celebrating - St. Pius X Catholic High School


celebrating - St. Pius X Catholic High School
S T .
Summer 2009
Faith • Family • Community
Alumni Legacies • Page 3
2009 Distinguished Alumni • Page 4-5
Spotlight: Michael Anderson ’75 • Page 6
Alumni Capital Campaign • Page 8
Reunion Weekend Info • Page 9
Alumni Association Events • Page 10-11
Spring Sports Recap Page 14-15
2009 Spring Classic • Page 7
Lion Lines • Page 16-17
Fulbright Scholar • Page 12-13
St. Pius X Remembers • Page 18-19
From the Alumni Director...
Spring is a time for celebrations. New life springs forth and nature
begins to bloom. This year has been especially fruitful for the St.
Pius X community. Because of the generosity of our alumni and their
families, St. Pius X has been able to continue to develop and sustain
excellence in all of its programs and is still recognized as a top school
in the state of Georgia.
This year’s valedictorian, Joseph Hickey, will begin the next chapter
of his academic career at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Our
salutatorian, Alexandra Mendez, will move north to attend Harvard.
The Class of 2009 was all smiles during commencement exercises on
May 16, and as our newest class of alumni, they bring with them many
impressive stats:
than our alumni parents. Our alumni parents are also to be commended
for the sacrifices they make, like their parents did, to ensure Catholic
education is a foundation for their children’s success.
• The second largest graduating class in the history of the school
• The highest class GPA in the last 8 years.
• Twenty-nine Commended Scholars in the National Merit
Scholarship program. Of that number, nine were recognized as
National Merit Scholarship finalists (these students are in the
top ½ of 1 percent in the nation) and one was recognized as a
Hispanic Scholar.
• The second highest average ACT score ever.
• Sent out a record 1,446 applications to colleges: 5.5 per student.
• Applied to 251 colleges and universities and were accepted to
243 of those schools.
• Committed to attend 76 different colleges and universities: 23
in-state and 53 out-of-state.
The dedication of volunteers at St. Pius X is another reason why each
spring is so memorable. The wonderful Alumni Board, under the direction of President Keith Carter ’81, introduced new programs and events
to support the alumni community in their personal and professional
growth as well as in their spiritual development. Board members gave
of their time, treasure and talent in many ways, helping to make St.
Pius X a vibrant and caring community for alumni. A heart felt thank
you to all the Board members for all you do!
So as we head off for all our summer activities, let us bask in the glow
that is St. Pius! Enjoy this issue of Alumni News, join us for our summer slate of activities and always remember to celebrate all of your
blessings. Domini Sumus!
As I reflect on this wonderful school year, I give thanks for all the faculty and staff that nourish the students on a daily basis. Their love of
education and willingness to teach is a major reason our graduates are
so successful! No one appreciates our educators and their efforts more
Vicky Dorsey ’81, Director of Alumni
From the Alumni Association President...
Fellow Alumni,
When I look back on this year, the lyrics to an old favorite song come to mind: “Celebrate good times, come
on!” Right now is truly a time for celebration. Perhaps one of the most wonderful aspects of celebrating is
that it allows us to enjoy events from the past, present and future.
The 2008-2009 school year provided ample opportunities to meet, celebrate and rekindle friendships. It seems
like only a few weeks ago the cheers of the first football kickoff were heard, and now we’ve ridden the wave
of enthusiasm all the way to the state championships with our tennis and soccer teams. We looked back at the
past during Reunion Weekend and celebrated the future potential of St. Pius X and its campus as the school
began the first phase of the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign. What a year!
I celebrate the parents, students, faculty and staff that continue to infuse energy and Christian ideals into our community. I’m grateful
for the lasting support of our Alumni and Development Office which directs all sanctioned alumni events. The joy of graduation is still
in the air, so I also welcome the Class of 2009 into our alumni family.
My final cheer is for those who dutifully serve on the Alumni Board. For the last three years, your hard work and dedication has made
my job an easy one. It was an honor to serve as your Association President, and I hope that I brought as much to the community as I
have taken away. So, let’s celebrate! Thanks!
Keith Carter ’81
President, St. Pius X Alumni Associaton
Thank You!
We would like to recognize those who will be leaving us this year. These individuals have served St. Pius X with
their whole hearts and given so much to our students, alumni and parents.
Fr. Bryan Small ’92, Chaplain, will be focusing full time on his duties at the Emory Catholic Center. After many years
of service, Department Chairs Cynthia Carson and Bruce Shuert are moving north. Cynthia is retiring to Ashville,
N.C. to spend more time with family. Bruce is returning to New York to be closer to family. Coaches Maria Batres,
Heather Karvis and Stephanie Dunn are taking on new challenges. Maria will be attending law school full time,
and Heather has accepted the position of girls’ head basketball coach at Westminster. Stephanie is moving on to the
college ranks—she will be the head coach of the girls’ basketball team at Berry College this fall. Noel Monea-DeJonge and Lauren Murrah are
both moving from the Atlanta area, and Tom Lozano is retiring.
Each of these educators has made St. Pius X a better place, and we will miss them! We wish them all the best, and we ask everyone to keep them
in your prayers.
Alumni Legacy
St. Pius X has a rich alumni legacy. Each year we have several seniors
whose parents graduated from St. Pius X before them. Alumni legacy
families are a constant reminder of our school’s success in fulfilling
its mission. SPX alumni have faith in our ability to shape the entire
person in mind, body and spirit. And so the tradition continues.
This year we had 17 alumni legacies graduate from St. Pius X. They
are pictured and named here with their alumni parents. Clockwise
from top left: Raul Alfonso and Susana Ajoy Alfonso ’86; Emma Carey and Cissy Rives ’75; Ashley Miller and Maria Rodriguez Miller
’87; Katherine McDowell and Laurie Holmes McDowell ’79; Mary
Kate McCarthy with her mom Mary Ann Schladenhauffen McCarthy
’69; Allison Hendrix and Lisa Howe Hendrix ’80; Radley Homrich
and Dan Homrich ’77; P.G. Standard and Paul Standard ’80; Hannah Kraus and her parents Rob ’74 and Jeanne Krieger Kraus ’75;
Alexandra Ketner and Traci Goryn Ketner ’79; William O’Connor
and Patrick O’Connor ’74; Jacquelyn Jones and Janet Piede Jones
’71; Mary Jane May and Andy May ’74; Christopher Trammel and
Dwayne Trammel ’77; Jamie Raines with her parents Greg Raines
’80 and Joanie Reardon Raines ’80; Devon Pagoaga and parents Jose
’80 and Karen Pagoaga ’82; and Megan Fannon with parents Mike
’74 and Paula Thomas Fannon ’82.
We felt after our first visit to St.Pius that the
school truly lives, learns and worships together.
The excellent academics, sports and arts were
obvious, but there was an underlying wonderful
diverse student body that genuinely supported
one another. There was a sense, and there still
is, of a caring community with a great sense of
humor along with all the other bells and whistles
of a fine institution.
St. Pius never fails to be an enriching experience
for both parents and students. We were blessed
to have three sons thrive in a faith-based
community that not only gave them
roots but also gave them wings.
On March 3, 1969 the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of
its pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of
aerial combat and to insure that the handful of
men who graduated were the best fighter pilots
in the world. They succeeded. Today, the Navy
calls it Fighter Weapons School. The flyers call
it: TOP GUN.
The above text is from the opening title card for
the 1986 Tom Cruise blockbuster movie. That
summer millions of Americans marveled at the
antics of Maverick, Iceman, Goose and Charlie.
For most of us, the flick was a great escape from
reality. For Matthew Shortal, it was the beginning of a journey that would shape the rest of his
life. Matthew went home and announced to his
parents that he was going to become a pilot and
go to Top Gun school.
Matthew Shortal was born in Elmhurst, Ill., on
June 16, 1972. He was the second of three sons,
and learned the rigors of military life at a young
age. His father, Brigadier General Denis Shortal,
was a career Marine who served his country for
32 years. Matthew’s mother, Meredy, worked as
a second grade teaching assistant at St. Jude the
Apostle Catholic School in Sandy Springs, Ga.,
a free lance writer and co-author of two books.
Catholic education was very important to Denis
and Meredy, and they made many sacrifices to
ensure that all three boys could attend Catholic
Meredy Shortal
lumnus 2009:
schools at an early age. The Shortal family moved
to Dunwoody, Ga., in August of 1986, and Matt
began high school at St. Pius X that fall. The
Shortals sent all three boys (Brian ’88, Matt ’90
and Andrew ’02) through St. Pius X.
During his high school years, Matt endeared
himself to his classmates and to faculty members.
In addition to being an honors student, he was an
avid biathlon participant and his senior yearbook
featured him in an article titled “Matt Shortal Duos
as the Ironman.” Although Matt was known to be
a diligent student and a star athlete, he was also
known for his teenage antics and was a familiar
face in the discipline office. As Matt tells it:
“Let’s just say I had the pleasure of spending a
lot of time with the Dean of Students. His name
was Fr. Kenny, and with him around you could
not get away with anything.”
Matthew graduated from St. Pius X in the spring
of 1990 and went on to attend the University of
Illinois on a Naval Reserve Officer Traning Corp
scholarship. While at the University of Illinois,
he continued to push himself athletically and was
a runner for the track team. He graduated in 1994
with a bachelor’s degree in Accountancy and a
CPA designation.
After graduation, Matthew reported to Quantico,
Va., for The Basic School. After six months of
officer training, he reported to aviation indoctrina-
tion at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Fla.,
and then primary flight training at nearby NAS
Whiting Field. He completed his intermediate and
advanced flight training in Mississippi and Texas
respectively, and in February of 1997, he received
his Wings of Gold, signifying his status as a Naval
Aviator—more specifically, a Marine pilot.
Matthew then transferred to Marine Corps Strike
Fighter Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT 101), the
“Sharpshooters,” at Marine Corps Air Station El
Toro, Calif., for training in the F/A-18 Hornet.
He also flew with the “Red Devils” in Miramar,
Calif., and completed one Unit Deployment
Program (UDP) to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, before
transferring to VMFAT 101 in February 2001
as an instructor pilot. In addition to these and
several other noteworthy assignments, Matthew
was a member of the All-Marine Triathlon Team
for three years, representing the Marine Corps at
the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon World Championships in 2000, 2001 and 2002. In 2002, he also
represented the United States as a member of
Team USA at the World Long Course Triathlon
Championships in Nice, France.
Over the course of his career he has accumulated
more than 3000 flight hours. He has flown missions in Kuwait and Iraq. He was selected as the
2004 Marine Corp Aviator of the Year and in the
same year was selected to join the US Navy Blue
Angels as the Marine Corp Representative. His
Matthew Shortal ’90
decorations include the Meritorious Service
Medal, the Strike/Flight Air Medals and
many more.
Matthew credits his success to the sacrifices
made by his parents. During this year’s
commencement ceremony, he told the Class
of 2009: “You have been given a special opportunity to attend St. Pius X. Your parents
and family have made sacrifices in order for
you to receive a top notch Catholic education.
As I have grown older and realized the value
of working and earning a living, I see the
financial burden this placed on my family.
But, my parents and your parents realized
St. Pius X provides much more than just an
education. Graduates, find the time to thank
your parents or whoever made your education possible here at St. Pius X.”
Matthew is currently serving in the Marine
Corp Reserves. He is also a Hometown Link,
assisting transitioning and injured Marines
as they return to civilian life. He works at
Barclays Wealth as a high net worth financial
advisor in San Francisco, Calif.
Matthew embodies the spirit of our St. Pius
X community through his professional
achievements, his commitment to the St. Pius
X community, his concern for young people,
and his overall pursuit of excellence. For
these reasons, St. Pius X is proud to announce
Lt. Commander Matthew Shortal, USMCR
as the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished
Alumnus Award.
* Check out information on Matt’s favorite service
program, the Marine For Life Program, on page 6.
From the 2009 Graduation Address of
Lt. Col Matthew Shortal, USMCR
I have two pieces of advice for the graduates. The first is to be persistent. On the road of life, you are going
to face challenges and roadblocks. Sure, there are a few people who seem to have everything fall perfectly
into place for them. But for most of us, we will have both successes and failures. Learn from both, and apply
these lessons learned as you move forward. Do not come up with excuses for your failures, but rather take
an honest look at what happened. For a Marine F/A-18 fighter pilot, the pinnacle of our business is flying
for the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. For two years you get to fly 18 inches apart from six other aircraft in front
of 30 million people across 70 different cities worldwide. My goal was to fly for them. I applied, made it
through the lengthy process, and was selected for the final interview, only to get a phone call a week later that
I was not selected. My dream was crushed, and I was devastated. I had focused the last eight years of my
life on achieving this goal. But, I regrouped and decided I would work twice as hard the next year and apply
again the following year. This went on for four years before I was finally selected. God had a plan for me.
It finally paid off as I joined the team and had the best two years of my life flying all around the world.
The second piece of advice is to dream big and chase your dreams. You can do anything you want in life.
There is not a better example than last year’s Presidential election. If you want to be the President, go for it. A
doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, entrepreneur; make it happen! Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, said, “I
don’t know of any place or any time where there aren’t great possibilities.” In 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami
hit the west coast of Indonesia. It was the first natural disaster captured on cell phone video cameras. But,
there wasn’t a good way to find those clips. They were scattered all over the internet and they were too big
to e-mail. The time was right for a better solution—time for a video sharing Web site. A friend of mine and
fellow University of Illinois alumnus, Jawed Karim, saw this opportunity and chased his dream of starting
an internet company. He joined two of his coworkers at Paypal, took a risk, stayed persistent, and started a
video sharing Web site. The rest is history as they started YouTube and later sold it to Google.
As you leave this hall today, I challenge you to find out what inspires and motivates you, and then go for
it! My varsity basketball coach here at St. Pius, Mark Kelly, sent our team a Western Union Telegram the
night before our game to qualify for state and the opportunity to play at Georgia Tech’s Alexander Memorial
Coliseum. Now realize that e-mail and the internet didn’t really exist then, so cut Coach Kelly some slack
for sending a telegram. But, its meaning still resonates today. It said, “Dream of walking down that tunnel,
believe, you can do it.” We made it to state that year, and we walked out that tunnel. I know the graduates
will successfully find their own “tunnel” in their next journey—“Believe you can do it!”
Thank you, God bless.
Michael Anderson ’75
Michael K. Anderson ’75 was named President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. this past spring. Like his
impressive professional accomplishments, Michael’s time at St. Pius X
was extremely productive. In his four years, Michael was a member of
the football, basketball and track teams. He held the school record in
the 120-meter high hurdles and was named co-MVP of the boys’ varsity
basketball team his senior year. An excellent student, Michael was a
member of the National Honor Society, and he was also listed in Who’s
Who Among American High School Students.
long-standing ties to the community. He sits on the board of the Atlanta
Area Council of Boy Scouts of America, 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.
and the Center for Puppetry Arts.
After St. Pius X, Michael graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he received a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and
was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni.
He also earned an MBA from Emory University and is an alumnus of
multiple leadership institutes. An avid community volunteer, Michael has
The Georgia Power Foundation was created in 1986 to bring greater clarity
and strategic focus to the company’s philanthropic activities. Michael’s
vast experience and passion for community service will serve him well
in his new position. His success truly does “ever honor” the ideals his
Alma Mater represents.
Michael is also an ardent supporter of Catholic education. He and his
wife, Andreane, sent their son Christopher ’03 through St. Pius X, and
they were active in many parent organizations during Christopher’s time
at St. Pius X. Michael is a member of the St. Pius X Advisory Board, and
his family continues to be great supporters of our school.
Marine For Life Program
The Alumni Office asked our 2009 Distinguished Alumnus Matt Shortal ’90 to tell us a little more about
his passion for the Marine For Life Program.
1. Why is this program important? This program is important because we provide transition assistance
to Marines who honorably leave active service and return to civilian life and to support injured Marines
and their families.
2. How does your program assist Marines coming home from combat duty? A better question is
how we assist Marines that are separating from the service that experienced combat duty? We pride
ourselves on “Marines taking care of Marines and their families.” Most Marines come back from combat
duty and integrate right back into society with no problem. I am an example of that after having served
during the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003. However, some Marines need help adjusting
back to normal civilian life. We have established the Wounded Warrior Regiment which is a designated
organization whose sole purpose is to support wounded Marines. These injuries could be physical, but
also could include non-physical injuries like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This organization
challenges previously established boundaries in their commitment to these wounded Marines.
3. Why were you drawn to this program? I was drawn to this program because I feel it is a worthy cause. I feel like I can make a difference
to the men and women who have volunteered to serve their country. Their parents entrusted their sons and daughters to our care and we owe it
to them. We have had numerous success stories of helping Marines transition from military life back to college or the work force. We have established relationships with mentors and employers that want to hire Marines that will be leaders in their companies and make a positive impact.
In addition, it is a way that I can stay connected to the Marine Corps on a part time basis by serving in the reserves. I really enjoyed my 14 1/2
years as an active duty Marine, and the reserve affords me an opportunity to still serve in a limited capacity.
Totals for the Day:
1st Place
David Hungeling ’91
Jim Baker ’91
Steve Clements ’91
Ryan Parker
2nd Place
David McCarty ’69
Jim Arnett ’69
Steve Morgan ’69
Woody Euart ’69
3rd Place
Steve Duncan ’97
Joey Nordmark ’97
Eddie Macchia ’97
Geoff Lemonds
Closest to the Pin Winners
Joe Krygiel
Geoff Lemmonds
Dexter Lummus ’80
Tom Bickes ’74
Most Accurate Drive
Joe Krygiel
Super Raffle Winners
Joe Krygiel
Bob Currie
Fred Nort ’66
David McCarty ’69
Mike Dolan ’76
Putting Contest
Ricky O’Connell ’89
Geoff Lemonds
2009 Spring Classic
On Monday, April 27, the St. Pius X Alumni Association hosted the 15th Annual
Spring Classic Golf Tournament. That morning, 113 golfers and 20 volunteers came
together to celebrate sport, friends and St. Pius X. The Spring Classic is the major
fundraiser for the Alumni Scholarship Fund, and each year funds raised are used to
assist alumni parents who have a financial need.
This year, the field of players was wide and diverse, but everyone enjoyed a picture
perfect afternoon. After warming up, the golfers hit the course at 1:00 p.m. The
scramble style tournament brought out many Pius families and friends. The Jardinas
(Larry, Mike, Matt and Mark) and the Asips (Steve, George, John and Jimmy) made
the afternoon a family affair, as did Michael, Paula and Tom Fannnon. Father and son
Joe and Tim Krygiel sported team shirts along with the other members of their foursome. The Kapps, Jay and his mom Jane, also had fun on the fairways!
If you were unable to join us this year, mark your calendar for May 3, 2010. We
would love to see you and your family and friends on the course!
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
McCarty Construction, Inc.
David McCarty ’69
ADCAP Networking Systems
Matt Waring ’96
Ace Plastics
Ray Dlugos ’71
Advance Auto Parts
Mike Dallas ’82
Allen Lund Company
The Asip Family
The Atlanta Falcons
Benchwarmers Sports Grill
CDH Partners
CPA on Duty
Delta Airlines
Andy Frey ’01
Diaz Produce
Jorge Antona ’82
DigiPrint Ink, Ltd.
Galla’s Pizza
Bob Galla ’94
Hawk Associates
Michael Shikany ’66
High Musem of Art
Laura Feuillebois ’01
Mo’s Pizza
New York Life
New York Prime
Jack Nadel
Paula Fannon ’82
Nova Engineering and
Jardina Produce
The Jardina Family
PartyLite Gifts
Vicky Dorsey ’81
Kapp Koncepts
Jay Kapp ’94
Personal Touch Lawn Care
Ricky O’Connell ’89
Maddy’s Rib & Blues Joint
R.J. Wagner & Company, Inc.
Rick Wagner ’68
Rogers Construction Co.
Ron Cantrell Construction Inc.
Score More Fundraising
Travel JCT
Wilson Staff Golf
Craig Kalb ’97
Steve Freant ’66
50th Anniversary Capital Campaign
Expanding Our Legacy
S T. P I U S X
Foundation: Our Campus Master Plan
The recently completed campus master plan maps the exciting possibilities for the St. Pius X campus in the coming years. We are currently working on
this project with architectural consultants from CDH, one of the leaders in school architecture in the Atlanta area. The resulting plan includes an engineering report and conceptual plans for the future based on survey data and interviews.
In preparing to create the campus master plan, we polled all SPX constituencies. We gratefully accepted their valuable input on the school’s needs and
the importance of various projects. Our constituencies mentioned several areas of concern, including classroom and office space, tuition cost, technology, meeting areas, athletic training and practice areas, enhanced security, maintenance issues, future enrollment, changing academic requirements, and
staffing. Taking all of this information into consideration, we worked diligently to create the campus master plan. With our ideas fleshed out and a clear
goal in mind, we were able to decide what our first action would be to address all these issues and make our plans a reality. The first and most critical
action was to launch the 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign.
50th Anniversary Capital Campaign: Expanding Our Legacy
We cannot reach our future goals without taking a first step, and in order to create any possibility
of growth for our campus, we must first have the room to grow. The 50th Anniversary Capital
Campaign is the inaugural phase in the Expanding Our Legacy project, and it specifically addresses
our need for land. Adding the North Campus property to our existing acreage will provide the
necessary foundation to achieve our long-term goals. The goal of this campaign is to pay off
the bridge loan for the North Campus area and to improve the added land for use as a baseball
field and for a practice field. The 50th Anniversary campaign is the first in a series of moves to
transform the campus over time.
needed office and meeting space.
Our original plan for Phase One of this capital campaign included the construction of two buildings on the North Campus property. Taking into account the current financial crisis, we revised
plans for Phase One and deferred the design and construction of these two buildings until the
bridge loan has been paid off. However, preliminary plans have been made for the function of
these buildings. We plan to house the development and business offices in one building, and we
have slated the second building to house existing programs and new athletic facilities. This building will also provide us with much needed storage space. The construction of these buildings is
crucial in the grand scheme because it will open up areas in the current administrative suite and
in the front of the Donnellan Center for alternative uses. When the development offices and staff
move out of the Donnellan Center, the entire building can be used for athletics, providing much
Each phase we complete will set the stage for the next phase. There are other building projects in the campus master plan, including a new chapel and
expansion and renovation of several other areas of campus. These projects will be addressed in later phases. Additional information is available on the
Web site or through the development office.
Our Responsibility
Now that we have determined our immediate goals for the 50th Anniversary Expanding Our Legacy Capital Campaign, we are charged with seeing this project through
to completion. In order to succeed, we need the support of our alumni community.
We have been given the challenge and the responsibility to turn this opportunity into
a reality for the school and its future generations of students. Please join with us
now as we move forward.
This summer we begin formulating the alumni portion of the campaign. The official
kick-off will be September 1, 2009. Alumni have been asked to raise 20 percent of
the money for the capital campaign. The project has a goal of $6.8 million, which
includes land acquisition, demolition of existing buildings and civil engineering and
grading. So far $3.1 million has been raised during pre-campaign efforts and the
recently concluded initial phase of the parent campaign. We are asking the alumni
community to raise $1.36 million of this project’s goal.
We will be calling on you to get involved with a portion of your time, talent and
treasure. When asked, please prayerfully consider what gifts you can share with the
St. Pius X Community. With your involvement, we can ensure that quality Catholic
education at St. Pius X is continued for many more generations.
First Principal of SPX Honored on 80th Birthday
On Sunday, April 19, the St. Pius X Class of 1962 hosted an informal birthday celebration for Father James Harrison’s
80th birthday. Father Harrison, the pastor at St. Marguerite D’Youville in Lawrenceville, Ga., was the school’s first
principal. He served our communuity from 1958 to 1964.
The afternoon party was held in the lobby of the Monsignor Terry W. Young Center at St. Pius X, and about 45 guests
from the classes of 1962 and 1963, as well as members of Father Harrison’s family and friends, were in attendance. One
very special guest was our beloved Coach George
Maloof, who attended the gathering with his wife,
To honor Father Harrison’s early contributions to St. Pius, a marble bench
(the gift of Jim Stack, brother of Fr. Dan Stack) is being engraved. A
commemorative quilt with pictures of the first six classes and signatures
of all the guests will be presented this summer.
The party was the brainchild of Sister Teresa Margaret, OCD (Susan
Brinkman ’62) who is a Carmelite nun in Houston, Texas. Other organizers included Teresa Wilkinson Pawlik, Cici Wrigley Harris, and Barbara
McCusker Poole from the Class of 1962 and Kathleen Gegan from the
Class of 1963. Bill Poole ’62 captured the events of the day and created
a photo album of the festivities.
HOMECOMING: Reunion Weekend 2009
Friday, September 25
Saturday, September 26
Sunday, September 27
5:00 p.m.
Alumni Cookout
8:00 a.m.
Family Fun Run & 5K
11:00 a.m.
Mass with Msgr. Richard Lopez
Messner Plaza, Maloof Stadium
Food provided by Pig-N-Chik BBQ
Free with your purchase of a game
ticket ($7)
Track, Maloof Stadium
Young Center
Light reception, open house and
school tours
7:30 p.m.
Homecoming Football Game
Golden Lions vs. Therrell High
Maloof Stadium
$7 per person
*no charge for children 5 and under
7:00 p.m.
Individual Reunion Parties for
Classes of 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979,
1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004
†Separate class reunion invitations
will follow
*Class of 1959 Reunion Party is
October 10
**Reunion Chairpersons needed for
Class of ’79 and Class of ’94
September 19, 2009
Register at www.spx.org/alumni
Contact Vicky Dorsey ’81, Director of
Alumni at vdorsey@spx.org or
404-633-4290 x272
Alumni Association Events
Faith & Work: Networking/Speaker Series
The launch of the Faith & Work Networking/Speaker Series was a huge success! This past winter and spring 100 alumni, parents
and friends of St. Pius X gathered to network and get inspired. Beloved priest, Msgr. Pat Bishop, kicked off the series in January
to a full house. Msgr. Bishop, who taught at St. Pius in the 80s, reminded everyone to stay in communication with God, in good
and bad times.
February brought Gregory Baranco (owner of Mercedes Benz of Buckhead) back to the St. Pius X campus. Mr. Baranco, parent
of Janelle ’96, shared his secrets of success. He shared with us that satisfied customers result from empowered and knowledgeable
team members.
Later in the semester, Laura Rogers’80 of Carole Parks Catering and Michael Petrik, SPX Advisory Board Member, spoke beautifully to the power of entrusting your work life to the Lord. The series ended with a Business-to-Business Seminar in May. Jay
Kapp ’94 of Kapp Koncepts wowed everyone with his suggestions on using FREE Web 2.0 sites to market their businesses. Visit
the SPX alumni Web site (www.spx.org/alumni) to view photos and download handouts from the series.
Peachtree Road Race Hospitality Area
Saturday July 4, 2009
Near the “S” Balloon in the Family/Friend Meet-Up Area
*Join us in helping hand out water to our St. Pius X runners.
Breakfast with
Mrs. B
The St. Pius X Alumni Association invites all female business
owners—alumni, parents and friends of St. Pius X—to
network and connect over coffee!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
St. Pius X High School, Donnellan Center
Guest Speaker: Mrs. Juanita Baranco
*There is limited seating available, so please register by July 15.
Register online at www.spx.org/alumni or e-mail us at
alumni@spx.org. We hope to see you there!
Team Trivia
August 22, 2009
7:00 p.m. • St. Pius X Cafeteria
*Adult Only Event
Open to Alumni, Parents,
Parents of Alumni and Faculty
Team Entry $150 • Up to 10 players
• Bring your own food
• Order pizza from Galla’s
• Snacks, soft drinks, beer and wine
will be available
Cash Prizes
Raffle: Win a HDTV, iPOD, or GPS
Register online at www.spx.org/alumni or
e-mail us at alumni@spx.org.
St. Pius X Alumni Association
Alumni Service Days
If it is encouraging, devote yourself to encouraging others. If it is sharing, share generously. If it is leading, lead
enthusiastically. If it is helping, help cheerfully. - Romans 12:8
Saturday September 12, 2009
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday October 10, 2009
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
For more information and to register visit the Alumni Web site: www.spx.org/alumni
Summer Alumni Restaurant Tour 2009
Network, Eat and Reminisce • Wednesdays 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
This summer, we’re visiting a few of our favorite places owned by St. Pius X alumni and family members. Join us
and support our SPX family and friends as we satiate our appetites for good food and great company at the following establishments:
Galla’s Pizza
Owner: Bob Galla ’94
Parker’s on Ponce
Owners: John-Thomas Scott ’93 and Christopher Scott ’96
Owner: Jim Graddy
Parent of Mary ’10
Afrodish Restaurant
Owners: Raphael and Vincencia Sarpong
Parents of Nana ’99 and Rita ’01
George’s Bar & Restaurant
Owner: George Najour
Brother of Denise ’69 and Monica ’70
Uncle of Stephanie Warner Tadros ’90, Greg Warner ’94
and George Warner ’98 (Manager)
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Owners: Jim and Virginia Brooks
Parents of Albert ’08
Owner: Michael Field
Son of Kitty Keith Field ’63, and brother of Kathy Hoffman
’85, Michelle Field ’87 and Marie Spies ’91
Maddy’s - A Rib & Blues Joint
Owners: Jeff and Margaret (Burke) ’92 Buckelew
Shorty’s Pizza
Owner: Brian Hogan ’92
Visit www.spx.org and click on the “Alumni Restaurant Tour” link for tour dates
…one of our own is hard at work
deciphering fossilized secrets kept
silent for millions of years. For the
past five months this Golden Lion has
been conducting research and living
in an unfamiliar world. In every way,
she is living life to the fullest and making the most of a very prestigious fellowship. This young woman is Megan Tuura Ortega ’03, and we are proud
to say that this St. Pius X graduate is a 2008 Fulbright Scholar.
Since 1946 the Fulbright Scholarship Program has made it possible for academics and professionals to travel to numerous countries across the globe. This
“flagship program in international educational exchange” was the brainchild
of Senator J. William Fulbright who introduced his idea to the U.S. Congress
in 1945. Sponsored by the United States Department of State, the program
has blossomed since its inception and now sends approximately 800 United
States scholars to further their education in 140 countries each year.
“The Fulbright Program is giving me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live
and work in a truly unique culture and place,” says Megan. “I know that I
will learn a lot about myself through this experience.”
For Megan, the reward of the Fulbright Scholarship is the culmination of a
very successful scholastic career and many years of hard work. After graduating from St. Pius X in 2003, she attended the University of Michigan and
pursued a degree in Geological Science. As Megan excelled in her academic
studies, she earned recognition from Michigan’s Geology Department. She
was honored with all three awards that an undergraduate in the department can
receive: the Citizenship Award (2006), Academic Excellence Award (2007),
and Best Field Geologist Award (2008).
As a well-rounded scholar, Megan was also involved in several extracurricular
activities. A gifted athlete, she made the womens’ soccer team as a freshman
and played starting goalkeeper for the NCAA Division I Woverines all four
years. Megan still ranks number one in the program’s history for minutes
played and has an MVP title to her credit. She earned Academic All-Big Ten
honors three times during her career, and at one point was ranked 17th best
goalkeeper in NCAA Division I women’s soccer. Off the field, she was active
in the University’s chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom. In addition,
she held offices in multiple student organizations including Vice President for
the Honor Council of the Literature, Science and the Arts College, and the
Undergraduate Representative and Secretary in the Geoclub.
Despite her many interests on campus, Megan’s ambitions ventured beyond
life at the University of Michigan, and in the spring of 2007, she studied
abroad in Australia. Her coursework and life experiences at the University
of Melbourne were pivotal factors in her decision to apply for a Fulbright
Scholarship. “I realized that the Fulbright Program could give me the opportunity to work abroad and do interesting research,” Megan recalls. “I
made it my goal to get a Fulbright Fellowship, and I focused almost all of
my efforts on that goal.”
Megan began researching grants offered by the Fulbright program. She
contacted Professor R. Ewan Fordyce at the University of Otago in the hopes
that they could work together on a research project. She had met Professor
Fordyce during her time in Melbourne. “He wrote me a letter of support so
that the Fulbright Committee would have a better idea of what my project
consists of and so they would know that he and his department supported
my research.”
Aided by the insight and advice of other Fulbright Fellows, Megan dove into
the arduous application process. The application has four parts: a proposal
statement, personal statement, three letters of recommendation, and a resumé.
In mid-September of 2007, Megan gave her completed application to her
advisor to be sent to the Fulbright Commission.
There were 97 applicants for the 2008 New Zealand program, with funding
available for only 10 proposed projects. Unfortunately, Megan was not one
of those initial 10. “I was heartbroken. In April I received a letter from the
Institute of International Education saying that I was on the waiting list. I was
devastated and had to consider other options for the upcoming year.”
Moving forward with her studies, Megan finished both her honor’s and master’s
theses at the University of Michigan. Having earned her degrees in Geological
Science, she hoped to work as a geoscientist for a major oil company. In the
summer of 2008, Megan completed an internship with BP Oil. She even made
plans to go back to Australia for her doctorate, but an e-mail in September of
2008 put a pleasant kink in Megan’s plans.
“A few weeks before I got married, I received an e-mail asking me to call
the Institute of International Education. I figured that they wanted to give
me some closure by letting me know that I had not received an award. I
called and found out that additional funding had been acquired for the New
Zealand program and that the Fulbright Program wanted to sponsor me and
my project.”
an island
in the south Pacific…
Just shy of a year after turning in her application, Megan was named a
Fulbright Scholar. Her research fellowship began this February and will
be funded through November 2009. During her time in New Zealand,
she will be researching the evolution of marine mammal life. “My project
concerns two rock units at Awamoa Beach, North Otago, that contain
dolphin, whale, and invertebrate fossils of Miocene age—approximately
20 million years old. These units are part of a bigger sequence in New
Zealand that preserves a record of environmental change linked to the separation of Australia and South America from Antarctica—separation which formed
the Southern Ocean, isolated Antarctica geographically and thermally, and led to global changes
in temperature, ocean circulation, and biodiversity. Such changes have affected the evolution of
“modern” dolphins and whales over the last 35 million years.”
Reflecting back on her education and accomplishments, Megan says, “I really enjoyed my time at
St. Pius X and gained a lot from my education. The abundance of extracurricular activities and
other ways to be involved in campus ministries helped me be active in university life and give back
to the community. St. Pius X truly prepared me for college. I was blessed to have been surrounded
by teachers who were interested in their students’ growth as people, not just as pupils.”
In order to obtain a second master’s degree, Megan will be staying in New Zealand until February
of 2010. Upon her return to the U.S. she plans to begin her career with the oil industry in Houston,
Texas. The St. Pius X community is extremely proud of Megan and all her accomplishments. We
wish her God’s blessings in all her endeavors.
Decoding the Past: (Clockwise from
top left) Megan Tuura Ortega ’03,
Fulbright Scholar; Megan (back, left)
stands at the base of the outcrop containing the rock unit she is studying;
Megan and her advisor, Professor
Ewan Fordyce, scout the beach for
rocks containing whale and dolphin
fossils; The north cape of Awamoa
Beach—Megan’s fieldwork site; In her
workspace, Megan prepares dolphin
fossils (physically) that are contained
in a block of rock; In this close-up view
of the rock block Megan is preparing,
you may see the fossilized bones more
clearly; On the beach, Megan gets a
closer look at a piece from the outcrop
of rock she is studying.
In a recent e-mail, Megan shared some
of her experiences with us:
“I am still chugging along with my work.
I’ve had to come out of my invertebrate-paleontological box and study cetacean (whale/
dolphin) anatomy and evolution. This has been
difficult, but incredibly interesting! I have been
into the field a few times, although I haven’t
been able to do the work I need to do because
of beach conditions. Nonetheless, I’m looking
forward to the winter storms that will sweep the
beach clean of all the pebbles that are currently
burying the rocks. In the meantime, I’ve been
doing a lot of work preparing dolphin fossils that
we already have in our museum. I’ve gained a
lot of experience removing rock from the bones
by using different methods: careful chemical
treatment (using acid to dissolve rock away)
and physical preparation (using various tools to
physically remove the rock). It has been very
exciting to see the rock “melt” away, exposing
more of the bones! One of the dolphin skulls I
have been preparing is almost finished--it looks
great! I have also been trawling through the
literature to find old reports on the rock unit I am
studying. I have enjoyed reading some of the
first reports of the New Zealand Geological Survey since many of them were published over 125
years ago! I have also done some micropaleontology work (looking at fossilized zooplankton)
to determine the age of the unit I’m studying.
From my analysis (which is in concert with the
published literature), the rock unit I’m studing is
Altonian (15.9-19 million years old).”
Spring means many things to many people, but here at
St. Pius X, it traditionally means sporting success. This
year that success should be proclaimed with an exclamation point!
Both our boys’ and girls’ tennis teams were crowned
region champions and advanced to the final four of the
state tournament. Though they fought valiantly, our boys
were knocked out of the tournament by Woodward, the
enventual state champions. Our girls triumphed over
Riverwood in the championship game to capture their
first state title since 1981!
For the fourth year in a row, our boys’ lacrosse team captured the region championship. The team continued to
the quarterfinals of the state tournament but lost a tough
game to Lovett, the eventual state champions. The girls’
lacrosse team finished the regular season with an impressive
12-1-2 record and won the region title. They advanced to
the semifinals, where they were defeated by Milton. Both
teams were spectacular to watch this season, and we are
already looking forward to next year’s matches!
Both our boys’ and girls’ golf teams walked away with this
year’s region championship trophies. They then traveled
to Augusta for the state championship match. After hard
fought matches, both the boys’ and girls’ teams finished
7th in the state.
With a very young team at the start of this season, we expected this to be a rebuilding year for the Lions. Nothing
could have been further from the truth. The team record
for the regular season was 21-5, and they advanced to the
Elite 8 in the state tournament. There, they faced Columbus
(the No. 4 team in the country). Though they played well,
they lost two games in a row, sadly ending a great season.
The team impressed us all, and with only three seniors
leaving us, things look promising for next season.
Track & Field
Our boys’ and girls’ teams had outstanding seasons. Many
school records were broken and both teams advanced to
state. The boys finished their season 10th in the state, and
the girls finished 9th.
Both our boys’ and girls’ soccer teams won the region
championship and went into the state tournament ranked
third and first in the state, respectively. Our boys’ soccer
team charged through the tournament and defeated the West
Hall Spartans to secure their first state title since 2001! Our
girls’ soccer team ended their amazing undefeated season
with a victory over the North Hall Trojans to capture the
state championship title!
It has been an extremely exciting and successful year for
the Golden Lions. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I
am of our young men and ladies and their coaches. They
represent each of you and this school so well!
Mark Kelly
Director of Athletics
It’s Official: We’re No. 1!
NSCAA Crowns St. Pius X “Top Team” In The Nation In Final Poll Of The Season
The St. Pius X varsity girls’ soccer team is No. 1 in the nation! The team first
achieved their No. 1 national ranking in the March 31 poll by the Adidas®
National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA). Defeating each
opponent they have faced on the field, the girls maintained their No. 1 ranking
for the past two months (having twice more been ranked No. 1 in the same
poll). The team’s final season record is an astounding 22-0-0, and coupled
with their state championship title, the excitement surrounding this season
and the soccer program has skyrocketed.
Mr. Steve Spellman, principal of St. Pius X, is extremely proud of Head Coach
Sara Geiger and all the Golden Lion players. “When we first heard the results
of the March 31 poll, our entire school family was elated that our girls’ soccer
team was the top team in the nation,” says Spellman. “Now that it’s official,
we couldn’t be happier. What a wonderful tribute and validation of the work
ethic and dedication of a very talented group of young ladies.”
The girls started this season off strong and continued to prove themselves on
the field against many tough competitors. “I look forward to every practice
and every game,” Head Coach Sara Geiger remarked earlier this season. “We
use them as tools to get better, and that is what we are out here to do. We
want to make sure every girl on our team becomes a better soccer player and
a better person than she was at the beginning of the season.”
In her two years as head coach, Geiger has taken this young group of women
to the next level of competition. “It’s not so much the fact that they win,”
says SPX Athletic Director Mark Kelly, “but it’s the way they win that really
makes you take notice. They are a team-oriented group who really support
each other. They work hard, and they’re intensely focused. They are just
an extremely talented and extremely well-coached team. It’s obvious when
they play that they have a singular purpose—to be the best that they possibly
can be.”
Once the news of the team’s official ranking reached the players, they were
ecstatic. For team co-captain Alex Schulte this was the perfect ending to her
high school soccer career. Schulte, who has played for the varsity Golden
Lions for four years, will continue to play soccer at the collegiate level for
Jacksonville University. “Knowing that we are officially ranked No. 1 in
the nation is an incredible feeling, especially since we worked so hard this
season,” comments Shulte. “I think the news of the March 31 poll pushed us
to be our best. Now, with our undefeated season and the state title, we know
we truly earned this honor.”
Co-captain Carly Lafferty, who will play for the panthers of Georgia State
University this fall, has also been a member of the varsity team for four years.
Reflecting on the team’s success, Lafferty credits her coach for fostering the
team’s talent, saying: “Coach Geiger has turned this team around since she
became head coach in my junior year. She’s an amazing coach and has made
us an excellent team. We have great chemistry on and off the field, and I’m
so proud of how far we’ve come.”
The relationship between the players and their coach is ultimately what has
made this team so special and so successful. Rising sophomore Kate Ward
has enjoyed her time with her veteran team members and has learned quite a
bit during this exciting season. “Being able to say that I played on the No. 1
team in the nation is pretty amazing,” Ward shares. “We continued to excel
because Coach Geiger pushed us to succeed. All the girls on the team are
incredible, and our practices are full of hard work and laughter. I think the
key to our success is that we play well together, and we all give our best all
the time.”
Indeed this is a special group of young athletes. Coach Geiger is thrilled
for them and all they have accomplished. “I have been completely blessed
to have such a great group of girls this year,” says Geiger. “Each and every
one of them has worked so hard from the very beginning of the season, and
that hard work continues to pay off. I can’t describe in words how well they
connect on and off the soccer field. It is like they know what their teammates are thinking, and that helps them connect passes on the soccer field
and develop lasting friendships off the field. It has been a true honor to coach
such great girls.”
Lion Lines. . . keeping up with alums around the globe
David Beavin ’68 and his daughter Melissa,
recently finished the 50-mile Ultra Marathon in
Wakulla Springs, Florida.
sional District of North Carolina (both are pictured
below). Chad will be working in the Asheville,
N.C. and handling all of the
offices throughout the District.
In February
of 2008, Chad
opened the U.S. House of Representatives in
prayer and served as Guest Chaplain for the
Laura Simon’71 is the leader of The Laura Simon
Band. The band has three CDs and features 14 of
the most talented veteran musicians in Atlanta.
Laura auditioned for “America’s Got Talent” and
did a commercial clip for the show. Laura credits
God as giving her the gift of songwriting after
the death of her fiancé in 2002. Her latest CD is
titled Beacon of Light.
Lara Bollweg ’95 was chosen to receive the
Best In Community Award for the Marketing
organization at Target. Lara was nominated for
the award by senior management because of
her level of commitment to the community as a
volunteer. Lara travelled to Memphis to volunteer
at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and
Target House.
Members of the Class of 1981 got together at
Taco Mac-Perimeter on May 30. The evening,
coordinated by Linda Moore Harry, brought
together Kathy Helgeth Cashin, Garvin Aycock,
Linda Moore Harry, Ralph Williams, Betty
Page Singleton, Jeanne Blackburn Stephens,
Kim Shea, Vicky Dorsey, Doug Albey and Keith
Jennifer Bafundo ’00 was named 2009 Teacher
of the Year at St. Pius X. Jennifer just finished
her fourth year of teaching for SPX.
Coach George B. Maloof has been inducted in the
Georgia Athletic Coaches Association (GACA)
Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony took place
at the Northwest Georgia Trade Center in Dalton
on June 6, 2009.
Carter. It was a great evening reminiscing, catching up and revealing high school crushes!
The local Unit of the National Association of
Credit Management named Keith Carter ’81 its
“2009 Credit Manager of
The Year.” During seven
years on the Board of
Directors, he filled every
executive position including Board Chairman in
2007-2008. Keith is employed as a specialist in the
Client Financial Services
Department at Alston & Bird, LLP (Atlanta).
Brendan Murphy ’89 has been named the 2009
Distinguished Educator of the year. The award
is sponsored by the Georgia Commission on the
Holocaust and is presented to one Georgia teacher
who demonstrates excellence in the development
and presentation of lessons in the Holocaust.
Eric O’Neill ’89 received his Ph.D. in biology
(Evolutionary Genetics) from Utah State University in May 2009.
Chad Eaton ’90 is the Director of Public Affairs
for Congressman Heath Shuler of 11th Congres-
With the help of a Boeing Fellowship, Maria
Rodriguez Donaldson ’00 received her MBA
in International Business from Saint Louis University. She now works for Monsanto Company
managing strategic communications for the global
manufacturing division.
Alicia Hatter ’00 received the distinguished
Thomas E. Douglass Award for Excellence
in Teaching from the English Department at
Clemson University. This award is given to the
graduate assistant who best exemplifies the high
standards of teaching promoted at the University.
This award was presented at the 2009 Honors and
Awards Day for the College of Architecture, Arts
and Humanities. Alicia is in her second year of
a four-year program to receive her doctorate in
the interdisciplinary program of Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design.
Trey Broussard ’01 has released a new acoustic/
pop/rock album of original
music with the production
and engineering help of
David Bowick ’01. The
album, “Feel the World”
is available on iTunes and
wherever Trey is playing
around the southeast.
Kevin Francis Dunn ’05, a Magna Cum Laude
graduate of Georgia College and State University,
received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry on
May 9, 2009.
Katie Kulavic ’05 was named the 2009 Georgia
college basketball player of the year by the Atlanta
Tipoff Club. She is also the Southern Collegiate
Athletic Conference all-time top scorer.
Michelle Elizabeth LeBlanc ’05 graduated
Magna Cum Laude from Syracuse University
on May 10 with a degree in biology. She will
continue her education at Syracuse in a Ph.D.
program in Experimental Psychology. Michelle
has been awarded a full scholarship and has also
been awarded a Teaching Assistantship starting
August 2009.
Four SPX Class of 2005 members graduated from
The Citadel in 2009. They have done exceedingly
well and all give credit to the lessons learned at
St. Pius X for their outstanding records. They
are pictured below (L-R; Cadet 1st Lt. Richard
Doelling, Cadet 2nd Lt. John McGinnis, Cadet
Lt. Col. Ashley Weeks, and Cadet 2nd Lt. Ricky
Ucinski) during Parent’s Weekend.
George Unsworth Messner III, son of Mike
Messner ’71, and Lauren Gibbons, daughter of
the late Doll deGolian Sullivan ’71, were married
on May 16 in Washington, D.C.
Ryan Magid ’99
and Bonnie Rukstalis were married on
August 9, 2008. The
ceremony took place
in Santa Monica,
Calif. The couple
currently reside in
Los Angeles.
Births ...
Joyce Pothier-Keenan
’87 and her husband
Chris are proud to announce the birth of
their son James Patrick
Keenan, born October
17, 2008. James was 8
pounds, 4 ounces and 20
inches long.
. . . Lion Lines
Janet McCoy Buckley ’89 and husband Scott
announce the birth of Anna Claire, born August
17, 2007. Her siblings are Katie (12), Megan (9),
Andrew (6) and Brendan (4). Janet stays busy
homeschooling her children.
Annemarie Baker Crabtree ’91 and her husband
Chip welcomed their
second baby Charles
Tanner Crabtree on
December 26, 2008.
Tanner joins proud
big sister Taryn. The
Crabtree family lives
in Spring Hill, Tenn.
Heidi Berrell Rubin de la Borbolla ’94 and
her husband, Ian,
are thrilled to welcome a son, Aiden
Emerson, born June
6, 2008. The family
resides in Memphis,
Jenniffer Todd Kapp ’94 and Jay Kapp ’94
happily announce the
birth of their daughter Madeline, born
October 29, 2008.
Madeline weighed 8
pounds, 1 ounce and
was 21 inches. She
joins her older brother
Julie Duvall Hiland ’96 and her husband Sean
Hiland proudly announce the birth of their daughter Eleanor Sieba
Hiland born on
April 15, 2009 at
1:14 p.m. “Ellie”
weighed 6 pounds,
12 ounces and was
18.75 inches long.
Rebecca Jones Rose ’96 is Ellie’s godmother.
Cyndy Tham ’96 and her husband Doug Wolfe
welcomed their second child, Jasper Charlie, on
April 10, 2009. He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces
and was 18 inches long. He joins his sister Alena
Suki, who will be 2 years old in November.
Robin Nickerson Sowders ’97 and her husband
Steve are excited
to announce the
birth of their son,
James. He was
born at Cobb Hospital on January
16, 2009.
Brian Coffield ’99 and his wife Kim would like
to announce the birth of their second daugh-
ter, Megan Elizabeth. Megan was
born at 12:56 p.m.
on November 26,
2008. She weighed
8 pounds, 4 ounces
and was 19.75 inches long. Big sister
Cate is already taking great care of her
little sister.
Kate Farley Preston ’99 and Stephen Preston
welcomed their first child Robert Henry on September 16, 2007.
Bobby was born
three months prematurely, weighing
just 2 pounds, 1
ounce, and measuring 13.9 inches
long. He is a true
testament of God’s
love and the power
of prayer. The Preston family resides in Fort Worth,
Texas, where Stephen is Sous Chef at Colonial
Country Club, and Kate works in the NICU at
Cook Children’s Medical Center.
Elizabeth Johnson ’02 happily announces
the birth of Thurmond Francis “TJ”
Johnson, born November 25, 2008,
at 2:56 p.m. He
weighed 7 pounds,
2 ounces and was
21 inches long.
Alina Alvarez, mother of Lissette Alvarez
Antonini ’99 and Nicolette Alvarez ’01, passed
away in April 2009.
Darby Armstrong ’77 passed away the last week
of January 2009.
Theresa Cavan, 93, mother of Bruce ’63, passed
away March 16, 2009.
Christopher Cook, 34, husband of Madeline Bianca Cook ’96, passed away on April 8, 2009.
Sean Patrick Devlin, 24, nephew and God-son
of Nancy A Devlin ’76, passed away December
10, 2008.
Bryan Dorsey, father of Kate Dorsey ’99, passed
away on May 3, 2009.
James Esker ’92 passed away April 14, 2009.
Kermit Arthur Falk died April 5, 2009 at 80
years of age. He was the father of Anmarie
’73, Dennis ’76, Elsie ’79 and Kathleen ’83,
father-in-law of Christopher Delisle ’83, and
grandfather of Anne Marie Falk ’00 and Kermit
Arthur Falk III ’02.
Robert Frenzel, 67, father of Kristen ’87 and
Bobby ’88, passed way on March 19, 2009.
Michael Patrick Gallagher Jr. ’96 passed away
on February 15, 2009.
Rose Helen Gasperini, 95, passed away on
January 25, 2009. She is survived by her son
Edward ’62, her daughter-in-law Cathleen ’65,
and her granddaughters Lisa Parris ’88, Elizabeth
Kimberl ’90, Amy Sampona ’94 and Rebecca
Gasperini ’98.
John A Gertken, father of Jack Gertken ’83,
passed away August 10, 2005 from a short
Steven Held ’74 passed away after a long battle
with cancer on February 14, 2009.
Tony Kovitch, 91, father of Michael ’63 and
Mary Ann Cullerton ’68, passed away on May
14, 2009.
Stephen Laughey, father of Caitrin ’04, passed
away in March 2009.
Michael Marcucci ’81 passed away on April
6, 2009.
Michael McGowan ’80, brother of John ’77 and
Bob C. ’78, passed away on April 4, 2009.
Rita McKane, 91, mother of Susan Fritts ’67,
passed away on April 02, 2009.
Samuel McQuaid, 88, died peacefully on April 13,
2009. He is survived by his children, Samuel ’68
and Sally Kramer ’69, son-in-law Steve Krammer ’67, and grandchildren Kristin Kramer ’98,
Michael Kramer ’00 and Anna Kramer ’05.
Gene Reiley, 76, father of Trish Regan ’81, Terri
McKendry ’83, Gene ’85 and Peter ’98, passed
away on May 31, 2009. His wife, Pat Reiley,
worked at SPX for 15 years.
William R.(Bill) Ryan ’63 passed away June
15, 2009.
Mary B. Shoemaker, 85, passed away Wednesday,
March 4, 2009. She is survived by her children:
Annette Massey ’64, Tim ’70, Irene Cawthon
’72, Robert ’76 and Lisa Moore ’83; and her
grandchildren: Jocelyn Urgese ’92, Bridget
Saldana ’94, Christine ’96, J.T. ’98, Carolyn
’00, and Matt ’02.
Donald Wich, 92, grandfather of Michelle LeBlanc ’05, passed away March 31, 2009.
James C. Whitesell, father of Jim ’75, Beth
Lammers ’76, and Susan ’76, and grandfather
to Bridgid Lammers ’02 and Meghan ’06, died
on September 24, 2008.
St. Pius X Remembers
What tribute can we give a St. Pius X
mother, who over the course of 85 years,
left a wonderful legacy of love, laughter
and joy? In this issue of Alumni News, as
we continue to celebrate all of our community’s blessings, we stop and pay tribute to
Virginia “Jinny” Conrads of Rutledge, Ga.,
who passed away on April 21, 2009. Jinny’s
personality and outlook on life contributed
to amazing success in all areas of her life:
faith, family and community.
Born Virginia Lane in St. Louis, Mo., in 1923, Jinny displayed a talent for
dance prior to entering school. She subsequently developed her talent, trained
in Havana, Cuba, and by age 17 was dancing for the St. Louis Municipal
Opera. WWII interrupted her career with the Opera Company and took her
to 48 states where she danced as a part of the USO troop and entertained
thousands of sailors, soldiers, and airmen, lifting their lonely and anxious
spirits. In 2007, USO of Georgia honored Jinny for life-long service to USO
and the community.
In 1948, Jinny married James C. Conrads and over the next 12 years, she
became the mother of five children. Jinny and Jim sent four of their children
through St. Pius X: Karen Conrad Wibell ’67, Linda A. Conrads ’70, Nancy
Conrads Pendergast ’72 and Michael C. Conrads ’78.
During nearly 60 years of marriage, Jinny’s primary focus was always her
family and their welfare. She was involved in everything from PTAs to
Little League, and served in roles as varied as Cub Scout Den Mother to
Cheerleading Coach. Dusting off her ballet slippers, Jinny also taught ballet
and shared her love of dance with future ballerinas.
As her children grew up, Jinny had more time to volunteer. A converted
Catholic, church and faith were important to her. She devoted countless hours
to various organizations in support of both, including the Women’s Club,
Serra Club (fostering and promoting vocations to the Catholic Church) and
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home in Atlanta. Characteristic of her
adventurous and giving spirit, Jinny volunteered in 1979 for a nationwide
experiment which trained individuals to become mediators at the Justice
Center of Atlanta (JCA). In addition to volunteering as a mediator, she became
JCA’s part-time bookkeeper, assuring that the federal and local monies were
properly accounted for and wisely spent. Over the years, Jinny mediated many
diverse types of cases from business, family and neighborhood disputes to
landlord/tenant and juvenile matters, influencing thousands of people with
her abilities and wisdom. When she had to stop mediating in the late 1990’s
due to her health, she remained, until her death, a loyal supporter of JCA’s
widening outreach. In 2007, JCA dedicated their educational conference
area to Jinny for her exceptional service and support.
The Conrads were always generous with their time and talents, and as Jim’s
business flourished, they were equally generous with their financial resources.
After buying a farm in Rutledge, Ga., Jinny and Jim were instrumental in the
formation and building of St. James Catholic Church in Madison, Ga. They
also established the Conrads Family Fund of the Community Foundation for
Greater Atlanta which provides annual grants to charitable organizations with
a special focus on Catholic churches and schools. Jinny and Jim have always
lovingly and generously remembered St. Pius X Catholic High School. In
recognition of her generosity and her spiritual and religious pursuits, Jinny
was inducted into the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
and achieved the rank of Lady of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre.
The St. Pius X Alumni community celebrates the gift of Jinny Conrads. We
thank God and her family for sharing her light, laughter and joy!
Margaret Gilbert
Beloved St. Pius X swim coach Margaret Gilbert passed away on April 21, 2009 at the age of 41. Margaret fought
a two-year battle with breast cancer. She touched the lives of many alumni as she helped build and strengthen the
swimming and diving program here at St. Pius X.
Her husband Coach Bob Gilbert recently wrote the faculty and staff of St. Pius X a lovely e-mail. Bob graciously allowed us to share it with the alumni and friends of St. Pius X. His words express the celebration of our faith in God,
the strength of family and the power of the St. Pius X community.
Dear Friends,
Two and a half years ago when Margaret was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer, I prayed for many things. That she could be cured or that she could live a
long battle with the disease. But, I also prayed that she would not suffer. For the most part of her battle she did not suffer. Some of the treatments were brutal
but she handled it with strength and grace. At the end the combination of the brain cancer becoming very aggressive as well as the latest treatment regime
causing some damage, it was more than she could take. The cancer became very nasty and ugly, it took my wife quickly, but she did not suffer. She had her
mother and all three sisters, myself and my mother all with her when her struggle was over.
It has been a blur this past week. I want to send a huge thank you to all of you
especially…my brother, JT, my favorite head coach Paul Standard and all the
guys who have covered for me here at school: Jerry Stewart, Chad Garrison and
Bryan Pinabell. The staff has been amazing as well—Mr. Spellman, Tina Press,
Marsha Free, Ana Pariselli and Ruth McCollough, thank you so much!
Helping in the funeral arrangements was Fr. Brian Small. He showed great
sincerity and helped guide me through some difficult decisions. Thanks to Fr.
Lopez and Fr. Dan for being part of Margaret’s Funeral Mass. Gayle and Mary
Jones you two have been amazing too! There are many more, and I will hopefully talk to you all soon.
Eighteen years ago I met Paul Standard, and we became friends mostly because
of our Catholic upbringing. I think the Lord’s plan was to bring us together then
so we would be here at St. Pius X now!
My whole family has been surrounded by the love of the SPX and the IHM
communities and it gives me great peace. God bless us all.
Bob Gilbert
Collier Hackman
Collier C. Hackman of the Class of 1975 died Wednesday April 1, 2009, after a courageous battle with brain
cancer. He attended the Cathedral of Christ The King and Immaculate Heart of Mary Elementary Schools.
While a student at St. Pius X, Collier was involved in the drama club, the senior play and talent show, and
was a member of the WSPX radio staff. Collier graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s
degree in biochemistry. He was employed for many years as a salesman, specializing in hospital information systems.
Collier and his wife Betsy wanted their
daughters to receive a Catholic education, and so they enrolled Christy ’07 and Erin
’10 at St. Pius X. Collier loved supporting his daughters in all of their activities.
Eternal rest grant unto them,
O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them.
2009 Calendar
Restaurant Tour: George’s Bar & Restaurant
Restaurant Tour: Wildflour
Peachtree Road Race Hospitality
Restaurant Tour: Parker’s on ponce
Restaurant Tour: Afrodish
Restaurant Tour: Ruth’s Chris - Buckhead
Restaurant Tour: Maddy’s
Restaurant Tour: Shorty’s - Tucker
First Day of School
2nd Annual Trivia Tournament
Football: St. Pius vs. Marist (A)
Football: St. Pius vs. GAC (H)
Alumni Service Day: Open Hand - Atlanta
Alumni Board Meeting
Reunion Weekend
Class of 1959 Reunion Event
Alumni Service Day: Habitat for Humanity
Alumni Online Community
Updated daily, the alumni online community is
THE place to keep track of news about St. Pius X.
The SPX online community is a must for your Web
browsing. Register for events, update your personal
information, connect with classmates and download
your yearbook! If you have not logged in yet, do it
now! Visit www.spx.org/alumni today.
Alumni Online Passcode
If you are logging in to the community for the first
time, you will need your alumni passcode. Your
passcode can be found at the top of the monthly
eNewsletter that you receive in your e-mail. Your
passcode is also located below in the address label
box. For questions and all passcode requests, send
your e-mail to alumni@spx.org. Don’t forget to
include your name, class year and phone number.
Sent on the first of each month, the newsletter contains the latest news and information for alumni.
To ensure you receive the newsletter, populate the
e-mail address field in your online profile.
Alumni News Printing and
Distribution Policy
Alumni News is published three times per year.
The fall issue of Alumni News is sent to all alumni.
The Spring and Winter editions are sent to contributing alumni. All publications are available in pdf
format online at www.spx.org.
You're Going to Buy Stuff Anyway...Make it Count for St. Pius X!
Don't forget to use your Publix cards when you shop to help raise money for St. Pius X. For additional cards,
call or stop by the Development Office (404/633-4290). You can also give these cards to friends and family
for their use.
St. Pius X
Catholic High School
2674 Johnson Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30345-1720
Permit No.104
Atlanta, GA