February 2013 Newsletter (Read-Only)
February 2013 Newsletter (Read-Only)
Shalom Lutheran Church 800 County Road 44 NW, Alexandria, MN 56308 Shalom Now! Volume 13, No. 2 February 2013 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 Evangelical Lutheran Worship 10:45 Contemporary Worship *** Sign Interpreter available upon request. ————STAFF Pastor: Grant Aaseng, D. Min. Music Director: Marcia Benson Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries: Shannon Anderson Parish Nurse: Debra Samples Accoun ng: Renae Larson Office Administrator: Carol Hedlund From the Pastor For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 Jesus of Nazareth died on a cross. That is one fact both Christians and non-Christians can agree on. But what did this death mean, and what did it accomplish? Even the most passionate followers of Christ struggle to explain or make sense of the cross. How can we square our understanding of a loving God with the horrible violence of the cross? Did God really want Jesus to suffer and die? How does Jesus’ death on a cross work to take away our sins? Couldn’t God have conquered sin by some other, less gruesome process? To speak repeatedly about the torturous death of God’s Son is utter nonsense to the unbeliever, and even to believers it remains somewhat of a mystery. Over the centuries, a number of theories of the “atonement” (or how Christ’s death solves the problem of sin) have been advanced. Many have viewed Christ’s death as the perfect, once-and-for-all sacrifice or offering for sin (see the New Testament book of Hebrews). Others view Christ’s death as the ultimate example and expression of love (John 15:13). Still others have taught that Jesus suffered the ultimate punishment to appease God’s wrath and demanding sense of justice (Isaiah 53:46). Still others see in Christ’s death a clever trick that brought down Satan’s hold over humankind. Our human attempts to explain God will always fall short of making perfect sense, but this much we do know: 1. God sent Jesus into the world in love, to save the world (John 3:17-17). 2. Christ’s death actually works to save all who put their trust in him (Romans 3:21-25a). In this year’s midweek Lenten series, we shall try our hand at “Making Sense of the Cross.” On Ash Wednesday we will explore why God had to do something drastic to save us. Then, beginning February 27, we will explore various theories as to how we are saved by the cross. (February 20 will be a special, youth-led service. See the “Have a Heart” article.) We may never fully understand how the cross works; but as C.S. Lewis argued, if God could have saved the world by some other means, don’t you think he would have? One final comment: the only reason we continue to remember Christ’s death and believe in its power to save is because God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 3:15). If you are wise enough to explain how that happened, you are probably wise enough to explain the cross. If not, simply be glad that Jesus died and rose for you, that you might be united in friendship with God forever. In Christ, Pastor Grant “We believe God is calling us to invite people into a deeper relationship with Christ, that all may discover true peace and be prepared to follow him in compassionate service” Have a Heart Everyone knows that February 14 is Valentine’s Day, and that Valentine’s Day is a day to express love. What many don’t realize is that the original St. Valentine expressed his love, not with flowers, candy or cards, but by giving his life for Christ and the church. (February 14 was the day he was martyred.) While we support every healthy expression of human love, Christian love is always a commitment to stretch beyond our comfort zones for the sake of someone who needs our help. On Wednesday, February 20 (and in the true spirit of St. Valentine), the youth of Shalom will sponsor a special Lenten worship service with the theme “Have a Heart” to raise awareness and money to combat hunger both here in Alexandria and far away. Corliss Stark will speak about hunger in Douglas County, and the worship offering will go to the local food shelf. As always, the Lenten community supper offering will go to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. Lent 2013: Making Sense of the Cross The season of Lent is an annual invita on to a closer walk with Jesus, the one who gave his life for our salva on. The midweek Lenten theme for 2013 will be “Making Sense of the Cross,” based on a video series by Dr. David Lose of Lu‐ ther Seminary in St. Paul. As in years past, we will invite the community to gather each Wednesday for a simple supper at 5:30 PM, followed by worship at 6:30. We will again be using the liturgy, “That You May have Life” which we introduced in 2006. The Ash Wednesday service, on February 13, will include the Imposi on of Ashes and Holy Communion. All Lenten service offerings during February will be given to the Douglas County Food Shelf, while the March Lenten offerings will to go to “Love INC”. The proposed schedule of Worship Themes is as follows: Feb. 13 “What’s Wrong with the World?” (Ash Wednesday) Feb. 20 “Have a Heart for Hunger” Feb. 27 “Making Sense of the Cross, Part 1: Ransom and Victory” March 6 “Making Sense of the Cross, Part 2: Subs tu on, Sa sfac on and Sacrifice” March 13 “Making Sense of the Cross, Part 3: Example and Encouragement” March 20 “Making Sense of the Cross, Part 4: Event and Experience Midweek Lenten Forum: “Path to the Cross” Star ng February 20, following our Wednesday Lenten Worship, we are pleased to have Pastor Dan Baker, Director of Mount Carmel Ministries (and new member of Shalom!) leading us in a fascina ng explora on of biblical and historical background of the events leading to Jesus’ death on the cross. Our prayer is that this class will help you to “make sense of the cross.” The class will meet from approximately 7:05 to 8 PM each Wednesday from February 20 un l March 20. Thank you, Building Volunteers! Lenten Suppers Thank you to all the Shalom members who have helped tile the new bathrooms, take down and replace ceiling tiles, and do extra cleaning during our construction remodeling project. Your work has saved us many thousands of dollars, which will free up funds to build a more beautiful and worshipful sanctuary. The Lenten suppers will be served from the narthex this year. We will have one hot entre for each meal. We are short-handed for the Fellowship Team, so we will open it up to all members to sign up to help bring food and serve for any meal that fits their schedule. So far ideas for the menu include chili, hot dogs, sloppy joes, hot beef sandwiches, tacos in a bag and possibly pizza. Please watch the bulletins and the sign up board to help make our Community Lenten Suppers a success. Remember, if you know someone that could use a meal, please feel free to invite them to join us, regardless of whether they stay for worship or not. Peacemaking: “We Have Work to Do” Looking Ahead: February 13 — Ash Wednesday February 20 — “Have a Heart for Hunger” Service March 15-16—Youth Lock-in March 23 — 1st Communion Retreat (3rd grade and up) March 24 — Palm Sunday March 28 — Maundy Thursday/First Communion Celebration March 31 — Easter Sunday April 28 — YADA Retreat & Prayer Journey In response to the current debate as to how stop the spread of violence in our schools and communities, the Shalom Social Ministry Team encourages you watch our presiding Bishop pastoral video message: “We Have Work to Do” on You Tube or at http://bit.ly/Va2BYS. Our 4 million-member Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has made the commitment “to being peacemakers in a culture of violence,” said the Rev. Mark S. Hanson. “As long as a culture of violence is holding us captive -- our spirits, our imagination, our debates, our actions -- we have work to do,” said Hanson. The ELCA has social messages on community violence at www.ELCA.org/socialmessage/violence and mental illness at http://www.ELCA.org/What-We-Believe/Social-Issues/Social-Statements-in-Process/MentalIllness.aspx. Social messages are designed to encourage learning and moral discourse. How can I stay informed about Shalom happenings?? Go to our website — www.shalomlutheran.org Read the “Shalom Now” Newsletter. Check on “Shalom Lutheran Church” Facebook page. “Shalom Lutheran” is a group Facebook page for conversations among Shalom members. Read the “weekly updates” emails from Shalom. Take the “bulletin insert” home on Sunday to read. Why did Jesus have to suffer? Shalom Lutheran Church 800 County Road 44 NW, Alexandria, MN 56308 Phone (320) 762-8641 Fax (320) 762-0732 OUR EMAIL: Pastor: shalom@embarqmail.com Secretary: slc@shalomlutheran.org We’re on the web www.shalomlutheran.org “We believe God is calling us to invite people into a deeper relationship with Christ, that all may discover true peace and be prepared to follow Him in compassionate service.” It was only by suffering a near-fatal coma himself that Dr. Eben Alexander came to truly sympathize with his patients. In this, he is part of a very old tradition. Stories of doctors who gain insight through an ailment of their own go back to ancient times. At the bottom of all these stories is the idea that only one who has himself suffered what he seeks to cure is truly capable of the job. This idea is present, of course, in the Gospel stories of the greatest of all “wounded healers,” Christ himself. It was of Christ whom the poet T.S. Eliot was thinking when he wrote in his famous “Four Quartets” of the “wounded surgeon” who plies the steel that questions the distempered part.” As the one true healer of all our ills, Christ could only become capable of curing us by suffering to their fullest the ills—the sins—that we all suffer. Taken from Jan./Feb. Guideposts magazine article about author Dr. Eben Alexander who wrote “Proof of Heaven”. Thank you to Thrivent Members for directing $50.00 this month to Shalom. These funds go into the Building Fund. Thank you from the Outreach Food Shelf for the donation of $100.00 last month. Since the picture below was taken there is a major connecting section with a steel beam attached to the existing building and there are now two large walls erected and two steel posts. Monday with the help of a crane they will put up the large steel main beam and then the trusses. Despite the bitter cold this week they are making progress. Most of the inside work will be completed next week. Once the bathroom doors arrive, the inside work should be completed, and looking wonderful! Meet . . . David Rogosheske "It's time to meet another Shalom Church Council member. This month we will meet David Rogosheske who is serving his first term on the Shalom Church Council. He was elected as vice-president so that position automatically makes him a member of the Staff Development Committee. Dave and Joyce usually attend the 8:30 am worship service at Shalom and serve as greeters. Joyce is a member of Shalom's Caring Committee. Dave is also a regular at the Men's Friday Bible Study Breakfast Group. Dave was born in Sauk Rapids, MN and lived there until his father returned from service in WWII. After the war his father was employed by the Minnesota DNR and the family moved to Littlefork, MN. Another job transfer resulted in a move to Brainerd, MN where Dave spent his high school years and graduated from Brainerd High School. He went on to attend Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter MN where he received a BA degree in Psychology. He attended graduate school at the U of M in the Cities where he received a MA degree in Industrial Relations. While working at Control Data in the cities, he met Joyce. They were married at Advent Lutheran Church in Roseville MN. Dave's entire career was spent with Control Data, but after a re-organization the division he was with became part of a new company named Ceridian. He retired in 1997 and they moved to Alexandria in 2004. The Rogosheske's have two children. Their daughter Tanya, a Senior Manager in Advertising for Aveda Corporation and her husband, Demian, a Regional Sales Manager at Quality Bike, live in Fridley. Their son Chad was recently named Head Football Coach at his alma mater Hamline University in St Paul and he also lives in Fridley. Dave is on Board of Directors at the Alexandria Golf Club so it is only natural that one of his hobbies is golf. Dave and Joyce are avid sports fans, especially following their son's football team. In fact, they take an annual fall sports trip, which in 2013 will turn into a series of day trips. We'll be watching those Hamline football scores this fall! For a number of years after moving to Alexandria, Joyce and Dave remained members of their church in the Cities where they had been for over 25 years. When yhey finally decided they needed to establish their church home in Alexandria, they decided to give Shalom a try having heard good things about Shalom from Dave and Mary Owen. As it turned out they where absolutely right. Dave & Joyce found Shalom to be a friendly and welcoming place with a membership that exhibited both a vibrant faith and an outreach to the larger community that was unusual for a church of its size. Dave & Joyce are very excited for the future of Shalom and the role the sanctuary and expanded facilities will play in the growth of the congregation. But, more importantly, the new facilities will enhance Shalom's ability to fulfill its specific mission as well as the larger mission Christ has given to His church to "make disciples of all nations." WELCA NEWS Attention Women of Shalom, IT IS that time again...... WELCA women's Movie night!!!!!!! February 22nd, that's a Friday, from 6:00-8:30 pm. Come enjoy a good movie, GREAT company and some fun snacks. Sign up in the narthex so we can plan for you. Come with an open mind, (ya just never know what we have up our sleeves!) ..leave feeling a sense of warmth and friendship, we promise. Free will offering that evening to help cover the expenses. Extra monies will be donated to WELCA to ensure we can continue to enjoy events like these. BREAD “Unknowns Lie Ahead” On New Year’s Day, the 2008 Farm Bill was extended to September 30, 2013. That was bad news for farmers. Low income individuals and families, however, received “limited” good news, because the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) was untouched. This food provision constitutes 80% of the Farm Bill. Unknowns lie ahead because an entirely new Farm Bill will need to be enacted prior to September 30th. The Farm Bill that had passed the Senate and the House Ag Committee proposal (which was never allowed a vote) both contained significant cuts to food provisions for low income people. So, what will a newly crafted Farm Bill include for poor people living in poverty? Do we care? YES, WE DO! We can influence Congress. Decide today to take a stand. WRITE A LETTER. MAKE A PHONE CALL. Let our Representative, Collin Peterson and our two Senators, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken know that we support generous SNAP provisions in a new Farm Bill. Ron Otterson, Social Ministry Committee Member The Bookworm Bunch This a reminder that club members are to have suggestions for book discussions when we meet after Easter, the last Monday of the month, April 29th. I strongly recommend The Roundhouse, which received the National Book Award. As noted in an interview with the author on the 60th page of the Jan.14th Time Magazine. This book is a crime thriller based on her experiences as a "Half-Chippewa". It also relates facts about "Geronimo's name and the good ideas of Richard Nixon". LUTHERAN MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Here is a rare opportunity! There will be a Marriage Encounter Weekend at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria on March 15-17, 2013. The cost is $45.00 per couple for registration. Registrations are limited so sign up now! Go to: www.GodLovesMarriage.org to sign up on line or contact Peter & Phyllis McMahon at 763-561-1575 or email: mcmahonp@comcast.net. The seminar is designed for people who already have a good marriage and seek to make it even better—fall in love all over again! GO! Children’s Ministry Are you in 1st6th grade and have been thinking about joining our Wednesday after school program? Due to some varying circumstances, we have had a few people unable to finish out the year with us. If you are interested in giving GO! a try, please talk to Shannon. Cost is $20 per quarter which includes; snack, supplies, curriculum and transportation availability. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We have tenta vely set our Vaca on Bible school week as Sun‐ day, August 4th‐ Thursday, August 8th! Our theme this year is: “Everywhere FUN FAIR: Where God’s World Comes Together”. Throughout the week, we’ll be “traveling” to Japan, Zimba‐ bwe, United Kingdom, Australia, and Mexi‐ co! Children’s Ministry Up‐Coming Dates/Peek‐Ahead Each Sunday, 9:40 a.m.: Sunday School February 13th: NO GO! (Ash Wednes‐ day) March 23rd, 9:00‐1:00 p.m.: 1st Commun‐ ion Retreat at Shalom (3rd grade and up) More informa on will be coming! March 31st: NO Sunday School (Happy Easter!) April 12th, 7‐10 p.m.: Children’s Ministry Lock‐In (1st‐6th grade) May 12th: Last day of Sunday School/Children’s Service at 10:45 a.m. (Kids will sing.) August 4th‐8th (tenta ve): Vaca on Bible School!! We are looking for a few more people to add to our substitute list. If you are interested, please talk to Shannon. Thanks be to God for funds restored Much attention during 2012 focused on the embezzlement of over $750,000 by our former synod bookkeeper between 2004 and 2011. At year’s end the synod received a major payment from its crime coverage insurance that represented over 75% of the dollars that had been misappropriated. This insurance payment allowed us to restore over $250,000 to the ELCA Hunger Appeal that had been embezzled in 2009, 2010 and 2011. In 2013 we anticipate healing other ministries damaged by the embezzlement. In addition to thoroughly reviewing the synod’s fund-handling procedures, the new synod Audit Committee recommended switching to a different external auditor for the synod’s annual audits in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Out-sourcing the synod’s bookkeeping operation to Fiebiger, Swanson, West & Co. has also helped restore the synod’s financial operation to a sound footing. Thanks be to God for lively experiments in mission More congregations are venturing into unfamiliar territory to serve God’s mission in the world. Members of Aardahl Lutheran of Bemidji shared 500 May baskets with their neighbors, inviting them to worship. Trinity of Crookston brought 17 persons to the waters of baptism in a summer-time outdoor baptismal festival. Waters of Grace of Frazee expanded to a second worship site in Vergas over the summer months. Trinity of Pelican Rapids started “Katie’s Kitchen” (a cooking/eating outreach with multicultural neighbors) and also helped birth “The Welcome Place” in downtown Pelican Rapids. Peoples Church of Bemidji developed a Saturday school for children and planted a second ministry site in Cass Lake. Grace of Ada tithed a $75,000 bequest to the NW MN Synod. Laura McCaughan is leading an “Unbinding the Gospel” book study on evangelism in the Bethel-Zion Parish, rural Bagley, involving 80% of the congregations’ active members. Thanks be to God for “mission accomplished” milestones During 2012 our synod lost no congregations to the ELCA disaffiliation process. We did join hands, however, with congregations that closed during 2012: St Olaf, Twin Valley; Zion, Fosston; Messiah, Wadena; and First, Hines. Thanks be to God for our companion synod Nineteen pilgrims representing six of our conferences traveled to the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church of southern India, November 2-17. The travelers learned about the history and ministries of the AELC; developed relationships with new friends in India; and visited a school for blind children, a leper colony, a home for the destitute, a new school for autistic children, and a retreat for the Bible Women. Six NW MN pastors preached on November 11 in AELC congregations of Bhimavaram, India. Thanks be to God for strong financial support As this report was being written, ELCA/synod “mission support” giving was running $56,000 ahead of last year’s yearto-date giving. We also celebrated special gifts totaling more than $95,000 toward our synod’s 3-year goal of $225,000 for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. I could say so much more, but you get the picture. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.” Thanks to all of you for your faithful, fruitful participation in God’s work! Bishop Larry Wohlrabe, Northwestern Minnesota Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America We too often love things and use people when we should USE things and LOVE people. 2012 Bishop’s Report to the Northwestern Minnesota Synod For Annual Meetings of the Congregations “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” II Corinthians 9:15 For good reason, the end of another year is a time to take stock and give thanks for the gifts God has showered down upon us. In a typical outburst of gratitude, the Apostle Paul can’t help exclaiming “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” As I look back over 2012, I also give thanks to God for the gifts that have far outweighed the burdens of this year. As your congregation prepares for your annual meeting, join me in exclaiming: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” Thanks be to God for 242 congregations equipped for God’s mission During 2012 our synod offered a variety of resources to assist congregations in identifying their purpose within God’s mission in the world. Monthly Bishop’s Bible studies (published in our Northern Lights e-letter) addressed the question: “Where Are You Leading Us, Lord?” During Lent 2012 many congregations used A Season for Prayer and Renewal, a multi-faceted resource (including a 40-day reading of the Book of Acts) provided by the synod’s New and Renewing Mission Table, Faith Practices Table, and synod staff. Throughout 2012 the synod offered a host of growth and enrichment opportunities: church council training events, School for Lay ministry classes, Congregational Leadership Academy courses, Synod Theological Day, and renewal experiences like Re-Rooting in God’s Mission. Thanks be to God for the faith practice of serving our neighbors We’re still experiencing the spill-over effects of our Synod Assembly under the theme: “To Be. To Do. Joy in Serving,” May 11-12. Pr. Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl of the ELCA Malaria Campaign and Dr. John Nunes of Lutheran World Relief keynoted the assembly, and participants invested a half-day in rewarding service learning opportunities across the FargoMoorhead area. The emphasis on service to others was carried through the Theology for Ministry Conference in September that featured Dr. Jacqueline Bussie of the Forum on Faith and Public Life at Concordia College. Two Rethinking Stewardship autumn events continued the emphasis on service with keynoter Pr. Larry Strenge and musician Nate Hogue. Thanks be to God for vital “first third” ministries Congregations of the synod continued to invest heavily in providing faith-stretching experiences for persons in the first third of life. NW MN was in the “top ten” of the 65 synods represented at the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans in July, and over a thousand youth attended the synod’s own youth gatherings in April and November. A day-long “Practice Discipleship” experience (learning and “exercising” faith practices) at the ELCA Gathering in New Orleans will be replicated in training events for adult youth leaders across the synod in 2013. Following Pr. Adam Copeland’s move to the faculty of Concordia College, Pr. Holly Johnson became the new director-developer for The Project F-M, our signature ministry among young adults, ages 18-35. Thanks be to God for wonderful servant-leaders We welcomed a host of new leaders and recognized milestones for members of our ministry rosters. Nine recent seminary graduates were assigned for “first calls” in the synod. Pr. James Bergquist was given an honorary doctorate by the Senate of Serampore University in India. Pr. Steve Peterson was appointed to the board of Prison Congregations of America. William Elmstrom retired as the synod’s gift planner. Katie Nelson joined the synod support staff in April. Pr. Melissa Ehrhardt was appointed acting Synod Secretary in September following the resignation (for personal reasons) of Terry Carlisle. Pr. Elizabeth Carson McHan was installed as associate campus pastor at Concordia College. As we conclude 2012 we pray that God will raise up new mission developers for Living Grace Lutheran Community of Hawley and Waters of Grace, Frazee-Vergas. Thanks be to God for our new synod website In September a new synod website (www.nwmnsynod.org) was launched. The new website is much more dynamic and interactive than the old website, and congregations are urged to keep the website fresh by sending stories and photos about ministries to klnelson@cord.edu. Youth Youth Ministry Ministry Thank you Bill McKay for hanging out with the YADA boys! We are blessed to have you! Go Deepers...10th-12th graders Our monthly lunch is scheduled for February 17th. (This is the 3rd Sunday of the month, due to Shannon being out of town.) Come join us for food, fun and fellowship! After we eat, we’ll head back to church for a short (30-45 minute) time of focused talk relating to scripture and our world. Okay...a Bible study. PLEASE, join us! Also, in regards to cost for these meals, the Y-Team decided to ask each of you to bring $5 to help cover the costs of the meals. The youth budget will kick in the rest. If it seems as if the cost is too high, we’ll revamp. But for now, bring $5! “Have a Heart for Hunger” Worship Service Just a reminder, we are looking for youth (7th-12th) who are willing to help us with this GREAT service to be held on Wednesday, February 20th. (Confirmation/YADA youth— you have to be there anyway, why not find a way to serve?!) A sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. Please sign-up TODAY! Movie Marathon (7th‐12th grade) CHANGE OF DATE On Saturday, February 2nd, 4‐ 10 p.m., we’ll have our annual movie mara‐ thon. A sign‐up sheet is posted in the narthex. Bring movies (G or PG rated only, please) and a snack to share. We’ll vote on movies to watch, have snacks, and order eat pizza around 6:00 p.m. Hope to see you there! Cross Training (7th-9th grade) will be held February 17th! Bring $3 for pizza and pop. Hope to see YOUTH ALL‐NIGHTER/LOCK‐IN (Grades 7‐12) Our annual youth lock‐in is scheduled for March 15th‐16th, 7:00 p.m.‐7:00 a.m. More informa on will be coming, but for now… Bring $5, a snack to share, a blanket, a pil‐ low, clothes that can get dirty (there is al‐ ways the possibility…) and yourself for a night of fun! A sign‐up sheet will be posted in the narthex mid‐February. Dead‐ line is MARCH 10th. 2012 Membership Report 2011 Membership Baptized active Confirmed active 496 456 387 359 Additions children baptized 3 3 0 0 Adult baptism Affirmation of Faith 0 12 0 12 0 11 0 11 ELCA transfer 20 20 12 12 Other transfers 0 0 0 0 Restored to active 0 0 0 0 Confirmations 0 0 6 6 became inactive 0 -16 0 -11 531 475 416 377 Subtotal Deletions -3 -3 -3 -3 Deaths transfer to ELCA -9 -5 -7 -5 transfer to other 0 0 0 0 -15 -3 -7 0 0 0 0 0 504 467 399 369 2009 2010 2011 2012 182 190 204 197 Removed (inactive) statistical adjust 2012 membership Average Sunday worship attendance Why Do Women Cry? A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him. “I don’t understand,” he said. His mom just hugged him and said, “And you never will.” Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?” “All women cry for no reason,” was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so easily?” God said: “When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, bus sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.” “You see my son,” said God, “the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart—the place where love resides.” February 3, 2013 Acolyte Ushers Communion Assistant Lector Nursery Greeters Assistant Minister Altar Guild Kitchen Monitor Communion Bread 8:30 Michael Kuhn Ron & Linda Fenelon Ray & Marilyn Myers Dave Burbank Connie Johnson & Jackson Grove Dave & Lynn Malvin Carol Hedlund Vic Dale Charmaine Munt Faith Prigge 10:45 Mitchell Toivonen Jeri Borman & Bruce Navratil Rikki Anderson & Troy Frovarp Joann Kirkeby Alicia Davidson & Emily Erickson Greg & Karen Toivonen Ted Kirst February 10, 2013 Acolyte Ushers Communion Assistant Lector Nursery Greeters Assistant Minister 8:30 Kiera Mohon Landon Anderson & Kris Aaseng Dave & Evie Harris Deb Kramer Sheila Anderson & Graham Hegstad Renae Hills & Carol Hedlund Jan Keller 10:45 Kayla Feldhake Tammy Drewes & Tiffany Anderson Judy Hoffman & Lucas White Ted Kirst Volunteer needed Todd Zarbok & Sue Engstrom Dan Baker February 13, 2013 Ash Wednesday Acolyte Ushers Communion Assistant Lector Nursery Greeters Assistant Minister February 17, 2013 Acolyte Ushers Communion Assistant Lector Nursery Greeters Assistant Minister February 24, 2013 Acolyte Ushers Communion Assistant Lector Nursery Greeters Assistant Minister 6:30 Breckan McCormick Bill & Eileen McKay Jan Keller & Emilie Pfeffer Norm Priebe Vickie Wohlfeil & Shanay Anderson Dick & Mary Ann Bahe Marilyn Myers 8:30 Zach Wohlfeil Dave Vagle & Danny Kuhn Ron Fenelon & Dean Kliewer Dori Otterson Renae Rush & Kiera Mohon Ed & Pat Arneson Dick Bahe 8:30 Graham Hegstad Paul Jacobson & Scott Hegstad Al & Bettie Anderson Greg Anderson Liz Burbank & Makayla Wheeler Fritz & Tam Bukowski Dave Vagle 10:45 Emily Erickson Putt Muzik & Shanay Anderson Doris Mays & Alli Halvorson Dan Baker volunteer needed Dave & Carol Dittberner Brian Hiles 10:45 Johnnie McTigue Devin Crowe & Grant Toivonen Tony& Betty Johnson Judy Hoffman volunteer needed Dale & Natty Kittleson Colleen Rooney February SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI 1 7:30 Men’s Bible Breakfast at Travelers Inn Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired! SAT 2 9:30 SOS rehearsal 10:30 Worship planning Team (10:45) 4-10 pm Youth (7th12th) Movie Marathon 3 4 5 8:30 Worship-choir 9:40 Sunday School/Adult Ed 10:45 Worship 6:00 Women’s Book Study 6 7 8 9 3:45-5:00 Go! 5-5:40 Youth Choir and Kids Choir 6:30 Confir/YADA 7:00 Choir 8-9:45 Quilting No Bible Study 7:30 Men’s Bible Breakfast at Travelers Inn 9:30 SOS rehearsal Scott Hegstad Sheila Anderson Sarah Wacholz Emily Prestby Juanita Fisher David Beyer Paul Jacobson Doug Prestby Hunter Croonquist Troy Frovarp 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/8 Ella Steussy Graham Hegstad Tenner Thompson David Rush Grant Toivonen Fritz Bukowski Naomi Paine Paul Fieldhammer Skylar Fisher Abby Hanson James Whipkey 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/14 2/15 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/18 If we missed your birthday, please let us know in the church office because we would like to include you in our thoughts and prayers on your birthday! Cayden Davidson Darwin Hentz Eileen McKay Lyle Kjesbo Shelli Crowe John Carlberg Kayla Dale Zach Wohlfeil Jared McCormick Arvin Pletcher 2/18 2/21 2/22 2/22 2/24 2/24 2/25 2/27 2/28 2/28 Your Shalom family rejoices with you as you celebrate the day God gave you life. Providing time to share the love of Christ with our fellow members and guests is the reason we have Sunday Morning Hospitality. Thank you for being on the Sunday Morning hospitality team for February. It is a real gift you are providing. Thank you! 10 11 8:30 Worship 9:40 Sunday School/Adult Ed/Soc. Min. 10:45 Worship 6:00 Women’s Book Study 17 18 8:30 Worship-Choir 9:40 Sunday School/Adult Ed 10:45 Worship 11:45 Go Deep Lunch/Bible Study 6:00 Women’s Book Study/Cross Training 24 8:30 Worship 9:40 Sunday School/Adult Ed 10:45 Worship 6:00 Women’s Book Study 12 13 14 15 16 Ash Wednesday 10:00 Circle 6 pm Y-Team 7 pm Education Team No Go! 5:30-6:20 pm Community Supper 6:30 Lenten Worship 7:30 Choir 8-9:45 Quilting 10:00 Bible Study 11:00 Caring Community 7:30 Men’s Bible Breakfast at Travelers Inn 9:30 SOS rehearsal 19 7 pm Council 25 26 20 21 22 23 3:45-4:50 Go! 4:50-5:20 Children/Youth Choirs 5:30 Community Lenten Supper 6:30 “Have A Heart for Hunger” Lenten Service 7:15 Choir/Activities 8-9:45 Quilting 10:00 Bible Study 7:30 Men’s Bible Breakfast at Travelers Inn 9:30 SOS rehearsal 27 28 3:45-4:50 Go! 4:50-5:20 Children/Youth Choirs 5:30 Community Lenten Supper 6:30 Worship 7:15 Choir/Activities 8-9:45 Quilting 10:00 Bible Study WELCA Movie Night 1. Each week four family units are assigned. Each of them is requested to bring 4 dozen cookies, donuts or bars.—or you may bring half healthy treats (fruit, cheese, nuts, etc.). 2. The first 2 on the list will be in charge of setting up before early service is finished, (9:30 am) (Trays for treats are in the kitchen or under the serving area and pitchers for water are in the kitchen.) and then acting as hosts during the coffee hour. The second two on the list will be in charge of cleaning up after the second service. (This includes washing the cups and other dishes, emptying and rinsing the coffee pots, and cleaning up the serving area.) These duties rotate. We realize that it is a problem for those who usually worship at 2nd service to get the goodies here by 9:30 am and those who usually worship at the 8:30 service to return and help clean up. Because our congregation has increased over the years we each have to only serve about 2 times each year. Maybe for the times we are scheduled, we can attend the other service and meet and greet other of our fellow members. February 3, 2013 Bill & Barb Kilgore Skeeter & Gerry Kingsberg Clark & Judy Hoffman Tom & Heather Kleve February 17, 2013 Steve & Laura Knudsen Jeff & Beth Kuhn Virginia Luetgers Doris Mays February 10, 2013 Amy Klimek Roy & Deb Kramer Dean & Catherine Kliewer Tim & Amy Lamb February 24, 2013 Dave & Lynn Malvin Melissa Lundebrek Kevin & Pam McCormick John & Vickie McTigue