Holy Spirit Catholic Church 11300 West 103rd Street Overland Park


Holy Spirit Catholic Church 11300 West 103rd Street Overland Park
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
11300 West 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66214
May 17, 2015
The Ascension of the Lord
Holy Days see inside of bulletin
Saturday 7:00 am Vigil 4:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 6:30 pm
Weekdays 6:45 am Monday through Friday
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Tuesday 5:15 -5:45 pm
Saturday 2:30 -3:30 pm
Monday-Friday after 6:45 am Mass,
Thursday 2:50 pm, Saturday 3:30 pm,
Sunday 7:00 am
MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 am-4:00 pm
(913) 492-7318 FAX (913) 492-7370
Our Mission Statement
Holy Spirit is a community of believers that aspires to be formed by
the values of the Gospel and finds its strength in coming together to
celebrate Eucharist and to be transformed into the Body of Christ.
As a Eucharistic People, we who are being nourished must share the
bread we have with others, wash the feet of our brothers and sisters
and welcome all who come, as Christ Himself.
BAPTISM: Baptism Class for parents is the second Tuesday of the
month at 7:00 pm. Call the Parish Office to register (913) 492-7318.
CONFIRMATION: A two year program for Seventh and Eighth
MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in
advance to complete the necessary paperwork/requirements.
Please contact the Parish Office.
SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS: Contact Fr. Scott Wallisch,
Vocation Director for the Archdiocese at (913) 647-0303 or e-mail
Fr. Richard Storey
Fr. Karl Good
Fr. Anthony Lickteig
Deacon Jim Lavin
Laura Weber
Bob Kolich
Anne Morrissey
& Kathleen Kaufman
Rochelle Johnson
Pat Maiorano
HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL (913) 492-2582
Michele Watson
Eileen Colling
Kathleen Currie
Anita Pauls
SCHOOL of RELIGION (SOR) (913) 492-7382
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Cathy Madrid
Lynn Mayer
Sandy Drake
SACRAMENT of SICK / ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office if
Denise Slaven
(913) 492-7318
someone is hospitalized or ill at home and would like us to visit with
Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Sick.
Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L.
(913) 894-1456
Michael Morrissey, Chairperson
Don Watson, Chairperson
Dan Rohde, Martha Belker
David Chaffee
(913) 317-8393
George & Maggie Lents
(913) 492-3239
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
The Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
First Reading, Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11
(58B), In the first reading, Jesus prepares the
apostles to preach the gospel. They will be
serving a heavenly kingdom.
Second Reading, Ephesians 1:17-23, In the
second reading, Paul reminds us that we are
the body of Christ. The glorified Christ gives
gifts to certain members so they can lead
others in Christian ministry.
Gospel, Mark 16:15-20, In the Gospel, Jesus
gives His disciples a final universal commission
and then is taken up into heaven where He is
seated at the right hand of God.
May 17, 2015
Sunday, May 17, Baby Bottle Bonanza,
Pictorial Parish Directories,
Sign-ups The One Thing is Three Retreat
7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions
3:30 pm Youthful Spirits
Monday, May 18
7:20 am Silent Strength Prayer Group
7:00 pm Parish Plan Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 19
6:30 am Perpetual Help Devotions
10:45 am Parish Staff Meeting
5:00 pm Server Training
515-5:45 Confessions
5:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions
7:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 20, Last half day of school
7:30 am
8:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday, May 18, Easter Weekday
6:45 am † James Zimmerman
8:30 am † Ken Zickwolf & † Leonard Tomchick
Tuesday, May 19, Easter Weekday
6:45 am † Helen Miller
5:15-5:45 pm Confessions
6:00 pm † Laura Rzepczyk.
Wednesday, May 20, Easter Weekday
6:45 am † Bernadine Zikes
8:30 am † Janina Vasquez & † Derl Treff
Thursday, May 21, Easter Weekday
6:45 am † Karen Hashman
8:30 am † Albert Kolich
Friday, May 22, Easter Weekday
6:45 am Raphael An, Sp. Int.
8:30 am † Don Heiman
Saturday, May 23, Pentecost
7:00 am † Song Kim
2:30-3:30 pm Confessions
4:00 pm † Agnes Lipp & † Mildred Troughton
Sunday, May 24, Pentecost
7:30 am Santa Maria Family, Sp. Int.
9:00 am † Laura & Michael Rzepczyk &
† Tom Tierney
10:30 am † Irene Horvat & † Gloria Hanch
6:30 pm † Harold Boor & † DiAnn Becker
Team 7 Prayer Group
School Mass
Knights of Columbus Adoration
Thursday, May 21, Garage Sale Set-up
6:45 am
7:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
High School Youth Group Mass & Muffins
Light of Christ Prayer Group
Choir Practice
St. Gerard’s Circle
Friday, May 22, Parish Offices close at Noon,
Garage Sale Set-up
9:00 am Men of Faith and Spirit
5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal
6:00 pm Rehearsal Dinner
Saturday, May 23, Garage Sale Drop-offs,
Big Item Pick-ups, Organize & Sort Items,
Pictorial Directories, Sign-ups The One
Thing is Three Retreat
7:00 am Mass
8:00 am-6:00 pm Garage Sale Drop-offs
1:00 pm Wedding
2:30– 3:30 pm Confessions
7:00 pm Collaborators of Your Joy
Sunday, May 24, Garage Sale Drop–offs,
Organize & Sort Items, Pictorial Directories,
Sign-ups The One Thing is Three Retreat
7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
8:00 am-6:00 pm Garage Sale Drop-offs
11:30 am High School Youth Group
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions
3:30 pm Youthful Spirits
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
Deadline for the May 30/31 bulletin is Noon on
Wednesday, May 20, and for the June 13/14 bulletin
is Noon on Tuesday, June 2.
Weekly income needed is $ 43,126.00
Collections, 4 week moving average
$ 44,349.55
Transactions Amount
May 9-10
$ 38,492.25
May 2-3
$ 34,985.91
April 25-26
$ 35,143.18
April 18-19
$ 31,636.53
May 10 ( 280 EFTs)
$ 39,702.00
EFTs (Quarterly) 6
$ 1,600.00
Data for a four week moving average
is provided due to implementation of
Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs). If
you have any questions, please call
the parish office.
Endowment Funds (3/31/2015)
Church Endowment
$ 73,123.84
School Endowment
$ 65,368.88
Long Term Liabilities
St. James Loan
$ 72,092.36
$ 34,989.66
Thank you for your generosity!
Spirit Movers
Next Meeting
(Meeting begins after
4:00 pm Mass)
Last meeting before
2015 Summer Break
Any divorced person, Catholic
or not who seeks possible
remarriage in the Catholic
Church, will need to pursue
the process for annulment.
For information, contact the
Marriage Case Advocate for
Holy Spirit Parish: Sr. Mary
Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. at
The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, May 25, for
Memorial Day. Masses will be at 6:45 am and 9:00 am.
Parishioners of All Ages are invited to a Holy Hour
of Adoration Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
for Fostering Vocations to the Priestly and Consecrated
Life. Every First Friday, Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament 11:00 am to Noon in the Church,
Concluding with Benediction.
Respect Life Committee-Baby Bottle Project
The Baby Bottle Project started last weekend. All money
raised goes to the Kansans for Life Educational Fund and the
Grace Center Maternity Home in KCK. Pick up a bottle on
Mother’s Day weekend and return on Father’s Day weekend.
Bottles will be available after all Masses. We ask they be filled
with coins, dollars or checks, to be returned on Father’s Day.
Job Position
Do you enjoy spending time with children? Holy Spirit
Catholic School is seeking an assistant group leader
in our After School Care Program. The program runs
from 3:15-5:45 pm each school day. If you are
creative, like children's games, and are a good role
model, this is the position for you! Applicants must
attend a Virtus training and be at least 16 years old. If you are
interested, contact Eileen Colling at 913-492-2582 or
ecolling@hscatholic.org for more information.
Join us for a summer book study group based on
the third book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, “One Thing
is Three”. This is the follow up to the “33 Days to
Morning Glory” and “Consoling the Heart of
Jesus” Retreats. Format includes self-study with
the book and workbook, weekly group discussion
and DVD by Fr. Gaitley.
Wednesday, June 3rd –August 12th, 9-11 am
Holy Spirit Catholic Church,
Martha & Mary Room
For information or registration email Anne Kinskey
at 33days.holyspirit.opks@gmail.com
Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel
through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through
podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this
week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of
your donation stays in our archdiocese to support local communication
needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and
witness. There is an envelope in your packet.
The Ascension of the Lord
May 16 & 17, 2015
“Remember in your prayers
those affected by the
earthquake in Nepal.”
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in
the United States. 228 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, Maryland 212013443 877-435-7277 info@crs.org
May 17, 2015
Please remember in your
prayers Vicki Barmann of our
14th Annual Holy Spirit Parish Garage Sale
May 28th – May 30st
When to Donate: Bring gently used donations during these collection times only – Saturday, May 23rd from
8 am to 6 pm, Sunday, May 24th 11 am to 5 pm, and Monday, May 25th from 8 am to 6 pm.
What to Donate: Furniture, kitchen wares, clothing, baby items, toys, games, holiday items, books, art,
home décor, and more. Please sort clothing into categories (children, men, women, maternity). Appliances
must be in working order. We will NOT accept tube televisions or computer monitors. Hangers are also
Where to donate: Drop off donations in front of St. Elizabeth’s Hall – lower level of the church. Please do
not park in the loading zone. We will have volunteers unload your car. Donors are invited back to shop at
the Preview Sale on Wednesday, May 27th.
Large item pick up: To schedule a pickup of furniture or big items, please contact Amy Naab at
amynaab@gmail.com or 913-302-1628.
Why Donate: Net proceeds from the sale will benefit Holy Spirit Catholic School and Holy Spirit Youth
Ministry’s conference trip to Steubenville.
Sale is open to the Public on Thursday, May 28th through Saturday, May 30th. Thursday and Friday
hours are 8am to 6pm and Saturday hours are 8am to noon – all items are 50% off on Saturday.
Preview Sale is open to volunteers and donors on Wednesday, May 27th from 5 pm to 8 pm.
How to Volunteer:
Set up Thursday, May 21st – 1 pm – 4 pm. Set up racks.
Set up Friday, May 22nd – 5 pm - 7 pm. Set up tables and signs.
Big Item pick-up Saturday, May 23rd - 8 am until completion. Load and unload items.
Organize and sort items Saturday, May 23rd to Wednesday, May 27th – 8 am to 6 pm daily.
Cashier and helpers Wednesday, May 27th (preview sale) – 4 pm to 8 pm.
Evening stockers Wednesday, May 27th (after Preview Sale) – 7 pm to 9pm.
Cashier and helpers Thursday, May 28th to Saturday, May 30th – 8 am to 6 pm Thursday – Friday, 8 am
to noon Saturday.
Evening stockers Thursday, May 28th to Friday, May 29th – 5 pm to 8 pm daily.
Clean up Saturday, May 30th – Noon until completion. Everyone is welcome to help!
Adult Volunteers - you can go sign up at http://hscatholic.ivolunteer.com/event_gs_2015 or you can
contact Amy Naab at amynaab@gmail.com or 913-302-1628.
Youth Volunteers – you can go to hscatholicgaragesale.weebly.com or you can contact Lynn Mayer at
lmayer@hscatholic.org or 913-492-7382.
We appreciate your help in making the Garage Sale a success!
The Ascension of the Lord
Needed for
• Empty 16
oz plastic
soda bottles
• Baking
• Pipe
Pony beads
Rolls Aluminum foil
Sharpie Markers
Foam sheets - any size
8.5 x 11 Transparency Films/
overhead projector sheets
Any Donations can be brought
to the SOR office or placed in
the box in the Narthex.
Thank you for your generosity!
Cathy Madrid
Director of
Rite of
Initiation of
For information about the
RCIA or on joining the
Catholic Church, please
contact Cathy Madrid at
913-492-7382 or
cmadrid @hscatholic.org.
May 17, 2015
School of Religion
Thank You for a Great Year!
As our School of Religion and Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd year comes to an end, we want to extend a
huge THANK YOU to the many volunteer catechists
who give of themselves to pass on our faith to the
children of our parish. Thank you all for a great year!
May God bless you for the generosity, kindness and love you have
shown the younger members of our parish family!
First Grade - Sandi Frame, Meaghan Melech
Second Grade - Krista Clark, Sara Borders, Lauren Hart,
Morgan Ruby
Third Grade – Kristin Himmelberg, Cindy Miles, Gloria Schukman,
Doug Dvorak
Fourth Grade - Sue Chaffee, Jenifer Flood, Danielle Valasquez
Fifth Grade - Bob Beaman, Theresa Gonzalez, Renee Owens
Sixth Grade - Dennis McGary, Candence McGary
Seventh Grade - Brian Keating, Kelly Smilie, Bob Beaman,
Lynn Mayer
Eighth Grade - Jo Ann Kanatzar, Marge Dieren
SOR Volunteers – Jennifer Uhl, Molly Maxwell, Kimmie Conlon,
Keri Schumacher, Michele Giem, Carrie Brandt
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – Toni Spencer, Paula Voelker,
Bonnie Mendoza, Joyce Strain, Melissa Ley, Nicki Merfen,
Kathleen Kaufman
CGS Assistants – Lisa Leyendecker, Mary Ann Noonan,
Rena McCall, Erin Fuhrman, Susanne Conrad,
Angela D’Souza, Mary Jo Roche
Middle School Youth Group – Lynn Mayer, Laura Hendricks,
Nicole Padley, Maggie Martin, Lindsey Hart, Emily Sweat,
Andrew Wagner, Ann Marie Growney, Mary Ascher
SOR Office – Sandy Drake
Holy Spirit Youth Ministry
High School
Youth Ministry
2nd & 4th Sunday 11:30am
Middle School
Youth Ministry
1st & 3rd Wednesday
Summer Stretch
LYNN MAYER All incoming 7th and 8th graders are
What Goes Up
Join us as we break open the Sunday
scriptures at youth group, to talk about
Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost.
Congratulations to the
following families whose
children were baptized here:
Eva Therese Trausch, child of
Ross & Meghan Trausch, and
Davis Alan Demmel, child of
Craig & Erin Demmel
Mass and Muffins, Thursday
All high school students are welcome to
join us for 6:45 Mass on Thursday,
followed by a light breakfast.
invited to join our summer service week.
For more info go to
hscatholic.org/youth ministry
All incoming freshman– graduated seniors
are invited to join us for our summer
Steubenville trip July-15-19. See the
website or call Lynn for details
If you are interested in helping with youth ministry or you are a parent with questions
about youth ministry please contact
Lynn Mayer lmayer@hscatholic.org or call the SOR office at 913-492-7382.
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
Holy Spirit School’s Living Rosary
and May Crowning
Michele Watson, Principal
Holy Spirit School
was well represented
with 2 of the top 3
finishers in the
Modern Woodsmen
Competition. Stacia
placed first and
Francie placed third in
this National Middle School Speech Competition.
Congratulations Girls!!
Box Tops for Education: Clip and save Box Tops from various products.
Each Box Top earns the school 10 cents. For a list visit
Labels for Education: Clip and save labels from Campbell’s food and other
products. Each label earns points for the school, that can then be used to
purchase materials for the school. In the hallway outside the Parish Office
are containers for Labels and Box Tops.
Cell Phone Collection: Holy Spirit Student Council needs your help in
collecting cell phones to help raise funds. We ask that you donate any
inactive cell phones. If you know of any businesses please ask if they have
cell phones to donate. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Holy Spirit School.
Bring your cell phones to the drop box located next to the Box Tops for
Education collection bin.
Holy Spirit Scrip: Purchase Scrip during the week from 8 am-4 pm (when
staff is available) in the School of Religion Office. Scrip will be sold after all
Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses and before Sunday evening
Mass. Please visit shopwithscrip.com to see the hundreds of gift cards
available. Please feel free to email hsscrip@gmail.com with any questions
about the Scrip program. Visit the Scrip page on the parish website,
www.hscatholic.org. We are sorry, but as of April 1 credit cards are no
longer accepted for Scrip.
Growing in Wisdom,
Age and Grace
The Mission of Holy Spirit
Catholic School is to
develop independent,
life-long learners, who can
and will live for Christ.
Amazon Fundraiser: Don't forget to
use Holy Spirit's Amazon Affiliate link
when you are shopping on
Amazon.com! To learn more about
the program, go to http://
www.hscatholic.org/shop-atamazon. If your friends or family use
Amazon.com, please share the link
with them - this fundraiser is not limited to parishioners and costs the
participants nothing!
Trash Bags are available!
Please stop by and stock up for
spring! Trash bags are available in
the School Office, Parish Office and
School of Religion Office. $10 per roll.
Blue – Extra Large Bags, 16/roll, 55 gallon
Yellow - Heavy Duty Bags, 25/roll, 39 gallon
White - Kitchen Bags, 65/roll, 15 gallon
$3.00 per 5 bag bundle -Brown Paper Yard
Waste Bags (16”x12”x35”/ 2 ply- Wet strength
The Ascension of the Lord
Attention! Couples
celebrating their 50th
Wedding Anniversary in
2015, Archdiocesan
50th Anniversary
Celebration, June 14, 2015,
2:30 pm,
Cathedral of St. Peter
May 17, 2015
Going through a tough time - emotionally or spiritually?
Struggling with a crisis in life? Or simply feeling down?
Consider letting a Stephen Minister help.
A Stephen Minister is a member of Holy Spirit Church who is trained to listen,
care, encourage, pray, and walk alongside you during difficult times. It’s confidential, free, and very helpful.
To learn more contact our Holy Spirit Stephen Ministry Leader David Chaffee
at (913) 317-8393.
To receive your invitation from
Archbishop Naumann, please
call the parish office at 913-492
-7318 and give us your name,
address, and phone number
and date of your wedding.
Please do this
as soon as possible.
“Martha Mary Ministry”- Do you like to cook for those in need? Or do
you know someone or a family who is experiencing a medical crisis or a
period of bereavement and would benefit from meals prepared by
others? The Martha Mary Ministry is using the website
www.takethemameal.com. If you know of someone who would like to cook
or receive meals, contact Ellyn Tyrell at emtyrell@gmail.com and put
“Martha Mary Ministry” as the subject.
Newman Connection is a Catholic
organization, endorsed by the
Archdiocese and Holy Spirit,
wherein students are connected
with Catholic institutions on or
near their college. When students
ministry, they are more likely to
keep their faith the rest of their
lives. The first two weeks on campus are critical for student outreach.
You are a vital link to your students keeping their faith. Together we will reach them where
they are, help them find support
and develop friendships to last
them a lifetime. All we need is
your students’ name, home address, phone number, college,
campus address and e-mail address. This information will be
used for the sole purpose of inviting students to visit campus ministries.
Call George Lents, 913-492-3239
or e-mail at glents@kc.rr.com
for additional information. You
can also check out their website
The ministry of the Women of Spirit is to reach all women of our parish community with an expression of friendship and spiritual growth. Contact Mary
Campbell at marycampbell_129@hotmail.com or (913) 710-8297 with any
questions or if you need a ride to any of our events. For more information on
our organization and our activities, please view our newsletter (located on the
Organizations tab) on the Holy Spirit Church website: www.hscatholic.org.
Wanted – volunteers for next year’s board - Many hands are needed to
enable our organization to continue to offer activities throughout the next
year. We are looking for volunteers with new ideas and energy to take on any
board positions or to staff our many committees (social, spiritual, refreshments, decorating, communications, and more). Jump in and volunteer as
much or as little as you’d like. We will mentor all new board members so rest
assured you will always have lots of support. Please contact Sue at
obsusan1217@gmail.com with your area of interest in helping next year.
Saint Gerard’s Circle, SGC, is a ministry for mothers and moms-to-be. Our
goal is to provide friendship and support within our parish, to provide a
Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for
ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement. New
members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Erin Fuhrman,
Book Study: Do you love to read? Are you looking for a way to get to know
fellow moms on a deeper level? If interested in joining, please email Jen
O’Shea at jenniferoshea@ymail.com.
Memorial Day Masses scheduled-Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast
Kansas will host Memorial Day Masses on Monday, May 25, at the following
locations and times:
• Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 15825 S. 169 Highway, Olathe, Kan., 8 am
• St. John Cemetery, Lenexa, Kan., 8:15 am at Holy Trinity Church,
89th and Pflumm Road, Lenexa.
• Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 126th and Parallel Parkway, Kansas City,
Kan., 9 am
• Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 38th and State Avenue, Kansas City, Kan., 9 am
• Resurrection Cemetery, 83rd and Quivira Road, Lenexa, Kan.;
flag-raising by American Legion Post 370 at 8:30 am; Mass at 9 am
• St. Joseph Cemetery, 61st Terr. and Quivira Road, Shawnee, Kan., 9 am
For more information, call 913-371-4040;
email information@cathcemks.org ; or visit www.cathcemks.org.
The Ascension of the Lord
Mentoring4Success is a statewide initiative that delivers
mentoring services to help offenders safely and successfully return to communities. Currently, Mentoring4Succes
is rapidly growing and in need of more mentors to provide
services. Mentors provide critical support in the areas of
job training, reintegrating safely with family, recovering
from addiction, and living a law abiding life. If you are
interested in mentoring offenders, please contact: Gloria Geither, Mentoring
Director (785)296-0450
gloria.geither@doc.ks.gov www.doc.ks.gov/help-out/mentoring
Sanctuary of Hope Prayer and Retreat Center is pleased to announce our
first annual HOPEfest! This outdoor festival will be replacing the 5k run from
prior years. HOPEfest will be held on the grounds of Sanctuary of Hope on
Saturday, June 20, 2015, from 10 am until 2 pm, at 2601 Ridge in KCK.
We will have live music for all, face painting, balloons and free food for the
kids, with Ethnic foods for purchase for adults. We will also have tours of the
grounds and building. In addition, the Hands to Hearts bookmobile will also
be on site. For more information call 913-321-4673. Come experience your
neighborhood prayer and retreat center!
Join Abbot James and the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey for a
pilgrimage to Germany and Poland September 20-30, 2015. You will visit
Benedictine sites and explore the lives of St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Faustina,
and St. John Paul II. For more information contact Trinity Travel at
info@trinitytravelonline.com or by calling 913.422.4141.
The registration deadline for the group travel rate is May 21, 2015.
Attention High School Students:
Catholic Charities Launches its Distinguished Student Leaders Program
• Do you have what it takes to be a leader?
• Are you passionate about helping others
• Want to make lasting friendships & accomplish more than you ever
thought possible?
• Ready to make a one-year commitment to making the world a better
• Visit: www.distinguishedstudentleaders.com
The 30th Annual Saints Golf Classic in memory of Coach
Mirocke and benefiting the Guardian Angel Fund at Saint
Thomas Aquinas High School is Monday, June 8, 2015 at
Milburn Country Club. Lunch at 11 am, shotgun start,
followed by a buffet awards dinner. Go to www.stasaints.net/saintsgolf for
Golf Entry and sponsorship opportunities and benefits.
Registration Now Open! Saturday morning, August 15, 2015, 5K Cross
Country Run/Walk, Pancake Breakfast & FREE Family Fun
Day A benefit for the Guardian Angel Fund at Saint Thomas
Aquinas High School
Special Features: 4th annual Middle School Roundup, Kids' Fun
Run, Stroller Strut, and The Mikey Needleman Band!
Sacred Art and the New Evangelization Weekend– Beauty attracts and
Sacred Art attracts, so how can they be of service to the New Evangelization?
Join Dr. Caroline Farey and Mr. David Clayton, June 12-14, 2015, at Savior
Pastoral Center for a weekend conference designed for anyone interested in
passing on the Catholic faith using sacred art and beauty including those with
general interest, catechists, evangelists, bloggers, electronic media makers,
artists and others. For event details and registration go to www.archkck.org/
evangelization or contact Kimberly Rode at krode@archkck.org
May 17, 2015
Meets on Tuesday mornings at
6:30 am and evenings at 5:45
pm in the Church. All are
If you have a need or concern,
please call the Parish Office,
492-7318. After office hours you
may call 495-9802.
Project Rachel is a ministry of
the Catholic Church that offers
forgiveness, hope and healing to
those who have taken part in an
abortion. For information contact
Patricia at:
or www.projectrachelkc.com or
call 913-621-2199.
Recited Monday through Friday
after the 6:45 am Mass,
Thursdays at 2:50 pm,
Saturdays at 3:30 pm and
Sundays at 7:00 am. Also,
please join us each Friday
morning at 7:45 am to pray the
Rosary for our parish, our school
and your intentions at 10100
Barton Street. Children are
welcome. Call Denise Slaven @
913-963-5633 for details.
The Gabriel Project is
an Archdiocesan
program that
provides, through a mentor-like
relationship, emotional, spiritual,
and material help to women in
unplanned pregnancies. For
more information please call
913-602-0306 or email Bev at
beveber@kc.rr.com or
The Ascension of the Lord
May 17, 2015
Pentecost Sunday
May 23 & 24, 2015
4:00 pm Gretta Hauk
Tori Klausner
Sam Mauro
Francie Roberts
7:30 am Eli Berggren
Hannah Homburg
Kalin Palmer
Joe Roth
9:00 am Kate Himmelberg
John Tumberger
Margaret Tumberger Mike Tumberger
10:30 am Joseph Bruning
Emma Hudson
Ellie Wheeler
Lauren Wheeler
6:30 pm Olivia & Samantha Shively-Subs Requested
Luke Timiney
Owen Timiney
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
4:00 pm Joe Bellafiore
Michelle Bolin
Bob Bridgham
Shirley Hoover
Daniel Mauro
Maureen McAnerney
Karen Newcomb
7:30 am Joseph Bormann
Terri Mathiasmeier
Tom / Toni Spencer Erin Sturd
9:00 am Mary Bickimer
Michael Coleman
Ann Martin
Dan / Christi Scherrer
Jane Sullivan
10:30 am Mary Campbell
Clarita Halling
JoAnn Kolich
Phillip / Marina Nguyen
Elizabeth Rollert
Rick Trudell
Christopher Wheeler
6:30 pm Kate Geist
Peg Hiles
Paul Kidder
Thomas Killilea
Riley Lathrom
4:00 pm Vicki Townsley
7:30 am Greg Miller
9:00 am Chris Schwery
10:30 am Kathy Wilson
6:30 pm Peg Hiles
4:00 pm Steve DiGiacinto
Lou Emmanuel
John Henn
Mike Maddock
Barry Sullivan
7:30 am Vern Koeppen
Trinidad Molina
David Roth
9:00 am Ed Balzano
Russ Denning
Dennis Maher
Kevin Murphy-Sub Request
10:30 am Moyer Bunting
Bill Davis
Alan Rose
Bob Kolich-Sub Request
6:30 pm Julie Micek
J.D. Miller
Dan Rohde
Tom Swortwood
Lector 1 / Lector 2
4:00 pm Jerry Gerstberger
Mike Gallagher
7:30 am Bill Hundelt
John Martin
9:00 am Tom Bickimer
Debbie Coomes
10:30 am Karla Leibham
Maggie Mosher
6:30 pm Rachel Morphew
Ron Micek
Pentecost Sunday
May 23 & 24, 2015
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Welcome Ministers
Volunteers Needed
Jan Petelin Mary Jacobs
Julie McGrath
Mary Campbell
Dan Rohde
4:00 pm
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Music Ministers
Henderson Holmes
May 23, 2015
May 24, 2015
May 24, 2015
May 19, 2015
May 20, 2015
Rosary Leaders
Greg Davis
John Weber
Delmar Gardens
Deanna Olsen
Marlene Rome
Overland Park Regional
Terri Mathiasmeier
Marina Nguyen
Summer Festival to Benefit Sisters, Servants of Mary
Sunday, June 7, noon to 4 pm at Convent Grounds, 800
North 18th Street, Kansas City, Kan.; win dolls from
Mexico and povitica; shop at the variety booth; games
for children; cash prizes; raffles; Italian sausage, tacos
and tamales, beef sandwiches, hotdogs, Spanish
desserts, ice cream; cookbooks and totebags for sale;
call 913-371-3423.
Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers, Inc. is in need of
volunteers, including bilingual volunteers, and will be
offering a Volunteer Informational Meeting on Monday,
June 1, 2015 (7-9 pm). The meeting will be held at 11644
West 75th Street, Shawnee, KS. For more information on
volunteering in this ministry or to RSVP, please
contact Mary Newcomer at 913-962-0200 or email
Saint Thomas Aquinas Grade School Summer
Camps: During June and July, Saint Thomas Aquinas
provides a variety of summer camps for students entering grades K through 8 to explore. Our summer camps
give students the chance to discover their potential in
both sports and other activities. Registration and further
information is available online, through our website,
www.stasaints.net/summercamps. We look forward to
providing a positive camp experience not only for your
son or daughter but for their friends and family as well.
Holy Spirit Church #003274
11300 W. 103rd
Overland Park, KS 66214
913 492-7382
Lyn Crowder
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Tuesday 12:00 Noon
May 17, 2015
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