Presentation: Dirk Deboe - creative city challenge
Presentation: Dirk Deboe - creative city challenge
CREASHOCK A lecture by Dirk De Boe Creative Industries meets Science Conference Bremen 24/11/11 Philips Ambilight TV Philips Aurea Philips: Best LED TV of the year Philips Cinema 21:9 Creativity shock • Individual creativity => # people • Collective creativity => # people • Total effect # x # Creativity shock • Individual creativity => # people • Collective creativity => # people • Total effect # x # The power of unconscious A sacred place to be alone Sharpen your senses Observe A toothbrush for children? Balance left and right hemisphere Dare to experiment I never asked permission. They will stop you when you go too far Fail fast, fail forward Stimulate networking Is it long ago? Presentation skills Training in lateral thinking How do you start? September 07 Carl Van de Velde Commit to Excellence March 08 Roberto Evaristo 3M Knowledge Mgt October 07 November 07 Bernard Lernout Breakthrough Innovation Brainware April 08 June 08 The wake-up light… The making of Lateral Thinking Marylou Leistikow Dirk De Boe September 08 Michael Braungart December 07 January 08 February 08 Visit Expo Kick-off Idea Series Chris Sluys We’re all Marketers! De Mortierbrigade October 08 December 08 Johan Berte Living Tomorrow Antarctic Station January 09 World Creativity Forum Januari 2010 April 09 May 09 September 09 November 09 Gabriel Fehervari Philippe Verlinde Jef Staes Pascal Cools Jan Vermeiren Richard Stomp David Venter CEO Alfacam Philips Value Spaces Red Monkey Trends 2010 Networking Streetcombing Creativity Test December 2010 January 2011 June 2011 March 09 March 2010 Hans Appel April 2010 37 ID DJ’s Sensitive Innovation New Shoes Today September 2010 22 October 2010 December 09 Trendwatcher Simplicty JointSpace Care Anywhere Creativity Herman Konings Phiips Design Tim & Jean-Marc Jeroen Wals Els De Schepper Creashock • Individual creativity => # people • Collective creativity => # people • Total effect # x # Steven Johnson An organisation is a jungle Red monkey 4 types of people in an organisation Start an idea generation forum Open thinktank 29 Innovation Event 30 Philips Econova DESIGNED WITH THE END IN MIND 31 Crowdsourcing students contest INNOVATION CLIMATE @ PHILIPS BRUGES Research Partnership • Philips Brugge and Ghent University • 2010-2013 Purpose of the current study • Mapping the innovation climate of Philips Bruges • Understanding how innovative behavior can be effectively stimulated Michiel Crommelinck Ph.D. Student Industrial and Organizational Psychology Dirk De Toon Devloo Ph.D. Student Industrial and Organizational Psychology Email: Email: Boe - 264 Philips B.G. Tel.: 09 94 84 Consumer Lifestyle Tel.: 09-264 94 84Television RESULTS • Positive influence on motivation: – I am encouraged to propose new ways of working 2007 : 69% 2008: 78% 2009: 80% 2010: 85% – My ideas are taken into account 2007 : 65% 2008: 75% 2009: 77% 2010: 82% • Inspirational sessions : 80 people with satisfaction rate of: 3,75/5 • 60% of our people has already posted an idea. • 70 people trained in Lateral thinking + 4 brainstorming coaches • External involvement via open think tanks, lectures & press Wall of fame of landed ideas 1 minute video : watch?v=igMl12jgrH8 7 minute video on World Creativity Forum: watch?v=UDgyhJ3dhVs @dirkdeboe