File - Atonement Lutheran Church


File - Atonement Lutheran Church
This week I got to watch our congregation do something amazing! Nearly every year at this
time we receive a donation of 16 turkeys to distribute to families who could use a little help at
this time of year. Unfortunately, that donation wasn’t able to happen this year and that left a
gap. Many of the families who were accustomed to receiving these turkeys had called to see if
they were available again this year. So, we had a choice to make: tell them that we couldn’t
help this year, or find some way to help them out.
We talked about it in our staff meeting for a bit, and we decided to invite the congregation
to help out. But that meant we had to do this all on short notice. We made the announcement
(thanks to John Krug in a turkey costume!) and asked people to bring in turkeys and
nonperishable food the following Saturday and Sunday. We had no idea what was in store!
Between Saturday and Sunday about 35 turkeys arrived! We also filled 5 tables with all of
the stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, pumpkin pie, corn, and green beans! On
Tuesday, Marilyn Barr, Rei, John Krug, and I (along with Celia and Brennan) helped hand out
food and pass out King Soopers gift cards donated by our Women’s Ministry. Rei was even
kind enough to do one home delivery to two sisters who couldn’t make it. And, as I’m writing
this article the rest of the turkeys and food are being delivered to a food pantry in Sheridan that
is operated by St. Philip’s – one of our South Metro ELCA congregations. It was enough
turkeys and food to fill the bed of Rei’s truck!
I want you to stop for a moment and think about what WE just did as a congregation. We
saw a need in the community and shared it. From there, WE put on a turkey costume to get
people’s attention, WE donated the King Soopers gift cards, WE took the turkey and food tags,
WE went shopping, WE brought in the turkeys and nonperishable foods, WE collected them,
WE set them out for people, WE welcomed these people into church to get what they needed,
We delivered food to people’s homes, and WE delivered a truckload of food (literally!) to the
local food pantry. Because of US, about 35 families are going to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast
who wouldn’t have been able to otherwise!
That’s the kind of attitude and response that makes ministry happen! We saw a need and
we did whatever it took to serve our neighbors. What an extraordinary way to start the holiday
season and the end of the year. I pray that this kind of generosity and involvement will
continue in the coming year. I know the people on the receiving end of our ministry were
blessed this week, and I hope you were as well!
Pastor Chris
~December 2015~
3&4 5 6 7,8,9
 Community Ministry
 Foot Care Clinic
 Altar Flowers
 Poinsettias
 Thank You
 Children’s Ministry
 Peter’s Pen
 Adult Education
 Hannah Circle
 Lutheran Magazine
 First Friday
 Ornament Exchange
 Atonement
 T&T
 Atonement New
 Faith in Action
 Stewardship
 Atonement’s 50th
 President’s
 Quilting
 Altar Guild
In a desire to improve communication, after council meetings I’ll provide a few highlights.
November 2015 Council meeting highlights:
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration – December 13th! More announcements to follow.
Presentation from the representatives of the Fellowship Hall committee on potential
upgrades. Committee will present alternatives at December council meeting.
Hearing Loop representative Laura Hansen presented to council. Council taking under
We wanted to give you an update on the Comprehensive Ministry Review (CMR) committee and
council meeting last week (11/12/15).
Here are a few bullet points from our meeting
Provide highlights of the council meetings in the newsletter in addition to minutes available
in the Narthex.
Remind congregation that copies of the CMR report are available in the Narthex.
Remind congregation that representatives of the CMR team are available should you have
any questions about the review.
On a monthly basis two council representatives will be selling grocery gift cards and we’re
available for you. This is an opportunity for you to communicate with council.
During the Lenten season emphasis will be placed on renewal.
Thank you,
Melissa Lemke, Council President
Quilting Bee will not be meeting in the month of December due to the busy holiday schedule.
However, the quilting team will still meet on December 22nd. Quilting Bee will resume on
January 7th at 7:00 PM. This session will be held at the house of Eileen Koppenhaver.
Altar Guild will meet Saturday, January 9th, 2016 in the Kitchen and Cafe at 10:00 AM. We will
enjoy brunch, review the new set-up instructions and organize the calendar for the year.
Please plan to attend. If you would like to help with the food for the brunch, please sign up in the
Narthex. The signup sheet will be available as of Sunday, December 20th.
All persons-individuals, couples, two member teams, former members, those curious about
providing this service in support of worship services are welcome. If we can maintain the group
at its current size, this job requires you to serve 4 weeks, 2 weeks each time, twice a year.
You are invited to the
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, December 13, 2015
9:30 AM
Bishop James Gonia,
our RMS Bishop and former pastor of
Atonement brings a special message
Reception following in the Fellowship Hall
We are beginning the fiftieth year of our ministry at Atonement Lutheran Church. We will have
several opportunities this year to remember all the saints that came before us. Join current members,
former members, our worshipping community past and present, students, interns and the last charter
members of Atonement at worship during this coming year.
Our first Sunday of celebration is on Sunday, December 13, 2015. We will have one worship service
at 9:30 AM. We are excited that Pastor Fjeld, the first pastor of Atonement, and Pastor Del
Grauerholz, the second and longest serving pastor, will be special guests worshipping with us. Of
course former Associate Pastor of ALC and current Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Jim Gonia
will be officiating with Pastor Chris Davis.
A little history of the beginning of Atonement after the American Lutheran Church purchased land to
build a new church in Bear Valley. The very first service for the new Atonement Lutheran Church was
held at Colorado Academy on September 12, 1965. Services were held there until December 5 when
the First Sunday in Advent was conducted in the fellowship hall (current education rooms) of
Atonement . By the end of December 1965, Roger Fjeld was installed as the First Pastor of
Atonement Lutheran Church. On December 24, 1965 the first service was conducted in the
unfinished sanctuary! The church building was officially dedicated on February 13, 1966.
To commemorate Atonement's 50th anniversary, we will be offering for
sale special Christmas ornaments as a memento of this special occasion.
The price is $15 each, payable by check or cash. Ornaments will be
available for purchase at the December 13th celebration and subsequent
Sundays until all are sold.
Pastor Roger Fjeld
Pastor Delbert Grauerholz
Pastor Leo Lay, Assistant Pastor
Pastor Del & Pastor Jim
Bishop James Gonia
Associate Pastor 1999-2009
Pastor Chris Davis
New Sanctuary
Rev. Dr. Carl Hansen
Interim Pastor 2010-2011
Assistant to Pastor 2014-2015
Atonement has had an amazing year! Where to begin? How to count the many blessings?
We have welcomed 24 new members this year and most have jumped right in and become active members, bringing new talents, voices, and enthusiasm. What a joy!
First Friday was introduced and received with astounding success offering us some very different experiences that we have welcomed and enjoyed.
New liturgies have been introduced, some we have received more enthusiastically than others, but that
blue grass really got our feet to stomping and our hands a-clapping. We even had the opportunity to
meet the composer, Jonathan Rundman at one of the First Friday events!
The choir has been rejuvenated and has presented some beautiful anthems.
The Children’s Ministry has been exciting with a new curriculum introduced this year, a successful Vacation Bible School, some special performances by the children during worship, and Trunk or Treat.
Faith In Action offered wonderful discussions and presentations on the criminal justice system with moving testimony from our seminarian, Richard Gianzero.
We have had wonderful sermons from not only Pastor Chris, but also Pastor Peter Hebert, our seminarian, Richard Gianzero, and Dr. Aaron Smith before he returned to seminary. Pastor Carl also gave
thought provoking sermons before he left us at the end of May.
Adult Ed continues with thought provoking and lively discussions each Sunday on varying faith topics
including The Lutheran Course II and David Lose’s “Making Sense of the Christian Faith.”
Our youth went to Detroit in July for a week for the ELCA National Youth Gathering and by all accounts
had a wonderful time.
This is only a small sampling and certainly not all inclusive.
Even though we have accomplished much together this past year, there is still much to be done as we
continue on in our call “Love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors
as ourselves.” To that end we want to invite you to help us finish the year strong and prepare ourselves
for an exciting 2016 by prayerfully considering an end-of-year financial gift to Atonement.
Our giving is behind the plan at the end of October by $32,000.00. Our revised budget for 2015 is not
covering all of our expenses and the regular principal payments on the mortgage. We had anticipated a
shortfall of $14,000. At the end of October, that shortfall is over $30,000.
Our pledging units for 2016 are significantly behind where they were for 2015. As we write this we have
50 pledges for 2016 compared to 78 pledges for 2015 making the 2016 budget a challenge.
You can make a donation by giving in our Sunday offerings, mailing a check to the church office, or
through our website. For your donation to be tax deductible in 2015, it must be physically received by
the church by December 31, 2015 or postmarked by December 31, 2015.
We want you to remember that your gift funds a ministry that changes lives. Thank you for being a part
of the Atonement family and helping us accomplish the vision God has given us.
Together in His service,
The Stewardship Committee
Global Gift Fair
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Global Gift Fair.
This year 150 shoppers made purchases of just over $9,700 and assisted people around
the world and around the corner to support themselves. The bake sale generated $204 for
Lutheran World Hunger and Jan Sweeney’s crafts raised $192 for Cristo Rey Lutheran
Church in El Paso, TX.
The Church and Criminal Justice: Hearing the Cries
Book Discussion
FIA will continue its focus on the ELCA’s most recent social statement, the criminal justice system
and mass incarceration with a book discussion. We will read Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and
Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. Stevenson is the executive director of the Equal Justice
Initiative in Montgomery, AL and tells the stories of defending poor clients in the criminal justice
system. Details to come in the January newsletter.
“Bryan Stevenson is America’s young Nelson Mandela, a brilliant lawyer fighting with courage and
conviction to guarantee justice for all. Just Mercy should be read by people of conscience in every
civilized country in the world to discover what happens when revenge and retribution replace
justice and mercy. It is as gripping to read as any legal thriller, and what hangs in the balance is
nothing less than the soul of a great nation.”—Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Spring Offerings
Look for other offerings on this topic in the spring including Adult Education sessions on April 3
and May 1.
Border Immersion Trip
Faith in Action is exploring interest in a border immersion trip in early June through Cristo Rey
Lutheran Church in El Paso, TX. The cost is $350 for one week plus food and transportation and
anyone over age 15 can participate. Contact Laura Buhs at or 303-561-2814 if
you are interested.
FIA Picks
LIRS Response to ISIS attacks and Syrian refugee resettlement
The Lutheran, November 2015 Issue
Article on ELCA assistance to refugees in Europe and the Middle East
Non FIA newsletter article
Taking the sting out of Malaria
Remember the buzz at Atonement during Lent? Half of our Lenten offerings were given to the
ELCA Malaria Campaign which reached its goal of $15 million this fall! The ELCA worked with
Lutheran companions and partners in 13 African countries to protect countless lives from this
preventable, treatable disease. The work will continue through gifts to ELCA World Hunger.
Have you met Atonement’s New Members of 2015 yet?
Scott, Audrey & Isaac Banks come to us from Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC). They are
CO natives and avid Broncos fans. A family of musicians, they’re already active in Atonement’s
choir. Scott was the former Choir Director at RLC. He loves to sing and performs regularly with
the Colorado Chorale. Isaac is a senior at Chatfield HS where he plays baritone with the
Marching Band and bass trombone in Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble. He also loves to Rap!
Audrey is the artist who “ dabbles” in ceramics, quilting and crafts. Books are her passion!
Marilyn Barr is a Denverite and the daughter of Betty & Dean Moody. She has 3 siblings, 2
children, and 3 (going on 4) grandchildren. Marilyn has always loved animals, especially horses.
You’ll often see her in a “pink” Broncos jersey, cuddling a toddler in her arms!
Bob & Judy Bauer are long-time residents of Denver, although Judy is from TX, and Bob is from
NYC (Queens), NY. Bob graduated from Wagner Lutheran College in philosophy and technical
theatre, and earned his master’s degree from Brooklyn College. Judy & Bob met while working at
Bonfils Theater in Denver. They’ve been married for 51 years, have a son Edward in Denver, and
were members of RLC. Bob says, “Judy’s greatest passion in life has always been family!”
Donna Bloemker is a “ farm girl” from North Bend, NE who studied accounting in business
school and married Vernon while he was at Midland Lutheran College. They raised 4 children
while pursuing further degrees living in NE, SD, and PA. Donna owned a retail fashion fabric and
Pfaff sewing machine store in PA and taught creative sewing, traveling the country with a Pfaff
team of educators for 7 years. When their son moved to CO, Donna and Vernon followed. Since
then, her sewing has been devoted to making worship banners. She, too, was a member of RLC.
Mike Brack, a life-time member of RLC, is married to Toni Jung-Brack, is the father of Alana
Brack, son of Lois Brack, and brother of Audrey Brack-Banks. Mike is a construction inspector for
the City of Denver. His hobbies include hiking, ice fishing, riding snow mobiles, and building he’s a great carpenter!
Toni Jung-Brack (formerly Toni St. George) is a former member of Bethany Lutheran
Church (Denver). She’s happily married to Mike and is the mother of 3 lovely daughters. She’s
an RN at Presby/St.Luke’s Medical Center. For hobbies, Toni enjoys hiking, spending time with
her grandchildren, watching HGTV, and planning their next trip!
Sonja Buzard attended elementary school, was confirmed, and married at Bethlehem
Lutheran Church (Lakewood). In 1959, she transferred to Resurrection Lutheran Church
(Lakewood) and was a member there for 56 years. All their children and grandchildren were
baptized and confirmed at RLC. Sonja says, “Now I’m excited about becoming a new member of
Atonement Lutheran!”
Audrey Clausen was born and raised in Minnesota. She originally studied theology,
German, and French, and later added Linguistics and Spanish. She lived and worked in
Germany, Israel, and Mexico and has taught English as a Second Language to students of all
ages. Her hobbies are traveling, hiking in the mountains, kayaking, swimming, and playing with
her little dog, Tiny Tim.
Brad Ellgen is from Denver, but graduated from Fairview High School in Boulder. He has
worked for Jefferson County Government “for a long time”! He enjoys working out at the gym and
ballroom dancing (since 1993) where he’s made a great group of friends. Brad’s #1 concern is
providing the best possible care for his mother (Marla).
Joe Fiala is from Oakes, ND where he lived until 2001 when he moved to the “ big city” of
Fargo. He’s been a nurse for 21 years and loved every one of them! Joe moved to Denver in
2010 and is employed by Kaiser Permanente in internal medicine. He’s happy
to have recently married his best friend Steve. Joe enjoys working with his aquariums and
spending time in the mountains.
Steve Midthun is from Valley City, ND and lived there for 30 years. In college, he studied
Vocal Performance, but soon found a fit in the medical field where he’s worked for 27 years.
Steve moved to Fargo in 2000 where he met Joe. They married this October and are happy with
their life in CO. In the mountains almost every weekend, Steve enjoys his hobbies of scenic
photography and rock hounding. He says, “We are really pleased to have found a church home
in Atonement.”
Duane Fish is from northern Minnesota. He graduated from CU in 1957 with a BSCE (Civil
Engineering) and worked primarily in the utilities industry (power plants, etc.). Early on, Duane
served for three years as an officer in the US Navy Civil Engineer Corps, retiring as a
Professional Structural Engineer. He is a former member of RLC, and has a son David in
Phoenix, AZ, and a daughter Karen in Lakewood, CO.
Robert Hubbard was born in Indiana in a military family that moved a lot! He graduated
from Sheridan HS (Denver) with a passion for playing sports. Due to a serious injury, he changed
plans and studied HVAC at Arapahoe CC and worked as a Stationary Engineer at the Denver
Federal Center and SW Plaza (where he met Darlene Jones). He’s a Star Trek enthusiast and
loves studying science and history. He assists Darlene in taking care of her mother who has
Darlene Jones grew up just blocks from Atonement and still lives in the same home with
her 92-year-old mother Ruth, Robert (Hubbard), and her poodle Riley. She graduated from
Colorado Academy and has a BFA in Musical Theatre from Loretto Heights College. Today, she
works in Management & Marketing for the Junior League of Denver, managing The Second Time
Shop. Darlene is a published jewelry designer. She and Robert have been together for 16 years.
Darlene says, “I am so happy to become a member of the Atonement congregation!”
Troy Hunter is the young man with the BIG smile, a BIG heart (always willing to help), and few
words…. He grew up in Iowa and has been a Lutheran for the past 16 years. He moved to
Denver (from Wisconsin) a year ago and is enjoying exploring Colorado in his silver pick-up and
on his motorcycle.
Tracey Lister is from NY, but has lived in CO for over 25 years. She has two sons – one in
college at CSU and the other a freshman at Bear Creek High School. Tracey has worked as a
Dispatcher for Premier Copier for the last six years. She’s very involved with the Marching Band
at Bear Creek HS where her son plays the tuba. In her free time, she’s an avid reader.
Oscar Otto is a native of Denver, a former member of RLC, and a retired Pharmacist. He
also trained as a Volunteer Naturalist, serving at the Denver Butterfly Pavilion and Open Space
Areas of Jefferson and Larimer Counties. Oscar served as a 4-H leader for 11 years and
continues to pursue his stained glass hobby in his son’s shop in Lakewood. He has a daughter in
Empire, CO, 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. His wife Hope passed away three years
ago. (Oscar turned 90 in July!)
Don Rydlund was born and raised in Denver and comes to us from RLC. He graduated
from South HS, served four years in the Navy Reserves and three years on active duty. He and
his wife Donna were married for almost 50 years and raised twin sons and a daughter. His wife
passed away in 2003. Don is grateful for his family, which includes 5 grandchildren and 4 greatgrandchildren. He retired in 2007 after 51 years in the industrial supply business.
Aaron & Dawn Smith: Aaron, the son of Atonement’s organist/accompanist, Carol Ott,
was born in Riverton, WY and grew up in Denver. Dawn was born and raised in Detroit, MI, the
daughter of a Methodist minister. They say, “It’s just the two of us!”, although they sponsor two
children in Africa through World Vision. Aaron is enjoying his theological studies and working on
his second book (on the doctrine of creation) while preparing for ordained ministry in the ELCA.
He and Dawn have relocated to Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, PA. Dawn works
as the Development Officer for the county library system and spends her spare time exploring
and photographing the Civil War Battlefield. Both are grateful for the folks at Atonement who
generously welcomed them as their home church!
Amber Stead was born in Indianapolis, IN and raised in Albuquerque, NM. She is a CPA holds a degree in accounting from UNC in Greeley, CO. Amber most enjoys spending time with
her husband Colin and their two-year-old daughter Ryan, exploring the beautiful Colorado
outdoors. Amber‘s hobbies include reading, baking, and scrapbooking.
We welcome all our new members of Atonement and look forward to getting to know you
This season’s fourth play, The Nest, will be presented on Tuesday, January 26th. The play starts
at 6:30 pm at the Denver Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $35.00- make checks payable to
Rocky Mountain Synod. The check/ signup deadline for The Nest is January 5th. Give checks to
Jean Marshall. Sign-up sheet with additional information is in the narthex.
All women are invited to a special Christmas dinner and fellowship time at White Fence Farm
on Thursday, December 10th at 6:30 PM. You are asked to bring an ornament for our
traditional, fun, ornament exchange. Please sign-up in the narthex to attend and indicate your
choice of menu item. You must sign-up by December 6th! Meals include tax, tip and beverage.
For a good number of years our early Christmas Eve services (3 and 5 pm) as well as other
services have used instruments. The instruments do make a joyful sound! We need to add to
our list of players to play this Christmas Eve. If you play an instrument (medium ability), read
music and are interested, please call or email Gayle Gunderson ( or
720-234-9014. Students, if you’re in your school band or orchestra please let me know.
Thank you!
Please join Adult Ed in December for these varied offerings
Dec. 6th - The David Lose "Making Sense..." series continues with a discussion
of Covenant, Law and Community
Dec. 13th - Atonement's 50th Anniversary Sunday; Adult Ed won't meet today to join in our
Dec. 20th - Peter Hebert will present on our beloved Christmas carols and liturgies; their
history and meaning
Dec. 27th - Jim Bland will share his experience of a Mission Trip he took to India! Who knew?
Come learn!
In January we resume with sessions 5-8 of the David Lose series and Jan. 3rd is on
Have you seen our bulletin board in the hallway? Please share with us your ideas for Sunday
sessions and for next summer's Atonement University!
Hannah Circle’s annual Christmas Potluck is on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 12:00 noon. We’ll
eat lunch first; then Rev. Peter Herbert will lead us in an Advent lesson. Don’t forget Hats, Mittens
and warm scarves that we’ll deliver to Lutheran Family Services. We welcome all women at
Atonement and their guests. (No signup! We always have enough and a variety.) Please join us!
If you (1) have been receiving the “Lutheran Magazine” and wish to renew or cancel your
subscription or (2) if you would like to receive the “Lutheran Magazine” starting in January,
please sign the sheet in the narthex (and include correct address and phone number) by
December 15, 2015. The cost is $8.95 for the annual subscription. Make checks payable to:
Atonement Lutheran Church. Questions or concerns, please contact the church office.
Our Christmas Eve worship services this year will be going on at 3 different times. 3:00PM,
5:00PM and 8:00PM on the 24th of December. We look forward to celebrating Christ with you!
Please join us on Friday, December 4th at 6:30 PM for our monthly First Friday event. This month
we will start off with an Artist Reception by artist Paul Weiner. Paul is a conceptual artist who
makes paintings, sculptures, videos, prints, and installations. Following the reception, we will be
hosting a performance by Kinky Mink at 7:00 PM. This will include a Carol sing along. Please
remember to bring your favorite Christmas dessert! We look forward to seeing you there!
Children are asked to arrive at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, December 13th to practice Christmas songs
with Kari and Madeline before the 9:30 worship service celebrating Atonement’s 50th anniversary.
There will not be Sunday School on this day.
"Who stole the Baby Jesus from the Christmas set? Join Mr. Jolly, Mitch, and the Sunday School
Students of Atonement on their quest for the missing piece of the manger scene, on Sunday
December 20th at 10:30. The children have been working hard on their Christmas pageant and
your presence at their performance would be greatly appreciated! Audience participation will be
greatly encouraged!"
Parents, please bring your children to the Christmas pageant rehearsal on Saturday, December
19th from 10-12:30 p.m.
Due to low attendance, there will no longer be Godly Play activities for children at 9:15 on Sunday
Sunday School will be taking a holiday break and will not be meeting on December 27 and
January 3.
Amanda Whitt
Expecting the Unexpected!
The theme that the worship team has decided upon for the Advent and Christmas seasons is
“Expect the Unexpected.” The focus of course, is checking our expectations of how Christ enters
this world and remembering the reality, that he came as a poor baby, born in a backwater town, in
a humble manger of stone/earth and straw, to parents who were essentially immigrants and
refugees. Though we regularly like to portray Mary as meek and mild, I think that quite the
opposite would be the case. For Mary to show up pregnant before marriage would have brought
shame not only to her, but to her family and to the man who was betrothed to her. Mary was a
countercultural icon, standing up to those who would have punished her. To do that she must
have been a very strong Jewish woman, one who was quick to defend herself, and her baby.
Likewise, Jesus breaks into this world as the king of kings and lord of lords, in a cold stable filled
with cow and sheep dung and slobber. Poor, humble, shabby, the very type of folk we might find
on the street corner today holding a sign.
In this season that we remember the humble mystery of God born to us in a babe, we should ask
ourselves how we can continue to fulfill Christ’s mission in this world. What are we willing to
sacrifice to bring about the Kingdom of God. Christ is born, into our hearts again and again,
freeing us to be workers in his kingdom.
Merry Christmas to all, and a big thank you to all who have given so much to make the worship
life of our congregation what it is.
Budget Income
Net Income
October Reflects an increase in giving from last month, but
giving is still behind the plan year-to-date by $33,000. Total
income for the month is better than the plan due to the
transfer of $6,000 of Mortgage Reduction Funds to income
to make an additional principal payment on the mortgage.
During this year, we have transferred $57,000 in Mortgage
Reduction Funds to income in order to make additional
payments against the mortgage debt. In addition to the
normal monthly mortgage payments, we have reduced the
mortgage debt by over $93,000 this year. The reduction of
debt is not an expense, although the transfer of the
mortgage funds to make the debt payments is recognized
as income.
To the Atonement family
My sincere thanks for all the cards, messages and most
importantly all your prayers for my recovery. What a
wonderful, caring congregation we have! Thank you again
for your thoughtfulness! Sincerely, Elaine Lichtenwalter
We received $2,470 in mortgage reduction contributions in
October. As noted under Mission Support, a mortgage
principal reduction payment of $6,000 was made in
October in addition to the regular monthly mortgage
payment. This results in balances of $846,014.55
Mortgage and $2,897 Mortgage Reduction Fund.
6281 West Yale Ave
Lakewood CO 80227
Phone: 303-985-1122
For December, Community Ministry has
asked us to donate canned ravioli and
canned tomatoes. Thank you.
Dean & Betty Moody
John & Peggy Sellers
Donna Zentner
The Bland Family
Louis Strovas
Ruth Ann Fleming
If you’d like to sponsor our Christmas
poinsettia display, the cost is $15. Please
sign-up in the narthex, and indicate a
dedication if you are interested.
Rev. Chris Davis
Worship Director
Rev. Peter Hebert
Office Admin.
Media Office Assist.
Choir Accompanist
Linda Neslund
Nick Root
Carol Ott
Carol Ott
Gayle Gunderson
Richard Gianzero
Council President
At Large
Join us for our Wellness Foot Care Clinic on the second
Thursday of every month from 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon.
To sign up, please call the Visiting Nurse Association at:
303.698.6496 This month, we will be meeting on the 10th.
Amanda Whitt
Jan Sweeney
Jean Viste
Laura Buhs
Keith Goman
Melissa Lemke
Tom Ayers
Betty Moody
Ruth Ann Fleming
Euvonne Johnson
Darlene Ball
Elaine Lichtenwalter
Barbara Kaare-Lopez
Audrey Clausen