- Auroville


- Auroville
News & Notes
04th June 2016………………..A weekly bulletin for residents of Auroville………………Number 650
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Sweet Mother, what is our universal being?
Our universal being?... What it is?... I don't understand your question very well.
What is it? “For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal self, are full of habits and of
influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth….”
Our universal self is our relation with all others and all the movements of Nature.
And I have often told you, haven't I?, that the first state of your being is a state of an almost total mixture with all things from
outside, and that there is almost no individualisation, that is, specialisation which makes you a different being. You are moved –
a kind of form which is your physical being is moved – by all the common universal forces, vital forces or mental forces, which go
through your form and put it in motion.
So that is the universal being.
And all that you have wrested from this general semi-consciousness, and have crystallised into a more or less independent
being, conscious of itself and having its own qualities, all this is your individual being. And this individual being is full of all the
movements of obscurity, unconsciousness, and of the limitations of ordinary life, and that's... and that's what you must gradually
open to the divine influence and bring to the consciousness and understanding of things. That's what Sri Aurobindo says.
In fact, the first victory is to create an individuality. And then later, the second victory is to give this individuality to the
Divine. And the third victory is that the Divine changes your individuality into a divine being.
There are three stages: the first is to become an individual; the second is to consecrate the individual, that he may surrender
entirely to the Divine and be identified with Him; and the third is that the Divine takes possession of this individual and changes
him into a being in His own image, that is, he too becomes divine.
Generally, all the yogas stopped at the second. When one had succeeded in surrendering the individual and giving him without
reserve to the Divine to be identified with Him, one considered that his work was finished, that all was accomplished.
But we begin there, and we say, “No, this is only a beginning. We want this Divine with whom we are identified to enter our
individuality and make it into a divine personality acting in a divine world.” And this is what we call transformation. But the
other precedes it, must precede it. If that is not done, there is no possibility of doing the third. One can't go from the first to
the third; one must pass through the second.
Mother, the third depends entirely on the Divine, whether He wills to take possession or not.
In fact everything depends entirely on the Divine. It is only the consciousness you have of it which is different. So in the third
stage, obviously, one becomes conscious that it is the Divine who does everything; so it depends entirely on the Divine.
When you say this, the part of your consciousness which is still convinced of its separation and its own existence is looking at
the other and saying, “Ah, good! Now I shall no longer have to do anything.” But if it no longer exists, if it becomes conscious
that it is the Divine, then it can't have this impression. It does the work, continues to do it, but with the true consciousness,
instead of having the distorted consciousness. (Silence) That's all?
Sweet Mother, how can one feel the divine Presence constantly?
Why not?
But how can one do it?
But I am asking why one should not feel it. Instead of asking the question how to feel it, I ask the question: “What do you do
that you don't feel it?” There is no reason not to feel the divine Presence. Once you have felt it, even once, you should be
capable of feeling it always, for it is there. It is a fact. It is only our ignorance which makes us unaware of it. But if we become
conscious, why should we not always be conscious? Why forget something one has learnt? When one has had the experience, why
forget it? It is simply a bad habit, that's all.
You see, there is something which is a fact, that's to say, it is. But we are unaware of it and do not know it. But after we
become conscious and know it, why should we still forget it? Does it make sense? It's quite simply because we are not convinced
that once one has met the Divine one can't forget Him anymore. We are, on the contrary, full of stupid ideas which say, “Oh!
Yes, it's very well once like that, but the rest of the time it will be as usual.” So there is no reason why it may not begin again.
(To be continued)
Quarrels and clashes are a proof of the absence of the yogic poise and those who seriously wish
to do yoga must learn to grow out of these things.
Sri Aurobindo
ref. Letters on Yoga, vol.24, p.825
Cover picture: Green Mangoes, see the Green Column for a seasonal report !
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Update on the Interim TDC Process
New Entry Policy in Effect
Dear Community,
Following our call for the interim TDC membership, we
received 53 names / nominations.
Out of these, 18 were willing to be part of the interim TDC
team, 29 declined the request and the rest were either TOS or
did not respond.
The final 6 names emerged naturally through consensus by
both groups, the Auroville Council and the Working Committee,
and they are:
 Divya L ( present TDC secretary )
 Fabian ( Pitchandikulam , architect )
 Pino ( architect , Creativity )
 Sheba ( Swayam )
 Tejaswini ( Prarthana, architect )
 Tom ( Dana ).
As of July 1, 2016, the new Entry Policy ratified by the
Community is effectively being implemented. After a couple
years of work by a Sub-Group, the Auroville Council, the Entry
Service and Community Meetings, finally it is coming together.
For the effective implementation, two important meetings will
be held this month.
We again thank everybody for their participation and we again
remind those not included in the interim team to offer their
help / services as resource persons.
 17 June (Friday) MEETING OF THE MENTORS (current and
future) at Saiier Conference Hall at 5-7pm
 22 June (Wednesday) WELCOME TALK (for info, for new
applicants, for Newcomers who started from Jan. 2016
onwards) at Saiier Conference Hall 3-5 pm
A new booklet is being published for these meetings that gives
a brief overview of the new policy. Of course, the full policy is
available online and accessible on the Auroville website as
"Current Admission Policy." It is also on the Auronet.
The Entry Service
AV Council
Invitation To A Gathering For Mentors
On The 17th Of June – 5 to 7pm
Dear Aurovilians,
The new Entry policy calls for 'mentors' who will be part of the
Mentor Pool. The role of a mentor is different from a contact
person in many ways, especially in the fact that he/she will
take an active role in the decision of the Newcomer becoming
an Aurovilian.
We have so far about 80 Aurovilians who have signed up /
confirmed to be Mentors. Of course, the more the
participation, the better!
We warmly invite you to a gathering with all those
interested to be mentors on the 17th June, at the
SAIIER CONFERENCE HALL from 17.00 to 19.00.
The aim of this meeting would be to explore mentorship,
clarify doubts and make suggestions, before we begin this
If you would like to come, and have not yet given your
please send us a confirmation mail to:
avcoffice@auroville.org.in .
Thanks and regards,
Auroville Council
Application Procedure For New Bore Wells
In Auroville, May 2016 – Feedback Request
The TDC and the Water Group (members: Christian, Nele,
Tency, Toby, and Tom) have been working on a procedure
proposal and would like to collect community feedback on the
latest version.
Steps of the application procedure for new bore wells in
1. TDC receives an application for a new bore well in
2. TDC evaluates the site for initial qualification;
3. TDC forwards application to the Water Group (WG) for
topic discussion and technical evaluation;
4. WG organizes a meeting with the applicant(s), stakeholders
and others involved;
5. Water Group sends its report with recommendations to TDC
and applicants;
6. TDC publishes new bore well project in News & Notes
together with the agreed details on the proposed site,
bore well depth, casing size, recommended users, other
conditions if necessary;
7. TDC waits for the allotted feedback period; TDC and WG
review the comments, if any
8. TDC issues a NOC or not for the new bore well, in case of
comments/objections a review is taking up with WG.
The TDC asks for feedback from the residents of Auroville
within two weeks from the date of this publication:
From The Entry Service –
N&N N0- 650 Dated 04.06.2016
We would like to inform the community that our team is happy
to recommend the following persons as Aurovilians and
Newcomers. We will wait for two weeks (Newcomers and
Returning Aurovilians) and one month (Aurovilians), from the
date of this publication, for your feedback, before confirming.
Agust Leo AXELSSON (Icelandic) – Staying at Invocation,
working as a Physics & Maths teacher at Future school.
Sarah Aline KUNDIG (Swiss) – Staying at La Ferme, working at
Philippe PELEN (French) – Staying at Auromode, working at
Mohanam and Bamboo centre.
Thierry MOUCAZAMBO (French) - Staying at Auromode,
working at Mohanam cultural center
N.B. The announcements done in the News and Notes are FOR
FEEDBACK ONLY and sometimes, after announcement, there
can be either an extension of status or a decision to stop the
process. We have added Confirmation Section below:
Andrii KHOKHLENKO (Ukraine)
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Tatyana BOGDANOVA (Russian)
Sebastien FAGALDE (French)
Erik JANSEGERS (Belgian) (as on date 21.05.2016)
Fanny CANETTE (French)
Maguy (Maggie) POINT (French)
Frederic POYET (French)
Joke Van HOYE (Belgium) (as on date 04.06.2016)
Mirani BADER (German)
We will soon invite you to fill in the B-Form request for a
meeting with the AV Foundation Secretary with the aim to add
your name to the Register of Residents.
Note: The Entry Service is not closing for any summer
breaks. The new Entry Policy is effective from July 1, 2016.
Two important meetings will take place in June for updating
everyone. Please see the note in this N&N.
Dear Newcomers,
The Entry Service team would like to inform you of the timings
designated specifically for you to collect or submit the
Newcomer Kit. Please pass by our office in Town Hall during
these hours only:
Monday & Wednesday at 2pm to 4pm. Please return these
Kits within one month or the process goes on hold.
We are open for B-Forms and Recommendation letter
matters, on appointment only.
For all other matters, the office is open to the public on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10-12am, except for
every last week of each month when we are closed to the
public to do the internal office work.
The Entry Service team
(B, Chitra, Christiane, Eva, Giridev, Ishita, , Neeti)
It is with shock that we inform the community that one of our brothers, N. Saravanan of Matrimandir
Nursery, left his body on Saturday 28 May due to an unfortunate accident in Thilaspet, Pondicherry,
when a festival chariot of Panchali Amman Koil collapsed and fell on the people surrounding it. While
seriously injuring some ten bystanders, Saravanan died on the spot. He would have been 43 this year.
Hailing from Pondicherry, Saravanan was one of the staunch, hardworking and committed Matrimandir
workers even before joining Auroville in 1999. He was involved in about all aspects of the complex and
recently also worked for the Golden Tiles unit.
Many of his friends, colleagues and sports team members were devastated when hearing the news and
came together for a last farewell in Auroville’s Crown Road Farewell Centre on Sunday morning 29th,
after which the body was transported to his family house in Pondy to be cremated at the
Shanmudapuram cremation ground there in the late afternoon of the day.
Our warmest sympathies and strength go out to his parents, and his wife Padma in their MM Nursery
house, and their young children Madhavan and Saranya who attend Transition school and Kindergarten
Thank you, Saravanan, for your concerned and dedicated work. We will miss you.
Bomi Homawalla
This is to inform the community that a dear friend and old Aurovilian, Bomi Homawalla, passed
away peacefully at the age of 86, in Baroda, Gujarat, in the morning of 23rd of May.
Bomi, Perin and their son Michael lived in Promesse in the seventies (1970-76) and it was Bomi
who started the Service Farm (next to Aurobrindavan).
He was known for his sharp wit and brilliant mind and played an important role in the struggle
with Sri Aurobindo Society at the time.
His intrinsic knowledge of Zoroastrian cosmology combined with Sri Aurobindo's spiritual
psychology was a unique combination that enamoured him to several western Aurovilians in
those early years. He came back a number of times to visit and will be sorely missed by his
remaining friends in Auroville.
Ross Cork
Australian Ross Cork, frequent long term visitor to Auroville and known to many passed
away on Thursday morning the 19th of May. Much loved brother of Jan Allen, uncle of
Aurojina and Jonas, and brother-in-law of Johnny, Ross was reluctant to depart from
Auroville on Friday but in his own way chose to remain.
Ross had a unique and special way of observing the world and was increasingly
impressed by Auroville and kept up his regular visits here for thirty years. His body was
held in Farewell, and a cremation and celebration of his life took place on Sunday 22nd
of May with his son Craig and grandson Dominic, other family members and friends
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
S C A N D I N A V I A = an invitation has been sent out for a
three-day gathering on Auroville and Integral Yoga, to be held in
Klint, Denmark from 19 – 21 August this year. Participants will be
updated on Auroville’s faring, and a Scandinavian presence in
Auroville’s International Zone will be discussed. Ms Anusuya
Kumar, who recently also was in Auroville, will talk on her
research into
Johannes Hohlenberg’s work, his intimate
relationship and training with the Mother in Paris during the early
1900 and his interaction with Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry in
1915. For information/registration, mail to legary@outlook.dk
N E T H E R L A N D S = the centre’s May Newsletter is out and
contains, apart from other interesting updates, links to English
spoken interviews with Aurovilians Inge van Alphen and Kireet
Yak by Narad, as well as an ‘Unending Education in Auroville’
video clip featuring Aloka, Deepti and Chali. The Dutch
translation of Sri Aurobindo’s intro into his Synthesis of Yoga
A U S T R A L I A = more than a year ago Jan Alan informed us
about the ‘The Aurobindo Project’ which has by now matured
into a well trained ensemble with 8 singers performing songs by
Sri Aurobindo as put to music by Daryl Wallis. On 27 and 28 May
two performances, each of 100 mnts, were given at the
Community Hall of Coalcliff, a town on the coast of New South
Wales, Australia. While the choir sang in the evening of the 27 th,
on Saturday 28th the performance started at 7am early morning,
just after dawn had broken over the beach across from the hall.
For all AVI matters, contact vani@auroville.org.in.
This column is maintained by mauna@auroville.org.in
Activity Registration Under AVarts Umbrella
Aurovilian artists and therapists who are teaching classes or
workshops (or otherwise working) inside or outside of Auroville
can register their activities under the AVArtS umbrella.
For full details, refer to our Auronet post:
Contact Krishna <aurovillearts@auroville.org.in> or call 04132623187.
Introduction to Auroville Sustainable
Livelihood Institute (SLI)
The Sustainable Livelihood Institute formally began in March 2015
so this document gives an overview of our first year along with a
brief background on the unit.
SLI is a joint venture between the Auroville Foundation and the
Govt. of Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission. The
executives of the unit are Alain Bernard, Joss, Divya and Suhasini
and the current SLI Director is Ram Subramaniam who, although
not an Aurovilian, is well known among many in the community.
The main task of SLI is to provide education across a range of
disciplines to officials from the State Livelihood Mission as well as
a much larger number of people from communities around the
state such as Self Help Groups and others engaged in rural based
activities. The workshop involves many Aurovilians who come and
present to the groups on their areas of expertise or speciality.
There are over 30 Aurovilians who form part of the informal
faculty of speakers to the groups. In the first year around 1,000
people from rural districts of Tamilnadu attended workshops over
3-5 days.
We currently have 13 different workshops including Sustainable
Livelihoods, Sustainable Agriculture. Waste Management,
Marketing and Branding and Ethno-Veterinary. In our second year
we will be responding to community requests to create more
workshops including Social Enterprise Development and
Sustainable Construction among others.
In addition to the Tamil Nadu rural groups we have also hosted
about 200 people attending workshops on Sustainable Practices
who are from the Panipanchayat organisation in Odissa. Finally
there have been occasional one-off workshops designed for
NGO’s (we had another of these open to Aurovilians from the 20 th
May 2016) and being done in collaboration with Studio
Naqshbandi and the PCG being presented by a well know person
in the field of education, Jinan KB.
So in summary of all of this factual based information is that
many people from rural Odissa and Tamil Nadu are coming to
Auroville to experience an education far removed from what they
are more accustomed to. They see an international community
living in a forest and working is a very different way to what they
see in their villages. Still, Auroville remains a village in India that
is quite unique in so many ways.
One of the main objectives, especially with the Govt.
participants is to give them alternatives and support to think
more innovatively and to open their minds to the potential of
sustainable rural activity. We have had feedback from
participants who have returned to their communities and have
actually started activities they learned about during their visit to
This leads to a couple of anecdotes. The first concerns a govt.
official who, as a young man, rode a bicycle every day to and
from his studies. He was encouraged, after 20 years, to get back
on a bike and to ride to and from the workshops in Auroville
every day. This reminded him of his younger days with the
renewed commitment to return to his work and travel around the
district with pedal rather than petrol power. We also do
drumming sessions with Svaram and musical therapy with Arnab
Choudary from Pondicherry. Both of these activities use music as
a form of expression that enables the participants to take away a
very different understanding of music.
We also know that women from the rural SHGs have taken some
of their learning back to their community and have launched
small scale projects inspired by the workshop attended.
SLI provides full-time employment mostly to the local Tamil
population who may or may not be Aurovilian. For the staff that
have joined it gives them an opportunity to develop their skills
perhaps from simply listening to the faculty members sessions to
the workshop participants. More than that is their exposure to
people from all over the state and with the opportunity to visit
some of these districts to follow up on programs. The fact
remains though that while we from Auroville are providing
sustainable practice education to the rural community they are
also teaching us about their world and their life.
Finally, there will be more postings on SLI to the Auroville
community with other activities planned so the people can learn
more about our work.
We also invite Aurovilians to visit our Facebook page
nstitute or sli-av.blogspot.in
What's Up With The 50th Anniversary?
For the news that the GB asked the Chairman to write to the
Finance Ministry for a one time request of Rs.25 crores for the
50th anniversary and for the outline of themes suggested by the
Envisioning Committee and approved by the GB:
www.auroville.org.in/article/57057 (minutes
For the latest update by the preliminary planning team:
see www.auroville.org.in/article/57066.
For the latest update by the Working Committee on the
procurement of funds for the 50th anniversary:
see www.auroville.org.in/article/57487 (minutes, the news of
their visit to Delhi)
In case you are not on Auronet and want the details of the
announcements to be sent to you, please email your request to
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Caution! Solar Water Heater Issue
MGEcoduties in the News!
Brand: N Solarizer Ultra PR System 100 L
(installed from Sunlit Future)
Dear Friends,
We are happy to share, that two Chennai newspapers, in the
same week, have published the work in-progress of
MGEcoduties - Auroville.
On May 26, the Deccan Chronicle - Chennai - Expat; page 22.
"Going All - Natural in Auroville":
and The New Indian Express - “Indulge - Chennai” edition
of May 20, 2016. Page 28. “Organic Code Natural”:
Enjoy, and let’s have an "AHA" time for this summer time.
Thanks and Regards,
MG EcoDuties: Guidelma and Margarita (+91 413 2623239)
Email: mgecoduties@auroville.org.in
Website: www.facebook.com/mgecoduties
Auroville Online Store:
I would like to report, two systems are installed in Arati, which
change the healthy water from elephant tower into an
unhealthy one, with an oily film on it. If you have the same
system installed, please take a bucket from the hot water tap,
let it rest overnight and check then the quality of water. If the
same happened with your system, I would be grateful for being
Ingrid (ingridt@auroville.org.in)
Music Library closed for 2 weeks
Please note that the Music Library will be closing for 2 weeks
from Monday, June 6 and reopening on Monday, June 20.
Invocation Phase 4 – Booking of Apartments
In Invocation Phase 4, there is an apartment which may be
available. The construction of this apartment will be
completed in July 2016. If you are interested please contact
Sumark@auroville.org.in, call 0413 2622 472 or contact Housing
Kevin and Peter
Repair & Maintenance, Small Scale Manufacturing
And Fabrication Facilities Available At AIAT
Auroville-ITI (Institute of Applied Technology) is known for
learning by doing concept is conducting skill training. We have
currently 2 campuses one is in Palmyra and another one is in
Irumabi, and offering one and 2 years courses in:
 Metalworking
(Welding, Fitter, Turner and Milling, technical drawing),
 Repair and maintenance of Home appliances & House wiring,
UPS and Battery maintenance
 Computer and networking repair and services incl. Laptops,
 Accounting with Tally,
 Surveying and construction detail drawing using AutCad etc.
For these training courses we have experienced staff and all
kind of machines and tools.
We are looking for opportunities to serve the community with
all kind of work related to our skill training, Especially we can
take over work orders in manufacturing of small items on small
scale, Prototyping and fabrication, house wiring, repairing of
home appliances, detail construction drawing, surveying,
Accounting using Tally, Computer repair (Windows based), on
non-profit base.
Fruits And Veg Outlet @Solitude Farm
As well as the basket service of seasonal fruit ad veg @Solitude
Farm, we also have started a humble fruit and veg outlet.
Stocked freshly everyday with produce from the farm, today
for example there are soursops, huge chikoos, pumpkins,
banana stem, papayas, brinjals, plantains, cluster beans and
long beans as well as Mangoes of course!
We will do our best to keep these shelves stocked.
The outlet is at the Solitude Café and will be open from
Monday to Saturday from 9am to 3:30 pm
Krishna Mckenzie (9843319260)
Allotments To Grow Your Own Localicious Food!!
Dear Friends,
At Solitude we are offering people the opportunity to have a
small "vegetable garden or allotment" at the farm. Every week
as well as watering your garden we will take time to help you
learn permaculture and deepen your relationship with Mother
Earth as well as harvest loads of yummy local food.
The allotment is basically a circle garden module with a
diversity of different crops that will yield through out the year.
All crops grown in the circle will be for you.
There will be an introduction to the "allotment" project for the
next few weeks at Solitude during the Saturday 11:30 am Tour
of the farm.
We welcome you to join us.
Email krishnamckenzie@auroville.org.in (or call 9843319260)
Krishna Mckenzie (www.aurovillepermaculture.com)
We are looking also for apprentice ship training or implant
training opportunities for our students who are now completing
their course in summer this year.
Pl. contact:
Lavkamad Phone: 9443238303
Kitten Kitten Kitten Kitten!!!
Fruit Trees Saplings available!
Hero Impulse Bike
Out of our nursery from Discipline Farm saplings are now ready
to be picked up: Kodai Lemon (fruit 10 times bigger than
normal Lemon) 130, Litchi 33, Sweet Lime 28, Sour Soap 26,
Orange 30, Kumquat 20, Nartanga 20, Tangerine 20 (numbers)
and little amount of normal Lemon, Custard Apple, Pitanga,
Malabar Chestnut, Pomelo, Chickoo, Kafir Lemon, plus some
others. All between 30-80 Rs each. Please come by on Monday,
Wednesday and Thursdays.
[Type text] [Type text]
[Type text]
One of my black male kittens is still looking for a home, please
call/sms @ 84892 81386 or e-mail ingevanalphen@gmail.com if
you are interested. He is nearly two months old, potty trained,
and very cute! Warmly, Inge van Alphen.
For sale a four year old black Hero Impulse. If interested
contact; 9787825952 , Lisa
Hi! I am Shyam Rajagopalan, a volunteer in Sacred Groves and
Nandanam School. If you are interested to have a session on
tarot reading, please email me or SMS me @ +918002265789.
Thank you! www.facebook.com/DrunkenMysitc
F O R …
Actors and Extras: (French Play)
Afternoon Part Time Work
We need 4 more actors to say a few lines, and some “extras”
with no lines, to participate in a funny and sarcastic short play
by Jacques Prévert: “Le Tableau des Merveilles”. You need to
be able to say the few lines in French, we can help you with
that! Contact Céline 8098846079 or Véronique 9488512678
If you have a cycle in working condition that you don’t need
and would like to see used, please call Véronique J 9488512678
My name is Kowsalya I am an Aurovillian. I am looking for half
day work in afternoons. Recently I started to work in YouthLink
for half day in the morning. I have completed my masters in
computer science in Pondicherry University. I have the
experience to work in data entry and I could easily adopt any
kind of work. Please let me know if you have a job vacancy in
with regards, Kowsalya.
Used Solar Panels And Cupboard/Trunk
Watchman Position
Dear all,
We are looking for used solar panels still in good shape to help
continue building our new Sankalpa Art Center. We also need
some metal trunk or cupboards for more storage.
Please contact us:
Annabelle 8523915190 or Iyyappan 9843846458
Many thanks for your help,
Sankalpa Team!
A good and reliable Nepali watchman called Sharma who has
worked for many years at my place has come back in Auroville
and is looking for a place to work. His house was damaged by
the earthquake. You can contact me at: 0413-2622 083; or
contact Sharma: 853 191 34 17; or his brother Tikaram in
Aurelec: 962 674 17 94 – Turiya
Lady Bicycle:
Used Solar Panels
Unity Pavilion is looking for Solar Panels for 1 kw.
Please contact Mario, 9894941763, mario@auroville.org.in
Volunteer Hindi Teacher
Reach for the Stars would like to offer Hindi classes to their
students. We are looking for a volunteer who would teach
Hindi to a group of students on Sundays for one hour. Please
contact Stephanie at steph@auroville.org.in if you are
interested to help our project www.reach-for-the-stars.org.
Thank you!
Someone To Fly A Puppy To Its Germany Home
Dear Aurovillians and visitors,
I am Wiebke from Germany and am looking for somebody flying
to Germany this summer, as an Indian puppy desperately needs
a flight companion for his journey to his family.
The Flight companion would not have much more to do than to
sign for beeing the companion at the checkin. At the airport in
India (Bangalore would be best, Chennai possible) my friend
would manage everything and in Gemany (any airport) me. The
dog would travel in his box in the cargo compartment. The only
important thing would be, that it is a direct flight. We could
offer the flight companion a compensation for the help.
We would be very glad for your help.
Please contact me under wmollenhauer@gmx.de
Warm greetings, Wiebke
Glasses (Lost): Hello, I lost my power glasses on Saturday
A bunch of 5/6 keys (Lost): Lost in Town Hall on Monday
28th. They are black and the brand is Ray Ban. The frame is a
bit scratched. If you found them please let me know:
missacattani@gmail.com/ 9790836949, Sarah
30th of May. Please bring back to the News&Notes Office,
thank you!
A blue-green coloured strap with one key (Lost): On
my trips that I use for my blog, so I would be really happy to
get it back... Please contact Santiago at 9159736581
the road between Solar Kitchen and Town Hall. You may keep
the strap, with my thanks. I would like to have the key.
Patricia, Creativity, pat@auroville.org.in, 984 312 4305
Room Available in Muyarchi
Dear All, Muyarchi (Surrender community) is a common house
for Youth people in Auroville. We have now an available room
for a person, Newcomer or Aurovillian, between the ages of 22
to 34 to live with us as soon as possible. For more details
please send an email to muyarchilist@auroville.org. Warmly,
Muyarchi members (Sara, Kiran, Nitin, Auroanand, Rani,
Chandana and Margaux)
Small Free Standing House Available
In the greenbelt for one or two persons. Long term availability,
1 to 2 years. Newcomers or long-term volunteers/guests
welcome. For more details please email tine@auroville.org.in
or call 0413 290 96 19. Thank you !
House Sitting 1
Clean and well organized Swiss Family ( 2 adults, one child) is
looking for a house-sitting until middle of August. Please
contact us at info@feeltheplanet.com.
Thank you, Jan, Ilaria and India Melody
[Type text] [Type text]
Small Green Notepad (Lost): It contains the notes about
House Sitting 2
We are Morten and Rochssana, 2 long term traveler from
Germany, currently in Pondicherry. We are 31 and 29 years old
and we have been traveling for the last 5 years. We have been
to South America for 2 years, hitchhiking around from the very
south of Patagonia to the Caribbean beaches in the north.
After that we hitchhiked from Germany to India crossing
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. By now we have spent already 8
months in India.
Now we would like to experience the life in Auroville and get a
feeling of the inspirational place. We are interested in the way
the community manages its daily routine.
We are interested in house sitting for a period of some 4 to 6
weeks. Of course we can take care of pets as well.
Our phone number is: 8108 3733 56
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
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June 7th: A friend is going to the Chennai airport on 7th
Taxi Sharing - Flexible date from June 20 to July 4:
June. Taxi will leave Pondicherry/Auroville around 10~10.30 in
the morning. Only one person is travelling. Taxi will be
returning empty on the same day anytime between 1.30~6 pm
Please call/message 9360308009 if wish to share on either way.
Eric (Courage)
I am looking to share from Auroville to Chennai airport.
Flexible date from June 20 to July 4. Please write to
astgat@gmail.comor call me at +919047244773. Thank you,
Gardener Position
unique effort we have built partnership with German
universities of Applied Sciences and conducting one year
preparatory courses for studying in Germany. These courses
include German language courses.
for AuroCreation office, International zone.
Half day work in the mornings for 3 days a week.
Contact: Sudha 0413-2622411
At YouthLink
YouthLink has part/full maintenances for Auroville youth and
in-kind stipends for Aspiring Auroville youth, age 18-35, who
would like to join and support our initiatives from June 2016.
Please contact us at youth@auroville.org.in if interested. Info
about our work on: www.youthlink.org.in.
Auroville Institute of Applied Technology-ITI (Private) is a
unique innovative Industrial Training Institute affiliated to
the Central Govt. (NCVT) and a unit of Auroville Village Action
Trust located in the Village Irumbai. AIAT is serving the
community by providing high quality skill training of 2 years
duration to the youth of the Bioregion incl. Aurovilians. In a
AIAT has the following work opportunities for Aurovilians or
newcomers (Tamil speakers)
 a Principal with a min. qualification Master degree in
Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. We are looking for an
outstanding experienced personality (also retired) in leading
ship, management and modern pedagogic
 a Marketing executive with experience in marketing incl.
webpage design and maintenance and in applying social and
communication medias in marketing.
Please contact:
Phone: 9443238303, or e-mail:
Principal.aiat@auroville.org.in or lavkamad@auroville.org.in
See our Website: www.aiat.in
Sports Summer Coaching Camps
AVSRC will be conducting summer coaching camps in:
basketball and Volleyball from the 3rd June to 20th June
2016 at New Creation Sports Ground.
The coaches are from the Tamil Nadu Sports Development
Authority based in Chennai.
All those interested in participating in these camps, please
contact the following persons for details:
- Mr. Jothi for basketball: 8098262228
- Mr. Senthil for Volleyball: 8940519007
- or email to : jothi@auroville.org.in
from existing volleyball players in each of the 18 villages.
Referees from outside will be used, all finalists will receive a
certificate and there will be prizes for volleyball 1st and 2nd
place and winners of Athletics individual events.
This event will give Auroville a rich opportunity to fostering
connection and friendships with local youth that has the
potential of further co-creative initiatives. The organisers also
values the potential of sports to role model positive lifestyle
and profile youth, as champions of change, interested in health
and well-being rather than practices that can lead to social
disharmony such as alcohol consumption.
Thank you,
Those from Auroville who would like to be involved should
contact jyotimadhok@auroville.org.in at the Auroville Resource
Centre and village participants should contact Auroville Village
Action Office in Irumbai. avagoffice@auroville.org.in.
Athletics and Volleyball Event
Please come to the events:
Development through Sports
neighbouring villages
- Auroville and the
The Auroville Sports Resource Centre has teamed up with
Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG), Dehashakti team and
the Paalam Network (AVAG/youth network from 18 villages
surrounding Auroville), to create a sports event that maybe the
starting point of more concentrated development of sports in
the Auroville bio-region.
The June competition will take place at Dehashakti and the
Sports Resource Centre, New Creation and will concentrate on
Athletics and Volleyball in the categories 1) Girls 2) Junior men
3) Senior men. There have been internal matches at village
level as a run up to the event for selecting the best people and
Paalam members have been responsible to select one team
- Sunday, June 5th and 12th at Dehashakti
- Sunday, June 19th and 26th at Sports Resource
from 7.30am to 11.30am and afternoon 3.30pm to
In an effort of care for the environment, we ask that no plastic
be used inside or outside the ground, bins will be provided as
will drinking water.
“Perfection is the true aim of all culture, the spiritual and
psychic, the mental, the vital - and it must be the aim of our
physical culture also. If our seeking is for a total perfection of
the being, the physical part of it cannot be left aside; for the
body is the material basis, the body is the instrument which
we have to use.” Sri Aurobindo.
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Latest News from the Travel Shop – located at
Inside India in Auroshilpam.
We are open from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00,
Monday to Saturday
Latest Offers from Airlines:
 Lufthansa announced special promotional economy class
fares from India to Europe and North America.
 Emirates has special fares to Europe & North America.
 Qatar, Etihad & Oman Airways all have special fares to
Insurance: We highly recommend to avail of a Travel Insurance
for all foreign travels.
Please ensure that you have all the required travel documents
for your entire journey, i.e.valid passport & necessary visas
that you have had the recommended inoculations for your
You can check with us in advance if flight schedules have
 International Flight Tickets / International Hotel booking 0413 -2622078, travelshop@auroville.org.in,
 Domestic Flight Tickets / Trains / Bus / Travel Insurance 0413 -2622604 / 2623030, domestic@inside-india.com,
 Tours
Well Café reopens!
Naturellement Garden Café Summer Break
Dear all.
Well Café will reopen on Monday 6/6/16.
Hope to see you soon.
With love.
Well Café team!!!
Summer is here, like every year we will be closed from
Wednesday 1st of June and will keep you updated on the
reopening. During this break we will upgrade the premises as
well as the menu.
Have a nice summer!
Garden Café team
Amazing Mangoes
- make use of the season!
Mangoes, mangoes everywhere – this season has brought a
record harvest! Mango is among the few foods in which
Auroville is self-sufficient, in fact we usually have an excess as
its season coincides with summer holidays, with many of us
being TOS.
Therefore a number of Auroville’s mango orchards are regularly
leased out to contractors. And FoodLink has had to limit the
quantities they can take in from the Farms due to over-supply.
Some facts worth knowing:
Super-food & healing properties: Mangos are extremely rich in
protective & health-enhancing nutrients. They boost and
balance cellular function throughout the body; or in Ayurvedic
language, they nourish all the body tissues, or dhatus!
Recent research has found that eating mangoes daily can help
diabetes (type 2) by moderating & even lowering blood sugar
levels, despite the fruit’s natural sweetness. Mangoes
counteract inflammation, high cholesterol & blood pressure,
and various metabolic diseases, even certain cancers. Vitamin
content depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit:
Green mangoes have more vitamin C; as they ripen they
become richer in beta carotene (vitamin A).
Other actions of the ripe fruit are anti-asthmatic, antiseptic,
antiviral, anti-oxidant, cardiotonic, laxative, diuretic etc.
Green mangoes cool the body, protect the liver (bile), help the
digestive system, and cure morning sickness, piles & more.
Every part of the mango tree is beneficial; traditional medicine
uses the bark, leaves, flowers, skin, seed & seed kernel in
various forms as treatments or preventatives.
Rich diversity:
Today there are at least 500 varieties of mango known in India,
where the fruit - once a privilege of rajas and nobles - has
been cultivated since some 6000 years. In fact, its English
name is derived from Tamil ‘Mangai’. - Commercial varieties
available today are only a small fraction of the original
Auroville has a good number of varieties, which peak at
different times. Some of the most common are:
- Rumani or ‘Apple Mango’ (rich in taste and thin-skinned)
- Banganapalli (a large yellow ‘premium’ type),
- Ottu (large, pastel- coloured, ideal for processing)
- Sendura (sweet with purple-red skin)
- Neelam (juicy orange flesh, can be sucked when fully ripe)
This list is by no means complete and if you visit a farm such as
AuroOrchard, you will be amazed at the multitude of tastes,
shapes and colours! By the way, the red cheeks of many
Auroville mangoes are due to the iron in our soil.
Mangoes and body heat:
An often-heard concern is that eating too many mangoes
increases body heat, which can result in prickly heat and other
unpleasant consequences. Here is how to avoid this drawback:
Place the mangoes in a bucket of water for a few hours before
eating – you will notice the difference!
A delicious cooling summer drink: Green Mango Juice
How to make it:
1. Rinse the green (unripe) mangoes in water.
2. Steam them until they are soft and pulpy.
3. Remove the peel and take out the mango pulp (you
may be able to squeeze it out).
4. Add cardamom powder, cumin powder, salt or black
salt, and jaggery to taste.
5. Mix the ingredients or blend to make it smooth. This
can be kept in the fridge for several days.
6. Add water and serve as a delicious, cooling drink!
Submitted by AV Green Center – avgreencenter@auroville.orgin
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
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La lluvia acaricia mi piel
Bailo debajo del neem desnuda
Dónde está la voz de los pájaros ?
The rain caressing my skin
I dance naked under the neem
Where is the birds voice?
Anandi (Realization)
Luise Hansen
Luise is a beautiful story. Just as sunflower turns to the sun, similarly, she found her source and support, her inspiration in Sri Aurobindo
and the Mother in Puducherry in her youth. Thence emerges a generous collaboration. Moreover, she was grateful for the opportunity to
Mauna first put me and my then colleague Guy (Guy Reckaert) in touch with her in 1999 or so. Over the years, she remained one of the
biggest donors towards securing the unified base of Auroville. When I met her last in Aurelio’s company at the Town Hall about 3 or 4
years ago, she told me, "I am grateful to be able to contribute."
You - Aurelio - did a wonderful job as Luise's contact person, friend, companion and liaison in and out of Auroville. Thank you. Thank
you also for the brief life-sketch of Luise that you have provided on Intranet and in News & Notes. The photograph you have posted
captures very well that playful sportive spirit you speak about.
Luise, Very Happy Journey ahead….a Marvellous Adventure of Consciousness ...all the way to the New World.
Luminous Peace
Roundabout – Basic Principle for Best Development
Thanks very much to Alain Grandcolas, Jacques and all others from the Road Service who worked for building the Roundabout at Solar
Kitchen junction. Thanks also to RAS for inviting proposal of what could be there in the space created by the Roundabout. I know it is
rather late to make new proposal. However, whatever comes to be installed is going to be of lasting nature. Hence, it is advisable that
we do not hurry in this matter.
Before I go into actual proposal, let us first understand the function of principle in any development or activity.
Even the very word the ‘Mother’ is based on certain principle as Mother herself elucidates in following extract:
“So in this park, I saw the “Pavilion of Love”. But I dislike this word, for man has turned it into something grotesque; I am speaking of
the principle of Divine Love. But that has changed: it will be “The Pavilion of the Mother”, but not this (Mother points to herself) — the
Mother, the true Mother, the principle of the Mother. I say “Mother” because Sri Aurobindo used that word, otherwise I would have put
something else, I would have put “creative principle” or “principle of realisation” or—I do not know….” (Ref: The Mother on Auroville,
So what could be the principle behind the best possible development of the space created by roundabout at SK. In one of his small
books, Sri Aurobindo writes that human nature as it is easily forgets the lessons it learns and “recuperates and recovers the instincts
that were temporarily dominated.”
“…even the opening of the eyes to reason by the practical fact of the waste of human life and energy and the harm and extravagance
are not permanent factors; they last only while the lesson is fresh. Afterwards, there is forgetfulness; human nature recuperates
itself and recovers the instincts that were temporarily dominated.” War and Self Determination, Passing of the War, p.611)
This applies not just to establishment of a happy and luminous order in human life but to all endeavours of idealistic or utopian nature.
Hundreds of communities around the world with some high purpose, a noble intention and goal have been founded and then failed
because human mind forgets and “human nature recuperates itself and recovers the instincts that were temporarily dominated”.
Auroville too has been founded with a conscious intention, an evolutionary orientation, a lofty goal and divine purpose, a noble
aspiration and splendid vision. People who live here or come to live here are more or less aware of this. However, our nature is
basically same as everywhere else. We can replace the word “lesson” in above sentence with words ‘gusto” and “keenness” and say
“Enthusiasm for a high and noble vision, idealism for a great undertaking last only while the gusto or keenness is fresh”.
What could be the remedy (or remedies)? One of these could be that the space created by the roundabout could be so utilized that it
serves to remind, to bring to attention and awareness something fundamental that makes Auroville Auroville – “the future of the world”
as J.R.D. Tata said during his last visit in 1993.
Thus, the principle for the development of the roundabout emerges: To develop the solar kitchen roundabout in such a way that it
serves to remind, to recall, to inspire, to enlarge, to deepen, to broaden, to heighten our and all passersby’s understanding and vision
of Auroville.
To use this important junction at SK to remind ourselves and to train our imagination with those 15 attributes ascribed to Auroville by
the Mother. These are :
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Spiritual beauty of Auroville
Ideal of Auroville
Beauty of Auroville
Charm of Auroville
Blossoming of Auroville
Concentration of Auroville
Progress of Auroville
Manifold power of Auroville
Firmness of Auroville
Usefulness of Auroville
Realisation of Auroville
Sweetness of Auroville
Effort of Auroville
Success of Auroville
Air of Auroville
How practically to go about it: There can be a 12 meter high revolving 15 dimensional object which
mentions 15 attributes of Auroville in English, French, Tamil and Sanskrit in 15 colours and
corresponding pictures of Auroville projects or life or paintings with corresponding Hibiscus in the
background. Of course, there can be a small tiny garden in the centre and a flowing water on the
This will serve as silent sentinel for future evolution of Auroville in right direction.
(Abridged. For complete article, please refer to Intranet post dt. 20 May or write to
A Wandering Samurai
“Samurai journey. Walk tall, speak little, bend like bamboo”- (in Marti’s book “Japan Haiku”, Auroville publishing, 2005, p.35).
The Mother lived in Japan for four years. She liked the country, people, culture. Now in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram the Mother’s museum
is not far from the Samadhi but it is difficult to find it for the first time. It opens every day (not in the holidays) from 9 to11 a.m. I like
to visit the museum, often with the Auroville’s guests. There is a room in the museum full of the Japanese things. Some of them the
Mother brought with her, other ones were presented by the guests from Japan. If I enter in the room I feel me as a wandering samurai
in the journey.
This year I arrived in the Auroville Nature Camp together with the second group on 12 May. But it seemed to me that I reached Japan. I
asked the caretaker Arumugam: what happened in the camp? He answered: “Swaha made the Japanese garden”. In this life she is a
teacher of the Transition School, a French but in the previous incarnation Swaha was Japanese and the Mother told her: “Do the
Japanese garden in Auroville Camp in the May 2016”. Swaha said in the French: “Pas de problème” – no problem.
Swaha didn’t use money for the Japanese garden in the camp, therefore it has a miraculous power. Near the Japanese garden the
children are becoming indigo – superchildren. The Auroville Botanical Garden wants to do its own Japanese garden but using money.
Money kills nature. For the samurai there is a new “bucido”–codex of honesty: help the Nature, fighting against the corruption, money
and greed. All samurais of Japan gathered and decided: the International Net of the Japanese Gardens shall be, and Swaha will be the
President of the Net.
Personal Reflections
One thing appears to me, as an evidence: whoever is coming to Auroville is entering into the body of Auroville, that is to say, in to a
special atmosphere, by the presence of a Higher Consciousness, and we are, and the world, all in it. But becoming aware of it, it is our
collective endeavour. We know that our being has plenty difficulties or defects to overcome, also our collective body, but it should
become conscious, that we are one, and work on all which divide us, so the New Force will act for a collective change.
Auroville is on the move, are we aware where it is going?
A thought:
Everything seems to satisfy most of the people in their mind, exhibitions, schools open doors, administrations and a lot of
diverse activities, no doubt full of good will, but to do good the whole world has tried to do so.
Auroville follows its trend but the come out, is more in the individual or group mind, facing the quotidian. Everything become, it seems,
the personal concern of groups, so there will be as much groups to regroup all Auroville and by the fact, one group.
Behind the overall reality there is a Smile that is to say Eternal, who sees all this ephemera, as childish play. Is it not, I believe, what is
deep inside, what is eternal should be pursue, in order to prepare ourselves, not to work for the present, but for this future, full
of marvellous discoveries?
If we had strongly in mind that Auroville town will be 50000 people, (even if it takes centuries) what work should we do to keep the
Auroville development on this line? Humbly first, I will say, to become conscious, of the divine Will, but it may take more life.
Thank you – and a request from Shanti
I am sending immense gratitude to all who have contributed to my time at PIMS hospital where I had hip replacement surgery and to all
those who are continuing to support my recovery at home in Creativity community. I was astounded that so many people came to be
with me in PIMS and I am very touched by all the love and care that has come to me. I am especially grateful to L'aura for coming with
me to PIMS the first night and for all the work she did to get a roster of hospital attendants started. (If you have left food boxes or
anything else in the hospital they are ready to be picked up here at Creativity.)
Much gratitude also to Friederike and Mechtilde, Manfred and Girija, and all the people in Health Services who are continuing to support
me. Since I came from the hospital I have an amma with me every night. Although I am getting better at walking with a walker and
need to practice it many times a day, until June 27th when I return to the hospital for the next x-ray, I cannot do anything requiring
movement alone -- not even get in or out of bed -- as my legs have to be tied to a stiff A-frame pillow first.
So here is my request: If you have already enjoyed spending time with me, or you have meant to come see me but haven't yet, or if you
just want to get to know who is American Shanti, and you have some time in June please call me directly. I am in my own room now,
phone 0413-2623314. I also have a borrowed cell phone for sms possibility 9943122894. Or email me at shanti@auroville.org.in. Every
day people are needed to be with me from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Let me know what you can do and I will fit
you in. This week is full until this Saturday morning, June 4th, at 8 a.m.
with deep gratitude for all your support,
Anand Shanti - Creativity community (apt. above the guesthouse, room two on the left, my name on the door)
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Meditation with Savitri read by Mother to Sunil's music
Every Thursday at sunset
From 6.00 to 6.30 pm (weather permitting)
Enjoy the beautiful open space, an immense sunset, heavenly music in the very center of Auroville!
Reminder to all:
The Park of Unity is a place for silence, meditation and inner work and is to be used only as such. We request everyone: please do not
to use cameras, I-pads, cell phones, etc.
Dear Guests, please carry your Guest Card with you – No photos there.
Access only for the Amphitheatre from 5.45 to 6.30 pm.
Please be seated by 5.55 pm
on Sunday June 5th - 6.30 to 7.30 pm (weather permitting…)
we will sing Mother’s mantra “Om Namo Bhagavaté”
with Joy and Jivatman (guitar) to guide the chanting
Everyone is welcome to join chanting or just be…
Please take your torch light for the steps.
No photos please. Dear Guests, please carry your Aurocard and note
that the gardens will be open only for this moment at the amphitheatre.
Amphitheatre Team
T A L K S ,
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research
“Living Within” Study Camp
June 2016 (16th-19st)
Realisations of the Rishis:
Isha Upanishad and The Life Divine
Camp fees Rs. 4000 (including food and stay at SACAR)
Non-residents: Rs. 2800 (including food)
Workshop on
June 2016 (21st-22nd)
Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl
and Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
Fee: Rs.1500 (+58 for bank commission)
Venue: SACAR, 39, Vanniar Street, Puducherry
For Registration please contact: sacarstudycamps@gmail.com
9994190403, 7639920796
Fee is non-refundable
Participants may choose to come of selected days for the camp also
All are Welcome
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
C L A S S E S ,
Dear All, the aquagym class (every Thursday) at La Piscine is
suspended, the class will resume Thursday, July 7th from 4 to 5
There will be no spontaneous singing on Wednesday 8th of
Next workshop will occur on 15th of June
Antoine (8940740529 – antoine.colombani.33@gmail.com)
Aurovilians, Newcomers and Volunteers are invited to sessions
at Creativity's community library room for listening, speaking,
reading and writing in an interactive group.
We start at 4:00 and end after 5:45 p.m. each Tuesday.
We often use the orange-coloured booklet AUROVILLE AIMS
AND IDEALS, available from the information desk of Visitor's
Centre, Rs.30.
You are welcome to come see if this class suits you.
Patricia pat@auroville.org.in
Practice in June 2016
1st-4th: Every day 7.30am
8th, Wednesday: 127 form
11th, Saturday: 127 form
15th, Wednesday: 127 form
18th, Saturday: 127 form
20th-30th: Every day 7.30am, except Sunday (26th)
Sunday 5th of June - 5 pm at Savitri Bhavan
A Body Prayer
in a Tai- Chi Form
based on
Mother’s Mudras.
Facilitator: Anandi
All are welcome!
We will restart in the beginning of July. Enjoy the summer with
its nice rains... and welcome to all early July. For more
budokan@auroville.org.in - Surya, Cristo, N. Murugan
All welcome, beginners and non-beginners alike!
Wednesdays in June (**except June 8th!)
Please call and register (for more information and venue).
L'aura: 9442788016
Introduction to Nonviolent Communication
with L’aura Joy, CNVC Certified Trainer
Do you long for more joy, authenticity and depth when
connecting with yourself and others?
Do you wonder what gets in the way of connecting and relating
the way you truly want?
 Sat, June 11
 9.30am-5pm (with lunch break)
More info & register (and for venue info):
contact L’aura: joylivinglearning@gmail.com, 9442788016
A path of Nonviolence (based on Nonviolent Communication,
NVC) offers both a deeply-rooted consciousness of oneness, as
well as very practical tools to live this more and more in our
daily lives. In re-evaluating some of our habitual and
conditioned thinking, we see how much of it is life-alienating
and based on a culture of scarcity and separation. We’ll learn
the skills to be able express ourselves with more clarity and to
hear others’ true (and harmless) message, which in turn leads
to more connection between us. When we’re connected as
human beings, we’re in our natural state of wanting to give
and collaborate with others.
SESSSION – IN FRENCH ONLY by popular demand !
La communication nonviolente en FRANÇAIS!
Une introduction avec L'aura Joy, aurovilienne et formatrice
CNV certifiée
Plusieurs personnes m'ont demandé d'offrir la CNV en français,
alors voilà!
Samedi, le 18 juin 2016, de 9h30 à 17h (avec une pause pour le
Pour plus d'informations et pour s'inscrire, contacter :
L'aura: joylivinglearning@gmail.com, 9442788016
S C H E D U L E S ( J U N E )
 Vérité is closed for the month of June
 Pitanga is also closed for the month of June
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
June 2016
Sri Aurobindo – A Life-Sketch in Photographs
in the upstairs corridor
Glimpses of the Mother
in the Hall
Mondays 6.30pm
June 20 : The Genius of India
This film is based on Sri Aurobindo’s “The Renaissance in India” and
was made by the Auroville Press team. Duration: 28min.
June 27 : Meditations on Savitri – Book 10: Cantos 1-4
A film by Manohar of Huta’s paintings illustrating passages from Savitri read by
the Mother and accompanied by her own organ music. Duration: 50min.
Regular activities
During this month Dr. Ananda Reddy will not be holding his Monday evening class on the Isha Upanishad
The Tuesday morning workshops on Integral Yoga led by Ashesh Joshi will be suspended until June 21
The Om Choir will resume from June 21st
Sundays 10.30–12 noon: Savitri Study Circle
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 7-8 am: Chanting Sanskrit Hymns in the Hall
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays 3-4 pm: Yoga and the Evolution of Man, led by Dr. Jai Singh
Tuesdays 5-6pm: Let us learn Savitri together, led by Buvana in Tamil
Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays 4-5pm: L’Agenda de Mère: listening to recordings with Gangalakshmi
Wednesdays 5.30-6.30 pm: Reading The Life Divine, led by Shraddhavan
Thursdays 4-5 pm: The English of Savitri, led by Shraddhavan
Fridays 5.30-6.30pm: Meditations with Sri Aurobindo’s Hymns to the Mystic Fire, led by Nishtha
Saturdays 5-6.30 pm: Satsang led by Larry Seidlitz
Full Moon Gathering
Monday 20, 7.15-8.15 pm in front of Sri Aurobindo’s statue
The Library and Digital Library have been moved to the Main building
The Reading Room functions Monday to Friday 9-4.30
The Digital Library can be accessed Monday to Friday 9-12.30 on request
Exhibitions, Main building and Office will remain open Monday to Saturday 9-5
Everyone is welcome
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News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
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 Quiet Healing Center is closed for the month of June
Phone : 0413-2623799
Website : www.arka.org.in
Body Logic, Soft Massage And
Deep Tissue Massage
PEPE by appointment 9943410987
Monday to Saturday
Holistic Reflexology,Full body
massage,Face Massage,
MEHA by appointment 9443635114
Monday to Saturday
Yogic Healing
Therapeutic Massage
BASU - by appointment
Monday to Friday 8 to 9:30 am
& 6:00 to 7:30 pm.
Saturday & Sunday any time.
Deep core massage
SUMIT by appointment
Monday to Saturday
Face Massage,Cleaning, manicure,
pedicure, threading, waxing, henna &
hair coloring.
MEHA by appointment 9443635114
Monday to Saturday
Hair dressing
YUVAL appointment 7639291546
Monday to friday
Light Gymnastics class for
people,but all are welcomed
AcroYoga for beginners
Partner flow - warming up with asanas
and stretching with a partner.
Inversions - flying to build trust between
the partners.
Friederike: 99 43 24 73 26
Wednesday 10 :00 am to
11:00 am
Damien 90 47 72 27 40
Facebook: Acroyoga Auroville
Saturday 8:30 am - 10 am
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Bamboo Centre Training Program for June – 2016
Auroville Bamboo Centre runs many workshops throughout the year for visitors who book
and pay for the courses. We do have various conditions that we hope you’ll understand and
agree to.
The importance of Bamboo as an Eco-friendly raw material
capable of meeting many needs and is gaining global
acceptance among many people.
Being a natural gift to mankind, bamboo is very popular due to
its multipurpose use, fast growth, easy propagation, soil
binding properties and short gestation period.
Each program will consist of learning inputs: theory,
instruction, demonstration, and practical work.
The Auroville Bamboo Centre offers training to individuals
and groups in:
Bamboo & Wood Furniture Experience
(Contemporary, Classic style and exposure visit)
8th of June to 11th of June (-4 days )
27th of June to 30th of June (-4 days )
Bamboo Construction Experience
(Immersion in contemporary and classic architecture and
exposure visit)
14th of June to 18th of June (-5 days )
Bamboo Jewelry
Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday of June -9.30am to 12.30pm
Bamboo Toys
Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday of June -9.30am to 12.30pm
Bamboo Musical Instruments
Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday of June -9.30am to 12.30pm
Bamboo Carving
Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday of June -9.30am to 12.30pm
Flexible training dates offered to groups
Contact: 0413-2623806, 2623394
Auroville Bioregion Experience Program for June 2016
Village Tour
Saturday 04/06, Sunday 12/06, Saturday 18/06, Sunday 26/06
Meeting Point is the Lively Boutique, Kotakkarai plaza at 9.30 am
(please bring your bike)
Come and enjoy the authentic village experience and celebrate
cultural heritage!
Cook like a local (Traditional)
Saturdays: 04/06, 11/06, 18/06, and 25/06
Learn to make delicious local dishes and learn how to make
flower drawing (Kolam).
Meeting Point is the Lively Boutique, Kotakkarai plaza at 9.30 am
(please bring your bike). We will finish around 1:00 pm
Cultural & Spiritual Experience
Irumbai Legend Shiva temple Visit
Time: 11am to 12.30pm & 3.30pm - 5.00pm (Please bring your
own vehicle)
Date: Every Monday & Saturday
Marbling & Lampshade Hands on Experience
Come and learn, and take one lampshade with you made out of
Timing: Every Thursday & Saturday Month of June
from 02.00 pm to 04.30 pm
Pottery Ceramic Hands on Experience
Come & learn How to create your own pot
Timing: Every Wednesday & Saturday Month of June
from 10.00am to 12.30pm & 02.00 pm to 04.30 pm
AV-Bioregion Tour
Date: Every Saturday, June 2016
Time: 12pm till 6.30pm
Meeting point: 11.45am at Lively Boutique, Kotakkarai Plaza
 Begin in Munnur (Pottery Village)
• Enjoy lunch with a village family
• Discover the village of Munnur with ancient temple
• Visit a traditional family of potters who will demonstrate
their craft
• Finish the day climbing the rocks to Perumukkal’s12thCentury temple and an opportunity to meditate while the sun
sets over the magnificent Kaluveli landscape.
Tour will only take place once a minimum of 5 bookings has been
received. We aim to run this tour every Saturday, depending on
number of bookings received.
Transportation will be arranged according to the number of
Contributions requested from guests/Volunteers, Volunteer
reduction by advance application only.
Please register for all the programs in advance by contacting:
0413 2623806, 2623394, or Mohanamprogram@auroville.org.in
Please visit: www.mohanam.org
or www.harmonyvillagepromenade.weebly.com
Give Time a Break: Discover Village Life!
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Note from the editors
The Regular Events column is published once a month.
Guest-houses are kindly requested to put this page up on their notice boards.
Kindly inform us of any changes/cancellation in your regular event
The next “regular events” schedule will be published on: On July 2nd, 2016
Online Auroville Events Calendar
The schedule of events for the week can be accessed by all, including Guests and visitors, on the Auronet login page: www.auroville.org.in
(no need to log in!)
AcroYoga for beginners Partner flow - warming up with asanas and
stretching with a partner. Inversions - flying to build trust
between the partners.Saturday 8:30 am - 10 am at Arka. Damien
90 47 72 27 40. Facebook: Acroyoga Auroville
African Drumming Sessions: The African Pavilion Team is happy to
announce a series of drumming sessions that will take place every
Thursday from 5,30 pm till 7,30 pm in the African Pavilion to fund
raise the ongoing construction. Help support the project joining
the drumming circle around an inspiring fire. Enjoy the beat!
Aikido – HOLIDAYS IN JUNE! No Aikido classes at the Auroville
Budokan (Dehashakti) during the month of June. All classes will
resume early July. Please check the News and Notes at the end of
budokan@auroville.org.in – Wishing all a happy summer!
Alcoholics Anonymous: meeting (open) every Saturday 6pm,
Centre Guesthouse (Merriam Hill Centre). Contact: Ingrid
9443843976 or Shankar 9442010573.
Argentine Tango: Mondays: Beginners' class 6.00pm to 7.00pm and
intermediates 7 to 8pm@ New Creation Sports Resource Center,
Kuilapalayam. Wednesdays: Practica (tango dance space open to
all) 7.30pm @ Sawchu, Bharat Nivas. Fridays: 'An hour to study'
8.00pm @ Naturellement. For milongas or further information
please contact: tango@auroville.org.in Bring socks or danceshoes.
Art Corner: Open community art space with different themes and
experiments each week. With one special request we realized this
space is ideal for sending positive messages to anyone in need,
please contact us with requests in advance. Tuesdays from 6 to 9
pm, upstairs at Le Zephyr café in Visitor’s Center. Fridays from 4
to 6 pm, at the Art Cart, parked on the Visitor’s Center stage. We
occasionally move the cart elsewhere for events, please follow our
FB page for updates: www.facebook.com/sankalpajourneys or
email sankalpa.art@gmail.com.
Astrology, its holistic approach: Astrological Chart by Uma
Giménez. You are welcome to call and fix an appointment at 04132623080 or 9443697972 (Surrender). The reading can be held in
English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Authentic Tamil culture: Meena, a Tamil Aurovilian, offers courses
every Sunday morning to explore the beauty of the authentic
Tamil Culture. Meeting point: Courage Gate. The course can be
tailored to your choice including: 1. Cooking lessons, 2. How to
make kolam, 3. How to wear a sari, 4. Henna design on hands and
feet, 5. How to make flower garlands 6. Tailoring. If you are
interested, please call Meena to talk about the details of your class
and fix the time. During the day call: 9787702180, after 5 pm you
may use the landline: 0413 2623263.
Capoeira (Ginga Saroba Group): Join our Capoeira family! Classes
open to all levels, led by Prof. Samuka da Índia and his students
● ADULTS >> Monday: 5.15 PM - Bharat Nivas (Sawchu) | Tuesday
& Thursday: 6.00 PM - Deepanam | Wednesday & Friday: 7.00 AM Town Hall (Plaza)
● KIDS >> Monday & Friday: 1.15 PM - Deepanam School - Contact
us prior bringing a new kid
● CONTACT >> 9488328435 (Prof. Samuka) | info@gingasaroba.com | www.ginga-saroba.com
Capoeira (Grupo Gingado Capoeira): Monday 7-8:30pm @ New
Creation dance studio. Wednesday 6-7:30pm @ Bamboo Farm (near
Imagination) .Friday 6-7:30 @ New Creation dance studio
Saturday 4:30-5:30 Music Class @ Bamboo Farm (near Imagination)
Classes led by Instructor Camaleao (Jeremy) with over 20 years of
Capoeira experience.
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info@gingadocapoeira.in .Axe!
Clay classes for children and adults with Saraswati and Anna.
Please mail to aurokatrusya@gmail.com for details. Regards
Saraswati 9787571633
Drawing: Every Tuesday in Creativities Atelier/Studio is an open
studio focused on drawing. Help is there if you want it 2-4:30.
From 5-7 is figure drawing. All materials provided for both.
Eco Femme Visit: Open hour at Eco Femme! Every Thursday from
10:30 to 11:30am. All are welcome to join us for a weekly
discussion: on menstruation and the environment, Eco Femme's
work, eco-friendly menstrual products, how we related to
menstruation world-wide. We are located in Saracon Campus
(opposite Svaram Workshop, and near Ganesh Bakery and HERS).
+91 9487179556 / info@ecofemme.org
Expressions of Bharatanatyam: A regular class now open to all.
Offered by Neela Bhaskar, volunteer in Auroville and dancer with
16 years of experience, from Chennai. Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30
pm with Neela. See updates from Sankalpa Art Center at the
International Zone (just behind Pavilion of Tibetan Culture)on our
Feminine dance: Tuesdays at 4:00 at Cripa hall (in Kalabumi).
Feminine Dance has historically been a mystical art, a dynamic
method to experience the energies of the Universe. We will create
an opportunity to reconnect joyfully to our body, reawaken the
flow of feminine energy, move to the living pulse of life and have
fun in the loving presence of other women. Bring comfortable
dance clothes. A flowing skirt and hip scarf are helpful.
Flamenco In Cripa Every Wednesday: From 3:15 to 4:45 pm. We
will practice the flamenco position and attitude for dancing, the
movements of hands, arms, body, legs and foot. We will listen to
flamenco music to understand the roots of this dance. We will
create a flamenco choreography. Come and enjoy with us,
Flamenco team.
Foot reflexology: A massage that applies pressure to the feet with
the thumb, fingers, and hand techniques. Approx. 60 min. Call
9843948288 or email vikram@auroville.org.in for an appointment.
French classes at Savitri Bhavan, House of Mother’s Agenda:
French classes at House of Mother’s Agenda, every Monday and
Friday from 5 pm to 6 pm.
From the Food Lab: Horizon. (In front of Sve-dame).
Mon.,Tues.,Thurs. 4.00 to 6.00pm. Call Lorenzo before coming at
09443362274. All relevant information about the after effects of
food on your body for e.g. allergies, intolerance, chronic
pathology. Homeopathic Immunopharmacology is available.
Improvisation Theatre Workshop: Our training program is
dedicated to surveying the breadth of theatre improv and
providing a transformative experience that will empower you to
explore improv at whatever level of mastery to which you aspire.
For more information contact: Veronique J.(9488512678) or
Emanuele (9943970834). Fridays from 4.30-6 pm Venue:
Introduction to Sustainable Food Growing: Every Monday 10.00
am till lunch time in Buddha Garden. Contact Priya for more
details at priya@auroville.org.in or 94432 22653
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Leela, the Game of the Self Knowledge (a 2000 years old game!):
Come and play the Game of your Life! Sundays, 9.30am to 12.30
(above 15 years old), in SVEDAME, at the Butterfly Barn.
English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Russian versions all
Life Coaching: Using awareness, visualization & imagination
techniques, life coaching is very useful in period of changes and
doubts in order to get in contact with your intuitive self and find
the creative & dynamic thread of your life again. For appointment
vani@auroville.org.in /Reiki and Reflexology courses possible on
Mandala & Meditation: Join us for a simple collective mandala
creation with flowers, a brief reading from Savitri and meditation.
Please bring your enthusiasm and any flowers collected on the way
to our new art center for this unifying and creative experience.
Every day (Monday to Friday) from 7:15 to 8:15 am See updates
from Sankalpa Art Center at the International Zone (just behind
Meditation for Peace and Healing: Join us from 5:00 to 5:45pm
every Thursday around the Peace Table at the Unity Pavilion to
build and 'hold' a Collective Space for Healing and Peace. Please
offer your Presence to help in this collective experiment, whether
you need healing yourself or simply want to support others in their
healing and well-being.
Nada Yoga: Restarting on June 15th : Monday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
(for new students with appointment) / Tuesday 1.30 pm to 3:30 pm
/ Wednesday 1.30 pm to 3:30 pm - In Creativity hall of light. Nada
Yoga or Yoga of Sound teaches us to perceive sounds in different
parts of the body that are connected to the central energetic
channel. These ancient Yoga techniques re-align the energy flow
and give peace and quiet serenity. In addition to these techniques,
during the classes we will also learn many devotional songs.
Contact Hamsini: 9487544184. She has been a perpetual student of
Nada Yoga for 14 years and has been teaching it for 5 years.
For NVC (Nonviolent Communication) and RC (Restorative
Circles) in Auroville, please contact L'aura: 9442788016,
Odissi & Semi-Classical Bollywood Dance Class With Tejas:
Private Dance Classes at the Shakti Dance School in Felicity. Learn
grace, discipline, and the beautiful temple dance of east India.
+91-8489477222. tejas@shaktidancetroupe.com.
OM Choir: “The voice that chants to the creator Fire,/The
symbolled OM, the great assenting Word” Every Tuesday at Savitri
Bhavan, 5:45/6:00pm - and at the OM Choir in the Ashram School,
opposite the Ashram Entrance, Pondicherry, Fridays at 7:00pm.
Pilates with Savitri at New Creation Dance Studio on Mondays at
5pm, basic level on Tuesdays at 7.30am, intermediate level. on
Saturdays at 7.30 am, intermediate level
Pizzas Nights: The Youth Center welcomes you for delicious fresh
pizzas from a cyclone-wood-fired oven. Every Saturday evening
7:00pm onwards
Pregnancy Classes: We hold a space for pregnant mothers to share
information and work on reflecting on pregnancy and moving from
emotional blockages, getting advice to overcome difficulties, fears
& doubts about birth and bringing more joy into the birthing
journey. Time and place will be determined by mutual availability
of the pregnant mothers and Ally. For more information please
contact: ally@auroville.org.in. Allison
Psycho-spiritual work, tarot and other sessions: To bring more
clarity and freedom on life issues where there was confusion and
entanglement in order to allow new steps in life. Tarot,
deconditioning self-inquiry," inner personalities" discovery and
balancing , guided meditation and other tools...by Antarjyoti in
English or French, tel(land): 0413-262 37 67 or email:
Salsa in SAWCHU: Salsa dance class followed by practice. Every
Tuesday 6pm-8pm. SAWCHU in Bharat Nivas. Free and open to all
Aurovilians, Newcomers and Guests!
Satsang: a sharing for spiritual upliftment; Savitri Bhavan,
Saturdays 5-6:30 pm
Skyworks: Tree Climbing Workshops: Recreational tree climbing
workshops. You want the experience without learning all the knots?
The ropes are already positioned in the trees. The knots are tied
and tested before. You "hook on". After being fitted with your
"saddle" and some short instruction on safety and climbing
techniques, you are off and climbing! Call Satyaaji for conditions
and appointement 958 516 58 82. Thank you
South Indian Classical Dance (Bhratnatyam): Bhratnatyam dance
classes offer by Bhratnatyam Dance classes offered for
beginners. Weekly twice. The classes are offered for children
and adults. If you are interested please contact me after 4pm
on my mobile.S.Caveri:7598368514
Spanish Tertulia: A gathering for cultural exchange, every Friday
from 4pm to 6pm at La Terrace. We welcome anyone interested in
Spanish culture and those who practice colloquial language.
Spontaneous Singing: A moment for oneself, to experience and
explore this amazing spontaneous singing, to allow oneself to
express one’s creativity, to free one’s voice. No prerequisite, no
performance, all are welcome. Come and share: every Wednesday
(except on the 8th of June: cancelled), 5:00 to 6:30 PM, in
Creativity, Hall of light. Individual sessions are offered to those
who encounter difficulties to release their voice (it is not a singing
training but a place to help you express yourself).Antoine
(8940740529 – antoine.colombani.33@gmail.com
Sunday Chill @ AuroAnnam: Feeling the heat? Drop by our farm for
an evening of delicious food, god sent breeze, trees, hanging lights
and of course lovely music... Get instruments of any kind if you
want to kick start a jam session. CYA! Call: 8523915031 for
Réception francophone: Tous les mardis de 17:00 à 18:30 à La
Terrace, en haut de la Cuisine Solaire, Ananda et Michiko sont à la
disposition des visiteurs francophones qui voudraient poser des
questions sur Auroville. Les auroviliens et newcomers francophones
peuvent aussi participer.
Tamil Literary Classes and Craft Lessons: Ilaignarkal Education
Centre organizes Tamil Literary Classes every Thursday evening 5
pm-6 pm. Regular attendance is appreciated. Lectures by seasoned
professors in Tamil Literature, History and Culture are opened to
all Monday through Friday any time Also classes on languages,
sewing, drawing, painting and simple handicrafts for Auroville
workers and Aurovilians interested. Contact us to organize classes
according to your schedule. Phone No: (0413) 2623 773. Email:
tamil@auroville.org.in. R. Meenakshi ( Ilaignarkal Education
Tai Chi Hall @ Sharnga: For the month of June: 1st-4th: Every day
7.30am. 8th, Wednesday: 127 form. 11th, Saturday: 127 form.
15th, Wednesday: 127 form. 18th, Saturday: 127 form. 20th-30th:
Every day 7.30am, except Sunday (26th).
Ultimate Frisbee: Ultimate Frisbee: Every Monday at Certitude &
Wednesday and Saturday at the Gaia field at 4.45 pm till sundown.
Helps improve stamina, hand/eye coordination, and focus through
running, throwing, & catching the disc; along with patience &
teamwork and Spirit of the Game. Bring running shoes if you have
them. Contact avultimate@auroville.org.in with any questions or
just come ready to play!
Vedic Astrology: Chart reading and interpretation. Call
9843948288 or email vikram@auroville.org.in for an appointment.
Veena Musical Classes: As one of India's most ancient string
instruments, the veena's origin can be traced back to the ancient
yazh, which was similar to the Grecian harp. Bharata, in his Natya
Shastra, explains the theory of the 22 sruti's in an octave with the
help of two experimental veena's.Kaanchi Kaama Kodi Aasthana
Vithvaan Thiru Ravi (Ravi for short) conducts regular veena
musical classes for everyone at Yatra Arts Foundation, near New
Creation sports ground. Come and learn an ancient art form in
pleasant and friendly surroundings. Who: Everyone! Children &
Adults. When: Every Friday evening from 5pm to 7pm. Contact:
0413- 2623071 / 9786772209
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Important information about News & Notes
(Absolute deadline for submissions or cancellations: Wednesday 11 am)
The contents of News & Notes are a reflection of the growth process of this community towards its ideals of harmony, goodwill,
discipline and truth. Editing of submissions, mainly for reasons of space and clarity, is done according to an established policy.
How to submit material: Material (no pdf files, please) may be sent (in English only) to the N&N email address (below).
NB: Messages with large attachments (more than 1 MB) will not reach our inbox.
Please try your best to send your announcements, reports, film schedules whenever they are ready, not on Wednesdays.
The Wednesday deadline (11am) is absolute as the News is given to the printers by Wednesday 2 pm.
Any modifications of the submitted News items have to be sent to the editors before Wednesday.
We regret not being able to attend to visitors on Wednesdays due to work pressure.
Working Groups Reports and Monthly Schedules need to be in by Tuesday.
Articles for the Notes section should ideally be no longer than 500 words. All articles need to reach us by Tuesday noon.
Visiting hours: Mondays, Tuesdays 9am to 11.45am and 1pm to 3pm; No visitors on Wednesday. Please, no dictations over the
phone unless it is an emergency or you have a medical problem.
Soft Version: We encourage you to ask us for a soft version of News& Notes send directly on your own mail. First, it saves trees, cost of
paper (Rs 12.000 monthly are spent only on purchasing paper) and labor cost (900 copies are printed every week). Second we send your
soft copy as a PDF file (Same formatting as the printing version with colored pictures) on Thursday morning and you can get information
earlier than the printing version which is delivered only on Friday and Saturday. Don’t hesitate to mail: newsandnotes@auroville.org.in
or to phone 2622133.
Disclaimer: The views expressed on these pages are those of their respective authors or work groups and do not represent the position
of the editors or of the community as a whole. The News & Notes serves as a channel for the publication of material coming from
trusted sources within Auroville. The editors cannot be held accountable for any alleged misinformation given or offence caused. In
case of any dispute, the Auroville Council may be consulted and publishing of disputed material suspended.
News & Notes, Media Centre, Town Hall. Phone: 2622133, email: newsandnotes@auroville.org.in
(starts at 7.45 pm sharp).
Animated film by Michel OCELOT, France, 2011
NO FILM – taking a short break…
9th June Thursday 8pm
Genre: Action/Drama/Thriller
Rated: (R) Above 18
Dur: 2:24 mins
Language: English/Subtitle:English
Dir:Michael Bay
Cast:John Krasinski, Pablo Schreiber, James Badge Dale
Story Line: Based on True events,As an American ambassador is
killed during an attack at a U.S. compound in Libya, a security
team struggles to make sense out of the chaos.
10th June Friday 8pm
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Action
Rated: PG13
Dur: 2:07 mins
Language: English/Subtitle:English
Dir: Alex Proyas
Cast:Brenton Thwaites, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Gerard Butler
Story Line: Mortal hero Bek teams with the god Horus in an
alliance against Seth, the merciless god of darkness, who has
usurped Egypt's throne, plunging the once peaceful and prosperous
empire into chaos and conflict.
Sadhana Forest, June 10th, Friday
Schedule of Events:
16:00 Free bus from Solar Kitchen to Sadhana Forest for the Tour
18:00 Free bus from Solar Kitchen to Sadhana Forest for
the Eco Film Club
18:30 Eco Film Club begins with "previews" of short Sadhana
Forest films
20:00 Dinner is served
21:30 Free bus from Sadhana Forest back to Solar Kitchen
Before the movie, at exactly 16:30 you are welcome to join us for
a full tour of Sadhana Forest and an update of our most recent
work! After the film you are welcome to join us for a free 100%
vegan organic dinner!!
The Queen of Trees
2012, 52 Minutes, English
Directed by Mark Deeble and Victoria Stone
The fig tree and fig wasp differ in size a billion times over, but
neither could exist without the other. Their extraordinary
relationship is a pinnacle of co-evolution, and the basis of a
complex web of dependency that supports animals from ants to
elephants. Each individual fig is a microcosm - a stage set for
birth, sex and death as the tiny players battle against predators
and parasites to fulfill their mission. It is one of the most amazing
stories in the natural world - a tale of intrigue and drama, set
against grand Africa and it's wildlife.
The bus service is operated by Sadhana Forest.
For more information about the bus service please contact
or sadhanaforest@auroville.org.in. (http://sadhanaforest.org)
News&Notes 04th June 2016 [650]
Cinema Paradiso
Multimedia Center (MMC) Auditorium
Film program 6 June 2016 to 12 June 2016
Indian – Monday 6 June, 8:00 pm:
India, 2016, Dir. Abi Verghese w/ Fahadh Faasil, Vijay
Raaz, Vinay Forrt, and others, Comedy, 132mins,
Mayalayam w/ English subtitles, Rated: NR (PG)
The movie, set in the late 90s, centers on Pallickal and
his quest to make his first Malayalam movie. The youth's
passion is often overlooked and scoffed at by his parents
and friends. To make his dream come true, albeit on a
shoe-string budget, Pallickal ropes in a washed-up
Bollywood actor Prem Kumar. The struggles that ensue
and whether or not he manages to achieve the feat,
makes the rest of the story. It is not an usual melodrama
often associated with an Indian film; instead it is a
subdued, gently told story.
Italian – Tuesday 7 June, 8:00 pm:
 CORPO CELESTE( Heavenly Body )
Italy, 2011, Writer-Dir. Alice Rohrwacher w/ Yle
Vianello, Salvatore Cantalupo, Anita Caprioli, and
others, Drama, 100 mins, Italian w/English subtitles,
Rated: NR
Set deep in the south of Italy, is the story of 13yrs old
Marta who is struggling to resettle after ten years
growing up in Switzerland. Bright-eyed and restless, she
observes the sights, sounds and smells of the city but
feels very much an outsider. In the convention of the
Catholic Church she takes catechism but confronts the
morality of the local Catholic community. From
experiencing her period to making a bold decision to cut
her hair, Marta begins to shape her own life for the first
time since moving back to Italy. This debut film by the
writer-director is a sensitive unveiling of the moral and
religious layers that can smother adolescence.
Interesting - Wednesday 8 June, 8:00 pm:
 WINTER ON FIRE: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom
UK-Ukraine-USA, 2015, Dir. Evgeny Afineevsky w/ Bishop
Agapit, Serhii Averchenko, Kristina Berdinskikh, and
English-RussianUkrianian w/ English subtitles, Rated: NR
This Oscar-nominated film documents the unrest in
Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student
demonstrations supporting European integration grew
into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of
President Viktor F. Yanukovich.
Nordic – Thursday 9 June, 8:00 pm:
(The Girl who played with fire)
Sweden, 2010, Dir. Daniel Alfredson w/ Noomi Rapace,
Michael Nyqvist, Lena Endre, and others, Crime-DramaMystery, 129mins, Swedish w/ English subtitles, Rated:
Part 2/3 of the Millennium Series - As computer hacker
Lisbeth and journalist Mikael investigate a sextrafficking
International – Saturday 11 June, 8:00 pm:
Spain-Argentina, 2015, Writer-Dir. Cesc Gay w/ Ricardo
Darín, Javier Cámara, Dolores Fonzi, and others,
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Comedy-Drama, 108mins, English-Spanish w/ English
subtiles, Rated: NR (PG-13)
Julián receives an unexpected visit from his friend
Tomás, who lives in Canada. The two men, accompanied
by Julián's faithful dog, Truman, will share emotional
and surprising moments prompted by Julián's
complicated situation.
Hayao Miyazaki Season for Childrens’ Matinee
Several of Miyazaki’s film including Spirited Away was
animated by Makiko Futaki of Studio Ghibli. Beyond
Miyazaki several unforgettable animation films like
Grave of the Fireflies was created by her. She passed
away recently. We fondly remember and pay our
Children’s Film - Sunday 12 June, 4:30pm
 TENKU NO SHIRO (Castle in the Sky)
Japan, 1986, Dir. Hayao Miyazaki, w/ Anna Paquin,
James Van Der Beek, Cloris Leachman and others,
Animation, 125mins, Rated: PG
A young boy and a girl with a magic crystal must race
against pirates and foreign agents in a search for a
legendary floating castle.
MIRA NAIR Film Festival @ Ciné-Club
Ciné-Club - Sunday 12 June, 8:00 pm:
India-USA, 2006, Dir. Mira Nair w/ Irffan Khan, Tabu, Kal
Penn, and others, Drama, 122mins, English-Bengali
w/English subtitles, Rated: PG-13
Based on a novel by Jhhumpa Lahiri, the film tells the
story of the Ganguli family whose move from Calcutta to
New York evokes a lifelong balancing act to meld to a
new world without forgetting the old. Although parents
Ashoke and Ashima long for the family and culture that
enveloped them in India, they take great pride in the
opportunities their sacrifices have afforded their
children. Paradoxically, their son Gogol is torn between
finding his own unique identity without losing his
heritage. Even Gogol's name represents the family's
journey into the unknown.
Rating codes we often use are from Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA): G=General Audiences,
PG=Parental guidance suggested, PG-13=Parents strongly
cautioned, R=Restricted (equivalent to Indian rating: A i.e.
for Adults), NR=Film Not rated, Rating awaited, or Rating
not available.
Kindly do not bring food, drinks, snacks, munchies or
your pets into the auditorium.
As a courtesy to the fellow viewers please be sweet and
stop chatting after the film starts.
For scheduling programs at MMC/CP venue: please email us
at mmcauditorium@auroville.org.in.
We appreciate your continued support. Please make a
contribution to “Cinema Paradiso” account (#105106)
at the Financial Service.
Thanking you,
MMC/CP Group