Dermot Sheehan`s Foodstore
NEWSLETTER DEADLINES—PLEASE NOTE FOR THE CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR EDITIONS OF THE NEWSLETTER—Items must be sent be in by Monday 23rd for publication on Tuesday 24th. Items for New Year edition must be sent in by Monday Dec 30 for publication on Tuesday 31st. TO SCHULL COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS TO PRESENT ‘OLIVER! “Consider Yourself" part of the family and come see Schull Community College’s production of the beloved musical favourite “Oliver!” on Thursday, December 19th at 7.20pm in Schull Community College Sports Hall. A talented cast of over fifty Transition Year students have been rehearsing diligently since October preparing for this production. Based on the timeless Charles Dickens tale “Oliver Twist”, the show vividly brings to life the well known story of the young runaway orphan and his search for family and love. Along the way, he meets the colourful Artful Dodger, the infamous thief Fagin and his gang of pickpockets, the evil and sinister Bill Sykes, the nurturing and lovable Nancy and a host of other memorable Dickens characters. Through classic songs including “Food Glorious Food”, “Oliver”, “Consider Yourself”, "As Long As He Needs Me," "Where is Love?", "You Gotta Pick a Pocket?" and many more, “Oliver!” tells the story of how love triumphs over heartbreak and adversity. The play is appropriate for audiences of all ages and is sure to become a family favourite. Prior to the main show, the College’s first year students will add a festive atmosphere to the night with their interpretation of ‘The Nutcracker’. Doors open at 6.45pm and the show will start at 7.20pm. Family rates will be available at the door. All are welcome to come along and enjoy what promises to be a spectacular production of “Oliver!” in Schull Community College this Christmas. Mizen Rovers Road Safety Award - On Wednesday of last week members of the Club, Connie O’Driscoll, Tim Sheehan, Anne Murnane and Mary Hayes travelled to Farmleigh House in Dublin where the 'Leading Lights' in Road Safety Awards ceremony took place. This is an event held annually by the Road Safety Authority to recognise and honour communities, schools, businesses and individuals who are active in promoting road safety in their areas which in turn helps to prevent death and injury on our roads. Mizen Rovers were chosen as NATIONAL award winners in the 'community' category and were highly commended by the judging panel and by Gay Byrne, Chairman of the RSA, for a number of indicatives put in place over the last few years to raise awareness amongst our players of the importance of staying safe while travelling. They were particularly interested in using some aspects of our road safety model to interact with the GAA countrywide to encourage all clubs to engage and be more proactive in road safety. This award was a great honour for our Club. We thank Aislinn for nominating us and we as a group were very proud to be there to represent Mizen Rovers, its players and the community in the Parish of Goleen without whose support none of this would be possible. See more including details of the winning project on Dermot Sheehan's Foodstore Main Street - Goleen - 028 35236 Joan - Bridget - Helen - Katie - Lisa - Mairéad - Rose - Michelle & Dermot Wish all our customers a Happy Christmas & New Year "Serving the Mizen Peninsula for the past 97 years" Events Calendar—inclusion free. All items to be in by Tues evening Email Dec 19 Schull Community College Concert ‘Oliver’ Doors open at 6.45pm Show will start at 7.20pm. Dec 20 GAA Weekly 35 Card Drive in The Lobster Pot Jackpot €920. Extra prize money and Turkey Vouchers. Dec 21 GDCC LOTTO Draw– Lobster Pot Jackpot €850 Hampers for the next 3 weeks. Dec 22 Carol Service—Holy Trinity Church, Schull at 4.00pm. Dec 27 Carol Service—St. Brendan’s Church, Crookhaven 8.00pm. Dec 28 Music in O’Sullivan’s Bar Crookhaven— Rob O’Shea Dec 28 Music in The Fastnet Bar—Tony O’Shea Dec 31 Music in O’Sullivan’s Bar Crookhaven—Rob O’Shea Jan 01 New Year’s Day Swim in Crookhaven (time to be confirmed) Weekly Events, Attractions and Important Contacts in the Locality Fitness Classes: Mondays 7-8pm Boxercise—Schull Village Hall. Contact Deirdre 086-2404709 Goleen Afterschool Club Mon - Christmas Art & Craft; Tue—Cookery; Wed-Irish Dancing; Thurs—Cookery. Contact 028-35927. Schull Morning Outdoor Fitness: Tuesdays 9.30-10.30. Contact Deirdre 086-2404709 Set Dancing Classes Tue—Schull Parish Hall at 8.30pm. All welcome. Contact Linda 085-2444706 Dance Classes - Goleen Parish Hall on Tuesdays at 9.15pm. Schull Parent & Toddler group every Wednesday morning 10-12 in Parish Hall next to the Church. All welcome. €3 per Family. Badminton will take place every Wednesday at 6.30p.m. in Goleen Community Centre. All are welcome for further information please ring Tom Jermyn on 086 2725506 Bingo in Goleen Parish Hall on Thursdays at 9pm. National School Table Tennis Training Thursdays from 4.30-5.30 in Goleen Community Centre. Contact Owen 083-1372013 Accapellabella Community Choir meets at Rosies, Ballydehob most Thurs at 8pm phone Caz on 083-1425599 Foróige at Goleen Community Centre—8.30-10.30pm Fridays. Contact Mary 086-6383836 Table Tennis Training Friday 7-9pm in Goleen Community Centre. Contact Owen 083-1372013 Goleen First Responder/ Defibrillator Group Number 083-1466605 Coast Guard 112 or 999 MIZEN MEDICAL PRACTICE Phone number for all enquiries (028) 28311 Goleen Community Centre—Contact 086-2725506 to rent the Centre. AIB Mobile Community Bank: Times: Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays—Ballydehob—Arrival Time 9.30am Departure Time 10.30am. Schull—Arrival Time 10.45am–12.30pm 1.30pm-3.30pm. To Book Your Adverts—email for rates All news Items & Adverts must be sent in by Tues evening to guarantee inclusion in newsletter. GDCC does not take responsibility for articles and opinions published. Newsletter Editors: Contact Sue 028-35225/ Michael Website: BERNADETTE’S SALON Goleen Tel: 086-3016905 for an appointment Thursday 6.00-9.00pm. Friday 10.00am—6.00pm. Saturday 10.00 am—5.00pm Tuesday 10.00 am—6.00pm The GHD Wonderland Styler with plate guard, Styler bag and two sectioning clips RRP €155. For your chance to win this amazing limited edition GHD you can buy tickets in the salon €2 each or 3 for €5!! The winner will be announced Christmas Eve good luck everyone!! Goleen & District Community Council Private LOTTO Draw Numbers: 10, 20, 22, €40: J O’Regan, €20 each: Finbarr Harrington, John Doyle, Sue Tuit, D O’Neill This Week’s Venue: Lobster Pot; LOTTO JACKPOT: €850 If You’re not in, You can’t win! Buy your tickets for a chance! All monies made from the LOTTO go back into the Mass Times: Saturday: Lowertown: —8pm; Sundays: Ballydehob—9.30am; Schull: 10.30am; Goleen: 12.00 noon. Christmas Eve Mass Times: Schull 7pm; Ballydehob 8pm; Lowertown 9pm. Christmas Day: Ballydehob 9.30am; Schull 10.30am; Goleen 12 noon. Church of Ireland Services: Sunday- Schull 10am. Altar Church, Toormore: 11.30am. Saint Matthias, Ballydehob: 11.30am. Christmas Services: Dec 22 No morning Service in Schull or Altar; Dec 23 All Day Home Communions, 2pm Hospital Communions; Dec 24 11.30pm Eucharist at Altar; Dec 25 Eucharist Schull 10.00am Altar 11.30am. Goleen Community Charity Shop: Christmas opening hours - Open Thu19th 11-1pm, Fri 20th& Sat 21st 11-2pm, Closed from 22nd Dec to 8th Jan 2014. THE BIKE--News of the Mizen Rovers BIKE has gone countrywide with 'catcalls' now coming from all over West Cork. They can see no reason why they can’t enter the draw for this lovely black & amber 141C machine (helmet included) but none of them want a crossbar on it. Strange.........but maybe that will become apparent later!!! Please, we need to keep this Bike local for many reasons so get your tickets as soon as possible from Anne Murnane or Maura O’Reilly or any club officer. Tis looking well in O’Meara’s Christmas window and they have tickets too. Many other prizes also on offer when we come to give that bike away. The 9th prize is a tin of Cat Food (chicken in jelly flavour)!!! Calendars-- The 2014 edition of the very popular Club calendar is printed and is available locally now. Get your copy, it contains some great photos from the season just past of all age groups which makes it a nice collector’s item. Same two will tell you about it. Minor Team--- Representatives of the Mizen Rovers County winning minor team, players and mentors, were invited to the Rochestown Park Hotel, on Tues Dec 17th to receive their medals at a Rebel Og function. All county winning teams were honoured on the night and it’s another little bit of history in the making for our Club as they lined up amongst the elite of the County at underage. More details next week or see more on Club Officers 2014—Chairman: Kieran O Sullivan; Vice Chairman: Bob O’Leary; Runai: Maura O’Reilly; Cisteoir: Anne Murnane; PRO: Connie O Driscoll; Cultural Officer: Eamonn Sheehan; Children’s Officer: Maura O’Reilly; Coaching Officer: Kieran Sheehan; School Liaison/ASAP Officer: Anne Murnane. Recent Death: Rita McCarthy, Knockeens, Goleen—Sincere sympathy to her family and friends. BARNETTS OF SCHULL Serving the Mizen Peninsula since 1948 GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE. Open until 8pm on Sat 21. Open Sunday 22nd. TEL: 028-28286 OPEN 6 FULL DAYS GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER SERVING THE MIZEN PENINSULA VOL: 6 WEEK 51 DEC 19 2013 Published every Thursday. GOLEEN CELEBRATES SENIOR ALL IRELAND MEDAL WINNER News of a Senior All Ireland winner with strong Goleen connections is being warmly welcomed. Malcolm Goggin, Gort na Carriga, Goleen, a son of Michael Goggin, Crookhaven won this prestigious honour recently. This Senior All Ireland medal win in the Track Cycling Championships at the National Cycling Velodrome in Crumlin, Dublin was in addition to Malcolm coming 4th in the Leinster Championships while competing with Bray Wheelers. Malcolm is planning to spend the winter months competing in the UK track season with weekend sorties to Manchester, Newport, London and Glasgow where he has raced for many years. When being interviewed, Malcolm quoted training on the tough roads of the Mizen Peninsula as a key factor in this year's competitiveness. It is also worth noting that Malcolm has never forgotten his family roots in Goleen and has always offered to help the Goleen Community in any way he can on numerous occasions down through the years. The Goleen Community and beyond wish him every success in the future. CHRISTMAS THANK YOU Always at this time of year people give a simple, but lovely gesture to those who have helped them out during the year. It says somewhere in the bible who came back and said thank you. This is what our Community Council are going to do. We simply say thank you to all, who in any way, helped up out in the past 12 months. It has been a hugely successful 12 months, increasing our employees, starting our new social centre, working on new projects; all of which makes this one of the most successful community organisations in the country, which has been acknowledged by many independent voices in past and recent times. This is not down to any one person, but firstly our 16 community councillors, who give of their time freely to make sure the lives of others are improved in this and neighbouring communities. Many of these community councillors work away quietly, but get the business done. Also our diligent work force, who have shown how work should be done in a respectful manner. Then of course the main ingredient, you, the public, who have stood with us this year and other years in every way that is possible. In some small way to say thank you Goleen & District Community Council will hold a Christmas Party on Sunday night December 29th. in Goleen Community Centre. All those who have helped us during the year are welcome to attend. For purchase of food purposes, we would ask if you could let the community councillor in your area know if you can make it. You can also text or ring 0863174606 if you're able to make it. As part of the night's entertainment you are invited to the Lobster Pot Bar where an 80s disco will take place. When that's finished, the party moves to the Community Centre, where all are invited to continue the night of music. LOTTERY HAMPERS WORTH WINNING. There was no winner of this week's LOTTO jackpot. Consolation prizes were €40 J O'Regan, Castlehaven, €20 each to Finbarr Harrington, Castletownbere, Sue Tuit, Dunkelly and John Doyle, Lissacaha. Last week the jackpot was won by Dick Burchill, Carrigmanus. Dick has supported the LOTTO weekly since it began and is a worthy winner. Congratulations to him on this great win. The previous 2 weeks we had no winner. Lucky dip winners were €40 Danny Newman, Crookhaven, €40 Jimmy Newman, Crookhaven, €20 Kevin,Tess and John Joe Cloughanekilleen, Peter Constance, Toormore, P. Bohane, Mary McCarthy, Brahalish, Denis O Neill, Drishane, Conor Phelan, Susie Allen Toormore, and John D O'Driscoll, Durrus. From this week onwards for the next 3 LOTTOS we have massive hampers to give away totalling up to €1000 with all sorts of Goodies, Biscuits, Sweets, Chocolate, Drinks, Coal Vouchers, you name it, these hampers have got it. Just a little thank you to you for your support of our LOTTO every year. Tickets can be purchased at the usual outlets and from any community councillors or by ringing 027 61101. MC. GDCC. PRESS RELEASE Have a Little Get Together this Little Christmas. Nollaig na mBan, or Women’s Little Christmas, is an old Irish tradition celebrated on January 6th each year, originally created as a day where women get together and let their hair down after the stress of the Christmas season. This year The National Breast Cancer Research Institute (NBCRI) are asking women all over the country to come together on January 6th by hosting a local event in support of breast cancer research. Whether it’s a coffee morning or an afternoon tea party at home or in the workplace, a fun quiz night or fancy dress at the local pub or club, it’s a great chance catch up and celebrate the wonderful women in your life while raising funds and support for a great cause. Based at NUIG, The National Breast Cancer Research Institute (NBCRI) is a national organisation with a key objective, to conduct ethical research into the biology of breast cancer in order to improve treatments and medication to combat it. Unfortunately, 1 in 10 Irish women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and without research there will never be a cure. The research carried out by the team at NBCRI can greatly improve the outcomes of breast cancer for women not only in Ireland but worldwide. So why not support breast cancer research and have a little get together this little Christmas by hosting your own ‘Nollaig na mBan’. To find out more and to get some great ideas for your event, visit: or contact NBCRI directly by calling 091 543 433 email: For further information please contact: Jimmy Cubbard INMEDIA business publicity, Galway T: 093 35061 M: 087 9258624 E: W: GOLEEN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY SOCIAL CENTRE—Thank you to everyone who has come to the social centre throughout 2013, it has been a very successful year and we hope to see all the familiar faces and a few new ones in 2014. A Peaceful Christmas to you all and a Happy & Healthy New Year. Centre re-opens on Tuesday 7th January 2014. Lissagriffin National School are extending their library and are looking for any unwanted books from ages 7-12 years any donations would be greatly appreciated. Contact Nicky O'Driscoll 087-9770921 or Owen Kelly 083-1372013 or any parent at the school. Mizen AFC - NO SOCCER MATCH this weekend ! HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO THE CLUB. Sheila Lucey PRO. Carol Service in Holy Trinity Church Colla Rd, Schull Sunday 22nd Dec at 4pm. All welcome, refreshments after the service. Crookhaven Carol Service on Friday 27th Dec at 8pm. SCHULL SHOP LOCAL CAMPAIGN—The Shop Local Campaign is proving to be very popular with such great prizes to be had for the FREE DRAW on Dec 22. Only 4 Shopping days to the draw! Open Late on Sat 21st Dec and Open Sun Dec 22nd. Collect 8 stickers from any of the shops/pubs/ restaurants/businesses in the village and return full cards by Dec 22nd to be in with a chance to win one of the many prizes on offer. The more you shop the more chances you have so STOP LOCAL AND SHOP LOCAL “Reminder to all businesses who have not done so already to please drop your voucher into Barnetts”. Birth Congratulations to Nick & Fiona (nee O’Leary, Corelacka) Sproule, London on the birth of their son Alexander. FASTNET uPVC Windows & Doors • Fascias • Soffits • Guttering • Conservatories Stephen Dineen, Toormore 028-35567/086-8476604 The Heron’s Cove Restaurant and B&B Happy Christmas to You All Open Fri 21, Sat 22, Sun 23, Sat 28, Sun 29, New Year’s Eve Tues Dec 31. Little Christmas Sun Jan 5 Call 028-35225 to book
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