January 2013 - bvillebaptist
January 2013 - bvillebaptist
Blessings Ja n u a ry 2 0 1 3 A p u b lica tio n o f B yro m ville B a p tist C h u rch A few pics from 2012 See more on website Page 2 Pastor’s column Happy New Year Church Family! Many of you have shared with me that you wish to read the Bible through in 2013. I can’t think of a better New Year resolution. Even if you have read through the Bible before, do so again but with a d e e p e r purpose. Allow me to suggest – look for Christ in each book both Old Testament a n d N e w Testament. No Ed Sandefur better guide to follow than the song by Aaron Jeoffrey, He Is. In Genesis, He’s the breath of life. In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb. In Leviticus, He’s our high priest. In Numbers, the fire by night. Deuteronomy, He’s Israel’s Guide. Joshua, He’s salvation’s choice. Judges, He’s Israel’s Guard. In Ruth, the kinsmen’s redeemer. 1st and 2nd Samuel, our trusted prophet. In Kings and Chronicles He is Sovereign. In Ezra, He’s the true and faithful scribe. In Nehemiah, the re-builder of broken walls and lives. In Esther, He’s Mordecai’s courage. In Job, the timeless redeemer. In Psalms He is our morning song. In Proverbs, He is our wisdom. Ecclesiastes, He’s the time and season. In Song of Solomon, He is the lover’s dream. In Isaiah He is Prince of Peace. In Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. Lamentations, the cry for Israel. Ezekiel, the call from sin. Daniel, the stranger in the fire. Hosea, the forever faithful. Joel, the spirit’s power. Amos, the strong-arms that carry. Obadiah, the Lord our Savior. Jonah, the great missionary. Micah, the promise of peace. Nahum, our strength and shield. In Habakkuk and Zephaniah, He’s brings revival. In Haggai He restores that which was lost. In Zachariah, He’s our fountain. Malachi, He’s the son of righteousness rising with healing in His wings. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, He is God and Messiah. In the spirit filled book of Acts, He is the reigning fire from Heaven. In Romans, He is the grace of God. In Corinthians, the power of love. Galatians, freedom from the curse of sin. Ephesians, our glorious treasure. Philippians, the servant’s heart. Colossians, He’s God and the trinity. Thessalonians, our calling King. In Timothy, Titus and Philemon, He’s our mediator and our faithful pastor. In Hebrews, the everlasting courage. In James, the one who heals the sick. In 1st and 2nd Peter, our faithful shepherd. In John and Jude, He’s the lover coming for His bride. In Revelation He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, son of Man, Lamb of God, The Great I am, Alpha and Omega, God and Savior He is Jesus Christ the Lord he is everything that we need. May God Bless! Brother Ed Answer the call by praying for spiritual awakening for your family, your friends, your nation and your world. Page 3 Associational news Pinecrest Baptist Church in Cordele is hosting the Ugandan Thunder Children’s Choir in concert January 22 at 7:00 p.m. This is a Houston Baptist Association event. A love offering will be taken, which will benefit orphanages in Africa. Ugandan Thunder hails from the Royal School and Orphanage of Mityana, Uganda and consists of children ages 8-11. The concert will include Ugandan drum songs, track songs as well as songs in English, including songs familiar to Americans. The children will sing and dance and worship. It is not just a performance; it is a worship service. The purpose of this special worship service is for the churches of Houston Baptist Association to come together and ask God to stir our hearts to win lost people to Christ. Terry Chupp, who will be preaching, teaches how to be wise in God’s eyes through soul winning. His ministry, Team Jesus Ministries, is a nonprofit ministry designed to use recreational activities for evangelism. Visit www.teamjesusministries.org for more information about Terry and TJM. Worship leader for this event, Erica Branch, has been a full time music evangelist since 1993. She and her husband Paula and three children live in Vidalia where they attend First Baptist Church. Visit www.ericabranch.com for more information about Erica. Soul Winning Seminar, February 2 A highlight of this associational youth rally will be Mary Mann sharing her testimony about how God freed her from a life of addiction. Bobby Bishop will bring the Bible message. The following Saturday after Fan The Flame, Terry will lead a soul winning seminar from 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. at the Houston Baptist Center. This free seminar will help you to better lead others to Christ. For more news and information about our association, visit www.houstonbaptist.org. SUNDAY M ONDAY TUESDAY 1 W EDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 Make Your Will Month 6 7 8 N ational Pharm acists D ay 13 14 15 16 17 18 6:30pm Seasoned Saints Saliba Hall 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast, Saliba Hall 6:30pm GEMS, Place TBA 20 21 22 Sanctity of Hum an Life Sunday 10:00am Women on Mission (Going out to eat after meeting) 7:00pm U gandan Thunder Concert, Pinecrest C hurch, C ordele 27 28 29 23 24 N ational Pie D ay 30 19 25 26 6:00pm Assn’l Youth R ally, W enona C hurch 31 6:00pm Conference 7:00pm Fan The Flame Event, C ordele First C hurch Weekly Schedule 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-7 1-9 1-12 Bubba Hunter Jim m y Barlow Steven Lam berth Connie Raper Rebecca W orley Noah W oodard Dianne Thom pson Ryan Godfrey John Holt Bailee Thom pson Peggy W oodruff Nicholas Jam es Joe Kent Angie Roberts Martha Noles 1-14 1-15 1-17 1-19 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-30 Elaine Phelps Brian Thom pson Andy Dorsett Paula Sm ith Taylor Cavanah John-John Averill Tres Bodrey Mary Lam berth Chris Chappell Keith Evans Janice Haym ons Angie Peavy Janet W illis Christy Dunm on Jenn Averill 1-30 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-5 W ill W ilkes Hilda Brackett Judy Brock Brent W est Michael Huckaby Misty Chappell Adam Everidge Bun Fountain Bryan Hunter Richard Thom as, Jr. Pam Crutchfield Ricky Stephenson Please pray for these folks on their birthday. SUNDAY Sunday School. . . . . . . 10AM W orship. . . . . . . . . . . . 11AM W orship. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6PM W EDNESDAY Prayer and Bible study. . 7PM Nursery for all services. Children’s Church for Sunday 11AM W orship . Page 5 Schedule of Volunteers for January Please remember it is up to you to arrange coverage if you are unable to serve on your scheduled day. Date Flowers Nursery AM Nursery PM Jan. 6 Open Tori/Vicki Lamberth Jenn Averill Jan. 13 Open Paula/Mark Smith Patricia Kent Jan. 20 Open Katrina West Jan. 27 Open Terri Gregory Patricia Kent Brenda Lockerman Suzy Grantham Suzy Grantham December Sunday School Stats Senior Adults FBIC CIA VOC Young Adults Older Youth (ages 14-17) Double Y (ages 11-13) Older Children (ages 8-10) Younger Children (ages 6-7) Older Preschoolers Younger Preschoolers Nursery General Officers TOTAL 7 15 6 5 1 5 2 3 2 0 4 1 2 51 November disbursements General expenses Maintenance (includes new h/ac unit) John Joles Family Kyle West Family World Hunger Houston Baptist Association Cooperative Program TOTAL Deacon of the Week Jimmy Lockerman Arthur Roney Frank Thompson Terri Gregory Floyd Vicki Lamberth Tucker Ushers Clinton Brannen Ronnie Hatcher Jarod Averill John-John Averill Frank Thompson Matt Youngblood Daniel Thompson George Massey Georgia Baptist Convention events Men, find your place of service This year’s South Region Men’s Conference on January 26 at First Baptist Church of Ty Ty is designed to help men find their place of service in the kingdom. The conference begins at 9:00 a.m. and cost is $10 which includes refreshments and lunch. To register online or for more information, visit www.gabaptist.org. Disaster Relief training in February Disaster Relieft is a ministry-based approach to impacting people for the Kingdom of God. The motto Serving Christ in Crisis has two implications: $6,882.00 150.00 300.00 50.00 7,382.00 (1) We serve Christ to those persons who are victims of disaster. (2) When we minister to persons in need, we are serving Christ (Matthew 25:40) The goal of Disaster Relief is to provide some measure of normalcy for the victims of a disaster event and focueses on five areas of ministry: chaplaincy, child care, clean-up and recovery, communications and feeding. 6,591.43 7,627.90 50.00 375.00 100.00 518.58 1,348.31 $16,611.22 Everyone who wants to be involved in this ministry must undergo Phase 1 training which includes an introduction to the ministry as well as hands-on training in one of the five ministry areas. The First Baptist Church in Cairo will host this training on February 9 from 9am to 4pm. Cost is $40 if received by February 1; $50 thereafter. The church is located at 505 North Broad Street. Visit www.gabaptist.org for a registration form and schedule. Financial $ummary November receipts General offerings Special–West Family Special–Mailbox Club Special–John Joles Family TOTAL Children’s Church Terri Gregory Tricia Kent Terry Horn Clara Sandefur Tricia/Joe Kent Page 6 Pictured above are (left to right) Jimmy Lockerman, Brenda Lockerman, Clara Sandefur, Pastor Ed Sandefur, Daniel Treadway, Heather Rehn and Paulo Rehn. Heather and Paulo are two of our international missionaries, and Daniel is their friend from Kansas. During the December 23rd evening worship time, they shared about their work on the mission field as well as how they ended up where they are, which was quite interesting. Heather is from Georgia and actually has ancestors from Dooly County. Paulo is from Brazil. Blessings is published m onthly by Byrom ville Baptist Church. Send news item s and/or com m ents to Editor Brenda Lockerm an at POB 217, Byrom ville, GA 31007, em ail to brendalockerm an@ windstream .net or call 478-433-2791 . Byromville Baptist Church 713 Patterson Street ` POB 126 Byromville, GA 31007 www.byromvillebaptistchurch.com 478-433-2505 Pastor: Ed Sandefur N O N PR O FIT O R G ANIZATIO N PO STAG E PAID PERM IT N O . 2 BYR O M VILLE GA 31007 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED