the first word - First Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia


the first word - First Baptist Church, Bristol, Virginia
Volume 64 Number 35
September 12, 2013
I want you to consider coming to the church at
some really unusual times this week. We are
offering 4 “extra” services around here for the
purpose of spiritual renewal. You have probably
seen or heard the detail for these services the past
few weeks, and it is listed in another part of this
Coming to worship on Sunday through Wednesday
night will be a little out of the norm for most of us.
It is not a schedule that we will offer regularly at the
church. It is, well, a different offering, one that is
not “business as usual” for us. It is an opportunity
to stop our busyness and routines for 4 nights and
reach for a little something extra in the spiritual
journey department.
For my own part, I think there is a good bit of
renewal going on right now at FBC. We seem to be
at a place of healthy reassessment of our mission,
our values, and our commitment to them. Being
new, my assessment may not be the best view, but I
really sense this to be a good time for our church,
with good, even great days ahead. We will work to
measure these days in the right way, and celebrate
not just numbers, money or programs, but our
response to the mission of our church as we seek to
do God’s work in the world, particularly the world
as we intersect with through this unique body at
One Virginia Street.
So…what a good time for a few “extra” services.
Time to pray, seek, sing, and encourage one
another. We may even find that this week of
renewal services becomes a springboard for some
new things God wants to do in us. Or, we may just
find the encouragement we need to stay grounded
in the simple, time tested things we know that we
need to practice as Christ Followers.
A few “extra” services. A bit of extra time together,
with God, and to be renewed. Y’all come and see
what this extra time might afford for each of us. My
guess is that it will be good.
Rhythm & Roots 2013
September 15-18
7-8 p.m.
Please invite your friends and plan to enjoy this
time of Christian renewal.
Chad Johnson, pastor of Fellowship Baptist
Church of Meadowview, Virginia, will be our
guest preacher.
The music team is as follows: Donna Hare,
Amy Denton, Chase Buchanan, Terri Brewer,
Lisa Buchanan, Jackie Crum, and Sam Neely.
We look forward to seeing you next week!
**Childcare will be provided.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2013
The Ministry Team will soon
start meeting to form teams
and members of the Board of
Administration for the coming
terms. Our by-laws allow those
who are coming off a team after serving full 3 year
term can ask to return to that team for one more 3
year term without having to come off. Our teams do
excellent work and some were “meant” to serve on
that team. If you fall in that category, please let the
Ministry Team know. Otherwise, we ill assume you
will want to roll off.
On September 22, 2013,
Steve Gulley & Dale Ann
Bradley will be in concert in
our 11 a.m. service.
Bradley has been named female vocalist of the
year five times by the International Bluegrass
Music Association. Gulley is a veteran of bands
such as Doyle Lawson & Quiksilver, Mountain
Heart and Grasstowne.
The music will be Bluegrass and Gospel.
Immediately following the worship service at
11 a.m., the Worship Team will be having a
fundraiser spaghetti luncheon for the Christmas
Cantata. The cost of the luncheon is by donation.
Menu: Spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad,
garlic bread, and dessert.
November 22-23 in Rosser Hall
Are you getting ready to “let you light shine?”
Please share your passion/talent with us. God
gave each of us a special gift. Don’t hide under
the bushel, we want to get to know you and your
talent better.
What do you really enjoy doing? Do you like to
sew, bake, make jam or jelly, wood carving, build
furniture or bird houses. Maybe you make
jewelry, paint pictures, draw, write poetry;
others design greeting cards and work with
photography. We want to get to know you better
and share your imaginative side. Lets make a
special effort to see how many different creative
talents our members can express at our
Christmas Bazaar. Also, we will accept retail
vendors. . . Maybe selling is your talent. Let’s
bond together as a family in Christ and build a
closer friendship. Money made on above part will
go to a community project.
Also, the youth will be selling food from the
kitchen so come prepared to eat lunch. Money
made from the youth sales will go to the Youth
group at First Baptist.
* Sponsored by the Membership Team.
Dear Church family:
Thank you so much for your gracious hospitality to
our family during the illness and death of Louis. Your
prayers, presence, cards, flowers, food, and memorials
have been so uplifting. I cannot find enough words to
express what you have meant to us at this time of loss. The
bereavement luncheon by First Baptist and First United
Methodist was truly a showing of ecumenical love. Louis
loved his church, First United Methodist, but he loved First
Baptist as well, and he always felt a part of FBC. We covet
your prayers for our healing as we mourn the loss of our
husband, father, grandfather, and friend. What a man!!
Nancy M. Hyde and family
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of
you who have called, sent cards, prayers, and memorials in
memory of my mother, Ruby Jarvis Johnson. Please
continue to pray for me and my family as we make this
transition in our lives. May God Bless you and First Baptist
Freda J. Watson
Attn: Budget Managers
The Finance Committee is beginning the
process of formulating the 2014 Budget.
If you presently control a budget line
item or wish to request a new item
added to the budget, please submit your request to
Terri Thomas by September 16.
We have at least 45 people who
are homebound or fairly limited
in their mobility in our
congregation. One of the ways I
would like to see our church
respond to that is to form a team
of people who would agree to visit a very small
group (less than three) of our homebound people,
once a month, for a year. This is a simple way to
make sure our church has a variety of approaches
(deacons, pastor, and this special care team) to
care for those who are shut in.
If you would be willing to serve in this way,
contact Ronnie Brewer or Terri Thomas and offer
your service. If you have questions about this,
please contact Ronnie. Plans are to begin this
hands-on touch of care in October.
First Baptist Church acknowledges
with gratitude each gift you have
given in memory of or in honor of
loved ones and friends.
First Baptist Church Foundation
In memory of Louis Hyde
By John Gaines
First Baptist Fund
In memory of Lisa Slagle
By W. Curtis Burnette
Media Center/Library Fund
In memory of Bobby Cumbow
In memory of Lisa Slagle
By Robert & Penny Bruce
The Saint John’s Bible exhibit
First Baptist Church in Jefferson City
The Saint John’s Bible is the first
handwritten, illuminated Bible
commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in over 500 years.
Discover the beauty and splendor of The Saint John’s Bible
at an exhibition of the Heritage Edition, a full scale fine art
edition of the original manuscript.
We will be taking a trip to see the exhibit on Thursday,
October 10. We will travel by bus and leave at 8 a.m. that
day. Our viewing time is scheduled for 11 a.m. After the
exhibit, we will have lunch with Wayne Ballard. You will
be responsible for the cost your own meal. There will be a
collection for gas money for the trip. Reservations must
be made by Thursday, October 3. Please call the church
office to make reservations.
A Healing Heart, the first in the Quilts
of Love series, by Angela Breidenbach
is our newest work of fiction. The
author, an inspirational speaker, is part
of a family whose tradition is giving
unique quilts of memorable moments
to their graduating seniors. In A
Healing Heart, a widowed mother of
three, Mara Keegan, suffers a heart
attack while in the process of creating a photo
memory quilt. Her recovery is long and her heart
needs to be healed in more ways than one. The quilt
she is creating holds the key to her rehabilitation. Can
she balance past memories with a new attraction?
How will the pieces of this quilt fit together to mend
Mara and her faith?
Our Staff
Rev. Ronnie Brewer
Mr. Eric D. Hicks
Minister of Music
Mrs. Angie Hicks
Mrs. Nancy Hyde
Mr. Don Hatcher
Ms. Terri Thomas
Assistant Minister of Music
Administrative Assistant
Church Phone : 276.669.8191
Fax: 276.669.5082
One Virginia Street
P.O. Box 116
Bristol, VA 24203
Extended Session—September 15, 2013
Deacon of the Week for September 15-21:
Chris & Lisa White
Kelley & Jamie Rock
Elementary-Aged Children
Brad & Tracey Talbert
Ron Guest
The Record
September 8, 2013
Weekly Budget Needs .......................... $ 8,977.00
Giving This Week ................................. $ 8,446.00
Same Sunday last year ........................ $ 9,106.84
Budget Needs to Date .......................... $323,286.00
Giving to Date ..................................... $283,532.42
Giving to Date vs. Budget
Needs to Date……….…………..………$ (39,753.58)
Next Week for September 22-28:
Harry Scanlan
Ushers for the Month – September
Head Usher: John Burson, 276-628-8803
Dennis Hare, Margaret Myers, Justin Rogers,
Amy & Drew Talbert, and Eldon & Linda Wilson.
Greeters: John & Penny Strickland
If you are unable to serve, please contact
the head usher.

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