. Greenwood, IN 46142 Hilltop Motel Pravinbhai G. Patel 5351 S. U.S. Hwy. 31 Franklin, IN 46131 K B Cleaning Kari Boemer 6788 S. 25 W. Trafalgar, IN 46181 King Buffet Hao Zheng Zheng 1374 Niagara Lane Franklin, IN 46131 Laser Grader of Indiana David T Gillespie 3190 W. 900 St. Trafalgar, IN 46181 Magnolia Springs Southpointe 4926 Sir Barton Way Indianapolis, IN 46237 (317) 886-2731 Tiefel Chiropractic Clinic 5655 S. East St. Indianapolis, IN 46227 (812) 239-8844 SBA GUARANTEED LOANS Boone County Quickdraw Foods, LLC 9179 Brookstone PL. Zionsville, IN 46077 $95,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Hamilton County Baltz Enterprises, LLC 682 Shannon Ct. Noblesville, IN 46062 $15,000. $30,300 The Huntington National Bank (OH) Carmel, IN 46032 $45,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) THAI 9, LLC 110 W. Main St., Ste. 140 Carmel, IN 46032 $50,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Amerruss Property Group, LLC 8824 Key Harbour Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46236 $100,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Hendricks County Asphalt Solutions, Inc. 5340 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217 $408,000 Premier Capital Corp. Avonlea, LLC 7351 Janean Dr. Brownsburg, IN 46112 $100,000 The Huntington National Bank (OH) Blue Horse Trucking, Inc. 8664 Redditch Dr. Avon, IN 46123 $72,400. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Gold Star Carrier, LLC 9730 Rhodes Lane Avon, IN 46123 $80,500. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Healthsolutions of Carmel Corp. 12413 Old Meridian St. Carmel, IN 46032 $450,000. Horizon Bank HT Express, Inc. 8718 Redditch Dr. Avon, IN 46123 $96,100. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Oakleaf Designs Bill Oakes 1174 Oakleaf Rd. Franklin, IN 46131 Midwest Paving, LLC 16105 River Road Noblesville, IN 46062 $150,000 Indiana Business Bank Prime Time Performance Horses Sarah Wuensch 34 Walnut St. Southport, IN 46227 Nexxt Spine, LLC 14425 Bergen Blvd,, #B Noblesville, IN 46060 $600,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Healthsource of Danville, IN, LLC 1300 E. Main St. Danville, IN 46122 $475,000 First Bank Financial (WI) Greater Greenwood Chamber of Commerce New Members O'Malia's Living Ltd. 115 Medial Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 $25,000 Wells Fargo Bank Midwest Shape Shifters Catherine Richmond 1576 Brookfield Circle Franklin, IN 46131 Adaco, inc. 5458 Chancery Blvd. Greenwood, IN 46143 (317) 422-4840 ISU Green Owens Insurance 1111 N. Main St. Franklin, IN 46131 (317) 383-7332 PCRPureBare, LLC 10835 Diamond Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 $100,000. First Colorado National Bank River Ridge Properties, LLC 11920 Brookshire Pkwy. Marion County Thieneman Construction, Inc. 17219 Foundation Pkwy. Westfield, IN 46074 $1,704,000 Indiana Statewide CDC H & L Pool Management, LLC 14854 War Emblem Dr. Noblesville, IN 46060 $26,500. Chase Bank Mac Remodeling John Caffero 5180 E. Mahalasville Rd. Morgantown, IN 46160 Maddox Industrial Group, Inc. 3771 S. U.S. 31 South Franklin, IN 46131 $780,500. $511,500 Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co. (KY) SixSix Graphics, LLC 1531 Northfield Dr. East, #300 Brownsburg, IN 46112 $98,000. U.S. Bank Virgil Fitness Enterprises, LLC 475 Northpoint Ct. Brownsburg, IN 46112 $15,000. KeyBank (OH) Johnson County A & I Trust In God Transport, Inc. 3168 Holt St. Whiteland, IN 46184 $30,200. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Baun's Chimney Sweeping, LLC 3160 Compass Dr. Franklin, IN 46131 $25,000 BMO Harris Bank (IL) Good Shepherd Veterinary Services, P.C. 250 S. S.R. 135 Bargersville, IN 46106 $50,000. Horizon Bank Bartco, Inc. 1202 E. 38th St. Indianapolis, IN 46205 $40,000. $100,000 PNC Bank Cargo Lines, LLC 1438 Danielle Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46231 $70,400. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Dhaliwal Trans, LLC 4818 Sunpoint Circle, Apt. 503 Indianapolis, IN 46237 $98,300. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Doraha Transport. Inc. 5542 Dill Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46237 $125,700. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Global Smiles Dental, Inc. 8028 S. Emerson Ave., Ste. A&B Indianapolis, IN 46237 $100,000. Chase Bank Southside Business Leader Krakra Pk, Inc. 10440 Hickory Hill Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46234 $25,200. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Laser B Carrier, LLC 7324 Lakeland Trails Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46259 $143,800. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Literaze, Inc. 5356 79th St. Indianapolis, IN 46268 $220,000. Hendrick County Bank & Trust Co. Lava Lounge 6308 Guilford Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 $242,000 Indiana Statewide CDC Love Truck Line, Inc. 6728 Panther Way Indianapolis, IN 46237 $150,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) MPM Trans, Inc. 4606 Pantina Way Indianapolis, IN 46237 $45,300. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Orange Leaf Bluff Road, Inc. 6845 Bluff Road, # 21 Indianapolis, IN 46217 $100,000 Ridgestone Bank (WI) Salon Orange Moon, LLC 2457 N. Delaware St. Indianapolis, IN 46205 $412,200 Chase Bank Security Masters Corp. 2602 E. 55th St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 $4,450,000 Bankers Trust Co. (IA) Gray's Delivery Inc 2804 Saturn Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46229 $80,400. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Shell- Lafayette Road 8562 Lafayette Road Indianapolis, IN 46278 $807,000 Indiana Statewide CDC Hatchet, LLC 212 W. 10th St., Ste. A365 Indianapolis, IN 46202 $25,000. Chase Bank Sullivan Commercial Supply Inc., LLC 8112 Woodland Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 $750,000. $500,000 Mainsource Bank Imperial Logistics, LLC 7252 Bruin Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46241 $169,500. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Jass Trucking, Inc. 5324 Grassy Bank Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46237 $141,300. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Jeffrey L Miller dba Mainland 2845 W. 29th St. Indianapolis, IN 46222 $23,900. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Thai Orchid, LLC 8145 Bash St. Indianapolis, IN 46250 $50,000. The Huntington National Bank (OH) Tulip Tree Creamery, LLC 6330 Corporate Dr., Ste. D Indianapolis, IN 46278 $30,000 Indiana Business Bank Vitian's Re-Upholstery, LLC 3046 N. Shadeland Ave., Ste. D Indianapolis, IN 46226 $25,000 STAR Financial Bank WebStream Sports 5200 E. 64th St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 $515,000 Indiana Statewide CDC Shelby County Media Hub, LLC f/k/a A & H Enterprises, LLC 60 E. Washington St. Shelbyville, IN 46176 $90,000. $150,000 Indiana Business Bank BIZ BRIEFS Cortez joins Franciscan Physician Network Cass Ramos Cortez, MD, has established a practice with Franciscan Physician Network Franklin Township Family Medicine. He joins John P. Snook, MD, and advanced practice provider Collette Utley, NP, whose offices are located at 8325 E. Southport Rd., Ste 100. Franklin Township Family Medicine provides medical care for the entire family, from newborns to seniors. To make an appointment with Dr. Cortez, call (317) 862-6609. Sherman elected chairman of the board Late last month, Pat Sherman was elected chairman of the Johnson County Development Corporation board of directors. He currently serves on the board of directors and chairs the Audit Committee of First Merchants Bank. He also serves on the boards of First Merchants Charitable Foundation, Washington Jefferson Williams Foundation, Center Grove Trails, Inc., and the Baxter YMCA. He is past president of the Greenwood Board of Aviation Commissioners and is Controller for the Johnson County Solid Waste Management District. He is a member (and past president) of the Greenwood Rotary Club and member (and past board member) of the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce. BEECH GROVE CHAMBER NEWS Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce Mailing address: PO Box 702, Beech Grove, IN 46107 Building Location: 409 Main St., Beech Grove, IN 46107 Office: (317) 800-8499 • Email: ABOUT US CHAMBER NEWS About the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce Chamber office moves to Main Street Established in 2007, the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce partners with businesses to build a dynamic community that benefits the greater Beech Grove area. President: Melody Stevens Vice President: Jim Coffman Secretary: Linda Melton Treasurer: Liz Schoettle In the past year, the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce has grown its membership more than 30 percent, and along with that accomplishment, the organization has become financially capable to open a new and exciting chapter. In early June, the Chamber moved into its new office space on 409 Main St. in Beech Grove. “We are thrilled to be back on Main Street and have the means to possess our own space,” said Laura Barnard, executive director. “The new office is directly next to one of our long-time members, the Henthorn Agency.” All correspondence to the Chamber should still be sent to PO Box 702, Beech Grove, IN 46107, but visitors are welcome to check out the new home during office hours, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. In addition to a new address, the Chamber also has a new phone number, (317) 800-8499. Calls to the former number will not be answered or returned. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS • Tiny Tots Couture, Nadja Goheen, 42 N. 7th Ave., Beech Grove, IN 46107. (317) 489-8876. • Kinetrex Energy, Craig Moore, 3565 Big Four Rd., Beech Grove, IN 46203. (317) 504-0009. • Hanna Rental, LLC, Anthony and Tammy Hanna, 3501 W. Kelly St., Indianapolis, IN 46241. (317) 491-4578. • MAS Grafx, Mike McManus, 302 Main St., Beech Grove, IN 46107. (317) 4675014. EVENTS CALENDAR •July 9: Monthly Meeting, 7:30 - 9 a.m., Hornet Park Community Center NEW! Community Calendars Available The first of its kind, Beech Grove Community Calendar is now available at Greater Beech Grove Chamber businesses and the Chamber office. The calendar features artwork from local Beech Grove City School students, Beech Grove athletic events for volleyball, football, boys and girls basketball, dates of special community events and nonprofit meetings, valuable coupons from members and a directory of the Chamber’s members. •July 11: Shred it Day, 9 a.m. - noon, City Hall, 806 Main St., Beech Grove •July 22: Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., 409 Main St., Beech Grove •August 9: Music on Main St., 3 - 8 p.m. Dedicated and committed to helping Families Memorialize their loved ones with personalized and meaningful Funeral Services, since 1927. Beech Grove Chapel 1301 Main Street Beech Grove, Indiana 46107 786-1476 Indianapolis Chapel 4901 E. Stop 11 Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46237 885-0330 Music on Main showcases local businesses, food and talent As summer winds down, there are few better ways to enjoy a Sunday afternoon and evening than with a cold drink and great music. That is exactly what the Greater Beech Grove Chamber of Commerce is serving up at the inaugural Music on Main concert, 3 - 8 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 9. The event takes place on Main Street in Beech Grove between 6th and 8th Avenues and opens with Big Roscoe and the Hammers from 3 - 5 p.m. and finishes with the Woomblies Rock Orchestra from 6 - 8 p.m. Both bands have local Beech Grove ties and will offer excellent soundtracks for soaking in the last bit of summer. Local vendor and business booths will be available as well as food trucks from Sully’s Famous Hot Dogs, Kona Ice and Jet’s Pizza, and the Eagles’ Beer Garden will offer refreshments for the over-21 crowd. Sponsorships and booth spaces are still available. Contact the Chamber office at (317) 800-8499 or email for more info. 2353 E. Perry Road, Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-9990 | | Gus and Maryann Rojas have over 50 years of combined experience working in high profile food and beverage service companies throughout the United States. Five Star Catering is now able to share their culinary expertise with the community. •Holiday Celebrations •Family Gatherings •Office Parties •Reunions We look forward to serving you and your guests! •Graduations •Weddings •Seminars •Trade Shows Please come and visit a venue that people are talking about. The Palms is one of the best in the state. You will have to see it to believe it! The Palms is located 5 miles west of the Indianapolis International Airport.
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