Summer 2013 - The Parent Academy


Summer 2013 - The Parent Academy
Summer 2013
Programs Guide
because all children are our children
English • Español • Kreyòl
Guide 2013
he Children’s Trust is committed to
improving the lives of children and
families in Miami-Dade County by
making strategic investments in their futures.
With that mission in mind, we are pleased
to offer this comprehensive Summer 2013
Programs Guide. We hope that parents and
caregivers alike find the information to be
helpful and informative.
Investing in summer camps and afterschool programs has been and remains
a cornerstone of Children’s Trust funding.
Our funded programs and many others in
the community are included in the listings
section of this guide. For both summer and
after-school, The Children’s Trust nurtures
high-quality programs for children around
the county and especially in historically
underserved communities. All our programs
are inclusive of children with disabilities.
Quality summer and after-school
programs support working families by
keeping children safe, and by inspiring
learning of all kinds. Fun, engaging
activities – from arts to sports to technology
– promote personal and social awareness,
fitness, and academic skills. To avoid the
“summer slide,” quality summer camps offer
a variety of activities that foster literacy and
reading so that academic progress is not lost
over the summer.
The options listed in this guide represent
a broad selection of programs operated by
public, private and faith-based agencies
and institutions. Programs funded by
The Children’s Trust are identified with a
sun symbol in the zip code where they
are located.
Summer and after-school programs are
not licensed by the State of Florida. Programs
funded by The Children’s Trust adhere
to standards proposed by the National
AfterSchool Association, which also has
instituted an accreditation procedure.
Visit their website,, for
recommendations. Also, the National
Summer Learning Association, www., provides services to
communities, school districts and programs,
and information regarding quality summer
learning programs.
To learn more about camps in this guide
and other programs and initiatives funded by
The Trust, call our 211 Helpline or visit www.
l Fideicomiso de los Niños (The Children’s
Trust) está comprometido a mejorar las vidas
de los niños y sus familias en el condado
Miami-Dade mediante inversiones estratégicas
en su futuro. Con esa misión bien clara, nos
complace brindarles esta Guía de programas
de verano 2013. Esperamos que esta guía sea
informativa y útil para los padres y tutores.
La inversión en programas para después de
la escuela y campamentos de verano ha sido
y continúa siendo una parte fundamental del
apoyo financiero de Children’s Trust. Nuestros
programas subvencionados y muchos otros
programas comunitarios se incluyen en la
sección de listados de esta guía.The Children’s
Trust fomenta programas de alta calidad por todo
el condado y especialmente en comunidades
de bajos recursos y que incluyen a niños con
necesidades especiales. Los programas de verano y para después de
la escuela ayudan a las familias trabajadoras,
manteniendo a los niños en un ambiente
seguro e inspirando todo tipo de aprendizaje.
Actividades interesantes y divertidas —desde
artes hasta deportes y tecnología— promueven
la conciencia personal y social, el buen estado
físico y las habilidades académicas. Para
evitar la pérdida de conocimientos durante el
verano, existen campamentos de verano que
ofrecen diversas actividades que fomentan la
alfabetización y la lectura de manera que no se
pierda el progreso académico durante el verano.
Las opciones que aparecen aquí representan
una amplia gama de programas organizados por
instituciones públicas, privadas y religiosas. Los
programas financiados por The Children’s Trust
están señalados con un sol dentro de los códigos
postales donde se encuentran. Los programas de verano y para después de
la escuela no están licenciados por el estado
de Florida. Los programas financiados por
The Children’s Trust se ciñen a los criterios
propuestos por National AfterSchool Association,
la cual también ha establecido un procedimiento
de acreditación. Visite para
recomendaciones. La Asociación Nacional para
el Aprendizaje en Verano (National Summer
Learning Association, también brinda
servicios a las comunidades, distritos escolares
y programas, así como información acerca de
programas de aprendizaje en verano. Para más información sobre los programas
e iniciativas del Children’s Trust, llame al 211 o
consulte la página
The Children’s Trust pran angajman
amelyore vi timoun ak fanmi nan MiamiDade County. Li fè pou sa envestisman
stratejik pou avni yo. Ann akò avèk misyon sa
a, nou kontan prezante Gid pou Pwogram nan
Sezon Ete 2013 konplè sa a. Nou swete pou
paran avek lòt moun ki okipe timoun ka jwenn
bon jan enfòmasyon itil ladan.
Envesti nan pwogram pou apre lekòl ak nan
kan ete, se te toujou epi l ap rete nan prensip
pou finansman The Children’s Trust. Pwogram
nou finanse yo, ansanm ak anpil lòt pwogram
nan kominote a parèt nan seksyon lis ki
anndan gid sa a. The Children’s Trust ede fè bon
kalite pwogram apre lekòl epi pwogram sezon
ete, pou timoun nan konte a, epi epesyalman
nan kominote yo te toujou mal sèvi yo. Tout
pwogram nou yo aksepte timoun ki andikape.
Bon kalite pwogram ete ak pwogram apre
lekòl sa yo ede fanmi ki travay, lè yo kenbe
timoun yo nan yon kote ki gen sekirite, epi
yo fè timoun yo anvi aprann tout kalite bagay.
Aktivite ki gen plezi, epi ki enteresan - tankou
travay atis, espò, jouk pou rive nan teknoloji ede timoun yo amelyore devlopman pèsonèl,
sosyal ak akademik yo. Pou anpeche timoun
yo “pèdi nan sa yo te aprann lekòl”, bon kalite
kan pou sezon ete yo gen plizyè aktivite ki
ankouraje timoun yo li ak ekri, pou yo pa pèdi
nan pwogrè lekòl yo pandan sezon ete a.
Opsyon ki sou lis gid sa a reprezante yon
gran seleksyon pwogram ki òganize nan ajans
ak enstitisyon prive, oswa piblik, oswa ki baze
sou relijyon. Pwogram The Children’s Trust
finanse yo idantifye ak yon senbòl solèy ki
bòkote kòd postal pou zòn yo ye a.
Pwogram ete ak pwogram pou apre lekòl
yo pa gen lisans nan Eta Florid la. Pwogram
The Children’s Trust finanse yo respekte
estanda yo rekòmande nan National
AfterSchool Association yo, ki tabli yon
pwosedi akreditasyon tou. Si w bezwen
rekòmandasyon, ale nan adrès entènèt yo
a, ki se Epi tou, National
Summer Learning Association, ki nan adrès, fè sèvis pou
kominote, pou distrik, ak pou pwogram nan
lekòl yo, epi li bay enfòmasyon sou bon kalite
pwogram ou ka jwenn pou timoun aprann
pandan sezon ete a. Pou plis enfòmasyon sou kan ki nan gid
sa a ak sou lòt pwogram ak inisyativ Trust
la finanse, gade nan adrès entènèt www., oswa rele nimewo pou
asistans 211 nou an.
02 Selecting the Best Summer Camp
04 Explore Your Roots
06 Summer in the City
07 Good Kids, Bad Behavior
21 How to Use the Listings
22 Directory of Programs
08 Escoger el mejor campamento de verano
10 Vuelta a las raíces
12 Verano en la ciudad
13 Chicos buenos con mala conducta
21 Cómo usar los listados
22 Listado de programas
14 Chwazi Pi Bon Kan pou Sezon Ete a
16 Analize Rasin Ou
18 Sezon Ete nan Vil la
19 Bon timoun, move konpòtman
21 Ki jan pou sèvi ak lis la
22 Lis pwogram yo
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Published by HCP/Aboard Publishing, a subsidiary of The McClatchy Company, 3511 NW 91 Ave., Doral, FL 33172. Publisher: Garry Duell Jr.;
Chief Operations Director: Giovanna Sánchez; Director of Editorial and Design: Vanessa Molina Santamaria; Senior Editor: Tere Figueras Negrete;
Art Director: Ethan Duran; Production Manager: Luisa Zelaya-Morillo; Distribution Manager: Walter Franco.
Copyright © 2013 by HCP/Aboard Publishing and The Children’s Trust. All rights reserved. Reproduction by permission only.
HCP/Aboard Publishing does not assume responsibility for errors, changes or omissions, nor do we recommend programs or individuals.
Cover: © Denis Tevekov / Thinkstock
The information included in this guide may have changed since collected, so please verify all information when contacting a provider.
Selecting the best
Summer Camp
s an involved parent you know that learning shouldn’t stop
in the summer. Your child has studied hard during the
school year, and it’s important that their progress doesn’t
“slide” during the summer months. And because they’ve worked
hard, what’s called for is a learning environment that differs from
that of the school year, one that combines interactivity, fun and
enriching activities.
The most likely place to find this is at a high-quality summer
camp, such as the many affordable options funded by The
Children’s Trust. Quality camps offer a safe and stimulating
environment, one that ensures your child’s reading skills – the core
of their academic progress – will be maintained or improved.
The YMCA, one of many organizations funded by The Children’s
Trust for summer camps, offers a model of interactivity, engagement
and movement for children who spend the full day at camp.
“At the YMCA, our concept in the summer is swim, sports and
play. We take the same approach to the academic component as
we do for after-school, but there’s more fun involved. Summer
camp is a chance to engage kids outside of school where traditional
learning takes place,” says Brian Sheafer, branch vice president of
School-age Services for the YMCA.
“Camp is summer fun. We’re able to take field trips, which we
don’t get to do during the school year. We select a balance of fun
trips – some that are purely fun, and we balance those with trips
that are fun and academic, such as to the zoo,” he added.
Because space and scholarships at camps are often limited,
it’s important to start your search early and to explore multiple
summer camp options for your family. Certainly, you’ll consider
location and activities offered. Some camps offer a special-interest
focus – nature, drama, dance, sports, swimming, technology
and others – an ideal way for your child to explore an interest or
advance a particular talent.
The Florida Film Institute, for example, offers high school
students the opportunity to focus on practical aspects of
commercial motion picture production, including script
preparation, cinematography, lighting, sound recording,
directing, editing, acting and music. Students are instructed by
local film professionals.
“Camp is so unique. Kids come from all different areas, and they
don’t know each other at first, but by the time they leave they’ve
Visit us online at
become friends – it’s about team-building, bonding and exploring
new creative ideas,” said Stephanie Martino, executive director.
Ask for camp recommendations from friends, family and
neighbors who have enrolled their children previously in programs.
Call prospective camps with any questions and tour the site firsthand whenever possible.
Staff at camps should be welcoming and respectful. In terms
of language and culture, they should reflect the families they are
serving. They should be friendly and cordial towards each other, and
be clearly encouraging of a child’s natural innovation and curiosity.
All camps should meet acceptable supervision guidelines. Large
camps may accommodate hundreds of children, yet appropriate
ratios of attentive, engaged staff will ensure that your child enjoys
an enriching positive experience. For children between the ages
of 6 to 10, there should be one adult for every 10 children. Above
age 11, one adult staff member for every 15 children is considered
acceptable. Around water, however, more supervision is required.
Consider the camp’s facilities. Is the space safe, well-lit and
large enough for children to enjoy their activities? Is there plenty
of outdoor space? Shade? Scan for potential safety hazards both
indoors and out. Ask about supervision in the play yard and
regarding physical play. Are water activities offered? Make sure that
supervising staff know CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and
that swimming instructors are certified.
If your child has a disability, let the camp know as soon as possible;
most camps will do their best to accommodate your child. Ask about
opportunities to socialize with peers with disabilities and for the
chance to network with other families. It’s also important that the
activities and rules be appropriate for your child with special needs.
Safety should be the highest concern for any program. Staff must
always monitor when children arrive, leave and who picks them up.
Your child will be outside for at least a portion of the day, a fact that
presents its own safety risk. Healthy snacks and food and plenty of
water and beverages (low sugar, non-carbonated!) will go a long
way to keep your son or daughter from wilting. Ask when and what
foods and beverages are provided.
To find the “best” camp for your family, start looking early and
consider your budget, location and your child’s best interests.
Especially look for a camp with more “F-U-N” in the learning to be
sure there’s no “slide” in their education this summer.
© Anatoliy Samara / Thinkstock
Looking for a camp that’s both educational and fun?
Here are some tips to help you decide.
To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade County, call 211.
By keeping
kids reading
and talking about
family stories,
you’re also
helping them
work on
Interview an Elder (for children):
Explore Your
Learning about family history helps children explore their cultural
heritage and practice important skills over the summer months.
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triumphs, and the place they’re in today,”
says Paul George, Ph.D., historian and
professor of history at Miami Dade College.
Helping kids research their family
histories can be as simple as sharing a
favorite memory around the dinner table,
taking a trip to the library to check out
books about an ancestor’s homeland, or
creating a family tree out of construction
paper and photographs.
Another fun tip: Go on a local expedition.
Through HistoryMiami, formerly the
Miami Historical Museum, George leads
historical tours of Little Havana and other
local neighborhoods.
At the Black Archives, parents can obtain
a map of historical spots like the Ward
Rooming House, which was home to the
black men and Seminoles who helped build
the railroad for Henry Flagler.
“Knowing your ancestral background
helps children better understand
themselves and their potential,” says
historian Dorothy Jenkins Fields,
Ph.D., founder and archivist at The
Black Archives History and Research
© Creatas Images / Thinkstock
eaching children about their family
history is a great way to connect with
them – and learning about their
culture through music, food, stories and
even old photographs gives them a stronger
sense of their identity. The summer months,
without the hustle and bustle of school
and extracurricular activities, offer a good
opportunity for children and youth to
explore their pasts, both personal and
cultural, by engaging in a project.
“Exploring their past gives them a deeper
appreciation of family, their struggles,
© iStockphoto / Thinkstock
By Millie Acebal Rousseau
Foundation of South Florida. Virtual
tours will soon be available on the
foundation’s website.
While many children in South Florida
can trace their heritage to foreign
countries, a trip to their homeland may
be impossible for political or economic
reasons. But parents can still share
their cultural heritage by cooking up
favorite family recipes or taking kids
to restaurants that specialize in the
cuisine of their native land. Local eating
options include everything from Haitian
and Latin American fare to Asian and
European eateries.
Caregivers and older relatives can also
share stories of their own childhoods,
recount favorite family anecdotes or share
folkloric tales from their culture – all of
which are part of the oral histories passed
down from generation to generation.
Experts agree that this tradition can help
children build oral reading fluency, or the
ease with which a child can read, speak
and write. This is an especially important
skill for students whose first language is
not English. Planning a fun family history
project can help minimize the so-called
“summer slide,” the tendency to see
academic skills slide away in the summer
because they’re not exercised.
By keeping kids reading and talking
about family stories, you’re also helping
them work on comprehension skills.
Reading at grade level by third grade is
an important initiative for The Children’s
Trust, which spearheads the countywide
Read to Learn campaign. Another
educational advantage of a family
history project: It gives young people
something to write about. Many schools
require journaling during the summer,
and family stories and trips to local
landmarks can provide ample fodder for
those summer assignments.
Talking to children about where they
come from can also instill pride and
motivate them, especially if you or your
ancestors have overcome hardships,
explains Jenkins Fields.
While it’s important to keep stories
age-appropriate, adults shouldn’t shy
away from telling stories about difficult
or complicated topics. Stories that
demonstrate perseverance through
examples of people who have overcome
obstacles or come from humble beginnings
convey important messages and values.
“Tell the truth,” Jenkins Fields says. “Share
something with children that shows your
struggle, and how you were able to resolve
it in a positive way.”
Talking with older relatives can help kids learn
important lessons about their heritage and family
history. Here are some interview ice-breakers to
help get the conversation started.
• Where do you come from?
• How long have you been here?
• Why did our forbearers come here;
what brought you here?
• What was Miami, or your hometown, like when you were my age?
• When you were my age, what was different
at school, home and church?
• What did you do for fun when you were a kid?
• What were your favorite toys, food and music?
Interview Tips:
• Ask your interview subject to set a date in
advance, and be sure to keep your appointment!
• Set aside 45 minutes to one hour for
the interview.
• Keep questions short and to the point.
• If the person agrees, take notes or make
a video or audio recording.
• Don’t interrupt! Let the parents, grandparents, or other relatives do the talking.
Local Tours
HistoryMiami: (305) 375-1621 or
The Black Archives: (305) 636-2390 or
(305) 636-2217.
To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade County, call 211.
Summer in the
Good kids, bad
You don’t have to head out of town to find
some summertime fun: Miami-Dade offers
plenty of activities close to home.
How to deal with a rebellious teen or a tantrum-throwing tot?
Try these tips to encourage the best behavior in your child.
By Millie Acebal Rousseau
Visit us online at
By Millie Acebal Rousseau
watch a dive-in movie from floating tubes on Family Fridays, the
last Friday of the month.
In Hialeah, McDonald Water Park offers a lazy river and wave
pool. Slides and kiddie pools are at Bucky Dent Water Park and the
Milander Aquatic Center, which also boasts an Olympic-size pool.
The city, like most municipalities, also offers summer camps
at its parks that employ an educational component, says Jeffrey
Lagomacini, education and special program director.
“We put on activities in a very safe but fun environment.” he said.
YMCA Family Centers: Call 305-357-4000. Membership dues range from
$21-$51 monthly. Citywide rates also available. Joining fees are between
$50-$80. Financial assistance available.
Betty T. Ferguson Center: 3000 NW 199th St., Miami Gardens;
786-279-1223. Monthly admission for Miami-Dade residents: $25 child,
$35 adult. Daily admission: $5 child; $10 adult. Call for info on camps and classes.
Little Haiti Cultural Center: 212 - 260 NE 59th Terr.; 305-960-2969.
Free, but call ahead for camps and classes.
A.D. Barnes Park: 3401 SW 72nd Ave.; 305-665-1626. Admission: $2.50
Grapeland Water Park: 1550 NW 37th Ave.; 305-960-2950.
Admission: $7, ages 2-13; $12,14 and up. Family Friday dive-in movie,
May-September: $5.
Hialeah pools/water parks: Call 305-687-2650. Pool admission: $1 kids,
$1.50 adults.Water parks: $2, kids; $2.50, adults
Larry and Penny Thompson Park: 12451 SW 184th St.; 305-232-1049. Admission: beach only: $2, ages 3-17; $3, adults; waterslide: $4, ages 3-17; $4, adults.
Tamiami Park: 11201 SW 24th St.; 786-315-5295. Pool admission: $2.50
Arch Creek Park: 1855 NE 135th St., North Miami Beach; 305-944-6111.
Free; For nature and ghost walk fees and info, call 305-944-6111.
The Little Farm: 13401 SW 244th St.; 305-258-3186. Admission: $10.
© emese73 / Thinkstock
any parents stress over ways to entertain their children
while school is out. But with pool-side movie nights,
petting zoos and more, there are tons of local options for
safe summer fun.
The YMCA of Greater Miami offers diversions like family fitness
classes and farmers markets.
“A family can walk in with kids and do things as a family –
basketball, health and wellness, and swimming,” explains Brian
Sheafer, branch vice president of School-age Services. Activities
vary at each of the YMCA’s four family centers, located in
Homestead, South Miami-Dade, Allapattah and the North Pointe
neighborhood in Northwest Miami-Dade.
The YMCA, funded by The Children’s Trust, also offers summer
camps at many local school sites. Besides recreational sports and
field trips, the camps feature an academic component which
brings in certified teachers to help students improve reading levels,
and learn about nutrition and fitness. A scholarship assistance
program is available for eligible parents.
The Betty T. Ferguson Center in Miami Gardens, which center
manager Quentin Pough refers to as the “Taj Mahal,” offers a range
of options for youngsters and families alike. The community center
offers basketball courts inside and outside, and an indoor pool
complete with a kiddie slide. A computer lab and athletic track are
open to the public. Kids may also take lessons in ballet, tap dance,
drum line and martial arts.
Children with creative flair can also head to the Little Haiti
Cultural Center, which offers classes geared towards the arts.
The center is also the site of Camp Discovery – a free, arts-based
summer camp.
In South Dade, families will want to visit The Little Farm on
weekends to enjoy the farm’s petting zoo, home to rabbits, geese,
piglets and more. The $10 admission includes unlimited pony
rides and the chance to milk and feed the goats. Natural wonders
abound at local parks as well, such as Miami-Dade’s Arch Creek
Park in North Miami Beach, home to a butterfly garden and an
ancient stone bridge once used by native tribes.
Looking to dive into fun? Grapeland Water Park in the City of
Miami features fast slides, a lazy river and pools. You can even
hildren misbehave to push boundaries,
react to frustration, or seek attention.
The key to managing kids who are
acting up? Model positive behavior.
“Children are going to respond to either
your anger or affection, depending on
what you express most strongly,” explains
Dr. Peter A. Gorski, chief health and child
development officer for The Children’s
Trust and a professor of public health,
pediatrics and psychiatry at the University
of South Florida. “If they get the most
attention from scolding and yelling, they
will keep doing that.”
Parents may feel they are in a tough
spot when dealing with teen rebellion
or pre-school temper tantrum. But even
if a parent gets frustrated, they should
always avoid physical discipline, which
can harm the child’s self-worth and
teach aggression.
“They’re going to turn around and kick,
fight and scream if that’s the way they learn
from you how to be in a relationship with
someone,” warns Gorski.
Parents should adopt a proactive
approach by clearly stating their
expectations – as well as the consequences
if a child misbehaves, suggests school
psychologist Lani Kaskel, Ph. D., a licensed
marriage and family therapist.
“Children become immune to constant
yelling and screaming,” she says.
Consequences are important, stresses
Kaskel. If a teen has been cautioned about
the limits on cell phone use, but then
exceeds their cell phone minutes, they can
work off the debt by doing chores around
the house. Parents of younger children
should avoid bargaining, opting instead for
a time-out period equivalent to the child’s
age in minutes, for example four minutes
for a 4-year-old child.
Kaskel says parents should then calmly
address the incident with the child after
the cooling-off period.
“Children should always be given the
opportunity to save face by genuinely
apologizing or rectifying their misbehavior
in some way,” she urges.
Redirecting a child’s attention can also
help minimize meltdowns. Giving your
child some room to make mistakes can also
be an important learning tool, especially
with teenagers on the verge of becoming
young adults.
“Micromanaging, for example, with
homework, may, in some cases, only result
in passive resistance,” says Kaskel.
Parents should encourage both teens
and younger kids to express their feelings
and frustrations – a useful tactic to both
help diffuse the situation and give parents
a chance to understand what is prompting
the bad behavior.
Programs like Informed Families’ Triple
P Positive Parenting Program are also a
resource for parents.
“It’s parenting for any parent,” says Alita
Patterson, Triple P program assistant and
Red Ribbon Certified Schools program
manager. Through group classes and
phone support, parents learn how to deal
with temper tantrums, homework battles,
and teenage rebellion.
Hialeah’s Parks and Recreation
Department offers the Early Prevention and
Intervention Youth and Internship Program
(EPI), for children ages 12-17 who are
minor offenders or need school community
service hours.
“For kids going in the wrong direction, it
gives them a boost,” explains supervisor
William Sanchez. Participants are assigned
to work at a park. Field trips are designed
Hialeah Early Prevention and Intervention Youth
and Internship Program (EPI): For children 12-17 in
Miami-Dade and Broward. Fee: $37 for non-Hialeah
residents. Call 305-687-2650 or email jvega@ for information.
Informed Families: To learn more about Triple P
Positive Parenting Program, including locations
and enrollment, call 305-856-4886.
to provide a sobering experience or reward
positive change. They include tours of local
jails and drug rehab centers, Miami Heat
games, and visits to universities to discuss
college plans.
Above all, parents should make an
effort to respond to – and reward –
good behavior.
“Catch children doing good,” says Gorski.
“Use that moment to engage them, praise
them and talk with them.”
To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade County, call 211.
Escoger el mejor campamento
de verano
¿Busca un campamento educativo y divertido?
Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para ayudarle a decidir.
omo padre responsable, usted debe saber que el aprendizaje no
se detiene en el verano. Su hijo ha estudiado fuerte durante el año
escolar y es importante que su progreso no se pierda en el verano.
Y precisamente porque ha estudiado fuerte es que se precisa de un
ambiente de aprendizaje que se diferencie del año escolar, algo que
combine interactividad, diversión y actividades enriquecedoras.
El lugar más probable para encontrarlo es un campamento de verano
de calidad, como las muchas opciones económicas financiadas por The
Children’s Trust. Los buenos campamentos poseen un ambiente seguro
y estimulante, uno que garantice que las habilidades para la lectura,
núcleo del progreso académico de su hijo, se mantendrán o mejorarán.
YMCA, una de las numerosas organizaciones subvencionadas por
The Children’s Trust para que funcionen como campamentos de verano,
ofrece un modelo interactivo, interesante y dinámico para los niños que
pasan todo el día en el campamento.
“En YMCA, nuestro concepto de diversión es nadar, hacer deportes
y jugar. Tenemos el mismo enfoque del componente académico que
tenemos en [los programas] para después de la escuela, pero que
contiene más diversión. El campamento de verano es una oportunidad
para involucrar a los niños fuera de la escuela, donde se desarrolla el
aprendizaje tradicional”, dice Brian Sheafer, vicepresidente de servicios
para escolares de YMCA de Miami. “El campamento es diversión en
verano. Podemos hacer excursiones, algo que no podemos hacer
durante el año lectivo. Buscamos el equilibrio en las excursiones:
algunas son puramente para el entretenimiento, y tratamos de
equilibrarlas con los que son entretenidas y académicas, como las que
hacemos a un zoológico”, agrega.
Debido a que el espacio y las becas por lo general están limitados,
es importante comenzar a buscar un campamento lo antes posible
para conocer varias opciones. Naturalmente, usted tomará en cuenta
la ubicación y las actividades que ofrecen. Algunos se concentran en
intereses específicos (naturaleza, arte dramático, danza, deportes,
natación, tecnología y otros) lo cual es una forma ideal de que su niño
explore alguno de ellos o mejore un talento particular.
Florida Film Institute, por ejemplo, ofrece a los alumnos de
secundaria la oportunidad de concentrarse en los aspectos prácticos
de la producción de películas comerciales, entre ellos la preparación
del guion, cinematografía, iluminación, sonido, dirección, montaje,
actuación y música. Los estudiantes reciben clases de profesionales
fílmicos locales.
“Este campo es verdaderamente único. Los chicos proceden de
áreas diferentes, y al principio no se conocen, pero cuando termina el
campamento ya se han hecho amigos: se trata de estimular el trabajo
en equipo, la integración y de explorar nuevas ideas creativas”, señala
Visítenos en internet:
Stephanie Martino, directora ejecutiva de Florida Film Institute. Pídales
recomendaciones a sus amistades, familiares y vecinos que ya han
inscrito anteriormente a sus hijos en esos programas. Llame a algunos
campamentos para hacer preguntas y, cuando sea posible, recorra
las instalaciones.
Los empleados de los campamentos deben ser hospitalarios y
respetuosos. En lo relativo a idioma y cultura, deben ser un reflejo de
las familias a las que atienden. Deben mostrarse amistosos y cordiales
entre ellos, y estimular de forma clara el ingenio y la curiosidad natural
de los niños.
Todos los campamentos deben contar con directrices aceptables
de supervisión. Los campamentos grandes pueden recibir a cientos
de niños, aunque la proporción adecuada de empleados, atentos y
comprometidos, garantizará que su hijo disfrute de una experiencia
positiva y enriquecedora. Debe haber un adulto por cada niño entre 6
y 10 años de edad, y un empleado adulto por cada 15 niños mayores de
11 años se considera aceptable. Cuando el entorno está próximo al agua,
se necesita más supervisión.
Supervise las instalaciones del campamento. ¿El espacio es seguro,
bien iluminado y lo bastante grande para que los niños disfruten
de sus actividades? ¿Tiene suficiente espacio al aire libre? ¿Sombra?
Busque peligros potenciales tanto en el interior como en el exterior del
local. Pregunte acerca de la supervisión en el patio de juegos y en lo
referente a juegos físicos. ¿Se ofrecen actividades acuáticas? Asegúrese
de que los empleados de supervisión sepan aplicar CPR (resucitación
cardiopulmonar) y de si los instructores de natación tienen certificados.
Si su hijo tiene alguna discapacidad, infórmelo al campamento lo
antes posible; la mayoría de ellos hará todo lo posible por acomodarlo.
Averigüe si hay oportunidades de que los niños socialicen con otros
compañeros con discapacidades y sobre la posibilidad de relacionarse
con otras familias. También es importante que las actividades y las
normas sean apropiadas a las necesidades especiales de su hijo.
La seguridad debe ser la principal preocupación de cualquier
campamento. Los empleados siempre deben estar atentos a cuándo
llegan los niños, cuándo se van y quién los recoge. El niño debe
permanecer en el exterior al menos parte del día, un hecho que
presenta sus propios riesgos. Meriendas y comidas saludables y
abundante agua y bebidas (bajas en azúcar, no carbonatadas) podrán
evitar que los niños se debiliten. Pregunte cuándo y qué alimentos y
bebidas se proporcionan.
Para encontrar el “mejor” campamento, comience a investigar con
tiempo y tomando en consideración su presupuesto, la ubicación y el
mejor interés de su hijo. Busque sobre todo un campamento que incluya
la diversión en el aprendizaje para que este no se descuide en el verano.
Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.
fundadora y archivadora de The Black
Archives History and Research Foundation
of South Florida. Dentro de poco el sitio
web de la fundación pondrá a disposición
tours virtuales.
Aunque muchos niños del sur de
Florida pueden rastrear su origen en
países extranjeros, un viaje a la tierra de
sus antepasados puede no ser posible
por razones políticas o económicas.
Pero los padres pueden continuar
compartiendo su herencia cultural
cocinando las recetas tradicionales
de la familia o llevando a los niños
a restaurantes que se especialicen
en la cocina de sus países de origen.
Pueden ser restaurantes haitianos,
latinoamericanos, asiáticos o europeos.
Las personas encargadas de cuidar
de los niños o familiares mayores
pueden también contar hisorias de su
infancia, recordar anécdotas familiares
o compartir cuentos populares del
folclor de su país, ya que todo ello forma
parte de la tradición oral que pasa de
generación en generación.
Los expertos coinciden en que esta
tradición puede ayudar a los niños a
desarrollar fluidez en lectura oral o
la facilidad con que un niño puede
leer, hablar y escribir. Esto resulta en
habilidades importantes sobre todo para
estudiantes cuyo primer idioma no es
inglés. Planificar un proyecto de historia
familiar puede ayudar a minimizar el
llamado summer slide, la tendencia a
Vuelta a las
Conocer la historia familiar ayuda a los niños a explorar
su legado cultural y a poner en práctica habilidades
importantes durante los meses de verano.
Visítenos en internet:
© Lite Productions / Thinkstock
Miami Historical Museum, George dirige
recorridos históricos por la Pequeña
Habana y otros vecindarios locales.
En Black Archives, los padres pueden
obtener un mapa de puntos históricos
como a Ward Rooming House, que fue
hogar de afroamericanos y seminoles que
participaron en la construcción de las vías
férreas impulsadas por Henry Flagler.
“Conocer sus antecedentes ancestrales
ayuda a los niños a conocerse mejor a sí
mismos y saber su potencial”, señala la
Dra. Dorothy Jenkins Fields, historiadora,
© iStockphoto / Thinkstock
sus luchas y triunfos, y el lugar que
ocupan ahora”, señala el Dr. Paul George,
historiador y profesor de historia en
Miami Dade College.
Ayudar a los chicos a investigar su
historia familiar puede ser tan sencillo
como compartir un recuerdo mientras se
está en la mesa, ir a la biblioteca a buscar
libros que hablen sobre la tierra de sus
antepasados o crear un árbol genealógico
con notas y fotografías.
Otro consejo: hacer una excursión local.
A través de HistoryMiami, antiguo
“Conocer sus
ancestrales ayuda
a los niños a
conocerse mejor a
sí mismos y saber
su potencial”
Entrevista a una persona mayor:
Hablar sobre familiares mayores puede ayudar
a los niños a aprender importantes lecciones sobre
su herencia e historia familiar. Estas son algunas
formas de romper el hielo para entablar una
• ¿De dónde viene?
• ¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado aquí?
• ¿Por qué nuestros antepasados vinieron aquí; qué los trajo?
• ¿Cómo era Miami o su ciudad natal cuando usted tenía mi edad?
• Cuando tenía mi edad, ¿cómo eran de diferentes la escuela, la casa o la iglesia?
• ¿Qué hacía de pequeño para divertirse?
• ¿Cuáles eran sus juguetes, comidas y
música favoritos?
Consejos para la entrevista:
Por Millie Acebal Rousseau
nseñar a los niños su historia
familiar es una manera estupenda de
relacionarse con ellos, y aprender sobre
su cultura a través de la música, la comida,
historias e incluso viejas fotografías les
da un fuerte sentido de identidad propia.
Los meses de verano, sin el ajetreo de la
escuela y las actividaes extracurriculares,
les brinda a niños y jóvenes la oportunidad
de explorar su pasado, tanto familiar como
cultural, al involucrarlos en un proyecto.
“Investigar su pasado les ofrece una
apreciación más profunda de su familia,
perder habilidades académicas en verano
debido a que no se ejercitan.
Hacer que los niños lean y hablen
sobre sus historias familiares los ayudará
a trabajar en sus capacidades cognitivas.
Alcanzar el nivel de lectura adecuado
para el tercer grado es una importante
iniciativa para The Children’s Trust, que
encabeza la campaña Read to Learn a
nivel del condado. Otra ventaja educativa
de elaborar un proyecto de historia
familiar es que les brinda a los jóvenes
material de lectura. Muchas escuelas
exigen llevar un diario durante el verano,
y las historias y viajes familiares a sitios
de interés local le proporcionan bastante
material para esas asignaciones.
Hablar con los niños sobre su origen
también les puede inculcar orgullo sobre el
lugar de donde vienen y motivarlos, sobre
todo si usted o sus antepasados han pasado
por dificultades, explica Jenkins Fields.
Aunque es importante contar historias
apropiadas según la edad del niño,
los adultos no deben sentir temor de
contar historias sobre temas difíciles
o complicados. Las que demuestran
perseverancia a través del ejemplo de
personas que han superado obstáculos o
que tienen un origen humilde transmiten
mensajes y valores importantes.
“Cuente la verdad”, recomienda Jenkins
Field. “Comparta algo con sus hijos que
muestre las dificultades que pasó y
cómo fue capaz de resolverlas de una
manera positiva”.
• Pedir al entrevistado que fije una fecha para la entrevista ¡y asegurarse de mantener la cita!
• Establecer 45 minutos o una hora para
la entrevista.
• Hacer preguntas cortas y concisas.
• Si la persona está de acuerdo, tomar notas o grabar un video o audio.
• ¡No interrumpir! Dejar que los padres, los abuelos u otros familiares sean los
que hablen.
Recorridos locales
HistoryMiami: 305-375-1621;
The Black Archives: 305-636-2390 or
Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.
Verano en la
Chicos buenos con
mala conducta
No hay que salir de la ciudad para encontrar
diversión en el verano: Miami-Dade tiene
montones de actividades cerca de usted.
¿Cómo hacerle frente a un adolescente rebelde o a un
pequeño propenso a rabietas? Intente aplicar estos consejos
para estimular un mejor comportamiento en su hijo.
Por Millie Acebal Rousseau
Visítenos en internet:
Por Millie Acebal Rousseau
Family Friday, incluso se puede ver una película mientras flotando
en la piscina.
En Hialeah, McDonald Water Park tiene un río artificial y una
piscina con olas. En Bucky Dent Water Park y en el Milander
Aquatic Center hay toboganes y piscinas para niños pequeños; este
último tiene además una piscina olímpica.
Hialeah, como la mayoría de las municipalidades, organiza
campamentos de verano en sus parques con un componente
educativo, señala Jeffrey Lagomacini, director de educación y
programas especiales de Hialeah.
“Organizamos actividades en un ambiente muy seguro pero muy
divertido”, concluye.
YMCA Family Centers: Llamar al 305-357-4000. Costo de la membrecía mensual: entre $21 y $51. Disponibles otras tarifas en la ciudad. Tarifa para asociarse: entre $50 y $80. Se ofrece asistencia financiera.
Betty T. Ferguson Center: 3000 NW 199th St., Miami Gardens; 786-279-1223.
Entrada mensual para residentes de Miami-Dade: $25 (niños); $35 (adultos).
Admisión diaria: $5 (niños); $10 (adultos). Llame para información sobre campamentos y clases.
Little Haiti Cultural Center: 212 - 260 NE 59th Terr.; 305-960-2969. Gratis, aunque debe llamar antes para informarse sobre campamentos y clases.
A.D. Barnes Park: 3401 SW 72nd Ave.; 305-665-1626. Entrada: $2,50
Grapeland Water Park: 1550 NW 37th Ave.; 305-960-2950.
Admisión: $7, de 2 a 13 años; $12, a partir de 14 años. Películas de
Family Friday $5, de mayo a septiembre.
Piscinas y parques acuáticos de Hialeah: Llamar al 305-687-2650. Entrada a la piscina: $1 (niños), $1,50 (adultos). Parques acuáticos: $2 (niños); $2,50 (adultos).
Larry and Penny Thompson Park: 12451 SW 184th St.; 305-232-1049. Entrada:
solamente a la playa: $2 (de 3 a 17 años); $3 (adultos); tobogán acuático: $4
(de 3 a 17 años); $4 (adultos).
Tamiami Park: 11201 SW 24th St.; 786-315-5295. Entrada a la piscina: $2,50.
Arch Creek Park: 1855 NE 135th St., North Miami Beach; 305-944-6111. Gratis; para información, llamar al 305-944-6111.
The Little Farm: 13401 SW 244th St.; 305-258-3186. Entrada: $10.
© Ryan McVay / Thinkstock
uchos padres se preocupan por encontrar formas de
entretener a sus hijos cuando están de vacaciones. Pero
existen muchas alternativas locales para pasar un verano
divertido y seguro, como ver películas junto a una piscina, ir a un
zoológico de contacto y muchas más.
YMCA del Gran Miami organiza actividades entretenidas, entre
ellas clases de gimnasia en familia y mercados campesinos.
“La familia puede venir con los niños a hacer cosas juntos:
basquetbol, actividades relacionadas con la salud o el bienestar
físico y natación”, explica Brian Sheafer, vicepresidente de servicios
para escolares de YMCA de Miami. Las actividades varían en
los cuatro centros familiares de la organización, situados en
Homestead, South Miami-Dade, Allapatah y el vecindario de North
Pointe, en el noroeste de Miami-Dade.
YMCA, fundado por The Children’s Trust, también organiza
campamentos de verano en muchas escuelas locales. Además
de deportes recreativos y excursiones, los campos cuentan con
un componente académico gracias a maestros certificados que
ayudan a los alumnos a mejorar su nivel de lectura, además de
enseñar nutrición y cómo tener buen estado físico. Un programa
de asistencia de becas está disponible para los padres.
Betty T. Ferguson Center de Miami Gardens, cuyo gerente,
Quentin Pugh, llama el “Taj Majal”, tiene variadas opciones para
jóvenes y sus familias. El centro comunitario tiene canchas de
basquetbol dentro y fuera y una piscina exterior con tobogán
para niños pequeños. Están abiertos al público un laboratorio de
computación y una pista de atletismo. Los niños pueden tomar
clases de ballet, de tap, de drum line y de artes marciales.
Los chicos con personalidad creativa también pueden ir a Little
Haiti Cultural Center, que ofrece clases enfocadas en las artes. En
el centro también funciona Camp Discovery, un campamento de
verano gratis concentrado en las artes.
En South Dade, las familias pueden visitar los fines de semana
The Little Farm para disfrutar de su zoológico de contacto que
tiene conejos, gansos, cerditos y otros simpáticos animales. La
entrada ($10) incluye vueltas ilimitadas en poni y la oportunidad
de ordeñar y alimentar a las cabras. Las maravillas naturales
también abundan en los parques locales, como el Arch Creek Park
en North Miami Beach, donde hay un jardín de mariposas y un
puente antiguo de piedra que fue utilizado por tribus nativas.
Para “sumergirse” en la diversión, Grapeland Water Park ofrece
toboganes rápidos, un río artificial y piscinas. El último viernes del mes,
os niños se portan mal para probar límites,
reaccionar a la frustración o para llamar la
atención. La clave para lidiar con la mala
conducta de los niños es ofrecerles un modelo
de comportamiento positivo.
“Los niños van a responder con rabia o
afectividad, dependiendo de lo que usted
exprese con más fuerza”, explica el Dr.
Peter A. Gorski, jefe de salud y desarrollo
infantil de The Children’s Trust y profesor
de salud pública, pediatría y siquiatría en
University of South Florida. “Si consiguen
más atención con reprimendas y gritos, lo
seguirán haciendo”.
Los padres pueden tener la sensación de
que están en una coyuntura difícil cuando
tienen que hacerle frente a la rebeldía del
adolescente o las rabietas de los niños
pequeños. Pero incluso si el progenitor se
siente frustrado, siempre debería evitar la
agresión física, que puede dañar la autoestima
del niño y enseñarle a ser agresivo.
“Van a patear, pelear y gritar si esas son
la maneras que aprendieron de usted de
relacionarse con una persona”, advierte Gorski.
Los padres deben adoptar una
perspectiva proactiva expresando
claramente sus expectativas, así como las
consecuencias si un niño se comporta mal,
sugiere la sicóloga Lani Kaskel, terapeuta
familiar y matrimonial licenciada.
“Los niños se vuelven inmunes a los gritos
y chillidos constantes”, señala.
Las consecuencias son importantes,
enfatiza Kaskel. Si a un adolescente se le
ha advertido sobre los límites del uso del
teléfono celular, pero luego se excede en
los minutos, pueden eliminar esa “deuda”
realizando labores domésticas. Los padres
de niños más pequeños deben evitar
cualquier tipo de negociación y optar
por un aplicar un periodo de castigo
equivalente a la edad del niño en minutos;
por ejemplo, cuatro minutos en el caso de
un niño de cuatro años.
Kaskel dice que los padres deben luego
encarar con calma el incidente con el niño
después de enfriar los ánimos.
“A los niños hay que darles siempre
la oportunidad de redimirse pidiendo
genuinamente disculpas o rectificando su mal
comportamiento de alguna manera”, aclara.
Redirigir la atención de un niño también
puede ayudar a minimizar el malestar. Darle
la oportunidad de cometer errores puede
constituir igualmente una herramienta de
aprendizaje, sobre todo a adolescentes a
punto de convertirse en jóvenes adultos.
“Controlar de forma excesiva, por ejemplo
las tareas escolares, puede en algunos casos
tener como resultado simplemente una
resistencia pasiva”, señala Kaskel.
Los padres deben estimular a los
adolescentes y a los chicos más pequeños
a expresar sus sentimientos y frustraciones,
una táctica útil tanto para ayudar a aplacar
la situación como para darles a los padres
la oportunidad de entender lo que está
provocando la mala conducta.
Programas como el Triple P Positive
Parenting Program de Informed Families
también son un recurso para los progenitores.
“Son lecciones de paternidad para
padres”, dice Alita Patterson, asistente
de Triple P y gerente de programa de Red
Ribbon Certified Schools. Mediante clases
en grupo y apoyo telefónico, los padres
aprenden a lidiar con rabietas, rebeldía
adolescente y dificultades para que los
niños hagan sus tareas.
El Departamento de Parques y
Recreación de Hialeah ofrece el programa
Early Prevention and Intervention Youth
and Internship Program (EPI) para niños
de 12 a 17 años que tienen problemas
de delincuencia juvenil o que necesitan
cumplir horas de servicio comunitario en
la escuela.
“A los niños que van por mal camino, esto
les da un impulso”, asegura su supervisor,
William Sánchez. A los participantes se
les asigna trabajar en un parque. Las
excursiones de campo están diseñadas para
Hialeah Early Prevention and Intervention Youth
and Internship Program (EPI): para niños entre 12
y 17 años de Miami-Dade y Broward. Costo: $37
para no residentes de Hialeah. Llame al
305-687-2650 o escriba al correo electrónico para obtener información.
Informed Families: para saber más sobre Triple
P Positive Parenting Program, incluyendo
ubicaciones e inscripción, llame al 305-856-4886.
ofrecer una experiencia esclarecedora o un
cambio positivo; incluyen recorridos por
cárceles locales y centros de rehabilitación
de drogas, ir a partidos de los Miami Heat y
visitas a universidades para discutir planes
Sobre todo, los padres deben hacer un
esfuerzo para responder —y recompensar—
a la buena conducta.
“Fíjese cuando hagan algo bueno”,
aconseja Gorski. “Use ese momento para
felicitarlos y hablar con ellos”.
Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.
Chwazi Pi Bon Kan pou
Sezon Ete a
Eske wap cheche yon kan pou timoun ki edikatif ak amizan?
Nap ba ou tip pou ede’w deside.
òm paran k ap patisipe, ou konnen aprantisaj pitit ou a pa
dwe sispann lè sezon ete a koumanse. Pitit ou etidye anpil
pandan lane eskolè a, kidonk li enpòtan pou pwogrè pitit ou
a pa “glise desann” pandan mwa ete yo. Epi kòm li travay di, sa nou
vle wè ki rive, se yon kalite aprantisaj ki pa menm avèk jan pitit ou
aprann pandan lane eskolè a, ki melanje entèaktivite, amizman, ak
aktivite ki fè timoun lan fè pwogrè. Pi bon kote pou w jwenn pwogram pou sa, se nan yon bon
kalite kan ete, tankou plizyè chwa ou ka jwenn nan pwogram The
Children’s Trust finanse yo. Kan bon kalite yo ofri yon anviwonnman
san danje ki ankouraje pitit ou a, ki veye pou kapasite l nan lekti - ki
fondamantal pou pwogrè akademik li - prezève oubyen vin pi bon. YMCA, ki se youn nan plizyè òganizasyon The Children’s fund
finanse pou kan ete, ofri yon modèl entèaktivite, angajman, ak
mouvman pou timoun ki pase tout jounen an nan kan.
“Nan YMCA, konsepyon nou pou sezon ete a se naje, espò, ak
jwèt,” dapre Brian Sheafer, vis prezidan Sèvis nan Lekòl dapre Laj
nan YMCA Miami. “Pou konpozan akademik la, nou pran menm
apwòch nou pran pou pwogram apre lekòl, men nou mete plis
amizman ladan. Kan ete bay yon chans pou angaje timoun yo deyò
lekòl la, kote aprantisaj tradisyonnèl la fèt.”
Li di tou: “Kan ete fèt pou plezi. Nou kapab ale vizite kote nou
pa ka ale pandan lane eskolè a. Nou chwazi yon ekilib ant vizit pou
anmizman - kote gen plezi sèlman - avèk vizit ki gen plezi ak enterè
akademik ladan yo, tankou vizit nan jaden zowolojik.”
Kòm gen limitasyon nan kantite plas ak nan bous pou kan yo
anpil fwa, li enpòtan pou w koumanse chèche depi bonè, epi pou w
gade nan pami plizyè chwa ou ka fè pou kan ete, pou fanmi w. Nou
sèten ou pral gade ki kote kan an ap fèt, ak ki kalite aktivite yo ofri.
Gen kan kote yo konsantre plis sou enterè espesyal - tankou lanati,
teyat, dans, espò, naje, teknoloji, ak lòt bagay - sa ki yon mwayen
ideyal pou pitit ou a gade kisa ki enterese l, oubyen pou li fè pwogrè
nan yon talan li genyen.
Pa egzanp, nan Florida Film Institute yo ofri elèv klas segondè yo
yon chans pou konsantre sou aspè pratik nan pwodiksyon sinema,
sa ki vle di ekri senaryo, sinematografi, ekleraj, son, anrejistreman,
pwodiksyon, koreksyon, jwe wòl, epi mizk. Se pwofesyonnèl lokal
nan sinema ki enstriktè elèv sa yo.
Dapre direktè egzekitif Stephanie Marino, “Kan yo tèlman
diferan. Timoun yo soti nan plizyè kote, epi lè yo fenk koumanse,
youn pa konn lòt. Men lè kan an fini, yo gen tan zanmi - sa aprann
Vizite nou sou entènèt la nan
travay ann ekip, fè konneksyon, epi gade nouvo lide.” Pran konsèy
sou kan yo nan men zanmi, fanmi, ak vwazinaj ou ki te deja enskri
pitit yo nan pwogram konsa. Rele kan ki ka enterese w yo si w gen
nenpòt kesyon, epi ale nan kote a pèsonnèlman si sa posib. Pèsonnèl nan kan yo dwe resevwa w avèk koutwazi ak respè. Sou
kesyon lang ak kilti, yo dwe montre karakteristik fanmi y ap sèvi yo.
Anplwaye yo dwe aji byen youn ak lòt, epi yo dwe montre aklè yo vle
ankouraje tandans natirèl timoun lan pou inovasyon ak kiryozite l. Tout kan yo dwe satisfè direktiv akseptab pou sipèvizyon yo.
Gwo kan yo ka resevwa plizyè santèn timoun, men pwopòsyon
rezonnab pèsonnèl ki la pou travay ak timoun yo ap fè w konnen
pitit ou a pral fè yon eksperyans anrichisan ak pozitif. Pou timoun
ki ant laj 6 ak 10 an, dwe genyen omwen 1 moun majè pou chak
10 timoun. Pou timoun ki depase laj 11 an, kapab genyen 1 moun
majè pou chak 15 timoun. Sèlman, lè timoun yo toupre yon dlo, yo
dwe genyen plis sipèvizyon.
Gade enstalasyon ki nan kan an. Èske kote a san danje, èske li
byen klere, epi li ase gran pou timoun yo alèz nan aktivite y ap fè?
Èske gen ase espas deyò? Ase lonbraj? Gade si pa gen anyen ki ka
poze yon danje, ni andedan, ni deyò. Mande ki kalite sipèvizyon
k ap genyen nan lakou kote timoun yo jwe, ak sipèvizyon pou
jwèt fizik yo. Èske y ap pèmèt yo fè aktivite nan dlo? Chèche
konnen si pèsonnèl sipèvizyon an konn fè CPR (Reyanimasyon
kadyopilmonè), epi si monitè natasyon yo sètifye.
Si pitit ou a gen yon andikap, fè kan an konnen sa pi bonè ou
kapab; pifò nan kan yo ap fè tout posib yo, pou fè aranjman pou
pitit ou a. Mande si l ap posib pou pitit ou a fè aktivite avèk lòt
timoun ki gen andikap tou, ak si l ap posib pou w antre an relasyon
avèk lòt fanmi. Sekirite fèt pou li pi gwo priyorite nan nenpòt
pwogram. Pèsonnèl sant lan dwe toujou veye lè timoun yo rive
nan kan an, lè yo prale lakay yo, ak ki moun ki vin chèche yo. Pitit
ou a pral pase omwen yon pati nan jounen yo deyò, sa ki deja
reprezante yon danje. Manje ki bon pou sante, anpil dlo, ak bon jan
bweson (ki pa gen anpil sik, epi ki san kabonat!) ap itil pou anpeche
pitit ou a santi feblès. Mande ki lè yo sèvi manje ak bweson, ak kisa
yo sèvi timoun yo.
Pou jwenn “pi bon” kan pou fanmi w, koumanse chèche depi nan
bonnè, epi reflechi sou bidjè w, sou kote ou rete a, ak sou enterè
timoun lan. Chèche espesyalman yon kan ki gen plis “P-L-E-Z-I”
nan aprantisaj, pou anpeche edikasyon pitit ou a “glise desann”
nan edikasyon li pandan Sezon Ete sa a. Pou jwenn plis ransèyman sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade County, rele 211.
Rasin Ou
Lè yo aprann istwa fanmi yo, sa ede timoun analize eritaj kiltirèl yo
ak aprann fè bon jan travay pandan mwa nan sezon ete a.
Vizite nou sou entènèt la nan
Pou ede timoun fè rechèch sou istwa
fanmi yo, sa kapab mande sèlman pou
rakonte yon bagay enteresan ou ka sonje,
lè nou chita ansanm pou manje bò yon
tab, oswa ale nan bibliyotèk pou prete liv
sou kote yon zansèt nou te rete, oswa sèvi
avèk papye kadriye ak pòtre pou bati yon
jeneyaloji fanmi an.
Yon lòt konsèy enteresan: Ale fè yon ti
vwayaj nan zòn lan.
Nan HistoryMiami, ki te rele anvan sa
Miami Historical Museum (Mize Istorik
Miami), George mennen moun vizite Little
Havana ak lòt katye nan zòn lan.
Nan Black Archiv (Achiv sou Istwa Ras
Nwa), paran yo ka jwenn yon kat ki genyen
kote istorik tankou Ward Rooming House;
© Jupiterimages / Thinkstock
è w ap aprann timoun istwa fanmi yo,
se yon bon mwayen pou konnekte avèk
yo – epi lè yo aprann kilti yo nan mizik,
nan manje, nan istwa, oubyen menm nan
pòtre, sa ba yo yon sans idantite ki pi fò.
Mwa nan sezon ete, ki pa gen presyon pou
pare ak abiye pou lekòl ak pou aktivite apre
lekòl yo, bay timoun ak jenn moun yon bon
opòtinite pou analize pase yo, kit se istwa
pèsonnèl kit se istwa kiltirèl yo, lè yo angaje
nan yon pwojè.
“Lè timoun analize pase yo, sa fè yo
apresye pi byen fanmi yo, lit fanmi yo te
mennen, viktwa yo te reyalize, ak kote yo
rive kounye a”, dapre Paul George, Ph.D.,
ki se yon istoryen ak pwofesè istwa nan
Miami Dade College.
© iStockphoto / Thinkstock
Par Millie Acebal Rousseau
se la ki te kay travayè Nwa ak Seminòl ki te
ede bati ray tren pou Henry Flager la.
Dapre Dorothy Jenkins Fields, Ph.D., ki
se fondatris ak achivis nan Black Archives
History ak nan Research Foundation of
South Florida, “Lè timoun konn istwa
zansèt yo, sa ede yo konprann pi byen ki
moun yo ye, ak kisa yo ka fè”. Anvan lontan,
li pral posib pou fè vizit vityèl sou sit
entènèt fondasyon an.
Menm si anpil timoun nan Sid Florid
kapab aprann fanmi yo te soti nan lòt peyi,
li kapab pa posib pou yo ale nan peyi sa yo
pou rezon politik oubyen rezon ekonomik.
Paran yo toujou ka montre timoun yo eritaj
kilti a, lè yo kuit yon bon manje peyi kote yo
soti a, oubyen mennen timoun yo nan yon
restoran ki espesyalize nan fè manje peyi a.
Nan pami manje ou ka jwenn nan zòn lan,
genyen depi manje ayisyen ak latino, pou
rive sou manje azyatik ak ewopeyen.
Moun k ap okipe timoun yo ak moun nan
fanmi an ki pi gran kapab rakonte istwa sou
lè yo te timoun, oubyen istwa yo renmen
rakonte nan fanmi an, oubyen istwa fòlklò
ki nan kilti yo - tout sa ki antre nan istwa
oral ki pase nan jenerasyon yo.
Ekspè yo dakò pou di tradisyon sa yo
kapab ede timoun yo aprann rakonte
istwa fasil, oubyen fasilite yo nan fè lekti,
nan pale, ak nan ekri. Se yon konpetans
enpòtan pou timoun ki pa gen angle kòm
lang manman yo. Lè ou plannifye yon
pwojè ki gen anmizman pou fanmi an, sa
kapab ede redui sa yo rele “pèdi nan sa
yo te aprann lekòl, nan sezon ete” a, ki
se tandans pou yon elèv pèdi nan sa li te
aprann, pandan sezon ete a lè li pa ale lekòl.
Lè w ankouraje timoun yo li ak rakonte
istwa fanmi an, ou ede yo tou nan kapasite
pou travay ak konprann. Se yon inisyativ
enpòtan pou The Children’s Trust, pou fè
elèv twazyèm ane yo fè lekti nan nivo klas
yo, paske inisyativ sa a ede kanpay Read to
Learn nan tout peyi a. Men yon lòt avantaj
ankò pwojè istwa yon fanmi kapab genyen
nan edikasyon: Sa bay jenn moun yon
bagay pou yo ekri sou li. Gen anpil lekòl
ki konn mande elèv yo fè pwojè tankou
jounalis pandan sezon ete a; se konsa istwa
sou fanmi ak vizit nan kote ki enteresan
nan zòn lan kapab bay anpil matyè pou
devwa ete sa yo.
Lè w pale ak timoun sou kote yo soti,
sa kapab ba yo tou fyète ak ankouraje yo,
epesyalman si oumenm oswa zansèt ou te
rezoud pwoblèm difisil, dapre sa Jenkins
Fields esplike.
Menm si li enpòtan pou fè istwa yo
koresponn avèk laj timoun lan, paran yo pa
dwe jennen pou yo rakonte istwa sou sijè
ki konplike oubyen difisil. Yon kalite istwa
ki transmèt mesaj ak valè enpòtan, se istwa
ki montre egzanp moun ki rezoud obstak
avèk pèseverans yo, oubyen ki te derape
nan lamizè.
Jenkins Fields konseye: “Di verite.
Aprann timoun yo yon bagay ki montre jan
ou te goumen ak pwoblèm yo, ak jan ou te
rive rezoud yo yon jan ki pozitif.”
Entèvyou ak yon Moun ki Gen Plis Laj (pou timoun):
Lè timoun pale ak moun ki gen plis laj, sa ede
yo aprann leson enpòtan sou eritaj yo ak sou
istwa fanmi yo. Men kèk fraz pou koumanse yon
entèvyou, pou derape konvèsasyon an.
• Ki kote ou moun?
• Depi konbyen tan ou isit?
• Pou kisa papa ak manman w te vini isit la; pou ki rezon nou vini?
• Kijan Miami, oswa vil kote ou te fèt la, te ye lè ou te gen laj mwen?
• Lè ou te gen laj mwen, kisa ki te diferan nan lekòl, nan lakay ou, ak nan legliz ou?
• Kisa ou te konn fè kòm anmizman, lè ou
te timoun?
• Ki jwèt, ki manje, ak ki mizik ou te pi renmen?
Konsèy pou entèvyou:
• Mande moun ou pral fè entèvyou avèk li a yon
randevou davans, epi sonje ale nan randevou a!
• Rezève ant 45 minit ak 1 èdtan pou entèvyou a.
• Kenbe kesyon yo kout ak dirèk.
• Si moun lan dakò, pran nòt oswa fè yon videyo
oubyen yon anrejistreman odyo.
• Pa koupe lapawòl moun lan! Kite paran an, oswa granparan an, oswa lòt moun ki nan fanmi an pale.
Vizit Gide Lokal
HistoryMiami: 305-375-1621 oubyen, nan kourye elektwonnik:
The Black Archives: 305-636-2390 oubyen
Pou jwenn plis ransèyman sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade County, rele 211.
Sezon Ete nan
Bon timoun, move
Vil la
Ou pa bezwen kite vil la, pou jwenn
anmizman pandan Sezon Ete a: Miami-Dade
òganize anpil aktivite toupre lakay ou.
Kouman pou w aji avèk yon adolesan rebèl, oswa yon
timoun k ap plede fè kòlè? Konsèy sa yo, se pou ede
w ankouraje yon timoun aji pi byen.
Por Millie Acebal Rousseau
Vizite nou sou entènèt la nan
Por Millie Acebal Rousseau
Nan Hialeah, w ap jwenn McDonald Water Park ki genyen yon
rivyè trankil ak yon pisin ki fè vag. Genyen gliswa ak pisin pou
timoun piti nan Bucky Dent Water Park ak nan Milander Aquatic
Center, ki genyen tou yon pisin olenpik.
Tankou pifò nan minisipalite yo, vil la ofri tou kan pou sezon ete
nan pak li yo, kote ki gen yon pwogram edikatif, dapre enfòmasyon
Jeffrey Lagomacini, ki se direktè pou edikasyon ak pwogram espesyal.
Li di konsa “Nou òganize aktivite ki pa gen danje, men pou yo
bay bon jan amizman”.
YMCA Family Centers: Rele nan nimewo 305-357-4000. Manm yo peye ant $21 ak $51 pou chak mwa. Ou ka jwenn tarif tou ki sèvi pou tout vil la. Pri pou enskri, se ant $50 ak $80. Ou ka jwenn asistans pou peye.
Betty T. Ferguson Center: 3000 NW 199th St., Miami Gardens;
786-279-1223. Pri pou rezidan Miami-Dade yo peye pou yon mwa: $25 pou
timoun, $35 pou granmoun. Pri pou yon jou: $5 pou timoun, $10 pou granmoun. Rele pou enfòmasyon sou kan ak sou klas yo.
Little Haiti Cultural Center: 212 - 260 NE 59th Terr.; 305-960-2969.
Gratis, men telefone davans pou enfòmayon sou kan yo ak sou klas yo.
A.D. Barnes Park: 3401 SW 72nd Ave.; 305-665-1626. Pri: $2.50
Grapeland Water Park: 1550 NW 37th Ave.; 305-960-2950.
Pri: $7 pou timoun ant 2 ak 13 an; $12 pou timoun ki gen 14 an oubyen ki pi gran. Sinema nan pisin nan Vandredi pou Fanmi, pandan mwa me ak septanm: $5.
Pak nan Hialeah ki gen pisin ak anmizman nan dlo: Rele nan nimewo 305-687-2650.
Pri pou benyen nan pisin: $1 pou timoun, $1.50 pou granmoun.
Pak ki gen anmizman nan dlo: $2 pou timoun, $2.50 pou granmoun.
Larry and Penny Thompson Park: 12451 SW 184th St.; 305-232-1049.
Pri: pou plaj sèlman: $2 pou timoun ant 3 ak 17 an; $3 pou granmoun; gliswa: $4 pou timoun ant 3 ak 17 an; $4 pou granmoun.
Tamiami Park: 11201 SW 24th St.; 786-315-5295. Pri pou benyen nan pisin: $2.50
Arch Creek Park: 1855 NE 135 Street, North Miami Beach; 305-944-6111.
Gratis; pou mache nan lanati ak pou pwomennen gade lespri, rele pou enfòmasyon nan nimewo 305-944-6111.
The Little Farm: 13401 SW 244th St.; 305-258-3186. Pri: $10.
© Gerville Hall / Thinkstock
npil paran gen pwoblèm pou jwenn kote pou pitit yo anmize
lè lekòl fèmen. Men avèk sware sinema bò pisin, pwogram pou
ale jwe ak bèt, epi lòt pwogram ankò, gen yon pakèt opsyon
lokal pou anmize pandan sezon ete a.
YMCA nan Rejyon Miami a òganize anmizman tankou klas pou
fanmi fè egzèsis, epi mache pou achte nan men fèmye.
“Yon fanmi ka pwomennen avèk timoun li, pou yo fè aktivite
an fanmi – tankou jwe baskètbòl, fè kilti fizik, epi naje”, dapre
Brian Sheafer, vis prezidan Sèvis nan Lekòl dapre Laj nan YMCA
Miami. Aktivite yo varye nan tout sant YMCA pou fanmi yo, ki nan
Homestead, nan Sid Miami-Dade, nan Allapattah, ak nan katye
North Pointe la (Pwent Nò), ki nan Nòwès Miami-Dade.
Nan YMCA, ki resevwa finansman The Children’s Trust, yo
òganize kan ete sou teren plizyè lekòl. Anplis espò rekreyasyon
ak vizit eskolè, kan an genyen yon pwogram akademik ki rekrite
pwofesè sètifye pou ede timoun yo aprann li pi byen, epi aprann
sou kesyon nitrisyon ak sante yo. Paran ki kalifye kapab enskri nan
yon pwogram ki bay bous pou timoun.
Sant Betty T. Ferguson nan Miami Gardens lan, ki gen kòm
direktè Quentin Pough ki rele sant lan “Taj Majal”, ofri plizyè
opsyon pou timoun enskri ansanm ak fanmi yo. Sant kominotè yo
gen teren baskètbòl ni anndan ni deyò, ak yon pisin enteryè ki gen
yon gliswa pou timoun. Yo ofri piblik la yon laboratwa enfòmatik
ak yon zòn atletik kote pou moun kouri. Timoun yo kapab aprann
danse balè oswa klakèt, jwe sou batri tanbou, ak fè espò masyal.
Timoun ki gen dispozisyon kreyatif yo kapab ale tou nan Sant
Kiltirèl Little Haiti a, ki bay leson pou aprann fè travay atis. Se nan
sant sa a tou w ap jwenn Camp Discovery – ki se yon kan ete gratis
pou aprann fè travay atis.
Nan South Dade, fanmi yo pral kapab vizite The Little Farm
pandan jou wikenn yo, kote yo pral kapab jwe ak bèt yo, ak wè
lapen, zwa, ti kochon, ak lòt bèt ankò. Avèk $10 ou peye pou antre
a, ou ka fè timoun yo monte sou do ti cheval toutotan sa fè yo plezi,
epi y ap kapab tire lèt kabrit, ak bay kabrit yo manje. Nan pak lokal
yo, gen anpil bèl bagay natirèl tou, tankou Arch Creek Park MiamiDade la nan North Miami Beach, ki genyen yon jaden papiyon ak
yon ansyen pon an wòch tribi natif-natal yo te konn sèvi.
Èske w ap chèche kote pou plonje nan dlo kòm anmizman?
Grapeland Water Park, ki nan Vil Miami, genyen gliswa rapid,
ansanm ak rivyè trankil ak pisin. Ou ka menm rete chita sou yon
chanm kawotchou nan dlo a pou gade sinema nan Vandredi pou
Fanmi, ki se dènye vandredi nan mwa a.
imoun konn aji mal pou teste limit
granmoun, oubyen paske yo gen
fristrasyon, oubyen pou yo jwenn
atansyon. Sekrè pou kontwole timoun k ap
aji mal? Ba yo egzanp konpòtman pozitif.
“Timoun ap reponn nan menm jan ou aji
avèk yo, kit ou montre kòlè, kit ou montre
afeksyon, swivan sa ou montre pi plis la”,
dapre esplikasyon doktè Peter A. Gorski, ki
se responsab an chèf pou The Children’s
Trust ak pwofesè pou sante piblik, pedyatri,
ak sikyatri nan Inivèsite South Florida. “Si
pifò atansyon yo resevwa, se lè y ap fè kòlè
ak rele, se sa yo pral kontinye fè.”
Paran yo ka santi yo nan yon pozisyon
difisil, lè yo kontre avèk rebelyon adolesan
oswa kriz kòlè timoun ap fè. Men sèlman,
menm si yon paran gen fristrasyon, li pa
janm dwe enpoze yon disiplin fizik, paske sa
kapab fè yon timoun santi li pa gen anpil valè,
epi sa kapab montre timoun lan fè vyolans.
“Yo menm tou, yo pral koumanse bay
kout pye, goumen, ak rele si se konsa ou
aprann yo pou yo aji ak moun”, dapre
avètisman Gorski bay.
Paran yo dwe fè konnen davans, nan yon
jan ki klè, kisa yo vle timoun lan fè – epi ki
konsekans sa kapab genyen si timoun lan
aji mal, dapre konsèy yon sikològ elèv ki
rele Lani Kaskel, Ph. D., ki se yon terapis ki
gen lisans pou zafè maryaj ak fanmi.
Li di konsa: “Lè w rele tout tan ak fè kòlè
sou timoun, yo vin abitye tande sa epi sa pa
aji sou yo ankò”.
Kaskel ensiste pou fè konprann konsekans
yo enpòtan. Si w te bay yon adolesan limit sou
tan li ka sèvi ak telefòn selilè, epi li depase limit
la, ou ka fè l travay nan kay la pou peye pou
minit anplis li pase nan telefòn lan. Paran yon
timoun piti pa dwe machande avèk li, men
li ka bay timoun lan yon pinisyon pou li pa
jwe, pandan yon tan ki egal laj timoun lan; pa
egzanp, 4 minit pou yon timoun 4ran.
Kaskel di paran an dwe pale san fè kòlè
ak timoun lan apre tan pinisyon an, sou sa
ki pase a.
Konsèy li bay: “Ou dwe toujou bay yon
timoun yon chans pou li pa soti wont; lè
konsa, timoun lan ap genyen pou li mande
eskiz sensèman, oubyen pou li fè yon bagay
pou korije erè a.”
Lè w pote atansyon timoun lan sou yon
lòt bagay, sa kapab ede soulaje lapenn li. Si
w pèmèt yon timoun fè kèk erè, sa kapab
ede l aprann tou, espesyalman si se yon
adolesan ki prèske rive nan laj gran moun.
“Pa egzanp, si w fè twòp presyon sou li
pou devwa lekòl li, sa kapab lakòz yon timoun
antre nan rezistans pasif”, dapre Kaskel.
Paran yo dwe ankouraje ni adolesan ni
timoun pi piti yo fè konnen santiman ak
fristrasyon yo – paske se yon mwayen itil ni
pou soulaje tansyon, ni pou bay paran yo
yon chans pou konprann kisa ki lakòz yon
timoun aji mal.
Pwogran tankou “Informed Families’ Triple
P Positive Parenting Program” (Pwogram Twa
P Pozitif pou Paran nan Fanmi ki Enfòme) se
yon bon resous pou paran tou.
“Se yon pwogram ki aprann paran elve
pitit yo”, dapre Alita Patterson, asistan nan
pwogram Triple P a, epi direktè pwogram
Red Ribbon Certified Schools (Lekòl ki
Sètifye pou Riban Wouj). Avèk klas an
gwoup ak sipò nan telefòn, paran yo aprann
kouman pou yo aji ak timoun k ap fè kòlè,
timoun ki bay pwoblèm pou fè devwa lekòl
yo, oubyen adolesan ki an rebelyon.
Hialeah’s Parks ak Depatman
Rekreyasyon an òganize yon pwogram ki
rele “Early Prevention and Intervention
Youth and Internship Program (EPI)”
pou timoun ki gen ant 12 ak 17 an, ki
komèt enfraksyon ki pa grav, oubyen ki
bezwen pase tan nan sèvis kominotè
pou lekòl yo.
Dapre sipèvizè a, William Sanchez,
“Si yon timoun ap pran move chimen,
pwogram sa a ap ba li asistans”. Yo mete
patisipan yo travay nan yon pak. Yo fè
sòti eskolè ki òganize pou montre yo aji
pi byen, oswa pou rekonpanse chanjman
Hialeah Early Prevention and Intervention Youth and
Internship Program (EPI): Pou timoun ki ant 12 ak 17
an nan Miami-Dade ak nan Broward. Pri: $37 pou
moun ki pa rete nan Hialeah. Rele nan nimewo
305-687-2650 owa voye yon mesaj nan adrès pou plis enfòmasyon.
Fanmi ki Enfòme: Pou plis enfòmasyon sou pwogram
pou paran “Triple P Positive” la, tankou kote
pwogram yo fèt ak kouman pou enskri, rele nimewo
pozitif; yo mennen yo vizite prizon nan
zòn lan ak sant reyabilitasyon, yo mennen
yo nan Miami Heat, epi yo mennen yo nan
inivèsite pou pale avèk yo sou sa ki pral
enterese yo aprann nan inivèsite.
Sa ki pi enpòtan, se pou paran yo fè yon
efò pou rekonnèt – ak pou rekonpase –
bon konpòtman.
Gorski konseye: “Veye lè timoun yo aji
byen. Lè sa a, pase yon moman avèk yo, fè
yo konpliman, epi pale avèk yo.”
Pou jwenn plis ransèyman sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade County, rele 211.
Miami-Dade County by Zip Codes and Neighborhoods
How to use the listings
The sections are sorted by the
geographical location of the municipality,
and then by ZIP code to help you easily
find options in your area. You can find a
map of these sections and ZIP codes on
Page 20.
Programs marked with a SUN (b) are
funded by The Children’s Trust.
The information provided in this guide
is not intended as a recommendation, but
instead as a resource to provide you, the
parent or caregiver, with options.
To learn more about programs in the
guide funded by The Children’s Trust,
call 211.
Below are the headings of the listings:
• Special Needs (all Children’s Trust camps are inclusive; some are especially for children with
special needs)
• Fees
• Description
Note: While we make every effort to
provide the most accurate information
possible, location and other information may
vary. Please contact the programs directly.
Cómo usar los listados
Las secciones están divididas según la ubicación
geográfica de la ciudad y del código postal, de manera que usted pueda encontrar las opciones en su
área fácilmente. Un mapa de las secciones y códigos
postales aparece en la página 20.
Los programas que se encuentran marcados con
un SOL (b) son financiados por The Children’s Trust.
La información que le ofrecemos no es una recomendación, sino una fuente de información que le
muestra a usted, el padre, madre o guardián, las opciones disponibles.
Para obtener más detalles sobre los programas
que aparecen aquí y que son financiados por The
Children’s Trust, llame al 211.
Debajo están los encabezamientos de los listados.
• Necesidades especiales (todos los campamentos de verano del Children’s Trust reciben a
niños con necesidades especiales; algunos
programas están diseñados exclusivamente
para estos niños)
• Precios
• Descripción
Nota: Siempre intentamos actualizar la
información al máximo, pero las direcciones y otros
detalles de los programas pueden cambiar. Favor de
contactar los programas directamente.
Ki jan pou sèvi ak lis la
Seksyon yo klase pa amplasman
jewografik de minisipalite / vil epi aprè,
pa kod ZIP pou ede w jwen fasilman
opsyon nan zònn ou. Nou ka jwen yon
kat seksyon ak kod ZIP sou paj 20. The
Children’s Trust finanse pwogram ki make
SOLÈY (b) yo.
Enfòmasyon ki nan gid sa a pa yon
rekonmandasyon, se pou ou kapab gen
yon resous opsyon nan men w, ou ki se
paran, oswa moun kap bay yon timoun
swen. Pou aprann pi plis sou pwogram
nan gid sa a ki sponsorize pa The
Children’s Trust, rele 211.
Icit la wap jwen tit ki nan tèt chak lis:
• Bezwen espesyal (tout kan Children’s Trust yo aksepte tout kalite timoun; genyen ki fèt espesyalman pou timoun ki gen bezwen espesyal)
• Cotizasyon
• Deskripsyon pwogram
Remak: N ap fè tout sa nou
kapab pou bay enfòmasyon egzat,
men enfòmasyon sou kote yo, ak lòt
enfòmasyon yo, kapab varye. Tanpri,
kontakte pwogram dirèk.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc.
1420 Washington Ave.
786-319-7214 •
June 10–Aug. 9; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Regular fee: $60 for 8-week session
Scholarships available
ArtCenter/South Florida Art Camp
924 Lincoln Road • 305-674-8278
Half day: members, $360; nonAges 6-12. Visual arts fun for young people. Agemembers, $378; Full day: members, appropriate classes are taught by professional artists
$400; non-members, $425
who are also experienced teachers.
City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation
21st Street Recreation Center
2100 Washington Ave. • 305-673-7730
$150 residents
$270 non-residents
Flamingo Park
999 11th St. • 305-531-5636, Ext. 26
Residents: $525
Non-residents: $775
Discounts for siblings
Ages 5-8. Games, sports, arts and crafts, tutoring,
field trips, themed events, tournaments and more.
City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation
Muss Park • 4400 Chase Ave.
305-673-7765 •
Residents: $525
Non-residents: $775
Ages 5-8. Games, sports, arts and crafts, themed
events, field trips, cooking, tournaments and more.
Transportation provided from North Beach Elementary.
Scott Rakow Youth Center
2700 Sheridan Ave.
305-673-7767 •
Residents: $525
Non-residents: $775
Discounts for siblings
Grades K-12. Games, sports, arts and crafts, ice skating,
bowling, themed events, tournaments, volleyball, swimming,
music lessons, and fine art painting. No waivers allowed.
City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreations
North Shore Park and Youth Center
501 72nd St. • 305-861-3616
June 10–Aug. 16; Residents: $525
or pay weekly; Non-residents: $775
or pay weekly; Scholarships
available for Beach residents
Ages 5-11. Indoor and outdoor activities. Swimming,
field trips, recreational activities, sports, arts and
crafts, field trips, themed events, tournaments and
more. Lunch/snacks provided.
City of North Bay Village
Treasure Island Elementary
7540 E. Treasure Dr. • 786-375-0076
No fee
Ages 5-11. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, physical fitness, social skills and family
involvement. Nutritious food served daily.
Miami Children’s Theater
Byron Carlyle Theatre, 500 71st St.
305-274-3595 •
June 10-Aug. 2.; Fee: $850 per
four-week session; Registration
fee: $35; Scholarships available
Ages 5-12 and 13-18. Two performing arts summer
camps. Each four-week session ends in a main-stage
show complete with lights, costumes and sets.
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Nature Center
6767 Crandon Blvd.
305-361-6767, Ext. 111
June 10-Aug. 16
Weekly fee: $350 per camper
Sibling discount
Scholarships available
Ages 8-13. Summer by the Sea Camp provides atrisk, low-income under-served youth with a dynamic
science and art camp. Participants swim, snorkel,
make art, explore nature and more.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Virginia Key Beach YMCA Summer Camp
4020 Virginia Beach Dr. • 305-357-6622
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $145
Pick-up and drop-off locations at
three sites
Ages 10-15. Theme-based summer camp focused
on nature and the coastal sciences. Also literacy
activities, fitness, nutrition education and arts;
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Miami Rowing Club/Rickenbacker Causeway
$450 per session or
$ 425 for 2 or more sessions
Ages 13-18. Team Row Summer Camp. Youths learn
to row using land and water activities. Focus also on
literacy, health and fitness, and social skills.
Miami Seaquarium
4400 Rickenbacker Causeway
305-361-5705, Ext. 298, 207 or 526
$200 for first week, with discounts
for multiple weeks
Siblings: $185; Annual passholders:
$180 per week
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Crandon Park Tennis Center
7300 Crandon Blvd. • 305-365-2300
Call for details
Ages 5-13. Literacy and social skills activities, arts
and crafts, sports, team-building and field trips.
Swimming lessons offered at nearby public pool.
Grade 5th-11th. Theater. Campers learn the fundamentals of acting, choreography through movements,
character-building and improvisation.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-14. Activities and enhancements include
arts & crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills,
field trips and cultural arts and are designed to build
nutritional, health and academic skills.
Surfside Summer Camp and Teen Camp
Parks and Recreation Modular Trailer,
behind Town Hall • 9293 Harding Ave.
305-866-3635 •
Full session (8 weeks): residents, $700;
non-residents, $1200; Half session (4
weeks): residents, $450; non-residents,
$750; Teen Camp: (8 weeks); residents,
$600; non-residents $950
Ages 6-12: Football, soccer, swimming and arts and
crafts. Teen Camp Ages 12-15. Teen camp will provide
an opportunity for children to learn hands on precounselor training skills and enjoy their summer by
participating in age appropriate activities for teens.
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 14-21. Children with disabilities. Literacy and
reading, physical fitness, social skills development,
healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips
and supervised free play.
Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, Inc.
15939 Biscayne Blvd. • 305-935-3232
July1–July 27
Ages 10-22. Intensive dance program includes training
in ballet technique and other styles; also strengthening
through Pilates and Gyrokenesis.
Aventura Learning Center
2221 NE 171st St. • 305-940-0408
Call for details
Ages newborn-7. Music, arts and crafts, and
field trips.
Scholarships available for children
with disabilities
Ages 6-22. Intensive pediatric summer camp.
Activities include learning and implementing basic
visual art techniques: drawing, painting, printmaking,
sculpting and photography.
Camp Live Oak — Oleta River State Park
3400 NE 163rd St.
3 weeks: $885 or $295 per week
Ages 3-16. Nature activities including kayaking,
canoeing, swimming, fishing, hands-on science,
mountain biking, arts and crafts, snorkeling,
noncompetitive sports and more.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Country Club of Miami • 6801 NW
168 St. • Miami, FL 33015 • 305-828-8456, Ext. 249
$255/week full day session
$175/week half day session
Ages 8-15. Campers learn the basics of golf and
practice skills.
Greynolds Park
17530 W. Dixie Highway
305-948-2891 or 305-944-6111 •
$111/week plus 1 time annual
registration fee of $12
Ages 6-14, Camp Manatee. Nature activities including
canoeing (ages 10 and older), hiking, swimming, games,
arts and crafts, field trips and hands-on nature studies.
June 17–Aug. 9; Registration fee:
$50; Weekly fee: $112.50
No slots available
Ages 5-18. For children with autism and related
disabilities in an inclusion setting. Literacy, fitness,
social skills, nutrition and family involvement.
CWD Greynolds Park
18601 NE 22nd Ave. • 305-692-3079
The Biscayne Foundation
2785 NE 183rd. St., Suite 100
Summer Programs
YWCA of Greater Miami
Ruth K. Broad/Bay Harbor K-8 Center, 1155 93rd St.
305-377-9922 Ext. 221
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Michael-Ann Russell JCC
18900 NE 25th Ave.
305-932-4200 •
YMCA of Greater Miami
Ojus Park • 18995 W. Dixie Highway
305-357-6622 •
June 10-Aug. 2; 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. No
fee for Children’s Trust slots
Registration fee: $40; Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-12. Exploration Camp. Reading and learning,
sports and games, arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, swim
days, field trips, and more.
Aventura Summer Camps
Aventura Community Recreation Center
3375 NE 188th St. • 305-466-3883
Call for details
Ages 5 and up. Animal interactions, shows, art and
crafts, and more. Before and after care available.
Ages 5-14. Arts, sports, swimming, recreation a
nd more.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces
Highland Oaks Park • 20300 NE 24th Ave.
305-932-2164 •
Call for details
Ages 6-15. Tennis Camp. Campers learn the
fundamentals of the game and improve their skills.
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
No fee
June 10-July 26
Ages 13-22. Rock Star Chefs in Training focuses on
sharing the culinary arts with youths. Also includes
academics and recreational activities for children with
disabilities in an inclusion setting.
No fee
June 10-Aug. 9
Ages Birth-5. Superstar Happy Helpers program
supports academics, sports, dance, art, storytelling
and other recreational activities for children with
disabilities in an inclusion setting.
No fee. Jun 11-July 27
Ages Birth-7. Special education, therapy, nursing and
transportation for children with disabilities.
June 11–July 31
No fee
Ages 14-22. Arts-focused program for children with
special needs. Field trips planned.
YWCA of Greater Miami
Weeks Computer Center
351 NW 5th St. • 305-377-9922, Ext. 221
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-14. Activities and enhancements include arts
and crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills,
field trips, and cultural arts are designed to build
nutritional, health and academic skills.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces
North Trail Park • 780 NW 127th Ave.
305-207-2420 •
Call for details
Easter Seals Miami-Dade
1475 NW 14th Ave.
1475 NW 14th Ave.
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc.
UCP1 Early Beginnings Academy Civic Center
1411 NW 14th Ave. • 305-325-1080
UCP6 Transitional Learning - Summer
1411 NW 14th Ave.
305-728-7603 •
Miami Science Museum
3280 S. Miami Ave.
June 24-Aug. 3
No fee for Children’s Trust slots.
Ages 11-14. AlleyCamp is for MDCPS students who
have no formal dance training. The camp fosters
personal development using dance as a vehicle for
Miami Dade College
Wolfson Campus • 300 NE 2nd Ave • 305-237-3855
Call for dates
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 13-17. Interdisciplinary summer program
connects the basic “R’s” (Math, Science, and
Language) to professional careers.
Miami Children’s Museum
980 MacArthur Causeway
305-373-5437, Ext. 112
July 10-Aug. 30
Weekly fee: $220
Scholarships available.
Ages 11-14. Activities include theater, cooking, art
and music. Additionally students focus on creativity,
self-expression, self-esteem, teamwork, leadership
and other qualities.
Jungle Island
1111 Parrot Jungle Trail • 305-400-7221
June 10–Aug. 2
Ages 5-12. Hands-on animal encounters, arts and
crafts, educational sessions, animal exhibits and
shows. Various camps available.
Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre
280 Miracle Mile • 305-444-9293
June 10-Aug. 13
$950 and $1,200
Scholarships available
For ages 7-18. Camp activities include music, dance,
monologue development, performance, design and
art. Musical theatre training and performance; acting
techniques help to develop communication skills.
The Coral Gables Museum
285 Aragon Ave. 305-603-8067
June 11-Aug. 16
Family members $400 per session
(2 weeks)/Non-members $450 per
session. Scholarships available.
For ages 5-12. City Trekker Camp explores the City of
Coral Gables through visits to exhibits, presentationsd,
art activities and field trips. Camps learn about art,
architecture, design, history and more.
Miami Children’s Theater
405 University Drive • 305-274-3595
June 10-Aug. 2; Registration fee:
$35; $850 per 4-week session
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12 and 13-18. Two performing arts summer
camps. Each 4-week session ends in a main stage
show complete with lights, costumes and sets.
June 10–Aug. 16
Ages 5-14 (varies depending on camp). Club Play
Summer Camp, Half-Day Camp, My First Camp, Teens
Outside Camp, Petite Artist Camp, Summer Art Camp,
Half Day Sports Camp and many more.
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
June 18–Aug. 10
Weekly fee: $210-$280 depending
on class; Scholarships available
Ages 4-14. Summer Science Camp for under-served
children offers classes that range from astronomy to
zoology. Activities are hands-on, interactive and
fun activities.
Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of
Miami-Dade County
1300 Biscayne Blvd. • 786-468-2223
Summer Programs
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Centro Mater Childcare East
418 SW 4th Ave. • 305-545-6049
June 10 Aug. 16; Registration fee:
$20; Weekly fee: $50; No fee for
Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. Summer camp offers reading, fitness, and
social skills, interest clubs, art and music workshops,
parents’ activities, breakfast, lunch and snacks.
City of Coral Gables
War Memorial Youth Center
405 University Drive • 305-460-5602
History Miami
101 W. Flagler St.
July 3-Aug. 16.
Weekly fee: $55.
Scholarships available.
Ages 13-17. Teen Miami Summer Institute for youth
interested in exploring their communities with
cameras. Program engages students in museum
work, photojournalism and historic preservation.
International Christian School Coral Gables
414 Velarde Ave. • 305-445-8918 •
Call for details
Ages infant-5. Recreational activities.
June 17–July 31; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
No fee; Transportation available
Ages 13-18 and for the visually impaired 13-22.
Interdisciplinary summer program connects the basics
(Math, Science, and Language) to professional careers.
June 10–Aug. 16
Call for details
Ages 5-12. Field trips, arts and crafts.
Kids and Family Summer Camp
Lowe Art Museum - University of Miami
1301 Stanford Drive • 305-668-8499
Ages 5-12. Explore art through activities that
include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and
paper maché.
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind
601 SW 8th Ave. • 786-362-7535
Lincoln Martí School
1001 SW 1st St. • 305-324-7322
931 SW First St. • 305-324-4060
Ages 5-18. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field
trips and more.
Abriendo Puertas Governing Board
of E. Little Havana
1401 SW 1st St., Suite 209
305-649-6449, Ext. 234•
June 10–Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $20
7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Ages 5-18. Reading/literacy, fitness, social skills
health/wellness, music, karate, dance and arts.
Field trips weekly.
Sunflowers Academy
2901 SW 7th St. • 305-631-1284
June 10- Aug. 16; No fee for Children’s
Trust slots. Annual registration fee:
$25; Weekly: $25
Ages 5-14. Activities promote literacy, martial arts,
music, dance, drama, nutrition, cheerleading, yoga,
aerobics, field trips, arts and crafts, sports, social skills
development, and recycling/special projects.
International Christian School
609 Brickell Ave. • 305-365-6070
Call for details
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 18 months-14. Recreational activities, sports,
swimming, tennis and soccer.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Overtown Youth Center
450 NW 14th St. • 305-349-1204
June 18–Aug. 10; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Overtown residents only
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 7-18. Educational enrichment, field trips,
recreation and more.
Touching Miami with Love Ministries
711 NW 6th Ave. • 305-416-0534
June 17–Aug. 2; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
No fee
Ages 5-13. Activities strengthen reading skills,
improve fitness, social skills, family involvement and
understanding of nutritious foods.
No fee for children with
Ages birth-5. “Little Explorers” summer program
encourages early literacy, music and art and socialemotional skills for children with disabilities.
Before and after-care available at
this center site for the camp on UM
campus. Call for details
Ages 6-13 (girls) and 6-9 (boys). Activities strengthen
literacy, math, social skills and fitness and include
cheerleading, dance, arts, swimming, sciences, jump
rope, entrepreneurship and etiquette.
University of Miami
Debbie Institute • 1601 NW 12th Ave.
305-243-6547 •
Urgent, Inc.
YES Camp — Youth Empowerment
1000 NW 1st Ave., Suite 100
305-915-3195 •
West Dade Academy
10950 SW 34th St., Miami, FL 33165 • 305-553-1000
Call for details
After School Care Network dba Smart Kids
250 SW 14th Ave.
June 10–Aug. 9; 8 a.m.-4p.m.
No fees
Art South
240 N. Krome Ave. • 305-247-9406
June 17-Aug. 9; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
weekdays; noon to 6 p.m. Saturday
Registration fee: $20; Weekly
tuition: $75; Scholarships available
Ages 7-15. Creative Summer Camp provides
children in Homestead/Florida City an assortment
of arts activities in the area of music, dance, visual
and performing arts. Classes taught by artists-inresidence and certified teachers.
Greater Miami Youth Symphony
Atala Montessori School
240 N. Krome Ave. • 305-667-4069
July 15-Aug. 9
Sliding tuition scale
Scholarships available
Ages 5-18. Summer Camp provides music training
and instruction at all musical and instrumental skills
levels. A variety of musical activities develop students’
instrumental, musical and ensemble skils.
South Dade Weed and Seed
Phicol Williams Community Center
951 SW 4th St.
June 11–July 31
No registration fee
Ages 6-17. Project RESCUE activities strengthen
reading, fitness, health and nutrition awareness, and
social skills building. Computer education and family
literacy workshops are offered.
Sweet Vine, Inc.
144 NW 11th St.
June 17-July 31
Registration: $40
Fee: $100 for session
Ages 5-18. Reading, physical fitness, social skills,
family involvement, and art and cultural enrichment
activities improve academics and decrease
involvement in risky behaviors.
Sweet Vine, Inc.
Freedom School 632 Washington Ave.
June 17-July 31
Registration: $40
Fee: $100 for session
Ages 5-18. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities improve
academics and decrease involvement in risky behaviors.
The Thinking Child Academy Inc.
155 NW 4th St. • 305-247-3036
June 10–Aug. 9
One-time registration fee: $50
Ages 5-12. Summer: Daily instruction in reading/
math. Also arts, computers, enviralmental education,
sports and field trips. After School: literacy, fitness,
social development, arts, computers and tutoring.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 5-12. Activities encourage healthy behaviors
through a focus on fitness, sports, literacy, reading,
social skills development, supervised free play, family
events, field trips. Nutritious lunch and snacks.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
WeCare of South Dade
Curtis Ivy Police Gym • 600 SW 14th Ave.
Summer Programs
June 10-Aug. 2; No fee. Check for
Ages 5-12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities.
Little Kingdom
700 NW 10th Ave. • 305-431-2835
June 10–Aug. 2; No fee
Ages 5-12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities.
Little Kingdom II
1000 N. Krome Ave. • 305-246-5111
June 10-Aug. 16; No fee.
Ages 5-12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities.
South Dade Weed & Seed
951 SW 4th St. • 305-242-5311
June 17-July31/Aug. 16; No fee.
Ages 5-12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities.
YMCA of Greater Miami
St. John’s Episcopal Church
145 NE 10th St. • 305-357-6622
June 10–Aug. 2; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Weekly fee: $115
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. Fine Arts – dancing, singing, acting,
creating projects and more. Activities also foster
reading and learning.
Homestead Family YMCA
1034 NE 8th St. • 305-248-5189
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20; Center
Weekly fee: $85, facility members;
$130 program members. No fee for
Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. “Explorer Program”, full spectrum of camp
activities, including sing-a-longs, arts and crafts, field
trips, skits, sports, games, water activities in the pool
and more.
Homestead Family YMCA
1034 NE 8th St. • 305-357-6622
June 17-July 25
Weekly fee: $1150
Sliding scale/scholarships available
Ages 7-12. Marine Biology Camp includes snorkeling
and a range of aquatic experiences. Space limited to
60 youths.
YWCA of Greater Miami
Campbell Arms
800 NE 12th Ave. • 305-377-9922
No fee
June 10-Aug. 2
Ages 5-14. Activities and enhancements include arts
and crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills,
field trips and cultural arts and are designed to build
nutritional, health and academic skills.
Lincoln Martí School
28800 SW 152nd Ave. • 305-245-5533
Call for details
Ages 5-12. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field
trips and more.
Ages 5-17. Sports, activities and more.
Far South
Far South
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Central/Far South
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Naranja Park
14150 SW 264th St. • 305-258-1945
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Recapturing the Vision
William A. Chapman
27190 SW 140th Ave.
June 10–July 19
No fee
Ages 5-11. Vision Smart Kids (VSK) program activities
foster students’ reading and life skills. Activities include
field trips, reading for fun, visits by book mobiles.
Healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack are served.
Irving & Beatrice Peskoe K-8, 29035 SW 144th Ave.
305-232-6003 •
June 10–July 19
No fee
Ages 5-11. Vision Smart Kids (VSK) program activities
foster students’ reading and life skills. Activities include
field trips, reading for fun, visits by book mobiles.
Healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack are served.
Cool Kids Learn
Goulds Elementary School • 23555 SW 112th Ave.
305-826-9595 •
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $40
Ages 5-14. Academics and social skills development.
Fitness focus promotes healthy lifestyles and teambuilding skills.
June 11–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces ­— Leisure Lakes Park
29305 Illinois Road • 305-248-1527
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Modello Park
28450 SW 152nd Ave. • 305-247-1553
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Knowledge Builders of Florida Inc.
110711 SW 216th St. • 305-234-1645
June 10-Aug. 2. $10 registration
fee. $60/weekly fee. Free slots.
Ages 5-13. “Plugged Into Technology and Academics”
(PITA) camp includes reading, math, science, fitness
and social skills activities. Breakfast and lunch
served. One field trip weekly.
South Dade Park • 28151 SW 164th Ave.
305-247-9453 •
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club
Arthur Mays Villas After-School House
11341 SW 216th St. • 305-233-0115
June 10–July 31
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 6-13. Reading, physical fitness, field trips,
tutoring, arts and crafts and FCAT preparation.
Lincoln Martí School
22121 SW 112th Ave. • 305-259-8888
Call for details
Birth-5. With or without special needs. Literacy,
games/sports, social interaction, arts, family
involvement, meals and field trips.
Ages birth-7. Reading, drama, art, music, sports, field
trips and more.
June 17-Aug. 9
No fee except for one-time $10
commitment fee.
Scholarships available (includes
dance clothing, shoes).
Ages 5-17. Classes in ballet, and tap for students,
regardless of training level. Not a full day camp.
The ARC Florida City
756 W. Palm Ave. • 305-246-3530;
305-759-8500 •
June 10–Aug. 9
Registration fee: $300
Scholarships available
ARC Florida City 2
777 W. Palm Dr. • 305-246-4933;
305-759-8500 •
June 10–July 26
Registration fee: $300
Scholarships available
Ages 5-14. With or without special needs. Literacy,
games/sports, social interaction, multimodal and sensory
activities, arts, family involvement, meals and field trips.
EnFamilia, Inc.
19308 SW 380th St., Florida City
305-245-7288 •
June 17-July 26
No fee
Donations help cover
transportation costs
Ages 11-18. Art-in-Action Summer Camp offers
community-building activities, arts exploration classes,
journaling, dance parties, scavenger hunts, teacher
performances, art field trips, and parent art workshops.
Includes lunch.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Cinco de Mayo Park
19350 SW 384th St. • 305-242-7930
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Sweet Vine Inc.
745 W. Palm Drive • 305-246-1193
June 17-July 31
Scholarships available
Registration: $40
Fee: $100
Ages 5-18. Reading, physical fitness, social skills,
family involvement, and art and cultural enrichment
activities improve academics and decrease
involvement in risky behaviors.
United Martial Arts Academy, Inc.
250 E. Palm Drive, Ste. 357
786-357-4255 •
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Weekly fee: $110
Sibling discounts available
Ages 5-18. Tutoring and mixed-gender martial arts
classes. Practices and exercises emphasize family,
overcoming adversity, cooperation and hard work.
WeCare of South Dade
Florida City Community Center, 420 NW 5th Ave.
June 17-July 31/Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 5-12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family
involvement, and art and cultural enrichment activities.
The Coalition of Florida Farmworkers
Organization (COFFO), Inc.
S. Dade Farmworker Center
778 W. Palm Drive • 305-247-4779
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy and tutoring support for reading,
writing and math; fitness; social skills development;
nutrition education; and ecology.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
Homestead Housing Authority
31263 SW 136th Way, #293
305-667-5543 •
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Goulds Park/CWD (Disabilities)
11350 SW 216th St. • 305-255-2399
Goulds Park
11350 SW 216th St. • 305-255-2399
June 10–Aug. 2/16
No fee except for one-time $10
commitment fee
Scholarships available
Ages 5-17. Classes in ballet, modern and tap for
students regardless of training level. Not a full-day
June 10–Aug. 9
No fee
Ages 6-22. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
June 10-Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
31263 SW 136th Way, #293
Belafonte TACOLCY Center
6161 NW 9th Ave. • 305-751-1295, Ext. 113
June 17–Aug. 8
One-time fee: $52 (registration and
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-14. Freedom Schools Summer Program
combines focus on reading with arts, computer
and recreational activities. Harambee! Component
emphasizes fitness, leadership training, civic
engagement and youth empowerment skills.
Communities in Schools
Miami Rescue Mission
2025 NW 1st Ave. • 305-572-2066
June 10–Aug. 16
One-time registration: $12
Ages 6-14. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, fitness, sports, arts and crafts, visual and
performing arts.
Foundation of Community Assistance
& Leadership/FOCAL
Moore Park Learning Center
765 NW 36th St. • 305-634-3570
June 10–Aug. 9; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
$50 one-time registration
Ages 7-14. Literacy, fitness and social skills
development. Computer classes, healthy lifestyles
and creative arts.
Miami Light Project
Goldman Warehouse • 404 NW 26th St.
305-576-4350 •
June 24-July 19.
Weekly fee: $125.
Scholarships available
Ages 13-18. Path Hip Hop Camp provides students
with hands-on experience to create artwork based on
elements of hip hop.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Eneida Hartner Elementary 401 NW 29th St.
305-357-6622 •
June 10-Aug. 9
No fee for Children’s Trust slots.
$40 registration fee; $115 weekly.
Ages 5-12. Exploration Camp. Reading and learning,
sports and games, arts and crafts, swims days, field
trips and more.
YWCA of Greater Miami
Santa Clara Elementary, 1051 NW 29th Terr.
305-377-9922 Ext. 221
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-14. Activities and enhancements include
arts & crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills,
field trips and cultural arts and are designed to build
nutritional, health and academic skills.
Carousel Learning Academy
470 NW 22nd Ave. • 305-456-0955
Weekly fee: $80; Weekly fee with
field trips: $98; Call to confirm
Ages 5-12. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor
activities, and some field trips.
Breakthrough Miami
Cushman School
592 NE 60th St. • 305-460-4359
June 17–July 26
No fee
Application process is closed; no
slots available
Ages 10-16. Educational courses including typical
academic subjects, as well as opportunities to explore
special interests in arts, debate, robotics and more.
Application required.
Easter Seals Miami Dade
1475 NW 14th Ave. • 305-547-4727
No fee. June 10-July 26
Ages 5-12. All-Star Creative Campers program
supports academics, sports, dance, art, storytelling
and other recreational activities for children with
disabilities in an inclusion setting.
Summer Programs
Call for details
Far South/Northeast
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Far South
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Easter Seals Miami Dade
Little Haiti Cultural Center
212-260 NE 59th Terr. • 305-547-4727
No fee. June 10-July 26
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
Mini-Med Summer Camp
4949 NE 2nd Ave • 305-751-8367, Ext. 22
Registration fee: $50
Fee: $400 for 5-week session
Grades 9-11. Weekly themes related to medicine such
as: Sports medicine, forensic science, emergency
medicine and summer internship.
Preps Summer Knights Camp
4949 NE Second Ave. • 305-751-8367 ext. 22
June 17 – July 19
Registration fee: $100 per week;
discounts available; scholarship
opportunities for intensive visual
arts camp
Entering grades 6-9. A new summer intensive
visual arts camp for middle school students who
demonstrate an affinity for the visual arts. A portfolio
and letter of recommendation is required. The school
also offers an athletics camp and performing arts and
musicianship camps.
Summer Knights Performing Arts Camp
4949 NE 2nd Ave • 305-751-8367, Ext. 22
Registration fee: $50
Fee: $500 for 5-week session
Grades 6-9. Learn the fundamentals of drama,
singing and musical instruments. Plus theatre and
stage production, set design and construction. Camp
culminates in Broadway-style production.
Miami Light Project
404 NW 26 St., Miami, FL 33127
305-576-4350 •
Ages 5-12. All-Star Creative Campers program
supports academics, sports, dance, art, storytelling
and other recreational activities for children with
disabilities in an inclusion setting.
Ages 14-18. Hip-Hop Camp: break-dancing, spoken
word, DJ-ing, choreography and more.
FANM Ayisyen Nan Miyami
NE 2nd Ave. • 305-756-8050
June 10–Aug. 2; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Registration fee: $100
Ages 5-12. Summer camp offers a variety of activities
to encourage literacy, arts, nutritional awareness and
physical fitness.
Gang Alternative
Community Church
311 NE 78th St. • 305-398-5985
June 10–July 26; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Ages 5-14. Guiding the Path to Success (GPS)
provides activities that include literacy enhancement,
physical fitness, health & nutrition, creative arts,
character-building, and parent-oriented activities.
Miami Theater Center
Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, 602 NE 96th St.
June 10-Aug. 9. $825, scholarships
Ages 6-12. Music Theater Summer Camp. Guiding
the Path to Success (GPS) provides engaging,
and enriching activities that includes literacy
enhancement, physical fitness, health & nutrition
services, creative arts, character-building, and parentoriented activities.
New Jerusalem Community
Development Corporation
777 NW 85th St. • 305-693-8323
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc.
UCP2 Early Beginnings Academy — North Shore
985 NW 91st St. • 305-835-9006
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Summer Programs
June 10–Aug. 9
$230 for 6-week session
Ages 5-14. Activities include: literacy and homework
support, physical fitnes, social skills development and
nutrition education.
June 10–July 26
No fee
Ages birth to 7. Special education, nursing and
transportation provided for children with disabilities.
Barry University
11300 NE Second Ave.
No fee
June 10-28
Ages 15-17. Summer Science Research Program for
at-risk students provides three weeks of handson science research and college life engagement
activities. SSRP research-rich experiences lay the
groundwork for future science careers.
Breakthrough Miami
Miami County Day School
601 NE 107th St.
305-479-9368 •
June 17–July 26
No fee
Ages 10-16. Summer Institute offers a variety of
educational courses as well as opportunities to
explore special interests in arts, debate, journalism,
languages, etc. Application required.
FANM Ayisyen Nan Miyami
8325 NE 2nd Ave. • 305-756-8050
June 10-Aug. 2
Registration fee $100.
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ages 5-12. Summer camp offers a variety of activities
to encourage literacy, arts, nutritional awareness and
physical fitness.
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church
1455 Memorial Highway
786-388-3000 •
June 10-July 26
Registration: $65 for new
applicants. Summer session:
$300 family.
Ages 5-15. (Completion of kindergarten required for
5 year olds.) Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts; also
literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement.
Field trips.
Museum of Contemporary Art
770 NE 125th St. • 305-893-6211
Dates vary
Non-member: $200; North Miami
residents and city employees: $150;
$112 per week for second child
Scholarships available
Ages 6-12. Creative Arts Program, art lessons range
from digital photography, 3-D design, drawing,
painting, and architecture to music and ecology.
Sessions are include an educational component.
Trinity Church
Holy Cross Lutheran Day School
650 NE 135th Ave.
305-893-0851 •
June 17–July 26
Registration fee: $60
Weekly fee: $60
Ages 5-14. Activities focus on reading, fitness, drama,
dance, visual arts, indoor games and arts and crafts.
Summer lunches and snacks provided. Freedom
School Model for integrated reading.
June 11–Aug. 3; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Community weekly fee: $190;
Barry employee/student weekly
fee: $135; Barry Alumni weekly
fee: $170; Daily fee: $60; sibling
discounts available
Ages 5-13. Instructional and recreational swimming,
physical education, arts and crafts, music, drama,
reading, writing and math instruction, dance,
computer time, arcade games, field trips and more.
Barry University
BUCkids Recreational Summer Camp
11300 NE 2nd Ave.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
Morningside Elementary
6620 NE 5th Ave. • 305-667-5543
June 10–Aug. 2/16
No fee except for one-time $10
commitment fee
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12. Classes in ballet, modern and tap
regardless of training level. Not a full-day camp.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Morningside Elementary School
6620 NE 5th Ave. • 305-357-6622
June 10–Aug. 9; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-12. Exploration camp. Sing-a-longs, games,
arts and crafts, nutritional awareness, swim days, field
trips and more.
City of North Miami
Gwen Cherry Park NFL/Yet Center
7090 NW 22 Ave • 305-694-4889
Ages 6-15. Theater and drama activities including
improvisation, acting technique, vocal training
and dance.
Ages 16 and up. Travel camp for teens and young
adults with learning disabilities, ADD/ ADHD, autism
and other special needs.
Get Smart Kids Academy
1565 NE 125th St. • 305-895-5993
Ages 1-5. Science, arts and crafts, cooking, picnics
and water play days.
Miami Country Day School
601 NE 107th St. • 305-779-7270
Ages 4-10. Arts and crafts, computers, drama, music,
field trips, swimming, theme days, fishing, canoeing
and special events.
Frontier Travel Camp
2000 NE 197th Terr, Miami, FL 33179
866-750-2267 •
Miami Shores Field House
9825 Park Drive • 305-758-6701
Ages 5-12. Sports, field trips and more.
South Florida Council Boy Scouts of America
Edison Park Elementary
500 NW 67th St.
305-364-0020, Ext. 231
June 10–July 19; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Free for students at Edison Park
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 5-12. Fun and enriching activities that support
social skills development, reading, writing, literacy
skills, career awareness, physical fitness, and
nutrition awareness.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Montessori Achievement Center
Special Needs School
10832 NE 6th Ave.
305-758-0410 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 6-13. Academics and recreational skills. Autodidactic Montessori materials. Specializing in children
with AD/HD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning
and developmental disabilities.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Montessori Satellite Center
Dual Language Center for Toddlers
10870 NE 6th Ave.
305-758-0410 •
Montessori School of North Miami
Dual Language Elementary and Middle School
695 NE 123rd St. • 305-893-5994
Abriendo Puertas Governing Board
of E. Little Havana
1810 NE 153rd St.
305-649-6449, Ext. 234 •
June 11–July 22
Registration fee: $30
Weekly fee: $50
Ages 5-14. Academics and social skills development.
Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and
team-building skills.
Ages 3-12. Reading, recreation and tutorial programs.
Swimming lessons in the summer. Auto-didactic
Montessori materials.
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
Evangel Church
590 NW 159th St. •786-388-3000 •
June 10–July 26; Registration fee:
$65 for new applicants; Summer
session: $300 family, sliding scale
Ages 5-15. (Completion of kindergarten required for 5
year olds.) Whiz Kidz emphasize the arts, literacy, fitness,
social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.
Trinity Church
North Campus
17801 NW 2nd Ave. • 305-970-0886
June 17–July 26
Registration fee: $60
Weekly fee: $60
Ages 5-14. Activities focus on reading, fitness, drama,
dance, visual arts, indoor games and arts and crafts.
Summer lunches and snacks provided. Freedom
School Model for integrated reading.
United Cerebral Palsy Association
of Miami, Inc. – UCP4 Diamond Minds
1160 NW 159th Drive • 305-623-4438
June 17–Aug. 9; 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.,
early bird drop-off additional fee
Registration fee: $100
Weekly fee: $10
Grades K-8. Focus on academics, physical and social
development. Innovative summer camp includes
attention to FCAT and SAT prep. Transportation for
CWD (under 5).
YMCA of Greater Miami - Natural Bridge Elementary
1650 NE 141st St. • 305-357-6622
June 10-Aug. 9; 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
No fee for Children’s Trust slots.
$40 registration fee and
Ages 5-12. Exploration camp. Sing-a-longs, games,
arts and crafts, nutritional awareness, swim days,
field trips and more.
Abriendo Puertas, Inc.
Gateway 4 Square Church • 1620 NE 148th St.
305-649-6449 Ext. 234 •
Call for fee information.
Ages 5-18. Reading/literacy, math, fitness, social
skills health/wellness, music, karate, field trips, dance
and arts.
Residents: $150 per session
Non-residents: $260 per session
Ages 6-13. Swimming, indoor and outdoor games,
tournaments, arts and crafts, field trips and
theme parties.
Residents: $180 per session
Non-residents: $270 per session
Ages 8-14. Swimming, sports, nutritional clinics and
field trips.
Weekly fee: $150
Daily fee: $35
Ages 4-15. Play on the blue courts, learn proper tennis
technique and play games. Pizza party on Fridays.
July 2–Aug. 10; 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Weekly fee: $25-100
Sliding scale
Ages 5-21. Prepares children with special needs to
return to mainstream schools. Improves behavior, and
fosters physical and intellectual well-being.
City of North Miami Beach Parks & Recreation
Allen Park/DeLeonardis Youth Center
1770 NE 162nd St. • 305-948-2927
Registration fee: $35; Weekly fee:
$55 (subject to change); discounts
for two or more children
Grades 4-9. Sports camp – Improve athletic skills,
leadership, and confidence.
Julius Littman Performing Arts Theater
17011 NE 19th Ave. • 305-948-2957
Call for details
Ages 7-15. Theater Camp.
Melissa “Missy” Williams Washington Park
Community Center
15290 NE 15th Court • 305-948-2915
Registration fee: $35; Weekly fee:
$55 (subject to change); discounts
for two or more children
Ages 5-14. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports,
games, field trips and special events. Available to
NMB residents only.
Ronald A. Silver “Y.E.S” Youth Enrichment
Services Center
17051 NE 19th Ave. • 305-948-2972
Registration fee: $35; Weekly fee:
$55 (subject to change); discounts
for two or more children
Ages 5-14. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports,
games, field trips and special events.
City of North Miami
Enchanted Forest - Elaine Gordon Park
1735 NE 135th St. • 305-895-9840
Highland Village Community Center
13621 NW 21 Ave., North Miami, FL 33181
Registration fee: $35; Weekly fee:
$55 (subject to change); discounts
for two or more children
Ages 5-14. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports,
games, field trips and special events.
MVP Sports Camp Keystone Center
13050 Ixora Court • 305-895-9840
Uleta Community Center
16880 NE 4th Ave. • 305-652-3658
Registration fee: $35; Weekly fee:
$55 (subject to change); discounts
for two or more children
Ages 5-14. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports,
games, field trips and special events. Available to
NMB residents only.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Oak Grove Park
690 NE 159th St. • 305-944-8670
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Quality United Education
Robinson Tutoring & Taekwondo
655 NW 128th St. • 305-218-5868
June 10–Aug. 16
One-time registration fee: $35
Weekly fee: $35 for first child; $30
for second child
Ages 5-14. Camp activities support literacy and social
skill development with a special emphasis on fitness
through martial arts training.
The Family Christian Association of America
14701 NW 7th Ave. (Call to confirm locations)
305-685-4881, Ext. 231 or 236
Call for details
Ages 5-12. Comprehensive educational, recreational,
social and leadership experiences.
Penny Sugarman Sans Souci Tennis Center
1795 Sans Souci Blvd. • 305-893-7130
Concerned African Women
Miami Norland Senior, 1050 NW 195th St.
June 10–July 31
No fee
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 6-12. Academic acceleration, cultural
exploration and early prevention through reading,
physical fitness, social skill development, nutrition
education, and cultural awareness enhancement. Also
African drumming & dance.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
Babcock Park
651 E. 4th Ave • 305-818-9143
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Southeast Park • 1015 SE Ninth Ave. • 305-818-9143
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Walker Park
800 W. 29th St. • 305-818-9143
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
Iglesia Buen Pastor
310 E. 5th St.
786-388-3000 •
June 10–July 26
Registration: $65 for new
applicants; Summer Session: $300
family, sliding scale
Ages 5-15 (completion of kindergarten required for
5-year-olds). Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts; also
literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement.
Field trips.
YMCA of Greater Miami
St. John Apostle Elementary School
479 E. 4th St. • 305-357-6622
June 10–Aug. 9; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-12. Dance Express - modern, jazz and hiphop. Activities also foster literacy, fitness, character
development and nutritional awareness.
Cool Kids Learn
Parkway Elementary School
1320 NW 188th St. • 305-653-0066
Ages 5-18. Reading/literacy, fitness, social skills
health/wellness, music, karate, dance and arts.
June 10–Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $20
7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Neytz haChochma, Inc.
901 NE 167th St. • 305-945-7443
Summer Programs
Ages 18 months-3 years. Ongoing dual language
(English-Spanish) Montessori program. Guided outdoor
curriculum filled with fun activities. Swimming lessons
and Mommy and Me swimming programs.
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Lincoln Martí School
90 W. 11th St. • 305-883-1222
Call for details
Ages 5-12. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field
trips and more. Pool.
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
Wilde Park • 1701 West 53rd Terrace
305-818-9143 •
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Goodlet Adult Center • 900 W. 44th Place • 305-8189143
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
June 17-Aug. 9
$25 administration fee per family.
One-time $150 per camper fee.
Ages 5-7. Literacy, tutoring, arts, mentorship, computer technology, life skills and conflict resolution.
Teen Center • 4722 NW 165th St. • 305-624-1690 •
June 17-Aug. 9
$25 administration fee per family.
One-time $150 per camper fee.
Ages 12-18. Literacy, tutoring, mentorship, computer
technology, basic life skills, conflict resolution, activities
and culture/arts. Children’s Defense Fund camp.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Royal Oaks Park • 16500 NW 87th Ave. • 305-3576622 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration: $40 Weekly fee: $115.
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Ages 5-12. Fine Arts camp. Dancing, singing, acting,
creating projects and more. Activities also help to
strengthen reading and literacy.
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
McDonald Park • 7505 W. 12th Ave.
305-823-6828 •
June 10–Aug. 2
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, field trips and more.
Swimming lessons.
Palm Lakes Park • 7450 W. 16th Ave.
305-557-1231 •
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, field trips and more.
Swimming lessons.
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
N. Hialeah Baptist Church
5800 Palm Ave. • 786-388-3000 •
June 10–July 26; Registration fee:
$65 for new applicants; Summer
session: $300 family; sliding scale
Ages 5-15 (and program for hearing impaired up to
22). Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, literacy, fitness,
social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.
Program Success
5800 Palm Ave. • 786-388-3000 •
June 10–July 26; Registration fee:
$65 for new applicants; Summer
session: $300 family; sliding scale
Ages 10-18. Program Success, especially for children
w/disabilities includes arts; also literacy, fitness,
social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.
Walker Community Center
800 W. 29th St. • 305-883-6324
Big Star Private School
4240 W. 12th Ave. • 305-558-4884
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration: $50
Weekly fee: $100
Ages 3-12. Sports, indoor/outdoor activities, field trips
and more.
Happy Children Academy
1927 W. 68th St. • 305-826-1379/305-826-3235
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
Goodlet Park
4200 W. 8th Ave. • 305-556-4567
June 10-Aug.2
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor
games and field trips.
Sparks Park
1301 W. 60th St. • 305-821-3425
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor
games, field trips and more.
June 10-July 26
Registration fee: $ $65
Fee: $285 for all seven weeks.
Ages 5-14. Music, sports, field trips and more.
City of Hialeah
Bright Park
750 E. 35th St.• 305-818-9143
June 10 - Aug. 16.
Registration: $20
Weekly: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Cotson Park
520 W. 23rd. St. • 305-818-9143
June 10 - Aug. 16.
Registration: $20
Weekly: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
June 10-July 26
Registration fee: $ $65
Fee: $285 for all seven weeks.
Ages 5-14. Music, sports, field trips and more.
North Hialeah Baptist School
5800 Palm Ave. • 305-557-2821
City of Hialeah
Hoffman Gardens • 7650 W. 8th Ave.
305-818-9143 •
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
South Florida Youth Symphony
Miami Lakes Congregational Church
6701 Miami Lakeway South
305-238-2729 •
Scholarships available
Ages 7-17. Intensive full-day summer music camp
for beginners to advanced on all instruments, theory,
composition, music appreciation and music history,
keyboard, voice and steel pan.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, swimming, indoor/
outdoor games and more. Free lunch and snack.
Fee: $80-$100 depending on age.
Call for information
Ages Infant to 7 years old. Arts and crafts, special
events and more. Field trips.
Performing Arts Summer Camp
Rhythm and Pitch School of Performing Arts
5715 NW 159th St. • 786-360-5472
Registration fee: $34
Weekly fee: $135
Ages 5-17. Learn musical instruments, music theory,
vocal techniques, chorus, cheerleading, dnce, musical
theater, drama, Improv and more. This camp also
features field trips and physical education.
South Florida Youth Symphony
Miami Lakes Congregational Church
6701 Miami Lakeway South • 305-238-2729
July 15-26
Fee: $300
Ages 5-17. All instruments, music theory, music history,
and small and large ensembles. A free concert will be
given on final Friday of camp.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Norman and Jean Reach Park • 7895 NW 176th St.
305-357-6622 •
June 11–Aug. 17; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-12. Fine Arts camp. Dancing, singing, acting,
creating projects and more. Activities also help to
strengthen reading and literacy.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Country Village Park • 6550 NW
188th Terrace • 305-622-2594
June 10-Aug. 16; Registration
fee: $12; General camp $40-$90 a
week. Call for more information.
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Norman and Jean Reach Park • 7901 NW 176th St.
305-823-2414 •
June 10-Aug. 16; Registration
fee: $12; General camp $40-$90 a
week. Call for more information.
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Country Club of Miami • 6801 NW 168th St.
305-828-8456, ext. 249; 561-702-9202
June 10-Aug. 16
Registration fee: $12
Full-day session: $225 weekly
Half-day session: $175 weekly
Ages 8-15. Kids will learn the fundamentals of golf
from resident instructor and golf pro, Larry Levow.
Putting, short games, full swing, bunkers, rules and
etiquette. Tuesday–Friday full- and half-day sessions.
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12. Activities support reading, fitness and
social skills. Field trips, special interest clubs, art and
music workshops and parent activities.
Teen Up-Ward Bound, Inc.
4784 NW 167th St. • 305-624-1690 •
O’Quinn Park • 6051 W. Second Ave. • 305-8189143
Summer Programs
North Hialeah Baptist School
5800 Palm Ave. • 305-557-2821
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Centro Mater Childcare West
8298 NW 103rd St. • 305-357-4395
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Centro Mater Childcare West II
7700 NW 98th St. • 305-362-9701
Ages 5-12. Reading, fitness and social skills. Field
trips, art classes, science projects and sports. Healthy
breakfast, lunch and snacks included.
City of Hialeah
Slade Park After Care/Camp • 2501 W. 74th St. 305818-9143 •
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Weekly fee: $80
Ages 6-12. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, indoor/outdoor activities and field trips.
Community Coalition
Wise Kidz, 2760 W. 84th St., Ste.14
305-820-5081 or 786-586-2713
June 10–July 26
Enrollment fee: $75
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Ages 6-12. Summer Camp activities include literacy,
physical fitness, enrichment activities, and nutritious
snacks and lunches.
Kidworks USA
8155 W. 8th Ave. • 305-822-5437
June 10- Aug. 15.
Early Bird $89/week; regular rate $99
weekly. Cap rate $129/week. Scholarships available. 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Ages 5-12. Literacy, physical activities, family
involvement, field trips and computer technology. 6:30
a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc.
UCP3 Early Beginnings • 2700 W. 81st St.
305-826-2018 •
June 10–July 26
No fee
Ages birth-7. Special education, nursing and
transportation provided for children with disabilities.
Ben Sheppard Elementary School
5700 W. 24th Ave. • 305-556-2204
June 10-Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $100; $90 if child
qualifies for free or reduced lunch.
Ages 4-11. Academic skill building, field trips, arts
and crafts, indoor and outdoor games and more.
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
Bucky Dent Park • 2250 W. 60th St.
305-818-9168 •
June 11–Aug. 17
Free; With sports (boys and girls):
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor
games, field trips and more. Basketball league
available for additional fee.
Lincoln Martí School
7675 W. 32nd Ave. • 305-826-4214 •
Call for details
Ages 5-13. Reading, drama, art, music, sports, field
trips and more.
Call for details
Ages 3-12. Developmentally appropriate practices,
field trips, on-site petting zoo. Accredited.
Paradise Christian School
6184 W. 21st Court • 305-828-7477
Cool Kids Learn
Skyway Elementary School • 4555 NW 206th Ter.
305-621-5830 •
Opa-Locka North 20000 NW 47th Ave. • 305-623l9631 •
June 10–Aug. 16
Weekly fee: $85
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Summer Programs
June 11–July 22
Registration fee: $30
Weekly fee: $50
Ages 5-14. Academics and social skills development.
Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and
team-building skills.
June 10-July 31
Fee $300
Ages 5-14. For children with significant medical needs
and their siblings. Swimming & field trips.
June 10-Aug. 16
Registration: $12
General camps $40-$90 weekly.
Call for more information
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Community Crusade Against Drugs
of South Florida
18457 NW 37th Ave. • 305-914-3791
June 10-!ug. 2
Free for children residing at
183rd/187th St. apartment complex
Ages K-8. CDF Freedom School camp curriculum
includes fitness, social skills development, nutrition
education, field trips and performing arts training.
Cool Kids Learn
Barbara Hawkins Elementary
19010 NW 37th Ave.
305-624-2615 •
June 10–July 21
Registration fee: $30
Weekly fee: $50
Ages 5-14. Academics and social skills development.
Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and
team-building skills.
The Children’s Village/Resource Room
19715 NW 37th Ave. • 305-621-1929
June 10–Aug. 14
One-time Registration: $15
Weekly fee: $45
Ages 5-12. Literacy support, fitness, social skill
development, nutrition education, and a special
entrepreneurial program.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
Betty T. Ferguson Rec. Center
3000 NW 199th St. • 305-667-5544
June 10–Aug. 2/16
One-time $10 commitment fee and
nominal monthly Rec. Center fee
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12. Classes in ballet and tap for students
regardless of training level. Not a full day camp.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — North Glade Park • 17355 NW 52nd
Ave. • 305-621-2461 •
Abundant Living Citichurch
3001 NW 22nd Ave. • 305-637-3558
June 17–July 26
Registration fee: $25 for one child,
$20 each for two or more
Ages 6-12. Daily physical activity and focused reading
activities, as well as weekly computer, social skills
and performing arts classes.
Thumbelina Learning Center
3580 W. 84th St. • 305-556-8116
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration fee: $100 (waived if
full 10 weeks paid in advance)
Weekly fee: $50
Ages 5-15. Literacy and physical fitness are the focus.
Activities include: field trips. Breakfast, lunch and
snacks included. Transportation available.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Westland Gardens Park YMCA
13501 NW 107th Ave. • 305-357-6622
June 10–Aug. 9; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115 for
qualifying residents
Ages 5-12. Exploration Camp. Arts and crafts, games,
field trips, swim days and more. Activities also help to
strengthen reading and literacy.
Cool Kids Learn
Lorah Park Elementary
5160 NW 31st Ave.
305-633-1424 •
June 10–July 22
Registration fee: $30
Weekly fee: $50
Ages 5-14. Academics and social skills development.
Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and
team-building skills.
City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation
Casas Park, 7900 W. 32nd Ave.
305-882-0293 •
June 10-Aug. 2
Free; With sports:
Hialeah residents: $15
Non-residents: $45
Ages 6-17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor
games, soccer and more. Program opens at 2 p.m.
Dominican-American National Foundation
2885 NW 36th St. • 305-637-8337
June 10–Aug. 16
Weekly fee: $25
Scholarships available
Ages 5-11. Builds self-esteem, confidence,
discipline, positive attitude and values. Reading,
arts and crafts, community service and martial arts.
Snacks and field trips.
Magic City Kids
1300 NW 50th St.
June 10–July 26; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration fee: $50
Weekly fee: $25
No scholarships available
Ages 6-13. Read, Lead, Succeed! strengthens
achievement in reading, math and science. Literacy
for an hour daily, cooking classes, social skills development, and a variety of other engaging activities.
Miami Bethany Community Services
Church of the Nazarene • 2490 NW 35th St.
305-638-2283 •
June 17–July 26
Registration fee: $80
Ages 6-14. Reading, life skills, physical fitness and
educational/recreational field trips.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Martin Luther King Jr. Park
6000 NW 32nd Court • 305-633-2044
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-14. Literacy, reading, physical fitness, social
skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family
events, field trips and supervised free play.
Regis House, Inc.
Methodist Church of Melrose
3108 NW 34th St. • 305-642-7600
June 10–July 31; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Weekly fee: $30
Ages 6-12. Camp helps to strengthen social, literacy
and fitness skills. Includes focus on building selfconfidence and awareness of substance abuse risks.
Field trips.
Experience Aviation
New Opa-Locka
15001 NW 42nd Ave., Suite 103
305-537-9291 •
June 17–Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $125
Scholarships available
Ages 6-17. Summer Academy supports science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (S.T.E.M.)
skills. Students learn about aerodynamics, robotics,
rocketry, green technology and also to fly using
flight simulators.
The Portrait of Empowerment
780 Fisherman St., 2nd Floor
June 10–Aug. 9
No fee
Ages 5-14. Literacy support, fitness, social skill
development, nutrition education and family
involvement activities.
The Family Christian Association of America
14701 NW 7th Ave. (Call to confirm location)
305-685-4881, Ext. 231, 236 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration fee: $35
Weekly fee: $65
Ages 5-12. Comprehensive educational, recreational,
social and leadership experiences.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Allapattah Family Center School
2370 NW 17th Ave. • 305-635-9622
June 10–Aug. 9; 7 a.m.-4 p.m.6
Registration: $40
Weekly fee: $110
Ages 6-12. Exploration camp: sing-a-longs, arts
and crafts, games, nutrition, social skills, field trips
and more.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open
Spaces — African Heritage Cultural Arts Center
6161 NW 22nd Ave. • 305-638-6771
June 10-Aug.
Registration fee: $12
General camps: $40-$90 weekly.
Call for more information. Financial
aid and scholarships available.
Ages 6-16. Visual arts, dance, fashion design, musical
theater, drama, instrumental and vocal music.
Marva Y. Bannerman Park
4830 NW 24th Ave. • 305-633-4064
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Olinda Park
2101 NW 51st St. • 305-633-4066
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Village of Allapattah Family Branch
2370 NW 17th Ave. • 305-635-9622
June 10-Aug. 2; Weekly fee: $90
members/ $110 non-members.
Financial aid available
June 10-Aug. 16. $12 one-time
registration; $40 weekly. Further
discount available.
Ages 6-14. Program provides daily schedule of
literacy, fitness, sports, arts and crafts, visual and
performing arts.
Multi-Ethnic Youth Assoc. (MEYGA Girls)
6306 NW 14th Ave., Ste. 242 • 305-693-6000
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Girls ages 6-17. Activities to improve reading, health
and fitness (dance) and leadership skills. Field trips.
Lincoln Martí School
2111 NW 103rd St. • 305-696-2511
Call for details
Ages 5-8. Reading, art, sports and field trips.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Arcola Lakes Park
1301 NW 83rd St. • 305-836-5095
June 10-Aug.
Registration fee: $12
General camps: $40-$90 weekly.
Call for more information. Financial
aid and scholarships available.
June 10–Aug. 2; Two 4-week
sessions, each $100, or $200 for 8
weeks; scholarships available
Ages 5-16. Arts and crafts, literacy and social skills
activities, sports, team-building and field trips.
Miami Dade College North Campus
11380 NW 27th Ave. 305-237-1691 •
June 10-July 5. $35 application
fee; $300 for 4-week program.
Scholarships available.
Ages 14-17. Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Summer
Science Camp. For youth interested in careers in
scientific fields; uses instrumentation and critical
thinking as a development tool.
City of North Miami
Discovery Performing Arts Camp
Sunkist Grove Community Center • 12500 NW 13th
Ave. 305-895-9840, ext. 12212 •
Residents: $160 for two-week
session; Non-residents: $240 for
two-week session
Ages 6-14. Theater program with improvisation,
acting technique, vocal training and dance. Field trips.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Miami Christian School • 200 NW 109th Ave.
305-357-6622 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $115
Children’s Trust slots: $40
Financial aid available
Ages 5-12. Sing-a-longs, arts and crafts, reading and
learning, sports and games, field trips, swim days,
and so much more.
Doral Conservatory and School of the Arts
2900 NW 109th Ave. • 305-471-4417
June 17-Aug. 2
Registration: $55
Fee: $260 for two-week session
Ages 2-16. Outdoor activities, arts, theater
techniques, singing, dancing, world music, gymnastics
and etiquette.
Call for more information
Ages 5-17. Intensive and professional baseball
training. Hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching, catching,
speed, agility and strength.
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Arcola Park • 1680 NW 87th St.
305-835-7987 •
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips. Cheerleading/Dance Camp.
Gwen Cherry Park - NFL/YET Center
7090 NW 22nd Ave. • 305-694-4889
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Little River Park • 10525 NW 24 Ave.
305-694-5121 •
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Experience Aviation
Glenn Curtiss Mansion
500 Deer Run • 305-537-9291
June 17–Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $125
Scholarships available
Grace Lutheran Learning Center
254 Curtiss Parkway • 305-888-3220
Call for information
Ages 5-12. Field trips, computers, swimming, outdoor
games, arts and crafts and more.
June 10-Aug. 2
Registration fee: $50
Weekly fee: $384
Ages 4-12. Therapy summer camp (2 sessions) for
children with autism. 2-1 ratio. Swim program, verbal
and behavioral support, music therapy.
I Smile
150 Hibiscus Drive • 305-883-5007
Aromn’s Academy Baseball Camp
Palm Springs North Park
17200 NW 82nd Ave. • 305-731-1737
Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc.
Northwest Club, 10915 NW 14th Ave.
305-758-5753 •
Communities In Schools of Miami
NFL YET Center • 7090 NW 22nd Ave.
305-694-4889 •
Summer Programs
Ages 4-12. Leadership development, field trips,
games, sports, arts and crafts, dance, swimming and
nutrition education. Camp takes place next door to
center at Comstock Elementary.
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
Ages 6-17. Supports science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (S.T.E.M.) skills. Students learn
about aerodynamics, robotics, rocketry, green
technology and also to fly using flight simulators.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc.
Hank Kline Club
2805 SW 32nd Ave. • 305-446-2654
June 10–Aug. 2
$450 for 8 weeks
Scholarships available
Ages 5-16. Literacy and social skills activities, arts
and crafts, sports, team-building and field trips.
Breakthrough Miami/College Bound
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3747 Main Highway
June 17–July 26
No fee
Application process closed; no
slots available
Ages 10-16. Summer Institute offers a variety of
educational courses as well as opportunities to
explore special interests in arts, debate, journalism,
languages, etc. Application required.
Ransom Everglades School
2045 S. Bayshore Drive
June 17–July 26
No fee
Application process closed; no
slots available
Ages 10-16. Summer Institute offers a variety of
educational courses as well as opportunities to
explore special interests in arts, debate, journalism,
languages, etc. Application required.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
Elizabeth Virrick Park
3255 Plaza St. • 305-667-5543
June 10–Aug. 2/16
No fee except for a one-time $10
commitment fee
Scholarships available
Ages 3-12. Classes in ballet, modern and tap for
students regardless of training level. Not a full day camp.
Shake-A-Leg Miami
2620 S. Bayshore Drive
305-858-5550, Ext. 119
June 10-July 26
$75 one-time registration fee.
Scholarships available. Before care
and after-care available $40/week.
Grades 3-6 (some availability for 2nd grade). Academy
Camp. Focus on literacy, science, water sports and
enrichment activities.
July 8-Aug. 12
Weekly fee: $350
Ages 3-14. Girls study a language (French, Spanish,
Chinese or English/ESOL), dance, sing, act, bake and do
art and science projects. Swimming and computer lab.
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
3747 Main Highway • 305-446-5673 ext. 340, 2341
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Miami Learning Center
2710 SW 37th Ave., Suite 200
786-270-0562 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration: $50
Weekly fee: $185
Ages 5-17. FCAT preparation, homework/academic
tutorial (all subjects), self-esteem and critical thinking
development, and extracurricular activities.
Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
5818 SW 73rd St. • 305-667-5543
June 10–Aug. 2/16
Fees at this site range from
$75-$1500 for 5-8 weeks and are
dependant upon skill level and age
Ages 3-18. Classes in ballet for students regardless of
training level.
City of South Miami
South Miami Community Center
5800 SW 66th St. • 305-668-7232/ 305-668-3878
June 7-Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $30 residents; $75
Scholarships available
Ages 5-15. Focus on improving academic and social
skills. Physical activity, nutrition, field trips and
family enrichment.
Area Stage Company
1560 S. Dixie Highway • 305-666-2078
Stage I and II (5 to 15 years) runs
June 10-29 or July 1-20: $750.
Stage III (15+) runs from July
1-Aug. 18: $850.
Ages 6-18. Conservatory Summer Program provides
intensive performing arts training, coupled with an
enriching and enlightening experience in the classroom,
rehearsal room, and on stage in front of an audience.
Urgent, Inc.
Youth Empowerment
5202 University Drive, 315 Merrick Bldg.
786-439-1544 •
June 17-July 26
Single registration: $30
Family registration: $40
$45 regular weekly fee. 9 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. Transportation to camp
site available.
Ages 6-13. For girls only. Activities include
cheerleading, dance, arts, swimming, sciences, social
skills, entrepreneurship and etiquette.
Funcamps @ UM
University of Miami
400 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste. 470
305-666-2992 •
June 10-Aug. 2
Fees/supplies: $455 for two weeks
Ages 5-14. Magic Camp, Game Tech Institute, Amazing
Science Camp, Jurassicamp, Space & Rocket Camp
and Camp Idol.
Hurricane Aquatics
Learn to Swim Program and Summer Camp
1306 Stanford Dr. • 305-284-4713
June 3-Aug.
Weekly fee: $260
Call for info on discounts
Ages 5-12. Swimming, diving, trampoline skills, arts
and crafts, and more. For special needs, please let
them know in advance.
iD Tech Camps — University of Miami
1305 Stanford Drive • 888-709-8324, option 1
June 10-July 6
$799-$999 per weeklong session,
depending on course
Ages 7-18. Intensive, weeklong courses: computers,
game and Web design, programming, film, photography
and graphic arts. Includes sports, games and more.
Campers must be at least 8 by the end of the year.
University of Miami Office of
Research Administration
5202 University Drive, 315 Merrick Bldg.
No fee
Ages 13-17. Hands-on wellness and laboratory
experiences, field trips, guest speakers, daily physical
activity and team sport periods.
Wise Choice University of Miami Summer Camp
Orange Key Room 1306 Stanford Dr.
305-630-3600 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration fee: $50;
Weekly rate: $200; $225 Fitness
and Game camp
Ages 5- 14; 9-14 Fitness and Game Camp. Program
offers indoor and outdoor activities that help develop
social skills and advance academically. Activities
include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball, dodge
ball, and relay races and swim sessions at the
Tamiami Park outdoor pool.
Greater Miami Youth Symphony
South Miami Senior
6856 SW 53rd St.
305-667-4069 •
July 15-Aug. 9
Sliding tuition scale
Scholarships available
No child turned away for
financial reasons
Ages 5-18. Music training and instruction at all musical and instrumental skill levels. Musical activities
include ensembles, recitals, gala concerts, workshops
for improvisation, sight-reading, conducting and more.
O’Farrill’s Learning Center
6741 SW 24th St.
June 10–Aug. 9
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Grades K-5. Activities promote literacy, fitness, social
skills building, family involvement, nutrition, arts,
cultural awareness, and health and wellness.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Summer Programs
YMCA of Greater Miami
David Fairchild YMCA Summer Camp
5757 SW 45th St. • 305-357-6622 •
June 10–Aug. 2
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-15. Daily homework help and activities to
support literacy, fitness, character development,
nutrition education and expressive arts.
Fantasyland Learning Center
8670 SW 40th St. • 305-227-2285
Weekly fee: $85
Ages 5-12. Field trips, dance, judo, nutrition, reading,
field trips and more.
Kendall Music Studios
4120 SW 88th Ct.
305-386-2537 •
Call for information
Ages 6-10. Piano, guitar, dance and movement,
drums, singing and chorus.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — A.D. “Doug” Barnes Park Sense of
Wonder Nature Center • 3401 SW 72nd Ave.
305-662-4124 •
Registration fee: $12
Weekly fee: $111
Call for dates
Ages 6-8. Nature Detectives Camp.
Ages 9-14. Nature Explorers Camp.
Fishing Camp (freshwater) at Tropical Park
7900 SW 40th St. • 305-662-4124
July 22–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $12
Weekly fee: $125
Ages 9-15. For kids who love fresh water. This camp
is designed for kids who love freshwater and want
to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology and
safe boating skills.
Camp Gulliver
Gulliver Academy • 12595 Red Road
305-665-3593 •
June 3–June 28
Weekly fee: $300
Ages 6-10. A myriad of enriching activities, sports,
and indoor/outdoor fun including games, technology,
engineering, arts and crafts and swimming.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Continental Park and
Tennis Center • 10000 SW 82nd Ave.
305-274-9666; 305-271-0732 (Tennis)
Call for dates and prices
Ages 6-14. General camps include sports, swimming,
arts and crafts, board games and field trips.
Ages 5-15. Tennis Camp.
Camp on the Sea at Matheson Hammock Park
9610 Old Cutler Rd.
Registration fee: $12
Weekly fee: $175
Call for dates
Ages 12-17. Camp on the Sea: campers will explore
the coastal waters and off-shore coral reefs through
snorkeling, kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding.
Participants must pass swim test.
Breakthrough Miami
Palmer Trinity School
7900 SW 176th St. • 305-460-4359
June 17–July 26
No fee
Application process closed; no
slots available
Ages 10-16. Educational courses including typical
academic subjects, as well as opportunities to explore
special interests in arts, debate, robotics and more.
Application required.
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
West Perrine S.H.A.R.E.
9811 Wayne Ave. • 786-388-3000 •
June 10–July 26
Registration fee: $65 for new
applications; Summer fee: $300 per
family, sliding scale
Ages 5-15. (Completion of kindergarten required for 5
year olds.) Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts; also literacy,
fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.
Greater Miami Youth Symphony
Deering Estate
16701 SW 72nd Ave.
305-267-3002 •
July 15-Aug. 9
Sliding tuition scale; Scholarships
available; No child turned away for
financial reasons.
Ages 5-18. Summer Camp provides music training
and instruction at all musical and instrumental
skills levels. A variety of musical activities include
ensembles, recitals, gala concerts, workshops for
improvisation, sight-reading, conducting and more.
Kids Learning Center of South Dade
11500 Quail Roost Dr.
786-573-3017 •
June 10–Aug. 15
No registration fee
Weekly fee: $70
Ages 5-12. Nutrition, physical fitness, literacy,
enrichment clubs; drama, arts, music, dance and
character education.
Knowledge Builders of Florida, Inc.
Colonial Drive Park, 10750 SW 156th Terr.
305-234-1645 •
June 10- Aug. 15
No registration fee, $70 weekly fee.
Ages 5-12. Nutrition, physical fitness, literacy,
enrichment clubs; drama, arts, music, dance and
character education.
Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club
RPOC Youth Activity Center
18055 Homestead Ave. • 305-233-9325
June 10–July 31
No fee
Ages 6-13. Reading, physical fitness, field trips,
tutoring, art & crafts, FCAT preparation.
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
16900 SW 100th Ave. • 305-233-9325
June 10–July 31
No fee
Ages 6-13. Reading, physical fitness, field trips,
tutoring, art & crafts, FCAT preparation.
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
The Technology Center/The Carrie Brazer Center
for Autism
16905 SW 100th Ave. • 305-271-8790
The South Florida Boys Choir
Robert Russa Moton Elementary
18050 Homestead Ave. • 786-242-0460
June 10-Aug. 2
$50 weekly. Scholarships available.
Ages 6-17. Summer Music Institute for children/youth
from under-served communities with no formal vocal
training. Shares the joys, discipline and rewards of
music to transform lives.
Deering Estate Summer Camp:
Nature, History, Archaeology
Deering Estate at Cutler
16701 SW 72nd Ave. • 305-235-1668, Ext. 222
Call for dates and fees
Ages 6-18. Experience nature and learn about South
Florida’s history, archaeology, plants and animals
at the Deering Estate, Miami’s window to the past.
Camps are grouped by age and include EcoExplorers,
Expedition Deering, Junior Naturalists. Activities
include snorkeling, hiking, biking and CPR certification,
depending on age group.
Hero Martial Arts
17049 S. Dixie Highway • 305-232-4376
Call for dates and fees
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Palmetto Golf Course
9300 SW 152nd St.
305-235-1069 • 305-238-7507
Registration fee: $12
Weekly fee: $300 full-day; $175
half-day. Call for dates.
Ages 5-15. Basics of golf, tournaments, golf Olympics,
field trips and awards. Prizes daily.
Sgt. Joseph Delancy Park
14450 Boggs Drive
305-235-4503 •
Call for dates and fees
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Southridge Park
11250 SW 192nd St.
786-293-4549 •
Call for dates and fees
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
West Perrine Park
10301 SW 170th Terrace
Call for dates and fees
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
June 17-Aug. 6
No fee for Children’s Trust slots.
$225 registration fee. Sliding scale
for weekly fee.
Ages 13-22 for children, youth diagnosed with autism
spectrum disorder. Cognitive tutoring, social skills
training, music therapy.
Ages 3 and up. Martial art classes by age and skill level.
Traditional and Olympic-style tae kwon do. Self-defense,
concentration, coordination, confidence and fitness.
Call for details on fee, dates and
additional campuses.
Ages 18 months-12. Sports, games, field trips, arts
and crafts, swimming , ceramics, drama, archery
and more. Camps take place at the school’s various
campuses, depending on age group.
Fit Kids of America/Trinity Church
9395 Bird Road • 305-207-0022
June 10–Aug. 9
One-time registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $88
Scholarships available
Ages 5-14. Focus on fitness and team sports in indoor
air-conditioned gym. Camp also supports literacy,
social skills and youth development, and includes
enrichment such as art, music, dance and drama.
Tiny Town/Kids Paradise
Childcare Learning Center
3700 SW 107th Ave. • 305-553-1168
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. Enrichment and tutorial activities;
academics and technology; social and leadership
skills; and physical education and health.
La Viña del Señor/Kidz XLs
3801 SW 97th Ave. • 786-449-9875
June 10–Aug. 2
No registration fee, Weekly fee: $50
Scholarships for Children’s Trust
Ages 5-14. Arts, computers, reading, fitness, dance
and field trips.
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 15-21. Disabilities. Literacy and reading, physical
fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and
meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Tamiami Park
11201 SW 24th St.
305-222-2128 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Summer Programs
The Roxy Theatre Group, Inc.
1645 SW 107th Ave. • 305-226-0030
June 17–Aug. 9
No registration fee
Weekly fee: $52.50, sliding scale
Ages 5-15. Performance-oriented program. Literacy
activities. Each day includes a performance area:
dancing, acting or singing.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Miller Drive Park
5510 SW 94th Court • 305-271-0812
Registration fee: $12; Weekly fee:
$75 (includes supplies, field trips,
T-shirts); Scholarships available
Call for dates.
Ages 6-16. Summer Arts in the Parks. Instruction
includes visual arts, dance, fashion design, musical
theater, drama, instrumental and vocal music.
Rockway Park
9460 SW 27th Drive • 305-223-8769
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Tamiami Park
10901 SW 24th St. • 786-315-5295
Registration fee: $12
Weekly fee: $100
Call for dates
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips. Basketball Camp: ages 8-14.
Cheerleading/Dance Camp: ages 6-14.
Tamiami Tennis Center
11201 SW 24th St. • 305-480-2099
Call for details
Ages 6-15. Tennis Camp: learn the fundamentals of
the game and practice your skills.
Tropical Estates Park
10201 SW 48th St. • 305-226-5782
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Adults Mankind Organization, Inc.
Step Up After School Program
11025 SW 84th St., Building 11
305-271-5121 •
Project Thrive
11025 SW 84th St., Cottage # 7
305-279-4141 •
ARC West Kendall
11025 SW 84th St., Cottages # 5 & 6
305-279-4141 •
Alexander Montessori School
Alexander Camp
14850 SW 67th Ave. • 305-235-3995
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
June 10–July 26
$50/one-time fee/waiver for low
income families. 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., before and after-care
Ages 5-12. Core activities include fitness, literacy and
social skills. Summer enrichment activities include
martial arts, cooking, science, music, and theater.
July 10–Aug. 9
Fee: $300
Ages 1-5. Literacy, games, sports, social interaction,
arts, yoga lessons, swimming, family involvement,
meals and field trips.
July 10–July 31
Fee: $300
Ages 5-14. Literacy, games/sports, social interaction,
arts, yoga lessons, swimming, family involvement,
meals and field trips.
Kayleen’s Learning Center
10855 SW 72nd St., #30 • 305-274-5553
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 5-12. Literacy and technology, social and
leadership skills, parent involvement, fitness and art.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Snapper Creek Elementary School
10151 SW 64th St.
305-357-6622 •
June 10–Aug. 2; 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115
Ages 5-12. Exporation Camp. Reading and learning,
sports and games, arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, swim
days, field trips and more.
June 10-July 31
Camp fee: $300
Ages 4-13. For children with significant medical needs
plus their siblings. Certified reading teacher and daily
enrichment activities.
June 17–Aug. 9
Scholarships based on sliding scale
Ages 5-16. Camp for youth with, or at risk for, behavioral,
emotional and learning problems. Parents participate in
weekly parent training to develop the skills needed to
support their child’s behavior change at home.
ACE Academy
11025 SW 84th St., Cottages 5,6 & 7
305-279-3064 •
FIU Board of Trustees/
Center for Children and Families
Miami Christian School • 11200 SW 8th St.
305-348-0477 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
FIU Board of Trustees/ENLACE Miami
University Park
11200 SW 8th St. • 305-226-1622
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces/CWD — Coral Estates Park
1405 SW 97th Ave. • 305-226-1622
June 17–July 26
One-time registration fee, sliding
Ages 10-14. Literacy support through individualized
software-based reading intervention, social skills
development, applied science, health and fitness
education, and a unique chess curriculum.
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 6-21. Disabilities. Literacy and reading, physical
fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and
meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Arts & Culture
10251 W. Flagler St./ Women’s Park
305-755-5455 •
June 10–Aug. 16
Weekly fee: $75
Scholarships available
Ages 11-16. At GEM Summer Arts Camp, dance,
theater, drawing, literary arts, guest speakers and
field trips help participants strengthen personal
development, self-esteem and empowerment.
Fantasyland Learning Center
9600 SW 8th St., Ste. 13 & 14
Weekly fee: $85
Ages 5-12. Fitness, computers, reading, nutrition and
field trips.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Rubén Darío Park
9825 W. Flagler St.
305-222-2194 •
Call for dates and fees
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
YMCA of Greater Miami
YMCA/FIU Environmental & Coastal Sciences Camp
10200 SW 8th St. • 305-357-6622
Ages 10-15. Theme-based summer camp with a focus
on environmental sciences. Also literacy, fitness,
nutrition education and expressive arts.
Art Atelier
14101 S. Dixie Highway, Ste. C
Concordia Lutheran School
8701 SW 124 St. • 305-235-0160
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Summer Programs
June 10-Aug. 16
Registration fee: $20
Half-day: $125 per week
Full-day: $225 per week
Ages 6-13. Painting, drawing, mosaics, sculpture,
photography, mixed media art and dancing. Two
sessions: morning and afternoon.
June 17-Aug. 7
Registration fee: $90
$575 for 4-week session
$1,050 for two sessions
Ages 1-9. Sports, field trips, ceramics, movies,
computers, chapel, music and movement, cooking,
bowling, yoga, arts and crafts, and water activities.
Cool Kids Learn
Richmond Heights Middle School
15015 SW 103rd Ave. • 305-826-9595
Call for info on fees, dates
and ages
Academics and social skills development.
Miami Dade College
Kendall Campus Kids/Teen College
11011 SW 104th St. • 305-237-2976
June 10-Aug. 9
Fees: $110 per week; $179 two
weeks. $35 weekly for lunch
Ages 7-17. A wide range of activities including public
speaking, dance, photography, video, math and
reading, automobile design, sports, painting, science,
nature, and more.
Kendall Campus Wild Things Happen
11011 SW 104th St. • 305-237-2161
June 10-Aug. 9
Weekly fee: $149
Ages 5-11. Swimming, crafts, sports, computers, arts and
crafts, dance and more. Field trips and lunch included.
Miami Stage Company/Miami Children’s Theater
Alper JCC • 11155 SW 112th Ave.
July 8-Aug. 2
Registration fee: $35
4 weeks: $975
8 weeks: $1,700
Ages 5-12. Creative Camps; Musical theater, dance,
music, video production, magic, creative writing
and field trips. Public performances showcase the
students. Broadway Bound Camp also for ages 12-17.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Briar Bay Golf Course
9375 SW 134th St. • 305-528-4817
June 10-Aug. 9
Half day: $175 weekly
Full day: $300 weekly
Ages 7-17. Basics of golf. Play in tournaments. Also
includes field trips and awards.
Devon Aire Park • 10411 SW 122nd Ave.
305-270-4951 •
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Ron Ehmann Park • 10995 SW 97th Ave.
305-271-3853 •
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Wise Choice Kendall Summer Camp –
Wise Choice Tutoring Center • 10481 N. Kendall Dr.,
Suite D-200. 305-630-3600
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration fee: $50;
Weekly rate: $200
Description: Ages 5- 14; Program offers indoor and
outdoor activities that help develop social skills and
advance academically. Activities include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball, dodge ball, and relay racesand
swim sessions at the Tamiami Park outdoor pool.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Suniland Park• 12855 Pinecrest Parkway
305-234-7755 •
Call for details
Ages 5-12. Leadership development, field trips,
games, sports, arts and crafts, swimming and nutrition
education. Soccer camp, basketball camp, tennis camp.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc.
Kendall Club
9475 N. Kendall Drive
305-279-3013 •
June 10–Aug. 2
$650 for 8-week session (fee
includes two field trips per week)
Scholarships available
Ages 5-13. Literacy and social skills activities, arts
and crafts, sports, team building and field trips.
Dave and Mary Alper JCC
11155 SW 112th Ave.
305-271-9000, Ext. 271
June 17–Aug. 9
Registration fee: $275
Regular tuition: $2,210 for 8 weeks
No more scholarships available
Ages 8-13. Habimah Performing Arts Summer Camp.
Children engage in dance, drama, art and music.
Schedule includes rehearsals and set design — all
elements of theater.
June 17-Aug. 9
JCC members only; Regular tuition:
$2,100; No more Children’s Trust
scholarships available
Ages 4-22. Camp Tikvah specially designed for
children cognitive and/or physical disabilities.
Screening required.
Registration fee: $35
$850 per 4-week session
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12 and 13-18. Two performing arts summer
camps. 4-week sessions end in a full-blown main
stage show complete with lights, costumes and sets.
June 17–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $225
Sliding scale for weekly fee
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. Fun-filled marine science themed-based
summer camp for children diagnosed with Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in an inclusive setting.
Therapists and certified special education teachers
work with children.
Hope for Miami/ Family & Children Faith Coalition
Pinelands Presbyterian Church
10201 Bahia Drive
305-235-1142 •
June 10–July 26
Registration fee: $65 for new
applicants; Summer session: $300
family, sliding scale
Ages 5-15. (Completion of kindergarten required for
5 year olds.) Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts; also
literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement.
Field trips.
June 17–Aug.2; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Weekly fee: $75
Ages 5-10. Program for children with autism; 2:1 ratio.
Develops social, communication, motor and educational
skills; arts and crafts; and community building.
West Perrine S.H.A.R.E. 10201 Bahia Drive
305-235-1142 •
June 10–July 26
Registration fee: $65 for new
applicants; Summer session: $300
family, sliding scale
Ages 5-15. (Completion of kindergarten required for
5 year olds.) Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts; also
literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement.
Field trips.
11155 SW 112th Ave.
305-271-9000, Ext. 264
Miami Children’s Theater
11155 SW 112th Ave.
305-274-3595 •
The Technology Foundation/The Carrie Brazer
Center for Autism
8790 SW 94th St. • 305-271-8790
University of Miami-Nova Center for
Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
Atlantis Academy • 9600 SW 107th Ave.
305-284-6563 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Greater Miami Youth Symphony
S. Dade Cultural Arts Center
10950 SW 211 St. • 305-667-4069
July 15-Aug. 9
Sliding tuition scale; Scholarships
Town of Cutler Bay
Cutler Ridge Park
10100 SW 200th St. • 305-238-4166
June 10-Aug. 16
Registration fee: $10
Weekly fee: $60
Ages 6-13. Activities promote literacy, fitness and
social interaction. Swimming and field trips
June 17-Aug. 9
Camp fees: $4,699 for 8 weeks
Ages K-16. Children’s Summer Treatment Program
(STP) and the Summer Treatment Program for
Adolescents. Award-winning program provides
treatment for children and adolescents with ADHD,
and behavioral, emotional and learning problems.
Group and tailored treatment plans implemented by
trained paraprofessionals.
Center for Children and Families
ACH 1 Rm. 140, 11200 SW 8th St.
Wise Choice Florida International University
Summer Camp
FIU Stadium Club • 11200 SW Eighth St.
305-630-3600 •
June 10-Aug. 9
Registration fee: $50; Weekly rate:
$200; $225 Fitness and Game camp
Ages 5- 14; 9-14 Fitness and Game Camp. Program
offers indoor and outdoor activities that help develop
social skills and advance academically. Activities
include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball, dodge
ball, and relay racesand swim sessions at the
Tamiami Park outdoor pool
Sanrau Corp.
Lago Mar Preschool II
12871 SW 42nd St. • 305-382-9796
June 10-Aug. 16
Weekly fees for Children’s Trust:
$65, sliding scale
Weekly fees for others: $100
Ages 5-12. Art, music, literature, karate, dance,
cooking classes and fun “theme” weeks.
YMCA of Greater Miami
Mother of Christ School
14141 SW 26th St. • 305-357-6622
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $40
Weekly fee: $115
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-12. Exploration Camp. Reading and learning,
sports and games, arts and crafts, swims days, field
trips and more.
YWCA of Greater Miami
South Miami Heights Elementary
12231 SW 190th Terr. • 305-377-9922 Ext. 221
No fee for Children’s Trust slots
Ages 5-14. Activities and enhancements include
arts & crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills,
field trips and cultural arts and are designed to build
nutritional, health and academic skills.
The Guardian Angel Preschool
19150 SW 117th Ave. • 305-233-2275
Call for details
Ages 5-11. Arts and crafts, educational activities,
computers and field trips.
No fee
Ages 6-21. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces/CWD — Westwind Lakes Park
6805 SW 152nd Ave. • 305-388-4771
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Colonial Drive Park
10750 SW 156th Terrace
305-242-7930 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Summer Programs
Eureka Park
18320 SW 119th Ave.
305-235-2151 •
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Eureka Villas Park
14301 SW 180th St.
305-254-5856 •
Call for details
Ages 6-14. Arts and crafts, enrichment activities,
active games and exercise.
Westwind Lakes Park
6805 SW 152nd Ave.
305-380-9106 •
Call for details
Ages 6-21. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Zoo Miami
12400 SW 152nd St. 305-251-0400
June 17-Aug. 9
Scholarships available.
Weekly tuition: $195; $175
for zoo members
Ages 4-13. Zoofari Summer Camp engages children in
science exploration, hands-on biofact investigations
and animal encounters.
Registration fee: $80
Weekly fee: $60-$100
Scholarships available for each of
the three programs
1) Dance education for children ages 3-17 with no
previous training. 2) A professional dance company
for youth, ages 7 to 17. 3) Autism Movement Therapy
sessions for children on the spectrum, ages 5-19.
Ages 5-18. Summer Camp provides music training
and instruction at all musical and instrumental
skills levels. A variety of musical activities include
ensembles, recitals, gala concerts, workshops for
improvisation, sight-reading, conducting and more.
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Miami Dance Project
7460 SW 117th Ave.
305-595-1115 •
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Kendale Lakes Park
7850 SW 142nd Ave. • 305-315-5295
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
McMillan Park
6125 SW 133rd Ave.
305-382-6407 •
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Red Berry’s Baseball World
7455 SW 125th Ave.
305-279-2668 •
Call for details
Ages 4-12. Baseball camp with lots of positive
reinforcement and fun.
Just Kids Centers East
12470 SW 8th St. • 305-221-0011
June 10–Aug. 16; Registration fee:
$40; Weekly fee: $35
Ages 5-12. Music, dance, arts and crafts, physical
fitness, drama, literacy, chess and computer skills.
Just Kids Centers West
14268 SW 8th St. • 305-221-0011
June 10–Aug. 16; Registration fee:
$40; Weekly fee: $35
Ages 5-12. Music, dance, arts and crafts, physical
fitness, drama, literacy, chess and computer skills.
Belen Jesuit Preparatory School
500 SW 127th Ave • 786-621-4610
June 17-Aug. 2; Registration fee:
$100; 7-week session: $1,075
4-week session: $735
Ages 4-14. Field trips, arts and crafts, sports,
computers, talents shows and more.
Registration fee, no weekly fee.
June 10-Aug. 9. 8 am to 4 p.m.
Ages 5-12. Activities encourage healthy behaviors
through a focus on fitness, sports, literacy, reading, social
skills development, supervised free play, family events,
field trips. Nutritious lunch and snacks are served.
June 10–Aug. 9
No fee
Ages 6-21 (with special needs). Literacy and reading,
physical fitness, social skills development, healthy
snacks and meals, family events, field trips and
supervised free play.
After School Care Network dba Smart Kids
Glendale Missionary Baptist Church 14580 SW 117
Ave. • 786-973-5059 •
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Camp Matecumbe
13841 SW 120th St.
305-752-4966 •
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.
Special Needs
Necesidades especiales
Bezwen espesyal
Summer Programs
Creative Learning Center
12455 SW 104th St.
June 10-Aug. 2
Registration fee: $25
Half day: $250 for two weeks
Ages 21/2-7. Gymnastics, water play, edible cooking
art, computers, arts and crafts and more. Swimming
available for ages 4 and up (additional fee).
Heritage School
13300 SW 120th St.
305-232-2222 •
Call for details
Ages 3-8. Sports, swimming, computers, arts and
crafts, and more. New summer enrichment program
designed to help kids get an academic edge in the
school year.
Call for details
Ages 6-12. Youth Expressing Powerfully (YEP),activities
to help to improve literacy, math, business skills,
fitness, social skills development and nutrition
education. Unique financial prosperity curriculum.
June 10–Aug. 16
No fee
Ages 14-21. Literacy and reading, physical fitness,
social skills development, healthy snacks and meals,
family events, field trips and supervised free play.
Unity Center of Miami
16320 SW 147th Ave. • 305-232-9503
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open
Spaces/CWD — Westwind Lakes Park
6805 SW 152nd Ave. • 305-380-9106
Sanrau Corp.
Lago Mar Preschool I
15732 SW 72nd St. • 305-382-9796
June 10–Aug. 16
Weekly fee: $100
Children’s Trust weekly fee: $65
Ages 5-12. Art, music, literature, karate, dance,
cooking classes and fun “theme” weeks.
Tiger Dragon Group, Inc.
15560 SW 72nd St.
June 10–Aug. 16
Registration fee: $55 for new students; Weekly fee: $100 (includes
lunch and snacks)
Ages 5-15. Literacy and homework help, fitness,
social skills development, nutrition education, and
a unique Martial Arts and Japanese language and
cultural curriculum.
Bowman F. Ashe Elementary School
6601 SW 152nd Ave. • 305-386-6667
Call for details
Call for details
Carlmar, Inc.
Town Center School
10201 Hammocks Blvd., #149
June 10–Aug. 16; 6 a.m.-7 p.m.
Registration fee: $35
Weekly fee: $70
Scholarships available
Ages 5-12. Literacy, fitness, art, cooking and field
trips to the Miami-Dade library located nearby and
computer workshops. “Themed” weeks.
Kingdom Academy
9010 SW 157th Ave. • 305-385-3761
June 10–Aug. 15
Registration fee: $30; Weekly fee:
$80-$160, sliding scale based on
need; Scholarships available
Ages 5-12. Academics, cognitive development, socialemotional skills, nutrition awareness, soccer, karate,
music and art.
Miami-Dade College
Hammocks Middle School • 9889 Hammocks Blvd.
305-237-0905 •
Camp fee: $185 per two-week
session; Call for more details
Latin Jazz Experience (ages 12-17): Play with local
Latin Jazz artists and instructors. Camp Wannadraw
Fine Arts & Crats (ages 12-17): learn to create in clay,
acrylic, paint, pencil, plaster, printing and more. Art
Portfolio (ages 12-14): Learn new techniques and
create portfolio for magnet schools.
Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and
Open Spaces — Hammocks Community Park
9885 Hammocks Blvd. • 305-380-6917
Call for more details
Ages 6-14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board
games and field trips.
Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings.
financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21.
b Programas
Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.