- Auroville


- Auroville
News & Notes
21st February 2015………………..A weekly bulletin for residents of Auroville………………..Number 587
So the consequences of Karma are not rigorous?
No, not at all. In all religions there are people who have said that, who have given such absolute rules, but I
believe it was in order to substitute themselves for Nature and pull the strings. There is always this kind of instinct
that wants to take the place of Nature and pull the strings of people. So they are told: “There is an absolute
consequence of all that you do....” It is a concept necessary at a given moment of evolution to prevent people from
being in a completely unconscious egoism, in a total unconsciousness of the consequences of what they do. There is
no lack of people who are still like that, I believe it is the majority; they follow their impulses and do not even ask
themselves whether what they have done is going to have any consequences for them and for others. So it is good
that someone tells you straight, with a severe look: “Take care, that has consequences which will last for a very
long time!”
And then there are others who come and tell you: “You will pay for it in another life.” That, however, is one of
those fantastic stories.... But it does not matter: this also can be for the good of people.
There are other religions which tell you: “Oh! If you commit that sin, you will go to hell for eternity.” You can
imagine!... So people have such a fright that it stops them a little, it gives them just a moment for reflection
before obeying an impulse — and not always; sometimes the reflection comes afterwards, a little late.
It is not absolute. These are still mental constructions, more or less sincere, which cut things into small bits like
that, quite neatly cut, and tell you: “Do this or do that. If it is not this, it will be that.” Oh! what a nuisance is this
kind of life. And so people
go mad, they are frightened! “Is it like that or rather this?” And they want it to be neither this nor that, what
should they do?
They have only to climb to a higher storey. They must be given the key to open the door. There is a door to the
staircase, a key is needed. The key, as I told you just now, is the sufficiently sincere aspiration or the sufficiently
intense prayer. I said “or”, but I do not think it is “or”. There are people who like one better and others, the other.
But in both there is a magical power, you must know how to make use of it.
There is something very beautiful in both, I shall speak to you about it one day, I shall tell you what there is in
aspiration and what in prayer and why both of them are beautiful.... Some dislike prayer; if they entered deep into
their heart, they would
find it was pride — worse than that, vanity. And then there are those who have no aspiration, they try and they
cannot aspire; it is because they do not have the flame of the will, it is because they do not have the flame of
Both are needed. There must be a very great humility and a very great will to change one’s Karma.
Voilà, au revoir, my children.
When did I say that?
In 1953.
There's an IMMENSE sorrow behind, something very vast, very strong. It's strange.
Like an association with human sorrow.... It's strange.
MOTHER’S AGENDA, 23 March 1968
If someone has given himself to the Divine and trusts the Divine, the Divine looks after
him. And... (how to explain?) for instance, all that has to be done for you is being
done every minute; and if you in turn ask the Divine to look after someone, that too is
done. And done for the best. But this best is as the Divine sees it.
You must be in peace. The peace of absolute trust. Peace has the power to annul the
Mother's Agenda, 18 June 1972
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Funds and Assets Management Committee
January 2015 Report
Regular members: Anandi (Auroville Board of Services), Ashoke
(Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research)
last meeting on 30/1, David (Forest group), Iyanar (Farm
group), Mandakini (Working Committee), Michael (Auroville
Unity Fund), Rathinam (Budget Coordination Committee), Rita
(Auroville Council), Satyakam (Housing Service) last meeting
16/1, Sauro (L'avenir d'Auroville), Ulli (Auroville Board of
Commerce), and Mr. Srinivasmurty (Finance & Administrative
Officer, Auroville Foundation)
New membership: Sonja has replaced Satyakam as the Housing
Board (HB) representative on 23 January.
Additional FAMC meeting: At the end of the month it was
suggested and met with support to add another weekly FAMC
meeting, on a trial basis. The FAMC have begun meeting on
Tuesday afternoons. There has been an increasing need to
coordinate with each other in person. On Tuesdays they are
meeting with working groups, and individuals as needed. The
regular Friday meeting is reserved for the members to review
and reflect on the other topics on their agenda.
In response to an FAMC request, the Auroville Board of
Commerce (ABC) proposed new documentation in support of
the Governing Board-approved, in August 2014, Commercial
Trusts & Units Guidelines, and the Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) between commercial units and Trusts. As
well, a new one-page Trust Resolution was proposed by
Ananda, ABC Coordinator. This one-page document can replace
the current requirement of submitting several letters in
triplicate. Ananda joined the discussion, which was very
helpful. He explained that the MoU can replace the office
order for new units. The ABC proposed document can be used
as the new FAMC Resolution. The FAMC have considered the
ABC document and suggested some changes. For notification to
outside entities it may be necessary to provide copies of both
the MoU and FAMC Resolution, and to show a Standing Order
confirming FAMC authority by the Auroville Foundation. Once
the three documents are finalized and approved parallel
documents will be prepared in coordination with the Auroville
Board of Services (ABS) for services and other non-commercial
units. It was agreed to use the proposed one-page Trust
Resolution on a pilot basis. A related pending question: what
about units not under a Trust, i.e. Matrimandir, and Auroville
Unity Fund? The updated proposed FAMC Resolution is still in
the works.
The Working Committee (WorkingCom) submitted a procedural
question regarding the new Commercial Unit & Trusts MoU, and
replacement office order documentation. The WorkingCom
suggested signatures of both the WorkingCom and Secretary
are necessary. The FAMC considered this point and came to the
conclusion that the WorkingCom and Foundation Secretary
need not be signatories on the creation of new units. It is
noted that the creation of new Trusts is a different matter that
hasn't been discussed. The FAMC sent their response to the
With the passing of Prema, questions arose concerning the
future of the Auromode Trust, the unit To Be Two, and the
Auromode guest house/apartments. In late December a
subgroup of the FAMC met with Andre H. and Louis, who
stepped in to provide support, to start exploring the best way
forward at Auromode. The priorities are: the Auromode Trust
needs a new trustee; and To Be Two needs another executive.
The FAMC subgroup met with Andre again.
Andre is
recommending that Louis C. be added as trustee; and as a third
executive at To Be Two. Recently Anyuta was recommended as
the second executive. Louis would like to be an additional
executive for the Auromode guest house/apartments also. It
was clarified that they are renovating one apartment for
'differently abled' users and plan to create 8 more apartments.
They are open to providing these new ones for Newcomers' use.
The current apartments they plan to continue renting to
guests. Andre is satisfied with Dara as the Auromode guest
house/apartments manager for the time being. Dara will stay
until the end of this guest season and from 1 April onwards will
cease to be in charge of the guest apartment operation.
Anatolie is working there with his partner Tatiana also. Andre
and Louis are open to industrial use, such as office space, and
are ready to welcome other units who have expressed interest.
Since there were questions about turnover and contributions of
the apartments, FAMC has requested the Guest Facilities
Coordination Group (GFCG) to review the registers of the last
two guest seasons and check the contributions for accuracy.
Andre has been asked to move from the small guest house
umbrella, Exploration, to a more suitable set-up namely, the
Guest House Trust. Other options such as creating a new unit
under the Auromode Trust are also being looked into. A plan
of the entire Auromode area was requested in order to
understand clearly what spaces are available, how they're
presently being used, and how they might be used in the
future. The ABC has been asked to review the possibilities for
commercial units and to talk to Andre & Louis about the same.
It was agreed that Andre, and Louis, presuming he will be
approved as a trustee, are authorized to make the final
decisions. It was noted that L'avenir should get involved
concerning all the new building that has happened, and is
planned. FAMC sent them a request. This is an ongoing
The arbiters of the Centre Guest House arbitration requested
FAMC support of their decision. The FAMC reviewed the 1-page
report sent by the Auroville Council (AVC). There was mention
that some lack of detail left unanswered questions. The
members, in particular, asked about the reasoning behind the
decision. Further comments included: a. the accounts should
have been reviewed first before making a decision and; b. the
point about Saravanan's family moving out of Centre Guest
House does not include the financial implications. The FAMC
asked for a detailed report from the AVC and the financial
implications of Saravanan's move from Centre Guest House. It
was clearly noted that the arbitration decision is final, both
parties have agreed to the decision of the arbiters. The FAMC
did not want, nor were they in a position, to change it. [Note:
in any arbitration where the recommendations have financial
implications, a study of the financial situation of the
unit/person involved has to be done before completing the
The ABC submitted a draft, simplified document entitled,
'Contribution and Donation Guidelines for Commercial Units'.
They asked for FAMC approval. The document was approved
and it was noted the exploration is on-going. This is not the
end of the discussion. In follow-up, the document was then
sent to the ABS and the Budget Coordination Committee (BCC)
with a request for them to develop guidelines for the service
units and other activities. FAMC await their responses.
Auroservice d'Auroville has been proposed to be a sub-unit
under Auro Small Scale Activities (ASSA). The managers Luigi &
Pashi listed the activities as: Integral planning, development
and research. And the reason for the activity: to serve the city
development and to raise resources for the growth of Auroville.
In their email to the FAMC and L'avenir the ABC stated: “As the
proposed activities may conflict with L'avenir and the AV
Fundraising cell feedback should be obtained from l'avenir and
the FAMC before granting approval.” During the discussion the
FAMC members were in agreement with the statement sent by
L'avenir to the ABC namely, that the scope of the service
should be rephrased, “Town Planning and Fund Raising are
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
governance activities which are implemented by groups with a
mandate and they are not the subject of business activities
inside Auroville.” In addition, FAMC suggested to the ABC that
Luigi & Pashi be asked to clarify their intended activities.
The Auroville Nature Camp has requested a loan of Rs. 15
lakhs, to finish a storeroom. FAMC asked the team about the
difference in cost noted comparing their April 2014 Project
Coordination Group application. Also the team was asked: Who
is involved in the proposed new activities (Auroville units using
the camp)? Who is supporting this initiative? What is the
management plan? Who will take care of the facilities? It will
be suggested that if Auroville units are expressing an interest
in using the Nature Camp, that they could be asked to
contribute towards needed infrastructure. At the end of this
reporting period, the FAMC had not heard back from them.
HOUSING TOPICS – none this month.
The Land Board members submitted a draft mandate to the
AVC and FAMC for review and feedback. The FAMC had several
comments and a couple of changes which were shared with the
AVC and Land Board.
At the FAMC request, after meeting with Arun, Adhi, and
Ranjith of LRM and examining all the wood sales records
available with LRM, Michael and Lyle submitted to FAMC a
report concerning Land Resources Management (LRM) wood
sales. The report was sent to Arun & Juergen, as the former
LRM executives, inviting them to comment on it, which they
both did. Residents are informed that the FAMC investigated
the wood sales process followed by LRM after Cyclone Thane
and concluded that: a. Based on the documentation available,
it is impossible to assess what happened with any certainty; b.
the process used was not the one proscribed by the Secretary,
Mr. Bala Baskar; c. the process that was followed did not
include a “wood register” or “gate passes” out of the wood
yard, which would have made verification of all transactions
more secure; d. a receipt book was used and for those buyers
who wanted a receipt, one was issued, and; e. consistency was
found between the spreadsheet of wood sales maintained by
LRM, and the deposits in the Financial Services account. The
FAMC is in talks with the newly formed Land Board to establish
fail safe procedures for sales of wood in the future. If a
resident wishes to review the report, they can make an
appointment with the FAMC secretariat.
The organizers of the Auroville Retreat scheduled for 12 and 13
March requested one FAMC 'resource person' who would be
required to attend four sessions to discuss 'governance'.
Mandakini volunteered and she was enthusiastically supported
by the members.
The Windarra arbiters reached a decision and came to the
FAMC meeting to talk about some points which concern 'funds
and assets'. The funds and assets aspect of the decision
involves Aurovilians potentially taking loans to pay for
infrastructure changes (fencing / electricity / move one
capsule / water connection to well next door on Auroville
land). The arbiters asked if the loans could be given an
extended repayment schedule to reduce the monthly financial
burden. Based on the verbal report, the FAMC gave their
support, and informed the AVC. Questions in general about the
arbitration process arose. There is a new Conflict Resolution
Policy in the works. The Arbitration process is part of it.
The Temporary Feedback Review Committee (TFRC) was
established for the selection of the new WorkingCom and 2
replacement AVC members at the end of 2014. The members
Alan, Meenakshi, Margarita, Bridget, Shankar, Vinodhini, and
Partha attended a meeting to speak with the FAMC members
about specific feedback it received concerning certain
individuals that are involved in some way with the FAMC (i.e.
unresolved 'issues'). The individuals are: Krishanmeyer (Arka);
Selvaraj (land topic with Norwegian donor); Ramalingam
(Gowri & Raman (New Service Farm)); and Kathir
(Imagination). They asked the FAMC to resolve the issues. It
was stated by the FAMC that clearly in some cases resolution is
not possible because the individual involved and the 'working
group', in this case the FAMC, don't agree on what happened
and if it's 'right' or 'wrong' or demands an apology. The TFRC
conceded that some of the unresolved issues could be cleared
if the individual would give a public apology to the community.
Relevant feedback received by the TFRC had been copied,
without names, and given to the FAMC.
In regards to the new Archive building, L'avenir d'Auroville
informed the FAMC, “A decision has to be taken whether to
call for a tender for phase 1 only or for the full project since
this has implications for the GOI grant allocation of the next
few years.” The FAMC approved a call for tender for Phase I
only. L'avenir was informed.
Sandeep from the Land Board (LB) attended an FAMC meeting
to give a verbal report in follow-up to their email concerning a
recently conducted wood stock assessment in the former LRM
Land Care Yard (LCY). It included a request to resume wood
sales. The assessment needs to be checked. It was
acknowledged that Glenn of the Forest group is very
knowledgeable in this kind of work. He has been requested to
give an assessment of the wood stock in the LCY, or
recommend someone who can do it. It is noted that it is
important to have an accurate record of the wood that was left
by LRM, when the LB started in December 2014. Going forward
there will be increased transparency. It was agreed that
firewood sales to Auroville units such as the Bakery and Tanto
can resume immediately.
It was suggested during a discussion about a visa question that
Auroville needs a group to look into who is permanently living
and working in Auroville, as compared to working outside
Auroville. There was an open sharing and some frustration
expressed that some Aurovilians do not live in Auroville, nor
work in Auroville. It was stated that this knowledge
compromises our integrity to some degree. It was
acknowledged that it isn't totally clear who could take up such
a task. The Residents Service does some checking however that
is only of foreign Aurovilians. There are no requirements,
currently, for Indian Aurovilians to report their comings and
goings, for example. It was agreed that the FAMC would share
its concerns with the WorkingCom and suggest a brainstorming
session with members of the interested working groups. The
Working Com responded with interest. The next step is to
schedule the brainstorming session.
The FAMC invited the AVC to meet in early February to review
the current document, Leaving Auroville Allowance, and to
reach some agreements about the 'grey areas' that complicate
the process. The AVC accepted the invitation.
Elvira and Niva (Koodam), Carel and Elisa (WorkingCom), and
Matripasad and Marie-Claire (AVC resource) met with the FAMC
at the end of the month. There was an open sharing about
arbitration decision implementation. The decision concerning
Windarra is the current example. The Farm group, who is one
of the parties, does not support the decision. Elvira and Niva
expressed that if the arbitration decision cannot be
implemented, nobody will be willing to go through the process,
and “anarchy will prevail.” In general FAMC, AVC, and the
WorkingCom see the usefulness of arbitration in Auroville and
the necessity to support it fully in order to solve long-term
conflicts. In particular, FAMC have already expressed their
support of the Windarra arbitration to the AVC. The FAMC has
informed the Farm group in writing and invited them to discuss
the implementation only. The Working Com agreed to
document its endorsement of the decision and send it to the
FAMC as well. The meeting with the Farm group is being
The AVC requested of the FAMC: a. to recommend an
independent auditor for the Centre Guest House accounts, due
to the arbitration and; b. choose 2 FAMC members to
participate in the discussion concerning financial support for
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Saravanan's housing relocation; specifically the Housing Board
representative and one other. The FAMC did not agree an
independent audit is necessary as both parties have accepted
the arbiters' decision, and the financial affairs of the Centre
Guest House were not an issue in the arbitration. They did not
recommend an independent auditor. Sonja, as the Housing
Board representative, and Michael agreed to meet with the
arbiters and those involved from the AVC to provide some
support to the process of Saravanan's house relocation.
Following up from previous reports
As mentioned last month, the FAMC called for a meeting
concerning the Varuna-Auroville contribution towards
electricity. On 2 January the FAMC met with representatives
from the ABC, ABS, BCC, GFCG, Abri Water Service, VarunaAuroville including Lyle and Otto. The intention was an open
discussion during which the participants could openly express
ideas, opinions, concerns, as well as suggestions. It is not
intended to be a decision-making conversation. About 27
people shared and listened for one hour and a half. In accord
with the stated intention there were no conclusions, “to dos”,
or decisions made.
The members continued to look at the situation at Sharnga
Guest House due to a complaint sent by a guest. The
WorkingCom sent an email to the FAMC expressing concerns
about the process that had been followed. It was proposed by
one member, and supported by another, to ask the
WorkingCom to take over the matter since it involves
allegations by a guest. It was decided to respond to the
WorkingCom outlining its process which demonstrates a
considered approach. It was further explained that the matter
was not immediately passed to the WorkingCom, as it might
have been, because at that time, mid-November 2014, the
former WorkingCom was on their way out. At the same time
the FAMC members acknowledged that they could have
handled the complaint in a more inclusive way and they have
conveyed their apology to Kripa. After the FAMC replied to the
WorkingCom one member asked, “Is this the best way to
handle this? Should the FAMC continue to handle it?” There was
quite some discussion how best to proceed, and it was finally
agreed to wait for a reply from the WorkingCom. In the
interim, FAMC asked the GFCG if they would share their
recommendations (earlier and revised) with Bernard and Kripa.
It was agreed they should be provided this information. The
GFCG left it to the FAMC to forward their recommendations,
and the FAMC did so. Kripa had been asking to meet with the
FAMC. In mid-January the FAMC met with the WorkingCom and
GFCG to find one voice, and then met with Kripa, and shortly
thereafter Bernard. During the follow-up sharings the FAMC
changed its recommendation that Kripa be replaced and is
open to her remaining as an executive. The dialogue is still
going on.
Leave Auroville Allowance Process
Dear Community,
This is to inform the community that, to deal with occasional
requests for financial help from Aurovilians leaving Auroville
permanently, a study group was called by FAMC in July 2012.
Following this, the study group constituted by Carel, Chali,
Deepti, Gumsoon, Jean-Yves, Lala and Suzanne came up with a
proposal, the 'Leaving Auroville Allowance Process' which was
approved by the FAMC and published in the N&N on 17/11/12.
The need for assessment of all the past requests, before and
after the above publication, cum final recommendations by
FAMC, has been identified.
As an immediate step forward, it is fully supported by both the
FAMC and the AVC that a core team constituted by Chali,
Cecilia and Danny will start to revise the “Leaving Auroville
Allowance” paper and clearly document future lines of
communication for an improved process in the light of 2015.
The input of other members of the community that have
contributed on this topic over the past years or wish to
contribute now will be studied before submitting the finalized
review for approval by FAMC and AVC."
Thank you! Auroville Council
Regarding Housing Board
Dear community members,
The Council would like to streamline the revision of
mandates and policies of the Housing and Entry Service
along with the effort and momentum of the Retreat being
planned in March. We believe this can give us a new
direction which the changes on the documents can reflect.
In consideration of this, we would like to extend the term
of the Housing Board members, which was extended till
December 2014, to the end of March 2015, during this time
of transition.
Thank you for your patience and support, Sincerely,
Auroville Council
Calendar for the Auroville Festival in
Chennai 2015
Dear Friends,
The Auroville Festival is quickly descending on us with the
main events and activities taking place throughout the city
of Chennai. Please have a look at the calendar for the
event, timings and venues – See the attached document at
the end of this issue [Please keep it with you for
Don’t hesitate to inform all your friends and family in
Chennai and remember the Concert for the choir is free on
a first come first serve bases. The Sir Mutha Venkatasubba
Rao Concert Hall on Harrington Road, Chetput has a seating
capacity of 1,200
So let’s try and fill it up and support our musicians.
Enjoy, The Chennai Festival Team
The Auroville Retreat – How to sign up for
The Retreat Organizing Team, the Residents Assembly
Service and the Working Committee invite all concerned
Aurovilians and Newcomers to sign up for participation in
the Auroville Retreat.
Objective of the Retreat
− To reconnect and engage with the Auroville Vision and
its manifestation
− To reflect on Mother’s vision for Auroville
− An introspection and reflection on the spiritual growth
of individuals and the collective
− To reflect on the present realities of Auroville
− To envision where Auroville wants to be on its 50th
anniversary (in 2018) and in 10 years
When, Were, Who and How?
When: Thursday 12th March 2015 & Friday 13th March
2015 from 8am till 6:30 pm
Where: Unity Pavilion
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
All concerned Aurovilians and Newcomers,
members of the Governing Board, members of the
International Advisory Council
It is a workspace based on intensive preparation
work done by the participants
Retreat Facilitation
“The March 2015 Retreat offers a material opportunity
− for the inner and outer work to converge;
− to redraw the boundaries of Auroville and what it
means to be Aurovilian;
− and to prepare for the passing of the torch from
one generation to the next”.
(From Aromar Revi’s letter dated 10th February 2015)
Aromar will be supported by a team of Auroville
Participate in the Theme of Your Choice
Knowing that everyone is equally important this invitation
is reaching out to everybody, including those who want to
participate by giving their energy through silence and
To have a balanced number of team members for each
theme, please select one of the themes which you would
like to support in the preparatory work (please give a first
and second choice on the list below).
You will receive information material online or as
hardcopy. Once you have signed up for a particular theme,
you are expected to attend the following two work sessions
in addition to the Retreat itself:
Information sharing about Insights
Thursday 19th February
Unity Pavilion from 9 am to 12.30 pm
Representatives of the theme groups will inform about the
process and share their Insights
The RAS team will compile the material received from the
online forum
From Insights to Goals
One full day during the period from Saturday 21st
February till Friday 27th February 4, 2015
Unity Pavilion from 9 am to 5 pm.
You are expected to attend one full day workshop for the
theme for which you have signed up.
Youth (the age group of 15 – 25) on Saturday 21st
Bioregion (connection to the Bioregion by birth,
projects, interests, other) on Sunday 22nd February
Governance on Monday 23rd February
Land & Town planning on Tuesday 24th February
Population Growth on Wednesday 25th February
Education on Thursday 26th February
Economy on Friday 27th February
The Goals
The Goals for each theme that will come out of these full
day sessions will be the base for the work to be done during
Retreat on 12th and 13th March.
“What do we expect to emerge from these processes:
A set of goals for 2018 (and beyond) that we largely
agree on
Milestones to test whether we are going in the right
direction with the appropriate velocity
Self-selected teams to oversee implementation with
clear and accountable leadership
The identification of adequate human, financial and
institutional resources to aid implementation
The goals need to be concrete, focused and realizable
through difficult, but not impossible, steps towards a
collective realisation that drew most of us here.
(Aromar letter dated 10th February 2015)
How to Register?
To register for participation in the Auroville March Retreat
(including the preparations stated above), please send an
raservice@auroville.org.in as soon as possible or, at the
latest, by the evening of Tuesday 17th of February.
For more information on the organization of the Auroville
retreat@auroville.org.in or just call us on any of our
8870 288 502
948 6623 749
Selvam 994 3911 149
Kind regards, Your RAS Team
The Festival of Ideas!
As energy builds for a two-day special Retreat meeting on
12 & 13 March, all Aurovilians are invited to come and hear
the younger members of the community present their
brilliant ideas and inspirations on how Auroville can move
closer to its ideals.
Bring Your Brilliance, Brilliant ideas and Preparedness to
act on Your Ideas to the Festival.
Youth Ideas Wanted!
If you feel like you're a younger members of the community
and you feel like you have an idea on how we can make
Auroville better or have something to offer that you feel
could make Auroville better, bring it to our Youth Ideas
Session at the Festival of Ideas!
WHEN: 10am - 3pm, Saturday, Feb 21
WHERE: Youth Centre
• Creative brainstorming games for ways to make Auroville
• The Famers' Market
• Flying Fox
• Games for Kids
• Live Music
• Open mike (last-minute poems, ideas, songs, dances,
For More Information: Contact: Phillip - 9655 933321/
Jesse - 948 6623 749
Come to The Festival of Ideas!
Bring your brilliance and brilliant ideas for Auroville's future
to the Festival of Ideas!
WHEN: 10am - 3pm / WHERE: Youth Centre
Song/Poem Competition
Enter now for the song/poem contest at the festival of
Singers, songwriters, poets and also people with no musical
ability whatsoever are encouraged to write an original song
or poem and perform it in the upcoming Festival of Ideas!
At the Youth Centre on Saturday Feb 21.
You are invited to enter your song/poem in either or both
of the following categories:
Category 1 - "What I like about Auroville"
Category 2 - "What I don't like about Auroville"
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
The best song/poems in each category will be judged by a
panel of experts and audience members. The winning
entries will receive fabulous prizes and the opportunity to
perform their song at the Auroville Retreat on March 12 &
How to Enter
To enter your song/poem/s (you may enter as many times
as you like):
1. Write and rehearse a song/poem (you can read from a
paper) in either or both of the above categories.
2. Bring your backing music either on a USB stick or in the
head of a musician with an instrument by 11am. You can
also just sing acapella (no music).
Art Garbage Competition
Enter your sculpture made of re-purposed waste (garbage)
in the Festival of Ideas Art Garbage Competition!
How to Enter
To enter your garbage artwork (you may enter as many
times as you like):
1. Create a sculpture made of things that people have
thrown away (use dry, clean garbage, no old bananas
2. Bring your sculpture to the Festival by 11 am.
3. Take your sculpture home with you afterwards and
dispose of it responsibly.
Also Featuring: The Farmers' Market and games and other
cool stuff!
For more information, call 948 6623 749
dated 21.02.2015
We would like to inform the community that our team has
decided to recommend the following persons as Aurovilians and
Newcomers. We will wait for two weeks (for Newcomers and
Returning Aurovilians) and one month (for Aurovilians), from
the date of this publication, for your feedback, before making
our final decision.
Nasim GHOURCHIAN (Iranian) – Staying at Forecomers (Mango
Field), working as part of the Botanical garden's team at the
Nursery and at the office.
Lara DAVIS (American) – Staying at Earth Institute, working as
an Architect and trainer at the Earth Institute.
Dany FOUREAU (French) – Staying at Celebration, working as a
care giver at Health Service and as a cleaning supervisor at
Centre Guest House.
Geo BRETTMAN (German) – Staying at Verite, working as Web
designer for Upasana and as Chai Walla at the Farmers market.
Rani OBERLANDER (German) – born on 19/11/2013.
Stephanie KRAUS (German) – Staying at Baraka, working as an
Osteopath (house visits through AVHS) and at Deepam also
working as garden worker in Baraka.
We have identified a lack of clarity in the communication and
confirmation of status, as the announcements done in the News
and Notes are FOR FEEDBACK ONLY and sometimes, after
announcement, there can be either an extension of status or a
decision to stop the process. We have therefore added an
additional section to confirm the status of persons previously
Pavel BOGDANOVICH (Russian)
Felix Martin JANSSON (Swedish)
Arati DUTTA (Indian from Orissa)
Hilary SMITH (USA)
Grace MUSUMECI (Australian)
Gandhi MURUGESAN (Indian from Kuilapalayam)
John LOWRY (British) – (Staying at Windarra, working as part
of the Tree house community with Filip at the AV Youth Centre
and with 'Juicy Lucy' fruit juice stall).
We will soon invite you to fill in the B-Form request for a
meeting with the AV Foundation Secretary, with the aim to add
your name to the Register of Residents.
Louise ANDREASEN (Danish)
In case the above person(s) wishes to come back to live and
work in Auroville, (s)he will need to restart his/her newcomer
Dear Newcomers,
The Entry Service team would like to inform you of the timings
designated specifically for you to collect or submit the
Newcomer kit. Please pass by our office in the Town Hall
during these hours only: Wednesday & Friday at 2pm to 4pm.
We look forward to seeing you.
We are open for B-Forms and Recommendation letter
matters, on appointment only.
For all other matters, the office is open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays at 10-12am, except for every last
week of each month when we are closed to the public in
order to focus on internal office work.
The Entry Service team (Chitra, Ishita, Kripa, Vika)
TDC - L’avenir d’Auroville
The following Site and Building applications are announced for
feedback from the community for a period of two weeks. The
announcement is made for feed-back only and does not mean
that the project has final approval.
The final approval is given when L'Avenir / TDC issues an NOC
(No Objection Certificate). This happens only once the feedback period is over, the feedback has been evaluated, final
decision by TDC has been reached and the necessary financial
formalities have been completed. It is only after issuing a final
building permission that fencing, building or any other activity
on the site can start. It has to be noted that site permission is
given to reserve the site for a maximum period of two years in
order to prepare a project proposal. It does not give any right
to fence and clear the site unless, for practical reasons, there
is a special permission of TDC.
TDC invites two week feedback for the proposed location of
the transformer room along the Crown Road opposite
Surrender. See map on Auronet.
TDC asks for feedback from the residents of Auroville within
two weeks from the date of publication. If anyone wishes to
have detailed information, feel free to contact TDC - L’avenir
d’Auroville office: 262-3568 or come personally to the Building
Application section.
House available for exchange or transfer
Auromodele Petite Ferme / Krishna
Ground floor + 1 - total size: 79,76 sq meter
Phone: Guest Service Solar Kitchen - Afternoons 1 to 4 pm
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
7 passed away
This is to inform the community that our long-term friend and brother, Aurovilian 7 (Ramachandra Rao who
insisted he be named ‘7’) passed away this week in a Chennai hospital where his family had taken him since
his health was ailing. He was 67 years old.
7, who joined Auroville in the very early seventies and has been here off and on since then, may always
remain an enigma for us as his apparently passionate and burning need to express his inner findings and
vision of Auroville tended to come through in a continuous flow of not easy to follow monologues,
profoundly interlaced with his interpretation of the vision of our founders. At times his sense of reality may
have wavered, possibly caused by a too great intensity of a not yet settled inner life.
In these later years, many may have witnessed 7, prim and cleanly dressed, quietly sitting at a corner of La
Terrace on the roof of Solar Kitchen, playing his flute for hours on end in the late afternoon sun.
May you still be playing, dear 7, on the way to the Light.
Our warm condolences go out to 7’s wife and daughter, and other family members in Chennai.
Jayant Thakkar passed away
In the afternoon of Sunday, 15 February, a truly long-term Aurovilian, Jayant Thakkar, who lived in Promesse, passed away in the
Ashram’s nursing home at the age of 94.
Born in Gujarat in 1920, Jayant participated as freedom fighter in India’s struggle for independence for which also he ended up in jail
for a while. During that period he studied works of the spiritual masters which gave direction to his further life. In 1946 he received his
first darshan from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and thereafter, ever remaining in close contact with the Ashram, Jayant established
himself in Chennai where he built up a business in surgical equipment. In 1973 the Mother approved of him settling in Auroville,
Promesse, where he has been living since. Jayant taught several years in Udavi School, did Matrimandir duty, and developed a village
health centre in Morattandi, seeing to it that villagers had subsidised rice for some time. He willed his body to be donated to JIPMER.
Auroville pays homage to dedicated, peaceful friend and brother.
Jay MA~
Lands for Auroville Unified
Auroville Centre for Urban Research, Administrative Area, Auroville – 605 101, Tamil Nadu, India
ACRES FOR AUROVILLE – 21st of February 2015
“The Matrimandir is the central force of Auroville, the cohesive force of Auroville,
the symbol of the Divine’s answer to man’s aspiration for perfection.” - The Mother
Dear Friend,
The Matrimandir is not any building. When the Mother called it “the soul of Auroville’ she alluded to its profound dimensions. And the
land around it is not any land – it is the material base, the adhara, for these profound dimensions to work for human progress and
“This Shrine must have a vast area - not like this (Mother took Her handkerchief in Her palm and closed Her hand), so small. Also
there must be a silent zone. No vehicles should move in this area, there should be no noise of any kind. The Park of Unity will be
divided into twelve gardens, which will represent the twelve attributes of the Supreme Mother. In these gardens I would like to
have various kinds of flowers - especially the different types of hibiscus - the Divine Consciousness. On the other side, towards
the boundary of the gardens, I wish to have huge trees like palms, varieties of ferns, neem, Indian cork-trees, eucalyptuses and
many other beautiful big trees - they all represent unity and aspiration. The whole area will be surrounded by a lake so that the
Mother's Shrine may be on an island.”
The Mother’s words give a glimpse into her vision of the Matrimandir area – a precious haven of peace, beauty, inspiration, and spiritual
sustenance. But significant strategically important pieces of land are still missing, still at risk of being developed in a way that is
inconsistent with the Mother’s vision and intention for the Matrimandir.
That is why on August 15th, 2014, Sri Aurobindo’s birthday, Auroville International and Lands for Auroville Unified- LFAU - launched the
Acres for Auroville campaign, whose first goal is to acquire the missing plots which are so vital for protecting the consecrated
atmosphere of the Matrimandir.
February is the month in which the visionary of Matrimandir, of Auroville, of the new creation and a new world, graced this earth with
her physical embodiment. 21st February, as we know, is the Mother’s birthday. For our A4A campaign, it is a third point in time, a third
rhythm to recall and re-activate our concern and commitment. Every donation adds a point of energy, force and solidarity to the ring of
protection we are together creating for the Matrimandir. The accompanying flyer provides information on how to donate.
United for Auroville, for a great vision of the future,
Aryadeep and Mandakini for the “Acres for Auroville” team
Phone: + 91 413 2623699 Fax: +91 413 2622055 E-mail: lfau@auroville.org.in
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
AV Nature Camp Reminder!!
Attention all Nature Campers! There is still time to sign up for
Nature Camp! Please find the adult at your school who is
responsible for Nature Camp sign ups and put your name on the
list straight away (And if for some reason you can’t find that
adult, please email Jocelyne directly: jocelyneb2@gmail.com)
Remember: Dates of the camps are in May. Cost of the 11-day
camp in Kavunji (near Kodaikanal) is Rs 3,000, and Rs 2,000 if
your parents are on maintenance (Actual cost of sending one
person to camp is Rs 4,850, so that’s a deal!).
Please note that all registration papers should be received by
February 28. Payments for all participants must be received by
March 15 into collection account number 0009. If you haven’t
paid by March 15, your name will be removed from the list. If
you have already paid but for some reason cannot come to
camp, please inform us before March 15 for a refund. Please
note: there will be no refunds given after March 15. This
helps us with our planning and ensures that last-minute
understanding around this.
We look forward to another beautiful time at Kavunji together.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
AV Nature Camp Team
Restorative Circles
“Since I have found out about the Restorative Circle tool, I
experience the actual challenge of real listening. I find this
especially difficult in a conflict situation, when my emotions
and my judgments select and distort what I hear in order to
reinforce my beliefs. In the neutral setting of the Restorative
Circle Practice Group, we exercise listening in depth, not just
to the words others say but also to the underlying meaning it
has for them, and that – knowingly or unknowingly – they wish
to be received for. If the Practice Group's 'raison d'être'
remains the learning of skills useful to facilitate Restorative
Circle within the larger community, I find that the practice of
listening from a sincere desire to connect to other people's
reality, invariably unites us in a sense of brotherly/sisterly
care. This has a direct visible and practical impact on my day
to-day-life when I encounter difficulties in communicating.”
Taj (a member of the Restorative Practice Group)
Auroville restorative circles practice group: Every Thursday 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Hall of Light – Creativity
For further information: Shanti (0413) 26 23 314 or Janet
(0413) 26 22 165
Security Advice
Dear friends,
This is to inform you that during the month of January, 2015, 5
thefts (Nilathangam, near solar kitchen, VC parking, Rave,
Needam GH), 1 attempt theft (Auromodel), 3 harassment
incidents (near CSR, near Verite, near Courage), 2 attempt
harassment incidents (near Adventure, near Samasti) and 2
accidents (near Visitor’s centre, near Mitra youth hostel)
occurred in different areas of Auroville.
We request all Aurovilians/Newcomers/Guests to be more
conscious of their valuable belongings and use additional locks
for their vehicles and houses to lower the risk of thefts.
We recommend that women avoid travelling alone at night,
and to store our security numbers in their phones to report any
incidents as soon as possible.
Women of all ages and modest dress codes have reported
harassment, so be on your guard at all times. Be wary of three
boys on a bike and do not stop for local men asking for
directions. For post-incident support and counseling you may
call the Women's help line (open in the morning) at 262-2425 or
email AV health services: avhs@auroville.org.in.
For escort (for people with bikes/cycles only), call Ramesh.V
at 9443090107 / 9443362691. Please note that the guards
cannot leave their posts without prior permission from Security
To those who leaving town: please inform your neighbours to
keep watch over your houses/apartments. Kindly inform your
watchman /gurkhas or house-sitters to contact us immediately
when there are any people / incidents to be reported.
We recommend all residents and guests to travel in and around
- With only Xerox copies of your documents. Leave the originals
in your guest-house safe.
- Not to carry large amounts of cash or valuables on your
person unless absolutely necessary.
- To secure/ tie up your bags properly or to keep bags on your
person instead of in cycle baskets.
AV Security Service (Day & Night Security: 9443090107,
This note concerns some member’s attitude in
Find the way which suits you better….We want to remind the
participants that when you become part of the service you
know and agree that Nandini has been created to cover the
basic needs of the Aurovilians for clothing and household
items. We manage to be far above the basic now but there is a
limit in the diversity we can provide as other services working
in the same spirit like Solar Kitchen and PTDC have their limits
Most of the participants are very grateful with what the service
offers. But we are too often facing unacceptable behavior
from some Aurovilians using the distribution service of
nandini: lack of respect, constant dissatisfaction of what is
offered. We are all doing our best and we are not obliged to
receive your frustration. So for those who are constantly
complaining, often in an aggressive manner, the team of
Nandini has decided to stop them using the service.
Find the way which suits you better.
Thank you for your understanding, Nandini team
Auroville Authors and Publishers book
Dear Authors,
The Auroville Art Service, has created a book catalogue of all
the Auroville Authors and Publishers. Please take a look at the
Cortina: marianacortina@gmail.com to add any titles that are
Thanks for your attention, Renu for Auroville Art Service
From Nandini Tailoring section
No order taken from Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th of
February. We start again on Tuesday 3rd of March. Don't forget
to bring your bag with your new order. Anne and Vidya
The 1 hour involvement in Ecoservice
Waste management is one of the biggest challenges of India
and Auroville would become THE greatest example of waste
management if everyone participated in the 1 hour
involvement in Ecoservice. Tour on request call 8940557907 or
the1hour@outlook.com (15 min tour on how we process the
waste and 45 min helping in the segregation).
ALEX and the Ecoservice team
AVHC Pharmacy
Dear Community,
We are happy to inform you that the Auroville Health Centre
Pharmacy has now the full range of Bach's Flower Remedies in
Original GUFIC Sallaki (Frankincense/ Boswellia Serrata) tablets
(600mg) are available again from Dorothee@auroville.org.in or
2622238. Thanks, Dorothee
Used Bicycles
Two used bicycles, for adults (unisex model), in good working
condition. With and without gears. Please contact 2622003
before 5 pm.
Yamaha bike
Model Fz 16, Year 2010. Contact Bala 9843600670
17,000 Km only. Very well maintained. Contacts: 9943907444 /
9943910444. Raja Priyan
Smart phone
New Sony Expedia smart phone available at half cost price. Call
Nandini at 8220515654.
Sweet Classic Honda CD100 motorbike
Not because I want to (I love it) but because I must. Just got
its last full check-up 2 weeks ago and all works perfectly but
speedometer. You
facebook.com/didanielojeda - Hope you can enjoy it as much
as I did. Contact: 7639773416 / d.ojeda@live.com.mx
Reva Electric Battery car
Reva Electric Battery car, Top model with AC, Music player,
Remote locking system, Brand new seat cover, 2007 model,
F O R …
I am looking for a TVS in a good condition. Please call
9843191370, Niva
to regular work, some references needed. Contact: Monica,
marinonimonica@gmail.com, 2623332, 9443085323
A computer/study table
A classical guitar to practice for 15 days - mid
If available, please email: london_aj@yahoo.co.uk or call/sms
9372353927. Ajith
Dear Friends and musicians, my mom is coming to visit me in
Auroville on the 17th, she is a professional classical guitarist
with 45 years experience in concerts and teaching in France at
a high level. She is looking for a guitar to practice during her
stay so she doesn't have to carry her own precious concert
guitar... Would one of you have an instrument for her to
practice for 4 to 6 hours per day? She can offer amazing master
classes in return if you are interested (in French or Spanish, or
Thanks for your help - Melissa: 9486008371
Change makers
An Amma
Looking for an Amma for the mornings, starting not later than
8 am and until 12 am. Mainly for the outside (porches and
garden), once a week some help inside. Some English
necessary. Regularity is a must. Only apply if you can commit
We at UnLtd Tamil Nadu support Social Innovators. 1. Are you
starting a project with social impact? (Education, ecology,
energy, health, all fields qualify!) >> Please apply to our 12
month support program BEFORE MARCH 1st. We offer coaching,
peer learning, training and help with fundraising / 2. Are you
able to share professional expertise/networks with our startups? (Graphic design, financial modelling, strategy, HR,
marketing, CSR) >> Please drop by our office opposite Aurelec
or e-mail Gijs - more info on: unltdtamilnadu.org / mail ID:
A full time reliable Amma
Looking for a full time reliable Amma – 8 am-5 pm for kitchen
and housework preferably from the Pillaichavady area. Phone
9486842522 - Maggi and Surakshita
Scarf - black and orange (lost): I have misplaced in a
coffee shop or somebody's house a big black and orange scarf
with some co loured lines with a tag that says, Hecho en
Ecuador. I love it dearly and I' m missing it, since in a couple
of weeks it will be too hot to be used I would love to have it
back. Matilde 948 75 67 593, or Email matilde@auroville.org.in
A bunch of 3 keys (lost): One big, two small keys,
Mobile Phone (lost): Samsung Galaxy S2, dark blue (lost): I
was drumming with my colleague at the Auroville Marathon and
my mobile phone dropped out of my pocket while riding the
motorcycle on the way from the Town Hall Junction to the
Visitor Center through Kottakarai at approximately 5:00. I
couldn’t find it on the way afterwards. Contact:
attached on a yellow “spring” key holder. Contact Pierre L to
Thank you Dr Kireet Joshi
In Auroville’s history Chairman Dr Kireet Joshi has talked to all
Aurovilians in 2003 at the Bharat Nivas about ‘Self
It brings back to memory all the interrelations between
Auroville, India and the world, beginning with 1968, designing
a very clear and precise picture in which one can follow the
progressive roads taken inspired by Mother’s Auroville Charter.
Auroville is presently called to traverse a new evolutionary
stage. The fruits of His Dialogue are still alive and wait to be
lived and manifested, at the same time supported by the
Eternal Breath inspiring us on the way to new Creations.
With immense and profound gratitude to our precious Guide
and Comrade, who is always actively present among us.
PS: Many CDs are available for you Monday to Saturday
between 10.30 am and 12.30 am and 14.30 pm and 17.30 pm
at Savitri Bhavan, House of Mother’s Agenda.
From the First Auroville International Potters'
Dear Friends,
The Auroville International Potters Market happened, and was
well received. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude
to the Visitor's Center for hosting us, and to the Cafeteria team
in particular for taking such good care of the participants, and
helping us in every possible way.
Nicole, thank you for saying 'Yes.' to our first proposal of this
event-without so much as a moment's hesitation!
A big fat thank you to Gandhi, for going out of his way to help
us with hundreds of tasks, always smiling!
We would like to also thank all the Auroville and surrounding
potters who generously took the time, and came to the event
with their superb work. We hope to see you all next year!
Deborah, from Golden Bridge, was the first to register for the
Potters Market. A very special thanks to her from all of those
who passed through their formation with her and Ray.
We are totally open for any constructive feedback, and will
incorporate any improvements we can.
Finally, a great big thank you to Auroville for existing, and
making such an event possible as well as to the trees that
shaded us and to all of you who shared your appreciation with
us, and to the spirit of comradery between us all.
See you all next year! From Ange and Sabrina
Big thank you from Puncture Service
For a number of years our income came from City Services and
also from Living Routes, Mitra Youth Hostel and Visitors’ Center
(for cycle maintenance) as well as from individual donors.
However at the beginning of 2014, the income from cycle
maintenance stopped one by one due to various reasons and
our financial situation became more difficult with every month
passing. By mid 2014 we were in a serious financial crisis.
And then BCC raised the budget given to us and luckily many of
the community members have started to donate in any
measure possible. We are very happy with every rupee we get
and are again in a position to ‘breathe’.
Thank you to one and all for your continued support.
At Her Service, AV Puncture Service
Kalabhumi Festival - Tons of thanks
Dear Aurovilians, newcomers and guests,
We want to thanks all of you for the positive attitude and
energy you shared with us on the Kalabhumi Festival!!
It was a great pleasure to have you all in Kalabhumi
community having fun and good food.
We want to thank also all the artists and musicians who
shared their performances on the stage and all the people who
helped in different ways with the organization and running the
day long festival.
Looking for the next event - Love!
Anna Taj and the organizing team
From Sankalpa
"Love is metaphysical gravity." -Buckminster Fuller
A heartfelt thank you to the many individuals who came
together to help us realize the dream of our Sankalpa art
center dome in the International Zone! On the morning of
Valentine's Day, Feb 14th, dozens of volunteers gathered to
build together with smiles in the sunlight. A dedicated group
returned on the 15th to complete the structure by sunset. The
space includes hubs from the US and pipes from India, already
functioning as a bridge between countries, hearts and hands.
The lively interaction and creative collaboration between
strangers and friends (old and new) was an inspiring scene of
the central ideal of Auroville in action: human unity.
Overwhelming gratitude to: 50+ donors from 10 countries that
contributed to our crowd-funding campaign; Grace (Douceur)
for a thoughtful and sacred kolam design to bless the space;
Iyyappan for dedication in the details and for being born on the
day of love; Peter Anderschitz for his passion, perseverance
and guidance in our dome making; Edo of EG Photography for
documenting the process (photos visible at FB link below); and
countless volunteers including Jorai, Mara, Bel, Sandra, Ivana,
Isabelle, Asha, Mathilde, Pratik, Swar, Andrew, Ron, Susana,
Shekar, B, Nandini, Jocelyn, Alena, Christian, Rubi, Eric,
Joned, Gilles, Segar, Mrinmoy, Mallika, Laura W., Gitti,
Ongkie, Manjula, Smiti and everyone else who came for their
hard work, beautiful intentions written on the structure and
for all well-wishers who passed by too!
With love, Krupa for Sankalpa [Facebook: Sankalpa: Art
Journeys/Website: sankalpajourneys.com/Subunit of Thamarai,
Acct #: 251273]
An Update from the AV Nature Camp Team
Over the years, we have received numerous requests from Auroville units and services that want to take their staff to the Nature Camp
site at Kavunji. Our guideline in recent years has been to allow the camp to be open only to those groups with an educational purpose,
however, we would very much like to open it to all organized Auroville groups, in collaboration with the Nature Camp team. To do this,
we need to complete some crucial infrastructure, specifically one storeroom. We are hoping to complete the storeroom this year, and
have the plans and people ready to build. The only thing that is stalling the process is the money; we need to raise Rs 8 lakhs to
complete it. As soon as the storeroom is complete, we will be ready to open facilities to Auroville organized groups! We therefore
humbly request anyone who would like to make donations to come forward. The Nature Camp account number is 0009 or larger
donations run through the Unity Fund for Nature Camp.
If you have any other ideas about funding or would like to discuss this with us directly, please contact: naturecamp@auroville.org.in or
ring Jonah at: +91-9159325264.
Thank you for your support! AV Nature Camp Team
House sitting 1
House sitting 2
I am looking for a house-sitting. I am 49, I do not drink alcohol
and I do not smoke. I am a responsible person and I’d like a
quiet place. Please send a SMS: +917094344154 or write an email: ivana.frousova@yahoo.co.uk. Ivana
I'm a new, long-term volunteer for SHARAN India and am in
need of housing for at least March and April. I'm looking for a
standalone house/cottage in Auroville that has a kitchen and
hot water (preferably access to a washing machine and Wifi
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
too. Please contact me if you know of anything - Thanks! Alicia
Basteri: 91.786.882.4981
House sitting 3
Dear Friends, I am Sunaina from Chandigarh and I am moving to
Auroville with my husband Gautam and one year old daughter
Noor in March second week. We have visited Auroville earlier
and now we plan to explore more by integrating ourselves in
the community by volunteering for a long term. We are looking
for a possibility of Housesitting, March onwards. It would be a
great support from the community if anyone could help us in
our journey towards being part of Mother's dream.
Thanking you, Sunaina Nargis, Ph: 09815049102, Email:
House sitting 4
I am Jean Luc, coming as a guest with my family for 20 years.
Before joining Auroville, we would like to spend about 1 year
in a house. Thank you to contact us if you are planning to leave
Auroville for a long time. Contact 0033614566665 (French
number) or jean.diraison@laposte.net. Jean Luc, Chantal and
House-sitting 5
Looking for a 1-year or more house-sitting / or the opportunity
to exchange houses (for a progressive experience) – My
beautifully built house is an extension of my neighbour’s house
with a separate entrance and a tiny bath (Water scarce!) as
well as a shared bathroom. Please contact Kayananda: 2623
House-sitting 6
Jean Pierre, a trusted friend from France, is looking for a
house-sitting opportunity in Auroville from the 1st to the 28th
of August.
He has been & is still generous to Auroville in various ways &
usually leaves houses cleaner & more functional than before
the house-sitting. Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you :) dineshgupta84@gmail.com +91 759 839 43 58
House-sitting 7
I, volunteering in SVARAM, and my friend, architecture intern,
are looking for a third roommate for our flat sharing at the
Auroville Unit Marthuwan located on the northern sider of
Auroville after Nine Palms. Contribution has to be agreed.
Contact: jakob.feldbauer@gmx.at / +919711449976"
February 24th: Leaving AV at 8.30am on Feb 24 to Chennai
airport. Taxi returning empty at 11.30am from airport. Want to
February 24th: Taxi sharing for February 24th to Chennai
airport leaving Auroville at around 3 pm. Pls contact Johanna
February 24th: Taxi shairing to Chennai airport.Tuesday
24th we leave between 5.00-5.30am early morning Tel:
2622154 / 8940557360 (Veronique or Kees)
February 26th: A taxi will leave Auroville at around 2.30 or
3 pm for Chennai airport, to reach around 7. Available for
sharing both ways. 0413 2622637 or sms 9488483286 or email
frederic.eb@gmail.com 0 960 286 12 96
February 28th: A taxi will leave Auroville at noon for
Chennai airport, to reach around 4 pm. Available for sharing
both ways. Contact: 0413 2622637 or sms 9488483286 or email
March 1st: I would like to share my taxi. I will leave
Auroville on Sunday, March 1st at 7pm for Chennai Airport. One
place available. Please contact me: luciemay8@hotmail.com Thank you, Lucie may
March 3rd: We (2 people) are going to leave from Auroville
(Luminosity) to Chennai airport at 8 pm on the 3rd(Wed) of
March. If you are heading out or returning on this day and
would like to share the taxi either way, please let me know.
February 27th: Leaving Auroville at 8 am on the 27th
February to Chennai Airport. Contact me to share a taxi.
At Upasana
At Aurodesign in Prayatna
Upasana has some jobs; we are looking for Aurovilians,
Newcomers or volunteers only.
Project coordinator: Coordinating small steps project - You
need good writing skill and basic computer skill.
It is a part-time job.
Style coordinator: Working in the stock-room putting styles
together, creating a collection with existing pieces and staying
in touch with shops and their requirements. Organizing skill
and basic computer (excel) skill is required.
Fashion Stylist: Working with organic cotton, natural dye and
Indian textile...working with the creating team, coordinating,
streamlining the existing setup.
Please call or write to us: Office@upasana.in / 04132622939 /
Aurodesign is looking for a person to improve Aurodesign. He or
She should be an Aurovilian or Newcomer and has above all to
manage new products for interior design. If you are interested
and have some knowledge in marketing and interior work,
please come and speak with us!
Aurodesign Office: 2623422
For Aurodesign, Ayyappan
White Peacock - Inspired volunteers
White Peacock clay club and its new building are looking for
inspired volunteers ready to help with the garden work.
If you have time and energy to spare, please call Anna
(7598671669) or mail to Saraswati (saraswati@auroville.org.in)
You are welcome to the clay inspired family and can join the
Wednesday class.
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Seminar “Homeopathy meets Auroville education”
With Dinesh Chauhan, international faculty on homeopathy,
March 1st, 2nd Free for Aurovilians
Timings 9 to 5 pm. March 1st and 2nd / Venue: Sharnga
Guesthouse, new Yoga Hall,
All info with Sigrid, Nora, Lisa and Malar, Integral Health,
Registration with Malar, malar@auroville.org.in
AVHC Pharmacy
Dear Community,
We are happy to inform you that the Auroville Health Centre
Pharmacy has now the full range of Bach's Flower Remedies in
Dear Listeners,
Chloe@auroville.org.in (9751-064-397) is urgently looking for the help of someone with electronics background and /
or with handy skills to help build a listening box for the Radio and the Chennai exhibition, which will feature audio
portraits of Aurovilians. Please call her ASAP if you are this person. Chloe's editing workshop is also in full swing,
where 12 People are being trained in sound recording and editing.
The radio is happy to support this initiative and we are looking to enlarge these activities including music sound setup and recording. These are the seeds of the Media Lab project and the activities of the Art and Science School of
The interaction with the Auroville Radio and the AVI centers is taking shape and we will see how to expand this in an up-coming meeting
together with the AVI representatives that are in Auroville.
The radio team's visioning exploration is on hold till mid-March as well as the preparatory work for the FM license due to the current of
load of work/events.
Auroville Radio is still very much in need of a web-site developer to progress on the new web-site project.
Please visit us at the radio premises on the ground floor of the Town Hall.
These are the latest programs published by AurovilleRadio this week. All the recordings are available in CD or ready to be copied on
your memory stick at the AurovilleRadio premises in Town Hall, opposite the Financial Service.
Nazca (Performing Arts 14/02/2015)
Nazca performing at relax atmosphere of Solitude Farm under
the palm trees and starry night. -[English, 80 Minutes]
Sankalpa - Labor of Love (Social Development 14/02/2015)
Krupa talks about Sankalpa Art Center at the occasion of
inauguration of the center along with Iyyappan. -[English, 12
Off the Cuff-16 (Performing Arts 12/02/2015)
February smad schedule and how to select which event you
attend or record, the International zone and other topics. [English, 20 Minutes]
Love, Music, Art (News from Auroville 12/02/2015)
Featuring Jesse inviting us to Kalabhumi Festival on Saturday,
and Krupa to a inauguration of Sankalpa -[English, 16 Minutes]
Yoga for the Tibetain Pavilion (Integral Yoga 11/02/2015)
Great Yoga class at and for the Tibetain Pavillion. The
opportunity for everyone to do Yoga and Peace. -[English, 17
Cracking Good Tales (Kids & Youth 11/02/2015)
Story Telling for children with Derek Hook at Solitude Farm,
Auroville. Followed by an Interview and poem recital. [English, 108 Minutes]
Selections par Gangalakshmi-26 (Integral Yoga 11/02/2015)
Selections de Gangalakshmi, cette semaine "La Manifestation
Supramental+ de Sri Aurobindo- -[French, 13 Minutes]
The Kalabhumi Festival (Culture 10/02/2015)
On Saturday February 14th (Valentine's Day) in Kalabhumi there
will be concerts, karaoke, DJ and food -[English, 4 Minutes]
Skyping with AVI UK (International Programs 10/02/2015)
AVI UK's Vikas shares the work, memories, the International
Zone and the importance of Auroville and to evolve. -[English,
35 Minutes]
Festival de Lecture d'Auroville (Literature 10/02/2015)
Festival de lecture a Auroville du 10 au 23 fevrier 2015 au
Pavillon Tibetain et Citadines -[French, 6 Minutes]
Bhushan Koshti & Vivek Kurangale (Music 09/02/2015)
SAARANG festival: a recital by two prominent Indian classical
instrumentalists at Bharat Nivas, Auroville. -[English, 163
Music, Music (News from Auroville 09/02/2015)
Featuring Birgit Breidenbach inviting us to a concert of
classical music on Friday at 8pm at CRIPA -[English, 15 Minutes]
NNF - Not Negative Feedback! (Wellness 08/02/2015)
At the arrival of the Auroville's 8th Marathon the runners shares
with Andrea their feelings about this unique event. -[English,
32 Minutes]
Oriental Experiences Jazz (Performing Arts 08/02/2015)
Oriental Experiences Impresionistic Jazz last night at Cripa in
Kalabhumi with Hartmut, Rolf and Matt -[English, 58 Minutes]
Welcome Marathon's Runners! (Wellness 07/02/2015)
Welcome to all! Participants at the Auroville's 8th Marathon
talks with Andrea about their feelings and excitement. [English, 12 Minutes]
You can listen to all of the programs and more on www.aurovilleradio.org. For more info call 0413-2623331 or email
Auroville under 15 “3 on 3” basketball tournament
at Certitude
Both girls and boys’ teams numbering up to 14, all from the
various Auroville Schools, participated in the event.
The matches spread over 2 days (14th and 15th) concluded on a
The first edition of the under 15 “3 on 3” basketball
happy note with Mr. Viriya handing out the trophies to the
tournament for girls and boys was conducted in Auroville at
winning teams of the Auroville under 15 “3 on 3” basketball
Certitude Sports Ground on the 14th & 15th of February 2015.
tournament. In his speech, Mr. Viriya, encouraged all the boys
and girls to participate in the second edition of the Auroville
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
under 15 “3 on 3” basketball tournament to be conducted next
year 2016.
Winner of the under 15 “3 on 3” basketball tournament girls section: Akila, Aswini, Sandhya & Varsha
Winner of the under 15 “3 on 3” basketball tournament boys section: Ruban, Kishore, Sathyavan & Rahul
Latest News from the Travel Shop – located at
Inside India in Auroshilpam.
For ticketing – International and Domestic Flights, Trains, Buses
and Tours.
Oman Airways have re-introduced special offers to Europe for
travel duration of one and six months.
Emirates has new promotional offers to Europe and USA.
Qatar Airways, Srilankan Airlines, Etihad Airways and Kuwait
Airways have promotional offers to many European
Please ensure that you have all the required travel documents
for your entire journey i.e., valid passport & necessary visas
and that you have had the recommended inoculations for your
Please check with us in advance if flight schedules have
Insurance: We strongly recommend that you avail of a Travel
We're open from 09:00 to 13:00 and again from 13:30 to 17:00/
Tel: 2622078, 2622604, 2623030,travelshop@auroville.org.in,
domestic@inside-india.com, doulat@inside-india.com
Jolly Kimbap Home Delivery
From Av Bakery Cafe
Kimbap is a Korean dish (Korean version of sushi) where rice is
rolled in seaweed/nori along with diverse and fresh ingredients
in the middle.
Running day: Monday to Saturday (Closed on Sunday) - Delivery
Time: 12 to 2 pm (lunch)/ 4 to 6 pm(dinner)
Welcoming to order the day before and two hours before Ordering for birthday parties, celebrations, events,
gathering....jolly lunch.
Phone number: 97517 83912
Jolly Kimbap located at Adventure
We are open for Breakfast, lunch and snacks Mon-Sat 7.30-6.00
(last order at 5.30)
South Indian Breakfast (served from 7.30-9.00 only) - Super
sandwiches and wraps (veg, vegan and non-veg), refreshing
juices, seasonal salads, omelets, home-made muesli with fruit
salad, and much more.
On Saturday, for lunch, we will be serving the delicious Uzbek
You are welcome to come and have a taste!
With love Av Bakery Cafe' team
Season is upon us again
This time of the year, when we
still enjoy the fresh crisp early
and evenings and
Auroville looks green, lush and beautiful, the cashews groves
surrounding us are beginning to flower, and farmers are getting
ready to spray them with pesticides. Between late February
and April, many people in Auroville suffer from pesticide
exposure, the most common short-term symptoms ranging from
burning eyes and throat, to a mild ‘cold’ and/or digestive tract
Unfortunately the treated fields are not marked, and while
most are easily recognised by the smell, some newer pesticides
in use are odorless, making observation and communication all
the more important.
In spite of decade-long efforts by Ecopro, and Njal’s successful
organic cashew trial plot opposite Solar Kitchen, proving the
efficiency of neem-based alternatives and even offering them
to farmers free of cost, pesticide spraying in our
neighbourhood is not abating.
Pesticide use in India is in fact reaching an all-time high, with
the country emerging as one of the world’s biggest
manufacturers and exporters. The sixth-largest producer
globally, India manufactures Monocrotophos, Endosulphan,
HCD, DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor and Chlordane, many of
which are internationally banned, exports matching the
quantity of domestic use. The entire global market amounts to
a staggering $ 52 billion and is projected by some sources to
grow further to $ 75 billion…
Two commonly used pesticides:
Monocrotophos, a highly toxic organophosphate, inhibits a
nerve enzyme, paralyzing the nervous system of insects, while
also affecting birds, bees and mammals. Ingesting 120 mg can
be fatal for humans. This pesticide, developed by Ciba-Geigy
(now Novartis) in 1965, is banned in many countries. The WHO
(World Health Organisation) wants a global phase-out, and the
Rotterdam Convention (an international treaty to ensure
proper information & disclosure about dangerous chemicals)
has it on their list of highly dangerous substances. India
meanwhile has become a large manufacturer! The pesticide is
easily available and cheap. Many small-scale users cannot read
the labels and have not been informed. Misled by false
promises (of higher yields through GM seeds and chemically
intensive farming methods), farmers are crushed under the
weight of debts incurred, especially when draughts cause crop
failures. Driven to despair, they often drink the very poison
they have used on their crops. The suicide toll stands at over
300’000 and keeps increasing!
Endosulphan: Readers may remember the tragedy of Kasargod
in Kerala where the pesticide destroyed the health of an entire
village, affecting generations through horrific genetic damage,
apart from multiple acute and chronic diseases. Internationally
banned, this is the most widely used pesticide on cashews
around Auroville!
Cashews and pesticides:
Of the 61 different pesticides used on cashews, 22 are acutely
toxic, 55 are linked to chronic health problems, 12
contaminate streams & groundwater, 49 are poisonous to
wildlife, and 19 are toxic to bees and other pollinators. Due to
their high protein and fat content, nuts absorb these toxic
chemicals in particularly high degrees. Additionally,
immediately after the harvest, the cashew crops get fumigated
with methyl bromide, yet another harmful substance!
A few recommended measures:
- Limit exposure where possible (e.g. avoid paths & short-cuts
through cashew growing areas)
- Keep pets away from treated fields
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
- A homeopathic remedy for dealing with pesticide effects,
Okoubaka, is available free of charge from the Integral Health
Centre in Prayatna
- Buy only organic cashews
- Support organic farming (be a conscious consumer!)
A Growing Silver Line!
The good news is the fast increasing movement of farmers in
India changing over to organic agriculture, and several states –
with Kerala and the North-East in the lead – officially aiming at
going largely, or even fully, organic. They need our support!
References: Journal of Environmental Biology Lucknow,
Indiastat.com, Indian Pesticides, Dupont, Jay Shree Chander
and www.BeyondPesticides.org
Sunday 22 February, 9 - 12 am: Discipline Farm with Jeff.
Tel. 94864 75367
Route description: 15 min
cycling from Solar Kitchen,
Coming from Solar Kitchen,
turn left and continue in
direction North all along,
passing the archeological excavations on the left, Matrimandir
and Town Hall on the right, past two turn-offs (to Kottakarai
on the left and to Dana on the right), proceed straight past
Well Café, Revelation and GP Café on the right. The road will
make a left bend; follow the sign to Discipline and, cutting off
to the right, cycle down the small road till you reach the
cowshed. - Please be on time in order not to miss the walk,
bring drinking water & sun protection.
Sunday 1st March: Pitchandikulam Forest with Joss, early
morning walk 6.30 - 8.30 am! With potluck breakfast - bring
something to share. Details in next week’s N&N.
Report on the Sunday Walks of 8 & 15 February:
Revelation: A two-hour tour led about 60 walkers through the
different parts of Revelation, the Forest Park, farming area
and sanctuary, which together cover almost 80 acres. On this
privileged occasion to experience one of Auroville’s prime
forest sanctuaries – thank you steward Patrick for preparing
the paths to make it walkable! –we learnt fascinating facts
about water conservation & reforestation in Auroville from the
pioneering days till now, the succession of species leading to
indigenous climax forest, rare flora and wildlife, hydrological
cycles, scientific research and volunteering in Revelation, the
work of foresters in Auroville… We couldn’t stop asking
questions, many of us feeling as if we had stepped into a whole
new world, and deeply appreciating the appropriateness of the
name, Revelation!
Fertile Field: In this relatively ‘young’ reforestation project,
we got to enjoy the beautiful forest grown in just 17 years, as
well as an extensive walk to some of the lands more recently
secured for Auroville’s Greenbelt, in the vast Northern area
that still consists mainly of cashew topes. Stewards Jana and
Jan gave us insights into diverse approaches to forestry, from
Jana’s butterfly-friendly forest to Rishi’s bird sanctuary
project. We learnt of the joys and challenges faced by
Auroville’s foresters, and the crucial importance of building a
culture of understanding, mutual respect, support and
collaboration with the neighboring farmers and people from
the villages. Thank you for the warm welcome!
AV Green Center invites you to share anything green for a
For Green Center: Lisbeth, Jasmin & Bridget
These reminiscences came in from two early Aurovilians via the compat forum.
7 was one of our true enigmas and eccentrics..... not ever quite meshing into the fabric but full of good will and kindness and
frequently in bewilderment in how to navigate socially .
I remember his skill with drawing and architecture, and somehow connected with our city planning.
Also, his quiet way and civic responsibility to do his share and pitch in to keep things shipshape.
In the strange chuckle department: I remember him being ecstatic on 7-7-77 and wanting to meet any child born that day at 7:00.
May we meet again,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I remember the young 7 well. He was once the focal point of an unfortunate experience that illustrated my early naïvité (which
apparently I have managed to retain to some degree). In the late '72 or early ’73 - after four years of living in Auroville - I was visiting
the recently opened Pour Tous…
One of the executives was reprimanding 7 over some incident. However, the person was going far beyond what was necessary. In a
quite horrendous demonstration of “out-of-control” vile behavior, he intentionally attempted, not only to dominate 7, but to inflict real
emotional harm on him. Over the years, I had heard rumors, but I had not personally ever witnessed such injustice. Until that moment, I
had thought that it was impossible - because of who we are - for one Aurovilian to act in such a way towards another. It was the end of
the Golden Age.
Later, when I got to know 7 better, I realized that there was something - at least in those years - about his unique personality that
could effortlessly (and unconsciously) unmask our pretensions and make us confront elements of ourselves that we didn’t suspect were
The transformation of a collectivity is complex work. Each of us is indispensable. I am grateful…
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Jayant Bhai was in his mid-seventies when we came in 1995 to live in Auroville. He was a dynamic man, who led a very simple life. With
awe we looked at him when he used to come back from Pondy by bus after shopping with two bags full of things in both hands and with
a smile on his face.
He was a philanthropist. He helped the people in Morattandi village by giving them the basic necessities at very low prices, which he got
from other donors. He did not give anything free because he believed that people do not attach value to anything that is got free. The
collected money was again spent for them for different purposes. He was a businessman. He said Mother gave him money in his
business, to give it back to the Ashram and Auroville, which he did.
He was a lover of sports. He never missed a cricket match. Sometimes when he was overwhelmed with the verdict, he would come to
our house and discuss about certain shots and certain decisions. He took great pleasure in it.
Every time, we visited him in the Ashram Nursing Home, he used to inquire about everyone in the family. When we went to see him on
Saturday, the day before his passing, he was in his sleep. While we waited, he opened his eyes for few seconds and fell back into sleep.
During a brief talk with an inmate next to his bed, he shared that Jayant Bhai was constantly chanting the Mother`s name. We did not
think that this would be our last visit.
On the day of his onward journey his face was radiant and had a poise that was a sort of sign of his Sadhana and the Grace!
At this moment, we fondly remember along with Jayant Bhai, the other two of the trinity of Promesse in those days - Kusum Ben and
Shanti di. We look up, at them with respect and regard, for the way they stood up alone, against all odds, in their lives and for their
undaunted spirit.
Srinivasmurty and Chitra - Promesse.
Having seen The Hobbit 3 in Chennai already when it came out mid-December 2014, to see it again at the Visitors' Centre still deepened
my appreciation of this last film in Peter Jackson's 'Hobbit' Trilogy. To satisfy the critics and ordinary audience, PJ managed to trim this
one down to 144 minutes (2h24) only, but then it is so tight packed and fast paced, the first time it tends to be too much to absorb at
once, and a lot of the quieter moments do not register yet as much as they should, so that on the whole the more violent ones of the
battle itself may seem to predominate. More viewings allow for a better perception of everything and understanding of it all; if one
hadn't realized it before, then one does it: it is actually a remarkably balanced film. While following quite faithfully the corresponding
last part of the book, the enlarged scope of the story enriches it with many meaningful additions and character moments giving it a
depth and an intensity that come close to those reached in 'The Lord of the Rings', and so prepare to it very well. The Extended Edition
still to come will no doubt reinsert many valuable cut scenes, making of this movie an even more satisfying ending to this second trilogy
now taking its real place before the other one...
For my fuller review of BOTFA, see on my Blog:
Response to Maitreye (News & Notes Feb. 7)
I wonder where you have been roaming around in the evening. Are you sure it was in Auroville, or was it perhaps in some nearby village?
I, myself, have been walking, cycling, and roaming around for almost 18 years in many places within Auroville and I have yet to be
attacked by a pack of stray dogs or even one dog. In fact it is thanks to the work of the Integrated Animal Care and other individuals
that the so-called “stray dog menace” (a misnomer!) has gradually considerably lessened during this time. Over the years we have
sterilized hundreds of stray dogs, both females and males, and found homes for many puppies, who have all been grateful for the least
bit of kindness (If you don’t want your face licked or your toes chewed, of course it’s up to you). Most of these dogs are shy since many
of them have been not only neglected but also abused. Try to overcome your own fears.
There is one point in your note with which I thoroughly agree: about “Kangal” pups, I would like to add, please avoid both these or any
other kind of thoroughbred dogs.
Anyone who desperately wants or needs a dog or a cat pet, for heaven’s sake, take some homeless stray, give it a name, feed it, train it
and take it with love into your home. You may be just the person this animal was searching for: you will be richly rewarded.
Are we not all in one sense or another creatures of the Divine?
And let’s be careful with “Mother said this, Mother did that”. In fact according to Mother’s Agenda, she even had a cat herself once.
Love, Merry (Prayatna)
Meditation with Savitri - read by Mother - to Sunil’s music
Every THURSDAY at sunset – from 5.30 to 6.00 pm (weather permitting)
Enjoy the beautiful open space, an immense sunset and heavenly music in the very Center!
Reminder to all: The Park of Unity is a place for silence, meditation
and inner work and is to be used only as such. We request everyone not to use cameras, i-pads, cell phones, etc.
Dear Guests, please carry your guest cards with you and note that access is only for the Amphitheater, from 5.15 pm.
Please be seated by 5.25 pm, no late entry. Thank you.
“...She is the golden bridge the wonderful fire the luminous heart of the unknown is She...”
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Collective Meditation with Dawnfire
On Auroville’s Birthday, 28.2.2015, at the Matrimandir Amphitheatre
Fire will be lit at 5.15 am. Recording from Book 3 Canto 2 in the Mother’s voice will be played.
All are requested to come early and be seated by 5 am.
Entrance from Second Banyan Gate only. Gate opens at 4.30 am.
A special request to all to help us create and maintain an atmosphere of silence and concentration.
Please remember to bring along a torch light and to leave your pets and cell phones at home.
Those with camera must take their seat on the southern side of the Amphitheatre,
at the designated 'Photo Spot'. Photography without flash please.
Please note that access will be limited to the Amphitheatre and up to 7 am only.
Visitors are requested to carry their Aurocard or collect personally free tokens
available at the Visitors Centre upstairs on 26th and 27th February between 3 and 5 pm.
Bonne Fete!
SATURDAYS AT THE YOUTH CENTER (10:30 am - 2:30 pm)
For the winter season, the Farmer's Market at the YC will now be held on a weekly basis - every Saturday
(However, it will be cancelled in case of rain!!)
Love and light, The Localicous Auroville Team
Invite all nations to a
On Saturday, 21st February, at 4:00 pm near the Inuksuk (Direction International House)
As an opening of a number of events around the International Zone from 21st till 27th February*
After an Invocation with Mother’s mantra sung by our African friends, soil from all over Europe will be mixed together and a tree
planted to celebrate freedom, peace, and a joyful collaboration between Europe and the rest of the world.
4: 00 pm to 6:00 pm each day.
More info of the whole program during the birthday week via: http://iz.auroville.org/activities/events-calendar
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Please book at: lesbaladantes@gmail.com)
Saturday 21 February, from 10:30 am to 12:00 at New Creation
Monday, 23 February, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Citadines: “Evening with
Aurovilian authors”
With Janaka, Monique Patenaude, François Gautier, Ann Dolma, Moghan,
Michèle Decoust, Julien Fortin, Mirajyoti, (Olae.)
Closure of the Festival with a drink
Contact Florence: 962 66 48 97 / lesbaladantes@gmail.com
Do you wish to build your dream home?
Are you brave enough to get your hands muddy?
Work with youth from around the world?
Share? Care? Respect? Create?
At Sacred Groves we are discovering the true potential of Earth, Local Woods, Recycled Materials, off-the-grid
Power/Water/Food and Volunteer Community Work, in the making of 108 eco-affordable houses for Auroville!
We are open every Saturday for you! Please join us.
Only common sense (no prior construction experience required) is needed to work with us in this joyful adventure.
21st Saturday, February 2015 / 10 am to 5 pm
Sacred Groves, Auroville.
Asha- 9443069335 / Veeren-9159895840
Art-Workshops (Painting, Bharat Natyam Dance, Meditation, Sculpturing.....)
Flea Market, Games for children, Artist Camp, Art-Exhibition and delicious food
Cultural Program 7.00 p.m. – Bharat Natyam Dance - Sitar Music - Veena Music
Singing and Dancing Celebration
Saturday 21.February 2015 and Sunday, 22.February 2015 from 10.00 am to 10.00 pm at Yatra-Arts-Foundation
Yatra-Arts-Foundation near New Creation Sports ground/La Piscine Auroville, 605-101 Tamil Nadu
For further information: info@singhalleluja.de and osivaarts@gmail.com / Phone: 00919629832216 (Osiva )
All are welcome
Conversations on Integral Education
This week we will show the second part of the film “The classroom experiment”.
In this two-part series, theory and practice meet head on as education expert Professor Dylan William sets up an experimental school
classroom. For one term, he takes over an 8th year class at a secondary school to test simple ideas that he believes could improve the
quality of our children's education.
There will be time for sharing after the film.
Where: Teachers Center, SAIIER building
When: Tuesday 24rd February at 4-5.30 PM. (Part 2)
If you missed part one last Tuesday 17/2, please watch it on youtube before coming. Search for Dylan Wiliam, “The classroom
experiment, part 1”.
All are invited on Wednesday the 25th of February at 2:30 to come watch Baraka riders show what they have been working on this
year. There will also be food, drinks and some stalls with T-shirts and other souvenirs.
Also offering: Macintosh professional available from 1:30 pm to 6 pm
If you have any request for your Macintosh, come with your laptop and power adapter!
I do full control/cleaning/updates/repair, etc... and give advice. On donation that day.
Thank you, Mahi
Dear Science lovers,
We ASSET (Auroville Schools Science & Educational Training) Centre warmly invite you ALL for our Science Fair 2015.
Date: 26th & 27th Feb 2015
Time: 9.45 am - 12.30 pm & 1.30 pm - 4. 00 pm
Venue: Aikiyam School, Kuilapalayam, Auroville
7 pm to 8.30 pm- dinner 8.30 pm -10 pm- the movie
Sita Sings the Blues by American artist Nina Paley
An animated version of the epic Indian tale of Ramayana set to the 1920s jazz vocals of Annette Hanshaw.
Well cafe at sve dame opposite C.S.R 2622219
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Youth Choir presenting popular songs and film themes
Adult Choir presenting romantic and contemporary western classical music
The two choirs will also perform some songs together
Saturday 28th February and Sunday 1st March,
7.30 pm at CRIPA, Kalabhumi
This programme will also be presented in the Sir Muthu Venkata Subbu Rao Concert Hall in Chennai on Saturday
7th March
Dear friends,
We are glad to invite Russian-speaking guests and Aurovilians interested in education in Auroville for a meeting at Savitri Bhavan
on 28th of February at 7.30 am.
Sergei, a teacher from Future School, will give a small presentation.
After the “official” part we are going to have snacks, tea and a free talk.
Organizer – RozaTuh
Дорогие друзья!
Мы рады пригласить РУССКОГОВОРЯЩИХ гостей города,
Ауровильцев и ньюкамеров на встречу в СавитриБхаван
28 февраля в 7.30 утра. Сергей Третьяков –преподаватель
из FutureSchool, расскажет об ОБРАЗОВАНИИ в Ауровиле.
После «официальной» части - свободное общение,
чай, сладости, фрукты.
Организатор встречи - Роза Тух.
Dear Friends,
Citadines Team is inviting you to the official opening of "La Maison des Jeunes"
On the 28 February at 7.30 am located next to Citadines.
The "Open House" will continue up to 11.30 am.
3 Newcomers, 1 Aurovilian and 8 volunteers from 6 Nationalities will welcome you!!
Citadines Team.
The International Zone Events Subgroup would like to invite all who are interested in the development of the International Zone to
kindly participate in our birthday week visit.
Our intention with this program series is to support the awakening of the energy that is needed to manifest Mother’s dream and to
flourish the International Zone. We plan to have visual and performing art presentations, ceremonies, culinary discoveries, short walks,
exhibition, story-telling sessions, discussions.
This event happens each afternoon, 4pm – 6 pm, from 21st to 27th of February, visiting various areas of the International Zone.
Every day we will have a different meeting point from where we will go for a short walk.
You can find some further information in the previous issue of News and Notes, on the AV Net and on the web-site
Warmest regards, International Zone Events Subgroup
With the Auroville Birthday we are also celebrating a full circle of our project work through all the shades and colours of Her spectral
wheel....We are rolling on with ever new vistas of sound and material explorations and invite you for an OPEN HOUSE,
Saturday, 28. Feb 2015, 10 am – 4 pm.
Come and explore our showroom and workshops, where the departments will be showing their work processes from raw material to
finished instruments. Throughout the day there will be classes, music and programs, also with a space for children to play elementary
music. Watch out for the detailed program by next week, and come and enjoy the gifts of music and a participatory field of vibrant
human unity.
Our happy and 40 hearts strong team is welcoming you to a special day for all of us!
We are celebrating the International Women's Day
on Saturday, March 7th, from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm at SAWCHU building, Bharat Nivas.
Kolam competition: The Kolam patterns are mostly created based on dots arranged in different types of grid patterns. However, many
non-dot based Kolam patterns also are available. The purpose of Kolam is not merely decorative. Kolam drawing has several social,
spiritual and symbolic meanings attached to it. Those who practice it believe that drawing a Kolam purifies the entrance space and
this in turn will invite the goddess of wealth Laxmi to enter the house. This they believe would give the inmates all wealth and
Drupad offering a 30 minute solo act performance (The story of two characters, whose names are Good and Bad).
Grace & Groups offering the circle dance & music.
Josephine Joyner would facilitate a sort of positive presence, acknowledging the violence issue in an English talk. Suryagandhi would
translate in Tamil.
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Jayanthi, Yaelle Ouerdani and friends are going to offer Henna decorations.
Mira Jyoti & Suryagandhi will give prizes to the competition winners.
You could support us through your little contribution to our account number: 103868.
Share this event with your Aurovilians, Newcomers, Guests, Friends, and Ammas
Please come and join the fun!
A workshop on Organology offered by Aurelio
Date/Time: Thursday, 26th February 2015 at 6 pm
Venue: India Space - Bharat Nivas - Auroville
Whereas classical Organology has focused mainly on the description, classification and study of musical instruments and their use in
traditional and cultural backgrounds, it is rewarding in the context of the emergence of world-music to investigate into the manifold
possible relationships of the human - instrument encounter.
In ancient and tribal cultures the origin of musical instruments is often described in legends and myths in terms of the supernatural, the
magic and mysterious and they are presented as an essential aid, ally and tool for the progress, health and well-being of the individual
and the community. Depending on geographical and cultural circumstances and the availability of certain materials a rich diversity of
musical instruments has developed over the course of time, yet it is interesting to observe that there are only a few core-archetypes of
instruments to be found throughout all the cultures of humanity.
What then are the significations of these archetypes, and how do they relate to therapeutic applications of music? We know of some
instruments solely being reserved for ritual and healing purposes; what, if any were their distinctions? What are the handed down
timeless principles and concepts underlying the role of instruments, what their cultural specifications and limitations? What are applied
traditional experiences to be validated in the use of instruments, what the necessary innovations to provide for the present growing
need of deepening the musical experience?
Aurelio, the creative director of SVARAM is a musician, educationist, sound therapist and -designer. Through his extensive travels and
studies all around the world, Aurelio has become a noted pioneer in the development and manufacture of innovative musical
instruments, whether it be simple, inviting ones for beginners, or instruments specially designed for use in sound healing, or unique
sound installations.
"The journey of instrument making and building, especially while listening to these new incoming waves, is a discovery in unchartered
territory, strongly limited and defined by the given constrains of material, the laws of physics and acoustics. Admittedly, electronics
have opened unheard possibilities spanning the whole range of frequencies, tunings, timbres, dissecting, digitalizing and synthesizing
the corpus of sound, freeing it from material bondage into its realm of pure wave form – but what about the continuation of one of
the oldest preoccupation of humanity, of invoking, inducing, stimulating, beating or teasing out the vibrational nature of matter?
What about the sound of stones, of wood, of bamboo, of metals, of skins, of new materials – is it all said, is there more to be done,
explored, discovered?”
The Saarang Team - Bharat NivasTHE SAARANG TEAM BHARAT NIVAS
For more information: cicbn@auroville.org.in ph: 2622253
First Stone Laying of the Serenity Cooperative Housing Project (Third phase of Maitreye)
We are at the final stage of the approval of the project and we expect to start the construction work in March this year.
We invite all to celebrate together the 47th Anniversary of Auroville with the ceremony of the
Foundational Stone Laying of Serenity Housing, at 9:30 am, in Maitreye site.
All Aurovilians, Newcomers, Friends, Guests, are warmly invited to share with us the beginning of a new manifestation.
Remember, 28 February 2015 at 9:30 am, in Maitreye
In service,
Sonali, Min, Joseba
Exhibition of handmade plastic flowers
Theme: “The spiritual significance of flowers” by The Mother.
From Friday, 20th Feb 2015 to Saturday, 28th Feb 2015 (except on Sunday)
As part of THE MOTHER’s day (21st Feb) and AUROVILLE day (28th Feb) celebrations, the arts and crafts
team of ARKA is conducting an exhibition of handmade plastic flowers, based on The Mother’s book “THE
Among the innumerable flowers of which The Mother had given their spiritual significance (898 to be
precise), we present around fifty. These flowers are made out of material sourced from the humble
plastic ‘carry bags’ of various colours - which are so freely available and are becoming a menace by
polluting the environment - thus creating a new pleasing avatar of them.
Venue: ARKA, Crown road, Auroville.
Dates : Friday, 20th Feb 2015 to Saturday, 28th Feb 2015 (except on Sunday).
Timing: 10:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs.
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Dear Friends,
You are cordially invited for the inauguration of the permanent exhibition
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
The Advent of a New World
Saturday 21 February - 11.30 am - Visitors Center, first floor
This is an invitation to you for An Exhibition by the Visiting Tibetan Students.
We will display the work done by the students and on the occasion of the Sheep Tibetan New year we will present a short performance
that we have prepared during our time in Auroville.
All are invited on FRIDAY the 20th February at 4.30 pm.
Venue: Pavilion of Tibetan Culture.
T A L K S ,
“The Evolution of Auroville and her role in the Aquarian Age”
Talk by Fanchon Pradalier-Roy
Thursday, February 26th, 2015 at 5 pm
Cinema Paradiso (Town hall)
Fanchon Pradalier-Roy is a researcher in astrology, life, education, and communication sciences. After a career as a specialist in
media and communication technologies, applied to education and training, she created an Open University for astrology on Internet.
Then she worked on the publication of books for Alpheus Editions, on the emergence of a new consciousness. She now focuses on
astrological research and writing, lectures, leads seminars and talks, makes films with her husband, Hubert Roy. She is in the lineage
of two great astrologers, Charles Vouga and Germaine Holley, who bequeathed her moral rights to their work.
The talk will be in French only.
A series of legal educative sessions to help bring awareness on women’s rights and laws related to women in India.
Who can attend: ammas, staff, workers, family and friends; anyone who is concerned about women’s empowerment around; the
sessions will be in Tamil (translations available as needed).
Where and when: Life Education Centre, opposite Isiamabalam School
First session: 28th February (Saturday) - Time: 2.30-4.30pm
Topic: Early marriage, multiple marriages, forced marriages, dowry,
widows and their re-marriage, eve-teasing, teenage pregnancies.
Offered by: Mrs. K. K. Ritha, MA BEd, MHR (Master of Human Rights), BL, Member, State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission,
Classic Rock & Jazz
“Yes, they are back!”
Amando – bass, vocals
Dhani – guitar, vocals
Matt – saxophone
Rahul – drums
With guest musicians: Rolf, Shakti, Edo & Suryan
Visitor’s Center, Saturday 21/2, @ 8pm
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
With workshop “Le Sacré Enchanté”
22th to 26th February 2015 at the Tibetan Pavilion 9.30 to 12 and 4 to 6.30pm
Concert on the 26th
You are all very welcome!
The Holy Singing Caravan is a European singing group travelling to India in sacred places to celebrate Divine Life with sacred songs and
chanting “The chants of our Souls”
In everyone, there is an ear, who loves to listen to the music of the soul, there is a voice, who loves to whisper the words of the soul,
there is a skin, who loves to dance under the vibrations of the soul and there is a heart, who likes to gives all his soul! It is like a deep
call from the Source.
When we are singing, we are communicating with our being, in deep harmony and love. The sounds and chants are resonating into all
the body through the bones. Massaging the organs... pulsating the cells, and vibrating the Soul!
It is a wonderful and transforming experience to share sacred songs, mantras and expand our consciousness into Divine Reality.
Abel, Claude and Isaèle are real troubadours of the soul; they have created this adventure since 2011 around sacred music and the
company Orâma (a gathering of musicians, dancers, artists).
Feel free to join us at the Tibetan Pavilion for the workshop – 22nd to 26th of February or for the concert on the 26th at 7 pm.
The fees are on donations for the visitors and it is free for the residents of Auroville.
Booking for the workshop and the concert: Tibetan pavilion: 26 22 401
C L A S S E S ,
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM at Unity Pavilion
25th, 26th and 27th February (Wednesday, Thursday and
This workshop introduces you to:
Easy-to-do exercises based on yoga for flexibility and toning
Eight simple, but very powerful Pranayama practices
Deep Relaxation to let go of stress and recharge your inner
Intended outcome: You enjoy a new level of wellbeing by
practicing the exercises for thirty minutes per day.
This workshop is open to all - Aurovilians, Newcomers, guests
and visitors.
To make the workshop beneficial to all, you are requested to:
Please be at the venue by 6:45 am on the first day and at 6:55
on the other days.
Please have your breakfast only after the Pranayama sessions.
There is no fee for the workshop and no registration is needed.
However, donations to Unity Pavilion are welcome.
About the Facilitator: Starting in early 2008, J.V. Avadhanulu
(JV for short) has been facilitating various workshops and
Lisa and Nuno, who are two volunteers and have four children,
will be offering a special class to create a stronger link
between Parents & Kids. Through funny exercises, with music,
stretching, yoga and acroyoga, parents and kids will have a
time and space to connect and enjoy themselves as partners.
Wednesdays, 5 - 6 pm, at New Creation sports ground gym /
Starting on 18th of February.
With love, Lisa & Nuno
Chandrama - Unleash the Goddess Within with Einat
Saturday 28 February - Sunday 1 March (10 hours)
10.00 AM – 5.00 PM (lunch included)
Quiet Healing Center (tel. 2622329 / 9488084966)
This workshop (for women only!) is an invitation to reconnect
to the soft and feminine place within you, to open your heart,
reclaim your power, and celebrate life! We will practice
different techniques and use a variety of tools to elevate our
awareness and well-being: yoga asanas and pranayama (breath
regulation); mantras and chanting; various meditation
techniques; tribal fusion dance and free movement.
This workshop will help us to distinguish between what is
important in life and what we can release, to empower
ourselves by taking the decisions we wish in our life and
developing the perseverance to follow them. All in a
comfortable, safe space.., step by step toward the goal.
Einat has been a practitioner of yoga for the past 12 years.
She explored many methods before finding her calling in
Vinyasa Yoga. She completed her teacher training in Wingate
Institute, Israel. She also undertook intensive training at the
KYM School in Chennai, India, and teaches currently classes
and workshops in India and Israel. Einat studied Tribal Fusion
dance with Sigal Ziv, a highly respected professional teacher
in Israel. She performs with many artists and currently teaches
dance workshops around the world.
Watsu 3 with Gianni De Stefani
Monday 2 - Sunday 8 March (50 hours)
9.00 AM – 6.30 PM (lunch included)
Quiet Healing Center (tel. 2622329 / 9488084966)
Watsu 3 is for people who have given enough Watsu sessions to
develop a comfortable, intuitive awareness of how to float
another person and who are ready to adapt and further explore
aquatic bodywork outside the fixed form of Watsu 2.
Powerful stretches and advanced techniques introduced, and
rolls that require a spontaneous adaptation are learned as a
gateway into Watsu's "Free Flow". You can only participate in
this advanced course after having shown and passed your
Watsu 2 mastery!
Watsu 3 is recognized by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork
Association) as part of the Watsu learning program and gives 50
hours of credit for registration with WABA and Watsu India.
Introduction to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the
24th February (Tuesday)
•Overview with multimedia presentation• Questions and
Answers• Practice in Daily Life•Complimentary Concentration
•Creative Arts, Interactive Games•Life of Sri Aurobindo and
the Mother•Introduction to the Reference Books
Focus this week on: 'Soul and Psychic Being'
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
These Workshops are conducted every Tuesday, each week
with a different focus. Study, play and creativity go hand in
hand with various inner exercises.
Place: Savitri Bhavan. Time: 9 am to 12.00 Noon (pl be present
by 8.55 am)
Led by Ashesh Joshi. Contact: 9489147202, 2622922
No Registration required (except for groups). Fees: Voluntary
All are welcome
For details on the Integral Yoga and the upcoming workshops:
please visit www.integralyoga-auroville.com
Using a traditional approach you can, enter inside of the
physical, psychological and emotional health, practicing the
ancestral lecture of the face.
This resource is going to show you how to evaluate and access
important facts about the health, lifestyle, personality and
internal functions of a person, based on the forms, signs,
features and expressions of the face.
The benefits of this learning will allow both therapist and
patient to become more conscious in their actions and
reactions, and the consequences of this attitude towards
health will help them find the path towards harmony.
On Tuesday the 2nd of March 2015 / From 9am till 1.30pm.
Venue: Pavilion of Tibetan Culture
Facilitator: Mr Andres Lokuta.
Registration is required in advance through e – mail:
Workshop with the Russian Singing Bells at CRIPA (Kalabhumi)
23rd February, Monday, 4.30-6.00 pm Led by Vera Lipen
Sound operates through the law of Resonance. Resonance is
the state where two become one, where knowing is not
mental, where Oneness is natural. The unique natural
resonance of the Russian Singing Bells helps to connect mind to
Silence, heart to Peace and the whole being to the Source of
The workshop consists of two parts:
• A 20 min "sound bath" - meditation on sound in the
beginning (please be on time)
• A "tuning to Harmony" experience of creating beautiful
music together while joyfully exploring the key
psychological elements necessary for a harmonious
collective co-existence. This work is aimed at developing
collective intuition; some essential elements of the
Integral Yoga practice are explained through this exercise.
No registration required (except for groups). Contribution
requested from guests.
A series of "learning to cook, prepare and taste sessions"
We have completed a series of 11 sessions over 6 months,
offered by Buvanasundari. As an offering, the students who
have attended these sessions wish to celebrate their learning,
by preparing dishes from this set of 12 recipes.
Dates: Saturday 21st Feb and Saturday 28th Feb.
Timing: 11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Place: Life Education Centre, Opposite Isaiambalam School
For sharing this knowledge, we would like to invite 6 people
each time, to come and enjoy a meal with us, tasting these
wonderful and healthy dishes.
Hence, if you wish to join us either on the 21st or 28th – please
do give your name and phone number to LEC (Indirani, phone
2622082, time 3-5pm)
Looking forward to see you there, where we will be able to
enjoy a meal and celebrate the knowledge that we have
Life Education Centre team
The Aqua class with Lisa on Saturday from 2-3 pm has been
changed to 3-4 pm
WOGA (Water Yoga) 1+2 course in Sri Ma Pool
2 days: 26.2. - 27.2.2015 with Zsolt Erdelyi – Woga Teacher
It is open to all – no pre-requisite to attend the course
Timing: from 9.30 am to 12.30 and from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Participants: minimum 6 persons
Info & booking: contact Loretta – watsuin@gmail.com – phone
WELLPAPER Workshop 25/01 Wednesday
You are invited for a 3 hour introductory workshop to create
art and products from waste (mainly recycled newspaper).
Bowls Coiling introductory workshopThe WELL Women will introduce how to create beautiful bowls,
containers or accessories made of flattened and coiled
newspaper sticks. Most likely you will end up with more than
one item.
The workshops are instructed by WELL women from the villages
around Auroville. These women are very well practiced. These
women have teaching experience in and out of AV.
Contribution: Rs.500 for guests. All the workshops have a
minimum of 6 participants registered.
We will meet at "Ganesh Bakery" at 09:15 to bring you to our
workshop in Kotakkarai.
The workshop will take place every Wednesday between 9:30
to 12:30, sitting on the floor.
Wellpaper is conducting also art workshops which are still not
scheduled. Please email us for further information
If you would like to join us please email us
to: wellpaper@auroville.org.in / Or call 0413-2622219.
At Windarra, SunSpace
Friday Feb 20th / Monday Feb 23rd & March 2nd - 9-10.30 am
Vinyasa flow class description: An open level class linking
breath with movements designed to build heat and strength.
The finishing off with restorative postures is designed to
release stagnant energy and calm the body and mind. The class
may include simple pranayama and meditation.
For additional information contact Bebe Merino: 8940557379 or
Bebe Merino has been practicing yoga and meditation for 15
years and taught for almost 9 years. She is a qualified Hatha
yoga teacher in Sivananda Center in Kerala since 2005.
Dear friends,
We will have a pranayama course (Art of Living technique)
from 21st to 25th Feb in Pitanga, daily from 6.30 to 8.30 am.
Free for Aurovilians, guests' fees will go towards the upkeep of
Pitanga. You can register by sending an email to:
Pranayama aims at bringing the involuntary functions of the
respiratory mechanism within human control. The term
pranayama has been constituted by two words: Prana + Ayama.
Prana is the vital force which pervades the whole cosmos.
Prana is more subtle than air and can be defined as the energy
essence that is within everything in the universe. Prana is the
principle of development and sustenance both of the nervous
and cellular tissues of the body and the mind.
Namrita & Francois
Our Aikido master, André Palmeri, 6th Dan, head of Makoto
(makoto.dojo.free.fr/english/professeur.html) is coming to
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Auroville in March to conduct a 3 week workshop. All those
who want to discover or take up again the practice of this
wonderful martial art of unity and love, are welcome to
Place is Pitanga - Dates: March 2nd to 22nd
- Monday and Wednesday 7 to 8.30 pm
- Saturday 8.30 to 10.00 am
- Sunday 9.30 to 11.00 am.
Please be there 15 min. before the class starts; wear long
comfortable pants and loose T-shirt with sleeves. Call or write
to Pitanga reception for information/registration. Tel. 04132622 403 - pitanga@auroville.org.in Of course Cristo
(cristo@gmx.fr) and Surya (suryanina@auroville.org.in 9655485487) can reply to your queries as well. See you on the
Surya and Cristo, for the Auroville Aikikai (School of Aikido)
At Windarra Farm, Sunspace with Itzhak Helman & Bebe
Teachers of Sunshine Network
Principals, Foundations & Dynamics
This course is for beginners and people who want to refresh
their practice. We will have 60-80 hours of intense training
together. The morning Vipassana Meditation session and yoga
from 6-7.30 am is optional, followed by Instruction and
massage practice from 9-12 am. The afternoons from 2-5 pm
are fully dedicated to massage practice.
Itzhak Helman and Bebe Merino are experienced Thai Yoga
Massage teachers and deeply connected to Auroville. For
further information please look at the website: www.thaiyoga-massage.org
This workshop is a fund-raising workshop for the restart of
TerraSoul Farm Project.
Registration: sandyra@auroville.org.in, pone 944 3619 403
Info: Bebe Merino 8940 557 379
10 Day Workshop - March 6th – 16th 2015
Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat , 25, 26, 27, 28 February from 9 am to
12 noon
1st day: yoga and mindfulness meditation
2nd day: yoga and chakra meditation
3rd day: yoga and pranayama
4th day yoga and yoga nidra
During this 4-morning workshop, we will explore how our mind
interacts with our body and vice versa. Throughout the
practice, we will listen to our bodies, with respect for its own
consciousness, to our thoughts coming and going, and to our
breath coming in and going out. Each day we will go deeper
inside both body and mind, to better understand ourselves and
observe the process of cleaning out negativity through yoga
asanas and deep breathing.
For beginners, please be present on the first day when the
asanas will be explained more deeply. The following days the
asanas will be done as a flow to keep the mind in a meditative
state. Those with asana experience can come on any or all
Christine is a Hatha Yoga teacher who has trained at the
Pattabhi Jois institute in Mysore, and has deep experience in
meditation and has conducted workshops for many years.
Friday, 27 February - from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (24 hour
advanced registration required)
A holistic approach to understanding the self and maintaining
health, including yoga, Ayurveda, diet, pranayama, meditation
and naturopathy. Lifestyle guidance is also available for
managing specific health issues.
Dr. Geeta auropremi has 30 years of experience in Ayurveda,
Yoga and Naturopathy. She has an MD in Gynecology and
Pediatrics, a YTTC certificate and diploma in Yoga, and PostGraduate degrees in Yoga & Naturopathy.
Please contact Vérité to register for the following
workshops: 0413 2622045 or programming@verite.in
Contributions requested from guests/volunteers (volunteer
reduction by advance application only)
Sadhana Forest, February 27th, Friday at
2013 – 91 min. Directed by Ryan Mlynarczyk, English
Within Reach Movie documents Mandy and Ryan's pedalpowered journey across the Unites States in search of a new
home in a sustainable community. They've given up their
corporate jobs and their traditional houses to "bike-pack"
thousands of miles across the USA, looking around as they look
within. Their journey and their film have answered the
question that they and many others are asking: Is it possible for
all of us to live in a sustainable way?
After circling the country, and talking with over 20,000 people
they have found that not only is it possible but it’s already
Join Mandy here at Sadhana Forest as she speaks about the
journey and answers your questions about what these U.S.
communities have to share with us.
Before the movie at exactly 16:30 you are welcome to join us for
a full tour of Sadhana Forest and an update of our most recent
After the film you are welcome to join us for a free 100% vegan
organic dinner!!
Free bus service to the TOUR OF SADHANA FOREST and the ECO
Free bus service to the ECO FILM CLUB - DEPARTURE SOLAR
The bus service is operated by Sadhana Forest. For more
information about the bus service please contact Sadhana Forest at
2677682 or 2677683 or sadhanaforest@auroville.org.in
Broad overview of psychology, cosmology and transformational
practice of Integral Yoga - a psychological and spiritual
methodology for evolutionary transformation of human nature
developed by Sri Aurobindo.
3D Motion Graphics Animation / Duration 50 minutes
Direction: Manoj Pavitran
Animation: Hemant Shekhar
Music: Arnab B. Chaudhury
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Voice: Anuradha Majumdhar
21st Saturday – Cinema Paradiso – 4.00 pm
28th Saturday – Sri Aurobindo Auditorium – 7.30 pm
All are welcome!
SELMA (2014)
Genre: Biography/Drama/History/ Dur:2hrs/ Rated: Above 18/
Language: English: Subtitle: English/ Dir: Ava DuVernay
Cast: David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth
Storyline: The unforgettable true story chronicles the
tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal
voting rights in the face of violent opposition. The epic march
from Selma to Montgomery culminated in President Johnson
signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most
significant victories for the civil rights movement. Director Ava
DuVernay's "Selma" tells the story of how the revered leader
and visionary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his brothers and
sisters in the movement prompted change that forever altered
Genre: Comedy/Romance/ Dur:1:40min/ Rated:Above18/
Language: English/Subtitle: English/ Dir:David O. Russell
Cast: Jessica Biel, Raymond L. Brown Jr., Jenny Gulley
Storyline: A small town waitress gets a nail accidentally lodged
in her head causing unpredictable behavior that leads her to
Washington, D.C., where sparks fly when she meets a clueless
young senator who takes up her cause - but what happens
when love interferes with what you stand for?
Cinema Paradiso (MMC Auditorium) - Town Hall
On Fridays 20/02 and 27/02/2015 at 4.30 pm
A powerful introduction to Sri Aurobindo and Mother's
evolutionary action
"Le Chemin vers l'Intérieur" (The Way towards the Within) 1981 - 30mn
"L'Homme après l'homme" (Man after man) - 1981 - 1hr
2 filmed interviews with Satprem and Sujata in French with
English subtitles / Satprem was Mother's confident for almost
20 years. He recorded all his conversations with her and
published them under the title of "Mother's Agenda".
1 movie: “Auroville, Retrospective of a Utopia”
An exceptional documentary about Auroville, produced in 1972
by a French television crew
Mother was still in her body when this film was made!
In the 70s, French journalist Jean Pierre Elkabbach was one of
the few Western journalists to report on the Auroville project.
His 118 minute documentary broadcast on French channel
"Antenne 2" in 1973 shows what Auroville was like then: a few
houses in a red desert, some school facilities like Last school,
the Pyramids and the “Yogurt Pots”, and of course the
Matrimandir under construction. This document also includes
precious interviews of Roger Anger, Kireet Joshi and
Aurovilians like Ruud, Ange, Jean P., Vincenzo, Rod H. and
many more. A unique documentary to discover or re-discover...
Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 5:00 pm Venue: Cinema
Paradiso (In French with English subtitles)
2nd movie: “Auroville, the Story of a Utopia”
A documentary about Auroville made in 2008 by Hélène Risser,
produced by Public Sénat
After the first film made in 1972 by French journalist Jean
Pierre Elkabbach, the French TV channel “Public Sénat”
returns to Auroville in 2008, 35 years later, to see what has
become of these pioneers of 1972. How did they evolve? Are
they still in Auroville? What has happened to the basic
concepts of this Utopia and laboratory that is Auroville?
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 at 5:00 pm
Venue: Cinema Paradiso (In French with English subtitles)
HD, 2014, 38 minutes/ By Nicolas Grandi and Lata Mani
Venue: AV room, Kala Kendra, Bharat Nivas
Time: 5:30 pm, 21st Feb, Saturday
De Sidere 7 is an experimental work that interweaves
performance, dance, poetry, storytelling and text to reflect
upon aspects of desire. Shot in Bangalore and Delhi, the film
scripts the work of five performing artists into a sensorially
rich meditation on desire’s vexed status as at once, an
animating force, an object of suspicion and a ground of
contention. De Sidere 7 is conceived as a video contemplation:
a formally plural, multilayered composition intended to be
experienced as an integrated whole.
Nicolas Grandi is a filmmaker, arts educator, musician and
sculptor from Buenos Aires.
Lata Mani is a Bangalore based feminist historian and cultural
For Details: Gaurav @ 9787897947, Kala Kendra, Bharat Nivas
Saturday, at Mother’s Birthday, the 21st of February at
6:30 pm
An audio visual presentation on The Mother’s life with
photographs, biographical notes and readings from the works
of Sri Aurobindo, The Mother and their disciples, accompanied
by music - done by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 2010. Duration:
Monday, 23rd of February 2015, at 6:30 pm.
“A world’s desire compelled her mortal birth. / One in the
front of the immemorial quest,… /
A thinker and toiler in the ideal’s air, / Brought down to
earth’s dumb need her radiant power.” (Savitri,p. 22).
A film by Manohar of Huta’s paintings illustrating passages from
Savitri read by The Mother and accompanied by her own organ
We supply photocopies from the “Savitri” texts read by the
Mother, so that the texts can be followed when watching the
film. Duration: 30min.
Important information about News & Notes (Absolute deadline for submissions or cancellations: Wednesday 11 am)
The contents of News & Notes are a reflection of the growth process of this community towards its ideals of harmony, goodwill,
discipline and truth. Editing of submissions, mainly for reasons of space and clarity, is done according to an established policy.
How to submit material: Material (no pdf files, please) may be sent (in English only) to the N&N email address (below).
Disclaimer: The views expressed on these pages are those of their respective authors or work groups and do not represent the position
of the editors or of the community as a whole. The News & Notes serves as a channel for the publication of material coming from
trusted sources within Auroville. The editors cannot be held accountable for any alleged misinformation given or offence caused. In
case of any dispute, the Auroville Council may be consulted and publishing of disputed material suspended.
News & Notes, Media Centre, Town Hall. Phone: 2622133, email: newsandnotes@auroville.org.in
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Cinema Paradiso
Multimedia Center (MMC) Auditorium
Fi l m p r og ra m me 2 3 Fe b r ua r y 2 0 1 5 to 1 M a r c h 2 0 1 5
Indian – Monday 23 February, 8:00 pm:
CHOTUSHKONE (Quadrangle)
India, 2014, Writer-Dir. Srijit Mukherji w/ Aparna Sen,
Chiranjit, Goutam Ghose, and others, 148mins, Thriller,
Bengali w/English subtitles, Rated: PG-13 (U/A)
Jayobrato, a film director convinces three his contemporary
directors to make a film, consisting of four short stories
which each of them will direct and act in. They have an
appointment with the producer in the outskirts of the city.
Each comes up with a story which is unique in its own way,
but connected to the other stories by a common theme –
death. When their car breaks down they spend a night in a
nearby bungalow. It is here that each of them revisits their
past, their past and present relations, and their 'nemesis'.
Italian – Tuesday 24 February, 8:00 pm:
Italy, 2013, Dir. Paolo & Vittorio Taviani w/ Cosimo Rega,
Salvatore Striano and others, Drama, 76 mins., Italian w/
English subtitles, Rated: G
Winner of the Golden Bear at the 2012 Berlin Film Festival,
the scripted documentary shows inmates at a prison in
Rome rehearsing for a performance of Shakespeare's “Julius
Cultural – Wednesday 25 February, 8:00 pm:
BEYOND THE STEPS: Alvin Ailey American Dance
USA-Russia, 2007, Dir.Phil Bertensen w/choreographers:
Judith Jamison, Rennie Harris & Robert, Documentary, 65
mins, English, Rated: NR
This dazzling film follows the extraordinary dancers and
renowned choreographers of the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre
as they do everything it takes to keep American modern
dance fresh and a legacy alive. Set against the construction
of their new Dance Centre and the creation of a new dance,
every bit of passion, talent, and hard work that goes into
keeping a company running is on display. The troupe
seamlessly weaves from rehearsal to a triumphant tour in
Russia, back to their new dream-come-true digs in
Manhattan. Visually stunning.
Nordic – Thursday 26 February, 8:00 pm:
Denmark, 2003, Writer-Dir. Christoffer Boe w/ Nikolaj Lie
Kaas, Maria Bonnevie, Krister Henriksson , and others,
Drama-Romance, 90mins, Danish-Swedish w/ English
subtitles, Rated: PG-13
Late one evening, Alex suddenly abandons his girlfriend,
Simone, to follow the beautiful Aimee (played by the same
actress). Following this, strange things start happening to
him. Is he being punished for letting Simone down?
(Interesting point: the actors/actresses speak in their
respective mother-tongues).
International – Saturday 28 February, 8:00 pm:
KIS UYKUSU (Winter Sleep)
Turkey-France-Germany, 2014, Writer-Dir. Nuri Bilge Ceylan
w/Haluk Bilginer, Melisa Sözen, Demet Akbag, Drama,
196mins, Turkish-English w/ English subtitles, Rated: NR
Set in Cappadocia, central Anatolia, the film focuses on the
life of Aydin a former actor who now runs the Hotel
Othello. He apparently enjoys a prosperous life, with
income derived from several sources. He lives with his
young wife Nihal with whom he has a stormy relationship
and his sister Necla who is suffering from her recent
divorce. In winter as the snow begins to fall, the hotel turns
into a shelter but also an inescapable place that fuels their
Children’s Film - Sunday 1 March, 4:30 pm:
USA-Canada, 2012, Writer-Dir. Robert Vince w/ Tucker
Albrizzi, Adam Alexi-Malle, Tim Conway, and others,
Comedy-Family, 93mins, English, Rated: G
Disney invites you on a treasure-hunting adventure with the
Hitchcock in England Film Festival @ CINECLUB
Ciné-Club - Sunday 1 March, 8:00 pm:
UK, 1937, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock w/Nova Pilbeam, Derrick de
Marney and others, 83mins, Thriller, English w/English
subtitles. Rated: PG.
A film actress is murdered by her estranged husband who is
jealous of all her young boyfriends. The next day, writer
Robert Tisdall (one such boyfriend) discovers her body on
the beach. He runs to call the police; however, two
witnesses think that he is the murderer. Robert is arrested,
but owing to a mix up at the courthouse, he escapes and
goes on the run with a police constable's daughter Erica,
determined to prove his innocence. This is one of the best
of Alfred Hitchcock's pre-Hollywood movies that is often
undeservedly overlooked.
Rating codes we often use are from Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA): G=General Audiences,
PG=Parental guidance suggested, PG-13=Parents strongly
cautioned, R=Restricted (equivalent to Indian rating: A i.e.
for Adults), NR=Film Not rated, Rating awaited, or Rating
not available.
Kindly do not bring food, drinks, snacks, munchies
or your pets into the auditorium.
As a courtesy to the fellow viewers please be
sweet and stop chatting after the film starts.
For scheduling programs at MMC/CP venue: please email us
at mmcauditorium@auroville.org.in.
Thanking You, MMC/CP Group - Account# 105106,
We appreciate your continued support: monthly or
(Aurovilians/Newcomers) or Aurocard reader
(Guests). You can also make a contribution to
“Cinema Paradiso” account at the Financial
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
Supported by: The HINDU Partners: Dakshinachitra, ReStore, Goethe Institut, Prakriti Foundation, Spaces, Lalit Kala Akademy,
NIFT, Telos. Website: www.festival.auroville.org : Star code. Web and graphic design: Aurrima Marechal
Feb 23th-March
INKO Indo-Korean Art Exhibition
Adil Writer, Rakhee
5 Aurovilian Artists
Cultural Center
"Ceramic Connect" Kane,Angad
among others.
Opening Feb 23rd
at 6.30pm
Menon(curator for
AV) Opening 6.30pm
Feb 25th
2.00 pm
Goethe Institute
Press Conference
Press Conference
with MSL Group &
March 1st
3.30-6 pm
ITC Grand Chola
Inauguration of the A taste of Auroville
Appreciation to
:30min music
Officials, friends,
donors, partners,
audiovisual,offerings. supporters.
Avs mingling with
guests & high tea
March 4th - 21st
Varija Art galley
Art Installations &
Adil Writer, Marco Feira,
Opening at 11am
Okjeong Lee
March 4th - 16th
11 am-7 pm
Studio Pallazo
Art Exhibition
Opening on March
(solo) "Kratu
3rd from 6 to 7.30
p. m.
March 5th - 14th
10.30am-6.30 pm
ArtworldArt Exhibition
opening : March
Sarala'sArt Centre
"Auroville United"
5th at 6.30
PaintingRam Prabhudesai,
PhotographyLalie Sorbet,
Ceramic.(8 artists)
Scanziani, Ireno
Guerci, Miki, MarieClaire Barsotti,Torkil
March 5th - 8th
The Amethyst
Ethical Market
18 units of Auroville
Book, food, furniture,
Sound solutions, paper
March 6th
Art Houz
Painting-SculpturePierre Legrand
Exhibition(solo)"Simply Installation
March 7th
7- 9 pm
SMVR Concert
Concert Choir
Children's Choir &
Free Entrance
Auroville Concert
March 7th
NIFT National Institute
Presentation &
Presentation of the work
Uma Prajapati
fashion & Design
of Upsana on organic
March 7th
Shared Values,
Shreen Raghavan and
Conscious Business and Kala Shreen
Spirituality in a Fashion
Enterprise in S. India
March 8th
March 8th
March 8th
March 8th
March 8th
March 8th - 20th
Top start-up of
Gijs Spoor
Unlimited Tamil Nadu
(incubator for social
Issues related to
Unlimited Tamil Nadu
women entrepreneur
3 -6 pm
Workshop & 20
traditionnal Kolam
Grace Gitadelila
min dance
7:00 PM
Film called
Manoj Pavitran for
"Integral Yoga"
transformation of
human nature by
Sri Aurobindo.
Followed by a
Lalit Kala Akademi
Outdoor Exhibition on
Outdoor Installation
Okjeong Lee
Lalit Kala Akademi
Art Exhibition
Audio-video-Sculpture19 Artists
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
March 9th - 22th
March 11th
Apparao Gallery
9.30-13.30 pm
March 14th -15th
March 14th-April 20th
Veda Gallery
March 14th
March 14th
March 15th
March 15th
March 16th
3:00 PM
10.30-12.30 pm
March 16- April 17
Stainless steel
Adil Writer, Anamika,
Sculpture-Ceramic (4
Henk van putten, Priya
Sundaravalli Sudharsan
Kasturi Hall- Music
Towards a
5 ted talks & panel
sustainable future
Moderator Pr.Dr.
Craft bazaar - Ugadi
Recycled Paper,
Miniature, Upasana,
Art Exhibition
Painting & Ceramic (2
Nele Martens, Rakhee
Memorial Lecture
Homage to Adjit
An event around gift
Sadhana Forest &
Game on waste segregation
with Wasteless
Film on sanitary waste
by Eco-femme
Art Exhibition
Lalit Kala Akademi
a multicultural
societyfor the
development of
Human Unity
Arsha Vidya Mandir School
March 18th - 21th
Tour of Auroville forest
& farms with an
introduction of the
vision of the Mother
Organic Farmer Market
March 19th
5 -6pm
March 19th -31th
Focus Art gallery
Art Exhibition
March 21st - 22th
March 27th -April 12th
School of ArchitectureAnna University
Craft Bazaar - Ugadi
Dr. Karan Singh:
Guest of Honor: Dr
Importance of Art
Karan singh
and artists crossing Eminents
national borders
speakers: Dr.
and what it means
Karan Singh, Sir
in terms of the
Mark Tully KBE, Dr
growth of AV.Dr.
Vishaka Desai,
Vishaka Desai: Art
Asian Scholar
as a means of
'change & merging
of values" for a
new way of living.
Sir Mark Tully: New
media (social
medai) as a force
for global change.
Organisation of a Litter free campaign:
Clean Lab
On registration with
Sadhana Forest and
Manoj Pavitran
A discussion about
seeds, freedom, and
sustainable agriculture
Hand-Made paper &
Papier Mache
Recycled Paper Items
& Garments
on Auroville
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]
with Claude Alvares &
Bernard de Clarke,
hosted by Samanvaya
Auroville Papers
Miniature, Upasana &
Mona Doctor-Pingel &
Poppo Pingel hosted by
Goethe Institute
News&Notes 21st February 2015 [587]