low-pressure centrifugal fans
low-pressure centrifugal fans
LOW-PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL FANS WITH MULTI-BLADE OR BACKWARD-CURVED IMPELLERS According EU Regulation OUR COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT Sodeca has begun a new stage of study and design of new trends in ventilation which will help to preserve the environment and to make the energy saving which so much concerns today’s society. SODECA has concentrated its activity on the production of industrial fans, ventilation systems and extractors for the removal of smoke in case of fire since 1983, when it was founded. SODECA’s fans and extractors are present in all European countries and in many parts of the world, thanks to the quality of the product and the methods of research and development used. Our quality procedures used and certified by BUREAU VERITAS, in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, are another of the reasons which make SODECA one of the best and most renowned fan manufacturers in Europe. Without a doubt, the most important factor to achieve our objectives is the human factor, the great professionals who work at your service, offering not only ventilation equipment but also solutions to any ventilation need required by our customers. We sincerely offer you the possibility of visiting our facilities in Sant Quirze de Besora, with over 16,000 square metres of built area, where you will be able to see our fan manufacture with perfect clarity and with the highest standards of quality, complying with the ISO and AMCA standards. This catalogue is only a small part of our possibilities. Do not hesitate to contact us. We will put all our experience and our human resources at your disposal. To obtain an improvement in energy efficiency of fans and of ventilation facilities, the engineering department of Sodeca has balanced the energy consumption of the fans with their maximum performance, in the habitual areas of work. This has required a restructuring of the curves and their presentation in this and future Sodeca catalogues. installations headquarters of SODECA s.a., at Sant Quirze de Besora and manufacturing plant in Santiago de Chile. LOW-PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL FANS CBXT Making serving market demand a priority, Sodeca has expanded the manufacture of low pressure fans creating a complete catalogue to satisfy our customers’ requirements.. TSAT The manufacture of these low pressure galvanised sheet metal fans uses our multi-blade impellers with forward facing blades crimped in a steel disc and reinforced through the centre with a double disc, or backward curved impellers with riveted or soldered backward curved blades depending on size. The thickness of the sheet metal makes them highly robust. The casings have aerodynamic sides that together with the vent deflectors prevent turbulence formation and reduce the fan sound level. You’ll find solutions to your ventilation challenges with the the fans we present in this low pressure fan catalogue: . Double-inlet fans . Single-inlet fans . Fans for smoke extraction CDXRT . With a direct motor and multi-blade impeller with forward-facing blades . Belt-driven fans and multi-blade impeller with forward-facing blades . Belt-driven fans and backward-curved impeller with backward-facing blades . With galvanised sheet box or aluminium profile The union of the experience acquired over decades of work in the fans manufacture together with the technology supplied by our engineering department has made it possible for Sodeca to become one of the largest manufacturers of ventilation in the world. CSXRT NEW SERIES. NEW PRODUCTS. NEW CATALOGUES. NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Ask us for information AXIAL AND ROOF FANS CENTRIFUGAL AND IN-LINE DUCT FANS LOW-PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL FANS FANS FOR SMOKE EXTRACTION FANS FOR ATEX EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR HOUSES HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS AND FILTRATION UNITS FOR DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS Crta. de Berga, km 0.7 E-08580 St. Quirze de Besora BARCELONA (Spain) Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax.+34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com www.sodeca.com AIR CURTAINS FULFILMENT OF STANDARDS SODECA's fans and extractors comply with the following standards: QUALITY ISO 9001:2008 Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos. Quality management systems -- Requirements TESTS ISO 5801 Ventiladores industriales. Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways AMCA 210-99 Ventiladores industriales. Métodos de ensayos de ventiladores y su representación de ensayos. Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating UNE 100212:1990 Ventiladores. Dispositivos e instalaciones para el ensayo de ventiladores. ISO 13350 Ventiladores industriales. Ensayos de comportamiento de ventiladores de chorro. Industrial fans -- Performance testing of jet fans ISO 13348 Industrial fans -- Tolerances, methods of conversion and technical data presentation FANS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES EN 12101-3:2002 Sistemas de control de humos y calor. Parte 3: Especificaciones para aireadores extractores de humos y calor mecánicos. Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators ACOUSTICS ISO 3744 Acústica. Determinación de los niveles de potencia acústica de fuentes de ruido a partir de la presión acústica. Método de ingeniería para condiciones de campo libre sobre un plano reflectante. Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure -- Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane BALANCE AND VIBRATIONS ISO 1940-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Calidad de equilibrado Mechanical vibration -- Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state -- Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances ISO 10816-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Evaluación de las vibraciones de máquinas Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 1: General guidelines ISO 14694 Ventiladores industriales. Especificaciones para equilibrado y niveles de vibración Industrial fans -- Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels SAFETY (Declaration of EC Compliance) EN ISO 12100-1 Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 1: Terminología básica, metodología. Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology EN ISO 12100-2 Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 2: Principios técnicos. Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 2: Technical principles EN 60204-1 Seguridad de las máquinas. Equipo eléctrico de las máquinas. Parte 1: Requisitos generales. Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements EN 294 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores Safety of machinery; safety distances to prevent danger zones from being reached by the upper limbs ISO 13857 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores e inferiores. Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by upper and lower limbs UNE 100250 Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mecánica de los ventiladores (equivalente ISO 12499) ISO 12499 Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mécanica en los ventiladores Industrial fans -- Mechanical safety of fans -- Guarding DIRECTIVES Directiva 2006/42/CE Directiva de máquinas Machinery Directive Directiva 2006/95/CE Directiva de baja tensión Low Voltage Directive Directiva 2004/108/CE Directiva compatibilidad electromagnética EMC Directive Directiva 89/106/CE Directiva productos de construcción Construction Products Directive (CPD) ATEX EXECUTIONS Directiva ATEX 94/9/CE Aparatos y sistemas de protección para uso en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 14986 Diseño de ventiladores para trabajar en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas. Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 13463-1 Equipos no eléctricos destinados a atmósferas potencialmente explosivas. Parte 1: Requisitos y metodología básica. Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Basic method and requirements EN 1127-1 Atmósferas explosivas. Prevención y protección contra la explosión. Parte 1: Conceptos básicos y metodología. Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology Fans and ventilation units DOUBLE-INLET WITH DIRECT MOTOR CBD CBD 3V CJBD CJBD/AL CJBC CJBC/ECO TWIN Double-inlet centrifugal fans with direct motor Ventilation units with direct motor and two independent fans 8 Ventilation units with direct motor and double-inlet fan 13 Exhaust fans and compact extraction units for direct operation 15 19 Fans and ventilation units DOUBLE-INLET WITH BELT-DRIVEN MOTOR CBX CBXC CBXR CJBX CBXT CJBX/AL Low-pressure, double-inlet belt-driven centrifugal fans 21 Fans and ventilation units SINGLE-INLET WITH BELT-DRIVEN MOTOR TSA TSAT CJTSA Belt-driven fans with single-inlet 6 40 Belt-driven ventilation units with double-inlet fan 31 Fans and ventilation units DOUBLE-INLET WITH BELT-DRIVEN MOTOR WITH BACKWARD-CURVED IMPELLERS CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Double-inlet belt-driven fans 48 Fans and ventilation units SINGLE-INLET WITH BELT-DRIVEN MOTOR WITH BACKWARD-CURVED IMPELLERS CSXR CSXRT CJSXR 56 Single-inlet belt-driven fans Fans FOR SMOKE EXTRACTION 400ºC/2h - 300ºC/1h CBDT CJBDT Centrifugal doubleinlet and direct motor fans for working inside fire danger zones 400ºC/2h and 300ºC/1h, with possibility of singlephase motor Extraction units to work inside fire danger zones at 400ºC/2h and 300ºC/1h, with soundproof box 68 CJTX-C 400ºC/2h extraction units with inside belt-driven motor and automatic belt tensing device 68 CJSX 72 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with single-inlet fan CJSRX 81 400ºC/2h centrifugal fans with backwards-curved impeller CSX 87 400ºC/2h centrifugal beltdriven fan 87 7 CBD CBD 3V CBD: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forward-facing blades CBD 3V: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forward-facing blades three speed Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Fan with PSB feet High-quality, robust impeller, dynamically balanced in accordance with ISO-1940 Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and threephase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. Order code CBD 2525 CBD: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forward-facing blades CBD 3V: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forward-facing blades three speed Impeller size in mm mm inches 1919 7/7 2525 9/9 2828 10/10 3333 12/12 3939 15/15 4M 3/4 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz 3V Power motor (c.v.) With 3 speed motors Technical characteristics Model Maximum Speed (r/min) Equivalent in inches Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V Installed Power (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) Sound Level dB(A) CBD-1919-4M 1/5 1230 7/7 1.75 0.15 1520 59 CBD-1919-6M 1/10 820 7/7 0.98 0.07 1230 53 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 1320 9/9 3.30 0.37 2800 66 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 1310 9/9 4.50 0.55 3600 70 CBD-2525-6M 1/5 850 9/9 1.50 0.15 2200 60 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 830 9/9 2.40 0.25 2700 62 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 1320 10/10 3.30 0.37 2800 65 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 1310 10/10 4.50 0.55 3950 70 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 830 10/10 2.40 0.25 3200 62 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 900 10/10 4.40 0.55 3600 64 CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 900 12/12 6.60 3.80 1.10 7800 75 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 850 12/12 5.00 0.55 4900 64 CBD-3333-6M 1 850 12/12 6.30 0.75 6000 71 CBD-3939-6T 3 890 15/15 10.90 6.30 2.20 11900 75 CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V 1230 7/7 1.75 0.15 1520 59 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V 1320 9/9 3.3 0.37 2800 66 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V 1310 9/9 4.5 0.55 3600 70 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V 830 9/9 2.4 0.25 2700 62 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V 1320 10/10 3.3 0.37 2800 65 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V 1310 10/10 4.5 0.55 3950 70 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V 830 10/10 2.4 0.25 3200 62 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V 900 10/10 4.4 0.55 3600 64 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V 850 12/12 5 0.55 4900 64 CBD-3333-6M 1 3V 850 12/12 6.3 0.75 6000 71 8 Approx. weight (Kg) 7.0 7.0 13.2 14.0 11.5 12.7 15.7 16.5 15.2 21.0 24.5 23.0 24.0 39.0 7 13.2 14 12.7 15.7 16.5 15.2 21 23 24 CBD Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Maximum speed Model CBD-1919-4M 1/5 CBD-1919-6M 1/10 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 CBD-2525-6M 1/5 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6M 1 CBD-3939-6T 3 63 29 23 36 40 30 32 35 40 32 34 45 34 41 48 125 44 38 51 55 45 47 50 55 47 48 60 49 56 62 250 55 49 62 66 56 58 61 66 58 60 71 60 67 74 500 63 57 70 74 64 66 69 74 66 68 79 68 75 81 1000 65 59 72 76 66 68 71 76 68 70 81 70 77 84 2000 64 58 71 75 65 67 70 75 67 69 80 69 76 83 4000 63 57 70 74 64 66 69 74 66 67 79 68 75 81 Model CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 1 3V 8000 55 49 62 66 56 58 61 66 58 60 71 60 67 73 63 29 36 40 32 35 40 32 34 34 41 125 44 51 55 47 50 55 47 48 49 56 250 55 62 66 58 61 66 58 60 60 67 500 63 70 74 66 69 74 66 68 68 75 1000 65 72 76 68 71 76 68 70 70 77 2000 64 71 75 67 70 75 67 69 69 76 4000 63 70 74 66 69 74 66 67 68 75 8000 55 62 66 58 61 66 58 60 60 67 Dimensions in mm CBD- 1919...3333 CBD- 3939 A B1 B2 E E1 G H K L UxS V X x1 x2 CBD-1919 Model Equiv. in inches 7/7 315 333 189 152 64 - 144 230 208 9x13 225 258 - - CBD-2525 9/9 380 400 218 183 78 - 182 300 263 9x13 275 328 - - CBD-2828 10/10 422 450 246 202 73 - 204 326 292 9x17 315 355 - - CBD-3333 12/12 493 526 290 230 82 - 236 387 345 9x17 390 415 - - CBD-3939 15/15 553 632 348 265 - 30 - 473 404 9x17 406 500 533 406 9 CBD Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CBD 10 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CBD Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CBD 3V 11 CBD Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CBD 3V Accessories INT 12 C2V RM AR RFT AET PSB CJBD CJBD/AL CJBD: Soundproof ventilation units fitted with double-inlet fans, CBD series CJBD/AL: Soundproof ventilation units with aluminium profiles fitted with double-inlet fans, CBD series Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable input • CJBD/AL: with aluminium profiles Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and threephase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 60ºC. CJBD Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • With circular inlet CJBD: Includes base stand to aid installation CJBD/AL Order code CJBD CJBD: Soundproof ventilation units CJBD/AL: With aluminium profiles 2525 Impeller size in mm mm inches 1919 7/7 2525 9/9 2828 10/10 3333 12/12 3939 15/15 6M 1/3 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz Power motor (c.v.) Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL 1919-4M 1/5 1919-6M 1/10 2525-4M 1/2 2525-4M 3/4 2525-6M 1/5 2525-6M 1/3 2828-4M 1/2 2828-4M 3/4 2828-6M 1/3 3333-6T 1 1/2 3333-6M 3/4 3333-6M 1 3939-6T 3 1230 820 1320 1310 850 830 1320 1310 830 900 850 850 890 Equiv. Maximum admissi- Installed Power ble current (A) in (kW) Inches 230V 400V 7/7 7/7 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 12/12 12/12 12/12 15/15 1.75 0.98 3.30 4.50 1.50 2.40 3.30 4.50 2.40 6.60 3.80 5.00 6.30 10.90 6.30 0.15 0.07 0.37 0.55 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.25 1.10 0.55 0.75 2.20 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 1520 1230 2800 3600 2200 2700 2800 3950 3200 7800 4900 6000 11900 Approx. weight Sound (Kg) pressure level dB(A) CJBD CJBD/AL 58 53 66 70 59 61 65 70 61 74 63 70 74 19.4 19.4 28.1 28.9 26.4 27.6 33.0 33.8 32.5 47.9 46.4 47.4 71.8 22.5 22.5 31.8 32.6 30.1 31.3 37.3 38.1 36.8 53.8 52.3 53.3 80.0 13 CJBD CJBD/AL Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CJBD-1919-4M 1/5 CJBD-1919-6M 1/10 CJBD-2525-4M 1/2 CJBD-2525-4M 3/4 CJBD-2525-6M 1/5 CJBD-2525-6M 1/3 CJBD-2828-4M 1/2 63 43 38 51 55 44 46 50 125 54 49 62 66 55 57 61 250 58 53 66 70 59 61 65 500 62 57 70 74 63 65 69 1000 64 59 72 76 65 67 71 2000 63 58 71 75 64 66 70 4000 62 57 70 74 63 65 69 8000 53 48 61 65 54 56 60 Model CJBD-2828-4M 3/4 CJBD-2828-6M 1/3 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBD-3333-6M 3/4 CJBD-3333-6M 1 CJBD-3939-6T 3 63 55 46 59 48 55 61 125 66 57 70 59 66 72 250 70 61 74 63 70 77 500 74 65 78 67 74 81 1000 76 67 80 69 76 83 2000 75 66 79 68 75 81 4000 74 65 78 67 74 80 Dimensions in mm CJBD Model Equiv. in Inches A B C E D1xD2 G1 L K 7/7 450 460 500 74 364x404 278 216 238 CJBD-1919 CJBD-2525 9/9 500 522 550 74 426x454 314 268 305 CJBD-2828 10/10 550 575 600 74 479x504 353 296 330 CJBD-3333 12/12 650 650 700 74 554x604 413 346 390 CJBD-3939 15/15 800 755 800 74 659x704 475,5 411 482 CJBD/AL Model Equiv. in Inches CJBD/AL-1919 7/7 A B C E L K 460 460 460 75 216 238 CJBD/AL-2525 9/9 520 520 520 75 268 305 CJBD/AL-2828 10/10 575 575 575 75 296 330 CJBD/AL-3333 12/12 650 650 650 75 346 390 CJBD/AL-3939 15/15 755 755 755 85 411 482 Characteristic Curves Accessories See characteristic curves, CBD series. INT 14 C2V RM AR RFT AET TEJ VIS 8000 65 56 69 58 65 71 CJBC CJBC/ECO CJBC: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing with constant pressure control. Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable input • CJBC/ECO: It incorporates a low-pressure switch and speed regulator by means of a frequency converter to maintain a constant pressure Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and threephase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. CJBC CJBC/ECO On request: • With circular inlet Example of use SELF-REGULATING CONTROL OPTION MOISTURE REGULATING CONTROL OPTION CJBC CJBC/ECO BE ALIZE BE ALIZE-H EA EA-A-HY 15 CJBC CJBC/ECO Order code CJBC 2525 CJBC: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing with constant pressure control. 6M Impeller size in mm mm inches 1919 7/7 2525 9/9 2828 10/10 3333 12/12 3939 15/15 1/3 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz CIR Power motor (c.v.) Circular inlet/ outlet Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 CJBC-3333-6M 1 CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T 3 CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 1230 820 1310 830 1310 830 850 900 890 900 890 Equivalent Inches 7/7 7/7 9/9 9/9 10/10 10/10 12/12 12/12 15/15 12/12 15/15 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V Installed Power (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 1.75 0.98 4.50 2.40 4.50 2.40 6.30 6.60 3.80 10.90 6.30 6.6 3.8 10.9 6.3 0.15 0.07 0.55 0.25 0.55 0.25 0.75 1.10 2.20 1.1 2.2 1368 1107 3240 1980 2430 2880 5400 7020 10710 7020 10710 Sound pressure Approx. weight (Kg) level dB(A) 58 53 70 61 70 61 70 74 74 74 74 15.7 15.7 23.3 22.3 27.3 26.2 38.3 38.7 58.0 40.6 60.0 Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Maximum speed Model CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 63 43 38 55 46 55 46 125 54 49 66 57 66 57 250 58 53 70 61 70 61 500 62 57 74 65 74 65 1000 64 59 76 67 76 67 2000 63 58 75 66 75 66 4000 8000 62 53 57 48 74 65 65 56 74 65 65 56 Model CJBC-3333-6M 1 CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T 3 CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 Version with circular inlet/outlet 16 63 55 59 61 59 61 125 66 70 72 70 72 250 70 74 77 74 77 500 74 78 81 78 81 1000 76 80 83 80 83 2000 75 79 81 79 81 4000 8000 74 65 78 69 80 71 78 69 80 71 CJBC CJBC/ECO Dimensions in mm CJBC Model CJBC-1919-4M -1/5 CJBC-1919-6M -1/10 CJBC-2525-4M -3/4 CJBC-2525-6M -1/3 CJBC-2828-4M -3/4 CJBC-2828-6M -1/3 CJBC-3333-6M -1 CJBC-3333-6T -1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T -3 A 480 480 630 630 696 696 825 825 933 B 440 440 575 575 645 645 760 760 900 H 338 338 415 415 466 466 544 544 636 K 230 230 287 287 312 312 364 364 426 L 246 246 315 315 348 348 460 406 493 øO 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 V 540 540 685 685 752 752 882 882 1050 v1 510 510 655 655 722 722 852 852 1020 X 270 270 375 375 445 445 510 510 650 x1 85 85 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 Z - A 825 993 B 760 900 H 544 636 K 364 426 L 406 493 øO 15 15 V 882 1050 v1 852 1020 X 510 650 x1 125 125 Z 1080 1285 CJBC/ECO Model CJBC/ECO-3333-6T -1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T -3 17 CJBC CJBC/ECO Characteristic Curves Accessories Electronic speed controllers 18 Output openings for houses Inlet/Outlet Air intakes for houses Intelligent sensors Silencer Plemum Circular cover TWIN Soundproof ventilation units with expanded and fire-resistant polyethylene (M1), fitted with two fans for independent and alternative working, for installations where a reserve fan is necessary Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • External terminal board to aid connection Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V. 50Hz, and Threephase 220-240V./380-415V. 50Hz • Max. temperature to transport -20ºC. +60ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • With circular inlet • With ACO accessory mounted in the box Incorporates two independent fans Order code TWIN 10/10 TWIN: Ventilation units, fitted with two fans for independent and alternative working Impeller size in inches 4M 1/4 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz phase 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz Power motor (c.v.) Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) TWIN-7/7-4M 1/5 TWIN-7/7-6M 1/10 TWIN-9/9-4M 1/2 TWIN-9/9-4M 3/4 TWIN-9/9-6M 1/5 TWIN-9/9-6M 1/3 TWIN-10/10-4M 1/2 TWIN-10/10-4M 3/4 TWIN-10/10-6M 1/3 TWIN-12/12-6T 1 1/2 TWIN-12/12-6M 3/4 TWIN-12/12-6M 1 TWIN-15/15-6T3 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 1200 1.50 820 0.98 1380 3.80 1250 4.00 825 1.90 835 2.40 1380 3.80 1250 4.00 835 2.40 900 6.60 3.80 870 4.00 900 6.50 850 5.50 Installed Power (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 0.15 0.07 0.37 0.55 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.25 1.10 0.55 0.75 2.20 1200 950 2250 2400 1500 1700 1950 3000 2300 5000 3700 4400 8200 Irradiated Approx. weight (Kg) sound level (1) dB(A) 43 37 49 50 41 42 49 50 41 55 48 49 54 42.0 42.0 70.0 71.0 66.0 69.0 85.0 86.0 84.0 122.0 119.0 121.0 180.0 (1) The radiated sound pressure levels dB(A) are free field measurements at 2 metres. 19 TWIN Dimensions in mm Model TWIN-7/7 A B C ød E øO X V 683 808 386 250 197 13 728.5 753.5 TWIN-9/9 833 1036 476 300 242 13 878.5 983 TWIN-10/10 945 1132 524 355 257 13 990.5 1079 TWIN-12/12 1103 1339 610 450 290 13 1148.5 1286 TWIN-15/15 1279 1639 698 500 344 13 1324.5 1586 Characteristic Curves 6T=1000 r/min 4T=1500 r/min Accessories 1.TWIN-7/7-4M-0,2 8.TWIN-9/9-6M-0,33 2.TWIN-9/9-4M-0,5 9. TWIN-10/10-6M -0,33 3.TWIN-9/9-4M-0,75 10.TWIN-12/12-6M-0,75 4.TWIN-10/10-4M-0,5 11.TWIN-12/12-6M-1 5.TWIN-10/10-4M-0,75 12.TWIN-12/12-6T-1,5 6.TWIN-7/7-6M-0,1 13.TWIN-15/15-6T-3 7.TWIN-9/9-6M-0,2 ACO 20 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT CBX: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet on both sides and impeller with forward-facing blades CBXC: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with rigid cube structure to reinforce the casing CBXR: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with reinforced structure and rigid bridge bearings supported on the structure CBXT: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with forwardfacing blades Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • CBX and CBXC: Bearing mounted with rubber vibration dampers • CBX: They are supplied with CPS base stands Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW, monophase motors or two-speed motors • Free axis with permanently greased ball bearings at each end • Max. air temperature to transport: CBX and CBXC: -20ºC.+ 80ºC. CBXR: -20ºC.+ 110ºC. CBX CBXC CBXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • CBX: Motor mounting bracket and SM belt tensing device can be supplied CBXT Order code CBXC CBX: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with free axis outlet CBXC: Centrifugal doubleinlet fans with cube structure 12/12 Impeller size in inches CBXT CBXT: Double-inlet, beltdriven centrifugal fans fitted with electric motor 12/12 Impeller size in inches 1,5 Power motor (c.v.) CBXR: Centrifugal doubleinlet fans with reinforced structure 21 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Technical characteristics Max. power installed (kW) Model Max. Speed (r/min) CBX-1919 CBX-2525 CBX-2828 CBX-3333 CBX-3939 CBX-4747 2500 1800 1700 1400 1000 800 7/7 9/9 10/10 12/12 15/15 18/18 1.1 2.2 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.5 CBXC-7/7 CBXC-9/9 CBXC-10/10 CBXC-12/12 CBXC-15/15 CBXC-18/18 2700 2100 1900 1600 1100 900 1,5 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 7,5 CBXR-15/15 CBXR-18/18 CBXR-20/20 CBXR-22/22 CBXR-25/25 CBXR-30/28 1200 1000 1000 900 700 600 5,5 7,5 11,0 15,0 15,0 18,5 Model CBXT-7/7-0,25 CBXT-7/7-0,33 CBXT-7/7-0,5 CBXT-7/7-0,75 CBXT-7/7-1 CBXT-9/9-0,25 CBXT-9/9-0,33 CBXT-9/9-0,5 CBXT-9/9-0,75 CBXT-9/9-1 CBXT-9/9-1,5 CBXT-10/10-0,5 CBXT-10/10-0,75 CBXT-10/10-1 CBXT-10/10-1,5 CBXT-10/10-2 CBXT-12/12-0,5 CBXT-12/12-0,75 CBXT-12/12-1 CBXT-12/12-1,5 CBXT-12/12-2 CBXT-12/12-3 CBXT-15/15-0,75 CBXT-15/15-1 CBXT-15/15-1,5 CBXT-15/15-2 CBXT-15/15-3 CBXT-15/15-4 CBXT-15/15-5.5 CBXT-18/18-1.5 CBXT-18/18-2 CBXT-18/18-3 CBXT-18/18-4 CBXT-18/18-5,5 CBXT-18/18-7,5 CBXT-20/20-2 CBXT-20/20-3 CBXT-20/20-4 CBXT-20/20-5,5 CBXT-20/20-7,5 CBXT-20/20-10 CBXT-22/22-2 CBXT-22/22-3 22 Equivalent Inches Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V (r/min) 1090 1.1 0.64 1220 1.4 0.78 1420 1.8 1.05 1600 2.5 1.45 1790 3.3 1.90 825 1.1 0.64 920 1.4 0.78 1020 1.8 1.05 1050 2.5 1.45 1070 3.3 1.90 1260 4.5 2.59 845 1.8 1.05 845 2.5 1.45 960 3.3 1.90 1070 4.5 2.59 1140 6.0 3.45 595 1.8 1.05 675 2.5 1.45 765 3.3 1.90 855 4.5 2.59 965 6.0 3.45 1180 8.4 4.85 525 2.5 1.45 595 3.3 1.90 635 4.5 2.59 670 6.0 3.45 740 8.4 4.85 805 11.2 6.48 965 15.0 8.65 480 4.5 2.59 605 6.0 3.45 590 8.4 4.85 640 11.2 6.48 675 15.0 8.65 760 11.40 6.60 430 6.0 3.45 530 8.4 4.85 575 11.2 6.48 635 15.0 8.65 675 11.40 6.60 725 14.80 8.50 385 6.0 3.45 475 8.4 4.85 Speed Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 3700 6200 7500 9500 14400 23500 Installed Power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.50 2.20 Approx. weight Air temperature (ºC) min. max. (Kg) -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 5.0 9.0 10.5 15.5 24.0 33.5 4200 7000 8400 10500 16000 26000 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 6,0 11,5 13,5 18,5 27,5 38,5 16000 26000 28000 34000 46000 60000 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 80 80 +110 +110 +110 +110 28,5 40,0 84,0 94,0 113,0 145,0 Approx. weight Assembly Version Maximum Airflow (m 3/h) 1050 1100 1250 1450 1500 1700 1800 2200 2900 3200 3750 2950 3800 4175 4800 5400 4200 4800 5400 5800 6500 7400 5900 6500 7500 8200 9500 10600 12000 9000 9250 11500 13200 15000 17000 11500 12800 14200 15500 17500 20000 14000 15000 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 (Kg) 37.0 37.8 39.0 41.0 42.5 48.0 50.0 51.5 54.5 56.0 59.0 55.0 57.0 58.5 61.3 64.6 69.0 71.0 72.4 75.3 78.6 87.0 85.0 86.4 89.3 92.6 101.0 103.0 108.0 122.0 125.3 133.7 135.7 141.0 154.5 222.0 230.5 232.5 237.5 251.5 266.5 250.0 257.0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Technical characteristics Model Installed Power (kW) 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 Speed Maximum admissible current (A) (r/min) 230V 400V 690V 515 11.2 6.48 570 15.0 8.65 605 11.40 6.60 725 14.80 8.50 765 21.00 12.10 375 8.4 4.85 405 11.2 6.48 450 15.0 8.65 485 11.40 6.60 545 14.80 8.50 610 21.00 12.10 330 8.4 4.85 360 11.2 6.48 380 15.0 8.65 380 11.40 6.60 410 14.80 8.50 430 21.00 12.10 480 28.50 16.50 CBXT-22/22-4 CBXT-22/22-5,5 CBXT-22/22-7,5 CBXT-22/22-10 CBXT-22/22-15 CBXT-25/25-3 CBXT-25/25-4 CBXT-25/25-5,5 CBXT-25/25-7,5 CBXT-25/25-10 CBXT-25/25-15 CBXT-30/28-3 CBXT-30/28-4 CBXT-30/28-5,5 CBXT-30/28-7,5 CBXT-30/28-10 CBXT-30/28-15 CBXT-30/28-20 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 17000 19000 21500 22000 27000 17000 20500 22000 24500 28000 32000 20000 22000 25000 31500 36000 42000 48000 Approx. weight Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 (Kg) 261.0 265.0 279.0 290.0 316.0 297.0 299.0 304.0 318.0 329.0 349.0 380.0 382.0 387.0 402.0 415.0 426.0 449.0 Assembly Version B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Dimensions in mm CBX Model Equiv. in inches A B1 B2 C E E1 H K L N øe 7/7 316 333 189 360 152 64 144 230 208 9x13 20 258 225 CBX-2525 9/9 380 400 218 430 183 78 182 300 263 9x13 20 328 275 CBX-2828 10/10 422 450 246 470 202 73 204 326 292 9x17 20 355 315 CBX-3333 12/12 493 526 290 560 230 82 236 387 345 9x17 25 415 390 CBX-3939 15/15 579 621 348 650 265 92 273 473 404 9x17 25 500 455 CBX-4747 18/18 686 746 415 750 323 82 331 540 482 9x17 25 568 575 CBX-1919 X Y CBXC Model CBXC-7/7 A 322 C E øe 342 189 230 B B2 152 20 L N P Q V X x 153 360 208 H K 9x17 148 175 292 290 262 CBXC-9/9 388 402 218 300 183 20 184 430 263 9x17 214 214 358 360 332 CBXC-10/10 428 450 246 326 202 20 204 470 292 9x17 254 254 398 386 358 CBXC-12/12 498 532 290 387 230 25 242 560 345 9x17 324 324 468 447 419 CBXC-15/15 583 632 348 473 265 25 284 650 404 9x17 406 406 553 533 505 CBXC-18/18 694 756 415 540 323 25 341 750 482 9x17 520 608 664 600 572 23 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Dimensions in mm CBXR Model CBXR-15/15 A B B1 B2 C E 583 632 - 348 473 265 H K L P Q V X x 25 284 øe 730 404 9x17 406 N 406 553 533 505 CBXR-18/18 694 756 - 415 540 323 25 341 800 482 9x17 520 608 664 600 572 CBXR-20/20 843 963 35 523 603 375 35 405 923 603 13x25 646 811 798 683 643 976 693 13x25 716 CBXR-22/22 913 1046 35 569 656 400 35 442 894 868 736 696 CBXR-25/25 998 1161 35 642 765 423 35 484 1085 793 13x25 801 1009 953 845 805 CBXR-30/28 1206 1400 35 776 888 515 40 589 1208 933 13x25 1009 1248 1161 968 928 B1 B2 CBXT Installation A Model 24 H H2 H3 L N X Y Z2 Z3 CBXT-7/7-0’25 316 430 475 A A1 A2 333 189 360 152 64 C E E1 20 144 øe 320 341 230 208 K 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’33 316 450 495 333 189 360 152 64 20 144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’5 316 450 495 333 189 360 152 64 20 144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’75 316 470 515 333 189 360 152 64 20 144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-1 316 470 515 333 189 360 152 64 20 144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-9/9-0’25 380 490 535 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’33 380 520 565 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’5 380 520 565 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’75 380 540 585 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-1 380 540 585 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-1’5 380 590 605 400 218 430 183 78 20 182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-10/10-0’5 422 570 615 450 246 470 202 73 20 204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-0’75 422 590 635 450 246 470 202 73 20 204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-1 422 590 635 450 246 470 202 73 20 204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-1’5 422 610 655 450 246 470 202 73 20 204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-2 422 610 655 450 246 470 202 73 20 204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-12/12-0’5 493 645 690 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-0’75 493 665 710 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-1 493 665 710 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-1’5 493 680 725 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-2 493 680 725 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-3 493 700 745 526 290 560 230 82 25 236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Dimensions in mm CBXT Installation B A B B2 C E øe H H1 K L øO P V x X CBXT-15/15 Model 583 672 348 473 265 25 284 40 650 404 12 415,5 895 505 533 CBXT-18/18 694 796 415 540 323 25 341 40 750 482 12 515,5 1115 572 600 Model B B1 C E H H1 K L øO P V x X CBXT-20/20 843 1023 A 35 523 603 B2 375 35 405 øe 60 923 603 12 617,5 1315 643 683 CBXT-22/22 913 1106 35 569 656 400 35 442 60 976 693 12 657,5 1395 696 736 CBXT-25/25 998 1221 35 642 765 423 35 484 60 1085 793 12 474,5 1575 805 845 CBXT-30/28 1206 1460 35 776 888 515 40 589 60 1208 933 12 817,5 1715 928 968 25 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 7/7 (1919) 9/9 (2525) 26 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 10/10 (2828) 12/12 (3333) 27 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 15/15 (3939) 18/18 (4747) 28 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 20/20 22/22 29 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 25/25 30/28 Accessories INT 30 RM AR RFT AET PSB SM CJBX CJBX/AL CJBX: Soundproof belt-driven ventilation units fitted with doubleinlet fans of the CBX, CBXC and CBXR series CJBX/AL: Soundproof belt-driven ventilation units with aluminium profiles fitted with double-inlet fans of the CBX, CBXC and CBXR series Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable input • CJBX/AL: with aluminium profiles Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW, monophase motors or two-speed motors • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 60ºC. CJBX Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • With circular inlet High-quality, robust impeller, dynamically balanced in accordance with ISO-1940 CJBX/AL Order code CJBX CJBX: Soundproof ventilation units 15/15 With aluminium profiles 4 Impeller size in inches Power motor (c.v.) CJBX/AL: Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX/AL CJBX/AL CJBX/AL CJBX/AL CJBX/AL CJBX/AL 7/7-0,25 7/7-0,33 7/7-0,5 7/7-0,75 7/7-1 9/9-0,25 1090 1220 1420 1600 1790 825 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.5 3.3 1.1 0.64 0.78 1.05 1.45 1.90 0.64 Installed Power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 0.18 Maximum Sound pressure level Airflow dB(A) (m3/h) 1050 1100 1250 1450 1500 1700 48 50 53 56 58 45 Approx. weight (Kg) 37.0 37.8 39.0 41.0 42.5 48.0 Type Assembly A A A A A A 31 CJBX CJBX/AL Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX 32 CJBX/AL 9/9-0,33 CJBX/AL 9/9-0,5 CJBX/AL 9/9-0,75 CJBX/AL 9/9-1 CJBX/AL 9/9-1,5 CJBX/AL 10/10-0,5 CJBX/AL 10/10-0,75 CJBX/AL 10/10-1 CJBX/AL 10/10-1,5 CJBX/AL 10/10-2 CJBX/AL 12/12-0,5 CJBX/AL 12/12-0,75 CJBX/AL 12/12-1 CJBX/AL 12/12-1,5 CJBX/AL 12/12-2 CJBX/AL 12/12-3 CJBX/AL 15/15-0,75 CJBX/AL 15/15-1 CJBX/AL 15/15-1,5 CJBX/AL 15/15-2 CJBX/AL 15/15-3 CJBX/AL 15/15-4 CJBX/AL 15/15-5,5 CJBX/AL 18/18-1,5 CJBX/AL 18/18-2 CJBX/AL 18/18-3 CJBX/AL 18/18-4 CJBX/AL 18/18-5,5 CJBX/AL 18/18-7,5 CJBX/AL 20/20-2 CJBX/AL 20/20-3 CJBX/AL 20/20-4 CJBX/AL 20/20-5,5 CJBX/AL 20/20-7,5 CJBX/AL 20/20-10 CJBX/AL 22/22-2 CJBX/AL 22/22-3 CJBX/AL 22/22-4 CJBX/AL 22/22-5,5 CJBX/AL 22/22-7,5 CJBX/AL 22/22-10 CJBX/AL 22/22-15 CJBX/AL 25/25-3 CJBX/AL 25/25-4 CJBX/AL 25/25-5,5 CJBX/AL 25/25-7,5 CJBX/AL 25/25-10 CJBX/AL 25/25-15 CJBX/AL 30/28-3 CJBX/AL 30/28-4 CJBX/AL 30/28-5,5 CJBX/AL 30/28-7,5 CJBX/AL 30/28-10 CJBX/AL 30/28-15 CJBX/AL 30/28-20 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 920 1.4 1020 1.8 1050 2.5 1070 3.3 1260 4.5 845 1.8 845 2.5 960 3.3 1070 4.5 1140 6.0 595 1.8 675 2.5 765 3.3 855 4.5 965 6.0 1180 8.4 525 2.5 595 3.3 635 4.5 670 6.0 740 8.4 805 11.2 965 15.0 480 4.5 605 6.0 590 8.4 640 11.2 675 15.0 760 430 6.0 530 8.4 575 11.2 635 15.0 675 725 385 6.0 475 8.4 515 11.2 570 15.0 605 725 765 375 8.4 405 11.2 450 15.0 485 545 610 330 8.4 360 11.2 380 15.0 380 410 430 480 0.78 1.05 1.45 1.90 2.59 1.05 1.45 1.90 2.59 3.45 1.05 1.45 1.90 2.59 3.45 4.85 1.45 1.90 2.59 3.45 4.85 6.48 8.65 2.59 3.45 4.85 6.48 8.65 11.40 6.60 3.45 4.85 6.48 8.65 11.40 6.60 14.80 8.50 3.45 4.85 6.48 8.65 11.40 6.60 14.80 8.50 21.00 12.10 4.85 6.48 8.65 11.40 6.60 14.80 8.50 21.00 12.10 4.85 6.48 8.65 11.40 6.60 14.80 8.50 21.00 12.10 28.50 16.50 Installed Power (kW) 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 Maximum Airflow (m 3/h) 1800 2200 2900 3200 3750 2950 3800 4175 4800 5400 4200 4800 5400 5800 6500 7400 5900 6500 7500 8200 9500 10600 12000 9000 9250 11500 13200 15000 17000 11500 12800 14200 15500 17500 20000 14000 15000 17000 19000 21500 22000 27000 17000 20500 22000 24500 28000 32000 20000 22000 25000 31500 36000 42000 48000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 48 51 55 56 60 52 56 58 61 63 52 54 57 59 62 65 49 52 54 56 59 61 63 48 51 54 56 58 60 56 57 58 61 63 65 50 54 55 57 60 63 65 53 55 57 59 61 64 54 56 59 60 63 65 68 Approx. weight (Kg) 50.0 51.5 54.5 56.0 59.0 55.0 57.0 58.5 61.3 64.6 69.0 71.0 72.4 75.3 78.6 87.0 85.0 86.4 89.3 92.6 101.0 103.0 108.0 122.0 125.3 133.7 135.7 141.0 154.5 222.0 230.5 232.5 237.5 251.5 266.5 250.0 257.0 261.0 265.0 279.0 290.0 316.0 297.0 299.0 304.0 318.0 329.0 349.0 380.0 382.0 387.0 402.0 415.0 426.0 449.0 Type Assembly A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CJBX CJBX/AL Dimensions in mm CJBX Model Installation A Installation B A B C D1xD2 E G1 L K CJBX-7/7 650 460 500 364x404 114 142 204 226 CJBX-9/9 700 522 550 426x454 108,5 157,5 256 296 CJBX-10/10 750 575 600 479x504 107 182 286 322 CJBX-12/12 850 650 700 554x604 95 214 341 383 CJBX-15/15 1000 755 800 659x704 74 277 404 471 CJBX-18/18 1200 875 1000 779x904 57,5 337,5 480 537 CJBX-20/20 1400 1175 1100 1079x1004 147 428 600 600 CJBX-22/22 1460 1250 1250 1154x1154 145 413 692 653 CJBX-25/25 1550 1375 1450 1279x1354 152 431 792 762 CJBX-30/28 1800 1600 1650 1504x1554 140 528 932 885 CJBX vertical impulsion Installation A Installation B Model CJBX-7/7 CJBX-9/9 CJBX-10/10 CJBX-12/12 CJBX-15/15 CJBX-18/18 CJBX-20/20 CJBX-22/22 CJBX-25/25 CJBX-30/28 650 700 750 850 1000 1200 1445 1580 1675 1935 A 460 522 575 650 755 875 1175 1250 1375 1600 B 500 550 600 700 800 1000 1100 1250 1450 1650 C D1xD2 364x404 426x454 479x504 554x604 659x704 779x904 1079x1004 1154x1154 1279x1354 1504x1554 E L 30 204 30 256 30 286 30 341 30 404 30 4840 60 600 60 692 60 792 60 932 K 226 296 322 383 471 537 600 653 762 885 33 CJBX CJBX/AL Dimensions in mm CJBX/AL Installation A Installation B Model CJBX/AL-7/7 CJBX/AL-9/9 CJBX/AL-10/10 CJBX/AL-12/12 CJBX/AL-15/15 CJBX/AL-18/18 CJBX/AL-20/20 CJBX/AL-22/22 CJBX/AL-25/25 CJBX/AL-30/28 A 650 700 750 850 1000 1200 1400 1480 1600 1850 B 460 520 575 650 755 1000 1170 1230 1350 1600 B 460 520 575 650 755 1000 1170 1230 1350 1600 C 460 520 575 650 755 1000 1250 1300 1500 1700 C E 460 75 520 75 575 75 650 75 755 85 1000 185 1250 143 1300 127,5 1500 114 1700 125 L 216 268 296 346 411 491 620 711 810 949 K 238 305 330 390 482 550 618 681 781 906 CJBX/AL vertical impulsion Installation A 34 Installation B Model CJBX/AL-7/7 CJBX/AL-9/9 CJBX/AL-10/10 CJBX/AL-12/12 CJBX/AL-15/15 CJBX/AL-18/18 CJBX/AL-20/20 CJBX/AL-22/22 CJBX/AL-25/25 CJBX/AL-30/28 A 650 700 750 850 1000 1200 1400 1480 1600 1850 E 75 75 75 75 85 185 349,5 342,5 366,5 459,5 L 216 268 296 346 411 491 620 711 810 949 K 238 305 330 390 482 550 618 681 781 906 CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves 7/7 9/9 35 CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 10/10 12/12 36 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 15/15 18/18 37 CJBX Characteristic Curves 20/20 22/22 38 CJBX/AL CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 25/25 30/28 Accessories INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 39 TSA TSAT CJTSA TSA: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet and impeller with forward-facing blades TSAT: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with forwardfacing blades. CJTSA: Soundproof ventilation units with forward-facing blades, fitted with TSA series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJTSA) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJTSA) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW, monophase motors or two-speed motors • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V. 50Hz (up to 5.5CV) and 400/690V. 50Hz (power over 5.5CV) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC. +60ºC. TSA Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJTSA TSAT Order code TSA TSA: Centrifugal singleinlet fans with free axis outlet CJTSA 22/11 Impeller size TSAT: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with electric motor CJTSA: Ventilation units with impeller with forward-facing blades 22/11 3 Impeller size in inches Power motor (c.v.) Technical characteristics Model Max. Speed (r/min) Max. Power installed (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) TSA-12/6 TSA-15/7 TSA-18/9 TSA-20/10 TSA-22/11 TSA-25/13 TSA-30/14 1500 1050 920 850 1000 810 600 2.2 3 4 5.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 4800 7400 10500 15000 26000 32000 38000 40 Air temperature min. max. (ºC) -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 17.5 22.5 33 71 80 93 125 TSA TSAT CJTSA Technical characteristics Model TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT Maximum admissible current (A) Speed CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA 12/6-0,75 12/6-1 12/6-1,5 12/6-2 12/6-3 15/7-1 15/7-1,5 15/7-2 15/7-3 15/7-4 18/9-1,5 18/9-2 18/9-3 18/9-4 18/9-5,5 20/10-2 20/10-3 20/10-4 20/10-5,5 20/10-7,5 22/11-3 22/11-4 22/11-5,5 22/11-7,5 22/11-10 22/11-12,5 22/11-15 22/11-20 22/11-25 25/13-4 25/13-5,5 25/13-7,5 25/13-10 25/13-12,5 25/13-15 25/13-20 25/13-25 30/14-5,5 30/14-7,5 30/14-10 30/14-12,5 30/14-15 30/14-20 30/14-25 230V (r/min) 1000 2.4 1100 3.3 1250 4.5 1300 6.0 1500 8.3 800 3.3 850 4.5 920 6.0 1000 8.3 1050 11.2 750 4.5 790 6.0 800 8.3 850 11.2 920 14.9 650 6.0 690 8.3 750 11.2 790 14.9 850 580 8.3 610 11.2 650 14.9 690 750 790 830 910 1000 520 11.2 550 14.9 590 620 650 690 750 810 400 14.9 425 460 480 500 550 600 Installed Power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 3 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 400V 690V 1.4 1.9 2.6 3.5 4.8 1.9 2.6 3.5 4.8 6.5 2.6 3.5 4.8 6.5 8.6 3.5 4.8 6.5 8.6 11.1 6.4 4.8 6.5 8.6 11.1 6.4 14.8 8.5 17.8 10.3 21.5 12.4 28.5 16.5 35.0 20.2 6.5 8.6 11.1 6.4 14.8 8.5 17.8 10.3 21.5 12.4 28.5 16.5 35.0 20.2 8.6 11.1 6.4 14.8 8.5 17.8 10.3 21.5 12.4 28.5 16.5 35.0 20.2 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 2600 3100 3500 4250 4800 4000 4800 5400 6400 7400 5800 6600 8200 9000 10500 8100 10100 11500 13100 15000 11200 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 22000 24500 26000 14000 17000 19500 23000 25000 26500 29500 32000 21000 24000 27500 30000 33000 36500 38000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 69 71 74 77 79 67 69 72 75 77 68 70 74 76 78 65 68 70 73 75 67 70 72 74 76 78 79 81 83 62 65 67 70 72 74 75 77 69 72 74 76 77 78 81 Approx. weight (Kg) 73 74 77 80 85 92 95 98 103 106 111 114 119 122 125 203 208 211 214 227 219 222 225 238 246 257 273 292 322 254 257 270 278 289 305 324 354 331 344 352 363 379 398 428 Dimensions in mm TSA Model øD E TSA-12/6 498 532 290 A B B2 210 325 C 230 25 242 435 345 75 øe H K L M 90 9x17 324 324 468 270 242 N O P Q V X x TSA-15/7 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 284 494 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSA-18/9 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 341 526 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 41 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm TSA Model B B1 L M N O P Q TSA-20/10 843 963 A 35 523 330 B2 C 575 375 35 440 620 603 øD E øe H K 100 110 9x17 646 811 798 410 370 V X x TSA-22/11 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 477 648 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSA-25/13 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 519 701 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSA-30/14 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 624 764 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT Model TSAT-12/6-0’75 42 A B B2 C øD E øe 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 L M N O 805 242 435 475 345 H H1 K K1 75 90 9x17 V X x 324 324 468 P Q 270 242 TSAT-12/6-1 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 805 242 435 475 345 75 90 9x17 324 324 468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-1’5 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 825 242 435 475 345 75 90 9x17 324 324 468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-2 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 825 242 435 475 345 75 90 9x17 324 324 468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-3 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 845 242 435 475 345 75 90 9x17 324 324 468 270 242 TSAT-15/7-1 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 905 284 494 535 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-1’5 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 925 284 494 535 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-2 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 925 284 494 535 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-3 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 945 284 494 535 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-4 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 945 284 494 535 404 75 90 9x17 406 406 553 329 301 TSAT-18/9-1’5 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 1050 341 526 566 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-2 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 1050 341 526 566 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-3 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 1070 341 526 566 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-4 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 1070 341 526 566 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-5’5 694 756 415 301 475 323 25 1095 341 526 566 482 75 90 9x17 520 608 664 361 333 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm TSAT Model TSAT-20/10-2 A B B1 B2 C 843 963 35 523 330 O P Q V X x 575 375 35 1255 440 620 670 603 100 110 9x17 øD E øe H H1 K K1 L M N 646 811 798 410 370 TSAT-20/10-3 843 963 35 523 330 575 375 35 1275 440 620 670 603 100 110 9x17 646 811 798 410 370 TSAT-20/10-4 843 963 35 523 330 575 375 35 1275 440 620 670 603 100 110 9x17 646 811 798 410 370 TSAT-20/10-5’5 843 963 35 523 330 575 375 35 1300 440 620 670 603 100 110 9x17 646 811 798 410 370 TSAT-20/10-7’5 843 963 35 523 330 575 375 35 1340 440 620 670 603 100 110 9x17 646 811 798 410 370 TSAT-22/11-3 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1355 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-4 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1355 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-5’5 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1280 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-7’5 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1420 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-10 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1420 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-12’5 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1420 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-15 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1480 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-20 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1480 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-22/11-25 913 1046 35 569 358 615 400 35 1565 477 648 700 693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868 438 398 TSAT-25/13-4 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1470 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-5’5 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1495 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-7’5 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1540 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-10 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1540 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-12’5 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1540 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-15 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1565 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 TSAT-25/13-20 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1565 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 801 1009 953 492 452 801 1009 TSAT-25/13-25 998 1161 35 642 412 695 423 35 1680 519 701 750 793 100 110 9x17 953 492 452 TSAT-30/14-5’5 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1735 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-7’5 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1775 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-10 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1775 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-12’5 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1775 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-15 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1835 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-20 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1835 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-25 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515 40 1925 624 764 815 933 100 110 9x17 1009 1248 1161 554 514 43 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm CJTSA Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD-90 On request vertical outlet (V) RD -0 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG -90 Model CJTSA-12/6-H CJTSA-12/6-V CJTSA-15/7-H CJTSA-15/7-V CJTSA-18/9-H CJTSA-18/9-V CJTSA-20/10-H CJTSA-20/10-V CJTSA-22/11-H CJTSA-22/11-V CJTSA-25/13-H CJTSA-25/13-V CJTSA-30/14-H CJTSA-30/14-V On request vertical outlet (V) LG -0 A 850 850 1000 1000 1200 1200 1485 1485 1570 1570 1610 1610 1845 1845 B 650 650 755 755 875 875 1175 1175 1250 1250 1375 1375 1600 1600 C 540 540 600 600 620 620 730 730 760 760 820 820 855 855 ØD 330 330 400 400 480 480 565 565 615 615 685 685 820 820 E 74 - 74 - 74 - 175 - 165 - 175 - 160 - with bedplate E - - - - - - 120 - 110 - 120 - 95 - F - 30 - 30 - 30 - 75 - 75 - 75 - 75 G1 288 318 328 378 383 433 475 535 510 570 550 625 655 760 with bedplate G1 - - - - - - 530 - 565 - 605 - 710 - H 288 328 328 383 388 448 440 585 470 640 495 705 580 825 Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 12/6 44 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. L 346 346 411 411 491 491 613 613 708 708 803 803 943 943 with bedplate L - - - - - - 605 - 700 - 795 - 935 - K 210 210 270 270 305 305 343 343 373 373 423 423 488 488 TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 15/7 18/9 45 TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 20/10 22/11 46 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 25/13 30/14 Accessories INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 47 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR CDXR: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet on both sides and impeller with backward-facing blades CDXRT: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with backwardfacing blades. CJDXR: Soundproof ventilation units with backward-facing blades, fitted with CDXR series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with backward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJDXR) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJDXR) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW, monophase motors or two-speed motors • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V. 50Hz (up to 5.5CV) and 400/690V. 50Hz (power over 5.5CV) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC. +60ºC. CDXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. CDXRT On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJDXR Order code CDXR CDXR: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with axis outlet and impeller with backward-facing blades. 450 CDXRT Impeller size in mm CDXRT: Double-inlet, beltdriven centrifugal fans with electric motor impeller, with backward-facing blades. 450 Impeller size in mm 3 Motor power (c.v.) CJDXR: Ventilation units with impeller with backwardfacing blades. Technical characteristics Model CDXR-200 CDXR-250 CDXR-315 CDXR-355 CDXR-400 CDXR-450 CDXR-500 CDXR-560 CDXR-630 CDXR-710 48 Max. Speed (r/min) 4900 4100 3200 2800 2400 2200 2000 1800 1700 1400 Installed Power (kW) 2,2 3,0 4,0 5,5 5,5 7,5 11,0 15,0 22,0 22 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 3950 5500 10550 13950 16000 20700 27200 34710 47000 53750 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 10,0 18,0 32,6 42,7 50,6 67,5 84,2 142,0 168,0 223 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Technical characteristics Model CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR 355-0,5 355-0,75 355-1 355-1,5 355-2 355-3 355-4 355-5,5 355-7,5 400-0,75 400-1 400-1,5 400-2 400-3 400-4 400-5,5 400-7,5 450-1 450-1,5 450-2 450-3 450-4 450-5,5 450-7,5 450-10 500-1,5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5,5 500-7,5 500-10 500-15 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5,5 560-7,5 560-10 560-15 560-20 630-3 630-4 630-5,5 630-7,5 630-10 630-15 630-20 630-25 630-30 710-3 710-4 710-5,5 710-7,5 710-10 710-15 710-20 710-25 710-30 Max. Speed (r/min) 1085 1230 1360 1540 1700 1930 2180 2400 2670 1010 1130 1290 1420 1620 1820 2000 2230 940 1075 1190 1340 1510 1670 1850 2060 880 970 1100 1240 1370 1510 1675 1910 810 925 1050 1150 1290 1420 1610 1800 740 830 920 1020 1135 1285 1450 1550 1640 580 655 730 805 890 1015 1140 1225 1300 Installed Power (kW) 0.33 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 5600 6400 7100 8060 8890 10100 11395 12545 13955 7340 8140 9350 10260 11650 13110 14430 16040 9500 10750 11960 13600 15100 16835 18500 20760 12460 13815 15700 17650 19430 21600 23950 27220 15620 17830 20380 22170 24940 27658 31050 34710 21210 23860 26260 29200 32385 36800 41415 44410 47050 23200 26200 29200 32200 35600 40600 45600 49000 52000 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 -20 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 47.7 49.3 50.9 52.6 55.6 58.4 65.7 72.7 85.7 57.2 58.8 60.5 63.5 66.3 73.6 80.6 93.6 75.7 77.4 80.4 83.2 90.5 97.5 110.5 120.5 94.1 97.1 99.9 107.2 114.2 127.2 137.2 156.2 154.9 157.7 165.0 172.0 185.0 195.0 214.0 227.0 183.7 191.0 198.0 211.0 221.0 240.0 253.0 270.0 313.0 238.7 246.0 253.0 266.0 276.0 295.0 308.0 325.0 368.0 Assembly type A A A A A A A B B A A A A A A B B A A A A A B B B A A A A B B B B A A A B B B B B A A B B B B B B B A A B B B B B B B 49 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Dimensions in mm CDXR 200 - 250 CDXR-200 CDXR-250 CDXR-315 CDXR-355 CDXR-400 CDXR-450 CDXR-500 CDXR-560 CDXR-630 CDXR-710 CDXR 315...710 A 343 419 518 578 651 728 800 893 999 1121 B 370 461 578 655 736 827 918 1030 1157 1303 B1 4 4 3 6 4,5 5 5 8 7 7 B2 215 270 340 383 431,5 486 538 602 678,5 765 C 256 322 404 453 507 569 638 715 801 898 E 164 195 236 261 290 322 352 390 434 485 øe 20 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 45 50 H K 151 420 187 490 235 640 266 700 300 760 336 845 375 915 420 1000 471,5 1090 531 1255 L 256 322 404 453 507 569 638 715 801 898 N 11x16 11x16 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 17x22 P 224 224 280 355 355 530 530 530 530 630 N 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 13x18 17x22 17x22 P 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 630 630 Q V 355 548 355 548 355 548 355 548 355 548 355 548 355 548 355 613 355 613 355 613 355 613 355 613 355 613 530 681 530 681 530 681 530 681 530 681 530 750 530 750 530 750 530 750 530 845 530 845 530 845 530 946 530 946 630 1058 630 1058 Q V 224 306 224 384 280 480 355 548 355 613 530 681 530 750 530 845 530 946 630 1058 X 306 372 464 533 587 649 718 815 901 998 x 281 347 434 493 547 609 678 765 851 948 Y 830 850 850 870 870 885 885 925 925 940 940 956 956 1000 1020 1020 1035 1035 1090 1090 1105 1105 1185 1205 1205 1310 1310 1435 1435 Z 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 840 840 840 840 840 840 925 925 925 925 925 995 995 995 995 1080 1080 1080 1170 1170 1335 1335 CDXRT Installation A Model CDXRT-355-0’5 CDXRT-355-0’75 CDXRT-355-1 CDXRT-355-1’5 CDXRT-355-2 CDXRT-355-3 CDXRT-355-4 CDXRT-400-0’75 CDXRT-400-1 CDXRT-400-1’5 CDXRT-400-2 CDXRT-400-3 CDXRT-400-4 CDXRT-450-1 CDXRT-450-1’5 CDXRT-450-2 CDXRT-450-3 CDXRT-450-4 CDXRT-500-1’5 CDXRT-500-2 CDXRT-500-3 CDXRT-500-4 CDXRT-560-2 CDXRT-560-3 CDXRT-560-4 CDXRT-630-3 CDXRT-630-4 CDXRT-710-3 CDXRT-710-4 50 A 578 578 578 578 578 578 578 651 651 651 651 651 651 728 728 728 728 728 800 800 800 800 893 893 893 999 999 1121 1121 B 655 655 655 655 655 655 655 736 736 736 736 736 736 827 827 827 827 827 918 918 918 918 1030 1030 1030 1157 1157 1303 1303 B1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 B2 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 431.5 431.5 431.5 431.5 431.5 431.5 486 486 486 486 486 538 538 538 538 602 602 602 678.5 678.5 765 765 C 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 507 507 507 507 507 507 569 569 569 569 569 638 638 638 638 715 715 715 801 801 898 898 E 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 290 290 290 290 290 290 322 322 322 322 322 352 352 352 352 390 390 390 434 434 485 485 øe H K 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 375 915 35 375 915 35 375 915 35 375 915 40 420 1000 40 420 1000 40 420 1000 45 471.5 1090 45 471.5 1090 50 531 1255 50 531 1255 L 453 453 453 453 453 453 453 507 507 507 507 507 507 569 569 569 569 569 638 638 638 638 715 715 715 801 801 898 898 X 533 533 533 533 533 533 533 587 587 587 587 587 587 649 649 649 649 649 718 718 718 718 815 815 815 901 901 998 998 x 493 493 493 493 493 493 493 547 547 547 547 547 547 609 609 609 609 609 678 678 678 678 765 765 765 851 851 948 948 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Dimensions in mm CDXRT Installation B Model CDXRT-355-5’5 CDXRT-355-7’5 CDXRT-400-5’5 CDXRT-400-7’5 CDXRT-450-5’5 CDXRT-450-7’5 CDXRT-450-10 CDXRT-500-5’5 CDXRT-500-7’5 CDXRT-500-10 CDXRT-500-15 CDXRT-560-5’5 CDXRT-560-7’5 CDXRT-560-10 CDXRT-560-15 CDXRT-560-20 CDXRT-630-5’5 CDXRT-630-7’5 CDXRT-630-10 CDXRT-630-15 CDXRT-630-20 CDXRT-630-25 CDXRT-630-30 CDXRT-710-5’5 CDXRT-710-7’5 CDXRT-710-10 CDXRT-710-15 CDXRT-710-20 CDXRT-710-25 CDXRT-710-30 A 578 578 651 651 728 728 728 800 800 800 800 893 893 893 893 893 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 1121 1121 1121 1121 1121 1121 1121 B 715 715 796 796 887 887 887 978 978 978 978 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 B2 383 383 431.5 431.5 486 486 486 538 538 538 538 602 602 602 602 602 678.5 678.5 678.5 678.5 678.5 678.5 678.5 765 765 765 765 765 765 765 C 453 453 507 507 569 569 569 638 638 638 638 715 715 715 715 715 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 E 261 261 290 290 322 322 322 352 352 352 352 390 390 390 390 390 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 øe 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 H 266 266 300 300 336 336 336 375 375 375 375 420 420 420 420 420 471.5 471.5 471.5 471.5 471.5 471.5 471.5 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 H1 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 K 700 700 760 760 845 845 845 915 915 915 915 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1255 1255 1255 1255 1255 1255 1255 L 453 453 507 507 569 569 569 638 638 638 638 715 715 715 715 715 801 801 801 801 801 801 801 898 898 898 898 898 898 898 øO 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 P 495 495 540 540 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 680 680 680 680 680 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 V 1070 1070 1160 1160 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 x 493 493 547 547 609 609 609 678 678 678 678 765 765 765 765 765 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 948 948 948 948 948 948 948 X 533 533 587 587 649 649 649 718 718 718 718 815 815 815 815 815 901 901 901 901 901 901 901 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 CJDXR Model Installation A Installation B A B C D1xD2 E G1 LxK 1000 755 800 661x706 36,5 484 468.5x468.5 CJDXR-400 1200 875 1000 781x906 58 555,5 522.5x522.5 CJDXR-450 1300 1025 1050 929x956 98 634,5 584.5x584.5 CJDXR-355 CJDXR-500 1400 1175 1100 1079x1004 157,5 CJDXR-560 1480 1250 1250 1154x1154 691 635.5x635.5 118 766,5 730.5x730.5 CJDXR-630 1660 1375 1450 1279x1354 115 851,5 816.5x816.5 CJDXR-710 1800 1600 1650 1504x1554 194 949 913.5x913.5 51 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 200 250 315 52 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 355 400 450 53 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 500 560 630 54 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 710 Accessories INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 55 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXR: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet and impeller with backward-facing blades CSXRT: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with backwardfacing blades. CJSXR: Soundproof ventilation units with backward-facing blades, fitted with CSXR series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with backward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJSXR) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJSXR) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW, monophase motors or two-speed motors • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V. 50Hz (up to 5.5CV) and 400/690V. 50Hz (power over 5.5CV) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC. +60ºC. CSXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJSXR CSXRT Order code CSXR CSXR: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with axis outlet 400 CSXRT Impeller size 500 CSXRT: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with motor Impeller size 4 Power motor (c.v.) CJSXR: Ventilation units with impeller with backward-facing blades Technical characteristics Model CSXR-315 CSXR-355 CSXR-400 CSXR-450 CSXR-500 CSXR-560 CSXR-630 CSXR-710 CSXR-800 CSXR-900 CSXR-1000 56 Max. Speed (r/min) 3200 2800 2400 2200 2200 2000 1600 1400 1600 1400 1400 Max. Power installed (kW) 1.1 1.5 1.5 3 5.5 7.5 7.5 9.2 22 30 37 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 5050 6650 7700 10100 14000 18300 19800 25920 40000 51000 64000 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 27 39 44 55 70 110 125 175 252 360 445 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Technical characteristics Model CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT Speed 315-0,75 315-1 315-1,5 355-0,75 355-1 355-1,5 355-2 400-0,75 400-1 400-1,5 400-2 450-0,75 450-1 450-1,5 450-2 450-3 450-4 500-1,5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5,5 500-7,5 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5,5 560-7,5 560-10 630-3 630-4 630-5,5 630-7,5 630-10 710-4 710-5,5 710-7,5 710-10 710-12,5 800-4 800-5,5 800-7,5 800-10 800-12,5 800-15 800-20 800-25 800-30 900-4 900-5,5 900-7,5 900-10 900-12,5 900-15 900-20 900-25 900-30 900-40 1000-5,5 1000-7,5 1000-10 1000-12,5 1000-15 1000-20 1000-25 1000-30 1000-40 1000-50 (r/min) 2520 2800 3250 2100 2300 2600 2875 1730 1900 2180 2400 1230 1380 1550 1700 1950 2200 1250 1380 1560 1730 1900 2130 1200 1380 1500 1670 1850 2050 1060 1150 1300 1450 1600 1000 1100 1200 1350 1480 800 880 970 1070 1150 1230 1350 1450 1540 650 720 790 860 940 1020 1120 1190 1250 1400 600 660 730 790 840 940 1000 1060 1160 1260 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 2.4 3.1 4.4 2.4 3.1 4.4 5.8 2.4 3.3 4.5 5.8 2.4 3.3 4.5 6.0 8.4 10.4 4.5 6.0 8.4 11.3 13.9 - 6.0 8.4 11.3 13.9 - - 8.4 11.3 13.9 - - 11.3 13.9 - - - 11.3 13.9 - - - - - - - 11.3 13.9 - - - - - - - - 13.9 - - - - - - - - - 400V 1.4 1.8 2.5 1.4 1.8 2.5 3.4 1.4 1.9 2.6 3.4 1.4 1.9 2.6 3.5 4.8 6.0 2.6 3.5 4.8 6.5 8.0 11.1 3.5 4.8 6.5 8.0 11.1 14.8 4.8 6.5 8.0 11.1 14.8 6.5 8.0 11.1 14.8 17.5 6.5 8.0 11.1 14.8 17.5 22.0 29.0 36.5 42.0 6.5 8.0 11.1 14.8 17.5 22.0 29.0 36.5 42.0 59.0 8.0 11.1 14.8 17.5 22.0 29.0 36.5 42.0 59.0 68.0 690V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.4 - - - - 6.4 8.6 - - - 6.4 8.6 - - 6.4 8.6 10.1 - - 6.4 8.6 10.1 12.8 16.8 21.2 24.4 - - 6.4 8.6 10.1 12.8 16.8 21.2 24.4 34.2 - 6.4 8.6 10.1 12.8 16.8 21.2 24.4 34.2 39.4 Installed Power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.1 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 3 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 22 3 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 22 30 4 5.5 7.5 9.2 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 4000 4500 5050 4750 5200 6000 6650 5600 6100 7000 7700 5800 6500 7500 8050 9050 10100 8200 9000 10200 11500 12500 14000 11000 12200 14000 15500 16200 18300 13200 14400 16000 18000 19800 17280 19080 20880 23760 25920 20800 22680 25100 27720 30000 32040 34000 37800 40000 23760 26000 29500 32100 34200 37900 42000 43500 45500 51000 30500 33000 37000 40000 42500 46000 50000 52500 59000 64000 Approx. weight (Kg) 32 34 36 41 44 46 48 49 52 54 56 61 64 66 68 72 76 88 90 93 98 107 116 100 103 108 117 122 132 119 123 132 138 147 186 195 200 210 219 226 234 240 250 259 284 305 325 344 281 289 295 305 314 339 360 380 399 453 342 348 358 366 392 413 432 452 506 549 Assembly type CSXRT CJSXR A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 57 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXR Model A B B1 B2 C øD øe E F H K L N P Q V X x CSXR-315 518 578 3 340 223 322 25 236 83 235 395 404 13x18 280 280 480 283 253 CSXR-355 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 78 266 425 453 13x18 355 355 548 327 287 CSXR-400 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 78 300 452 507 13x18 355 355 613 354 314 CSXR-450 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 92 336 500 569 13x18 530 530 681 388 348 CSXR-500 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 92 375 535 638 13x18 530 530 750 424 394 CSXR-560 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 87 420 600 715 13x18 530 530 845 483 433 CSXR-630 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 87 471.5 650 801 13x18 530 530 946 532 482 CSXR-710 1121 1303 7 478 722 50 485 725 898 17x22 630 630 1058 578 528 V X x 535 599 1170 1060 440 1007 17x22 710 710 1181 633 583 Model CSXR-800 A 765 B B1 B2 C øD ød1 ød2 øe 1250 1468 7 862 533 808 844 875 45 115 E 531 H K K1 K2 L N P Q CSXR-900 1408 1648 7 971 595 896 945 980 55 604 670 1313 1191 510 1130 17x22 800 800 1319 715 655 CSXR-1000 1541 1810 9 1066 663 996 1044 1080 55 657 735 1381 1259 510 1267 17x22 900 900 1462 783 713 58 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXRT Installation A Model CSXRT-315-0’75 A B B1 B2 518 578 3 340 øD øe E 223 322 25 C 236 H H1 835 235 L N 395 404 K 13x18 P Q 280 280 V X x 480 283 253 CSXRT-315-1 518 578 3 340 223 322 25 236 855 235 395 404 13x19 280 280 480 283 253 CSXRT-315-1’5 518 578 3 340 223 322 25 236 855 235 395 404 13x20 280 280 480 283 253 CSXRT-315-2 518 578 3 340 223 322 25 236 875 235 395 404 13x21 280 280 480 283 253 CSXRT-315-3 518 578 3 340 223 322 25 236 875 235 395 404 13x22 280 280 480 283 253 CSXRT-355-0’75 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 910 266 425 453 13x18 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-355-1 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 930 266 425 453 13x19 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-355-1’5 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 930 266 425 453 13x20 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-355-2 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 945 266 425 453 13x21 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-355-3 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 945 266 425 453 13x22 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-355-4 578 655 6 383 247 362 30 261 963 266 425 453 13x23 355 355 548 327 287 CSXRT-400-0’75 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1012 300 452 507 13x18 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-1 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1012 300 452 507 13x19 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-1’5 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1012 300 452 507 13x20 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-2 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1033 300 452 507 13x21 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-3 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1033 300 452 507 13x22 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-4 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1045 300 452 507 13x23 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-400-5’5 651 736 4.5 431.5 274 404 30 290 1072 300 452 507 13x24 355 355 613 354 314 CSXRT-450-0’75 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1100 336 500 569 13x18 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-1 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1100 336 500 569 13x19 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-1’5 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1120 336 500 569 13x20 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-2 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1120 336 500 569 13x21 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-3 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1138 336 500 569 13x22 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-4 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1138 336 500 569 13x23 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-5’5 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1162 336 500 569 13x24 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-7’5 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1205 336 500 569 13x25 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-10 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1205 336 500 569 13x26 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-450-12’5 726 827 5 486 308 448 35 322 1205 336 500 569 13x27 530 530 681 388 348 CSXRT-500-1’5 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1214 375 535 638 13x18 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-2 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1214 375 535 638 13x19 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-3 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1228 375 535 638 13x20 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-4 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1228 375 535 638 13x21 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-5’5 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1255 375 535 638 13x22 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-7’5 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1292 375 535 638 13x23 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-10 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1292 375 535 638 13x24 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-12’5 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1292 375 535 638 13x25 530 530 750 424 394 CSXRT-500-15 800 918 5 538 344 510 35 352 1350 375 535 638 13x26 530 530 750 424 394 59 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXRT-560-2 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1325 420 600 715 13x18 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-3 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1340 420 600 715 13x19 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-4 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1340 420 600 715 13x20 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-5’5 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1365 420 600 715 13x21 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-7’5 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1410 420 600 715 13x22 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-10 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1410 420 600 715 13x23 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-12’5 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1410 420 600 715 13x24 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-560-15 893 1030 8 602 383 570 40 390 1464 420 600 715 13x25 530 530 845 483 433 CSXRT-630-3 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1470 471.5 650 801 13x18 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-4 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1470 471.5 650 801 13x19 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-5’5 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1492 471.5 650 801 13x20 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-7’5 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1531 471.5 650 801 13x21 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-10 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1531 471.5 650 801 13x22 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-12’5 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1531 471.5 650 801 13x23 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-15 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1590 471.5 650 801 13x24 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-630-20 999 1157 7 678.5 432 635 45 434 1590 471.5 650 801 13x25 530 530 946 532 482 CSXRT-710-4 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1612 531 725 898 17x22 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-5’5 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1638 531 725 898 17x23 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-7’5 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1675 531 725 898 17x24 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-10 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1675 531 725 898 17x25 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-12’5 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1675 531 725 898 17x26 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-15 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1735 531 725 898 17x27 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-20 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1735 531 725 898 17x28 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT-710-25 1121 1303 7 765 478 722 50 485 1820 531 725 898 17x29 630 630 1058 578 528 CSXRT Installation B Model 60 B B1 B2 C øD ød1 ød2 øe CSXRT-800 1250 1548 A 7 862 533 808 844 875 45 535 599 E H H1 80 1170 1007 1880 1245 1060 K L V X X1 CSXRT-900 1408 1728 7 971 595 896 945 980 55 604 670 80 1313 1130 2050 1375 1291 CSXRT-1000 1541 1890 9 1066 663 996 1044 1080 55 657 735 80 1381 1267 2250 1450 1259 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CJSXR Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD90 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG 90 On request vertical outlet (V) LG 0 On request vertical outlet (V) RD 0 Model CJSXR-315-H CJSXR-315-V CJSXR-355-H CJSXR-355-V CJSXR-400-H CJSXR-400-V CJSXR-450-H CJSXR-450-V CJSXR-500-H CJSXR-500-V CJSXR-560-H CJSXR-560-V CJSXR-630-H CJSXR-630-V CJSXR-410-H CJSXR-710-V A 853 950 1000 1078 1200 1120 1200 1355 1300 1430 1400 1590 1500 1720 1800 1925 B 710 675 785 740 875 805 955 875 1100 940 1250 1070 1380 1170 1525 1285 C 543 543 573 573 583 583 623 623 680 680 736 736 786 786 860 860 ØD 315 315 365 365 405 405 450 450 515 515 575 575 640 640 725 725 E 70 - 70 - 77 - 67 - 121 - 162 - 162 - 161 - F - 62 - 65 - 65 - 63.5 - 63.5 - 66.5 - 65.5 - 65.5 G1 298 345 329 380 363 424 399 467 438 511 483 566 527.5 630 596 701 H 259.5 404.5 292.5 450.5 313.5 497.5 338.5 552.5 363.5 604.5 403.5 671.5 442.5 756 523.5 833.5 L 409 409 458 458 514 514 575 575 644 644 721 721 807 807 904 904 K 228 228 252 252 280 280 314 314 350 350 390 390 438 438 484 484 61 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 315 355 62 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 400 450 63 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 500 560 64 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 630 710 65 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 800 900 66 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. 1000 Accessories INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 67 CJBDT/CBDT Double inlet extraction units and centrifugal fans with direct motor for working inside fire danger zones 400ºC/2h and 300ºC/1h, with possibility of single-phase motor Double inlet extraction units and centrifugal fans with direct motor for working inside fire danger zones 400ºC/2h, with possibility of singlephase motor 0370-CPD-0580 Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Outside connecting box. • Anti-vibration dampers (CJBDT) • Approval according to Standard EN12101-3:2002, certificate no.: 370-CPD-0580 Motor: • Class H motors, ongoing use S1 and emergency use S2, with ball bearings, IP55 protection, and one- or two- speed depending on the model. • Single-phase 230V 50 Hz. and Threephase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 4CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 4CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: S1 Service -20ºC + 60ºC for ongoing use, S2 Service 300ºC/2h, 400ºC/2h Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Fans with circular inlet • Fans with vertical outlet Outside connecting box and base stands Single-phase motors, 400ºC/2h Order code CJBDT CJBDT: Double inlet extraction units with direct motor for working inside fire danger zones 400ºC/2h and 300ºC/1h, with possibility of single-phase motor CBDT: Double inlet centrifugal fans with direct motor for working inside fire danger zones 400ºC/2h and 300ºC/1h, with possibility of single-phase motor 68 12/12 Impeller size 6M Number of M=Single-phase motor poles T=Three-phase 2=2900 r/min. 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min. 50 Hz 6=900 r/min. 50 Hz 8=750 r/min. 50 Hz 12=500 r/min. 50 Hz 1 Power motor (c.v.) F-400 F-300: Officially approved 300ºC/1h F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h CJBDT/CBDT Technical characteristics Speed Model Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 230V 400V (r/min) Installed Power (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure Approx. weight (Kg) level dB(A) CJBDT CBDT CJBDT CBDT CJBDT-9/9-4T CBDT-9/9-4T 1420 2.90 1.70 0.55 3000 64 66 44 24 CJBDT-9/9-4/8T CBDT-9/9-4/8T 1440 / 710 1.76 /0.76 0.55 /0.15 3000 /1750 64/51 66 /53 45 25 CJBDT-9/9-4M CBDT-9/9-4M 1410 4.10 0.55 3000 64 66 44 23 CJBDT-9/9-6T CBDT-9/9-6T 920 1.50 0.90 0.25 2100 60 61 42 22 CJBDT-9/9-6M CBDT-9/9-6M 900 2.20 0.25 2100 60 61 42 21 CJBDT-10/10-4T CBDT-10/10-4T 1420 2.90 1.70 0.55 3450 67 68 49 26 CJBDT-10/10-4/8T CBDT-10/10-4/8T 1440 / 710 1.76 /0.76 0.55 /0.15 3450 /1750 67/54 68 /55 50 27 CJBDT-10/10-4M CBDT-10/10-4M 1410 4.10 0.55 3450 67 68 49 25 CJBDT-10/10-6T CBDT-10/10-6T 920 1.50 0.90 0.25 2250 63 64 47 24 CJBDT-10/10-6M CBDT-10/10-6M 900 2.20 0.25 2250 63 64 47 23 CJBDT-12/12-6T-1 CBDT-12/12-6T-1 940 4.40 2.60 0.75 4800 64 65 69 37 CJBDT-12/12-6/12T-1 CBDT-12/12-6/12T-1 935 / 430 2.50 /1.03 0.75 /0.15 4800 /2600 64/52 65 /53 72 41 CJBDT-12/12-6M-1 CBDT-12/12-6M-1 920 5.80 0.75 4800 64 65 69 37 CJBDT-12/12-6T-1,5 CBDT-12/12-6T-1,5 945 6.40 3.70 1.10 6200 65 67 71 39 CJBDT-12/12-6/12T-1,5 CBDT-12/12-6/12T-1,5 940 / 450 3.30 /1.20 1.10 /0.18 6200 /3250 65/53 67 /55 75 44 CJBDT-12/12-6M-1,5 CBDT-12/12-6M-1,5 920 1.10 6200 65 67 71 39 CJBDT-15/15-6T CBDT-15/15-6T 950 10.30 5.90 2.20 8250 67 68 110 68 CJBDT-15/15-6/12T CBDT-15/15-6/12T 940 / 470 5.60 /2.20 2.20 /0.37 8250 /4600 67/54 68 /55 116 74 CJBDT-18/18-6T CBDT-18/18-6T 970 11.00 CJBDT-18/18-6/12T CBDT-18/18-6/12T 970 / 480 CJBDT-20/20-6T CBDT-20/20-6T 970 CJBDT-20/20-6/12T CBDT-20/20-6/12T CJBDT-22/22-6T CJBDT-22/22-6/12T 8.40 6.35 4.00 11800 67 69 175 109 11.30 /4.20 4.00 /0.65 11800 /6600 67/54 69 /56 183 117 14.00 5.50 14300 68 70 247 151 970 / 480 13.70 /5.60 5.50 /1.00 14300 /9700 68/55 70 /57 255 159 CBDT-22/22-6T 960 18.40 7.50 18050 69 71 309 190 CBDT-22/22-6/12T 970 / 480 19.00 /8.00 7.50 /1.40 18050 /11800 69/56 71 /58 319 200 10.60 Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of pressure and sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. CBDT Model 9/9-4 9/9-6 9/9-8 10/10-4 10/10-6 10/10-8 12/12-6-1 12/12-6-1,5 12/12-12-1 12/12-12-1,5 15/15-6 15/15-12 18/18-6 18/18-12 20/20-6 20/20-12 22/22-6 22/22-12 63 46 43 34 48 46 36 47 49 34 46 63 51 64 53 67 55 69 58 125 56 54 45 58 57 47 58 60 45 53 72 54 74 56 77 59 79 61 250 64 59 51 66 62 53 63 65 51 59 74 63 76 65 79 68 81 70 500 68 66 57 70 69 59 70 72 57 59 76 60 78 62 80 65 83 67 1000 73 67 60 75 70 62 71 73 60 56 71 58 73 60 76 63 78 65 2000 72 67 59 74 70 61 71 73 59 52 70 60 72 62 74 65 77 67 4000 69 62 55 71 65 57 66 68 55 55 64 60 66 62 69 64 71 67 8000 61 56 48 63 59 50 60 62 48 50 55 48 57 50 60 53 62 55 CJBDT Model 9/9-4 9/9-6 9/9-8 10/10-4 10/10-6 10/10-8 12/12-6-1 12/12-6-1,5 12/12-12-1 12/12-12-1,5 15/15-6 15/15-12 18/18-6 18/18-12 20/20-6 20/20-12 22/22-6 22/22-12 63 51 47 44 54 50 47 51 52 45 46 63 51 64 53 67 55 69 58 125 66 62 51 69 65 54 66 67 52 53 72 54 74 56 77 59 79 61 250 70 66 57 73 69 60 70 71 58 59 74 63 76 65 79 68 81 70 500 69 65 57 72 68 60 69 70 58 59 76 60 78 62 80 65 83 67 1000 68 64 54 71 67 57 68 69 55 56 71 58 73 60 76 63 78 65 2000 65 61 50 68 64 53 65 66 51 52 70 60 72 62 74 65 77 67 4000 65 61 53 68 64 56 65 66 54 55 64 60 66 62 69 64 71 67 8000 55 51 48 58 54 51 55 56 49 50 55 48 57 50 60 53 62 55 69 CJBDT/CBDT Dimensions in mm Model CJBDT-9/9 A B C D1XD2 G1 H I J K L 500 522 550 428x456 323 62.5 514 573 306 273 CJBDT-10/10 600 575 600 480x505 358.5 67.5 564 623 334 298 CJBDT-12/12 650 650 700 555x605 414.5 60.5 664 673 394 350 CJBDT-15/15 755 755 800 660x705 471.5 77.5 764 780 480 412 875 1000 804x904 582 73.5 940 1047 565 489 CJBDT-18/18 1000 CJBDT-20/20 1200 1175 1100 1070x1000 701 167.5 1040 1247 610 613 CJBDT-22/22 1280 1250 1250 1154x1154 739.5 158.5 1190 1327 664 704 Location of terminal board: CBDT-9/9 10/10 12/12 15/15 CBDT-18/18 20/20 22/22 Model A B B2 E H K L P Q V X X1 x ØO 380 404 218 180 180 298 265 280 327 355 346 49 323 10 CBDT-10/10 432 452 245 207 201 326 290 326 377 402 374 33 350 10 CBDT-12/12 508 534 292 236 236 386 342 384 443 475 444 57 416 10 CBDT-15/15 586 622 343 268 273 473 404 460 531 553 532 58 504 10 CBDT-18/18 701 754 414 320 334 556 480 553 641 666 26 85 592 10 CBDT-20/20 839 935 523 372 406 602 604 595 735 795 682 58 642 12 CBDT-22/22 907 1019 571 399 442 655 695 663 819 863 735 105 695 12 CBDT-9/9 70 CJBDT/CBDT Characteristic curves 4T: 1500r/min 6T: 1000 r/min 8T (Motor 4/8): 750 r/min 6T: 1000 r/min 12T (Motor 6/12): 500 r/min 6T: 1000 r/min 12T (Motor 6/12): 500 r/min Accessories INT IAT C2V AET AR CENTRAL CO RFT P-400 VIS CABLE BOX 71 CJTX-C 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with double-inlet fan 0370-CPD-0468 400ºC/2h extraction units with motor and belt-driven inside the plate to work outside fire danger zones. Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel structure. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3-2002, certification No.: 0370-CPD-0468 • Linear air circulation Motor: • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection, one-or two-speed depending on the model • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: S1 Service -20ºC+ 120ºC for ongoing use, Exclusive system of anchoring S2 Service 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Fans with vertical outlet Order code CJTX-C 15/15 0,75 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction Impeller size units with double-inlet fan Power motor (c.v.) (2V) Reference with 2V: Two-speed fan F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h For Service S2: 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJTX-C-7/7-0,25 CJTX-C-7/7-0,33 CJTX-C-7/7-0,33 2V CJTX-C-7/7-0,5 CJTX-C-7/7-0,5 2V CJTX-C-7/7-0,75 CJTX-C-7/7-0,75 2V CJTX-C-7/7-1 CJTX-C-7/7-1 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0,33 CJTX-C-9/9-0,33 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0,5 CJTX-C-9/9-0,5 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0,75 CJTX-C-9/9-0,75 2V CJTX-C-9/9-1 CJTX-C-9/9-1 2V CJTX-C-9/9-1,5 CJTX-C-9/9-1,5 2V CJTX-C-9/9-2 CJTX-C-9/9-2 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0,33 72 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 1000 1.03 1200 1.30 1200 / 600 1400 1.85 1400 / 700 1600 2.59 1600 / 800 1800 2.96 1800 / 900 850 1.30 850 / 425 960 1.85 960 / 480 1060 2.59 1060 / 530 1200 2.96 1200 / 600 1340 4.38 1340 / 670 1500 5.53 1500 / 750 660 1.30 0.59 0.75 0.70/ 0.30 1.06 1.05/ 0.50 1.49 1.70/ 0.80 1.71 2.00/ 0.90 0.75 0.70/ 0.30 1.06 1.05/ 0.50 1.49 1.70/ 0.80 1.71 2.00/ 0.90 2.53 2.90/ 1.30 3.19 3.50/ 1.50 0.75 Installed Power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.25/ 0.10 0.37 0.37/ 0.11 0.55 0.55/ 0.19 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 0.25 0.25/ 0.10 0.37 0.37/ 0.11 0.55 0.55/ 0.19 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 1.10 1.10/ 0.25 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 0.25 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 1600 1825 1825/915 2100 2100/1050 2350 2350/1175 2600 2600/1300 2300 2300/1150 2800 2800/1400 3200 3200/1600 3500 3500/1750 4100 4100/2050 4400 4400/2200 2800 Sound pressure Approx. weight (Kg) level dB(A) 58 60 60/45 64 64/49 67 67/52 69 69/54 58 58/43 61 61/46 65 65/50 67 67/52 70 70/55 72 72/57 57 53 54 54 54 57 58 58 62 61 65 65 66 67 69 69 73 72 80 74 84 76 77 CJTX-C Technical characteristics Model CJTX-C-10/10-0.33 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 2V CJTX-C-10/10-1 CJTX-C-10/10-1 2V CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 2V CJTX-C-10/10-2 CJTX-C-10/10-2 2V CJTX-C-10/10-3 CJTX-C-10/10-3 2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 2V CJTX-C-12/12-1 CJTX-C-12/12-1 2V CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 2V CJTX-C-12/12-2 CJTX-C-12/12-2 2V CJTX-C-12/12-3 CJTX-C-12/12-3 2V CJTX-C-12/12-4 CJTX-C-12/12-4 2V CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 2V CJTX-C-15/15-1 CJTX-C-15/15-1 2V CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 2V CJTX-C-15/15-2 CJTX-C-15/15-2 2V CJTX-C-15/15-3 CJTX-C-15/15-3 2V CJTX-C-15/15-4 CJTX-C-15/15-4 2V CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-1 CJTX-C-18/18-1 2V CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-2 CJTX-C-18/18-2 2V CJTX-C-18/18-3 CJTX-C-18/18-3 2V CJTX-C-18/18-4 CJTX-C-18/18-4 2V CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-10 CJTX-C-18/18-10 2V CJTX-C-20/20-2 CJTX-C-20/20-2 2V CJTX-C-20/20-3 CJTX-C-20/20-3 2V CJTX-C-20/20-4 CJTX-C-20/20-4 2V CJTX-C-20/20-5.5 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) (r/min) 660 / 330 0.70/ 0.30 800 1.85 1.06 800 / 400 1.05/ 0.50 880 2.59 1.49 880 / 440 1.70/ 0.80 1000 2.96 1.71 1000 / 500 2.00/ 0.90 1130 4.38 2.53 1130 / 565 2.90/ 1.30 1270 5.53 3.19 1270 / 635 3.50/ 1.50 1450 8.40 4.85 1450 / 725 4.90/ 1.70 600 1.85 1.06 600 / 300 1.05/ 0.50 700 2.59 1.49 700 / 350 1.70/ 0.80 800 2.96 1.71 800 / 400 2.00/ 0.90 880 4.38 2.53 880 / 440 2.90/ 1.30 1020 5.53 3.19 1020 / 510 3.50/ 1.50 1140 8.40 4.85 1140 / 570 4.90/ 1.70 1250 11.22 6.48 1250 / 625 6.50/ 2.30 530 2.59 1.49 530 / 265 1.70/ 0.80 560 2.96 1.71 560 / 280 2.00/ 0.90 630 4.38 2.53 630 / 315 2.90/ 1.30 700 5.53 3.19 700 / 350 3.50/ 1.50 800 8.40 4.85 800 / 400 4.90/ 1.70 880 11.22 6.48 880 / 440 6.50/ 2.30 970 14.98 8.65 970 / 485 8.20/ 2.90 460 2.96 1.71 460 / 230 2.00/ 0.90 510 4.38 2.53 510 / 255 2.90/ 1.30 540 5.53 3.19 540 / 270 3.50/ 1.50 610 8.40 4.85 610 / 305 4.90/ 1.70 680 11.22 6.48 680 / 340 6.50/ 2.30 750 14.98 8.65 750 / 375 8.20/ 2.90 850 11.40 6.60 850 / 425 11.80/ 3.80 930 14.80 8.50 930 / 465 15.30/ 5.40 450 5.53 3.19 450 / 225 3.50/ 1.50 530 8.40 4.85 530 / 265 4.90/ 1.70 580 11.22 6.48 580 / 290 6.50/ 2.30 660 14.98 8.65 Speed Installed Power (kW) 0.25/ 0.10 0.37 0.37/ 0.11 0.55 0.55/ 0.19 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 1.10 1.10/ 0.25 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 0.37 0.37/ 0.11 0.55 0.55/ 0.19 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 1.10 1.10/ 0.25 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 0.55 0.55/ 0.19 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 1.10 1.10/ 0.25 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 4.00/ 0.80 0.75 0.75/ 0.20 1.10 1.10/ 0.25 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 4.00/ 0.80 5.50 5.50/ 1.10 7.50 7.50/ 1.50 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 2800/1400 3300 3300/1650 3800 3800/1900 4200 4200/2100 4800 4800/2400 5300 5300/2650 5900 5900/2950 4200 4200/2100 4600 4600/2300 5100 5100/2550 5700 5700/2850 6400 6400/3200 7400 7400/3700 8200 8200/4100 4700 4700/2350 6000 6000/3000 7000 7000/3500 7800 7800/3900 9000 9000/4500 10000 10000/5000 11000 11000/5500 7500 7500/3750 9000 9000/4500 10800 10800/5400 12500 12500/6250 14000 14000/7000 15000 15000/7500 16500 16500/8250 18000 18000/9000 13000 13000/6500 15000 15000/7500 16300 16300/8150 18000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 57/42 61 61/46 63 63/48 65 65/50 68 68/53 71 71/56 74 74/59 60 60/45 63 63/48 65 65/50 68 68/53 70 70/55 73 73/58 75 75/60 59 59/44 61 61/46 64 64/49 66 66/51 69 69/54 72 72/57 73 73/58 60 60/45 61 61/46 64 64/49 67 67/52 70 70/55 72 72/57 74 74/59 77 77/62 64 64/49 68 68/53 70 70/55 72 Approx. weight (Kg) 77 77 79 81 81 85 84 92 85 94 86 89 93 96 98 99 100 104 103 111 104 113 105 107 110 115 118 126 126 130 129 138 131 141 133 135 140 144 147 145 151 163 163 171 165 175 167 170 173 177 180 178 184 188 204 202 213 276 268 270 274 277 280 279 73 CJTX-C Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJTX-C-20/20-5,5 2V CJTX-C-20/20-7,5 CJTX-C-20/20-7,5 2V CJTX-C-20/20-10 CJTX-C-20/20-10 2V CJTX-C-22/22-2 CJTX-C-22/22-2 2V CJTX-C-22/22-3 CJTX-C-22/22-3 2V CJTX-C-22/22-4 CJTX-C-22/22-4 2V CJTX-C-22/22-5,5 CJTX-C-22/22-5,5 2V CJTX-C-22/22-7,5 CJTX-C-22/22-7,5 2V CJTX-C-22/22-10 CJTX-C-22/22-10 2V CJTX-C-22/22-15 CJTX-C-22/22-15 2V CJTX-C-22/22-20 CJTX-C-22/22-20 2V CJTX-C-25/25-3 CJTX-C-25/25-3 2V CJTX-C-25/25-4 CJTX-C-25/25-4 2V CJTX-C-25/25-5,5 CJTX-C-25/25-5,5 2V CJTX-C-25/25-7,5 CJTX-C-25/25-7,5 2V CJTX-C-25/25-10 CJTX-C-25/25-10 2V CJTX-C-25/25-15 CJTX-C-25/25-15 2V CJTX-C-25/25-20 CJTX-C-25/25-20 2V CJTX-C-30/28-3 CJTX-C-30/28-3 2V CJTX-C-30/28-4 CJTX-C-30/28-4 2V CJTX-C-30/28-5,5 CJTX-C-30/28-5,5 2V CJTX-C-30/28-7,5 CJTX-C-30/28-7,5 2V CJTX-C-30/28-10 CJTX-C-30/28-10 2V CJTX-C-30/28-15 CJTX-C-30/28-15 2V CJTX-C-30/28-20 CJTX-C-30/28-20 2V CJTX-C-30/28-25 CJTX-C-30/28-25 2V 74 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 660 / 330 740 740 / 370 815 815 / 408 380 5.53 380 / 190 430 8.40 430 / 215 480 11.22 480 / 240 520 14.98 520 / 260 580 580 / 290 650 650 / 325 740 740 / 370 780 780 / 390 340 8.40 340 / 170 380 11.22 380 / 190 420 14.98 420 / 210 470 470 / 235 510 510 / 255 570 570 / 285 630 630 / 315 250 8.40 250 / 125 280 11.22 280 / 140 340 14.98 340 / 170 360 360 / 180 410 410 / 205 480 480 / 240 520 520 / 260 550 550 / 275 8.20/ 2.90 11.40 6.60 11.80/ 3.80 14.80 8.50 15.30/ 5.40 3.19 3.50/ 1.50 4.85 4.90/ 1.70 6.48 6.50/ 2.30 8.65 8.20/ 2.90 11.40 6.60 11.80/ 3.80 14.80 8.50 15.30/ 5.40 21.00 12.10 23.20/ 8.70 28.60 16.50 31.72/ 11.75 4.85 4.90/ 1.70 6.48 6.50/ 2.30 8.65 8.20/ 2.90 11.40 6.60 11.80/ 3.80 14.80 8.50 15.30/ 5.40 21.00 12.10 23.20/ 8.70 28.60 16.50 31.72/ 11.75 4.85 4.90/ 1.70 6.48 6.50/ 2.30 8.65 8.20/ 2.90 11.40 6.60 11.80/ 3.80 14.80 8.50 15.30/ 5.40 21.00 12.10 23.20/ 8.70 28.60 16.50 31.72/ 11.75 36.00 20.80 33.00/ 11.00 Installed Power (kW) 4.00/ 0.80 5.50 5.50/ 1.10 7.50 7.50/ 1.50 1.50 1.50/ 0.37 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 4.00/ 0.80 5.50 5.50/ 1.10 7.50 7.50/ 1.50 11.00 10.50/ 2.80 15.00 15.00/ 3.80 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 4.00/ 0.80 5.50 5.50/ 1.10 7.50 7.50/ 1.50 11.00 10.50/ 2.80 15.00 15.00/ 3.80 2.20 2.20/ 0.45 3.00 3.00/ 0.60 4.00 4.00/ 0.80 5.50 5.50/ 1.10 7.50 7.50/ 1.50 11.00 10.50/ 2.80 15.00 15.00/ 3.80 18.50 17.00/ 3.40 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 18000/9000 20500 20500/10250 22500 22500/11250 14000 14000/7000 16000 16000/8000 18000 18000/9000 20000 20000/10000 22500 22500/11250 25000 25000/12500 28000 28000/14000 31000 31000/15500 20000 20000/10000 22000 22000/11000 24000 24000/12000 26500 26500/13250 29000 29000/14500 34000 34000/17000 38000 38000/19000 25000 25000/12500 27000 27000/13500 29000 29000/14500 32500 32500/16250 36000 36000/18000 40000 40000/20000 45000 45000/22500 49000 49000/24500 72/57 74 74/59 77 77/62 62 62/47 64 64/49 68 68/53 69 69/54 72 72/57 74 74/59 77 77/62 79 79/64 66 66/51 68 68/53 70 70/55 73 73/58 75 75/60 78 78/63 80 80/65 64 64/49 66 66/51 68 68/53 71 71/56 73 73/58 76 76/61 78 78/63 79 79/64 285 289 305 304 314 318 310 312 316 320 323 323 329 333 350 346 357 358 389 424 413 369 372 376 379 377 383 393 409 401 412 419 450 482 471 502 507 516 519 517 523 530 546 545 556 557 588 627 616 609 643 CJTX-C Dimensions in mm VIEWED FROM THE TOP Standard supply horizontal outlet (H): LG -90 Model CJTX-C-7/7 CJTX-C-9/9 CJTX-C-10/10 CJTX-C-12/12 CJTX-C-15/15 CJTX-C-18/18 CJTX-C-20/20 CJTX-C-22/22 CJTX-C-25/25 CJTX-C-30/28 A B B1 C C1 Ød Ød1 D1 D2 F G H I K L X X1 X2 700 785 860 970 1100 1278 1495 1640 1800 2000 480 592 618 680 776 900 1080 1180 1300 1525 - - - - - 60 60 60 60 60 730 759 825 945 1100 1250 1474 1625 1825 2134 695 716 782 902 1057 1207 1431 1582 1782 2091 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 354 466 492 554 650 774 954 1054 1174 1399 470 490 520 620 720 870 1100 1250 1450 1760 60 43 28.5 38.5 41 41 29.5 47 59 56.5 532 607 683.5 756.5 853.5 993 1160 1240.5 1338 1473 750 835 910 1020 1150 1328 1555 1700 1860 2060 685 714 780 900 1055 1205 1419 1570 1770 2079 239 305 334 395 483 565 611 665 775 900 216 270 296 350 411 488 611 705 806 941 - - - - - 614.5 722.5 795.5 875.5 975.5 - - - - - 20 20 20 20 20 1229 1545 1591 1751 1951 VIEWED FROM THE TOP Supplied on request: Vertical outlet (V) LG-0 Model CJTX-C-7/7 CJTX-C-9/9 CJTX-C-10/10 CJTX-C-12/12 CJTX-C-15/15 CJTX-C-18/18 CJTX-C-20/20 CJTX-C-22/22 CJTX-C-25/25 CJTX-C-30/28 A B B1 C C1 Ød Ød1 D1 D2 F G H I K L X X1 X2 700 785 860 970 1100 1278 1495 1640 1800 2000 480 592 618 680 776 900 1080 1180 1300 1525 - - - - - 60 60 60 60 60 730 759 825 945 1100 1250 1474 1625 1825 2134 695 716 782 902 1057 1207 1431 1582 1782 2091 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 354 466 492 554 650 774 954 1054 1174 1399 470 490 520 620 720 870 1100 1250 1450 1760 66 89 86.5 81.5 83.5 83.5 66 125.5 121 115.5 306 368 383.5 423.5 457 572.5 667.5 702 777 941.5 750 835 910 1020 1150 1328 1555 1700 1860 2060 685 714 780 900 1055 1205 1419 1570 1770 2079 239 305 334 395 483 565 611 665 775 900 216 270 296 350 411 488 611 705 806 941 - - - - - 614.5 722.5 795.5 875.5 975.5 - - - - - 20 20 20 20 20 1229 1545 1591 1751 1951 75 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CJTX-C-7/7 CJTX-C-9/9 76 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJTX-C-10/10 CJTX-C-12/12 77 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CJTX-C-15/15 CJTX-C-18/18 78 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJTX-C-20/20 CJTX-C-22/22 79 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJTX-C-25/25 CJTX-C-30/28 Accessories INT TEJ 80 IAT VIS C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT CJSX 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with single-inlet fan 0370-CPD-0503 400ºC/2h extraction units with motor outside the airflow path to work outside fire danger zones. Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel structure. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3-2002, certification No.: 0370-CPD-0503 Motor outside the airflow path Motor: • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: S1 Service -20ºC+ 120ºC for ongoing use, S2 Service 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Fans with two-speed motor. • Fans with vertical outlet Order code CJSX 22/11 400ºC/2h centrifugal fans with backward-curved impeller. Impeller size 3 F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h Power motor (c.v.) For Service S2: 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJSX-12/6-0.75 CJSX-12/6-1 CJSX-12/6-1.5 CJSX-12/6-2 CJSX-12/6-3 CJSX-15/7-1 CJSX-15/7-1.5 CJSX-15/7-2 CJSX-15/7-3 CJSX-15/7-4 CJSX-18/9-1.5 CJSX-18/9-2 CJSX-18/9-3 CJSX-18/9-4 CJSX-18/9-5.5 CJSX-20/10-2 CJSX-20/10-3 CJSX-20/10-4 CJSX-20/10-5.5 1000 1100 1250 1300 1500 800 850 920 1000 1050 750 790 800 850 920 650 690 750 790 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 2.42 3.29 4.49 5.98 8.31 3.29 4.49 5.98 8.31 11.22 4.49 5.98 8.31 11.22 14.90 5.98 8.31 11.22 14.90 1.40 1.90 2.59 3.45 4.80 1.90 2.59 3.45 4.80 6.48 2.59 3.45 4.80 6.48 8.60 3.45 4.80 6.48 8.60 Installed Power (kW) Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 2600 3100 3500 4250 4800 4000 4800 5400 6400 7400 5800 6600 8200 9000 10500 8100 10100 11500 13100 Sound pressure level dB(A) 69 71 74 77 79 67 69 72 75 77 68 70 74 76 78 65 68 70 73 Approx. weight (Kg) 73 74 77 80 85 92 95 98 103 106 111 114 119 122 125 203 208 211 214 81 CJSX Technical characteristics Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) (r/min) 850 11.10 6.40 580 8.31 4.80 610 11.22 6.48 650 14.90 8.60 690 11.10 6.40 750 14.80 8.50 790 17.80 10.30 830 21.50 12.40 910 28.50 16.50 1000 35.00 20.20 520 11.22 6.48 550 14.90 8.60 590 11.10 6.40 620 14.80 8.50 650 17.80 10.30 690 21.50 12.40 750 28.50 16.50 810 35.00 20.20 400 14.90 8.60 425 11.10 6.40 460 14.80 8.50 480 17.80 10.30 500 21.50 12.40 550 28.50 16.50 600 35.00 20.20 Model Installed Power (kW) 5.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 Speed CJSX-20/10-7,5 CJSX-22/11-3 CJSX-22/11-4 CJSX-22/11-5,5 CJSX-22/11-7,5 CJSX-22/11-10 CJSX-22/11-12,5 CJSX-22/11-15 CJSX-22/11-20 CJSX-22/11-25 CJSX-25/13-4 CJSX-25/13-5,5 CJSX-25/13-7,5 CJSX-25/13-10 CJSX-25/13-12,5 CJSX-25/13-15 CJSX-25/13-20 CJSX-25/13-25 CJSX-30/14-5,5 CJSX-30/14-7,5 CJSX-30/14-10 CJSX-30/14-12,5 CJSX-30/14-15 CJSX-30/14-20 CJSX-30/14-25 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 15000 11200 13000 15000 17000 19000 21000 22000 24500 26000 14000 17000 19500 23000 25000 26500 29500 32000 21000 24000 27500 30000 33000 36500 38000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 75 67 70 72 74 76 78 79 81 83 62 65 67 70 72 74 75 77 69 72 74 76 77 78 81 Dimensions in mm Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD-90 Supply on demand vertical outlet (V) RD-0 Supply on demand horizontal outlet (H) LG-90 Supply on demand vertical outlet (V) LG-0 Model CJSX-12/6-H CJSX-12/6-V CJSX-15/7-H CJSX-15/7-V CJSX-18/9-H CJSX-18/9-V CJSX-20/10-H CJSX-20/10-V CJSX-22/11-H CJSX-22/11-V CJSX-25/13-H CJSX-25/13-V CJSX-30/14-H CJSX-30/14-V 82 A 850 850 1000 1000 1200 1200 1485 1485 1570 1570 1610 1610 1845 1845 B 650 650 755 755 875 875 1175 1175 1250 1250 1375 1375 1600 1600 C 540 540 600 600 620 620 730 730 760 760 820 820 855 855 ØD 330 330 400 400 480 480 565 565 615 615 685 685 820 820 E 74 - 74 - 74 - 175 - 165 - 175 - 160 - with bedplate E - - - - - - 120 - 110 - 120 - 95 - F - 30 - 30 - 30 - 75 - 75 - 75 - 75 G1 288 318 328 378 383 433 475 535 510 570 550 625 655 760 with bedplate G1 - - - - - - 530 - 565 - 605 - 710 - H 288 328 328 383 388 448 440 585 470 640 495 705 580 825 L 346 346 411 411 491 491 613 613 708 708 803 803 943 943 with bedplate L - - - - - - 605 - 700 - 795 - 935 - K 210 210 270 270 305 305 343 343 373 373 423 423 488 488 Approx. weight (Kg) 227 219 222 225 238 246 257 273 292 322 254 257 270 278 289 305 324 354 331 344 352 363 379 398 428 CJSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJSX 12/6 CJSX 15/7 83 CJSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CJSX 18/9 CJSX 20/10 84 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJSX 22/11 CJSX 25/13 85 CJSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CJSX 30/14 Accessories INT TEJ 86 IAT VIS C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT CSX CJSRX 400ºC/2h belt-driven centrifugal fans and extraction units to work outside fire danger zones with backward-curved impeller pending CSX: 400ºC/2h belt-driven centrifugal fans with backward-curved impeller. CJSRX: 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with backward-curved impeller. Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3:2002, certificate no.: 0370-CPD• Protective anti-contact guard Motor: • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: S1 Service -20ºC to + 150ºC for ongoing use, S2 Service 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h CSX Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 • Fans with two-speed motor. High-performance and robust backward-curved impeller. CJSRX Order code CSX CSX: 400ºC/2h centrifugal beltdriven fans to work outside fire danger zones. CJSRX: 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with backwardcurved impeller 800 Impeller size 5,5 Power motor (c.v.) F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h For Service S2: 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Technical characteristics Model CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CJSRX CJSRX CJSRX CJSRX CJSRX CJSRX CJSRX Speed 315-0,75 315-1 315-1,5 315-2 315-3 355-0,75 355-1 (r/min) 2520 2800 3250 3550 4000 2100 2300 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 2.35 1.35 - 3.13 1.80 - 4.35 2.50 - 5.83 3.35 - 7.60 4.37 - 2.43 1.40 - 3.13 1.80 - Installed Power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.55 0.75 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 4000 4500 5050 5650 6400 4750 5200 Approx. weight (Kg) 32 34 36 39 42 41 44 87 CSX CJSRX Technical characteristics Model CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CJSRX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX 88 Speed 355-1,5 355-2 355-3 355-4 400-0,75 400-1 400-1,5 400-2 400-3 400-4 400-5,5 450-0,75 450-1 450-1,5 450-2 450-3 450-4 450-5,5 450-7,5 450-10 450-12,5 500-1,5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5,5 500-7,5 500-10 500-12,5 500-15 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5,5 560-7,5 560-10 560-12,5 560-15 630-3 630-4 630-5,5 630-7,5 630-10 630-12,5 630-15 630-20 710-4 710-5,5 710-7,5 710-10 710-12,5 710-15 710-20 710-25 800-4 800-5,5 800-7,5 800-10 800-12,5 800-15 800-20 800-25 800-30 900-4 900-5,5 900-7,5 (r/min) 2600 2875 3350 3600 1730 1900 2180 2400 2750 3050 3300 1230 1380 1550 1700 1950 2200 2400 2600 2980 3150 1250 1380 1560 1730 1900 2130 2300 2500 2600 1200 1380 1500 1670 1850 2050 2200 2300 1060 1150 1300 1450 1600 1700 1820 1890 1000 1100 1200 1350 1480 1550 1680 1790 800 880 970 1070 1150 1230 1350 1450 1540 650 720 790 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 4.35 2.50 - 5.83 3.35 - 7.60 4.37 - 10.35 5.95 - 2.35 1.35 - 3.30 1.90 - 4.50 2.59 - 5.83 3.35 - 7.60 4.37 - 10.35 5.95 - 13.22 7.60 - 2.43 1.40 - 3.30 1.90 - 4.50 2.59 - 6.00 3.45 - 8.35 4.80 - 10.35 5.95 - 13.22 7.60 - - 10.50 6.09 - 13.90 8.06 - 16.80 9.74 4.50 2.59 - 6.00 3.45 - 8.35 4.80 - 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 13.90 8.06 - 16.80 9.74 - 20.50 11.88 6.00 3.45 - 8.35 4.80 - 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 14.80 8.58 - 16.80 9.74 - 20.50 11.88 8.35 4.80 - 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 14.80 8.58 - 17.50 10.14 - 22.00 12.75 - 29.00 16.81 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 14.80 8.58 - 17.50 10.14 - 22.00 12.75 - 29.00 16.81 - 36.50 21.16 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 14.80 8.58 - 17.50 10.14 - 22.00 12.75 - 29.00 16.81 - 36.50 21.16 - 42.00 24.35 11.27 6.48 - 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 Installed Power (kW) 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 Maximum Approx. weight (Kg) Airflow (m3/h) 6000 46 6650 48 7500 53 8200 57 5600 49 6100 52 7000 54 7700 56 8800 59 9800 64 10500 72 5800 61 6500 64 7500 66 8050 68 9050 72 10100 76 11500 85 12500 95 14000 100 15000 108 8200 88 9000 90 10200 93 11500 98 12500 107 14000 116 15500 121 16500 130 17500 156 11000 100 12200 103 14000 108 15500 117 16200 122 18300 132 20000 141 21000 166 13200 119 14400 123 16000 132 18000 138 19800 147 21600 156 23040 181 25200 202 17280 186 19080 195 20880 200 23760 210 25920 219 27720 244 29880 265 32100 285 20800 226 22680 234 25100 240 27720 250 30000 259 32040 284 34000 305 37800 325 40000 344 23760 281 26000 289 29500 295 CSX CJSRX Technical characteristics Model CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX CSX Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) - 14.80 8.58 - 17.50 10.14 - 22.00 12.75 - 29.00 16.81 - 36.50 21.16 - 42.00 24.35 - 59.00 34.20 13.91 8.00 - - 11.10 6.43 - 14.80 8.58 - 17.50 10.14 - 22.00 12.75 - 29.00 16.81 - 36.50 21.16 - 42.00 24.35 - 59.00 34.20 - 68.00 39.42 Speed (r/min) 860 940 1020 1120 1190 1250 1400 600 660 730 790 840 940 1000 1060 1160 1260 900-10 900-12,5 900-15 900-20 900-25 900-30 900-40 1000-5,5 1000-7,5 1000-10 1000-12,5 1000-15 1000-20 1000-25 1000-30 1000-40 1000-50 Installed Power (kW) 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 37.00 Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 32100 34200 37900 42000 43500 45500 51000 30500 33000 37000 40000 42500 46000 50000 52500 59000 64000 Approx. weight (Kg) 305 314 339 360 380 399 453 342 348 358 366 392 413 432 452 506 549 Dimensions in mm RD 90 standard supply Model CSX -315 CSX -355 CSX -400 CSX -450 CSX -500 CSX -560 CSX -630 CSX -710 CSX -800 CSX -900 CSX -1000 Model CSX -315 CSX -355 CSX -400 CSX -450 CSX -500 CSX -560 CSX -630 CSX -710 CSX -800 CSX -900 CSX -1000 A 518 578 661 726 800 893 999 1121 1250 1408 1541 B 578 655 736 827 918 1030 1157 1303 1468 1648 1810 J 460 509 563 526 694 771 867 964 1063 1186 1323 C 700 775 800 895 930 1020 1065 1185 1245 1375 1450 J2 434 483 537 599 668 745 831 928 1039 1160 1297 ød 383 423 466 515 570 635 700 778 875 980 1080 K 223 247 274 308 344 383 432 478 533 595 663 ød1 344 386 432 485 544 605 670 750 844 845 1044 k2 233 260 290 318 350 366 434 483 541 602 668 øD1 322 362 404 448 510 570 635 722 808 896 996 L 404 453 507 569 638 715 801 898 1007 1130 1267 E 236 261 2902 322 352 390 434 485 535 604 657 R 38 30 38 45 50 48 53 63 69 89 79 H1 340 383 431.5 486 538 603 678.5 765 862 971 1066 S 3 6 4.5 5 5 8 7 7 7 7 9 H2 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 V 920 980 1100 1200 1280 1400 1550 1700 1880 2050 2250 I 259 286 316 344 376 414 460 512 567 613 694 X 556 627 654 728 764 855 904 1005 1060 1191 1259 89 CSX CJSRX Dimensions in mm Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD 90 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG 90 On request vertical outlet (V) LG 0 On request vertical outlet (V) RD 0 Model CJSRX-315-H CJSRX-315-V CJSRX-355-H CJSRX-355-V CJSRX-400-H CJSRX-400-V CJSRX-450-H CJSRX-450-V CJSRX-500-H CJSRX-500-V CJSRX-560-H CJSRX-560-V CJSRX-630-H CJSRX-630-V CJSRX-710-H CJSRX-710-V 90 A 850 895 1000 1035 1200 1200 1250 1300 1300 1401 1400 1500 1500 1700 1750 1850 B 695 650 788 755 875 875 975 925 1175 995 1250 1080 1380 1220 1600 1390 C 540 540 600 600 620 620 670 670 734 734 766 766 823 823 857 857 ØD 325 325 365 365 405 405 450 450 515 515 575 575 640 640 730 730 E 55.5 - 72 - 76.5 - 86 - 195 - 141.5 - 143.5 - 217 - F - 41 - 34 - 33 - 35 - 44 - 39 - 64 - 26 G1 298 345 329 378 363 424 396 467 438 510.5 502.5 585.5 55 647.5 613.5 718.5 H 271 385 312.5 380 341.5 469 373.5 524 397 584 435 643.5 479 745.5 530 794 L 412 412 461.5 461.5 515.5 515.5 577.5 577.5 646.5 646.5 723 723 809 809 907 907 K 230 230 256 256 282 282 316 316 352 352 392 392 440 440 486 486 CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX CJSRX 315 CSX CJSRX 355 91 CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CSX CJSRX 400 CSX CJSRX 450 92 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX CJSRX 500 CSX CJSRX 560 93 CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CSX CJSRX 630 CSX CJSRX 710 94 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX 800 CSX 900 95 CSX CJSRX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and in wg. CSX 1000 Accessories INT 96 IAT C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT Alphabetical index of references CBD 8 CBDT 68 CBX 21 CBXC 21 CBXR 21 CBXT 21 CDXR 48 CDXRT 48 CJBC 15 CJBC/ECO 15 CJBD 13 CJBD/AL 13 CJBDT 68 CJBX 31 CJBX/AL 31 CJDXR 48 CJSRX 87 CJSX 81 CJSXR 56 CJTSA 40 CJTX-C 72 CSX 87 CSXR 56 CSXRT 56 TSA 40 TSAT 40 TWIN 19 97 OUR PRODUCTS In-line duct fans Axial fans Centrifugal fans Fans for smoke extraction 400ºC/2h - 300ºC/1h ATEX Fans for explosive atmospheres Roof fans Ventilation systems for houses Air curtains NEW NEW Heat recovery units Efficient Energy Applications NEW Filtration units NEW Ask us for information Ventilation software. General catalogue 98 PERPIGNA FRANCE FIGUERES PUIGCERDÀ Crta. de Berga, km 0.7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA Barcelona - SPAIN Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com www.sodeca.com RIPOLL SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA GIRONA VIC Dir. LLEIDA ZARAGOZA MADRID MANRESA MOLLET REUS BARCELONA Dir. TARRAGONA Export sales SODECA EXPORT Crta. de Berga, km 0.7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA Barcelona - SPAIN Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 ventilation@sodeca.com SODECA SOUTH AMERICA Sodeca Ventiladores Ltda Avda. Puerta Sur 03380 San Bernardo, SANTIAGO, CHILE ventilation@sodeca.com PORTUGAL Mr. Albert Bartés E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA Barcelona - SPAIN Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com SODECA CARIBBEAN AREA Mr. Carlos A. Hernández Gil Residencial Miramar Nº 120B-7ma Ave. NO. 1805 entre 18 y 20. Miramar Playa, CIUDAD DE LA HABANA, CUBA Tel. 00537 20 43721 sodeca@enet.cu Crta. de Berga, km 0.7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA (Barcelona - Spain) Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com www.sodeca.com 100
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