centrifugal fans and in-line duct extractors
CENTRIFUGAL FANS IN-LINE DUCT EXTRACTORS CENTRIFUGAL FANS AND IN-LINE DUCT EXTRACTORS According EU Regulation OUR COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT Sodeca has begun a new stage of study and design of new trends in ventilation which will help to preserve the environment and to make the energy saving which so much concerns today’s society. SODECA has concentrated its activity on the production of industrial fans, ventilation systems and extractors for the removal of smoke in case of fire since 1983, when it was founded. SODECA’s fans and extractors are present in all European countries and in many parts of the world, thanks to the quality of the product and the methods of research and development used. Our quality procedures used and certified by BUREAU VERITAS, in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, are another of the reasons which make SODECA one of the best and most renowned fan manufacturers in Europe. Without a doubt, the most important factor to achieve our objectives is the human factor, the great professionals who work at your service, offering not only ventilation equipment but also solutions to any ventilation need required by our customers. We offer you the possibility of visiting our facilities in Sant Quirze de Besora, with over 16,000 square metres of built area, where you will be able to see our fan manufacture with perfect clarity and with the highest standards of quality, complying with the ISO and AMCA standards. This catalogue is only a small part of our possibilities. Do not hesitate to contact us. We will put all our experience and our human resources at your disposal. In order to obtain an improvement in the energetic consumption, SODECA has adjusted the impellers in the maximum efficiency working area. For this reason there might be changes in the curves of this catalogue compared to previous editions. Installations headquarters of SODECA s.a., at Sant Quirze de Besora and manufacturing plant in Santiago de Chile. CENTRIFUGAL FANS AND IN-LINE EXTRACTORS Sodeca has specialised since its inception in the design and manufacture of fans and accessories for industrial applications. The union of the experience acquired over decades of work with fans together with the technology supplied by engineers in different departments has made it possible for Sodeca to become one of the largest manufacturers of industrial ventilation in the world. The industrial applications require a great capacity for adaptation to the specifications of each project and flexibility in manufacture, so as to fulfil the real needs of each client. In order to fulfil this objective, Sodeca has a line of Standard products and a line of products with special manufacture, for the construction of fans adapted to the demands of our clients. For years constant investments have been made in the development of internal processes and applications to achieve the manufacture and supply of special industrial fans, with an extremely limited design and manufacturing period. Teamwork of our engineering department, together with universities and technology centres as well as close collaboration between the design departments of our external collaborators makes it possible to achieve innovative solutions of industrial ventilation in a short period of time. Throughout our history, we have developed all kinds of technology in fans for industrial applications which are currently used all over the world. It is our objective to continue to invest in this sector so as to continue to be one of the most esteemed manufacturers of industrial fans in the world. IN-LINE DUCT FANS SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO CJBC 12 In-line duct fans NEOLINEO In-line duct fans with Long Life ball bearings 18 Exhaust fans and compact extraction units for direct operation CL CA/LINE CJBC/ECO CL/PLUS TUB In-line duct fans with Long Life ball bearings 22 26 Low-profile rectangular in-line fans 28 In-line fans for high temperatures 36 CENTRIFUGAL FANS CBD CBD 3V CJBD CJBD/AL CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Low-pressure double-inlet belt-driven centrifugal fans Low-pressure double-inlet centrifugal fans with direct motor 37 CJBX CJBX/AL Belt-driven ventilation units with double-inlet fan CSXR CSXRT 57 Ventilation units with direct motor and double-inlet fan 43 CJTX-C 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with double-inlet fan 45 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR 66 78 Double-inlet belt-driven fans TSA TSAT CJTSA CJSXR CSX 400 ºC/2h centrifugal fans to work outside Belt-driven fans with single-inlet 4 89 Belt-driven fans with single-inlet 102 111 CJSRX BR KITS SOBREPRESIÓN CJBR Ventilation units with backwardcurved impeller 400ºC/2h extraction units to work outside 121 CJEC 125 132 146 CMP Centrifugal singleinlet, mediumpressure fans fitted with an impeller with backward-facing blades and external rotor motor 161 Centrifugal highpressure fans made from cast aluminium CAS Centrifugal medium-pressure fans without stands, fitted with backwardcurved impeller and vertical outlet Robust centrifugal medium-pressure beltdriven fans fitted with backward-curved or multi-blade impeller 184 CMSH 192 CMPH Centrifugal fans to recirculate hot gases, with a direct motor and backwardcurved or multi-blade impeller Centrifugal fans to re-circulate hot gases, with a direct motor and backward-curved or multi-blade impeller 218 221 216 CMT 171 Centrifugal beltdriven fans with electric motor Centrifugal beltdriven fans to re-circulate hot gases 201 CAS-S CMP-X 181 Robust centrifugal medium-pressure beltdriven fans fitted with backward-curved or multi-blade impeller 168 CAS-X CMRH 224 157 Centrifugal medium-pressure fans fitted with multi-blade impeller. Centrifugal high-pressure fans made from sheet steel with built-in noise reducer Centrifugal high-pressure fans made from sheet steel 178 Centrifugal mediumpressure fans to transport solids 150 CBP CBPC CAM CMAT Centrifugal medium-pressure fans fitted with multi-blade impeller. Robust centrifugal medium-pressure fans fitted with backward-curved impeller 159 CMR-X 142 CMP/AL CJMP/AL 148 CMR Centrifugal medium-pressure fans made from cast aluminium 138 Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with external rotor motor Centrifugal medium-pressure fans made from sheet steel CA Plastic anticorrosive centrifugal fans 135 CMPE CMRE CMA Centrifugal medium-pressure fans with multi-blade impeller 400ºC/2h kitchen extraction units with two-speed motor 130 128 CPV CB CMC High-performance centrifugal fans of the PLUG FAN type CAST Centrifugal mediumpressure fans to transport solids 227 Centrifugal highpressure fans to transport solids 230 5 AXIAL AND ROOF FANS CENTRIFUGAL FANS AND IN-LINE EXTRACTORS FANS FOR SMOKE EXTRACTION ATEX FANS FOR EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES AND OTHER APPLICATIONS NEW SERIES - NEW PROD UCTS NEW CATALOGUES NEW BUSINESS OPPORTU NITIES LOW-PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL FANS HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS AND FILTRATION UNITS AIR CURTAINS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Ask us for information Crta. de Berga, km 0,7 E-08580 St. Quirze de Besora BARCELONA (Spain) Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax.+34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com www.sodeca.com VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR HOUSES FULFILMENT OF STANDARDS SODECA's fans and extractors comply with the following standards: QUALITY ISO 9001:2008 Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos. Quality management systems -- Requirements TESTS ISO 5801 Ventiladores industriales. Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways Industrial fans -- Performance testing using standardized airways AMCA 210-99 UNE 100212:1990 ISO 13350 ISO 13348 Ventiladores industriales. Métodos de ensayos de ventiladores y su representación de ensayos. Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating Ventiladores. Dispositivos e instalaciones para el ensayo de ventiladores. Ventiladores industriales. Ensayos de comportamiento de ventiladores de chorro. Industrial fans -- Performance testing of jet fans Industrial fans -- Tolerances, methods of conversion and technical data presentation FANS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES EN 12101-3:2002 Sistemas de control de humos y calor. Parte 3: Especificaciones para aireadores extractores de humos y calor mecánicos. Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators ACOUSTICS ISO 3744 Acústica. Determinación de los niveles de potencia acústica de fuentes de ruido a partir de la presión acústica. Método de ingeniería para condiciones de campo libre sobre un plano reflectante. Acoustics -- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane BALANCE AND VIBRATIONS ISO 1940-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Calidad de equilibrado Mechanical vibration -- Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state -- Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances ISO 10816-1 Vibraciones mecánicas. Evaluación de las vibraciones de máquinas Mechanical vibration -- Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts -- Part 1: General guidelines ISO 14694 Ventiladores industriales. Especificaciones para equilibrado y niveles de vibración Industrial fans -- Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels SAFETY (Declaration of EC Compliance) EN ISO 12100-1 EN ISO 12100-2 EN 60204-1 Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 1: Terminología básica, metodología. Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology Seguridad de las máquinas. Conceptos básicos, principios generales para el diseño. Parte 2: Principios técnicos. Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for design -- Part 2: Technical principles Seguridad de las máquinas. Equipo eléctrico de las máquinas. Parte 1: Requisitos generales. Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements EN 294 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores Safety of machinery; safety distances to prevent danger zones from being reached by the upper limbs ISO 13857 UNE 100250 ISO 12499 Seguridad de máquinas. Distancias de seguridad para impedir que se alcancen zonas peligrosas con los miembros superiores e inferiores. Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by upper and lower limbs Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mecánica de los ventiladores (equivalente ISO 12499) Ventiladores industriales. Seguridad mécanica en los ventiladores Industrial fans -- Mechanical safety of fans -- Guarding DIRECTIVES Directiva 2006/42/CE Directiva de máquinas Machinery Directive Directiva 2006/95/CE Directiva 2004/108/CE Directiva 89/106/CE Directiva 2009/125/CE Directiva de baja tensión Low Voltage Directive Directiva compatibilidad electromagnética EMC Directive Directiva productos de construcción Construction Products Directive (CPD) Directiva de requisitos de diseño ecológico para productos que utilizan energía. Ecodesign Requirements for Energy-related Products Directive ATEX EXECUTIONS Directiva ATEX 94/9/CE Aparatos y sistemas de protección para uso en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 14986 EN 13463-1 EN 1127-1 Diseño de ventiladores para trabajar en atmósferas potencialmente explosivas. Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres Equipos no eléctricos destinados a atmósferas potencialmente explosivas. Parte 1: Requisitos y metodología básica. Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Basic method and requirements Atmósferas explosivas. Prevención y protección contra la explosión. Parte 1: Conceptos básicos y metodología. Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology Our design, research and development department is working intensively to improve the quality and efficiency of our products day by day. DESIGN, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The modern facilities of our aerodynamic testing laboratory with an area of 450 m2, are the nerve centre for the development of all our products Here we obtain maximum reliability in the results from the strict checks to which we subject both products and manufacturing processes. We have also begun a new stage of study and design of new trends in ventilation which will help to preserve the environment and to make energy savings. 8 9 OUR IMPELLERS NEOLINEO Impeller A helico-centrifugal impeller, for linear air circulation, with high pressures CBD Impeller Double inlet multi-blade impeller with backwardcurved blades, for low pressure CDXR Impeller Double inlet backwardcurved blades impeller for large flows CMP Impeller Single-inlet mediumpressure multi-blade impeller with backward-curved blades CSXR Impeller Single-inlet mediumpressure multi-blade impeller with backward-curved blades CMR Impeller Robust single-inlet impeller with backward-curved blades for large flows and pressure, with high performance CMRH Impeller Robust single-inlet impeller with backward-curved blades, designed for working at high temperatures CA-CAM Impeller Impellers designed to obtain high pressure CMT Impeller Robust impellers, designed to transport dust and solids materials SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO SV: Low noise in-line duct fans mounted in acoustic casing SV/PLUS: Low noise in-line duct fans mounted in acoustic casing with 50mm insulation SV/ECO: Low noise in-line duct fans mounted in acoustic casing with 50 mm insulation, fitted with EC motors Fan: • Acoustic casing covered with deadening material • SV: Impeller with backward-curved blades, except models 125-150-200, with multi-blade impeller • SV/PLUS: Multi-blade impeller for all models • SV/ECO: Backward-curved impeller for all models • Standard flanged inlet and outlet to aid installation on duct • They are supplied with 4 base stands to aid installation • Linear air circulation • T-models are fitted with 1-5 minute adjustable timer. Motor: • Class F motors with external rotor incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP54 protection • Single-phase 230V.-50/60Hz. adjustable • Max. air temperature to transport: + 50ºC. • SV/ECO: Highly-efficient brushless-EC motor, electronically controlled by means of a potentiometer of 10KΩ MTP010, or an external signal of 0-10VDC SV Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. SV/ECO SV/PLUS Order code SV 150/H SV: In-line duct fans Inlet diameter in mm SV/PLUS: In-line duct fans with 50mm insulation. Airflow level. H: High airflow L: Low airflow (T) T Reference supplied timer SV/ECO: In-line fans for ducts with EC motor Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) SV-125/H SV-125/H-T SV-150/H SV-150/H-T SV-200/H SV-200/H-T SV-200/L SV-250/H SV-250/L SV-315/H SV-350/H SV-400/H 12 2720 2720 2580 2580 1400 1400 1450 2500 2680 1400 1400 1350 Maximum admissible current 230V (A) Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Irradiated sound level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 0.65 0.65 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.85 0.75 0.65 0.95 1.80 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.30 400 400 560 560 880 880 760 1300 1000 2100 2850 3500 32 32 40 40 44 44 42 48 46 50 51 53 5.2 5.2 6.8 6.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 10.8 10.8 21.0 28.5 38.0 SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO Technical characteristics Model Speed Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 0.33 0.59 0.72 1.15 (r/min) 2335 2480 1550 2082 SV/PLUS-125/H SV/PLUS-160/H SV/PLUS-200/H SV/PLUS-250/H Installed power (kW) 0.08 0.14 0.17 0.27 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 260 465 700 1050 Installed power (kW) 0.055 0.114 0.192 0.213 0.448 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 367 565 914 1107 1638 Irradiated sound level* dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 30 36 37 38 12.0 13.0 17.0 18.0 * Sound pressure level dB(A) are measurements at a distance of 1.5 meters Model SV/ECO-125/H SV/ECO-160/H SV/ECO-200/H SV/ECO-250/H SV/ECO-315/H Speed Maximum admissible current (A) (r/min) 4480 3490 3380 3220 3580 230V 0.46 0.99 1.48 1.69 2.8 Sound pressure level Approx. weight (Kg) to 50% of max. speed* dB(A) 29 28 39 32 49 12.0 19.0 24.0 24.0 31.0 * Sound pressure level dB(A) are measurements at a distance of 1.5 meters Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model MC SV-125/H SV-125/H-T SV-150/H SV-150/H-T SV-200/H SV-200/H-T SV-200/L SV-250/L SV-315/H SV-350/H SV-400/H EC - - - - - - - - - A A ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio - - - - - - - - - S S VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) - - - - - - - - - NO NO - - - - - - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - - - - - - - - 43.4% 45.6% - - - - - - - - - 60.4 60.6 0.118 0.118 0.125 0.125 0.102 0.102 0.113 0.119 0.125 0.240 0.377 207 207 296 296 434 434 396 381 991 1537 1701 (mmH2O) (RPM) 29.9 29.9 40.3 40.3 17.1 17.1 16.0 38.7 18.0 24.9 37.1 2768 2768 2761 2761 1438 1438 1463 2767 1412 1401 1364 SV/PLUS-125/H SV/PLUS-160/H SV/PLUS-200/H SV/PLUS-250/H - - - A - - - S - - - NO - - - 1.00 - - - 27.1% - - - 38.2 0.064 0.105 0.123 0.176 116 231 295 645 22.96 33.96 28.26 27.03 2368 2485 1619 2141 SV/ECO-125/H SV/ECO-160/H SV/ECO-200/H SV/ECO-250/H SV/ECO-315/H - - A A A - - S S S - - INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - 47.7% 47.5% 48.8% - - 66.0 65.1 63.1 0.053 0.110 0.183 0.209 0.433 200 307 505 597 902 20.30 48.49 55.62 53.77 77.23 4480 3490 3380 3220 3580 Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 125/H 150/H 200/H 200/L 250/H 250/L 315/H 350/H 400/H 63 22 31 31 29 32 33 34 38 40 125 250500 1000200040008000 32 36 34 33 34 30 24 41 42 44 45 46 42 36 42 47 51 50 47 43 33 39 46 47 47 46 45 37 42 47 54 55 53 50 41 43 47 53 51 50 48 41 44 49 56 57 55 52 43 48 52 59 60 58 56 47 50 54 61 62 60 58 49 Model SV/PLUS-125/H SV/PLUS-160/H SV/PLUS-200/H SV/PLUS-250/H SV/ECO-125/H SV/ECO-160/H SV/ECO-200/H SV/ECO-250/H SV/ECO-315/H 63 35 43 43 49 31 39 42 48 50 125 250500 1000200040008000 46 52 57 64 62 55 48 54 61 66 72 71 67 63 55 58 62 69 68 66 61 58 64 70 72 80 70 65 41 54 56 45 45 40 44 49 63 60 49 51 48 46 52 66 60 56 54 51 52 57 70 64 66 59 53 52 59 73 67 68 65 58 55 13 SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO Dimensions in mm SV Model A B C1 C2øD1 LøD2EC1EC2 T SV-125/H 310 250 80 201 125 36.5 7 260 200 383 SV-150/H 370 290 92 222 150 34.5 7 320 240 439 SV-200/H 430 340 117 246 200 34.5 7 380 290 499 SV-200/L 430 340 117 246 200 34.5 7 380 290 499 SV-250/H 480 395 140 296 250 51.5 7 430 345 583 SV-250/L 480 395 140 296 250 51.5 7 430 345 583 SV-315/H 565 490 173.5 370 315 55 8.5 515 440 675 SV-350/H 650 550 200 410 355 57 8.5 600 500 764 SV-400/H 725 610 200 454 400 70 8.5 675 560 865 SV/PLUS-125/H 400 410 SV/PLUS Model A B B1 277 C C1øD1 øD2 E F 300 171.5 125 12.5 330 440 142.5 160 12.5 330 440 SV/PLUS-160/H 400 410 148.5 300 SV/PLUS-200/H 444 444 222 420 251.5 200 12.5 364 484 SV/PLUS-250/H 444 444 222 420 221.5 250 12.5 364 484 SV/ECO Model SV/ECO-125 14 A 400 B 410 B1 205 C C1øD1øD2 E 325 165.5 F 125 12.5 330 440 590 SV/ECO-160 550 485 149 340 194.5 160 12.5 405 SV/ECO-200 600 545 170 425 259.5 200 12.5 465 640 SV/ECO-250 600 545 194 425 234.5 250 12.5 465 640 SV/ECO-315 675 595 227.5 475 251.5 315 12.5 515 715 SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. SV 15 SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. SV SV/PLUS 16 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. SV SV/PLUS SV/ECO Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. SV/ECO 125 160 250 315 200 Accessories See accessories section. Electronic speed controllers MTP010 Regulator Backdraught shutters Accessories Input and output kits Rectangular grilles Air filter boxes Intelligent sensors Protection grilles Circular grilles Air intakes for Output houses openings for houses Electric batteries Butterfly valves Outlet Capture openings Inlet/Outlet Silencer 17 CJBC CJBC/ECO CJBC CJBC/ECO CJBC: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing with constant pressure control. Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable inlet • CJBC/ECO: It incorporates a low-pressure switch and speed regulator by means of a frequency converter to maintain a constant pressure Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and threephase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel CJBC CJBC/ECO On request: • With circular inlet Example of use SELF-REGULATED CONTROL OPTION HYGRO-REGULATED CONTROL OPTION CJBC CJBC/ECO BE ALIZE BE ALIZE-H EA EA-A-HY 18 CJBC CJBC/ECO Order code CJBC 2525 CJBC: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing CJBC/ECO: Compact extraction units direct drive for community housing with constant pressure control. 6M Impeller size in mm mminches 1919 7/7 2525 9/9 2828 10/10 3333 12/12 3939 15/15 1/3 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz Motor power (CV) CIR Circular inlet/ outlet Technical characteristics Model Speed Equivalent Inches (r/min) CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 CJBC-3333-6M 1 CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T 3 CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 1230 820 1310 830 1310 830 850 850 890 850 890 7/7 7/7 9/9 9/9 10/10 10/10 12/12 12/12 15/15 12/12 15/15 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 0.15 0.08 0.55 0.25 0.55 0.25 0.75 1.10 2.20 1.10 2.20 1368 1107 3240 2430 3555 2880 5400 7020 10710 7020 10710 1.40 0.85 4.50 2.20 4.50 2.20 6.00 6.60 3.80 10.90 6.30 6.60 3.80 10.90 6.30 Irradiated* dB(A) 58 53 70 61 70 61 70 74 74 74 74 Approx. weight (Kg) 15.7 15.7 23.3 22.3 27.3 26.2 38.3 38.7 58.0 40.7 60.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), CBD series Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Maximum speed Model CJBC-1919-4M 1/5 CJBC-1919-6M 1/10 CJBC-2525-4M 3/4 CJBC-2525-6M 1/3 CJBC-2828-4M 3/4 CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 63 125 43 54 38 49 55 66 46 57 55 66 46 57 250 58 53 70 61 70 61 500 1000 2000 40008000 62 64 63 62 53 57 59 58 57 48 74 76 75 74 65 65 67 66 65 56 74 76 75 74 65 65 67 66 65 56 Model CJBC-3333-6M 1 CJBC-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T 3 CJBC/ECO-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T 3 63 125 55 66 59 70 61 72 59 70 61 72 250 70 74 77 74 77 500 1000 2000 40008000 74 76 75 74 65 78 80 79 78 69 81 83 81 80 71 78 80 79 78 69 81 83 81 80 71 Version with circular inlet/outlet 19 CJBC CJBC/ECO Dimensions in mm CJBC Model CJBC-1919-4M -1/5 CJBC-1919-6M -1/10 CJBC-2525-4M -3/4 CJBC-2525-6M -1/3 CJBC-2828-4M -3/4 CJBC-2828-6M -1/3 CJBC-3333-6M -1 CJBC-3333-6T -1 1/2 CJBC-3939-6T -3 A B H K 480 440 340 210 480 440 340 210 630 575 405 265 630 575 405 265 696 645 460 290 696 645 460 290 825 760 535 345 825 760 535 345 910 900 636 405 LøO V v1 X x1 225 15 540 510 270 85 225 15 540 510 270 85 291 15 690 660 375 100 291 15 690 660 375 100 320 15 755 725 445 100 320 15 755 725 445 100 379 15 885 855 510 125 379 15 885 855 510 125 467 15 970 940 650 125 CJBC/ECO Model CJBC/ECO-3333-6T -1 1/2 CJBC/ECO-3939-6T -3 20 A B H K L øO Vv1 X x1 Z 825 760 535 345 379 15 885 855 510 125 1080 910 900 636 405 467 15 970 940 650 125 1200 CJBC CJBC/ECO Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. A: 1919-6M 1/10 B: 1919-4M 1/5 C: 2525-6M 1/3 D: 2828-6M 1/3 E: 2525-4M 3/4 F: 2828-4M 3/4 A: 3333-6M 1 B: 3333-6T 1 1/2 C: 3939-6T 3 Accessories See accessories section. Electronic speed controllers Output openings for houses Inlet/Outlet Air intakes for houses Intelligent sensors Silencer Plemum Circular cover 21 NEOLINEO NEOLINEO In-line fans for small ducts with removable covers with Long Life ball bearings Fan: • V0 flame-retardant plastic casing • External terminal board, with variable position • Quick and easy to install • T-models are fitted with timer Motor: • Motors with Long Life ball bearings, IPX4 protection, two-speed and adjustable • Single-phase 220-240V. 50/60 Hz. • Working temperature:-10ºC +60ºC Finish: • Made from white, V0 flame-retardant plastic Order code NEOLINEO 100(Q) (T) NEOLINEO: In-line fans for ducts with removable covers Inlet diameter in mm Q Reference low airflow level T Reference supplied timer Technical characteristics Model Speed max / min. (r/min) NEOLINEO-100-Q NEOLINEO-100-Q T NEOLINEO-100 NEOLINEO-100 T NEOLINEO-125 NEOLINEO-125 T NEOLINEO-150 NEOLINEO-150 T NEOLINEO-160 NEOLINEO-160 T NEOLINEO-200-Q NEOLINEO-200 NEOLINEO-200-Q T NEOLINEO-250-Q NEOLINEO-250 NEOLINEO-315 Maximum admissible current 230V (A) 2450/2070 2450/2070 2170/1590 2170/1590 2300/1600 2300/1600 2290/1520 2290/1520 2290/1520 2290/1520 2720/1780 3120/1990 2720/1780 2520/1740 3010/1720 2350/1800 0.07/0.05 0.07/0.05 0.11/0.09 0.11/0.09 0.15/0.11 0.15/0.11 0.26/0.18 0.26/0.18 0.26/0.18 0.26/0.18 0.37/0.22 0.63/0.21 0.37/0.22 0.50/0.40 1.06/0.26 1.60/0.83 Installed power (W) 15/12 15/12 23/20 23/20 33/25 33/25 58/40 58/40 58/40 58/40 75/45 74/22 75/45 110/85 124/27 240/119 Maximum airflow (m3/h) Irradiated Approx. weight (Kg) sound level* dB(A) 200/155 200/155 255/180 255/180 365/250 365/250 550/385 550/385 550/385 550/385 950/700 1060/790 950/700 990/720 1250/650 1900/1400 29/25 29/25 30/25 30/25 33/27 33/27 33/28 33/28 34/28 34/28 36/30 38/32 36/30 39/37 57/43 60/53 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.7 3.7 3.7 7.1 5.3 9.5 * The radiated sound pressure levels are free field measurements at 3 metres with rigid tubes during inlet and outlet. Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model NEOLINEO-315 22 MC C ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio EC S VSD NO SR 1.00 ηe[%] 33.5% N 50.1 (kW) 0.261 (m3/h) 1061 (mmH2O) 30.27 (RPM) 2350 NEOLINEO Dimensions in mm Model A NEOLINEO-100-Q 231 NEOLINEO-100-Q T NEOLINEO-100 B C 156 174 231 156 303 188.5 NEOLINEO-100 T 303 NEOLINEO-125 C1 C2øD E 82 152 96 95 174 82 152 96 95 211 101.5 189 96 90 188.5 211 101.5 189 96 90 258 188.5 211 101.5 189 122 90 NEOLINEO-125 T 258 188.5 211 101.5 189 122 90 NEOLINEO-150 294 214.5 234 112.5 212 146 110 294 214.5 234 112.5 212 146 110 NEOLINEO-160 NEOLINEO-150 T 272.5 214.5 234 112.5 212 156 110 NEOLINEO-160 T 272.5 214.5 234 112.5 212 156 110 NEOLINEO-200-Q 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140 NEOLINEO-200 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140 NEOLINEO-200 T 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140 NEOLINEO-250-Q 385 300 317 152.5 292 247 176.5 NEOLINEO-250 385 300 317 152.5 292 247 176.5 NEOLINEO-315 448 361.5 392.5 188.5 359 312 220.5 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa Maximum speed Minimum speed 23 NEOLINEO Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa 24 Maximum speed Minimum speed NEOLINEO Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa Maximum speed Minimum speed Accessories See accessories section. Standard installation kit (tube) Standard installation plate Parallel installation kit (flanges and rails) One-way hatches Fixed grilles Electronic speed controllers Air filter boxes Electric batteries DUO two speed switch Intelligent sensors Air intakes for Output houses openings for houses 25 Silencer CA/LINE CA/LINE In-line circular fans for ducts with Long Life ball bearings Fan: • Steel sheet casing • External terminal board • Quick and easy to install • Includes base stand Motor: • Motors with Long Life ball bearings, IPX4 protection and adjustable • Single-phase 220-240V. 50/60 Hz. • Working temperature:-10ºC +60ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. Size 355 Order code CA/LINE 20 CA/LINE: In-line circular Inlet diameter in mm (r/min) Maximum admissible current 230V (A) Absorbed electrical power (kW) 2460 2350 2420 2600 2390 2378 2098 0.35 0.35 0.44 0.64 0.72 0.86 1.56 fans for ducts Technical characteristics Model Speed CA/LINE-10 CA/LINE-12 CA/LINE-15 CA/LINE-20 CA/LINE-25 CA/LINE-31 CA/LINE-355 0.074 0.075 0.095 0.137 0.157 0.189 0.357 Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) 260 350 537 980 1008 1596 2098 Approx. weight (Kg) 33 35 41 36 38 37 39 2.8 2.8 4.8 6.2 6.6 6.9 12.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CA/LINE-10 CA/LINE-12 CA/LINE-15 CA/LINE-20 CA/LINE-25 CA/LINE-31 CA/LINE-355 26 MC - - - - A A A ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio EC - - - - S S S VSD - - - - NO NO NO SR - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] - - - - 38.2% 42.2% 41.5% N - - - - 58.2 60.3 58.2 (kW) 0.075 0.076 0.094 0.122 0.125 0.190 0.260 (m3/h) 135 171 277 530 534 805 1146 (mmH2O) 20.5 17.7 19.6 32.3 32.9 36.5 34.6 (RPM) 2457 2344 2424 2622 2473 2377 2289 CA/LINE Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at a distance of 3 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 100 125 150 200 63 7 8 10 11 125 250500 1000200040008000 23 16 33 45 44 37 26 17 18 34 43 41 33 22 19 38 40 49 41 40 24 13 21 35 41 36 46 38 Model 250 315 355 63 14 12 12 125 250500 1000200040008000 21 29 36 39 37 38 38 20 29 36 36 39 38 35 17 29 37 39 40 39 38 Dimensions in mm Model A B ød øD E H LøO CA/LINE-10 200 178 100 268 318 141 80 12 CA/LINE-12 200 178 125 268 318 141 80 12 CA/LINE-15 269 244 150 342 392 178 80 12 CA/LINE-20 269 229 200 342 392 178 80 12 CA/LINE-25 279 229 250 342 392 178 80 12 CA/LINE-31 295 245 315 400 450 207 80 12 Model CA/LINE-355 A 450 B ød øD EøO x X Y 352 354 420 470 10 442 466 135 Z 110 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 27 CL CL/PLUS CL CL/PLUS CL: Low-profile, in-line rectangular duct fans with inspection cover to aid cleaning CL/PLUS: In-line rectangular duct fans with 50mm insulation. Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • External connection box, IP-55 protection, V0 flame-retardant Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F external rotor motors with ball bearings, IP-54 protection • Single-phase 230 50Hz., and three-phase 230/400V. 50Hz. • Working temperature: -20ºC +50ºC CL Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel CL/PLUS Order code CL CL: Low-profile rectangular in-line duct fans 2504T Impeller size CL/PLUS: In-line rectangular duct fans with 50mm insulation. Number of motor poles 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 8=750 r/min 50 Hz T=Three-phase M=Single-phase Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CL-200-4T CL-200-4M CL-225-4T CL-225-4M CL-225-6T CL-225-6M CL-250-4T CL-250-4M CL-250-6T CL-250-6M CL-280-4T CL-280-6T CL-280-6M CL-315-4T CL-315-6T CL-315-6M CL-355-6T CL-355-6M CL-355-8T CL-400-6T CL-400-8T CL-450-6T CL-450-8T 1270 1150 1210 1260 720 810 1290 1340 875 900 1330 820 710 1380 850 860 840 890 620 880 620 880 680 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 0.94 0.54 0.68 1.42 0.82 1.90 0.73 0.42 0.75 2.56 1.48 3.10 1.11 0.64 1.30 4.05 2.34 1.42 0.82 2.10 7.01 4.05 2.46 1.42 3.15 4.54 2.62 6.20 2.15 1.24 7.88 4.55 3.67 2.12 12.47 7.20 7.38 4.26 Installed power (kW) 0.12 0.08 0.30 0.24 0.08 0.08 0.55 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.85 0.20 0.24 1.80 0.37 0.37 0.85 0.80 0.37 1.70 0.70 2.90 1.30 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1150 860 1700 1670 1070 1080 2650 2350 1630 1500 3100 2010 2120 4160 2820 2780 4200 4070 3030 7120 5020 8900 7440 Irradiated sound pressure level at 2/3 of Qmax dB(A) (1) 52 51 53 53 45 45 55 54 49 48 60 52 53 65 54 54 58 58 50 63 55 64 58 (1) The irradiated sound pressure levels dB(A) are free field measurements at 1 metre. 28 Approx. weight (Kg) 11 11 17 18 16 16 21 23 19 21 30 27 28 44 34 34 46 53 43 71 66 94 85 CL CL/PLUS Technical characteristics Model Speed CL/PLUS-200-4M CL/PLUS-225-4M CL/PLUS-250-4M CL/PLUS-280-4M CL/PLUS-315-4T CL/PLUS-355-4T CL/PLUS-400-4T CL/PLUS-400-6T CL/PLUS-450-4T CL/PLUS-450-6T Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V (r/min) 1180 1.80 1250 2.30 1190 3.00 1210 5.10 1300 4.10 1320 6.00 1330 8.10 830 4.90 1330 8.10 830 4.90 Absorbed power (kW) 0.36 0.51 0.69 1.15 2.50 3.70 5.00 2.70 5.00 2.70 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1100 1650 1900 2900 5050 6300 7100 7050 7200 7800 Sound pressure level (1) at the inlet to 1/3 of Qmax dB(A) 36.0 38.0 42.0 47.0 52.0 58.0 61.0 50.8 62.0 51.8 Approx. weight (Kg) 21 23 28 37 47 78 99 59 111 60 (1) The sound pressure levels dB(A) at the inlet are free field measurements at 1 metres. Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CL-200-4M CL-225-4T CL-225-4M CL-225-6T CL-225-6M CL-250-4T CL-250-4M CL-250-6T CL-280-4T CL-280-6T CL-280-6M CL-315-4T CL-315-6T CL-315-6M CL-355-6T CL-355-6M CL-355-8T CL-400-6T CL-400-8T CL-450-6T CL-450-8T MC CL/PLUS-225-4M CL/PLUS-280-4M CL/PLUS-315-4T CL/PLUS-355-4T CL/PLUS-400-4T CL/PLUS-400-6T CL/PLUS-450-4T CL/PLUS-450-6T - A A - - A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio EC - S S - - S S - S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD SR ηe[%] N (kW) (m3/h) (mmH2O) (RPM) 1050 889 1625 2893 5692 4363 4322 3733 24.6 48.7 66.2 81.9 80.2 40.0 105.9 46.8 1323 1336 1355 1364 1359 841 1359 842 - NO NO - - NO NO - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - 1.00 1.00 - - 1.00 1.00 - 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 - 34.8% 28.6% - - 37.2% 30.2% - 38.6% 35.6% 28.9% 32.4% 29.8% 29.9% 37.7% 31.2% 27.7% 40.1% 38.1% 41.1% 39.4% - 45.9 38.6 - - 46.0 38.7 - 46.1 46.0 38.6 38.8 38.7 38.7 46.1 38.7 38.6 46.2 46.1 46.2 46.2 0.124 0.175 0.258 0.120 0.122 0.397 0.457 0.100 0.660 0.233 0.287 0.991 0.392 0.418 0.482 0.654 0.191 1.111 0.550 1.521 0.870 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 27.3% 34.9% 38.8% 41.2% 44.3% 42.2% 44.4% 42.2% 37.4 44.2 45.9 46.3 47.9 48.2 47.9 48.2 0.257 0.338 0.755 1.567 2.809 1.128 2.809 1.128 561 774 920 592 671 1300 1281 696 1719 1220 1318 2053 1556 1655 1880 2186 909 3446 2680 3900 3560 20.3 28.8 29.4 12.6 12.3 41.7 39.6 19.0 54.4 25.0 23.1 57.4 27.5 27.7 35.5 34.3 21.4 47.5 28.7 58.7 35.4 1200 1357 1332 832 846 1372 1376 929 1389 883 800 1419 900 895 913 921 678 919 662 923 693 29 CL CL/PLUS Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 200-4 225-4 225-6 250-4 250-6 280-4 280-6 315-4 315-6 355-6 355-8 400-6 400-8 450-6 450-8 63 44 45 38 47 42 52 45 57 47 51 43 56 48 57 51 125 250500 1000200040008000 49 52 53 55 52 48 42 50 53 54 56 53 49 43 43 46 47 47 44 40 34 52 55 56 58 55 51 45 47 50 51 51 48 44 38 57 60 61 63 60 56 50 50 53 54 54 51 47 41 62 65 66 68 65 61 55 52 55 56 56 53 49 43 56 59 60 60 57 53 47 48 50 53 51 48 44 39 61 64 65 65 62 58 52 53 55 58 56 53 49 44 62 65 66 66 63 59 53 56 58 61 59 56 52 47 Model 63 CL/PLUS-200-4M 20 CL/PLUS-225-4M 29 CL/PLUS-250-4M 34 CL/PLUS-280-4M 44 CL/PLUS-315-4T 36 CL/PLUS-355-4T 41 CL/PLUS-400-4T 47 CL/PLUS-400-6T 37 CL/PLUS-450-4T 45 CL/PLUS-450-6T 35 125 22 27 33 37 41 41 48 38 49 39 250 31 33 37 41 40 49 50 40 51 41 500 37 43 43 44 47 55 56 46 59 49 1000 40 44 44 48 53 58 63 53 63 53 2000 37 38 39 44 48 54 56 46 56 46 4000 35 42 39 41 48 52 53 43 53 43 8000 35 40 35 40 47 51 53 43 53 43 Dimensions in mm CL Model CøD I J J2 K k2 L M CL-200 450 ø9 440 240 220 400 420 200 115 CL-225 530 ø9 540 290 270 500 520 250 142 CL-250 560 ø9 540 340 320 500 520 300 155 CL-280 640 ø9 640 340 320 600 620 300 165 CL-315 700 ø9 640 390 370 600 620 350 175 CL-355 780 ø9 470 440 420 700 720 400 202 CL-400 880 ø9 840 540 520 800 820 500 285 CL-450 980 ø9 1040 540 520 1000 1020 500 300 CL/PLUS Model 30 A B CC1 I JJ2 KK2 L CL/PLUS-200 338 507 417 445 440 240 220 400 420 200 CL/PLUS-225 393 605 502 530 540 290 270 500 520 250 CL/PLUS-250 443 605 532 560 540 340 320 500 520 300 CL/PLUS-280 443 705 612 640 640 340 320 600 620 300 CL/PLUS-315 493 705 672 700 640 390 370 600 620 350 CL/PLUS-355 562 811 752 780 740 440 420 700 720 400 CL/PLUS-400 662 911 852 880 840 540 520 800 820 500 CL/PLUS-450 662 1110 952 980 1040 540 520 1000 1020 600 CL CL/PLUS Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h and m3/s Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa The radiated sound levels given on the curves are free field pressure measurements at 1 metres. CL 31 CL CL/PLUS Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h and m3/s Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa The radiated sound levels given on the curves are free field pressure measurements at 1 metres. CL 32 CL CL/PLUS Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h and m3/s Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa The radiated sound levels given on the curves are free field pressure measurements at 1 metres. CL 33 CL CL/PLUS Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h and m3/s Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa The radiated sound levels given on the curves are free field pressure measurements at 1 metres. CL 34 CL CL/PLUS Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h and m3/s Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c. and Pa CL/PLUS 1.CL/PLUS-200-4M 2.CL/PLUS-225-4M 3.CL/PLUS-250-4M 4.CL/PLUS-280-4M 5.CL/PLUS-315-4T 6.CL/PLUS-355-4T 7.CL/PLUS-400-4T 8.CL/PLUS-400-6T 9.CL/PLUS-450-4T 10.CL/PLUS-450-6T Accessories See accessories section. INT RM RFT RFM SR ARE SA TAC/CL CJFILTER/CL RR 35 TUB TUB free In-line fans with removable bodies and small size for high temperatures (250ºC) designed to work interleaved in chimney ducts Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Closing which makes it possible to extract the body easily and quickly • External terminal board Motor: • Motor with Long Life ball bearings, IPX4 protection • Single-phase 220-240V. 50Hz • Working temperature: -10ºC +250ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive in heat-resistant paint Order code TUB200 TUB: In-line fans with removable bodies and small size for high temperatures (250ºC) Inlet diameter in mm Technical characteristics Model Speed TUB-200 TUB-225 TUB-250 TUB-315 (r/min) 2780 2765 2760 2600 Maximum admissible current 220-240V (A) 0.30 0.32 0.35 0.85 Absorbed power (W) 68 75 80 180 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 250 330 400 830 Irradiated sound level (*) dB(A) 39 41 43 48 Approx. weight (Kg) 7 8 9 13 (*) The radiated sound pressure levels are free field measurements at 3 metres with rigid tubes during inlet and outlet. Dimensions in mm Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Model øA BøC D TUB-200 200 255 116.5 355 TUB-225 225 255 116.5 355 TUB-250 250 255 116.5 355 1: TUB-200 TUB-315 315 315 142.5 415 2: TUB-225 3: TUB-250 Accessories See accessories section. 4: TUB-315 STUB 36 CBD CBD 3V CBD CBD 3V CBD: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forward-facing blades CBD 3V: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with three-speed motor Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • They are supplied with PSB base stands Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and three-phase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. High-quality, robust impeller, dynamically balanced in accordance Finish: with ISO-1940 • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel CBD/B Order code CBD 2525 CBD: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with direct motor and impeller with forwardfacing blades CBD 3V: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with three-speed motor CBD-B: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with outlet flange and no support stand 4M Impeller size in mm mminches 1919 7/7 2525 9/9 2828 10/10 3333 12/12 3939 15/15 3/4 3V Number of T=Three-phase Motor motor poles M=Single-phase power (CV) 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz With 3 speed motors Technical characteristics Model Maximum speed (r/min) Equivalent in inches Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) CBD-1919-4M 1/5 1230 7/7 1.40 0.15 1520 59 7.0 CBD-1919-6M 1/10 820 7/7 0.85 0.08 1230 53 7.0 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 1320 9/9 3.30 0.37 2800 66 13.2 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 1310 9/9 4.50 0.55 3600 70 14.0 CBD-2525-6M 1/5 850 9/9 1.50 0.15 2200 60 11.5 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 830 9/9 2.20 0.25 2700 62 12.7 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 1320 10/10 3.30 0.37 2800 65 15.7 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 1310 10/10 4.50 0.55 3950 70 16.5 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 830 10/10 2.20 0.25 3200 62 15.2 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 840 10/10 4.50 0.55 3600 64 21.0 CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 850 12/12 6.60 3.80 1.10 7800 75 24.5 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 850 12/12 5.00 0.55 4900 64 23.0 CBD-3333-6M 1 850 12/12 6.00 0.75 6000 71 24.0 CBD-3939-6T 3 890 15/15 10.90 6.30 2.20 11900 75 39.0 CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V 1230 7/7 1.50 0.15 1520 59 7.0 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V 1320 9/9 3.00 0.37 2800 66 13.2 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V 1310 9/9 4.00 0.55 3600 70 14.0 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V 830 9/9 2.10 0.25 2700 62 12.7 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V 1320 10/10 3.00 0.37 2800 65 15.7 37 CBD CBD 3V Technical characteristics Model Speed maximum (r/min) CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 1 3V 1310 830 840 840 850 Equivalent in inches Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V 10/10 10/10 10/10 12/12 12/12 4.00 2.10 4.10 5.00 6.00 Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 0.55 0.25 0.55 0.55 0.75 3950 3200 3600 4900 6000 Sound level dB(A) 70 62 64 64 71 Approx. weight (Kg) 16.5 15.2 21.0 23.0 24.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CBD-1919-4M 1/5 CBD-1919-6M 1/10 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6M 1 CBD-3939-6T 3 CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 1 3V Acoustic features Model CBD-1919-4M 1/5 CBD-1919-6M 1/10 CBD-2525-4M 1/2 CBD-2525-4M 3/4 CBD-2525-6M 1/5 CBD-2525-6M 1/3 CBD-2828-4M 1/2 CBD-2828-4M 3/4 CBD-2828-6M 1/3 CBD-2828-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 CBD-3333-6M 3/4 CBD-3333-6M 1 CBD-3939-6T 3 38 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EC S - S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] 27.7% - 35.4% 37.0% 38.4% 39.4% 30.8% 30.1% 38.0% 33.8% 32.0% 44.3% 27.7% 35.0% 35.3% 25.0% 38.3% 39.2% 30.6% 30.1% 32.9% 31.0% N 38.6 - 43.5 44.6 46.1 46.2 39.7 38.7 44.1 40.6 38.3 48.5 38.6 43.1 42.8 34.7 46.1 46.1 39.5 38.7 39.6 37.2 (kW) 0.194 0.122 0.529 0.637 0.599 0.871 0.387 0.443 1.116 0.857 1.040 2.188 0.194 0.523 0.664 0.295 0.587 0.832 0.388 0.441 0.872 1.064 (m3/h) 926 897 2000 2265 2279 3138 2251 2549 5035 3787 4377 7721 950 1928 2251 1814 2120 2916 2263 2559 3683 4297 (mmH2O) 21.3 11.8 34.4 38.2 37.0 40.2 19.4 19.2 31.0 28.1 27.9 46.1 20.7 34.8 38.2 14.9 38.9 41.1 19.3 19.1 28.6 28.2 (RPM) 1331 878 1316 1350 1292 1295 856 930 897 865 871 924 1322 1319 1343 890 1329 1304 851 930 863 868 Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Maximum speed 63125250500100020004000 8000 29 44 55 63 65 64 63 55 23 38 49 57 59 58 57 49 36 51 62 70 72 71 70 62 40 55 66 74 76 75 74 66 30 45 56 64 66 65 64 56 32 47 58 66 68 67 66 58 35 50 61 69 71 70 69 61 40 55 66 74 76 75 74 66 32 47 58 66 68 67 66 58 34 48 60 68 70 69 67 60 45 60 71 79 81 80 79 71 34 49 60 68 70 69 68 60 41 56 67 75 77 76 75 67 48 62 74 81 84 83 81 73 Model CBD-1919-4M 1/5 3V CBD-2525-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2525-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2525-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-4M 1/2 3V CBD-2828-4M 3/4 3V CBD-2828-6M 1/3 3V CBD-2828-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 3/4 3V CBD-3333-6M 1 3V 63 29 36 40 32 35 40 32 34 34 41 125 250 500 44 55 63 51 62 70 55 66 74 47 58 66 50 61 69 55 66 74 47 58 66 48 60 68 49 60 68 56 67 75 1000 2000 40008000 65 64 63 55 72 71 70 62 76 75 74 66 68 67 66 58 71 70 69 61 76 75 74 66 68 67 66 58 70 69 67 60 70 69 68 60 77 76 75 67 CBD CBD 3V Dimensions in mm CBD- 1919...3333 CBD- 3939 A B1 B2 E E1 G H K L UxS V X x1 x2 CBD-1919 Model Equiv. in inches 7/7 315 333 189 152 64 - 144 230 208 9x13 225 258 - - CBD-2525 9/9 380 400 218 183 78 - 182 300 263 9x13 275 328 - - CBD-2828 10/10 422 450 246 202 73 - 204 326 292 9x17 315 355 - - CBD-3333 12/12 493 526 290 230 82 - 236 387 345 9x17 390 415 - - CBD-3939 15/15 553 632 348 265 - 30 - 473 404 9x17 406 500 533 406 CBD-B Model A B C E H I J J1 K K1 L øO CBD-B-1919 Equiv. Inches 7/7 315 322 230 152 86.5 295 273 120.5 131.5 - - 10 CBD-B-2525 9/9 380 393 300 183 89 365 328 148 166.5 - - 10 CBD-B-2828 10/10 422 442 326 202 102 391 357 162.5 179.5 - - 10 CBD-B-3333 12/12 493 527 387 230 121 452 410 189 210 - - 10 CBD-B-3939 15/15 583 635 533 265 147 538 469 218.5 169 168 553 10 39 CBD CBD 3V Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CBD 40 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CBD CBD 3V Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CBD 3V 41 CBD CBD 3V Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CBD 3V Accessories See accessories section. INT 42 C2V RM AR RFT AET PSB CJBD CJBD/AL CJBD CJBD/AL CJBD: Soundproofed ventilation units fitted with double-inlet fans, CBD series CJBD/AL: Soundproofed ventilation units with profiles in aluminium and prepainted sheet metal, fitted with CBD series double-inlet fans Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable inlet • CJBD/AL: with aluminium profiles and pre-lacquered sheet Motor: • Class F closed motors with incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP-54 protection • Single-phase 220-240V.-50Hz. and threephase 220-240/380-415V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. CJBD Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • With circular inlet CJBD: Includes base stand to aid installation CJBD/AL Order code CJBD 2525 CJBD: Soundproofed ventilation Impeller size in mm units mminches CJBD/AL: With aluminium profiles 1919 7/7 and pre-lacquered sheet 2525 9/9 CJBD/INT: Soundproofed ventilation 2828 10/10 with built-in switch 3333 12/12 CJBD/C: Ventilation units with circular inlet/outlet 3939 15/15 CJBD/F: Ventilation units with built-in filters CJBD/ALS: Ventilation units with double wall of insulation and pre-lacquered sheet CJBD/ALF: Ventilation units with pre-lacquered sheet and built-in filters 6M 1/3 Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz Motor power (CV) Options CJBD/INT CJBD/C CJBD/F CJBD/ALS CJBD/ALF 43 CJBD CJBD/AL Technical characteristics Model (r/min) CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL CJBD/AL 1919-4M 1/5 1919-6M 1/10 2525-4M 1/2 2525-4M 3/4 2525-6M 1/5 2525-6M 1/3 2828-4M 1/2 2828-4M 3/4 2828-6M 1/3 3333-6T 1 1/2 3333-6M 3/4 3333-6M 1 3939-6T 3 Installed power (kW) Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V Speed 1230 820 1320 1310 850 830 1320 1310 830 850 850 850 890 1.40 0.85 3.30 4.50 1.50 2.20 3.30 4.50 2.20 6.60 3.80 5.00 6.00 10.90 6.30 Maximum Sound level airflow (m3/h) dB(A) 0.15 0.08 0.37 0.55 0.15 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.25 1.10 0.55 0.75 2.20 1520 1230 2800 3600 2200 2700 2800 3950 3200 7800 4900 6000 11900 58 53 66 70 59 61 65 70 61 74 63 70 74 Approx. weight (Kg) CJBD CJBD/AL 19.4 19.4 28.1 28.9 26.4 27.6 33.0 33.8 32.5 47.9 46.4 47.4 71.8 22.5 22.5 31.8 32.6 30.1 31.3 37.3 38.1 36.8 53.8 52.3 53.3 80.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), CBD series Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CJBD-1919-4M 1/5 CJBD-1919-6M 1/10 CJBD-2525-4M 1/2 CJBD-2525-4M 3/4 CJBD-2525-6M 1/5 CJBD-2525-6M 1/3 CJBD-2828-4M 1/2 Model CJBD-2828-4M 3/4 CJBD-2828-6M 1/3 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2 CJBD-3333-6M 3/4 CJBD-3333-6M 1 CJBD-3939-6T 3 63 125250500 1000 20004000 8000 43 54 58 62 64 63 62 53 38 49 53 57 59 58 57 48 51 62 66 70 72 71 70 61 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65 44 55 59 63 65 64 63 54 46 57 61 65 67 66 65 56 50 61 65 69 71 70 69 60 63 125250500 1000 20004000 8000 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65 46 57 61 65 67 66 65 56 59 70 74 78 80 79 78 69 48 59 63 67 69 68 67 58 55 66 70 74 76 75 74 65 61 72 77 81 83 81 80 71 Dimensions in mm CJBD Equiv. in inches A B C E D1 D2 G1 L K X (without filter) X (with filter) CJBD-1919 7/7450460500110370410 245210232 25 30 CJBD-2525 9/9500522550107426454283,5263300 25 30 CJBD-2828 10/10550575600105,5 479 504324,5 292 326 25 30 CJBD-3333 12/12650650700106554604372,5345387 25 30 CJBD-3939 15/15800755800109659704 443404473 25 30 CJBD/AL Characteristic Curves Accessories See characteristic curves, CBD series. See accessories section. INT 44 C2V RM Equiv. in inchesABC D1 D2ELK CJBD/AL-1919 7/746046046042042088202225 CJBD/AL-2525 9/9520520520480480110265295 CJBD/AL-2828 10/10575575575535535122286322 CJBD/AL-3333 12/12650650650610610108339384 CJBD/AL-3939 15/15755755755695695108410471 AR RFT AET TEJ VIS CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT CBX: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet on both sides and impeller with forward-facing blades CBXC: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with rigid cube structure to reinforce the casing CBXR: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with reinforced structure and rigid bridge bearings supported on the structure CBXT: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with forwardfacing blades Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • CBX and CBXC: Bearing mounted with rubber vibration dampers • CBX: They are supplied with PSB base stands Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Free axis with permanently greased ball bearings at each end • Max. air temperature to transport: CBX and CBXC: -20ºC.+ 80ºC. -20ºC.+ 110ºC. CBX CBXC CBXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • CBX: Motor support and SM belt tensing device can be supplied CBXT Order code CBXC12/12 CBX: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with free axis outlet CBXC: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with cube structure Impeller size in inches CBXT CBXT: Double-inlet, beltdriven centrifugal fans fitted with electric motor 12/121,5 Impeller size in inches Motor power (CV) CBXR: Centrifugal doubleinlet fans with reinforced structure 45 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Technical characteristics Max. Installed power (kW) Model Max. speed (r/min) CBX-1919 CBX-2525 CBX-2828 CBX-3333 CBX-3939 CBX-4747 2500 1800 1700 1400 1000 800 7/7 9/9 10/10 12/12 15/15 18/18 1.10 2.20 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 CBXC-7/7 CBXC-9/9 CBXC-10/10 CBXC-12/12 CBXC-15/15 CBXC-18/18 2700 2100 1900 1600 1100 900 1,50 3,00 4,00 4,00 5,50 7,50 CBXR-15/15 CBXR-18/18 CBXR-20/20 CBXR-22/22 CBXR-25/25 CBXR-30/28 1200 1000 1000 900 700 600 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 15.00 18.50 Model CBXT-7/7-0.25 CBXT-7/7-0.33 CBXT-7/7-0.5 CBXT-7/7-0.75 CBXT-7/7-1 CBXT-9/9-0.25 CBXT-9/9-0.33 CBXT-9/9-0.5 CBXT-9/9-0.75 CBXT-9/9-1 CBXT-9/9-1.5 CBXT-10/10-0.5 CBXT-10/10-0.75 CBXT-10/10-1 CBXT-10/10-1.5 CBXT-10/10-2 CBXT-12/12-0.5 CBXT-12/12-0.75 CBXT-12/12-1 CBXT-12/12-1.5 CBXT-12/12-2 CBXT-12/12-3 CBXT-15/15-0.75 CBXT-15/15-1 CBXT-15/15-1.5 CBXT-15/15-2 CBXT-15/15-3 CBXT-15/15-4 CBXT-15/15-5.5 CBXT-18/18-1.5 CBXT-18/18-2 CBXT-18/18-3 CBXT-18/18-4 CBXT-18/18-5.5 CBXT-18/18-7.5 CBXT-20/20-2 CBXT-20/20-3 46 Speed Equivalent Inches Maximum admissible current (A) (r/min) 230V 400V 690V 1090 1.23 0.71 1220 1.66 0.96 1420 2.02 1.17 1600 2.92 1.69 1790 3.10 1.79 825 1.23 0.71 920 1.66 0.96 1020 2.02 1.17 1050 2.92 1.69 1070 3.10 1.79 1260 4.03 2.32 845 2.02 1.17 845 2.92 1.69 960 3.10 1.79 1070 4.03 2.32 1140 5.96 3.44 595 2.02 1.17 675 2.92 1.69 765 3.10 1.79 855 4.03 2.32 965 5.96 3.44 1180 8.36 4.83 525 2.92 1.69 595 3.10 1.79 635 4.03 2.32 670 5.96 3.44 740 8.36 4.83 805 10.96 6.33 965 14.10 8.12 480 4.03 2.32 605 5.96 3.44 590 8.36 4.83 640 10.96 6.33 675 14.10 8.12 760 11.60 6.72 430 5.96 3.44 530 8.36 4.83 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 3700 6200 7500 9500 14400 23500 Installed power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 1.50 2.20 Approx. weight Air temperature (ºC) min. max. (Kg) -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 5.0 9.0 10.5 15.5 24.0 33.5 4200 7000 8400 10500 16000 26000 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 6,0 11,5 13,5 18,5 27,5 38,5 16000 26000 28000 34000 46000 60000 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +80 +81 +110 +110 +110 +110 28.5 40.0 84.0 94.0 113.0 145.0 Approx. weight Assembly version Maximum airflow (m 3/h) 1050 1100 1250 1450 1500 1700 1800 2200 2900 3200 3750 2950 3800 4175 4800 5400 4200 4800 5400 5800 6500 7400 5900 6500 7500 8200 9500 10600 12000 9000 9250 11500 13200 15000 17000 11500 12800 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 (Kg) 37.0 37.8 39.0 41.0 42.5 48.0 50.0 51.5 54.5 56.0 59.0 55.0 57.0 58.5 61.3 64.6 69.0 71.0 72.4 75.3 78.6 87.0 85.0 86.4 89.3 92.6 101.0 103.0 108.0 122.0 125.3 133.7 135.7 141.0 154.5 222.0 230.5 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Technical characteristics Model Speed Maximum admissible current (A) (r/min) 230V 400V 690V 575 10.96 6.33 635 14.10 8.12 675 11.60 6.72 725 14.20 8.20 385 5.96 3.44 475 8.36 4.83 515 10.96 6.33 570 14.10 8.12 605 11.60 6.72 725 14.20 8.20 765 20.20 11.60 375 8.36 4.83 405 10.96 6.33 450 14.10 8.12 485 11.60 6.72 545 14.20 8.20 610 20.20 11.60 280 8.36 4.83 310 10.96 6.33 340 14.10 8.12 380 11.60 6.72 410 14.20 8.20 430 20.20 11.60 480 27.50 15.90 CBXT-20/20-4 CBXT-20/20-5.5 CBXT-20/20-7.5 CBXT-20/20-10 CBXT-22/22-2 CBXT-22/22-3 CBXT-22/22-4 CBXT-22/22-5.5 CBXT-22/22-7.5 CBXT-22/22-10 CBXT-22/22-15 CBXT-25/25-3 CBXT-25/25-4 CBXT-25/25-5.5 CBXT-25/25-7.5 CBXT-25/25-10 CBXT-25/25-15 CBXT-30/28-3 CBXT-30/28-4 CBXT-30/28-5.5 CBXT-30/28-7.5 CBXT-30/28-10 CBXT-30/28-15 CBXT-30/28-20 Installed power (kW) 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 14200 15500 17500 20000 14000 15000 17000 19000 21500 22000 27000 17000 20500 22000 24500 28000 32000 20000 22000 25000 31500 36000 42000 48000 Approx. weight Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 -20 +80 (Kg) 232.5 237.5 251.5 266.5 250.0 257.0 261.0 265.0 279.0 290.0 316.0 297.0 299.0 304.0 318.0 329.0 349.0 380.0 382.0 387.0 402.0 415.0 426.0 449.0 Assembly version B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CBXT-7/7-0.25 CBXT-7/7-0.33 CBXT-7/7-0.5 CBXT-7/7-0.75 CBXT-7/7-1 CBXT-9/9-0.25 CBXT-9/9-0.33 CBXT-9/9-0.5 CBXT-9/9-0.75 CBXT-9/9-1 CBXT-9/9-1.5 CBXT-10/10-0.5 CBXT-10/10-0.75 CBXT-10/10-1 CBXT-10/10-1.5 CBXT-10/10-2 CBXT-12/12-0.5 CBXT-12/12-0.75 CBXT-12/12-1 CBXT-12/12-1.5 CBXT-12/12-2 CBXT-12/12-3 CBXT-15/15-0.75 CBXT-15/15-1 CBXT-15/15-1.5 CBXT-15/15-2 CBXT-15/15-3 CBXT-15/15-4 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] 28.3% 30.1% 31.5% 32.9% 36.9% 33.4% 35.6% 37.2% 38.8% 43.5% 44.9% 31.5% 32.9% 36.8% 37.9% 38.3% 33.1% 34.5% 38.7% 39.9% 40.3% 41.0% 34.3% 38.5% 39.6% 40.0% 40.7% 41.3% N 39.8 40.9 41.2 41.7 45.1 45.0 46.5 47.4 49.0 53.8 53.9 41.1 42.6 45.8 46.1 46.0 43.1 43.7 47.1 47.5 46.9 46.0 42.7 46.1 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.7 (kW) 0.148 0.195 0.293 0.402 0.502 0.142 0.185 0.241 0.252 0.238 0.377 0.302 0.290 0.379 0.509 0.610 0.259 0.363 0.471 0.638 0.909 1.633 0.471 0.612 0.722 0.840 1.112 1.411 (m3/h) 988 1106 1287 1450 1623 1255 1399 1551 1597 1627 1916 1770 1770 2011 2241 2388 2403 2726 3090 3453 3897 4766 3813 4321 4612 4866 5374 5847 (mmH2O) 15.52 19.45 26.35 33.45 41.86 13.88 17.27 21.22 22.49 23.36 32.39 19.73 19.73 25.47 31.64 35.92 13.11 16.87 21.67 27.07 34.49 51.57 15.56 19.98 22.76 25.34 30.91 36.58 (RPM) 1090 1220 1420 1600 1790 825 920 1020 1050 1070 1260 845 845 960 1070 1140 595 675 765 855 965 1180 525 595 635 670 740 805 47 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CBXT-15/15-5.5 CBXT-18/18-1.5 CBXT-18/18-2 CBXT-18/18-3 CBXT-18/18-4 CBXT-18/18-5.5 CBXT-18/18-7.5 CBXT-20/20-2 CBXT-20/20-3 CBXT-20/20-4 CBXT-20/20-5.5 CBXT-20/20-7.5 CBXT-20/20-10 CBXT-22/22-2 CBXT-22/22-3 CBXT-22/22-4 CBXT-22/22-5.5 CBXT-22/22-7.5 CBXT-22/22-10 CBXT-22/22-15 CBXT-25/25-3 CBXT-25/25-4 CBXT-25/25-5.5 CBXT-25/25-7.5 CBXT-25/25-10 CBXT-25/25-15 CBXT-30/28-3 CBXT-30/28-4 CBXT-30/28-5.5 CBXT-30/28-7.5 CBXT-30/28-10 CBXT-30/28-15 CBXT-30/28-20 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 ηe[%] 42.0% 47.3% 47.7% 48.6% 49.3% 50.2% 50.7% 40.0% 40.7% 41.3% 42.0% 42.5% 42.9% 41.9% 42.6% 43.2% 44.0% 44.5% 44.8% 45.4% 40.6% 41.2% 41.9% 42.4% 42.7% 43.3% 42.2% 42.8% 43.6% 44.1% 44.4% 45.0% 45.4% N 46.0 54.9 53.5 54.6 54.6 55.1 54.7 46.7 45.8 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.5 48.3 47.4 47.3 47.3 47.4 46.2 46.4 45.4 45.4 45.3 45.2 44.6 44.2 46.7 46.5 46.6 46.2 45.9 46.1 45.7 (m3/h) 7009 6188 7800 7607 8251 8702 9798 6905 8511 9233 10197 10839 11642 8402 10367 11240 12440 13204 15823 16696 12636 13646 15163 16342 18364 20554 16453 18216 19979 22330 24092 25268 28206 (kW) 2.389 0.632 1.253 1.142 1.437 1.657 2.338 0.861 1.583 1.994 2.639 3.133 3.852 0.973 1.795 2.255 3.005 3.552 6.065 7.038 1.757 2.183 2.942 3.642 5.127 7.101 1.933 2.587 3.354 4.629 5.768 6.573 9.062 (mmH2O) 52.56 17.72 28.15 26.77 31.50 35.04 44.42 18.31 27.81 32.73 39.92 45.11 52.04 17.79 27.08 31.83 38.99 43.93 63.08 70.24 20.73 24.17 29.85 34.67 43.78 54.84 18.20 22.31 26.83 33.52 39.02 42.92 53.48 Dimensions in mm CBX Model Equiv. in inches CBX-1919 48 A B1 B2 C E E1 H K L N øe X Y 7/7 316 333 189360152 64 144 230 208 9x13 20 258225 CBX-2525 9/9 380 400 218430183 78 182 300 263 9x13 20 328275 CBX-2828 10/10 422 450 246470202 73 204 326 292 9x17 20 355315 CBX-3333 12/12 493 526 290560230 82 236 387 345 9x17 25 415390 CBX-3939 15/15 579 621 348650265 92 273 473 404 9x17 25 500455 CBX-4747 18/18 686 746 415750323 82 331 540 482 9x17 25 568575 (RPM) 965 480 605 590 640 675 760 430 530 575 635 675 725 385 475 515 570 605 725 765 375 405 450 485 545 610 280 310 340 380 410 430 480 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Dimensions in mm CBXC Model A BB2C E øe HKL N P Q V X x CBXC-7/7 322342189360152 20 153230208 9x17148 175292 290 262 CBXC-9/9 388402218430183 20 184300263 9x17214 214358 360 332 CBXC-10/10 428450246470202 20 204326292 9x17254 254398 386 358 CBXC-12/12 498532290560230 25 242387345 9x17324 324468 447 419 CBXC-15/15 583632348650265 25 284473404 9x17406 406553 533 505 CBXC-18/18 694756415750323 25 341540482 9x17520 608664 600 572 CBXR Model A B B1 B2 C Eøe H K L N P Q V X x CBXR-15/15 583 632 - 348473 26525284 730404 9x17406 406553533505 CBXR-18/18 694 756 - 415540 32325341 800482 9x17520 608664600572 CBXR-20/20 843 963 35 523603 37535405 92360313x25646 811798683643 CBXR-22/22 913 1046 35 569656 40035442 97669313x25716 894868736696 CBXR-25/25 998 1161 35 642765 42335484108579313x258011009953845805 CBXR-30/28 1206 1400 35 776888 51540589120893313x25 100912481161968928 49 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Dimensions in mm CBXT Installation A Model 50 AA1A2 B1 B2 C EE1øe H H2 H3 K L N X Y Z2Z3 CBXT-7/7-0’25 316430475 333 189 360152 64 20144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’33 316450495 333 189 360152 64 20144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’5 316450495 333 189 360152 64 20144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-0’75 316470515 333 189 360152 64 20144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-7/7-1 316470515 333 189 360152 64 20144 320 341 230 208 9x13 258 225 44 36 CBXT-9/9-0’25 380490535 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’33 380520565 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’5 380520565 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-0’75 380540585 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-1 380540585 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-9/9-1’5 380590605 400 218 430183 78 20182 385 395 300 263 9x13 328 275 50 57 CBXT-10/10-0’5 422570615 450 246 470202 73 20204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-0’75 422590635 450 246 470202 73 20204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-1 422590635 450 246 470202 73 20204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-1’5 422610655 450 246 470202 73 20204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-10/10-2 422610655 450 246 470202 73 20204 443 470 326 292 9x17 355 315 50 50 CBXT-12/12-0’5 493645690 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-0’75 493665710 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-1 493665710 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-1’5 493680725 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-2 493680725 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBXT-12/12-3 493700745 526 290 560230 82 25236 498 555 387 345 9x17 415 390 35 70 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Dimensions in mm CBXT Installation B Model A B B2 C E øe H H1 K LøO P V x X CBXT-15/15 583 672 348 473265 25 284 40 650 404 12 415,5 895505533 CBXT-18/18 694 796 415 540323 25 341 40 750 482 12 515,51115572600 Model A BB1 B2 C Eøe H H1 K L øO P V x X CBXT-20/20 843 10233552360337535 405 60 92360312617,51315 643683 CBXT-22/22 913 11063556965640035 442 60 97669312657,51395 696736 CBXT-25/25 998 12213564276542335 484 60108579312474,51575 805845 CBXT-30/28 1206 14603577688851540 589 60120893312817,51715 928968 51 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 7/7 (1919) 9/9 (2525) 52 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 10/10 (2828) 12/12 (3333) 53 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 15/15 (3939) 18/18 (4747) 54 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 20/20 22/22 55 CBX CBXC CBXR CBXT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 25/25 30/28 Accessories See accessories section. INT 56 C2V RM AR RFT AET PSB SM CJBX CJBX/AL CJBX CJBX/AL CJBX: Soundproofed belt-driven ventilation units fitted with double-inlet fans of the CBX, CBXC and CBXR series CJBX/AL: Soundproofed belt-driven ventilation units with aluminium profiles fitted with double-inlet fans of the CBX, CBXC and CBXR series Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Stuffing-box for cable inlet • CJBX/AL: with aluminium profiles and pre-lacquered sheet Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. CJBX Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • With circular inlet High-quality, robust impeller, dynamically balanced in accordance with ISO-1940 CJBX/AL Order code CJBX CJBX:Soundproofed ventilation units CJBX/AL:With aluminium profiles and pre-lacquered sheet CJBX/F: Ventilation units with built-in filters CJBX/ALS: Ventilation units with double wall of insulation and pre-lacquered sheet CJBX/ALF: Ventilation units with prelacquered sheet and built-in filters 15/154 Impeller size in inches Motor power (CV) Options CJBX/F CJBX/ALS CJBX/ALF 57 CJBX CJBX/AL Technical characteristics Model CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX CJBX 58 Speed CJBX/AL 7/7-0.25 CJBX/AL 7/7-0.33 CJBX/AL 7/7-0.5 CJBX/AL 7/7-0.75 CJBX/AL 7/7-1 CJBX/AL 9/9-0.25 CJBX/AL 9/9-0.33 CJBX/AL 9/9-0.5 CJBX/AL 9/9-0.75 CJBX/AL 9/9-1 CJBX/AL 9/9-1.5 CJBX/AL 10/10-0.5 CJBX/AL 10/10-0.75 CJBX/AL 10/10-1 CJBX/AL 10/10-1.5 CJBX/AL 10/10-2 CJBX/AL 12/12-0.5 CJBX/AL 12/12-0.75 CJBX/AL 12/12-1 CJBX/AL 12/12-1.5 CJBX/AL 12/12-2 CJBX/AL 12/12-3 CJBX/AL 15/15-0.75 CJBX/AL 15/15-1 CJBX/AL 15/15-1.5 CJBX/AL 15/15-2 CJBX/AL 15/15-3 CJBX/AL 15/15-4 CJBX/AL 15/15-5.5 CJBX/AL 18/18-1.5 CJBX/AL 18/18-2 CJBX/AL 18/18-3 CJBX/AL 18/18-4 CJBX/AL 18/18-5.5 CJBX/AL 18/18-7.5 CJBX/AL 20/20-2 CJBX/AL 20/20-3 CJBX/AL 20/20-4 CJBX/AL 20/20-5.5 CJBX/AL 20/20-7.5 CJBX/AL 20/20-10 CJBX/AL 22/22-2 CJBX/AL 22/22-3 CJBX/AL 22/22-4 CJBX/AL 22/22-5.5 CJBX/AL 22/22-7.5 CJBX/AL 22/22-10 CJBX/AL 22/22-15 CJBX/AL 25/25-3 CJBX/AL 25/25-4 CJBX/AL 25/25-5.5 CJBX/AL 25/25-7.5 CJBX/AL 25/25-10 CJBX/AL 25/25-15 CJBX/AL 30/28-3 CJBX/AL 30/28-4 CJBX/AL 30/28-5.5 CJBX/AL 30/28-7.5 CJBX/AL 30/28-10 CJBX/AL 30/28-15 CJBX/AL 30/28-20 (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 1090 1.23 1220 1.66 1420 2.02 1600 2.92 1790 3.10 825 1.23 920 1.66 1020 2.02 1050 2.92 1070 3.10 1260 4.03 845 2.02 845 2.92 960 3.10 1070 4.03 1140 5.96 595 2.02 675 2.92 765 3.10 855 4.03 965 5.96 1180 8.36 525 2.92 595 3.10 635 4.03 670 5.96 740 8.36 805 10.96 965 14.10 480 4.03 605 5.96 590 8.36 640 10.96 675 14.10 760 430 5.96 530 8.36 575 10.96 635 14.10 675 725 385 5.96 475 8.36 515 10.96 570 14.10 605 725 765 375 8.36 405 10.96 450 14.10 485 545 610 280 8.36 310 10.96 340 14.10 380 410 430 480 0.71 0.96 1.17 1.69 1.79 0.71 0.96 1.17 1.69 1.79 2.32 1.17 1.69 1.79 2.32 3.44 1.17 1.69 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 1.69 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 Installed power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 0.18 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 Maximum airflow (m 3/h) 1050 1100 1250 1450 1500 1700 1800 2200 2900 3200 3750 2950 3800 4175 4800 5400 4200 4800 5400 5800 6500 7400 5900 6500 7500 8200 9500 10600 12000 9000 9250 11500 13200 15000 17000 11500 12800 14200 15500 17500 20000 14000 15000 17000 19000 21500 22000 27000 17000 20500 22000 24500 28000 32000 20000 22000 25000 31500 36000 42000 48000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 48 50 53 56 58 45 48 51 55 56 60 52 56 58 61 63 52 54 57 59 62 65 49 52 54 56 59 61 63 48 51 54 56 58 60 56 57 58 61 63 65 50 54 55 57 60 63 65 53 55 57 59 61 64 54 56 59 60 63 65 68 Approx. weight (Kg) 37.0 37.8 39.0 41.0 42.5 48.0 50.0 51.5 54.5 56.0 59.0 55.0 57.0 58.5 61.3 64.6 69.0 71.0 72.4 75.3 78.6 87.0 85.0 86.4 89.3 92.6 101.0 103.0 108.0 122.0 125.3 133.7 135.7 141.0 154.5 222.0 230.5 232.5 237.5 251.5 266.5 250.0 257.0 261.0 265.0 279.0 290.0 316.0 297.0 299.0 304.0 318.0 329.0 349.0 380.0 382.0 387.0 402.0 415.0 426.0 449.0 Type Assembly A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CJBX CJBX/AL Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), CBXT series without box. Dimensions in mm CJBX Installation B Installation A A B C D1 D2 E G1 L K X (without filter) X (with filter) CJBX-7/7 650460500364404107 135 218 240 30 40 CJBX-9/9 700522550426454101 151 270 310 30 40 CJBX-10/10750575600479504100 175 300 336 30 40 CJBX-12/12850650700554604 84 205 361 404 30 40 CJBX-15/151000755800659704 62 270 423 486 30 40 CJBX-18/181200875 1000779904 45 336 494 551 30 40 CJBX-20/2014001175110010791004 147428600600 30 40 CJBX-22/2214601250125011541154 145413692653 30 40 CJBX-25/2515501375145012791354 152431792762 30 40 CJBX-30/2818001600165015041554 140528932885 30 40 CJBX vertical impulsion Installation A Installation B Model A B C D1xD2 E L K CJBX-7/7 650460 500 364x404 30204226 CJBX-9/9 700522 550 426x454 30256296 CJBX-10/10 750575 600 479x504 30286322 CJBX-12/12 850650 700 554x604 30341383 CJBX-15/151000755 800 659x704 30404471 CJBX-18/18 1200 875 1000 779x904 30 4840 537 CJBX-20/20 1445 1175 1100 1079x1004 60 600 600 CJBX-22/22 1580 1250 1250 1154x1154 60 692 653 CJBX-25/25 1675 1375 1450 1279x1354 60 792 762 CJBX-30/28 1935 1600 1650 1504x1554 60 932 885 59 CJBX CJBX/AL Dimensions in mm CJBX/AL Installation A Installation B CJBX/AL-7/7 CJBX/AL-9/9 CJBX/AL-10/10 CJBX/AL-12/12 CJBX/AL-15/15 CJBX/AL-18/18 CJBX/AL-20/20 CJBX/AL-22/22 CJBX/AL-25/25 CJBX/AL-30/28 A BC D1 D2ELK 650 460460420420 85205225 700 520520480480 70268307 750 575575535535 73296334 850 650650610610 84345390 1000 755755695695127406475 12001000 1000940940143480540 14451175 11001115 1040149590590 16001250 12501190 1190128696662 15501450 14501390 1390205790770 19001700 17001640 1640225942894 CJBX/AL vertical impulsion Installation A 60 Installation B Model CJBX/AL-7/7 CJBX/AL-9/9 CJBX/AL-10/10 CJBX/AL-12/12 CJBX/AL-15/15 CJBX/AL-18/18 CJBX/AL-20/20 CJBX/AL-22/22 CJBX/AL-25/25 CJBX/AL-30/28 AB C E L K 650460460 75216238 700520520 75268305 750575575 75296330 850650650 75346390 1000755755 85411482 12001000 1000 185 491 550 14001170 1250 349,5 620 618 14801230 1300 342,5 711 681 16001350 1500 366,5 810 781 18501600 1700 459,5 949 906 CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 7/7 9/9 61 CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 10/10 12/12 62 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 15/15 18/18 63 CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 20/20 22/22 64 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJBX CJBX/AL Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 25/25 30/28 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 65 CJTX-C CJTX-C 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with double-inlet fan 0370-CPD-0468 400ºC/2h extraction units with motor and belt-driven inside the plate to work outside fire danger zones. Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel structure. • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3-2002, certification No.: 0370-CPD-0468 • Linear air circulation Motor: • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection, one-or two-speed depending on the model • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz.(power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: S1 Service -20ºC+ 120ºC for ongoing use, S2 Service 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • Fans with vertical outlet Order code CJTX-C 15/15 0,75 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction Impeller size units with double-inlet fan Motor power (c.v.) (2V) Reference with 2V: Two-speed fan F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h For Service S2: 200ºC/2h, 300ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJTX-C-7/7-0.25 CJTX-C-7/7-0.33 CJTX-C-7/7-0.33 2V CJTX-C-7/7-0.5 CJTX-C-7/7-0.5 2V CJTX-C-7/7-0.75 CJTX-C-7/7-0.75 2V CJTX-C-7/7-1 CJTX-C-7/7-1 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.33 CJTX-C-9/9-0.33 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.5 CJTX-C-9/9-0.5 2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.75 CJTX-C-9/9-0.75 2V CJTX-C-9/9-1 CJTX-C-9/9-1 2V CJTX-C-9/9-1.5 CJTX-C-9/9-1.5 2V CJTX-C-9/9-2 CJTX-C-9/9-2 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.33 66 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 1000 0.96 1200 1.90 1200 / 600 1400 1.84 1400 / 700 1600 2.28 1600 / 800 1800 2.83 1800 / 900 850 1.90 850 / 425 960 1.84 960 / 480 1060 2.28 1060 / 530 1200 2.83 1200 / 600 1340 4.03 1340 / 670 1500 5.96 1500 / 750 660 1.90 0.55 1.10 0.70 / 0.30 1.06 1.05 / 0.50 1.31 1.70 / 0.80 1.63 2.00 / 0.90 1.10 0.70 / 0.30 1.06 1.05 / 0.50 1.31 1.70 / 0.80 1.63 2.00 / 0.90 2.32 2.90 / 1.30 3.44 3.50 / 1.50 1.10 Installed power (kW) 0.18 0.25 0.25 / 0.10 0.37 0.37 / 0.11 0.55 0.55 / 0.19 0.75 0.75 / 0.20 0.25 0.25 / 0.10 0.37 0.37 / 0.11 0.55 0.55 / 0.19 0.75 0.75 / 0.20 1.10 1.10 / 0.25 1.50 1.50 / 0.37 0.25 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1600 1825 1825 / 915 2100 2100 / 1050 2350 2350 / 1175 2600 2600 / 1300 2300 2300 / 1150 2800 2800 / 1400 3200 3200 / 1600 3500 3500 / 1750 4100 4100 / 2050 4400 4400 / 2200 2800 Approx. weight Sound (Kg) pressure level dB(A) 58 60 60 / 45 64 64 / 49 67 67 / 52 69 69 / 54 58 58 / 43 61 61 / 46 65 65 / 50 67 67 / 52 70 70 / 55 72 72 / 57 57 53 54 54 54 57 58 58 62 61 65 65 66 67 69 69 73 72 80 74 84 76 77 CJTX-C Technical characteristics Model CJTX-C-10/10-0.33 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 2V CJTX-C-10/10-1 CJTX-C-10/10-1 2V CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 2V CJTX-C-10/10-2 CJTX-C-10/10-2 2V CJTX-C-10/10-3 CJTX-C-10/10-3 2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 2V CJTX-C-12/12-1 CJTX-C-12/12-1 2V CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 2V CJTX-C-12/12-2 CJTX-C-12/12-2 2V CJTX-C-12/12-3 CJTX-C-12/12-3 2V CJTX-C-12/12-4 CJTX-C-12/12-4 2V CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 2V CJTX-C-15/15-1 CJTX-C-15/15-1 2V CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 2V CJTX-C-15/15-2 CJTX-C-15/15-2 2V CJTX-C-15/15-3 CJTX-C-15/15-3 2V CJTX-C-15/15-4 CJTX-C-15/15-4 2V CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-1 CJTX-C-18/18-1 2V CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-2 CJTX-C-18/18-2 2V CJTX-C-18/18-3 CJTX-C-18/18-3 2V CJTX-C-18/18-4 CJTX-C-18/18-4 2V CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 2V CJTX-C-18/18-10 CJTX-C-18/18-10 2V CJTX-C-20/20-2 CJTX-C-20/20-2 2V CJTX-C-20/20-3 CJTX-C-20/20-3 2V CJTX-C-20/20-4 CJTX-C-20/20-4 2V CJTX-C-20/20-5.5 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) (r/min) 660 / 330 0.70 / 0.30 800 1.84 1.06 800 / 400 1.05 / 0.50 880 2.28 1.31 880 / 440 1.70 / 0.80 1000 2.83 1.63 1000 / 500 2.00 / 0.90 1130 4.03 2.32 1130 / 565 2.90 / 1.30 1270 5.96 3.44 1270 / 635 3.50 / 1.50 1450 8.36 4.83 1450 / 725 4.90 / 1.70 600 1.84 1.06 600 / 300 1.05 / 0.50 700 2.28 1.31 700 / 350 1.70 / 0.80 800 2.83 1.63 800 / 400 2.00 / 0.90 880 4.03 2.32 880 / 440 2.90 / 1.30 1020 5.96 3.44 1020 / 510 3.50 / 1.50 1140 8.36 4.83 1140 / 570 4.90 / 1.70 1250 10.96 6.33 1250 / 625 6.50 / 2.30 530 2.28 1.31 530 / 265 1.60 / 0.65 560 2.83 1.63 560 / 280 2.20 / 0.87 630 4.03 2.32 630 / 315 3.00 / 1.15 700 5.96 3.44 700 / 350 4.60 / 1.90 800 8.36 4.83 800 / 400 5.60 / 2.20 880 10.96 6.33 880 / 440 9.00 / 3.50 970 14.10 8.12 970 / 485 11.00 / 4.00 460 2.83 1.63 460 / 230 2.20 / 0.87 510 4.03 2.32 510 / 255 3.00 / 1.15 540 5.96 3.44 540 / 270 4.60 / 1.90 610 8.36 4.83 610 / 305 5.60 / 2.20 680 10.96 6.33 680 / 340 9.00 / 3.50 750 14.10 8.12 750 / 375 11.00 / 4.00 850 11.60 6.72 850 / 425 13.20 / 5.30 930 14.20 8.20 930 / 465 16.90 / 5.50 450 5.96 3.44 450 / 225 4.60 / 1.90 530 8.36 4.83 530 / 265 5.60 / 2.20 580 10.96 6.33 580 / 290 9.00 / 3.50 660 14.10 8.12 Speed Installed power (kW) 0.25 / 0.10 0.37 0.37 / 0.11 0.55 0.55 / 0.19 0.75 0.75 / 0.20 1.10 1.10 / 0.25 1.50 1.50 / 0.37 2.20 2.20 / 0.45 0.37 0.37 / 0.11 0.55 0.55 / 0.19 0.75 0.75 / 0.20 1.10 1.10 / 0.25 1.50 1.50 / 0.37 2.20 2.20 / 0.45 3.00 3.00 / 0.60 0.55 0.55 / 0.09 0.75 0.75 / 0.15 1.10 1.10 / 0.18 1.50 1.50 / 0.25 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 4.00 / 0.65 0.75 0.75 / 0.15 1.10 1.10 / 0.18 1.50 1.50 / 0.25 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 4.00 / 0.65 5.50 5.50 / 1.00 7.50 7.50 / 1.30 1.50 1.50 / 0.25 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2800 / 1400 3300 3300 / 1650 3800 3800 / 1900 4200 4200 / 2100 4800 4800 / 2400 5300 5300 / 2650 5900 5900 / 2950 4200 4200 / 2100 4600 4600 / 2300 5100 5100 / 2550 5700 5700 / 2850 6400 6400 / 3200 7400 7400 / 3700 8200 8200 / 4100 4700 4700 / 2350 6000 6000 / 3000 7000 7000 / 3500 7800 7800 / 3900 9000 9000 / 4500 10000 10000 / 5000 11000 11000 / 5500 7500 7500 / 3750 9000 9000 / 4500 10800 10800 / 5400 12500 12500 / 6250 14000 14000 / 7000 15000 15000 / 7500 16500 16500 / 8250 18000 18000 / 9000 13000 13000 / 6500 15000 15000 / 7500 16300 16300 / 8150 18000 Approx. weight Sound (Kg) pressure level dB(A) 57 / 42 77 61 77 61 / 46 79 63 81 63 / 48 81 65 85 65 / 50 84 68 92 68 / 53 85 71 94 71 / 56 86 74 89 74 / 59 93 60 96 60 / 45 98 63 99 63 / 48 100 65 104 65 / 50 103 68 111 68 / 53 104 70 113 70 / 55 105 73 107 73 / 58 110 75 115 75 / 60 118 59 126 59 / 44 126 61 130 61 / 46 129 64 138 64 / 49 131 66 141 66 / 51 133 69 135 69 / 54 140 72 144 72 / 57 147 73 145 73 / 58 151 60 163 60 / 45 163 61 171 61 / 46 165 64 175 64 / 49 167 67 170 67 / 52 173 70 177 70 / 55 180 72 178 72 / 57 184 74 188 74 / 59 204 77 202 77 / 62 213 64 276 64 / 49 268 68 270 68 / 53 274 70 277 70 / 55 280 72 279 67 CJTX-C Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJTX-C-20/20-5.5 2V CJTX-C-20/20-7.5 CJTX-C-20/20-7.5 2V CJTX-C-20/20-10 CJTX-C-20/20-10 2V CJTX-C-22/22-2 CJTX-C-22/22-2 2V CJTX-C-22/22-3 CJTX-C-22/22-3 2V CJTX-C-22/22-4 CJTX-C-22/22-4 2V CJTX-C-22/22-5.5 CJTX-C-22/22-5.5 2V CJTX-C-22/22-7.5 CJTX-C-22/22-7.5 2V CJTX-C-22/22-10 CJTX-C-22/22-10 2V CJTX-C-22/22-15 CJTX-C-22/22-15 2V CJTX-C-22/22-20 CJTX-C-22/22-20 2V CJTX-C-25/25-3 CJTX-C-25/25-3 2V CJTX-C-25/25-4 CJTX-C-25/25-4 2V CJTX-C-25/25-5.5 CJTX-C-25/25-5.5 2V CJTX-C-25/25-7.5 CJTX-C-25/25-7.5 2V CJTX-C-25/25-10 CJTX-C-25/25-10 2V CJTX-C-25/25-15 CJTX-C-25/25-15 2V CJTX-C-25/25-20 CJTX-C-25/25-20 2V CJTX-C-30/28-3 CJTX-C-30/28-3 2V CJTX-C-30/28-4 CJTX-C-30/28-4 2V CJTX-C-30/28-5.5 CJTX-C-30/28-5.5 2V CJTX-C-30/28-7.5 CJTX-C-30/28-7.5 2V CJTX-C-30/28-10 CJTX-C-30/28-10 2V CJTX-C-30/28-15 CJTX-C-30/28-15 2V CJTX-C-30/28-20 CJTX-C-30/28-20 2V CJTX-C-30/28-25 CJTX-C-30/28-25 2V 68 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 660 / 330 11.00 / 4.00 740 11.60 6.72 740 / 370 13.20 / 5.30 815 14.20 8.20 815 / 407.5 16.90 / 5.50 380 5.96 3.44 380 / 190 4.60 / 1.90 430 8.36 4.83 430 / 215 5.60 / 2.20 480 10.96 6.33 480 / 240 9.00 / 3.50 520 14.10 8.12 520 / 260 11.00 / 4.00 580 11.60 6.72 580 / 290 13.20 / 5.30 650 14.20 8.20 650 / 325 16.90 / 5.50 740 20.20 11.60 740 / 370 23.20 / 8.70 780 29.80 17.30 780 / 390 31.72 / 11.75 340 8.36 4.83 340 / 170 5.60 / 2.20 380 10.96 6.33 380 / 190 9.00 / 3.50 420 14.10 8.12 420 / 210 11.00 / 4.00 470 11.60 6.72 470 / 235 13.20 / 5.30 510 14.20 8.20 510 / 255 16.90 / 5.50 570 20.20 11.60 570 / 285 23.20 / 8.70 630 29.80 17.30 630 / 315 31.72 / 11.75 250 8.36 4.83 250 / 125 5.60 / 2.20 280 10.96 6.33 280 / 140 9.00 / 3.50 340 14.10 8.12 340 / 170 11.00 / 4.00 360 11.60 6.72 360 / 180 13.20 / 5.30 410 14.20 8.20 410 / 205 16.90 / 5.50 480 20.20 11.60 480 / 240 23.20 / 8.70 520 29.80 17.30 520 / 260 31.72 / 11.75 550 35.00 20.00 550 / 275 33.00 / 11.00 Installed power (kW) 4.00 / 0.65 5.50 5.50 / 1.00 7.50 7.50 / 1.30 1.50 1.50 / 0.25 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 4.00 / 0.65 5.50 5.50 / 1.00 7.50 7.50 / 1.30 11.00 11.00 / 2.80 15.00 15.00 / 3.80 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 4.00 / 0.65 5.50 5.50 / 1.00 7.50 7.50 / 1.30 11.00 11.00 / 2.80 15.00 15.00 / 3.80 2.20 2.20 / 0.37 3.00 3.00 / 0.55 4.00 4.00 / 0.65 5.50 5.50 / 1.00 7.50 7.50 / 1.30 11.00 11.00 / 2.80 15.00 15.00 / 3.80 18.50 17.00 / 3.40 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 18000 / 9000 20500 20500 / 10250 22500 22500 / 11250 14000 14000 / 7000 16000 16000 / 8000 18000 18000 / 9000 20000 20000 / 10000 22500 22500 / 11250 25000 25000 / 12500 28000 28000 / 14000 31000 31000 / 15500 20000 20000 / 10000 22000 22000 / 11000 24000 24000 / 12000 26500 26500 / 13250 29000 29000 / 14500 34000 34000 / 17000 38000 38000 / 19000 25000 25000 / 12500 27000 27000 / 13500 29000 29000 / 14500 32500 32500 / 16250 36000 36000 / 18000 40000 40000 / 20000 45000 45000 / 22500 49000 49000 / 24500 Approx. weight Sound (Kg) pressure level dB(A) 72 / 57 74 74 / 59 77 77 / 62 62 62 / 47 64 64 / 49 68 68 / 53 69 69 / 54 72 72 / 57 74 74 / 59 77 77 / 62 79 79 / 64 66 66 / 51 68 68 / 53 70 70 / 55 73 73 / 58 75 75 / 60 78 78 / 63 80 80 / 65 64 64 / 49 66 66 / 51 68 68 / 53 71 71 / 56 73 73 / 58 76 76 / 61 78 78 / 63 79 79 / 64 285 289 305 304 314 318 310 312 316 320 323 323 329 333 350 346 357 358 389 424 413 369 372 376 379 377 383 393 409 401 412 419 450 482 471 502 507 516 519 517 523 530 546 545 556 557 588 627 616 609 643 CJTX-C Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CJTX-C-7/7-0.25 CJTX-C-7/7-0.33 CJTX-C-7/7-0.33 -2V CJTX-C-7/7-0.5 CJTX-C-7/7-0.5 -2V CJTX-C-7/7-0.75 CJTX-C-7/7-0.75 -2V CJTX-C-7/7-1 CJTX-C-7/7-1 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.33 CJTX-C-9/9-0.33 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.5 CJTX-C-9/9-0.5 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-0.75 CJTX-C-9/9-0.75 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-1 CJTX-C-9/9-1 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-1.5 CJTX-C-9/9-1.5 -2V CJTX-C-9/9-2 CJTX-C-9/9-2 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.33 CJTX-C-10/10-0.33 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 CJTX-C-10/10-0.5 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 CJTX-C-10/10-0.75 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-1 CJTX-C-10/10-1 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 CJTX-C-10/10-1.5 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-2 CJTX-C-10/10-2 -2V CJTX-C-10/10-3 CJTX-C-10/10-3 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 CJTX-C-12/12-0.5 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 CJTX-C-12/12-0.75 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-1 CJTX-C-12/12-1 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 CJTX-C-12/12-1.5 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-2 CJTX-C-12/12-2 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-3 CJTX-C-12/12-3 -2V CJTX-C-12/12-4 CJTX-C-12/12-4 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 CJTX-C-15/15-0.75 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-1 CJTX-C-15/15-1 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 CJTX-C-15/15-1.5 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-2 CJTX-C-15/15-2 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-3 CJTX-C-15/15-3 -2V ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] 28.3% 32.0% 29.5% 31.5% 31.8% 34.3% 30.9% 37.1% 31.7% 37.7% 34.8% 37.2% 37.6% 40.5% 36.5% 43.8% 37.5% 44.9% 38.4% 45.3% 39.8% 31.9% 29.4% 31.5% 31.8% 34.2% 30.9% 37.0% 31.7% 37.9% 32.5% 38.3% 33.7% 39.0% 34.9% 33.1% 33.4% 36.0% 32.5% 38.9% 33.3% 39.9% 34.2% 40.3% 35.4% 41.0% 36.7% 41.6% 37.7% 35.7% 32.4% 38.6% 32.6% 39.6% 34.1% 40.0% 35.5% 40.7% 35.6% N 40.5 43.1 40.4 41.3 41.7 43.2 39.6 45.3 39.5 49.5 46.3 47.9 48.3 50.6 46.3 53.1 46.4 53.4 46.5 52.9 47.1 42.5 39.8 40.4 40.8 42.7 39.0 44.6 38.9 44.6 38.7 44.0 39.1 43.7 39.3 43.0 43.4 44.9 41.1 47.0 40.9 47.2 41.1 46.4 41.2 46.3 41.7 46.2 42.0 44.2 40.5 46.8 40.3 46.9 41.0 46.4 41.6 46.1 40.6 (kW) 0.114 0.174 0.189 0.281 0.278 0.385 0.428 0.508 0.593 0.138 0.149 0.201 0.199 0.249 0.276 0.334 0.390 0.453 0.530 0.630 0.716 0.210 0.228 0.380 0.376 0.465 0.515 0.631 0.736 0.888 1.037 1.248 1.419 1.824 2.040 0.266 0.263 0.388 0.431 0.536 0.626 0.696 0.813 1.074 1.221 1.472 1.646 1.914 2.111 0.465 0.514 0.508 0.603 0.705 0.819 0.958 1.079 1.404 1.609 (m 3/h) 907 1088 1088 1269 1269 1450 1450 1632 1632 1293 1293 1460 1460 1612 1612 1825 1825 2038 2038 2281 2281 1575 1575 1909 1909 2100 2100 2387 2387 2697 2697 3031 3031 3461 3461 2423 2423 2827 2827 3231 3231 3554 3554 4119 4119 4604 4604 5048 5048 3849 3849 4067 4067 4576 4576 5084 5084 5810 5810 (mmH2O) 13.07 18.82 18.82 25.61 25.61 33.45 33.45 42.33 42.33 14.74 14.74 18.80 18.80 22.92 22.92 29.38 29.38 36.63 36.63 45.90 45.90 15.63 15.63 22.97 22.97 27.79 27.79 35.89 35.89 45.83 45.83 57.89 57.89 75.46 75.46 13.33 13.33 18.15 18.15 23.70 23.70 28.68 28.68 38.53 38.53 48.13 48.13 57.87 57.87 15.85 15.85 17.70 17.70 22.40 22.40 27.66 27.66 36.12 36.12 (RPM) 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600 1800 1800 850 850 960 960 1060 1060 1200 1200 1340 1340 1500 1500 660 660 800 800 880 880 1000 1000 1130 1130 1270 1270 1450 1450 600 600 700 700 800 800 880 880 1020 1020 1140 1140 1250 1250 530 530 560 560 630 630 700 700 800 800 Facts internal fan without box 69 CJTX-C Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CJTX-C-15/15-4 CJTX-C-15/15-4 -2V CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 CJTX-C-15/15-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-1 CJTX-C-18/18-1 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 CJTX-C-18/18-1.5 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-2 CJTX-C-18/18-2 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-3 CJTX-C-18/18-3 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-4 CJTX-C-18/18-4 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 CJTX-C-18/18-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 CJTX-C-18/18-7.5 -2V CJTX-C-18/18-10 CJTX-C-18/18-10 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-2 CJTX-C-20/20-2 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-3 CJTX-C-20/20-3 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-4 CJTX-C-20/20-4 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-5.5 CJTX-C-20/20-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-7.5 CJTX-C-20/20-7.5 -2V CJTX-C-20/20-10 CJTX-C-20/20-10 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-2 CJTX-C-22/22-2 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-3 CJTX-C-22/22-3 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-4 CJTX-C-22/22-4 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-5.5 CJTX-C-22/22-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-7.5 CJTX-C-22/22-7.5 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-10 CJTX-C-22/22-10 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-15 CJTX-C-22/22-15 -2V CJTX-C-22/22-20 CJTX-C-22/22-20 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-3 CJTX-C-25/25-3 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-4 CJTX-C-25/25-4 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-5.5 CJTX-C-25/25-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-7.5 CJTX-C-25/25-7.5 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-10 CJTX-C-25/25-10 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-15 Facts internal fan without box 70 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 ηe[%] 41.3% 35.2% 42.0% 37.8% 46.1% 38.9% 47.3% 40.7% 47.7% 42.4% 48.6% 42.4% 49.3% 42.0% 50.2% 45.1% 50.7% 47.5% 51.1% 47.3% 40.0% 35.5% 40.7% 35.6% 41.3% 35.2% 42.0% 37.8% 42.5% 39.8% 42.9% 39.7% 41.9% 37.2% 42.6% 37.2% 43.2% 36.9% 44.0% 39.6% 44.5% 41.7% 44.8% 41.5% 45.4% 43.3% 46.0% 43.1% 40.6% 35.5% 41.2% 35.1% 41.9% 37.7% 42.4% 39.7% 42.7% 39.5% 43.3% N 46.0 39.4 45.9 41.4 52.9 45.2 53.3 46.3 53.3 47.6 53.2 46.7 53.1 45.4 53.2 47.9 52.8 49.4 52.5 48.4 46.4 41.6 45.8 40.3 45.7 39.2 45.4 40.9 45.0 42.1 44.5 41.1 48.4 43.3 48.2 42.4 47.9 41.1 48.1 43.4 47.7 44.7 47.1 43.6 46.7 44.4 46.9 43.8 46.2 40.7 45.9 39.4 45.8 41.4 45.4 42.6 45.1 41.7 44.8 (kW) 1.843 2.162 2.426 2.695 0.836 0.993 1.112 1.291 1.307 1.472 1.851 2.120 2.528 2.965 3.333 3.703 4.797 5.123 6.233 6.734 0.987 1.112 1.583 1.814 2.046 2.400 2.963 3.292 4.129 4.409 5.472 5.912 0.936 1.054 1.331 1.525 1.826 2.142 2.282 2.535 3.130 3.343 4.371 4.722 6.370 6.687 7.362 7.852 1.310 1.500 1.803 2.115 2.392 2.658 3.314 3.540 4.201 4.539 5.794 (m3/h) 6391 6391 7045 7045 6738 6738 7471 7471 7910 7910 8935 8935 9961 9961 10986 10986 12451 12451 13623 13623 7226 7226 8511 8511 9314 9314 10598 10598 11883 11883 13087 13087 8293 8293 9385 9385 10476 10476 11349 11349 12658 12658 14186 14186 16150 16150 17023 17023 11456 11456 12804 12804 14152 14152 15837 15837 17184 17184 19206 (mmH2O) 43.71 43.71 53.11 53.11 21.01 21.01 25.82 25.82 28.95 28.95 36.94 36.94 45.91 45.91 55.85 55.85 71.73 71.73 85.87 85.87 20.05 20.05 27.81 27.81 33.30 33.30 43.13 43.13 54.21 54.21 65.76 65.76 17.33 17.33 22.19 22.19 27.65 27.65 32.45 32.45 40.37 40.37 50.71 50.71 65.72 65.72 73.02 73.02 17.04 17.04 21.28 21.28 26.00 26.00 32.56 32.56 38.34 38.34 47.89 (RPM) 880 880 970 970 460 460 510 510 540 540 610 610 680 680 750 750 850 850 930 930 450 450 530 530 580 580 660 660 740 740 815 815 380 380 430 430 480 480 520 520 580 580 650 650 740 740 780 780 340 340 380 380 420 420 470 470 510 510 570 CJTX-C Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CJTX-C-25/25-15 -2V CJTX-C-25/25-20 CJTX-C-25/25-20 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-3 CJTX-C-30/28-3 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-4 CJTX-C-30/28-4 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-5.5 CJTX-C-30/28-5.5 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-7.5 CJTX-C-30/28-7.5 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-10 CJTX-C-30/28-10 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-15 CJTX-C-30/28-15 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-20 CJTX-C-30/28-20 -2V CJTX-C-30/28-25 CJTX-C-30/28-25 -2V ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 41.2% 43.8% 41.1% 42.2% 36.9% 42.8% 36.5% 43.6% 39.2% 44.1% 41.3% 44.4% 41.1% 45.0% 42.8% 45.6% 42.7% 45.1% 46.5% N 42.6 44.6 41.7 47.7 41.9 47.4 40.6 46.6 41.9 46.6 43.7 45.9 42.4 45.2 43.0 45.5 42.6 44.9 46.4 (kW) 6.082 7.719 8.233 1.376 1.576 1.906 2.235 3.354 3.726 3.936 4.203 5.768 6.232 9.142 9.597 11.471 12.234 13.723 13.289 (m3/h) 19206 21228 21228 14691 14691 16453 16453 19979 19979 21154 21154 24092 24092 28206 28206 30556 30556 32319 32319 (mmH2O) 47.89 58.50 58.50 14.51 14.51 18.20 18.20 26.83 26.83 30.08 30.08 39.02 39.02 53.48 53.48 62.77 62.77 70.22 70.22 (RPM) 570 630 630 250 250 280 280 340 340 360 360 410 410 480 480 520 520 550 550 Facts internal fan without box Dimensions in mm Standard supply horizontal outlet (H): LG-90 A BB1 CC1 ød CJTX-C-7/7 700480 - 730 695 10.5 CJTX-C-9/9 785592 - 759 716 10.5 CJTX-C-10/10 860618 - 825 782 10.5 CJTX-C-12/12 970680 - 945 902 10.5 CJTX-C-15/15 1100 776 -11001057 10.5 CJTX-C-18/18 1278 900 6012501207 10.5 CJTX-C-20/20 14951050 60 1474 1431 13 CJTX-C-22/22 16401180 60 1625 1582 13 CJTX-C-25/25 18001300 60 1825 1782 13 CJTX-C-30/28 20001525 60 2134 2091 13 VIEWED FROM THE TOP ød1 D1 D2 F G H I K L XX1 X2 9 354 470 62 202 750685239 216 - - 9 466 490 92 230 835714305 270 - - 9 492 520 87 235 910780334 296 - - 9 554 620 80 2501020900395 350 - - 9 650 720 80 28511501055 483 411 - - 11 774 870 95 32513281205 552 480614.5 201229 11 954 1100 122 347 15551419 611 611722.5 201545 11 1054 1250 125 350 17001570 665 705795.5 201591 11 1174 1450 125 369 18601770 775 806875.5 201751 11 1399 1760 118 465 20602079 900 942975.5 201951 71 CJTX-C Dimensions in mm Supplied on request: Vertical outlet (V): LG-0 A BB1 CC1 ød CJTX-C-7/7 700480 - 730 695 10.5 CJTX-C-9/9 785592 - 759 716 10.5 CJTX-C-10/10 860618 - 825 782 10.5 CJTX-C-12/12 970680 - 945 902 10.5 CJTX-C-15/15 1100776 -11001057 10.5 CJTX-C-18/18 1278 900 6012501207 10.5 CJTX-C-20/20 14951050 6014741431 13 CJTX-C-22/22 16401180 6016251582 13 CJTX-C-25/25 18001300 6018251782 13 CJTX-C-30/28 20001525 6021342091 13 72 ød1 D1 D2 F H I K L XX1X2 9 354 470 165 750 685238210 - - 9 466 490 157 835 714312272 - - 9 492 520 135 910 780333300 - - 9 554 620 183 1020 900397355 - - 9 650 720 197 11501055479421 - - 11 774 870 281 13281205 550 495614.5 201229 11 954 1100 283 15551419 610 611722.5 201545 11 1054 1250 325 17001570 666 701795.5 201591 11 1174 1450 367 18601770 775 7988755 201751 11 1399 1760 407 20602079 894 947975.5 201951 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJTX-C-7/7 CJTX-C-9/9 73 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CJTX-C-10/10 CJTX-C-12/12 74 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJTX-C-15/15 CJTX-C-18/18 75 CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. CJTX-C-20/20 CJTX-C-22/22 76 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJTX-C Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CJTX-C-25/25 CJTX-C-30/28 Accessories See accessories section INT TEJ IAT C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT VIS 77 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR CDXR CDXRT CJDXR CDXR: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet on both sides and impeller with backward-facing blades CDXRT: Double-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with backwardfacing blades. CJDXR: Soundproofed ventilation units with backward-facing blades, fitted with CDXR series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with backward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJDXR) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJDXR) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. CDXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel CDXRT On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJDXR Order code CDXR450 CDXR: Centrifugal double-inlet fans with axis outlet and impeller with backward-facing blades. CDXRT Impeller size in mm CDXRT: Double-inlet, beltdriven centrifugal fans with electric motor impeller, with backward-facing blades. 4503 Impeller size in mm Motor power (CV) CJDXR: Ventilation units with impeller with backwardfacing blades. Technical characteristics Model CDXR-200 CDXR-250 CDXR-315 CDXR-355 CDXR-400 CDXR-450 CDXR-500 CDXR-560 CDXR-630 CDXR-710 78 Max. speed (r/min) 4900 4100 3200 2800 2400 2200 2000 1800 1700 1400 Max. Installed power (kW) 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 22.00 22.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 3950 5500 10550 13950 16000 20700 27200 34710 47000 53750 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 Approx. weight (Kg) 10.0 18.0 32.6 42.7 50.6 67.5 84.2 142.0 168.0 223.0 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Technical characteristics Model CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CDXRT CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR CJDXR 200-0.5 200-0.75 200-1 200-1.5 200-2 200-3 250-0.5 250-0.75 250-1 250-1.5 250-2 250-3 250-4 315-0.75 315-1 315-1.5 315-2 315-3 315-4 315-5.5 355-0.5 355-0.75 355-1 355-1.5 355-2 355-3 355-4 355-5.5 355-7.5 400-0.75 400-1 400-1.5 400-2 400-3 400-4 400-5.5 400-7.5 450-1 450-1.5 450-2 450-3 450-4 450-5.5 450-7.5 450-10 500-1.5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5.5 500-7.5 500-10 500-15 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5.5 560-7.5 560-10 560-15 560-20 630-3 630-4 630-5.5 630-7.5 630-10 630-15 630-20 630-25 630-30 710-3 710-4 710-5.5 710-7.5 710-10 710-15 710-20 710-25 710-30 Maximum admissible Max. current (A) speed 230V 400V 690V (r/min) 2750 1.84 1.06 3100 2.28 1.31 3450 3.10 1.79 3900 4.03 2.32 4350 5.96 3.44 4900 8.36 4.83 1900 1.84 1.06 2150 2.28 1.31 2400 3.10 1.79 2700 4.03 2.32 3000 5.96 3.44 3450 8.36 4.83 3850 10.96 6.33 1500 2.28 1.31 1650 3.10 1.79 1850 4.03 2.32 2100 5.96 3.44 2350 8.36 4.83 2650 10.96 6.33 2900 14.10 8.12 1085 1.84 1.06 1230 2.28 1.31 1360 3.10 1.79 1540 4.03 2.32 1700 5.96 3.44 1930 8.36 4.83 2180 10.96 6.33 2400 14.10 8.12 2670 11.60 6.72 1010 2.28 1.31 1130 3.10 1.79 1290 4.03 2.32 1420 5.96 3.44 1620 8.36 4.83 1820 10.96 6.33 2000 14.10 8.12 2230 11.60 6.72 940 3.10 1.79 1075 4.03 2.32 1190 5.96 3.44 1340 8.36 4.83 1510 10.96 6.33 1670 14.10 8.12 1850 11.60 6.72 2060 14.20 8.20 880 4.03 2.32 970 5.96 3.44 1100 8.36 4.83 1240 10.96 6.33 1370 14.10 8.12 1510 11.60 6.72 1675 14.20 8.20 1910 20.20 11.60 810 5.96 3.44 925 8.36 4.83 1050 10.96 6.33 1150 14.10 8.12 1290 11.60 6.72 1420 14.20 8.20 1610 20.20 11.60 1800 27.50 15.90 740 8.36 4.83 830 10.96 6.33 920 14.10 8.12 1020 11.60 6.72 1135 14.20 8.20 1285 20.20 11.60 1450 27.50 15.90 1550 35.00 20.00 1640 42.00 24.00 580 8.36 4.83 655 10.96 6.33 730 14.10 8.12 805 11.60 6.72 890 14.20 8.20 1015 20.20 11.60 1140 27.50 15.90 1225 35.00 20.00 1300 42.00 24.00 Installed power (kW) 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2250 2500 2800 3150 3550 3950 2750 3100 3450 3900 4300 4950 5550 5500 6000 6750 7650 8600 9650 10600 5600 6400 7100 8060 8890 10100 11395 12545 13955 7340 8140 9350 10260 11650 13110 14430 16040 9500 10750 11960 13600 15100 16835 18500 20760 12460 13815 15700 17650 19430 21600 23950 27220 15620 17830 20380 22170 24940 27658 31050 34710 21210 23860 26260 29200 32385 36800 41415 44410 47050 23200 26200 29200 32200 35600 40600 45600 49000 52000 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 -20 +85 Approx. Assembly type weight (Kg) 19.5 A 21.1 A 22.7 A 24.4 A 27.4 A 30.2 A 27.9 A 29.5 A 31.1 A 32.8 A 35.8 A 38.6 A 45.9 A 44.8 A 46.4 A 48.1 A 51.1 A 53.9 A 61.2 A 68.2 A 47.7 A 49.3 A 50.9 A 52.6 A 55.6 A 58.4 A 65.7 A 72.7 B 85.7 B 57.2 A 58.8 A 60.5 A 63.5 A 66.3 A 73.6 A 80.6 B 93.6 B 75.7 A 77.4 A 80.4 A 83.2 A 90.5 A 97.5 B 110.5 B 120.5 B 94.1 A 97.1 A 99.9 A 107.2 A 114.2 B 127.2 B 137.2 B 156.2 B 154.9 A 157.7 A 165.0 A 172.0 B 185.0 B 195.0 B 214.0 B 227.0 B 183.7 A 191.0 A 198.0 B 211.0 B 221.0 B 240.0 B 253.0 B 270.0 B 313.0 B 238.7 A 246.0 A 253.0 B 266.0 B 276.0 B 295.0 B 308.0 B 325.0 B 368.0 B 79 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 200-1 200-1.5 200-2 200-3 250-0.75 250-1 250-1.5 250-2 250-3 250-4 315-0.75 315-1 315-1.5 315-2 315-3 315-4 315-5.5 355-0.5 355-0.75 355-1 355-1.5 355-2 355-3 355-4 355-5.5 355-7.5 400-0.75 400-1 400-1.5 400-2 400-3 400-4 400-5.5 400-7.5 450-1 450-1.5 450-2 450-3 450-4 450-5.5 450-7.5 450-10 500-1.5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5.5 500-7.5 500-10 500-15 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5.5 560-7.5 560-10 560-15 560-20 80 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC T T T T T T T T T T S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 ηe[%] 50.2% 51.7% 52.2% 53.1% 47.6% 51.2% 52.8% 53.3% 54.2% 55.0% 53.2% 57.2% 59.0% 59.6% 60.9% 62.2% 63.8% 48.6% 50.8% 56.9% 58.7% 59.3% 60.6% 61.9% 63.5% 65.0% 50.4% 56.6% 58.3% 58.9% 60.3% 61.6% 63.2% 64.8% 56.2% 57.9% 58.5% 59.9% 61.2% 62.9% 64.4% 65.2% 59.8% 60.4% 61.8% 63.2% 64.8% 66.3% 67.4% 68.2% 60.0% 61.4% 62.8% 64.5% 66.1% 66.9% 67.7% 68.3% N 62.8 62.8 61.9 61.3 61.4 63.9 63.9 63.1 62.2 61.5 66.4 69.4 69.7 68.7 68.6 68.3 68.7 63.1 63.7 69.0 69.2 68.5 68.2 67.9 68.3 68.4 63.2 68.3 68.3 67.7 67.4 67.2 67.7 67.8 67.8 67.8 67.2 67.0 66.8 67.2 67.4 66.9 70.0 69.4 69.2 69.0 69.4 69.6 69.4 68.5 68.7 68.4 68.2 68.7 68.9 68.4 67.8 68.0 (kW) 0.620 0.869 1.194 1.676 0.481 0.622 0.860 1.169 1.746 2.392 0.559 0.691 0.946 1.369 1.876 2.634 3.369 0.419 0.585 0.706 0.995 1.325 1.894 2.672 3.478 4.681 0.613 0.766 1.106 1.459 2.116 2.936 3.798 5.139 0.776 1.126 1.510 2.107 2.950 3.887 5.161 7.028 1.055 1.398 1.992 2.793 3.672 4.808 6.452 9.449 1.483 2.156 3.083 3.948 5.433 7.165 10.316 14.288 (m3/h) 1656 1873 2089 2353 1822 2034 2288 2543 2924 3263 2932 3226 3617 4105 4594 5181 5669 3286 3725 4119 4664 5148 5845 6602 7268 8086 4192 4690 5354 5893 6724 7554 8301 9255 5484 6272 6943 7818 8810 9743 10793 12019 7098 7824 8872 10001 11050 12179 13510 15405 9256 10570 11999 13141 14741 16227 18398 20569 (mmH2O) 68.86 88.00 109.47 138.91 46.16 57.52 72.79 89.87 118.85 148.01 37.21 45.02 56.60 72.92 91.32 116.13 139.07 22.79 29.29 35.80 45.91 55.94 72.10 91.99 111.50 138.00 27.08 33.90 44.18 53.53 69.67 87.94 106.19 132.02 29.15 38.13 46.72 59.25 75.23 92.02 112.92 140.02 32.61 39.62 50.95 64.75 79.04 96.02 118.15 153.62 35.27 45.99 59.26 71.09 89.45 108.39 139.34 174.17 (RPM) 3450 3900 4350 4900 2150 2400 2700 3000 3450 3850 1500 1650 1850 2100 2350 2650 2900 1085 1230 1360 1540 1700 1930 2180 2400 2670 1010 1130 1290 1420 1620 1820 2000 2230 940 1075 1190 1340 1510 1670 1850 2060 880 970 1100 1240 1370 1510 1675 1910 810 925 1050 1150 1290 1420 1610 1800 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 630-3 630-4 630-5.5 630-7.5 630-10 630-15 630-20 630-25 630-30 710-3 710-4 710-5.5 710-7.5 710-10 710-15 710-20 710-25 710-30 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 ηe[%] 58.6% 59.9% 61.4% 62.9% 63.9% 64.7% 65.3% 64.9% 65.2% 62.9% 64.2% 65.9% 67.2% 68.6% 69.7% 70.3% 69.8% 70.2% N 66.0 65.8 66.1 66.2 65.9 65.0 65.0 64.4 64.6 71.2 70.9 71.1 71.3 71.4 70.7 70.2 69.5 69.7 (kW) 1.977 2.732 3.625 4.829 6.542 9.378 13.355 16.422 19.344 1.651 2.330 3.146 4.133 5.471 7.994 11.227 14.022 16.666 (m3/h) 13236 14846 16455 18244 20301 22984 25935 27724 29333 12855 14517 16179 17842 19725 22496 25266 27150 28812 (mmH2O) 32.13 40.43 49.67 61.05 75.60 96.90 123.38 140.99 157.83 29.67 37.84 47.00 57.16 69.86 90.87 114.62 132.35 149.06 (RPM) 740 830 920 1020 1135 1285 1450 1550 1640 580 655 730 805 890 1015 1140 1225 1300 Dimensions in mm CDXR Model CDXR-200 CDXR-250 CDXR-315 CDXR-355 CDXR-400 CDXR-450 CDXR-500 CDXR-560 CDXR-630 CDXR-710 A B B1 B2 C Eøe H K N P V X x 343370 3 21525616420152 42011x16224306 306 281 419461 4 27032219520187 49011x16224384 372 347 518578 4 34040423625234 64013x18280480 464 434 578655 6 38345326130266 70013x18355548 533 493 6517364.5 431.550729030300 76013x18355613 587 547 728827 5 48656932235336 84513x18530681 649 609 800918 5 53863835235375 91513x18530750 718 678 893 1030 8 60271539040420100013x18530845 815 765 999 1157 7 678.580143445 471.5109013x18530946 901 851 1121 1303 7 76589848550531125517x226301058 998 948 81 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Dimensions in mm CDXRT Installation A Model A BB1 B2 C E CDXRT-200-0.5 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-200-0.75 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-200-1 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-200-1.5 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-200-2 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-200-3 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-250-0.5 343370 3 215256164 CDXRT-250-0.75 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-250-1 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-250-1.5 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-250-2 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-250-3 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-250-4 419461 4 270322195 CDXRT-315-0.75 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-1 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-1.5 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-2 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-3 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-4 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-315-5.5 518578 4 340404236 CDXRT-355-0’5 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-0’75 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-1 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-1’5 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-2 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-3 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-355-4 578655 6 383453261 CDXRT-400-0’75 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-400-1 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-400-1’5 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-400-2 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-400-3 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-400-4 6517364.5431.5507290 CDXRT-450-1 728827 5 486569322 CDXRT-450-1’5 728827 5 486569322 CDXRT-450-2 728827 5 486569322 CDXRT-450-3 728827 5 486569322 CDXRT-450-4 728827 5 486569322 CDXRT-500-1’5 800918 5 538638352 CDXRT-500-2 800918 5 538638352 CDXRT-500-3 800918 5 538638352 CDXRT-500-4 800918 5 538638352 CDXRT-560-2 893 1030 8 602715390 CDXRT-560-3 893 1030 8 602715390 CDXRT-560-4 893 1030 8 602715390 CDXRT-630-3 999 1157 7678.5801434 CDXRT-630-4 999 1157 7678.5801434 CDXRT-710-3 1121 1303 7 765898485 CDXRT-710-4 1121 1303 7 765898485 82 øe H K 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 152 420 20 187 490 20 187 490 20 187 490 20 187 490 20 187 490 20 187 490 25 234 640 25 234 640 25 234 640 25 234 640 25 234 640 25 234 640 25 234 640 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 266 700 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 30 300 760 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 336 845 35 375 915 35 375 915 35 375 915 35 375 915 40 4201000 40 4201000 40 4201000 45471.51090 45471.51090 50 5311255 50 5311255 N P V X x Y Z 11x16224 306306281 603 500 11x16224 306306281 603 500 11x16224 306306281 630 500 11x16224 306306281 630 500 11x16224 306306281 649 500 11x16224 306306281 649 500 11x16224 306306281 679 500 11x16224 384372347 706 570 11x16224 384372347 706 570 11x16224 384372347 725 570 11x16224 384372347 725 570 11x16224 384372347 745 570 11x16224 384372347 745 570 13x18280 480464434 805 720 13x18280 480464434 805 720 13x18280 480464434 824 720 13x18280 480464434 824 720 13x18280 480464434 844 720 13x18280 480464434 844 720 13x18280 480464434873.5 720 13x18355 548533493 838 780 13x18355 548533493 865 780 13x18355 548533493 865 780 13x18355 548533493 884 780 13x18355 548533493 884 780 13x18355 548533493 904 780 13x18355 548533493 904 780 13x18355 613587547 938 840 13x18355 613587547 938 840 13x18355 613587547 957 840 13x18355 613587547 957 840 13x18355 613587547 977 840 13x18355 613587547 977 840 13x18530 6816496091015 925 13x18530 6816496091034 925 13x18530 6816496091034 925 13x18530 6816496091054 925 13x18530 6816496091054 925 13x18530 7507186781106 995 13x18530 7507186781106 995 13x18530 7507186781126 995 13x18530 7507186781126 995 13x18530 84581576512001080 13x18530 84581576512201080 13x18530 84581576512201080 13x18530 94690185113251170 13x18530 94690185113251170 17x22630105899894814471335 17x22630105899894814471335 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Dimensions in mm CDXRT Installation B Model CDXRT-355-5’5 CDXRT-355-7’5 CDXRT-400-5’5 CDXRT-400-7’5 CDXRT-450-5’5 CDXRT-450-7’5 CDXRT-450-10 CDXRT-500-5’5 CDXRT-500-7’5 CDXRT-500-10 CDXRT-500-15 CDXRT-560-5’5 CDXRT-560-7’5 CDXRT-560-10 CDXRT-560-15 CDXRT-560-20 CDXRT-630-5’5 CDXRT-630-7’5 CDXRT-630-10 CDXRT-630-15 CDXRT-630-20 CDXRT-630-25 CDXRT-630-30 CDXRT-710-5’5 CDXRT-710-7’5 CDXRT-710-10 CDXRT-710-15 CDXRT-710-20 CDXRT-710-25 CDXRT-710-30 A B B2 C E øe HH1 K 578 715 383453 26130 26660 700 578 715 383453 26130 26660 700 651 796431.5507 29030 30060 760 651 796431.5507 29030 30060 760 728 887 486569 32235 33660 845 728 887 486569 32235 33660 845 728 887 486569 32235 33660 845 800 978 538638 35235 37560 915 800 978 538638 35235 37560 915 800 978 538638 35235 37560 915 800 978 538638 35235 37560 915 8931090 602715 39040 420601000 8931090 602715 39040 420601000 8931090 602715 39040 420601000 8931090 602715 39040 420601000 8931090 602715 39040 420601000 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 9991217678.5801 43445471.5601090 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 11211383 765898 48550 531801255 øO P V x X 8 - 1110493533 8 - 1110493533 10 - 1210547587 10 - 1210547587 10 - 1330609649 10 - 1330609649 10 - 1330609649 10 670 1430678718 10 670 1430678718 10 670 1430678718 10 670 1430678718 10 745 1580765815 10 745 1580765815 10 745 1580765815 10 745 1580765815 10 745 1580765815 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 805 1700851901 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 10 955 2000948998 83 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Dimensions in mm AB CD1D2EG1 L CJDXR-200 750465 50030534383 253.5 257 CJDXR-250 885555 65039549383310 323.5 CJDXR-3151000680 800520640 83.5394 405 CJDXR Installation A Model AB CD1D2E F G1H I J L M CJDXR-355 1050815 800 590 643 82.5960440.560 197660454 - CJDXR-400 1120830 900 670 743 801060 49660229.5660508 - CJDXR-45012309201000760843 79.5 1160 555.560175800570 CJDXR-5001320 10201100860943 80.5 1260 62060210950639530 CJDXR-560 14201135 1200 975 104081.51360 695.5 60 2581030 716 530 CJDXR-630 14351260 130011001143 791460780.5 60 315 930 802 530 CJDXR-710 16751420 1500 1260 1342 821660 888.5 80334.51190 899 630 CJDXR Installation B Model A B C D1D2 E CJDXR-355 1265 815 800 655 640 84.5 F G1H I J L M 960 503.5 60 165 1020454 CJDXR-400 1370 900 900 740 743 82 1060 - 564 60 152 1120508 - CJDXR-450 1480 990 1000 830 843 80.5 1160 623.5 60 152 1240570 - CJDXR-500 16251080 1100 920 942 80 1260 680.5 60152 1340639670 CJDXR-560 17601195 12001035104082.5 1360 851.5 60165 1490716745 CJDXR-630 18801322 130011621142 80 1460 841 60152 1610802820 CJDXR-710 21801500 150013401342 82 1660 968.5 80168 1910899955 84 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 200 250 315 85 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 355 400 450 86 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 500 560 630 87 CDXR CDXRT CJDXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 710 Accessories See accessories section. INT 88 C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ CSXR CSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXR: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet on both sides and impeller with backward-facing blades CSXRT: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with backwardfacing blades. CJSXR: Soundproofed ventilation units with impeller with backwardfacing blades, fitted with CSXR series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with backward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJSXR) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJSXR) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Maximum air temperature to transport: CSXR and CSXRT: -20ºC +85ºC CJSXR: -20ºC.+60ºC. CSXR Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJSXR CSXRT Order code CSXR CSXR: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with axis outlet 400 CSXRT Impeller size 500 CSXRT: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with motor Impeller size 4 Installed motor (CV) CJSXR: Ventilation units with impeller with backward-facing blades Technical characteristics Model CSXR-315 CSXR-355 CSXR-400 CSXR-450 CSXR-500 CSXR-560 CSXR-630 CSXR-710 CSXR-800 CSXR-900 CSXR-1000 Max. speed (r/min) 3200 2800 2400 2200 2200 2000 1600 1400 1600 1400 1400 Max. Installed power (kW) 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.00 30.00 45.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 4345 5905 7850 10045 12855 17555 18600 23200 39430 46375 58225 Air temperature (ºC) min. max. -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 Approx. weight (Kg) 27 39 44 55 70 110 125 175 252 360 445 89 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CJSXR CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT CSXRT 90 315-0.75 315-1 315-1.5 355-0.75 355-1 355-1.5 355-2 400-0.75 400-1 400-1.5 400-2 450-0.75 450-1 450-1.5 450-2 450-3 450-4 500-1.5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5.5 500-7.5 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5.5 560-7.5 560-10 630-3 630-4 630-5.5 630-7.5 630-10 710-4 710-5.5 710-7.5 710-10 800-4 800-5.5 800-7.5 800-10 800-15 800-20 800-25 800-30 900-4 900-5.5 900-7.5 900-10 900-15 900-20 900-25 900-30 900-40 1000-5.5 1000-7.5 1000-10 1000-15 1000-20 1000-25 1000-30 1000-40 1000-50 Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 1880 2.28 2095 3.10 2375 4.03 1580 2.28 1765 3.10 2010 4.03 2225 5.96 1320 2.28 1465 3.10 1665 4.03 1845 5.96 1095 2.28 1220 3.10 1390 4.03 1540 5.96 1750 8.36 1980 10.96 1140 4.03 1270 5.96 1445 8.36 1635 10.96 1800 14.10 2000 1035 5.96 1185 8.36 1340 10.96 1475 14.10 1640 1815 1010 8.36 1140 10.96 1255 14.10 1395 1550 960 10.96 1060 14.10 1180 1305 765 10.96 845 14.10 940 1040 1185 1330 1425 1510 640 10.96 705 14.10 785 870 990 1110 1190 1260 1400 575 14.10 645 715 815 915 980 1040 1150 1200 400V 690V 1.31 1.79 2.32 1.31 1.79 2.32 3.44 1.31 1.79 2.32 3.44 1.31 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 42.00 24.00 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 42.00 24.00 55.00 32.00 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 42.00 24.00 55.00 32.00 69.20 40.10 Installed power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.10 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 37.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 3075 3430 3885 3685 4120 4690 5190 4375 4855 5515 6110 5045 5620 6405 7095 8065 9120 7330 8165 9290 10510 11570 12855 9885 11360 12880 14210 15830 17555 12120 13680 15060 16740 18600 17065 18845 20980 23200 19975 22065 24545 27155 30940 34730 37210 39430 21200 23355 26005 28820 32795 36770 39420 41740 46375 25555 28665 31780 36220 40665 43555 46220 51110 53335 Approx. weight (Kg) 32 34 36 41 44 46 48 49 52 54 56 61 64 66 68 72 76 88 90 93 98 107 116 100 103 108 117 122 132 119 123 132 138 147 186 195 200 210 226 234 240 250 284 305 325 344 281 289 295 305 339 360 380 399 453 342 348 358 392 413 432 452 506 549 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 315-0.75 315-1 315-1.5 355-0.75 355-1 355-1.5 355-2 400-0.75 400-1 400-1.5 400-2 450-0.75 450-1 450-1.5 450-2 450-3 450-4 500-1.5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5.5 500-7.5 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5.5 560-7.5 560-10 630-3 630-4 630-5.5 630-7.5 630-10 710-4 710-5.5 710-7.5 710-10 800-4 800-5.5 800-7.5 800-10 800-15 800-20 800-25 800-30 900-4 900-5.5 900-7.5 900-10 900-15 900-20 900-25 900-30 900-40 1000-5.5 1000-7.5 1000-10 1000-15 1000-20 1000-25 1000-30 1000-40 1000-50 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 ηe[%] 46.5% 50.0% 51.5% 55.8% 60.1% 61.9% 62.5% 49.0% 52.7% 54.3% 54.9% 48.1% 51.7% 53.3% 53.9% 55.2% 56.4% 54.8% 55.4% 56.7% 58.0% 59.5% 60.9% 54.9% 56.2% 57.5% 59.0% 60.5% 61.2% 58.6% 60.0% 61.6% 63.1% 63.8% 64.9% 66.7% 68.3% 68.9% 59.0% 60.6% 62.1% 62.8% 63.6% 64.1% 63.7% 64.1% 58.4% 60.0% 61.5% 62.1% 62.9% 63.5% 63.1% 63.4% 64.1% 61.0% 62.5% 63.3% 64.1% 64.7% 64.2% 64.6% 65.3% 66.4% N 59.5 61.9 61.8 69.5 72.5 72.7 72.0 62.0 64.6 64.6 63.8 60.9 63.4 63.3 62.6 62.3 61.9 65.0 64.2 63.8 63.5 63.8 63.9 63.6 63.2 62.9 63.2 63.3 62.7 65.4 65.2 65.6 65.8 65.1 69.8 70.4 70.7 69.9 64.4 64.7 64.9 64.2 63.6 63.8 63.1 63.3 63.7 64.1 64.2 63.5 62.9 63.1 62.4 62.6 63.0 65.3 65.4 64.8 64.1 64.3 63.6 63.8 64.2 65.1 (kW) 0.575 0.740 1.046 0.500 0.648 0.929 1.248 0.578 0.735 1.047 1.409 0.599 0.771 1.106 1.487 2.132 3.020 1.067 1.458 2.098 2.973 3.866 5.178 1.485 2.175 3.076 3.997 5.362 7.182 2.257 3.173 4.123 5.524 7.499 3.357 4.397 5.917 7.941 3.084 4.048 5.437 7.280 10.638 14.907 18.457 21.840 3.123 4.067 5.476 7.374 10.733 14.994 18.598 21.955 29.788 3.883 5.344 7.192 10.521 14.757 18.252 21.693 29.010 32.429 (m3/h) 1712 1908 2163 1940 2167 2467 2731 2362 2622 2979 3302 2807 3127 3563 3947 4485 5075 4093 4560 5188 5870 6463 7181 5921 6780 7666 8439 9383 10384 7231 8162 8985 9987 11097 12025 13277 14781 16346 11226 12400 13794 15262 17390 19517 20912 22159 12272 13518 15052 16682 18983 21284 22818 24160 26845 16465 18470 20474 23338 26201 28063 29781 32931 34363 (mmH2O) 57.30 71.16 91.45 52.82 65.91 85.48 104.75 44.01 54.21 70.02 85.98 37.69 46.79 60.73 74.55 96.27 123.23 52.38 65.01 84.16 107.74 130.58 161.22 50.50 66.20 84.65 102.57 126.80 155.30 67.17 85.58 103.71 128.14 158.20 66.44 81.00 100.38 122.77 59.47 72.56 89.79 109.91 142.69 179.75 206.34 231.69 54.55 66.19 82.07 100.80 130.53 164.09 188.60 211.44 261.04 52.78 66.41 81.61 106.04 133.65 153.32 172.66 211.12 229.88 (RPM) 1880 2095 2375 1580 1765 2010 2225 1320 1465 1665 1845 1095 1220 1390 1540 1750 1980 1140 1270 1445 1635 1800 2000 1035 1185 1340 1475 1640 1815 1010 1140 1255 1395 1550 960 1060 1180 1305 765 845 940 1040 1185 1330 1425 1510 640 705 785 870 990 1110 1190 1260 1400 575 645 715 815 915 980 1040 1150 1200 91 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXR Model A BB1B2CøDøeEFH KL N PQ VXx CSXR-315 518 578 3 340223 322 25236 83235 395404 13x18 280280 480283253 CSXR-355 578 655 6 383247 362 30261 78266 425453 13x18 355355 548327287 CSXR-400 651 736 4.5431.5274 404 30290 78300 452507 13x18 355355 613354314 CSXR-450 726 827 5 486308 448 35322 92336 500569 13x18 530530 681388348 CSXR-500 800 918 5 538344 510 35352 92375 535638 13x18 530530 750424394 CSXR-560 8931030 8 602383 570 40390 87420 600715 13x18 530530 845483433 CSXR-630 9991157 7678.5432 635 45434 87 471.5 650801 13x18 530530 946532482 CSXR-710 11211303 7 765478 722 50485115531 725898 17x22 6306301058578528 Model 92 A B C L øD Høe E F K XøO P V x1 x2 CSXR-800 12501615.5533 101079876242535 358.51291.51231.5149801050515614 CSXR-900 1408 1475595 1130898850486044071353.51293.51410801150515676 CSXR-1000 1541 1966663 1260998900486514331529.51468.51411801250642 729.5 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXRT Model CSXRT-315-0’75 A B B1 518 578 B2 C øDøe E H H1 K L N P Q V X x 3 340 22332225 236 835235 395404 13x18 280280 480283253 CSXRT-315-1 518 578 3 340 22332225 236 855235 395404 13x19 280280 480283253 CSXRT-315-1’5 518 578 3 340 22332225 236 855235 395404 13x20 280280 480283253 CSXRT-315-2 518 578 3 340 22332225 236 875235 395404 13x21 280280 480283253 CSXRT-315-3 518 578 3 340 22332225 236 875235 395404 13x22 280280 480283253 CSXRT-355-0’75 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 910266 425453 13x18 355355 548327287 CSXRT-355-1 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 930266 425453 13x19 355355 548327287 CSXRT-355-1’5 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 930266 425453 13x20 355355 548327287 CSXRT-355-2 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 945266 425453 13x21 355355 548327287 CSXRT-355-3 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 945266 425453 13x22 355355 548327287 CSXRT-355-4 578 655 6 383 24736230 261 963266 425453 13x23 355355 548327287 CSXRT-400-0’75 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901012300 452507 13x18 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-1 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901012300 452507 13x19 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-1’5 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901012300 452507 13x20 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-2 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901033300 452507 13x21 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-3 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901033300 452507 13x22 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-4 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901045300 452507 13x23 355355 613354314 CSXRT-400-5’5 651 736 4.5 431.5 27440430 2901072300 452507 13x24 355355 613354314 CSXRT-450-0’75 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221100336 500569 13x18 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-1 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221100336 500569 13x19 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-1’5 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221120336 500569 13x20 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-2 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221120336 500569 13x21 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-3 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221138336 500569 13x22 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-4 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221138336 500569 13x23 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-5’5 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221162336 500569 13x24 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-7’5 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221205336 500569 13x25 530530 681388348 CSXRT-450-10 726 827 5 486 30844835 3221205336 500569 13x26 530530 681388348 CSXRT-500-1’5 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521214375 535638 13x18 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-2 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521214375 535638 13x19 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-3 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521228375 535638 13x20 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-4 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521228375 535638 13x21 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-5’5 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521255375 535638 13x22 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-7’5 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521292375 535638 13x23 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-10 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521292375 535638 13x24 530530 750424394 CSXRT-500-15 800 918 5 538 34451035 3521350375 535638 13x26 530530 750424394 93 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CSXRT-560-2 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901325420 600715 13x18 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-3 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901340420 600715 13x19 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-4 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901340420 600715 13x20 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-5’5 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901365420 600715 13x21 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-7’5 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901410420 600715 13x22 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-10 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901410420 600715 13x23 530530 845483433 CSXRT-560-15 8931030 8 602 38357040 3901464420 600715 13x25 530530 845483433 CSXRT-630-3 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341470 471.5 650801 13x18 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-4 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341470 471.5 650801 13x19 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-5’5 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341492 471.5 650801 13x20 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-7’5 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341531 471.5 650801 13x21 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-10 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341531 471.5 650801 13x22 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-15 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341590 471.5 650801 13x24 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-630-20 9991157 7 678.5 432635 45 4341590 471.5 650801 13x25 530 530 946 532482 CSXRT-710-4 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851612531 725898 17x22 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-5’5 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851638531 725898 17x23 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-7’5 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851675531 725898 17x24 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-10 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851675531 725898 17x25 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-15 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851735531 725898 17x27 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-20 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851735531 725898 17x28 6306301058578528 CSXRT-710-25 11211303 7 765 47872250 4851820531 725898 17x29 6306301058578528 Model A B C L øD H E F K XøO P V x1 x2 CSXRT-800 1250 1615.5 533 1010798762535 358.51321.51231.5149801050515614 CSXRT-900 14081475 595 11308988506044071383.51293.51410801150515676 CSXRT-1000 1541 19666631260 998900 651 433 1559.51468.5141180 1250642729.5 Outlet flange accessory 94 A B C D E F GH CSXRT-800 10075331063589 268.5250 281.513 CSXRT-900 11305951186651 CSXRT-1000 12676631323719 298.5350 346.513 280300 312.513 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Dimensions in mm CJSXR Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD90 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG 90 On request vertical outlet (V) LG 0 On request vertical outlet (V) RD 0 Model CJSXR-315 CJSXR-355 CJSXR-400 CJSXR-450 CJSXR-500 CJSXR-560 CJSXR-630 CJSXR-710 AB B1 C ØDE E1 FF1G1G2G3 H H1H2 L K VX X1 X2 1170 740 60 600 315 82 84.2 113 281 317.5 423.2 366.2 305451.5 346.3 405224 760 880 -155 1265815 60650365 8586.5112.5302.5347.2470.2 398338 496 373454 2488101020 - 152 1370 900 60 680 400 82 90.2 111 331 386.2 522.2 447.2 359 543 407 508275 8401120 -152 1480 990 60 716 448 82 91.2 112.8 360 422.2 577.2 491 383 598 443 570309 8761240 -152 16251080 60760 51080.5 91111.7 381.3 461.2 629.2534.2409 650 4826393459201340670152 17601195 60810 58086.8 94.2 128 426 506.2 696.2 590462 731 5407163849701490745152 1880 1322 6085063585.289.6113.4455.6557.7768.7648.2488 792.5578.5802 433 1010820 1610 158 21801500 80 910 710 103108.2 100 491 632.2 873.2 737.2 562 865 624 8994791070 9551910168 95 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 315 355 96 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 400 450 97 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 500 560 98 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 630 710 99 CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 800 900 100 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CSXR CSXRT CJSXR Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1000 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ 101 TSA TSAT CJTSA TSA TSAT CJTSA TSA: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with axis outlet and impeller with forward-facing blades TSAT: Single-inlet, belt-driven centrifugal fans with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors and impeller with forwardfacing blades. CJTSA: Soundproofed ventilation units with forward-facing blades, fitted with TSA series fans on rubber dampers Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing (CJTSA) • Stuffing-box for cable input (CJTSA) Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Maximum air temperature to transport: TSA and TSAT: -20ºC +85ºC CJTSA: -20ºC.+60ºC. TSA Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • Different outlet positions • Special windings for different voltages • With 2 speed motors CJTSA TSAT Order code TSA TSA: Centrifugal singleinlet fans with free axis outlet CJTSA 22/11 Impeller size TSAT: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with electric motor CJTSA: Ventilation units with impeller with forward-facing blades 22/11 3 Impeller size in inches Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model Max. speed (r/min) TSA-12/6 TSA-15/7 TSA-18/9 TSA-20/10 TSA-22/11 TSA-25/13 TSA-30/14 1500 1050 920 850 1000 810 600 102 Max. Installed power (kW) 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 4800 7400 10500 15000 26000 32000 38000 Air temperature min máx. (ºC) -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 17.5 22.5 33.0 71.0 80.0 93.0 125.0 TSA TSAT CJTSA Technical characteristics Model TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT TSAT CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA CJTSA Speed Maximum admissible current (A) 230V (r/min) 1000 2.64 1100 3.10 1250 4.03 1300 5.96 1500 8.36 800 3.10 850 4.03 920 5.96 1000 8.36 1050 10.96 750 4.03 790 5.96 800 8.36 850 10.96 920 14.10 650 5.96 690 8.36 750 10.96 790 14.10 850 580 8.36 610 10.96 650 14.10 690 750 830 910 1000 520 10.96 550 14.10 590 620 690 750 810 400 14.10 425 460 500 550 600 12/6-0.75 12/6-1 12/6-1.5 12/6-2 12/6-3 15/7-1 15/7-1.5 15/7-2 15/7-3 15/7-4 18/9-1.5 18/9-2 18/9-3 18/9-4 18/9-5.5 20/10-2 20/10-3 20/10-4 20/10-5.5 20/10-7.5 22/11-3 22/11-4 22/11-5.5 22/11-7.5 22/11-10 22/11-15 22/11-20 22/11-25 25/13-4 25/13-5.5 25/13-7.5 25/13-10 25/13-15 25/13-20 25/13-25 30/14-5.5 30/14-7.5 30/14-10 30/14-15 30/14-20 30/14-25 400V 690V 1.52 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 Installed power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2600 3100 3500 4250 4800 4000 4800 5400 6400 7400 5800 6600 8200 9000 10500 8100 10100 11500 13100 15000 11200 13000 15000 17000 19000 22000 24500 26000 14000 17000 19500 23000 26500 29500 32000 21000 24000 27500 33000 36500 38000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 69 71 74 77 79 67 69 72 75 77 68 70 74 76 78 65 68 70 73 75 67 70 72 74 76 79 81 83 62 65 67 70 74 75 77 69 72 74 77 78 81 Approx. weight (Kg) 73 74 77 80 85 92 95 98 103 106 111 114 119 122 125 203 208 211 214 227 219 222 225 238 246 273 292 322 254 257 270 278 305 324 354 331 344 352 379 398 428 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 12/6-0.75 12/6-1 12/6-1.5 12/6-2 12/6-3 15/7-1 15/7-1.5 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] 36.0% 40.4% 41.6% 42.0% 42.8% 45.9% 47.3% N 44.7 48.6 48.9 49.0 48.6 54.7 55.7 (kW) 0.423 0.502 0.715 0.796 1.201 0.403 0.469 (m3/h) 1532 1685 1915 1992 2298 2011 2137 (mmH2O) 36.46 44.12 56.97 61.62 82.04 33.76 38.11 (RPM) 1000 1100 1250 1300 1500 800 850 103 TSA TSAT CJTSA Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 15/7-2 15/7-3 15/7-4 18/9-1.5 18/9-2 18/9-3 18/9-4 18/9-5.5 20/10-2 20/10-3 20/10-4 20/10-5.5 20/10-7.5 22/11-3 22/11-4 22/11-5.5 22/11-7.5 22/11-10 22/11-12.5 22/11-15 22/11-20 22/11-25 25/13-4 25/13-5.5 25/13-7.5 25/13-10 25/13-12.5 25/13-15 25/13-20 25/13-25 30/14-5.5 30/14-7.5 30/14-10 30/14-12.5 30/14-15 30/14-20 30/14-25 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 47.8% 48.6% 49.3% 56.0% 56.5% 57.6% 58.4% 59.4% 58.5% 59.5% 60.4% 61.4% 62.2% 49.8% 50.6% 51.6% 52.4% 53.1% 53.5% 54.3% 55.4% 55.3% 47.2% 48.2% 48.9% 49.4% 49.8% 50.5% 51.3% 51.5% 50.3% 51.1% 51.8% 52.2% 52.9% 54.0% 53.8% N 55.5 55.8 56.1 63.6 63.8 64.7 65.1 65.5 66.0 66.6 66.8 67.5 67.7 55.0 55.5 56.1 56.4 56.5 56.5 56.8 57.2 56.4 52.3 52.9 53.1 53.2 53.2 53.5 53.7 53.3 54.5 54.8 54.9 54.9 55.3 55.7 54.8 (kW) 0.589 0.743 0.848 0.622 0.720 0.734 0.868 1.082 0.647 0.761 0.963 1.106 1.360 1.471 1.684 1.996 2.352 2.980 3.455 3.952 5.105 6.785 1.546 1.793 2.181 2.503 2.865 3.379 4.264 5.354 2.235 2.640 3.300 3.722 4.152 5.410 7.056 (m3/h) 2313 2514 2639 2983 3143 3182 3381 3660 3584 3804 4135 4356 4686 6976 7337 7818 8299 9021 9502 9983 10946 12028 6778 7169 7691 8082 8473 8994 9776 10558 11535 12256 13265 13842 14419 15861 17303 Dimensions in mm TSA 104 Model ABB2 CøD EøeHKLMNOPQVXx TSA-12/6 498532290 210 325 230 25242435345 75 909x17324324468270242 TSA-15/7 583632348 269 400 265 25284494404 75 909x17406406553329301 TSA-18/9 694756415 301 475 323 25341526482 75 909x17520608664361333 (mmH2O) 44.64 52.74 58.15 42.82 47.51 48.72 55.00 64.44 38.75 43.67 51.59 57.24 66.27 38.50 42.59 48.36 54.49 64.38 71.43 78.85 94.78 114.46 39.51 44.20 50.87 56.17 61.74 69.57 82.20 95.87 35.79 40.40 47.33 51.53 55.91 67.66 80.52 (RPM) 920 1000 1050 750 790 800 850 920 650 690 750 790 850 580 610 650 690 750 790 830 910 1000 520 550 590 620 650 690 750 810 400 425 460 480 500 550 600 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm TSA Model A BB1 B2 C øD E øe HK L M N O P Q VX x TSA-20/10 843963 35 523 330 575375 35440620 603 100 110 9x17 646 811 798410 370 TSA-22/11 913 1046 35 569358 61540035477648693 100 110 9x17 716 894 868438398 TSA-25/13 998 1161 35 642412 69542335519701793 100 110 9x17 8011009 953492452 TSA-30/14 1206 1400 35 776474 83551540624764933 100 110 9x17100912481161554514 TSAT Model TSAT-12/6-0’75 ABB2C øD E øeH H1K K1L MN OPQVX x 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 805242435475345 75 90 9x17 324324468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-1 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 805242435475345 75 90 9x17 324324468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-1’5 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 825242435475345 75 90 9x17 324324468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-2 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 825242435475345 75 90 9x17 324324468 270 242 TSAT-12/6-3 498 532 290 210 325 230 25 845242435475345 75 90 9x17 324324468 270 242 TSAT-15/7-1 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 905284494535404 75 90 9x17 406406553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-1’5 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 925284494535404 75 90 9x17 406406553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-2 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 925284494535404 75 90 9x17 406406553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-3 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 945284494535404 75 90 9x17 406406553 329 301 TSAT-15/7-4 583 632 348 269 400 265 25 945284494535404 75 90 9x17 406406553 329 301 TSAT-18/9-1’5 694 756 415 301 475 323 251050341526566482 75 90 9x17 520608664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-2 694 756 415 301 475 323 251050341526566482 75 90 9x17 520608664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-3 694 756 415 301 475 323 251070341526566482 75 90 9x17 520608664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-4 694 756 415 301 475 323 251070341526566482 75 90 9x17 520608664 361 333 TSAT-18/9-5’5 694 756 415 301 475 323 251095341526566482 75 90 9x17 520608664 361 333 105 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm TSAT Model A BB1 B2 C øD Eøe HH1 KK1 L M N O P Q V X x TSAT-20/10-2 843 96335523330575375351255440620670603100 110 9x17 646811798410370 TSAT-20/10-3 843 96335523330575375351275440620670603100 110 9x17 646811798410370 TSAT-20/10-4 843 96335523330575375351275440620670603100 110 9x17 646811798410370 TSAT-20/10-5’5 843 96335523330575375351300440620670603100 110 9x17 646811798410370 TSAT-20/10-7’5 843 96335523330575375351340440620670603100 110 9x17 646811798410370 TSAT-22/11-3 913104635569358615400351355477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-4 913104635569358615400351355477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-5’5 913104635569358615400351280477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-7’5 913104635569358615400351420477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-10 913104635569358615400351420477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-15 913104635569358615400351480477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-20 913104635569358615400351480477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-22/11-25 913104635569358615400351565477648700693100 110 9x17 716894868438398 TSAT-25/13-4 998116135642412695423351470519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-5’5 998116135642412695423351495519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-7’5 998116135642412695423351540519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-10 998116135642412695423351540519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-15 998116135642412695423351565519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-20 998116135642412695423351565519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-25/13-25 998116135642412695423351680519701750793100 110 9x17 801 1009953492452 TSAT-30/14-5’5 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401735624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-7’5 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401775624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-10 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401775624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-15 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401835624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-20 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401835624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 TSAT-30/14-25 1206 1400 35 776 474 835 515401925624 764815933 1001109x17 100912481161 554 514 106 TSA TSAT CJTSA Dimensions in mm CJTSA Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD-90 On request vertical outlet (V) LG -0 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG -90 Model CJTSA-12/6-H CJTSA-12/6-V CJTSA-15/7-H CJTSA-15/7-V CJTSA-18/9-H CJTSA-18/9-V CJTSA-20/10-H CJTSA-20/10-V CJTSA-22/11-H CJTSA-22/11-V CJTSA-25/13-H CJTSA-25/13-V CJTSA-30/14-H CJTSA-30/14-V On request vertical outlet (V) RD -0 with bedplate with bedplate with bedplate A B C ØD E E F G1G1 H L L K 850650540 330 74 - - 288 -288 346 -210 850650540 330 - -30 318 -328 346 -210 1000755600 400 74 - - 328 -328 411 -270 1000755600 400 - -30 378 -383 411 -270 1200875620 480 74 - - 383 -388 491 -305 1200875620 480 - -30 433 -448 491 -305 14851175730 565175120 - 475530440 613605343 14851175730 565 - -75 535 -585 613 -343 15701250760 615165110 - 510565470 708700373 15701250760 615 - -75 570 -640 708 -373 16101375820 685175120 - 550605495 803795423 16101375820 685 - -75 625 -705 803 -423 18451600855 820160 95 - 655710580 943935488 18451600855 820 - -75 760 -825 943 -488 Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 12/6 107 TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 15/7 18/9 108 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 20/10 22/11 109 TSA TSAT CJTSA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 25/13 30/14 Accessories See accessories section. INT 110 C2V RM AR RFT AET VIS TEJ CSX CSX 400ºC/2h centrifugal belt-driven fans to work outside fire danger zones with backward-curved impeller 0370-CPR-1577 400ºC/2h centrifugal belt-driven fans with backward-curved impeller with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3:2002, certificate no.: 0370-CPD-1577 • Pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 High-performance and robust backward-curved impeller. Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 150ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages Order code CSX 800 CSX: 400ºC/2h centrifugal belt-driven fans to work outside fire danger zones Impeller size 5.5 F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h Motor power (c.v.) Technical characteristics Model CSX-315-0.5 CSX-315-0.75 CSX-315-1 CSX-315-1.5 CSX-315-2 CSX-315-3 CSX-315-4 CSX-355-0.5 CSX-355-0.75 CSX-355-1 CSX-355-1.5 CSX-355-2 CSX-355-3 CSX-355-4 CSX-355-5.5 CSX-400-0.75 CSX-400-1 CSX-400-1.5 CSX-400-2 CSX-400-3 CSX-400-4 CSX-400-5.5 Speed (r/min) 1650 1880 2095 2375 2655 3000 3380 1385 1580 1765 2010 2225 2530 2860 3100 1320 1465 1665 1845 2100 2370 2610 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 1.84 1.06 2.57 1.49 2.78 1.60 4.20 2.40 5.44 3.13 7.77 4.47 10.18 5.88 1.84 1.06 2.57 1.49 2.78 1.60 4.20 2.40 5.44 3.13 7.77 4.47 10.18 5.88 13.60 7.82 2.28 1.31 3.10 1.79 4.03 2.32 5.96 3.44 8.36 4.83 10.18 5.88 13.60 7.82 Installed power (kW) 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2700 3075 3430 3885 4345 4910 5530 3235 3685 4120 4690 5190 5905 6675 7235 4375 4855 5515 6110 6955 7850 8645 Approx. weight (Kg) 30 32 34 36 39 42 47 39 41 44 46 48 53 57 63 49 52 54 56 59 64 72 111 CSX Technical characteristics Model CSX-450-0.75 CSX-450-1 CSX-450-1.5 CSX-450-2 CSX-450-3 CSX-450-4 CSX-450-5.5 CSX-450-7.5 CSX-450-10 CSX-500-1 CSX-500-1.5 CSX-500-2 CSX-500-3 CSX-500-4 CSX-500-5.5 CSX-500-7.5 CSX-500-10 CSX-500-15 CSX-560-2 CSX-560-3 CSX-560-4 CSX-560-5.5 CSX-560-7.5 CSX-560-10 CSX-560-15 CSX-630-3 CSX-630-4 CSX-630-5.5 CSX-630-7.5 CSX-630-10 CSX-630-15 CSX-630-20 CSX-710-4 CSX-710-5.5 CSX-710-7.5 CSX-710-10 CSX-710-15 CSX-710-20 CSX-710-25 CSX-800-4 CSX-800-5.5 CSX-800-7.5 CSX-800-10 CSX-800-15 CSX-800-20 CSX-800-25 CSX-900-4 CSX-900-5.5 CSX-900-7.5 CSX-900-10 CSX-900-15 CSX-900-20 CSX-900-25 CSX-900-30 CSX-1000-5.5 CSX-1000-7.5 CSX-1000-10 CSX-1000-15 CSX-1000-20 CSX-1000-25 CSX-1000-30 CSX-1000-40 112 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) (r/min) 1095 2.28 1.31 1220 3.10 1.79 1390 4.03 2.32 1540 5.96 3.44 1750 8.36 4.83 1980 10.18 5.88 2180 13.60 7.82 2420 10.50 6.09 2670 14.50 8.41 1005 3.10 1.79 1140 4.03 2.32 1270 5.96 3.44 1445 8.36 4.83 1635 10.96 6.33 1800 14.10 8.12 2000 10.50 6.09 2220 14.50 8.41 2300 20.20 11.60 1035 5.96 3.44 1185 8.36 4.83 1340 10.96 6.33 1475 14.10 8.12 1640 11.60 6.72 1815 14.50 8.41 2065 20.20 11.60 1010 8.36 4.83 1140 10.96 6.33 1255 14.10 8.12 1395 11.60 6.72 1550 14.50 8.41 1760 20.20 11.60 1900 27.50 15.90 960 10.96 6.33 1060 14.10 8.12 1180 11.60 6.72 1305 14.20 8.20 1485 20.20 11.60 1670 27.50 15.90 1750 35.00 20.00 765 10.96 6.33 845 14.10 8.12 940 11.60 6.72 1040 14.50 8.41 1185 20.20 11.60 1330 27.50 15.90 1420 35.00 20.00 640 10.96 6.33 705 14.10 8.12 785 11.60 6.72 870 14.50 8.41 990 20.20 11.60 1100 27.50 15.90 1150 35.00 20.00 1200 42.00 24.00 575 14.10 8.12 645 11.60 6.72 715 14.50 8.41 815 20.20 11.60 915 27.50 15.90 980 35.00 20.00 1040 42.00 24.00 1120 55.00 32.00 Speed Installed power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 Maximum Approx. weight (Kg) airflow (m3/h) 5045 61 5620 64 6405 66 7095 68 8065 72 9120 76 10045 85 11150 95 12300 100 6465 86 7330 88 8165 90 9290 93 10510 98 11570 107 12855 116 14270 121 14785 155 9885 100 11360 103 12880 108 14210 117 15830 122 17555 132 20010 166 12120 119 13680 123 15060 132 16740 138 18600 147 21120 181 22800 202 17065 186 18845 195 20980 200 23200 210 26400 244 29690 265 31110 285 19975 226 22065 234 24545 240 27155 250 30940 284 34730 305 37080 325 21200 281 23355 289 26005 295 28820 305 32795 339 36440 360 38095 380 39750 399 25555 342 28665 348 31780 358 36220 392 40665 413 43555 432 46220 452 49780 506 CSX Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 315-0.5 315-0.75 315-1 315-1.5 315-2 315-3 315-4 355-0.5 355-0.75 355-1 355-1.5 355-2 355-3 355-4 355-5.5 400-0.75 400-1 400-1.5 400-2 400-3 400-4 400-5.5 450-0.75 450-1 450-1.5 450-2 450-3 450-4 450-5.5 450-7.5 450-10 500-1 500-1.5 500-2 500-3 500-4 500-5.5 500-7.5 500-10 500-15 560-2 560-3 560-4 560-5.5 560-7.5 560-10 560-15 630-3 630-4 630-5.5 630-7.5 630-10 630-15 630-20 710-4 710-5.5 710-7.5 710-10 710-15 710-20 710-25 800-4 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 ηe[%] 42.7% 44.6% 49.0% 50.0% 51.0% 53.1% 53.9% 51.3% 53.6% 58.8% 60.1% 61.1% 63.7% 64.5% 66.0% 49.0% 52.7% 54.3% 54.9% 56.2% 56.8% 58.2% 48.1% 51.7% 53.3% 53.9% 55.2% 55.8% 57.3% 58.7% 59.6% 53.2% 54.8% 55.4% 56.7% 58.0% 59.5% 60.2% 61.3% 62.5% 54.9% 56.2% 57.5% 59.0% 60.5% 60.7% 61.9% 58.6% 60.0% 61.6% 63.1% 63.3% 64.6% 65.2% 64.9% 66.7% 68.3% 68.9% 69.7% 70.3% 69.9% 59.0% N 57.1 57.4 60.8 60.2 59.7 60.4 59.6 66.4 67.0 71.2 70.8 70.5 71.5 70.8 71.2 62.0 64.6 64.6 63.8 63.5 62.5 62.7 60.9 63.4 63.3 62.6 62.3 61.3 61.5 61.5 61.3 65.0 65.0 64.2 63.8 63.5 63.8 63.2 62.9 63.7 63.6 63.2 62.9 63.2 63.3 62.2 62.0 65.4 65.2 65.6 65.8 64.6 64.6 64.9 69.8 70.4 70.7 69.9 69.6 69.9 69.2 64.4 (kW) 0.423 0.599 0.755 1.078 1.478 2.045 2.883 0.367 0.521 0.661 0.957 1.276 1.800 2.565 3.194 0.578 0.735 1.047 1.409 2.030 2.886 3.761 0.599 0.771 1.106 1.487 2.132 3.052 3.972 5.305 7.008 0.753 1.067 1.458 2.098 2.973 3.866 5.237 7.041 7.672 1.485 2.175 3.076 3.997 5.362 7.239 10.447 2.257 3.173 4.123 5.524 7.559 10.844 13.523 3.357 4.397 5.917 7.941 11.557 16.292 18.872 3.084 (m3/h) 1503 1712 1908 2163 2418 2732 3078 1700 1940 2167 2467 2731 3106 3511 3805 2362 2622 2979 3302 3758 4241 4670 2807 3127 3563 3947 4485 5075 5588 6203 6843 3608 4093 4560 5188 5870 6463 7181 7971 8258 5921 6780 7666 8439 9383 10384 11814 7231 8162 8985 9987 11097 12600 13603 12025 13277 14781 16346 18601 20918 21920 11226 (mmH2O) 44.14 57.30 71.16 91.45 114.29 145.92 185.22 40.59 52.82 65.91 85.48 104.75 135.43 173.07 203.33 44.01 54.21 70.02 85.98 111.39 141.88 172.06 37.69 46.79 60.73 74.55 96.27 123.23 149.39 184.09 224.09 40.71 52.38 65.01 84.16 107.74 130.58 161.22 198.63 213.21 50.50 66.20 84.65 102.57 126.80 155.30 201.03 67.17 85.58 103.71 128.14 158.20 203.97 237.71 66.44 81.00 100.38 122.77 158.97 201.05 220.78 59.47 (RPM) 1650 1880 2095 2375 2655 3000 3380 1385 1580 1765 2010 2225 2530 2860 3100 1320 1465 1665 1845 2100 2370 2610 1095 1220 1390 1540 1750 1980 2180 2420 2670 1005 1140 1270 1445 1635 1800 2000 2220 2300 1035 1185 1340 1475 1640 1815 2065 1010 1140 1255 1395 1550 1760 1900 960 1060 1180 1305 1485 1670 1750 765 113 CSX Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model 800-5.5 800-7.5 800-10 800-15 800-20 800-25 900-4 900-5.5 900-7.5 900-10 900-15 900-20 900-25 900-30 1000-5.5 1000-7.5 1000-10 1000-15 1000-20 1000-25 1000-30 1000-40 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 ηe[%] 60.6% 62.1% 62.3% 63.6% 64.1% 63.7% 58.4% 60.0% 61.5% 61.7% 62.9% 63.5% 63.1% 63.4% 61.0% 62.5% 62.8% 64.1% 64.7% 64.2% 64.6% 65.3% N 64.7 64.9 63.7 63.6 63.8 63.1 63.7 64.1 64.2 63.0 62.9 63.1 62.6 62.8 65.3 65.4 64.3 64.1 64.3 63.6 63.8 64.3 (kW) 4.048 5.437 7.338 10.638 14.907 18.264 3.123 4.067 5.476 7.433 10.733 14.592 16.785 18.966 3.883 5.344 7.250 10.521 14.757 18.252 21.693 26.798 (m3/h) 12400 13794 15262 17390 19517 20838 12272 13518 15052 16682 18983 21092 22051 23010 16465 18470 20474 23338 26201 28063 29781 32072 (mmH2O) 72.56 89.79 109.91 142.69 179.75 204.90 54.55 66.19 82.07 100.80 130.53 161.15 176.13 191.78 52.78 66.41 81.61 106.04 133.65 153.32 172.66 200.25 (RPM) 845 940 1040 1185 1330 1420 640 705 785 870 990 1100 1150 1200 575 645 715 815 915 980 1040 1120 Dimensions in mm CSX -315 CSX -355 CSX -400 CSX -450 CSX -500 CSX -560 CSX -630 CSX -710 CSX -800 CSX -900 CSX -1000 114 A B C L K2 K1 J2 J1 N øD H E F K XøO P V x1 x2 x 522 771.5 223 404253126.5434 -13x9313400 236139.5769679 12454504315264 415 582.5 869.5 247 453277138.5483 -13x9353450 261 158793703 12496546315288 415 651 963 274 507304 152537 -13x9398500 290179.5820730 12542592315315 415 727.5 1067 308 569338 169599 -13x9448550 322202.5959829 12595645380349 480 801 1180344638 374 187658 -13x9498600352 221 1005875 12654704 380380480 892.5 1295383715 413206.5745 -13x9558650390 247.5 1202 1064 12715765 515424630 998.51489.5432801 462 231831 -13x9628769434 280 1251 1113 12780830 515473630 1117 1547 479 902508 25492820013x9708730 481.5 3161298 1160 14890930515520 630 12501665.55331010 563283.5 103725013x9798762535 358.5 1362 1219 14980 1050 515 574.5630 1408 15255951130 625312.5 116030013x9898850604 407 1424 1281 14 1080 1150 515 636.5630 1546 20166631260 693346.5 129735013x9998900651 433 1600 1456 14 1180 1250 642690742 CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 315 355 115 CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 400 450 116 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 500 560 117 CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 630 710 118 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 800 900 119 CSX Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1000 Accessories See accessories section INT 120 IAT C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT CJSRX CJSRX 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units to work outside fire danger zones with backward-curved impeller 0370-CPR-1578 400ºC/2h centrifugal belt-driven fans with backward-curved impeller with electric motor, pulley, belt kit and standardised protectors accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3:2002, certificate no.: 0370-CPD-1578 • Pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 150ºC. High-performance and robust backward-curved impeller. Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • Special windings for different voltages Order code CJSRX 800 CJSRX: 400ºC/2h belt-driven extraction units with backward-curved impeller Impeller size 5.5 Motor power (c.v.) F-400 F-400: Officially approved 400ºC/2h Technical characteristics Model CJSRX-315-0.5 CJSRX-315-0.75 CJSRX-315-1 CJSRX-315-1.5 CJSRX-315-2 CJSRX-315-3 CJSRX-315-4 CJSRX-355-0.5 CJSRX-355-0.75 CJSRX-355-1 CJSRX-355-1.5 CJSRX-355-2 CJSRX-355-3 CJSRX-355-4 CJSRX-355-5.5 CJSRX-400-0.75 CJSRX-400-1 CJSRX-400-1.5 CJSRX-400-2 CJSRX-400-3 CJSRX-400-4 CJSRX-400-5.5 Speed (r/min) 1650 1880 2095 2375 2655 3000 3380 1385 1580 1765 2010 2225 2530 2860 3100 1320 1465 1665 1845 2100 2370 2610 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) 1.84 1.06 2.57 1.49 2.78 1.60 4.20 2.40 5.44 3.13 7.77 4.47 10.18 5.88 1.84 1.06 2.57 1.49 2.78 1.60 4.20 2.40 5.44 3.13 7.77 4.47 10.18 5.88 13.60 7.82 2.28 1.31 3.10 1.79 4.03 2.32 5.96 3.44 8.36 4.83 10.18 5.88 13.60 7.82 Installed power (kW) 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2700 3075 3430 3885 4345 4910 5530 3235 3685 4120 4690 5190 5905 6675 7235 4375 4855 5515 6110 6955 7850 8645 Approx. weight (Kg) 83 85 87 89 92 95 100 100 102 105 107 109 114 118 124 119 122 124 126 129 134 142 121 CJSRX Technical characteristics Model CJSRX-450-0.75 CJSRX-450-1 CJSRX-450-1.5 CJSRX-450-2 CJSRX-450-3 CJSRX-450-4 CJSRX-450-5.5 CJSRX-450-7.5 CJSRX-450-10 CJSRX-500-1 CJSRX-500-1.5 CJSRX-500-2 CJSRX-500-3 CJSRX-500-4 CJSRX-500-5.5 CJSRX-500-7.5 CJSRX-500-10 CJSRX-500-15 CJSRX-560-2 CJSRX-560-3 CJSRX-560-4 CJSRX-560-5.5 CJSRX-560-7.5 CJSRX-560-10 CJSRX-560-15 CJSRX-630-3 CJSRX-630-4 CJSRX-630-5.5 CJSRX-630-7.5 CJSRX-630-10 CJSRX-630-15 CJSRX-630-20 CJSRX-710-4 CJSRX-710-5.5 CJSRX-710-7.5 CJSRX-710-10 CJSRX-710-15 CJSRX-710-20 CJSRX-710-25 122 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V (A) (r/min) 1095 2.28 1.31 1220 3.10 1.79 1390 4.03 2.32 1540 5.96 3.44 1750 8.36 4.83 1980 10.18 5.88 2180 13.60 7.82 2420 10.50 6.09 2670 14.50 8.41 1005 3.10 1.79 1140 4.03 2.32 1270 5.96 3.44 1445 8.36 4.83 1635 10.96 6.33 1800 14.10 8.12 2000 10.50 6.09 2220 14.50 8.41 2300 20.20 11.60 1035 5.96 3.44 1185 8.36 4.83 1340 10.96 6.33 1475 14.10 8.12 1640 11.60 6.72 1815 14.50 8.41 2065 20.20 11.60 1010 8.36 4.83 1140 10.96 6.33 1255 14.10 8.12 1395 11.60 6.72 1550 14.50 8.41 1760 20.20 11.60 1900 27.50 15.90 960 10.96 6.33 1060 14.10 8.12 1180 11.60 6.72 1305 14.20 8.20 1485 20.20 11.60 1670 27.50 15.90 1750 35.00 20.00 Speed Installed power (kW) 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 Maximum Approx. weight (Kg) airflow (m3/h) 5045 140 5620 143 6405 145 7095 147 8065 151 9120 155 10045 164 11150 174 12300 179 6465 178 7330 180 8165 182 9290 185 10510 190 11570 199 12855 208 14270 213 14785 247 9885 207 11360 210 12880 215 14210 224 15830 229 17555 239 20010 273 12120 241 13680 245 15060 254 16740 260 18600 269 21120 303 22800 324 17065 337 18845 346 20980 351 23200 361 26400 395 29690 416 31110 436 CJSRX Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), CSX series Dimensions in mm Standard supply horizontal outlet (H) RD 90 On request horizontal outlet (H) LG 90 On request vertical outlet (V) RD 0 On request vertical outlet (V) LG 0 CJSRX-315 CJSRX-355 CJSRX-400 CJSRX-450 CJSRX-500 CJSRX-560 CJSRX-630 CJSRX-710 A BB1 C ØD EE1 F F1G1 G2G3 1170740 60 600 315 82 84.2113 281 317.5423.2 366.2 1265 815 60 650 365 8586.5 112.5302.5 347.2470.2398 1370 900 60 680 400 82 90.2 111 331386.2 522.2447.2 1480 990 60 716 448 8291.2 112.8 360 422.2577.2491 1625 1080 60 760 510 80.5 91 111.7 381.3461.2 629.2534.2 17601195 60 810 580 86.894.2 128 426506.2 696.2 590 18801322 60 850 63585.289.6 113.4455.6 557.7768.7 648.2 21801500 80 910 710103 108.2100 491 632.2873.2 737.2 H H1 H2 L KV X X1 X2 305451.5346.3405224 760880 - 155 338 496 373454248 8101020 - 152 359 543 407 508 275840 1120 - 152 383 598 443570309 8761240 - 152 409 650 482 639 345920 1340 670 152 462 731 540 716 3849701490 745 152 488792.5578.5802433 1010 8201610 158 562 865 624899479 10709551910 168 Characteristic Curves See characteristic curves, CSX series. Accessories See accessories section INT IAT C2V AR RPA B BD BIC ACE/400 CABLE BOX AET CENTRAL CO RFT 123 OVERPRESSURE KIT OVERPRESSURE KIT The system of pressurisation of staircases, escape routes or of confinement makes it possible to control the airflow automatically and to maintain a differential pressure of 50 Pa in a single stage, according to standard UNE EN 12101-6-2006. STAIRWELL OVERPRESSURE KIT Three-phase equipment STAIRWELL OVERPRESSURE KIT • Stairwell overpressure kit made up of control panel (BOXPRES KIT) and outlet units (CJHCH or CJBD), for the pressurisation of the stairwells and escape routes. Also available for single-phase equipment's NEOLINEO Y CJBC. OVERPRESSURE KIT WITH RESERVE FAN • Overpressure kit with reserve fan, made up of control panel (BOXPRES KIT II), which incorporates a system of automatic switching to keep the overpressure in the case of a stop by the main fan and TWIN or CJHCH/DUPLEX air outlet units with reserve fan. BOXPRES · Easy to install · Compact and self-sufficient solution · Preventive maintenance · Easy starting · Safe and functional installation STAIRWELL OVERPRESSURE KIT For single-phase equipment • The proper operation of the pressurisation systems depends not only on correct design but also on the proper regulation carried out by the system with the result that it is of vital importance to have calibrated and highly-precise regulation elements which make it possible to have the two situations in the case of fire, in a rapid and stable manner. • The BOXPRES control panel, apart from satisfying the most demanding requirements, simplifies the work of the installer to the greatest possible extent. OVERPRESSURE KIT WITH RESERVE FAN Includes: • Frequency varier programmed to 50 Pa • Differential pressure probe • Magneto thermal • Line LED and fault • Check button BOXPRES is a piece of equipment with all its interconnections made and tested • Ready to work and carry out its duties on the pressure control of the installation. • Possibility of checking the installation so as to prevent faults • Only the power cable, the impulsion fan and the fire signal should be connected. The panels for single-phase equipment include: • Voltage regulator programmed to 50 Pa • Differential pressure probe external to the equipment. Order code KIT SOBREPRESION Kit sobrepresión: Overpressure set for staircases Kit sobrepresión II: Overpressure set with reserve fan 124 7.100 Maximum Airflow OVERPRESSURE KIT Technical characteristics Model Power Output Outlet unit Airflow (m3/h) KIT SOBREPRESION-1060-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac II NEOLINEO-200 1060 KIT SOBREPRESION-2300-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac II NEOLINEO-315 2300 KIT SOBREPRESION-2880-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac II CJBC-2828-6M 1/3 2880 KIT SOBREPRESION-7100-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac III CJHCH-45-4T-0,5 7100 KIT SOBREPRESION-7800-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac III CJBD-3333-6T -1,5 7800 KIT SOBREPRESION-12900-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac III CJHCH-56-4T-1 12900 KIT SOBREPRESION-17000-LED 230 Vac II 230 Vac III CJHCH-63-4T-1,5 17000 KIT SOBREPRESION-7100-BOX 400 Vac III 400 Vac III CJHCH-45-4T-0,5 7100 KIT SOBREPRESION-7800-BOX 400 Vac III 400 Vac III CJBD-3333-6T -1,5 7800 KIT SOBREPRESION-12900-BOX 400 Vac III 400 Vac III CJHCH-56-4T-1 12900 KIT SOBREPRESION-17000-BOX 400 Vac III 400 Vac III CJHCH-63-4T-1,5 17000 KIT SOBREPRESION II-6240-BOX KIT SOBREPRESION II-9520-BOX KIT SOBREPRESION II-12900-BOX KIT SOBREPRESION II-17000-BOX 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III TWIN-12/12-6T-1,5 TWIN-15/15-6T-3 CJHCH/DUPLEX-56-4T-1-H CJHCH/DUPLEX-63-4T-1,5-H 6240 9520 12900 17000 Irradiated sound level* dB(A) 38 47 61 55 55 60 61 55 55 60 61 55 54 60 61 SONDA TPDA SI-PRESIÓN c/DISPLAY SONDA TPDA 984M.523 P04 SONDA TPDA 984M.523 P14 LED BOXPRES KIT-3A 230Vac BOXPRES KIT-10A 230Vac BOXPRES KIT-0,75KW 230Vac BOXPRES KIT-1,5KW 230Vac BOXPRES KIT-0,75KW 400Vac BOXPRES KIT-1,5KW 400Vac BOXPRES KIT-2,2KW 400Vac BOXPRES KIT II - 1,5KW 400Vac BOXPRES KIT II - 2,2KW 400Vac 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 230 Vac III 230 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III 400 Vac III Dimensions in mm CJHCH Model CJBD ACD1 CJHCH-40/45/50 700 550 565 CJHCH-56/63 825 550 690 Model Equiv. A B CE D1xD2G1 L inches CJBD-3333 12/12 650 650 700 92 556X606 379 358 K 400 125 OVERPRESSURE KIT Dimensions in mm TWIN CJHCH/DUPLEX Model AB C TWIN-12/12 1103 1139 610 Model TWIN15/15 1279 1639 698 CJHCH/DUPLEX-56/63 NEOLINEO Model AB C D1 825 1650 550 690 CJBC A B C C1 C2øD E NEOLINEO-200 300 234.5 260.5 125.5 235 196 140 NEOLINEO-315 448 361.5 392.5 188.5 359 312 220.5 Model CJBC-2828-6M -1/3 A B H K LøO V v1 X x1 696 645 460 290 320 15 755 725 445 100 BOXPRESS KIT SOBREPRESIÓN Technical characteristics and measurements Model Power kW Power supply (V/Hz) Output (V/Hz) Output current (A) Size Measurements (L x W x D) BOXPRES KIT-3A 230Vac - 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 3 - 255 x 170 x 140 mm BOXPRES KIT-10A 230Vac - 230 Vac II 230 Vac II 10 - 255 x 170 x 140 mm BOXPRES KIT-0.75kW 230Vac 0.75 230 V II / 50Hz 230 V III / 50Hz 4.3 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm BOXPRES KIT-1.5kW 230Vac 1.5 230 V II / 50Hz 230 V III / 50Hz 7 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm BOXPRES KIT-0.75KW 400Vac 0.75 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 2.2 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm BOXPRES KIT-1.5KW 400Vac 1.5 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 4.1 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm BOXPRES KIT-2.2KW 400Vac 2.2 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 5.8 2 360 x 360 x 205 mm BOXPRES KIT-3A / KIT-10A Connection of power and motor Stuffing-box for cable input to equipment Size 1 M 20 x 1.5mm Connection of power and motor M 12 x 1.5mm Fire signal connection Regulator Pressure connection Probe Pressure connection 126 Stuffing-box for cable input to equipment Size 2 M 20 x 1.5mm Connection of power and motor M 12 x 1.5mm Fire signal connection Pressure connection OVERPRESSURE KIT BOXPRESS KIT SOBREPRESIÓN II For equipment with reserve fan. Technical characteristics and measurements Power kW Model BOXPRES KIT II - 1.5KW 400Vac BOXPRES KIT II - 2.2KW 400Vac 1.5 2.2 Power supply (V/Hz) Output (V/Hz) Output current (A) 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 400 V III / 50Hz 4.1 5.4 Size Measurements (L x W x D) 1 2 270 x 270 x 170 mm 360 x 360 x 205 mm * Both motors never operate simultaneously Stuffing-box for cable input to equipment Size 1 M 20 x 1.5mm Connection of power and motor M 12 x 1.5mm Fire signal connection Pressure connection Stuffing-box for cable input to equipment Size 2 M 20 x 1.5mm Connection of power and motor M 12 x 1.5mm Fire signal connection Pressure connection Example of use Overpressure smoke control method; this system consists of pressurization by means of the injection of air in spaces which are used as escape routes for people in case of fire, such as stair wells, passageways, corridors, elevators, etc. Above all in densely occupied tall buildings. This method is based on smoke control by means of the speed of air and the artificial barrier which is created by excess air pressure over smoke, so that it cannot enter escape routes. 127 BR BR High-performance centrifugal fans of the PLUG FAN type, for use without casing Fan: • Steel sheet structure • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from robust sheet steel Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages Order code BR BR: High-performance centrifugal fans of the PLUG FAN type, for use without casing 20566T Impeller size Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 8=750 r/min 50 Hz 12=500 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) BR-1240-6T BR-1850-4T BR-1850-6T BR-2056-4T BR-2056-6T BR-2263-4T BR-2263-6T BR-2071-4T BR-2071-6T-3 BR-2071-6T-5.5 BR-2880-6T Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 900 2.99 1430 5.96 900 2.99 1445 8.36 945 3.90 1440 945 4.88 1460 955 9.30 960 16.50 960 16.50 1.73 3.44 1.73 4.83 2.20 11.60 6.72 2.82 20.20 11.60 5.30 9.46 9.46 Installed power (kW) 0.55 1.50 0.55 2.20 0.75 5.50 1.10 11.00 2.20 4.00 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) Approx. weight (Kg) 3850 8550 5650 13700 9300 23600 11100 34500 16650 20850 25150 39 37 36 49 44 118 53 204 79 170 168 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model BR-1240-4T BR-1240-6T BR-1850-4T BR-1850-6T BR-2056-4T BR-2056-6T BR-2263-4T BR-2263-6T BR-2071-4T BR-2071-6T-3 BR-2071-6T-5.5 BR-2880-6T 128 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 49.6% 44.5% 55.6% 48.4% 56.2% 50.8% 58.9% 56.9% 62.6% 57.3% 57.7% 58.2% N 62.2 62.3 64.7 62.5 63.1 62.9 62.5 65.6 63.3 63.4 62.8 62.7 (kW) 0.634 0.203 1.387 0.458 2.358 0.692 4.546 1.510 8.033 2.637 3.281 3.765 (m3/h) 3994 2636 5311 3506 10049 7300 10554 7467 17360 11095 13428 15923 (mmH2O) 28.89 12.58 53.29 23.21 48.37 17.65 93.08 42.27 106.36 49.97 51.77 50.52 (RPM) 1439 975 1446 944 1450 962 1456 941 1474 956 972 968 BR Dimensions in mm Model A B Cød F H H1 I øJ L L1 M V v X BR-1240-6T 453.5 560568 9106.5555.5 310195.5 400440450500500450 2 BR-1850-4T 579 641600 9 62 590 310243.5 500480480540540490 3 BR-1850-6T 533.5595.5600 9 62 590 310243.5 500480480540540490 3 BR-2056-4T 590 665660 9 75 700 372 264 560540590600600550 3.5 BR-2056-6T 554.5629.5660 9 75 700 372 264 560540590600600550 3.5 BR-2263-4T 712 875883 9 163809.5429.5 297 635700700760760710 9 BR-2263-6T 633710.5740 9 77 735 387 300 630610625670670620 6 BR-2071-4T 886 1076995 9 190 890 470 295 710780780840840790 3.5 BR-2071-6T-3 734 824800 9 90 815424.5333.5 710690705750750700 1.5 BR-2071-6T-5.5754.5948935 9 193 890 470 329 710780780840840790 0.5 BR-2880-6T 820.5 924900 9 103 890 470 384 800780780840840790 6.5 Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4 Poles 6 Poles Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET 129 CJBR CJBR Soundproof ventilation units with sandwich-panel and linear airflow between the inlet and outlet. Fan: • Galvanised sheet steel structure with thermal insulation and soundproofing. • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Outlet mounting on any side of the box possible, during installation Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel Highly-efficient soundproofing On request: • With circular outlet via the TAC accessory • With 2 speed motors Order code CJBR CJBR: Soundproof ventilation units with sandwich-panel 20634T Impeller size Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CJBR-1240-4T CJBR-1850-4T CJBR-2056-4T CJBR-2056-6T CJBR-2263-4T CJBR-2263-6T CJBR-2071-4T CJBR-2071-6T-3 CJBR-2071-6T-5.5 CJBR-2880-6T Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 1410 3.10 1430 5.96 1445 8.36 945 3.90 1440 945 4.88 1460 955 9.30 960 16.50 960 16.50 1.79 3.44 4.83 2.20 11.60 6.72 2.82 20.20 11.60 5.30 9.46 9.46 Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 0.75 1.50 2.20 0.75 5.50 1.10 11.00 2.20 4.00 4.00 4250 6700 9500 6500 17400 9000 25000 12500 16000 17100 62 70 72 62 74 64 83 68 70 71 79 82 129 123 179 135 220 149 196 194 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), BR series Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the impeller’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CJBR-1240-4 CJBR-1850-4 CJBR-2056-4 CJBR-2056-6 CJBR-2263-4 130 63 125250500 1000 47 61 67 70 70 66 72 77 78 81 67 73 79 79 83 57 63 69 69 73 74 79 85 87 85 20004000 8000 71 61 50 80 73 68 83 75 68 73 65 58 82 75 67 Model CJBR-2263-6 CJBR-2071-4 CJBR-2071-6-3 CJBR-2071-6-5,5 CJBR-2880-6 63 125250500 1000 61 67 72 73 77 80 81 89 92 95 65 71 76 77 81 66 65 80 79 83 68 74 79 80 84 20004000 8000 76 69 62 96 92 78 80 73 66 83 72 61 83 76 69 CJBR Dimensions in mm Model CJBR-1240-6T CJBR-1850-4T CJBR-1850-6T CJBR-2056-4T CJBR-2056-6T CJBR-2263-4T CJBR-2263-6T CJBR-2071-4T CJBR-2071-6T-3 CJBR-2071-6T-5’5 CJBR-2880-6T Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m /h, m /s and cfm. 3 3 A B CDEF 800 800 400 400 700 640 800 800 400 400 700 640 800 800 400 400 700 640 925 925 462.5 450 825 765 925 925 462.5 450 825 765 1000 1000 500 630 900 840 925 925 462.5 560 825 765 1060 1060 530 710 960 900 1000 1000 500 630 900 840 1060 1060 530 710 960 900 1060 1060 530 710 960 900 Accessories Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. See accessories section. 4 Poles INT RFT C2V AR AET TAC VIS TEJ 6 Poles 131 CJEC CJEC 400ºC/2h extraction units with large hatch to facilitate maintenance. Extraction units with large hatch to facilitate maintenance. Fan: • Galvanized sheet steel structure. • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Approval according to Standard EN-12101-3-2002 certification No.: 0370-CPD-0382 • Possibility of mounting the outlet on either side of the box during installation. Motor: • Class F two-speed motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection • Three-phase 400V.-50Hz. DHALANDER • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 120ºC Motor-impeller unit easy to dismantle 0370-CPD-0382 Finish: • Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • With single-speed motors. Order code CJEC 280 Impeller size Extraction units with large hatch to facilitate maintenance Technical characteristics Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V (r/min) 1380 / 720 0.60 / 0.70 1380 0.65 1440 / 700 1.05 / 0.50 1380 0.95 1440 / 700 1.05 / 0.50 1380 1.35 1450 / 720 1.70 / 0.80 1380 3.30 1430 / 710 2.00 / 0.90 1380 4.40 1420 / 700 3.50 / 1.50 940 / 460 3.50 / 1.20 Model Speed CJEC-280-4/8T CJEC-280-4M CJEC-315-4/8T CJEC-315-4M CJEC-355-4/8T CJEC-355-4M CJEC-400-4/8T CJEC-400-4M CJEC-450-4/8T CJEC-450-4M CJEC-500-4/8T CJEC-560-6/12T 4M Number of motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz Installed power (kW) 0.18 / 0.04 0.25 0.37 / 0.11 0.25 0.37 / 0.11 0.25 0.55 / 0.19 0.55 0.75 / 0.20 0.75 1.50 / 0.37 1.30 / 0.20 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1370 / 685 1370 1650 / 825 1650 3000 / 1500 3000 4000 / 2000 4000 5500 / 2750 5500 7600 / 3800 9500 / 4750 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 8=750 r/min 50 Hz 12=500 r/min 50 Hz M= Single-phase T=Three-phase Sound level dB(A) Inlet Outlet 55 / 40 60 / 45 55 60 59 / 44 63 / 48 59 63 61 / 46 66 / 51 61 66 65 / 50 69 / 54 65 69 68 / 53 72 / 57 68 72 70 / 55 75 / 60 77 / 62 82 / 67 Approx. weight (Kg) 61 61 63 63 75 75 79 79 89 89 110 129 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CJEC-280-4/8T CJEC-280-4M CJEC-315-4/8T CJEC-315-4M CJEC-355-4/8T CJEC-355-4M CJEC-400-4/8T CJEC-400-4M CJEC-450-4/8T CJEC-450-4M CJEC-500-4/8T CJEC-560-6/12T ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC - - C C C C C C C C C C EC - - S S S S S S S S S S VSD - - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 ηe[%] - - 49.2% 41.5% 51.6% 43.6% 48.5% 46.6% 49.8% 49.5% 50.4% 51.2% N - - 67.9 59.9 67.8 59.6 61.1 59.3 60.2 60.0 58.9 64.4 (kW) 0.114 0.097 0.167 0.177 0.292 0.299 0.630 0.608 1.028 0.994 1.545 0.549 (m3/h) 858 836 1241 1197 1765 1683 3391 3305 4749 4684 4846 4670 (mmH2O) 18.92 17.95 24.28 22.58 31.32 28.45 33.11 31.45 39.64 38.56 59.02 22.08 (RPM) 1460 1422 1474 1421 1469 1400 1463 1426 1432 1412 1447 1009 Facts internal Plug Fan 132 CJEC Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of pressure and sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the turbine’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Values taken at inlet with maximum airflow.Values taken at outlet with maximum airflow. Model 63 125 250 50010002000 4000 8000 Model 63125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 280-4 42 47 62 59 60 58 53 45 280-4 42 45 65 66 65 65 58 49 280-8 27 32 47 44 45 43 38 30 280-8 27 30 50 51 50 50 43 34 315-4 53 62 64 64 64 62 54 42 315-4 45 59 67 69 68 68 60 53 315-8 38 47 49 49 49 47 39 27 315-8 30 44 52 54 53 53 45 38 355-4 52 62 68 63 64 66 62 53 355-4 48 67 68 71 72 71 64 55 355-8 37 47 53 48 49 51 47 38 355-8 33 52 53 56 57 56 49 40 400-4 60 69 72 65 68 69 65 56 400-4 52 70 73 73 75 74 70 59 400-8 45 54 57 50 53 54 50 41 400-8 37 55 58 58 60 59 55 44 450-4 56 65 71 76 72 71 65 57 450-4 56 69 75 77 79 76 71 61 450-8 56 69 75 77 79 76 71 61 450-8 41 54 60 62 64 61 56 46 500-4 57 62 73 76 76 75 69 60 500-4 58 67 78 79 83 80 74 63 500-8 42 47 58 61 61 60 54 45 500-8 43 52 63 64 68 65 59 48 560-6 69 78 80 81 82 82 79 57 560-6 65 79 85 86 90 86 81 72 560-12 54 63 65 66 67 67 64 57 560-12 50 64 70 71 75 71 66 57 Dimensions in mm Model ØA B CE1E2 CJEC-280 700 400 200 618 318 CJEC-315 700 400 200 618 318 CJEC-355 800 505 200 718 423 CJEC-400 800 505 225 718 423 CJEC-450 900 550 225 818 468 CJEC-500 900 550 260 818 468 CJEC-560 1000 700 290 918 618 Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min 133 CJEC Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 8T/M=750 r/min 12T=500 r/min CJEC installations Possibility of installing the CJEC series by changing the position of the inlet and outlet panels Accessories See accessories section INT 134 CABLE BOX C2V AET AR CENTRAL CO RFT CB CB Centrifugal single-inlet fans with multi-blade impeller Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection, except single-phase models which have IP54 protection. • Single-phase 230V.-50Hz., and threephase 230/400V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages Model version CB-2240 Order code CB 1733 CB: Centrifugal single-inlet fans with multi-blade impeller Impeller size 4T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single-phase 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 1,5 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V 1.66 0.96 Speed Installed power (kW) 0.25 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1875 Sound level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 12.2 CB-820-4T (r/min) 1350 CB-820-4M 1370 2.00 0.25 1875 64 12.2 CB-1428-4T 1410 3.10 0.75 2800 69 17.6 17.6 1.79 64 CB-1428-4M 1410 5.05 0.75 2800 69 CB-1428-6T 860 1.77 1.02 0.25 2000 65 16.2 CB-1428-6M 900 2.07 0.25 2000 65 16.2 CB-1733-4T-1.5 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 3200 74 25.0 CB-1733-4T-2 1430 5.96 3.44 1.50 4000 75 25.0 CB-1733-6T 945 3.90 2.20 0.75 3400 68 23.2 CB-1733-6M 900 4.97 0.75 3400 68 23.2 CB-2240-6T 955 9.30 2.20 7000 74 68.0 5.30 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CB-820-4T CB-1428-4T CB-1428-4M CB-1428-6T CB-1428-6M CB-1733-4T-1.5 CB-1733-4T-2 CB-1733-6T CB-2240-6T ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A A A A EC S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 ηe[%] 28.7% 44.2% 31.6% 34.5% 28.1% 47.2% 41.8% 37.4% 41.4% N 39.1 52.4 38.7 45.9 38.6 53.1 47.2 46.0 48.0 (kW) 0.227 0.514 0.765 0.160 0.219 1.147 1.413 0.428 0.903 (m3/h) 791 1340 1503 1086 1312 2664 2880 1834 2857 (mmH2O) 30.28 62.25 59.02 18.68 17.22 74.52 75.31 32.01 48.05 (RPM) 1418 1451 1438 962 950 1414 1445 976 985 135 CB Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 820-4T 1428-4 1428-6 1733-4-1,5 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 39 49 60 67 71 68 66 59 1733-4-2 44 54 65 72 76 73 71 64 1733-6 40 50 61 68 72 69 67 60 2240-6 49 59 70 77 81 78 76 69 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 50 60 71 78 82 79 77 70 43 53 64 71 75 72 70 63 52 61 72 79 83 81 79 72 Dimensions in mm CB-820...1733 Inlet Outlet Model A B1 B2 C C1 C2 øD1*ød1 ød2 E H1 I J J1 K k1 k2 L N øO CB-820 321 374 222 339 268 71 200 230 M6 138 135.5 184 213 94.5 130 - 160 160 4x90º 9 CB-1428 428 442 246 444 341 103 250 294 M6 207 102 260 350 160 202 115 230 286 6x60º 9 CB-1733 497 522 291 520 397 123 315 355 M6 236 120.5 315 415 186 240 140 280 339 6x60º 9 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. CB-2240 Inlet Outlet Model A B C C1 C2 øD1* ød ød1 ød2EH H1IJ J1K k1k2LøOøO1V vXx1 Y CB-2240 580674642490152 355 - 410M6272402143372478218 300167 334400 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 136 9 13400 365240180 185 CB Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4T/4M=1500 r/min 6T/6M=1000 r/min Positions LG 270 standard supply LG0 LG90 LG270 RD 0 RD 90 RD 270 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BD BIC ACE PSB REG 137 CPV CPV free Centrifugal anti-corrosive single-inlet fans made from polypropylene. Fan: • Polypropylene casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from polypropylene Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 70ºC Finish: • Plastic anticorrosive Aesthetic and modern design On request: • Special windings for different voltages • ATEX certification, Category 3 Order code CPV CPV: Centrifugal anti-corrosive single-inlet fans made from polypropylene. 1942 Impeller size 4T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 8=750 r/min 50 Hz 10 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CPV-815-2T Speed (r/min) 2710 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Installed power (kW) 0.37 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 950 Sound pressure level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) 1.92 1.11 75 14.0 CPV-815-4T 1350 1.52 0.88 0.25 450 58 14.0 CPV-1020-2T 2770 2.78 1.60 0.75 2000 81 19.5 CPV-1020-4T 1350 1.52 0.88 0.25 1250 65 19.5 CPV-1020-6T 900 1.51 0.87 0.25 750 53 19.5 CPV-1325-2T 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 3250 87 27.0 CPV-1325-4T 1370 2.02 1.17 0.37 2300 69 27.0 CPV-1325-6T 900 1.51 0.87 0.25 1400 59 27.0 CPV-1630-4T 1430 5.96 3.44 1.50 4500 75 34.5 CPV-1630-6T 900 2.99 1.73 0.55 2700 63 34.5 CPV-1840-4T 1445 10.96 6.33 3.00 6000 70 48.0 CPV-1840-6T 945 4.88 2.82 1.10 4200 65 42.0 *CPV-1942-4T-7.5 1440 11.60 6.72 5.50 8500 79 66.0 *CPV-1942-4T-10 1455 14.20 8.20 7.50 10500 84 77.0 49.0 *CPV-1942-6T 955 9.30 5.30 2.20 7000 75 *CPV-1942-8T 705 7.10 4.10 1.50 5500 70 56.0 8.20 7.50 10400 78 102.0 7.30 88.0 CPV-2045-4T CPV-2045-6T 1455 3.00 7000 72 CPV-1335-2T 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 4700 84 91.0 CPV-1160-4T 1460 20.20 11.60 11.00 8000 83 243.0 CPV-2060-4T 1460 20.20 11.60 11.00 12000 81 245.0 CPV-2160-4T 1460 27.50 15.90 15.00 15500 77 282.0 *CPV-720-2T 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 525 75 10.0 *CPV-825-2T 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1140 79 17.0 *CPV-930-2T 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 1750 84 24.0 *Only LG position allowed 138 960 12.70 14.20 CPV Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 815-2 815-4 1020-2 1020-4 1020-6 1325-2 1325-4 1325-6 1630-4 1630-6 1840-4 1840-6 1942-4-7,5 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 56 69 77 81 81 77 73 65 1942-4-10 39 52 60 64 64 60 56 48 1942-6 62 75 83 87 87 83 79 71 1942-8 46 59 67 71 71 67 63 55 2045-4 34 47 55 59 59 55 51 43 2045-6 70 83 91 95 96 92 88 79 1335 52 65 73 77 78 74 70 61 1160 42 55 63 67 68 64 60 51 2060 60 73 81 85 86 82 78 69 2160 48 61 69 73 74 70 66 57 720 55 68 76 80 81 77 73 64 825 50 63 71 75 76 72 68 59 930 75 85 87 90 89 89 87 78 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 80 90 92 95 94 94 92 83 71 81 83 86 85 85 83 74 66 76 78 81 80 80 78 69 63 76 84 88 89 85 81 72 57 70 78 82 83 79 75 66 67 80 88 92 93 89 85 76 68 81 89 93 94 90 86 77 66 79 87 91 92 88 84 75 64 77 85 89 89 85 81 73 56 69 77 81 81 77 73 65 60 73 81 85 85 81 77 69 65 78 86 90 90 86 82 74 Dimensions in mm CPV-720...1942 ModelFig. AA1 B - 456 C C1 C2c øDE H H1øK øO1V vXx1 Y CPV-720 1 375 350 80 27045 90212 281 130 90 8355 335180160 92 CPV-815 1 303 335 521 360100 26030125100 281 177,5 125 8/355 335180160 90 CPV-825 1 445 - 522 433110 32355125218 290 170 125 8355 335180160 103 CPV-930 1 540 - 658 477100 37740160262 370 205 160 8400 380180160 117 CPV-1020-2T 1 340 397 593 445,5116329,532160100 290 223 160 8355 335180160127,5 CPV-1020-4/6T 1 340 397 584 422,5116306,532160100 281 223 160 8355 335180160122,5 494130 36435200103 370 265 200 8400 380180160 125 CPV-1325-4/6T 1 413 505 716 432,5130302,535200103 351 265 200 CPV-1325-2T 1 413 505 735 8400 380180160113,5 CPV-1630-4T 1 490 602 890 536,5145391,535250117 440 323 250 8450 430240220142,5 CPV-1630-6T 1 490 602 880 8450 430240220 138 503145 35835250117 430 323 250 CPV-1942-4T 1 580 7501170 730,5210520,560315130 600 412,5 315 8600 564350314181,5 CPV-1942-6/8T 1 580 7501150 679,5210469,560315130 580 412,5 315 8600 564350314 204 CPV-1030...2045 ModelFig. A B CC1C2 øD E HH1 I JJ2 øK kk2 LøO øO1 V v X x1x2 Y CPV-1335 2566 788 - 175 - 225255452 246 240256226160 100210180 9 12320 285 -200 50 140 CPV-1840-4T 2628 819 660 210 450 355275420 259 305356326225 100275280 9 12320 285300 200 50 170 CPV-1840-6T 2628 809 630 210 420 355275410 259 305356326225 100275280 9 12320 285300 200 50 170 CPV-2045 9 12350 315350 250 50 197 27241020 810 245 565 400300542 310 362421381270 100322335 CPV-1160...2160 ModelFig. A BCC1C2øD E H H1 I JJ2 øK kk2 LøO øO1 VV1 vv1 X x x1x2 Y CPV-1160 3937 1276 -210 -355410700 421275416366155100225310 9 14500790450670 710265 36060 155 CPV-2060 3937 1276 -270 -400410700 421395416366275100345310 9 14500790450670 855410 36060 215 CPV-2160 3981 1336 -285 -600414700438,5455501451335100405395 9 14500790450670 915470 36060 240 139 CPV Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 140 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 2T=3000 r/min 4T=1500 r/min 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min 8T=750 r/min CPV Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 2T=3000 r/min Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4T=1500 r/min 2T=3000 r/min Positions LG 90 standard supply LG0 LG45 LG90 LG315 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 RD 315 AET BIC Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT 141 CMA CMA Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller Fan: • Casing made from cast aluminium • Impeller made from cast aluminium • Models 324, 325 and 426 with polyamide impeller, model 531-2T-3 with sheet steel impeller Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection, except single-phase models which have IP54 protection • Single-phase 230V.-50Hz., and three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC, maximum +70ºC for models with polyamide impeller Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. Option of different impeller positions On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Cast aluminium impellers for models 324, 325 and 426 • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX Certification, category 2 (see CMA/ATEX series) Order code CMA CMA: Centrifugal single-inlet, mediumpressure fans with casing and impeller made from cast aluminium 531 Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single2=2900 r/min 50 Hz phase 1,5 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CMA-218-2T Speed (r/min) 2670 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V 0.64 0.37 Installed power (kW) 0.09 Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) 265 63 Approx. weight (Kg) 6.0 CMA-218-2M 2760 0.79 0.09 265 63 6.0 CMA-324-2T 2750 1.21 0.70 0.18 440 70 9.0 CMA-324-2M 2780 1.42 0.18 440 70 9.0 CMA-325-2T 2710 1.29 0.75 0.25 600 73 11.0 CMA-325-2M 2780 1.84 0.25 600 73 11.0 CMA-426-2T 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 850 75 13.0 CMA-426-2M 2780 2.53 0.37 850 75 13.0 CMA-527-2T 2760 2.57 1.49 0.55 1000 80 14.8 CMA-527-2M 2810 3.49 0.55 1000 80 14.8 CMA-528-2T-1 2770 2.78 1.60 0.75 1250 82 23.5 CMA-528-2M-1 2810 4.50 0.75 1250 82 23.5 CMA-528-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1750 83 26.0 CMA-528-2M-1.5 2820 6.51 1.10 1750 83 26.0 CMA-531-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1790 84 29.0 CMA-531-2M-1.5 2820 6.51 1.10 1790 84 29.0 CMA-531-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2000 85 31.0 CMA-531-2M-2 2810 8.50 1.50 2000 85 31.0 CMA-531-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2400 86 30.0 CMA-540-2T 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2600 85 38.0 CMA-545-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2630 86 54.0 CMA-545-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 3550 88 64.0 142 CMA Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMA-218-2T CMA-218-2M CMA-324-2T CMA-325-2T CMA-325-2M CMA-426-2T CMA-527-2T CMA-527-2M CMA-528-2T-1 CMA-528-2M-1 CMA-528-2T-1.5 CMA-528-2M-1.5 CMA-531-2T-1.5 CMA-531-2M-1.5 CMA-531-2T-2 CMA-531-2M-2 CMA-531-2T-3 CMA-540-2T CMA-545-2T-3 CMA-545-2T-4 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC - - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A EC - - S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD - - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR - - 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.04 ηe[%] - - 29.6% 35.4% 30.3% 31.9% 37.5% 35.1% 38.4% 31.6% 40.8% 39.7% 46.5% 41.3% 42.8% 40.7% 46.4% 56.1% 69.0% 67.1% N - - 40.6 45.9 40.4 41.4 46.1 43.5 46.1 38.8 47.4 46.2 52.4 46.9 48.5 46.2 51.7 64.1 75.1 73.1 (kW) 0.114 0.094 0.183 0.213 0.253 0.308 0.441 0.474 0.604 0.742 0.926 0.966 1.144 1.316 1.258 1.332 1.443 1.731 2.602 2.683 (m3/h) 135 126 191 243 255 316 436 442 631 646 889 918 1173 1242 1071 1082 1125 1778 1939 1737 (mmH2O) 43.93 46.20 104.35 114.01 110.67 113.86 139.14 138.23 134.95 133.04 156.00 153.51 166.21 160.62 184.58 183.69 218.50 200.51 339.68 380.53 (RPM) 2762 2865 2835 2839 2855 2843 2863 2885 2855 2861 2906 2881 2884 2838 2844 2870 2937 2785 2886 2924 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 218 324 325 426 527 528-1 528-1,5 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 29 43 61 67 71 68 63 54 531-1,5 36 50 68 74 78 75 70 61 531-2 39 53 71 77 81 78 73 64 531-3 41 55 73 79 83 80 75 66 540 46 60 78 84 88 85 80 71 545-3 48 62 80 86 90 87 82 73 545-4 49 63 81 87 91 88 83 74 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 50 64 82 88 92 89 84 75 51 65 83 89 93 90 85 76 52 66 84 90 94 91 86 77 54 67 85 91 96 92 87 79 55 68 86 92 97 93 88 80 57 70 88 94 99 95 90 82 Dimensions in mm Inlet CMA-218...531 Model A A1 B C C1C2 øD ødød1ød2 E H H1 øI øK øk øOøO1 Outlet V v X x1 Y CMA-218 241236288239 20732 80 113 90 M5110 170 114.5 90 54 76 5.5 7 140 100 80 50 20 CMA-324 311302356268 23038 80 130112 M5145 205 145 108 62 90 7 9 173 125 90 60 20 CMA-325 335328399271 23140 94 140122 M6155 235 152 120 80102 7 9 180 145110 80 20 CMA-426 354344412290 25040117 155132 M6162 240 163 140 90119 7 13 210 160105 65 26 CMA-527 371361440297 25542125 170147 M6168 260 170 155 100129 7 13 220 170120 80 20 CMA-528…1 401395488340 28951116 190162 M6178 290 177 190 130160 11 13 230 180140100 20 CMA-528…1’5 401395488337 28948135 190162 M6178 290 177 190 130160 11 13 230 180140100 20 CMA-531…1’5 440434537340 29050160 215180 M6193 320 200 200 140175 11 13 CMA-531…2 440434537401 35150160 215180 M6193 320 200 200 140175 11 13 240 190160120 21 CMA-531…3 440434537401 35150160 215180 M6193 320 200 200 140175 11 13 240 190160120 21 240 190160120 21 143 CMA Dimensions in mm Inlet CMA-540-545 Model CMA-540 Outlet A A1 B C C1C2øDødød1 ød2 E HH1 øI øKøkøO øO1V v Xx1 Y 567 580 695 403 323 80170240205M10252415270 220 150190 13 11336218374240- CMA-545…3 651 646 776 449 334115 180 255 220M10 290450309 250 175 220 13 13336238392292- CMA-545...4 651 646 776 468 353115 180 255 220M10 290450309 250 175 220 13 13336238392292- Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 144 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMA Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 position on request and with special fixing measures LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 LG315 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V AR RFT AET RPA B ACE S REG 145 CMC CMC Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 Fans without motor base stand Order code CMC CMC: Centrifugal single-inlet, mediumpressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller 835 Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 3 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V Speed (r/min) CMC-628-2T 2760 CMC-630-2T-1 2770 2.57 1.49 2.78 1.60 Installed power (kW) 0.55 0.75 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 575 Sound pressure level dB(A) 70 700 74 Approx. weight (Kg) 15.5 18.5 CMC-630-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 970 75 20.2 CMC-835-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 1050 79 29.5 CMC-835-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 1300 80 32.3 CMC-840-2T 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 1170 82 32.5 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMC-628-2T CMC-630-2T-1 CMC-630-2T-1.5 CMC-835-2T-2 CMC-835-2T-3 CMC-840-2T 146 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A EC S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.04 ηe[%] 31.4% 31.8% 31.3% 33.5% 33.6% 41.9% N 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.8 38.8 46.2 (kW) 0.700 0.809 0.667 1.456 1.494 2.056 (m3/h) 515 604 444 769 767 1033 (mmH2O) 156.64 156.66 172.75 233.30 240.40 306.10 (RPM) 2783 2806 2932 2819 2934 2910 CMC Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 628 630-1 630-1,5 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 43 53 74 73 77 75 69 60 835-2 41 57 76 71 81 81 74 67 835-3 42 58 77 72 82 82 75 68 840 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 61 65 80 78 86 85 82 77 62 66 81 79 87 86 83 78 48 70 82 81 90 88 85 80 Dimensions in mm Outlet Inlet Model A B1 B2 CC1 C2 øD1ød1 ød2 EH1 I JJ2 KK2 L øO CMC-628-2T 377 393 207.5 308 259 49120 192 M6185 155130130110 86 110 86 9 CMC-630-2T 403 426 226.5 332 283 46130 192 M6195 174130130110 86 110 86 9 CMC-835-2T 468 494 262 385 334 51140 230 M8225 207141141115 91 115 91 9 CMC-840-2T 528 55 289 385 334 51162 230 M8255 234141141115 91 115 91 9 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BD BIC ACE S REG 147 CMPE CMPE free Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with external rotor motor Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades • External connection box having cable input with packing glands Motor: • Class F external rotor motors with ball bearings • Single-phase 230V. 50/60 Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC. a +60ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. Order code CMPE CMPE: Centrifugal medium-pressure fans with external rotor motor 6132M Impeller size Number of M= Single-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model CMPE-613-2M Speed (r/min) Maximum current (A) 230V Maximum power (W) 105 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1800 0.45 2230 0.75 177 510 65 3.0 CMPE-716-4M 1430 0.32 60 440 59 3.6 CMPE-918-4M 1360 0.75 155 960 67 5.5 CMPE-613-2M 148 CMPE-614-2M 59 Approx. weight (Kg) CMPE-614-2M Dimensions in mm 295 Sound pressure level dB(A) 2.6 CMPE Dimensions in mm CMPE-716-4M CMPE-918-4M Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 149 CMP CMP Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Model CMP 38-2M casing made from cast aluminium Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 protection, except single-phase models which have IP54 protection. Model CMP38 IP21 protection • Single-phase 230V. -50Hz. and threephase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC., maximum +100ºC. model CMP-38 Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX Certification, category 2 (see CMP/ ATEX series) Dynamically balanced wheels with robust centres Order code CMP CMP: Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller 1128 Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles M=Single2=2900 r/min 50 Hz phase 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 5,5 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CMP-38-2M/E CMP-38-2M Speed (r/min) 2650 2600 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V 0.50 0.50 Installed power (kW) 0.01 0.01 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 135 160 Sound pressure level dB(A) 50 50 Approx. weight (Kg) 2.0 2.0 CMP-512-2T 2670 0.64 0.37 0.09 380 62 4.0 CMP-512-2M 2760 0.79 0.09 380 62 4.0 CMP-512-4T 1320 0.55 0.32 0.06 255 55 3.5 CMP-512-4M 1360 0.59 0.06 255 55 3.5 CMP-514-2T 2750 1.21 0.70 0.18 700 65 5.0 CMP-514-2M 2780 1.42 0.18 700 65 5.0 CMP-514-4T 1320 0.65 0.38 0.09 565 58 4.5 CMP-514-4M 1370 0.83 0.09 565 58 4.5 CMP-616-2T 2760 2.57 1.49 0.55 1380 69 8.0 CMP-616-2M 2810 3.49 0.55 1380 69 9.5 CMP-616-4T 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 850 61 7.5 CMP-616-4M 1380 1.03 0.12 850 61 7.5 CMP-620-2T 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 765 68 9.5 CMP-620-2M 2780 2.53 0.37 765 68 10.0 CMP-620-4T 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 810 61 7.5 CMP-620-4M 1380 1.03 0.12 810 61 7.5 CMP-718-2T 2770 2.78 0.75 1485 70 12.5 150 1.60 CMP Technical characteristics Model Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Speed (r/min) Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) CMP-718-2M 2810 4.50 0.75 1485 70 CMP-718-4T 1350 1.66 0.96 0.25 1280 63 12.8 9.5 CMP-718-4M 1370 2.00 0.25 1280 63 9.5 CMP-820-2T 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1950 73 15.0 CMP-820-2M 2820 6.51 1.10 1950 73 16.0 CMP-820-4T 1350 1.66 0.96 0.25 1670 66 10.0 CMP-820-4M 1370 2.00 0.25 1670 66 10.0 CMP-922-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1650 70 20.0 CMP-922-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2010 71 23.0 CMP-922-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2600 74 25.5 CMP-922-4T 1380 2.92 1.69 0.55 2450 66 19.0 CMP-1025-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2100 73 28.5 CMP-1025-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 2830 77 37.6 CMP-1025-4T 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 3400 70 38.5 CMP-1128-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 2220 77 41.5 CMP-1128-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 3210 81 47.0 CMP-1128-4T 1445 8.36 4.83 2.20 5000 74 39.0 CMP-1128-6T CMP-1231-4T-3 945 3.90 2.20 0.75 3300 60 28.5 1445 8.36 4.83 2.20 4740 73 47.0 CMP-1231-4T-4 1445 10.96 6.33 3.00 5910 75 49.0 CMP-1231-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 6850 77 56.0 CMP-1231-6T 955 6.42 3.71 1.50 5115 64 49.0 1445 10.96 6.33 3.00 5395 76 53.0 CMP-1435-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 CMP-1435-4T-7.5 1460 CMP-1435-4T-4 CMP-1435-6T CMP-1640-4T-5.5 8.12 10.60 6.10 4.00 6575 78 61.5 5.50 7940 80 75.5 955 9.30 5.30 2.20 6400 66 58.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 7000 77 78.5 CMP-1640-4T-7.5 1460 10.60 6.10 5.50 8035 80 92.5 CMP-1640-4T-10 1455 14.20 8.20 7.50 9710 82 103.5 CMP-1640-6T 955 9.30 5.30 2.20 8100 71 75.5 5.50 8000 82 93.5 8.20 7.50 10000 85 104.5 5.30 2.20 7500 77 84.0 7.50 9000 83 134.0 CMP-1845-4T-7.5 1460 10.60 6.10 CMP-1845-4T-10 1455 14.20 CMP-1845-6T 955 CMP-2050-4T-10 9.30 1455 14.20 8.20 CMP-2050-4T-15 1460 20.20 11.60 11.00 12525 87 153.0 CMP-2050-4T-20 1460 27.50 15.90 15.00 16500 89 172.0 CMP-2050-6T 960 CMP-2563-6T 965 16.50 9.46 31.00 18.00 4.00 11000 79 146.0 15.00 21000 86 251.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMP-38-2M/E CMP-38-2M CMP-512-4T CMP-512-4M CMP-514-2T CMP-514-2M CMP-514-4T CMP-514-4M CMP-616-2T CMP-616-2M CMP-616-4T CMP-616-4M CMP-620-2T CMP-620-2M ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC - - - - A A - - A A - - A A EC - - - - S S - - S S - - S S VSD - - - - NO NO - - NO NO - - NO NO SR - - - - 1.01 1.01 - - 1.01 1.01 - - 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] - - - - 34.1% 29.0% - - 36.8% 30.3% - - 38.0% 36.2% N - - - - 45.1 39.4 - - 46.0 38.7 - - 46.1 44.0 (kW) 0.057 0.058 0.058 0.076 0.185 0.226 0.085 0.072 0.344 0.478 0.096 0.101 0.525 0.578 (m3/h) 77 101 156 155 399 428 326 328 639 825 485 490 699 765 (mmH2O) 12.05 11.15 8.03 8.08 57.91 56.34 11.33 11.28 72.61 64.57 15.35 15.26 104.72 100.23 (RPM) 2600 2537 1401 1397 2833 2834 1405 1441 2893 2884 1410 1433 2732 2770 151 CMP Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMP-620-4T CMP-620-4M CMP-718-2T CMP-718-2M CMP-718-4T CMP-718-4M CMP-820-2T CMP-820-2M CMP-820-4T CMP-820-4M CMP-922-2T-1.5 CMP-922-2T-2 CMP-922-2T-3 CMP-922-4T CMP-1025-2T-3 CMP-1025-2T-4 CMP-1025-4T CMP-1128-2T-4 CMP-1128-2T-5.5 CMP-1128-4T CMP-1128-6T CMP-1231-4T-3 CMP-1231-4T-4 CMP-1231-4T-5.5 CMP-1231-6T CMP-1435-4T-4 CMP-1435-4T-5.5 CMP-1435-4T-7.5 CMP-1435-6T CMP-1640-4T-5.5 CMP-1640-4T-7.5 CMP-1640-4T-10 CMP-1640-6T CMP-1845-4T-7.5 CMP-1845-4T-10 CMP-1845-6T CMP-2050-4T-10 CMP-2050-4T-15 CMP-2050-4T-20 CMP-2050-6T CMP-2563-6T ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC - - A A - A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A B EC - - S S - S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T S T VSD - - NO NO - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR - - 1.01 1.01 - 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.02 ηe[%] - - 38.4% 33.5% - 27.2% 47.0% 39.9% 35.2% 30.0% 45.9% 43.1% 41.6% 36.4% 42.2% 43.2% 38.9% 43.0% 44.1% 40.5% 36.8% 41.7% 41.2% 41.3% 38.3% 42.4% 42.4% 42.5% 39.6% 55.4% 48.0% 43.1% 43.9% 57.0% 56.7% 47.0% 54.9% 55.7% 69.8% 36.5% 59.3% N - - 46.1 40.7 - 38.5 54.4 46.2 46.5 40.6 51.5 48.2 46.3 46.0 46.3 46.3 47.1 46.3 46.4 46.8 46.0 46.9 46.2 46.2 46.1 46.3 46.3 46.3 46.2 58.7 50.6 45.2 49.5 58.3 57.6 51.3 55.4 56.0 69.5 39.0 59.0 (kW) 0.115 0.123 0.601 0.742 0.124 0.160 0.674 1.028 0.165 0.217 1.352 1.585 1.828 0.307 2.302 3.251 0.506 2.990 4.359 1.002 0.348 1.482 1.613 1.653 0.579 2.428 2.425 2.492 0.906 3.000 3.899 4.596 1.300 6.385 7.387 2.070 8.393 9.285 16.819 3.988 16.629 (m3/h) 369 407 909 1006 622 722 935 1317 721 841 1652 1736 1915 1187 1923 2717 1501 2216 3095 2303 1622 2927 3143 3120 2332 3916 3865 3904 3441 4685 5080 5382 3946 7900 8599 5546 8977 9695 16500 6929 21000 (mmH2O) 24.13 22.75 93.17 90.76 23.27 22.08 124.36 114.37 29.53 28.40 138.04 144.34 145.68 34.59 185.64 189.89 48.06 212.96 227.92 64.68 28.94 77.43 77.62 80.29 34.85 96.46 97.59 99.52 38.22 130.10 135.33 135.00 53.00 169.13 178.87 64.33 188.36 195.91 261.08 77.00 172.41 (RPM) 1393 1419 2856 2861 1455 1452 2932 2874 1441 1435 2863 2803 2920 1437 2899 2908 1462 2916 2878 1479 981 1469 1475 1478 986 1462 1468 1476 985 1461 1463 1476 978 1439 1461 965 1455 1470 1459 966 967 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 38 512-2 512-4 514-2 514-4 616-2 616-4 620-2 620-4 718-2 718-4 820-2 820-4 922-2-1,5 922-2-2 922-2-3 922-4 1025-2-3 1025-2-4 1025-4 1128-2-4 1128-2-5,5 1128-4 152 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 25 35 46 53 57 54 52 45 1128-6 37 47 58 65 69 66 64 57 1231-4-3 30 40 51 58 62 59 57 50 1231-4-4 40 50 61 68 72 69 67 60 1231-4-5,5 33 43 54 61 65 62 60 53 1231-6 44 54 65 72 76 73 71 64 1435-4-4 36 46 57 64 68 65 63 56 1435-4-5,5 43 53 64 71 75 72 70 63 1435-4-7,5 36 46 57 64 68 65 63 56 1435-6 45 55 66 73 77 74 72 65 1640-4-5,5 38 48 59 66 70 67 65 58 1640-4-7,5 48 58 69 76 80 77 75 68 1640-4-10 41 51 62 69 73 70 68 61 1640-6 45 55 66 73 77 74 72 65 1845-4-7,5 46 56 67 74 78 75 73 66 1845-4-10 49 59 70 77 81 78 76 69 1845-6 41 51 62 69 73 70 68 61 2050-4-10 48 58 69 76 80 77 75 68 2050-4-15 52 62 73 80 84 81 79 72 2050-4-20 45 55 66 73 77 74 72 65 2050-6 52 62 73 80 84 81 79 72 2563-6 56 66 77 84 88 85 83 76 49 59 70 77 81 78 76 69 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 35 45 56 63 67 64 62 55 51 60 71 78 82 80 78 71 53 62 73 80 84 82 80 73 55 64 75 82 86 84 82 75 42 51 62 69 73 71 69 62 54 63 74 81 85 83 81 74 56 65 76 83 87 85 83 76 58 67 78 85 89 87 85 78 44 53 64 71 75 73 71 64 55 64 75 82 86 84 82 75 58 67 78 85 89 87 85 78 60 69 80 87 91 89 87 80 49 58 69 76 80 78 76 69 61 71 82 89 93 91 89 81 64 74 85 92 96 94 92 84 56 66 77 84 88 86 84 76 62 72 83 90 94 92 90 82 66 76 87 94 98 96 94 86 68 78 89 96 100 98 96 88 58 68 79 86 90 88 86 78 67 77 88 95 99 96 94 87 CMP Dimensions in mm CMP-38 Outlet Model CMP-38-2M/E CMP-38-2M Inlet AB1 B2 CC1 C2 øD1*ød1 ød2 EH1 IJJ2Kk2 LøO 141165 9712296 2680 85 2.460 60.5 10080465077 52 8 164.5 176.5103.5130 99 31 80 85M479 6495 107 825372 676.5 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. CMP-512...820 Outlet Model Inlet A B1B2 CC1 C2 øD1*ødød1 ød2 EH1 IJ J1J2 Kk2 L øO CMP-512-2T 185 206.5 118 251212 39112 140 132 M482.5 69 104117 - 104.5 75 92 865.5 CMP-512-4T 185 206.5 118 249210 39112 140 132 M482.5 69 104117 - 104.5 75 92 865.5 CMP-514-2T 225 25415028123645140 169151.5 M4100 9112214764128 83 105 1076.5 CMP-514-4T 225 25415026121645140 169151.5 M4100 9112214764128 83 105 1076.5 CMP-616-2T 258 297 173.532026456160204 180M6110 105.5153 172 -147 103128125 7 CMP-616-4T 258 297 173.528322756160204 180M6110 105.5153 172 -147 103128125 7 CMP-620-2T 298 347 202.532126556200247 230M6126 145.5159 153 -128 105134100 8 CMP-620-4T 298 347 202.528322756200247 230M6126 145.5159 153 -128 105134100 8 CMP-718-2T 303.5 348 201 35529461180 238 210 M6 129.5122169192 85170 115 145 146 9 CMP-718-2M 303.5 348 201 35524561180 238 210 M6 129.5122169192 85170 115 145 146 9 CMP-718-4T 303.5 348 201 33127061180 238 210 M6 129.5122169192 85170 115 145 146 9 CMP-718-4M 303.5 348 201 33127061180 238 210 M6 129.5122169192 85170 115 145 146 9 CMP-820-2T 322 377 223 369.5301 68.5200 247 230 M6 137.5137184213 94.5189 160 160 156 9 CMP-820-2M 322 377 223 369.5301 68.5200 247 230 M6 137.5137184213 94.5189 160 160 156 9 CMP-820-4T 322 377 223 345.5277 68.5200 247 230 M6 137.5137184213 94.5189 160 160 156 9 CMP-820-4M 322 377 223 345.5277 68.5200 247 230 M6 137.5137184213 94.5189 160 160 156 9 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 153 CMP Dimensions in mm CMP-922...1231 Outlet Model Inlet A B CC1 C2 øD1*ød ød1 ød2EHH1 I JJ1Kk2 LøO øO1VvX X1 Y CMP-922-2T-1’5 388.5 455 382.5 309 73.5 224 278 256 M8180280 134204282.5 128140 180 215 9.510.529022011450 105 CMP-922-2T-2 388.5 455 430.5 357 73.5 224 278 25 M8180280 134204282.5 128140 180 215 9.510.529022011450 105 CMP-922-2T-3 388.5 455 430.5 357 73.5 224 278 256 M8180280 134204282.5 128140 180 215 9.510.529022011450 105 CMP-922-4T 388.5 455 382.5 309 73.5 224 278 256 M8180280 134204282.5 128140 180 215 9.510.529022011450 105 CMP-1025-2T-3 427 503 456 370 86 250 305 282 M8197310 144229312.5 145165 205 250 9.512.531522813474115.5 CMP-1025-2T-4 427 503 486 400 86 250 305 282 M8197310 144229312.5 145165 205 250 9.512.531522813474115.5 CMP-1025-4T 427 503 456 370 86 250 305 282 M8197310 144229312.5 145165 205 250 9.512.531522813474115.5 CMP-1128-2T-4 472 553 500.5 407 93.5 280 348 320 M8216340 152244 364 170180 220296.5 9.512.534824514495122.5 CMP-1128-2T-5’5 472 553 523.5 430 93.5 280 348 320 M8216340 152244 364 170180 220296.5 9.512.534824514495122.5 CMP-1128-4T 472 553 500.5 407 93.5 280 348 320 M8216340 152244 364 170180 220296.5 9.512.534824514495122.5 CMP-1128-6T 472 553 470.5 377 93.5 280 348 320 M8216340 152244 364 170180 220296.5 9.512.534824514495122.5 CMP-1231-4T-3 526 630 520.5 417103.5 315 382 354 M8238390179.5264382.5 180200 240 32011.5 13382322183140 126 CMP-1231-4T-4 526 630 520.5 417103.5 315 382 354 M8238390179.5264382.5 180200 240 32011.5 13382322183140 126 CMP-1231-4T-5’5 526 630 543.5 440103.5 315 382 354 M8238390179.5264382.5 180200 240 32011.5 13382322183140 126 CMP-1231-6T 526 630 520.5 417103.5 315 382 354 M8238390179.5264382.5 180200 240 32011.5 13382322183140 126 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. CMP-1435...2563 Model A B CC1C2 øD1*ødød1 ød2 E H H1 I Outlet Inlet JJ1 Kk1 L øO øO1 V v X X1 Y CMP-1435-4T-4 573.5 715 549431118 355422 394M8 250445242.5292 342.5159228133 280 11.5 12456 420333136.5 150 CMP-1435-4T-5’5 573.5 715 572454118 355422 394M8 250445242.5292 342.5159228133 280 11.5 12456 420333136.5 150 CMP-1435-4T-7’5 573.5 715 610492118 355422 394M8 250445242.5292 342.5159228133 280 11.5 12456 420333136.5 150 CMP-1435-6T 573.5 715 572454118 355422 394M8 250445242.5292 342.5159228133 280 11.5 12456 420333136.5 150 CMP-1640-4T-5’5 634 799 596465130 400464 438M8 270495 271336 404185250150 321 11.5 12500 460327133.5162.5 CMP-1640-4T-7’5 634 799 634504130 400464 438M8 270495 271336 404185250150 321 11.5 12500 460327133.5162.5 CMP-1640-4T-10 634 799 634504130 400464 438M8 270495 271336 404185250150 321 11.5 12500 460327133.5162.5 CMP-1640-6T 634 799 596466130 400464 438M8 270495 271336 404185250150 321 11.5 12500 460327133.5162.5 CMP-1845-4T-7’5 711 901 668521147 450515 485M8 302560 305370 444202284164 361 11.5 12538 502340 140179.5 CMP-1845-4T-10 711 901 668521147 450515 485M8 302560 305370 444202284164 361 11.5 12538 502340 140179.5 CMP-1845-6T 711 901 630483147 450515 485M8 302560 305370 444202284164 361 11.5 12538 502340 140179.5 CMP-2050-4T-10 797 987 700.5538 162.5 500565 535 M10 345610 313411 544250315 182.5 451 11.5 12653 615435 188 196 CMP-2050-4T-15 797 987 805.5643 162.5 500565 535 M10 345610 313411 544250315 182.5 451 11.5 12653 615435 188 196 CMP-2050-4T-20 797 987 805.5643 162.5 500565 535 M10 345610 313411 544250315 182.5 451 11.5 12653 615435 188 196 CMP-2050-6T 797 987 700.5538 162.5 500565 535 M10 345610 313411 544250315 182.5 451 11.5 12653 615435 188 196 CMP-2563-6T 102712131016805211 630710 675 M10 460742 378512 706330410230 600 17 14590 540450 200 239 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 154 CMP Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 2T/2M=3000 r/min 4T/4M=1500 r/min 2T=3000 r/min 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min 155 CMP Characteristic curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4T=1500 r/min 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 and RD 180 positions on request and with special fixing measures. LG0 LG45 LG90 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 Accessories LG135 RD 135 LG180 LG225 LG270 RD 180 RD 225 RD 270 LG315 RD 315 See accessories section. INT 156 C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BD BIC ACE S REG CMP/AL CJMP/AL CMP/AL CJMP/AL CMP/AL: Aluminium fans certified according to norm UNE 60-601-2006 and the requirements of natural gas boiler rooms CJMP/AL: Aluminium ventilation units certified according to norm UNE 60-601-2006 and the requirements of natural gas boiler rooms Fan: • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from aluminium sheet • CMP/AL: Casing made from aluminium sheet • CJMP/AL: Galvanized sheet steel structure. Motor: • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Single-phase 230V.-50Hz. • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • CMP/AL: Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC., after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. CJMP/AL: Anticorrosive galvanized sheet steel On request: • Special windings for different voltages • ATEX certification, Category 2 Dynamically balanced wheels with robust centres Order code CMP CMP/AL: Aluminium fan's CJMP/AL: Aluminium ventilation units 616 Impeller size 4M Number of M=Single-phase motor poles 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz /AL Made from spark-proof in aluminium Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 230V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound level dB(A) Approx. weight (Kg) CMP-512-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 275 55 3.5 CMP-514-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 660 58 4.5 CMP-616-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 1000 61 7.5 CMP-820-4M/AL 1370 2.00 0.25 2100 66 10.0 CJMP-512-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 275 50 8.5 CJMP-514-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 660 54 10.5 CJMP-616-4M/AL 1370 0.83 0.09 1000 57 14.5 CJMP-820-4M/AL 1370 2.00 0.25 2100 60 18.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics Available features best efficiency point (BEP), CMP series 157 CMP/AL CJMP/AL Dimensions in mm Outlet CMP/AL-512...820 Model A B1 B2 C C1 C2øD1* ød ød1 ød2 E H1 Inlet I J J1 J2 K k2 LøO CMP-512-4M/AL 182 207 118197.515938.5 112 140 132 M4 81 69 106118 - 105 72 93 865.5 CMP-514-4M/AL 225 254 150 210165 45 140 169151.5 M4 100 91 122147 64 128 831051079.5 CMP-616-4M/AL 258 297173.5 270214 56 160 204 180 M6 110105.5 153172 CMP-820-4M/AL 322 377 223345.527768.5 200 247 230 M6 137.5 137 18421394.5 1891301601569 - 1471031281257 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. CJMP/AL-512...820 Model AB CøD1øD2 E1 E2FGHI CJMP/AL-512 330250 280 100 100 53 59 85159 7590 CJMP/AL-514 330270 320 125 125 53 58104190 82100 CJMP/AL-616 370300 370 135 135 53 52114217100110 CJMP/AL-820 450400 450 135 195 53 51142267112130 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 158 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMRE CMRE Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans fitted with an impeller with backward-facing blades and external rotor motor Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades Motor: • Class F motors with external rotor incorporated thermal protector, ball bearings and IP54 protection • Single-phase 230V.-50/60Hz. adjustable • Max. air temperature to transport: + 50ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC., after alkaline degreasing and phosphatefree pre-treatment. Different assembly positions Order code CMRE Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with external rotor 6252M Impeller size Number of M=Single-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1450 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Speed Model (r/min) CMRE-622-2M CMRE-625-2M CMRE-1032-4M CMRE-1036-4M Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 2380 2360 1330 1280 Installed power (kW) 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.95 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.14 Irradiated sound level dB(A) Weight approx. (Kg) 57 59 61 62 7.1 9.0 12.7 15.9 1000 1300 1800 2500 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMRE-622-2M CMRE-1032-4M CMRE-1036-4M ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC - - A EC - - S VSD - - NO SR - - 1.00 ηe[%] - - 43.1% N - - 60.4 (kW) 0.121 0.123 0.222 (m3/h) 391 733 1413 (mmH2O) 37.88 20.21 24.83 (RPM) 2380 1330 1280 159 CMRE Dimensions in mm Inlet Model A B C C1 C2øD1* ød ød1ød2 E F G H Outlet H1 I J J2 K k2 L øO P CMRE-622-2M364 415.5133 66.2566.75 162 184 256 9.5 160204178 237.5141.5189.5191165 129.8 165.5 150.59 12 CMRE-625-2M 407 457 142 70.75 71.25 160 3152829.5183 224195.5261.5 CMRE-1032-4M 507 564 198 99 157 198.5 207181.5138.5174.5167.5 912 99 192 3823549.5230 277240.5323.5 197.5 CMRE-1036-4M 560 631215.5107.75107.75 290 4263949.5250 310268.5362.5 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Accessories See accessories section. INT 160 RM RPA B BD BIC ACE REG 254 250227.5 194 230 211 912 223 285.5272.5 247211.5261.5 2381112 CMR CMR Robust centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans fitted with an impeller with backward-facing blades Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from robust sheet steel Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC CMR Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX Certification, category 2 (see CMR/ATEX series) CMR Size 622 to 731 High-performance and robust backwardcurved impeller. Different assembly positions Order code CMR 1650 CMR: Centrifugal single-inlet, mediumpressure fans Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 8=750 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model CMR-622-2T CMR-625-2T CMR-728-2T CMR-731-2T CMR-1031-2T CMR-1135-2T CMR-1240-2T CMR-1240-4T CMR-1445-2T CMR-1445-4T CMR-1650-2T CMR-1650-4T CMR-1650-6T CMR-1856-4T CMR-1856-6T CMR-2063-4T CMR-2063-6T Speed (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 2710 1.29 2710 1.92 2760 2.57 2770 2.78 2770 5.44 2885 7.77 2870 13.60 1410 3.10 2870 1400 4.03 2940 1430 5.96 945 3.90 1445 10.96 945 4.88 1440 955 6.42 0.75 1.11 1.49 1.60 3.13 4.47 7.82 1.79 14.50 8.41 2.32 20.30 11.70 3.44 2.20 6.33 2.82 11.60 6.72 3.71 Installed power (kW) 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.50 2.20 4.00 0.75 7.50 1.10 11.00 1.50 0.75 3.00 1.10 5.50 1.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1040 1280 1800 2350 5160 7800 11100 5800 16500 8030 18850 10500 7410 15150 10050 24450 16100 Sound pressure level dB(A) 74 75 76 77 80 83 86 71 87 72 89 74 64 79 70 80 71 Approx. weight (Kg) 11.6 13.7 17.6 22.8 44.3 54.9 93.5 70.5 126.0 92.5 178.0 114.0 114.0 152.0 146.5 226.0 208.5 161 CMR Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CMR-2063-8T CMR-2271-4T CMR-2271-6T CMR-2271-8T CMR-2380-4T CMR-2380-6T CMR-2380-8T CMR-2590-4T CMR-2590-6T CMR-28100-4T CMR-28100-6T Maximum admissible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 705 5.63 1460 960 12.70 705 7.10 1465 970 705 12.82 1470 970 1475 970 3.25 20.20 11.60 7.30 4.10 42.00 24.00 19.20 11.10 7.40 69.20 40.10 23.20 13.40 99.00 57.00 35.00 20.00 Installed power (kW) 1.10 11.00 3.00 1.50 22.00 7.50 3.00 37.00 11.00 55.00 18.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 11600 34610 22750 17360 48000 30000 22000 54000 34000 75000 48000 Sound pressure level dB(A) 65 85 76 69 83 75 66 86 76 87 77 Approx. weight (Kg) 210.5 315.0 293.5 275.5 416.0 363.0 317.0 418.0 378.0 553.0 521.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMR-622-2T CMR-625-2T CMR-728-2T CMR-731-2T CMR-1031-2T CMR-1135-2T CMR-1240-2T CMR-1240-4T CMR-1445-2T CMR-1445-4T CMR-1650-2T CMR-1650-4T CMR-1650-6T CMR-1856-4T CMR-1856-6T CMR-2063-4T CMR-2063-6T CMR-2063-8T CMR-2271-4T CMR-2271-6T CMR-2271-8T CMR-2380-4T CMR-2380-6T CMR-2380-8T CMR-2590-4T CMR-2590-6T CMR-28100-4T CMR-28100-6T 162 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A B A A B B A B B B B B B B EC S S S S S S S S S S T S S S S T S S T T S T T T T T T T VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.03 1.01 ηe[%] 45.8% 49.0% 51.7% 59.6% 54.5% 57.8% 67.6% 50.6% 63.4% 55.3% 67.6% 58.3% 47.6% 58.8% 50.4% 76.4% 61.2% 52.4% 75.4% 65.9% 55.5% 76.8% 70.5% 68.1% 71.4% 75.5% 76.5% 75.1% N 63.8 63.7 64.4 70.8 64.0 64.2 71.1 63.8 64.5 66.0 67.5 66.8 60.7 64.2 60.8 78.7 69.0 63.9 75.3 70.6 64.1 76.1 72.4 73.3 70.1 75.7 74.8 74.6 (kW) 0.193 0.395 0.620 0.873 1.250 2.449 4.622 0.550 7.943 0.966 12.047 1.532 0.566 3.028 1.013 6.032 1.790 0.797 12.117 3.546 1.532 19.785 6.573 3.202 34.213 9.611 52.637 16.702 (m3/h) 550 791 997 1320 2553 4249 6744 2924 8951 3883 12602 5378 4109 8342 5632 13932 9620 6180 22380 15016 10253 29151 19494 15151 38387 25620 52061 36707 (mmH2O) 59.13 89.77 117.96 144.66 98.00 122.18 169.95 34.89 206.50 50.49 237.31 60.90 24.02 78.29 33.24 121.38 41.77 24.77 149.81 57.11 30.43 191.37 87.23 52.84 233.45 104.01 283.94 125.40 (RPM) 2854 2774 2789 2791 2845 2892 2871 1448 2879 1428 2941 1441 969 1453 960 1442 957 726 1460 960 715 1472 977 713 1474 977 1478 976 CMR Acoustic features The specified values are determined according to free field measurements of pressure and sound levels in dB(A) at an equivalent distance of twice the fan’s span plus the turbine’s diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m. Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 622-2T 625-2T 728-2T 731-2T 1031-2 1135-2 1240-2 1240-4 1445-2 1445-4 1650-2 1650-4 1650-6 1856-4 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 59 72 72 85 80 80 80 73 1856-6 60 73 73 86 81 81 81 74 2063-4 61 74 74 87 82 82 82 75 2063-6 62 75 75 88 83 83 83 76 2063-8 65 78 78 91 86 86 86 79 2271-4 72 79 77 89 87 93 92 79 2271-6 68 83 81 93 90 94 96 83 2271-8 56 70 76 79 79 80 70 59 2380-4 73 85 83 95 93 97 99 89 2380-6 59 72 78 83 80 83 78 64 2380-8 73 81 85 99 97 99 99 88 2590-4 64 74 82 84 83 85 76 66 2590-6 53 65 72 77 73 69 62 54 28100-4 69 78 91 87 90 91 85 71 28100-6 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 61 69 81 83 80 81 71 60 80 85 91 93 91 88 81 73 69 70 82 82 81 83 73 63 64 70 77 76 77 74 66 57 83 84 93 96 98 99 95 82 73 73 87 86 90 90 79 68 68 73 78 85 81 80 70 59 76 78 94 91 96 97 93 82 68 70 86 83 88 89 85 74 59 61 77 74 79 80 76 65 79 84 97 100 96 89 84 66 70 79 89 88 85 84 74 68 82 89 101 102 97 93 87 78 73 82 91 90 88 86 77 70 Dimensions in mm CMR-622...731 Detail stand CMR-728 CMR-731 CMR-622 CMR-625 Inlet Model CMR-622-2T A B C C1 C2 øD1* ød ød1ød2 E F G H H1 øO1 364 415.5 338.5 64274.5 162 2842569.5160 204 178237.5141.5 V X Y Z 9 95 50 80 14 CMR-625-2T 407 457343.566.5277160315 282 9.5 183224 195.5 261.5 155 99550 82.5 6 CMR-728-2T 453.5506.5357.572.5285192354 320 9.5 205 248.5216 290.5 176 99550 88.26.5 CMR-731-2T 507 564 374 70 304 192 3823549.5230 277240.5323.5197.5 9 95 5085.220.5 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 163 CMR Dimensions in mm CMR-1031...2271 Inlet Model CMR-1031-2T CMR-1135-2T CMR-1240-2T CMR-1240-4T CMR-1445-2T CMR-1445-4T CMR-1650-2T CMR-1650-4T CMR-1650-6T CMR-1856-4T CMR-1856-6T CMR-2063-4T CMR-2063-6T CMR-2063-8T CMR-2271-4T CMR-2271-6T CMR-2271-8T A B CøD1* ødød1ød2 E F G H I K k2 L M NøO1 P Q R 542 626567 315383356 M8250292245381320250285315 2763511 472 556 17,5 600 696583 355425398 M8275325273423350280315355 3103511 530 626 17,5 673 790728 400472444M10305368310480395315355400 3584011 593 710 20 673 790590 400472444M10305368310480395315355400 3584011 593 710 20 765 880810 450522494M10350415339541445355405450 4044511 675 790 20 765 880649 450522494M10350415339541445355405450 4044511 675 790 20 832 970961 500582555M10375457378592490400450500 4454513 742 880 20 832 970715 500582555M10375457378592490400450500 4454513 742 880 20 832 970695 500582555M10375457378592490400450500 4454513 742 880 20 9251084832 560645615M10415510426658550450500560 4935013 825 984 25 9251084771 560645615M10415510426658550450500560 4935013 825 984 25 10371218973 630720688M10465572477741620500560630 5306013 9171098 30 10371218893 630720688M10465572477741620500560630 5306013 9171098 30 10371218893 630720688M10465572477741620500560630 5306013 9171098 30 117313751126 710 800 768M12525 648538 837690560 625 710 603 65 13 1043 1245 32,5 117313751039 710 800 768M12525 648538 837690560 625 710 603 65 13 1043 1245 32,5 117313751002 710 800 768M12525 648538 837690560 625 710 603 65 13 1043 1245 32,5 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. CMR-2380...28100 Inlet CMR-2380-4T CMR-2380-6T CMR-2380-8T CMR-2590-4T CMR-2590-6T Inlet CMR-28100-4T CMR-28100-6T Model A B C C1 C2øD1* ød ød1 ød2 E H H1 L øO1 V v X x x1 Y CMR-2380-4T1350 16601245 899286808 906861 11.55601000500800179308701102.5667.5370352.5 CMR-2380-6T1350 16601030 744286808 906861 11.5561000500800179308701102.5667.5370352.5 CMR-2380-8T1350 16601035 681286808 906861 11.55601000500800179308701102.5667.5370352.5 CMR-2590-4T1495 178513901012321908 1008958146301060535900191030970 1246 425751 393 CMR-2590-6T1495 17851235 857321908 1008958146301060535900191030970 1121 340721 373 CMR-28100-4T168019901470 1051 3621008 11081067 147101180 6101000 1911301060 1378 460 843 454 CMR-28100-6T168019901395 976 3621008 11081067 147101180 6101000 1911301060 1278 385 823 434 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 164 CMR Dimensions in mm Outlet CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-2590 CMR-28100 Model CMR-622 CMR-625 CMR-728 CMR-731 I CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 JJ1 CMR-1856 CMR-2063 J2 K k k1 CMR-2271 k2 CMR-2380 LøO S CMR-622 180191.5 - 165 120 - - 156 150 9 12 CMR-625 185207.5 - 181.5 125 - - 161 167.5 9 12 CMR-728 196.5 234.5 - 202136.5 - - 172.5 187.5 9 12 CMR-731 190.5 250.5 - 227.5130.5 - - 166.5 9 12 CMR-1031 211 32038575 35025010092.5 285 31511 - CMR-1135 35042595 390280100107.5 315 35511 - CMR-1240 39548070 44031510077.5 355 40011 - CMR-1445 44554099 498355100102.5 405 45011 - CMR-1650 490 59087.5 CMR-1856 55066055 610450125 125 500 56013 - 550 400 125 100 450 500 13 - CMR-2063 62075095 69050012592.5 560 63013 - CMR-2271 69084075 77556012562.5 625 71013 - CMR-2380 680 920160 871 560 200 140 CMR-2590 750 102084 968630200 54 708 90014 - CMR-28100 830 1120138.5 1077 710 200 92.5 639 800 14 785 1000 14 - Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 2T=3000 r/min Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 2T=3000 r/min 165 CMR Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min 166 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 4T=1500 r/min 6T=1000 r/min CMR Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 8T=750 r/min Positions LG 270 standard supply Models 2380, 2590 and 28100 fixed positions LG 270 (other positions on request only) LG0 LG90 LG180 LG270 RD 0 RD 90 RD 180 RD 270 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BD BIC ACE S REG 167 CBP CBPC CBP CBPC CBP: Centrifugal single-inlet medium-pressure fans fitted with a backward-curved impeller that includes a self-cleaning system, especially designed for painting booths CBPC: Centrifugal single-inlet medium-pressure fans fitted with a backward-curved impeller that includes a self-cleaning system, especially designed for painting booths, with vertical outlet Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel • Inspection hatch • CBPC: with vertical outlet CBP Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages. • ATEX certification, Category 2 High-performance and robust backward-curved impeller CBPC Order code CBP CBP: Centrifugal fans for painting booths 1856 Impeller size 4T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz CBPC: Centrifugal fans for painting booths with vertical outlet 4 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CBP CBP CBP CBP CBP CBP 168 CBPC CBPC CBPC CBPC CBPC CBPC Speed 1445-4T 1650-4T-2 1650-4T-3 1556-4T 1856-4T-4 1856-4T-5.5 (r/min) 1400 1430 1445 1445 1445 1440 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V 4.03 5.96 8.36 10.96 10.96 14.10 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 6.33 8.12 Installed power (kW) 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 3.00 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 8200 11050 13500 14000 16100 17200 Sound pressure Approx. weight CBP CBPC level (Kg) dB(A) 73 76 78 80 80 82 62 79 92 122 122 128 75 95 100 149 149 155 CBP CBPC Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CBP-1445-4T CBP-1650-4T-2 CBP-1650-4T-3 CBP-1556-4T CBP-1856-4T-4 CBP-1856-4T-5.5 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A EC S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 56.7% 62.6% 61.2% 58.1% 59.1% 59.7% N 66.9 70.5 67.9 64.2 64.2 64.3 (m3/h) 4027 6705 7825 8099 9555 9478 (kW) 1.072 1.784 2.271 2.618 3.221 3.695 (mmH2O) 55.40 61.16 65.16 68.88 73.07 85.47 (RPM) 1420 1431 1452 1459 1450 1452 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CBP-1445 CBP-1650 CBP-1556 CBP-1856 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 60 73 79 84 81 84 79 65 CBPC-1445 66 76 84 86 85 87 78 68 CBPC-1650 68 77 90 86 89 90 84 70 CBPC-1556 70 79 92 88 91 92 86 72 CBPC-1856 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 60 73 79 84 81 84 79 65 66 76 84 86 85 87 78 68 68 77 90 86 89 90 84 70 70 79 92 88 91 92 86 72 Dimensions in mm CBP Outlet Inlet 1650 Model AB1 B2 C C1 C2øD ødød1 ød2 EH1 I J J1 K CBP-1445-4T 1445 1856 k k1 LøO 765847505765 463 30246053450012350271445538166355 166 202.5 450 11 CBP-1650-4T 831932555855 490 36551259056512375297490590275400 CBP-1556-4T 923 1041617890 542 348560634610348415328550660203450 203 250 560 13 - 225 500 13 CBP-1856-4T 923 1041617890 542 348560634610348415328550660203450 203 250 560 13 CBPC Model CBPC-1445-4T A B1 B2 C C1 C2 C3 øD ød ød1ød2 E H1 øJ øJ1 K øL øO 1307 847505728 426 302 236 445530500 12615271550500 361450M8 Rº Sº øP V X - 8x45º11260510 CBPC-1650-4T 1428 932555851 486 365 256 512590565 12670297600560 404500M8 15º 12x30º11310567 CBPC-1556-4T 15801041617916 568 348 296 560634610 12730328680629 456560M12 11º15’ 16x22º30’11360620 CBPC-1856-4T 15801041617916 568 348 296 560634610 12730328680629 456560M12 11º15’ 16x22º30’11360620 169 CBP CBPC Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG270 RD 270 Accessories See accessories section. INT 170 C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA BIC CAS CAS CAS-S CAS-S CAS: Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller CAS-S: Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel, except models 242-248-254-260-640-645-650 which have a cast aluminium impeller. • CAS-S: Hexagonal noise reducer mounted on the fan inlet. Its design allows the fan inlet airflow to be adjusted Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC CAS Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX certification, Category 2 CAS-S Robust motor bedplate Order code CAS 460 Impeller size CAS: Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans CAS-S: Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans fitted with noise reducer 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 7.5 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CAS-242-2T-0.33 CAS-242-2T-0.5 CAS-248-2T-0.75 CAS-248-2T-1 CAS-248-2T-1.5 CAS-254-2T-1.5 CAS-254-2T-2 CAS-254-2T-3 CAS-260-2T-2 CAS-260-2T-3 CAS-463-2T-5.5 CAS-463-2T-7.5 CAS-467-2T-7.5 CAS-467-2T-10 CAS-571-2T-10 CAS-571-2T-15 CAS-640-2T-2 Speed (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 690V 230V 2710 1.29 2710 1.92 2760 2.57 2770 2.78 2860 4.20 2860 4.20 2770 5.44 2885 7.77 2770 5.44 2885 7.77 2870 13.60 2880 2880 2870 2870 2940 2770 5.44 0.75 1.11 1.49 1.60 2.40 2.40 3.13 4.47 3.13 4.47 7.82 10.50 6.09 10.50 6.09 14.50 8.41 14.50 8.41 20.30 11.70 3.13 Installed power (kW) 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.10 1.50 2.20 1.50 2.20 4.00 5.50 5.50 7.50 7.50 11.00 1.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 450 650 420 500 990 600 800 1300 500 900 1150 2000 1550 2600 2000 3450 2600 Sound pressure level Approx. weight CAS-S CAS CAS-S CAS (Kg) dB(A) 73 73 74 75 76 76 78 80 77 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 77 67 67 68 69 70 70 72 73 71 72 75 76 77 78 78 79 71 30.0 31.0 43.5 45.0 46.5 56.5 61.5 63.0 75.0 78.0 88.5 95.5 117.5 122.5 144.0 175.0 51.5 33.0 34.0 46.5 48.0 49.5 59.5 64.5 66.0 80.0 83.0 93.5 100.5 122.5 127.5 149.0 180.0 56.5 171 CAS CAS-S Technical characteristics Model Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Speed (r/min) 2885 7.77 2900 10.18 2870 13.60 2880 2880 2870 2940 2940 2935 2930 2935 2940 2940 2930 2940 2940 2970 2970 2935 2935 2940 2940 2940 CAS-645-2T-3 CAS-645-2T-4 CAS-650-2T-5.5 CAS-650-2T-7.5 CAS-852-2T-7.5 CAS-852-2T-10 CAS-856-2T-15 CAS-863-2T-15 CAS-863-2T-20 CAS-971-2T-25 CAS-971-2T-30 CAS-971-2T-40 CAS-1250-2T-15/A CAS-1456-2T-25/A CAS-1663-2T-50/A CAS-1671-2T-60/A CAS-2071-2T-100/A CAS-2080-2T-125/A CAS-790-2T-20 CAS-980-2T-30 CAS-990-2T-50 CAS-1080-2T-40 CAS-1090-2T-60 4.47 5.88 7.82 10.50 6.09 10.50 6.09 14.50 8.41 20.30 11.70 20.30 11.70 27.40 15.90 32.40 18.70 38.00 22.00 50.00 29.00 20.30 11.70 32.40 18.70 64.00 37.00 76.00 44.00 123.00 71.00 151.00 87.00 27.40 15.90 38.00 22.00 64.00 37.00 50.00 29.00 76.00 44.00 Installed power (kW) 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 5.50 7.50 11.00 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 11.00 18.50 37.00 45.00 75.00 90.00 15.00 22.00 37.00 30.00 45.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2000 3000 3500 4750 3500 5500 7500 4000 7000 5800 8100 12000 12000 18000 25000 27000 33600 42600 2100 4800 6000 5400 6000 Sound pressure level CAS CAS-S dB(A) 76 70 81 74 81 74 83 76 81 74 85 78 85 78 84 77 86 78 87 79 88 80 89 81 84 77 87 79 92 84 93 85 95 86 96 87 88 80 87 79 90 82 88 80 91 83 Approx. weight CAS CAS-S (Kg) 62.5 69.5 89.0 96.0 96.0 101.0 157.5 168.0 179.0 299.0 324.0 380.0 220.0 286.0 425.0 575.0 750.0 820.0 245.0 340.0 485.0 420.0 530.0 70.5 77.5 97.0 104.0 104.0 109.0 167.5 178.0 189.0 309.0 334.0 390.0 230.0 299.0 438.0 590.0 770.0 840.0 250.0 355.0 500.0 435.0 545.0 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAS-242-2T-0.33 CAS-242-2T-0.5 CAS-248-2T-0.75 CAS-248-2T-1 CAS-248-2T-1.5 CAS-254-2T-1.5 CAS-254-2T-2 CAS-254-2T-3 CAS-260-2T-3 CAS-463-2T-5.5 CAS-463-2T-7.5 CAS-467-2T-7.5 CAS-467-2T-10 CAS-571-2T-10 CAS-571-2T-15 CAS-640-2T-2 CAS-645-2T-3 CAS-645-2T-4 CAS-650-2T-5.5 CAS-650-2T-7.5 CAS-852-2T-7.5 CAS-852-2T-10 CAS-856-2T-15 CAS-863-2T-15 CAS-863-2T-20 CAS-971-2T-25 CAS-971-2T-30 CAS-971-2T-40 CAS-1250-2T-15/A CAS-1456-2T-25/A 172 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A A A A B A B B B B A A A A A A B A A B B B B B A EC S S S S S S S S S T S T T T T S S S S S S T S S T T T T T S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.03 1.04 ηe[%] 45.9% 46.9% 49.2% 49.8% 50.2% 52.0% 52.4% 52.7% 54.1% 58.6% 55.8% 60.5% 65.3% 65.3% 66.6% 56.0% 57.9% 58.2% 64.7% 61.2% 68.5% 73.1% 63.7% 64.4% 67.8% 68.2% 69.8% 68.6% 67.5% 65.6% N 60.6 60.6 60.7 60.8 60.8 60.9 60.9 60.9 61.0 63.0 59.9 63.0 67.6 67.6 67.6 64.1 64.2 64.2 68.6 64.4 70.6 74.7 64.5 64.3 67.5 67.5 69.0 67.6 67.5 65.1 (kW) 0.397 0.491 0.792 0.909 0.984 1.415 1.554 1.651 2.217 3.886 4.123 5.745 6.031 6.108 7.984 1.687 2.523 2.693 4.295 5.048 6.327 7.059 8.389 10.994 13.550 19.807 23.300 28.291 11.082 16.580 (m3/h) 329 405 420 500 552 600 661 697 840 1150 1264 1550 1754 1528 2170 1778 1912 1930 2671 2858 3385 3744 3851 3998 5097 5800 7478 9171 9279 9659 (mmH2O) 203.07 208.83 340.18 332.69 328.65 449.70 452.38 458.47 524.01 727.30 668.42 822.66 823.51 958.25 899.33 194.98 280.40 298.19 382.02 396.90 470.23 505.55 509.05 649.61 661.14 854.90 798.43 776.93 296.04 412.97 (RPM) 2701 2756 2755 2782 2900 2857 2807 2928 2903 2891 2922 2891 2908 2907 2961 2790 2889 2924 2880 2904 2880 2892 2959 2946 2947 2932 2937 2947 2946 2943 CAS CAS-S Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAS-1663-2T-50/A CAS-1671-2T-60/A CAS-2071-2T-100/A CAS-2080-2T-125/A CAS-790-2T-20 CAS-980-2T-30 CAS-990-2T-50 CAS-1080-2T-40 CAS-1090-2T-60 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC B B B B - B - - - EC T T T T - T - - - VSD NO NO NO NO - NO - - - SR 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.13 1.10 1.15 1.12 1.17 ηe[%] 76.2% 74.0% 69.7% 73.1% - 68.2% - - - N 74.7 72.4 67.6 70.6 - 67.5 - - - (kW) 40.626 48.464 73.750 95.509 12.213 20.183 35.007 27.256 41.385 (m3/h) 25000 22079 27387 32340 2100 4750 5882 5400 6000 (mmH2O) 454.45 596.34 689.20 791.73 1347.57 1064.07 1504.38 1270.44 1748.36 (RPM) 2939 2939 2972 2970 2952 2945 2947 2949 2948 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 852-7,5 CAS 852-10 242 50 61 67 76 83 82 79 72 856 248-0,75 51 62 68 77 84 83 80 73 863-15 248-1 52 63 69 78 85 84 81 74 863-20 248-1,5 53 64 70 79 86 85 82 75 971-25 254-1,5 55 66 71 81 88 87 84 77 971-30 254-2 57 68 73 83 90 89 86 79 971-40 254-3 56 68 76 85 90 92 89 82 1250 260-2 53 69 69 83 88 88 85 78 1456 260-3 55 71 71 85 90 90 87 80 1663 463-5,5 57 69 82 91 93 93 89 80 1671 463-7,5 58 70 83 92 94 94 90 81 2071 467-7,5 69 74 83 95 95 97 93 85 2080 467-10 70 75 84 96 96 98 94 86 790 571-10 64 76 86 96 99 99 94 86 980 571-15 65 77 87 97 100 100 95 87 990 640 56 67 75 82 88 84 83 76 1080 645-3 55 66 74 81 87 83 82 75 1090 645-4 55 66 77 86 90 91 87 79 650-5,5 59 75 84 90 93 90 85 78 650-7,5 52 68 81 91 96 93 85 78 63125 250 68 72 82 68 76 86 63 76 90 67 81 87 69 81 92 67 81 90 68 82 91 68 83 97 75 88 97 80 93 102 65 74 80 64 73 79 66 75 81 67 76 82 73 77 88 61 70 76 64 73 79 62 71 77 65 77 80 5001000 88 92 93 96 96 96 96 96 99 98 102 98 103 99 102 102 94 91 99 96 95 108 94 108 96 110 97 111 99 105 91 105 94 108 92 106 95 109 2000 40008000 92 89 84 96 92 84 94 90 84 95 92 87 95 93 87 96 93 89 97 94 90 99 95 88 86 82 73 90 87 78 100 97 93 100 97 93 102 99 95 103 100 96 96 89 83 97 94 90 100 97 93 98 95 91 101 98 94 Model 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 852-7,5 CAS-S 852-10 242 44 55 61 70 77 76 73 66 856 248-0,75 45 56 62 71 78 77 74 67 863-15 248-1 46 57 63 72 79 78 75 68 863-20 248-1,5 47 58 64 73 80 79 76 69 971-25 254-1,5 49 60 65 75 82 81 78 71 971-30 254-2 51 62 67 77 84 83 80 73 971-40 254-3 49 61 69 78 83 85 82 75 1250 260-2 47 63 63 77 82 82 79 72 1456 260-3 48 64 64 78 83 83 80 73 1663 463-5,5 50 62 75 84 86 86 82 73 1671 463-7,5 51 63 76 85 87 87 83 74 2071 467-7,5 62 67 76 88 88 90 86 78 2080 467-10 63 68 77 89 89 91 87 79 790 571-10 56 68 78 88 91 91 86 78 980 571-15 57 69 79 89 92 92 87 79 990 640 50 61 69 76 82 78 77 70 1080 645-3 49 60 68 75 81 77 76 69 1090 645-4 48 59 70 79 83 84 80 72 650-5,5 52 68 77 83 86 83 78 71 650-7,5 45 61 74 84 89 86 78 71 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 61 65 75 81 85 85 82 77 61 69 79 86 89 89 85 77 56 69 83 89 89 87 83 77 60 74 80 89 89 88 85 80 61 73 84 91 90 87 85 79 59 73 82 94 90 88 85 81 60 74 83 95 91 89 86 82 60 75 89 94 94 91 87 80 68 81 90 87 84 79 75 66 72 85 94 91 88 82 79 70 57 66 72 87 100 92 89 85 56 65 71 86 100 92 89 85 57 66 72 87 101 93 90 86 58 67 73 88 102 94 91 87 65 69 80 91 97 88 81 75 53 62 68 83 97 89 86 82 56 65 71 86 100 92 89 85 54 63 69 84 98 90 87 83 57 66 72 87 101 93 90 86 173 CAS CAS-S Dimensions in mm CAS-242...971 Inlet Outlet Model A B C C1 C2*øD1ød1ød2 E H H1 I J J1 K k1 k2 L øO øO1 V v Xx1x2 Y CAS-242-2T-0’33 576 662 282 219 33 100130M8270375 270120155 6560 - 95951112305275 26075 -61 CAS-242-2T-0’5 576 662 310 247 33 100130M8270375 270120155 6560 - 95951112305275 26075 -61 CAS-248-2T-0’75 639 728 315 249 36 112 140 M8 300410 297126165 70 66 - 10110511 12320 290 300 90 - 64 CAS-248-2T-1/1’5 639 728 340 274 36 112 140 M8 300410 297126165 70 66 - 10110511 12320 290 300 90 - 64 CAS-254-2T-1’5 699 788 365 294.5 40.5 125 155 M8 330440 322135175 75 75 - 11011511 14340 310 330100 -68.5 CAS-254-2T-2 699 788 413 342.5 40.5 125 155 M8 330440 322135175 75 75 - 11011511 14340 310 330100 -68.5 CAS-254-2T-3 699 788 443 372.5 40.5 125 155 M8 330440 322135175 75 75 - 11011511 14340 310 330100 -68.5 CAS-260-2T-2/3 782 875 419 343.5 47.5 150 175 M8 370485 362145185 80 85 - 12012511 14380 350 370115 -73.5 CAS-463-2T-5’5 782 875 459 383.5 45.5 200 240 M8 370485 362145185 80 85 - 12012511 14380 350 370115 -73.5 CAS-463-2T-7’5 782 875 517 441.5 45.5 200 240 M8 370485 362145185 80 85 - 12012511 14380 350 370115 -73.5 CAS-467-2T-7’5/10 833 945 530 48 224 258 M8 390530 39515019082.5 90 - 12513011 14405 375 300125 - 76 CAS-571-2T-10 873 995 536 445.5 50.5 250 275 M8 410560 410155205 90 95 442 - 13014511 14430 400 350150 -79.5 CAS-571-2T-15 873 995 671 580.5 50.5 250 275 M8 410560 410155205 90 95 CAS-640-2T-2 639 728 446 350.5 65.5 250 275 M8 300410 250185260 78125 CAS-645-2T-3 699 788 461 CAS-645-2T-4 699 788 491 CAS-650-2T-5’5 - 13014511 14430 400 410180 -79.5 80 -20011 14340 310 350100 -93.5 358 73 250 275 M8 330 440 267.5 200 284 86140 87.5 -22411 14 380 350 380115 -101 388 73 2502752 M8 330 440 267.5 200 284 86140 87.5 -22411 14 380 350 380115 -101 782 875 534 421 83 250 275 M8 370 485 300 220 310 95160 97.5 -25011 14 405 375 490125190111 CAS-650-2T-7’5 782 875 572 459 83 250 275 M8 370 485 300 220 310 95160 97.5 -25011 14 405 375 490125190111 CAS-852-2T-7’5/10 833 945 603 470 94.5 280 310 M8 390 530 320 240 340 78180 107.5 -28011 14 430 400 540150190122 CAS-856-2T-15 833 945 708 575 93 355 395 M8 390 530 320 240 340 78180 107.5 -28011 14 430 400 600180190122 CAS-863-2T-15/20 873 995 728 585 103 355 410 M8 410 560 325 260 37587.5200 117.5 -31511 14 430 400 620180210132 CAS-971-2T-25 1012 1170 759 598 116 400 450M10 460 670 420 294 425 100224 132 -35511 14 550 510 715150215145 CAS-971-2T-30 1012 1170 881 720 116 400 450M10 460 670 420 294 425 100224 132 -35511 14 550 510 715150215145 CAS-971-2T-40 1012 1170 948 787 116 400 450M10 460 670 420 294 425 100224 132 -35511 14 550 510 715150215145 174 CAS CAS-S Dimensions in mm CAS-1250...2080 Outlet Outlet CAS-1250-2T-15/A CAS-1671-2T-60/A CAS-1456-2T-25/A CAS-2071-2T-100/A CAS-1663-2T-50/A CAS-2080-2T-125/A 14 drilled holes 14 drilled holes ø 11.5 ø 14 Inlet Model A B C C1øD1 øD2ød1 x ø ß E H H1 I JJ1J2 KK1 L M øO1 V v v1 XX1X2X3 Y ZZ1 CAS-1250-2T-15/A 865 1055 885 160 361441405 8x11.522º30’ 510630 365 360480125448280332400355 14 440400 - 425 30340 - 202 - - CAS-1456-2T-25/A 970 1185 900 163 456535497 12x12 15º 555710 410 395530125497315366450400 14 440400 - 425 30340 - 219 - - CAS-1663-2T-50/A 1010 12801035 183 56866862916x11.511º15’ 560800 380 435580125551355405500450 16 570510 - 500 40385 - 263 - - CAS-1671-2T-60/A 1130 13401160 206 638738698 16x1311º15’ 630800 430 500660160629400464560500 19 626565 800 550 40425530 2921025 60 CAS-2071-2T-100/A1130 13401290 206 638738698 16x1311º15’ 630800 430 500660160629400464560500 21 760680 800 700 50550545 3071125 60 CAS-2080-2T-125/A1270 15051345 231 718818775 16x1311º15’ 710900 486 550730160698450513630560 24 760680 900 700 50550595 3331225 60 CAS-680...1090 Inlet Model Outlet Outlet CAS-680/790 CAS-980...1090 ABC C1 øD1ød1 ød2EH H1IJJ1 J2K k1k2L øO øO1 VvX x1 x2 Y CAS-790-2T-20 11001180650 58 185 219255530630520140172140 -80 -112112 91444040042534030 103 CAS-980-2T-30 11201250 725 90 255 292 325530 710530210270 241112140112 182200 11.514 440400425340 35 145 CAS-990-2T-50 12501400 900 100 286 332 366600 800600230294 265112160112 200224 11.516 570510500385 40 165 CAS-1080-2T-40 11201250 850 CAS-1090-2T-60 12501400 930 100 286 332 366600 800600230294 265112160112 200224 11.516 626565550425 40 175 90 255 392 325530 710530210270 241112140112 182200 11.516 570510500385 40 155 CAS-S Model A BøD F Model A BøD F CAS-S-242 155 150 276 255 CAS-S-971 327 200 759 655 CAS-S-248 158 150 276 255 CAS-S-1250/A 371 200 683 655 CAS-S-254 162 150 276 255 CAS-S-1456/A 230 200 804 775 CAS-S-260 249 150 371 350 CAS-S-1663/A 234 200 804 775 CAS-S-463 247 150 371 350 CAS-S-680 251 200 371 350 CAS-S-467 249 150 371 350 CAS-S-790 259 200 371 350 CAS-S-571 251 150 371 350 CAS-S-980 290 200 581 560 CAS-S-640 267 150 371 350 CAS-S-990 300 200 581 560 CAS-S-645 275 200 581 560 CAS-S-1080 290 200 581 560 CAS-S-650 295 200 661 560 CAS-S-1090 300 200 581 560 CAS-S-852 305 200 661 560 CAS-S-1671/A 437 200 804 775 CAS-S-856 304 200 683 655 CAS-S-2071/A 437 200 804 775 CAS-S-863 314 200 758 655 CAS-S-2080/A 462 200 884 855 175 CAS CAS-S Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 176 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CAS CAS-S Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 positions on request and with special fixing measurements. LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 LG315 Supplied on request RD 180 positions with special fixing measurements. RD 0 Accessories RD 45 RD 90 RFT AET RD 135 RD 180 RD 270 RD 315 See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG 177 CA CA Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with casing and sheet steel impeller Fan: • Casing made from cast aluminium • Impeller made from cast aluminium Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 Built from thick aluminium to reduce noise and vibrations Order code CA 148 CA: Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with casing and impeller made from cast aluminium Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 0,75 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V CA-234-2M 2780 2.53 0.37 220 72 10.2 CA-142-2T-0.33 2710 1.29 0.75 0.25 275 73 22.5 CA-142-2T-0.5 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 350 73 22.5 CA-148-2T-0.75 2760 2.57 1.49 0.55 400 74 28.0 CA-148-2T-1 2770 2.78 1.60 0.75 490 75 30.0 CA-148-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 610 76 32.0 CA-154-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 600 78 46.0 CA-154-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 800 79 48.5 CA-154-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 1280 80 50.5 CA-160-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 500 83 57.0 CA-160-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 900 84 58.0 CA-166-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 500 84 67.0 CA-166-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 950 85 73.0 CA-166-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 1600 86 76.0 CA-172-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 1100 87 90.0 CA-172-2T-7.5 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 1710 88 112.0 CA-172-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 2300 89 124.0 Model Speed CA-234-2T 2710 1.92 Installed power (kW) 1.11 0.37 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 220 Sound pressure level dB(A) 72 Approx. weight (Kg) 10.2 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CA-142-2T-0.33 CA-142-2T-0.5 CA-148-2T-0.75 CA-148-2T-1 CA-148-2T-1.5 178 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A EC S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 ηe[%] 48.2% 48.7% 52.2% 52.4% 52.6% N 63.7 63.7 63.9 63.9 63.9 (kW) 0.338 0.373 0.763 0.808 0.843 (m3/h) 213 238 385 391 407 (mmH2O) 281.30 279.93 379.72 397.30 399.98 (RPM) 2745 2815 2780 2807 2915 CA Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CA-154-2T-1.5 CA-154-2T-2 CA-154-2T-3 CA-160-2T-2 CA-160-2T-3 CA-166-2T-3 CA-166-2T-4 CA-166-2T-5.5 CA-172-2T-5.5 CA-172-2T-7.5 CA-172-2T-10 MC A A A A A A A A A A - EC S S S S S S S S S S - Dimensions in mm CA-234 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - SR 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.11 ηe[%] 54.7% 55.0% 55.5% 52.8% 56.9% 53.8% 58.6% 58.6% 57.6% 58.3% - N 64.0 64.0 64.1 60.9 64.1 61.0 64.2 64.2 61.3 61.4 - (kW) 1.298 1.373 1.521 1.690 2.027 2.065 2.929 2.890 4.436 4.990 5.169 (m3/h) 560 556 613 500 696 500 851 764 1015 1194 1171 (mmH2O) 465.08 497.84 505.41 655.13 607.81 815.01 740.17 813.24 923.89 893.36 945.02 (RPM) 2869 2829 2957 2790 2911 2909 2900 2919 2876 2905 2921 Inlet Outlet H H1 I JøK CA-234-2T-0.33 376 381 415 272 242.5 Model A A1 29.5 98 130 115 M4 175 225 187 98 63 40 72 9 9 180 120 40 54 CA-234-2M-0.33 376 381 415 272 242.5 29.5 98 130 115 M4 175 225 187 98 63 40 72 9 9 180 120 40 54 C1 C2 H1 øI øK øk øO øO1 CA-142...172 B C C1 C2 øD ød ød1 ød2 E k øO øO1 V v x1 Y Inlet Outlet A A1 B CA-142-2T-0.33 Model 494 488 540 270 221.52 48.5 C CA-142-2T-0.5 494 488 540 290 241.5 48.5 CA-148-2T-0.75 563 557.5 639 308.5 251.5 57 øD ødød1 ød2 E H v x1 Y 12 300 270 130 V 51 90 160 130 M8 240 301 235 120 60 90 11 90 160 130 M8 240 301 235 120 60 90 11 12 300 270 130 51 100 170 140 M8 270 360 269.5 150 73 110 11 12 330 290 140 60 CA-148-2T-1 563 557.5 639 324.5 267.5 57 100 170 140 M8 270 360 269.5 150 73 110 11 12 330 290 140 60 CA-148-2T-1.5 563 557.5 639 324.5 267.5 57 100 170 140 M8 270 360 269.5 150 73 110 11 12 330 290 140 60 CA-154-2T-1.5 630 625 708 348 268.5 79.5 115 183 155 M10 300 395 308 160 80 120 13 12 356 320 210 62 CA-154-2T-2 630 625 708 371 291.5 79.5 115 183 155 M10 300 395 308 160 80 120 13 12 356 320 210 62 CA-154-2T-3 630 625 708 396 316.5 79.5 115 183 155 M10 300 395 308 160 80 120 13 12 356 320 210 62 CA-160-2T-2 708 699 785 381 291 90 130 230 192 M10 336 440 338 160 85 120 13 12 373 322 220 62 316 CA-160-2T-3 708 699 785 406 90 130 230 192 M10 336 440 338 160 85 120 13 12 373 322 220 62 CA-166-2T-3 759 752 866 399 319.5 79.5 140 230 200 M10 364 490 372 160 85 120 13 12 450 400 245 70 CA-166-2T-4 759 752 866 423 343.5 79.5 140 230 200 M10 364 490 372 160 85 120 13 12 450 400 245 70 CA-166-2T-5.5 759 752 866 445 365.5 79.5 140 230 200 M10 364 490 372 160 85 120 13 12 450 400 265 70 CA-172-2T-5.5 818 813 923 451 371 80 148 230 200 M10 390 516 404 175 90 140 13 12 450 400 260 78 CA-172-2T-7.5 818 813 923 492 412 80 148 230 200 M10 390 516 404 175 90 140 13 12 450 400 300 78 CA-172-2T-10 818 813 923 492 412 80 148 230 200 M10 390 516 404 175 90 140 13 12 450 400 300 78 179 CA Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 234 142 148-1 148-1,5 154-1,5 154-2 154-3 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 38 51 65 72 80 79 73 64 160-3 39 52 66 73 81 80 74 65 160-4 44 57 71 78 86 84 78 70 166-4 45 58 72 79 87 85 79 71 166-5,5 47 60 74 81 89 87 81 73 172-5,5 48 61 75 82 90 88 82 74 172-7,5 49 62 76 83 91 89 83 75 172-10 63125 250 5001000 2000 40008000 55 68 82 89 97 95 89 81 56 69 83 90 98 96 90 82 56 69 83 90 98 96 90 82 57 70 84 91 99 97 91 83 59 72 86 93 101 100 94 85 60 73 87 94 102 101 95 86 61 74 88 95 103 102 96 87 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 positions on request and with special fixing measures. LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 LG315 Accessories See accessories section. INT 180 C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG CAM CAM Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with sheet steel casing and cast aluminium impeller Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Cast aluminium impeller, models 752 and 880 in sheet steel Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX certification, Category 2 High-performance aluminium impellers Order code CAM CAM: Centrifugal single-inlet, highpressure fans with sheet steel casing and cast aluminium impeller 752 Impeller size 2T Number of T=Three-phase motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 10 Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Speed (r/min) CAM-540-2T 2770 Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 1.50 2430 Sound pressure level dB(A) 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 5.44 3.13 CAM-545-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2300 86 38 CAM-545-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 3610 88 64 CAM-550-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 2800 90 113 CAM-550-2T-7.5 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 5000 91 129 CAM-752-2T-7.5 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 2950 93 138 CAM-752-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 5000 94 143 CAM-760-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 2900 95 168 CAM-760-2T-15 2940 20.30 11.70 11.00 5000 97 196 CAM-760-2T-15/E 2940 20.30 11.70 11.00 6380 98 194 CAM-880-2T-40 2940 50.00 29.00 30.00 10000 99 390 54 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAM-540-2T CAM-545-2T-3 CAM-545-2T-4 CAM-550-2T-5.5 CAM-550-2T-7.5 CAM-752-2T-7.5 CAM-752-2T-10 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A A A A A A A EC S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.02 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 ηe[%] 55.1% 64.8% 59.8% 60.2% 60.1% 62.3% 62.6% N 64.0 71.7 65.8 64.3 64.3 64.4 64.4 (kW) 1.413 2.205 2.700 4.087 4.021 6.304 6.745 (m3/h) 1243 1471 1676 2802 2394 2847 3064 (mmH2O) 229.96 356.21 353.53 322.32 370.74 506.27 505.92 (RPM) 2825 2903 2924 2886 2924 2880 2897 181 CAM Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAM-760-2T-10 CAM-760-2T-15 CAM-760-2T-15/E CAM-880-2T-40 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC A B B B EC S T T T VSD NO NO NO NO SR 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.09 ηe[%] 63.6% 73.4% 71.1% 72.4% N 64.5 73.4 71.1 71.4 (m3/h) 2900 3751 4826 7385 (kW) 8.304 9.913 10.682 27.105 (mmH2O) 668.59 711.92 577.67 975.29 (RPM) 2873 2952 2948 2950 Acoustic features Model 540 545-3 545-4 550-5,5 550-7,5 752-7,5 Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. 63 125250 5001000 2000 40008000 Model 57 70 81 90 97 91 86 78 752-10 58 71 82 91 98 92 87 79 760-10 60 73 84 93 100 94 89 81 760-15 63 77 88 97 104 98 92 85 760-15/E 64 78 89 98 105 99 93 86 880 66 80 91 100 107 101 95 88 63125 250 67 81 92 70 83 95 72 85 97 73 86 98 75 89 100 5001000 101 108 103 110 105 112 106 113 109 116 2000 40008000 102 96 89 105 99 91 107 101 93 108 102 94 110 104 97 Dimensions in mm CAM-540...545 Inlet Outlet Model CAM-540-2T A A1 B C C1 C2 øD ød ød1ød2 E H H1 I J J1 K k1 L øO øO1 V v X x x1 Y 565 556 678424 318 106170235 205 11 252400270206224 92 120 83 140 10 1228021832818680 94 CAM-545-2T-3 650 636 768467351.5115.5165235 205 11 290450310222255108 135 90 170 10 1230023834420280 102.5 CAM-545-2T-4 650 636 768496380.5115.5165235 205 11 290450310222255108 135 90 170 10 1230023834420280 102.5 CAM-550...880 Inlet 880 Model Outlet 550, 752, 760 AA1 B CC1C2øDødød1 ød2 E HH1 I JJ1 K kk1 L øO øO1 V v X x1 x2 CAM-550-2T-5’5 719 715 868542 406136210278 258 9311510350 246 296128 150 -103 2001113475435 369 Y - 210115.5 CAM-550-2T-7’5 719 715 868583 447136210278 258 9311510350 246 296128 150 -103 2001113475435 390 - 210115.5 CAM-752-2T-7’5 713 713 856624 489135217278 258 9315510340 256 296128 160 -108 2001113475435 390 - 210 121 CAM-752-2T-10 713 713 856624 489135217278 258 9315510340 256 296128 160 -108 2001113475435 390 - 210 121 CAM-760-2T-10 837.583..5 975609 462147246322 280 9.5370570380 276 316138 180 -118 2201113570525 450 202.5202.5 74.5 CAM-760-2T-15 837.5 833.5 975715 568147246322 280 9.5370570380 276 316138 180 -118 2201113570525 450 202.5202.5 74.5 CAM-760-2T-15/E837.5 833.5 975715 568147246322 280 9.5370570380 276 316138 180 -118 2201113570525 450 202.5202.5 74.5 CAM-880-2T-40 946 9411046905 771134290390 355 10422710430 249 360 61 190 71 76 2901113565523 580 182 210 210 133 CAM Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 positions on request and with special fixing measures. LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 LG315 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG 183 CAS-X CAS-X Belt-driven, high-pressure fans with electric motor, pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from robust sheet steel • Motor mounted on general bedplate Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 150ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX certification, Category 2 Order code CAS-X CAS-X: High-pressure belt-driven fans with electric motor 711100 Impeller size Motor power (CV) Technical characteristics Model CAS-X-711-20 CAS-X-711-25 CAS-X-711-30 CAS-X-711-40 CAS-X-711-50 CAS-X-711-60 CAS-X-711-75 CAS-X-711-100 CAS-X-801-20 CAS-X-801-25 CAS-X-801-30 CAS-X-801-40 CAS-X-801-50 CAS-X-801-60 CAS-X-801-75 CAS-X-801-100 CAS-X-901-30 CAS-X-901-40 CAS-X-901-50 CAS-X-901-60 CAS-X-901-75 CAS-X-901-100 CAS-X-901-125 CAS-X-901-150 CAS-X-1001-40 CAS-X-1001-50 CAS-X-1001-60 CAS-X-1001-75 CAS-X-1001-100 184 Speed (r/min) 1690 1810 1910 2120 2280 2430 2600 2890 1380 1480 1570 1740 1850 1980 2120 2350 1310 1460 1570 1670 1780 1970 2100 2240 1210 1300 1390 1480 1650 Maximum admisible current (A) 400V 690V 27.5 35.0 42.0 55.0 69.2 81.0 99.0 133.0 27.5 35.0 42.0 55.0 69.2 81.0 99.0 133.0 42.0 55.0 69.2 81.0 99.0 133.0 159.0 194.0 55.0 69.2 81.0 99.0 133.0 15.9 20.0 24.0 32.0 40.1 47.0 57.0 77.0 15.9 20.0 24.0 32.0 40.1 47.0 57.0 77.0 24.0 32.0 40.1 47.0 57.0 77.0 92.0 112.0 32.0 40.1 47.0 57.0 77.0 Installed power (kW) 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 30 37 45 55 75 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 19650 21050 22200 24650 26500 28250 30200 33600 23750 25450 27000 29900 31800 34050 36450 40400 31450 35050 37700 40100 42750 47300 50400 53750 39750 42700 45650 48600 54200 Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) 290 335 370 460 530 605 690 850 245 280 315 390 440 505 580 710 275 340 395 445 510 620 705 805 295 340 390 440 550 Weight (Kg) 391 430 453 503 620 652 730 1005 486 525 548 598 715 747 825 1100 623 673 790 822 900 1175 1242 1305 798 915 947 1025 1300 CAS-X Technical characteristics Speed Model Maximum admisible current (A) 400V 690V (r/min) CAS-X-1001-125 CAS-X-1001-150 CAS-X-1001-175 CAS-X-1121-50 CAS-X-1121-60 CAS-X-1121-75 CAS-X-1121-100 CAS-X-1121-125 CAS-X-1121-150 CAS-X-1121-175 CAS-X-1121-220 CAS-X-1251-60 CAS-X-1251-75 CAS-X-1251-100 CAS-X-1251-125 CAS-X-1251-150 CAS-X-1251-175 CAS-X-1251-220 CAS-X-1251-270 CAS-X-1401-75 CAS-X-1401-100 CAS-X-1401-125 CAS-X-1401-150 CAS-X-1401-175 CAS-X-1401-220 CAS-X-1401-270 CAS-X-1401-340 CAS-X-1601-100 CAS-X-1601-125 CAS-X-1601-150 CAS-X-1601-175 CAS-X-1601-220 CAS-X-1601-270 CAS-X-1601-340 CAS-X-1601-430 1750 1870 1980 1100 1190 1270 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 980 1050 1160 1230 1320 1400 1500 1600 870 970 1030 1100 1170 1240 1340 1440 760 810 870 920 980 1060 1140 1230 159.0 194.0 232.0 69.2 81.0 99.0 133.0 159.0 194.0 232.0 277.0 81.0 99.0 133.0 159.0 194.0 232.0 277.0 341.0 99.0 133.0 159.0 194.0 232.0 277.0 341.0 416.0 133.0 159.0 194.0 232.0 277.0 341.0 416.0 533.0 92.0 112.0 134.0 40.1 47.0 57.0 77.0 92.0 112.0 134.0 160.0 47.0 57.0 77.0 92.0 112.0 134.0 160.0 197.0 57.0 77.0 92.0 112.0 134.0 160.0 197.0 240.0 77.0 92.0 112.0 134.0 160.0 197.0 240.0 308.0 Installed power (kW) 90 110 132 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 57500 61450 65050 48050 52000 55500 61150 65500 69900 74250 78650 63350 67900 75000 79550 85350 90550 97000 103450 77450 86350 91700 97900 104150 110350 119250 128150 100100 106700 114600 121200 129100 139650 150200 162050 620 705 790 305 360 410 495 570 645 730 820 310 355 435 485 560 630 725 825 300 370 420 480 540 610 710 820 290 330 385 430 485 570 660 765 Weight (Kg) 1367 1430 1502 1120 1152 1230 1505 1572 1635 1707 1780 1412 1490 1765 1832 1895 1967 2040 2270 1810 2085 2152 2215 2287 2360 2590 2680 2435 2502 2565 2637 2710 2940 3030 3260 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAS-X-711-20 CAS-X-711-25 CAS-X-711-30 CAS-X-711-40 CAS-X-711-50 CAS-X-711-60 CAS-X-711-75 CAS-X-711-100 CAS-X-801-20 CAS-X-801-25 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.02 1.03 ηe[%] 64.9% 64.5% 64.9% 65.6% 66.7% 66.7% 67.0% 67.4% 63.9% 63.5% N 64.7 64.0 64.2 64.6 65.5 65.2 65.4 65.5 63.9 63.2 (kW) 13.151 16.264 19.006 25.705 31.460 38.086 46.402 63.319 11.230 13.945 (m3/h) 13131 14063 14840 16471 17715 18880 20201 22454 11773 12626 (mmH2O) 238.65 273.75 304.83 375.55 434.38 493.41 564.86 697.90 223.84 257.46 (RPM) 1690 1810 1910 2120 2280 2430 2600 2890 1380 1480 185 CAS-X Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CAS-X-801-30 CAS-X-801-40 CAS-X-801-50 CAS-X-801-60 CAS-X-801-75 CAS-X-801-100 CAS-X-901-30 CAS-X-901-40 CAS-X-901-50 CAS-X-901-60 CAS-X-901-75 CAS-X-901-100 CAS-X-901-125 CAS-X-901-150 CAS-X-1001-40 CAS-X-1001-50 CAS-X-1001-60 CAS-X-1001-75 CAS-X-1001-100 CAS-X-1001-125 CAS-X-1001-150 CAS-X-1001-175 CAS-X-1121-50 CAS-X-1121-60 CAS-X-1121-75 CAS-X-1121-100 CAS-X-1121-125 CAS-X-1121-150 CAS-X-1121-175 CAS-X-1121-220 CAS-X-1251-60 CAS-X-1251-75 CAS-X-1251-100 CAS-X-1251-125 CAS-X-1251-150 CAS-X-1251-175 CAS-X-1251-220 CAS-X-1251-270 CAS-X-1401-75 CAS-X-1401-100 CAS-X-1401-125 CAS-X-1401-150 CAS-X-1401-175 CAS-X-1401-220 CAS-X-1401-270 CAS-X-1401-340 CAS-X-1601-100 CAS-X-1601-125 CAS-X-1601-150 CAS-X-1601-175 CAS-X-1601-220 CAS-X-1601-270 CAS-X-1601-340 CAS-X-1601-430 186 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.07 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 ηe[%] 63.9% 64.6% 65.6% 65.6% 66.0% 66.4% 65.3% 66.0% 67.1% 67.1% 67.5% 67.9% 68.3% 68.6% 67.4% 68.5% 68.5% 68.8% 69.3% 69.6% 70.0% 70.0% 67.7% 67.7% 68.0% 68.5% 68.8% 69.2% 69.2% 69.1% 69.1% 69.5% 70.0% 70.3% 70.7% 70.7% 70.6% 71.4% 71.1% 71.5% 71.9% 72.3% 72.3% 72.2% 73.0% 73.1% 71.9% 72.3% 72.7% 72.7% 72.6% 73.4% 73.5% 73.8% N 63.4 63.8 64.6 64.4 64.5 64.6 64.7 65.1 65.9 65.7 65.9 66.0 66.1 66.3 66.4 67.3 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.5 67.7 67.5 66.5 66.2 66.4 66.5 66.6 66.8 66.6 66.3 67.7 67.9 68.0 68.2 68.3 68.1 67.8 68.4 69.4 69.5 69.7 69.9 69.7 69.4 69.9 69.8 70.1 70.3 70.4 70.2 70.0 70.5 70.3 70.4 (kW) 16.555 22.290 26.358 32.314 39.453 53.395 18.497 25.326 30.985 37.291 44.914 60.498 72.895 88.003 25.501 31.115 38.035 45.667 62.877 74.619 90.567 107.508 32.082 40.619 49.110 65.368 79.975 96.550 115.808 137.615 38.814 47.484 63.618 75.443 92.754 110.661 136.252 163.637 47.818 65.853 78.428 95.027 114.347 136.267 170.174 210.966 56.024 67.467 83.158 98.335 118.982 148.996 185.148 231.587 (m3/h) 13394 14844 15782 16891 18086 20048 18194 20278 21805 23194 24722 27361 29166 31111 25981 27913 29846 31778 35428 37576 40152 42514 31864 34471 36788 40554 43451 46347 49244 52141 36762 39388 43515 46140 49517 52518 56269 60020 51206 57092 60623 64743 68863 72983 78869 84754 56107 59798 64227 67919 72348 78254 84160 90804 (mmH2O) 289.72 355.86 402.28 460.80 528.27 649.11 243.65 302.64 349.96 395.96 449.85 551.01 626.13 712.39 242.66 280.10 320.22 363.03 451.22 507.57 579.57 649.76 250.09 292.68 333.36 405.10 465.03 529.11 597.31 669.65 267.86 307.49 375.29 421.95 485.96 546.65 627.54 714.00 243.57 302.78 341.40 389.38 440.51 494.80 577.82 667.29 263.55 299.37 345.36 386.20 438.22 512.69 592.99 690.32 (RPM) 1570 1740 1850 1980 2120 2350 1310 1460 1570 1670 1780 1970 2100 2240 1210 1300 1390 1480 1650 1750 1870 1980 1100 1190 1270 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 980 1050 1160 1230 1320 1400 1500 1600 870 970 1030 1100 1170 1240 1340 1440 760 810 870 920 980 1060 1140 1230 CAS-X Dimensions in mm Model CAS-X-711 A A2 B B2 C C1 C2 C3 E F G H H1 PøO U V v v1 x x1 Y Z 12401330150517051160 907,5252,547,5500 830263 900 525170017120910800850430490490 975 CAS-X-801 13751500 1670 1910 12901001,5 288,557,5560 9402931000 585205017140 990 8701120495 5505551105 CAS-X-901 15301690 1795 2115 1340 1028 312 5663010603181060 6302150191601090 9701120495 6015551156 CAS-X-1001 17051890 1980 2350 1545 1192 353 6671011803491180 710225021180121010601120600 6686701338 CAS-X-1121 19152100 2220 2610 1705 1306 399 7780013003941320 800239024180135012001120670 7537501503 CAS-X-1251 20502260 249029010 1905 1466 439 7483014304541500 900252024180148013201120750 8538301683 CAS-X-1401 23102450 2745 2930 2070 1575 495 -950150049416501000270024180166015001120800 9388801818 CAS-X-1601 25802760 3070 3265 2355 1798 557 -1060170059918501120292024200188017001120900110310002103 Inlet CAS-X-711 CAS-X-801 CAS-X-901 CAS-X-1001 CAS-X-1121 Outlet CAS-X-1251 CAS-X-1401 CAS-X-1601 CAS-X-1001 CAS-X-801 CAS-X-711 Model øD1* ød ød1 ød2 I J J2 K k k2 LO1 CAS-X-711 566666 62911,5500 66062940016046456014 CAS-X-801 636736 69811,5550 73069845016051363014 CAS-X-901 716816 77511,5600 81077550016056771014 CAS-X-1001 806906 861 14680 92087156020063980014 CAS-X-1121 9061006 958 14750102096863020070890014 CAS-X-1251 10071107 1067 14 830 11201077 7102007851000 14 CAS-X-1401 11281248 1200 14 940 12601210 8002008811120 18 CAS-X-1601 12601380 1337 141040 13901347 9002009781250 18 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 187 CAS-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 711 801 188 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CAS-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 901 1001 189 CAS-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 1121 1251 190 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CAS-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1401 1601 Positions LG 270 standard supply LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG225 LG270 LG315 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 RD 135 RD 180 RD 225 RD 270 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG 191 RD 315 CMP-X CMP-X Belt-driven fan with electric motor, pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Version A: motor assembled on the housing • Version B: motor mounted on general bedplate Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 150ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX certification, Category 2 • Straight-blade impellers Axis protection guards and transmission in accordance with standards Order code CMP CMP-X: Belt-driven fans with electric motor, pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 1640 Impeller size X 10 Belt-driven fan Motor power (CV) A Assembly type A: Motor assembled on the housing B: Motor mounted on general bedplate Technical characteristics Model CMP-922-X-1 CMP-922-X-1.5 CMP-922-X-2 CMP-922-X-3 CMP-922-X-4 CMP-1025-X-1.5 CMP-1025-X-2 CMP-1025-X-3 CMP-1025-X-4 CMP-1025-X-5.5 CMP-1128-X-2 CMP-1128-X-3 CMP-1128-X-4 CMP-1128-X-5.5 CMP-1128-X-7.5 CMP-1231-X-3 CMP-1231-X-4 CMP-1231-X-5.5 192 Speed (r/min) Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 1600 3.10 1800 4.03 2000 5.96 2270 8.36 2570 10.96 1400 4.03 1550 5.96 1770 8.36 1980 10.96 2190 14.10 1290 5.96 1470 8.36 1650 10.96 1820 14.10 2020 1150 8.36 1280 10.96 1410 14.10 1.79 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 2.32 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 3.44 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 4.83 6.33 8.12 Installed power (kW) 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 2050 2300 2600 2900 3300 2700 3000 3400 3800 4200 3550 4050 4550 5000 5550 4550 5050 5600 Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) 55 65 85 105 135 50 60 80 100 120 55 75 95 115 140 50 60 70 Weight (Kg) 33 38 41 49 52 45 48 56 59 71 53 61 64 76 90 66 69 81 Assembly type A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A CMP-X Technical characteristics Speed Model (r/min) CMP-1231-X-7.5 CMP-1435-X-3 CMP-1435-X-4 CMP-1435-X-5.5 CMP-1435-X-7.5 CMP-1435-X-10 CMP-1640-X-4 CMP-1640-X-5.5 CMP-1640-X-7.5 CMP-1640-X-10 CMP-1845-X-5.5 CMP-1845-X-7.5 CMP-1845-X-10 CMP-1845-X-15 CMP-1845-X-20 CMP-2050-X-7.5 CMP-2050-X-10 CMP-2050-X-15 CMP-2050-X-20 CMP-2563-X-7.5 CMP-2563-X-10 CMP-2563-X-15 CMP-2563-X-20 CMP-2563-X-25 CMP-2563-X-30 Installed power (kW) Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 1580 1100 8.36 1220 10.96 1350 14.10 1500 1670 1000 10.96 1100 14.10 1230 1350 1020 14.10 1130 1260 1430 1620 900 1000 1130 1270 650 720 820 920 990 1040 11.60 6.72 4.83 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 6.33 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 8.12 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 11.60 6.72 14.20 8.20 20.20 11.60 27.50 15.90 35.00 20.00 42.00 24.00 5.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 6250 4850 5350 5850 6500 7250 6650 7350 8200 9000 7250 8000 8950 10150 11500 11700 13000 14700 16550 14200 15750 17950 20100 21650 22750 Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) Weight (Kg) 90 70 90 110 135 170 65 80 100 120 115 140 170 220 285 105 130 165 210 65 80 105 135 155 170 Assembly type 95 73 76 88 102 109 94 106 120 127 116 130 137 175 191 150 157 195 211 230 237 275 291 330 353 B A A A A A A A A A A A A B B A A A A A A A A B B (mmH2O) 45.03 56.99 70.36 90.64 116.18 48.68 59.67 77.82 97.38 119.13 54.65 70.96 89.40 108.77 133.99 48.76 60.40 73.30 92.04 64.69 79.57 97.43 120.29 149.09 64.12 77.59 97.01 116.86 (RPM) 1600 1800 2000 2270 2570 1400 1550 1770 1980 2190 1290 1470 1650 1820 2020 1150 1280 1410 1580 1100 1220 1350 1500 1670 1000 1100 1230 1350 Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMP-922-X-1 CMP-922-X-1.5 CMP-922-X-2 CMP-922-X-3 CMP-922-X-4 CMP-1025-X-1.5 CMP-1025-X-2 CMP-1025-X-3 CMP-1025-X-4 CMP-1025-X-5.5 CMP-1128-X-2 CMP-1128-X-3 CMP-1128-X-4 CMP-1128-X-5.5 CMP-1128-X-7.5 CMP-1231-X-3 CMP-1231-X-4 CMP-1231-X-5.5 CMP-1231-X-7.5 CMP-1435-X-3 CMP-1435-X-4 CMP-1435-X-5.5 CMP-1435-X-7.5 CMP-1435-X-10 CMP-1640-X-4 CMP-1640-X-5.5 CMP-1640-X-7.5 CMP-1640-X-10 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power 3 [m /h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 30.6% 31.6% 31.9% 32.5% 33.2% 33.4% 33.7% 34.3% 34.9% 35.6% 37.2% 37.9% 38.5% 39.4% 40.1% 30.9% 31.4% 32.0% 32.6% 38.1% 38.8% 39.7% 40.5% 41.3% 39.1% 39.9% 40.7% 41.4% N 38.4 38.4 37.9 37.6 37.3 41.7 41.2 40.8 40.4 40.4 44.1 43.7 43.5 43.6 43.5 37.6 37.2 37.1 36.7 43.3 43.2 43.4 43.3 43.3 44.1 44.2 44.1 44.0 (kW) 0.596 0.824 1.119 1.603 2.279 0.492 0.662 0.968 1.335 1.768 0.809 1.176 1.634 2.145 2.879 0.892 1.212 1.588 2.196 1.515 2.028 2.684 3.608 4.881 1.620 2.109 2.894 3.765 (m3/h) 1488 1674 1860 2112 2391 1240 1373 1567 1753 1939 2020 2302 2584 2850 3163 2076 2311 2545 2852 3272 3629 4016 4462 4968 3622 3984 4455 4889 193 CMP-X Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMP-1845-X-5.5 CMP-1845-X-7.5 CMP-1845-X-10 CMP-1845-X-15 CMP-1845-X-20 CMP-2050-X-7.5 CMP-2050-X-10 CMP-2050-X-15 CMP-2050-X-20 CMP-2563-X-7.5 CMP-2563-X-10 CMP-2563-X-15 CMP-2563-X-20 CMP-2563-X-25 CMP-2563-X-30 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 ηe[%] 43.4% 44.4% 45.3% 45.9% 46.3% 42.5% 43.4% 44.0% 44.4% 44.7% 45.3% 45.9% 46.3% 46.0% 46.2% N 46.5 46.7 46.7 46.3 46.2 44.8 44.9 44.5 44.3 46.5 46.4 45.9 46.1 45.6 45.8 (kW) 3.320 4.417 5.999 8.662 12.483 4.409 5.924 8.443 11.880 5.101 6.834 9.972 13.959 17.510 20.187 (m3/h) 6081 6737 7512 8526 9659 8503 9448 10676 11999 12441 13781 15695 17609 18949 19906 (mmH2O) 87.03 106.82 132.81 171.06 219.54 80.95 99.94 127.61 161.19 67.23 82.49 106.99 134.68 155.95 172.10 (RPM) 1020 1130 1260 1430 1620 900 1000 1130 1270 650 720 820 920 990 1040 Dimensions in mm CMP-922..2563 Installation A Model CMP-922-X A B B1 CC1 C2 E HH1 øO1 V v X X1 Y 388.5 455 655 589 515.5 73.5 180 280 134 12 340 310 350 150 100 CMP-1025-X 427 503 690 614 528 86 197 310 144 12 40 310 350 150 112.5 CMP-1128-X 472 553 725 660 566.5 93.5 216 340 152 12 350 320 380 160 125 CMP-1231-X 526 630 775 680 576.5 103.5 238 390 179.5 12 380 350 380 160 135 CMP-1435-X 573.5 715 940 838 720 118 250 445 242.5 12 440 400 460 200 149 CMP-1640-X 634 799 990 862 732 130 270 495 271 12 460 420 460 200 161 CMP-1845-X 711 901 1055 896 749 147 302 560 305 12 500 460 460 200 178 CMP-2050-X 797 987 1215 1068 905.5 162.5 345 610 313 14 540 500 600 275 189.5 CMP-2563-X 1027 1213 1350 1165 954 211 460 742 378.5 14 590 540 600 275 238 194 CMP-X Dimensions in mm CMP-1128..2563 Installation B Model A B C C1 C2 E E1 H H1øO1 U V v(*) v1 X X1 Y CMP-1128-X 472 553 704 610.5 93.5 216 71 340 152 12 35 885 275 30 630 600 118 CMP-1231-X 526 630 724 620.5 103.5 238 118 390 179.5 12 35 980 280 70 660 630 138 CMP-1845-X 711 901 896 749 147 302 87 560 305 18 60 1210 285 35 860 810 182 CMP-2563-X 1027 1213 1165 954 211 460 195 742 378.5 18 60 1320 315 30 1200 1150 317 * Mod. 1128 - 1231 = 4 drilled holes. Mod. 1458 - 2563 = 5 drilled holes. Inlet Outlet CMP-1025 CMP-1128 CMP-1231 I CMP-1435 CMP-1640 CMP-1845 CMP-2050 CMP-2563 Model øD1 ødød1 ød2 CMP-922-X 224 278 256 M8 204 282.5 J J1 K k1 k2 128 140 - 180 215 L øO 9.5 CMP-1025-X 250 305 282 M8 229 312.5 145 165 - 205 250 9.5 CMP-1128-X 280 348 320 M8 244 364 170 180 - 220 296.5 9.5 CMP-1231-X 315 382 354 M8 264 382.5 180 200 - 240 320 11.5 11.5 CMP-1435-X 355 422 394 M8 292 342.5 159 228 133 - 280 CMP-1640-X 400 464 438 M8 336 404 185 250 150 - 321 11.5 CMP-1845-X 450 515 485 M8 370 444 202 284 164 - 361 11.5 CMP-2050-X 500 565 535 M10 411 544 250 315 182.5 - 451 11.5 CMP-2563-X 630 710 675 M12 512 706 330 410 230 - 600 17 * Recommended nominal diameter for duct. 195 CMP-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 922 1025 196 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMP-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1128 1231 197 CMP-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 1435 1640 198 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMP-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1845 2050 199 CMP-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 2563 Positions LG 270 standard supply LG0 LG45 LG90 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 LG135 RD 135 LG180 LG225 LG270 LG315 RD 180 RD 225 RD 270 RD 315 Accessories See accessories section. INT 200 C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG CMR-X CMR-X Belt-driven fan with electric motor, pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from robust sheet steel • Version A: motor assembled on the housing • Version B: motor mounted on general bedplate Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 150ºC. Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • Stainless steel fans • ATEX certification, Category 2 Robust build Order code CMR 1135 CMR-X: Belt-driven fans Impeller size X Belt-driven fan 5,5 Motor power (CV) B Assembly type A: Motor assembled on the housing B: Motor mounted on general bedplate Technical characteristics Model CMR-1031-X-0.75 Speed (r/min) Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V Installed power (kW) 0.55 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 3650 Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) Weight (Kg) Assembly type 2050 2.92 1.69 65 48 A CMR-1031-X-1 2300 3.10 1.79 0.75 4100 85 49 A CMR-1031-X-1.5 2600 4.03 2.32 1.10 4650 110 54 A CMR-1031-X-2 2870 5.96 3.44 1.50 5100 130 57 A CMR-1031-X-3 3270 8.36 4.83 2.20 5800 170 65 A CMR-1031-X-4 3670 10.96 6.33 3.00 6550 215 68 A CMR-1031-X-5.5 3820 14.10 8.12 4.00 6800 235 80 B CMR-1135-X-1 1850 3.10 1.79 0.75 4700 65 53 A CMR-1135-X-1.5 2080 4.03 2.32 1.10 5250 80 58 A CMR-1135-X-2 2300 5.96 3.44 1.50 5800 100 61 A CMR-1135-X-3 2630 8.36 4.83 2.20 6650 130 69 A 201 CMR-X Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) Weight (Kg) Assembly type CMR-1135-X-4 2950 10.96 6.33 3.00 7450 165 72 A CMR-1135-X-5.5 3250 14.10 8.12 4.00 8200 200 84 B CMR-1240-X-2 1840 5.96 3.44 1.50 7050 90 77 A CMR-1240-X-3 2100 8.36 4.83 2.20 8050 120 85 A CMR-1240-X-4 2350 10.96 6.33 3.00 9000 150 88 A CMR-1240-X-5.5 2600 14.10 8.12 4.00 9950 180 100 A CMR-1240-X-7.5 2870 6.72 5.50 11000 220 114 B CMR-1445-X-3 1750 8.36 4.83 2.20 9900 100 104 A CMR-1445-X-4 1960 10.96 6.33 3.00 11100 125 107 A CMR-1445-X-5.5 2160 14.10 8.12 4.00 12200 155 119 A CMR-1445-X-7.5 2400 11.60 6.72 5.50 13600 190 133 A CMR-1445-X-10 2680 14.20 8.20 7.50 15150 235 140 A CMR-1445-X-15 3040 20.20 11.60 11.00 17200 305 178 B CMR-1650-X-4 1720 10.96 6.33 3.00 11150 115 132 A CMR-1650-X-5.5 1880 14.10 8.12 4.00 12200 135 144 A CMR-1650-X-7.5 2100 11.60 6.72 5.50 13600 170 158 A CMR-1650-X-10 2340 14.20 8.20 7.50 15150 210 165 A CMR-1650-X-15 2650 20.20 11.60 11.00 17150 270 203 A CMR-1650-X-20 2800 27.50 15.90 15.00 18150 305 219 B CMR-1856-X-5.5 1600 8.12 4.00 16650 120 159 A CMR-1856-X-7.5 1770 11.60 6.72 5.50 18450 150 173 A CMR-1856-X-10 1950 14.20 8.20 7.50 20300 180 180 A CMR-1856-X-15 2200 20.20 11.60 11.00 22900 230 218 A CMR-1856-X-20 2400 27.50 15.90 15.00 25000 270 234 A CMR-2063-X-5.5 1220 8.12 4.00 20450 110 246 A CMR-2063-X-7.5 1370 11.60 6.72 5.50 22950 135 260 A CMR-2063-X-10 1500 14.20 8.20 7.50 25100 165 267 A CMR-2063-X-15 1720 20.20 11.60 11.00 28800 215 305 A CMR-2063-X-20 1930 27.50 15.90 15.00 32300 270 321 A CMR-2063-X-25 2070 35.00 20.00 18.50 34650 310 360 A CMR-2271-X-7.5 1080 11.60 6.72 5.50 25500 100 310 A CMR-2271-X-10 1200 14.20 8.20 7.50 28350 125 317 A CMR-2271-X-15 1370 20.20 11.60 11.00 32350 165 355 A CMR-2271-X-20 1540 27.50 15.90 15.00 36400 205 371 A CMR-2271-X-25 1650 35.00 20.00 18.50 39000 235 410 B CMR-2380-X-10 940 14.20 8.20 7.50 32250 105 442 A CMR-2380-X-15 1060 20.20 11.60 11.00 36350 130 480 A CMR-2380-X-20 1200 27.50 15.90 15.00 41150 170 496 B CMR-2380-X-25 1290 35.00 20.00 18.50 44250 195 535 B CMR-2380-X-30 1370 42.00 24.00 22.00 46950 220 558 B CMR-2590-X-20 1130 27.50 15.90 15.00 48250 170 681 B CMR-2590-X-25 1200 35.00 20.00 18.50 51250 190 720 B CMR-2590-X-30 1280 42.00 24.00 22.00 54700 220 743 B CMR-2590-X-40 1430 55.00 32.00 30.00 61100 270 793 B CMR-2590-X-50 1520 69.20 40.10 37.00 64950 310 910 B CMR-2590-X-60 1630 81.00 47.00 45.00 69650 355 942 B CMR-28100-X-30 1050 42.00 24.00 22.00 63500 185 1152 B CMR-28100-X-40 1165 55.00 32.00 30.00 70450 230 1202 B CMR-28100-X-50 1250 69.20 40.10 37.00 75600 260 1319 B CMR-28100-X-60 1340 81.00 47.00 45.00 81050 300 1351 B CMR-28100-X-75 1430 99.00 57.00 55.00 86500 345 1429 B CMR-28100-X-100 1525 133.00 77.00 75.00 92250 390 1704 B CMR-25112-X-30 880 42.00 24.00 22.00 73900 165 933 B CMR-25112-X-40 970 55.00 32.00 30.00 81500 200 983 B CMR-25112-X-50 1040 69.20 40.10 37.00 87350 230 1100 B CMR-25112-X-60 1110 81.00 47.00 45.00 93250 265 1132 B CMR-25112-X-75 1180 99.00 57.00 55.00 99100 295 1210 B CMR-25112-X-100 1310 133.00 77.00 75.00 110050 365 1485 B 202 14.10 14.10 11.60 CMR-X Technical characteristics Speed Model (r/min) Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Maximum pressure (mm w.c.) Weight (Kg) Assembly type CMR-28125-X-40 800 55.00 32.00 30.00 96000 170 1358 B CMR-28125-X-50 860 69.20 40.10 37.00 103200 195 1475 B CMR-28125-X-60 920 81.00 47.00 45.00 110400 225 1507 B CMR-28125-X-75 980 99.00 57.00 55.00 117600 255 1585 B CMR-28125-X-100 1090 133.00 77.00 75.00 130800 315 1860 B CMR-28125-X-125 1160 159.00 92.00 90.00 139200 355 1927 B CMR-32140-X-50 690 69.20 40.10 37.00 113850 160 2023 B CMR-32140-X-60 740 81.00 47.00 45.00 12100 180 2055 B CMR-32140-X-75 790 99.00 57.00 55.00 130350 210 2133 B CMR-32140-X-100 875 133.00 77.00 75.00 144400 255 2408 B CMR-32140-X-125 930 159.00 92.00 90.00 153450 290 2475 B CMR-32140-X-150 1000 194.00 112.00 110.00 165000 335 2538 B CMR-36160-X-75 680 99.00 57.00 55.00 145850 195 2590 B CMR-36160-X-100 750 133.00 77.00 75.00 160900 240 2865 B CMR-36160-X-125 800 159.00 92.00 90.00 171600 270 2932 B CMR-36160-X-150 860 194.00 112.00 110.00 184450 315 2995 B CMR-36160-X-175 910 232.00 134.00 125.00 195200 350 3067 B CMR-36160-X-220 970 277.00 160.00 160.00 208050 400 3140 B Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMR-1031-X-1 CMR-1031-X-1.5 CMR-1135-X-1 CMR-1135-X-1.5 CMR-1135-X-2 CMR-1135-X-3 CMR-1135-X-4 CMR-1135-X-5.5 CMR-1240-X-2 CMR-1240-X-3 CMR-1240-X-4 CMR-1240-X-5.5 CMR-1240-X-7.5 CMR-1445-X-3 CMR-1445-X-4 CMR-1445-X-5.5 CMR-1445-X-7.5 CMR-1445-X-10 CMR-1445-X-15 CMR-1650-X-4 CMR-1650-X-5.5 CMR-1650-X-7.5 CMR-1650-X-10 CMR-1650-X-15 CMR-1650-X-20 CMR-1856-X-5.5 CMR-1856-X-7.5 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.01 ηe[%] 46.6% 48.0% 50.5% 52.0% 52.5% 53.7% 54.8% 56.1% 56.9% 58.3% 59.6% 61.2% 62.6% 54.5% 55.6% 57.0% 58.4% 59.4% 60.2% 56.1% 57.5% 58.8% 60.0% 60.7% 61.3% 58.8% 60.2% N 58.6 58.5 62.9 63.0 62.1 61.6 61.2 61.4 65.6 65.2 65.1 65.4 65.6 62.0 61.6 61.8 61.8 61.5 60.5 62.3 62.6 62.5 62.3 61.4 61.3 62.9 63.0 (kW) 0.720 1.009 0.654 0.903 1.209 1.768 2.445 3.190 1.511 2.192 3.007 3.966 5.212 1.944 2.674 3.491 4.681 6.400 9.227 2.559 3.263 4.446 6.027 8.646 10.109 4.055 5.361 (m3/h) 1876 2120 2129 2393 2647 3026 3395 3740 4536 5177 5793 6409 7075 5049 5655 6232 6924 7732 8771 5639 6164 6885 7672 8689 9180 9680 10709 (mmH2O) 65.67 83.92 56.94 71.98 88.01 115.08 144.78 175.73 69.58 90.64 113.50 138.93 169.29 76.98 96.56 117.27 144.78 180.53 232.29 93.44 111.64 139.29 172.95 221.81 247.63 90.33 110.55 (RPM) 2300 2600 1850 2080 2300 2630 2950 3250 1840 2100 2350 2600 2870 1750 1960 2160 2400 2680 3040 1720 1880 2100 2340 2650 2800 1600 1770 203 CMR-X Erp. BEP (best efficiency point) characteristics MC EC VSD SR Model CMR-1856-X-10 CMR-1856-X-15 CMR-1856-X-20 CMR-2063-X-5.5 CMR-2063-X-7.5 CMR-2063-X-10 CMR-2063-X-15 CMR-2063-X-20 CMR-2063-X-25 CMR-2271-X-7.5 CMR-2271-X-10 CMR-2271-X-15 CMR-2271-X-20 CMR-2271-X-25 CMR-2380-X-10 CMR-2380-X-15 CMR-2380-X-20 CMR-2380-X-25 CMR-2380-X-30 CMR-2590-X-20 CMR-2590-X-25 CMR-2590-X-30 CMR-2590-X-40 CMR-2590-X-50 CMR-2590-X-60 CMR-28100-X-30 CMR-28100-X-40 CMR-28100-X-50 CMR-28100-X-60 CMR-28100-X-75 CMR-28100-X-100 CMR-25112-X-30 CMR-25112-X-40 CMR-25112-X-50 CMR-25112-X-60 CMR-25112-X-75 CMR-25112-X-100 CMR-28125-X-40 CMR-28125-X-50 CMR-28125-X-60 CMR-28125-X-75 CMR-28125-X-100 CMR-28125-X-125 CMR-32140-X-50 CMR-32140-X-60 CMR-32140-X-75 CMR-32140-X-100 CMR-32140-X-125 CMR-32140-X-150 CMR-36160-X-75 CMR-36160-X-100 CMR-36160-X-125 CMR-36160-X-150 CMR-36160-X-175 CMR-36160-X-220 204 ηe[%] Efficiency N Efficiency grade [kW] Input power [m3/h] Airflow [mmH2O] Static or total pressure (According to EC) [RPM] Speed Measurement category Efficiency category S Static T Total Variable-speed drive Specific ratio MC C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C EC S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S VSD NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SR 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 ηe[%] 60.9% 61.7% 62.2% 66.8% 68.3% 69.7% 70.8% 71.4% 71.0% 62.3% 63.0% 63.8% 64.4% 63.9% 62.9% 63.6% 64.2% 63.8% 64.1% 67.4% 66.9% 67.3% 68.0% 69.2% 69.2% 65.2% 65.9% 67.0% 67.0% 67.4% 67.8% 65.6% 66.3% 67.4% 67.4% 67.8% 68.2% 67.4% 68.5% 68.5% 68.9% 69.3% 69.7% 67.7% 67.7% 68.1% 68.5% 68.9% 69.2% 70.7% 71.2% 71.6% 71.9% 71.9% 71.9% N 62.5 61.7 62.0 72.3 72.3 72.5 71.9 71.4 70.7 65.1 64.4 63.8 64.0 63.3 65.1 64.3 64.0 63.4 63.5 67.0 66.3 66.5 66.9 67.8 67.6 64.4 64.8 65.6 65.4 65.5 65.8 64.7 65.1 66.0 65.8 66.0 66.1 66.3 67.2 66.9 67.1 67.2 67.4 66.5 66.2 66.4 66.5 66.7 66.8 68.9 69.0 69.2 69.3 69.2 68.9 (kW) 7.083 10.047 12.929 3.000 4.155 5.349 7.936 11.114 13.803 5.415 7.343 10.793 15.195 18.813 6.085 8.619 12.395 15.501 18.464 15.552 18.749 22.628 31.207 36.874 45.473 23.110 31.220 37.943 46.742 56.504 68.092 24.242 32.111 38.939 47.342 56.572 76.911 29.884 36.526 44.717 53.760 73.500 88.121 32.746 40.393 48.883 65.997 78.822 97.478 56.384 75.168 90.744 112.138 132.856 161.076 (m3/h) 11798 13311 14521 7241 8131 8902 10208 11454 12285 16162 17958 20502 23046 24692 15178 17116 19377 20830 22122 24913 26456 28220 31527 33511 35936 34574 38361 41160 44123 47087 50215 40277 44396 47600 50804 54008 59958 50208 53973 57739 61505 68408 72801 54594 58550 62506 69231 73583 79121 90083 99356 105980 113929 120552 128501 (mmH2O) 134.18 170.79 203.25 101.63 128.16 153.64 202.01 254.35 292.59 76.58 94.55 123.23 155.72 178.75 92.47 117.59 150.70 174.15 196.42 154.35 174.06 198.04 247.18 279.27 321.16 159.98 196.94 226.73 260.55 296.73 337.46 144.94 176.11 202.44 230.61 260.61 321.20 147.26 170.17 194.75 220.98 273.37 309.61 149.04 171.42 195.37 239.67 270.75 313.04 162.46 197.62 224.85 259.84 290.94 330.57 (RPM) 1950 2200 2400 1220 1370 1500 1720 1930 2070 1080 1200 1370 1540 1650 940 1060 1200 1290 1370 1130 1200 1280 1430 1520 1630 1050 1165 1250 1340 1430 1525 880 970 1040 1110 1180 1310 800 860 920 980 1090 1160 690 740 790 875 930 1000 680 750 800 860 910 970 CMR-X Dimensions in mm CMR-1031..1856 Installation A Model CMR-1031-X CMR-1135-X CMR-1240-X CMR-1445-X CMR-1650-X CMR-1856-X ABC E F GHIK k2LMN øO1PR 542626666 250 292 245381320250285315276 35 1147217,5 600696697 275 325 273423350280315355310 35 1153017,5 673790738 305 368 310480395315355400358 40 11593 20 765880789 350 415 339541445355405450407 45 11675 20 832970883 375 457 378592490400450500445 45 13742 20 9251084938 415 510 426658550450500560493 50 13825 25 CMR-2063...2380 Installation A Model CMR-2063-X CMR-2271-X CMR-2380-X A A2BB2CC1 C2EFGH H1L M øO1Vv v1Xx x1Y 10331105123213801215 959256465640640760365630530146506003501131571255383 11681225138215361277 990287525700700850416710603147507003501193633255314 148715301722188313181031287680850850 1050410112071014 10159603501235635275315 205 CMR-X Dimensions in mm CMR-1031...1856 Installation B Model M N v v1 CMR-1031-X 542 626 666 A B CE 250 292 F 245 381 320 G H I 250 315 276 KL 35 øO1 11 50 1400 430 U V 55 690 640 225 X x1 Y CMR-1135-X 600 696 697 275 325 273 423 350 280 355 310 35 11 50 1400 430 55 690 640 240 CMR-1240-X 673 790 738 305 368 310 480 395 315 400 358 40 11 50 1600 490 65 780 730 257 CMR-1445-X 765 880 789 350 415 339 541 445 355 450 407 45 11 50 1600 490 65 800 7550 283 CMR-1650-X 832 970 883 375 457 378 592 490 400 500 445 45 13 60 1800 550 75 920 860 331 CMR-1856-X 925 1084 938 415 510 426 658 550 450 560 493 50 13 60 1800 550 75 970 910 350 CMR-2063...2380 Installation B Model AA2 BB2 CC1C2 EE1FGHH1 LM øO1 U Vv v1 Xx1YZ CMR-2063-X 10331105123213801215 959256 465 60640640760365 630530 145017804205013351275447455 CMR-2271-X 11681225138215361277 990287 525 70700700850416 710603 145017804205013351275416505 CMR-2380-X 14871530 1722 188313181031 287 680 75 850 8501050 4101120 710 14801900450 5014201360440508 CMR-2590...36160 Installation B Model AA2 B B2 CC1C2 E FG HH1 LM øO U V v v1 x x1 Y Z CMR-2590-X 149516901785 213014701090320.5 6301060383 1060 535 2150 30 19 160 1090 970 1120 495 731 555 1286 CMR-28100-X 168018901990 236016951274 362 7101180429 1180 610 2250 35 21 180 1190 1060 1120 600 818 660 1478 CMR-25112-X 489021002230 263018051321 407 8001300469 1320 690 2390 35 24 180 1350 1200 1120 600 908 670 1578 CMR-28125-X 201022602480 291019851451 46283014305291500775 2520 40 24180148013201120 6701023 750 1773 CMR-32140-X 227024502750 295021901606 51295015005991650860 2700 40 24180166015001120 7501143 830 1973 CMR-36160-X 253527403075 326523901746 572106016806541850945 2900 40 24180186017001120 8001258 880 2138 206 CMR-X Dimensions in mm Inlets/ outlets Inlet Outlet CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 CMR-1856 CMR-2063 CMR-2271 CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 CMR-2380 CMR-1856 Model CMR-1031-X CMR-28100 CMR-25112 CMR-28125 CMR-32140 CMR-36160 CMR-28125 CMR-32140 CMR-2380 CMR-36160 CMR-2590 CMR-28100 øD1* ødød1 ød2 I J J1 J2 K k k1 k2 L øO 315383356 M8 320 385 75350250100 92.5285315 11 CMR-1135-X 355425398 M8 350 425 95390280100 107.5315355 11 CMR-1240-X 400472444 M10 395 480 70440315100 77.5355400 11 CMR-1445-X 450522494 M10 445 540 99495355100 102.5405450 11 CMR-1650-X 500582555 M10 490 59087.5550400125100450500 13 CMR-1856-X 560645615 M10 550 660 55610450125125500560 13 CMR-2063-X 630720688 M12 620 750 95690500125 92.5560632 13 CMR-2271-X 710800768 M12 690 840 75775560125 62.5625710 13 CMR-2380-X 800910861 M12 6901246 93 1186562125 62.56251122 13 CMR-2590-X CMR-2271 CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-25112 CMR-2590 CMR-2063 14 7501020 -968630200 -708900 14 CMR-28100-X 100811081067 9081008958 14 830 1120 -1077 710 200 - 7851000 14 CMR-25112-X 113012501200 14 940 1260 -1210 800 200 - 8811120 18 CMR-28125-X 126013801337 14 1040 1390 -1347 900 200 - 9781250 18 CMR-32140-X 142015401491 16 1160 1560 -15011000 200 -10871400 18 CMR-36160-X 161017301663 16 1280 1760 -16831120 200 -12201600 22 207 CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 1031 1135 208 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 1240 1445 209 CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 1650 1856 210 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 2063 2271 211 CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 2380 2590 212 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 28100 25112 213 CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. 28125 32140 214 Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. CMR-X Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 36160 Positions LG 270 standard supply LG0 LG45 LG90 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 LG135 RD 135 LG180 LG225 LG270 LG315 RD 180 RD 225 RD 270 RD 315 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE CJACUS S REG 215 CMRH CMRH Belt-driven fan with electric motor, pulley and belt kit and standardised protectors in accordance with standard EN-294 and ISO-13852 and 150 mm mineral fibre fireproof plate for horizontal work free Fan: • Thick sheet steel structure • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from robust sheet steel • Transmission set with cast bearings and bracket Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 300ºC Finish: • Treated with heat-resistant paint On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Heat-resistant steel fan for temperatures up to 400ºC • Version to work in a vertical position External grease fittings to aid maintenance Order code CMRH 1856 CMRH: Ventiladores accionados a transmisión, cajón calorifugado con fibra mineral de 150 mm, para trabajo horizontal Impeller size X Belt-driven fan /R 7.5 Fitted with refrigeration impeller Motor power (CV) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Sound pressure level dB(A) 3.00 10810 81 Technical characteristics Model CMRH-1445-X/R-3 CMRH-1445-X/R-4 Speed (r/min) 1700 1910 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V 8.36 4.83 10.96 6.33 Installed power (kW) 2.20 9620 79 Approx. weight (Kg) 203 207 CMRH-1445-X/R-5.5 2120 14.10 8.12 4.00 12000 83 226 CMRH-1650-X/R-4 1530 10.96 6.33 3.00 9910 80 212 CMRH-1650-X/R-5.5 1720 14.10 CMRH-1650-X/R-7.5 1910 CMRH-1856-X/R-5.5 1365 CMRH-1856-X/R-7.5 1535 14.10 8.12 11.60 6.72 8.12 11.60 6.72 4.00 11140 82 231 5.50 12370 84 250 4.00 14210 79 241 5.50 15980 81 260 CMRH-1856-X/R-10 1705 14.20 8.20 7.50 17780 83 273 CMRH-2063-X/R-7.5 1365 11.60 6.72 5.50 22860 82 265 CMRH-2063-X/R-10 1515 14.20 8.20 7.50 25370 84 278 CMRH-2063-X/R-15 1700 20.20 11.60 11.00 28470 86 305 CMRH-2271-X/R-15 1370 20.20 11.60 11.00 32300 87 350 CMRH-2271-X/R-20 1540 27.50 15.90 15.00 36300 90 375 CMRH-2380-X/R-25 1280 35.00 20.00 18.50 43885 83 405 CMRH-2380-X/R-30 1365 42.00 24.00 22.00 46800 85 422 216 CMRH Dimensions in mm Model A BC øD EF G HI øJL CMRH-1445-X/R-3 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 202 458 706 CMRH-1445-X/R-4 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 202 458 706 CMRH-1445-X/R-5’5 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 202 458 706 CMRH-1650-X/R-4 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 224 508 707 CMRH-1650-X/R-5’5 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 224 508 707 CMRH-1650-X/R-7’5 740 177 16 12 660 150 5 43 224 508 707 CMRH-1856-X/R-4 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 245.5 573 816 CMRH-1856-X/R-5’5 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 245.5 573 816 CMRH-1856-X/R-7’5 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 245.5 573 816 CMRH-2063-X/R-7’5 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 274 644 816 CMRH-2063-X/R-10 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 274 644 816 CMRH-2063-X/R-15 800 192 16 12 720 150 5 43 274 644 816 CMRH-2271-X/R-15 970 232.5 20 14 870 150 5 43 295 719 816 CMRH-2271-X/R-20 970 232.5 20 14 870 150 5 43 295 719 816 CMRH-2380-X/R-25 970 232.5 20 14 870 150 5 53 400 810 920 CMRH-2380-X/R-30 970 232.5 20 14 870 150 5 53 400 810 920 Characteristic Curves See characteristic curves, CMR-X series. Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET ARO VOL 217 CMSH CMSH Centrifugal medium-pressure fans fitted with impeller with backward-facing blades and 150 mm mineral fibre fireproof plate free Fan: • Steel sheet structure • Impeller with backward-curved blades made from sheet steel • Heat resistant plate made from high-density mineral fibre and high thermal and acoustic insulation capacity • Two versions of insulation are available: Version A with mineral wool 30 mm. thick Version C with mineral wool 150 mm. thick Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 250ºC Finish: • Treated with heat-resistant paint Plate insulated with mineral fibre with a high thermal insulation capacity On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Made from stainless steel Order code CMSH / A CMSH: Centrifugal mediumpressure fans and 150 mm mineral fibre fireproof plate 2063 4T Impeller A= mineral wool 30 mm. thick size C= mineral wool 150 mm. thick Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CMSH-831-2T-2 2770 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V 7,5 T=Three-phase Motor Number of power (CV) motor poles 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz Installed power (kW) 5.44 3.13 5.44 3.13 1.50 3660 70 35.4 CMSH-1040-4T-1.5 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 2660 57 31.9 CMSH-1145-4T-1.5 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 3940 61 54.3 CMSH-1240-4T-1.5 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 5300 62 53.4 CMSH-1445-4T-2 1430 5.96 3.44 1.50 8450 70 61.0 CMSH-1650-4T-3 1445 8.36 4.83 2.20 10900 71 78.5 CMSH-1856-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 17100 77 90.6 CMSH-2063-4T-7.5 1440 5.50 19200 77 126.9 CMSH-2063-6T-3 955 2.20 13600 66 120.9 1460 20.20 11.60 11.00 31000 83 170.6 CMSH-2271-4T-20 1460 27.50 15.90 15.00 34600 85 187.6 9.46 4.00 21900 75 151.6 960 16.50 5.30 27.5 CMSH-2271-4T-15 CMSH-2271-6T-5.5 9.30 65 Approx. weight (Kg) 2770 6.72 2650 Sound pressure level dB(A) CMSH-935-2T-2 11.60 1.50 Maximum airflow (m3/h) CMSH-2380-4T-30 1465 42.00 24.00 22.00 47600 86 251.1 CMSH-2380-6T-15 970 23.20 13.40 11.00 30900 78 257.1 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CMSH-831-2T-2 CMSH-935-2T-2 CMSH-1040-4T-1,5 CMSH-1240-4T-1,5 CMSH-1145-4T-1,5 CMSH-1445-4T-2 CMSH-1650-4T-3 CMSH-1856-4T-5,5 218 63 125250 54 63 68 59 68 73 50 56 61 46 59 61 56 62 67 55 65 78 52 65 79 64 71 88 5001000 20004000 8000Model 68 72 71 64 58 CMSH-2063-4T-7,5 73 77 76 69 63 CMSH-2063-6T-3 62 65 67 59 53 CMSH-2271-4T-15 73 69 67 64 56 CMSH-2271-4T-20 68 71 73 65 59 CMSH-2271-6T-5,5 81 79 79 75 65 CMSH-2380-4T-30 79 82 80 77 67 CMSH-2380-6T-15 88 87 87 86 83 63 125250 66 72 91 58 69 76 73 79 97 75 81 99 65 78 79 76 82 100 68 81 82 500100020004000 8000 86 86 86 83 74 77 78 77 71 61 96 94 94 91 83 98 96 96 93 85 83 92 86 82 71 99 97 97 94 86 86 95 89 85 74 CMSH Dimensions in mm Model a b cdgøj m øn o pqrs CMSH-831-2T-2 253.53 CMSH-935-2T-2 265.53 93.5 22305 350573.5 1420188 604150495 8320.5305 315561.511.515150 480150400 CMSH-1040-4T-1’5273.53103.45 20305 400581.5 1415188 604150495 CMSH-1145-4T-1’5283.55 11419.5305 450593.5 1415200 630150565 CMSH-1240-4T-1’5356.55 18422.5305 404666.5 1415200 630150565 CMSH-1445-4T-2 397.55 22027.5305 458707.5 1415200 630150565 CMSH-1650-4T-3 4285 248 30335 508 768 1416236 740150673 CMSH-1856-4T-5’5449.55277.5 22335 573789.5 1416236 740150673 CMSH-2063-4T-7’5 4705 299 21396 644 871 1419284 890150813 CMSH-2063-6T-3 4705 299 21358 644 833 1419284 890150813 CMSH-2271-4T-15 5005 330 20514 7191019 1419284 890150813 CMSH-2271-4T-20 5005 330 20514 7191019 1419284 890150813 CMSH-2271-6T-5’5 4665 295 21396 719 867 1419284 890150813 CMSH-2380-4T-30 538.55 36622.5588 808 1131.5 14192481030150953 CMSH-2380-6T-15 538.55 36622.5514 808 1057.5 14192481030150953 Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. 219 CMSH Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Accessories See accessories section. INT 220 C2V RM AR RFT AET ARO CMPH free CMPH Centrifugal medium-pressure fans fitted with multi-blade impeller and mineral fibre fireproof plate Fan: • Steel sheet structure • Impeller with forward-facing blades made from galvanised sheet steel • Heat resistant plate made from high-density mineral fibre and high thermal and acoustic insulation capacity Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC + 250ºC Plate insulated with 30mm-thick mineral fibre with a high thermal insulation capacity Finish: • Treated with heat-resistant paint On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Made from stainless steel Order code CMPH CMPH: Centrifugal medium-pressure fans, mineral fibre fireproof plate 16404T Impeller size 10 Number of T=Three-phase Motor motor poles power (CV) 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz 6=900 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model CMPH-512-2T-0.25 Speed (r/min) 2750 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Installed power (kW) 0.18 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 475 Sound pressure level dB(A) 62 Approx. weight (Kg) 1.21 0.70 CMPH-512-4T-0.16 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 255 55 7.0 6.5 CMPH-514-2T-0.25 2750 1.21 0.70 0.18 800 65 11.2 CMPH-514-4T-0.16 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 565 58 11.2 CMPH-616-2T-0.5 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 1380 69 13.3 CMPH-616-4T-0.16 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 850 61 10.8 CMPH-620-2T-0.5 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 765 68 15.4 CMPH-620-4T-0.16 1320 0.96 0.56 0.12 810 61 12.9 CMPH-718-2T-1 2770 2.78 1.60 0.75 1485 70 18.3 CMPH-718-4T-0.33 1350 1.52 0.88 0.25 1280 63 14.9 CMPH-820-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1950 73 20.4 CMPH-820-4T-0.33 1350 1.52 0.88 0.25 1670 66 15.3 CMPH-922-2T-1.5 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1650 70 24.1 CMPH-922-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2010 71 27.1 CMPH-922-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2600 74 29.9 CMPH-922-4T-0.75 1380 2.92 1.69 0.55 2450 66 22.2 221 CMPH Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CMPH-1025-2T-3 Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) Approx. weight (Kg) 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 73 30.5 CMPH-1025-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 2830 77 37.8 CMPH-1025-4T-1.5 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 3400 70 27.1 CMPH-1128-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 2220 77 42.9 CMPH-1128-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 3210 81 49.9 CMPH-1128-4T-3 1445 8.36 4.83 2.20 5000 74 43.9 CMPH-1128-6T-1 945 3.90 2.20 0.75 3300 60 35.9 CMPH-1231-4T-3 1445 8.36 4.83 2.20 4740 73 44.3 CMPH-1231-4T-4 1445 10.96 6.33 3.00 5910 75 46.3 CMPH-1231-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 6850 77 51.3 CMPH-1231-6T-2 955 6.42 3.71 1.50 5115 64 43.3 CMPH-1435-4T-4 1445 10.96 6.33 3.00 5560 76 47.6 CMPH-1435-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 6260 78 52.6 CMPH-1435-4T-7.5 1440 6.72 5.50 7210 80 66.6 CMPH-1435-6T-3 11.60 2100 Sound pressure level dB(A) 955 9.30 5.30 2.20 6400 66 49.6 CMPH-1640-4T-5.5 1440 14.10 8.12 4.00 7500 77 65.3 CMPH-1640-4T-7.5 1440 11.60 6.72 5.50 8035 80 79.3 CMPH-1640-4T-10 1455 14.20 8.20 7.50 9710 82 90.3 5.30 2.20 8100 71 62.3 CMPH-1640-6T-3 955 9.30 CMPH-1845-4T-7.5 1440 11.60 6.72 5.50 8965 82 89.9 CMPH-1845-4T-10 1455 14.20 8.20 7.50 10350 85 100.9 5.30 CMPH-1845-6T-3 2.20 8330 77 72.9 CMPH-2050-4T-10 1455 955 9.30 14.20 8.20 7.50 9000 83 112.0 CMPH-2050-4T-15 1460 20.20 11.60 11.00 12525 87 131.0 CMPH-2050-4T-20 1460 27.50 15.90 15.00 19000 89 150.0 9.46 4.00 11000 79 124.0 CMPH-2050-6T-5.5 960 16.50 CMPH-2563-6T-15 970 23.20 13.40 11.00 16500 86 180.3 CMPH-2563-6T-25 970 35.00 20.00 18.50 28000 87 266.3 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model CMPH-512-2T-0.25 CMPH-512-4T-0.16 CMPH-514-2T-0.25 CMPH-514-4T-0.16 CMPH-616-2T-0.5 CMPH-616-4T-0.16 CMPH-620-2T-0.5 CMPH-620-4T-0.16 CMPH-718-2T-1 CMPH-718-4T-0.33 CMPH-820-2T-1.5 CMPH-820-4T-0.33 CMPH-922-2T-1.5 CMPH-922-2T-2 CMPH-922-2T-3 CMPH-922-4T-0.75 CMPH-1025-2T-3 CMPH-1025-2T-4 CMPH-1025-4T-1.5 CMPH-1128-2T-4 CMPH-1128-2T-5.5 CMPH-1128-4T-3 CMPH-1128-6T-1 222 63 125250 37 47 58 30 40 51 40 50 61 33 43 54 44 54 65 36 46 57 43 53 64 36 46 57 45 55 66 38 48 59 48 58 69 41 51 62 45 55 66 46 56 67 49 59 70 41 51 62 48 58 69 52 62 73 45 55 66 52 62 73 56 66 77 49 59 70 35 45 56 5001000 20004000 8000Model 65 69 66 64 57 CMPH-1231-4T-3 58 62 59 57 50 CMPH-1231-4T-4 68 72 69 67 60 CMPH-1231-4T-5.5 61 65 62 60 53 CMPH-1231-6T-2 72 76 73 71 64 CMPH-1435-4T-4 64 68 65 63 56 CMPH-1435-4T-5.5 71 75 72 70 63 CMPH-1435-4T-7.5 64 68 65 63 56 CMPH-1435-6T-3 73 77 74 72 65 CMPH-1640-4T-5.5 66 70 67 65 58 CMPH-1640-4T-7.5 76 80 77 75 68 CMPH-1640-4T-10 69 73 70 68 61 CMPH-1640-6T-3 73 77 74 72 65 CMPH-1845-4T-7.5 74 78 75 73 66 CMPH-1845-4T-10 77 81 78 76 69 CMPH-1845-6T-3 69 73 70 68 61 CMPH-2050-4T-10 76 80 77 75 68 CMPH-2050-4T-15 80 84 81 79 72 CMPH-2050-4T-20 73 77 74 72 65 CMPH-2050-6T-5.5 80 84 81 79 72 CMPH-2563-6T-15 84 88 85 83 76 CMPH-2563-6T-25 77 81 78 76 69 63 67 64 62 55 63 125250 51 60 71 53 62 73 55 64 75 42 51 62 54 63 74 56 65 76 58 67 78 44 53 64 55 64 75 58 67 78 60 69 80 49 58 69 61 71 82 64 74 85 56 66 77 62 72 83 66 76 87 68 78 89 58 68 79 67 77 88 68 78 89 500100020004000 8000 78 82 80 78 71 80 84 82 80 73 82 86 84 82 75 69 73 71 69 62 81 85 83 81 74 83 87 85 83 76 85 89 87 85 78 71 75 73 71 64 82 86 84 82 75 85 89 87 85 78 87 91 89 87 80 76 80 78 76 69 89 93 91 89 81 92 96 94 92 84 84 88 86 84 76 90 94 92 90 82 94 98 96 94 86 96 100 98 96 88 86 90 88 86 78 95 99 96 94 87 96 100 97 95 88 CMPH Dimensions in mm Model A CMPH-512 B C D G Max øJ øN O P Q R S 108 3 50.56.5 159120 71297 31550260 CMPH-514 158.5 CMPH-616 169.5 3626.5 155160 710125 395 100340 351.5 7 109 140 7 10 125 395100 340 CMPH-718 179.5 374 5 180180 710125 395 100340 CMPH-620-2T-0.5 167 362 5 155200 710125 395 100340 CMPH-620-4T-0.16 167 362 9 155200 710125 395 100340 CMPH-820 187 382 5 180200 710125 395 100340 CMPH-922 246.5 392 5 186225 11.515150 480 150400 CMPH-1025 256.5 3102 5 210 250 11.5 15150480150 400 CMPH-1128 279.5 3114 15 239 280 14 20188604150 495 CMPH-1231 293.5 3128 15 239 315 14 20188604150 495 CMPH-1435 310.5 314317.5 277 355 14 20188604150 495 CMPH-1640 332 516317.5 277 400 14 15200630150 565 CMPH-1845-4T-7.5 358.5 518017.5 277 454 14 16236740150 673 CMPH-1845-4T-10 358.5 518017.5 277 454 14 16236740150 673 CMPH-1845-6T-3 352.5 518023.5 239 454 14 16236740150 673 CMPH-2050 376.5 520423.5 388 500 14 16236740150 673 CMPH-2563-6T-15 425 525422.5 555 630 14 19284890150 813 CMPH-2563-6T-25 443.5 525439.5 555 630 14 19284890150 813 Characteristic Curves See characteristic curves, CMP series. Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET 223 CMAT CMAT Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and straight-blade impeller made from cast aluminium to transport dust and solids free Fan: • Casing made from cast aluminium • Cast aluminium straight-blade impeller for models 324 to 531 and sheet steel for models 540 to 545 Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 Option of different impeller positions Order code CMAT CMAT: Centrifugal mediumpressure fans and straightblade impeller 5402T Impeller size 2 Number of T=Three-phase Motor motor poles power (CV) 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model Speed (r/min) CMAT-324-2T 2750 CMAT-325-2T 2710 Maximum admissible current (A) 400V 230V 1.21 0.70 1.29 0.75 Installed power (kW) 0.18 Maximum airflow (m3/h) 300 0.25 450 Sound pressure level dB(A) 70 73 Approx. weight (Kg) 8.5 11.1 CMAT-426-2T 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 650 75 12.0 CMAT-527-2T 2710 1.92 1.11 0.37 900 80 13.4 CMAT-528-2T 2770 2.78 1.60 0.75 1400 80 19.8 CMAT-531-2T 2860 4.20 2.40 1.10 1800 84 24.0 CMAT-540-2T-2 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2080 80 38.5 CMAT-540-2T-3 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 2800 82 41.0 CMAT-545-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 3115 80 56.0 Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 324 325 426 527 528 224 63 125250 42 48 72 47 54 76 42 54 78 47 61 84 49 64 89 5001000 20004000 8000Model 79 76 69 60 52 531 80 80 75 65 56 540-2 85 77 71 63 58 540-3 90 82 75 67 61 545 85 84 79 72 65 63 125250 51 67 90 55 76 91 57 81 89 62 81 87 500100020004000 8000 92 89 83 77 69 86 87 83 76 68 88 92 89 83 75 86 87 89 82 74 CMAT Dimensions in mm Inlet CMAT-324...531 Model CMAT-324 A A1 B C C1 C2 øD 311 302 356 268 226 38 80 ød ød1 ød2 130 112 M5 H H1 145 205 E 145 Outlet øI øK øk øOøO1 108 62 90 7 9 v X x1 Y 173 125 V 90 60 20 CMAT-325 335 328 399 271 244 40 94 140 122 M6 155 235 152 120 80 102 7 9 180 145 110 80 20 CMAT-426 354 344 412 291 255 40 117 155 132 M6 165 240 163 170 90 119 7 13 210 160 105 65 26 CMAT-527 371 361 440 295 261 42 125 170 147 M6 168 260 170 155 100 129 7 13 220 170 120 80 20 CMAT-528 401 395 488 337 304 48 135 190 162 M6 178 290 177 190 130 160 11 13 230 180 140 100 20 CMAT-531 440 434 537 340 315 50 160 215 180 M6 193 320 200 200 140 175 11 13 240 190 160 120 21 Inlet CMAT-540-545 Model A A1 B C C1 C2 øD ød ød1 ød2 E Outlet H H1 CMAT-540 567 580 695 415 320 80 170 240 205 M10 252 415 270 220 150 190 øI øK øk øOøO1 13 11 336 218 374 V v X 240 x1 Y - CMAT-545 651 646 776 484 368 115 180 255 220 M10 290 450 309 250 175 220 13 13 336 238 392 292 - 225 CMAT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 position on request and with special fixing measurements. LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 Accessories See accessories section. INT 226 C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B ACE LG315 CMT CMT Centrifugal single-inlet, medium-pressure fans with casing and straight-blade impeller made from sheet steel to transport dust and solids free Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Sheet steel straight-blade impeller Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.-50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 Robust radial impeller Order code CMT CMT: Centrifugal medium-pressure fans and straight-blade impeller made from sheet steel to transport dust and solids 14352T Impeller size 10 Number of T=Three-phase Motor motor poles power (CV) 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model CMT-922-2T CMT-922-4T Speed (r/min) Maximum admissible current (A) 690V 400V 230V 2860 4.20 2.40 1380 2.92 1.69 Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 0.55 1080 1.10 2180 Sound pressure level dB(A) 71 66 Approx. weight (Kg) 22 20 CMT-1025-2T 2770 5.44 3.13 1.50 2850 74 31 CMT-1025-4T 1380 2.92 1.69 0.55 1390 70 27 CMT-1128-2T 2885 7.77 4.47 2.20 4500 76 37 CMT-1128-4T 1380 2.92 1.69 0.55 2250 72 30 53 CMT-1231-2T-4 2900 10.18 5.88 3.00 5220 78 CMT-1231-2T-5.5 2870 13.60 7.82 4.00 6300 79 70 CMT-1231-4T 1400 4.03 2.32 1.10 3000 73 43 CMT-1435-2T-7.5 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 7800 85 86 CMT-1435-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 8260 87 95 CMT-1435-4T 1445 2.20 4175 76 62 CMT-1640-2T-7.5 2880 8.36 10.50 6.09 5.50 5600 88 96 CMT-1640-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 9600 90 105 CMT-1640-4T 1445 4.83 2.20 4800 77 78 CMT-1845-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 5000 89 155 CMT-1845-2T-15 2940 20.30 11.70 11.00 10500 91 183 CMT-1845-2T-20 2935 27.40 15.90 15.00 13000 94 194 CMT-1845-4T 1440 8.12 4.00 8200 80 144 CMT-2050-2T-25 2930 32.40 18.70 18.50 8500 98 225 CMT-2050-2T-30 2935 38.00 22.00 22.00 13600 99 275 CMT-2050-4T 1440 11.60 6.72 5.50 11300 85 160 8.36 14.10 4.83 227 CMT Acoustic features Sound power Lw(A) spectrum in dB(A) via frequency band in Hz. Model 922-2 922-4 1025-2 1025-4 1128-2 1128-4 1231-2-4 1231-2-5.5 1231-4 1435-2-7.5 1435-2-10 63 12525050010002000 40008000 Model 45 61 76 76 77 74 72 63 1435-4 40 56 71 71 72 69 67 58 1640-2-7.5 48 64 79 79 80 77 75 66 1640-2-10 44 60 75 75 76 73 71 62 1640-4 50 66 81 81 82 79 77 68 1845-2-10 46 62 77 77 78 75 73 64 1845-2-15 55 70 86 85 87 83 81 73 1845-2-20 56 71 87 86 88 84 82 74 1845-4 50 65 81 80 82 78 76 68 2050-2-25 62 77 93 92 94 90 88 80 2050-2-30 64 79 95 94 96 92 90 82 2050-4 63 53 65 67 54 68 70 73 59 77 78 64 1252505001000 20004000 8000 68 84 83 85 81 79 71 80 96 95 97 93 91 83 82 98 97 99 95 93 85 69 85 84 86 82 80 72 83 98 98 99 96 94 85 85 100 100 101 98 96 87 88 103 103 104 101 99 90 74 89 89 90 87 85 76 92 107 107 108 105 103 94 93 108 108 109 106 104 95 79 94 94 95 92 90 81 Dimensions in mm CMT-922...1231 Inlet Outlet Model CMT-922 A B C C1 C2øDødød1ød2 E H H1 I J J1 Kk2 LøOøO1 V v Xx1 Y 388.5455 416 309 107170244 210 9.5 180 280 134 204 282.5 128 140180 215 9.510.5 290220114 50 105 CMT-1025-2T 427503 490369.5120.5190264 230 9.5 197 310 144 229 312.5 145 165205 250 9.512.5 315228134 74115.5 CMT-1025-4T 427503 442321.5120.5190264 230 9.5 197 310 144 229 312.5 145 165205 250 9.512.5 315228134 74115.5 CMT-1128-2T 472553 505 377 128210284 249 9.5 216 340 152 244 364 170 180220296.5 9.512.5 348245144 95122.5 CMT-1128-4T 472553 457 329 128210284 249 9.5 216 340 152 244 364 170 180220296.5 9.512.5 348245144 95122.5 CMT-1231-2T-4 526630 555 417 138240305 275 9.5 238 390179.5 264 382.5 180 200240 32011.5 13 382322183140 126 CMT-1231-2T-5’5 526630 578 440 138240305 275 9.5 238 390179.5 264 382.5 180 200240 32011.5 13 382322183140 126 CMT-1231-4T 526630 525 387 138240305 275 9.5 238 390179.5 264 382.5 180 200240 32011.5 13 382322183140 126 CMT-1435...2050 Inlet Outlet Model A B C C1 C2øDød ød1 ød2 E H H1 I J J1 Kk1 LøO øO1 V v X x1 Y CMT-1435-2T 573.5 715649 492 157270 3443109.5 250445242.5292342.5 159228 13328011.512 456420333136.5 150 CMT-1435-4T 573.5 715588 431 157270 3443109.5 250445242.5292342.5 159228 13328011.512 456420333136.5 150 CMT-1640-2T 634 799673 504 169270 3443109.52270495 271336 404 185250 15032111.512 500460327133.5 162.5 CMT-1640-4T 634 799612 443 169270 3443109.5 270495 271336 404 185250 15032111.512 500460327133.5 162.5 CMT-1845-2T-10 711 901712 521 191350 4343959.5 302560 305370 444 202284 16436111.512 538502340 140 179.5 CMT-1845-2T-15 711 901817 626 191350 4343959.5 302560 305370 444 202284 16436111.512 538502420 180 179.5 CMT-1845-2T-20 711 901817 626 191350 4343959.5 302560 305370 444 202284 16436111.512 538502420 180 179.5 CMT-1845-4T 711 901674 483 191350 4343959.5 302560 305370 444 205284 16436111.512 538502340 140 179.5 CMT-2050-2T-25 797 987855642.5212.5375 480450 11 345610 313411 544 250315 182.545111.512 653615435 188 196 CMT-2050-2T-30 797 987979766.5212.5375 480450 11 345610 313411 544 250315 182.545111.512 653615435 188 CMT-2050-4T 228 196 797 987750537.5212.5375 480450 11 345610 313411 544 250315 182.545111.512 653615435 188 196 CMT Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 and RD 180 positions on request and with special fixing measures. LG0 LG45 LG90 RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 LG135 RD 135 LG180 LG225 LG270 LG315 RD 180 RD 225 RD 270 RD 315 Accessories See accessories section. INT C2V RM AR RFT AET RPA B BIC ACE 229 CAST CAST Centrifugal single-inlet, high-pressure fans with casing and straight-blade impeller made from sheet steel to transport dust and solids free Fan: • Steel sheet casing • Sheet steel straight-blade impeller Motor: • Motors with IE-2 efficiency, except for motors with lower powers than 0.75 kW and single-phase motors. • Class F motors, with bearings, IP55 protection. • Three-phase 230/400V.50Hz. (up to 5.5CV.) and 400/690V.-50Hz. (power over 5.5CV.) • Max. air temperature to transport: -20ºC.+ 120ºC Finish: • Anticorrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190ºC, after alkaline degreasing and phosphate-free pre-treatment. On request: • Special windings for different voltages • Fan designed to transport air up to 250ºC • ATEX certification, Category 2 Robust motor bedplate Order code CAST CAST: Centrifugal high-pressure fans and straight-blade impeller made from sheet steel to transport dust and solids 632T Impeller size 15 Number of T=Three-phase Motor motor poles power (CV) 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz Technical characteristics Model CAST-50-2T-5.5 Speed (r/min) 2870 Maximum admisible current (A) 230V 400V 690V 13.60 7.82 Installed power (kW) Maximum airflow (m3/h) 4.00 2100 Sound pressure level dB(A) 85 Approx. weight (Kg) 73 CAST-50-2T-7.5 2880 10.50 6.09 5.50 2700 86 CAST-50-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 3780 87 92 CAST-56-2T-10 2870 14.50 8.41 7.50 2700 89 130 CAST-56-2T-15 2940 20.30 11.7 11.00 4260 90 191 CAST-56-2T-20 2935 27.40 15.9 15.00 6000 90 202 CAST-63-2T-15 2940 20.30 11.7 11.00 3000 92 224 CAST-63-2T-20 2935 27.40 15.9 15.00 4260 93 235 CAST-63-2T-25 2930 32.40 18.7 18.50 6000 93 245 CAST-71-2T-30 2935 38.00 22 22.00 4800 95 297 CAST-71-2T-40 2940 50.00 29 30.00 6720 96 351 230 87 CAST Dimensions in mm Outlet Inlet CAST-50 Fan Model A B C C1 E HH1øO v CAST-56 CAST-63 CAST-71 Outlet Inlet V XX1 X2 Y I JJ1J2 KK1 K2 L øOnº ød1øD1øD2øO1 nº drills drills CAST-50-2T-5’5 730795 510 75 355 450310 12300 332260 25 200 70195250219112125 -16718011’5 6 241 205 27511’5 8 CAST-50-2T-7’5 730795 570 75 355 450310 12360 392320 25 250 70195250219112125 -16718011’5 6 241 205 27511’5 8 CAST-50-2T-10 730795 570 75 355 450310 12360 392320 25 250 70195250219112125 -16718011’5 6 241 205 27511’5 8 CAST-56-2T-10 825895 595 86 400 500350 12360 392320 25 250 7921027024111214011218220011’5 8 265 229 29911’5 8 CAST-56-2T-12’5 825895 595 86 400 500350 12360 392320 25 250 7921027024111214011218220011’5 8 265 229 29911’5 8 CAST-56-2T-15 825895 730 86 400 500350 14400 440425 30 340 7921027024111214011218220011’5 8 265 229 29911’5 8 CAST-56-2T-20 825895 730 86 400 500350 14400 440425 30 340 7921027024111214011218220011’5 8 265 229 29911’5 8 CAST-63-2T-15 895990 750100 425 560390 14400 440425 30 340 8923029426511216011220022411’5 8 292 255 32511’5 8 CAST-63-2T-20 895990 750100 425 560390 14400 440425 30 340 8923029426511216011220022411’5 8 292 255 32511’5 8 CAST-63-2T-30 895990 750100 425 560390 14400 440425 30 340 8923029426511216011220022411’5 8 292 255 32511’5 8 CAST-71-2T-30 10051115 780 110 475 630435 14 450 500 470 35 370100250 320292112180112 219 25011’5 10 332 286 36611’5 8 CAST-71-2T-40 10051115 855 110 475 630435 16 510 700 500 40 385100250 320292112180112 219 25011’5 10 332 286 36611’5 8 231 CAST Characteristic Curves Q = Airflow in m3/h, m3/s and cfm. Pe= Static pressure in mm.w.c., Pa and inwg. Positions LG 270 standard supply LG 180 position on request and with special fixing measurements. LG0 LG45 LG90 LG135 LG180 LG270 LG315 Supplied on request RD 180 position with special fixing measurements. RD 0 RD 45 RD 90 RD 135 RD 180 Accessories See accessories section. INT 232 C2V RM AR RFT AET CJACUS S REG RD 270 RD 315 ACCESSORIES IN-LINE ACCESSORIES Electronic speed controllers DUO Input and Brushless motor speed output kits control Air filter boxes CJFILTER/ CL Rectangular SV-series grilles protection grilles Standard installation duct NEOLINEO- Outlet series protection grilles Standard installation base Simultaneous installation kit Capture openings Inlet/Outlet SR ARE Backdraught Circular shutters grilles PSA Butterfly valves Electric batteries RR TAC/CL STUB One-way hatches 235 S 236 Accessories CENTRIFUGAL ACCESSORIES INT IAT CABLE BOX On/Off safety switch for 200ºC/2h and 400ºC/2h On/Off safety switches in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 60204-1. 237 AR Smooth starters for three-phase motors. 238 B 242 237 237 PL 243 237 RPA 240 BIC Dual coupling flange for centrifugal fans Electronic speed controllers Backdraught shutters Electrical panels 238 BD Coupling flange for centrifugal fans. Switch for twospeed motors ELECTRICAL PANELS Frequency converter for 400V threephase motors. RM Electrical cable and connection box kit 400ºC/2h 237 RFT RFM C2V 241 243 Set of support stand for lowpressure centrifugal fans 241 SM PSB Flange to change from rectangular to circular for centrifugal fans. Protection guard for inlet of centrifugal fans. 244 Motor mounting bracket and belt tensing device for lowpressure centrifugal fans 244 233 VIS ACE Outlet hood with protection guard. REG Elastic coupling to absorb vibrations 244 Circular coupling plate. Casing for fans that re-circulate air in ovens Three-phase asynchronous motors 249 234 246 OUTPUT OPENINGS FOR HOUSES 245 CJACUS Inlet for fans recirculating ovens 252 246 S Soundproofed boxes for centrifugal fans 246 246 AIR INTAKES FOR HOUSES 250 Motor cover for outside work. Outside covers. 245 ARO 246 MOTORS Record of regulation manual 245 VOL TAC CM TEJ Silencers to fit to inlet or outlet 247 KITS SOBREPRESIÓN INTELLIGENT SENSORS 254 125 Electronic speed controllers DUO Speed-change and stop switch, for small fans with twospeed motor For single-phase fans, possibility of installing on a surface or built-in Model Input voltage RM-00 RM-01 RM-02 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz Max. current (A) 0,5 1 2 Protection IP-44 IP-44 IP-44 Capture openings Model Input voltage DUO 230 V-50/60 Hz Model Ext. measurements Duct 135x235mm 140x340mm 240x240mm 100mm 100mm 150mm Input and output kits KIT-120 KIT-160 KIT-200 Duct 100cm2 100cm2 100cm2 Model External measurements NEOLINEO-series protection grilles G 100 G 125 G 150 G 160 Applies to models NEOLINEO-100 NEOLINEO-125 NEOLINEO-150 NEOLINEO-160 Applies to Model models G 200 NEOLINEO-200 G 250 NEOLINEO-250 G 315 NEOLINEO-315 Standard installation base Circular grilles Ext. measurements Model Applies to models NEOLINEO- N EOLINEO-250,315 For hole with 140 x 140 mm102 x 102 mm 189 x 189 mm150 x 150 mm 240 x 140 mm202 x 102 mm 340 x 140 mm308 x 108 mm Backdraught shutters Colour 100mm 100mm Model Ext. measurements RC-100/B RC-125/B RC-150/B RC-200/B RC-250/B 106 mm 155 mm 175 mm 235 mm 270 mm For hole with 40 a 80 a 125 a 165 a 220 a External measurements PL-140x140140x140mm PL-180x180180x180mm PL-240x240240x240mm PL-340x340340x340mm PL-440x440440x440mm Protects against contact with the impeller and objects from entering Model Applies to models RAI-125 RAI-150 RAI-200 RAI-250 RAI-315 RAI-350 RAI-400 Simultaneous installation kit Standard installation duct Model SV-125 SV-150 SV-200 SV-250 SV-315 SV-350 SV-400 NEOLINEO pipe connecting two fans Set of parts for simultaneous installation of two NEOLINEO fans Model 80 mm 125 mm 160 mm 220 mm 260 mm SV-series protection grilles Model Applies to models White White Made from plastic with universal spring system to adapt to circular hole Made from plastic that is adapted directly to the wall on which the fan is mounted NEOLINEO adaptation plate between two fans SF 500 SF 700 For duct Rectangular grilles Protects against contact with the impeller and objects from entering Model Model BA-100/B BI-100/B Model Resistance value 10KΩ Made from plastic with diffuser SA-140x140140x140mm SA-240x240240x240mm R-140 x 140 R-189 x 189 R-240 x 140 R-340 x 140 Output voltage 0-10VDC Inlet/Outlet Made from plastic to adapt to rectangular hole Air flow 120mm 160mm 200mm MTP Made from plastic to install on the exterior Formed by 2 grilles and a flexible tube Model Model Max. current (A) 16 Outlet Made from plastic to open onto duct BC-135x235 BC-140x340 BC-240x240 Brushless motor speed control Model Applies to models Model Applies to models Applies to models C100 NEOLINEO-100 C200 NEOLINEO-200 PF100 NEOLINEO-100 PF160 NEOLINEO-160 C125 NEOLINEO-125 C250 NEOLINEO-250 PF125 NEOLINEO-125 PF200 NEOLINEO-200 C150 NEOLINEO-150 C315 NEOLINEO-315 PF150 NEOLINEO-150 PF250 NEOLINEO-250 C160 NEOLINEO-160 235 Air filter boxes Accessories G3-G4 filter box for the following duct Model Features: TUB-100 Duct with diameter of 100 mm and length of 1 m UN-100 Joint between duct and accessories COD-100 90º elbow with diameter of 100 mm BRIDA-100 REDU-100-125 TUB-125 Duct fastening clamps Reduction of pipe to different diameters Duct with diameter of 125 mm and length of 1 m UN-125 Joint between duct and accessories COD-125 90º elbow with diameter of 125 mm BRIDA-125 REDU-125-100 Adapted to the outlet Rectangular filter boxes for circular ducts, fitted with G3-G4 filters Easy to install for mounting in localised inlet systems Model Electric batteries AIRFILTER-100-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-125-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-160-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-200-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-250-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-315-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-355-G3/G4 AIRFILTER-400-G3/G4 Electrical battery for the following duct Model BE-100 BE-125 BE-160 BE-200 BE-250 BE-315 BE-355 BE-400 100mm 125mm 160mm 200mm 250mm 315mm 355mm 400mm 100 mm, 0.4 kW 230 V 125 mm, 1.2 kW 230 V 160 mm, 2.4 kW 230 V 200 mm, 5 kW 400 V 250 mm, 6 kW 400 V 315 mm, 7.5 kW 400 V 355 mm, 9 kW 400 V 400 mm, 9 kW 400 V Duct fastening clamps Reduction of pipe to different diameters One-way hatches Butterfly valves To fit in circular ducts STUB To fit in circular ducts Model STUB-200 Model S 100 S 125 S 150 S 160 Applies to models NEOLINEO-100 NEOLINEO-125 NEOLINEO-150 NEOLINEO-160 Model S 200 S 250 S 315 Applies to models NEOLINEO-200 NEOLINEO-250 NEOLINEO-315 ARE Butterfly valves for Model V-100 V-125 V-160 V-200 100mm 125mm 160mm 200mm ARE-200 Applies to models Model Applies to models CL-200 ARE-315 ARE-225 CL-225 ARE-355 CL-355 ARE-250 CL-250 ARE-400 CL-400 ARE-280 CL-280 ARE-450 CL-450 CL-315 SR Applies to models SR-225 CL-225 SR-355 CL-355 SR-250 CL-250 SR-400 CL-400 SR-280 CL-280 SR-450 CL-450 SR-200 CL-200 SR-315 CL-315 TUB Applies to models Model Applies to models CL-315 Model RR-225 CL-225 RR-355 CL-355 CJFILTER/CL-200 CL-200 CJFILTER/CL-315 CL-315 RR-250 CL-250 RR-400 CL-400 CJFILTER/CL-225 CL-225 CJFILTER/CL-355 CL-355 RR-280 CL-280 RR-450 CL-450 CJFILTER/CL-250 CL-250 CJFILTER/CL-400 CL-400 CJFILTER/CL-280 CL-280 CJFILTER/CL-450 CL-450 Model RR-200 CL-200 RR-315 Applies to models Model Applies to models PSA Circular coupling plate. Model TUB STUB-250 Rectangular air filter boxes TAC/CL Applies to models TUB STUB-225 CJFILTER/CL Protection grille for inlet or outlet Rectangular silencers Model Butterfly valves for 250mm 315mm 355mm 400mm RR Elastic rectangular connection Model Model V-250 V-315 V-355 V-400 Fan base Applies to models Model PSA-200 Applies to models CL-200, CL-225, CL-250, CL-280, CL-315, CL-355, CL-400, CL-450 Model TAC/CL-200 Applies to models Model Applies to models CL-200 TAC/CL-315 TAC/CL-225 CL-225 TAC/CL-355 CL-355 TAC/CL-250 CL-250 TAC/CL-400 CL-400 TAC/CL-280 CL-280 TAC/CL-450 CL-450 Ceiling base CL-315 SC Silencers to fit to inlet or outlet Features: • Circular silencers to fit to inlet or outlet on in-line fans • Silencers fitted with a neck to attach circular ducts. Acoustic noise reduction Model Ød1ød2 L M 63125250500 10002000 4000 8000 S -125 125 225 600 720 1.1 2.9 8.8 19.4 27.2 34.1 27.2 13.4 S -160 160 260 600 720 1 2.9 7.2 16.5 23.4 29.6 20.3 9.2 S -200 200 300 600 720 0.95 2.9 7 14.6 20.3 25.8 15.6 6.8 S -250 250 355 600 720 0.22 2.1 7.2 12.5 18.8 23ƒ 10.3 5.15 S -315 315 415 600 720 0.2 2.1 7.2 10.3 15 20 7 3.9 S -355 355 450 700 820 3.6 4.2 6.5 13.2 14.2 4 7.9 7.2 236 INT INT-KG Stop-start safety switches in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 60204-1. Model Features: • Switch to be placed beside the fan, so that mains current can be cut without handling the fan • IP65 protection • For single-phase or three-phase fans, use a 3-pole switch (3CA) • For three-phase two-speed fans, use 6-pole switch (6CA). 5.5 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 37 Model Features: • 400ºC/2h and 200ºC/2h switches to be placed beside the fan, so that the mains current can be cut off before handling the fan. • Protection IP-65 model 400ºC/2h and IP-55 model 200ºC/2h Model Current (A) INT-CA 10/6CA INT-KG 10/6CA INT-KG 20/6CA INT-KG 32/6CA INT-KG 41/6CA INT-KG 64/6CA INT-KG 80/6CA INT-KG 100/6CA 20 20 25 32 40 63 80 100 (kW) Cables input (mm) 5.5 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 37 19 23 29 29 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 Model Current (A) IAT-400-20/3P IAT-400-32/3P IAT-400-63/3P IAT-400-125/3P IAT-400-20/6P IAT-400-32/6P Current (A) IAT-400-63/6P IAT-400-125/6P IAT-200/16 IAT-200/32 IAT-200/63 20 32 63 125 20 32 63 125 16 32 63 Electrical cable and connection box kit 400ºC/2h for external connections to the motor in fire-fighting installations Features: • Electrical six-wire cable and ground connection, with length of 1.5m and terminals at each end • Cast aluminium terminal board • Terminal Strip in ceramic material • Kit certified jointly with the CJBDT extractor series, with certification Number 0370-CPD-0580 Maximum power motor 3x400V (kW) CABLE BOX-1-400 5.5 CABLE BOX-2-400 15.0 Model Switch for two-speed motors Features: • 1-0-2 three-position switch to operate two-speed motors with Dahlander connection • IP67 protection RM 20 20 25 32 40 63 80 100 Cables input (mm) 19 23 29 29 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 On/off safety switches for 400ºC/2h and 200ºC/2h in accordance with Standard UNE-EN 60204-1. CABLE BOX C2V (kW) INT-CA 10/3CA INT-KG 10/3CA INT-KG 20/3CA INT-KG 32/3CA INT-KG 41/3CA INT-KG 64/3CA INT-KG 80/3CA INT-KG 100/3CA INT-CA IAT Current (A) Model C2V-CG10 A441 Current (A) (kW) 20 5.5 Cables input (mm) 20 Electronic speed controllers Features: • Electronic speed controllers especially designed for fans with single-phase motors, in accordance with standard EN-60335 • Models RM-1, RM-2 and RM-3, IP-54 protection. Models RM-00, RM-01 and RM-02, IP-44 protection • In accordance with Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC and in accordance with Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC • For 2p motors RM is not recommended • On/off switch for models RM-1, RM-2, RM-3 • Minimum speed adjustment • With EMC filters in accordance with standard EN-55014 Model RM-00 RM-01 RM-02 RM-1 RM-2 RM-3 Protec- Maximum current tion (A) 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-44 0,5 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-44 1 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-44 2 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-54 3 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-54 5 230 V-50/60 Hz IP-54 10 Input voltage Model RM-00 RM-01 RM-02 RM-1 RM-2 RM-3 B A 81 81 81 81 81 81 80 145 96 164 96 164 C 66 66 66 80 85 85 237 AR Soft starters for three-phase motors. Features: • Especially designed to reduce the current peak caused during start-up of fans with three-phase motors. • Supplied voltage 400V + - 10% 50/60Hz • Mounted in box for DIN-35 rail • Possibility of adjusting the starting torque, acceleration time and deceleration time. Model AR-2AR-4AR-7.5AR-10AR-15 AR-20 AR-30 Supplied voltage400 V ±10% 50/60 Hz Motor power in kW at 400 V 1.5 Minimum motor power 3 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 4 0% of the motor’s nominal power20% of the motor’s nominal power External fuses (quick-action) in (A) 16 25 35 25 35/40 50 63 Nominal current in (A) 3.5 6.5 12 17 25 32 45 Adjustment range of start-up torque Adjustment range of start-up time From 0 to 80% From 0.5 to 12 sFrom 0.5 to 10 s Braking torque Level set at 70% Adjustment range of deceleration timeFrom 0.5 to 12 sFrom 0.5 to 10 s Setup time 200 ms Working temperature 0ºC….45ºC Storage temperature -25ºC….75ºC Protection level IP20 Environmental conditionsOverpressure category III. Pollution level 2 Power reduced with max. temperature1% for every 1ºC increase in the maximum temperature Maximum height for mounting Up to 1000 m Power reduced with max. height0.5% for every 100 m over 1000 m. Humidity93% maximum without condensation Maximum cycles per hour (3 x I nom. 10 sec) 60/h 40/h Weight in kg. 90/h 0.4 1.0 Measurements Width (W) mm Height (H) mm Depth (D) mm Assembly Fixing A x B RFT RFM 60/h 30/h 30/h 20/h 45 45 52.5 73 173 178 122 152 158 On DIN guide rail Frequency converter for 230V and 400V three-phase motors. Features: • The RFT converter series are suitable to vary the speed, via voltage and frequency, of axial and centrifugal fans with 400V three-phase motors. Converter supply: three-phase 400V. 50/60 Hz. • In accordance with Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC and in accordance with Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC Model Features: • The RFT converter series are suitable to vary the speed, via voltage and frequency, of axial and centrifugal fans with 230V three-phase motors. Converter supply: single-phase 230V. 50/60 Hz. • In accordance with Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC and in accordance with Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC RFT-0.5 RFT-1 RFT-2 RFT-3 RFT-5.5RFT-7.5RFT-10 RFT-15RFT-20 RFT-25 Motor RFT-30 (CV) 0.5 1 2 3 5.5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 (kW) 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 Intensity (A) 1.25 2.5 4 6 9 12 16 24 30 39 45 kVA 0.95 1.9 3 4.5 6.9 9.1 12.2 19.1 23.9 31.1 35.9 Frequency (Hz) 0….400 Hz 0...120 Hz InputThree-phase Voltage (V)3 x 380…480 V (-15% +10%) Frequency (Hz)50 – 60 Hz (± 5%) OutputThree-phase Voltage (V)3 x 380…480 V Braking torque 20% (with external resistance: 100%. 150%) Braking unit Size Width (W1) mm Optional 70 100 140 140 180 180 200 250 250 304 Height (H1) mm 128 128 128 128 128 220 220 284 385 385 460 Depth (D1) mm 130 130 130 155 155 170 170 182 201 201 234 0.76 0.77 1.12 1.84 1.89 3.66 3.66 6 12.5 13 20 Weight (Kg) Method of refrigeration 238 Incorporated in the equipment 70 Forced air Model Motor RFM-0.5 RFM-1RFM-2RFM-3 RFM-0.5 RFM-1RFM-2RFM-3 0.5 1 2 3 (kW) 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 Frequency (Hz) 2.5 5 8 12 RFI Filter 0.95 1.9 3 4.5 Size Width Intensity (A) kVA Model (CV) Voltage (V)3 x 200 ÷ 230 V InputSingle-phase Voltage (V)2 x 200 ÷ 230 V (±10%) Frequency (Hz)50 – 60 Hz (± 5%) 0-200Hz (W1) mm 0-400Hz 68 79 156 156 143 143 143 Depth (D1) mm 115 143 143 143 0.95 0.97 1.94 2.00 1. In general, all SODECA fans with a threephase motor under normal operating conditions are suitable for working supplied with a static frequency converter (in accordance with IEC 60034-17). Nevertheless, some motors require special measures. The maximum operating frequency or speed must never exceed that for which the fan has been designed. In applications with quadratic torques such as fans and pumps, when the speed varies the absorbed power is directly proportional to the cube of the rotating speed: Pa2 = Pa1 (n2 / n1)3 2. The insulation of motors coupled to fans is sufficient to work without restrictions with a frequency converter up to voltages of < 500 V. The use of sinusoidal filters at the converter output will help the motor to operate properly, reducing breakdowns and increasing the fan’s service life. It is recommended that, for motors of sizes > 225, they be ordered with special windings to work with a frequency converter. Radiator Forced air Forced air Forced air 3. The length of the wires running from the converter to the fan have a particular influence on voltage characteristics at the motor terminals. The definition of "long wires" will depend on the nominal value and the converter type. The manufacturer’s technical documentation must be consulted. 4. EEx-d flame-resistant motors must be ordered for operation using a frequency converter. The motor manufacturer will request information about the application via a questionnaire in order to establish the working parameters. These motors must also be fitted with PTC probes. 5. EEx-e increased safety motors cannot be operated with a frequency converter (a joint motor-converter certification would be required for this). External control kit for On/Off and velocity control for RFM and RFT frequency converters Features: • On/Off by button • Display by means of LED of the position of On or Off • Memory of the latest position for speed regulation GMP 128 Method of refrigeration KME - 10K 0-400Hz Built in Height (H1) mm Weight (Kg) Output Three-phase 0-400Hz • Possibility of installation on the surface or built-in Electrical starter panel and protection of fans with three-phase motor, with On/Off buttons Features: • On/Off by button • Incorporates fully-cabled contactor and adjustable thermal relay for protection of the motor • The Off button is used to reset the thermal relay, in case it should go off due to overload • For assembly on the surface, IP-55 protection Model For fan with three-phase motor 230V GMP-0.2-0.33/230 GMP-02-0.75/230 GMP-02-1/230 GMP-02-1.5/230 GMP-02-2/230 GMP-04-3/230 GMP-04-4/230 GMP-04-5.5/230 GMP-04-7.5/230 GMP-04-10/230 GMP-06-12.5/230 GMP-06-15/230 Current regulation (A) 1.2-1.8 1.8-2.8 2.8-4 4-6.3 5.6-8 7-10 8-12.5 11-17 15-23 22-32 25-40 25-40 Power motor 3x230V (kW) 0.25 0.37 / 0.55 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 Model For fan with three-phase motor 400V GMP-0.2-0.33/400 GMP-02-0.5/400 GMP-02-0.75/400 GMP-02-1.5/400 GMP-02-2/400 GMP-02-3/400 GMP-02-4/400 GMP-04-5.5/400 GMP-04-7.5/400 GMP-04-10/400 GMP-06-12.5/400 GMP-06-15/400 GMP-06-20/400 GMP-06-25/400 Current regulation (A) 0.56-0.8 0.8-1.2 1.2-1.8 1.8-2.8 2.8-4 4-3 5.6-8 7-10 8-12.5 11-17 15-23 15-23 22-32 25-40 Power motor 3x400V (kW) 0.25 0.37 0.55 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 9.20 11.00 15.00 18.50 239 GMM Electrical starter panel and protection from overload and short-circuits of fans with threephase motor, with rotary controls Features: • On/Off by means of a rotary control with the possibility of blocking with three locks • Incorporates adjustable thermal relay for protection from overload and short-circuit • For assembly on the surface, IP-55 protection AET GMM-01-1/400 GMM-01-2/400 GMM-01-3/400 GMM-01-5.5/400 GMM-01-7.5/400 GMM-01-10/400 GMM-01-15/400 GMM-01-20/400 For fan with three-phase motor 230V/400V. Power supply 3x230V Model Current regulation of thermal relay (A) AET-01-3/230 AET-01-4/230 AET-01-5.5/230 AET-01-7.5/230 AET-01-10/230 AET-01-15/230 AET-01-20/230 AET-01-25/230 AET-02-30/230 AET-02-40/230 AET-02-50/230 Power motor 3x400V (kW) 0.75 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 4-6.3 5-8 7-10 12-18 12-18 18-26 24-36 28-40 34-50 45-65 63-85 Power motor 3x230/400V (kW) 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 30.0 37.0 • Fully cabled • Metal plate for assembly on the surface, IP-65 protection For fan with three-phase motor 400V/690V Power supply 3x400V+N Model Current regulation of thermal relay (A) AET-01-5.5/400 AET-01-7.5/400 AET-01-10/400 AET-01-15/400 AET-01-20/400 AET-02-30/400 AET-02-40/400 AET-02-50/400 AET-02-60/400 AET-02-75/400 Electrical starter panel and protection of fans with three-phase motor, with two DAHLANDER speeds ACO 4-6.3 5-8 7-10 12-18 12-18 18-26 28-40 34-50 45-65 45-65 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5/22.0 30 37 45 55 Current regulation of thermal relay High speed (A) Low speed (A) Model AD-01-2.5-1/400 AD-01-4-1.6/400 AD-01-4-2.5/400 AD-01-6-2.5/400 AD-01-9-2.5/400 AD-01-9-4/400 AD-02-13-4/400 AD-02-18-6/400 AD-02-18-9/400 AD-02-26-9/400 AD-02-36-9/400 AD-02-36-13/400 AD-02-40-18/400 Automatic switch for changing the fan in case of a fault Model Features: • Automatic programme for fault diagnosis when starting the fan • Detection of faults by intensity or by air flow • Automatic switching to the reserve fan, on detecting a problem in the faulty fan • Possibility of adjusting different times of operation, for both fans MTP010 Power motor 3x400/690V (kW) For fan with three-phase 400V Dahlander motor. Power supply 3x400V+N Features: • Switch for selecting speed (1-0-2), Low-Off-High. • Display of condition by means of luminous pilot lights • Incorporates adjustable thermal relay for protection of the motor • Fully cabled • Metal plate for assembly on the surface, IP-65 protection ACO-08-M ACO-09-T 1.6-2.5 2.5-4 2.5-4 4-6 6-9 6-9 9-13 12-18 12-18 18-26 24-36 24-36 28-40 0.63-1 1-1.6 1.6-2.5 1.6-2.5 1.6-2.5 2.5-4 2.5-4 4-6 6-9 6-9 6-9 9-13 12-18 Maximum Input voltage current (V) (A) 8 1x220/240V 50/60Hz 9 3x400/415V 50/60Hz Brushless motor speed control 0-10V • Potentiometer to control the speed of fans equipped with a brushless 0-10V DC motor • Progressively delivers a voltage of between 0 and 10V DC. 240 Current regulation (A) 1.6-2.5 2.5-4 4-6.3 6.3-10 10-16 16-20 20-25 25-32 Electrical starter panel, star / triangle and protection of fans with three-phase motor, with On/Off buttons Features: • On/Off by button • Display of condition by means of luminous pilot lights • Incorporates adjustable thermal relay for protection of the motor AD For fan with three-phase motor 400 Model • Can be used as a switch. • Moisture-resistant body. • Can be surface-mounted or built-in. PL ModelMeasurements A CØD E F PL-20 240 28 5,2 193 167 PL-25 294 26 5 232 232 PL-31 347 26 5 276 276 PL-35 397 26 5 310 310 PL-40 459 26 5 364 364 PL-45 501 26 5 395 395 PL-50 549 31 5 445 445 PL-56 605 28 5 522 522 PL-63 696 31 5 626 626 PL-71 760 40 5 692 692 PL-80 840 40 5 772 772 PL-90 940 40 5 872 87 PL-100 1040 40 5 972 972 Plastic backdraught louvres. Features: • The backdraught louvre is adapted directly to the wall where the fan is mounted. • Opening through excess pressure due to airflow • Closed when the fan is on standby • Made from plastic • Maximum recommended speed 12m/sec for models 80, 80,90 and 100 P ModelMeasurements A C ØD E F P-25 290 51 6 187 51.5 P-35 400 81 6 266 67 P-45 500 51 6 347 76.5 P-56 600 51 6 447 76.5 P-63 715 72 6 535 90 P-71 780 72 6 605 87.5 P-80 875 72 6 675 100 P-90 970 72 6 755107.5 P-100 1070 72 6 850 110 Aluminium backdraught louvres Features: • The backdraught louvre is adapted directly to the wall where the fan is mounted. • Opening through excess pressure due to airflow • Closed when the fan is on standby • Aluminium sheet construction • Maximum recommended speed 18m/sec for models 80, 90 and 100 RPA Protection guard for inlet of centrifugal fans. Features: • Protects against contact with the impeller and prevents objects from entering, in accordance with standard UNE-100250 • Made from sheet steel. Applies to models Model RPA-10 RPA-11 RPA-13 RPA-15 RPA-17 RPA-18 RPA-20 RPA-23 RPA-25 RPA-28 RPA-31 RPA-35 RPA-38 RPA-42 RPA-44 RPA-47 RPA-48 RPA-52 RPA-55 RPA-60 RPA-65 RPA-66 RPA-73 RPA-81 RPA-88 RPA-90 RPA-100 CMA CMAT - 218 324 325/426 527 528 531 - 540/545 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CMC - - - - - - - 628/630 835/840 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CB - - - - - - - - 820 - 1428 - 1733 - - 2240 - - - - - - - - - - - CBP CAS CA CAM - - - - - - - - - - 234 - - 242 142 - - 248 148 - - 254 154 - - 260 - - 680160/166/172 540/545 - 790 - - - 463/467 - 550/752 -571/640/645/650/980/1080- 760 -852/990/1090 - - - - - 880 - 856 - - - 1250/A - - - 863/971 - - - 1456/A - - 1445 - - - - - - - 1650 - - - - 1663/A - - 1856 - - - -1671/A-2071/A - - - 2080/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CMP CMT 38 - - - - - 512 - 514 - - - 616 - 718 922 620/820 1025 922 1128 1025 1231 1128 1435/1640 1231 - 1435 1845 - - 1640 2050 - - 1845 - - - 2050 - - - - - 2563 - - - - - - - - - CMR-X CMR 1031 1135 1240 1445 1650 1856 2063 2271 2380 2590 28100 241 B Coupling flange for centrifugal fans. Features: • Adapted to inlet and outlet. • Aids installation on duct B-52-E B-63 B-80 B-80-E B-100 B-100-E B-112 B-125 B-140 B-150 B-160 B-160/1 B-180 B-200 AC F 100 110 150 150 150 170 160 180 190 210 220 220 240 260 52 63 80 80 100 100 112 125 140 150 160 160 180 200 67 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 B-224 B-250/1 B-250/2 B-250/3 B-250/4 B-250/5 B-280/1 B-280/2 B-280/3 B-315/1 B-315/2 B-315/3 B-315/4 B-355/1 AC F 280 310 310 310 310 310 350 350 350 350 380 380 380 430 224 250 250 250 250 250 280 280 280 315 315 315 315 355 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 AC F B-355/2 B-355/3 B-355/4 B-400/1 B-400/2 B-400/3 B-400/4 B-450/1 B-450/2 B-450/3 B-500/1 B-500/2 B-500/3 B-500/4 430 430 430 480 480 480 480 530 530 530 590 590 590 590 355 355 355 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 B-52-E B-63 B-80 B-80-E B-100 B-100-E B-112 B-125 B-140 B-150 B-160 B-160/1 B-180 B-200 B-224 B-250/1 B-250/2 B-250/3 B-250/4 B-250/5 B-280/1 B-280/2 B-280/3 B-315/1 B-315/2 B-315/3 B-315/4 B-355/1 B-355/2 B-355/3 B-355/4 B-400/1 B-400/2 B-400/3 B-400/4 B-450/1 B-450/2 B-450/3 B-500/1 B-500/2 B-500/3 B-560/1 B-560/2 B-560/3 B-630/1 B-630/2 B-630/3 B-630/4 B-710/1 B-710/3 B-800 B-900/1 B-1000/1 242 CMA CMAT - - 218/324 - 325 - 426 527/528 - 531 - - 540/545 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CB CAS CA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 234 - 242 142 - 248 148 - 254 154 - - - - 260 160 - - - - 680 - - 790 166/172 820 463 - - 467 - -571/640/645/650 - - - - - - - 1428 - - - 980/1080 - - 852 - - - - - 9907/1090 - 1733 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2240 863 - - 856 - - 1250/A - - - - - - - - 971 - - 1456/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1663/A - - - - - - - - - - -1671/A-2071/A - - - - - 2080/A - - - - - - - - - - CAM CMP - - - - - - - - - - - - 540/545 - 550/752 - 760 - - - - - - - 880 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 512 - 514 - 616 - 718 620/820 922 - - 1025 - - - 1128 - - - - 1231 - - 1435 - 1640 - - - 1845 - - 2050 - - - - - 2563 - - - - - - - - AC F B-500/5 590 500 B-560/1 650 560 B-560/2 650 560 B-560/3 650 560 B-630/1 720 630 B-630/2 720 630 B-630/3 720 630 B-630/4 720 630 B-710/1 800 710 B-710/2 800 710 B-710/3 800 710 B-800 890 800 B-900/1 1000 900 B-1000/1 1100 1000 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 Applies to models (OUTLET) Applies to models (INLET) Model 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 CMC CMT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 628/630 - - - - - - 922 835/840 1025 - 1128 - 1231 - - - - - - - - - 1435/1640 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1845 - - - - - - - 2050 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CBP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1445 - - 1650 1856 - - - - - - - - - - - CMR-X CMR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 622 - - 625 - - 728 - - - - 1031 731 1135 - - - - 1240 - - - 1445 - - 1650 - - 1856 - - 2063 - - 2271 - 2380 2590 28100 CMAT CA CMA - 234 218/324 142 325 -148/154/160/166 426/527 - 172 - 528 - 531/540 - - 545 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BD ØA ØCØD Ød BD-200 260 200 225 7 BD-224 280 224 254 7 BD-250/1 310 250 280 10 BD-280 350 280 320 10 BD-315/3 390 315 355 10 BD-355/3 430 355 395 10 BD-400/1 480 400 450 12 BD-400/2 480 400 450 12 BD-450/1 530 450 500 12 BD-450/2 530 450 500 12 BD-500/2 590 500 560 12 BD-560 650 560 620 12 BD-630/2 720 630 690 12 BD-710 800 710 770 12 BD-800 890 800 860 12 BD-900/1 1000 900 958 12 BD-1000/1 1100 1000 1067 14 Dual coupling flange for centrifugal fans Features: • Adapted to the inlet • Aids installation on duct with flange Applies to models Applies to models Model BD-112 BD-140 BD-160 BD-180 BD-200 BD-224 BD-250/1 BD-250/2 BD-280 BD-315/1 CB - - - - 820 - - 1428 - 1733 CMP 512 514 616 718 620/820 922 1025 - 1128 - CMR-X CMR - - - - - - - - - - CMC 628/630 835/840 - BIC Model BIC-820-CB BIC-1428 BIC-1733 BIC-2240 BIC-628 BIC-630 BIC-835 BIC-840 BIC-242 BIC-248 BIC-254 BIC-260 BIC-463 BIC-467 BIC-571 BIC-640 BIC-645 BIC-650 BIC-680 BIC-790 BIC-852 BIC-856 BIC-863 BIC-971 BIC-980 BIC-990 BIC-1080 BIC-1090 BIC-1250 BIC-1456 BIC-1663 BIC-1671 BIC-2080 BIC-540 BIC-545 BIC-550 BIC-752 BIC-760 BIC-880 BIC-1445/E BIC-1650/E BIC-1856/E Model BD-315/2 BD-315/3 BD-355/1 BD-355/2 BD-355/3 BD-400/1 BD-400/2 BD-450/1 BD-450/2 BD-500/1 CB - - - 2240 - - - - - - CMP - 1231 - - 1435 1640 - 1845 - 2050 Flange conversion from rectangular to circular for centrifugal fans. L D a b A B Aplicable a modelos 300 300 300 450 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 280 280 280 300 300 300 300 450 450 450 450 450 300 300 300 300 300 300 450 450 450 200 250 280 355 150 150 200 200 100 112 125 150 200 224 250 250 250 250 180 180 280 355 355 400 250 280 250 280 400 450 500 630 710 180 180 224 224 250 315 450 500 560 160 286 339 400 86 86 91 91 95 105 115 125 125 130 145 200 224 250 100 112 280 280 315 355 200 224 200 224 400 450 500 560 630 140 170 200 200 220 290 450 500 560 130 202 240 300 86 86 91 91 60 66 75 85 85 90 95 125 140 160 71 80 180 180 200 224 140 160 140 160 280 315 355 400 450 120 135 150 160 180 190 355 400 450 213 350 415 478 130 130 141 141 155 165 175 185 185 190 205 260 284 310 160 172 340 340 375 425 270 294 270 294 480 530 580 660 730 224 255 296 296 316 360 538 590 660 184 260 315 372 130 130 141 141 120 126 135 145 145 150 155 185 200 220 131 140 240 240 260 294 210 230 210 230 360 395 435 500 550 206 222 246 256 276 249 445 490 550 CB-820 CB-1428 CB-1733 CB-2240 CMC-628 CMC-630 CMC-835 CMC-840 CAS/CAST-242 CAS/CAST-248 CAS/CAST-254 CAS/CAST-260 CAS/CAST-463 CAS/CAST-467 CAS/CAST-571 CAS/CAST-640 CAS/CAST-645 CAS/CAST-650 CAS-680 CAS-790 CAS/CAST-852 CAS/CAST-856 CAS/CAST-863 CAS/CAST-971 CAS/CAST-980 CAS-990 CAS-1080 CAS-1090 CAS/CAST-1250/A CAS/CAST-1456/A CAS/CAST-1663/A CAS-1671/A-2071/A CAS-2080/A CAM-540 CAM-545 CAM-550 CAM-752 CAM-760 CAM-880 CBP-1445 CBP-1650 CBP-1856 CMR-X CMR 1031 - 1135 - - - 1240 - 1445 - F 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 140 140 140 βForm 15º 2 - 1 45º 2 - 4 22º30’ 3 22º30’ 3 22º30’ 3 22º30’ 3 22º30’ 3 22º30’ 3 15º 5 15º 5 15º 5 11º15’ 6 11º 15’ 6 11º 15’ 6 7º 30’ 7 Applies to models Model CMC - CB BD-500/2 BD-560 BD-630/1 BD-630/2 BD-710 BD-800 BD-900/1 BD-1000/1 CMP - - - - - - - - - - 2563 - - - - - CMR-X CMR 1650 1856 - 2063 2271 2380 2590 28100 CMC - Features: • Adapted to the outlet • Aids installation on circular duct Model BIC-512 BIC-514 BIC-616 BIC-620 BIC-718 BIC-820 BIC-922 BIC-1025 BIC-1128 BIC-1231 BIC-1435 BIC-1640 BIC-1845 BIC-2050 BIC-2563 BIC-922-T BIC-1025-T BIC-1128-T BIC-1231-T BIC-1435-T BIC-1640-T BIC-1845-T BIC-2050-T BIC-622 BIC-625 BIC-728 BIC-731 BIC-1031 BIC-1135 BIC-1240 BIC-1445 BIC-1650 BIC-1856 BIC-2063 BIC-2271 BIC-2380 BIC-2380/E BIC-2590 BIC-28100 BIC-1840 BIC-2045 L D 300 112 300 140 300 160 300 200 300 180 300 200 300 224 300 250 300 280 300 315 300 355 300 400 450 450 450 500 450 630 300 180 300 200 300 224 300 250 300 280 300 280 450 355 450 400 250 152 250 165 250 185 250 200 300 315 450 355 450 400 450 450 450 500 450 560 450 630 450 710 600 800 600 800 600 900 600 1000 150 370 190 400 a b A B Aplicable a modelos 86 75 118 104 107 83 147 122 125 103 172 153 100 105 153 159 146 115 192 169 156 160 213 184 216 140 282 204 250 165 314 229 300 180 364 244 320 200 384 266 280 228 344 294 320 250 404 336 360 284 444 370 450 315 545 412 600 410 706 512 216 140 282 204 250 165 314 229 300 180 364 244 320 200 384 266 280 228 344 294 320 250 404 336 360 284 444 370 450 315 545 412 150 120 191,5 180 167,5 125 207,5 185 187,5 136,5 234,5 196,5 211 130,5 250,5 190,5 315 250 385 320 355 280 425 350 400 315 480 395 450 355 540 445 500 400 590 490 560 450 660 550 630 500 750 620 710 560 840 690 800 560 920 680 1120 560 1246 690 900 630 1020 750 1000 710 1120 830 273 210 353 303 330 270 420 360 CMP-512 CMP-514 CMP-616 CMP-620 CMP-718 CMP-820 CMP-922 CMP-1025 CMP-1128 CMP-1231 CMP-1435 CMP-1640 CMP-1845 CMP-2050 CMP-2563 CMT-922 CMT-1025 CMT-1128 CMT-1231 CMT-1435 CMT-1640 CMT-1845 CMT-2050 CMR-622 CMR-625 CMR-728 CMR-731 CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 CMR-1856 CMR-2063 CMR-2271 CMR-2380 CMR-2380-X CMR-2590 CMR-28100 CPV-1840 CPV-2045 243 PSB Set of support stand for low-pressure centrifugal fans Features: • Two-part set to allow fixing to flat surfaces Model Applies to models Model Applies to models Model Applies to models PSB-1428 PSB-1733 PSB-19 CB-1428 CB-1733 CBD-1919, CBX-1919 PSB-25 PSB-28 PSB-33 CBD-2520, CBD-2525, CBX-2525 CBD-2821, CBD-2828, CBX-2828 CBD-3325, CBD-3333, CBX-3333 PSB-39 PSB-47 CBD-3939, CBX-3939 CBX-4747 SM Motor mounting bracket and belt tensing device for low-pressure centrifugal fans Features: • Two-part set to mount the motor on the fan casing Model Applies to models Model Applies to models Model Applies to models SM-19 SM-25 CBX-1919 CBX-2525 SM-28 SM-33 CBX-2828 CBX-3333 SM-39 SM-47 CBX-3939 CBX-4747 VIS Outlet hood with protection guard. Features: • Prevents objects and water from entering the fan. VIS-7/7 VIS-9/9 VIS-10/10 VIS-12/12 VIS-15/15 VIS-18/18 VIS-20/20 ABCDEF 269 246 309 286 200 50 335 300 375 340 200 50 364 326 404 366 250 50 425 380 465 420 250 50 513 441 573 501 300 50 582 510 642 570 350 50 641 641 741 741 400 50 CJBD CJBD/AL VIS-7/7 VIS-9/9 VIS-10/10 VIS-12/12 VIS-15/15 1919 2525 2828 3333 3939 244 CJBX CJBX/AL 7/7 9/9 10/10 12/12 15/15 ABCDEF 695 735 795 835 450 50 805 836 905 936 500 50 930 972 1030 1072 600 50 600 600 698 698 485 725 725 823 823 576 800 800 898 898 630 860 860 958 958 674 - Applies to models Applies to models Model VIS-22/22 VIS-25/25 VIS-30/28 VIS-100 VIS-200 VIS-300 VIS-400 Model CJBR - VIS-18/18 VIS-20/20 VIS-22/22 VIS-25/25 VIS-30/28 CJBD CJBD/AL - - - - - CJBX CJBX/AL 18/18 20/20 22/22 25/25 30/28 Applies to models Model CJBR - VIS-100 VIS-200 VIS-300 VIS-400 CJBD CJBD/AL - - - - CJBX CJBX/AL CJBR - 1240/1850 - 2056/2263-6T - 2263-4T/2071-6T-3 - 2071-4T/6T-5,5/2880 ACE Elastic coupling to absorb vibrations Features: • Used between the fan inlet/outlet and the duct to avoid transmitting vibrations Applies to models (INLET) Applies to models (OUTLET) CMAT CMR CMAT CMR CMA CBCAS CA CAM CMP CMT CBPCMR-X CMC CMACAS CA CAM CB CMPCMT CMR-X CMC ACE-52 - - --------- - 234 --- - - ACE-63 - - -------- 218/324 - 142 --- - - ACE-80 218/324 - -------- 325 - --- - - 148/154/160/166 ACE-100 325 - 242 234/142------ 426/527 242 172 --- - - ACE-112426 - 248 148 - 512 - - --- 248- - - 512- -- ACE-125 527/528 - 254 154------ 528 254- --- - - ACE-140 - - -- - 514 - - --- -- - - 514- -- ACE-150 531 - 260 160----- 628/630 531/540 260- --- - - 628/630 ACE-160 - - 680- - 616 - - --- -- ACE-180 540/545- 790 166/172 540/545718922 - - - 616- -- - -545 680/790 - 540/545 ACE-200 - 820 463- - 620/820 1025 - - 835/840- 463- - 718 922 - - - 820 620/820 1025 - 835/840 ACE-224 - - 467- 550/752 922 1128 - --- 467- 550/752 - 922 1128 -570/640/645 571/640/645 ACE-250 - 1428- 760 1025 1231 - ----760 1428 1025 1231 -650/980/1080 650/980/1080 852/990/1090 ACE-280 - -- - 1128 1435/1640 - ---- - 1733 1128 1435/1640 -852/990/1090 ACE-315 - 1733 -- 880 1231 - - 1031-- --880 - 1231- 1031ACE-355 - 2240- - 1435 1845 - 1135-- 856/863- 856/863/1250/A - 2240 1435 1845 1135- ACE-400 - -- - 1640 2050 - 1240--- 971/1456/A 971/1250/A - - 1640 2050 1240- ACE-450 - - -- - 1845 - 1445 1445-- 1456/A- - - 1845- 1445- ACE-500 - - -- - 2050 - 1650 1650-- 1663/A- - - 2050- 1650- ACE-560 - - 1663/A- - - - 1856 1856-- -- - - -- 1856- ACE-630 - -- - 2563 - - 2063--- 1671/A-2071/A 1671/A-2071/A - - 2563- 2063- ACE-710 - - 2080/A- - - - - 2271-- 2080/A- - - -- 2271- ACE-800 - - -- - - - - 2380-- -- - - -- 2380ACE-900 - - -- - - - - 2590-- -- - - -- 2590ACE-1000 - - -- - - - - 28100-- -- - - -- 28100- REG Record of manual regulation Features: • Their design allows them to be installed in ducting systems to adjust the airflow. TEJ Outside covers. Features: • Avoids water entering ventilation units installed outside. Model REG-80 REG-100 REG-112 REG-125 REG-140 REG-150 REG-160 REG-180 REG-200 REG-224 LØD* 100 80 100 100 100 112 100 125 100 140 100 150 100 160 100 180 100 200 100 224 Model TEJ-1919 TEJ-2525 TEJ-2828 TEJ-3333 TEJ-3939 TEJ-1919-AL TEJ-2525-AL TEJ-2828-AL TEJ-3333-AL TEJ-3939-AL TEJ-7/7 TEJ-9/9 TEJ-10/10 TEJ-12/12 TEJ-15/15 TEJ-18/18 TEJ-20/20 TEJ-22/22 TEJ-25/25 TEJ-30/28 Model REG-250 REG-280 REG-315 REG-355 REG-400 REG-450 REG-500 REG-560 REG-630 REG-800 LØD* 100 250 100 280 100 315 100 355 100 400 150 450 150 500 150 560 250 630 250 800 Applies to models CJBDCJBD/AL A B A B 480 530 - - 530 580 - - 580 630 - - 680 730 - - 830 830 - - - - 470 470 - - 530 530 - - 585 585 - - 660 660 - - 765 765 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CJBX-CJBX-AL A B E - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 - - 30 680 590 30 730 550 30 780 610 30 880 680 30 1030 785 30 1230 1030 30 1475 1270 30 1610 1330 30 1710 1530 30 1990 1740 30 245 CM Applies to motors of: Motor cover for outside work. Model CM-1 CM-2 CM-5,5 CM-10 CM-20 CM-30 Features: • Avoids water entering motors installed outside. TAC VOL Circular coupling plate. Features: • To change rectangular outlet or inlet of unit CJBC/CJBCEco, CJBD/CJBX and CJBR to circular. Applies to models TAC-1919 TAC-2525 TAC-2828 TAC-3333 TAC-3939 TAC-7/7-Asp. TAC-9/9-Asp. TAC-10/10-Asp. TAC-12/12-Asp. TAC-15/15-Asp. TAC-18/18-Asp. TAC-20/20-Asp. TAC-22/22-Asp. TAC-25/25-Asp. TAC-30/28-Asp. TAC-7/7-Imp. TAC-9/9-Imp. TAC-10/10-Imp. TAC-12/12-Imp. TAC-15/15-Imp. TAC-18/18-Imp. TAC-20/20-Imp. TAC-22/22-Imp. TAC-25/25-Imp. TAC-30/28-Imp. TAC-100 TAC-200 TAC-300 TAC-400 Casing for ventilation recirculating ovens Features: • Casing for CMRH fan, designed to be installed inside the oven ARO Inlet for fans recirculating ovens Features: • Inlet for CMRH fan, designed to be installed in VOL casing CJACUS A B 227 212 293 267 322 292 381 347 469 407 A B 366 406 428 456 481 506 556 606 661 706 781 906 1081 1006 1156 1156 1281 1356 1506 1556 232 210 302 265 328 294 389 347 475 406 542 484 605 605 658 695 767 795 890 995 A B 698 698 823 823 898 898 958 958 CØD E CJBC CJBC/ECO 180 160 150 1919-Asp/Imp. 180 200 150 2525-Asp/Imp. 180 250 150 2828-Asp/Imp. 180 315 150 3333-Asp/Imp. 3333-Asp/Imp. 180 350 150 3939-Asp/Imp. 3939-Asp/Imp. CØD E CJBD CJBX 180 200 150 1919-Asp. 7/7-Asp. 180 250 150 2525-Asp. 9/9-Asp. 180 280 150 2828-Asp. 10/10-Asp. 180 355 150 3333-Asp. 12/12-Asp. 180 400 150 3939-Asp. 15/15-Asp. 180 500 150 - 18/18-Asp. 180 560 150 - 20/20-Asp. 180 630 150 - 22/22-Asp. 180 710 150 - 25/25-Asp. 180 800 150 - 30/28-Asp. 180 200 150 1919-Imp. 7/7-Imp. 180 250 150 2525-Imp. 9/9-Imp. 180 280 150 2828-Imp. 10/10-Imp. 180 315 150 3333-Imp. 12/12-Imp. 180 400 150 3939-Imp. 15/15-Imp. 180 450 150 - 18/18-Imp. 180 560 150 - 20/20-Imp. 180 630 150 - 22/22-Imp. 180 710 150 - 25/25-Imp. 180 800 150 - 30/28-Imp. CØD E CJBR 80 400 50 1240/1850-Imp. 80 560 50 2056/2263-6T-Imp. 80 630 50 2263-4T/2071-6T-3-Imp. 80 710 50 2071-4T/6T-5,5/2880-Imp. - Model Applies to models VOL-1445CMRH-1445 VOL-1650 CMRH-1650 VOL-1856 CMRH-1856 VOL-2063 CMRH-2063 VOL-2271 CMRH-2271 VOL-2380 CMRH-2380 Model Applies to models ARO-1445CMRH-1445 ARO-1650 CMRH-1650 ARO-1856 CMRH-1856 ARO-2063 CMRH-2063 ARO-2271 CMRH-2271 ARO-2380 CMRH-2380 Soundproofed boxes for centrifugal fans Features: • Ventilation box in galvanised sheet steel with acoustic insulation • Mounting feet and Silent-Blocks included • CJACUS/C: With inlet and outlet connection outside through ducts Motor cooling grille vent included • CJACUS/L: With free inlet through vent built into the box and outlet connection to the outside 246 A B C DCV 15 260 200 3000.25 to 1 15 260 240 3001.5 to 2 15 300 270 3303 to 5.5 15 380 320 4507.5 to10 15 440 350 53015 to 20 15 440 360 550more than 20 Applies to models Model CAS CJACUS-0 640 CJACUS-1 254/645 CJACUS-2 260/463/650 CJACUS-3 467/852/856 CJACUS-4 571/863 CJACUS-5 971 CA CAM 154 540 160 545 166 550/752 172 - 760 - 880 S INLET Silencers to fit to inlet or outlet. Features: • Circular or rectangular silencers to fit to inlet or outlet on centrifugal fans. Ld1d2 ld3d4d5 d6 S-80/600/218-A S-100/600/324-A S-125/600/325-A S-150/600/426-A S-150/600/527-A S-160/600/528-A S-200/600/531-A S-250/600/540-A S-315/900/545-A S-150/600/628-A S-150/600/630-A S-200/600/835-A S-200/600/840-A S-100/600/242-A S-150/900/248-A S-160/900/254-A S-200/900/260-A S-200/900/463-A S-250/900/467-A S-250/900/571-A S-250/600/640-A S-315/900/645-A S-355/900/650-A S-180/900/680-A S-180/900/790-A S-355/900/852-A S-400/1200/856-A S-400/1200/863-A S-450/1200/971-A S-250-1200/980-A S-280/1200/990-A S-250/1200/1080-A S-280/1200/1090-A S-500/900/1250-A S-560/900/1456-A S-630/1200/1663-A S-80/600/234-A S-100/600/142-A S-150/900/148-A S-160/900/154-A S-200/900/160-A S-200/900/166-A S-200/900/172-A S-250/600/540-A S-315/900/545-C-A S-355/900/550-A S-355/900/752-A S-355/1200/760-A S-500/1200/880-A S-315/600/922-A S-355/900/1025-A S-400/900/1128-A S-450/900/1231-A S-500/900/1435-A S-500/900/1640-A S-560/900/1845-A S-630/1200/2050-A S-800/1200/2563-A S-400/900/1031-A S-450/900/1135-A S-500/900/1240-A S-560/900/1445-A S-630/1200/1650-A S-710/900/1856-A S-800/900/2063-A S-800/1200/2271-A S-800/1200/2380-A 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 900 600 600 600 600 600 900 900 900 900 900 900 600 900 900 900 900 900 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 900 900 1200 600 600 900 900 900 900 900 600 900 900 900 1200 1200 600 900 900 900 900 900 900 1200 1200 900 900 900 900 1200 900 900 1200 1200 80 100 125 150 150 160 200 250 315 150 150 200 200 100 150 160 200 200 250 250 250 315 355 180 180 355 400 400 450 250 280 250 280 500 560 630 80 100 150 160 200 200 200 250 315 355 355 355 500 315 355 400 450 500 500 560 630 800 400 450 500 560 630 710 800 800 800 280 300 315 355 355 355 400 450 500 355 355 400 400 300 355 355 400 400 450 450 450 500 560 380 380 560 600 600 630 450 450 450 450 710 750 800 280 300 355 355 400 400 400 450 500 560 560 560 710 500 560 600 630 710 710 750 800 1000 600 630 710 750 800 900 1000 1000 1000 103 108 114 132 114 107 135 204 266 100 100 100 100 115 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 300 450 450 108 108 149 146 183 162 149 204 266 293 260 224 360 238 224 250 291 284 227 241 269 370 202 216 227 241 269 301 329 224 224 80 80 94 117 125 135 160 170 180 150 150 200 200 100 112 125 150 200 224 250 250 250 250 165 185 280 355 355 400 255 286 255 286 361 406 568 98 90 100 115 130 140 148 170 165 210 220 246 290 220 245 270 295 345 395 445 495 595 320 345 395 445 495 555 625 705 800 113 130 140 155 170 190 215 240 255 200 200 250 250 150 160 180 210 260 280 310 310 310 310 235 235 350 430 430 480 325 366 325 366 441 486 668 130 160 170 183 230 230 230 240 235 278 278 322 360 278 305 348 382 422 464 515 565 710 383 425 472 522 582 645 720 800 906 Replacement dampers (dB) on octave band (Hz) n Kg 125 25050010002000 4000 95 4x90° 6 112 4x90° 6 122 4x90° 7 132 4x90° 7 147 4x90° 7 162 4x90° 7 180 4x90° 7 205 4x90° 11 220 4x90° 11 192 8x45° 7 192 8x45° 7 230 8x45° 9 230 8x45° 9 130 8x45° 10 140 8x45° 10 155 8x45° 10 175 8x45° 10 240 8x45° 10 258 8x45° 10 275 8x45° 10 275 8x45° 10 275 8x45° 10 275 8x45° 10 200 8x45° 11 219 8x45° 11 310 8x45° 10 395 8x45° 10 410 8x45° 10 450 8x45° 12 292 8x45° 11 332 8x45° 11 292 8x45° 11 332 8x45° 11 405 11,5 8x45° 448 11,5 12x30° 629 11,5 16x22°30’ 115 6x60° 5 130 4x90° 9 140 4x90° 9 155 4x90° 11 192 4x90° 11 200 4x90° 11 200 4x90° 11 205 4x90° 11 205 4x90° 11 258 6x60° 9 258 6x60° 9 280 6x60° 10 330 12x30° 10 256 8x45° 9 282 8x45° 9 320 8x45° 9 354 8x45° 9 394 8x45° 9 438 8x45° 9 485 8x45° 9 535 8x45° 11 675 8x45° 14 356 8x45° 9 398 8x45° 9 444 8x45° 11 494 8x45° 11 555 8x45° 11 615 8x45° 11 688 8x45° 11 768 8x45° 13 861 16x22° 13 6 8 8 9 9 9 12 14 22 9 9 12 12 8 11 12 17 17 22 22 14 22 25 14 14 25 38 38 42 28 32 28 32 56 65 70 6 8 11 12 17 17 17 14 22 25 25 32 32 16 25 29 32 35 35 41 56 80 29 32 35 41 56 65 70 80 90 17 13 11 10 10 9 6 5 4 10 10 6 6 13 10 11 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 9 9 4 7 7 6 9 8 9 8 6 5 4 17 13 10 11 8 8 8 5 4 4 4 7 7 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 6 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 5 5 26 23 20 19 19 16 12 12 12 19 19 12 12 23 27 24 18 18 17 17 12 12 12 21 21 12 16 16 15 22 18 22 18 13 8 8 26 23 27 24 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 15 15 8 12 12 12 11 11 10 13 9 12 12 11 10 13 8 8 9 9 29 34 30 29 29 28 22 20 21 29 29 22 22 34 37 35 28 28 30 30 20 21 20 31 31 20 22 22 21 35 31 35 31 18 13 11 29 34 37 35 28 28 28 20 21 20 20 25 25 14 20 19 18 18 18 16 18 13 19 18 18 16 18 13 11 13 13 53 46 40 37 37 33 28 24 26 37 37 28 28 46 51 49 40 40 34 34 24 26 24 44 44 24 29 29 25 39 38 39 38 15 11 9 53 46 51 49 40 40 40 24 26 24 24 32 32 17 24 22 20 16 16 14 15 11 22 20 16 14 15 11 9 11 11 53 52 45 42 42 37 28 23 19 42 42 28 28 52 53 51 37 37 28 28 23 19 18 44 44 18 22 22 20 33 28 33 28 15 12 9 53 52 53 51 37 37 37 23 19 18 18 23 23 14 23 18 16 14 14 13 15 11 18 16 14 13 15 12 9 11 11 45 40 30 25 25 21 18 14 15 25 25 18 18 40 37 27 23 23 17 17 14 15 14 25 25 14 15 15 14 20 19 20 19 12 8 8 45 40 37 27 23 23 23 14 15 14 14 17 17 12 14 13 12 11 11 10 12 9 13 12 11 10 12 8 8 9 9 Applicable CMA-218 CMA-324 CMA-325 CMA-426 CMA-527 CMA-528 CMA-531 CMA-540 CMA-545 CMC-628 CMC-630 CMC-835 CMC-840 CAS/CAST-242 CAS/CAST-248 CAS/CAST-254 CAS/CAST-260 CAS/CAST-463 CAS/CAST-467 CAS/CAST-571 CAS/CAST-640 CAS/CAST-645 CAS/CAST-650 CAS-680 CAS-790 CAS/CAST-852 CAS/CAST-856 CAS/CAST-863 CAS/CAST-971 CAS-980 CAS-990 CAS-1080 CAS-1090 CAS/CAST-1250/A CAS/CAST-1456/A CAS/CAST-1663/A CA-234 CA-142 CA-148 CA-154 CA-160 CA-166 CA-172 CAM-540 CAM-545 CAM-550 CAM-752 CAM-760 CAM-880 CMP-922 CMP-1025 CMP-1128 CMP-1231 CMP-1435 CMP-1640 CMP-1845 CMP-2050 CMP-2563 CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 CMR-1856 CMR-2063 CMR-2271 CMR-2380/CMR-X 247 OUTLET (circular flange) S-80/600/218-I S-100/600/324-I S-125/600/325-I S-150/600/426-I S-150/600/527-I S-160/600/528-I S-200/600/531-I S-250/600/540-I S-315/900/545-I S-80/600/234-I S-100/600/142-I S-150/900/148-I S-160/900/154-I S-200/900/160-I S-200/900/166-I S-200/900/172-I Replacement dampers (dB) on octave band (Hz) n Kg 125 25050010002000 4000 Ld1d2 ld3d4d5 d6 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 900 600 600 900 900 900 900 900 80 100 125 150 150 160 200 250 315 80 100 150 160 200 200 200 280 300 315 355 355 355 400 450 500 280 300 355 355 400 400 400 103 131 142 176 149 138 162 217 266 103 131 176 190 245 245 245 54 62 80 90 100 130 140 150 175 40 60 73 80 85 85 90 90 110 120 140 155 190 200 220 250 100 120 150 160 160 160 175 L d1 d2 l a b A B Kg S-150/600/628-I S-150/600/630-I S-200/600/835-I S-200/600/840-I S-100/600/242-I S-150/900/248-I S-160/900/254-I S-200/900/260-I S-200/900/463-I S-250/900/467-I S-250/900/571-I S-250/600/640-I S-315/900/645-I S-355/900/650-I S-180/900/680-I S-180/900/790-I S-355/900/852-I S-400/1200/856-I S-400/1200/863-I S-450/1200/971-I S-250/1200/980-I S-280/1200/990-I S-250/1200/1080-I S-280/1200/1090-I S-500/900/1250-I S-560/900/1456-I S-630/1200/1663-I S-250/600/540-C-I S-315/900/545-C-I S-355/900/550-I S-355/900/752-I S-355/1200/760-I S-500/1200/880-I S-315/600/922-I S-355/900/1025-I S-400/900/1128-I S-450/900/1231-I S-500/900/1435-I S-500/900/1640-I S-560/900/1845-I S-630/1200/2050-I S-800/1200/2563-I S-400/900/1031-I S-450/900/1135-I S-500/900/1240-I S-560/900/1445-I S-630/1200/1650-I S-710/900/1856-I S-800/900/2063-I S-800/1200/2271-I S-800/1201/2380-I S-800/1200/2380-I 600 600 600 600 600 900 900 900 900 900 900 600 900 900 600 600 900 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 900 900 1200 600 900 900 900 1200 1200 600 900 900 900 900 900 900 1200 1200 900 900 900 900 1200 900 900 1200 1200 1200 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 250 280 280 280 100 100 100 100 300 450 450 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 450 450 450 300 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 86 86 91 91 95 105 115 125 125 130 145 200 224 250 71 80 280 280 315 355 140 160 140 160 280 315 355 140 170 200 200 220 290 216 250 300 320 280 320 360 450 600 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 710 560 560 86 86 91 91 60 66 75 85 85 90 95 125 140 160 100 112 180 180 200 224 200 224 200 224 400 450 500 120 135 150 160 180 190 140 165 180 200 228 250 284 315 410 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 800 1120 130 130 141 141 155 165 175 185 185 190 205 260 284 310 131 140 340 340 375 425 210 230 210 230 360 395 435 224 255 296 296 316 360 282 314 364 384 344 404 444 545 706 385 425 480 540 590 660 750 840 680 680 130 130 141 141 120 126 135 145 145 150 155 185 200 220 160 172 240 240 260 294 270 294 270 294 480 530 580 206 222 246 256 276 249 204 229 244 266 294 336 370 412 512 320 350 395 445 490 550 620 690 920 1260 9 9 12 12 8 11 12 17 17 22 22 14 22 25 15 15 25 38 38 42 29 33 29 33 9 9 12 14 22 25 25 32 32 16 25 29 32 35 35 41 56 80 29 32 35 41 56 65 70 80 90 90 OUTLET (Rectangular flange) 248 150 150 200 200 100 150 160 200 200 250 250 250 315 355 180 180 355 400 400 450 250 280 250 280 500 560 630 250 315 355 355 355 500 315 355 400 450 500 500 560 630 800 400 450 500 560 630 710 800 800 800 800 355 355 400 400 300 355 355 400 400 450 450 450 500 560 380 380 560 600 600 630 450 450 450 450 600 630 750 450 500 560 560 560 710 500 560 600 630 710 710 750 800 1000 600 630 710 750 800 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 76 90 102 119 129 160 175 190 220 72 90 110 120 120 120 140 6 7 7 7 7 11 11 13 13 9 11 11 13 13 13 13 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 2x180° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 4x90° 6 8 8 9 9 9 12 14 22 6 8 11 12 17 17 17 17 13 11 10 10 9 6 5 4 17 13 10 11 8 8 8 26 23 20 19 19 16 12 12 12 26 23 27 24 18 18 18 29 34 30 29 29 28 22 20 21 29 34 37 35 28 28 28 53 46 40 37 37 33 28 24 26 53 46 51 49 40 40 40 53 52 45 42 42 37 28 23 19 53 52 53 51 37 37 37 45 40 30 25 25 21 18 14 15 45 40 37 27 23 23 23 Replacement dampers (dB) on octave band (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 20004000 10 10 6 6 13 10 11 8 8 6 6 5 4 4 9 9 4 7 7 6 9 8 9 8 6 5 4 5 4 4 4 7 7 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 6 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 5 5 5 19 19 12 12 23 27 24 18 18 17 17 12 12 12 21 21 12 16 16 15 22 18 22 18 13 8 8 12 12 12 12 15 15 8 12 12 12 11 11 10 13 9 12 12 11 10 13 8 8 9 9 9 29 29 22 22 34 37 35 28 28 30 30 20 21 20 31 31 20 22 22 21 35 31 35 31 18 13 13 20 21 20 20 25 25 14 20 19 18 18 18 16 18 13 19 18 18 16 18 13 11 13 13 13 37 37 28 28 46 51 49 40 40 34 34 24 26 24 44 44 24 29 29 25 39 38 39 38 15 11 11 24 26 24 24 32 32 17 24 22 20 16 16 14 15 11 22 20 16 14 15 11 9 11 11 11 42 42 28 28 52 53 51 37 37 28 28 23 19 18 44 44 18 22 22 20 33 28 33 28 15 12 11 23 19 18 18 23 23 14 23 18 16 14 14 13 15 11 18 16 14 13 15 12 9 11 11 11 25 25 18 18 40 37 27 23 23 17 17 14 15 14 25 25 14 15 15 14 20 19 20 19 12 8 9 14 15 14 14 17 17 12 14 13 12 11 11 10 12 9 13 12 11 10 12 8 8 9 9 9 Applicable CMA-218 CMA-324 CMA-325 CMA-426 CMA-527 CMA-528 CMA-531 CMA-540 CMA-545 CA-234 CA-142 CA-148 CA-154 CA-160 CA-166 CA-172 Applicable CMC-628 CMC-630 CMC-835 CMC-840 CAS/CAST-242 CAS/CAST-248 CAS/CAST-254 CAS/CAST-260 CAS/CAST-463 CAS/CAST-467 CAS/CAST-571 CAS/CAST-640 CAS/CAST-645 CAS/CAST-650 CAS-680 CAS-790 CAS/CAST-852 CAS/CAST-856 CAS/CAST-863 CAS/CAST-971 CAS-980 CAS-990 CAS-1080 CAS-1090 CAS/CAST-1250/A CAS/CAST-1456/A CAS/CAST-1663/A CAM-540 CAM-545 CAM-550 CAM-752 CAM-760 CAM-880 CMP-922 CMP-1025 CMP-1128 CMP-1231 CMP-1435 CMP-1640 CMP-1845 CMP-2050 CMP-2563 CMR-1031 CMR-1135 CMR-1240 CMR-1445 CMR-1650 CMR-1856 CMR-2063 CMR-2271 CMR-2380 CMR-2380-X MOTORS Three-phase asynchronous motors Features: • Speeds: 2, 4, 6 and 8 poles • Three-phase power 230/400V 50Hz up to 5.5CV, and 400/690V 50Hz for greater power • Form of construction IM B3 (IM 1001) • Closed motors, with external ventilation (IC 411) • Degree of protection IP-55 • Class F insulation • S1 Service Electric regulations General prescriptions on electrical machines Marking of terminals and direction of rotation Start up characteristics of three-phase induction motors Insulating materials Standardised voltages IEC/EN 60034-1 IEC 60034-8 IEC 60034-12 IEC 60085 IEC 60038 On request: • Other forms of construction • Single-phase motors • Two-speed motors Regulations: • They fulfil the following international regulations: Mechanical regulations Dimensions and assigned power Degrees of protection (Code IP) Methods of refrigeration Forms of construction Noise maximum values Mechanical vibrations IEC 60072 IEC/EN 60034-5 IEC/EN 60034-6 IEC/EN 60034-7 IEC/EN 60034-9 IEC 60034-14 3000 r/min = 2 poles 50Hz Type of motor (kW) MOTOR-56 1-2T 0.09 MOTOR-56 2-2T 0.12 MOTOR-63 1-2T 0.18 MOTOR-63 2-2T 0.25 MOTOR-71 1-2T 0.37 MOTOR-71 2-2T 0.55 MOTOR-80 1-2T 0.75 MOTOR-80 2-2T 1.1 MOTOR-90S-2T 1.5 MOTOR-90L-2T 2.2 MOTOR-100L-2T 3 MOTOR-112M-2T 4 MOTOR-132S 1-2T 5.5 MOTOR-132S 2-2T 7.5 MOTOR-160M 1-2T 11 MOTOR-160M 2-2T 15 MOTOR-160L-2T 18.5 Power (CV) 0.12 0.16 0.25 0.33 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 15 20 25 Speed (r/min) 2670 2730 2710 2710 2730 2760 2770 2770 2840 2840 2840 2880 2900 2920 2940 2940 2940 1500 r/min = 4 poles 50Hz Type of motor (kW) MOTOR-56 1-4T 0.06 MOTOR-56 2-4T 0.09 MOTOR-63 1-4T 0.12 MOTOR-63 2-4T 0.18 MOTOR-71 1-4T 0.25 MOTOR-71 2-4T 0.37 MOTOR-80 1-4T 0.55 MOTOR-80 2-4T 0.75 MOTOR-90S-4T 1.10 MOTOR-90L-4T 1.50 MOTOR-100L 1-4T 2.20 MOTOR-100L 2-4T 3.00 MOTOR-112M-4T 4.00 MOTOR-132S-4T 5.50 MOTOR-132M-4T 7.50 MOTOR-160M-4T 11.00 MOTOR-160L-4T 15.00 Power (CV) 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 Speed (r/min) 1320 1320 1350 1350 1350 1370 1370 1380 1400 1400 1420 1420 1430 1450 1450 1460 1460 1000 r/min = 6 poles 50Hz Type of motor (kW) MOTOR-71 1-6T 0.18 MOTOR-71 2-6T 0.25 MOTOR-80 1-6T 0.37 MOTOR-80 2-6T 0.55 MOTOR-90S-6T 0.75 MOTOR-90L-6T 1.10 MOTOR-100L-6T 1.50 MOTOR-112M-6T 2.20 MOTOR-132S-6T 3.00 MOTOR-132M 1-6T 4.00 MOTOR-132M 2-6T 5.50 MOTOR-160M-6T 7.50 MOTOR-160L-6T 11.00 Power (CV) 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 10.00 15.00 Speed (r/min) 880 900 900 900 920 925 945 955 960 960 960 970 970 750 r/min = 8 poles 50Hz Type of motor (kW) MOTOR-80 1-8T 0.18 MOTOR-80 2-8T 0.25 MOTOR-90S-8T 0.37 MOTOR-90L-8T 0.55 MOTOR-100L 1-8T 0.75 MOTOR-100L 2-8T 1.10 MOTOR-112M-8T 1.50 MOTOR-132S-8T 2.20 MOTOR-132M-8T 3.00 MOTOR-160M 1-8T 4.00 MOTOR-160M 2-8T 5.50 MOTOR-160L-8T 7.50 Power (CV) 0.25 0.33 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.50 10.00 Speed (r/min) 680 680 680 680 710 710 710 720 720 720 720 720 Wiring diagram Voltage low Voltage high 249 W F O Measurements G DB Model AC D K E C B H HD L H A B C D E F G DB K AAHD AC L O 56 56 90 71 36 9 20 3 7.2 M3 6x8.8 110 160 120 195 1-M16X1.5 63 63 100 80 40 11 23 4 8.5 M4 6x10 120 165 130 215 1-M16X1.5 71 71 112 90 45 14 30 5 M5 7x10 132 180 145 245 1-M20X1.5 80 80 125 100 50 19 40 6 15.5 M6 10x13 160 217 165 290 1-M20X1.5 90S 90 140 100 56 24 50 8 20 M8 10x13 175 230 185 310 1-M20X1.5 90L1/L2 90 140 125 56 24 50 8 20 M8 10x13 175 235 185 335/365 1-M20X1.5 100 100 160 140 63 28 60 8 24 M10 12x16 196 252 205 386 1-M20X1.5 112 112 190 140 70 28 60 8 24 M10 12x16 220 292 230 395 2-M25X1.5 132/S 132 216 140 89 38 80 10 33 M12 12x16 252 330 270 436 2-M25X1.5 132M/L 132 216 178 89 38 80 10 33 M12 12x16 252 325 270 475/500 2-M25X1.5 160M 160 254 210 108 42 110 12 37 M16 15x19 335 390 320 640 2-M32X1.5 160L 160 254 254 108 42 110 12 37 M16 15x19 335 390 320 640 2-M32X1.5 11 A AA Grilles for extraction and impulsion air outlets for single-family or community housing. Circular design. Circular ventilation openings for extraction or incorporation of air, manufactured in plastic material or sheet steel painted according to model, designed for installation in the CJT-3C and CJP-3C boxes BE-RP Extraction outlets that are manually regulated by means of a central screw in plastic material • In order to install in built-in boxes it is necessary to have a hose with joints BE-ALIZE Self-regulable extraction openings which guarantee a constant extraction of air • S version: Fixed flow of extraction, for bathrooms. • C version: Permanent extraction flow, completed by a complementary extraction flow, activated by means of a cord, for kitchens or locations where modulation of the extracted flow is needed • In order to install in built-in boxes it is necessary to have a hose with joints BE-ALIZE-HVT Model BE-RP-80 BE-RP-100 BE-RP-125 BE-RP-160 BE-RP-200 Hose Ø100 with joint Hose Ø125 with joint Model BE-ALIZE-S-15 BE-ALIZE-S-30 BE-ALIZE-S-45 BE-ALIZE-S-60 BE-ALIZE-S-75 BE-ALIZE-S-90 BE-ALIZE-S-120 BE-ALIZE-S-150 BE-ALIZE-C-20/75 BE-ALIZE-C-30/90 BE-ALIZE-C-45/105 BE-ALIZE-C-45/120 BE-ALIZE-C-45/135 Hose Ø125 with joint Hose p/pladur Ø125 Hose p/pladur Ø125/80 Acoustic module Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 15/90 20/120 30/180 40/220 50/250 - Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 15 30 45 60 75 90 120 150 20/75 30/90 45/105 45/120 45/135 - Self-regulable extraction openings which guarantee a constant extraction of air as a function of the humidity or by a motion detector • H version: Extraction flow moisture-regulable between 6 and 90m3/h or 10 and 135 m3/h, as a function of the relative humidity. Permanent extraction flow of 6 or 10 m3/h, depending on the version. • V version: Possibility of adjustment up to a maximum flow of 30m3/h and the operation time adjustable up to 30 minutes. It works when it detects human presence on the premises. Permanent extraction flow of 5m3/h. • T version: Possibility of adjustment up to a maximum flow of 30m3/h and the operation time adjustable up to 30 minutes. It starts to operate when the light is switched on. Permanent extraction flow of 5m3/h. • Hose for installation included 250 Model BE-ALIZE-H-6/40/90 BE-ALIZE-H-10/45/105 BE-ALIZE-H-10/45/135 BE-ALIZE-V-5/30 BE-ALIZE-T-5/30 Hose p/pladur Ø125/HTV Hose p/pladur Ø125/80/HTV Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 5/90 10/105 10/135 5/30 5/30 - BE-AC Model Maximum Airflow (m3/h) BE-AC-100 BE-AC-125 BE-AC-160 BE-AC-200 Extraction outlets that are manually regulated by means of a central screw in painted sheet steel • Hose for installation included BI-RP 10/120 20/180 20/280 30/350 Model Outlets that are manually regulated by means of a central screw in plastic material • In order to install in built-in boxes it is necessary to have a hose with joints BI-AC Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 15/180 15/220 50/400 50/500 - BI-RP-100 BI-RP-125 BI-RP-160 BI-RP-200 Hose Ø100 with joint Hose Ø125 with joint Model Outlets that are manually regulated by means of a central screw in painted sheet steel • Hose for installation included RC Model RC-100/B RC-125/B RC-150/B RC-200/B RC-250/B Circular grilles in plastic material for mounting on the exterior of houses and apartments Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 15/180 15/220 50/400 50/500 BI-AC-100 BI-AC-125 BI-AC-160 BI-AC-200 Measurements Ext. 106 mm 155 mm 175 mm 235 mm 270 mm 40 a 80 a 125 a 165 a 220 a For hole with 80 mm 125 mm 160 mm 220 mm 260 mm RCC Circular constant flow regulator with hose and self-regulable system composed of a hatch and a regulatory spring which makes it possible to maintain a constant flow with pressure variations of between 50 and 200 Pa Model RCC-80/15 RCC-80/30 RCC-80/45 RCC-100/15 RCC-100/30 RCC-100/45 RCC-100/60 RCC-100/75 RCC-100/90 RCC-125/15 RCC-125/30 RCC-125/45 RCC-125/60 Maximum (m3/h) 15 30 45 15 30 45 60 75 90 15 30 45 60 Duct (mm) 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 Model Airflow (m3/h) RCC-125/75 RCC-125/90 RCC-125/120 RCC-125/150 RCC-125/180 RCC-160/120 RCC-160/150 RCC-160/180 RCC-160/210 RCC-160/240 RCC-160/270 RCC-160/300 RCC-200/210 75 90 120 150 180 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 210 Duct (mm) 125 125 125 125 125 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 200 Model Airflow (m3/h) RCC-200/240 RCC-200/270 RCC-200/300 RCC-200/350 RCC-200/400 RCC-200/450 RCC-200/500 RCC-250/350 RCC-250/500 RCC-250/550 RCC-250/600 RCC-250/650 RCC-250/700 240 270 300 350 400 450 500 350 500 550 600 650 700 Duct (mm) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 251 Air intakes for single-family or community housing Ventilators which guarantee the renewal of the air in the main rooms of a house through the façade. Incorporates an anti-insect cover. Made from white plastic material. EA Self-regulable air inlets, including a diffuser and external cover on the facade • The EA-15, EA-22 and EA-30 models are valid for holes A and B. The EA-45 model is valid for hole B. Dimensions hole A (mm) Dimensions hole B (mm) 276 250 235 • The EA-A-2.22 and EA-A-2.30 models are valid for holes A and B. The EA-A-2.45 model is valid for hole B. 372 354 12 160 15 22 EA-30 30 EA-45 45 Model Maximum airflow (m3/h) EA-A-2,22-RA 22 EA-A-2,30-RA 30 EA-A-2.45-RA 45 Dimensions hole B (mm) 276 250 235 EA-A-HY 15 EA-22 160 Acoustic and self-regulable air inlets, including a diffuser and external cover on the facade with noise reduction Dimensions hole A (mm) EA-15 10 12 15 EA-A 372 354 160 Model Maximum airflow (m3/h) 160 10 Acoustic and moisture-regulable air inlets between 7 and 40 m3/h depending on the degree of humidity in the premises with noise reduction including a diffuser and external cover on the facade Model EA-A-HY-7.40-RA Maximum airflow (m3/h) 7/40 Dimensions hole (mm) 372 354 12 160 EA-STM 252 160 10 Silencer with wall bushings for the self-regulable and moisture-regulable air inlets. It is placed after having perforated the wall and a PVC hose with a diameter of 125mm is built in Model Maximum airflow (m3/h) EA-STM 30/45 MAC-30 30 MAC-45 45 Intelligent sensors for controlling the fans Sensors which make it possible to sense certain environmental conditions and automatically start up the fans. This makes it possible to use the ventilation only when necessary. Using the sensors with the frequency inverters we can control the regime of operation of the fans, thus preventing the fan always working at its maximum consumption. These systems involve a significant energy saving. SI-PIR Motion detector Automatically activates the ventilation system when it detects the presence of people within its radius of action and keeps functioning for a pre-set time, which can be adjusted by means of an internal clock SI-PIR-TF-Cenital SI-PIR-TF-Mural Model SI-PIR Power supply Output Detection angle Adjustments Height installation Working temperature 230V 230V 360ºC Timing 5s-30 min 2.4-4.2 m -20ºC +50ºC SI-PIR-TFT-550-B 24V ac/24V dc 24V ac/24V dc 110ºC Timing 5s-30 min 1.8-3.6 m -20ºC +50ºC SI-PIR-TF-25-360 24V ac/24V dc 24V ac/24V dc 360ºC Timing 10s-30 min 2.4-4.2 m -20ºC +50ºC SI-SMOKE Tobacco smoke detector Automatically activates the ventilation system when tobacco smoke and other contaminants exceed the pre-set value in the sensor and keeps functioning for a pre-set time, which can be adjusted by means of an internal clock Model SI-SMOKE Power supply 220-240V ac Output 220-240V ac Maximum current (A) 3,0 Adjustments Timing 3min-20 min Height installation 1.5-2.0 m Working temperature -20ºC +50ºC SI-CO2 Air quality detector Automatically activates the ventilation system when the increase in contamination, as a function of the occupation of the premises, exceeds the pre-set value Model SI-CO2-GAQ24 Power supply 24V ac Output 0-10V ac Consumption (W) 5 Adjustments Timing 10s-30 min Height installation 1.5-2.5 m Working temperature -20ºC +50ºC SI-TEMP Temperature sensor Automatically activates the ventilation system when it detects a temperature greater than the pre-set value. Once the environmental temperature has descended below the pre-set point, the fan remains functioning for a pre-set period, which can be adjusted by means of the internal clock. The range of temperature oscillates between +10ºC and 40ºC Model SI-TEMP Power supply 220-240V ac Output 220-240V ac Maximum current (A) 3,0 Adjustments Timing 3min-20 min Height installation 1.5-2.0 m Working temperature +10ºC +40ºC 253 SI-TEMP+HUMEDAD Temperature and relative humidity sensor with display Independently controls the temperature and the relative humidity of the air on the premises. Automatically activates the ventilation system when it detects a temperature or humidity greater than the pre-set value. Once the environmental temperature or humidity has descended below the pre-set point, the fan remains functioning for a pre-set period, which can be adjusted by means of the internal clock. Power supply Model SI-TEMP+HUMEDAD Output 24V ac 0-10V dc Adjustments T = 0.5ºC and Height installation HR = 2% 1.5-2.5 m Working temperature +10ºC +40ºC SI-PRESIÓN Pressure transmitter Controls the pressure in installations with constant pressure ventilation, and transforms it into an electrical signal to regulate the ventilation system and constantly maintain the same pressure. Power supply Model Maximum consumption (VA) Output Connectors Pressure range SI-PRESIÓN TPDA 24V ac/24V dc 0-10V/4-20mA 4 6.2 mm 0-2500 Pa SI-PRESIÓN TPDA c/DISPLAY 24V ac/24V dc 0-10V/4-20mA 4 6.2 mm 0-2500 Pa SI-TIMER Timer Adjusts the operating time of the ventilation system to which it is connected. The ventilation system is automatically activated when the light switch goes on and continues to function for a pre-set time which can be altered by means of the internal clock Model SI-TIMER Power supply 220-240V ac Output 220-240V dc Maximum current (A) 3.0 Adjustments Working temperature Timing 3min-20 min -20ºC +50ºC SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN Power supply 24V dc / ac Powers the intelligent 24V dc/ac sensors from an input voltage of 230V. single-phase. SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN ac 254 SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN dc Model Power supply SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN dc 230 V 24V dc 30 SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN ac230/400 V. 24/48V ac 25 Output Power (VA) Alphabetical index of references FANS BR128 CA178 CA/LINE26 CAM181 CAS171 CAS-S171 CAS-X184 CAST230 CB135 CBD37 CBD 3V 37 CBP168 CBPC168 CBX45 CBXC45 CBXR45 CBXT45 CDXR78 CDXRT78 CJBC18 CJBC/ECO18 CJBD43 CJBD/AL43 CJBR130 CJBX 57 CJBX/AL57 CJDXR78 CJEC132 CJMP/AL157 CJSRX121 CJSXR89 CJTSA102 CJTX-C66 CL28 CL/PLUS28 CMA142 CMAT224 CMC146 CMP150 CMP-X192 CMP/AL157 CMPE148 CMPH221 CMR161 CMR-X201 CMRE159 CMRH216 CMSH218 CMT227 CPV138 CSX111 CSXR89 CSXRT89 KIT SOBREPRESIÓN 125 NEOLINEO22 SV 12 SV/ECO12 SV/PLUS 12 TSA102 TSAT102 TUB36 Alphabetical index of references ACCESSORIES AD182 AET181 AR179 B184 BAC184 BS - BSS 185 BTUB183 C2V179 GMM181 GMP181 INT179 KME-10K181 MOTORS187 MS185 OP186 P182 P-400182 PA185 PL182 PS184 PT185 PT/H185 PT/H-400185 PV183 R183 REG186 RFM180 RFT180 RI180 RM179 RT183 S186 SI-CO2 186 SI-FUENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN 189 SI-PIR188 SI-PRESIÓN189 SI-SMOKE188 SI-TEMP188 SI-TEMP+HUMEDAD189 SI-TIMER189 255 THE ErP DIRECTIVE MORE ECO-EFFICIENT FANS What does the new "ErP" directive refer to? The Ecodesing ErP 2009/125/CE Directive is going to encourage the economic and sustainable use of available energy resources. Its principal objectives are to encourage ecological design and to advance the struggle against climate change by means of the reduction of C02 emissions into the atmosphere. Over the next few years, the application of this directive will affect all products which require and consume energy so as to make them more environmentally friendly. • By the year 2020, the EU intends to fulfil its KYOTO commitment by increasing its consumption of renewable energies as opposed to those of fossil origin by 20%. • It is necessary to control and improve the quality of electrical devices by improving their performance through new, more efficient designs. For this reason, specific rules for each product marketed in the EU are being developed: Electric motors, water pumps, industrial and residential fans, transformers, etc... And for this purpose, a series of studies of the different categories of devices ordered by LOTS is being carried out, which is now resulting in the appearance of the first regulations, including those for fans. How will this ErP Directive affect fans? The first regulation of the Comission, (EU) 327/2011, which is the fruit of the study for the "LOT 11" category, has already been published. It is going to regulate non-residential fans with electrical power of between 125W and 500KW. This regulation sets down two phases for its complete implementation: • 1st phase: Beginning in January 2013, applying a first stage of efficiency for fans. • 2nd phase: Beginning in January 2015, these requirement levels will be further increased. These two phases are related with those already applied by Directive 2009/640/EC on the efficiency of standard electric motors which came into effect in June 2011. Since this time, Sodeca has been using IE2 efficiency motors in all its fans. In the second phase, starting in January 2015, all the electric motors used must satisfy IE3 efficiency. The only alternative is the use of IE2 motors + Inverter, or EC motors. The efficiency of fans will improve largely through the use of more efficient motors. However, improvements will also be introduced, by using the impellers which are best suited to each case, and through new, more highly optimised designs. As from each phase, products which do not comply with the stated requirement may not be sold and marketed in the European market. Are there any exceptions regarding the fans affected? Yes, at least for the category of fans included in LOT11, and apart from the products which may be regulated in the future in other categories which have not yet been finalised. The current regulations, (EU) 327/2011, corresponding to LOT11 already contemplate exceptions such as: • ATEX fans for explosive atmospheres. • Fans which are exclusively for emergency use (400ºC/2h, 300ºC/1h, etc...) • Fans which are specifically for working in environments at over 65ºC, or for transporting gases at over 100ºC. • Fans specifically for working in environments of gases transported at temperatures of below -40ºC. • Fans with motors at special voltages Vac>1000V or Vdc>1500V. • Fans for toxic, highly corrosive or inflammable environments. • Fans used for transporting non-gaseous substances (solids) in industrial processes. The possibility of being able to market fans which do not fulfil 327/2011 up to 1st January 2015 is also contemplated if they are intended to replace fans that are built into products marketed before 1st January 2013. And what about products exported to countries outside the EU? The directive is only required to be fulfilled within the EU. Must efficient fans be marked? Yes, because otherwise the breach of this directive would prevent CE marking. It should be clearly specified which products fulfil the requirements both in catalogues and in the selection programmes used. Will these fans be more expensive? Many of Sodeca's fans already satisfy the requirements of the directive. But in those cases in which the purchase price is significantly higher, the energy saving itself will allow you to recover your investment. And they are clearly much more economical in the long term. Sodeca is incorporating the latest new technology into high-efficiency IE2 and IE3 motors and EC systems with which many other advantages of regulation, communication and interaction with other pieces of equipment are going to be available. How do you calculate the efficiency objective? Regulation CE no. 327/2011 sets minimum efficiency requirements in two phases, the first one is applicable in 2013 and the second, more demanding one, in 2015. The efficiency objectives are determined according to the type of fan, the electrical power consumed at the point of maximum efficiency of the fan and the aerodynamic test type used. The efficiency grade (N) is the value which takes the required efficiency for an input electrical power of 10 kW. N is different according to the type of test used and increases as it passes Objetive (%) Objetive for axial fans and type-C measurement from the first to the second phase of application. For example, in an axial 42% Efficiency grade fan tested with a type C test, the value of N demanded for 2013 is 36% 40% 2015, N=40 2015 and for 2015 40%, as can be seen in the following graph. 38% Efficiency grade 2013, N=36 36% 2013 34% 32% 30% 28% 26% 24% 22% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Pe(d) (kW) 256 How do you calculate the efficiency of the fan? The performance of the fan is calculated at the point of optimum efficiency. This must be equal to or greater than the objective required. The method of calculation is different according to the elements which the fan includes and whether it is at final assembly or not. Electrical power Ped Hidraulic power Pus Losses Variator Losses Motor IF THE FAN IS SUPPLIED FOR ASSEMBLY Where, for the point of optimum efficiency: • ηe is the global efficiency. • • • • • Losses Losses Transmission Impeller IF THE FAN IS SUPPLIED COMPLETE a. If it does not have a speed inverter: b. If it has a speed inverter: ηr is the efficiency of the turbine, Where Pu(s) is the gas power and Pa the mechanical power at the axis of the turbine. ηm is the efficiency of the motor. It is necessary to use motors which satisfy Regulation (CE) no. 640/2009 on motor efficiency. If the fan is supplied without motor or this is not covered by the by the motor regulations, it is possible to estimate its performance by calculation, according to the input electrical power recommended (Pe(kW)) for the point of optimum energy efficiency of the fan. In the following graphs, it is possible to observe these values by default. ηT is the efficiency of the transmission system. For fans with direct transmission, it is equal to 1. The transmission is considered to be of high efficiency when the width of the belt is equal to or greater than three times its height. Toothed belts and spur gears are also of high efficiency. Their performance can be estimated from the power of the axis of the turbine (Pa (kW)). For values of Pa of less than 1 kW and more than 5 kW, it is considered to be constant. See attached graph. Cm is the compensation factor to bear in mind the adaptation of the components. It is 0.9. CC is the compensation factor of the partial load. In the case of there is no speed regulator, it is 1. If there is a variator, it takes the same values as the fan at final assembly. Where, for the point of optimum efficiency: • ηe is the global efficiency. 0,9 • Pu(s) is the gas power of the fan. • • • Pe is the input electrical power for the supply. Ped is the input electrical power for the speed variator supply. CC is the compensation factor of the partial load. For Ped of more than 5 kW it is 1.04. For lower powers than 5 kW the factor is greater. See attached graph. 0,85 0,8 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 Cc 1,16 0,55 1,14 0,5 1,12 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pe (kW) 1,1 0,96 1,08 1,06 0,94 1,04 1,02 0,92 0 0,75 1,5 2,25 3 3,75 4,5 5,25 6 Ped (kW) 0,9 0,88 0,86 5 30 55 80 105 130 155 Pe (kW) Low efficiency High efficiency 1 0,98 0,96 0,94 0,92 0,9 0,88 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pa (kW) 257 FRANCE FIGUERES PUIGCERDÀ Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA (Barcelona - Spain) Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com www.sodeca.com RIPOLL SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA GIRONA VIC Dir. LLEIDA ZARAGOZA MADRID MANRESA MOLLET REUS BARCELONA Dir. TARRAGONA Export Sales SODECA EXPORT Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA Barcelona - SPAIN Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 ventilation@sodeca.com PORTUGAL Mr. Albert Bartés E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA Barcelona - SPAIN Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com SODECA AMÉRICA USA - CANADÁ - MÉXICO AMÉRICA DEL SUR Mr. Francesc Bertran Sodeca Ventiladores Ltda Avda. Puerta Sur 03380 San Bernardo, SANTIAGO, CHILE ventas.chile@sodeca.com Tel. +56 (02) 2840 5582 SODECA CARIBBEAN AREA Mr. Carlos A. Hernández Gil Residencial Miramar Nº 120B-7ma Ave. Nº 1805 entre 18 y 20. Miramar Playa, CIUDAD DE LA HABANA, CUBA Tel. 00537 20 43721 sodeca@enet.cu Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7 E-08580 SANT QUIRZE DE BESORA (Barcelona - Spain) Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Fax +34 93 852 90 42 comercial@sodeca.com Export sales: ventilation@sodeca.com Ref. 01/2014 www.sodeca.com
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