Going Above and Beyond


Going Above and Beyond
Going Above and Beyond
Report to the Community
Message from Inova’s CEO
Inova by the Numbers
Beyond the Hospital Walls
The Inova Ewing Forensic Assessment and Consultation Teams (FACT) Department – Justice for All
Northern Virginia Care Connection for Children –
Helping Children with Special Healthcare Needs Shine
Life with Cancer – A World-class Resource for Families
Touched by Cancer
Inova Juniper Program – Continuing the Fight against
HIV/AIDS through Treatment, Education and Support
10 A Network of Safety Net Programs
10 Inova Cares Clinic for Children – Giving All of Northern Virginia’s Kids a Healthy Start
11 Inova Cares Clinic for Women – So Much More than Prenatal Care
12 Partnership for Healthier Kids – Expanding Access to
Affordable Healthcare
12 Lions Eye Clinic – A Vision of Healthy Eyes across the Region
Inova’s Innovative Spirit Changes Lives
13 Inova Kellar Center – 25 Years of Meeting Needs
14 Inova Healthy Kids – Helping Families Fight Childhood Obesity
15 Inova at the Farmers Market – SNAP Double Dollars
16 Child Life – Delivering Smiles
17 Inova Center for Wellness and Metabolic Health –
Empowering Patients to Embrace Their Health
HealthSource – Something for Everyone
18 19 Inova Transitional Services – Bridging the Gap between
Hospital and Home
Inova Employees Keep Giving
Employee Spotlight
Philanthropy: The Fuel That Propels Us Above and Beyond
23 2015 Honor Roll of Donors
28 2016 Board of Trustees and Officers
30 Inova Locations
31 Inova Locations Map
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 1
Dear Neighbor,
In so many ways, healthcare
providers exist to provide
a meaningful benefit to the
community they serve. Hospitals,
for example, aim to treat illness,
restore health and vitality, and
promote lifelong wellness to
the patients who come through their doors. And that’s
where some organizations stop. But at Inova, it’s just
the beginning.
Inova is proud to offer a diverse and vibrant collection
of programs and services to the community we are
privileged to serve. From fighting childhood obesity to
reaching vulnerable populations, and from stopping
chronic disease’s lifelong toll to lighting the way through
a difficult experience with violence or illness, Inova
goes above and beyond. This report chronicles some
of the ways Inova has risen higher and reached farther
to enrich the lives of our community in 2015.
Reaching Higher
The first step in going above and beyond is exceeding
expectations. For example, although federal and state
agencies require nonprofit hospitals to offer a certain
amount of charity care each year, our safety net
programs don’t stop at basic care for uninsured
populations. Rather, the programs Inova offers are
enriched in dozens of ways to have a real impact and
improve people’s lives.
Just as Inova sets the standard for innovation in
healthcare, leading the way in emerging fields like
personalized medicine and delivering excellence
from oncology and cardiology to neuroscience and
orthopedics, Inova’s community programs have the
same spirit of innovation. From a new plan to tackle
childhood obesity to an ever-expanding network of
education and support for individuals and families
affected by cancer, Inova looks to the future.
Stretching Farther
If you think of Inova as a hospital system, get ready
for a new perspective. While important work happens
within each hospital, of course, Inova reaches into the
community in hundreds of ways, from conveniently
located primary and urgent care to a wealth of
community-based programs.
I Going Above and Beyond
Inova’s mission is to improve the
health of the diverse community it
serves through excellence in patient
care, education and research.
In some cases, Inova programs exemplify going
above and beyond literally, by delivering services
outside the hospital’s walls and partnering with
neighborhoods to meet community need. Bringing
programs to the community, from workplace health fairs
to school-based outreach connecting uninsured kids
with available resources, promotes health throughout
Northern Virginia. Inova goes beyond the hospital walls
to meet the needs where they are, many times in ways
you might not expect.
Every day, Inova employees are examples of going
above and beyond. From Mount Vernon to Loudoun,
and at every point in between, the men and women
who devote their working lives to Inova devote part
of their personal time to Inova’s mission as well. You
will be inspired by the ways they “go the extra mile”
for our area’s residents.
As broad as Inova’s reach is, it is not a one-way effort.
The community plays a crucial role in Inova’s ability to
go above and beyond as well. Without philanthropic
support, many of these programs would wither. Thank
you to all those whose contributions allow Inova to
serve the community, and may we continue to move
forward together.
Sincerely yours,
Knox Singleton
Chief Executive Officer
Community Investment (in millions)
Inova by the Numbers*
Key Financials (in millions)
*2015 statistics
Net Operating Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,972
Licensed Hospital Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,796
Inpatient Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,793
Births . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,894
Operating Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $221
Facilities/Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $295
Emergency Room Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408,978
Education/Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23
Home Care Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,973
Charity Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $117
Nurses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,730
Standard & Poor’s Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AA+
Affiliated Physicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,773
Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,515
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 3
Beyond the Hospital Walls
2015 was a year of going above and beyond
at Inova. For our patients and for the community
we serve, Inova extended the breadth and depth
of its services to reach more people in more
meaningful ways. In this report, we are proud to
share some of our stories to illustrate the many
ways in which Inova goes above and beyond.
I Going Above and Beyond
( FI A
Justice for All
Sometimes, going above and beyond means stepping
in during a person’s darkest hours. The Inova Ewing
Forensic Assessment and Consultation Teams (FACT)
department does just that, by providing specialized
forensic medical evaluation services for children and
adults who have been victims of violent crime, including
sexual assault, domestic violence, physical child abuse,
elder physical abuse, strangulation, and human sex
The FACT program, which is offered as a community
service at no charge to victims, combines specialized
nurse examiners and a private environment so that
evidence of abuse can be collected and documented
without further traumatizing the victim.
When it is time to go to court, FACT continues to stand
by the victims. FACT nurse examiners serve as expert
witnesses, giving expert opinions in addition to the
facts and educating the jury as to how they reached a
particular conclusion. Program coordinators have also
developed expert witness templates to help with court
documentation to support the testimony. The FACT
department’s specialization helps their testimony have
the most impact on the jury.
“If the FACT department representatives were not there,
a lot of these victims would not get justice,” said Glynis
Laborde, MBA, Director of Safety Net Clinics for Inova.
The program, which is offered as a community service
and is free of charge to the individuals it serves, is
not confined to Inova hospitals. FACT goes wherever
there is a patient who needs help, including hospitals
across Northern Virginia including Fairfax, Arlington,
Loudoun, and Prince William counties, the city of
Alexandria, parts of Fauquier and Stafford counties,
and all Northern Virginia detention centers and military
installations. FACT also performs courtesy exams for
outlying jurisdictions, including the District of Columbia,
Maryland and West Virginia.
The FACT department was made possible by generous
gifts from the Ewing family. Before they stepped in,
the forensic evaluation program for crime victims was
run out of the hospital’s emergency department, as
is typically the case with these types of programs.
Thanks to the Ewing’s generosity, the program was
moved into a private, dedicated space. The program
hired a child life specialist to help comfort children and
reduce the anxiety and stress associated with abuse
and its aftermath, and is continuing to consolidate
services and grow the program’s reach.
Overall volume continues to increase: 446 patients
were evaluated in 2013; 503 in 2014; and in 2015 there
were 633 patient encounters. FACT endeavors to serve
every need it encounters and is working to develop
new initiatives in strangulation evaluations, emergency
removal examinations for foster care placement and
enhanced training using the Inova Center for Advanced
Medical Simulation (ICAMS) at Inova Fairfax Hospital.
The FACT department is also an important component
in cross-jurisdictional crime reduction efforts and
community outreach programs. FACT representatives
serve on five multidisciplinary teams for children in the
City of Alexandria as well as Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun
and Prince William counties. In 2015, the program
continued to expand its prevention-focused outreach
at college campuses and community organizations.
“We recognize that these types of crimes have a ripple
effect and have a larger negative impact beyond the
victim,” said Director of Safety Net Clinics Mary Hale.
“Not only is there a huge price paid by the victim, but
in terms of third- and fourth-order effects, the entire
community pays a price when crimes like these occur.”
And in that sense, the FACT department’s benefit
touches all of our lives, even if crime never does.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 5
— Amanda Millir, MSW, former patient of the FACT department
I want to thank you for allowing me to share with
you and the Inova community how grateful I
am for the life-saving services that the FACT
department provided to me. I know that is a strong
statement, but it is nothing short of the truth.
I had been in Inova Hospital on three different
occasions over a six-month period due to being
assaulted by my then-boyfriend. After one assault, I
was in the emergency room and ended up having
emergency surgery and being hospitalized for an
additional two days. Unfortunately, my relationship
did not end there. A few months later, I managed to
get myself to the emergency room again after a
very brutal assault with weapons. The ER nurses
and doctors called the police, which I did not want
them to do. It put me in a very difficult situation. They
suspected that I had been beaten by my boyfriend,
but they never called in a FACT nurse. Two weeks
later, after being held hostage in my home and
beaten on a regular basis, I was able to get back to
Inova Hospital. This time, the detective who was
investigating my previous assault called in a FACT
nurse. She performed her duties as a nurse, but also
took the time to talk to me and explain to me stepby-step what she was doing and why she was doing
it. She did the danger assessment with me, and
discussed with me how much danger I was in. I
remember that she spent so much time with me,
and I didn’t feel like she was just trying to fill out her
paperwork and move on to the next patient. One of
the most valuable parts of having the Inova FACT
nurse collecting all of the forensic evidence came
faced with helping a victim decide whether or
not they want to report the crime, and this takes a
very special person. They are nurses who are specially
trained to collect forensic evidence, but they do it in a
way that is comfortable to the victim.
There is so much that I can say about this amazing
department! Over the years, I have stayed in very
close contact with [the nurse] who did my forensic
exam and have gotten to know several of the other
staff members through my work in the domestic
violence field. I have sent several of my clients to
the FACT department for strangulation exams
because they believed that if they had no visible
bruising on their outer body, then there were no
internal injuries. Through education and support
from the FACT department, I have learned how to
talk to a strangulation victim about the exam and
why it is so important. The FACT department is a
specialized support for victims of interpersonal
violence and/or sexual assault that allows the victims
to feel safe and comfortable in a medical environment.
to light during the trial. When my abuser claimed
I remember the first time I finally felt free of the
that I had inflicted my injuries on myself, the FACT
shame and embarrassment of being a victim of
nurse’s evidence contradicted that. I believe that her
domestic violence – it was during a forensic exam
evidence contributed to my abuser being convicted.
with my FACT nurse. She understood what was
As much as we want to believe that Fairfax County
is a safe place, which it is, there is intimate partner
violence happening in every part of the county. The
FACT department staff is specially trained to collect
happening to me and took the time to comfort me
through the most difficult time in my life. She helped
me physically, but she saved me mentally and
emotionally. I will never forget her.
evidence and engage with the victims who are
Thank you again for letting me share a piece of my
needing their services. They are a very special group
story. I will also share the conclusion to my abuser’s
of people because they know how to make victims
criminal trial: he is currently serving 55 years for
of such terrible crimes feel safe and protected. They
various assault and kidnapping charges (against me).
have a very difficult job because they are often
“I remember the first time I finally
felt free of the shame and
embarrassment of being a victim of
domestic violence – it was during a
forensic exam with my FACT nurse.”
I Going Above and Beyond
Helping Children with Special Healthcare Needs Shine
Families of children with special healthcare needs
know all about going above and beyond. From juvenile
diabetes to cerebral palsy, keeping their children
healthy requires so much more than regular outside
playtime, daily vegetables and occasional doctor
checkups. Each child’s needs are different, but it’s
fairly common for families to have to juggle a retinue
of medical specialists, therapists and aides and
purchase various prescriptions, medical supplies and
equipment. Once children reach school age, families
add educational advocacy to the list of responsibilities.
It can be a lot to handle.
To make it easier for families to help their children
reach their full potential, Inova administers Northern
Virginia Care Connection for Children. The goal of the
Care Connection for Children network is to help families
access and coordinate healthcare, as well as community
and education resources, so that children can shine.
The program offers free care coordination services;
information, education and support for families, and
referrals for eligible children from birth through age 21.
Northern Virginia Care Connection for Children is part
of a Virginia statewide network of six regional Centers
of Excellence for children with special healthcare needs.
Although the program is funded through a grant from
the Virginia Department of Health, Inova implements
and manages the program locally. As a result, the
program combines compassionate support with
knowledge of the best healthcare and community
resources available in or near each patient’s
The program’s bilingual staff consists of seven
professional case managers, a parent coordinator
who fosters parent engagement, and an educational
consultant who advocates on the child’s behalf for
special education services. All members of the Northern
Virginia Care Connection for Children team pride
themselves on building strong, caring relationships
with families. These one-on-one relationships allow the
staff to understand the dynamic needs of each patient
and family. Families work with these experienced
professionals to develop targeted, comprehensive
and culturally appropriate plans to obtain any medical
treatment, special equipment, academic support and
community resources the child may require. There are
also some funds available to help families with lower
incomes purchase medication, durable medical
equipment, supplies and specialist visits.
In 2015, Northern Virginia Care Connection for Children
served 576 families with comprehensive case
management services.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 7
A World-class Resource for Families Touched by Cancer
Cancer touches nearly every family, and although
each cancer journey is unique, it helps to draw on the
knowledge and support of those who have walked
the path through cancer treatment and recovery.
Life with Cancer, the education and psychosocial
support program of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute,
provides information, resources and support to
individuals affected by cancer and their families, no
matter where they live or are receiving treatment.
Life with Cancer offers over 50 programs a month.
Thanks to the community’s philanthropic support,
all programs and services (with the exception of
psychiatry and massage) are provided free of charge
to individuals and families. In recent years, the program
has expanded from its home base at the Life with
Cancer Family Center, near Inova Fairfax Hospital, and
now has four locations at or near the other Inova
hospitals (Inova Fair Oaks Hospital, Inova Alexandria
Hospital, Inova Mount Vernon Hospital and Inova
Loudoun Hospital).
In 2015 Life with Cancer conducted 2,163 educational
classes, groups and wellness programs for adults,
children and adolescents with 13,189 total participants.
In addition, Life with Cancer oncology therapists and
oncology nurse navigators provided 15,651 counseling
or educational consultation sessions, serving a total of
16,385 individuals. In all, Life with Cancer staff provided
34,628 hours of service in programs, classes, groups and
counseling, helping 30,970 people directly – and many
more indirectly.
I Going Above and Beyond
Of particular note, in 2015, Life with Cancer launched a
psychiatric oncology clinic at its Family Center location.
Psycho-oncologist Sermsak Lolak, MD, FAPM’s, practice
philosophy is to provide whole-person, humanistic and
patient-centered care, delivered with compassion,
humility and respect by a mindful practitioner who
believes in patient’s dignity, common humanity and
greater good. This service has been widely received
and filled a service gap that has helped improve the
quality of lives of many.
Continuing the Fight against HIV/AIDS through Treatment, Education
and Support
Although it may not make the headlines as often as
it used to, HIV/AIDS is still a serious condition. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates
that 1.2 million Americans are HIV positive, and 50,000
people become infected with HIV each year.
The good news is that with proper treatment,
medication and follow-up, HIV can often be managed.
Inova Juniper Program is the largest HIV/AIDS care
provider in Northern Virginia, serving approximately
1,700 clients at seven clinics throughout the region.
The program provides primary medical care and
medical case management to HIV positive clients,
most of whom are at or under 400 percent of the
federal poverty level. Aiming to be a comprehensive
resource for its clients, Inova Juniper Program also
offers mental health services, substance abuse services,
nutritional counseling, dental care, transportation
assistance, and emergency food vouchers when
needed. The program also offers a wide range of
specialized support groups.
Prevention and education are also part of Inova Juniper
Program’s mission. The program provides educational
programs to healthcare workers throughout the region,
conducts outreach to the area’s HIV positive and
high-risk HIV negative populations, and offers rapid HIV
testing at numerous locations, including emergency
departments and jails. The program continues to
combat social and cultural stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS
to help clients get the treatment they need to live
longer, healthier lives.
Inova Juniper Program has been expanding: the
program opened a satellite location at a brand new
Falls Church facility in 2015. In late 2014, the program
celebrated the opening of a new facility in Fairfax, and
the program’s Manassas location is preparing to move
to a new facility in 2016.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “HIV in the United States: At a Glance.” http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/statistics/overview/ataglance.
html. Accessed April 11, 2016.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 9
A strong and resilient safety net begins with a thorough understanding of the population it serves. The
breadth and depth of Inova’s safety net programs is evidence of the thought and care that goes into each
program, offering excellence – not just bare bones services.
Here are some examples of Inova’s unique approach to healthcare for underserved populations.
InovaCares Clinic for Children – Giving All of Northern Virginia’s Kids
a Healthy Start
The InovaCares Clinic for Children, recertified in 2015
as a Level-3 Patient-Centered Medical Home by the
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA),
offers quality comprehensive pediatric primary care.
Medical home recognition by NCQA demonstrates a
model of primary care that is patient centered,
comprehensive, team based, coordinated, accessible,
and focused on quality and safety.
The InovaCares Clinic for Children sees 140-160
patients each day and offers flexible, extended hours
to accommodate working families’ scheduling needs.
The clinic offers Saturday morning appointments,
and in 2015 the clinic extended its hours to include
evening appointments two days a week.
The clinic provides families with limited resources a
comprehensive approach to healthcare. Patients are
able to be seen at the InovaCares Clinic for Children
for well-child visits, medical follow ups, same-day sick
appointments, ED follow ups, sports physicals, newborn
bilirubin checks as part of the home tomorrow program,
flu clinics and visits for international travel.
Begun in 1993 to address the shortage of pediatric
providers who accepted Medicaid, the InovaCares
Clinic for Children’s multilingual and culturally sensitive
pediatricians, nurses and staff see patients who meet
financial eligibility guidelines.
In 2015, InovaCares Clinic for Children saw 7,193
unique patients for a total of 23, 766 total patient
I Going Above and Beyond
Because communication is key to a strong relationship
with a healthcare provider, staff members in every
clinical position and clinic receptionist position speak
Spanish as well as English. Interpreter services are
available by phone for families who speak a different
The clinic goes above and beyond in so many ways.
For example, InovaCares Clinic for Children will see
newborns and conduct follow-up bilirubin checks while
Medicaid enrollment is still pending. Even before the
child’s Medicaid enrollment comes through, the clinic
will come through for that child. The clinic’s pediatricians
also enjoy working with children with special care
needs, which means that families do not have to search
for a medical home to accommodate their children.
In a festive example of how special InovaCares Clinic
for Children is, each year the clinic partners with
Lockheed Martin to host a holiday party. Lockheed
Martin employees conduct a toy drive, and Santa is on
hand to hear holiday wishes. Over 300 patients attend
the party each year. From making sure Santa is bilingual
to welcoming patients from all cultures, the clinic staff
makes a great experience extra special.
InovaCares Clinic for Women – So Much More than Prenatal Care
The InovaCares Clinic for Women has been providing
free or low-cost OB and GYN services to Fairfax
County’s uninsured and low-income women since 1960.
Today, the clinic provides services in three locations:
Falls Church, Herndon and Mount Vernon. This clinic
is the only organization in the area that offers such
services; without it, patients would be forced to go to
hospital systems hours away.
Working in partnership with the Fairfax County Health
Department and Inova Fairfax Hospital, the InovaCares
Clinic for Women provides comprehensive outpatient
obstetrical services, prenatal care, gynecological care,
diabetes management, case management, non-stress
testing, LEEP and colposcopy procedures, cryosurgery
and nutritional counseling. The InovaCares Clinic
for Women is a certified Centering Practice Site by
Centering Health Institute.
The clinic also offers additional services in response to
patient needs, including a monthly urogynecology clinic
and weekly maternal fetal medicine clinics for high-risk
pregnancies. Gynecologic oncology services are also
available in a weekly clinic supervised by G. Larry
Maxwell, MD, Chairman of Inova Fairfax Medical
Campus’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
InovaCares Clinic for Women partners with the Falls
Church Academy, allowing high school students the
opportunity to shadow medical assistants.
In 2015, InovaCares Clinic for Women provided
OB services to 3,940 patients, with a total of 32, 273
OB-related encounters. The clinic provided GYN
Beyond offering quality medical care, the wonderful
staff at InovaCares Clinic for Women earn patients’ trust.
The clinic is a safe environment where women are able
to share their concerns, and many patients develop
strong bonds with the staff. Those bonds of trust can
save lives, as they did this year in a story shared by
clinic staff:
During the summer of 2015, Megan* came into
the Mount Vernon location for her postpartum
visit with her newborn child and her two other
children. Medically, Megan was doing fine.
However, from a mental health standpoint, she
was in crisis. Because of the bond that she had
formed with the staff during her pregnancy,
Megan was able to share her thoughts of hurting
herself and children. She shared her feelings of
helplessness regarding physical and emotional
abuse that she was experiencing at home. She
saw no way to escape her situation.
The staff reached out to the necessary authorities
and resources in the community and made sure
that Megan and her children were safe. The
medical provider, nurse, medical assistant and
clinic receptionist were all essential in getting the
care that she needed. Several months later, she
returned to the clinic to thank them for what
they done – they had given her the support she
needed during the most difficult time of her life.
Now, Megan and her children have a chance.
services to 1,161 patients, totaling 2,644 patient
*Patient’s name has been changed.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 11
Lions Eye Clinic – A Vision of
Healthy Eyes across the Region
A Partnership for Healthier Kids –
Expanding Access to Affordable
Enrolling in health insurance can be a complicated
process for anyone who is unfamiliar with the process.
If you add in a lack of knowledge about eligibility
requirements, a language barrier, or fears about a
parent’s legal status, it’s easy to see why some children
remain uninsured. Removing these roadblocks is best
done one family at a time.
Inova steps in, working with public school systems
across Northern Virginia with a program called Inova
Partnership for Healthier Kids. The program’s goal
is to increase access to healthcare for the region’s
uninsured children. A bilingual team provides families
with comprehensive application and enrollment
assistance for programs like Medicaid, CHIP and local
safety net providers.
In 2015, Inova Partnership for Healthier Kids partnered
with schools in Fairfax County, Loudoun County,
Prince William County and the cities of Alexandria and
Manassas, as well as many community organizations,
to assist 4,195 students with access to a source of
affordable healthcare. Since the program’s inception
in 1998, over 55,000 children have been assisted with
access to healthcare.
I Going Above and Beyond
Part of Inova’s community safety net initiative, the
Inova Lions Eye Clinic provides free eye care to
uninsured adults who are at or below 200 percent of
the federal poverty level. It is one of only a few such
programs statewide and the only free program serving
Northern Virginia. The program covers eye diseases
and disorders such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy
and glaucoma. The clinic is staffed with a bilingual
receptionist, an ophthalmic technician and a part-time,
employed ophthalmologist, and numerous specialist
physicians volunteer their time to help care for the
clinic’s patients.
The clinic receives supplementary funding from the
Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation.
The program is consistently full to capacity, and in
2015 the program increased the medical director’s
hours by 20 percent, allowing the clinic to help a
few more patients. In 2015, the clinic had 5,012
patient visits.
Inova Kellar Center – 25 Years of Meeting Needs
Northern Virginia residents have an outstanding
comprehensive behavioral health outpatient program
available to children and their families located in
Fairfax, Virginia – Inova Kellar Center. This outstanding
program, now in its 25th year, is the result of
a true partnership between Inova, philanthropy and
the community at large. Without the community’s
philanthropic support, Inova Kellar Center could not
continue to provide its excellent, evidence-based
treatment and educational services. The Center works
with all families and provides financial support in
accessing services for those families in greatest need.
Founded in 1991 by the late Art and Betty Kellar as
a response to a gap in services in our community,
Inova Kellar Center provides a full continuum of
outpatient mental health, substance use disorder
treatment services, and special education programs
for children, adolescents and their families in a
convenient family- and child-friendly setting. Families
commit to program participation and work with a
multidisciplinary team of experts to develop and
implement an individualized treatment plan designed
to support the child and family.
The three arms of Inova Kellar Center are outpatient
services (including psychological testing, ADHD
assessments, autism assessments, therapy and
medication management); clinical intervention (in-home
services, the intensive outpatient program, and the
partial hospitalization program); and the Kellar School
(a fully licensed and accredited therapeutic day school
that offers special education services for children with
an emotional, behavioral, and/or learning disability or
other health impairment).
The Kellar School opened a specialized classroom with
an applied behavior analysis (ABA) component to treat
children who are on the autism spectrum and are having
significant social interaction issues.
In 2015, Inova Kellar Center expanded the capacity
of its partial hospitalization program by 45 percent,
in response to ongoing demand for that level of
intervention. Throughout 2015, Inova Kellar Center and
School provided over 40,000 encounters to community
members throughout the metropolitan area.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 13
Inova Healthy Kids – Helping Families Fight Childhood Obesity
Nowhere is Inova’s culture of going above and beyond
to promote wellness in community programs more
evident than in ongoing program development. Rather
than putting a program in place and leaving it to do
whatever good it can do, Inova is always looking for
new avenues to explore and new ways to make
programs more effective. Inova’s fight to reduce
childhood obesity is a good example of this.
Inova Healthy Kids is a great example of continuous
improvement and innovation in action. In late 2015,
Inova launched a new program, designed to help
children and their families learn about the importance
of healthy eating and physical activity with an eye to the
unique challenges faced by families with lower incomes
and language barriers. The program was piloted with
families at the Inova Cares Clinic for Children, where
many of the children receive SNAP benefits (food
stamps). The program takes a whole-family approach.
Taking into account the time and budget constraints
common to the clinic’s working families, Inova Healthy
Kids program helps parents make healthy changes to
their families’ nutrition and physical activity habits, such
as eating more vegetables, reducing consumption of
sugary beverages, and increasing physical activity. A
registered dietitian leads the program in Spanish, and
classes focus on cooking skills, portion sizes, sugar
content, and ways to prepare vegetables that kids will like.
I Going Above and Beyond
In a separate classroom, children learn skills to help
them eat well and be physically fit throughout their
lives. The kids play games that teach healthy eating
and physical activity skills, and also get to make a
healthy snack or lunch recipe.
“Obesity can be prevented or managed, but families
need tools and education to develop better eating
habits and increase their physical activity. This
education is especially important when families face
income and language barriers,” said Kate Garsson,
Program Outreach Administrator, Population Health at
Inova. “Programs like Inova Healthy Kids will play an
integral role in helping families acquire this education.”
Inova At The Farmers Market – Snap Double Dollars
Another example of Inova promoting wellness in
innovative ways happens far from a traditional
healthcare setting: at local farmers markets.
Farmers markets are wonderful places not only to get
fresh produce, but also to get the whole family excited
about fruits, vegetables and other healthy food choices.
For families struggling to make ends meet, however,
shopping at the farmers market can feel out of reach.
Seeking a way to bring the appeal of the farmers market
to families of all income levels, Inova created its SNAP
Double Dollars program. Families who qualify for SNAP
benefits (food stamps) can use their EBT card at the
farmers market, and Inova will double their spending
power. If a family chooses 20 dollars’ worth of produce,
they will only be charged 10 dollars on their EBT card.
The other half of the cost will be paid by Inova.
At the Reston farmers market, for example, SNAP
double dollars is thriving. Volunteers at a nearby food
pantry make sure that families know about the program
so that they can benefit from it.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 15
Child Life – Delivering Smiles
Child Life Services is part of the specialized care Inova
Children’s Hospital provides to children and families.
The job of Inova Children’s Hospital’s staff of certified
child life specialists is to decrease anxiety and promote
positive coping for children and families undergoing a
medical experience.
Using their specialized knowledge and backgrounds,
child life specialists are trained to support children and
families through every step of their medical experience.
Working side-by-side with doctors, nurses and the entire
multidisciplinary team, child life specialists help prepare
children for a medical procedure by explaining what to
expect, offer support during tests and procedures, and
provide age-appropriate education to children about
their (or their sibling’s) medical condition. They also
give children an outlet by providing therapeutic play,
medical play and everyday “normalization” play. They
provide support to the whole family, including siblings
of the hospitalized child. In cases where a family loses a
child, child life specialists assist the family with memory
making tools and help parents find the words to talk
with their surviving children.
joy to children and families going through medical
experiences, throughout the year. Among our partners
and donors in 2015 are:
•Joy to the Kids
• Fairfax County Firefighters
• Fairfax County Motor Squad and
Sheriff’s Department
The Child Life Services Department is thrilled to engage
with the community on dozens of programs that support
our children and families. “One of the most powerful
things that we can do for our children is to provide
an environment of joy and positive energy – an
environment in which kids can just be kids,” said Child
Life Services Senior Program Manager Jamie Gentille,
MPH, CCLS. “We are very lucky to work with several
community partners to deliver these smiles.”
• Flashes of Hope
Inova’s Child Life Services Department would like to
thank its dedicated community partners, who bring
• Cole’s Closet
• Soaring Words
• United Airlines
• Kaps for Kids
• Ellie’s Hats
• Case for Smiles
• Ronald McDonald House Charities
Inova’s Child Life Department serves over 50,000
families a year, supporting all pediatric inpatient units,
the pediatric emergency department, diagnostic
• Washington First Bank
• E&S Media Creations
imaging, perioperative services and the FACT
• The Heino Family
department. They also consult with Inova’s neonatal
• Spirit of Halloween
intensive care unit (NICU).
• US Secret Service Children’s Charities
I Going Above and Beyond
Inova Center for Wellness and Metabolic Health – Empowering Patients
to Embrace Their Health
Another point at which the need for support and
intervention spikes is after a chronic disease diagnosis.
Individuals may be overwhelmed, fearful or in denial
about their condition and not know how to move
forward. That can certainly be the case with diabetes
and other metabolic disorders. But if patients can be
educated early on so they feel encouraged and
empowered to take care of their health, they can likely
avoid the serious complications that can result from
poor disease management.
Since its renaming and refocus in late 2014, Inova
Center for Wellness and Metabolic Health has
continued to provide a range of education and
related resources for people with diabetes and other
metabolic disorders. The program’s medical director
is a board-certified endocrinologist, supported by
a nurse practitioner. In addition to endocrinology
appointments, services include group classes as well
as individual diabetes education and medical nutrition
therapy appointments. The program is recognized by
the American Diabetes Association.
“We provide group and individual education sessions
that give people the knowledge and self-confidence
to make healthier decisions,” said Program Director
Marc Bailey. “By making decisions based in sound
knowledge, in conjunction with appropriate medical
intervention, in many instances these people may not
suffer the long term effects of chronic illness.”
In 2015, Inova Center for Wellness and Metabolic
Health provided 7, 120 patient visits, and 89 percent
of patients met their behavioral goals.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 17
HealthSource – Something for Everyone
As Inova’s community and corporate wellness
department, you may already know that HealthSource
holds corporate health events; provides a wide variety
of screenings, childbirth education, first aid/CPR,
fitness classes, and coaching services; and administers
nearly 40,000 flu and TB immunizations each year.
What you may not know is that HealthSource also
provides a range of free programming designed
around community needs.
With INTotal Health, HealthSource provides a class
called Nine Months in 90 Minutes. It covers childbirth,
breastfeeding, and baby care, just as a traditional
childbirth preparation class would, but it is offered at
no charge to Medicaid participants and targeted to
working families’ busy schedules.
Another popular group of programs that HealthSource
facilitates are the new moms’ groups. Participants
benefit from meeting with other new moms as they
adjust to life with a new baby at home. HealthSource
offers three groups across Northern Virginia that meet
I Going Above and Beyond
on different days of the week. Not only does this
increase the accessibility of the service by having
groups near more new moms in the region, it also
means that moms can participate in more than one
group if desired. The program also offers a monthly
group for new working moms that meets on weekends,
offering new moms ongoing peer support as they
transition back into the workforce.
Inova Transitional Services – Bridging the Gap between Hospital and Home
When a patient goes home from the hospital, it’s most
often a positive step. At the same time, the first 30
days after hospital discharge can be a risky time: from
adding new medications to the routine to moving
around the house safely, patients can be vulnerable.
Because unintended hospital readmission is correlated
with an array of negative patient outcomes, Inova has
developed a multi-pronged program to smooth the
transition between hospital and home.
Inova Transitional Services is a community-based
program developed to identify and bridge gaps
between illness and recovery. This model establishes
cross-setting communication and collaboration and
ensures coordination and continuity of care as patients
move from an inpatient care setting to outpatient
follow-up care. It has two components.
The first component is Inova Transitional Care
Management Program (TCM), a 30-day, telephonic
program funded primarily by Inova for traditional
Medicare/ Medicaid, Innovation Health, Aetna Medicare
Advantage, and uninsured patients with chronic
illnesses, in particular those with heart failure, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia
and heart attack.
Over a series of phone calls, TCM case managers
educate patients about their illnesses, ensure they
have a follow-up appointment with their primary care
physician, and confirm they have filled any needed
prescriptions and are taking the correct medications.
TCM case managers also provide intensive care
coordination, depression screening, advanced directive
education and community referrals for patients in need.
The second component, Inova Transitional Services
Discharge Clinic, has locations in Fairfax, Herndon and
Leesburg, with a fourth location in Alexandria planned
for 2016. Patients being discharged from an Inova
hospital who do not have a medical home or cannot
get a post-discharge appointment with their primary
care provider right away can come to the discharge
clinics for follow-up care and coordination. In 2015,
Inova Transitional Services Discharge Clinics served
almost 5,000 patients with over 9,000 encounters.
Eighty-one percent of patients seen in the clinic were
In 2015, Inova Transitional Services managed over
4,500 admissions.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 19
students’ interest in pursuing careers in healthcare or
other STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)
fields. At Inova Mount Vernon Hospital, employees team
up with West Potomac Academy for Career Day. The
hospital’s human resources staff conducts mock
interviews and coaches students on resume
development and interviewing skills.
Inova employees are heroes each day. And what do
they do when the work day (or night) is done? In many
cases, they continue to give through volunteer work and
philanthropic contribution.
One way Inova employees give back is through school
partnerships. Throughout Northern Virginia in 2015,
Inova employees donated food and school supplies to
children in need, volunteered at science fairs and school
events, held handwashing classes, taught kids about
careers in medicine, and more.
For example, through Inova’s systemwide 2015
Thanksgiving food drive supporting Braddock and
Beech Tree Elementary Schools, Inova employees
provided 140 kids with four days’ worth of food (the
food pack program) to help their families get through
the days without free or reduced-price breakfast and
lunch at school. In addition, Inova employees filled
three cars with food for families’ Thanksgiving meals.
At Inova Alexandria Hospital, employees fund the Inova
Alexandria Hospital Career Scholarship through The
Scholarship Fund of Alexandria. For the 2014-15 school
year, the scholarship awarded $3,000 (2014-2015) to a
student who graduates from TC Williams High School.
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital employees partner with Navy
Elementary School to promote healthy behaviors like
hand washing, support literacy efforts and foster
I Going Above and Beyond
For over 12 years, Inova Loudoun Hospital has partnered
with Loudoun County Public Schools to deliver the
“Books 4 Babies” program. Last year the hospital gave
out more than 2,500 packages of books to all babies
born in the Birthing Inn and Birthing Center to encourage
reading to babies. The hospital has also created a
program with the public schools and Books A Million to
have books placed books in the pediatric unit and all
three of the hospital’s emergency departments for
children and families who are visiting the ER. Families
are encouraged to take the books home. Hospital
employees distribute 500 to 1,000 books through this
program each year.
— Celia Fruchterman, LCSW, School Social Worker
Fairfax County Public Schools
“[Inova employees’ donations] provide meals and
snacks for children who may miss meals on the
weekends. You are truly making a difference for
these children. We have a small but growing
number of children and families that are living in
shelters. Providing these packs not only feeds
the children but can alleviate a huge amount of
stress on the parents.
At Braddock, we serve many children for whom
English is a second language, where their parents
are working long hours, sometimes even two
jobs, to put food on the table. Many of these
children don’t have basic needs met that many of
us might take for granted like having an extra pair
of shoes, a winter jacket, gloves, hats and other
Employee Spotlight
Name: Holly Senn, BS, CCLS III
Job title: Certified Child Life Specialist,
Child Life Practicum Coordinator, Pediatric HematologyOncology Unit, Inova Children’s Hospital
Joined Inova: 2004
As a child life specialist, Holly Senn is an expert at
going above and beyond to bring a smile to a child’s
face. As part of her work in the pediatric hematologyoncology unit at Inova Children’s Hospital, Holly visits
schools where a child has been diagnosed with cancer.
She speaks with elementary school classrooms,
whole grades, or groups of faculty to help the child’s
classmates and teachers understand what the child
has encountered, or will encounter, during treatment
and to talk with the school community about what they
can do to help the child transition back to school.
When she is not working, Holly devotes her time and
expertise in child life to organizations that help children.
She volunteers with an organization in Northern Virginia
called Special Love, which provides camps throughout
the year for kids with cancer and their families. The
organization offers weekend family camps, a week-long
camp (called Camp Fantastic) for kids going through
treatment, and week-long sibling camps.
The camps are fully medically functioning camps, with
medical leadership from the National Cancer Institute
and volunteer camp and nursing staff. Holly volunteers
as a counselor and child life specialist on-call. Whether
it’s making sure that a child receiving a chemotherapy
infusion doesn’t miss out on a special craft project or
leading activities for a group of campers, Holly gives
whatever she can to make each camp special for
children and families affected by cancer.
Holly also takes her child life skills across the world
with Operation Smile, an international medical mission
that treats children with cleft lip or cleft palate
deformities. She helps prepare children for surgery,
helping decrease their anxiety and normalize the
medical situation. She has traveled to Morocco, Kenya,
Egypt, India, Honduras, Cambodia and, most recently,
the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 21
The Fuel That Propels Us Above and Beyond
The programs profiled in this report run the gamut,
touching each hospital, populations young and old, ill
and well, with needs and challenges as diverse as they
are. But there is a common thread that runs through
each of them: without the community’s support, these
programs would not be able to soar above and beyond.
We often say that philanthropy provides the “margin of
excellence” in Inova patient care delivery and research
endeavors. It’s equally true to say that philanthropy
provides the margin of excellence in programs and
services that offer community benefit. Community
contributions allow Inova to create these innovative
programs that reach into the community and give what
the community needs, where it will have the greatest
We pledge our enduring commitment to provide
programs and services that benefit the community we
serve and to care for the region’s residents in ways
I Going Above and Beyond
large and small. We hope you will join us. Working
together, we can continue to go above and beyond the
horizon, toward the future of health.
As we present the 2015 Honor Roll of Donors, we are grateful for all those who have made a gift to
Inova, including those who chose to contribute anonymously or through a variety of campaigns in
support of Inova. Your philanthropic support helps Inova provide affordable healthcare to all in our
community. Thank you.
Gifts of $2,500 and above are listed here. For a list of donors who made contributions of $100$2,499, please visit inova.org/foundation.
Individual Lifetime
Cumulative Giving of $1,000,000+
Cumulative Giving of $1,000,000+
Based on pledges and cash gifts as of December 31, 2015
Based on pledges and cash gifts as of December 31, 2015
Mr.* and Mrs. Guy E. Beatty
Col. And Mrs.* George H.C. Berger, USAF (Ret.)
Suzanne S. Brock
Mr. Stephen M. Cumbie and Dr. Druscilla French
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dabbiere
Hazel B. Douglass*
Dr.* and Mrs. Bernard J. Dunn
Jean and Ric Edelman
Betty and Charles Ewing
Thomas J. and Susan Fannon*
Anne S. Frazer
Elaine M. Hartman*
Robert G. Hisaoka
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hitt
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert N. Hoffman, Sr.*
Anne Beverly and Freeman E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kellar*
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moore
Marjorie and Philip Odeen
Lauren Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson
Helen P. Rumbel*
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schar
Haseltine Shockey*
Dr. and Mrs.* William C. Silberman
John and Nina Toups
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Veatch
Joe Viar and Bonnie Christ
Mike and Teresa Wheeler
Auxiliary of Inova Fairfax Medical Campus
Avon Foundation
Clark Construction Group, LLC
The Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
The Ewing Family Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Fairfax Neonatal Associates, P.C.
Fairfax Radiological Consultants, P.C.
The Jack A. Gertz Charitable Trust
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Inova Alexandria Hospital Board of Lady Managers
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital Auxiliary
Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Auxiliary
Inova Reston MRI Center, LLC
Kellar Family Foundation
The Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital
Lansdowne Town Center, LLC
Anne Beverly McCormack Foundation
The Peterson Family Foundation
Turner Construction Company
The Twig
Virginia Health Care Foundation
Virginia Run Turkey Trot
Wilmot/Sanz, Incorporated
* Deceased
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 23
Individual Honor Roll
Distinguished Humanitarian
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veatch
Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Walters
Caryl S. Byrnes
Edith Elizabeth Beh
Col. George H. C. Berger, USAF, Ret.
Ruchi Garg, MD
Karen Cogar and Daniel R. Abramson
Capt. and Mrs. David J. McMunn, USN (Ret.)
Marjorie R. Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Saville
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Ahrendts
James Thompson, MD
Martin V. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schar
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Bojarski
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Britt
Lauren Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blackburn, Jr.
Dr. A. Whitney Brown and Mr. Richard T.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Burchard
Distinguished Leader
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Bleiler
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Cheek
Diane and Mark B. Brumbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Christiansen
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dabbiere
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carosi III
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Croan
Robert G. Hisaoka
Richard R. Carpenter
Anna Di Perna
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moore
Danae and Eric Delman
Jane L. Donaghy*
Mr. and Mrs. Windsor W. Demaine III
Robert Duff
Melissa M. Denkler
Robert S. Elgin
Mr. and Mrs. John F. DePodesta
Michael and Lisa Ellis
Julie A. Bell*
Joan Huffer and Robert Dugger
Suzanne G. Fedder
David and Amy Bosserman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Everest, Jr.
David G. Fiske
Suzanne S. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fitton
Mark Franke, MD
Natalie and Wes Bush
Mr. Charles and Dr. Barbara Friedman
Stephen R. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chandler
Michael Kevin Green*
Mr. and Mrs. George Z. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hadeed
Jean Ann Gililland
Thomas A. DePasquale and Rafik Djida
Eleanor C. Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Karlgaard
Capt. and Mrs. Lennart G. Holmberg, USN,
Jean and Ric Edelman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kimberly
Willard G. Estridge*
Charlene M. Krohn
Betty and Charles Ewing
Dr. William Johnston Mallory Memorial Fund
Deborah Anne Fletcher*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Naughton
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Goodrum
Philip O. Nolan
Paul, Susan, Meredith and Joanna Harris
Helen LeReche*
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicklaus
Lois Marie Patterson*
Raj and Bharti Shah
John and Nina Toups
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Veatch
Mike and Teresa Wheeler
Distinguished Ambassador
Mrs. Francis M. Becker, Jr.
Cindy and Rick Chambers
Steve and Liz Frederickson
Barbara* and Evan Hineman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Nader III
The Norton Family
Edwin A. Sheridan IV
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Stafford, Sr
I Going Above and Beyond
Fred and Cathy Sachs
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sawyer
Fredrick and Karen Schaufeld
Bob and Caroline Schellhas
John R. Scoggin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Scott
Mr. and Mrs.* Wayne V. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sides, Sr.
Knox Singleton and Tracy Fitzsimmons
Charles Henry Smith
Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Stauder
Virginia F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thorne
Jim and Sharon Todd
Donald L. Trump, MD and Kristina E. Debye,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jacquemin
Brian and Lisa Karlisch
Mary Kellar
Fred * and Annette Kerlin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lafsky
Linda and Buford Lewis
Shaula E. Massena
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mazzucchelli
Neschla D. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. McCallister
Harriett G. McCune
Rebecca and James McDermott
Glenn G. McDonald
Shirley M. McKinley
Peggy McLeland
Donna S. Morea
Seema and Shuja Nawaz
Marjorie and Philip Odeen
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Peterson
David R. Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Otis R. Pool
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Portera
Alexander F. Post, MD and Lauren M.
Post, MD
Nicholas S. Purcell Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gideon
Lydia W. Thomas, PhD
Debbie and Keith Rieger
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger Gililland
Ronald and Karen Thomas
Richard Rosen
Sammi Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Titus, Jr., P.E.
Marilou Serafin MacDonnell
Owen and Barbara Greenblatt
Christine M. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Simpson, Sr.
Lois Boteler Hanmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tunison
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Harwood, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Von Canon, Jr.
Peter Smolka*
Patrick Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs.* Peter A. Wentz
Charles Speacht
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Hope, MD
Martha Wiedemann
Scott Spector
Mrs. Barbara A. Jacobik
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Williams
Carole E. Steele
Robert and Joan Jordan
Robert Y. Tsien
Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Keller
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Vosbeck
Christopher S. King, MD
Corinne Winburn
Elizabeth Kovalak
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Wozny
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Levingston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Wynne
Michael Lindsay
Nita N. Zalavadia
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Lowers
Individual Gift-in-Kind
Deborah You
Scott MacDonald
Brian J. MacDonnell
Sanjay Magoon and Namita Magoon
Shahzad Ahmad, MD
Virginia Cretella Mars
Brett Lawrence and Laura Cerruti
Shaza L. Andersen
Dr. and Mrs. David V. Mastran
Linda C. Anderson
John E. McEnearney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Batal
Jennifer L. McGihon
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bekenstein
Maj. Gen. Peter M. McVey, USA (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Belcher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mercer
Dr. and Mrs. Alan E. Benheim
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis I. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bennett
Deborah Micocci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Burdette, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. John Miklos
Randall W. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor O. Chess
Dean F. Morehouse
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Cochran
Drew M. Mucci
Deborah Corbatto
The Muha Family
Margaret A. Cornett
Mary Lynne Myers
Carole F. Curtis
Steven D. Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Czajkowski
Katherine L. Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Danisewicz
Francis B. Paca
Christine Delucchi
Patricia A. Page
William D. Dolan III
Frank and Allison Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Duenkel
Sanjay Patel
Cathie G. Eitelberg
Phoebe Peterson
Arlene E. Evans-Dewberry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Presley
Shakhida Askarova
Dr. Richard L. Faircloth and Mr. Alan M.
Vani Putalapattu
Nikolas Damalas
Dr. H. David Reines and Ms. Nina Totenberg
Jeannine James
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ferrill
Mr. and Mrs. Aldelmo Ruiz
Sam Lombardi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fiolek
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Seager
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson
Guy C. Fogleman and Jenny S. Kishiyama
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Shaw
Lauren Peterson
Howard J. Forman
Patti and John Sinnen
Stephanie Rintye
Col. and Mrs. William J. Foster, USAF, (Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Slocum
Lawrence R. Fouchs
Lon and Lindsley Smith
Nancy J. Fouchs
LeRoy Stewart
Gerard T. Gabrys
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Stottlemyer
Josie M. Geiger
Lynne J. Strobel
Merdod Ghafouri and Laleh Jalali
Bruce H. Thomas
Mrs. Valerie T. Hall
Chad L. MacDonald
Dean F. Morehouse
Dr. and Mrs. Farooq Akbar
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Clineburg
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cochones
Ronald DeCesare, Jr.
Dr. H. David Reines and Ms. Nina Totenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wertzberger
* Deceased
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 25
Honor Roll
RMF Engineering, Inc.
Bank of America Corp.
Scott - Long Construction, Inc.
The Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation
The Tell Me Town Foundation
Child Cardiology Associates, P.C.
United Healthcare of the Mid-Atlantic
The Donohoe Companies, Inc.
Ada and Albert Wibel Foundation
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Fairfax Radiological Consultants, PC
Fairfax Neonatal Associates, P.C.
Innovation Health Plan, Inc.
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Lara’s League
Auxiliary of Inova Fairfax Medical Campus
MEDNAX Services, Inc.
100 Women Who Care Northern Virginia
The Peterson Family Foundation
Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation
The Twig
Riyo International Corp.
Alva Aerie No. 871
SunTrust Foundation
U.S. Secret Service Children’s Charities
Architecture, Inc.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Association of Alexandria Radiologists
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Washington Gas
Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Co.
Wilmot/Sanz, Incorporated
Capital Area Pediatrics, Inc.
Distinguished Leader
Edward N. and Della L. Thome Foundation
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital Auxiliary
Carney Foundation
Cherry Fund
Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation, Inc.
ACT for Alexandria
Douglas Development Corp.
Alexandria Toyota, Inc.
DPR Construction Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
A. J. Dwoskin & Associates, Inc.
Elite Document Solutions LLC
Ayco Charitable Foundation
ePlus Group, Inc.
The Blackburn Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Blankingship & Keith P.C.
Farrish Subaru
BRG Communications, Inc.
The Fuller Foundation
Inova Alexandria Hospital Board of Lady
Buck & Associates, Inc.
Gastrointestinal Medicine Associates, P.C
Champion Way Foundation, Inc.
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Auxiliary
Clifton Lions Club
Gobel Group
The JCM Foundation
Delman-Mortenson Charitable Foundation
Hannon Armstrong
The Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital
HITT Contracting, Inc.
Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation
E&S Media Creations LLC
ImpactAssets, Inc.
Thorney Point Foundation
Integro Insurance Brokers
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
The France Foundation
Integrus Holdings, Inc.
Virginia Emergency Medicine Associates at
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
The Jacquemin Family Foundation, Inc.
Gregory M. Denkler Memorial Fund
James Madison H. S. Honor Society
Hadeed Carpet
Kelley Thoden Memorial Fund Inc.
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital Medical Staff
Linda M. Lewis and William Buford Lewis
Family Foundation
Kellar Family Foundation
Cardinal Bank
The Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
Community Foundation for Northern Virginia
The Ewing Family Foundation
Foundation for the Catholic Diocese of
Arlington, Inc.
Distinguished Ambassador
Joey C Foundation
BB&T Company
March of Dimes
The Maggie Foundation for the Premature &
Pulmonary Patient
Medline Industries, Inc.
NAPA, Mid-Atlantic Division
National Philanthropic Trust
Spirit of Children Program
Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation
Virginia Run Turkey Trot
Washington First Bank
Middleburg Financial Corporation
Morrissette Family Foundation
Mount Vernon Athletic Club
Ourisman Chantilly Toyota
Owens & Minor
Peachtree House Foundation, Inc.
Potomac West Management, LLC
Radiation Oncology Associates, P.C.
I Going Above and Beyond
LHC Medical Staff
ManTech International Corporation
Marble Mountain OC, LLC
The Mars Foundation
Medical Oncology & Hematology Associate of
Northern VA, Ltd.
Michael & Son Services
Network for Good
N.E.W. Charitable Foundation
Northwest Federal Credit Union Foundation
PNC Bank
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
Raymond James and Associates, Inc.
Noblis, Inc.
Bradford Portraits
Reed Smith, LLP
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative
Camp Twin Creeks
The Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation
Olin Family Foundation, Inc.
Cole’s Closet
Seagears Family Foundation
Pender Pet Caring Foundation
Inova VIP 360-Dr. Craig Cheifetz
Subaru of America Inc.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Events Inc
Kramer Portraits
TTR Sotheby’s International Realty
RKH Consulting LLC
Middleburg Film Festival
TX-Texas Oncology, P.A.
Robinson Secondary School Marketing
Program DECA
PetSmart - East Fairfax
United Bank
United One Resources, Inc.
Valcourt Building Services, LC
The Virginia Fall Races
WCIS Consulting
Rotary Club of Vienna Foundation
Saks, Incorporated
Seavest, Inc.
Service Distributing Inc.
SunTrust Bank
Van Metre Financial Management, LLC
Vienna Youth Soccer, Inc.
VSC Fire & Security
Wall Foundation
Ammon Heisler Sachs Architects
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.
Aronson Foundation
Young Hearts
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Bungalow
CGI Technologies and Solutions, Inc.
Organization Gift-in-Kind
PetSmart - Springfield
Barnes & Noble - Potomac Yards
Cliffhanger, LLC
FBI - Critical Incident Response Group - BAU
Inova VIP 360 Concierge Services
Jeff Lubin Portrait Photography Studio
Mission Essential Personnel
Ourisman Fairfax Toyota
Ourisman Toyota
The Peterson Companies
The Peterson Family Foundation
PetSmart - Dulles Landing
Reston Limousine
Silver Eagle Group
Cooper Quincy, LLC
American Girl
The Mirage
Dominion Mechanical
Elite Island Resorts
Tiger Woods Foundation, Inc.
The Edelman Financial Planners
Troop 5576
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fairfax Hyundai Inc.
Lindsay Lexus of Alexandria
MTM Builder/Developer, Inc.
Charity Golf International
Cohn & Reznick
Frank & Company, P.C.
Fraternal Order of Police Fairfax Lodge 77
Windows Catering Company
Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Greenbriar OB-Gyn, PC
Guest Services, Inc.
Highland Associates, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
Imperial Court of Washington DC
Iron Mountain
L. F. Jennings, Inc.
KVB, Incorporated
Thank you again for your generous donations to
Inova Health Foundation.
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of donor names in this
publication. If we have made an error in spelling, listing or omitting
your name, please contact Inova Health Foundation at 703.289.2072 or
email us at foundation@inova.org.
Lake Braddock Athletic Booster Club
Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.
Macy’s / Bloomingdale’s
Main Street Bank
McCaffery Interests, Inc.
McEnearney Associates, Inc.
Meisel Holding LLC
Inova 2015
2014 I Report to the Community I 27
Inova Health System
Inova Health Care Services
Inova Loudoun Hospital
J. Knox Singleton
J. Knox Singleton
J. Knox Singleton
Mark Stauder
Charles Smith
Elizabeth Casey Halley
Nicholas Carosi
Vice Chair
Jack Ebeler
Vice Chair
Christine Brennan
Chair Elect
Tony Nader
Richard Magenheimer
Richard Magenheimer
Lydia Thomas, PhD
Charles Beard
Daphne Thomas, MD
Assistant Treasurer
Richard Magenheimer
Assistant Secretary
John Gaul
Assistant Secretary
H. Patrick Walters
Glenna Andersen, MD
Charles Beard
John Cook
Hugo Davalos, MD (MAC Chair)
Jack Ebeler
Elizabeth Casey Halley, RN
Hooks Johnston
Robert Lafsky, MD
PJ Maddox, PhD
Mark Moore
Pradeep Nayak, MD
Phil Nolan
J. Knox Singleton
Charles Smith
Mark Stavish
Keith Sterling, MD
John Symington, MD
Robert Tsien
Christine Brennan
Miles Davis
Loring Flint, MD
Steven Frederickson
Virginia Hackenberg, MD
Elizabeth Casey Halley
Scott Hamberger
Pamela Jeffries
Juanita Koilpillai
Robert Lafsky, MD
Tanya Matthews
Denis McFarlane
Becky Ottinger
Mark Stauder
Joanne Theurich
Daphne Thomas, MD
H. Patrick Walters
Michael Wheeler
John Wood
Lydia Thomas, PhD
Assistant Secretary
John Gaul
Wesley Bush
Nicholas Carosi, III
Alan Dabbiere
Jack Ebeler
Penny Gross
Kate Hanley
Paul Harbolick, Jr.
Sudhakar Kesavan
Mark Moore
Donna Morea
Tony Nader
Paul Saville
J. Knox Singleton
Charles Smith
Mark Stavish
Lydia Thomas, PhD
Joe Travez
I Going
Title ofAbove
the Report
and Beyond
Goes Here
Inova Alexandria Hospital
Anthony Burchard
Joseph F. Viar, Jr.
Vice Chair
Donnan C. Wintermute
Suzanne S. Brock
Kathy B. Hirsch
Assistant Secretary
John Gaul
Daniel R. Abramson
Barbara J. Becker
George H. C. Berger
Suzanne S. Brock
Martin H. Brown, MD
E. Hunt Burke
Gincy O. Carosi
Diane C. DePodesta
Robert H. Dugger
William D. Euille
Alessandro Ghidini, MD
Joe Hadeed
Mitchell S. Hailey
Val P. Hawkins
Kathy B. Hirsch
John Kling, DDS
Christopher T. Lindsay
Elizabeth H. Micklem
Seema Nawaz
Frederick W. Sachs, Jr.
Charles (Steve) Shaw
Dean C. Shaw
Donald Simpson, Jr.
Lauren Stack
Keith Sterling, MD
Jeffrey Veatch
Joseph F. Viar, Jr.
Donnan C. Wintermute
President of Foundation –
Anthony Burchard
Executive Director of Foundation –
Judy Bilicki
CEO, Inova Alexandria Hospital –
Susan Carroll
CFO, Inova Alexandria Hospital –
Ricardo Talento
Inova Health Foundation
Alan Dabbiere
Skip Coston
Chuck Ewing
Catherine Reynolds
Jim Lafond
John Toups
Vice Chair Medicine
Zobair Younossi, MD
Casey Box
Anthony Burchard
Natalie Bush
Nicholas Carosi, III
Craig Cheifetz, MD
Maria Clarke
Alan Dabbiere
Sid Dewberry
Martha “Marty’ Dudley
Jean Edelman
Mark Ein
Maureen Finnerty
Mark Franke, MD
Steven Frederickson
George Z. Galloway
Ali Ganjei, MD
Annette L. Kerlin
Al Khoury, MD
Gerald L. Kohlenberger
Mark C. Lowham
Brian J. MacDonnell
Gary Mather
Terry McCallister
James McNeil
Brenda Moore
Dean F. Morehouse
Anthony P. Nader
Gary Nakamoto
Marge Odeen
John P. Oswald
Carolyn S. Peterson
Lauren Peterson
Lola Reinsch
F. Kevin Reynolds
George R. Salem
Sam Schreiber
John B. Scott
J. Knox Singleton
Evelyn M. Strauch
Maureen Swick
Joseph F. Viar, Jr.
Zobair Younossi, MD
Inova Loudoun Hospital
H. Patrick Walters, CEO, ILH
Steven J. Frederickson
Vice Chair
David Bosserman
David Updegrave
Assistant Treasurer
Bill Bane, CFO, ILH
Teresa Wheeler
Assistant Secretary
John Gaul, IHS Legal Counsel
Jane Allen, MD
Cricket Bedford
David Bosserman
Kristina Bouweiri
Steven J. Frederickson
David Kersey
Ali Moshifar, MD
Edward Puccio, MD
David Updegrove
Sharon Virts
Teresa Wheeler
Bill Bane, CFO, ILH
Becky Ottinger, Ladies Board
H. Patrick Walters, CEO, ILH
2015 I I Report
the Community I 29
1. Inova Alexandria Hospital
2. Inova Children’s Hospital
2. Inova Fairfax Hospital
2. Inova Heart and Vascular Institute
3. Inova Fair Oaks Hospital
4. Inova Loudoun Hospital
5. Inova Mount Vernon Hospital
18. Inova Medical Pavilion – Dulles South
50. Inova Medical Pavilion – Mark Center
58. Inova HealthPlex – Ashburn
19. Inova HealthPlex – Franconia/Springfield
15. Inova HealthPlex – Lorton
69. Inova Emergency Care Center – Ashburn
13. Inova Emergency Care Centers – Fairfax
19. Inova Emergency Care Centers – Franconia/Springfield
70. Inova Emergency Care Center – Lansdowne
42. Inova Emergency Care Center – Leesburg
15. Inova Emergency Care Center – Lorton
16. Inova Emergency Care Center – Reston/Herndon
71. Inova Urgent Care Center – North Arlington
7. Inova Urgent Care Center – Ballston
26. Inova Urgent Care Center – Centreville
18. Inova Urgent Care Center – Dulles South
72. Inova Urgent Care Center – Dunn Loring
73. Inova Urgent Care Center – Manassas
23. Inova Urgent Care Center – Purcellville
59. Inova Urgent Care Center – South Arlington
74. Inova Urgent Care Center – Tysons
27. Inova Urgent Care Center – Vienna
75. Inova Urgent Care Center – West Springfield
38. Inova Urgent Care Center – Woodbridge
3. Inova Northern Virginia Surgery Center – Fair Oaks
19. Inova Franconia Springfield Ambulatory Surgery Center
4. Inova Loudoun Ambulatory Surgery Center
6. Inova Alexandria Occupational Health Center – Alexandria
60. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Alexandria
61. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Ballston
7. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Fairfax
62. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Leesburg
8. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Loudoun
9. Inova Behavioral Health Services – Mount Vernon
10. Inova Blood Donor Services – Centreville
11. Inova Blood Donor Services – Sterling
22. Inova Blood Donor Services – Annandale
12. InovaCares Clinic for Women and Children – Falls Church
24. InovaCares Clinic for Women – Herndon
25. InovaCares Clinic for Women – Alexandria
14. Inova Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services
20. Inova Diabetes Center – Fairfax
3. Inova Diabetes Center – Fair Oaks
4. Inova Diabetes Center – Loudoun
20. Inova HealthSource
I Going Above and Beyond
17. 3.
Inova Juniper Program – Dumfries
Inova Juniper Program – Fairfax
Inova Juniper Program – Falls Church
Inova Juniper Program – Herndon
Inova Juniper Program – Leesburg
Inova Juniper Program – Manassas
Inova Juniper Program – Mount Vernon
Inova Kellar Center
Inova Loudoun Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Alexandria (IAH)
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Ashburn
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Ballston
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Centreville
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Dulles South
Inova Physical Therapy Center - Fairfax (IFH)
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Fairfax
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Fair Oaks
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Franconia/Springfield
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Landsdowne
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Leesburg
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Mount Vernon
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Springfield
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Tysons/Vienna
Inova Physical Therapy Center – Woodbridge
Inova Life with Cancer®
Inova VIP 360º Program
Inova VNA Home Health
30.Inova Primary Care – Annandale
46.Inova Primary Care – Ashburn
31.Inova Primary Care – Ballston
64.Inova Primary Care – Burke
32.Inova Primary Care – Centreville
43.Inova Primary Care – Chantilly
51.Inova Primary Care – Dulles South
55.Inova Primary Care – Dunn Loring (Merrifield)
52.Inova Primary Care – Fairfax
45.Inova Primary Care – Falls Church
49.Inova Primary Care – Gainesville
58. Inova Primary Care – HealthPlex Ashburn
53.Inova Primary Care – Lake Ridge
Inova Primary Care – Leesburg
65.Inova Primary Care – Lorton
44.Inova Primary Care – Mark Center
48. Inova Primary Care – McLean
54.Inova Primary Care – Mount Vernon
56.Inova Primary Care – Oakton
47.Inova Primary Care – Old Town
66.Inova Primary Care – Purcellville
57.Inova Primary Care – Reston
77.Inova Primary Care – Shirlington
19.Inova Primary Care – Springfield
Inova Primary Care – Sterling
Inova Primary Care – Tysons
67.Inova Primary Care – Vienna
ac R.
Loudoun County
58 3
2 24
41 5
Oakton 566
Manassass Park
79 74
9 50
i f Count
n and
Prince William
a County
60 4
F nconia
5 54
Mount Vernon
Dale City
Washington D.C.
Lake Ridge
College Park
2 71 7 31
0 59 4
0 55
Silver Spring
Fa s Church
ax 177
0 32
Inova 2015 I Report to the Community I 31
8110 Gatehouse Rd.
Falls Church, VA 22042
PERMIT #2469