D D D d 1 SUMMARY 2 1. Introduction on CSEB 2. Basic data on CSEB 3. Comparison with other materials COMPRESSED STABILIZED EARTH BLOCKS (CSEB) 4. Examples of Eco Friendly buildings built by the Auroville Earth Institute For Eco-friendly Architecture WHAT ARE CSEB? 4 1 INTRODUCTION CSEB are a mix of soil, sand, a stabilizer (often 5% of cement), and water. They are compressed in a press (manual or motorised) and cured during 28 days. CSEB are also called E’Blocks, as Eco-friendly, Economical, Earth block… The term “block” is used to differentiate from “brick” which is usually fired. Top soil is removed and only the deeper soil is extracted. CSEB are used on all continents. CSEB has been a major tool for the renaissance of earth architecture worldwide. It is today the earth technology which is used the most worldwide and in Auroville. 3 The Auroville Earth Institute became one of the world leader for the research and development of CSEB technology. MACHINERY FOR CSEB MACHINERY FOR CSEB 5 6 Many manual or motorised presses have been researched and developed worldwide. Cinvara m Auram 240 Unata The Auram press 3000 can produce about 75 blocks with 17 moulds. Elson block Master Auram 3000 Altec Pact 500 Terrablock Terstara m Hydrafor m MANUAL PROCESS 8 Several series of blocks have been developed for various uses: Hollow blocks for load bearing masonry Solid blocks for load bearing masonry Hollow interlocking blocks for disaster resistance Hourdi for floors & roofs Round blocks for columns Tiles and special blocks Variety of blocks produced by the Auram Press 3000 7 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS WITH 5% CEMENT 10 2 BASIC DATA ON CSEB Dry compressive strength σc : 5 to 7.5 MPa Wet compressive strength σc : 3 to 4 MPa Embodied energy per m3 of raw material : 572.58 MJ / m3 Carbon emission : 51.53 Kg (CO2)/ m3 Thermal lag of 50 cm thick wall : 12 hours 1 MPa = 9.81 Kg/cm2 All data with Auroville soil, after 28 days curing. These mechanical characteristics are influenced by: - Soil quality, manufacturing process and the quality and percentage of stabilizer. 9 COST EFFECTIVE COST EFFECTIVE 11 12 CSEB are generally cheaper than fired bricks. - No plaster is needed in most of cases - Less mortar is required - 5% of waste against 10% for fired bricks A finished m2 of CSEB wall 240 is in Auroville ~25% cheaper than country fired bricks Cost comparison per m2 of CSEB and fired brick wall (Auroville, July 2011) CSEB wall 24 cm thick = 861 Rs./m2 - Country fired brick wall 23 cm thick = 1076 Rs./m2 Cost in Rs./m2 CSEB is a very labour intensive technology 13 people per press for manual pressing This gives job opportunities This gives livelihood to people This insures sustainability Labour represents more than 40% Cement and equipment are about 30% Raw materials are less than 30% INITIAL EMBODIED ENERGY 14 3 The initial embodied energy of CSEB is in general less than other building materials. COMPARISON WITH OTHER MATERIALS CSEB are environmentally friendly as: - No firing is required, but only curing (4 weeks with cement stabilization). - Less transportation is required and production is most of the time manual. 572 6,12 2 Value: Pondicherry area CSEB consume 10.7 times less energy than country fired bricks 13 CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS 15 Carbon dioxide emissions are in general less than other building materials. They are mostly coming from cement stabilisation. 4 EXAMPLES OF ECO-FRIENDLY BUILDINGS BUILT BY THE AUROVILLE EARTH INSTITUTE 51.5 643 Value: Pondicherry area CSEB emit 12.5 times less carbon dioxide than fired country bricks !!! 50 tons of wood burnt for 100,000 country fired bricks !!! Opportunity for Carbon Credits Revenue 16 A FEW BUILDING EXAMPLES BUILT IN AUROVILLE Visitors Centre – 1992 Hassan Fathy International Award for Architecture for the Poor 17 13 apartments on 4 floors at Vikas Community Vikas Community was a finalist for the “2000 World Habitat Award” 18 Deepanam School near Matrimandir – CSEB vault 10.35 m span, 2.25 m rise 19 House at the Auroville Earth Institute 20 Realization Housing with 17 apartments - CSEB and stabilised earth from foundations to roof - Rainwater harvesting - Wastewater biological system - Earth tunnel for natural air conditioning Low emission for construction and use than conventional buildings and systems 4 times less initial embodied energy 3 times less operating energy 21 Realization - 5 Apartments completed 22 A FEW BUILDING EXAMPLES BUILT AROUND AUROVILLE Realization - 8 Apartments under finishes 23 Shakti Vihara School at Pondicherry, for 700 children 24 Shakti Vihara School at Pondicherry, for 700 children “Hermitage” for a priest “Hermitage” for a priest 25 27 Chinnakalapet near Auroville – “Hermitage” for a priest 26 School and community centre at Marakkanam 28 Sri Karneshwar Nataraja Temple near Auroville Pointed cloister dome 6 m span and pyramid, built in 6 months 29 Sri Karneshwar Nataraja Temple 30 A FEW BUILDING EXAMPLES BUILT WORLDWIDE 1990 – Kinshasa, Zaire – School built in 2 weeks 31 1996 – Istanbul, Turkey – House built in 8 days 32 First prize “2010 Award For Urban Heritage” Al-Turath Foundation, Saudi Arabia 2008 – Jantanagar, Nepal – School built in 20 days with community participation 33 AUROVILLE EARTH INSTITUTE UNESCO Chair "Earthen Architecture" BASIN South Asia Auroshilpam, 605 101 Auroville, TN India Tel.: +91 (0) 413 - 262 3064 / 262 3330 Fax: +91 (0) 413 - 262 2886 Email: Website: 35 2004 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Al Medy Mosque built in 7 weeks 420 m2, 18.05 m high minaret 34