May 2013


May 2013
The Bolt
Xtra . May
2013 . Volume
9 Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
May 2013
Pius X Catholic High School
6000 “A” Street, Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 488-0931; Fax: (402) 488-1061
We are dedicated to a total education that is
Christ-centered by integrating Catholic values
in all areas of life and providing academic
preparation of the highest quality in a disciplined environment.
Your donation will renovate an aging chemistry classroom
and provide modern learning technology.
Administrative Team
Rev. James Meysenburg, Superintendent
Tom Korta, Principal
Greg Lesiak, Assistant Principal
Jan Frayser, Guidance Director
Guidance Office
Jan Frayser, Director
Connie Freudenberg, Counselor
Claire Stramel, Counselor
Sr. Patricia Ann Hanus, Secretary
Janet Kurtenbach, Secretary
Jeanne Vaggalis, Secretary
Business Office
Karen Francis
Office Support
Georgia Miller, Secretary
Jolene Ritzman, Athletic Secretary
Sandy Hartman, Attendance Secretary
Campus Ministry
Sr. Jacquelyn Darner, Religion Coordinator
Fr. Joseph Bernardo, Campus Chaplain
Maria Benes, Lay Campus Minister
SCIP Coordinator
Julia Schonewise
Activities Office
Tim Aylward, Activities Director
Jake Moore, Assistant Activities Director
Booster Club
Terry & Lisa Heimes, Presidents
Parent Association
Mike Barnes, President
Sue Wilkinson, Vice President
Foundation Office
(402) 488-1046
Michelle Birkel, Director
Amy Riley, Administrative Assistant
Deb Hoge, Administrative Assistant
Sophia Werning, Grant Writing Specialist
Alumni Relations
Kristin (Edwards) Heath, Class of ‘91
BOLT Director
Deb Schulte
Special thanks to the talented photographers
of the 2012-13 Pius X Yearbook staff who
contribute to this publication: Sponsor Sandi
Sullivan, Anne Bachmann, Zachary Bell,
Katherine Benal, Alexa Birkel, Liam O’SheaCreal, Kevin Curran, Marie Foley, Megan
Hachiya, Noah Kapustka, Madeline Koenig,
Kathryn Krick, Daniel LeDuc, Lawrence
Nguyen, Nicholas Pohlen, Brittany Pollock,
Hallie Schimenti, Mikayla Tremain, and Kally
Submit articles to:
David Cao, who dreams of working for NASA, performs an experiment with Jordan Verplank and Keevan Statz. The new chemistry
labs and technology upgrades will allow for additional experiments to
be incorporated into the curriculum and provide more opportunities
for David and his classmates to develop critical thinking and problem
solving skills.
David Cao is a typical high school junior in
most ways. He’s involved in the Chess and
Landscaping Clubs, loves music and songwriting, enjoys photography, and dreams of
working at NASA. His class schedule includes Spanish, Composition, History and
Theology. He is also taking PACE – a
combined advanced placement (AP) Physics and Calculus class, and AP Statistics.
During his senior year, he plans to take
more AP classes and Advanced Chemistry.
These classes will set him on the path to
success as an engineering student at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
From there, NASA is within reach!
Your donation on Give to Lincoln Day on
May 16th will give David and 1,100 other
Pius X students the modern chemistry lab
that will inspire their careers and dreams.
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
… continued
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Thanks to incredible support during last
year’s Give To Lincoln Day, Pius X raised
more than $102,000, including more than
$17,000 in matching and bonus funds, and
finished in first place in the total amount
raised and in second place for the highest number of online donors. These donations, combined with other grants and gifts, allowed Pius X to renovate the first
of our two aging chemistry classrooms (Room 200) last summer.
Your support this year on
Give To Lincoln Day (May
16th) will update our second chemistry classroom and lab this summer. Room 202 is still the original lab from 1956, the year the school opened its doors. Technology, including laptops and/or iPads and electronic lab equipment, is also needed
in both labs to create a learning environment that supports our future curriculum goals and our overall school improvement plan. At this time,
$165,000 is needed to renovate the second chemistry lab and complete
the needed technology upgrades for both classrooms.
Safety is of high importance
when students are working
with chemicals. A safety
shower/eye wash and a fume
hood, like the ones installed
in Room 200, will also be
installed in Room 202.
Your online donation to Pius X on May 16th through the Give To Lincoln
Day website at will again help us claim a shar e
of a $200,000 matching challenge gift. Also, the five nonprofit groups
with the largest number of donors will receive an additional $1,000 bonus
grant – so your gift and every single donation count, no matter the size!
You can make a difference!
 Mark May 16th on your calendar!
 Help us spread the word! Forward this information to your family and
friends along with a personal note as to why you believe in Pius X.
Share your support on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
Ask for support for our chemistry lab renovation on May 16th during
Give To Lincoln Day.
 Please make your online donation on May 16th (12:00 a.m. -11:59
p.m.) to support Pius X at
 If you or your spouse work for a company that matches donations,
please complete a matching gift form from your organization to submit
to Pius X. Matching gifts allow you to double or even triple the impact
of your gift through the help of your employer.
Remember, your tax-deductible donation of any size - $10 or $10,000 - is very generous and needed! Your gift and support help
us claim a portion of the matching challenge funds, and may help us receive a bonus grant for the largest number of donors as
well. Most importantly, you will be giving your child and all Pius X students for years to come, a functional and safe chemistry
lab equipped with the modern technology that will inspire their dreams and improve their education!
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
Pius X Foundation
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Band Program Gifted With An Endowment
courtesy of Pius X Yearbook
In establishing the endowment, the benefactors expressed equal appreciation
for what the musical arts
can offer Pius X students.
“Studies have shown that
courtesy of Pius X Yearbook
children exposed to music
courtesy of Pius X Yearbook
and art achieve higher grades and are less likely to experiment
Thanks to a generous do- with drugs and alcohol,” the donors explain, adding that students
nation from two anony- can experience the joy of self-expression, positive self-esteem,
mous benefactors, Pius X and acceptance through music.
High School recently established an endowment to The donors also emphasize that formalized music training teachbenefit the school’s band es students the value of teamwork, the rewards of hard work, and
department. The $55,000 the discipline needed to achieve a successful performance. Moregift -- $5,000 to meet im- over, the musical arts provide opportunities for positive peer-tocourtesy of Pius X Yearbook
mediate needs and $50,000 peer engagements and friendships that can last throughout the
toward an endowed fund -- will establish long-term, ongoing challenging high school years.
support for the thriving Pius X musical education department.
Murphy himself earns high praise from the donors for dedicating
his life’s work to his music students for more than a quarter of a
century. “The reason why the Pius band is so dear to our hearts is
because of the band director, Mr. Murphy and his wife, Mrs.
Murphy,” the anonymous benefactors note. “They work tirelessly to help each student find their best and truest potential in mu“I didn’t really know how to react – it was stunning,” Murphy sic.”
recalls. “It is such a wonderful feeling to know that there are The donors say they appreciate that all students who desire to be
people out there that appreciate our band department to that ex- part of the Pius X band program – whether it is those who join as
a hobby or extra-curricular activity, or those who desire a future
Murphy notes that approximately 30% of the student population career in music – are embraced by Murphy.
at Pius X is involved in band or choir, exceeding the national “Our children have found a great mentor in Mr. Murphy,” the
average for a school of a similar size. He also points out that the donors recall, adding that their students’ fondest high school
endowment will be of tremendous benefit as the program contin- memories are the close bonds they enjoyed with fellow band
ues to grow and that it will help attract even more students in the members and teachers during competitions, athletic events, and
coming years. Pius X’s band program anticipates its largest ever road trips.
enrollment – 126 students – in the upcoming 2013-14 school
Murphy expressed tremendous gratitude to the anonymous doyear.
nors. “I offer a heart-felt thank you,” he says. “I know my stu“The fine arts are vitally important in education,” Murphy says. dents well, and know they feel so appreciated that someone
“Through them, we teach beauty, creativity, and how to express thinks they are worthwhile.” He adds: “We ourselves know the
ourselves and our emotions. Music touches our emotional core worth of the program, but it’s nice when other people validate
like nothing else.”
The initial gift of $5,000 went toward the purchase of a bassoon Disbursement from the newly established endowment will begin
and a drum set to be used for jazz band. “A bassoon is a very
in 2014-2015, with funding earmarked for upgrades to departimportant part of a band,” Murphy explains, noting that the high
ment music supplies, instruments, uniforms, and other needed
cost of the instrument exceeds what he would expect an individimprovements. Donations to the new band endowment at Pius X
ual student or family to purchase on its own. “We have been
can be made any time, and would enable the fund to grow and
without a bassoon as the old school-owned instrument wore out
provide more funding to the band department in the future. For
many years ago,” Murphy notes. “Now with a new instrument,
more information on how to contribute to this fund, please conwe can once again utilize a bassoonist in our bands beginning
tact Michelle Birkel in the Pius X Foundation at (402) 488-1046.
next year.” The purchase of a new drum set for the jazz band
replaces a 25-year-old set.
Band director and music instructor Mike Murphy – now in his
28th year of teaching at Pius X – describes his reaction as
“overwhelmed” upon hearing about the gift that will to go toward upgrades to musical supplies, equipment and instruments
used by students in the band program.
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
BOLT / Alumni
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
BOLT 2013
courtesy of Pius X Foundation
Dear Pius X Family & Friends,
We want to thank all of you for your generous support of Pius X
High School and “Creating A Masterpiece”. Our event, with
over 625 guests, was a great success and could not have happened without all of you! You may not be aware of how many
volunteers work on this exciting event, but there are over 300
parent volunteers, along with students who sell lottery tickets,
bid run, help with clean up, and sing at our Mass before BOLT.
We also have tremendous support from all the Pius X High
School staff.
One of our goals from BOLT is to provide a great environment
for all students. This year’s funds will go to retiring the payment
on the kitchen and to the Pius X Booster Club.
We are still working through the numbers, but feel we had a
very successful event. Final numbers will be reported in the
June/July newsletter. [Photos courtesy of Kristin Heath].
Thank you from the Coordinating Committee:
Joe & Lois Akers
Tom & Lynne Albin
Joe & Penny Bachmann
Dave & Ann Kirby
Mike & Ann Kotopka
Mark & Janet Kurtenbach
Father Jim Meysenburg
Alan & Diane Pryor
Deb Schulte
Tom & Anne Wackel
Building Outstanding Leader s Today
Alumni Office
Visit [click “Alumni”]. Kristin
(Edwards) Heath ’91 is Pius X’s Alumni Director
and may be contacted at or
(402) 488-0931 ext. 10132.
The 9th Annual Thunderbolt Scramble
Monday, June 17
Firethorn Golf Club
Multiple levels of sponsorship and registration are available at [Alumni - Alumni Home - Events - Thunderbolt
Golf Scramble]. To volunteer, contact Rob Barie at or (402) 430-5131.
2013 Class Reunions
Visit [Alumni - Alumni Home - Reunions - Scheduled Events] for reunions already
scheduled. To get a reunion started, contact Kristin
All Honor Year Reunion/Class Poster Boards
If you graduated in a year that ends in “3” or “8”; join us for our
2nd All Honor Year Reunion. The 1st weekend in August will be
packed with Alumni events including the 3rd Annual Thunderbolt Family Fun Run, school tours, Mass and a social reception
with appetizers and a cash bar. There will be plenty of time to
gather as an individual class too. Each honor year committee is
asked to make a trifold poster board representing the class and
days spent at Pius X to be displayed at various Alumni events.
Questions: contact Kristin Heath.
3rd Annual ThunderBOLT Family Fun Run
Saturday, August 3 @ Holmes Lake Park
Register for a 1-mile or 5K walk/run, regardless of your running
experience or age. Prizes will be awarded. Visit
[Alumni - Alumni Home - Events - ThunderBOLT Fun Run]. To
volunteer for the Fun Run committee and/or the day of the event,
contact Kristin Heath at
Alumni T-Shirts *** Graduation Special ! ***
For the month of May, t-shirts are just $10.00 each
and are available in two designs, a regular or fitted
style. These make great graduation gifts for the new
Pius X Alumni! Order forms are located at or in the Alumni office.
Alumni Department Is On Facebook & Linkedin
Check us out at for information on alumni events, news on past alums, deaths, and bits
about what is happening in the school today. You can also catch
up with fellow alums as well as find links to update your info,
donate to the school, or find out if you are a “Missing” Alum.
“Like” us on Facebook today! We are also on Linkedin too!
Check us out! Our group name is Lincoln Pius X Alumni!
Keep Us Updated In The Alumni Office
Do you have news that you would like to share with your classmates such as a marriage, a new baby, or maybe a job
change? We would love to hear from YOU!
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Students Named As Delegates To Boys/Girls State
Student Athlete Recognition Ceremony
courtesy of Pius X Foundation
The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary have announced that five Pius X boys and three Pius X girls have been
selected to attend the 2013 Cornhusker Boys/Girls State on the
campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from June 2-8.
Delegates for Boys State
Aidan Clarke
Jackson Deterding
Gavin Fusco (alternate for Grant McElroy)
Parker Scheer
Tanner Sprouse
Delegates for Girls State
Kathryn Budell
Michaela Hendricks
Carly Twehous
Boys and Girls State is an unique citizenship training program in
which the youth of our nation are guided toward an understanding, comprehension, and appreciation of their roles as United
States citizens. Participants will be divided into two instructional
political parties, and elections are held to fill city, county, and
state positions. Activities include legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating, voting, and special instruction in parliamentary procedure.
Seven Qualify For All-Class State Journalism Finals
Pius X finished 5th in Class A2 State Journalism Preliminaries.
Placing in the top 3 in Class A2 for Pius X were:
Alexa Birkel
2nd – Yearbook Theme Development
Katie Krick
2nd – Yearbook Theme Development
Lauren Schieke
2nd – Headline Writing
Corinne Simpson 2nd – Editorial Writing
Corinne Simpson 2nd – Sports News Coverage
Mikayla Tremain 2nd – Yearbook Theme Development
The top 12 students in each event, regardless of class, qualified
for the all-class state finals competition, which will be held at
UNL on Monday, May 13. Qualifiers from Pius X include:
Alexa Birkel
Yearbook Theme Development
Kathryn Budell
Entertainment Review Writing
Monica Condon (Alternate) – Editorial Cartooning
Katie Krick
Yearbook Theme Development
Lauren Schieke
Headline Writing
Corinne Simpson Editorial Writing
Corinne Simpson Sports News Coverage
Mikayla Tremain Yearbook Theme Development
Sertoma Winter Sports Awards
The Sertoma Club presented Winter Sports Awards to athletes
from high schools in Lincoln at an awards luncheon. Pius X athletes honored:
Zach Bell
Sheila Boothe
Girls Swimming & Diving
John McDonald Boys Swimming & Diving
Miranda Paul
Girls Basketball
Tom Schneider Boys Basketball
courtesy of Pius X Foundation
Pius X student athletes, faculty, coaches, families and guests
attended a ceremony on Wednesday, April 17, to honor students
signing athletic letters of intent to play intercollegiate athletics.
The ceremony marked the largest group of Pius X graduating
seniors – 32 today and 5 others this past Fall, for a total of 37
student athletes – to commit to a sport at the collegiate level.
Daniel LeDuc
University of Nebraska-Kearney
Jake Schleppenbach Hutchinson Community College
Fletcher Zornes
Grinnell College
Miranda Paul
Midland University
Sam Dolezal
Peru State College
Nate Heimes
University of Nebraska-Kearney
Jon Pynes
Marian University
Graham Resseguie University of South Dakota
Grant Schumacher University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kelsey Benes
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Jack Burmeister
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Keevan Statz
University of St. Thomas
Grey Giesler
Rockhurst University
Kelsey Engstrom
Wayne State College
Brock Fitzgerald
Creighton University
Sarah Nickman
Rockhurst University
Eric Pryor
Hastings College
Hallie Schimenti
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Paige Valaika
Rockhurst University
Rachel Arthur
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alyssa Reinhart
Creighton University
Swimming & Diving
Kathleen Moeschen College of St. Mary
Kaitlin Fosler
Coe College
Track & Field
Caleb Cowling
University of Kansas
Jimmy Hansen
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Katie Krick
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Garrett Teel
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Alyssa Thavenet
University of Nebraska-Omaha
Track & Field/Cross Country
Austin Coyle
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Jacob Holtmeier
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kendra Stewart
Benedictine College
Kennedy Hegert
Nebraska Wesleyan University
In November, 2012, Pius X also honored the following five
Class of 2013 student-athletes for their commitment to compete
in intercollegiate athletics beginning in the fall of 2013: Anne
Bachmann (Volleyball–University of Tennessee-Chattanooga),
Desirae Hakel (Softball–University of Nebraska-Kearney),
Marisa Pribnow (Women’s Golf–Peru State College), Kristy
Wieser (Volleyball–University of Nebraska-Omaha), and Kat
Woolman (Softball–University of Nebraska-Lincoln).
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Meredith Hovis, senior, has been selected as
a runner up to the 2013 Nebraska NCWIT
Award for Aspirations in Computing. The
award, sponsored by Microsoft, Motorola
Solutions Foundation, and the National
Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), recognizes young high
school women for their computing-related
achievements and interests as part of an effort to encourage
more young women to choose careers in technology.
A total of eight award-winners and four runners up were selected from high schools across Nebraska for their outstanding aptitude and interest in information technology and computing, solid
leadership ability, good academic history, and plans for postsecondary education. Each award-winner received an engraved
award and gifts from financial sponsors and local organizations
while each runner up received a certificate and gifts from financial sponsors and local organizations.
Miss Roberts To Represent The Central States Conference (CSC) At The American Council on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual
Convention & World Languages Expo
Spanish Teacher Miss Amy Roberts’s
presentation, "Keeping It in the Target Language," at the annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
(CSCTFL) in Columbus, Ohio, in March was
selected as the Best of Central States. Because of this selection, she has been asked to
represent the Central States Conference
(CSC) at the 2013 American Council on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention &
World Languages Expo, November 22-24, in Orlando, Florida.
Miss Roberts collaborated with a professor and mentor of hers
from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dr. Adeline Moeller.
They worked on the project together since the Fall of 2012. The
paper, which was published in the 2013 Annual Central States
Report, details ideas, methods and best practices to help teachers
achieve and maintain the Target Language in their language
An award event, sponsored by The University of Nebraska Col- class. To view the paper, visit:
lege of Information Science & Technology, Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Nebraska, Woodmen of the World, and The Interpub- and click on Chapter 2.
lic Group was held on April 5th at the Scott Conference Center
and featured a keynote address by Kate Stewart, Director of The convention will feature over 600 educational sessions covering a wide spectrum of the language profession addressing the
Product Management at Linaro.
theme New Spaces, New Realities: Learning A ny Time, A ny
“Encouraging young women’s interest in technology careers is Place. More than 250 exhibiting companies will be showcasing
critical: our workforce needs their creativity and their innova- the latest products and services for educators and students. The
tion,” said Lucy Sanders, CEO and Co-founder of NCWIT.
ACTFL Convention is an international event bringing together
NCWIT is the National Center for Women & Information Tech- over 6,000 language educators from all languages, levels and
nology, a coalition of over 300 prominent corporations, academ- assignments within the profession.
ic institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits working to Miss Roberts received her Masters of Art in Education (MA)
increase women's participation in IT. NCWIT's work spans K- from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the Spring of 2012.
12 and higher education through industry and academic careers. She has been teaching at Pius X since the Spring of 2010 when
Find out more at
she was a Student Teacher for Spanish Teacher Mrs. Katie
Meredith is the daughter of Philip & Ann Hovis of St. Peter par- Hayes. In addition to teaching Spanish at Pius X, Miss Roberts is
also the sponsor of Club World Aid and the Girls JV Soccer
ish in Lincoln.
—————————————————————————– Coach.
Bryan Butler Earns Eagle Scout Rank
Bryan B. Butler, junior, earned Eagle Scout His community service project in- world-languages-expo.
volved planning, building, and installing ——————————————————————————
shutters & window boxes on the Birthday
Thank You! Campus Clean-up
House at Pioneers Nature Center as well as
Volunteers donated their time and talents on
building a turtle pen for the center's turtles.
Saturday morning April 6th during our spring
His Court of Honor ceremony was held
grounds clean-up. Approximately 25 volunSunday, April 14, at St. Teresa Catholic
teers worked on cleaning up the flower beds
Church. Bryan is a member of Boy Scout in front of the school. The beds were raked, bushes were
Troop #28 and is the son of Barry & Tricia Butler of St. Teresa trimmed, flowers were cut back and a new layer of mulch was
added. Special thanks to General Excavating and Scott Fitzger—————————————————————————– ald for providing all of the mulch that was used. Another opporSenior All-Class Photo Available For Purchase
tunity to assist in cleaning our campus and beautifying our
grounds will be held in the fall, so please keep an eye open for
that announcement.
Pius X PhotoStore
search “senior class photo”
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
Catherine Krueger
Pegasus School Images
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
On Wednesday, February 20, some of the top
100 Pius X math students participated in the
American Mathematics Competition (AMC) at
Pius X. These tests are hosted each year by the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and are
given nation-wide. The AMC Test is a 25question, 5-multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with
pre-calculus concepts without the use of calculators. The main purpose of the tests is to spur
interest in mathematics and to develop talent
through the excitement of solving challenging
problems in a timed multiple-choice format.
The winner of the AMC 10 Test (administered
to Freshmen and Sophomores) was Catherine
Rose Medill
Krueger and the winner of the AMC 12 Test
(administered to Juniors and Seniors) was Rose Medill.
Participants who were invited and accepted the invitation to take the
AMC Test at Pius X were the following:
Freshmen (AMC 10 Test): Nathan Asselin, Lillian Barnett, Phuong
Thao (Isabel) Bui, Bailey Cowling, Aaron Decker, Josh DeWald,
Rachel Duden, Marissa Farmer, Amanda Hernandez, Catherine
Krueger, April Kruse, Liam Kruse, Kristen Machacek, Cari Mazour, Angela Nguyen, Rylie O'Meara, Matthew Pham, Kyle Sager,
Alec Schafers, Reagan Scott, Morgan Shipley, Ellie Staab, Anna
Stuchlik, Rilee Sukup, Independence Talken, David Tines, Mickey
Tran, Whitney Tran, Bryan Warday, and Jared Yost.
Sophomores (AMC 10 Test): Justin Coffey, Abraham Driewer,
Isaac Driewer, Julio Gutierrez, Philip Hanigan, Aaron Heyen, Alex
Jilek, Tom Kelly, Mark Kilts, Hyunseok Kim, Joe Largen, Gus
Mattern, Peter Milhouse, Firdavshon Nasimov, Isaac O’Gara,
Shane O'Grady, Maddy Royse, Scott Schieuer, Hannah Terrell,
Jamie Vondracek, and Lydia Wemhoff.
Juniors (AMC 12 Test): Samuel Akins, Alisha Bevins, Joel Bittner,
Kayla Brion, Bryan Butler, David Cao, Riley Carney, Thomas Dalton III, Erica Dolph, Marie Foley, Thomas Hafner, Colton Hans,
Claire Henrichsen, Madeline Koenig, Peter Kosch, Stephen Kotopka, Gabriel Larsen, Grace Le, Hannah Marsh, Courtney Munroe, Joseph Murphy, Summer Nguyen, Anna Ondracek, Kate
Rawlinson, Lauren Tobias, Sydney Townsend, Carly Twehous,
Mary Wagner, Patrick Wahl, and Elise Wordekemper.
Seniors (AMC 12 Test): Dale Allder, Sam Baker, Zach Bell,
Kathryn Berning, Ellen Dolph, Mary Driewer, R.J. Gibson, Megan
Hachiya, Meredith Hovis, Ngoc Le, Anthony McWilliams, Rose
Medill, Diane Nguyen, Trang Nguyen, Sarah Nickman, Jack Olsson, Seth Peirce, Chad Sindelar, Meg Tasler, and Jordan Verplank.
A question from AMC 10: What is the hundreds digit of 20112011?
A) 1 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 9
A question from AMC 12: Brian writes down four integers w > x >
y > z whose sum is 44. The pairwise positive differences of these
numbers are 1,3,4,5,6 and 9. What is the sum of the possible values
for w?
A) 16 B) 31 C) 48 D) 62 E) 93
[Answers] AMC 10: D / AMC 12: B
“Performances” Held Sunday, April 7
The Vocal Department
put on a spectacular
show in their annual
Sunday, April 7. It
showcased a tremendously gifted group of
students performing a
courtesy of Pius X Yearbook
variety of musical acts.
Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Odgaard and all of the students
involved. Special thanks to Kevin Moore for his lighting and
fog machine; Mike Fujan for his stage design and sound help;
Chad Houk, Dr. Cary Ward, Jim Koudelka, and many Pius X
students for their musical accompaniment; Steven Henrichsen
for his Stage Management; Lauren Gibson, Becky Villamonte, RJ Gibson, Alisha Bevins, Carlos Herrera, Myra McKee,
Claire Henrichsen, Mark Eickhoff and Erica Thomas for their
wonderful technical help. A very sincere and deep appreciation to Doug Brandstetter for his assistance.
————————————————————————–Spanish 4 Students Write Children’s Books
All Spanish 4 students
were required to write a
children's book in
Spanish with a positive
message geared toward
elementary age students. After presenting
the books in class, the
courtesy of Pius X Yearbook
class voted on its favorite books and their authors were chosen to visit kindergarten
classes in Lincoln. Mrs. Chapelle's students visited Mrs.
Kathie Rynearson and Mrs. Rebecca Grooms from St. John's
School and Mrs. Hayes’ students visited Mrs. Julie Ehlers at
Sheridan Elementary.
————————————————————————–Computer Science and Engineering Day At UNL
Congratulations to the following teams for participating at
Computer Science and Engineering Day at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln on March 25th.
Pius X Green
R.J. Gibson
Trey McGill
Pius X Gold
Bryan Butler
Beau Dodson
Patrick Wahl
Both teams competed in a four hour programming contest
testing their ability to create their own computer applications.
Twenty teams competed. The Green Team and Gold Team
finished 5th and 6th respectively. The team was coached by
Mr. Scott Burns.
————————————————————————–Wordstruck Accepting Submissions
Submit your poetry, short stories, photography,
Visit to post your conventional material as well as see current video
author interviews, recordings of readings, original music, and
mini-movies. Contact: Mr. Ekeler in Room 254.
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Prom 2013 “Under the Sea”
The Junior and Senior Prom took place on Saturday, April 13, at the Cornhusker Hotel in the Grand Ballroom. The prom dinner
and dance was attended by 525 students.
Royalty Candidates
Princess: Anna Arndt, Sally Barie, Summer Kennett, Bridget
Lang, Kim Steffensmeier
Prince: Joel Bittner, Simon Bruckner, Sam Raun, Matthew
Schilmoeller, Eric Zimmerman
Prince & Princess: Eric Zimmerman & Bridget Lang
King & Queen: Will Thorpe & Ashley Anderson
Queen: Ashley Anderson, Megan Drozda, Claire Ficke, Amanda Hilger, Maggie Kopf
King: Tyler Chramosta, Matt Foley, Scott Jenkins, Malcolm
Lancaster, Will Thorpe
We would like to express a huge thanks to the junior class Student Council members who spent many hours planning, decorating and cleaning up! These students are amazing!
Thank you to the many volunteers who made the prom such a
success: Tom Korta, Greg Lesiak, Jan Frayser, Stef Novotny,
Katie Hayes, John & Lori Cox, Karen Buckley, Matt Chaffee,
Adam & Megan Bauman, Jolene Ritzman, Georgia Miller, Karen Francis, Tyler Cronin, Sara LeDuc, Doug & Diane Schneider, Dean & Lisa Steffensmeier, Mike & Jane Tobias, Tom &
Shelley Thorpe, Andy & Chris Jacobsen, Kelly & Mary
Pohlen, Don & Sheila Stewart, Shari Ullman, Jackie Toman,
Deb Lockhorn, Katie Reese, Ann Baker, Jamie, Ann & Elise
Deterding, Anna Ondracek, Kylie Tucker, Renee Dalton,
Becky Pollock, Bree Ackerman, Kaela Samek, Meredith
Larsen, Sarah Endacott, Nick Korta and Scotty Sullivan.
On behalf of Pius X High
School, the Post-Prom
Committee would like to
thank all of the businesses,
organizations, and individuals for generously supporting the Post-Prom celebration! We could not have
A special thanks for Mitch Hartman, Melissa Hartman, and the
junior class Student Council members: Annie Albin, Jackson
Deterding, Marie Foley, Grant McElroy, Abby Miller, Thomas
Dalton, Gavin Fusco, Lauren Tobias, Joey Murphy, Brittany
Pollack and Eric Zimmerman for helping to decorate for the
The Pius X Prom is a very large event, and could not have taken place without all your help in front and behind the
scenes. We sincerely apologize if we inadvertently missed
anyone. Please contact the main office so we may recognize
you in our next newsletter.
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
of Alexa and Gracie served as a reminder to all students that God
During the 2nd prayer service, Pius X teachers Sandra Sullivan
and Shiela Sievert spoke about the many ways God worked in
their lives during their summer trip to Bosnia and Croatia. While there, they studied the aftermath of the tragic genocide and paid homage to Our Lady at Medjugorje.
wants to show his love for us in a very personal and intimate
way, if we but only allow him to do so.
Hard As Nails Ministries (HANM) Speaks At Pius X
“Hard as Nails” Ministries spoke to an all-school assembly on
Monday, April 8. The core of their message was to recognize
how amazing each one of us really is, and to love all people no
matter who they are or what they have been through. Justin Fatica, co-founder of HANM and main speaker, challenged our kids
to be “less concerned about how you look and more concerned
about how you love.” Justin also helped our students to realize
they aren’t the only ones struggling with the crosses they have
been given. Students were even challenged to say they’re sorry
to anyone they may have hurt and to forgive anyone who may
have hurt them. The feedback from our students about this assembly has been overwhelmingly positive and many of them felt
it helped unify our school. HANM’s presentation also helped
several students grow closer to our Lord. The HANM teams of
college students and young adults work hard at developing
presentations and testimonies to touch the lives of young people
throughout the country. Special thanks to all the speakers for
sharing their experiences with our school. For more information,
Thunderette Dance Team 2013-14
Congratulations to the following for being selected to the 20132014 Thunderette Dance Team:
Clare Marsolek, a senior at Pius X, was the speaker of our
3rd Lenten service. She talked about the importance of striving
for excellence in all things, rather than settling for the mediocrity with which our culture tempts us.
Anna Arndt--Captain
Morgan Kuklis--Music Coordinator
Mary Sharkey--Captain
courtesy of Yearbook
courtesy of Yearbook
Our 2013 Lenten services encouraged students and staff to strive for greatness and the
courtesy of Yearbook
universal sainthood to which we are all
called. Each Lenten service began with a prayer reflection based
on one of the 7 Last Words of Christ, taken from The Seven
Last Words of Christ: A Bible Study on Jesus’ Passion by Rich
Cleveland. Each reflection was followed by speakers who
shared several important Lenten messages.
First, Tony Brandt and Chris Stewart, both well -known evangelists from the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, and co-founders of
“Casting Nets,” gave an inspiring talk about the importance of
evangelization and how to take up fasting, almsgiving and prayer during Lent. Tony also mentioned that “good is not great,”
meaning that we are made to do our very best at everything God
asks of us, rather than settling with “getting by” or staying in our
comfort zone.
During the following week, senior Emma Rashilla spoke about
her personal interior conversion during her time at Pius and how
she saw her relationship with God in a whole new light after
attending a TEC retreat during her junior year. Following Emma’s talk, Daniel LeDuc, also a senior, read a beautiful reflection by Mother Teresa called “I Thirst.”
Kristen Benes--Captain
Bailey Dostal--Social Director
Mary Kincheloe--Secretary
Rachel Merrill--Secretary
Emma Petersen--Captain
Seniors Alec Talbott and Keevan Statz gave the Lenten reflec- Katherine Reifenrath
tions during our 5th prayer service. Alec spoke about his expe- Hannah Terrell--Social Director
rience playing the role of Jesus Christ in the musical Godspell
during the 2012 Fall Semester. Through playing the role of our Sophomores
Savior, Alec began to examine his own spiritual life more close- Hannah Bertrand
ly and experience the beautiful healing that comes through the Logan Deahn--Music Coordinator
Sacrament of Reconciliation. Keevan related our interior lives to Lauren Dion
playing a sport. He challenged students to pursue holiness Emma Dunbar--Music Coordinator
through hard work, dedication, and humility, just as athletes use Ashtyn Kleinschmit--Music Coordinator
Rose Kotopka
these virtues to obtain their goals.
Therese Sievert
The 21 seniors who attended SEEK 2013, the FOCUS conference that was held in January in Orlando, led the final Lenten Freshmen
service. Alexa Birkel and Gracie Martinez shared their personal Emily Knaus
testimonies and Amanda Hilger and Mikayla Tremain created Hanna Lyons
the slideshow of pictures from the conference. The testimonies Allison McElroy
Abigayle Reiber
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
Pius XThe
Bolt School
Xtra . May2013-14
2013 . Volume
August 2013
January 2014
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September 2013
February 2014
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October 2013
March 2014
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November 2013
April 2014
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December 2013
May 2014
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Last Revised 4-23-13
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
Food Service
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Fluids Surrounding Exercise
Food Service
Tini Van-Oehlertz, M.S., R.D., is the Food Ser For shorter duration (<60 minutes) low
vice Director who manages and operates the Food
to moderate intensity activity, water is a
Service Program for Pius X. Contact her at (402)
good choice to drink, before, during and
488-0931 or
after exercise.
 Sports drinks (6-8% carbohydrate) are
good options for moderate to high intensity
serving 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
students - $1.85
activity lasting longer than 60 minutes, esadults - $2.10
pecially when the goal includes replacing carbohydrate and electrolytes.
students - $2.70
 For those who experience high sodium losses during exeradults - $3.25
cise, eat salty foods in a pre-exercise meal or add a little salt to
1 fruit, 1 vegetable, and 1 milk included
sports drinks consumed during exercise.
Snacks After School (S.A.S.)
 Rehydrate following exercise by drinking enough fluid
serving 2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(water first choice, or sports drinks) to replace fluid lost during
food & beverages available for purchase
look for déjà vu entrées for just $1.00
exercise. Replace fluid and sodium losses with watery foods that
—————————————————————————– contain salt (soup, vegetable juice). Replace fluid and potassium
Cinco de Mayo On Thursday, May 2
losses by consuming fruits and vegetables.
Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated on Thursday, May 2. Chicken
Source: Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition
Fajitas, Fixins, Beans & Rice, and a complimentary Churro will
be served.
Our Big Fat American Future
A new study from the RobHot Breakfast During Finals 7:15-10:00 a.m.
ert Wood Johnson FoundaHot breakfast will be served as well as your normal favorites.
tion forecasts that the num—————————————————————————–
ber of obese adults – and
Food Service Accounts
corresponding related disBALANCES: Visit
ease rates and health care
costs – are on course to increase dramatically across
the U.S. between now and
AUTO PAYMENTS: Transfers set up through will be discontinued on Monday, May 13. Cash and
check payments may be dropped off in the school office. Please
remind your student to always get a receipt when making a pay- 2030. Among the implications:
The number of new cases of Type 2 diabetes could increase
ment with cash.
UNDERCLASSMEN: Negative balances will delay the receipt ten times by 2020, then double by 2030.
of report cards for this semester and schedules for next year until
the balance is paid in full. Balances at the end of this school
year will remain in the student’s account for the 2013-14 school
SENIORS: Accounts must be paid in full prior to receiving a
cap and gown for graduation. Balances over $10.00 will be refunded. To transfer a remaining balance to a younger sibling’s
account, contact Karen Francis at
Pius X is blessed to be able to provide breakfast and lunch to our
students in our school nutrition program. It is our goal at Pius X
to provide affordable and healthy food to our students, and to
meet the needs of those with special diets or restrictions. If your
student has any special dietary needs or restrictions, contact Tini
Van-Oehlertz, R.D., at
A “TINI” Fact
Nutrient density is the measure of the relative number of nutrients delivered per calorie in a given food. A candy bar and a
banana may each provide 150 calories. However, the banana
has more nutrients than the candy bar. The banana would be
considered nutrient dense, while the candy bar would be considered an empty calorie food.
Obesity could contribute to more than five million cases of
coronary heart disease & stroke and more than 400,000 cases of
cancer in the same period.
By 2030, the associated medical costs would rise by $48,000
to $66 billion a year.
The resulting lost economic productivity might reach as high
as $580 billion annually.
The 2012 update of F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012, provides an extensive collection of facts, figures and demographic and regional trend analysis. It suggests
that if some states successfully lower the Body Mass Index
(BMI) of residents by just five percent by 2030, billions could be
saved in annual health care costs.
A Bright Note: The report finds that the high obesity rates of
children in America’s largest cities may be declining for the first
time. For example, in New York City where BMI indexes of
Kindergarten-12th grade students have been tracked since 2005,
obesity appears to have decreased among 5-14 year olds by 5.5
percent. Similar drops were found in cities like Philadelphia and
Los Angeles; a trend that some attribute to strong school nutrition policies.
Source: Food Management, January 2013
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .
The Bolt Xtra . May 2013 . Volume 9
Menu - May 2013
May 6
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
Hamburger on Wheat Bun
Chef’s Choice Potato
Chicken Noodle Soup
Crackers & Cheese
Dinner Roll
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
May 7
Hot Breakfast
Pancake Sausage On A Stick
Meal In A Bowl
Mashed Potatoes
Popcorn Chicken
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
May 1
May 2
May 3
Hot Breakfast
Sausage Gravy & Biscuit
Hot Breakfast
French Toast Sticks
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
BBQ Pork/Wheat Bun
Cinnamon Apples
Turkey Tetrazzini
Wheat Dinner Roll
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Cinco De Mayo
Chicken Fajita
Beans & Rice
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
May 8
May 9
May 10
Hot Breakfast
Breakfast Burrito
No School
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
Chef’s Choice Pizza
Mixed Vegetables
Chef’s Choice Entrée
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Tossed Salad
Catfish & Chips
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Cheese Nachos
Refried Beans
Fixin Bar
Broccoli Cheese Soup
Wheat Dinner Roll
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
Hot Breakfast
Ham/Cheese Scrambled Egg
Hot Breakfast
Breakfast Pizza
Hot Breakfast
French Toast Sticks/Syrup
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
Saucy Chicken Salsa
Corn Dog
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Beef Macaroni Casserole
Wheat Dinner Roll
Chef’s Choice Entrée
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Scrambled Egg
Chef’s Choice Entrée
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Chicken Alfredo
Seasoned Green Beans
Garlic Bread
Beef & Bean Burrito
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Walking Tacos
Fixin Bar
Chef’s Choice Hoagie
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
Cold Breakfast
choose 3 items
Smoothie & Muffin
Breakfast Sandwich
Chef’s Choice Breakfast
Summer Vacation
Chef’s Choice Hot Sandwich
Roast Squash
Chef’s Choice Entrée
Fruit & Vegetable Bar
No Lunch
Final Exams 8:05-11:30am
No Lunch
Final Exams 8:05-11:30am
No Lunch
Final Exams 8:05-10:20am
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation
“Restore All Things In Christ”. Pius X Catholic High School . 6000 A Street . Lincoln, NE 68510 . (402) 488-0931 .