Church of Saint Pius X


Church of Saint Pius X
Saint Pius X
Church of
Under the pastoral care of the Religious Community of the Alagad Ni Maria (Disciples of Mary) A Roman Catholic Faith Community • Founded in 1954 • Renovated 2013
91 Secor Road Scarsdale, NY 10583
Phone: (914) 725-2755
(914) 725-2782
Visit our website:
Sunday Mass:
Saturday Evening Mass – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday –8:00, 9:15, 10:30 a.m. Family Mass (Children’s Homily)
& 12:00 noon.
(St. Pius X Choir will sing at alternate 5pm & 12 noon Masses)
Daily Mass:
Monday to Friday – 6:40 (during Lent), 8:00 & 11:30 a.m.
Saturday – 9:00 a.m.
Adoration: 1st Saturday – 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: 1st Wednesday – 11:30am
In July & August – No 11:30 a.m. Mass, Adoration or Novena
Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Reverend Francisco Sebastian Bacatan, Ph.D., A.M.
Reverend Joselito C. Ramos, A.M.
Associate Pastor
Reverend Romeo C. Ascan, A.M.
Associate Pastor
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Theodore Gaskin
Trustees: Christopher Saenger and Nicholas Brusco
Bringing Our Vision to Life.
July 3, 2016
To Renew All Things In Christ
July 3 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week
Parish Stewardship
Saturday, July 2
9:00 Martin C. Brown, requested by Elda C. Brown
5:00 John Brett, Jr., requested by Dolores & John Brett
Sunday, July 3 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Saint Blaise & Saint Rocco, requested by Berenice Pompa
9:15 Agustin Lago, requested by Gloria Gomez
10:30William Donovan, requested by The Donovan Family
12:00Anthony Summa, requested by Pio & Celia Salvati
MONDAY, JuLY 4 – St. Elizabeth of Portugal,
Independence Day
8:00 NO MASS
Tuesday, JuLY 5 – St. Anthony Zaccaria
8:00 William Donovan, requested by the Donovan Family
Wednesday, JuLY 6 – St. Maria Goretti
8:00 Ann E. Swankoski, requested by the Tsurumi Family
Thursday, JuLY 7 – Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz & Comp.
8:00 Enid King, requested by Beth Rosen
Friday, July 8 – St. Gregory Grassi and Companions
8:00 Raymond Nisi, requested by Dr. & Mrs. Rudolph Nisi
Saturday, July 9 – St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Comp.
9:00 Hector Magsambol, requested by Susan Magsambol & Family
5:00 Paul Braun, requested by Nancy Tambini
Sunday, July 10 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Helen Egidio, requested by Ralph Maccarino
9:15 Louis & Domenica Cervoni, requested by Ann Cervoni
10:30Saulius Remeza, requested by Algis & Helen Remeza
12:00Michele & Giuseppina Fredella,
requested by Blaise & Kathi Fedella
During July and August, there will be no 11:30am Mass.
We will resume in September. Happy Summer!
Reserving Announced Masses for 2016 and 2017
To request a Mass be offered for a loved one,
please contact the parish office at
(914) 725-2755. A Mass offering is $15.
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God bless you warmly & often for your support!
June 26 Collection Total: $10,375.31
Loose Bills Offering: $979 Envelopes/Checks: 153
Attendance: 1,009 Shrine (candles): $101
May 2015
May 2016
Families using Parish Pay, 785 Registered in the Parish
699 Families receive envelopes
Ways you can give:
1. Use weekly envelopes for your donations.
ParishPay is an automated means to support our
parish through monthly contributions from your
checking, savings or credit/debit card account.
Enroll today at
3. Please remember the church in your estate planning by
including Church of St. Pius X in your will.
Special Collection Dates for 2016
Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa
Latin America & Home Missions
Propagation of the Faith (Missionary Cooperative)
Mission Sunday
St. Joseph’s Seminary
Mission Church in the Philippines Thanksgiving – Human Development
Collection for Retired Religious
July 3
August 7
August 21
September 11
October 16
November 6
November 20
December 11
Pastoral Solidarity Fund for Church in Africa, July 3
The Church in Africa continues to grow rapidly, unlike
anywhere else in the world. In fact, it is estimated that by
2025, nearly one-sixth of the world’s Catholic population
is expected to be living in Africa. The Solidarity Fund for
the Church in Africa supports a variety of programs to
ensure that the Church continues to communicate its faith
and work to overcome current challenges. With our help,
the Church in Africa can turn its potential into a reality
as it works towards confronting the many challenges of
educating and caring for its people.
492 Church of St. Pius X
July 3 – 9, 2016
Saints & Special Observances
St. Thomas the Apostle
Monday St. Elizabeth of Portugal
Tuesday St. Anthony Zaccaria
WednesdaySt. Maria Goretti
Thursday Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions
St. Gregory Grassi and Companions
Saturday St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions
St. Elizabeth of Portugal (12711336), July 4
Elizabeth is usually depicted in
royal garb with a dove or an olive
branch. At her birth in 1271, her
father, Pedro III, future king of
Aragon, was reconciled with his
father, James, the reigning monarch.
This proved to be a portent of things to come. …
She quickly learned self-discipline and acquired a taste
for spirituality … She was able to establish for herself
a pattern of life conducive to growth in God’s love,
not merely through her exercises of piety, including
daily Mass, but also through her exercise of charity,
by which she was able to befriend and help pilgrims,
strangers, the sick, the poor … At the same time she
remained devoted to her husband, whose infidelity to
her was a scandal to the kingdom.
He, too, was the object of many of her peace endeavors.
She long sought peace for him with God, and was finally
rewarded when he gave up his life of sin. She repeatedly
sought and effected peace between the king and their
rebellious son, Alfonso … She acted as peacemaker in
the struggle between Ferdinand, king of Aragon, and his
cousin James, who claimed the crown. And finally from
Coimbra, where she had retired as a Franciscan tertiary
to the monastery of the Poor Clares after the death of
her husband, she set out and was able to bring about
a lasting peace between her son Alfonso, now king of
Portugal, and his son-in-law, the king of Castile.
The work of promoting peace is anything but a calm
and quiet endeavor. It takes a clear mind, a steady spirit
and a brave soul to intervene between people whose
emotions are so aroused that they are ready to destroy
one another … But Elizabeth had a deep and sincere
love and sympathy for humankind … and an abiding
confidence in God. These were the tools of her success.
492 Church of St. Pius X
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Recent Events at the Church of St. Pius X
Continue to join us for Family Mass every Sunday at 10:30am.
Left: children at the Family Mass Homily.
Top right: Mark and Thomas Gibney and Theodore Bryson joining
Fr. Sebastian for the Birthday Blessing.
Bottom right: Sophia Krembs, Manuela Passaretta, Eva Gibney, Thomas
Gibney with Fr. Sebastian.
End of Year Choir Celebration:
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492 Church of St. Pius X
We love our Church …
Year of Mercy
The Corporal Works of Mercy
The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the
teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how
we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in
disguise. They “are charitable actions by which we
help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCA).
They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we
journey together through this life.
The seven Corporal Works of Mercy are listed
below. We will highlight each work of mercy every
week with suggestions and words of advice for
living them out in our daily lives.
• Feed the hungry
• Visit the prisoners
• Give Drink to the thirsty • Bury the dead
• Shelter the homeless
• Give alms to the poor
• Visit the sick
Assistive Listening Devices are now available –
We have six (6) Assistive Listening Devices (ALD)
so parishioners who are hard of hearing can hear
comfortably during Mass. Please ask any priest
before Mass if you would like to use an ALD.
Holy Communion – Before distributing the Eucharist
to the congregation, the priest will bring the Eucharist
to anyone who wishes to receive from his/her pew. If
you wish to receive from your pew because it is
difficult for you to approach the Altar, please raise
your hand at the beginning of Communion.
Gluten-free Communion Hosts – If you require a
gluten-free host, please speak with a priest at the back
of the Church before Mass begins.
Bulletins/Missalettes – After Mass, please put
Missalettes in the pew rack and bring the bulletin
with you.
Also, please remember – The Church is a place of
worship so please turn off your cell phones before
entering the main church, and NO food or bubble
gum, even for small children. Food should not be
brought into the Church or Mary’s Chapel.
Thank you.
Visit the sick
Those who are sick are often forgotten or avoided. In
spite of their illness, these individuals still have much to
offer to those who take the time to visit and comfort them.
• Give blood
• Spend time volunteering at a nursing home – Get
creative and make use of your talents (e.g. sing, read,
paint, call Bingo, etc.)!
• Take time on a Saturday to stop and visit with an
elderly neighbor.
• Offer to assist caregivers of chronically sick family
members on a one-time or periodic basis. Give
caregivers time off from their caregiving
responsibilities so they can rest, complete personal
chores, or enjoy a relaxing break.
• Next time you make a meal that can be easily frozen,
make a double batch and give it to a family in your
parish who has a sick loved one.
492 Church of St. Pius X
Renovation Funds
(Total Pledges as of June 7, 2016)
Phase 1 Remaining Pledges: $26,300
Phase 2 New Pledges: $78,050
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To everything there is a season and a time for
every purpose under heaven, A time to be healed...
In the charity of your prayers
please remember the souls
of our faithfully departed.
Please remember to pray for:
Carol Vitale Allen
Pia Sta Ana
Michael Antoine
Manolita Antoja
Elisa Alcontin Atienza
Nathaniel Barrera
Beatrice Bechtold
Mary Cantalice
Elisa Campanile
Serena Cardillo
Baby Antonia Carpentieri
Giuliana Cavalli
Barbara Chin
Iena Custodio
Christina Del Pin
Frank DeRobertis
Baby Fionn Foley
Elma Garma
Robert Golan
Sabrina Hughes
Minda Imperial
Suzette Judalena
Alfonso Latorre
Norma Mauricio-Panga
Kathleen McCabe
Sonia Mendoza
Estelito Pataksil
Laurie Peek
Maria Mercedes Pabon
Sr. Teresita Perez, MM
Anne Reichling
Jack Reidy
Cheryl Samson-Melegrito
Oliva San Antonio
Samantha Schlein
Holly Schwartz
Tanya Sciortino
Wendy Sgobbo
Jay-John Soliongco
Raquel Suares
Marissa Tolentino
Helena A. Trindade
Rosemarie Widulski
Baby Gabriel Wolpert
Jack Salomone
(Long time parishioner)
Baby Zoe Sia
(6 months old)
Bertie Pereira
(Father of Brian Pereira)
John Sergi
(Long time parishioner)
May they enjoy a place of
light, happiness and peace.
To add a new name to the prayer listing, please call (914) 725-2755 or email confirm person consents to having their name published.
July 2016
RE Late Registration
Fee $50 Applies
(Beginning today)
No Adoration
2nd Collection:
Pastoral Solidarity
for Church in Africa
Independence Day
NO Mass
No Parish Council
Parish office closed.
Stewardship Month
(July to August)
No 11:30am Mass for month of July
While you are enjoying the summer sun and activity, don’t forget your church here at home. Your help is still needed. If while on vacation
you cannot contribute regularly, may we suggest that you keep unused envelopes on hand and bring your contributions up to date when
you return. God bless you and keep you all safe.
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492 Church of St. Pius X
Parish Announcements
Happy Fourth of July!
Enjoy the holiday. The Parish Office
will be closed on July 4th in
observance of Independence Day.
Save the Date!
Calling All Couples celebrating wedding
anniversaries this year 2016 in increments
of five years (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 …) and all
couples who are married 50 years and above!
Renew your vows to each other on October 23, Sunday at
the 12 noon Mass. Champagne reception to follow. Please
call the rectory to participate.
Deacon Ted & Alice Gaskin, 67 years, September 3
The 2016 Appeal goal for St. Pius X Parish
has been determined as:
Average Monthly Offertory:
Monthly Assessment:
2016 Appeal Goal:
x 2.5 month(s)
Joseph & Anne Marie Cassarini, 59 years, July 6, 1957
Michael & Grace Tobash, 57 years, May 10, 1959
Venanzio & Lucy Maraldo, 50 years, May 14, 1966
Robert & Kathy Cripps, 45 years, January 16, 1971
Blaise & Kathi Fredella, 45 years, September 12, 1971
Tony & Jackie Gasson, 45 years, September 12, 1971
Collected as of June 28, 2016: $83,870.02
(over 80% of Goal!)
Frank & Marie Scinicariello, 45 years, October 2, 1971
Joseph & Mary Theresa Leptak, 25 years, July 6, 1991
Number of Gifts:
Answer the call and donate today!
When donating, please use our Parish number #536.
Joseph & Lorraine Ferrara, 40 years, May 23, 1976
John and Sonya Pantanelli, 10 years, June 11, 2006
July Birthday Blessings
will be Sunday July 24 at the 10:30am
Mass. All who celebrate birthdays in June,
will come forward for their blessing.
$200 Blaise Fredella
$100 Stephen Trauzzi
$50 Aaron Bryson
Next drawing: 7/31/16
The working poor are struggling to put
food on their tables throughout the year.
Won’t you please continue to bring in a few packages of
non-perishable food each week? It is so very much appreciated
by St. Peter’s! They have a special need for cereals of any kind.
Place your donations in the closet near the church entrance.
Thank you.
492 Church of St. Pius X
July Birthdays:
Justin Pick 7/6
Terry Lynch 7/20
Alice Gaskin 7/9
Eric Bosco 7/22
Barbara Underhill 7/11
Guy Pietrangolare 7/22
Beth Rosen 7/14
Lorraine Ranieri 7/28
Jonathan LaMacchia 7/15
Kristen Hamlin 7/27
Lucille Filardo 7/19
July Anniversaries:
Martha & Manuel Neiro 7/4
Joseph & Ann Marie Cassarini 7/6
Gerri & Guy Pietrangolare 7/22
Douglas & Maria Pick 7/26
Grace & Stanley Demczuk
To add a name to the Birthday list, please e-mail
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Ministry Service
Look for our upcoming exciting fall
events soon. In the meantime, have a
wonderful and restful summer.
Contact: Dolores Brett at 723-5303
Altar Servers NEEDED!
We are looking for new servers to
join this ministry for 2016-2017!
We welcome youth starting in grade
4 and up who have made their First
Communion. We are in need of
Altar Servers who can especially
serve at 5pm Saturday and 8am, 9:15 and 12 noon Masses.
This is a wonderful learning experience for our young
members of the parish. They learn about their faith and
take on responsibility. The registration form can be found
in the narthex or approached any of our priests. Training
will be provided and will be arranged during summer.
Altar Servers assist the priests at Sunday Mass, weddings,
funerals and special liturgies. They are an important and
much appreciated part of liturgies. This ministry promotes
a closer relationship with the ever-present Body of Christ
in the lives of those who serve.
Time: Altar servers can choose the Mass time(s) they
prefer. (Schedules are prepared in advance through an
internet based Ministry Scheduler that honors volunteers’
preferences and availability and allows requests for
substitutes in the event that plans change.)
Volunteer Opportunities: All interested 4th graders and
older who wish to serve will be trained.
Contact Information: Fr. Jose (
or Fr. Romeo ( at
(914) 725-2755 or Ellen Aslanian at 914-472-5594 (or
For Young Adults:
Visit for respective ministries that
can give you some insights about services and resources.
You can also download the App!
Page 7
St. Pius X Ministry Schedules
Saturday, 5:00 PM
A.S.: Evelyn Black, Sophia Krembs
L: Lisa Lobo
E.M.: Al Naclerio, Lynne Soares
Sunday, 8:00 AM
L: Monica Reynolds
E.M.: Michael Thomas (Tom) Mac Neil
Sunday, 9:15 AM
A.S.: Renata Pratt
L: Marina Cardillo Pratt
E.M.: Cathy Andreuzzi, James Briggs
Sunday, 10:30 AM A.S.: Aidan Brennan, Hernan II Marambio, Chris II Saenger
L: Daniel Mandras
E.M.: Dorianna Marambio, Hernan Marambio
Hospitality: We will resume in September!
Sunday, 12:00 PM
A.S.: Nicholas Gettinger, William Gettinger, Joseph Russo
L: Kapo Kasanda
E.M.: Ron Cardillo, Maria Pick
Check future schedules on Ministry Schedule Pro. Father Sebastian will send you a
login link. If you think you can commit to one of these services in our parish please
call Father Sebastian at (914) 725-2755.
A.S. = Altar Servers, L = Lector, E.M. = Eucharistic Ministers
Thank you
to the Russo
Family for hosting
our Hospitality
table after the
10:30 am
Family Mass.
We welcome
Eva Gibney to
the Altar Server
Ministry. She
served for the first
time at the 10:30am
Family Mass last
492 Church of St. Pius X
Religious Education
Adult Bible Study
In our Bible Study classes, you will learn about key
persons and places delineated in the Bible. The classes will
help you to understand the Scriptures and your Catholic
faith in a new way. The teachings of the Church and His
Holy Word, the Bible, will help to enlighten you on God’s
purpose and plan for your life-your part in God’s story.
The classes are taught and facilitated by our Adult
Formation Director, a charismatic and knowledgeable
Scripture Scholar, Mr. Chuck Junjulas.
The classes are held each Thursday (except during the
summer) between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm in the Parish
Pavilion. Fall class dates are TBD.
Please contact the Parish Office at (914) 725-2755, or or Charles Junjulas at for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil,
thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church. Parishes
welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA program
developed by the Church for converts to the Holy Catholic
Faith who are above the age of infant baptism.
The Parish of Saint Pius X provides the RCIA program to
all desiring to enter into full communion with the Church.
If you have never been baptized, have been baptized in
another Christian denomination, have been baptized
Catholic but have not received Holy communion and/or
Confirmation, then the RCIA program is for you.
To register, speak to a priest or email Charles Junjulas,
Director of Faith Formation at
There is a honorarium $150 for registered parishioners
and $250 for non parishioners. Classes are Thursdays from
8-9 pm in the Parish Pavilion. Catechumen’s are received
into the Church during the Easter Vigil.
The Religious Education Program is now accepting Registration for 2016-2017.
Beginning July 1, 2016 registration fees to all returning students are:
$250 - One Child
$400 - Two Children
$550 - Three Children
$650 - Four or more Children
Sacrament Fees:
First Communion (2nd Grade) – $150
Confirmation (8th Grade)
– $180
Make check payable to: St. Pius X
(Registration and Sacrament fees)
$20/Child, make check payable to: St. Pius X – REPTA
Regular fees apply only to new students
Religious Education Registration Forms are available at:
RE Office, Narthex(Church lobby), or
Please call Religious Education Office for any questions.
Thank You.
492 Church of St. Pius X
Seeking New Teachers, Teacher’s Aides & Substitute
Teachers. Our goal is to have two adults in each class,
especially in the higher grades. Please call the
Religious Education Office at (914) 472-5594 or stop
by to further explore sharing your Gift of Faith.
Training is available during the summer.
RE Teachers and Assistants Needed for 2016 -2017:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
2 teachers/2 assistants
1 teacher/2 assistants
2 teachers/2 assistants
1 teacher/2 assistants
1 teacher/2 assistants
1 assistant
Hall Monitors – Monday (2), Tuesday (3)
Page 8
Dominican Sisters Bake Sale –
The Dominican Sisters will hold a
Bake Sale on the weekend of August
6 & 7. They will be selling bread,
brownies, apple pie and blueberry pie. These are all baked
according to the Dominican Sisters recipes. The proceeds
from the sale will be used to buy medical supplies for their
mission to support lepers.
Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual
abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person
serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact
Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at (212) 371-1000 x2949 or Deacon
George J. Coppola at (917) 861-1762. Both may also be
reached via e-mail at
Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan
website, In keeping with the Archdiocesan
policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information
is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and
Looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity?
The Ladies of Charity are a diverse group of Catholic
women who volunteer to meet the critical needs of those in
challenging situations through:
• Engaging in Ministries with flexible time commitments
in Parishes, Nursing Homes, Child Care Agencies and
other institutions that care for the marginalized
• The creation and donation of handmade items for those
we serve
• Providing spiritual and social support for our volunteers
For more information or to become a Lady of Charity
please contact us at:
Ladies of Charity of the Catholic Charities of the
Archdiocese of New York, 1011 First Ave., New York, NY
10022. Phone: (212) 371-1000 x2542.
Volunteers are needed at Cabrini of Westchester in Dobbs
Ferry. If you have a few hours to give to this rewarding
experience please contact Simone Smith (Director of
Human Resources and Volunteers) at (914) 693-6800 x571
or Sister Monica or Yvonne at x592.
Bulletin Submissions:
Do you have an announcement for a church event that you
would like to be printed in our Church bulletin? E-mail or call (914) 725-2755 by the
Monday before the next published bulletin. Any inserts
must be in 10 days before the Sunday you wish it to be
printed. Printing deadline is 9:00 pm Tuesdays.
Page 9
Church of Saint Pius X Parish Information
Saint Pius X Parish is under the pastoral care of the
Religious Community of the Alagad Ni Maria (Disciples of Mary)
Parish Office Hours
Monday to Thursday 9 am – 4:00 pm
Friday – Closed (By appointment Only)
The Sacraments
Arrangements made by both parents
with a priest or deacon.
Reconciliation - Penance
Saturday 4:00 to 4:30 PM or anytime
upon request.
Holy Matrimony:
Arrangements should be made with a
priest or a deacon at least six months
prior to the wedding. Couples must
attend Pre-Cana and Engagement
The Eucharist & Anointing of the Sick:
For serious illness or when someone
is scheduled for hospitalization, please
call the Rectory at (914) 725-2755.
Communion Calls:
We are happy to bring the Eucharist to
those unable to come to the Church.
Baptized Catholics who have not
received Confirmation should contact
a member of the pastoral staff.
Holy Orders:
The pastoral staff is always ready to
discuss the prospect of a vocation to the
priesthood or religious life.
Religious Education for Students
Kindergarten: Sunday 9:30-10:15am
Grades 1-4 Tuesday: 3:30-5:00pm
Grades 5-8 Monday: 3:30-5:00pm
Grade 8 evening class: 6:00-7:30pm
Religious Education for Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults (RCIA) is intended to address
both the un-baptized who are seeking
baptism as well as Christians from
other traditions who desire to enter
into full communion with the Catholic
Church. Please call (914) 725-2755.
Parish Council:
• Al Naclerio,
Parish Council President,
• Danielle Bryson, Vice President,
• Aurelie Ferrera, Secretary,
The Parish Council meets the first
Monday of the month at 8:00 pm
(Except for January, July & August).
Everyone is welcome!
Bulletin Submissions:
or call (914) 725-2755 by the
Monday before the next published
bulletin. Any inserts must be in
10 days before the Sunday you
wish it to be printed.
Parish Staff
Parish Secretary:
Elizabeth Pirinea, (914) 725-2755,
Religious Education Coordinator:
Rev. Joselito C. Ramos
(914) 472-5594
Fax: (914) 725-1517
Religious Education Administrative
Ellen Aslanian, (914) 472-5594,,
Adult Education RCIA:
Mr. Charles Junjulas,
Music Director:
David Schmidt,
Associate Music Director:
Francis Kim
Phone Extensions, (914) 725-2755:
Elizabeth - Secretary
Fr. Sebastian
Fr. Romeo
Fr. Jose
Ellen - RE
Parish Finance Committee
Denis Andreuzzi
Kathi Fredella
Blaise Fredella Robert Gillin
Parish Enrichment Coordinators
Altar Server Ministry:
Rev. Romeo C. Ascan,
The Liturgy:
Luisa Pompa, (914) 725-8940,
Lector Training:
Lynne Soares, (914) 723-5063,
Hospitality for Family Mass:
Eileen Donovan,
Midnight Run:
Tom Morris, &
Bob Fornabaio,
Pastoral Care:
Debra Lupardo,
Religious Education PTA (REPTA):
Teresa Black and Pamela Mo,
Social Action – Adult Activities:
Dolores Brett,
Youth Ministry:
Rev. Romeo Ascan, AM
Theresa Regan, Lisa Trauzzi
and Luisa Pompa
492 Church of St. Pius X