NOTTAGES Restaurant
NOTTAGES Restaurant
Goleen & District Community Council Private LOTTO Draw Numbers Drawn: 1, 20, 30. No Winner of Jackpot. €40: Alison O’Sullivan. Crookhaven €20 each: Jack O’Donoghoe, Sonny O’Driscoll, Vera & Elvira O’Sullivan, Schull. Seller’s Prize: O’Sullivan’s Bar This Week’s Venue: O’Sullivan’s Bar Jackpot €1300 Lotto tickets available from Caroline Sheehan 086-864-2647 or Denis O’Neill 086-821-3441 If You’re not in, You can’t win! Buy your tickets for a chance! All monies made from the LOTTO go back into the Community through Community Projects throughout the village and surrounding areas. Mass Times: Monday & Friday: Schull 9am. Tuesday & Thursday: Goleen 9am. Wednesday: Ballydehob 10am. Saturday: Lowertown 8pm. Sunday: Ballydehob 9.30am, Schull 10.30am, Goleen 12 noon. Church of Ireland Services: Sunday: Schull 10am, Toormore 11.30am, Ballydehob:11.30am. Parish Assembly Notice - There will be "An Hour with Our Lady" in St Mary's Church, Schull on Sunday 10th May at 5.00pm. Another will also take place in St Bridget's Church in Ballydehob on Sunday 24th at 5.00pm. These will be an hour of prayer, reflection and song and all are welcome. On Sunday 17th of May, the Sunday 10.30am Mass in Schull will be for all students doing exams. You are invited to come and pray. A special candle will be lit and the exam prayer will be recited. Scoil Mhuire National School - Butter Road Walk Sunday 10th May Assemble at Schull Parish Hall from 1.30pm onwards Park in church car park Free bus pick up to Start Point Bus pick up again at end Point and return to Schull Hall Enjoy food & refreshments back in Schull Hall Walk begins at 2.30pm Fee: €5 euro per person or €20 per family (4 or more) *Please leave your dog at home on this day as there may be a number of small children taking part in the walk* All funds raised while walking this beautiful and historic route are in aid of Scoil Mhuire National School Building Fund NOTTAGES Restaurant OPEN THURSDAY 7TH TO SUNDAY 10TH ASIAN NIGHT - THURSDAY 7TH MAY For Bookings call 085-713-0759 or email Find us on Facebook GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER SERVING THE MIZEN PENINSULA VOL: 8 WEEK 19 MAY 07 2015 Published every Thursday. CYCLE AGAINST SUICIDE RECEIVES GREAT WELCOME IN THE MIZEN The Cycle Against Suicide visited the Mizen Peninsula for the first time ever on its way to the iconic Mizen Head. Hundreds of cyclists took part on Tuesday last and it was great to see such support shown by the public in the Mizen as they came out to greet them. They left Bantry at 9.30 sharp, making their way to the Mizen via Durrus, sticking very close to their expected arrival time in Goleen Community Centre, where the plan to take a ten minute well deserved break turned into an hour, as many of the cyclists were exhausted, wet and cold as bad showers of rain between Bantry and Goleen had taken their toll. The refreshments served went down a treat as the cyclists once again gathered their gear and headed to the Mizen. Many on their arrival were mesmerised by the beauty of Mizen Head Signal Station. They then did a quick turn around and all cyclists headed back to Schull via the Causeway to the Crook road where a big crowd had gathered. The Cycle Against Suicide team was founded by Jim Breen in 2012. It is a voluntary organisation that aims to empower people to seek help when they need it through the promotion of their core message that 'it's ok not to feel ok and it's absolutely ok to ask for help.' They spoke to the students and visitors in Schull Community College to direct people in need to where this critical help is available both locally and nationally across the island of Ireland; they partner with local mental health organisations in each community. Their aim is to break the stigma associated with the open discussion of mental health and well- being. Cycle Against Suicide encourages people to seek help and empower communities to work together to ensure those in need get the appropriate help in time. Cycle Against Suicide assists mental health organisations in promoting positive mental health and ensuring that people are aware that help is available locally and they know how to get that help. Together, shoulder to shoulder, we can break the cycle of suicide on the island of Ireland. After some time with the students and with a huge abundance of food for the cyclists, they once again took off on another leg of the Journey and onto Skibbereen where a huge welcome awaited. Thanks to all for coming along and supporting the team of volunteers on this incredible journey. On Sunday next May 10th Scoil Mhuire National School will be walking the Butter Road Walk.. Anyone interested in doing the walk please assemble at the Schull Parish Hall at 1.30pm onwards. Free bus will be provided from the pick up and end point. Walk begins at 2.30pm costing €5 per person and €20 for a family. Food and refreshments will be served after the walk, which is in aid of the Schull National School building fund. MC GDCC SCHOOL FUNDRAISER Mizen Rovers Mizen Rovers main fundraiser, the '120 Club Draw' is back again this year. There will be 5 monthly draws, with €500 to be handed out in prizes each month. Tickets can be purchased from any officer of the club. Cúl Camp 2015 - This year Cúl Camp will take place from Monday 27th - Friday 31st July. To book your place by contacting Tim Sheehan on 086-738-9567or book online at Mary Hayes PRO Events Calendar - inclusion free. All items to be in by Tues evening. Email May 07 Bingo in Goleen Parish Hall at 9pm. All welcome. May 08 Weekly 35 Card Drive in the Lobster Pot. Proceeds to Mizen AFC. May 09 Sponsored Walk from Barleycove to Crookhaven at 2pm May 09 GDCC LOTTO Draw - O’Sullivan’s Bar Jackpot €1300 May 10 GDCC Bingo in the Community Centre at 2.30pm May 10 Scoil Mhuire Butter Road Walk in aid of the Building Fund. May 10 "An Hour with Our Lady" in St Mary's Church, Schull at 5pm May 17 Special Mass for Students doing Exams. St. Mary’s Schull at 10.30am Weekly Events, Amenities and Attractions in the Locality A big “Thank You” from Schull Regatta to all who supported our bingo last Sunday. Our next fundraiser will be our flag day on Saturday 6th June. If anyone would like to stand in for an hour, please contact Ellen Logan on 085-107-8910. Míle buíochas. Goleen Community Playgroup would like to thank everyone who helped to make the cards night in O'Meara's such a success. We raised €386 towards the new fence and pathway up to the park, surgery etc. Thank you to all the card players. We hope you had fun as always! We would particularly like to thank Caroline for organising the night for us, Teddy for running everything and Mary for her great job on the raffle! Thank you all so much. Eileen Cifone Sponsored Walk - Walk from boardwalk car park in Barleycove to Crookhaven, next Saturday 9th May 2015 at 2pm.This sponsored walk is to help towards table tennis travel costs for Niall O`Driscoll. Orlaith O`Driscoll. GDCC Newsletter - Your contributions can be submitted by email to or you can drop them into the Community Centre on a Monday. Alternatively contact Caroline by phone or text on 086-259-3877 to arrange. Please remember to include your contact details & we will endeavour to include your article. To Book Your Adverts - email for rates GDCC does not take responsibility for articles and opinions published. Newsletter Editors Sue 028-35225 Michael Website: Charity Shop Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, & Sat 11am - 2pm The Heron’s Cove Restaurant Open nightly from 7pm. Book now! 028-35225 Goleen & District Community Social Centre - Every Mon 11am-4pm Lunch 1pm (except Bank Holiday Mon will be the following day-Tues). Book Meals by 11am the previous Sat. Contact: Maureen O’Callaghan 086-330-0262 Goleen Community Centre - Contact 086-272-5506 to rent the Centre. Goleen Community Playgroup - Open Mon-Fri for preschool. Call 028-35927 or 083-149-0260 Fit Kids for Goleen Mondays 3.15 - 4.30pm in the Community Centre Goleen Afterschool Club Cooking, Irish Dancing, Art & Crafts. Call 028 -35927 or 083-149-0260 Boxercise Fitness Mondays 8-9pm Schull Village Hall. All ages. Gaisce participants welcome. 086-240-4709 Schull Junior Running Group Tuesdays 3.30 - 4.30pm at tennis courts. Age 7 upwards. Contact 086-240-4709 Céili Classes Tuesdays in Goleen Parish Hall at 9.15pm. Including Waltzes, Quicksteps, Foxtrots. All welcome. Morning Outdoor Fitness Wednesdays after school drop off 09.30 - 10.30. at Schull tennis courts. 086-240-4709 Schull Parent & Toddler Group Wednesdays 10am -12noon in Parish Hall. All welcome. €3 per Family. Salsa Dancing Wednesdays 8.30pm in Newman's, Schull. Everyone Welcome. Acapellabella Community Choir Thursdays 8pm upstairs at Rosie's, Ballydehob phone Caz 083-142-5599 Derryconnell Civic Amenity Centre - Open Tues & Thurs 9am - 12.30pm & 1.30 - 4.30pm. Sat 9am - 1pm AIB Mobile Community Bank: Every Mon, Thurs & Fri - Ballydehob - 9.30am to 10.30am. Schull - 10.45am to 12.30pm & 1.30pm-3.30pm. ATM in Schull outside Brosnan’s Eurospar. Schull Office Skibbereen CU: Tues & Fri 9.30am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 5pm. Sat 9.30am - 1pm. 028-28666 Schull Library - Tues to Fri 2.30 - 5.30pm. Weds 9.30am - 1pm & 2 - 5.30pm. Sat 9.30am - 1.30pm. 028-28290 Bus Time Tables: Goleen - Cork: Mon - Sat 07.50 & 17.30 Sun 16.15; Schull - Cork: Mon - Sat 12.40; Cork Schull: Mon - Sat 09.30; Cork - Goleen: Mon - Sat 13.00 Change at Skibbereen 16.05 & 16.30 Change at Skibbereen 18.20; Sun 11.30. Rural Transport & Cancer Connect - 027-52727 Mob 087-122-4404 Mizen Head Signal Station Open daily 10.30am - 5pm 028-35115/35225. Mizen Information & e-Centre Goleen. Coffee, Wifi, Hot desks, Gifts, Chat. Open daily 10.30am -5pm 028-35000 Important Contacts Goleen First Responder/ Defibrillator Group Number 083-146-6605 Coast Guard /Emergency Services 112 or 999 Garda Emergency Number 027-20860 GARDA Text Alert scheme in Crookhaven and Mizen area (ChARGE) Text 083-159-8889 Mizen Medical Practice - all enquiries & appointments call 028-28311 or for Out of Hours Service call SouthDoc 1850-335-999 Classified Wanted Part time kitchen & floor staff for busy seasonal cafe at Three Castle Head Farm. Must have experience in hospitality sector. Cafe due to open in mid June. Applicants can apply with C.V. by post to; Three Castle Head Cafe, Dunlough, Goleen, Cork, or send C.V. by email CYCLE AGAINST SUICIDE - GOLEEN 5TH MAY 2015 CYCLE AGAINST SUICIDE - GOLEEN & THE MIZEN 5TH MAY 2015 The Cycle passing through Goleen Village, heading to Mizen Head. Refreshments for the cyclists in Goleen Community Centre main hall The Cycle Against Suicide arrives at Mizen Head. Some of the cyclists meeting up with our local social group Posted on Goleen Village Facebook page by Jackie Dornan Goleen done great, thanks everyone, all discussions on cycle praising the welcome & best cuppa tea ever!! Welcome break on a very cold, rainy & hailstorm cycle over from Bantry! & then they hit Goleen & sun shone all the way to Mizen & onto Schull! BARLEY COVE Beach Hotel 028-35874 Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday & every weekend in May Food served all day Pick & Mix from our range of services to suit your pocket! Cheaper than any of our competitors CONTACT JOHNNY 086-866-9564 Bingo Mania - For all you Bingo followers, there will be Bingo held in the Goleen Community Centre on this Sunday at 2.30pm. There promises to be a great evening of entertainment with prizes galore. Refreshments will be served. Buses are available from Ballydehob & Schull departure at 1.30pm. For further information on the bus times, please ring Tom on 086-272-5506. Muddy Paws Dog Grooming Washing, clipping, de-shedding, de-matting All breeds & any temperament welcome Contact Marion Lannin, Gubbeen 028-28013 or 086-771-9345 Open everyday 12.30 to 9pm (Closed Tues 12th May) Serving freshly cooked food from locally sourced products 028-35309
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