Goleen and District Newsletter 01/05/14
Goleen and District Newsletter 01/05/14
Schull Drama Group presents ‘The Opposite Sex’, a comedy by David Tristram starts on May 3rd and 4th and then again on May 16, 17 and 18th. Doors open at 8pm for an 8:30pm start each evening in the Schull Parish Hall. Tickets €10 Concessions €5. Table Tennis—Congratulations to Goleen players Mair and James Kelly who played for Munster at the Junior Interprovincial Championships on Saturday 26th April in Lisburn, NI. Both players played very well and Mair Kelly along with the Munster U18 Girls Team won Silver at the event with James Kelly playing in the U18 Boys Team won Bronze. This was a very tough and competitive event and the highest level of the national scene. Amy Dorrington who trains at the Goleen Club represented Munster for the first time at U15 Girls level and Goleen Coach Owen Kelly was selected as Non Playing Captain of the team. A STIGA Challenger event is being held in Dunmanway on Saturday 3rd May and training goes ahead as normal this Friday. Owen Kelly GALLERY OPEN HOUSE - West Cork Art is having a Grand Opening Night on Saturday May 10th at 6:00pm. The community is invited. Located on Main Street, Schull. Goleen Community Playgroup would like to thank Emma & Freddy, Crookhaven Inn for hosting our annual quiz. a big thanks to everyone who came and made it such a fun evening, also €323 was raised on the night. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes. Vicki Goleen After School Club Summer Term: Mon—Cookery, Tue—Pot-Luck, Wed—Dancing—Irish, Country, Latin etc. Thu—Cookery. Contact 028-35927 to book a place. Congratulations to Mary Ellen Collins who celebrated her 100th birthday on Sunday last in Schull Community Hospital in the company of her family and friends, fellow residents and the staff of the hospital. Mizen Rovers U12 Football League Round 1—Mizen Rovers 11-10 Muintir Bhaire 6-04. Round 2 will be away to Glengarriff in mid May. Mizen Rovers Underage would like to wish one of our own, Jack O’Driscoll, Crookhaven, Captain of the winning U12 team last year, the very best of luck as he travels to Dublin this weekend to take part in an international rugby extravaganza. He will be one of 23 boys from the Munster region and will take on teams from Belgium, France, Portugal, England, Scotland and Wales. This is a huge event and a great achievement for any young lad. So Jack best of luck from all your team mates, friends and all at Mizen Rovers. Congratulations to Richard & Catriona Hellen, Knockeens on the recent birth of their baby boy Padraig Richard. The Annual Church Gate Collection at Lowertown recently for the Mercy Hospital Foundation raised €253. Thank you to all who subscribed and to the collectors. Ballydehob Jazz Festival May 02-05 http://www.ballydehobjazzfestival.org/ There will also be a Busking Competition—all acoustic buskers welcome. Adults on Sat 03 at 1pm. Kids on Sun May 04 at 1pm—Main Street, Ballydehob. FASTNET uPVC Windows & Doors • Fascias • Soffits • Guttering Stephen Dineen, Toormore 028-35567/086-8476604 • Conservatories stephendineen1@gmail.com Events Calendar—inclusion free. All items to be in by Tues evening Email newsletter@goleen.info May 01 Bingo in Goleen Parish Hall at 9pm. All welcome. May 02 GDCC LOTTO Draw–O 'Sullivan’s Bar Jackpot €700. May 02-05 Ballydehob Jazz Festival http://www.ballydehobjazzfestival.org/ May 03 Music in The Fastnet Bar—Rob O’Shea May 03 & 04 Schull Drama Group presents ‘The Opposite Sex’ at 8.30pm in Schull Parish Hall. May 04 Music in O’Meara’s Bar—Two Storey Caravan. May 09 GAA Weekly 35 Card Drive in O’Meara’s Bar. Jackpot €1140. May 10 West Cork Art Gallery Open House at 6.00pm—Main Street, Schull. All Welcome. Weekly Events, Attractions and Important Contacts in the Locality GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY SOCIAL CENTRE—Every Monday from 11am-4pm Lunch 1pm (except Bank Holiday Mondays will be the following day- Tuesday). Meals need to be booked by 11am the previous Saturday Contact: Maureen O’Callaghan 086-3300262 Mizen Rovers U10 Training Mondays at Goleen Community Centre 6-7pm. Set Dancing Classes—Tuesdays in Schull Parish Hall 8.30-10.30pm. All Welcome. Contact Linda on 085 2444706. Schull Parent & Toddler Group every Wednesday morning 10-12 in Parish Hall next to the Church. All welcome. €3 per Family. Goleen After School Club Summer Term: Mon—Cookery, Tue—Pot-Luck, Wed—Dancing—Irish, Country, Latin etc. Thu—Cookery. Contact 028-35927 to book a place. Acapellabella Community Choir meets upstairs at Rosies, Ballydehob Thursdays at 8pm phone Caz on 083-1425599 Schull Tidy Towns—Litter Picking and Clean Up on Thursdays at 7pm for 1 hour. Turn up and tell us what areas to tidy. Meet at Pier Road Car Park—gloves and bags provided. Foróige at Goleen Community Centre— 8.30-10.30pm Fridays. Contact Mary 086-6383836. Goleen First Responder/ Defibrillator Group Number 083-1466605 Afterschool Club Jan 2014 Mondays - Cookery; Tuesdays - Pot Luck; Wednesdays - Irish Dancing; Thursdays - Cookery. Contact: 028-35927 Table Tennis Training Friday 7-9pm in Goleen Community Centre. Contact Owen 083-1372013 Coast Guard 112 or 999 Garda Emergency Number 027-20860 MIZEN MEDICAL PRACTICE Phone number for all enquiries (028) 28311 Goleen Community Centre—Contact 086-2725506 to rent the Centre. AIB Mobile Community Bank: Times: Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays—Ballydehob—Arrival Time 9.30am Departure Time 10.30am. Schull—Arrival Time 10.45am–12.30pm 1.30pm-3.30pm. ATM in Schull has moved from AIB Bank to outside Brosnan’s Eurospar. Mizen Head Signal Station Open Daily 10.30am-5pm www.mizenhead.ie 028-35225/35115. Bus Time Tables: Goleen—Cork Monday—Saturday 7.50am & 17.30pm; Sunday 16.15pm Cork–Schull Monday—Saturday 9.30am & 11.50am; Cork—Goleen Monday—Saturday 13.00pm Change at Skibbereen 16.30pm; Sunday 11.30am; IRISH GRINDS , Qualified Post Primary Teacher, 027 62755 2 ONE DIRECTION TICKETS FOR SUNDAY 25TH MAY—SEATED HOGAN STAND Contact Bridget 086-0405267 To Book Your Adverts—email newsletter@goleen.info for rates All news Items & Adverts must be sent in by Tues evening to guarantee inclusion in newsletter. GDCC does not take responsibility for articles and opinions published. Newsletter Editors: Contact Sue 028-35225/ Michael collinsmike68@eircom.net Website: www.goleen.info NOTTAGES RESTAURANT FOOD SERVED from 12.30—9.00pm EARLY BIRD MENU Monday to Friday 5.00-7.00pm (excluding Bank Holidays) OPEN EVERY DAY OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER THIS FRIDAY TO SUNDAY MONDAY—LUNCH ONLY To RESERVE A TABLE Call 028-35963 or email nottagesrestaurant@gmail.com Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Nottages Goleen & District Community Council Private LOTTO Draw Numbers: 4, 8, 15; ONE WINNER—Congratulations to Denis O’Driscoll, Crookhaven. This Week’s Venue: O 'Sullivan’s Bar. LOTTO JACKPOT: €700 GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER SERVING THE MIZEN PENINSULA VOL: 7 WEEK 18 MAY 01 2014 Published every Thursday. If You’re not in, You can’t win! Buy your tickets for a chance! All monies made from the LOTTO go back into the Community through Community Projects throughout the village and surrounding areas . Mass Times: Saturday: Lowertown: —8pm; Sundays: Ballydehob—9.30am; Schull: 10.30am; Goleen: 12.00 noon. Church of Ireland Services: Sunday- Schull 10am. Altar Church, Toormore: 11.30am. Saint Matthias, Ballydehob: 11.30am. Goleen Community Charity Shop: Open Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 11.00am -2.00pm. Thurs 11am-1pm. CLOSED TUES & SUN and Bank Holiday Mondays. Mizen AFC played Away to Riverside Athletic in Auto Grass, Castletown Kinneigh last Friday @ 6.30pm. The rain and gusting wind were relentless throughout the Match, but both sides still put in a good sporting game in this Semi-Final of the Mc Carthy’s Sports Shop Div 1 Cup. Four minutes from the start and Gerald O'Callaghan had the ball in the net for Mizen. Riverside were denied two scoring chances with great defending by Séan Sheehan, but they evened the score 1 - 1 before half time. Gavin Mc Entegart scored a second goal for Mizen in the 51st minute and again Riverside evened the score 2 -2 but Mizen played on against Riverside and the wind and rain with great team determination and Gerald O'Callaghan had his second ball in the net to put us ahead 3 - 2. It was Gerald's night as he scored a hat trick for his Team to put the Final Score, Riverside 2 - 4 Mizen AFC. Another Great Win for the Lads !!! The Cup Final to play Lyre Rovers is pencilled in for Sun 11th May, venue and time to be confirmed! Come On Mizen AFC! Sheila. BARLEY COVE Beach Hotel 028-35874 Open Every Fri, Sat and Sun in May. Food Served until 9.00pm. 3 Course Sunday Lunch Menu with Tea or Coffee for only €18.95 Newly Refurbished Rooms from €60 per night Michael Collins Vote No. 1 23/5/14 INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY CANDIDATE Putting the people ahead of the party 086 317 4606 collinsmike68@eircom.net Michael Collins calls for a Minister to be appointed immediately with sole responsibility for Rural and Community Affairs. With over 80,000 people, mainly from Rural Communities, leaving Ireland and West Cork yearly in the past 4 years and unemployment up in rural areas to 192 %, in comparison to Urban areas which are at 114%, action is now needed before we see the ruination of Rural Ireland as we knew it. We also see Minister Hogan trying to dismantle our Leader groups, which is another attack on Rural Communities and clearly shows that without a Minister for Community and Rural Affairs the people of West Cork have no voice. BARNETTS OF SCHULL Serving the Mizen Peninsula since 1948 www.barnettsofschull.com https://www.facebook.com/BarnettsofSchull TEL: 028-28286 OPEN ALL OVER BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND PROGRESS ON MOBILE PHONE COVERAGE IN THE MIZEN PENINSULA Some positive news was made by Goleen & District Community Council in recent days in relation to o2 mobile phone coverage. The outages over Easter had their customers in a fury over the Holiday weekend. The o2 company have promised to make sure that a proper service will be given to their customers in the Mizen Peninsula this Bank holiday weekend no matter how many arrive over the weekend. We also have been told that there is more good news on the way with our coverage, which should lead to a significant coverage increase in a number of weeks time, as agreement for two companies to merge is at an advanced stage. This will mean increased mobile coverage for all in the Mizen Peninsula as the two companies separate masts will be soon running as one company. All customers will be able to get reception from all of the masts in the locality. This is excellent news for customers of mobile phones all over the Mizen. We have been working off an outdated system since Mobile phones first came out with shocking coverage in many areas leading to a major loss of income to this region. Many visitors to this area have maintained that coverage is better in some third world countries than it is in the Mizen Peninsula. If this community does not sit up and challenge the powers that be on Mobile phone coverage and the Broadband service we will be left behind if and when we have a recovery in this Island. There are two private companies trying to do the best they can to provide a broadband service to this peninsula in the past number of years, but with no advancement in our Fibre optic cabling in the area we have been left years behind in comparison to any other European country. This is still a reality even though announcement after announcement has been made by successive governments over the last decade to invest money to tackle the issue. In true reality this has never happened, leaving many in the Mizen with no Mobile phone coverage or no broadband service and leaving us decades behind the rest of the Country and Europe. MC GDCC
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