1 - Hillsborough County
1 - Hillsborough County
Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item No. B-6 Meeting Date Consent Section x Regular Section August 19, 2015 Public Hearing Subject: Award and execute an agreement with the highest ranked proposer, Sentinel Offender Services, LLC, in the amount of $2,400,000.00 per year to provide ongoing misdemeanor probation services (RFP 5389,1) for the Strategic Planning and Grants Management Department. Department Name: Procurement Services Contact Person: Scott P. Stromer Sign-Off Approvals: Contact Phone: 301-7095 Assistant County Administrator 06/11/2015 Date Department Director 06/10/2015 Date Management and Budget – Approved as to Financial Impact Accuracy 06/11/2015 Date County Attorney – Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 06/10/2015 Date Staff's Recommended Board Motion: Award and execute an agreement with the highest ranked proposer, Sentinel Offender Services, LLC, in the amount of $2,400,000.00 per year to provide ongoing misdemeanor probation services (RFP 5389,1) for the Strategic Planning and Grants Management Department. The resulting agreement will be for a three (3) years, effective from the date of the County's Notice to Proceed. This agreement will have a well-qualified contractor provide and administer all aspects of misdemeanor probation services, including facilitating the collection of fines and fees, supervision of community service work, referring or linking to rehabilitative treatment programs, electronic monitoring, and the enforcement of other court-ordered conditions for defendants placed on misdemeanor probation by the County Court in The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit and Hillsborough County in accordance with Florida Statutes 948.15, 943.04352 and The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit's Administrative Order No. S-2010-026. The opportunity for proposers to receive 5 bonus points by subcontracting a minimum of 10% of their ultimate fees with certified Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprises was available; however, the recommended firm did not request bonus points for this project. Proposals were received from six different vendors. The full cost of the specified services is intended to be recovered from fees and fines directly collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court from those on probation. Funding for this award is in the planned FY 16 and FY 17 budget within the Countywide General Operating Fund. (0004.110899.342901.00000). Financial Impact Statement: The full cost of the specified services is intended to be recovered from fees and fines directly collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court from those on probation. Funding for this award is in the Recommended FY 16 and FY 17 budget within the Countywide General Fund. (0004.110899.342901.00000). Background: In June of 2014, The Salvation Army notified Hillsborough County that it had decided to stop providing misdemeanor probation services by October 1, 2015. In response, the County researched the program and began developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) after determining that no local government agency was interested in performing the necessary services. Prior to finalizing the RFP, staff was advised that the Sheriff's Office and Court Administration intended to present proposals for the subject services to the County Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC). At this point in the process, the County's intent to issue the RFP was publicly known and staff advised the PSCC that the RFP would be revised to accommodate proposals from local government agencies, in addition to non-profit and for-profit entities. Through the use of two (2) workshops, representatives from the PSCC helped finalize the scope of work and service requirements. Ultimately, no proposals were received from local government agencies. The received proposals were evaluated by a distinguished evaluation committee composed of representatives from the County, Court Administration, Clerk of the Circuit Court, State Attorney, and the Public Defender. The Hillsborough County Public Defender, who serves as current Chair of the PSCC, personally assisted in the evaluation of proposals and provided invaluable perspective. The success of the local misdemeanor probation program is heavily dependent on the interest and willingness of local government agencies to participate as partners and will be even more critical as the program transitions away from the incumbent service provider, The Salvation Army. Key Facts: Misdemeanor probation is a County responsibility in accordance with F.S. 948.15. Under the RFP approach, the contract will be managed by the Criminal Justice Unit of the County's Strategic Planning and Grants Management Department. The selected service provider may only supervise the conditions of probation ordered by the court. Any actions related to the violation of conditions of probation must be ordered by the court. Fines and fees, including the fee for misdemeanor probation services, will be collected by the Clerk. The courts provide limited funding to offset indigent domestic violence offender supervision costs. Supervision includes ensuring adherence to all court-ordered conditions of probation, supervision of community service work, and linkage to community based services. The selected provider's software will interface with the Clerk's case maintenance system. At the sole option of the County, this agreement may be renewed for one (1) additional one-year period. The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Administrative Order No. S-2010-026 identifies the maximum amounts that may be paid for services. The recommended award amount for Line Item 1 - "Initial Cost of Supervision Fee" matches the maximum amount payable. Line Item 2 - "Cost of Supervision Fee for (months two [2] thereafter)" is approximately 18.2% or $10.00 lower than the fee identified in Administrative Order No. S-2010-026. DELEGATIONS TO DIRECTOR, PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT [Y] Unilateral Change Orders up to $25,000 for additions within the scope of the contract [Y] Unilateral Extensions [Y] Unilateral Renewals [N] Additional Purchase Option(s) List Attachments: RFP Summary, RFP Evaluation Summary, Contract Documents Notice of Intent to Award RFQ: Misdemeanor Probation Services Notice: Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 13-24, Protest Process and Procedures and Cone of Silence the bidder(s) identified by bold borders are being recommended for contract award. Interested parties with a grievance pertaining to this procurement shall provide the County written notice no later than five (5) business days from the date the County posts this notice of intent to award. See the following link for specific ordinance details: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/documentcenter/view/8867 Notice of Intent Post Date: May 28, 2015 RFQ 5389,1 Close Date 05/13/2015 14:00 RFQ Currency USD Quotes Received 6 Active Quotes 6 Shortlisted Quotes 6 Invited Suppliers 42 Intent to Participate 0 Responded 6 Header Supplier Site Contact Quote Status Shortlist Status Quote Total Total Award Amount Time of Quote Quote Valid Until Supplier's Quote Number Note to Buyer Attachments COURT OPTIONS Quote 44061 JUDICIAL CORRECTION SERVICES Quote 44059 MARTINEZ JR., ELVIN Active Included TORRES, CONNY Active Included LLOYD, KAREN Active Included 1,460.00 1,800.00 05/12/2015 12:37 Title Requirements BAY AREA YOUTH SERVICES Quote 44060 Target Value Yes BAY AREA YOUTH SERVICES Quote 44060 05/13/2015 13:41 Yes COURT OPTIONS Quote 44061 05/13/2015 13:00 Yes JUDICIAL CORRECTION SERVICES Quote 44059 (View Scoring Criteria) Total Score 87 65 Proposer deemed non-responsive for the for the stated deviation regarding collection of costs, restitution, fines and fees. Notes Notice: Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 13-24, Protest Process and Procedures and Cone of Silence the bidder(s) identified are being recommended for contract award. Interested parties with a grievance pertaining to this procurement shall provide the County written notice no later than five (5) business days from the date the County posts this notice of intent to award. See following link for specific ordinance details: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/documentcenter/view/8867 Price Evaluation Score 25 20 Score 25 20 Score 25 18 Score 25 18 Cost Scoring Qualifications Evaluation Qualifications Scoring Experience Evaluation Score 20 17 Score 20 17 Score 17 10 Score 17 10 Score 0 0 Score 0 0 Experience Scoring Technical Evaluation Technical Scoring Economic Development Evaluation DM/DWBE/SBE Bonus Points 4 Page 1 PROFESSIONAL PROBATION SERVICES INC SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES LLC THE TRANSITION HOUSE INC Quote 46055 Quote 44062 WARD, KEITH Active Included WYRICK, AUDRY Active Included Supplier Site Contact Quote Status Shortlist Status Quote Total Total Award Amount Time of Quote Quote Valid Until Supplier's Quote Number Note to Buyer Attachments Yes Yes Title PROFESSIONAL PROBATION SERVICES INC Quote 44063 SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES LLC THE TRANSITION HOUSE INC Quote 46055 Quote 44062 Requirements Target Value D'AOUST, BRETT Active Included 1,440.00 1,650.00 2,000.00 05/12/2015 9:04 05/12/2015 19:52 05/13/2015 11:30 Yes (View Scoring Criteria) Total Score 82 88 55 Score 25 22 18 Score 25 22 18 Score 22 26 15 Score 22 26 15 Score 20 21 15 Score 20 21 15 Score 15 19 7 Score 15 19 7 Notes Notice: Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 13-24, Protest Process and Procedures and Cone of Silence the bidder(s) identified are being recommended for contract award. Interested parties with a grievance pertaining to this procurement shall provide the County written notice no later than five (5) business days from the date the County posts this notice of intent to award. See following link for specific ordinance details: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/documentcenter/view/8867 Price Evaluation Cost Scoring Qualifications Evaluation Qualifications Scoring Experience Evaluation Experience Scoring Technical Evaluation Technical Scoring Economic Development Evaluation Score 0 0 0 Score 0 0 0 DM/DWBE/SBE Bonus Points 5 Page 2 Notice of Intent to Award RFQ: Misdemeanor Probation Services Notice: Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 13-24, Protest Process and Procedures and Cone of Silence the bidder(s) identified by bold borders are being recommended for contract award. Interested parties with a grievance pertaining to this procurement shall provide the County written notice no later than five (5) business days from the date the County posts this notice of intent to award. See the following link for specific ordinance details: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/documentcenter/view/8867 Notice of Intent Post Date: May 28, 2015 RFQ 5389,1 Quotes Received 6 Close Date 05/13/2015 14:00 RFQ Currency USD Active Quotes 6 Shortlisted Quotes 6 Invited Suppliers 42 Intent to Participate 0 Responded 6 Lines 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Number of FeAwarded Lines 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Number of Awarded Fe Suppliers 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 1 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 1 Initial Cost-of-S Line Type Quantity 1 Initial Cost-of-S Item,Rev 1 Initial Cost-of-S Category 936.39 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 1 Target Value 1 1 Supplier Site 1 Quote Status 1 Shortlist Status 1 Rank 1 Quote Price 1 Unit Price Savings 1 Unit Price Savings Percent 1 Minimum Release Amount 1 Award 1 Quantity Agreed 1 Award Amount 1 Award/Reject Reason Note to Buyer Attachments Total Current Value Total Award Amount Unit Monthly Start Price Current Price Quantity Agreed Award Amount Savings Amount Savings Percent BAY AREA YOUTH SERVICES Quote 44060 COURT OPTIONS Quote 44061 JUDICIAL CORRECTION SERVICES Quote 44059 Active Included Active Included Active Included 60 50 1 Target Value PROFESSIONAL PROBATION SERVICES INC SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES LLC THE TRANSITION HOUSE INC Quote 46055 Quote 44062 Active Included Active Included 40 Active Included 75 75 1 6 Supplier Site Quote Status Shortlist Status Rank Quote Price Unit Price Savings Unit Price Savings Percent Minimum Release Amount Award Quantity Agreed Award Amount Award/Reject Reason Note to Buyer 2 CAttachments 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) Total Savings Amount Total Savings Percent Page 3 2 C2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 2 Cost-of-Superv Line Type Quantity 2 Cost-of-Superv Item,Rev 2 Cost-of-Superv Category 936.39 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 2C Target Value 2C 2 CSupplier Site 2 CQuote Status 2 CShortlist Status 2 CRank 2 CQuote Price 2 CUnit Price Savings 2 CUnit Price Savings Percent 2 CMinimum Release Amount 2 CAward 2 CQuantity Agreed 2 CAward Amount 2 CAward/Reject Reason Note to Buyer Attachments Unit Monthly Start Price Current Price BAY AREA YOUTH SERVICES Quote 44060 COURT OPTIONS Quote 44061 JUDICIAL CORRECTION SERVICES Quote 44059 Active Included Active Included 40 50 35 Target Value Supplier Site Quote Status Shortlist Status Rank Quote Price Unit Price Savings Unit Price Savings Percent Minimum Release Amount Award Quantity Agreed Award Amount Quantity Agreed Award Amount Savings Amount Savings Percent PROFESSIONAL PROBATION SERVICES INC SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES LLC THE TRANSITION HOUSE INC Quote 46055 Quote 44062 Active Included Active Included 40 Active Included 45 55 35 Award/Reject Reason Note to Buyer Attachments 7 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 11 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 Title Misdemeanor Probation Services Amendment Date 06-MAY-2015 12:33:38 Amendment Description Revised Section 4 - Specifications and added Section 5 - Clarifications; added Attachments B and C Close Date 13-MAY-2015 14:00:00 Time Zone Eastern Time Response Status Active Open Date 06-MAY-2015 12:33:39 Your response has been submitted to: Company HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Buyer Kersey, Christopher Location BOCCOU 601 E Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL United States Phone 813-301-7066 Fax Email kerseyc@hillsboroughcounty.org Your information is: Your Company Name SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES LLC Your Company Site Address 201 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE IRVINE, CA 92618 United States Contact Details WYRICK, AUDRY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 1 of 64 Page 8 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 12 Table of Contents 1 Header Information....................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 General Information..........................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Terms.................................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Requirements.....................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.4 Attachments.....................................................................................................................................................................................12 1.4.1 Buyer Attachments.................................................................................................................................................................12 1.4.2 Supplier Attachments.............................................................................................................................................................13 1.5 Response Rules.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Price Schedule..........................................................................................................................................................................................14 2.1 Line Information.............................................................................................................................................................................14 2.2 Line Details.....................................................................................................................................................................................14 2.2.1 Line 1......................................................................................................................................................................................14 2.2.2 Line 2......................................................................................................................................................................................14 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 2 of 64 Page 9 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 13 1 Header Information 1.1 General Information Title Misdemeanor Probation Services Amendment Date 06-MAY-2015 12:33:38 Amendment Description Revised Section 4 - Specifications and added Section 5 - Clarifications; added Attachments B and C Open Date Close Date Time Zone Quote Style Event 06-MAY-2015 12:33:39 13-MAY-2015 14:00:00 Eastern Time Sealed Request for Proposal 1.2 Terms Effective Start Date Not Specified Ship-To Address Multiple (See Below) See Below Tampa, FL 33601 United States Payment Terms NET 30 DAYS FOB FOB - Destination Currency USD (US Dollar) Response Valid Until Total Agreement Amount Not Specified (USD) Buyer Kersey, Christopher Email kerseyc@hillsboroughcounty.org Outcome Blanket Purchase Agreement Effective End Date Not Specified Bill-To Address CCC-County Finance-AP (Global) PO BOX 1110 Tampa, FL 33601-1110 United States Carrier Best Way Freight Terms Freight Included Price Precision Any Reference Number Minimum Release Not Specified Amount (USD) 1.3 Requirements Affirmation Name of person submitting the Bid/Proposal. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Marck Contestabile Title of person submitting the Bid/Proposal. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Divisional President / Chief Business Development Officer I represent that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes I represent that the printing of my name and the submittal of a Bid/Proposal is intended to authenticate this writing and to have the same force and effect as my manual signature. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes I represent that I am either authorized to bind the Bidder/Proposer, or that I am submitting the Bid/Proposal on behalf of and at the direction of the Bidder's/Proposer's representative authorized to contractually bind the Bidder/Proposer. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 3 of 64 Page 10 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 14 Affirmation Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes I represent that the Bidder/Proposer and/or its applicable representative(s) has reviewed the information contained in this Bid/Proposal and that the information submitted is accurate. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes At this present time, we understand all requirements and state that as a serious Bidder/Proposer we will comply with all the stipulations included in this Solicitation Document. The above-named Bidder/Proposer affirms and declares: That the Bidder/Proposer is of lawful age and that no other person, firm or corporation has any interest in this Offer or in the Contract proposed to be entered into. That this Offer is made without any understanding, agreement, or connection with any other person, firm or corporation making a Offer for the same purpose, and is, in all respects, fair and without collusion or fraud. That the Bidder/Proposer is not in arrears to Hillsborough County upon debt or contract and is not a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to Hillsborough County. That no officer or employee or person whose salary is payable, in whole or in part, from the County Treasury is, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly, surety or otherwise in this Offer; in the performance of this Contract; in the supplies, materials, equipment, and Services and/or Work to which they relate; or in any portion of the profits thereof. That the Bidder/Proposer has carefully examined the site where the Services and/or Work are to be performed and that, from the Bidder's/Proposer's own investigations, the Bidder/Proposer is satisfied with the nature and location of the Project and/or Work to be performed; the character, quality and quantity of materials; the kind and extent of the equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the Services and/or Work; the general and local conditions, all difficulties to be encountered; and all other items which may in any way affect the performance of the Services and/or Work. That the Bidder/Proposer has not altered the original Solicitation Document in any way and further understands that any such alteration of the original Solicitation Documentmay result in rejection of the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer. Bidder/Proposer understands that Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, prohibits agencies and governmental entities from contracting with companies for goods and/or services that are One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. Both lists are created pursuant to section 215.473, Florida Statutes. Bidder/Proposer hereby certifies that Bidder/Proposer is not listed on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. Bidder/Proposer understands that pursuant to section 287.135, Florida Statutes, the submission of a false certification may subject Bidder/Proposer to civil penalties, attorney's fees and/or costs. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes General Requirements Deviation(s): Any representation of deviation(s) may cause this Bid to be rejected by Hillsborough County. The following represents every deviation (itemized by number) to the foregoing Invitation to Bid upon which this Bid is based. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Type Optional ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: No deviations In the event an Agreement is executed upon the award of this Invitation to Bid to the Bidder, the County will provide Successful Bidder with a copy of the executed Agreement, if applicable. The County prefers to provide the document via electronic mail (e-mail). However, if Bidder wishes to receive an original hard copy of the executed Agreement, it can be mailed. Indicate the delivery method desired. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Send electronic version Send hard copy via U.S. Mail HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 4 of 64 Page 11 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 15 General Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Send electronic version Bidder is currently set up with a merchant account to accept payment by VISA credit card and will accept payment from the County by VISA account through the ePayables electronic payment solution. Note: If Bidder is already enrolled in the County's ePayables solution for an existing contract/award, the Bidder will automatically receive payment using their enrolled solution in the event the Bidder is the Successful Bidder. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: No Bidder will accept payment from the County by direct deposit through the ACH electronic payment solution. Note: If Bidder is already enrolled in the County's ACHsolution for an existing contract/award, the Bidder will automatically receive payment using their enrolled solution in the event the Bidder is the Successful Bidder. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes Pursuant to the SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS that allows the Contract to be available to all government agencies, departments, and municipalities, does the Bidder agree to make the contract and bid prices submitted available to all government agencies, departments, and municipalities? The Bidder's choice to make the contract available (or not) will NOT be considered in the award of the Bid. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes Pursuant to the SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the County may, during the period of twelve (12) months from the dated of award, require additional units depending on the requirements and availability of funds. Bidders are requested to indicate the number of months they will extend their bid prices, terms and conditions. The Bidder's choice to extend (or not) the Bid Price(s) will NOT be considered in the award of the Invitation to Bid. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 5 of 64 Page 12 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 16 General Requirements 12 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 1 1. Project Name: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Sentinel - McDonough 1. Contracted With: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: State Court of Henry County 1. Contact Person: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Honorable Ben Studdard, Chief Judge 1. Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: One Judicial Center, Suite 310, McDonough, GA 30253 1. Telephone Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 770.898.7612 1. Fax Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 770.288.7686 1. E-mail Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: bstuddard@co.henry.ga.us 1. Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Provide probation supervision services to 1660 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 17 full time staff. 1. Project Amount: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Numeric Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 1,510,265 1. Project Period From: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 01-JUL-2001 1. Project Period To: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 12-MAY-2015 1. Indicate your firm's status on this project. ........................................................................................................................................................................ HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 6 of 64 Page 13 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 17 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 1 Acceptable Values Prime Contractor Subcontractor ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Prime Contractor Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 2 2. Project Name: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Sentinel – Douglasville 2. Contracted With: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: State Court of Douglas County 2. Contact Person: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Honorable Neil Dettmering, Jr., Chief Judge 2. Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, GA 30134 2. Telephone Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 770.489.5235 2. Fax Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 770.489.5242 2. E-mail Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: ndettmering@co.douglas.ga.us 2. Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Provide probation supervision services to 1514 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 15 full time staff. 2. Project Amount: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Numeric Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 1,534,191 2. Project Period From: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 01-JUL-2001 2. Project Period To: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 7 of 64 Page 14 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 18 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 12-MAY-2015 2. Indicate your firm's status on this project. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Prime Contractor Subcontractor ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Prime Contractor Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 3 3. Project Name: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Sentinel – Valdosta 3. Contracted With: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: State Court of Lowndes County 3. Contact Person: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Honorable John Kent Edwards, Jr., Chief Judge 3. Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 327 N. Ashley St., Valdosta, GA 31603 3. Telephone Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 229.671.2600 3. Fax Number: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 229.671.9441 3. E-mail Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: jedwards@lowndescounty.com 3. Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Provide probation supervision services to 1414 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 19 full time staff. 3. Project Amount: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Numeric Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 1,078,650 3. Project Period From: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 8 of 64 Page 15 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 19 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 01-NOV-2009 3. Project Period To: ........................................................................................................................................................................ Value Type Date Value only ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: 12-MAY-2015 3. Indicate your firm's status on this project. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Prime Contractor Subcontractor ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Prime Contractor Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE THE BIDDER REPRESENTS THAT THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN IS TRUE AND CORRECT. THE BIDDER ASSURES HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OF ITS COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND COUNTY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS. THE BIDDER FURTHER ASSURES THAT IT AND ITS SUBCONTRACTOR'S/SUBRECIPIENT'S FACILITIES ARE ACCESSIBLE TO THE HANDICAPPED (IF APPLICABLE). INSTRUCTIONS As a Bidder /Contractor with the County, you are urged to carefully review the Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Questionnaire and respond to it as it relates to your own employment practices. Please note particularly that: Where federally-assisted contracts are involved, the Bidder/ Contractor is bound by Revised Order No. 4 (41 CFR Part 60-2) and Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 as amended, by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086; or Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Federal contract Compliance "bid conditions" in the proposal package. The Bidder/Contractor must complete all forms of this Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Questionnaire if the total amount of the Contract is equal to or exceeds $10,000. If at any time there arises a question, problem or need for assistance in meeting the equal opportunity requirements on County contracts, please contact Hillsborough County's Economic Development Department, DM/DWBE & SBE Programs Section, P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601, (813) 914-4028. SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES Failure to comply with the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action requirements adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County may result in suspension or debarment of the firms or individuals involved. Debarment of firms by Hillsborough County for activity contrary to this program will be carried out according to the debarment procedures contained in the Hillsborough County Procurement Manual. Said firm or individual will be notified by registered mail of said suspension or debarment and may appeal suspension or debarment through the procedure set forth in the Procurement Manual. The Board of County Commissioners encourages each Bidder to submit EEO documentation with its Bid. The Board of County Commissioners also reserves the right to reject any Bids from firms who have previously failed to perform properly and who have done so by commission or omission of an act of such serious or compelling nature that the act indicates a serious lack of business integrity or honesty or willingness to comply. FIRM'S CIVIL RIGHTS STATUS All responding firms/Bidders are requested to carefully review the following questions and provide responses as it relates to the firm's/Bidder's own affirmative action and equal opportunity practices. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Type No Response Required Provide a copy ofyour organization's Affirmative Action Plan or Program (if not submitted within the past twelve (12) months). A written Affirmation Action Plan or Program is required if the firm has fifteen (15) or more employees. If the firm has fewer than fifteen (15) employees, then an Affirmative Action Policy Statement is required. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Copy is attached to Bid/Proposal Copy has been submitted with the past twelve (12) months ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Copy is attached to Bid/Proposal Workforce Analysis by race/sex and EEO Category. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 9 of 64 Page 16 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 20 Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see attached Equal Opportunity Questionnaire uploaded with bid/proposal. If organization receives federal/state/local funding, please list source and dollar amount. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Type Optional ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: No Name of person designated as EEO representative. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Julie Hunt Director, Human Resources Is the organization receptive to on-site reviews? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes Does the organization have a procedure for resolving discrimination complaints? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes Has your firm been charged with discrimination within the past eighteen (18) months? If yes, how many charges, nature of charge(s); when; and where? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: No Do you anticipate hiring additional staff to perform this Contract? If yes, please provide the number of positions and type of position(s). ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes; please see proposal response for details and proposed organizational chart Please provide a copy of the company's Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, signed and dated by the Chief Executive Officer. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Copy is attached to Bid/Proposal Copy has been submitted with the past twelve (12) months ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Copy is attached to Bid/Proposal Disadvantaged Minority-Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form has been downloaded, completed, and uploaded into Bid. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 10 of 64 Page 17 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 21 Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes Equal Opportunity Questionnaire has been downloaded, completed, and uploaded into Bid. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes 1. Executive Summary The executive summary shall include a brief statement of approach to the work, understanding of the project's goals and objectives and demonstrated understanding of the project's potential problems and concerns. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for Executive Summary A. Qualifications 2. Project Team Qualifications/ Qualifications of Key Personnel The Project Manager must have a minimum of five (5) years' experience in corrections, parole, or probation services. All proposed key personnel must have at least a minimum of three (3) years work experience with offender management. Please attach documentation that verifies these requirements. Documentation attached? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes 3. Please submit resumes for the Key Personnel that shall be involved with this project and each resume should be limited to no more than two (2) pages per person and be organized according to the following: Name and Title Education Professional Background Current and Past Relevant Experience Relevant Training Previous Work Experience related to offender supervision or probation management in the State of Florida Include two (2) references for each key personnel member on similar projects. Include the role and responsibilities that each key personnel member will perform on this project. A background check, including FCIC/NCIC check, and verification of relevant employment and claimed education shall be conducted on all newly hired probation counselors and supervisors to determine that the person is of good character and has no felony or other conviction involving dishonesty or deceit. Pursuant to Sec. 948.15(3)(b), Florida Statutes, staff qualifications and criminal record checks of staff shall comply with standards established by the American Correctional Association. The results of the background check shall be kept on file and available for examination by the Court and the County. No person shall be allowed to serve as a probation counselor if that person has been convicted of any felony offense or other conviction involving dishonesty or deceit. Resumes and supporting documentation attached? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes 4. Availability of Key Personnel 4.1. Provide a statement describing the percentage of time key personnel will spend on this project. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for Availability of Key Personnel 4. Availability of Key Personnel 4.2. Provide a statement describing the current workload of key personnel. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for Current Workload of Key Personnel HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 11 of 64 Page 18 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 22 B. Experience 5. Customer References Each proposer should submit a minimum of three (3) references demonstrating the successful provision of misdemeanor probation services. Proposer should have at least three (3) years experience in Misdemeanor Probation Services. The "Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications"should be used by the Bidder/Proposer to provide such information. If the Bidder/Proposer uses its own form, the information provided must be in substantially the same format as the Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications. References entered in Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications? ........................................................................................................................................................................ Acceptable Values Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Yes C. Technical Approach 6. The Technical Proposal shall include the appropriate and requested information in sufficient detail to demonstrate the Proposer's knowledge, skills and abilities to provide the requested services and will be reviewed and evaluated based on each Proposer's responses to the criteria described in Requirements 7-10. The Technical Proposal shall be arranged and in clude content as described in Requirements 7-10 : ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for response to Technical Approach, including Requirements 7 - 10. 7. Project Plan or Project Approach The Project Plan must address the management approach in completing the work identified in Contract Terms, F - Specifications, 4 - Scope of Work/Technical Specifications . At a minimum, the plan must identify all major tasks, when the major tasks will start and finish, planned reviews of work associated with each major task, project completion date, and any other information that shall assist in planning and tracking this project successfully. Describe methodologies including best practices and benchmarks to be used. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for response to Technical Approach, including Requirements 7 - 10. 8. Technology Describe your organization's use of technology in the office, in the field, and in the courtroom. Describe the types of technology and how they will be used. List any specific hardware and software currently in use or planned for this contract. Provide detailed information on the ability of your technology to integrate with existing case maintenance systems including data elements and electronic images. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for response to Technical Approach, including Requirements 7 - 10. 9. Project Deliverables List any milestones, major project deliverables or project submittals with specific due dates or time frames. Identify what the quality expectations (outputs/outcomes or performance standards) are for this project. Explain how (and how often) deliverables or services will be monitored and evaluated. Explain the process that will be followed when the outputs / outcomes are below performance standards. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for response to Technical Approach, including Requirements 7 - 10. 10. Transition Plan Describe the transition plan from the current provider if awarded the contract. Flow charts and schedules can be used. Include a time line for illustrating requirements from execution of Contract to Proposer's ability to provide full service misdemeanor probation services. ........................................................................................................................................................................ Your response value: Please see proposal response for response to Technical Approach, including Requirements 7 - 10. 1.4 Attachments 1.4.1 Buyer Attachments Name Data Type Description ATTACHMENT B - Hillsborough File County Clerk Probation Services Interface Abstract HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 12 of 64 Page 19 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 23 Name ATTACHMENT C - Sample Evaluation Matrix ATTACHMENT A ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER S-2010-026 Substitute W-9.pdf Disadvantaged Minority-Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form.pdf 135_Insurance_Certificate.doc Agreement.doc Equal Opportunity Questionnaire.pdf 1.4.2 Supplier Attachments Name Sentinel Proposal Response to RFQ 5389 Sentinel's Affirmative Action Plan Example of Sentinel's Application Interface Sentinel's DM-DWBE Good Faith Effort Sentinel's Equal Opportunity Questionnaire Sentinel's Financials Sentinel's Insurance Certificate Sentinel's Licenses Sentinel's Product Brochures Sentinel's Substitute W-9 Data Type File Description File File File File File File Data Type File File Description Entire proposal response including pricing, required forms, and supporting documentation Affirmative Action Plan City of Atlanta Municipal Court "SenTrack Application Interface" Document - Confidential Disadvantaged Minority-Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Equal Opportunity Questionnaire File File File File File Financial Documents - Confidential Insurance Certificate Proof of registrations and good standing Product Brochures Substitute W-9 File File File HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 13 of 64 Page 20 Request for Proposal 5389,1:46055 24 2 Price Schedule 2.1 Line Information Display Rank As Ranking Cost Factors Response Total (USD) Line Item, Rev 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) 1,2,3... Price Only None 36.00 Target Quantity 1 Unit Response Price Amount Monthly 1 1.00 Bid Minimum Release Amount 75.00 35 Monthly 1 35.00 45.00 2.2 Line Details 2.2.1 Line 1 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee Category 936.39 Shopping Category Not Specified Minimum Release Not Specified Amount (USD) Estimated Total Not Specified Amount (USD) Note Per Administrative Order #S-2010-026, Misdemeanor Probation Fees, Section 1, Cost-of-Supervision Fee, the cost-of-supervision fee for the first month cannot exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Note to Buyer See proposal response for Fee Table. 2.2.2 Line 2 Cost-of-Supervision Fee (months two (2) - thereafter) Category 936.39 Shopping Category Not Specified Minimum Release Not Specified Amount (USD) Estimated Total Not Specified Amount (USD) Note Per Administrative Order #S-2010-026, Misdemeanor Probation Fees, Section 1, Cost-of-Supervision Fee, the cost-of-supervision fee for the second month and thereafter cannot exceed fifty-five dollars ($55.00). Note to Buyer Please see attached proposal for Fee Table. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 21 25 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Contract Terms and Conditions Table of Contents Terms and Conditions....................................................................................................................................................19 A) Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................19 1) Definitions ................................................................................................................................................19 2) Agreement ................................................................................................................................................19 3) Amendment(s), Addendum, or Addenda ..................................................................................................19 4) Bid(s), or Bidder's Bid ..............................................................................................................................19 5) Bid Submittal Deadline ............................................................................................................................19 6) Bidder .......................................................................................................................................................19 7) Board of County Commissioners .............................................................................................................19 8) Bond .........................................................................................................................................................20 9) Business Day(s) ........................................................................................................................................20 10) Change Order ..........................................................................................................................................20 11) Close Date ..............................................................................................................................................20 12) Contract or Contract Documents ............................................................................................................20 13) Contract Price .........................................................................................................................................20 14) Contract Time or Contract Period ..........................................................................................................20 15) Contractor ...............................................................................................................................................20 16) County ....................................................................................................................................................21 17) County Administrator .............................................................................................................................21 18) Day(s) .....................................................................................................................................................21 19) Designee .................................................................................................................................................21 20) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ..............................................................................................................21 21) Minimum Specifications ........................................................................................................................21 22) Modification Agreement ........................................................................................................................21 23) Notice .....................................................................................................................................................21 24) Notice of Award .....................................................................................................................................21 25) Notice to Proceed ...................................................................................................................................22 26) Offer(s) ...................................................................................................................................................22 27) Project .....................................................................................................................................................22 28) Project Manager ......................................................................................................................................22 29) Proposal(s) ..............................................................................................................................................22 30) Proposer ..................................................................................................................................................22 31) Purchase Order .......................................................................................................................................22 32) Quote(s) ..................................................................................................................................................22 33) Request for Proposal ...............................................................................................................................23 34) Service(s) ................................................................................................................................................23 35) Site(s) ......................................................................................................................................................23 36) Solicitation Document ............................................................................................................................23 37) Specifications .........................................................................................................................................23 38) Subcontractor ..........................................................................................................................................23 39) Successful Bidder/Proposer ....................................................................................................................23 40) Surety ......................................................................................................................................................24 41) Unilateral Change Order .........................................................................................................................24 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 15 of 64 Page 22 26 Request for Quotation 5389,1 42) Work .......................................................................................................................................................24 B) Instructions ......................................................................................................................................................24 1) Manual Bid Submissions ..........................................................................................................................24 2) Affirmative Action Business Enterprise Program ....................................................................................25 3) Award Of Contract/RejectionOf Proposals ..............................................................................................26 4) Bid/Proposal Submittal Deadline/Close Date ..........................................................................................26 5) Bid/Proposal/Quote Opening ....................................................................................................................26 6) Bid/Proposal/Quote Pricing ......................................................................................................................26 7) Bid/Proposal/Quote Results ......................................................................................................................26 8) Bidder/Proposer Request for Interpretation of Solicitation Document ....................................................27 9) Bidder/Proposer Responsible for Examining/Investigating Work Site(s) ................................................27 10) Bidder's/Proposer's Compliance With County's Procurement Policy and Procedures and Hillsborough County Ordinance - Protest Process and Procedures ....................................................................................27 11) Bidder's/Proposer's Understanding of the Solicitation Document .........................................................27 12) Brand Names, Etc. ..................................................................................................................................28 13) Cancellation of Solicitation Document ..................................................................................................28 14) Compliance With Occupational Safety And Health Act (O.S.H.A.) .....................................................28 15) Condition of Goods, Shipping Costs, and Claims Against Carrier ........................................................28 16) Cone Of Silence ......................................................................................................................................28 17) Deviations ...............................................................................................................................................29 18) Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Busines Enterprise and Small Business Enterprise (DM/DWBE and SBE) Participation ............................................................................................................29 19) Drug Free Workplace Program ..............................................................................................................29 20) Electronic Payment Solutions .................................................................................................................30 21) Equipment Demonstration ......................................................................................................................30 22) Execution of Written Agreement ............................................................................................................30 23) Explanation Of Competitive Sealed Proposal Method Of Procurement ................................................30 24) Facilities Inspection ................................................................................................................................31 25) Florida Public Records Law ...................................................................................................................31 26) Hillsborough County Business Tax ........................................................................................................32 27) Inspection of Samples .............................................................................................................................32 28) IRS Substitute W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification ...........................32 29) Licensing ................................................................................................................................................32 30) Modification and/or Withdrawal of Offer Prior to Close Date ..............................................................33 31) No Assignment of Offers ........................................................................................................................33 32) Obtaining Clarification and/or Additional Information .........................................................................33 33) Public Entity Crimes Statement ..............................................................................................................33 34) Requested Information and Descriptive Literature ................................................................................33 35) Taxes .......................................................................................................................................................33 36) Time Period Offer is Valid .....................................................................................................................34 37) Unbalanced Offers and/or Excessive Line Item Prices ..........................................................................34 C) General Terms and Conditions .......................................................................................................................34 1) Applicable Law ........................................................................................................................................34 2) Changes in the Work/Unilateral Change Orders/Modifications ..............................................................34 3) Changes Of Contract Price .......................................................................................................................35 4) Changes Of Contract Time .......................................................................................................................35 5) Contractor Must Have Legally Authorized Workforce ............................................................................35 6) Contractor Use of Hillsborough County For Marketing Prohibited .........................................................36 7) Contractor's Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................37 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 16 of 64 Page 23 27 Request for Quotation 5389,1 8) County as Intended Beneficiary of Subcontracts .....................................................................................37 9) Emergencies .............................................................................................................................................37 10) Failure to Perform ...................................................................................................................................37 11) Fiscal Non-Funding/Availability of Funding .........................................................................................38 12) Hand Sanitizer Ordinance (05-8) ............................................................................................................38 13) Hillsborough County Equal Opportunity Clause ...................................................................................38 14) Indemnification .......................................................................................................................................40 15) Injury and/or Damage Claims ................................................................................................................41 16) Interpretation and Intent of Contract Documents ...................................................................................41 17) Laws and Regulations .............................................................................................................................41 18) Maintenance of Records .........................................................................................................................41 19) No Assignment of Contract ....................................................................................................................41 20) Non-Exclusive Contract .........................................................................................................................42 21) Notices to Contractor ..............................................................................................................................42 22) Notices to the County .............................................................................................................................42 23) Payment and Completion .......................................................................................................................42 24) Payment to Contractor by Electronic Payment Solution ........................................................................43 25) Payment to Subcontractors .....................................................................................................................43 26) Performance Standards and Product Quality ..........................................................................................43 27) Project Manager's Status ........................................................................................................................43 28) Severability .............................................................................................................................................44 29) Solid Waste Collection and Disposal (Solid Waste Ordinance 96-34) ..................................................44 30) Starting The Work ..................................................................................................................................44 31) Statement of Assurance ..........................................................................................................................44 32) Suspension of Work ...............................................................................................................................44 33) Termination for Contractor Being on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List .......................................44 D) Special Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................................................45 1) Contract Period for Term Contract * ........................................................................................................45 2) Renewal Option (Unilateral) * .................................................................................................................45 3) Estimated Quantities .................................................................................................................................45 4) Evaluation/Selection Process * .................................................................................................................45 5) Hillsborough County Governmental Purchasing Council: Reference Laws of Florida 69-1112 and 69-1119 .........................................................................................................................................................46 6) Minimum Qualifications * .......................................................................................................................47 7) Optional Provision for Other Agencies ....................................................................................................47 8) Ordering ....................................................................................................................................................48 9) Pre-Bid/Proposal/Quote Conference * .....................................................................................................48 10) Price Escalation/De-Escalation* ............................................................................................................48 11) Purchase Order/Contract ........................................................................................................................48 12) Termination for Convenience .................................................................................................................48 13) Unilateral Extension Periods ..................................................................................................................49 E) Insurance and Bonds .......................................................................................................................................49 1) Insurance Requirements * ........................................................................................................................49 F) Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................51 1) Introduction * ...........................................................................................................................................51 2) Background * ............................................................................................................................................51 3) County Objectives ....................................................................................................................................51 4) Scope of Work/Technical Specifications * ..............................................................................................52 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 17 of 64 Page 24 28 Request for Quotation 5389,1 5) Clarifications ............................................................................................................................................63 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 18 of 64 Page 25 29 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Terms and Conditions A) Definitions 1) Definitions The following words and expressions (or pronouns) shall, wherever they appear in this Solicitation Document and the Contract Documents, be construed as follows unless a different meaning is clear from the context. 2) Agreement "Agreement" shall mean the written agreement between the County and the Contractor covering the goods and/or Services to be provided and/or the Work to be performed pursuant to this Solicitation Document. The Agreement (if one is required for this particular Solicitation Document) will be attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. 3) Amendment(s), Addendum, or Addenda "Amendment(s)", "Addendum", or "Addenda" shall mean the additional information and/or requirements concerning this Solicitation Document that are issued by the County, in writing, prior to the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. 4) Bid(s), or Bidder's Bid "Bid(s)", "Bidder's Bid", "Proposal(s)", or "Quote(s)" shall mean the offer, bid, proposal, or quote of the Bidder/Proposer submitted on the prescribed forms setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, along with all other documents submitted by the Bidder/Proposer in response to this Solicitation Document. 5) Bid Submittal Deadline "Bid Submittal Deadline" or "Close Date" shall mean the date and time set for delivery to the County of all Offers submitted in response to this Solicitation Document as more specifically set forth within this Solicitation Document. 6) Bidder "Bidder" or "Proposer" shall mean any person, partnership, corporation or other entity or organization submitting a Bid, Proposal, or Quote to provide the goods, Services and/or Work solicited by the County in this Solicitation Document. 7) Board of County Commissioners "Board of County Commissioners" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 19 of 64 Page 26 30 Request for Quotation 5389,1 8) Bond "Bond" or "Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)" shall mean bid bond, performance bond, and/or payment bond and other instruments of security furnished by the Bidder/Proposer/Contractor and its Surety in accordance with this Solicitation Document and/or the Contract Documents. 9) Business Day(s) "Business Day(s) "shall mean Monday through Friday excluding public holidays. 10) Change Order "Change Order" shall mean a written order or alteration to a Contract or Purchase Order signed by the appropriate County and Contractor authority directing an addition, deletion, or revision in the provision of the goods and/or Services or an adjustment in the Contract Price and/or Contract Time. 11) Close Date "Close Date" or "Bid Submittal Deadline" shall mean the date and time set for delivery to the County of all Offers submitted in response to this Solicitation Document as more specifically set forth in this Solicitation Document. 12) Contract or Contract Documents "Contract" or "Contract Documents" shall mean the Definitions, Instructions, General Terms and Conditions, Special Terms and Conditions, Insurance and Bond requirements, Specifications, Equal Employment Opportuity and Affirmative Action Requirements, Requirements, all Amendment(s) issued, the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer, the Agreement (if applicable), all the attached documents identified in this Solicitation Document, all supplementary drawings issued after award of the contract, and all provisions required by law to be a part of the contract documents, whether actually inserted therein or not. 13) Contract Price "Contract Price" shall mean the total monies payable to the Contractor under the Contract Documents. 14) Contract Time or Contract Period "Contract Time" or "Contract Period" shall mean the number of calendar Days stated in the Contract Documents for the completion of the Work and/or the provision of the goods and/or Services specified therein. 15) Contractor "Contractor" shall mean the Successful Bidder/Proposer and vice versa, whether a corporation, partnership, individual or any combination thereof, and its, their or his/her successors, personal representatives, executors, administrators, and permitted assignees. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 20 of 64 Page 27 31 Request for Quotation 5389,1 16) County "County" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners, Hillsborough County, Florida, for whom the Contract is being performed. 17) County Administrator "County Administrator" shall mean the County Administrator of Hillsborough County. 18) Day(s) "Day(s)" shall mean one calendar day. 19) Designee "Designee" shall mean the person appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and/or the County Administrator to act on his/her behalf. 20) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) "Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)" or "Bond" shall mean bid bond, performance bond, and/or payment bond and other instruments of security furnished by the Bidder/Proposer and/or Contractor and its Surety in accordance with this Solicitation Document and/or the Contract Documents. 21) Minimum Specifications "Minimum Specifications" shall mean the portion of the Specifications that address the technical requirements of the Work to be performed under this Contract including materials, equipment, and workmanship. 22) Modification Agreement "Modification Agreement" shall mean the written order to the Contractor signed by the County authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the goods, Services and/or Work to be provided under the Contract Documents or an adjustment in the Contract Price issued after execution of the Agreement. 23) Notice "Notice" shall mean a written notice for the County and the Contractor as set forth in this Solicitation Document and/or the Contract Documents. 24) Notice of Award "Notice of Award" shall mean the written notice given by the County to the Successful Bidder/Proposer that said Bidder/Proposer has been selected by the County to provide the goods/Services and/or perform the Work specified Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 21 of 64 Page 28 32 Request for Quotation 5389,1 in this Solicitation Document. 25) Notice to Proceed "Notice to Proceed" shall mean the written notice given by the County to the Successful Bidder/Proposer and/or Contractor of the date for the Work to start and/or for the date of the Successful Bidder/Proposer and/or Contractor to provide the goods and/or Services specified in the Contract Documents. 26) Offer(s) "Offer(s)" or "Bid(s)" or "Proposal(s)" or "Quote(s)" shall mean the offer, bid, proposal, or quote of the Bidder/Proposer submitted on the prescribed forms setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, along with all other documents submitted by the Bidder/Proposer in response to this Solicitation Document. 27) Project "Project" shall mean the entire action and/or improvement which is the subject of this Solicitation Document and/or the Contract Documents. 28) Project Manager "Project Manager" shall mean the duly authorized representative of the Board of County Commissioners during the Contract Period. 29) Proposal(s) "Proposal(s)" or "Bid(s)" or "Bidder's Bid(s)" or "Quote(s)" shall mean the offer, bid, proposal, or quote of the Bidder/Proposer submitted on the prescribed forms setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, along with all other documents submitted by the Bidder/Proposer in response to this Solicitation Document. 30) Proposer "Proposer" or "Bidder" shall mean any person, partnership, corporation or other entity or organization submitting a Bid, Proposal, or Quote to provide the goods, Services and/or Work solicited by the County in this Solicitation Document. 31) Purchase Order "Purchase Order" shall mean the County's written document to the Contractor formalizing all the terms and conditions of the successful Bid/Proposal, thereby forming a valid contract between the County and the Successful Bidder/Proposer. 32) Quote(s) Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 22 of 64 Page 29 33 Request for Quotation 5389,1 "Quote(s)" or "Bid(s)" or "Bidder's Bid(s)" or "Proposal(s)" shall mean the offer, bid, proposal, or quote of the Bidder/Proposer submitted on the prescribed forms setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, along with all other documents submitted by the Bidder/Proposer in response to this Solicitation Document. 33) Request for Proposal "Request for Proposal" shall mean the Solicitation Document issued by the County for the goods, Services and/or Work specified herein; and shall include the Definitions, Instructions, General Terms and Conditions, Special Terms and Conditions, Insurance and Bond requirements, Specifications, Requirements, and all Amendment(s) issued. 34) Service(s) "Service(s)" shall mean the activity/improvement and/or the means or methods necessary for implementation and prosecution of the Project and/or Work that is the subject of the Contract Documents. 35) Site(s) "Site(s)" shall mean the area(s) upon or in which the Contractor's operations are carried on and such other areas adjacent thereto as may be designated as such by the County. 36) Solicitation Document "Solicitation Document" shall mean the solicitation issued by the County for the goods, Services and/or Work specified herein; and shall include the Definitions, Instructions, General Terms and Conditions, Special Terms and Conditions, Insurance and Bond requirements, Specifications, Requirements, and all Amendment(s) issued. 37) Specifications "Specifications" shall mean the detailed information set forth in the "Specifications" section of this Solicitation Document describing and/or concerning the goods, Services and/or Work being solicited by the County via this Solicitation Document, including, but not limited to, any terms and conditions contained within the "Specifications" section, any Amendment(s) issued related to the "Specifications" section, and/or any drawings or maps relating to the "Specifications" section of this Solicitation Document. 38) Subcontractor "Subcontractor" shall mean any person, firm or corporation other than employees of the Contractor who or which contracts with the Contractor to furnish, or actually furnishes labor, materials, and/or equipment for the Work and/or Project to be performed that is the subject of the Contract Documents. 39) Successful Bidder/Proposer "Successful Bidder" or "Successful Proposer" shall mean the Contractor and vice versa, whether a corporation, partnership, individual or any combination thereof, and its, their or his/her successors, personal representatives, executors, administrators, and permitted assignees. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 23 of 64 Page 30 34 Request for Quotation 5389,1 40) Surety "Surety" shall mean any corporation that executes, as surety, the Bidder's/Proposer's Bid/Proposal bond, and/or any corporation that executed, as surety, the Contractor's Bid/Proposal, performance, and/or payment Bond. 41) Unilateral Change Order "Unilateral Change Order" shall mean a written order or alteration to a Contract or Purchase Order signed by the appropriate County authority directing an addition, deletion, or revision in the provision of the goods and/or Services or an adjustment in the Contract Price and/or Contract Time that does not require concurrence of the Contractor. 42) Work "Work" shall mean any and all obligations, duties and responsibilities necessary for the successful delivery of the goods and/or the successful completion of the Services, Project and/or tasks assigned to or undertaken by the Contractor pursuant to the Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and other incidentals contemplated by and/or related to the Contracted Documents. B) Instructions 1) Manual Bid Submissions Applicable only to Offers that are not submitted via the County's electronic bidding system. If Bidder/Proposer is submitting its Offer by means other than through the County's electronic bidding system, then the following provisions shall apply and shall replace the provisions with the same heading/subject matter found in this "Instructions" section of this Solicitation Document; all other provisions in this "Instructions" section shall remain the same and shall apply to all Offers. a) Important Notice Regarding Delivery of Offers: The County is currently in the process of transitioning from a manual bidding process to a fully automated electronic bidding process. Accordingly, during this period of transition, in addition to accepting Offers via the new electronic bidding system, the County will also accept Offers submitted via traditional means (such as U.S. mail, express mail, courier service, or hand delivery) for this Solicitation Document. i) Bidder/Proposer must have its Offer delivered to: Hillsborough County BOCC - County Center Procurement Services Department PO Box 1110 601 East Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33601 ii) Bidder/Proposer is strictly responsible for the delivery of its Offer. The County and/or the Director of the Procurement Services Department shall in no way be responsible for any delays caused by the United States Postal Service and/or other courier, or for delays caused by any other occurrence. iii) Bidder/Proposer is advised that United States Postal Service delivery is made to the County's post Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 24 of 64 Page 31 35 Request for Quotation 5389,1 office box (P.O. Box). Such delivery is not made directly to the street address, even if the Bidder/Proposer specifies the street address and/or even if express mail service is utilized; therefore, Bidder's/Proposer's use of the United States Postal Service may cause a delay in the County's' receipt of the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer by the Close Date. Bidder/Proposer is cautioned to plan necessary delivery time accordingly. iv) Offers delivered by facsimile, electronic mail (e-mail) or electronic means other than through the County's electronic bidding system will not be considered. b) Sealing and Labeling of Offers - Bidder/Proposer is directed to seal its Offer from public view and label its sealed Offer with the Bidder's/Proposer's name, this Solicitation Document's title, and the Solicitation Document number. Sealed Offers may not be amended or otherwise changed by any writing placed outside the sealed Offer. Any writing that is outside of the sealed Offer will not be considered in the County's evaluation of the Offer. c) Signing of Offer: i) Bidder/Proposer must sign the most recently amended Offer issued for this Solicitation Document. ii) Bidder's/Proposer's Offer must be signed by a person that is legally authorized to contractually bind the Bidder/Proposer. iii) If a Bidder/Proposer is a partnership, then the Offer must be signed by one or more of the company's general partners. iv) If Bidder/Proposer is a corporation, the Offer must be signed by a current officer of the corporation. v) A person signing the Offer as Bidder's/Proposer's agent should include with the Offer legal evidence of such person's authority to sign on behalf of the Bidder/Proposer. d) Errors on Offer Pricing: If a Bidder's/Proposer's Offer contains erasures, corrections or mathematical errors, the Bidder/Proposer will be bound to the County's reasonable interpretation of the Bidder's/Proposer's intent. The County shall have the discretion to correct any mathematical calculation error and the unit price will control. If a unit price is left blank, the County shall have the discretion to make a reasonable interpretation of the Bidder' s/Proposer's Offer, which may include, but is not limited to, assigning a zero dollar ($0) amount to such blank unit price. e) Bid Bond: i) If Bidder/Proposer is required to submit a Bid Bond for this Offer, then either a certified check, a cashier's check, a treasurer's check, or bank draft drawn on any state licensed financial institution, an irrevocable letter of credit or, in the alternative, a submission of a Bid Bond completed and signed by all required parties and submitted in the format set forth on the Bid Bond page attached to the Solicitation Document, shall be required to accompany each Offer in the dollar amount set forth within this Solicitation Document. ii) Any submitted certified check or irrevocable letter of credit shall be drawn on a solvent bank or trust company to the order of Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, and shall have all necessary documentary revenue stamps attached, if required by law. iii) Surety on Bid Bonds shall be authorized to do business in the State of Florida. iv) All Bid Bonds shall be issued or countersigned by an authorized agent, with satisfactory evidence of the authority of the person or persons executing such bonds. v) Personal checks, business checks and cash deposits are not acceptable. 2) Affirmative Action Business Enterprise Program Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 25 of 64 Page 32 36 Request for Quotation 5389,1 The County hereby notifies all Bidders/Proposers that Minority Business Enterprises (MBE's), Disadvantaged Minority Business Enterprises (DMBE's), and Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprises (DWBE's) will be afforded an equal opportunity to participate in any award made by the County pursuant to this Solicitation Document and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. The County prohibits any person involved in County contracting and procurement activities, to discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. 3) Award Of Contract/RejectionOf Proposals A Contract will be awarded by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County to the responsible Proposer submitting the best Proposal in compliance with the Specifications and other requirements imposed by this Solicitation Document, provided said Proposal is considered (within the sole discretion of said Board of County Commissioners) reasonable, and in the best interest of Hillsborough County to accept. The Contractor to whom a Contract is awarded will be so notified by Hillsborough County at the earliest practical date. The Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, however, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and to waive any informality concerning Proposals whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of Hillsborough County and when the same is in conformance with standard competitive sealed proposal procedures. Hillsborough County, likewise, reserves the right to reject the Proposal of any Proposer who has previously failed to perform properly or to complete on time, contracts of similar nature; who is not in a position to perform the contract; or who has habitually and without just cause neglected the payment of bills or otherwise disregarded obligations to sub-contractors, materialmen or employees. The ability of a Proposer to obtain a Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be regarded as the sole test of such Proposer's competency or responsibility. 4) Bid/Proposal Submittal Deadline/Close Date Bidder/Proposer must submit its Offer no later than the Bid/Proposal Submittal Deadline/Close Date specified in this Solicitation Document. Under no circumstances will Offers submitted/delivered after the Bid/Proposal Submittal Deadline/Close Date be considered. Late Offers will not be accepted. 5) Bid/Proposal/Quote Opening At the time and place fixed for the opening of the Bids/Proposals/Quotes, every Bid/Proposal/Quote properly delivered by the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date will be opened and specific parts of such Offer shall be publicly read aloud, irrespective of any irregularities found therein. Bidders/Proposers and other persons interested may be present or represented. 6) Bid/Proposal/Quote Pricing Bid/Proposal/Quote pricing must be quoted only on the Bid/Proposal/Quote form(s) provided with this Solicitation Document; no other form(s) will be accepted. When applicable, all prices quoted are to be free-on-board (F.O.B.) to the job site or specified delivery location in Hillsborough County, Florida. 7) Bid/Proposal/Quote Results Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 26 of 64 Page 33 37 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Preliminary results are generally available within two (2) Business Days at: http://hillsboroughcounty.org/index.aspx?nid=356 8) Bidder/Proposer Request for Interpretation of Solicitation Document No interpretation of the meaning of the Specifications contained in this Solicitation Document or other Contract Documents will be made to any Bidder/Proposer orally. Every request for such interpretation must be in writing, addressed to the Director of Procurement Services. To be given consideration, such requests must be received at least ten (10) Days prior to the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of a written Amendment which, if issued, will be communicated to all Bidders/Proposers who have acknowledged participation within the electronic bidding system and opened the respective solicitation at least five (5) Days prior to the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. Failure of a Bidder/Proposer to receive any such Amendment or interpretation shall not relieve said Bidder/Proposer from an obligation under its Offer as submitted. All Amendment(s) so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 9) Bidder/Proposer Responsible for Examining/Investigating Work Site(s) If applicable to this Solicitation Document, Bidder/Proposer is solely responsible for examining all Sites of the proposed Work and conducting any investigations necessary to inform itself of any difficulties that may be involved in the completion of the Work. Bidder's/Proposer's failure to conduct such examinations and investigations shall not: a) excuse the Successful Bidder's/Proposer's failure to complete the Work in accordance with the Specifications and requirements set forth in this Solicitation Document based on the Successful Bidder's/Proposer's ignorance of conditions or difficulties that may exist prior to the Close Date or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered during the execution of the Work; and/or b) be a basis for any claims for additional compensation and/or for any extensions of time. 10) Bidder's/Proposer's Compliance With County's Procurement Policy and Procedures and Hillsborough County Ordinance - Protest Process and Procedures Bidder/Proposer is advised that by submitting a Bid/Proposal/Quote, Bidder/Proposer hereby agrees to comply with the County's Procurement Policy and Procedures, including, but not limited to, the County's policy and procedures regarding Bid protests and Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24. The County's Procurement Policy and Procedures can be found on the County's website at: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/procurementmanual Bidder/Proposer is further advised that pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, Section 7(b)(i), any protest of the Specifications and/or terms and conditions contained within this Solicitation Document must be received by the County no later than five (5) Business Days before the Close Date/Bid Submittal Deadline set forth in this Solicitation Document. 11) Bidder's/Proposer's Understanding of the Solicitation Document Bidder/Proposer is solely responsible for reading and completely understanding this Solicitation Document in its entirety. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 27 of 64 Page 34 38 Request for Quotation 5389,1 12) Brand Names, Etc. In instances where the Specifications make this subject applicable, any use therein of brand names, manufacturers' names, trade names, information and/or catalog numbers are used solely for the purpose of providing descriptions and for establishing acceptable quality levels. Such references are not intended to place restriction on the Bidders/Proposers (other than as to quality) and Bidders/Proposers may propose and describe upon the Bid/Proposal/Quote forms deviations that the Bidder/Proposer believes to be equal to or better than the requirements set forth in this Solicitation Document. However, Bidder/Proposer is advised that such deviation(s) may subject the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer to rejection by the County if, at the sole discretion of the County, the deviation is considered material in nature. 13) Cancellation of Solicitation Document The County reserves the right to cancel, in whole, or in part, this Solicitation Document when deemed to be in the best interest of the County. 14) Compliance With Occupational Safety And Health Act (O.S.H.A.) In instances where such is applicable due to the nature of a Solicitation Document, all material, equipment, etc., as proposed and offered by the Bidder/ Proposer must meet and conform to all O.S.H.A. requirements. 15) Condition of Goods, Shipping Costs, and Claims Against Carrier Unless otherwise specified, all goods supplied will be new, not used or re-manufactured. Bid/Proposal/Quote prices shall include costs of delivery, shipping and handling. Any claims against the carrier will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 16) Cone Of Silence Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, there shall be a Cone of Silence for all procurement solicitations issued by the County that are at or over the County's formal bid limit in order to safeguard the integrity of the County's procurement and protest process. The Cone of Silence shall go into effect on the date a procurement solicitation is issued by the County and shall end on the date the Contract is awarded by the County or the date the procurement solicitation is canceled by the County. Unless otherwise provided for in Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 13-24, during the time period the Cone of Silence is in effect, no Bidder/Proposer, interested party and/or their principals, officers, employees, attorneys or agents shall communicate with County employees, the Hearing Master assigned to hear the applicable protest appeal and/or members of the Board of County Commissioners, including their aides and employees regarding a procurement solicitation and/or its related protest. The Cone of Silence does not prohibit a Bidder/Proposer from communicating with the Director of the County Department issuing the procurement solicitation, County staff listed as contacts in the procurement solicitation, or the attorney in the County Attorney's office that is directly responsible for the applicable procurement solicitation (this information can be obtained by contacting the County staff person listed as the contact in the applicable procurement solicitation). A violation of the Cone of Silence will result in the disqualification of the Bidder/Proposer from consideration in the award of the procurement solicitation unless it is determined that the violation is unintentional and/or not material. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 28 of 64 Page 35 39 Request for Quotation 5389,1 17) Deviations Bidder's/Proposer's Offer must state all deviations to the exact requirements imposed upon the Bidder/Proposer. Such deviations must be stated upon the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer form; otherwise, the County may consider Bidder' s/Proposer's Offer as being made in strict compliance with the requirements of this Solicitation Document. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Offers, or separable portions thereof, and to waive any minor irregularity, technicality, or omission if doing so will serve the County's best interest. Only Offers which conform in all material respects to this Solicitation Document will be accepted. The County may reject any Offer not submitted in the manner specified by this Solicitation Document. 18) Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Busines Enterprise and Small Business Enterprise (DM/DWBE and SBE) Participation Proposers who have 10% or more DWBE/MBE/SBE participation can apply for bonus points. Qualified firms may receive five (5) percent of the maximum allowable points for DM/DWBE and SBE participation. The term " DM/DWBE and SBE" shall mean a business that is certified or registered as a bona fide DM/DWBE or SBE with Hillsborough County or has been granted Reciprocal Certification by Hillsborough County. Provisional Reciprocal Certification shall be granted for one six-month period to DM/DWBE firms which are principally domiciled in the State of Florida and certified by other jurisdictions within the State. It will be the responsibility of the Proposer to furnish all the necessary information and documentation to the County as listed below in order to receive bonus points. a) The request for bonus points shall be made on the Proposer's letterhead and must include the following: i) The RFP number and project name; and ii) The name of the firm(s) to be utilized; and iii) The percentage of fees that will be subcontracted to that firm which must be 10% or more; and iv) A commitment from the proposing firm stating that 10% or more of its ultimate fees will be subcontracted to that DM/DWBE or SBE. b) The following items should be attached to the above letter: i) A letter of intent from the DM/DWBE or SBE on its letterhead stating its intent to perform the services and the scope of work signed by its Chief Operating Officer. This letter must reference the project. ii) A copy of the DM/DWBE current certification or the SBE's current registration. Note: Failure to comply with any of these requirements may result in denial of the requested bonus points. Special Note: If the Successful Proposer has received bonus points, that firm will be required to submit to the DM/DWBE & SBE Programs Section of the Economic Development Department a copy of the executed subcontract agreement with each DM/DWBE or SBE listed in the letter of commitment. Annual reports detailing the amount of money paid to each DM/DWBE or SBE must also be submitted. Failure to provide this information may result in the denial of future bonus points. 19) Drug Free Workplace Program Pursuant to Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, Bidders/Proposers may submit with their Offers a certificate certifying that they have implemented a drug free workplace program. If two or more Offers are equal in price, Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 29 of 64 Page 36 40 Request for Quotation 5389,1 quality, and service, preference will be given in the award process to the Bidder/Proposer who has furnished such certification with its Offer. Certificate forms are available from the Procurement Services Department website at: http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/procurement 20) Electronic Payment Solutions a) ePayables - The County has an ePayables electronic payment solution where the Bidder/Proposer may choose to be paid by a VISA credit card account. If the Bidder/Proposer requests to participate in the County's ePayables electronic payment solution, the Bidder/Proposer should indicate its acceptance in its Bid/Proposal/Quote. If the Bidder/Proposer has indicated that it will accept the County's VISA credit card for payment, then the Bidder/Proposer will be required to sign an ePayables Enrollment Form after the Contract has been awarded. The Bidder/Proposer must have the capacity to accommodate/accept VISA credit card payments in order to participate in the County's ePayables electronic payment solution. ePayables payments will be processed via a credit card and merchant services fees will apply. Merchant services fees are determined by the vendor's agreement with their Merchant Bank. Fees are generally up to 3%. b) ACH (Direct Deposit) - The County has an ACH payment solution where the Bidder/Proposer may choose to be paid with direct deposit. If the Bidder/Proposer requests to participate in the County's ACH electronic payment solution, the Bidder/Proposer should indicate its acceptance in its Bid/Proposal/Quote. If the Bidder/Proposer has indicated that it will accept the County's ACH for payment, then the Bidder/Proposer will be required to sign a Direct Deposit Authorization Form after the Contract has been awarded. c) For more information on both Electronic Payment Solutions, go to: www.hillsboroughcounty.org/DoingBusinesswithCounty 21) Equipment Demonstration Prior to the Award of this Solicitation Document, the County reserves the right to require a demonstration of equipment as proposed in Bidder's/Proposer's Offer. Each Bidder/Proposer shall be prepared to schedule a demonstration of the type of equipment proposed at a time and location mutually agreeable to the Bidder/Proposer and the County. The location should be within reasonable traveling distance from the County, and the County shall be responsible for the travel expenses of its County staff members attending such demonstration. Equipment demonstration may be of Bidder/Proposer-owned equipment or third-party-owned equipment. Failure on the Bidder's/Proposer's part to provide the equipment demonstration as described may result in the rejection of its Offer and/or suspension from consideration for award of bids, proposals, or contracts with the County for a period of up to twenty-four (24) months. 22) Execution of Written Agreement Within ten (10) Days of the Notice of Award, the Successful Bidder/Proposer will be required to sign a written Agreement if one has been made a part of this Solicitation Document and identified as the "Agreement". 23) Explanation Of Competitive Sealed Proposal Method Of Procurement COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS DIFFER FROM COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS IN SEVERAL AREAS: Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 30 of 64 Page 37 41 Request for Quotation 5389,1 a) All criteria for evaluation will be set forth in the Request for Proposal documents in order of importance. Only these criteria will be used to determine the best Proposal. b) Discussions may be held with all responsible Proposers after Proposals are opened for purposes of clarification. The County also reserves the right to request written clarifications from Proposers after the Proposals have been opened. Proposers will be given equal treatment with respect to discussions and all information obtained is to secure the best possible Offers for the County. c) Award shall be made to the responsible Proposer whose Proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the County taking into consideration only the evaluation factors set forth in the Request for Proposal. d) The County reserves the right to issue one or more call(s) for Best and Final Proposals if it is in the best interest of the County. 24) Facilities Inspection Prior to the award of this Solicitation Document, the County reserves the right to inspect the Bidder's/Proposer's facility and place of business to determine that the Bidder/Proposer has a regular, bona fide established business that is presently an on-going concern and is likely to continue as such, and is capable of providing the products and/or services, including any later warranty service, or replacement parts support as may be required. 25) Florida Public Records Law a) In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and, except as may be provided by other applicable State and Federal laws, all Bidders/Proposers should be aware that this Solicitation Document and all Offers are in the public domain and are available for public inspection. Bidders/Proposers are requested, however, to identify specifically any information contained in their Offers which they consider confidential and/or proprietary, inclusive of trade secrets as defined in s. 812.081, Florida Statutes, and which they believe to be exempt from disclosure, citing specifically the applicable exempting law and including narrative explaining the applicable legal exemption as it relates specifically to Bidder's/Proposer's confidential and/or proprietary information. b) All Offers received in response to this Solicitation Document will become the property of the County and will not be returned. In the event of an award, all documentation produced as part of the Contract will become the exclusive property of the County. c) All materials that qualify for exemption from Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or other applicable law must be submitted in an attachment or in a separate envelope, clearly identified as "EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE" with Bidder's/Proposer's name and the Solicitation Document number marked on the outside. d) The County will not accept Offers when the entire Offer is labeled as exempt from public disclosure. e) Be aware that the designation of an item as exempt from public disclosure by a Bidder/Proposer may be challenged in court by any person or entity. By designation of material in the Offer as exempt from public disclosure, Bidder/Proposer agrees to defend the County (and its employees, agents and elected and appointed officials) against all claims and actions (whether or not a lawsuit is commenced) related to Bidder's/Proposer's designation of material as exempt from public disclosure and to hold harmless the County (and its employees, agents and elected and appointed officials) from any award to a plaintiff for damages, costs and attorneys' fees, incurred by the County by reason of any claim or action related to Bidder's/Proposer's designation of material as exempt from public disclosure. f) If, under this Contract, the Contractor is providing Services and is acting on behalf of the County as provided under Section 119.011(2), Florida Statutes, the Contractor will comply with public records laws, and specifically Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 31 of 64 Page 38 42 Request for Quotation 5389,1 will: i) Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the County in order to perform the Services being performed by the Contractor; ii) Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the County would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; iii) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and iv) Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the County all public records in possession of the Contractor upon termination of the Contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the County in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the County. 26) Hillsborough County Business Tax All Bidders/Proposers are required to comply with Hillsborough County Ordinance No. 95-4, as amended by 02-5 and as may be amended in the future. Failure of a Bidder/Proposer to comply with such Ordinance shall not be a basis to protest the County's award of the Contract; instead, any reported failure of a Bidder/Proposer to comply with the Ordinance will be referred to the Hillsborough County Tax Collector. 27) Inspection of Samples After the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date, the County reserves the right to review and inspect representative samples of the products/goods being proposed by the apparent lowest responsive Bidder/Proposer. Within ten (10) Business Days of receiving a request from the County, Bidder/Proposer shall provide the County with samples of each item requested for the purpose of the County conducting a quality test or comparison without cost to the County. At the County's option, this inspection may take place locally, at the Bidder's/Proposer's place of business or at a location selected by the County. The County will not be responsible for shipping or other expenses incurred by the Bidder/Proposer in the qualification of its products or company. The County makes no guarantee that samples will be returned; however, samples not destroyed in testing may be available for return upon request (at the Bidder' s/Proposer's expense) after testing is completed and after award of the Contract. Failure to provide the samples described above may result in the rejection of Bidder's/Proposer's Offer and/or suspension of Bidder/Proposer from bidding/proposing on County procurements. 28) IRS Substitute W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification All Bidders/Proposers are requested to complete and submit the attached Substitute W-9 form with their Offer. 29) Licensing Bidder/Proposer shall be properly licensed for the appropriate category of Work specified in this Solicitation Document. All Bidders/Proposers are requested to submit any required license(s) with their Offers. License(s) must be effective as of the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date and must be maintained throughout the Contract Period. Failure to be properly licensed as stated above will result in the rejection of the Offer as non-responsive. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 32 of 64 Page 39 43 Request for Quotation 5389,1 30) Modification and/or Withdrawal of Offer Prior to Close Date Prior to the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date, Offers may be withdrawn upon written request signed by the Bidder/Proposer and submitted and/or postmarked to the County prior to the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. Withdrawn Offers will not be returned to the Bidder/Proposer. Except as specifically provided for herein, Bidders/Proposers may not modify their Offers after the specified Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. Negligence on the part of the Bidder/Proposer in preparing its Offer confers no right of withdrawal or modification of its Offer after such Offer has been opened by County staff at the specified time and place. Bidders/Proposers may not withdraw or modify their Offers after the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. 31) No Assignment of Offers Bidder/Proposer may not assign or otherwise transfer its Offer prior to or after the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. 32) Obtaining Clarification and/or Additional Information Bidders/Proposers are instructed not to contact County employees regarding this Solicitation Document with the exception of employees of the Procurement Services Department. Potential Bidders/Proposers requesting clarification or additional information should contact the Procurement Services Department at the address/telephone/fax numbers or e-mail address listed in this Solicitation Document. 33) Public Entity Crimes Statement A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit an offer, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit an offer, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit offers, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36) months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Additionally, pursuant to County policy, a conviction of a public entity crime may cause the rejection of an Offer. The County may make inquiries regarding alleged convictions of public entity crimes. The unreasonable failure of a Bidder/Proposer to promptly supply information in connection with an inquiry may be grounds for rejection of an Offer. 34) Requested Information and Descriptive Literature Bidder/Proposer must furnish all requested information in the spaces provided within this Solicitation Document. Additionally, where required, Bidders/Proposers must attach cuts, sketches, descriptive literature and/or complete specifications relating to the items proposed in the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer. 35) Taxes State sales and Federal Excise taxes shall not be included in the Bidder's/Proposer's Offer, as Hillsborough County is Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 33 of 64 Page 40 44 Request for Quotation 5389,1 tax exempt. The Director of Procurement Services will sign exemption certificates submitted by the Bidder/Proposer. 36) Time Period Offer is Valid Bidder's/Proposer's Offer shall be in force for a period of not less than ninety (90) Days after the Bid Submittal Deadline/Close Date. Further, said Offer shall continue in force after said ninety (90) Day period, until thirty (30) Days following the date of receipt by County of written notice from the Bidder/Proposer of its intent to withdraw its Offer, or until the date specified in said written notice as the expiration date of the Offer, whichever is later. The aforementioned time periods will remain in effect irrespective of whether an award has been made by the County. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Bidder/Proposer may extend its Offer at any time prior to the scheduled expiration thereof. 37) Unbalanced Offers and/or Excessive Line Item Prices The County reserves the right to reject any Offer in which unit prices, in the sole opinion of the County, are unbalanced. In addition, where the County has decided to award this Solicitation Document, it further reserves the right not to utilize a particular line item that, in the sole opinion of the County, is excessively priced, and reserves the right to obtain that item from another source. C) General Terms and Conditions 1) Applicable Law Unless otherwise specified, this Contract, including, but not limited to, the interpretation, bidding, award, execution and implementation thereof, shall be governed by the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Florida. 2) Changes in the Work/Unilateral Change Orders/Modifications a) Without invalidating the Contract, the County may, at any time or from time to time, through its Director of Procurement Services or designee, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work, the same being authorized by Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement. The cumulative total of Unilateral Change Orders shall not exceed $25,000.00. Once the $25,000.00 cap is reached, all other additions, deletions, or revisions shall be valid and enforceable only when authorized by a written Modification Agreement executed by the Contractor and the County, and may be subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Only upon receipt of a Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement shall the Contractor be authorized to proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable terms and conditions contained in the Contract Documents. b) Additional Work performed by the Contractor without the authorization of a Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement will not entitle the Contractor to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time except in the case of an emergency as provided for herein. The effect of this paragraph shall remain paramount and shall prevail irrespective of any conflicting provisions contained in these Contract Documents. c) The County will execute an appropriate Modification Agreement if such Modification Agreement is approved by the County's Board of County Commissioners. Such Modification Agreement will be prepared by the Project Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 34 of 64 Page 41 45 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Manager and shall cover changes in the Work to be performed, Work performed in an emergency, and/or any other claim of the Contractor for a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Price. d) It is the Contractor's responsibility to notify its Surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the Work/Services or change of the Contract Price, and the amount of the applicable Bond(s) shall be adjusted accordingly. 3) Changes Of Contract Price The total compensation payable to the Contractor for performing the Work in accordance with the terms of this Contract shall be based upon the following described factors: a) Application of unit prices to the actual quantities (as measured in the field by appropriate County representatives of those items designated in Proposal as being a Unit Price item; b) Application of unit shown in Proposal to items designated as original plan quantity items; and, c) The Proposal price shown in Proposal represents an estimate of the total compensation due to the Contractor under the terms of these Contract Documents which is based upon the quantities of items listed therein. The actual total compensation paid to the Contractor for the Project described in these Contract Documents may vary from that amount stated in Proposal due to: i) Adjustments in pay quantity/quantities resulting from changes in item quantity/quantities; and/or, ii) Adjustments in pay quantity/quantities as otherwise permitted by these Contract Documents. 4) Changes Of Contract Time The Contract Time will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to delays beyond the control of the Contractor if Contractor makes a claim. 5) Contractor Must Have Legally Authorized Workforce a) Contractor is advised that the County has entered into an agreement (the IMAGE Agreement) with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wherein the County will, in part, seek to promote the principles of ethical business conduct, prevent knowingly hiring unauthorized workers through self-governance, and encourage voluntary reporting of the discovery of unauthorized workers to ICE. Accordingly, by submitting its Offer, Contractor represents and warrants: i) that Contractor is in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to, the laws related to the requirement of an employer to verify an employee's eligibility to work in the United States, ii) that all of Contractor's employees are legally eligible to work in the United States, and iii) that the Contractor has actively and affirmatively verified such eligibility utilizing the Federal Government's Employment Eligibility Verification Form (the Form I-9). b) A mere allegation of Contractor's intent to use and/or current use of unauthorized workers may not be a basis to delay the County's award of a contract to the Contractor unless such an allegation has been determined to be factual by ICE prior to the date the Contract is scheduled to be awarded by the County. c) Legitimate claims of the Contractor's use of unauthorized workers must be reported to both of the following agencies: The County's Compliance Services hotline at (813) 272-6554; and ICE (Immigration and Customs Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 35 of 64 Page 42 46 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Enforcement) at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE (1-866-347-2423). d) In the event it is discovered that the Contractor's employees are not legally eligible to work in the United States, then the County may, in its sole discretion, demand that the Contractor cure this deficiency within a specified time frame, and/or immediately terminate the Contract without any cost or penalty to the County, and/or debar the Contractor from bidding on all County contracts for a period of up to 24 months, and/or take any and all legal action deemed necessary and appropriate. e) Contractor is encouraged (but not required) to incorporate the following IMAGE Best Practices into its business and, when practicable, incorporate verification requirements into its agreements with subcontractors: i) Use the Department of Homeland Security employment eligibility verification program (E-Verify) to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires. ii) Use the Social Security Number Verification Service and make a good faith effort to correct and verify the names and Social Security numbers of the current workforce. Establish a written hiring and employment eligibility verification policy. iii) Establish an internal compliance and training program related to the hiring and employment verification process, to include, but not limited to, completion of Form I-9, how to detect fraudulent use of documents in the verification process, and how to use E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification Service. iv) Require the Form I-9 and E-Verify process to be conducted only by individuals who have received appropriate training and include a secondary review as part of each employee's verification to minimize the potential for a single individual to subvert the process. v) Arrange for annual Form I-9 audits by an external auditing firm or a trained employee not otherwise involved in the Form I-9 process. vi) Establish a procedure to report to ICE credible information of suspected criminal misconduct in the employment eligibility verification process. vii) Establish a program to assess subcontractors' compliance with employment eligibility verification requirements. Encourage contractors to incorporate the IMAGE Best Practices contained in this paragraph and, when practicable, incorporate the verification requirements in subcontractor agreements. viii) Establish a protocol for responding to letters received from Federal and State government agencies indicating that there is a discrepancy between the agency's information and the information provided by the employer or employee; for example, "no match" letters received from the Social Security Administration. ix) Establish a tip line mechanism (inbox, e-mail, etc.) for employees to report activity relating to the employment of unauthorized workers, and a protocol for responding to employee tips. x) Establish and maintain appropriate policies, practices, and safeguards against use of the verification process for unlawful discrimination, and to ensure that U.S. citizens and authorized workers do not face discrimination with respect to hiring, firing, recruitment or referral for a fee because of citizenship status or national origin. (xi) Maintain copies of any documents accepted as proof of identity and/or employment authorization for all new hires. 6) Contractor Use of Hillsborough County For Marketing Prohibited The Contractor shall in no way use any statements, whether written or oral, made by the County's employees to market, sell, promote or highlight the Contractor and/or the Contractor's product(s) and/or service(s) unless Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 36 of 64 Page 43 47 Request for Quotation 5389,1 authorized to do so, in writing, by the County Administrator or his/her designee. In addition, the Contractor shall not use subjective or perceived interpretations, even if factual, regarding the County's opinion of the Contractor's performance, product(s) and/or service(s) in any document, article, publication or press release designed to market, promote or highlight the Contractor and/or the Contractor's product(s) and/or service(s). This does not prevent the Contractor from including the County on its client lists and/or listing or using the County as a reference. 7) Contractor's Responsibilities The Contractor will give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the Work and/or Project. If the Contractor observes that the Specifications are at variance with such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, then the Contractor will give the County prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement to the Contract. If the Contractor performs any Work knowing that such Work is contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and without giving such notice to the County, the Contractor will bear all costs arising therefrom; however, it shall not be the Contractor's primary responsibility to ensure that the Specifications are in accordance with such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 8) County as Intended Beneficiary of Subcontracts The County shall be an intended substantial beneficiary of the written agreements between the Contractor and its subcontractors. 9) Emergencies In emergencies affecting the safety of persons, the Work/Project or property at the site of such Work/Project or adjacent thereto, the Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the County, is obligated to act at the Contractor's discretion to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. The Contractor shall give the County prompt written notice of any significant changes in the Work/Project or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby, and a Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement shall be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. If the Contractor believes that additional work done by it in an emergency which arose from causes beyond the Contractor's control entitles the Contractor to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, the Contractor may make a claim for the same. Such increase in Contract Price and/or extension of the Contract Time will be included in the Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement if such claim is approved by the County. 10) Failure to Perform If, during the Contract Period, the Contractor should refuse or otherwise fail to perform any of its obligations under the Contract, the County reserves the right to: a) Obtain the goods, Services and/or Work from another contractor; and/or b) Terminate the Contract; and/or c) Suspend/debar the Contractor from bidding on County solicitation documents for a period of up to twenty-four (24) months; and/or d) Pursue any and all other remedies available to the County. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 37 of 64 Page 44 48 Request for Quotation 5389,1 11) Fiscal Non-Funding/Availability of Funding The award of this Solicitation Document is contingent upon the availability of funding. Furthermore, if funding during the Contract Period becomes unavailable, the County reserves the right to terminate the Contract after providing the Successful Bidder/Proposer and/or Contractor no less than twenty-four (24) hours written notice, provided that, the County will pay the Successful Bidder/Proposer and/or Contractor for any authorized goods and/or Services provided prior to the Successful Bidder's/Proposer's and/or Contractor's receipt of said termination notice. The County shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds. 12) Hand Sanitizer Ordinance (05-8) (This provision shall be applicable only if the Services and/or Work to be performed under this Contract will involve and/or require the use of portable restrooms.) Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 05-8, as amended, every portable restroom in service in Hillsborough County which does not have a hand washing facility located within the portable restroom must have an operable hand sanitizer dispenser containing sanitation liquid affixed to the inside of the portable restroom or immediately adjacent to the portable restroom. The Contractor is solely responsible for ensuring that any and all portable restrooms owned or leased by the Contractor are in compliance with the ordinance. 13) Hillsborough County Equal Opportunity Clause APPLICABLE TO ALL CONTRACTS AND SUBCONTRACTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 OR MORE. a) General: The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b) Recruitment: The Contractor will in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. c) Unions: The Contractor will send, to each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice advertising the labor union or worker's representative of the Contractor's commitments under this assurance, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. d) Compliance Reports: The Contractor will maintain records and information assuring compliance with these requirements and shall submit to the designated County official timely, complete and accurate compliance reports at such times and in such form containing such information as the responsible official or Contractor's designee may determine to be necessary to enable Contractor to ascertain whether the Contractor has complied or is complying with these requirements. The Contractor will permit access to its books, records and accounts by the County for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. In general, the Contractor Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 38 of 64 Page 45 49 Request for Quotation 5389,1 and subcontractors should have available racial and ethnic data showing the extent to which members of minority groups are beneficiaries under this Contract. e) Sanctions: In the event of the Contractor's non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of such rules, regulations or orders, this Contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further County contracts by rule, regulation or order of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, or as otherwise provided by law. f) Subcontractors: The Contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (f) in every subcontract under this contract so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontractor as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. In addition, the Contractor, with regard to the work performed during the Contract Period, shall not discriminate on the basis of familial status in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. g) Federal Requirements: In the event this Contract is paid in whole or in part from any federal governmental agency or source, the specific terms, regulations and requirements governing the disbursement of these funds shall be specified herein and become a part of this clause. h) Applicable Federal Laws, Orders and Regulations: i) Section I of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. ii) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. iii) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 and 1975. iv) Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1870. v) Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration, 45 CFR 70. vi) Revised Order Number 4, 41 CFR 60 2.10. vii) Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93 112. viii) Interagency Agreement dated March 23, 1973. ix) Executive Order 11914, Non discrimination with Respect to the Handicapped in Federally Assisted Programs. x) Age Discrimination Act of 1967, P.L. 94-135 xi) Civil Rights Act of 1968, P.L. 90-284 xii) Veterans Readjustment Act. xiii) Section 14001 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, (State and Local Assistance Act of 1972, as amended). xiv) Office of Management and Budget Circular 102, Attachment O xv) Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended. xvi) Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. xvii) Federal Civil Rights Act of 1991. xviii) Americans with Disabilities Act. xix) General Accounting Procedures, 45 CFR, Part 74 and/or Part 92. xx) Clean Air Act, 42 USC 1857(h), section 306. xxi) Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1368, section 508. xxii) Executive Order 11738. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 39 of 64 Page 46 50 Request for Quotation 5389,1 xxiii) Environmental Protection Agency Regulations, 40 CFR, Part i) Applicable State Statutes, Orders and Regulations: i) State Constitution, Preamble and Article I, Section 2 protects citizens from discrimination because of race, national origin, or religion, national origin, sex or physical disability. ii) Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.042, requires non discrimination in employment by counties and municipalities, because of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or religious creed. iii) Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.043, prohibits age discrimination in employment. iv) Florida Statutes Chapter 413.08, prohibits discrimination against the handicapped in employment. v) Florida Statutes, Chapter 448.07, prohibits wage rate discrimination based on sex. vi)) Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as amended. j) Applicable Hillsborough County Ordinances: i) Hillsborough County, Florida - Code of Ordinances and Laws, Part A, Chapter 30, Article II (Hillsborough County Human Rights Ordinance) as amended, prohibits illegal discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression in employment, public accommodations, real estate transactions and practices, County contracting and procurement activities, and credit extension practices. ii) Hillsborough County Home Rule Charter, as revised, Article IX, Section 9.11, provides that no person shall be deprived of any right because of race, sex, age, national origin, religion, disability or political affiliation. 14) Indemnification a) General Liability Indemnification - with respect to any Work, Services and/or goods provided pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall be liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners, or subcontractors and shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County, and it officers, agents, and employees, from suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to personal injury and/or damage to real or personal tangible property alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by Contractor, its agents, employees, partners, or subcontractors, provided, however, that the Contractor shall not indemnify for that portion of any loss or damages proximately caused by the negligent act or omission of the County. b) Patent and Copyright Indemnification - with respect to any Work, Services and/or goods provided pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County from any suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to violation or infringement of trademark, copyright patent, trade secret or intellectual property right, provided, however, that the foregoing obligation shall not apply to a County's misuse or modification of Contractor's products or County's operation or use of Contractor's products in a manner not contemplated by the Contract. If any product is the subject of an infringement suit, or in the Contractor's opinion is likely to become the subject of such a suit, the Contractor may, at its sole expense, procure for the County the right to continue using the product or to modify it to become non-infringing. If the Contractor is not reasonably able to modify or otherwise secure for the County the right to continue using the product, the Contractor shall remove the product and refund the County the amounts paid in excess of a reasonable rental for past use. The County shall not be liable for any royalties. c) The Contractor's obligations under the preceding two paragraphs with respect to any legal action are contingent upon the County giving the Contractor: i) written notice of any action or threatened action; Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 40 of 64 Page 47 51 Request for Quotation 5389,1 ii) the opportunity to take over and settle or defend any such action at Contractor's sole expense; and iii) assistance in defending the action at Contractor's sole expense. The Contractor shall not be liable for any cost, expense, or compromise incurred or made by the County in any legal action without the Contractor's prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 15) Injury and/or Damage Claims Should the County or the Contractor suffer injury or damage to its person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other or of any of its employees, agents or others for whose acts it is legally liable, claim should be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. 16) Interpretation and Intent of Contract Documents The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one Contract document is as binding as if called for by all of the Contract Documents. If the Contractor finds a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, the Contractor must bring it to the County's attention in writing before proceeding with the Work affected thereby. In resolving such conflicts, errors and discrepancies, the Contract Documents shall be given preference in the following order: 1) Agreement, 2) Amendment(s) (if applicable to this Solicitation Document), 3) Specifications, 4) Special Terms and Conditions, 5) General Terms and Conditions, and 6) Instructions. Any Work that may reasonably be inferred from the Specifications and/or drawings/maps as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically called for. Work, materials or equipment described in words which, when applied, have a well-known technical or trade meaning shall be deemed to refer to such recognized standards. In case of conflict, the more stringent requirements shall take precedence. 17) Laws and Regulations The Contractor is hereby advised that all applicable Federal and State laws, municipal and County ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over any part of the goods, Services and/or Work provided under this Contract shall be deemed to be a part of this Contract. 18) Maintenance of Records The Contractor will keep adequate records and supporting documentation applicable to this Contract. Said records and documentation will be retained by the Contractor for a minimum of six (6) years from the date of termination of this Contract or from the date of final payment under this Contract, whichever is longer (the "Record Retention Period"). The County and its authorized agents shall have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such records and documentation as often as the County deems necessary during the Contract Period and during the Record Retention Period. The Record Retention Period will be extended until audit findings are issued if an audit is initiated during the Record Retention Period. Such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours. During the Record Retention Period, the County shall also have the right to obtain a copy of and otherwise inspect any audit made at the direction of the Contractor as concerns the aforesaid records and documentation. 19) No Assignment of Contract The Contractor may not make any assignment of the resulting Contract between the County and the Contractor, in Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 41 of 64 Page 48 52 Request for Quotation 5389,1 whole or in part, without the prior written authorization of the County. Failure to obtain prior written authorization of the County will result in a delay of payment(s) at a minimum and may result in termination for breach of contract. 20) Non-Exclusive Contract Award of this Contract shall impose no obligation on the County to utilize the Successful Bidder/Proposer for all Services and/or Work of this type, which may develop during the Contract Period. This is not an exclusive Contract. The County specifically reserves the right to concurrently contract with other companies for similar Services and/or Work if it deems such action to be in the County's best interest. 21) Notices to Contractor Notices to the Contractor shall be served upon the Contractor by electronic mail (e-mail), facsimile, U.S. mail, hand delivery, courier delivery, or express mail delivery of said notice to the Contractor's residence, place of business and/or with the Contractor's designated agent. 22) Notices to the County See the "Specifications" section of this Solicitation Document for notices to the County. 23) Payment and Completion a) The Project Manager, within fifteen (15) Days of receipt of each invoice will either approve or reject the invoice. If the Project Manager rejects the invoice, then the invoice will be returned to the Contractor and will state, in writing, the reason for rejecting the invoice. In the event the Contractor receives a rejected invoice, the Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the invoice to the Project Manager. Within thirty (30) Days of approval of an invoice for payment, the County will pay the Contractor the amount approved. b) The Project Manager's approval of any payment requested in an invoice shall constitute a representation by the Project Manager to the County that the conditions precedent to the Contractor being entitled to payment as set forth herein have been fulfilled. c) The Project Manager's approval of final payment shall constitute an additional representation by him/her to the County that the conditions precedent to the Contractor's being entitled to final payment as set forth herein have been satisfied. d) The Project Manager may refuse to approve, in whole, or in part, an invoice if, in his/her opinion, he/she is unable to make the representation to the County that all the conditions precedent to the Contractor being entitled to payment have been satisfied. The Project Manager may also refuse to approve any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any previous approval of such payment, to such extent as may be necessary in his/her opinion to protect the County from loss because: i) The Work is defective; ii) Claims have been filed or there is reasonable evidence indicating the probable filing thereof; or iii) The Contract Price has been reduced because of Change Order, Unilateral Change Order or Modification Agreement. e) As established by Florida Statute 218.74(2) payment for the purchase or lease of goods and services shall be made within forty-five (45) Days after the date a proper invoice is presented for payment to the County's Finance Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 42 of 64 Page 49 53 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Department, Clerk of the Circuit Court, as Accountant to the Board of County Commissioners and as Chief Disbursement Officer. 24) Payment to Contractor by Electronic Payment Solution a) ePayables: If the Contractor is enrolled in the County's ePayables electronic payment solution, all payments will be made using the ePayables electronic payment solution. The Contractor will be issued a VISA credit card account number with zero ($0) available funds until an invoice is approved by the County for payment. Once the County has approved payment, an electronic remittance advice will be sent to the Contractor via e-mail or fax along with approval for the Contractor to charge the VISA credit card account for that amount. The Contractor will only have the ability to charge up to the monetary limit available to the account. ePayables payments will be processed via a credit card and merchant services fees will apply. Merchant services fees are determined by the vendor's agreement with their Merchant Bank. Fees are generally up to 3%. b) Once the Contractor is enrolled in ePayables electronic payment solution and then requests to opt out, the Contractor will not be eligible to re-enroll in ePayables for a minimum of twelve (12) months. c) ACH (Direct Deposit): If the Contractor is enrolled in the County's ACH electronic payment solution, all payments will be made using the direct deposit. The Contractor's bank account information will remain confidential to the extent provided by law and necessary to make direct deposit payments. Once the County has approved payment, an electronic remittance advice will be sent to the Contractor via e-mail. 25) Payment to Subcontractors By submission of an invoice, the Contractor certifies that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid for work and materials from previous progress payments received (less any retainage) by the Contractor prior to receipt of any further progress payments. During the Contract Period and upon completion of the Contract, the County may request documentation to certify payment to subcontractors and/or suppliers. This provision in no way creates any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the County or any liability on the County for the Contractor's failure to make timely payment to the subcontractors and/or suppliers. 26) Performance Standards and Product Quality In the event the Specifications omit details concerning performance standards and/or product quality, the Contractor shall use only the best commercial practices and/or materials and workmanship of the highest quality when performing this Contract. 27) Project Manager's Status a) County's Representatives: The Project Manager shall be the County's representative during the Contract Period. The duties, responsibilities and the limitations of authority of the Project Manager during the Contract Period are set forth in this section and shall not be extended without the written consent of the County's Board of County Commissioners or designee. b) Rejecting Defective Work: The Project Manager will have the authority to disapprove or reject Work which is "defective" (which term is hereinafter used to describe Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective and/or does not conform to the requirements of any inspection, test or approval). The Project Manager will also have the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 43 of 64 Page 50 54 Request for Quotation 5389,1 authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work. 28) Severability In the event any section, sentence, clause or provision of this Contract is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction over the matter, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected by such determination and shall remain in full force and effect. 29) Solid Waste Collection and Disposal (Solid Waste Ordinance 96-34) (This provision shall be applicable only if the Services and/or Work to be performed under this Contract will involve and/or require the Contractor to remove or dispose of solid waste.) Pursuant to Hillsborough County Ordinance 96-34, as amended, all solid waste accumulated as a result of this Contract that the Contractor is required to remove and dispose of, and which the Contractor chooses not to self haul, shall be removed and disposed of by one of the three authorized Hillsborough County solid waste franchise collectors. For a list of the authorized franchise collectors, please contact the Public Utilities Department at 813-272-5977 ext. 43907. The use of any other company or entity for the collection and disposal of solid waste in the Hillsborough County solid waste service area may be a violation of Hillsborough County Ordinance 96-34, as amended. 30) Starting The Work The Contractor will start the Work and/or Project on the date determined by the County in its Purchase Order or Notice to Proceed. 31) Statement of Assurance During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor herein assures the County, that said Contractor is in compliance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended, and the Florida Human Rights Act of 1977 in that the Contractor does not on the grounds of race, color national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or marital status, discriminate in any form or manner against said Contractor's employees or applicants for employment. The Contractor understands and agrees that this Contract is conditioned upon the veracity of this Statement of Assurance. Furthermore, the Contractor herein assures the County that said Contractor will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when federal grant(s) is/are involved. This Statement of Assurance shall include Vietnam-Era Veterans and Disabled Veterans within its protective range of applicability. 32) Suspension of Work Upon seven (7) Days written notice to the Contractor, the County may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and/or Project and terminate this Contract. In such case the Contractor shall be paid for all Work executed and/or goods delivered to and accepted by the County. 33) Termination for Contractor Being on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List Contractor is advised that section 287.135, Florida Statutes, prohibits agencies from contracting with companies for Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 44 of 64 Page 51 55 Request for Quotation 5389,1 goods or services of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List. Both lists are created pursuant to section 215.473, Florida Statutes. The County reserves the right to terminate the Contract if the County discovers that the Contractor has submitted a false certification regarding the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List, and/or if, during the Contract Period, the Contractor has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Sudan List and/or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy List. D) Special Terms and Conditions 1) Contract Period for Term Contract * The term of this contract shall be a three (3) year period from the effective date of the County's Notice To Proceed. 2) Renewal Option (Unilateral) * At the sole option of the County, this contract may be renewed for one (1) additional three-year period, at the same terms and conditions. 3) Estimated Quantities Quantities given represent the best estimate for use and shall be the basis for award. However, these quantities are not intended to represent actual requirements, which are not known at this time and may vary during the Contract Period. The County does not guarantee a minimum total purchase. Furthermore, the requirements of the County may exceed best estimates and the Successful Bidder/Proposer shall provide such requirements to the extent they are reasonable. 4) Evaluation/Selection Process * The County will review and evaluate all Proposals submitted in response to this Solicitation Document. The evaluation process is designed to award the Contract to the Proposer with the best combination of attributes as demonstrated in the Proposal scores. Scores are based on the evaluation of the information contained in Proposer's Proposal which include, but is not limited to, Proposer's responses to the questions set forth in the Requirements section of this Solicitation Document and any corresponding attachments including a brief description of methodology, qualifications, experience, and the cost of the Services/Work. a) Evaluation Procedures: The evaluators will consider how well the Proposer's Proposal meets the needs of the County as described in the Proposer's response to each question in this Solicitation Document. It is important that the responses be clear and complete so that the evaluators can adequately understand all aspects of the response. Please follow all instructions carefully. The Proposal should be submitted according to the instructions/outline specified in this Solicitation Document. A Proposal that fails to follow these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be eliminated from further consideration. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 45 of 64 Page 52 56 Request for Quotation 5389,1 i) Based on information acquired through the Proposer's responses and the responses of references (if applicable), the County will award a preliminary score to each Proposal. ii) Based on the preliminary scores, the County may request that the top scoring Proposers conduct an oral presentation and/or submit a Best and Final Offer that may include revisions to Technical Approach, Integration, and/or Cost. Be advised that the evaluators may revise the preliminary scores based on the oral presentations (if applicable), reference inquiries, other information obtained through the County's investigations of past performance and/or submissions of Best and Final Offers (if applicable). b) Scoring/Weighting of Questions: The scoring/weighting of Proposals will be accomplished utilizing the evaluation criteria identified in the following table: Award Criteria Point Value Cost Total 25 Qualifications 30 Experience 25 Technical Approach 20 Total: DM/DWBE/SBE Bonus Points: Total Possible Points: 100 5 105 i) Quote/Cost Total: Points awarded for the "Quote/Cost Total" portion of this Solicitation Document will be based upon the following formula: Lowest Cost Proposal X Maximum Points = Score Other Proposer's Cost ii) The County reserves the right not to award the Contract to the Proposer with the lowest Quote/Cost. 5) Hillsborough County Governmental Purchasing Council: Reference Laws of Florida 69-1112 and 69-1119 All Offers received by the County in response to this Solicitation Document shall be considered as Offers to members of the Hillsborough County Governmental Purchasing Council. Members, at their discretion, may utilize the Contract that results from this Solicitation Document. Members may purchase the goods, Services and/or Work under the same terms and conditions as the Contract between the Contractor and the County. Members will issue Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 46 of 64 Page 53 57 Request for Quotation 5389,1 their own purchase orders, issue payments and coordinate the service locations with the Contractor, as applicable. The Hillsborough County Governmental Purchasing Council consists of the following agencies: Children's Board of Hillsborough County City of Plant City City of Tampa City of Tampa Housing Authority City of Temple Terrace Clerk of the Circuit Court Expressway Authority Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Hillsborough Community College Hillsborough County School Board Hillsborough County Sheriff Property Appraiser State Attorney's Office Supervisor of Elections Tampa Palms Community Development District Tampa Port Authority Tampa Sports Authority Tax Collector 6) Minimum Qualifications * If Proposer is a not-for-profit organization, then Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Exempt Section 501(c)(3) documentation shall be provided and attached by the proposer. The Proposer must have the financial stability and ability to perform the requirements of this RFP as determined by the COUNTY and shall be evaluated on a pass or fail basis. Proposer must attach audited financial statements for the last 3 years. 7) Optional Provision for Other Agencies Unless otherwise stipulated by the Bidder/Proposer in its Offer, the Bidder/Proposer agrees to make available to all government agencies, departments, and municipalities the Offer prices submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Solicitation Document, should any governmental entity desire to buy under the Contract resulting from this Solicitation Document. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 47 of 64 Page 54 58 Request for Quotation 5389,1 8) Ordering The County shall issue a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) or Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) to cover any goods, Services and/or Work to be furnished under this Contract. The County user departments will then issue Standard Purchase Orders against the BPA/CPA on an as-needed basis. The Successful Bidder/Proposer shall deliver the applicable goods, Services and/or Work only upon receipt of a Standard Purchase Order. No goods, Services and/or Work are to be provided until a Standard Purchase Order is issued. However, any Standard Purchase Order issued PRIOR to the end of the Contract Period shall be completed, invoiced and paid after the expiration of the Contract. Orders shall be issued only during the Contract Period. The County reserves the right to modify the delivery location(s) identified throughout the Contract Period. 9) Pre-Bid/Proposal/Quote Conference * A Pre-Proposal Conference concerning this present Solicitation Document will be conducted by Hillsborough County at: Hillsborough County 24th Floor of the County Center Conference Room 2416W-A 601 East Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Florida TIME: 11:30 A.M., DATE: April 17, 2015 PHONE NUMBER (813) 272-5790 All interested parties are encouraged to attend. 10) Price Escalation/De-Escalation* The cost of supervision fees assessed will be as contained in Administrative Order #S-2010-026 located in Attachment A - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER S-2010-026, or in any subsequent administrative order issued by the Chief Judge. 11) Purchase Order/Contract By submitting an Offer, the Bidder/Proposer declares that it understands and agrees that Bidder's/Proposer's Offer in addition to the Specifications, the Instructions, the General Terms and Conditions, the Special Terms and Conditions, the Insurance and Bond requirements, any Amendment(s) issued and all applicable attachments to this Solicitation Document shall become a valid Contract between the County and the Contractor upon issuance of a Purchase Order by the County. 12) Termination for Convenience The County reserves the right to terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the County. Notification of termination shall be provided to the Contractor in writing by certified mail. The County shall pay the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 48 of 64 Page 55 59 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Contractor for any accepted goods, Services and/or Work provided by the Contractor to the County prior to Contractor's receipt of said termination notice. 13) Unilateral Extension Periods The County, through its Director of Procurement Services or designee, reserves the right to unilaterally extend the Contract Period or the renewal period of this Contract for up to three (3) additional one (1) month periods or any portion thereof, at the same terms and conditions. Notice of the County's intent to extend the Contract Period and/or the renewal period shall be provided by the County in writing to the Successful Bidder/Proposer prior to the expiration of the Contract, or the renewal period. E) Insurance and Bonds 1) Insurance Requirements * Contractor's Liability Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain in force such insurance as will protect him from claims under Workers' Compensation laws, disability benefit laws or other similar employee benefit laws; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees including claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than his employees including claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; and from claims for injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting there from, any or all of which may arise out of or result from the CONTRACTOR'S operations under the Contract Documents, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be legally liable. This insurance shall be written for not less than any limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance. Before starting the work, the CONTRACTOR will file with the COUNTY certificates of such insurance, acceptable to the COUNTY; these certificates shall contain a provision for cancellation as found in paragraph 5 of Section B immediately below. Insurance Required: A. General Before starting and until acceptance of the Work by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain insurance of the types and to the limits specified in paragraphs B. (1) through (4) below. All policies of insurance under this contract shall include as additional insured Hillsborough County and its employees. All policies shall provide for separation of insured's interests such that the insurance afforded applies separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or a suit is brought. B. Coverage The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain in force during the life of this contract the following types of insurance coverage written on standard forms and placed with insurance carriers acceptable to the County and approved by the Insurance Department of the State of Florida. The amounts and type of insurance shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Worker's Compensation Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall procure and shall maintain in force during the life of this Contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance providing statutory benefits, including those that may be required by an applicable federal statute, for all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under this Contract. In case any class of employee engaged in hazardous work on the project under this contract is not Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 49 of 64 Page 56 60 Request for Quotation 5389,1 protected under the Workers' Compensation statute, the CONTRACTOR shall provide employer's liability insurance for all said employees. a. Employer's Liability: $ 100,000.00 Limit each Accident $ 500,000.00 Limit Disease Aggregate $ 100,000.00 Limit Disease each Employee 2. Commercial General Liability Insurance: Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Commercial General Liability Policy filed by the Insurance Service office with limits of not less than those listed below and must include: a. General Aggregate: $500,000.00 Products and Completed Operations: $500,000.00 Personal and Advertising Injury: N/A Each Occurrence: $500,000.00 Fire Damage (anyone fire): N/A Specific Contract Aggregate Limits: Same as above 3. Automobile Liability Insurance: Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability Policy filed by the Insurance Service office with limits not less than those listed below and must include: "ANY AUTO" coverage is required: Proof of Auto Liability Only, Additional Insured Waived. a. $500,000.00 combined single limits each accident, for bodily injury and property damage liability. b. Owned Vehicles c. Hired and Non-owned Vehicles d. Employer Non-ownership e. Garage Keepers Liability 4. Professional Liability: a. Minimum limits of $1,000,000.00 per claim. b. Notice of cancellation and or restrictions: The policy must be endorsed to provide the county with forty-five days notice of cancellation and/or restrictions. 5. Builder's Risk: [ ] is/ [X] is not required. Installation Floater: [ ] is/ [X] is not required. If required, maximum deductible: N/A. The policy should be issued for the cost of construction only. Labor and fees should not be included in the amount of coverage. 6. Pollution Liability: N/A per occurrence. 7. Certificate of Insurance and Copies of Policies: Certificates of Insurance furnished by Hillsborough County evidencing the insurance coverage specified in the previous paragraphs B. 1. through 4. inclusive, and on request of the COUNTY certified copies of the policies required shall be filed with the Risk Management Division of the COUNTY on a timely basis. The required Certificates of Insurance not only shall list Hillsborough County as additional insured, for the operations of the CONTRACTOR under this contract (excluding the worker's compensation, automobile liability, and professional liability policies) and shall name the types of policies provided and shall refer specifically to this Contract. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the Contract, renewal Certificates of Insurance shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 50 of 64 Page 57 61 Request for Quotation 5389,1 The required limits for insurance may be achieved through a combination of primary and umbrella policies. These policies will provide that: the insurer(s) waive their rights of subrogation against the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners, their officials, employees, agents, and consultants. Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be canceled or non-renewed before the stated expiration date thereof, insurer will not cancel same until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the below named certificate holder. This prior notice provision is a part of each of the above described policies. F) Specifications 1) Introduction * Hillsborough County, in partnership with the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court, Hillsborough County Public Defender's Office, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office and the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office, seeks a highly qualified contractor (governmental agency, non-profit, for profit) to provide and administer all aspects of Misdemeanor Probation Services in and for Hillsborough County in accordance with Florida Statutes 948.15, 943.04352, and Administrative Order of the Courts. The resulting Contract shall include facilitating the collection of fines and fees, supervision of community service work, referring or linkage to rehabilitative treatment programs, electronic monitoring, and the enforcement of other court-ordered conditions for defendants placed on misdemeanor probation by the County Court in The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. These services shall be provided with no cost to the Courts. Misdemeanor Probation is an Offender Funded program. Services are ordered by the Courts and agreed to by the misdemeanant. Approximately 2,250 clients were supervised per month in 2014. The County and the Court make no representations as to the number, if any, of cases that may be assigned. 2) Background * The supervision of adult misdemeanor offenders has been privatized since the late 1970's and each selected vendor has provided the Courts with a comprehensive probation services program that includes community service supervision, domestic violence counseling and driving under the influence offender rehabilitation. Furthermore, the supervision of misdemeanor offenders has translated into a sizeable reduction of the misdemeanor jail population. 3) County Objectives 3.1. The following are the County Objectives for this project: 3.1.1. To Contract with a single Contractor that shall establish a comprehensive misdemeanor probation services program utilizing evidence based models and best practices. 3.1.2. To Contract for a scalable misdemeanor probation program that is accountable and transparent. 3.1.3. To reduce the jail population and offender recidivism through appropriate supervision and best practices for linkage to treatment and services that further enhance public safety goals and objectives. 3.1.4. To provide misdemeanor probation services without violating legal protections or creating due process violations. 3.1.5. To utilize and/or integrate with the existing Clerk's Office case maintenance system to facilitate providing real - time access to transmission of electronic case information, track community service hours, include Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 51 of 64 Page 58 62 Request for Quotation 5389,1 violation/warrant processing information, and provide outcome reporting. The system should have an on - demand feature which makes the information available in the courtroom. 3.1.6. To create system efficiencies, achieve results driven supervision, and guard against unnecessary fees and extensions of probation. 4) Scope of Work/Technical Specifications * 4. SCOPE OF WORK 4.1. The Contractor shall provide a Misdemeanor Probation system that will: 4.1.1. Provide all management, supervision, probation counselors, court liaisons, clerks, and other personnel necessary to responsibly supervise all persons placed on misdemeanor probation and to comply with the provisions of the Contract and all applicable laws. 4.1.2. Provide all equipment, supplies, office space, and other items/materials required to professionally maintain misdemeanor probation services. 4.1.3. Maintain case files in hardcopy and electronic format as appropriate in order to effectively monitor cases, offenders, and probation staff and to assist with monitoring and an annual audit. Electronic records should be interfaced with the Clerk's Office case management system to the greatest extent possible. 4.1.4. Maintain at least two (2) offices within Hillsborough County to ensure efficient service to clients. One office shall be maintained near downtown Tampa and one near downtown Plant City. 4.1.5. Have flexible hours of operation that accommodate prompt intake interviews for misdemeanor probation clients referred by the Court. The hours should consider the probation clients' ability to maintain gainful employment and/or work responsibilities. Furthermore, the Contractor shall maintain the following core hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with extended hours and holiday hours as agreed upon with the County project manager. 4.1.6. Establish intake, orientation, supervision, staffing, reporting, and caseload requirements as noted below. 4.2. Intake Requirements The Contractor shall conduct purposeful intake interviews and assessment on all new admissions as follows: 4.2.1. Intake interviews shall be conducted by a probation counselor or a court liaison. Promptly, following sentencing, the probation counselor or court liaison will instruct the probationer on the conditions of supervision and the probationer will be directed to report to the probation office on a specified date and time. 4.2.2. The probation counselor or court liaison will schedule an initial appointment with an assigned probation counselor and offender. The preparation of a client electronic case file, the collection of information and setting up the initial appointment may be conducted by a probation counselor or a court liaison before or after the intake interview. The initial appointment shall occur within ten (10) days of the date of sentencing. 4.2.3. The probation counselor or court liaison will review indigent status to determine if clients are eligible for reduced fees or waivers under the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator's Domestic Violence Program(s) if Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 52 of 64 Page 59 63 Request for Quotation 5389,1 funds are available from this source. 4.2.4. When the Court places an offender on misdemeanor probation pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 948.15, the Contractor must conduct a search of the probationer's name or other identifying information against the registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement under Florida Statutes Section 943.04352. The Contractor may conduct the search using the internet site maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The Contractor must also perform a similar search using the U.S. Department of Justice's Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender public website. The process may be conducted before or after the intake interview. When a participant appears on the stated searches, the information is primarily utilized to provide safe and effective supervision. The provider does not currently report its findings back to the court in a systematic way unless the "sexual offender/sexual predator" status has a direct bearing on the offender's ability to complete the terms of misdemeanor probation. 4.3. Initial Appointment (Orientation) The Contractor shall conduct the initial appointment as follows: 4.3.1. Initial appointments must be conducted by a probation counselor who will be responsible for monitoring the probationer. This initial appointment interview will primarily enable the probation counselor and the client to become acquainted with one another. It will consist of a detailed instruction of the conditions of probation, discussion of personal history characteristics, and determination of a highly individualized case plan to assist the client in avoiding recidivism or relapse. 4.3.2. Probation counselors will review the conditions of probation during the initial appointment or first face-to-face visit between the client and probation counselor and develop the highly individualized case plan. The case plan is to be followed and monitored. The case plan shall include referrals or linkage to necessary services, track participation in treatment and other services, establish follow - up dates, create a reporting schedule, explain the fee schedule, etc. This case plan may also include suggested services/interventions. 4.3.3. The probation counselor or court liaison shall complete the following tasks as part of the initial appointment/interview: Verify the accuracy and completeness of the information collected. Document additional personal information. Document current offenses. Document prior arrest history. Local arrest history may be obtained through the online Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Arrest Inquiry. The website is located at: http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/publicinquiry/arrestinquiry. Case disposition information can be retrieved from the Clerk of the Court'sHillsborough Court Records Search function at: http://pubrec10.hillsclerk.com/Unsecured/default.aspx Document current employment status. If applicable, document current employer's name and location. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 53 of 64 Page 60 64 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Determine whether the client requires further assistance that has not already been identified by the Court. Thoroughly discuss all financial obligations of the client, including but not a limited to, reviewing the probationer's income and expenses, and establishing budget and payment plan to ensure compliance. Discuss and establish a plan to complete community service hours if this is a designated condition of probation. The plan shall include a referral to a community service program. Assignments are intended to benefit the community and can include clean-up projects. Community service can be performed with city departments, county agencies, and approved non-profit or faith-based organizations. The case plan shall provide for completion of all the mandated hours at least two (2) weeks prior to expiration of the term of probation. Explain no contact orders, if applicable. referrals (although linkage is preferred) to drug, alcohol, mental health evaluation and/or treatment, and job service, driving under the influence schools, immobilization for driving under the influence, domestic violence intervention, batterer's intervention, anger management, petit theft school, if necessary. Referrals and linkage of any type, whether court-ordered or not, must be documented in the client's case plan in the Contractor's case management system. Explain the clients' rights, obligations, and grievance procedures. The Contractor's electronic case maintenance system must remain compatible with the court case management system, including existing data elements and image repository, throughout the Contract term to provide electronic records access in the courtroom. The case management system must: Document client compliance; Indicate when cases are closed; Document if probation is violated; and, Record when warrants are issued. 4.4. Supervision The Contractor shall supervise probationers sentenced in County Court to ensure compliance with any and all conditions imposed by the Court. The Contractor shall provide status reports and alerts to the Court throughout the period of supervision. Misdemeanor probation includes all criminal misdemeanor charges, reduced felonies, or criminal traffic offenses (e.g. Driving under the Influence, Reckless Driving, and Driving with License Suspended). The Contractor shall serve as the single point of contact for law enforcement, family members, providers, employers, victims, Court personnel, lawyers, and other individuals who may have information concerning the probationer's conduct. Supervision requires documenting the following for each client: 4.4.1. Directions to the client on ways to successfully complete their probation and comply with and complete the conditions of probation; 4.4.2. Facilitating Indigent determination; 4.4.3. Comprehensive case plan including linkage and referrals; Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 54 of 64 Page 61 65 Request for Quotation 5389,1 4.4.4. Includes referring or linking probationers to appropriate treatment agencies for substance abuse, anger management or batterer's intervention programs; 4.4.5. A minimum of one (1) monthly office appointment by probationer to the probation counselor supervising the case. The current misdemeanor probation services provider does provide the field contact service; however, this condition of probation is rarely implemented by the court. The current provider reports that the courts only implement the field contact provision approximately two times per year. If a field contact is required by the court, it would be permissible to allow a Field Supervisor to perform the necessary visits and report them to the assigned Probation Counselor. 4.4.6. If required, conduct a minimum of one (1) field contact (residential and/or employment location) during the term of probation by the probation counselor supervising the case; 4.4.7. Verifying that screenings, assessments, evaluations, and tests are conducted as specified; 4.4.8. Monitoring attendance, progress, testing, and participation in treatment services as specified; 4.4.9. Monitoring community service hour placements, progress, and completion as specified; 4.4.10.Enforcement of special conditions as required by the sentencing Court; and, 4.4.11. Ensuring the probationer is in compliance with the standard conditions of probation as specified. 4.5. Collection of Costs, Restitution, Fines, and Fees To collect supervision costs, restitution, fines, fees and other sums the Contractor shall establish partnerships with the Clerk of the Circuit Court which may include live - cashier sites. If the Contractor fails to establish partnerships with the Clerk of Circuit Court, all costs, fines, fees and sums must be paid by the client to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 4.5.1. All probationers, with oversight from the Contractor, are required to establish a payment plan with the Clerk of the Circuit Court following their court appearance in which they are placed on probation. The Contractor will: 4.5.2. Assist the Clerk of the Circuit Court to provide indigent screening determinations for probationers. 4.5.3. Facilitate the collection of all court costs, restitution, fines, fees and costs of supervision by the probationer to the Clerk of the Circuit Court at one of the Clerks established payment sites. The funds will be maintained in separate and distinct general ledger accounts. The Clerk's Office will subsequently distribute all court costs, fines, fees, and cost of supervision as appropriate. 4.5.4. Place a priority on the assessment, collection and disbursement of restitution to victims of crimes and shall monitor payments of court costs, fines, and the cost of supervision fees. 4.5.5. Maintain detailed reporting on the collection and transfer of court costs, fines, restitution, and fees using acceptable accounting methods. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 55 of 64 Page 62 66 Request for Quotation 5389,1 4.5.6. Provide effective oversight of the conversion of costs, fines, and/or fees to community service. This oversight includes the pre - authorization of acceptable community service vendors and follow - up to ensure authentication of compliance and completion. 4.5.7. Maintain accurate records that account for completed community service hours; including the name and contact information of the probationer, the name and contact information for the community service organization, letter confirming completion of community service hours, name and contact information of the probation counselor; and a record of the conversion (court costs or fines = x hours of community service). 4.5.8. Contact victims as necessary and assist in the collection of court - ordered restitution for theft, property damage, medical expenses, and worthless checks. 4.5.9. Work closely with the State Attorney's Office and the Victim's Assistance Program to obtain victim identification and claims information for purposes of restitution. 4.5.10. The current provider has one Live-Cashier site located at its main office in downtown Tampa. The site is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Funds are also collected at its Plant City Office from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and subsequently transported to their main office for processing. 4.5.11. The County would prefer for the Contractor's staff to facilitate the collection of fees, fines, and restitution by Clerk of the Circuit Court staff. 4.5.12. Misdemeanor Probation Services are an offender funded function. The prioritization of distribution of the Probation Supervision Fee is necessary to effectively execute the service. 4.5.13. The Contractor shall receive payment within 45 days of submission of a complete and accurate Request for Payment to the County. Refer to Page 44, Section 23, Paragraph (e). 4.5.14. The County does anticipate being invoiced on a monthly basis for Misdemeanor Probation Services. 4.6. Cost of Supervision Fees The Contractor is entitled to receive the cost of supervision fees required by Section 948.09 (1)(b), Florida Statutes, and established through Administrative Order #S-2010-026 (Attachment A - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER S-2010-026), or in any subsequent administrative order issued by the Chief Judge. The fees shall be collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and distributed to the Contractor by the County. The County recognizes that excessive fees may delay or prohibit offenders from successfully completing probation. The vendor will recognize this challenge and propose mechanisms to mitigate unnecessary costs to offenders. 4.6.1. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Contractor from establishing a sliding scale fee for those probationers not able to meet the cost of supervision fee. The current provider addresses a probationer's inability to pay on a case-by-case basis and does not employ an established sliding fee scale. 4.6.2. The Court may, at its discretion order that the cost of supervision fees be waived in cases involving indigent clients and the Contractor agrees to accept such cases. 4.6.3. In no case shall the County assume any liability to the Contractor for its cost of supervision or any uncollected fees. In addition, the County does not assure a minimum or maximum number of cases that will be available or Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 56 of 64 Page 63 67 Request for Quotation 5389,1 directed to the Contractor. 4.7. Invoices for Services Provided The Contractor will establish a monthly invoicing procedure with the County requesting payment for services rendered for the previous month. Under no circumstances shall the requested amount exceed the amount of cost of supervision fees collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court during the same period. 4.8. Probation Reporting The Contractor shall prepare violation reports and provide them to the Court for review to determine appropriate sentencing for offenders and ensure appropriate and timely dispositions. The Contractor shall report all violations of the terms and conditions of probation to the sentencing Judge as soon as possible but, in no instance shall it be later than five (5) days from the date of the violation for appropriate disposition. 4.8.1. All necessary documents and information will be assembled by a probation counselor or court liaison to support the violation. 4.8.2. As directed by the Court, a probation counselor and/or court liaison shall attend any county court proceedings and provide testimony regarding a violation of probation. 4.9. Court Liaisons (Court Room Staffing) The Contractor's court representatives shall appear in Court daily and provide status reports to Judges and Court personnel. These court representatives will utilize data from the Clerk's case maintenance system for newly sentenced probationers and facilitate the presentation of Violation of Probation hearings to the Court. The Contractor's court representatives shall also assist in the electronic submission of all court-orders, orders of modification and violation documents. It is estimated, that court representatives processed approximately 2,250 documents each month in 2014. 4.9.1. The current provider has assigned five Probation Counselors/Court Liaisons to the Tampa Court House and one to the Plant City Court House. 4.10. Supervision Requirements The services covered in this Contract do not include the direct provision of residential or outpatient treatment and rehabilitation services. 4.10.1. Domestic Violence Supervision - Strict monitoring is required to verify that clients attend violence/batterer intervention and counseling if ordered by the Court. The purpose of these services is to: identify the triggers that lead to violence and develop skills to avoid violence in the future. The Contractor's staff may also be required to contact victims to provide referral information and other necessary assistance. In addition to the client checking-in at the program office, the probation counselor may make contact with victims or witnesses. 4.10.2. Personal Development - If court-ordered, the Contractor shall be required to monitor school attendance or GED progress, completion of parenting classes, or other programs that develop necessary life skills that encourage the client to refrain from criminal conduct. The Contractor may provide information on other services such as anger management or behavior modification, money management, etc. 4.10.3. Social Service Referrals - The Contractor shall provide referrals or linkage to a variety of social service Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 57 of 64 Page 64 68 Request for Quotation 5389,1 agencies, including faith - based organizations, for clients needing housing, health care, food, clothing, or personal assistance so probationers can comply with court requirements and avoid recidivism. This assistance shall extend to emergency shelter, short-term housing, furniture, and medication, or transportation to meet urgent/immediate needs. 4.10.4. The probation counselor shall complete the following tasks as part of the supervision of clients to ensure compliance with all conditions of probation: Following the initial appointment interview, the probation counselor shall closely monitor the activities of the client to ensure compliance with all terms, conditions and special conditions of the court orders and supervision plan. Each probation counselor shall maintain written records of the client's activities while on supervision. This written record shall include, at a minimum, any personal or telephone contact or correspondence with or about the probationer, verification of compliance with court orders, and report of any non-compliance with court orders. The written records shall be maintained in the Contractor's case management system. Coordinate with community service programs (including city departments, county agencies, approved non-profit or faith-based organizations) for monitoring of clients' community service obligations. Ensure that all defendants have equal access to all probation programs, services and activities. Cooperate with all treatment agencies, schools and other programs to which clients are referred/linked. In any case where a treatment agency, school, or other program does not appear to be providing the proper service, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Court. Verify the probationer's home address and any subsequent changes in residence through rent/mortgage receipts or utility bills or other appropriate documents with the probationer within the first thirty (30) days of the probation period, unless specifically waived by the Court. Copies of residence verification documents shall be placed in each client's case file. Verify the client's employment through pay stubs/receipts or other appropriate documents during the probation period and continue to review such pay documents during monthly reporting visits. Copies of employment verification documents shall be placed in each client's case file. Ongoing verification of the client's financial status shall be conducted, especially when problems related to finances or money management have been identified. Financial verification must be documented in each client's case file. Identify a certified substance abuse testing laboratory(ies), fee(s), and method(s) the Contractor will refer clients to for testing. The cost of testing must remain nominal for the client and should not exceed the disclosed fee(s) or subsequently approved fee(s). The current contractor refers probationers to appropriately credentialed outside organizations of the offender's choice for drug testing services. Any drug testing services ordered by the Courts is performed at the cost of the probationer and is not included in the monthly cost of supervision. The cost of these services varies by the provider and the types of ancillary services that are included in the fee. The current provider processes approximately 100-150 substance abuse testing referrals per month. Encourage and assist unemployed and underemployed clients to improve their employability through job placement, skill building, education and/or training. The client shall be informed of government and private sector Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 58 of 64 Page 65 69 Request for Quotation 5389,1 employment opportunities; provided guidance and/or placement assistance; provided referral or linkage to job readiness and transportation assistance; and provided information on educational programs that are locally available. The Contractor shall ensure that information, instruction, linkage and assistance in obtaining the aforementioned services and proper documentation required for work are included in the case plan. Identify if the offender was charged with a new criminal offense during their period of supervision, regardless of the type of crime or classification. The Contractor shall conduct a criminal record check prior to requesting an early termination of probation, at least thirty (30) days prior to a successful termination of probation and/or before the completion of a violation of probation affidavit. A full file review will be conducted by the probation counselor and a supervisor thirty (30) days prior to any release to ensure all obligations have been met and, then a final criminal record check will be conducted ten (10) days prior to termination of the case. 4.10.5. Termination shall not be recommended prior to the probationer's having completed payment of restitution, fines, fees, or court costs, without notifying the Court that the conditions have not been completed. 4.10.6. In any case where the Court's jurisdiction has been lost prior to all conditions, including all special conditions, of probation being satisfied by the probationer, the Contractor shall transmit a copy of the case file to the judge in whose courtroom/division the case was heard. The probation counselor shall transmit, with the case file, a cover letter on the Contractor's letterhead outlining in detail the efforts made by that probation counselor to seek compliance with the terms of probation. 4.10.7. The Contractor shall follow-up and enforce the conditions of probation and all special conditions of probation. 4.10.8. The Contractor shall arrange for the transfer of supervision for misdemeanant defendants residing in other areas in the State of Florida as available and if ordered by the sentencing Court. The Contractor shall notify the sentencing Court, in writing within five (5) days when a receiving jurisdiction in the State of Florida does not accept transfers, so that the Court may resolve this issue. The Contractor must transfer supervision of defendants residing in other states if applicable. 4.11. Caseload Requirements The Contractor shall continually meet the requirements below regarding the number of clients per counselor or team, regardless of the number of cases. Continuous supervision must be maintained. Supervisors will monitor the continuous supervision of a client by: 4.11.1. Assigning new cases to a probation counselor who is not currently exceeding the maximum caseload. The maximum caseload established by contract with the current provider is "165-185" offenders per misdemeanor probation counselor. A prospective Contractor may suggest an alternate maximum caseload based on their proposed model; however, justification for the change must be included in their proposal; Assigning new cases to a probation counselor who is not scheduled for prolonged leave; Immediately reassigning responsibility for the supervision and management of a caseload if the assigned probation counselor is absent due to extended illness, disability, termination of employment, or other absence; Assigning or reassigning investigations, violations, or field contacts, to other staff until the assigned counselor returns. Short-term absences of two (2) weeks or less may be covered by the immediate supervisor or a designated counselor during such absence. Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 59 of 64 Page 66 70 Request for Quotation 5389,1 4.11.2. Clients shall be supervised by probation counselors whose caseloads shall not exceed the maximum number of clients established by the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator. 4.11.3. The Contractor's supervisory staff shall conduct random reviews of case files to ensure that probation counselors and court liaisons are monitoring and adequately documenting all conditions of supervision for all cases. 4.12. Staffing Requirements The Contractor shall maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to ensure that: 4.12.1. Court coverage will be provided as needed and/or as directed by the Chief Judge; 4.12.2. Professional program records and fiscal management is maintained throughout the course of the Contract; 4.12.3. Probation counselors are at the educational levels required below and in sufficient quantity to meet the case load levels specified; 4.12.4. Bilingual probation counselors or interpreters are available for Hispanic clients. 4.13. Staff Background and Qualifications 4.13.1. All of the Contractor's staff shall undergo a criminal background check to ensure that they have not been convicted of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement. 4.13.2. The Contractor shall provide affidavits from all employees associated with this Contract attesting to their criminal history status, military record, and educational accomplishments. The employee must disclose if they have been dishonorably discharged from any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. 4.13.3. The Contractor shall ensure that employees meet the minimum qualifications established by the American Correctional Association as referenced in Section 948.15 (3)(b) Florida Statutes and the following: 4.13.4. Probation Counselor/Court Liaison: An appropriate four (4) year degree from an accredited degree granting college or university or have completed a career development program that includes work related experience, training, or college credits providing a level of achievement equivalent to a bachelor's degree; and meet the contractual requirements for supervising misdemeanor probationers. 4.13.5. The Contractor shall identify what constitutes a career development program equivalent to a bachelor's degree in its program policies and retain documentation supporting staff appointments in its human resources files. 4.13.6. The Contractor shall provide a training program for probation counselors that assures continual improvement and meets changing requirements of misdemeanor probation. 4.13.7. The Contractor shall provide ongoing training to enhance staff's ability to effectively present to the Court violations of probation, modification of probation, pre - sentence investigations and case status reports. 4.14. Hillsborough County Public Safety Coordinating Council The Board of County Commissioners has a strong Public Safety Coordinating Council (the Council) to advise the County on certain criminal justice matters. The Council will review the provisions of this Contract and may report on the effectiveness of the Contractor and results of Misdemeanor Probation Services. The Chief Judge will Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 60 of 64 Page 67 71 Request for Quotation 5389,1 recommend, to the Board of County Commissioners, whether or not to continue the Contract, renegotiate the Contract, or solicit for a new Contract. The Council may, from time to time, make formal suggestions or recommendations for the addition, deletion, or modification of probation programs or services. The Contractor shall collaborate and cooperate with the Council. 4.14.1. The Contractor shall implement modifications to its procedures and records as may be formally requested by the Council. 4.14.2. Should the County implement alternative programs or a combination of community service programs it is anticipated that specifics for the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council and the Contractor. 4.14.3. Should the County decide to implement an electronic monitoring program during the course of this Contract it is anticipated that the specifics of the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council and the Contractor. 4.15. Reporting Requirements 4.15.1. In addition, to the financial transaction reports to the Clerk of Circuit Court and the required monthly financial transaction and performance reports to the County, the Contractor shall also electronically submit a quarterly and separate annual report to the Chief Judge, the Council Chair (for distribution to the Executive Committee), and the County. The quarterly and annual reports shall contain the following information for the specific period: Caseload ratio as noted above by location and overall; List of active employees by job title and years of experience (with detailed reporting on new hires and a listing of employees who have been terminated or have left); Active caseload by type of case with location summaries and overall; List of any complaints from clients about alleged abuses by the Contractor's employees; Probation/supervision fees ordered, collected, and retained by location and overall; New cases opened by location and overall; Number of clients served by location and overall; Cases closed by location and overall; Type of termination by location and overall; Violation cases during the previous quarter by location and overall; Assessments collected and disbursed by location and overall; Detailed report on paid court costs, fines, fees, restitution by location and overall; Detailed report on community service hours planned and satisfied by location and overall; Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 61 of 64 Page 68 72 Request for Quotation 5389,1 Detailed report on conversion of ordered costs/fines/fees converted to community service hours and the monetary value to the community by location and overall; and, Detailed report on the required accidental injury insurance policy(ies) procured by location and overall. 4.15.2. The Contractor's annual report should summarize the quarterly data and detail: how much money the Contractor collects in fees from the offenders they serve in all jurisdictions; and how much money the Contractor currently collects in fines, costs and restitution in all jurisdictions; and how many violations and arrest warrants are issued and for what cause in all jurisdictions. 4.15.3. The Contractor shall provide reports to the Chief Judge, the Public Safety Coordinating Council, and the County as required by Florida Statutes Chapter 948.15 and all other reports as required in this Contract with the County. 4.15.4. The Contractor shall provide operational, revenue, and statistical reports as required by the County, the Court, the Council, and Florida Statutes. 4.15.5. The Contractor shall maintain individual case files and auditable financial records of all fines, restitution, and supervision fees received, expended and disbursed by the Contractor. 4.15.6. The Contractor shall Contract with a licensed external independent Certified Public Accountant to complete an annual financial report audited and certified accurate, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The scope of the financial audit will include both operations in Hillsborough County and any other entity or parts of the company that may reside outside of the County. The audit will review all data and reports maintained by the Contractor and certify them as accurate. The final report shall be provided to the Chief Judge, the Council, and the County within one hundred eighty (180) days following the close of the Contractor's fiscal year. 4.15.7. The Contractor shall maintain a file containing information on all cases referred to the misdemeanor program. Records shall be maintained six (6) fiscal years past termination of the probation period. The information in the file shall include the name of the probationer, case number, charge(s), probation disposition, correspondence, payment records, and any known prior criminal record. 4.15.8. The Contractor shall also record and maintain statistical data concerning the number and types of cases assigned, supervised, terminated, and completed. The statistical data shall also include the number of contacts/visits with probationers; the hours of community service performed by probationers; and such additional information as may be required to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Contractor's activities. 4.16. Transition of Misdemeanor Probation Services The Contractor shall work with the current misdemeanor probation service provider and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator for a sixty (60) day period to provide for the complete and seamless transition of services. During this period, both the Contractor and the current provider will work in a collaborative manner to ensure all past and current misdemeanor cases transition between the Contractor and the current provider. 4.16.1. It will be a priority to ensure current probationers are aware of the changes and any new direction they need to make for the Contractor. 4.17. Other Costs Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 62 of 64 Page 69 73 Request for Quotation 5389,1 The County will retain funds from the cost of supervision fees necessary to support the salary, benefits, and ope rating expenses for one (.5) half-time project manager position of the County's or their designee or agent, to oversee the program, ensure good communication, monitor the Contract, audit case files, evaluate data, problem-solve issues that may arise, act to integrate services through interagency collaboration, develop expanded service arrays and pathways for clients, and determine the impact of these services on crime and recidivism. Additional sums may be required if it becomes necessary for the County to process monthly invoices and/or payments to the Contractor. 4.17.1. The County anticipates the annual retained amount to be approximately $35,000. 5) Clarifications 5.1. Table 5.1 below stratifies all new client enrollments by month and location for the period of October 2014 through March 2015: Table 5.1 New Client Enrollments by Month, by Location-October 2014 through March 2015 Month Tampa Office Plant City Office Total Number of New Clients Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015 505 382 465 557 527 530 2966 104 85 53 66 90 77 475 609 467 518 623 617 607 3441 Total Number of New Clients per Location: 5.2. The average length of time served for all probationers, accounting for early termination (including Diversion, Driving Under the Influence (DUI), and Reckless Driving) has ranged from six to nine months. 5.3. Page 14 of 64, A. Qualifications, Paragraph 3 will remain as written. 5.4. The current Contractor, The Salvation Army, has identified Ms. Tina Kline, as the organization's point of contact for any technical questions and employment inquiries. Her telephone number is 813.223.3781, Ext. 298. 5.5. The current Contractor has not disclosed their strategic plans for the current Misdemeanor Probation Services sites in downtown Tampa and Plant City. The Clerk of the Circuit Court has made space available for use by the selected probation service provider. The available sites and space include the following: Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 63 of 64 Page 70 74 Request for Quotation 5389,1 5.5.1. Edgecomb Courthouse Facility: 3,773 square feet 5.5.2. Plant City Courthouse Facility: 500 square feet 5.5.3. Additional information regarding the current Misdemeanor Probation Sites can be obtained from The Salvation Army's point of contact, Ms. Tina Kline, at 813.223.3781, Ext. 298. Additional information regarding space made available by the Clerk of the Circuit Court can be obtained from the Clerk of the Circuit Court point of contact, Doug Bakke at 813.307.7014. 5.6. Information regarding the Clerk of the Circuit Courts' software system (Odyssey) can be obtained from the Hillsborough County Clerk Probation Services Interface Abstract which has been attached to the RFP (Attachment B). The abstract includes: a system overview, interface overview, communications methods, transactions types, data elements, and document sharing and upload capabilities. Questions related to the abstract or system requirements may be directed to the Clerk of the Circuit Court point of contact, Doug Bakke at 813.307.7014. 5.7. A draft evaluation tool (Attachment C – SAMPLE EVALUATION MATRIX) is attached to the RFP. However, the County may amend the tool as necessary. 5.8. The selected provider with have access to data from the Clerk's office identifying which probationers have paid and how much. The vendor will utilize the data in submitting a Request for Payment to the County. 5.9. The Clerk of the Circuit Court will disperse restitution to the victims. 5.10. The number of active probationers has fluctuated between 3,200 and 3,800 persons per month. 5.11. The County intends for the Clerk of the Circuit Court to collect all cost of supervision fees, fines, other fees, and restitution. The Clerk of the Circuit Court will deposit the monies into the appropriate account for disbursement. 5.12. The Narrative response fields in Oracle have a maximum of approximately 5500 characters. If a proposer's response will exceed 5500 characters in the Narrative response fields, the County recommends either attaching the response or reducing the response to meet the 5500 character limit. 5.13. A list of approved DM/DWBE Certified Directory of Firms can be located at: https://hillsboroughcounty.diversitycompliance.com/ Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Page 64 of 64 Page 71 75 Response to RFQ No. 5389 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County BOCC – County Center Procurement Services Department PO Box 1110 601 East Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33601 Due Date: May 13, 2015 Time: 2:00 p.m. Proposal by: Mark Contestabile, Chief Business Development Officer and Divisional President Sentinel Offender Services, LLC 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: 678.443.9525 Fax: 673.443.9530 http://www.SentinelOffenderServices.com Page 72 76 May 12, 2015 Christopher Kersey Hillsborough County BOCC – County Center Procurement Services Department PO Box 1110 601 East Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33601 Re: Sentinel Offender Services proposal response submission to RFQ No. 5389 Dear Mr. Kersey: Sentinel Offender Services, LLC, respectfully submits our proposal in response to the request for quotations for Misdemeanor Probation Services in and for Hillsborough County in accordance with Florida Statutes 948.15, 943.04352, and Administrative Order of the Courts. We acknowledge receipt of Amendment 5389.1 uploaded to the County’s purchasing site. Sentinel has been providing probation services and offender management programs since 1993. Over the last 22 years, Sentinel has become one of the largest privately-owned offender management companies in the industry. Our Senior Management team has over 150 years of combined probation management experience, and we will continue to rely on this team to provide excellent service and a smooth program transition within Hillsborough County. We currently employ more than 400 staff throughout the country and provide service to more than 200 agencies in 26 states. Today, we operate more than 40 offices throughout the country and supervise more than 65,000 participants. We believe the single most important reason for our success is the way our personnel closely work with judges, clerks, and other court and law enforcement officials to tailor Sentinel’s service offerings to accommodate program needs. We develop programs that aid the agencies and communities in reducing both financial obligations and recidivism by focusing on offender successes; we reward timely compliance with financial obligations by reducing the financial burden on the offender. Upon agreement and support from the Court, we can propose additional reward systems for implementation that may reduce the frequency of face-to-face reporting for probationers who maintain full compliance with the court-ordered sentence. It was evident during the pre-proposal conference that the County is seeking innovative solutions utilizing the latest technology and evidenced based practices to provide cost effective probation services to the misdemeanant offender population in Hillsborough County. It was also clear that the County is seeking a company that is not only of the size necessary to handle the financial burden of implementation and extended invoicing practices, but that, above all, they are looking for a company that has innovative ideas that may be implemented on a foundation of open communication and accountability. It appears to Sentinel that the County/Court desires a vendor who would act as a “Partner” with the Court on complex issues such as software interfacing, new program implementation, and the long-term reduction in recidivism rates within Hillsborough County. To accomplish those goals, the County/Court must find a provider that has a track record for quality service and the vision and resources to achieve long-term success. 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 • Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: (678) 453-9525 • Fax (678) 443-9530 • www.sentineloffenderservices.com Page 73 77 12 May 2015 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC Proposal Response to Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 In our model, we provide multiple supervision levels that correspond to the offender’s risk level, reporting requirements, and court obligations. By providing differing levels of service at different price points it allows the program participant to pay only for the true level of supervision required while providing an incentive to complete non-financial obligations early in order to receive a reduction in the monthly supervision fee. Sentinel recognizes that the need to ensure the transition of this program is performed in a smooth and timely manner. Having transitioned more than 100 agencies since inception, we know the importance of hiring qualified staff. It is our intent to meet with and offer employment to as many of the current Salvation Army staff as possible. It is our plan to use these staff members to provide service both within the courthouses and from two (2) of our field offices located within Hillsborough County. As you review the various proposals undoubtedly you will see creative writing attempting to present the routine activity of probation services in a new or dramatic fashion but there is much about “probation” that is the same. In the most basic of terms we make certain the defendant understands the conditions set by the Court, we establish guidelines and deadlines for adherence to those conditions, and we timely notify the Court when a defendant demonstrates willful noncompliance and fails to respond to our encouragement, admonishments, and explanations of potential consequences to their non-compliance amounting to violations of their probation. However, Sentinel offers many innovative services and technologies that other providers do not and has more experience than many providers. Sentinel’s unique Probation and Court Service experience includes equipment and program services tailored to the needs of the agencies we serve. Some of our unique equipment and program services include: Our offender management software, SenTrack, is a web-accessible, proprietary software that we designed to interface with any Clerk of Court’s software package. Software Interface has been achieved with many of our customers, thus the foundation for the data exchange project with the Tyler Odyssey software will be greatly simplified. To support our Probation Officers, we use Automated Telephonic Reminder technology to remind probationers of their upcoming report day and quick follow-up when they fail to report as directed. We can install a Sentinel Kiosk for Check-In and Collections services in a 24/7/365 secured location that will provide addition reporting and payment alternatives to individuals approved by the Court. Sentinel offers innovative Warrant Recovery Programs and Failure To Appear programs that we designed to resolve outstanding financial obligations that were not being actively pursued by the court or local government. They have been successful in multiple locations, and we believe Hillsborough County will experience the same positive results. We are the only vendor proposing this project that is also a leader in the offender electronic monitoring industry. We are the only probation company in existence that owns/operates a 24/7 monitoring center and produces monitoring equipment. We pioneered the Offender-Paid Program Model with a Tiered Fee Approach within the private probation services industry. Many will propose it…we started it. We have proposed to bring the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on-line to allow them access to information while they are on patrolling the community. It is our belief that our combination of extensive experience in the Probation/Court Services industry, exceptional customer support capabilities, and unique technology and service offerings provides the “Best Solution” for Hillsborough County. We also believe our commitment to working locally, in person, with the Court and County agencies will allow us to immediately resolve unanticipated issues as they arise. Please make no mistake, if Sentinel is awarded this contract we will immediately enhance our local presence and increase the number of local Hillsborough County staff. This project will not be managed from a distance but instead directed locally and supported through our regional office as needed. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Letter of Transmittal • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 74 78 12 May 2015 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC Proposal Response to Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Sentinel appreciates the opportunity to provide a response to the Hillsborough County RFQ # 5389 for “Misdemeanor Probation Services”, and we look forward to the opportunity to further discuss our solution for the County. Please contact me directly at 678.443.9525 extension 104, via cellular phone at 770.778.9214, or via email at mcontestabile@sentrak.com should the County have further questions regarding our offering. Again, thank you for this opportunity to be of service to Hillsborough County. Sincerely, Mark Contestabile Chief Business Development Officer and Divisional President Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Letter of Transmittal • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 75 79 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Table of Contents Title Page Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 3 Approach to Work................................................................................................................................. 3 Multi-Tiered Service Levels and Pricing Structure ........................................................................... 4 Case Management ........................................................................................................................... 5 Case Intake/Enrollment .................................................................................................................... 6 Individual Supervision Plans ............................................................................................................ 6 Violations and Delinquencies ........................................................................................................... 7 Administrative Hearings ................................................................................................................... 7 Revocation Hearings ........................................................................................................................ 8 Project Understanding ......................................................................................................................... 8 Contractual Commitments ................................................................................................................... 9 Potential Problems or Concerns ....................................................................................................... 10 Qualifications ............................................................................................................... 12 Project Team Qualifications/Qualifications of Key Personnel ....................................................... 12 Resumes for Key Personnel .............................................................................................................. 15 Availability of Key Personnel ............................................................................................................ 20 Time Key Personnel Will Spend on Project ................................................................................... 20 Current Workload of Key Personnel .............................................................................................. 20 Experience .................................................................................................................... 21 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 1 ......................................................................... 22 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 2 ......................................................................... 22 Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 3 ......................................................................... 22 Technical Approach...................................................................................................... 24 Requirement 6: Inclusion of Appropriate and Request Information in Sufficient Detail ............ 24 Requirement 7: Project Plan or Approach ....................................................................................... 24 Requirement 8: Technology .............................................................................................................. 26 Requirement 9: Project Deliverables ................................................................................................ 35 Requirement 10: Transition Plan ...................................................................................................... 26 Approach of Work .......................................................................................................................... 37 Project Plan .................................................................................................................................... 40 Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Table of Contents • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |1 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 76 80 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Project Plan or Project Approach ..................................................................................................... 42 County Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 42 Scope of Work/Technical Specifications ........................................................................................ 44 4.1. The Contractor shall provide a Misdemeanor Probation system that will: ....................... 44 4.2. Intake Requirements ........................................................................................................ 50 4.3. Initial Appointment (Orientation) ....................................................................................... 52 4.4. Supervision ....................................................................................................................... 60 4.5. Collection of Costs, Restitution, Fines, and Fees ............................................................ 64 4.6. Cost of Supervision Fees ................................................................................................. 69 4.7. Invoices for Services Provided ......................................................................................... 70 4.8. Probation Reporting .......................................................................................................... 71 4.9. Court Liaisons (Court Room Staffing) .............................................................................. 72 4.10. Supervision Requirements ............................................................................................. 73 4.11. Caseload Requirements ................................................................................................. 81 4.12. Staffing Requirements .................................................................................................... 83 4.13. Staff Background and Qualifications .............................................................................. 83 4.14. Hillsborough County Public Safety Coordinating Council .............................................. 87 4.15. Reporting Requirements................................................................................................. 88 4.16. Transition of Misdemeanor Probation Services ............................................................. 90 4.17. Other Costs .................................................................................................................... 96 Cost ............................................................................................................................... 97 Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee .......................................................................................................... 97 Cost-of-Supervision Fee .................................................................................................................... 97 Required Forms .......................................................................................................... 100 Substitute W-9 Equal Opportunity Questionnaire Insurance Certificate Affirmative Action Policy Disadvantaged Minority-Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Licenses Financials Supporting Documentation ......................................................................................... 101 Product Brochures Sentinel – City of Atlanta Municipal Court “SenTrack Application Interface” Document Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Table of Contents • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |2 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 77 81 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Executive Summary The executive summary shall include a brief statement of approach to the work, understanding of the project's goals and objectives and demonstrated understanding of the project's potential problems and concerns. Throughout our response, Sentinel will demonstrate our company’s strength and commitment to customer service while introducing programs and concepts not offered by any other vendor in the industry. We believe our proven results over the last 20+ years demonstrate our success and that our local contract for electronic monitoring currently in place with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office reflects our commitment to customer service and ability to work effectively with Hillsborough County law enforcement. As the most qualified company in the industry, we will spend the remaining portions of this proposal detailing our plan to provide service to your court that is professional, efficient and most importantly, accountable. Sentinel Offender Services, LLC (“Sentinel”), has been providing probation services and offender management programs since 1993. Over the last 22 years, Sentinel has become one of the largest privately-owned offender management companies in the industry. Our Senior Management team has over 150 years of combined probation management experience, and we will continue to rely on this team to provide excellent service and a smooth program transition within Hillsborough County. Sentinel is dedicated exclusively to offender management programs and technologies. We currently employ more than 400 staff throughout the country and provide service to more than 200 agencies in 26 states. Today, we operate more than 40 offices throughout the country and supervise more than 65,000 participants. In Georgia Sentinel operates 17 local field offices and provides probation services to more than 75 courts across the state. Our case management software and all of our Kiosks are Sentinel-owned and -maintained. We do not subcontract any or our software development, Kiosk services, nor electronic monitoring products. Sentinel is the only company bidding this project that owns and operates a 24/7 monitoring center and provides 100% of our Kiosk software and support without the use of subcontractors. Further, we are the only company bidding this project that manufactures our own electronic monitoring and GPS tracking devices – both of which are currently being utilized by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Below, Sentinel has provided narrative responses in order to describe our understanding of the: Approach to Work Project Understanding Potential Problems or Concerns Approach to Work Sentinel will be utilizing our experience to deliver a local probation services program operated within Hillsborough County directed by our Project Manager Chris Cush who has 17 years of experience in probation supervision and whom is empowered to make decisions locally that benefit the program. Sentinel will be opening two (2) locations within Hillsborough County. We anticipate opening both locations within 60 days of contract signature. Simultaneously, Sentinel will seek to recruit and hire as many of the qualified and experienced staff available from the Salvation Army. It is our preference to hire those individuals with local program knowledge and then place them in the Sentinel training program to ensure all aspects of motivational interviewing and quality case management are established. Additionally, this will allow us to coordinate closely with the Salvation Army during the transition period thus reducing the likelihood of service interruption or miscommunication. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |3 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 78 82 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 The most important aspect to the success of the program resides in the ability to properly integrate Sentinel’s SenTrack Case management software with the County’s Odyssey system. It is our desire to make this aspect of the program a “Pre-Implementation” requirement. By doing so, Sentinel will dedicate an entire team of IT and Operations staff to the project. This will allow Sentinel and the Clerk’s Office to ensure the following items occur within the 60 days required of the transition: All case data currently held by the Salvation Army is digitized and reconciled within Odyssey and SenTrack; All data exchanges are tested, confirmed and archive systems are operating successfully; All necessary reports are developed in advance (to the extent possible) therefore ensuring reports are immediately available upon transition; and Staff are trained on the software systems in advance of transition. Upon completion of the software interface Sentinel will work closely with the Court and Salvation Army to transition existing probationers over to Sentinel for supervision. Further, we will work with the Clerk’s Office and the Court to ensure proper scheduling of our Court Services staff. Our Sentinel field office will operate in a fashion similar to our other field locations around the country and ensure that the probationer-to-Probation Officer ratio never exceeds the Court’s expectations. Each probationer will be provided the appropriate assessment and then will be supervised in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that will be customized to the Court’s expectations. The SOP will be published and reviewed on a quarterly basis with the stakeholders of Hillsborough County and will serve as the benchmark for service expectations. Our locations will operate after hours and on weekends as defined in the SOP with bilingual staff on-site for translation services as needed. Multi-Tiered Service Levels and Pricing Structure Sentinel will offer the Courts multiple levels of supervision defined in our SOP. Our proposal outlines multiple levels of supervision that include a tiered pricing approach that allows the Court to select the proper supervision level and corresponding supervision fee based on the court-ordered requirements and the participant’s risk level. By providing multiple supervision levels, the Court may utilize different reporting requirements, frequency of office visits, and electronic monitoring technology for those cases involving high-risk participants. This model has proven successful in other jurisdictions we serve, and our goal is to expand our service options with the implementation of a Pre-Trial Diversion Program, Telephonic Check-In and Collections program, and enhanced supervision. Sentinel’s vast experience has allowed us the opportunity to develop a strong approach to the dynamics within team relationships and leadership responsibilities. We take seriously our duty to be a vital and productive member of the court system. As the arm of the court, and responsible for providing probation services, we understand our actions reflect upon all law enforcement agencies within the County. We perceive our role as being both supportive to the County and as an assistant to the Court; we must be supportive in that our policies and procedures reflect the values instituted by the Court, and that our performance aids the County in achieving its goal of delivering quality service to the citizens of the County and those individuals interacting with the Court. The primary goal of supervision is to reduce risk to the community through ongoing monitoring, information gathering, and treatment. Supervision techniques include surveillance of the probationer's activities in the community, and referrals to treatment providers. Our probation supervision activities include: Guidance and direction to each probationer with successful completion of probation and associated conditions as their main goal. Exploration of all available sources of information such as pre-sentence investigations, police reports, and criminal histories to gain insight into probationer's current status and background. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |4 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 79 83 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Maintenance of ongoing contacts with individuals that have knowledge of the probationer's activities. Working closely with and linking treatment providers and probationers to coordinate effective treatment and supervision plans. Making referrals to appropriate treatment providers, maintaining contact with resources available in the community, coordinating referrals with treatment providers to establish mutual treatment and supervision goals, monitoring probationer's progress, and documenting all actions taken. Monitoring the probationer's lifestyle with particular attention to financial stability, employment status and indications of substance abuse; making referrals for treatment, as necessary. Informing the probationer of court-ordered sanctions such as paying fines, restitution, supervision fees and other costs; monitoring compliance with established payment schedules and taking appropriate action to address arrearages. Ensuring that probationers are properly screened, placed with a community service agency, and completes community service in a timely manner. Sentinel’s probation services include: Case Management Case Intake / Enrollment Facilitating Individual Supervision Plans Addressing Violations and Delinquencies Administrative Hearings Revocation Hearings Case Management The primary objectives of our Case Management program are to protect the community, enforce conditions of probation, and to assist probationers in becoming law-abiding citizens. The Probation Officer meets with the offender at least once a month to provide guidance and direction to the offender in completing the conditions of probation and to monitoring his/her progress. Appointments are scheduled to accommodate the offenders work schedule and efforts are made to avoid time lost at work due to reporting to their Probation Officer. Additionally, we provide alternative reporting times during evening and weekend hours to accommodate those offenders who work long or unusual hours. Our staff will attend each court session held at the Court or jail to explain to the offenders placed on probation the conditions of their individual sentence. Our staff performs the following business activities on behalf of the Program: Represents the Sentinel office in all daily courtroom responsibilities; Represents Sentinel in a proactive manner using a computer to access our case management software to effectively answer questions concerning cases; Remains knowledgeable about the probation process and services provided by Sentinel and is able to intelligently discuss our ability to serve the Court; Processes payments, performs initial interviews with offenders, completes court intake and ensures the integrity of the intake process so that the offender is aware of their legal responsibilities; Pre-assigns probationers to our Probation Officers for supervision under the direction of the Sentinel Branch Manager and does so in a manner that ensures that caseloads remain balanced throughout the office; and Obtains a digital picture for the probationer for our files. Immediately after the offender is sentenced our staff will interview the offender and complete the Intake process. During the process, our staff will complete an offender case history form that includes home address, employment status and address, family/emergency contacts, substance abuse/physical/mental dependencies, criminal history data, court sentencing data, and social security number. Our staff will review all conditions of probation with the offender and provide him/her with a copy of the sentence. Additionally, if the offender is prepared to make his/her first payment they will be given a receipt and the Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |5 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 80 84 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 funds will be applied to the offender’s case. All information received from the offender will be placed in their case file as well as in Sentinel’s case management software. Upon completion of the case intake, our staff obtains the offender’s signature on the General Conditions of Probation, the Sentence Sheet, and the Reporting and Payment Acknowledgement Form. The offender is provided with directions and an appointment time at our local Branch Office within the next five (5) days and is notified of the documentation he/she will need to provide at his/her first visit. Case Intake/Enrollment When the probationer reports to our local Branch Office for enrollment, he/she will be provided a complete Orientation of the probation supervision process so they will have a full understanding of their requirements and sentence. We have found that by focusing on the enrollment process and taking additional time to communicate with the probationer their responsibilities enhances the probationer’s level of success. The Sentinel Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case: Interviews the probationer to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the case history form; Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence; Verifies the probationer has been provided a copy of their sentence and has signed a copy of the sentence; Provides referrals to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work and alcohol/drug treatment; Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule; Completes a Kiosk enrollment and orientation; Assigns the defendant to a Probation Officer, schedules a date for his/her next appointment, prepares the case file and presents the case file to the Probation Officer; and Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered, such as community service, AA attendance, or other counseling, our staff provides the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. Our staff cooperates with the probationer to get community service locations assigned, treatment assessments and referrals coordinated, and ensures all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file. By linking locally with available resources we are able to increase the likelihood of participant success. Sentinel’s local Program Director monitors our Court Services and Case Management activities to ensure these services and activities are properly conducted and coordinated. Individual Supervision Plans To effectively supervise a case, the Sentinel Probation Officer will develop and implement a Supervision Plan. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Probation Officer to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Probation Officer will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Probation Officer becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and supervision plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing, payment plans, and schedule for completion of special conditions. Most probationers will receive at least one (1) face-to-face contact per month with their Probation Officer or Case Manager and high-risk probationers may complete as many as four (4) office contacts per month. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |6 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 81 85 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Violations and Delinquencies Violations and delinquencies will be investigated and immediately provided to the County in a report prepared by the Sentinel Probation Officer. Probation Violations: Violations of any condition of probation will be investigated and the Court will be informed of violations in a delinquency report prepared by the Probation Officer. The Probation Officer will prepare all necessary documentation to conduct probation revocation hearings and address violations. According to Program policies, the Probation Officer will recommend appropriate sanctions and/or sentence modifications. Prior to violation reports being submitted to the Court, each document is reviewed and approved by Sentinel management. This internal control ensures every available option was utilized prior to the issuance of a violation report and the accuracy of the document submitted to the Court. Financial Delinquencies: We address potential financial delinquencies from the beginning of the probation supervision process by completing a financial assessment on every probationer. This assessment evaluates the probationer’s ability to pay court-ordered fines and ensures an attainable payment schedule is set to meet the Court’s financial requirements. By involving the probationer in the assessment process, we are able to set a payment schedule that provides the probationer the best opportunity to successfully complete his/her probation sentence. Additionally, the probationer’s acknowledgement of the financial assessment and agreement with their payment schedule minimizes confrontational conversations if the probationer later becomes financially delinquent. Since initial payment schedules are set with the probationer’s involvement, we will make every effort, through effective case management, to encourage probationers to comply with the conditions of probation. Consistent contact with the probationer and knowledge of his/her activities is essential in monitoring the probationer's progress with supervision and detecting delinquencies. Sentinel personnel have a variety of court financial reports available to assist them in tracking probationer’s financial status. The most common delinquencies are “failure to report” and/or “failure to pay financial obligations” as directed. As a delinquency is discovered, the Probation Officer initiates steps designed to inform the probationer of the delinquency and re-establish compliance. Initially a telephone call to the probationer is made to reestablish contact and address the delinquency. Additionally, our local Probation Officers receive assistance from our call center. The call center operates after hours to contact probationers who have failed to report to their Probation Officer. When probationers are contacted they are rescheduled to meet with their Probation Officer in order to avoid further sanctions. If contact cannot be established through a telephone call, then an attempt is made to contact the probationer by mail. If contact cannot be made within approximately 10 days, further action becomes necessary to notify the Court of the noncompliance. The most successful action is usually an Administrative Hearing. Administrative Hearings Administrative Hearings are meetings during which probationers are brought before a Sentinel supervisor to address a delinquency and be compelled to change attitude, behavior, and/or compliance. During Administrative Hearings, a very strong stance is taken to address deficiencies that brought about the hearing. In many cases, the greatest benefit is realized when the offender is advised that a hearing date with the judge will be requested in the event they do not correct their non-compliant behavior. In these Administrative Hearings the offender is given a specific time schedule in which to comply with the requirements of the Program. The circumstances of the delinquency and the results of this proceeding are documented and placed in the probationer’s case file. With the Court’s support of punitive measures as described by the Sentinel supervisor, delinquencies can be reduced during the remaining period of probation. Administrative hearings are an effective and efficient step that may avoid probation revocation hearings and serve a useful purpose when initial attempts to gain compliance have been unsuccessful. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |7 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 82 86 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Revocation Hearings When a probationer serving a misdemeanant sentence has violated the conditions of probation and a hearing is necessary for the Court to consider the facts and circumstances of the violation, the Court may revoke or modify the sentence. The Sentinel Probation Officer will prepare all necessary documentation to conduct probation Revocation Hearings and address violations. According to Program policies, the Probation Officer will recommend appropriate sanctions and/or sentence modifications. Prior to violation reports being submitted to the Court, each document is reviewed and approved by Sentinel management. This internal control ensures every available option was utilized prior to the issuance of a violation report and the accuracy of the document submitted to the Court. Project Understanding It was evident during the pre-proposal conference that the County is seeking innovative solutions utilizing the latest technology and evidenced based practices to provide cost effective probation services to the misdemeanant offender population in Hillsborough County. It was also clear that the County is seeking a company that is not only of the size necessary to handle the financial burden of implementation and extended invoicing practices but that, above all, they are looking for a company that has innovative ideas that may be implemented on a foundation of open communication and accountability. It was apparent that the County desires to find a vendor who would act as a “Partner” with the Court in complex issues such as data integration, new program implementation, and the long-term reduction in recidivism rates within Hillsborough County. In our model, we provide a number of supervision levels that correspond to the offender’s risk level, reporting requirements, and payment obligations. By providing differing levels of service at different price points it allows the program participant to pay only for the true level of supervision required while providing an incentive to complete non-financial obligations early in order to receive a reduction in the monthly supervision fee. The goals Sentinel is prepared to accomplish in cooperation with Hillsborough County and the Courts include: Participant accountability through quality case management; Reduction in recidivism rates; Transparent operations visible to all Hillsborough County stakeholders; Render services at a fair and equitable cost in the least expensive manner possible to the program participant; Software and technology improvements that assist the Clerk, the Court, the Sheriff’s Department as well as other County agencies affected by the probation services operation; Linking available community-based providers of cognitive skills and offender assistance programs; and Accountability for the oversight and supervision of the misdemeanor offender population in Hillsborough County allowing a single point of contact for innovative ideas and solutions. We have realized that the single most important reason for our success over the past 22 years is that we have closely worked with our customers; the approach employed by Sentinel in the provision of Probation Services is that we are in service to both the agency and the probationer. Our primary obligation is to ensure that the probationer is in full compliance with the orders of the Program; however, we have an implied obligation to assist the probationer in successfully completing his/her sentence rather than being returned to custody. Experience has shown that by facilitating compliance rather than punishing failure we provide a higher level of service to both the agency and the probationer thereby promoting a higher degree of successful completion. Our services include the incorporation of the latest technological advancements in the offender services arena including Sentinel’s Kiosk check-in and reporting capabilities, Sentinel’s latest electronic monitoring equipment, formalized Warrant Recovery programs, and our automated case management software, SenTrack. All of these tools and technologies can be incorporated in the provision of a Probation Services Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |8 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 83 87 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 operation that includes multi-level supervision, probation fees determined by the offender’s case requirements, and an organizational structure that utilizes multiple teams supported by Case Managers. Sentinel performs the following activities to ensure proper coordination of the Program’s procedures and requirements; the schedule and protocols for these events / meetings will be determined by Court personnel and Sentinel’s management team. Meets with the Court to review supervision requirements for offenders, to establish policies and procedures for Program services, obtain approval of forms and documents to be used in case administration, and determine any specific methodology the Court requires in case management. Meets with the Court as needed to coordinate revocation hearing procedures and testimony by Probation Officers. Meets with other Clerk of Court to coordinate required reporting of probation activities. Meets with the Sheriff’s Department to offer visibility and software access to probationer information. Meets with community service work agencies to establish Court-approved locations for offender community service. Meets with local community mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence treatment providers to coordinate the referral process of offenders to complete counseling. Meets with local community resource agencies to establish referrals for services for offenders such as crime victim assistance, Risk Reduction (DUI) school, GED completion, adult literacy programs, job assistance, credit counseling, and other human service needs. Sentinel always strives to earn the trust and respect of all government officials and build credibility with government authorities where trust and credibility must be earned through the honesty and hard work of all staff members. The program being requested of this RFQ is nearly identical to the services required of Sentinel by the more than 75 courts we serve. We understand this RFQ attempts to disclose the anticipated services requested; however experience had shown us that our services must be prepared to go much deeper than the requirements of this RFQ. Thus, by preparing our organization for ever changing needs of our customers we have been able to maintain a 95% customer retention rate over the last 22 years. Contractual Commitments If Sentinel is awarded this contract for services and in addition to the requirements of this RFQ, Sentinel will ensure the following items are provided in our service offering and included in the contract if required. The owner of Sentinel will meet with each judge personally no less than once every 60 days and the Program Director will meet as needed, no less than once every two (2) weeks. Sentinel has and will continue to provide 24/7 on-line access to our case management and collections database. Sentinel will interface with the Tyler Odyssey software at no cost and develop customized reports through our SenTrack software at no cost to the Court/County. With approval of the Court, Sentinel will develop an interface that allows Sheriff Patrol officers access from their vehicles to relevant participant/probationer data at no cost. Sentinel will provide Hillsborough County the use of two (2) Kiosks as part of our standard probation services program. Sentinel Probation Officers will never carry more than 250 active cases. Sentinel will limit Specialized caseloads to 180 per Probation Officer. Sentinel will employ a Community Service Coordinator who will not carry a caseload. Sentinel’s Quality Assurance team will review and audit the Hillsborough County operation on a monthly basis. A member of the Sentinel management team will observe court on a weekly basis. Sentinel will employ a sufficient number of bi-lingual staff to efficiently serve the non-English speaking community. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e |9 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 84 88 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Potential Problems or Concerns The provision of probation supervision services being considered by this RFQ is not a unique situation. When a court or county decides to make a change in probation providers the challenges are usually the same with certain intricacies that must be addressed as early as possible in the transition phase. Sentinel has transition and converted more than 100 agencies over the last 22 years, conversions as large as the City of Atlanta Municipal Court where we transitioned more then 6,000 active participants to courts as small as 45 clients in places like Mountain City, Georgia. The challenges most evident to Hillsborough County appear to be present around the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transition of staff; Accuracy/availability of electronic and hard copy case files; Software Interface Financial impact to new vendor during transition. The key to transitioning and operating this program successfully comes down to two (2) critical items: Communication and Expectation Management. In order to ensure these two (2) items occur, Sentinel is transferring Mr. Chris Cush, a 17 year veteran at Sentinel, to Hillsborough County to assume the Program Director position. Immediately following vendor selection and even before contract negotiations are complete, there needs to be in-person meeting(s). At this meeting(s), the stakeholders will work together to define and outline the expectations around communication protocols, transition timelines, and software interface requirement. It is important to note, this meeting is not a “Sales Presentation” but instead a true work session designed to identify and address potential issues. The first step to ensuring the successful transition is the open dialogue with current Salvation Army staff. Sentinel will initiate and maintain this aspect of the program transition throughout our contract with the County. It is important we begin immediately answering questions and introducing ourselves to incumbent staff to ensure Salvation Army staff do not leave their positions and create a lapse in service. Further, an employee who is unclear about their future tends to be distracted and can perform at a lower level than normal; thus, we want to communicate clearly and often with Salvation Army staff to ensure current services remain at the highest levels. Following the staff introduction, we will begin a reconciliation of probationer case files including any and all electronic data that may be available. This process will run in tandem with our Software Interface Team who will be working directly with the Clerk’s Office and Tyler Solutions to identify the interface protocols and data elements necessary for this program. This software project will have direct involvement by our company owner, Mr. Mark Contestabile, and four (4) members of our IT Department, including Dr. Steve Durana the Department head. By handling the staffing situation, file reconciliation, and the data exchange requirements on a parallel path, it will allow Sentinel to meet the 60 day program transition requirement outlined by this RFQ. Throughout the entire process, Sentinel will be working with potential new staff and County stakeholders to keep them abreast of the programs status. By doing so, we will manage expectations around delivery dates, service offerings, and changes in employment between selected Salvation Army staff and Sentinel. Management of expectation as defined by Sentinel simply means, “No Surprises”. It is our goal to ensure nobody involved in this transition, including the probationers themselves, is ever surprised about the status or processes involved in the transition of services over to Sentinel. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 10 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 85 89 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 As you can see, the initial effort outlined by Sentinel will take a team of four (4) IT Staff, two (2) Operation/Training staff, one (1) Program Director, Chris Cush, and our Chief Business Development officer and company owner, Mark Contestabile. This team will be meeting regularly in Hillsborough County and providing training after hours for those Salvation Army staff that are not permitted to leave for training during work hours. To accomplish this type of comprehensive implementation plan, Sentinel recognizes the financial burden this will place on the organization. We have already completed our initial projections and have made available the appropriate funds necessary to operate this program throughout the transition phase and to cover the delay in invoice payment to Sentinel. Thus, there will be no interruption in service while new billing processes are implemented by the County. At Sentinel we have transitioned some of the most difficult program populations in the country, and are confident in our ability to deliver this transition according to the parameters agreed upon with the Court. Our approach will be one of a long-term partner who is looking out for the long-term success of the program and not of a vendor worried every moment about their bottom line. We take pride in our ability to build quality programs with our court customers and would welcome the opportunity to work with the Court and stakeholders within Hillsborough County. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Executive Summary • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 11 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 86 90 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Qualifications Sentinel Offender Services, LLC (“Sentinel”), has been providing probation services and offender management programs since 1993. Over the last 22 years, Sentinel has become one of the largest privately owned offender management companies in the industry. Our Senior Management team has over 150 years of combined probation management experience, and we will continue to rely on this team to provide excellent service and a smooth program transition within Hillsborough County. Sentinel is dedicated exclusively to offender management programs and technologies. We currently employ more than 400 staff throughout the country and provide service to more than 200 agencies in 26 states. Today, we operate more than 40 offices throughout the country and supervise more than 65,000 participants. Our case management software and all of our Kiosks are Sentinel-owned and -maintained. We do not subcontract any or our software development, Kiosk services, nor electronic monitoring products. Sentinel is the only company bidding this project that owns and operates a 24/7 monitoring center and provides 100% of our Kiosk software and support without the use of subcontractors. Further, we are the only company bidding this project that manufactures our own electronic monitoring and GPS tracking devices – both of which are currently being utilized by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Project Team Qualifications/Qualifications of Key Personnel The Project Manager must have a minimum of five (5) years' experience in corrections, parole, or probation services. All proposed key personnel must have at least a minimum of three (3) years work experience with offender management. Please attach documentation that verifies these requirements. The long-term delivery of service will be administered locally in Hillsborough County under the direction of Mr. Chris Cush, Program Director (Project Manager). Mr. Cush has more than 17 years of experience in the misdemeanor probation services arena and will be dedicated full time to this project. Mr. Chris Cush will function as Sentinel’s Project (Program) Manager for the Hillsborough County Misdemeanor Probation Services program. Mr. Cush began his professional career with Sentinel as a Probation Officer and quickly moved to a management position. He continued his pursuit of management opportunities with Sentinel and has served as an Office Manager, Regional Manager, Field Operations Manager, Director of Central Services, and Director of Field Services. Mr. Cush graduated from Auburn University with a B.A. in Criminal Justice and also attended the Jones School of Law. Mr. Cush will be relocating to Florida in order to dedicate 100% of this time to this project. He will be filling his team with hires from the Salvation Army’s existing staff to the fullest extent possible. Mr. Cush will have complete authority to operate the local program and will be supported by our Regional and Corporate offices along with the individuals listed below. We have provided brief biographic sketches for the following senior executives and key personnel who will oversee this project ensuring contract compliance and the highest-level service delivery. Robert Contestabile, Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Robert Contestabile has more than 25 years experience in the security and monitoring business and another 20+ years experience with Sentinel since founding the Company in 1993. Before owning Sentinel, Mr. Contestabile served as the president of Wackenhut Monitoring Services, a Florida-based company, which later became Sentinel Offender Services. Mr. Contestabile was responsible for the first RFP response to the Los Angeles County Electronic Monitoring Program - the first offender-funded program in the nation where the offender paid all of the program fees. Since program inception, participants continue paying all program fees. Sentinel expanded this program model nationwide where we have successfully operated these programs at no cost to the agencies. By offering a multi-platform monitoring center, unique Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 12 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 87 91 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 offender-funded monitoring and maintaining excellent customer service, Mr. Contestabile has been instrumental in maintaining Sentinel’s 90+% customer retention rate. Mark Contestabile, Chief Business Development Officer / Divisional President, Owner: Mr. Mark Contestabile has been a member of the Sentinel team since 1997, having worked in every position in the company. During his time with the company, Mr. Contestabile has been responsible for directing and supervising services to more than 30,000 probationers in Georgia as well as the overall operations for the offender monitoring programs nationwide. Additionally, he has worked closely with Sentinel’s Operations Team to ensure successful set-up, implementation, and daily program operation across the nation. This extensive experience uniquely qualifies him for his current position as Chief Business Development Officer / Divisional President providing hands-on leadership and vision for the future direction of the company with direct oversight and of all sales, marketing and business development opportunities. Mr. Contestabile graduated from the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. Tim Lewis, Vice President of South East Operations: Mr. Lewis began his professional career with Fulton County DFACS and served as Caseworker Principal at the time of his transfer to the Georgia Department of Corrections in 1990. During his tenure with State Probation, Mr. Lewis served both the Clayton and Towliga Judicial Circuits his final two (2) years with the Department and was assigned a specialized caseload of high-risk felony offenders. In 1997, Mr. Lewis was offered a position with DMS to establish and direct a new office in Clayton County, which was to serve the Superior, State, and Magistrate Courts of Clayton County. Since 1997, he has served in a variety of management capacities. His current assignment as Vice President allows Mr. Lewis a broad spectrum of duties and activities. His primary focus is management of Probation Services operations. He will assist the local management team in building positive relationships with the officials of the court. Mr. Lewis graduated from Emmanuel College with his A.A. and from Georgia State University with his B.S. in Psychology. He also holds memberships or certifications with P.O.S.T. (Certified Probation Officer), Georgia Probation Association, and the Rotary Club of Henry County. Steve Queen, Director of Field Services: Mr. Queen began his professional career as a Probation Officer with the Georgia Department of Corrections in 1990. As a State Probation Officer, Mr. Queen served the State and Superior Courts of Gwinnett County. During his tenure with the Lawrenceville State Probation Office, not only did he supervise felony and misdemeanor caseloads, he was promoted to Community Service Coordinator and provided direction to the entire community service program conducted through the office for the Gwinnett County Courts. Mr. Queen was an early leader within the misdemeanor probation industry. He served as Vice President of another private probation company for nearly four (4) years prior to his move to Sentinel. While with Sentinel, Mr. Queen has directed the establishment of more than a twenty-five (25) new offices and implementation of new programs to serve new customers. He has served in numerous management positions and, through his current assignment, will be a key member of the Hillsborough implementation team. Mr. Queen graduated from Gainesville College with his A.A. and from the Georgia State University with his Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Pre-Law). He also holds memberships or certifications with P.O.S.T. (Certified Probation Officer), Georgia Probation Association, Community Corrections Association of Georgia (Executive Board Member), National Association of Probation Executives, and Big Brother/Big Sister of Atlanta (Volunteer / Mentor). Jason Wood, Training Director: Mr. Wood began his professional career with Sentinel in 2001, as a Probation Officer in our Lawrenceville office. Due to his exemplary work ethic and proven effectiveness, he has developed into a key member of our management team. Mr. Wood has served as an Office Manager, as Assistant to our Director of Field Operations, and currently as our Probation Services Training Director. He will assist the local management team to train and mentor the staff providing services to the Court. He will be in Hillsborough County to complete training and assist with the program transition. Mr. Wood graduated from the State University of New York with a B.S. in Sociology and from Walden University with his M.B.A. He also holds certifications or memberships with the Gwinnett County Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 13 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 88 92 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Domestic Violence Task Force, the Gwinnett County CJIS Committee, and the ITT Tech Criminal Justice Advisory Board. Cyndi Hood, Finance Manager: Ms. Hood began her career with us in 1999, as a Probation Officer in the Augusta Office. Throughout the years she has maintained many positions with Sentinel, including Senior Probation Officer, EM Program Administrator, and Quality Assurance Specialist. In 2007, Ms. Hood was promoted to the position of Finance Manager. As the Finance Manager, she is responsible for monthly finance processes and providing assistance in training, completing monthly finance reconciliations and audits, and follow-up on staff and support needs. Ms. Hood graduated from Valdosta State University with a B.A. in Criminal Justice. Thomas Williams, Field Operations Manager: Mr. Williams is a member of Sentinel’s Field Operations staff and brings more than 25 years of criminal justice experience to the project, with 15 years of experience as a POST-certified Police Officer, State Probation Officer, and State Parole Officer, and 10 years experience in private sector probation services with Sentinel Offender Services. In addition, Mr. Williams has more than 10 years of experience directly serving local Municipal Courts, State Courts, Magistrate Courts, and Superior Courts. His education is a Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia Southern College. Mr. Williams will be a part of the local implementation team that will be based in Tampa throughout the implementation phase of the project. Katrina Wright, Field Operations Manager: Ms. Wright holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from University of South Carolina. She began her career with Sentinel Offender Services, LLC, in 2000, as a Probation Officer for the Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court. Ms. Wright was promoted to Assistant Office Manager in April 2002, and then Branch Office Manager in October 2002, for the Lawrenceville Office. In 2003, she still continued to grow with the company and was then promoted to open a larger office as Branch Manager for Dekalb County Recorder’s Court. After working five (5) years in the Dekalb office, Ms. Wright was then promoted to Field Operations Manager for East Georgia. Ms. Wright will also be a part of the local implementation team in Hillsborough County and available to assist with this operation on a go-forward basis. Dr. Steve Durana, Chief Technical Officer: Dr. Steve Durana is the company’s Chief Technical Officer and Systems Architect with a proven expertise in the implementation of systems, hardware, and software solutions to complex problems. With an emphasis on the development of innovative designs, he has a consistent history of leading teams in producing significant programs under budget and on schedule. Dr. Durana operates at both the strategic and tactical levels. His insight into problem solving has lead to the successful architectural design and implementation of novel approaches to complex product lines. He places a high degree of emphasis on education as a means to the development of a highly successful and motivated technical staff. Using his scientific academic training, coupled with a practical / realistic approach, he has successfully developed products in a variety of markets and technologies. These endeavors have included applied chemistry, electrochemical, real-time embedded computer, scientific, and military aerospace, as well as commercial applications. Dr. Durana received his PhD from the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA). David Heifetz, Software Engineer: Mr. Heifetz has been supporting Sentinel’s development needs for approximately two (2) years. Mr. Heifetz is a software professional with an advanced degree and 17 years of experience in the software industry, including 16 years working with court-related offices and development with application and web-based solutions. Mr. Heifetz graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and later received his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Shane Johnson, IT Support Specialist: Mr. Johnson began his career in education as a high school math instructor for five (5) years prior to his certification as a Network Systems Engineer. Mr. Johnson serves as our Network Systems Engineer based out of our Regional Support Office. He provides remote Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 14 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 89 93 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 and on-site IT support for all hardware and software systems. Mr. Johnson will be involved in telecommunication and assist the IT Installation teams to ensure support of our local office, installation of Kiosk check-in centers, and software conversions. Mr. Johnson graduated from Georgia Southern University with a B.S. in Education and has been with Sentinel since 2000. Hans Kintsch, Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Hans Kintsch has nine (9) years of experience as a Sentinel team member. As the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, his responsibilities include creating and maintaining investor, banking, and auditor relationships. Mr. Kintsch is also responsible for managing Sentinel’s treasury and performing financial reporting and analysis. Mr. Kintsch oversees all aspects of accounting for Sentinel as well as all dealings with mergers and acquisitions and financial reporting for the company. Resumes for Key Personnel Please submit resumes for the Key Personnel that shall be involved with this project and each resume should be limited to no more than two (2) pages per person and be organized according to the following: Name and Title Education Professional Background Current and Past Relevant Experience Relevant Training Previous Work Experience related to offender supervision or probation management in the State of Florida Include two (2) references for each key personnel member on similar projects. Include the role and responsibilities that each key personnel member will perform on this project. A background check, including FCIC/NCIC check, and verification of relevant employment and claimed education shall be conducted on all newly hired probation counselors and supervisors to determine that the person is of good character and has no felony or other conviction involving dishonesty or deceit. Pursuant to Sec. 948.15{3) (b), Florida statutes, staff qualifications and criminal record checks of staff shall comply with standards established by the American Correctional Association. The results of the background check shall be kept on file and available for examination by the Court and the County. No person shall be allowed to serve as a probation counselor if that person has been convicted of any felony offense or other conviction involving dishonesty or deceit. Sentinel acknowledges that all Sentinel staff must undergo a background check, including FCIC/NCIC check, and verification of relevant employment and claimed education, to determine that the person is of good character and has no felony or other conviction involving dishonesty or deceit. We further understand that, pursuant to Sec. 948.15{3) (b), Florida statutes, staff qualifications and criminal record checks of staff must comply with standards established by the American Correctional Association. The results of these checks will be maintained on file and available for examination by the Court and the County. Our goal has always been to hire individuals that meet the qualifications, experience, integrity, and educational backgrounds (where applicable) for each position required for the programs. Our preference will be for staff who have experience in dealing with this type of population with respect to any type of counseling, treatment, or possibly moderate corrections interaction. Additionally, all Sentinel employees meet the qualification standards established by the American Correctional Association. Upon employment position needed, our Human Resources Department posts required positions on job boards and with local colleges in the area where we will be providing contractual program services, such as required by this type of program. After reviewing potential applicants, those who meet our Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 15 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 90 94 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 qualifications are interviewed by telephone; if the applicant passes the telephone interview, he/she is sent an Application for Employment that must be completed to begin the process of the background check for criminal convictions. After the application is received, reviewed, and approved, an interview is set up with the hiring manager. If the hiring manager makes an affirmative selection, an offer is made to the applicant contingent on the applicant passing a background check, educational verification, and drug screen. Sentinel processes our background checks using HireRight, a company that specializes in performing employment screenings. HireRight developed the industry’s first internet-based background screening solution and partners with some of the top e-recruitment solution providers in order to expedite their screening processes. In addition to the services provided by HireRight, Sentinel performs a USIS Widescreen National Criminal/Sex Offender search, state-specific misdemeanor and felony checks based on addresses received from their personal Experian TRAC report by social security number, and five-panel drug-testing on our employees. Sentinel’s review process ensures that the candidates meet all background, educational, and experience standards as set forth by contractual obligations. We do not hire persons with felony convictions or misdemeanors with moral turpitude. Below we have provided resumes for the Key Personnel that will be involved with this project. Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Role and Responsibility on Project: Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Chris Cush, Program Director Auburn University, 1993, BS in Criminology; Faulkner University-Jones College of Law, 1997 Over 20 years of experience serving as Probation Officer, Office Manager, Regional Manager, and Director of Field Operations Sentinel Offender Services 1998 to Present Basic Probation Officer Training 1998, Advanced Management Certification, Clayton State University, 1999 Over 20 years of criminal justice experience Honorable Richard Slaby, Chief Judge State Court of Richmond County 735 James Brown Blvd, Suite 4105, Augusta, Georgia 30901-2974 706.821.2582 rslaby@augustaga.gov Ms. Crystal Page, Accountability Court Coordinator Augusta Richmond County Judicial Center 735 James Brown Blvd, Suite 4108, Augusta, Georgia 30901-2974 706.849.3484 cpage@augustaga.gov Mr. Cush will be stationed in our Tampa office and serve as the Program Director for our Hillsborough County operations. Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 16 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 91 95 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Tim Lewis, Vice President Probation Services Georgia State University, 1986, BS in Psychology Over 25 years of experience serving as Probation Officer, Office Manager, Regional Manager, Director of Field Operations, and Vice President of Probation Operations Georgia Department of Family and Children Services, 1988; Georgia Department of Corrections, 1990; Sentinel Offender Services, 1997 to Present Basic Probation Officer Training, Georgia Department of Corrections, 1990 Over 25 years of criminal justice experience Honorable Ben Studdard, Chief Judge State Court of Henry County One Judicial Center, Suite 310, McDonough, Georgia 30253 770.898.7612 bstuddard@co.henry.ga.us Honorable Neil Dettmering, Jr., Chief Judge State Court of Douglas County 8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, Georgia 30134 770.489.5235 ndettmering@co.douglas.ga.us Mr. Lewis will continue to oversee our probation services operations throughout the Southeast and will be available to the local Program Director as needed. Role and Responsibility on Project: Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Steve Queen, Director of Field Services Georgia State University, 1989, BS in Pre-Law; Gainesville College, 1987, AA in Political Science Over 25 years of experience serving as Probation Officer, Office Manager, Regional Manager, State Director, and Director of Operations Georgia Department of Corrections, 1990; Sentinel Offender Services, 1996 to Present Basic Probation Officer Training, Georgia Department of Corrections, 1990 Over 25 years of criminal justice experience Honorable John Kent Edwards, Jr., Chief Judge State Court of Lowndes County 327 N. Ashley St., Valdosta, Georgia 31603 229.671.2600 jedwards@lowndescounty.com Mr. Jeff West, Clerk of Court Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 17 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 92 96 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Gwinnett County Recorders Court 115 Stone Mountain St., Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046 770.619.6115 jeff.west@gwinnettcounty.com Mr. Queen will be a member of the Hillsborough Implementation team and will dedicate 70% of his time to the initial implementation efforts. Role and Responsibility on Project: Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Honorable Hilda James, Chief Judge Magistrate Court of Atkinson County PO Box 674, Pearson, Georgia 31642 912.422.7158 quilhil@planttel.net Chief John Clayton City of Pearson Police Department 202 Main St., Pearson, Georgia 31642 912.422.7411 claytondaman@aol.com Mr. Williams will spend 100% of his time on this project during the implementation and training phase. He will migrate out of the project after transition and will then support the project as part of his regional management responsibilities. Role and Responsibility on Project: Sentinel Offender Services Thomas Williams, Field Operations Manager Georgia Southern University, 1980, BS in Speech/Public Relations 25 years serving as Police Officer, Parole Officer, Probation Officer, Office Manager, Regional Director and Field Operations Manager 15 years as a certified Peace Officer; Sentinel Offender Services, 2000 to Present Georgia Basic Peace Officer Training (Police Officer) 1983, Basic Probation Officer Training, Georgia Department of Corrections, 1985, Basic Parole Officer Training, Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole, 1987 Over 25 years of criminal justice experience Katrina Wright, Field Operations Manager University of South Carolina, 1989, BS in Criminal Justice Over 15 years of experience serving as Probation Officer, Office Manager, and Field Operations Manager Sentinel Offender Services 2000 to Present Basic Probation Officer Training 2000 Over 15 years of criminal justice experience Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 18 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 93 97 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Ms. Trina Gallien, Clerk of Court City of Johns Creek Municipal Court 11445 Johns Creek Pkwy, Johns Creek, Georgia 30097 978.512.3213 trina.gallien@johnscreekga.gov As a member of our Implementation team, Ms. Wright will be spending 100% of her time on this project during the training and implementation phase. She will also have an on-going responsibility as a member of our Quality Assurance team to audit and review caseloads on a quarterly basis. Role and Responsibility on Project: Name and Title: Education: Professional Background: Current and Past Relevant Experience: Relevant Training: Previous Work Experience Related to Offender Supervision or Probation Management in the State of Florida Two (2) References on Similar Projects: Role and Responsibility on Project: Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Honorable Hugh Powell Jr., Chief Judge City of Dunwoody Municipal Court 5555 Triangle Pkwy, Suite 120, Norcross, Georgia 30092 770.300.0906 rickpowell@mindspring.com David Heifetz, Software Engineer Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991, Masters in Mechanical Engineering; Clemson University, 1996, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Over 17 years of experience in the software industry serving as Tech Support, Software Analyst, Software Developer, and Software Engineer Icon Software Corporation, 1999 to 2013, Sentinel Offender Services 2013 to Present Various training in SQL, Delphi, ASP, Web Services, Windows, TCP/IP Network Over 17 years of experience in the software industry, including 16 years working with courtrelated offices and development with application and web-based solutions Ms. Angie Floyd, Court Manager City of Gainesville Municipal Court 701 Queen City Pkwy, Gainesville, Georgia 30501 678.450.5061 afloyd@gainesville.org Ms. Carolyn Sullins, Clerk of Court City of Gainesville Municipal Court 701 Queen City Pkwy, Gainesville, Georgia 30501 770.531.2668 csullins@gainesville.org Mr. Heifetz will spend 100% of his time during the Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 19 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 94 98 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 initial software design and program implementation on this project. Availability of Key Personnel Below, we have provided: The time our Key Personnel will spend on the project; and The current workload of our Key Personnel assigned to this project. Time Key Personnel Will Spend on Project Provide a statement describing the percentage of time key personnel will spend on this project. Chris, Cush: Mr. Cush will be spending 100% of his time on the implementation and on-going management of this program. Mr. Cush will be stationed in our Tampa office and serve as the Program Director for our Hillsborough County operations. David Heifetz: Mr. Heifetz will spend 100% of his time during the initial software design and program implementation on this project. Once the software has been developed, tested, debugged, and operational, he will spend at least 50% of his time maintaining and adding feature enhancements to the system. Thomas, Williams: Mr. Williams will spend 100% of his time on this project during the implementation and training phase. He will migrate out of the project after transition and will then support the project as part of his regional management responsibilities. It is anticipated he will allot approximately 25% of his time to this project once it is up and running smoothly. Katrina, Wright: As a member of our Implementation team, Ms. Wright will be spending 100% of her time on this project during the training and implementation phase. She will also have an on-going responsibility as a member of our Quality Assurance team to audit and review caseloads on a quarterly basis. On-going this project will receive approximately 30% of her time. Steve Queen: Mr. Queen will also be a member of the Hillsborough Implementation team and will dedicate 70% of his time to the initial implementation efforts. On-going support of the program will account for 25% of Mr. Queen’s time. Tim Lewis: Mr. Lewis will continue to oversee our probation services operations throughout the Southeast and will be available to the local Program Director as needed. Mr. Lewis will be required to visit the location on a regular basis and dedicate no less than 20% of his activities on the oversight and enhancement of local program operations. Current Workload of Key Personnel Provide a statement describing the current workload of key personnel. To ensure a quality transition, and the successful on-going delivery of service, we will be transferring Mr. Chris Cush to Florida to assume the Program Director position for this operation. He will be relieved of all other duties and focused only on the Hillsborough County operations. Members of the implementation team have all had their daily responsibilities scheduled appropriately for new program start ups and are available to Hillsborough County during the implementation phase. We have been able to alleviate the burden of their daily responsibilities while implementing this program by using our 17 Office Managers and our Vice President to oversee current operations during their absence. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Qualifications • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 20 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 95 99 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Experience Each proposer should submit a minimum of three (3) references demonstrating the successful provision of misdemeanor probation services. Proposer should have at least three (3) years experience in Misdemeanor Probation Services. The "Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications" should be used by the Bidder/Proposer to provide such information. If the Bidder/Proposer uses its own form, the information provided must be in substantially the same format as the Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications. Sentinel Offender Services, LLC (“Sentinel”), has been providing participant supervision and case management services since our founding in 1993. Our business focus is providing probation services to courts, parole and probation departments, community corrections and/or criminal justice organizations and, since our inception, have had more than 1,000,000 participants successfully complete their sentences through our extensive continuum of community-based programs. All of our services, products, and technologies are specifically designed for offender supervision and will meet or exceed the requirements for the Misdemeanor Probation Services program for Hillsborough County. We are committed to being a reliable partner to the Court and all local law enforcement entities. We acknowledge our duty to professionally perform our tasks to enhance public safety while the individuals under supervision are held accountable according to the mandates of the Court. We believe our efforts to encourage the success of every probationer, combined with a timely response when non-compliance occurs, can make a difference. Our objective is to have a positive impact towards law-abiding behavior in the future and decrease the risk of recidivism. Sentinel will provide professional probation services at no cost to the County. We have the capability and experience to meet all of the Court’s misdemeanor probation supervision needs. At Sentinel, our commitment is to guide probationers toward accountability to the Court while providing professional services without burdening the taxpayer. Our array of supervision services, strategies equipment, and include: Effective Case Management Offender-paid Program Model with a Tiered Fee Approach Pre-Trial Diversion Program Drug Testing Services Available at the Request of the Court Multiple payment methods available: online, phone, Kiosk Proprietary software, SenTrack, enables close monitoring of probationer progress Enhanced Use of Technology Online Case Management Software Software interface with customer systems 150+ Customizable Reports Available Kiosks for Check-in and Collections Database Interface with Court software Automated Telephonic Reminders Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Innovative Solutions Voice Monitoring and Check-in Services Cognitive and Life Skills Programs Flexible Office Hours Warrant Recovery Program and FTA Projects Creative House Arrest alternatives to meet local needs Cutting-edge use of electronic monitoring program to enhance supervision Utilizing the Depth of Resources Electronic Monitoring GPS Tracking Remote Alcohol Testing Call Center Support; i.e., After Hours Collections, Failure to Report Follow-Up, Help Desk Own and Operate 24/7 National Monitoring Center Experience • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 21 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 96 100 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 We have provided details and contact information for three (3) references of similar scope and complexity within our response to below. Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 1 Project Name: Sentinel - McDonough Contracted With: State Court of Henry County Contact Person: Honorable Ben Studdard, Chief Judge Address: One Judicial Center, Suite 310, McDonough, GA 30253 Telephone Number: 770.898.7612 Fax Number: 770.288.7686 E-mail Address: Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided: Project Amount: Project Period From: Project Period To: Indicate your firm's status on this project: bstuddard@co.henry.ga.us Provide probation supervision services to 1660 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 17 full time staff. 2014 Fines collected $ 1,510,265 2014 Restitution collected $25,205 July 2001 Present Active Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 2 Project Name: Sentinel – Douglasville Contracted With: State Court of Douglas County Contact Person: Honorable Neil Dettmering, Jr., Chief Judge Address: 8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, GA 30134 Telephone Number: 770.489.5235 Fax Number: 770.489.5242 E-mail Address: Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided: Project Amount: Project Period From: Project Period To: Indicate your firm's status on this project: ndettmering@co.douglas.ga.us Provide probation supervision services to 1514 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 15 full time staff. 2014 Fines collected $1,534,191 2014 Restitution collected $29,182 July 2001 Present Active Schedule of Bidder's Qualifications/References 3 Project Name: Sentinel – Valdosta Contracted With: State Court of Lowndes County Contact Person: Honorable John Kent Edwards, Jr., Chief Judge Address: Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 327 N. Ashley St., Valdosta, GA 31603 Experience • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 22 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 97 101 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Telephone Number: 229.671.2600 Fax Number: 229.671.9441 E-mail Address: Project Scope of Work, types of services performed and number of full-time staff provided: Project Amount: Project Period From: Project Period To: Indicate your firm's status on this project: Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 jedwards@lowndescounty.com Provide probation supervision services to 1414 probationers, including full service case management, utilizing 19 full time staff. 2014 Fines collected $1,078,650 2014 Restitution collected $45,878 November 2009 Present Active Experience • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 23 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 98 102 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Technical Approach Requirement 6: Inclusion of Appropriate and Request Information in Sufficient Detail Sentinel has read the County requirements described in Requirement Sections 7 through 10, listed below, and is prepared and has listed the following responses under each stated subsection. As a company who has been providing offender management programs for more than 20 years, we possess the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to implement and operate this program effectively for the duration of the contract term. Requirement 7: Project Plan or Approach As required in the “Scope of Work”, RFQ Section 4, Sentinel will provide a point-by-point explanation on how we meet or exceed all of the requirements of the Technical Specification. However, in an effort to provide a visual display of the proposed organizational structure that will be utilized in Hillsborough County we have prepared the following limited introduction that will be expanded upon in the Scope of Work/Technical Specifications section of this proposal submission response to RFQ # 5389. In order to appreciate the program implementation phases, it is important to visualize the long-term goals of the Program. The long-term delivery of service will be administered locally in Hillsborough County under the direction of Mr. Chris Cush, Program Director. Mr. Cush has more than 17 years of experience in the misdemeanor probation services arena and will be dedicated full time to this project. The operation will consist of two (2) Sentinel offices located in Tampa and Plant City and an employee base located within the Courthouse(s) to assist the Clerk of Court and Judges with probation-related items, payment collection, and the enrollment of new probationers. Details of our services will be found in the Scope of Work/Technical Specifications section of this proposal submission response. The organizational chart below visually displays the structure put in place to deliver quality case management services to the courts of Hillsborough County. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 24 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 99 103 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Daily, Mr. Cush will be on-site to ensure smooth operations are occurring in every department within the local organization. Mr. Cush will have complete corporate support and have direct access to the company owner, IT resources, training department and implementation team. Our local services are organized in to four (4) task functions: case management, court services, Enrollment, and Community Services. The Principal-in-Charge is the Program Director who is also assisted by a Court Services Manager, two (2) Branch Managers, and an IT Manager to handle software and hardware modifications. The Branch Manager is responsible for overall direction of the office and is supported by Team Leaders who are responsible for case management teams, an enrollment team, and community service team. The Court Service Manager ensures Court Service staff are properly directed and assigned within the courthouse(s). The Enrollment team ensures the new client orientation and complete explanation of the requirements is provided to each program participant in a timely and professional manner. Our case management Team Leaders provide oversight to the case management portion of the operation and are daily involved in the specifics of offender supervision. Our community service Team Leader is responsible for the delivery of cognitive skills programs, employment assistance programs and the development of a solid network of community service providers. Major Tasks Associated with this program are as follows. It is important to realize Sentinel’s services are an ongoing, fluid situation that will allow us to continually improve service offerings and offer new programs and technology advancements throughout the duration of the contract. Thus, any project completion dates provided below are simply provided to outline anticipated delivery dates, but are in no way suggesting that on-going improvement will cease on the listed dates. Please note: we have included a number of key elements of transition within our Implementation Plan provided in answer to Requirement Number 10: Transition Plan of this RFQ response. Week of Completion Start Finish Completed Week One Week One Week One Week One Week One Week Two Week One Week Three Week One On-Going Week One Week Four Week Four Week Five Week Five Week Five Week Four Week Five Week Three Week Five Week Six Week Six Week Six Week Eight Major Tasks Locate a Program Director for Sentinel Offender Services Contract Award Kickoff Meeting Contract Signature Staff Recruitment IT Software Committee Meeting IT Software Development Software Testing Final Software Modifications Staff Training Office Preparation Arrival of Implementation Team Program Implementation Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 25 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 100 104 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Planning and Tracking: Each of these tasks will be outlined in writing following the Kickoff meeting in a format that is easily understood and in compliance with the format laid out in the ISO 9001:2008 standards. These standards require three (3) basic elements to improve planning and tracking: Communication of Information, Evidence of Conformity, and Knowledge Sharing. By utilizing ISO standards for documentation, this will allow Sentinel and the Court to achieve ISO certification in the future should we ever decide to seek such certification. Furthermore, each of these items will be discussed at the weekly meeting with Court and County stakeholders so there is complete transparency regarding the program transition elements. The IT-related tasks will be tracked using an industry standard Gantt Chart that is familiar to all IT professionals. The software implementation, testing, and final modifications will subject to agreed-upon testing parameters established in concert with Tyler, the Odyssey software provider, the Clerk of Court, and Sentinel. On-going regression testing will occur after any and all software modifications with results available to all parties upon request. Requirement 8: Technology It was evident during the pre-proposal conference that the County is seeking innovative solutions utilizing the latest technology and evidenced based practices to provide cost effective probation services to the misdemeanant offender population in Hillsborough County. It was also clear that the County is seeking a company that is not only of the size necessary to handle the financial burden of implementation and extended invoicing practices but that, above all, they are looking for a company that has innovative ideas that may be implemented on a foundation of open communication and accountability. Sentinel is privately owned and dedicated exclusively to offender management programs and technologies. We currently employ more than 400 staff throughout the country and provide service to more than 200 agencies in 26 states. Today, we operate more than 40 offices throughout the country and supervise more than 65,000 participants. In Georgia, Sentinel operates 17 local field offices and provides probation services to more than 75 courts across the state. Each of these locations along with the 225+ Georgia based employees will be available to assist with transfer cases that may arise from Hillsborough County. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 26 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 101 105 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Our case management software and all our Kiosks are Sentinel-owned and -maintained. We do not subcontract any or our software development, Kiosk services, nor electronic monitoring products. Sentinel is the only company bidding this project that owns and operates a 24/7 monitoring center and provides 100% of our Kiosk software and support without the use of subcontractors. Further, we are the only company bidding this project that manufactures our own electronic monitoring and GPS tracking devices – both of which are currently being utilized by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office The most important aspect to the success of the program resides in the ability to properly integrate Sentinel’s SenTrack Case management software with the County’s Odyssey system. It is our desire to make this aspect of the program a “Pre-Implementation” requirement. By doing so, Sentinel will dedicate an entire team of IT and Operations staff to the project. This will allow Sentinel and the Clerk’s Office to ensure the following items occur within the 60 days required of the transition: All data currently held by the Salvation Army is digitized and reconciled within Odyssey and SenTrack; All data exchanges are tested, confirmed, and archive systems are behaving accordingly; All necessary reports are developed in advance (to the extent possible), therefore ensuring reports are immediately available upon transition; and Staff are trained on the software systems in advance of transition. Throughout our 22 years, Sentinel has not only introduced but more importantly implemented new programs and technologies that have resulted in successful completion rates exceeding industry norms and substantial revenue returns to the cities/counties we serve. By working closely with the court, we have implemented numerous processes and procedures that have lead to smooth operations within the courthouse. Some of the more notable solutions include: SenTrack Case Management Sentinel has designed our proprietary, web accessible, case management software, SenTrack, specifically for use in the probation services arena. Sentinel catapulted the speed, capacity. and capabilities of case management software through the development of the Sentinel SQL database system, SenTrack. Employing SenTrack allows real-time, on-line web accessibility to participant information and reports for Sentinel employees and authorized court personnel. The SQL Database structure is infinitely able to generate reports, elicit statistical data. and conduct queries for specific information as needed to meet literally any requirement or report objective. As our case management software is an in-house concept and design, SenTrack is upgraded to meet our needs and the needs of our program partners, we are not reliant nor wait on outside vendors for new editions or support. The Probation Officer utilizes the SenTrack software to manage offender data; enter case management notes; schedule and track appointments; manage probationer follow-up; generate reports and forms; facilitate sentence modifications; create warrants; and produce reports required for sentence revocation. The inherent utility of the database structure allows all user input to be quantified, extrapolated, and queried based on recurring or occasional requirements. SenTrack has made it possible for judges to have the reports they want in the format they require. More importantly, SenTrack ensures accurate and consistent posting of payments by utilizing our Automated Payment Application. This application ensures every payment received, whether via credit card, cash, or collections from the Kiosk are distributed appropriately between fines, fees, restitution, and surcharges. The Court has set up the payment obligations and the required priority in which obligations are to be paid by the offender and the Automated Payment Application will ensure payment distribution occurs consistently according to the Court setup. SenTrack is an in-house design, and Sentinel does not rely on outside vendors to support any of our software. Today, SenTrack is used in the provision of service to more than 45,000 offenders and more than 200 agencies across the country. The system is completely customizable and currently provides Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 27 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 102 106 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 more than 150 different types of case management and financial reports. Software Interface/Data Exchange between Sentinel and the Tyler Solution (Odyssey) Sentinel understands the importance of utilizing technology that provides a seamless exchange of information with the Court’s Odyssey software. While many vendors will provide the Court with a cursory overview and try and downplay the importance of data exchange, Sentinel prefers to accurately describe the level of sophistication necessary to provide such a service. Our IT team has already read and reviewed the Probation Services Interface Abstract provided via Amendment 5389.1 and has confirmed our ability to meet these specifications. The format defined by this Abstract closely mirrors the services we provide in a number of our customer locations, and we are ready to immediately modify our current exchange protocols to receive and transmit the data elements outlined by the Abstract and those identified by the Court Clerk. Over the years, Sentinel has developed software data exchange systems in some of the largest cities/counties in the country, including the City of Atlanta Municipal Court, Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court, and the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. While each of these programs had unique data sets and requirements, the key component for success resided with a clear description of the program and an unwavering commitment to implementation. What most companies do not realize is that the success or failure of the data exchange project not only resides in the level of IT talent within an organization but, more importantly, in the ability to communicate with the Clerk of Court and County stakeholders on every detail of the system. Items such as case status, consecutive vs. concurrent cases, financial surcharges, non-financial conditions, clients aliases, demographic details, and data exchange frequency are just a few of the items that need to be clearly defined. In order to ensure this project is defined and implemented correctly in Hillsborough County, Sentinel will be utilizing our team of probation professionals and IT experts, each who have completed projects like the one required in Hillsborough County. Specifically, our team will include Chris Cush and Steve Queen, from the program operations side of the project, and Shane Johnson, David Heifetz, Subin Anthony, and Dr. Steve Durana, from the IT side of the project. The project will be coordinated by our company President and Chief Business Development Officer, Mr. Mark Contestabile, who will be on-site in Hillsborough County throughout the development and implementation of the program. This interface allows for not only the development of a paperless solution but, more importantly, ensures the accurate exchange of case and financial information in near real-time. This interface also allows for the use of Sentinel’s Kiosk collections and check-in programs that has recently been expanded. Furthermore, the interface allows new probationer information to electronically populate Sentinel’s case management software, SenTrack, while having all relevant information pushed back to the Court’s software as client statuses change or are modified. This automated exchange ensures 100% accuracy in case information and fine assessment, thus reducing the number of clerical errors associated with standard data entry. This data exchange allows Sentinel to immediately begin the case management aspect of probation and triggers the automated contact systems used by our local office to increase the probationer compliance rates. It is our belief that this interface, once implemented with the Court, will be the beginning of a paperless solution that allows for a full analysis of court and probation activity. Once the foundation has been deployed, Sentinel and the Court can exchange data and analyze results in a timely fashion. The analysis of the data will allow Sentinel and the Court to develop new programs and technologies that are targeted exactly to the Court’s needs. Programs such as pre-court date reminder calls can be developed electronically and implemented successfully using the foundation established with our current software interface. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 28 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 103 107 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 As a means to demonstrate our level of service and experience in this facet of the RFQ, we have included the Data Exchange Interface Requirements “SenTrack Application Interface” document that we developed and utilized in the City of Atlanta Municipal Court (please refer to the Supporting Documentation section of our proposal response). While we understand a completely customized exchange will be required for this project, our sharing this document is simply to bring comfort and confidence to the County regarding our ability to perform in this area of the project. Real Time Access to SenTrack for Hillsborough County Officers on Patrol For more than ten (10) years, Sentinel has been working with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office providing electronic monitoring services to the Department. Over the years, we have discussed the necessity for Sheriff’s staff to have access to misdemeanant probation information while they are patrolling the neighborhoods within Hillsborough County. If awarded this contract, Sentinel will work with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (with approval of the Court) to develop a remote, laptop accessible report that allows Sheriff’s deputies to be familiar with the misdemeanant offender population, including their case status, address, pictures, and other relevant case information that would be of assistance to law enforcement. By working together with the stakeholders we can utilize our case management software, SenTrack to modify and deliver custom reports and/or provide real-time access to SenTrack for officers that are on patrol. We anticipate this will improve communications between Sentinel, the Court, and the Sheriff’s office, thus allowing enforcement to occur more efficiently when required. Kiosk Check-In and Collections Sentinel currently provides Kiosk check-in and collections services throughout the United States. Our Kiosks are designed and strategically located to allow low-risk probationers every opportunity to check-in and make payments on their court-ordered fines 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We have located Kiosk in sheriff’s departments and courthouses throughout the Southeast and are eager to provide Kiosk locations throughout Hillsborough County at the direction of the Court. Locations may include the Sheriff’s Office, Courthouse, or community centers. Understanding this project requires the Clerk’s Office to handle all financial elements of probation, our Kiosk may be interfaced with the Odyssey system or modified to provide check-in services only. In addition to using Kiosks for probation services, Sentinel will offer the Court the use of our Kiosk for collections of non-probation-related funds. Items such as water bills, parking tickets, cash bonds, inmate deposit, and others may be collected through a Sentinel Kiosk, which is interfaced with the County’s Odyssey system. The Kiosk operates on our SenTrack case management software and ensures every payment accepted is electronically provided through our court interface to the County’s Odyssey software. The Kiosk collection and check-in tool combined with our afterhours Collections and Contact Center has been effectively utilized to increase the probationer success rate by providing payment opportunities that more effectively match the probationer’s work schedule. The Kiosk we offer works in conjunction with our on-line payment option located at www.sentrak.com. Although many offenders prefer to use the Kiosk and our Collections and Contact center to make payments, Sentinel does offer an on-line payment option for those probationers who have internet access. This service may be eliminated or interfaced with the current Court system for on-line payment. These details may be discussed following award of a contract with Hillsborough County and implemented to ensure no duplication of resources and that we remain compliant with the requirement of all going through the Clerk’s Office. Automated Phone Reminders Sentinel believes in providing probationers every chance to be successful; therefore we have developed systems that remind them of their obligations while giving them an outlet for questions. As a result, in 2005, Sentinel was the first vendor in the industry to utilize “Automated Phone” calls to remind probationers of their upcoming probation appointments. This reminder service is utilized to contact each active participant prior to their appointment date and remind them of their probation obligations. The messages are delivered in the appropriate language (usually English or Spanish) and the results of the Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 29 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 104 108 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 call are recorded in our case management software SenTrack. This service has reduced the number of no-shows by nearly 30%, thus leading to even a greater level of probationer compliance. Sentinel did not stop with just reminder calls; we have utilized our same afterhours and phone contact system to pursue clients who failed to report to their Probation Officer. As a tool to assist the Officer, every probationer who misses an appointment receives an automated call that evening instructing them to report to their Probation Officer. The probationer may receive up to three (3) automated calls prior to the Probation Officer making their live phone contacts. By providing this tool to our Probation Officers, we have been able to extend our contact opportunities and reduce the number of violations resulting from offenders who abscond from the program. The results of every automated call is logged in our case management system, SenTrack and available to the Court upon request. Collections and Contact Center Building on the concept of increasing the success rate for probationers, Sentinel opened our Collections and Contact Center. This center is dedicated exclusively to the provision of probation services and serves as an afterhours contact point for probationers. From this center, Sentinel provides each probationer with the ability to make a payment on their fines. Daily, this center contacts more than 500 participants to establish payment arrangements and act as a resource to the probationer. Most importantly, the center operates not only during business hours but after hours as well. This service assists many probationers who do not have access to Sentinel’s on-line payment opportunity, located at www.sentrak.com. Monthly, this center collects nearly a half million dollars for the courts we serve. Again to ensure compliance with this RFQ, Sentinel will either eliminate this option for Hillsborough County probationers or transmit all of the accepted payments directly to the Clerk of Court via the automated interface we are developing. In either case, Sentinel will follow the Clerk and Court’s direction on how they wish to proceed with this available resource. Voice Verified Reporting Programs The Court serves a variety of individuals - many of whom have only a financial obligation to the Court or limited reporting requirements. For populations that the Court deems appropriate, Sentinel is offering a Voice Verified Reporting Program (VMRS) at a reduced cost to the probationer Sentinel proposes to provide the Court with an automated process for participant check-ins and payments. The VMRS system allows program participants to call an 800 number and access our automated system on pre-determined dates to conduct a check-in using voice biometric identification. The system will allow for multiple calls per participant, per month, and can be completed in both English and Spanish along with five (5) other languages. The questions asked of the participant are configurable, and the system will record each response for record retention purposes and are available for playback by the assigned Probation Officer. If an exception is noted, or if the system does not recognize the caller, a report will be generated and forwarded to the supervising Sentinel Probation Officer for follow up. This program is typically utilized with low-risk offenders who have only limited reporting obligations established by the Court, for out-of-town participants, or those whom the Court deems appropriate; this program may be used in lieu of office contacts at the Court’s discretion. Pre-Court Automated Contact Calls Getting individuals to court continues to be a problem for many jurisdictions across the country. This challenge affects everything from court calendars to eventual fine collections and court revenue. Although Sentinel has developed an effective program to pursue individuals who Fail to Appear, we have also developed a program to address the participant before he/she comes to court. With approval by the Court, Sentinel is prepared to provide reminder phone calls in multiple languages, to each participant scheduled for court. The collection of the needed data (name, phone number, court day, etc) can be extrapolated from Odyssey via our electronic interface with the Court. All contact attempts will Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 30 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 105 109 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 be loaded in our SenTrack software and uploaded to the Odyssey system as required. The purpose of these calls will be to reduce the number of individuals who fail to appear for court. It may be necessary to coordinate with law enforcement in order to collect the phone numbers at the time of citation and if so, Sentinel is prepared to lead that effort with Court approval. Warrant Recovery and Failure To Appear Programs Sentinel has been able to accomplish tasks previously not attempted by other vendors. Since 2006, Sentinel and our court customers have worked closely to establish both a “Warrant Recovery” program and a “Failure to Appear” program. In 2006, when we were awarded the City of Atlanta Municipal Court contract, we began pursuing the more than 18,000 warrants left behind by a previous probation vendor. Sentinel established a process to address not only old warrants but any future warrants that may result from probationer non compliance. Since the time the program has collected and remitted more than $3 million dollars to the Court that otherwise would have gone uncollected. This program operates at no cost to the Court and continues to be a success today. Further, under the direction of the Court, Sentinel developed a “Failure to Appear” program designed to address the individuals who have failed to appear for court. These individuals are actively being pursued using afterhours collections tactics, skip tracing efforts, and automated contact systems. This effort continues to be successful as we are now electronically transferring new Failure To Appear cases between Sentinel’s SenTrack case management software and the Court’s software system. In two (2) years, this program has collected more than $700,000 on behalf of the Court, while recalling hundreds of warrants in the process. With permission of the Court, Sentinel will be implementing many new programs some of which are outlined below: Sentinel Success Center and Cognitive Skills Programs In late 2010, Sentinel introduced the community-based “Success Center” program where probationers may receive assistance with job placement, drug addictions, cognitive skills classes, anger management, and other developmental programs. Sentinel is committed to developing a local “Success Center” under the direction of the Court in addition to the current probation services required of this RFQ. The Sentinel Success Center is a facility staffed and managed by local Sentinel employees that provide the employment services, electronic monitoring equipment installation, drug testing, intensive case management, cognitive programming, and fee collections to offenders within your community. This location can service sentenced offenders, pre-trial defendants, and also serve as a diversion tool for the Court Prosecutor. The Success Center is a one-stop local program designed to provide a combination of relevant services designed to assist offenders in overcoming behaviors, faulty thinking habits, and other obstacles that lead to criminal conduct. It has been proven that heavier punishment and longer terms of incarceration or probation are not effective answers. Rehabilitation-oriented programs and offender accountability, combined with community-based intervention and support, is the more sensible way to tackle this complex issue. Studies have conclusively proven that we can reduce offender recidivism through (1) proper risk assessment, (2) appropriate behavior change programs, (3) correct linkage to treatment, and (4) properly motivated and trained staff. Rest assured we are not talking about going “soft” on crime or offenders. Conversely, we are pursuing less misconduct from repeat offenders, fewer probation violations, reduced crime rates, and enhanced community safety. Independent studies of this model have shown recidivism reductions of nearly 40%. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 31 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 106 110 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 From our Success Center we will administer a “clothes bank” for participants to utilize when attending interviews as well as a resume building courses to assist with job placement. We will also coordinate with members of the community to establish support teams and potential employers for the unemployed population. We anticipate this to be a community-based program that generates participation from many local non-profit organizations and community outreach foundations. For more than 20 years, Sentinel has been implementing innovative solutions for the offender management arena. Our commitment to trying new programs, investing in technology, and willingness to think outside the box has allowed us to remain at the forefront of the industry. Our in-house Research and Development Department focuses not only on the technology component of the market but also on industry best practices in areas of client supervision and case management. As an example, while motivational interviewing has become an industry norm, Sentinel has incorporated this practice into our training material. SMART justice has also become a recent focus of law enforcement practitioners, and Sentinel has and will continue to follow these recommendations and incorporate appropriate items into our processes where appropriate. In summary, the Court and the County can count on Sentinel to undertake any and all new ideas and programs that are deemed important to the long-term success of the program and the participant. We will use our experience and knowledge to effectively implement these new ideas, procedures, and technologies as a requirement of being your probation services vendor. We welcome the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation with Hillsborough County. Electronic Monitoring and 24/7 Owned and Operated Monitoring Center Alternatives to incarceration allow the Court flexible sentencing alternatives and provide tools to the Court to address probation technical violations. Sentinel is the only company bidding this project that owns and operates a 24/7 monitoring center dedicated exclusively to the offender services arena. The Sentinel Monitoring Center is the focal point of our 12,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility from which we handle over 50,000 calls on a daily basis. This is the central location from which all monitoring center activities are conducted and information is disseminated. It is important to realize that the only way to ensure timely and accurate response to offender violations is to work directly with the monitoring provider. We manufacture our own electronic monitoring and GPS tracking equipment that allows Sentinel to offer services at a greatly reduced rate to the probationer. Furthermore, Sentinel never charges a probation fee to a client who is paying for an electronic monitoring device. It is our belief this type of “double dipping” is both unethical and serves as a deterrent to the successful completion of the probationer. Sentinel is prepared to utilize our more than 22 years of experience to develop an offender-paid electronic monitoring program. This program will be utilized by the Court as deemed appropriate and will include weekly/bi-weekly meetings with dedicated Case Managers. The program may be used as an alternative to incarceration or as a jail release program designed to reduce incarceration cost. In either event, Sentinel will take responsibility for 100% of the equipment loss and damage. Sentinel will offer multiple funding options, including an offender-paid program that operates at no cost to the Court. We will offer the following technologies and programs to the Court without the use of subcontractors and through services rendered by our monitoring center. Radio Frequency House Arrest Cellular House Arrest Technology (for clients with no home telephone) In-Home Breath Alcohol Testing – MEMS Portable Breath Alcohol Testing – BA/RT Passive GPS Tracking Intermediate GPS Tracking Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 32 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 107 111 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Active GPS Tracking Voice Verification Programs Voice Monitoring And Reporting Systems – VMRS Sentinel manufactures and supports our own electronic monitoring equipment. We also own and operate a twenty-four-hours-a-day-seven-days-a-week (24/7) Monitoring Center. This provides a benefit to the County because one (1) company can seamlessly provide congruous private probation and electronic monitoring services for the Court’s offender population with local case management, collections services, continuous uninterrupted (24/7) electronic monitoring and tracking, and proprietary web-based software systems for tracking and case management. The comprehensive monitoring of an offender population such as the County’s program population would be comprised of a combined effort between our local Sentinel field staff, Court staff, and our National Monitoring Center, without the use of subcontractor personnel. Our direct provision of monitoring duties eliminates concerns found with other vendors who have no direct control over the subcontractor’s monitoring center. Therefore, this translates in to the Court not having any direct control or tie to the subcontractor or their monitoring center. As the manufacturer of our own electronic monitoring and tracking equipment, we are able to provide immediate access to our equipment, and, should population numbers increase or program requirements change, we do not have to worry about equipment shortages, such as other vendors who rely on a thirdparty manufacturer for their products. This level of commitment is absolutely critical to the development of a customized electronic monitoring program and has allowed Sentinel to grow to one of the largest privately owned providers in the Country. All monitoring duties are managed from our National Monitoring Center. This facility is designed to provide continuous, reliable monitoring at all times. We are staffed twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and have all of the necessary redundancy features to ensure continuous, uninterrupted operation. The wide variety of electronic monitoring services Sentinel provides includes: Passive Monitoring: Through the use of an advanced integrated voice recognition program, VoiceTrak, we provide enforcement of curfew compliance for the lowest risk offenders. Automated phone calls are made to the participant’s authorized location(s) to verify their presence based on their permitted schedule. The participant is asked to repeat a series of random words which are processed using advanced biometric technology which confirms their identity, thus verifying the participant’s location. Radio Frequency (RF) Monitoring: RF Patrol is the latest technology Radio Frequency (RF) electronic monitoring technology platform from Sentinel. RF Patrol is designed to determine whether or not a participant remains within a preset distance from the home monitoring unit located in their residence using a small, lightweight transmitter that is designed to be installed on the ankle of the participant. This equipment is capable of continuous signaling, receiving, storing and disseminating data generated by the system to the Sentinel monitoring center, all without any active participation by the participant. RF Patrol Transceiver Technology 2-way RF RF Patrol is specifically designed for house arrest monitoring and provides more reliable home supervision and intensive heightened notification including unauthorized absences, late returns, equipment malfunctions and tamper alerts through the use of an ankle-worn personal transmitter and the personal home monitoring unit, which receives data from the associated transmitter and relays the information to Sentinel’s monitoring center. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 33 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 108 112 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Tracking: We offer a one-piece device to monitor the movements of program participants. We provide both a landline model and a cellular model of our GPS tracking units that have been designed with a built-in cellular modem used to relay all events to our monitoring center via local cellular networks. Our UniTrak one-piece GPS unit provides agencies with added confidence that with no hand-held unit to carry, the participant can no longer ‘forget’ to bring their tracking device with them as sometimes happens with traditional twopiece GPS tracking systems. Our UniTrak can be used to provide different levels of GPS tracking in order to best meet the needs of the specific participant populations. The levels of service are programmable via the software so it does not require Sentinel staff to “change out” or replace equipment in order to change a participant’s level of GPS supervision. The device has multiple unique, state-of-the-art features that make it a valuable supervision tool including: GPS Tracking with UniTrak Primary GPS plus secondary Advanced Forward Link Triangulation (AFLT) cellular RF triangulation capable of tracking in locations where GPS alone can NOT Multiple levels of GPS tracking Simple install via snap-on of three (3) components (unit, back plate & ankle strap) USB Connector for secure battery recharge 30+ Hour Battery Life on a 1.5 hour charge Waterproof design Participant Notification via Programmable LED Lights & Vibrating Alarm Anti-tamper detection/reporting Sprint cellular communications plus roaming in established Verizon/Sprint alliance areas Can be optionally paired with an Optional Full Feature RF Home Monitoring Unit (HMU): o Creates a stationary radio anchor for the UniTrak providing increased tracking accuracy indoors similar to traditional RF monitoring o Monitoring of participant on a vertical plane o Landline reporting for participants in cellular deficient areas, Optional Cellular capability for participants without home phone lines Alcohol Monitoring: We can provide the County with hand-held and home-based breath alcohol testing devices that use deep-lung fuel cell technology to test an offender for consumption of alcohol BA/RT Breath Alcohol Remote Testing Device: BA/RT is equipped with a deep lung fuel cell sensor that provides reliable BAC readings. To ensure the integrity of each test, the BA/RT device is equipped with a built-in high resolution camera that captures an image of the person simultaneously as the test is being performed. The test image is compared to a master image by our monitoring center to verify the offender’s identity. When it is time for a test, the device is prompted by our monitoring software and an audible signal informs the offender. After each test, using built-in GPS technology, BA/RT determines its location during testing and transmits all data to our 24/7 Monitoring Center for processing in real-time. In addition to alerting offenders of when to test, BA/RT also has the capability to communicate with offenders via text message. Correctional Agencies can send SMS messages directly to the offender and BA/RT alerts the individual with an audible signal. The message appears on BA/RT’s LED screen. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 BA/RT - Breath Alcohol in Real-Time P a g e | 34 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 109 113 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 MEMS 3000 Home-Based Breath Alcohol Testing Device: With this unit, the offender blows into the device and, using built-in deep-lung fuel cell technology, it determines if the offender has consumed alcohol, and if so, at what exact level; i.e., 0.09. It uses visual verification to confirm the offender’s identity during the test and has a built in back-up battery and memory to store events if it cannot communicate with our monitoring center. For integrity purposes, the unit is designed with built-in anti-tamper technology that will trigger an alert if an offender or unauthorized person attempts to compromise the device at anytime. MEMS 3000 Remote Alcohol Breath Test Unit Requirement 9: Project Deliverables Major project deliverables with specific due dates have been listed under Requirement 7: Project Plan or Project Approach and under Requirement 10: Transition Plan. To avoid duplication we will refer you to these sections for timelines and details on the anticipated transition plan. Quality expectations for this program are going to measure three (3) distinct areas of service. They include quality measurements on Case Management Services, Software Interface and Report Distribution, and Probationer input and success rates. 1) Case Management Services will be audited on a monthly basis by Sentinel’s local Management team and our Quality Assurance Team members. Our quality expectation for case management is to achieve 97% complete compliance with case file audits every month. We have allowed a 3% variance for items such as pending court signatures or requirements that are unfulfilled but that have a future date of completion. Each month, files will be pulled from each case status and reviewed in accordance with our case management review forms and procedures. Findings of these audits will be available to the Court, if requested. Staff who receive high marks on their audits will be considered for advancement and promotion while those staff not meeting expectations may be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan and required to undergo additional training. If major problems or deficiencies are found, the Court will be made immediately aware of the deficiencies and the Probation Officer may be terminated from their position. In addition to the items normally reviewed in a case file audit, our audits include items such as measuring probationer wait times in our lobby, ensuring enrollments and orientations take place in accordance with established timelines, and working with Human Resources to address any complaints that may have been reported. 2) Software Interface and Report Distribution will occur in near real-time, and Sentinel and the Clerk’s Office will be electronically exchanging data. Sentinel standards for date exchange and software uptime seek to establish a 99% standard for delivery. While we understand 100% of the data exchanged must be accurate and timely, we have allowed ourselves a deviation from perfection for unforeseen hardware and software maintenance and interruptions in exchange services that may be out of the hands of Tyler and Sentinel. The review of the interface will be completed daily, with event logs and failure messages that are built into the software and designed to alert Sentinel and the Clerk in the event of a system outage in near real time. Problems identified with the interface will be addressed immediately by Sentinel IT staff with an after action report provided to the Court, which details the outage and the corrective action that has been taken to avoid future occurrences. In the event the Software interface and ability to distribute reports continues to have issues, Sentinel will require and on-site meeting with members of Tyler’s IT team and representatives of the Clerk’s Office. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure the data exchange protocols are Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 35 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 110 114 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 reviewed and modified to avoid future occurrences and that a clear delineation of work is outlined to ensure accountability of each organization. 3) Probationer Input and Success Rates. Many vendors fail to realize that each probationer is a customer who will be having an experience with their company. At Sentinel, we recognize that, although these individuals may have made a mistake and found themselves on probation, above all they are people who will be treated fairly and with respect. In order to ensure the services we are rendering are occurring in a professional manner and consistent with company and County expectation, Sentinel routinely interviews probationers about their experience with Sentinel. Specifically, in the lobby of all our offices is a posted 800 number to contact our Human Resources Department if a probationer has a complaint about the way he/she has been treated. Additionally, we offer each probationer an “Exit Interview” sheet that we encourage them to return to our Office Manager so actions (both positive and negative) can be taken based on probationer input. Our commitment is to serve both the Court and the probationer. Our primary obligation is to ensure that the probationer is in full compliance with the Court order, but we have an obligation to assist the probationer in successfully completing his/her sentence, thus avoiding the possibility of incarceration. Experience has shown that by facilitating compliance we provide a higher level of service to both the Court and the probationer. Thus, on a monthly basis we are measuring probationer success rates, failure rates, unemployment rates, collection rates, drug screen results, community service hours, etc., and utilizing this data to generate a detailed month end report. It is our desire to meet with the Court and County stakeholders to review each monthly report in order to recognize trends that may present in the program. By utilizing accurate and timely data, in an open forum, it is our experience that innovative solutions are more easily found when challenges arise. Requirement 10: Transition Plan In order to ensure each major task is completed on time and in accordance with Court expectations, Sentinel will be following the same script we have used in more than 100 program transitions. Sentinel will meet in Hillsborough County within five (5) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed. Sentinel will meet with Court and County representatives to begin the implementation of the contract. During this kick-off meeting, Sentinel will provide the Court with a detailed schedule with milestones for implementing the Probation Services program. This schedule will be finalized by authorized Court representatives prior to the implementation of the schedule. The anticipated Project Implementation Plan for Hillsborough County is shown below and may be modified as needed upon final approval of the Court/County. Sentinel’s Program Director, Mr. Chris Cush, will be responsible for the management of this program; Mr. Cush has more than seventeen (17) years of experience within the Probation Services industry and has opened more than twenty (20) offices in his career. He will be located within Hillsborough County and will be allot 100% of his time to the Hillsborough County operation. Mr. Cush will direct the Implementation team and he will be available to meet with Court personnel on a regular basis to ensure the program correctly and successfully deploys. Mr. Cush would also be responsible for performing audits and inspections on a regular basis to ensure Sentinel remains at the highest level of service for the Court. During implementation Mr. Cush will be supported by the most experienced team of individuals available in the probation services arena including the following individuals: Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 36 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 111 115 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Sentinel Staff Member Mark Contestabile Shane Johnson David Heifetz Subin Anthony Dr. Steve Durana Thomas Williams Katrina Wright Jason Wood Title / Responsibility Owner, Sentinel Offender Services IT and Network Configuration IT / Software Interface and Customized Reports IT/ Software Interface and Customized Reports Chief Technical Officer Field Operations Field Operations Training and Quality Assurance Years of Experience w/Sentinel 18 17 2 8 7 15 15 15 Upon notice of award (or intent to award), Sentinel would provide the County and Court with a detailed week-by-week schedule of each task and the benchmarks Sentinel utilizes to ensure completion as needed. Sentinel has provided a chart below illustrating a general timeframe for program deployment followed by a narrative Approach of Work and a Project Plan in line item format. Approach of Work As Sentinel currently operates 17 full-service probation offices providing similar private probation services throughout the Southeast, Sentinel has in place the resources to quickly implement services for Hillsborough County. Sentinel estimates that within 60 days it can initiate and transition the services requested. During this time Sentinel would complete the following activities: Week One. Upon notice of award, Sentinel will arrange to meet with Court staff within five (5) days to establish a start date, discuss program requirements, and establish notification procedures and contact points. During this time, Sentinel will be meeting with members of the Salvation Army’s current staff to finalize offers of employment and training schedules. Sentinel will finalize our selection of a local office facility and any local licenses would be obtained or applied for as well, if necessary. During this time, Sentinel will also finalize the order for the more than 30 computers and workstations anticipated to be necessary to complete this project. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 37 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 112 116 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Sentinel will also be requesting the creation of a “Software Interface Committee” that will serve as the oversight committee for software interfacing and report customization. It is recommended that this committee include members from the Clerk of Court’s office, the Court, Tyler, Sentinel, and the Sheriff’s office. This committee will be created to ensure software programs are developed and maintained in a fashion permissible by the Clerk’s Office while still allowing back-end enforcement information to be available to the Sheriff’s Office. It is recommended that this committee meet every two (2) weeks during the 60 day implementation phase. It will be this committee that approves on-going program development, testing procedures, and provides final acceptance of deployed programs/features. Week Two. Sentinel’s staff will meet with Court personnel to finalize all program procedures and contact points, including, but not limited to, format requirements for all reports. Sentinel would also provide the court with copies of all documents that Sentinel intends to utilize as part of its normal operation of the program. These forms could then be modified if needed to meet the requirements of the Court. Also during Week Two, Sentinel will submit a tentative Standard Operating Procedure to the Court for review. Following a review, Sentinel would request a meeting to finalize the Standard Operating Procedure and begin training staff accordingly. Sentinel will complete interviewing of Salvation Army staff and other local candidates and make offers of employment to selected individuals that have been found suitable for hire. It is anticipated that the transition of case files will not be able to be completed electronically as it is our understanding that limited digital information is available from the incumbent vendor. During the second week, Sentinel would request access to all available records, files, etc, for purposes of beginning the data entry process within our software, SenTrack. Of note, it will be important that our data entry specifications are clearly articulated to the Software Interface Committee and, specifically, Tyler so we are able to ensure data integration occurs immediately following completion of data entry. It will be the data entry and software configuration process that is absolutely critical to the future success of software interfacing and accurate data exchange going forward. Week Three. Sentinel IT staff work diligently to complete the software interface requirements. Local Operations staff will continue with the data entry requirement of the transition, and local management will continue addressing logistical issues including office build-out, court coverage schedules, creation of local office documents for the probationer, and general preparation items. Office supply orders will be placed in advance and meetings with Court and County stakeholders will continue to ensure the entire process is being completed in transparent manner thus providing visibility to all concerned parties. The Software Interface Committee will meet during this week to be provided an update from both Tyler and Sentinel on the software interface project. Open items will be addressed, and it is anticipated that test data may be exchanged during the following week in an effort to begin the de-bugging process. If successful, this will leave an additional three (3) weeks of time for software improvement, testing, and confirmation of program success. Week Four. Intensive staff training begins, and Sentinel’s Implementation team will finalize all logistical requirements of the program with Court personnel. Office-specific documents and the Standard Operating Procedures would be finished / finalized and presented to Court for its final review. Sentinel’s local staff would be introduced to Court personnel to begin establishing a firm relationship. It is critical that Sentinel and the Salvation Army communicate in advance regarding those employees who are transitioning from the Salvation Army to Sentinel. We want to ensure that the training of staff does not negatively impact the current operation just prior to program transition, thus we are committed to working professionally with the Salvation Army management team to coordinate training times and locations. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 38 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 113 117 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 During this week, Sentinel and Tyler will be exchanging data via the newly created interface and systems testing will occur internally between the two (2) organizations. Once internal testing is complete, access will be provided to the Clerk of Court’s office so thorough testing may begin with all approved data elements. This will leave an additional two (2) weeks of time for software improvement, testing, and confirmation of program success prior to beginning the transition of actual probationers to Sentinel. Week Five. Training will continue and Sentinel’s Branch Office would prepare for operational deployment. Data entry will have been completed and the data exchange program will be in the debugging process. During this week, documentation would be provided to the Salvation Army for purposes of notifying the probation population of the new reporting locations, times, phone numbers, etc. Sentinel would request a meeting with Court officials and the Salvation Army to ensure we are all of the same page as it relates to communicating with the probationer and that full transparency occurs. Sentinel, Tyler, and the Clerk’s Office will confirm final testing and software interface has been successfully developed and implemented. Of Note: It is likely that neither the Salvation Army nor the Court has considered the financial impact of the initial month of transition. For many vendors, they would assume that they would be paid for any month or portion of a month that they provided services. Sentinel, however, is recommending a solution that would allow the County to avoid double payment and for the Salvation Army to be paid for their services during the transition. At the present time, the actual dates for program transition cannot be accurately anticipated due to unanticipated delays in proposal review and contract award. What is safe to forecast is that the program implementation and transition will take at least 60 days to complete, thus a quality implementation plan will take into account the changing of the calendar month. Sentinel’s proposal is to have all the pre-transition work done by the end of the fifth week following contract award. By setting the schedule appropriately, we are suggesting that the end of the fifth week st coincides as closely as possible with the 1 day of the calendar month. That would allow the actual transition of the probationer’s reporting to the office to occur within the first three (3) weeks of the calendar month (transition). This would allow the final week of the month to be used to locate those individuals who failed to transition. More importantly, however, is that this will allow the County and the client to avoid any double billing for the transition period. It is our proposal to allow Salvation Army to maintain the supervision fee for the entire month of transition. This would allow the County to avoid an invoice from Sentinel for the month in which the transition occurred and should encourage the Salvation Army to cooperate fully with the transition efforts since they are being paid for the entire month. By avoiding any prorated fee distribution to multiple vendors, Sentinel has made the transition as smooth as possible and demonstrated our financial commitment to Hillsborough County, the Court, and the success of the program going forward. During the transition we will work closely with the Salvation Army to coordinate start dates for those employees who have transferred to Sentinel. This will ensure the Salvation Army has enough remaining staff to complete their portion of the transition and that neither company is over/under staffed during the process. Weeks Six through Eight. At the beginning of the sixth week, and throughout the transition period, Sentinel will be bringing in experienced staff to assist in oversight and on-the-job training. Specifically, Sentinel will be putting Thomas Williams, a 15 year Sentinel employee, over one (1) field office and Katrina Wright, a 15 year veteran, over the second field office. Program Director Chris Cush, with 17 years of experience, will be on site at the Courthouse(s) ensuring court service operations are proceeding as expected and that any unforeseen issues are addressed immediately. Mr. Cush will have immediate access to our IT staff who will be available as needed throughout this transition. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 39 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 114 118 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Beginning in Week Six, and as close to the first on the month as possible, Sentinel will begin receiving probationers for their monthly reports. We anticipate we can get the entire program in for their monthly appointment within a three-week period, assuming coordination with the Salvation Army and that only a small number of non-compliant participants will be left to contact at the end of Week Eight. Project Plan Task Kickoff Meeting Completion Week Week One Activities Staff Assigned Sentinel Key Executives and support staff; stakeholders from the County and Court. Actual date subject to schedules on both sides. Notification of award complete, contract negotiations and contract documents signed. Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush HR Dir., Julie Hunt Contract Award Week One Staff Recruitment Week One HR Dir. begins recruitment of existing Salvation Army Staff and local residents for any on-site positions needed to be filled. Equipment Requisitioning Week One Operations staff begins requisition process of any equipment needed for program. Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Creation of a “Software Interface Committee” that will serve as the oversight committee for software interfacing and report customization. Define specification for program interface project. Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Software Engr., David Heifetz Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush IT Meeting Week One Week One Operations staff meets with Court staff to determine actual number of participants slated for program, both for immediate transition and projected full rollout. Establishment of program guidelines and introduction of Standard Operating Procedures. All utilities and related support arranged as needed. Operations Week Two Review proposed documents, Standard Operating Procedures, begin data entry process of existing cases. Operations / Facilities Week Two Finalize lease and build-out schedule for office locations. Finalize any outstanding contractual items. Week Two Complete interviewing of Salvation Army staff and other local candidates. Make offers of employment to selected individuals. HR Dir., Julie Hunt HR Dir. Week Three This week is a work-week for the IT staff and Operations staff to continue to prepare for software integration and facilities preparation. No major projects are anticipated for this week. This week is provided to address all preparation items Prog. Dir., Chris Cush and IT Team Operations Meeting Operations / IT Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Prog. Dir., Chris Cush P a g e | 40 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 115 119 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Task Completion Week Activities Staff Assigned such as phone lines, routers, workstations, and unexpected items that may arise. Beginning testing of software interface with Tyler. IT Staff – Shane Johnson, David Heifetz Prog. Dir., Chris Cush IT and Engineering Week Four Operations Week Four Based on participant population, initial shipment of equipment/computers sent to the Sentinel to support staff training and initial transition. Week Four Begin intensive training of newly hired staff and complete new hire paperwork and company handbook introductions Training Dir., Jason Wood Training Week Five Continue staff training on documentation requirements, software utilization, and available case management reports Training Dir., Jason Wood IT Week Five Sentinel, Tyler, and the Clerk’s Office will confirm final testing and software interface has been successfully developed and implemented. IT Team and Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Operations Week Five Coordination with Salvation Army the exact details of the probation transition to Sentinel including location, time, and date to report. Contact numbers, maps, and addresses will be provided to the participant prior to their scheduled appointment. Operations and On-site Sentinel Support Team Week Six Through Eight Sentinel support staff members will arrive and be on-site for probationer transition. Additional staff will consist of Katrina Wright, Jason Wood, Thomas Williams, Steve Queen, and an IT representative. Sentinel Implementation Team Quality Assurance Team Week Eight Members or our Quality Assurance Team will arrive to ensure program operations, case files, and general operating parameters are being properly established and implemented. The team will audit files and begin making a plan for improvement for the following quarter. Week Eight Meet with the Clerk’s Office, Court, and County Officials to review the current state of the program and outline a plan for any unexpected issues. Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Training Quality Assurance Operations Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 Training Dir., Jason Wood P a g e | 41 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 116 120 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Project Plan or Project Approach Below, Sentinel has provided individual responses to the “County Objectives” and “Scope of Work/Technical Specifications” found within RFQ # 5389. County Objectives 3.1. The following are the County Objectives for this project: 3.1.1. To Contract with a single Contractor that shall establish a comprehensive misdemeanor probation services program utilizing evidence based models and best practices. Sentinel understands this requirement and will comply with the Court’s instructions. The Sentinel Standard Operating Procedures and training curriculum will be available to the Court and will demonstrate our commitment to best practices and evidenced based programs. 3.1.2. To Contract for a scalable misdemeanor probation program that is accountable and transparent. Sentinel prides itself on our customer retention rate that exceeds 95%. We have been able to achieve that goal by working in cooperation with our customers and providing them full access to our software, offices, and policies. Sentinel is prepared to provide 24/7 access to our case management software to anyone authorized by the Court. Further, on a monthly basis, the Court and County stakeholders will be provided a comprehensive report on program results, office activities, and issues that need resolution. We encourage this committee and the Court to contact our references and ask them specifically about Sentinel’s accountability. Without hesitation, when we make a mistake or a problem occurs we address it immediately, in full disclosure to the Court, and develop a process to avoid future situations from occurring. The ability for Sentinel to fix the problem first and worry about who is to blame later has allowed us to maintain a satisfied customer base for 22 years. 3.1.3. To reduce the jail population and offender recidivism through appropriate supervision and best practices for linkage to treatment and services that further enhance public safety goals and objectives. We believe the single most important reason for our success is that we have worked closely with our customers. We have developed and implemented innovative solutions to complex problems and have attempted programs that others would not consider. Our commitment is to serve both the Court and the probationer. Our primary obligation is to ensure that the probationer is in full compliance with the court order, however we also have an obligation to assist the probationer in successfully completing his/her sentence, thus avoiding the possibility of incarceration. Experience has shown that by facilitating compliance we provide a higher level of service to both the Court and the probationer. As a provider of probation services in Hillsborough County, Sentinel will employ a full-time Community Service Coordinator. This position will focus on linking probationers with appropriate treatment and services. Further, this position will identify gaps in services needed by the probationer but not available in the community. When this occurs, Sentinel and the Court may work together to implement new programs that will meet offender needs. We have been able to enhance public safety through the use of innovative technologies, such as Electronic Monitoring, GPS Tracking, In-home Alcohol testing, Voice Verification, and aggressive drug testing programs. Simultaneously, we have sought and coordinated with local certified rehabilitation providers to interrupt the cycle of recidivism. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 42 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 117 121 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Specifically related to public safety, and as the current electronic monitoring vendor for the Sheriff’s Office, we have met with and discussed the idea of providing Sheriff patrol personnel with real-time access to the necessary information they require from within our case management software, SenTrack. We are committed to making this a reality if awarded this opportunity. 3.1.4. To provide misdemeanor probation services without violating legal protections or creating due process violations. Sentinel understands this requirement and will ensure services are delivered in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws. Further, our Standard Operating Procedure will be approved by the Court and modified only with Court approval, thus ensuring processes do not change without full disclosure. 3.1.5. To utilize and/or integrate with the existing Clerk's Office case maintenance system to facilitate providing real - time access to transmission of electronic case information, track community service hours, include violation/warrant processing information, and provide outcome reporting. The system should have an on – demand feature which makes the information available in the courtroom. The utilization and integration of the existing Clerk’s Office case maintenance system and our SenTrack case management system is simply critical. To demonstrate our commitment to completing this task, within proposal response section Supporting Documentation, we have provided an example of an interface document we utilized with the City of Atlanta Municipal Court. Also, as you consider Sentinel’s ability to interface with the Clerk’s software, please keep in mind that we have accomplished this task with multiple courts and customers across the country. But more importantly, please recall that we provide a 24/7 monitoring center that monitors electronic monitoring devices, alcohol monitoring devices, and GPS offenders on a minute-by-minute basis. The facility houses more than 75 fulltime operators, is ISO 9001:2008 certified, and is designed to meet Underwriters Laboratory standards. We receive and handle more than 300,000 million GPS points every day and more than 50,000 incoming messages and phones calls daily. The purpose for sharing this information is to bring comfort to the fact that if we can operate that level of IT requirement, and support it with our own in house IT staff, then we are more than capable of developing an effective software interface. 3.1.6. To create system efficiencies, achieve results driven supervision, and guard against unnecessary fees and extensions of probation. In our model, we provide a number of supervision levels that correspond to the offender’s risk level, reporting requirements, and payment obligations. By providing differing levels of service at different price points, it allow the program participant to pay only for the true level of supervision required while providing an incentive to complete non-financial obligations early in order to receive a reduction in the monthly supervision fee. We offer our services through a series of teams that work in unison to bring specialized service to the participant. By utilizing a Court Services team, an Enrollment team, a Case management team, and a Community Service team we are able to allow our staff to specialize in their component of the service. This specialization translates to the probationer in a clear, unrushed delivery of information. Further, it serves as a checks and balances between teams. Finally, it has been a model that had allowed our officers to spend more time face-to-face with each participant, which has been proven to reduce recidivism rates. By allowing for more time with the participant, we have been able to increase caseload ratios without jeopardizing the service level for the client. This innovative approach has allowed Sentinel to remain competitive in the prices we charge for service and had allowed us to avoid unnecessary fees instituted by some vendors Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 43 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 118 122 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 At no time will probation be extended by Sentinel staff, and only fees approved in the contract will be instituted by Sentinel. At no time will a probationer be charged for months beyond the number of months served under active supervision and never to exceed the number of months identified on the court order/sentence. On a monthly basis Sentinel produces our operations report. This report allows us to measure the outcomes of our operations and measure the results of each service we offer. Our findings are shared with the Court/County on a monthly basis and serve as basis for program modification when necessary. The entire operation is continually being reviewed with a focus not on only short term outcomes but on long term results of program success. Scope of Work/Technical Specifications Sentinel has provided our point-by-point response to RFQ Section “Scope of Work/Technical Specifications” (requirements number 4.1. through 4.17.) on the subsequent pages. Please find our responses to the following subsections: 4.1. The Contractor shall provide a Misdemeanor Probation system that will: (page 44); 4.2. Intake Requirements (page 50); 4.3. Initial Appointment (Orientation) (page 52); 4.4. Supervision (page 60); 4.5. Collection of Costs, Restitution, Fines, and Fees (page 64); 4.6. Cost of Supervision Fees (page 69); 4.7. Invoices for Services Provided (page 70); 4.8. Probation Reporting (page 71); 4.9. Court Liaisons (Court Room Staffing) (page 72); 4.10. Supervision Requirements (page 73); 4.11. Caseload Requirements (page 81); 4.12. Staffing Requirements (page 83); 4.13. Staff Background and Qualifications (page 83); 4.14. Hillsborough County Public Safety Coordinating Council (page 87); 4.15. Reporting Requirements (page 88); 4.16. Transition of Misdemeanor Probation Services (page 90); and 4.17. Other Costs (page 96). 4.1. The Contractor shall provide a Misdemeanor Probation system that will: 4.1.1. Provide all management, supervision, probation counselors, court liaisons, clerks, and other personnel necessary to responsibly supervise all persons placed on misdemeanor probation and to comply with the provisions of the Contract and all applicable laws. In our proposed model, Sentinel staff and local personnel work in partnership with local Court personnel to develop and operate supervision programs designed specifically to address the target population. We currently operate more than 40 field offices that provide operational experience to support the Court’s program. The Probation Services program for Hillsborough County will be supported by our Probation Services Division to ensure that decisions impacting Hillsborough County are made locally by people who live in the community and feel the impact of those decisions. By locally managing our Branch Offices, we ensure every location is providing customized services that meet the specific expectations of the Court being served. We currently employ more than 400 staff throughout the country and provide service to more than 200 agencies in 26 states We believe the single most important reason for our success is the way our personnel closely work with judges, clerks, and other court and law enforcement officials to tailor Sentinel’s service offerings to accommodate program needs. We develop programs that aid the courts and communities in reducing both financial obligations and recidivism by focusing on offender successes; we reward timely compliance with financial obligations by reducing the financial burden on the offender. Upon agreement and support Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 44 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 119 123 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 from the Court, we can propose additional reward systems for implementation that may reduce the frequency of face-to-face reporting for probationers who maintain full compliance with the court-ordered sentence. Sentinel will be utilizing our experience to deliver a local probation services program operated within Hillsborough County directed by our Project Manager Chris Cush who has 17 years of experience in probation supervision and whom is empowered to make decisions locally that benefit the program. Sentinel will be opening two (2) locations within Hillsborough County staffing both courthouses on a full-time basis. Simultaneously, Sentinel will seek to recruit and hire as many of the qualified staff available from the Salvation Army. It is our preference to hire those individuals with local program knowledge and then place them in the Sentinel training program to ensure all aspects of motivational interviewing and quality case management are established. Additionally, this will allow us to coordinate closely with the Salvation Army during the transition period thus reducing the likelihood of service interruption or miscommunication. The long-term delivery of service will be administered locally in Hillsborough County under the direction of Mr. Chris Cush, Program Director. Mr. Cush has more than 17 years of experience in the misdemeanor probation services arena and will be dedicated full time to this project. The operation will consist of two (2) full-time Sentinel offices and an employee base located within the Courthouse(s) to assist the Clerk of Court and Judges with probation-related items and the enrollment of new probationers. The organizational chart below visually displays the structure put in place to deliver quality case management services to the courts of Hillsborough County. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 45 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 120 124 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Daily, Mr. Cush will be on-site to ensure smooth operations are occurring in every department within the local organization. Mr. Cush will have complete corporate support and have direct access to the company owner, IT resources, training department and implementation team. Our local services are organized in to four (4) task functions: case management, court services, Enrollment, and Community Services. The Principal-in-Charge is the Program Director who is also assisted by a Court Services Manager, two (2) Branch Managers, and an IT Manager to handle software and hardware modifications. The Branch Manager is responsible for overall direction of the office and is supported by Team Leaders who are responsible for case management teams, an enrollment team, and community service team. The Court Service Manager ensures Court Service staff are properly directed and assigned within the courthouse(s). The Enrollment team ensures the new client orientation and complete explanation of the requirements is provided to each program participant in a timely and professional manner. Our case management Team Leaders provide oversight to the case management portion of the operation and are daily involved in the specifics of offender supervision. Our community service Team Leader is responsible for the delivery of cognitive skills programs, employment assistance programs and the development of a solid network of community service providers. Our Sentinel field offices will operate in a fashion similar to our other field locations around the country and ensure that the probationer to Probation Officer ratio never exceeds the Court’s expectations. Each probationer will be provided the appropriate assessment and then will be supervised in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that will be customized to the Court’s expectations. The SOP will be published and reviewed on a quarterly basis with the stakeholders of Hillsborough County and will serve as the benchmark for service expectations. Our locations will operate afterhours and on weekends as defined in the SOP, with bilingual staff on-site for translation services as needed. Sentinel’s vast experience has allowed us the opportunity to develop a strong approach to the dynamics within team relationships and leadership responsibilities. We take seriously our duty to be a vital and productive member of the court system. As the arm of the Court, and responsible for providing probation services, we understand our actions reflect upon all law enforcement agencies within the County. We perceive our role as being both supportive to the County and as an assistant to the Court; we must be supportive in that our policies and procedures reflect the values instituted by the Court, and that our performance aids the County in achieving its goal of delivering quality service to the citizens of the County and those individuals interacting with the Court. The primary goal of supervision is to reduce risk to the community through ongoing monitoring, information gathering, and treatment. Supervision techniques include the monitoring of the probationer's activities in the community and referrals to treatment providers. Our probation supervision activities include: Guidance and direction to each probationer with successful completion of probation and associated conditions as their main goal. Exploration of all available sources of information such as pre-sentence investigations, police reports, and criminal histories to gain insight into probationer's current status and background. Maintenance of ongoing contacts with individuals that have knowledge of the probationer's activities. Working closely with and linking treatment providers and probationers to coordinate effective treatment and supervision plans. Making referrals to appropriate treatment providers, maintaining contact with resources available in the community, coordinating referrals with treatment providers to establish mutual treatment and supervision goals, monitoring probationer's progress, and documenting all actions taken. Monitoring the probationer's lifestyle with particular attention to financial stability, employment status, and indications of substance abuse; making referrals for treatment, as necessary. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 46 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 121 125 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Informing the probationer of court-ordered sanctions such as paying fines, restitution, supervision fees, and other costs; monitoring compliance with established payment schedules and taking appropriate action to address arrearages. Ensuring that probationers are properly screened, placed with a community service agency, and complete community service in a timely manner. As you review the various proposals undoubtedly you will see creative writing attempting to present the routine activity of probation services in a new or dramatic fashion but there is much about “probation” that is the same. In the most basic of terms we make certain the defendant understands the conditions set by the Court, we establish guidelines and deadlines for adherence to those conditions, and we timely notify the Court when a defendant demonstrates willful noncompliance and fails to respond to our encouragement, admonishments, and explanations of potential consequences to their non-compliance amounting to violations of their probation. However, Sentinel offers many innovative services and technologies that other providers do not and has more experience than many providers. Sentinel’s unique Probation and Court Service experience includes equipment and program services tailored to the needs of the agencies we serve. Some of our unique equipment and program services include: Our offender management software, SenTrack, is a web-accessible, proprietary software that we designed to interface with any Clerk of Court’s software package. Software Interface has been achieved with many of our customers, thus the foundation for the data exchange project with the Tyler Odyssey software will be greatly simplified. To support our Probation Officers, we use Automated Telephonic Reminder technology to remind probationers of their upcoming report day and quick follow-up when they fail to report as directed. We can install a Sentinel Kiosk for Check-In and Collections services in a 24/7/365 secured location that will provide addition reporting and paying alternatives to individuals approved by the Court. Sentinel offers innovative Warrant Recovery Programs and Failure To Appear programs that we designed to resolve outstanding financial obligations that were not being actively pursued by the court or local government. They have been successful in multiple locations, and we believe Hillsborough County will experience the same positive results. We are the only vendor proposing this project that is also a leader in the offender electronic monitoring industry. We are the only probation company in existence that owns/operates a 24/7 monitoring center and produces monitoring equipment. We pioneered the Offender-Paid Program Model with a Tiered Fee Approach within the private probation services industry. Many will propose it…we started it. It is our belief that our combination of extensive experience in the Probation/Court Services industry, exceptional customer support capabilities, and unique technology and service offerings provides the “Best Solution” for Hillsborough County. More importantly, as a current local provider we are available on-site at a moment’s notice from the Court in order to truly support the communities we serve. 4.1.2. Provide all equipment, supplies, office space, and other items/materials required to professionally maintain misdemeanor probation services. Sentinel will be opening two (2) full-time offices within Hillsborough County in order to effectively operate this program and will be staffing both Courthouses with Sentinel employees. Each employee will have a workstation equipped with at a minimum a phone, computer, email address, and the complete ability to conduct probation services business. Sentinel anticipates installing more than 30 computers, three (3) Kiosks, and approximately five (5) workstations designed for employment assistance. All of our offices will be provided the resources necessary to provide professional services to our courts, customers, and local community partners. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 47 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 122 126 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.1.3. Maintain case files in hardcopy and electronic format as appropriate in order to effectively monitor cases, offenders, and probation staff and to assist with monitoring and an annual audit. Electronic records should be integrated interfaced with the Clerk's Office case management system to the greatest extent possible. [Edited per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel maintains individual files in a secured area and all digital records are electronically secured. We hold confidential all records in keeping with applicable Florida statutes and County requirements. Records will be made available to the Court, Prosecutor, or similar judicial agency as requested and with permission of the Court. Our case management system can be integrated with the Clerk’s Office case management system upon request. Sentinel catapulted the speed, capacity, and capabilities of case management software through our development of the Sentinel SQL (Sequential Query Language) Database System, SenTrack. Employing SQL logic into the SenTrack software design allows real-time, on-line web accessibility to participant information and reports for Sentinel employees and authorized Court personnel. The SQL Database structure is state-of-the-art and is infinitely able to generate reports, elicit statistical data, and conduct queries for specific information as needed to meet literally any requirement or report objective. Therefore, in addition to our standard compliance reports, SenTrack can provide customizable report models that include specific details of the offender and/or his/her specific event history. This translates in our ability to provide extensive, detailed reports for our customers. As our case management software is an in-house concept and design, SenTrack is upgraded to meet our needs and the needs of our program partners; we are not reliant nor wait on an outside vendor for new editions or support. The Probation Officer utilizes the SenTrack software to: manage offender data; enter case management notes; schedule and track appointments; manage probationer follow-up; generate reports and forms; facilitate sentence modifications; and produce reports required for sentence revocation. Sentinel understands the importance of utilizing technology that provides a seamless exchange of information with the Court’s Odyssey software. While many vendors will provide the Court with a cursory overview and try and downplay the importance of data exchange, Sentinel prefers to accurately describe the level of sophistication necessary to provide such a service. Our IT team has already read and reviewed the Probation Services Interface Abstract provided via Amendment 5389.1 and has confirmed our ability to meet these specifications. The format defined by this Abstract closely mirrors the services we provide in a number of our customer locations, and we are ready to immediately modify our current exchange protocols to receive and transmit the data elements outlined by the Abstract and those identified by the Court Clerk. Over the years, Sentinel has developed software data exchange systems in some of the largest cities/counties in the country, including the City of Atlanta Municipal Court, Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court, and the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. While each of these programs had unique data sets and requirements, the key component for success resided with a clear description of the program and an unwavering commitment to implementation. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 48 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 123 127 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 What most companies do not realize is that the success or failure of the data exchange project not only resides in the level of IT talent within an organization but, more importantly, in the ability to communicate with the Clerk of Court and County stakeholders on every detail of the system. Items such as case status, consecutive vs. concurrent cases, financial surcharges, non-financial conditions, clients aliases, demographic details, and data exchange frequency are just a few of the items that need to be clearly defined. In order to ensure this project is defined and implemented correctly in Hillsborough County, Sentinel will be utilizing our team of probation professionals and IT experts, each who have completed projects like the one required in Hillsborough County. Specifically, our team will include Chris Cush and Steve Queen, from the program operations side of the project, and Shane Johnson, David Heifetz, Subin Anthony, and Dr. Steve Durana, from the IT side of the project. The project will be coordinated by our company President and Chief Business Development Officer, Mr. Mark Contestabile, who will be on-site in Hillsborough County throughout the development and implementation of the program. This interface allows for not only the development of a paperless solution but, more importantly, ensures the accurate exchange of case and financial information in near real-time. This interface also allows for the use of Sentinel’s Kiosk collections and check-in programs that has recently been expanded. Furthermore, the interface allows new probationer information to electronically populate Sentinel’s case management software, SenTrack, while having all relevant information pushed back to the Court’s software as client statuses change or are modified. This automated exchange ensures 100% accuracy in case information and fine assessment, thus reducing the number of clerical errors associated with standard data entry. This data exchange allows Sentinel to immediately begin the case management aspect of probation and triggers the automated contact systems used by our local office to increase the probationer compliance rates. It is our belief that this interface, once implemented with the Court, will be the beginning of a paperless solution that allows for a full analysis of court and probation activity. Once the foundation has been deployed, Sentinel and the Court can exchange data and analyze results in a timely fashion. The analysis of the data will allow Sentinel and the Court to develop new programs and technologies that are targeted exactly to the Court’s needs. Programs such as pre-court date reminder calls can be developed electronically and implemented successfully using the foundation established with our current software interface. As a means to demonstrate our level of service and experience in this facet of the RFQ, we have included the Data Exchange Interface Requirements “SenTrack Application Interface” document that we developed and utilized in the City of Atlanta Municipal Court (please refer to the Supporting Documentation section of our proposal response). While we understand a completely customized exchange will be required for this project, our sharing this document is simply to bring comfort and confidence to the County regarding our ability to perform in this area of the project. 4.1.4. Maintain at least two (2) offices within Hillsborough County to ensure efficient service to clients. One office shall be maintained near downtown Tampa and one near downtown Plant City. One office shall be maintained near downtown Tampa and one near downtown Plant City. [Edited per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel will open an office in downtown Tampa and also one (1) in Plant City. We have already located a potential Tampa office on North Florida Avenue that is ten (10) minutes from the courthouse. This potential office is over 3,600 total square feet, has two (2) large bathrooms, ten (10) private offices, a secured accounting/reception office, break room, and a 600 square foot lobby that can accommodate over 20 visitors. In addition, we have located a potential Plant City location on North Mobley that is over 2,000 square feet. This office has six (6) private offices, two (2) bathrooms, and a large lobby. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 49 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 124 128 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.1.5. Have flexible hours of operation that accommodate prompt intake interviews for misdemeanor probation clients referred by the Court. The hours should consider the probation clients' ability to maintain gainful employment and/or work responsibilities. Furthermore, the Contractor shall maintain the following core hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with extended hours and holiday hours as agreed upon with the County project manager. Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In addition, we also are open after 5:00 p.m. several days during the month to accommodate probationer reporting needs. We will gladly provide extended hours and/or holiday hours as the Court may require. 4.1.6. Establish intake, orientation, supervision, staffing, reporting, and caseload requirements as noted below. Sentinel provides all intake, orientation, supervision, staffing, reporting and caseload requirements as requested by the County. Details of these services are noted in the following sections. 4.2. Intake Requirements The Contractor shall conduct purposeful intake interviews and assessment on all new admissions as follows: 4.2.1. Intake interviews shall be conducted by a probation counselor or a court liaison. Promptly, following sentencing, the probation counselor or court liaison will instruct the probationer on the conditions of supervision and the probationer will be directed to report to the probation office on a specified date and time. Sentinel staff provides our customers with excellent and efficient services and attends each court session held at the local courthouse(s) to explain to the offenders placed on probation the conditions of their individual sentence. Our staff utilizes a laptop computer to access our case management database in order to provide the Court with immediate information and to perform case set-ups. A full Orientation is completed during the Case Intake process, and the probationer receives all needed information both in verbal instruction and written form. A map is provided to our office along with written reporting instructions and a digital photo is taken and incorporated into our case management file. During this process, staff will complete an Offender Case History form that includes home address, employment status and address, family/emergency contacts, substance abuse/physical/mental dependencies, criminal history data, court sentencing data, and social security number. The staff member will review all conditions of probation with the offender and provide him/her with a copy of the sentence. All information received from the offender will be placed in their case file as well as in our case management software. Case Intake/Enrollment When the probationer reports to our local Branch Office for Enrollment, he/she will be provided a complete Orientation of the probation supervision process so they will have a full understanding of their requirements and sentence. We have found that by focusing on the enrollment process and taking additional time to communicate with the probationer their responsibilities enhances the probationer’s level of success. The Sentinel Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case: Interviews the probationer to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the case history form. Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 50 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 125 129 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Verifies the probationer has been provided a copy of their sentence and has signed a copy of the sentence. Provides referrals to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work and alcohol/drug treatment. Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule. Completes a Kiosk enrollment and orientation. Assigns the defendant to a Probation Officer, schedules a date for his/her next appointment, prepares the case file, and presents the case file to the Probation Officer. Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered such as community service, AA attendance, or other counseling, our staff provides the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. Our staff cooperates with the probationer to get community service locations assigned, treatment assessments and referrals coordinated, and ensures all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file. By linking locally with available resources we are able to increase the likelihood of participant success. Sentinel’s local Program Director monitors our court services and case management activities to ensure these services and activities are properly conducted and coordinated. Individual Supervision Plans To effectively supervise a case, the Sentinel Probation Officer will develop and implement a Supervision Plan. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Probation Officer to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Probation Officer will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Probation Officer becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and Supervision Plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing, payment plans and schedule for completion of special conditions. Most probationers will receive at least one (1) face-to-face contact per month with their Probation Officer or Case Manager and high-risk probationers may complete as many as four (4) office contacts per month. 4.2.2. The probation counselor or court liaison will schedule an initial appointment with an assigned probation counselor and offender. The preparation of a client electronic case file, the collection of information and setting up the initial appointment may be conducted by a probation counselor or a court liaison before or after the intake interview. The initial appointment shall occur within ten (10) days of the date of sentencing. Upon completion of the case intake, the staff member obtains the offender’s signature on the General Conditions of Probation, the Sentence Sheet, and the Reporting Acknowledgement Form. The offender is provided with directions to our office and an appointment time with their Probation Officer within the next five (5) days and is advised of the documentation he/she will need to provide at his/her first visit. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered, such as community service, AA attendance, or counseling, our Enrollment Officers provide the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. They cooperate with the probationer with the assignment of community service locations, coordination of AA attendance, and ensure all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file. Our local Program Director monitors our Court Services and Case Management activities to ensure these services and activities are properly conducted and coordinated. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 51 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 126 130 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.2.3. The probation counselor or court liaison will review indigent status to determine if clients are eligible for reduced fees or waivers under the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator's Domestic Violence Program(s) if funds are available from this source. Sentinel staff will review clients to determine if they are indigent and report these findings to the Court Administrator for review. To determine indigent status Sentinel staff will have the client complete a written application that includes at a minimum the following financial information: net income, other income, assets, all liabilities and debts, and any bail paid for the client’s release. The application will be signed by the client, which will attest to the truthfulness of the information provided. The application will be forwarded to the Court Administrator’s office for review and determination if it meets the standards necessary for assistance from the available funding source. 4.2.4. When the Court places an offender on misdemeanor probation pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 948.15, the Contractor must conduct a search of the probationer's name or other identifying information against the registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement under Florida Statutes Section 943.04352. The Contractor may conduct the search using the internet site maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The Contractor must also perform a similar search using the U.S. Department of Justice's Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender public website. Sentinel will conduct a search of registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders for all misdemeanor probationers placed under our supervision. This search will be completed after intake but prior to the probationer’s initial orientation appointment. The probationer’s name and other identifying information will be searched against the registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and a national search will be conducted through the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public website maintained by the United States Department of Justice. The process may be conducted before or after the intake interview. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands the requirement to conduct a search may be conducted before or after the Intake interview and will be completing this process during our new client Enrollment process, which will occur within five (5) days of sentencing. When a participant appears on the stated searches, the information is primarily utilized to provide safe and effective supervision. The provider does not currently report its findings back to the court in a systematic way unless the “sexual offender/sexual predator” status has a direct bearing on the offender’s ability to complete the terms of misdemeanor probation. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel will work closely with the Court to identify within our Standard Operating Procedures the procedures necessary to inform the Court in a systematic manner. 4.3. Initial Appointment (Orientation) The Contractor shall conduct the initial appointment as follows: 4.3.1. Initial appointments must be conducted by a probation counselor who will be responsible for monitoring the probationer. This initial appointment interview will primarily enable the probation counselor and the client to become acquainted with one another. It will consist of a detailed instruction of the conditions of probation, discussion of personal history characteristics, and determination of a highly individualized case plan to assist the client in avoiding recidivism or relapse. When the probationer reports to our local office for enrollment, he/she will be provided a complete Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 52 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 127 131 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Orientation of the Probation Supervision process to ensure a complete understanding of the legal requirements of the probation sentence. We have found that focusing on the Enrollment process and taking additional time to communicate with the probationer their responsibilities enhances the probationer’s level of success. The Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case: Interviews the probationer to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the case history form. Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence. Verifies the probationer has been provided a copy of their sentence and has signed a copy of the sentence. Provides referrals to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work and alcohol/drug treatment. Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule. Schedules a date for his/her next appointment. Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. 4.3.2. Probation counselors will review the conditions of probation during the initial appointment or first face-to-face visit between the client and probation counselor and develop the highly individualized case plan. The case plan is to be followed and monitored. The case plan shall include referrals or linkage to necessary services, track participation in treatment and other services, establish follow-up dates, create a reporting schedule, explain the fee schedule, etc. This case plan may also include suggested services/interventions. To effectively supervise a case, the Case Manager will develop and implement a Supervision Plan at the time of enrollment. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Case Manager to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the Assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Case Manager will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Case Manager becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and Supervision Plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing (if applicable), payment plans, and schedule for completion of special conditions. Most probationers will receive at least one (1) face-to-face contact per month with their Case Manager and high-risk probationers may complete as many as four (4) office contacts per month. The primary goal of supervision is to reduce risk to the community through ongoing monitoring, information gathering, and treatment. Supervision techniques include surveillance of the probationer's activities in the community, referrals to treatment providers, and the following Probation Officer supervision activities: Provides guidance and direction to each probationer with successful completion of probation and associated conditions as their main goal. Explores all available sources of information such as Pre-Sentence Investigations, police reports, and criminal histories to gain insight into probationer's current status and background. Maintains ongoing contacts with individuals that have knowledge of the probationer's activities. Works closely with treatment providers to coordinate effective treatment and supervision plans. Makes referrals to appropriate treatment providers, maintains contact with resources available in the community, coordinates referrals with treatment providers to establish mutual treatment and supervision goals, monitors probationer's progress, and documents all actions taken. Monitors the probationer's lifestyle with particular attention to financial stability, employment status, and indications of substance abuse; makes referrals for treatment, as necessary. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 53 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 128 132 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Informs the probationer of court-ordered sanctions such as paying fines, restitution, supervision fees, and other costs; monitors compliance with established payment schedules and takes appropriate action to address arrearages. Ensures that probationers are properly screened, placed with a community service agency, and completes community service in a timely manner. 4.3.3. The probation counselor or court liaison shall complete the following tasks as part of the initial appointment/interview: Verify the accuracy and completeness of the information collected. Document additional personal information. Document current offenses. Document prior arrest history. Local arrest history may be obtained through the online Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Inquiry. The website is located at: http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/publicinquiry/arrestinquiry. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Case disposition information can be retrieved from the Clerk of the Court’s Hillsborough Court Records Search function at: http://pubrec10.hillsclerk.com/Unsecured/default.aspx [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Document current employment status. If applicable, document current employer's name and location. Determine whether the client requires further assistance that has not already been identified by the Court. Thoroughly discuss all financial obligations of the client, including but not a limited to, reviewing the probationer's income and expenses, and establishing budget and payment plan to ensure compliance. When the probationer reports to our local office, he/she will be provided a complete Enrollment/Orientation of the Probation Supervision process so he/she will have a full understanding of his/her requirements and sentence. As shown in the figure below, our staff can quickly and accurately enter a probationer’s information in SenTrack to begin the monitoring / supervision program. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 54 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 129 133 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Case Information Module Screen. The Short Form contains basic offender information, personal data, case information and case status information. The Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case: Interviews the probationer to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the case history form (address, employment, etc.) Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence. Reviews current offense and prior criminal history. Provides referrals to community resources to meet human service needs. Provides referrals to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work and alcohol/drug treatment. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 55 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 130 134 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule. Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. Discuss and establish a plan to complete community service hours if this is a designated condition of probation. The plan shall include a referral to a community service program. Assignments are intended to benefit the community and can include clean-up projects. Community service can be performed with city departments, county agencies, and approved non-profit or faith-based organizations. The case plan shall provide for completion of all the mandated hours at least two (2) weeks prior to expiration of the term of probation. Sentinel administers the Community Service program to meet the conditions of probation imposed by the Court. Sentinel’s Community Service program is operated in accordance with Florida law and Court procedures to maximize the benefit to the community and the probationer. The primary objectives of the Community Service program are the following: To provide a cost-effective, community-oriented program for probationers who would otherwise be incarcerated; To provide a work-ethic approach to punishment enabling the probationer to become personally involved with meaningful projects in his/her community; To establish accountability for criminal acts by probationers while benefiting the community; To promote a highly visible program that fosters citizen-involvement and cooperation in the criminal justice system; To provide a rehabilitative means of atonement for the probationer's action and to deter future inappropriate behavior; and To account for all mandatory hours of community service ordered by the court. The Community Service program activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Maintenance work on any property or building owned or leased by any state, county, or municipality or any nonprofit organization or agency. Maintenance work on any state-owned, county-owned, or municipally-owned road or highway. Landscaping or maintenance work in any state, county, or municipal park or recreation area. Work in any state, county, or municipal entity or other nonprofit organization or agency. Sentinel will record the offenders’ compliance with required community service conditions and delinquencies are reported to the Court. The Probation Officer ensures that probationers are properly screened, placed with an appropriate community service agency, and perform community service in a timely manner. Our dedicated Community Service Coordinator oversees general activities of the program and monitors the program to ensure compliance with Sentinel guidelines, policies, and procedures. Probationers sentenced to perform community service are informed that placement in the Community Service program occurred as a special condition of probation in lieu of incarceration, and the probationer is informed of the consequences of noncompliance. The probationer must read and understand the Community Service Agreement before signing the agreement. The probationer is also given an overview of the local program including the roles/responsibilities of the Probation Officer, work site agency, and the probationer. Explain no contact orders, if applicable. When the probationer reports to our local office, he/she will be provided a complete Orientation of the Probation Supervision process so he/she will have a full understanding of his/her requirements and sentence including any applicable no contact orders. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 56 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 131 135 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Provide referrals (although linkage is preferred) to drug, alcohol, mental health evaluation and/or treatment, and job service, driving under the influence schools, immobilization for driving under the influence, domestic violence intervention, batterer's intervention, anger management, petit theft school, if necessary. Referrals and linkage of any type, whether court-ordered or not, must be documented in the client's case plan in the Contractor's case management system. As part of our program model, Sentinel is employing a full-time Community Services Coordinator who is responsible for establishing relationships with local community partners who are experts in their fields. He/she will be responsible for establishing the “linkage” to each available provider based on their level of service expertise and the needs of the offender. All referrals and linkage will be documented in SenTrack as a special condition and measured as part of our monthly operations report. Results of each provider will be measured on an annual basis to ensure effective services are being rendered from each community partner. Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services: We believe that many probationers can benefit from counseling and treatment and provides specialized supervision for alcohol and drug offenders. We do not provide treatment services, but provide links to established community-based resources. Probationers are linked to community-based services where long-term, continuing treatment is available even after their probation sentence has ended. This process allows us to remain focused on the delivery of probation services while allowing professionals in the field of counseling and treatment to provide specialized services to offenders. We will work closely with many community agencies that provide evaluations and treatment for substance abuse addiction, domestic violence counseling, and DUI schools. We coordinate with community treatment agencies in order to make the best possible and cost effective referrals for offenders to complete court ordered evaluations and treatment. Cognitive Skill Courses: We provide cognitive behavior modification techniques through the Moral Reconation Therapy® and Moral Reconation Therapy-based courses to meet the criminogenic needs of the probationers. These courses include, but are not limited to: Substance Abuse – a module utilizing a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse prevention called “Staying Quit” that focuses on risky situations, scripting changes, coping with urges and cravings, being around users, understanding support issues, and taking charge of life choices and behaviors. Anger Management and Problem Resolution – a skills training program employing the workbook “Coping with Anger” that focuses on the causes of anger and how to control behavioral reactions to anger especially within confrontational situations. Parenting and Family Values – a program designed to help probationers develop parenting skills and assess the values related to their family by teaching probationers to confront their parenting skills and habits, perform a clarification of the values regarding their family, and establish appropriate discipline routines. Budgeting and Money Management – a training program centered around the workbook “Responsible Living” that addresses responsible budgeting, needs versus wants, and accepting the rules in life. Job Readiness – a program targeted to individuals who are about to re-enter the workforce after a long absence, or who have a poor work history, which provides targeted services such as communication skills, presentation skills (dress and mannerisms), and following instructions. Employment Assistance: Sentinel counsels and directs unemployed offenders regarding how to conduct a proper and successful job search through our established connections / referrals in the community. All progress is monitored by the Probation Officer. Probationers are required to maintain employment as a condition of probation and receive assistance through our Employment Assistance Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 57 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 132 136 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Program (EAP). Referrals to community employment agencies are made and offenders are directed to employment opportunities. The Probation Officer monitors the offender's job search and progress with employment. We feel it is better for the Court if we can assist offenders in finding employment because they will have a greater chance of completing their probated sentences. Doing so saves the Court time, saves jail costs, and assists the offender in maintaining their family responsibilities. Our employment assistance plan consists of the following steps: Step 1 - Sentinel’s Probation Officer interviews every offender during orientation to determine if they are employed. If the offender is not employed, the Probation Officer completes an “Employment Assistance Worksheet” survey form as part of the intake process. These survey forms are collated and given daily to the Office Manager for follow-up. These surveys document the total number of offenders who are unemployed and help us determine the offender’s skills, their skill level, and areas that would challenge their efforts in gaining employment. CONFIDENTIAL - Employment Assistance Program Input Screen Step 2 - The offender is scheduled to attend an Employment Assistance Program workshop. During this class they complete a generic application and the application is screened for missing or incomplete data. Information from the application is then entered in an EAP database through an input screen as shown below. A job search form is provided to the offender and the offender is linked to potential employers. Potential employers are entered into our database as referrals for other offender’s to contact for possible employment. Step 3 - Database information and copies of applications are provided to local temporary employment agencies so that they can contact offenders if they have skills that the agency needs. A successful match enables the offender to be immediately placed. Step 4 - The offender’s Probation Officer will continue to follow up on the offender’s Job Search Form completions. Step 5 - The offender continues to attend Job Skills Enhancement sessions at the direction of his/her Probation Officer. These sessions include instruction on how to prepare for job interviews, successful interview techniques, and how to locate job opportunities. Step 6 – The offender’s efforts are documented by his/her Probation Officer and become a part of his/her case management history and provide another basis upon which the Court can render decisions. By completing all of these steps we do everything possible to focus on the offender’s employment needs, make employment options available, coach them towards employment, and provide for follow-up. Domestic Violence Intervention Program: The Domestic Violence Intervention Program is designed as a supervision program for domestic violence offenders and stresses immediate intervention with the goal of preventing further acts of violence. The Probation Officer monitors the defendant's activities as a Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 58 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 133 137 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 condition of supervision. The defendant is immediately referred to domestic violence counseling and reports to the Probation Officer as directed. The Probation Officer accompanies the defendant to court and summarizes the defendant's behavior and progress in counseling for consideration by the Court. In order to participate, the defendant must: Have a desire for counseling and a willingness to participate in the program. Reside within the jurisdiction of the Court or within an approved distance. Participate in the Domestic Violence Intervention Program as a special court-ordered condition. Abstain from the use of alcohol and drugs unless lawfully prescribed. Submit to random alcohol and drug screening and bear the cost of such testing. Be truthful in all dealings with the Program Supervisor. Report immediately to the Program Supervisor any contact made with any law enforcement officer. Not leave the jurisdiction of the court without prior permission of the Program Supervisor. Report as directed by the Program Supervisor. Pay a monthly supervision fee to Sentinel. Comply with all conditions of the Domestic Violence Intervention Program. Explain the clients' rights, obligations, and grievance procedures. When the probationer reports to our local office, he/she will be provided a complete Orientation of the Probation Supervision process so he/she will have a full understanding of his/her rights, obligations, and company grievance procedures. The Contractor's electronic case maintenance system must remain compatible with the court case management system, including existing data elements and image repository, throughout the Contract term to provide electronic records access in the courtroom. The case management system must: Document client compliance; Indicate when cases are closed; Document if probation is violated; and, Record when warrants are issued. Sentinel catapulted the speed, capacity and capabilities of case management software through our development of the Sentinel SQL Database System, SenTrack. Employing SQL logic into the SenTrack software design allows real-time, on-line web accessibility, www.SenTrack.com, to participant information and reports for Sentinel employees and authorized Court personnel. The SQL Database structure is state-of-the-art and is infinitely able to generate reports, elicit statistical data, and conduct queries for specific information as needed to meet literally any requirement or report objective. As our case management software is an in-house concept and design, SenTrack can be upgraded to meet our needs and the needs of our Program partners. Sentinel not only maintains a proprietary, computerized, online records management system, but more importantly, we can develop an electronic data exchange program with the County or Court IT Departments. IMPORTANT SENTINEL ADVANTAGE: We can utilize our WebServices package to exchange data in an XML format. This exchange solution will allow the County or Court’s office to process monthly financial reports in a quicker and easier fashion while recognizing efficiencies not previously experienced. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 59 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 134 138 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Sentinel is prepared to immediately exchange data through our data exchange. Through the interface, we will be able to share valuable data with the County or Court that will allow for the development of a streamlined approach to case creation, court appearances, Failure to Appear programs, and simplified financial management for the agency. Additionally, our SenTrack Case Management system is supported by our IT Department, and we are always willing and able to customize the software and interface to meet the County or Court’s needs. The Probation Officer utilizes the SenTrack software to manage offender data; enter case management notes; schedule and track appointments; manage probationer follow-up; generate reports and forms; facilitate sentence modifications; create warrants and other information for the courts; and produce reports required for sentence revocation. The inherent utility of the SQL database structure allows all user input to be quantified, extrapolated, and queried based on recurring or occasional requirements. SenTrack has made it possible for our customers to have the reports they want in the format they require. The following functional modules are available in SenTrack: Basic Information Offender Personal Data Case Information Case Status Payment Application Module Appointment/Requirements Module Special Conditions Module Reports Module Document Template Module Violations/Warrant Module To the right, we have provided an example of our Short Form screen. The Short Form contains basic offender information, personal data, case information and case status information. 4.4. Supervision The Contractor shall supervise probationers sentenced in County Court to ensure compliance with any and all conditions imposed by the Court. The Contractor shall provide status reports and alerts to the Court throughout the period of supervision. Misdemeanor probation includes all criminal misdemeanor charges, reduced felonies, or criminal traffic offenses (e.g. Driving under the Influence, Reckless Driving, and Driving with License Suspended). The Contractor shall serve as the single point of contact for law enforcement, family members, providers, employers, victims, Court personnel, lawyers, and other individuals who may have information concerning the probationer's conduct. Supervision requires documenting the following for each client: 4.4.1. Directions to the client on ways to successfully complete their probation and comply with and complete the conditions of probation; Upon completion of the case intake, the staff member obtains the offender’s signature on the General Conditions of Probation, the Sentence Sheet, and the Reporting Acknowledgement Form. The offender is Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 60 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 135 139 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 provided with directions to our office and an appointment time with their Probation Officer within the next five (5) days and is advised of the documentation he/she will need to provide at his/her first visit. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered, such as community service, AA attendance, or counseling, our Enrollment Officers provide the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. They cooperate with the probationer with the assignment of community service locations, coordination of AA attendance, and ensure all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file. Our local Program Director monitors our Court Services and Case Management activities to ensure these services and activities are properly conducted and coordinated 4.4.2. Facilitating Indigent determination; Sentinel staff will review clients to determine if they are indigent and report these findings to the Court Administrator for review. To determine indigent status, Sentinel staff will have the client complete a written application that includes at a minimum the following financial information: net income, other income, assets, all liabilities and debts, and any bail paid for the client’s release. The application will be signed by the client, which will attest to the truthfulness of the information provided. The application will be forwarded to the Court Administrator’s office for review and determination if it meets the standards necessary for assistance from the available funding source. 4.4.3. Comprehensive case plan including linkage and referrals; To effectively supervise a case, the Sentinel Probation Officer will develop and implement a Supervision Plan. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Probation Officer to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Probation Officer will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Probation Officer becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and Supervision Plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing, payment plans and schedule for completion of special conditions. Linkages to the appropriate programs will be facilitated by our staff and documented in SenTrack. The referral process will provide the probationer every avenue for success, and our probation officers will monitor closely the level of compliance from the offender. As part of our program model, Sentinel is employing a full-time Community Services Coordinator who is responsible for establishing relationships with local community partners who are experts in their fields. He/she will be responsible for establishing the “linkage” to each available provider based on their level of service expertise and the needs of the offender. All referrals and linkage will be documented in SenTrack as a special condition and measured as part of our monthly operations report. Results of each provider will be measured on an annual basis to ensure effective services are being rendered from each community partner. 4.4.4. Includes referring or linking probationers to appropriate treatment agencies for substance abuse, anger management or batterer's intervention programs; Sentinel understands this requirement and, as part of our program model, Sentinel is employing a fulltime Community Services Coordinator who is responsible for establishing relationships with local community partners who are experts in their fields. He/she will be responsible for establishing the “linkage” to each available provider based on their level of service expertise and the needs of the offender. All referrals and linkage will be documented in SenTrack as a special condition and measured as part of our monthly operations report. Results of each provider will be measured on an annual basis to ensure effective services are being rendered from each community partner. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 61 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 136 140 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.4.5. A minimum of one (1) monthly office appointment by probationer to the probation counselor supervising the case; Every probationer will be required to report to the office at least one time per month unless otherwise ordered by the Court. For more intense cases, office visits may be required as often as one time per week or as determined by the case plan. The current misdemeanor probation services provider does provide the field contact service; however, this condition of probation is rarely implemented by the court. The current provider reports that the courts only implement the field contact provision approximately two times per year. If a field contact is required by the court, it would be permissible to allow a Field Supervisor to perform the necessary visits and report them to the assigned Probation Counselor. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands the requirement to provide field contact at the request/order of the Court and will comply with this requirement. Every field contact will be documented in SenTrack and available for future review by the Court, should the need arise. This requirement will be built into the Supervision Plan when specified in the court order. 4.4.6. If required, conduct a minimum of one (1) field contact (residential and/or employment location) during the term of probation by the probation counselor supervising the case; Sentinel understands the requirement to provide field contact at the request/order of the Court and will comply with this requirement. Every field contact will be documented in SenTrack and available for future review by the Court, should the need arise. This requirement will be built into the Supervision Plan when specified in the court order. 4.4.7. Verifying that screenings, assessments, evaluations, and tests are conducted as specified; 4.4.8. Monitoring attendance, progress, testing, and participation in treatment services as specified; 4.4.9. Monitoring community service hour placements, progress, and completion as specified; 4.4.10. Enforcement of special conditions as required by the sentencing Court; and, 4.4.11. Ensuring the probationer is in compliance with the standard conditions of probation as specified. Supervision Plan: To effectively supervise a case, the Case Manager will develop and implement a Supervision Plan. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Case Manager to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the Assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Case Manager will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Case Manager becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and Supervision Plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing (if applicable), payment plans, and schedule for completion of special conditions. Probationers will receive at least one (1) face-to-face contact per month with their Case Manager and high-risk probationers may complete as many as four (4) office contacts per month. At the request of the Court, Sentinel understands and will comply with the requirement to perform field contact on individuals selected by the Court. We understand this may be part of the Supervision Plan if ordered by the Court. Supervision Levels: Typically, probationers assigned to our programs can be divided into two (2) general categories. Some only have to complete their financial responsibilities to the Court, the victim, or Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 62 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 137 141 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 both. Others, in addition to this financial responsibility, must also complete other requirements of the Court, such as community service, drug testing, treatment, or counseling. These two (2) groups require distinctly different levels of supervision and are handled by different supervision teams within our offices. Financial Services (Level I) For those probationers who only have financial obligations to complete, our focus is to provide timely and accurate collection and remittance of all required payments. Probationers are required to maintain contact with their assigned Sentinel officer on a monthly basis. Compliance Services (Level II) The majority of probationers assigned to our programs have requirements that extend beyond financial obligations. These may include community service, drug testing, counseling, treatment, victim restitution, or electronic monitoring. These cases are significantly more difficult to supervise than those with only financial obligations in that the additional requirements are often concurrent and must be completed prior to the sentence end date. These cases usually require more frequent office contacts and more direct and sustained communication between the probationer and the Sentinel officer. For this reason, we assign our more senior officers to these cases, and the client/officer ratio is reduced due to the nature of the required supervision. Caseload Size and Staffing Ratio: Staffing ratios of probationers per Case Manager are as indicated below: Supervision Type Staffing Ratio Level I – Financial Services 250 to 300 probationers per Case Manager Level II – Compliance Services 250 probationers per Probation Officer Intensive Supervision 150 to 185 probationers per Probation Officer To ensure proper supervision staffing ratios for specialized caseloads, such as intensive probation supervision, electronic monitoring, or domestic violence offenders, Management reviews staffing ratios each month to ensure adequate workloads are maintained. In addition, we provide Automated Telephone Reminders to program participants in order to ensure successful communication efforts with participants as well as increase participants’ compliance with program requirements. IMPORTANT SENTINEL ADVANTAGE: We are the only company in the industry who is providing Automated Reminder Calls to our entire offender population both before and after their scheduled appointments. Every probationer receives a phone call reminding he/she of their scheduled appointment, thus increasing the likelihood of them reporting as scheduled. A probationer’s failure to report as directed is the single most committed probation violation; this effort assists in reducing the occurrence of this violation action. When the probationer reports to our local office, he/she will be provided a complete Orientation of the Probation Supervision process to ensure a complete understanding of the legal requirements of the probation sentence. We have found that focusing on the enrollment process and taking additional time to communicate with the probationer their responsibilities enhances the probationer’s level of success. The Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case and revisits each requirement during subsequent follow up meetings with each probationer: Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence. Complete assessment to determine indigent status. Provides linkage to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 63 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 138 142 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Provides linkage to community treatment agencies to complete substance abuse, anger management, or batterer’s intervention programs. Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule. Schedules a date for his/her next appointment. Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. Updates case management system with new information on: employment, counseling, financial, demographic, or other major issues in the probationers’ lives. Documents community service completion, progress, and communicates deadlines to the probationer. Documents completion of screenings, participation in treatment, and monitors any special conditions of the Court. 4.5. Collection of Costs, Restitution, Fines, and Fees To collect supervision costs, restitution, fines, fees and other sums the Contractor shall establish partnerships with the Clerk of the Circuit Court which may include live-cashier sites. If the Contractor fails to establish partnerships with the Clerk of Circuit Court, all costs, fines, fees and sums must be paid by the client to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. One of the most critical aspects of collecting fines and fees is the equal distribution of offender payments. Unlike other vendors, Sentinel never collects supervision fees in advance. To ensure proper application of funds, Sentinel has programmed our software and collections Kiosks to apply client payments in accordance with customized Court requirements. Each Court is able to customize the payment application according to its own requirements. Electronic Data Exchange with County and/or Court Sentinel not only maintains a proprietary, computerized, online records management system, but more importantly, we can develop an electronic data exchange program with the County or Court IT departments. IMPORTANT SENTINEL ADVANTAGE: we can utilize our WebServices package to exchange data in an XML format. This exchange solution will allow the County or Court’s office to process monthly financial reports in a quicker and easier fashion while recognizing efficiencies not previously experienced. Sentinel is prepared to immediately exchange data through our data exchange. Through the interface, we will be able to share valuable data with the County or Court that will allow for the development of a streamlined approach to case creation, court appearances, Failure to Appear programs, and simplified financial management for the agency. Additionally, our SenTrack Case Management system is supported by our IT Department, and we are always willing and able to customize the software and interface to meet the County or Court’s needs. Authorized County and Court personnel will Sentinel not only professes to provide superior service, direction, and have unlimited (24/7) support for program endeavors, but also achieves these results by access to SenTrack, our encouraging and participating in multi-party conferences with County and proprietary web-based Court representatives. This cooperative relationship ensures constant case management communication and allows all aspects of program services to be evaluated system, at no charge to and modified as needed to deliver the maximum potential with the ultimate the County or Court. proficiency. Free Internet Access for County or Court Personnel to Sentinel’s SenTrack System County or Court personnel would be able to directly connect to Sentinel’s proprietary SenTrack Case Management system via a secure Internet connection to access client data at no charge to the County or Court. This is accomplished through a standard Web browser. For security reasons, County and Court personnel would be given authorized user accounts to authenticate to Sentinel’s IIS (Internet Information Server) and valid accounts to authenticate to Sentinel’s NT Server after authentication to the IIS. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 64 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 139 143 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.5.1. All probationers, with oversight from the Contractor, are required to establish a payment plan with the Clerk of the Circuit Court following their court appearance in which they are placed on probation. Sentinel will provide oversight of the payment plans defined for each probationer. Sentinel will ensure each participant receives all of the automated reminder contacts, contact from his/her Probation Officer, and receives all information on fine conversions should the need arise and the Court approves such action. Each meeting with the Probation Officer will entail conversations and updates on the compliance with the payment obligations that have been established. Over ninety-five percent (95%) of the probation cases supervised have fines and fees levied on the probationer. Those clients who have been ordered to probation for financial purposes only will pay the established monthly supervision fee. Funds are collected from offenders on a weekly or monthly basis according to an established payment schedule. As an example of our success rate with our collections services, in 2014, Sentinel collected more than $35 million in court ordered fines and restitution on behalf of our court customers). Through the interface with the Odyssey software, Sentinel will track each probation payment through our Sentrack software, specifically the payment application component located within. Our software allows us to track overdue amounts, scheduled payments, re-calculation of payments for compliance purposes, receipts and total outstanding balances. The Payment Application allows multiple cases simultaneously to be addressed and has an internal payment application system that identifies case balances by fines, fees, restitution, court cost, and surcharges. We will continue to use the SenTrack payment Application to track compliance of offender payments being made to the Clerk’s office. Payment Application Module Screen. SenTrack’s automated payment application function accurately accounts for all offender payments. The Contractor will: 4.5.2. Assist the Clerk of the Circuit Court to provide indigent screening determinations for probationers. As directed Sentinel staff will review clients to determine if they are indigent and report these findings to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for review. To determine indigent status Sentinel staff will have the client complete a written application that includes at a minimum the following financial information: net income, Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 65 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 140 144 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 other income, assets, all liabilities and debts, and any bail paid for the client’s release. The application will be signed by the client, which attests to the truthfulness of the information provided. The application will be forwarded to the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office for review and determination if it meets the established indigent standards. 4.5.3. Facilitate the collection of all court costs, restitution, fines, fees and costs of supervision by the probationer to the Clerk of the Circuit Court at one of the Clerks established payment sites. The funds will be maintained in separate and distinct general ledger accounts. The Clerk's Office will subsequently distribute all court costs, fines, fees, and cost of supervision as appropriate. Sentinel collects only court-ordered fines, CONFIDENTIAL – Payment Application Module Screen fees, and restitution from offenders and service fees authorized by our contract. Funds are collected from offenders on a weekly or monthly basis according to an established payment schedule and at Clerk-approved payment sites. Our Accounting Clerk accounts for all offender payments using Sentinel’s computerized accounting system that provides the offender with a detailed receipt each time a payment is accepted. (Please see textbox insert for a screenshot showing the Payment Application Module.) Restitution is collected and disbursed to the courtordered victim. The Accounting Clerk supports the Probation Officers and performs data entry and financial record maintenance. The Accounting Clerk is responsible for the accurate daily receipt of funds and provides a daily check and balance for all funds. All daily receipts are documented and reviewed prior to deposit into the Clerk's account. Every day, the Office Manager ensures that deposits of all court-ordered fines are made into the bank account and General Ledger account designated by the Clerk. If requested, Sentinel’s staff can submitted daily report listing all cases for which fines have been collected to the Clerk along with documentation of deposits made. Depending upon the Court’s requirement, Sentinel provides a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly report of all monies collected for the Clerk. This enables the Clerk to remit amounts owed to other authorities for which amounts were collected. Additionally, if any account is deemed uncollectable, in whole or in part, Sentinel will disburse all collected funds pursuant to a Court order. If so required, Sentinel can digitally file and email all reports to the Court. In addition, our Office Manager meets with the Clerk on a monthly basis to review the financial reports and ensure all information provided is complete and accurate. Each Sentinel office receives a monthly review of its financial records by company Management. Unannounced audits throughout the year ensure our compliance with contemporary audit standards. The audit of office financial records ensures that funds are collected and disbursed according to Court orders and includes an examination of the following items: Daily receipts are compared with deposit tickets; Interoffice status change forms are compared to receipts; Collections from probationers who pay less than the required amount during a month are reviewed for appropriate distribution of funds to the court; Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 66 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 141 145 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 The collection of supervision fees never proceeds the collection of restitution and fines; and All collections are checked to ensure that priority is given to the collection of restitution and fines. Account Managers at our regional office review daily deposits for accuracy and balance monthly reports with Court financial reports. An independent accounting firm regularly reviews the Company's financial records. Internal audits are conducted on a quarterly basis to review the financial controls of each field office and the case management of all Probation Officers. Such audits may occur more frequently, if deemed necessary. Results of these audits are reviewed and monitored by Sentinel management. 4.5.4. Place a priority on the assessment, collection and disbursement of restitution to victims of crimes and shall monitor payments of court costs, fines, and the cost of supervision fees. Sentinel requires defendants to submit payments at regularly scheduled appointments or by mail. Failure to report and pay court-ordered monies is addressed through a Failure to Report document and recalculating payment amounts to address missed payments. Sentinel addresses potential financial delinquencies from the beginning of the probation supervision process by discussing the probationer’s financial status and completing a payment schedule for every probationer. Since initial payment schedules are set with the probationer’s involvement, we will not tolerate delinquencies and will make every effort, through effective case management, to encourage probationers to comply with the conditions of probation. Consistent contact with the probationer and knowledge of his/her activities is essential in monitoring the probationer's progress with supervision and detecting delinquencies. Through the interface with the Odyssey software, Sentinel will track each probation payment through our SenTrack software, specifically the payment application component located within. Our software allows us to track overdue amounts, scheduled payments, re-calculation of payments for compliance purposes, receipts, and total outstanding balances. The Payment Application allows multiple cases simultaneously to be addressed and has an internal payment application system that identifies case balances by fines, fees, restitution, court cost, and surcharges. We will continue to use the SenTrack payment Application to track compliance of offender payments being made to the Clerk’s office 4.5.5. Maintain detailed reporting on the collection and transfer of court costs, fines, restitution, and fees using acceptable accounting methods. The Accounting Clerk is responsible for the accurate daily receipt of funds and provides a daily check and balance for all funds. All daily receipts are documented and reviewed prior to deposit into the Court's account. All of the collection and transfer of court costs, fines, restitution and fees will be completed in SenTrack and available to the Court for review. It is our understanding that actual collections will run through the Clerk of Court and that they will be sending the vendor updates in near real-time via the software interface. Funds collected directly by Sentinel are handled in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and our entire operation is audited annually by an outside firm. 4.5.6. Provide effective oversight of the conversion of costs, fines, and/or fees to community service. This oversight includes the pre-authorization of acceptable community service vendors and follow-up to ensure authentication of compliance and completion. Any conversions of costs, fines, and/or fees to community service will only be completed after approval of an appropriate Court order. No monies will be credited until a Court order to do so is received and appropriately filed with the Clerk. Our Office Manager oversees general activities of the program and Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 67 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 142 146 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 monitors the program to ensure compliance with Sentinel guidelines, policies, and procedures including review of participating community service agencies. Sentinel will record the offenders’ compliance with required community service conditions and delinquencies are reported to the Court. The Probation Officer ensures that probationers are properly screened, placed with an appropriate community service agency, and perform community service in a timely manner. Once completed the Probation Officer verifies the authenticity of the hours completed. 4.5.7. Maintain accurate records that account for completed community service hours; including the name and contact information of the probationer, the name and contact information for the community service organization, letter confirming completion of community service hours, name and contact information of the probation counselor; and a record of the conversion (court costs or fines = x hours of community service). The Probation Officer ensures that probationers are properly screened, placed with an appropriate community service agency, perform community service in a timely manner, and records of completion are properly documented for all hours performed. Within our Special Conditions portion of our SenTrack software we verify and confirm the name and contact information for the community service organization. As part of documenting compliance we confirm community service hours through direct contact with the provider and letters written on provider letterhead. All community service hours are assessed, credited, and an on-going balance is maintained throughout the duration of the probationer’s sentence. Any conversion of court costs or fins is identified and factored within the Special conditions section of SenTrack. 4.5.8. Contact victims as necessary and assist in the collection of court-ordered restitution for theft, property damage, medical expenses, and worthless checks. Sentinel works with restitution victims to ensure court-ordered compensation is collected and remitted as soon as possible. Contact is made with the victim when a new restitution case is received so the victim has a point of contact for questions related to the monies owed and the process for collection and remittance. 4.5.9. Work closely with the State Attorney's Office and the Victim's Assistance Program to obtain victim identification and claims information for purposes of restitution. Sentinel will work closely with the State Attorney’s Office and the Victim’s Assistance Program to ensure court-ordered victim compensation is collected and remitted as soon as possible. Communication will be established so a new restitution case is received we obtain appropriate victim identification and claims information to facilitate collection and remittance of restitution. 4.5.10. The current provider has one Live-Cashier site located at its main office in downtown Tampa. The site is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Funds are also collected at its Plant City Office from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and subsequently transported to their main office for processing. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel Court Services staff will be available during the hours listed above to work the cashier windows in each of the courthouses. We have built coverage for the cashier locations within our Court Services team and these staff members will report to our Court Services Manager. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 68 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 143 147 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.5.11. The County would prefer for the Contractor’s staff to facilitate the collection of fees, fines, and restitution by Clerk of the Circuit Court staff. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel will instruct each probationer as to the requirement to pay the Clerk of the Circuit Court. All payments will be routed through the Clerk’s office as requested. 4.5.12. Misdemeanor Probation Services are an offender funded function. The prioritization of distribution of the Probation Supervision Fee is necessary to effectively execute the service. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands that all payments will be routed through the Clerk of the Circuit Court and thus the priority of distribution will be established by the Clerk’s office. 4.5.13. The Contractor shall receive payment within 45 days of submission of a complete and accurate Request for Payment to the County. Refer to Page 44, Section 23, Paragraph (e). [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands we will be required to submit a Request for Payment to the County and that such request may take up to 45 days for payment. Sentinel has already forecasted the funds necessary to operate the program and implementation phase under the assumption it may take up to 45 days from the date of invoice to receive payment. 4.5.14. The County does anticipate being invoiced on a monthly basis for Misdemeanor Probation Services. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel will invoice the County on a monthly basis for services rendered in the previous month. We understand it may take up to 45 days to receive payment once the invoice is submitted and approved. 4.6. Cost of Supervision Fees The Contractor is entitled to receive the cost of supervision fees required by Section 948.09 (1)(b), Florida Statutes, and established through Administrative Order #S-2010-026 (Attachment A - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER S-2010-026), or in any subsequent administrative order issued by the Chief Judge. The fees shall be collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and distributed to the Contractor by the County. The County recognizes that excessive fees may delay or prohibit offenders from successfully completing probation. The vendor will recognize this challenge and propose mechanisms to mitigate unnecessary costs to offenders. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel acknowledges that the selected contractor is entitled to receive the cost of supervision fees required by Section 948.09 (1)(b), Florida Statutes, and established through Administrative Order #S2010-026 (Attachment A - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER S-2010-026), or in any subsequent administrative order issued by the Chief Judge. We further acknowledge that the fees will be collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and distributed to the Contractor by the County. Sentinel has offered a two-tiered pricing model that allows the probationer to reduce their probation fee amount once they have completed their court-ordered conditions. Further, Sentinel only charges a probation fee for the number of months under active supervision and thus, offenders who complete probation early may be subject to early termination (with court approval) and, therefore, further reduce their overall financial obligation. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 69 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 144 148 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.6.1. Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Contractor from establishing a sliding scale fee for those probationers not able to meet the cost of supervision fee. Sentinel acknowledges that nothing contained within RFQ # 5389 or the supporting documentation will preclude Sentinel from establishing a sliding scale fee for those probationers not able to meet the cost of supervision fee. The current provider addresses a probationer’s inability to pay on a case-by-case basis and does not employ an established sliding fee scale. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] We offer our services at no cost to the Court and County. The supervision fees are directly paid by the sentenced probationer with no cost incurred by the Court or County for any of the services listed below. The court order directs the probationer to pay a monthly supervision in an amount approved by the Court and specified in the contract. A probationer is never charged more than the contract amount. Sentinel is prepared to publish a sliding fee scale that may be delivered on a case-by-case basis as determined by the financial assessment performed during each client enrollment/orientation. Our preference is to develop that scale with participation from the Clerk’s office as the Fees assessed must be included in the software interface and only applied to certain individuals who may have additional fine/court cost modifications. With approval of the Court our plan is to evaluate program participation for the first 90 days of operation and then present the court with a sliding scale based on real life data collected in Hillsborough County. This ensures Sentinel does not publish a scale that can not be sustained and, conversely, that we do not publish a scale that is too expensive for the probationer. 4.6.2. The Court may, at its discretion order that the cost of supervision fees be waived in cases involving indigent clients and the Contractor agrees to accept such cases. Sentinel acknowledges the discretion of the Court to waive or reduce fees based on, but not limited to, issues impacting the defendant related to employability, medical hardship, or other extenuating factors. We agree to accept such cases. 4.6.3. In no case shall the County assume any liability to the Contractor for its cost of supervision or any uncollected fees. In addition, the County does not assure a minimum or maximum number of cases that will be available or directed to the Contractor. Sentinel acknowledges that in no case will the County assume any liability to the selected contractor for its cost of supervision or any uncollected fees. We further acknowledge that the County does not assure a minimum or maximum number of cases that will be available or directed to the selected contractor. 4.7. Invoices for Services Provided The Contractor will establish a monthly invoicing procedure with the County requesting payment for services rendered for the previous month. Under no circumstances shall the requested amount exceed the amount of cost of supervision fees collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court during the same period. Sentinel will only collect fees for the number of months in which the defendant is actively supervised / monitored. Furthermore, our fees will become due on the “anniversary date” of the sentence as opposed to the calendar month. The impact of this policy relieves the defendant who is sentenced on, for example, the 29th day of a month from being invoiced for two (2) fees within the matter of three (3) days due to the fact that a new calendar month has occurred. Some companies may immediately require this person pay two (2) fees. Sentinel will not collect service fees in advance. Each month the County will be invoiced for the services rendered to program participants not to exceed the amount of supervision fees collected that month. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 70 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 145 149 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.8. Probation Reporting The Contractor shall prepare violation reports and provide them to the Court for review to determine appropriate sentencing for offenders and ensure appropriate and timely dispositions. The Contractor shall report all violations of the terms and conditions of probation to the sentencing Judge as soon as possible but, in no instance shall it be later than five (5) days from the date of the violation for appropriate disposition. 4.8.1. All necessary documents and information will be assembled by a probation counselor or court liaison to support the violation. 4.8.2. As directed by the Court, a probation counselor and/or court liaison shall attend any county court proceedings and provide testimony regarding a violation of probation. Sentinel understands that testimony may be required, and we are fully prepared to describe the functionality, capabilities, and reliability of reports while under oath in the court of law. Sentinel will be able to submit the participant case files as supporting evidence when describing the program participant’s activities while under Sentinel’s supervision. Sentinel will report all violations as soon as possible and within the five day limit established by the court. Sentinel considers all available options and strives to work with probationers before requesting the issuance of a warrant. We strive to prevent additional jail costs by aggressively supervising and directing probationers toward successful case termination. While Sentinel works to increase fine revenues, we also take every possible step to reduce jail costs that are directly related to the supervision of offenders. Through our experience providing Probation Services, we have determined that increased office hours and Kiosk check-in locations within County-approved will effectively eliminate most of the excuses probationers often provide. Our Probation Officers will only request a warrant when a substantial violation of probation has occurred, there is risk to the public’s safety, there is likelihood the probationer might abscond, or when other remedies have not been effective. Violations are documented by an affidavit included in the warrant and the sworn, notarized signature of the Probation Officer along with a digital photo of the probationer. The warrant is then forwarded to the sentencing judge to issue the warrant. When a probationer is arrested on a probation warrant, the supervising Probation Officer will respond within twenty-four (24) hours after notification of the arrest. Sentinel will provide arresting agencies with a point of contact for notifications after normal working hours in cases where immediate probation warrant arrests attention is needed. After service of a probation warrant, the Probation Officer will follow up as soon as possible with revocation action or other appropriate follow-up activity to address the probation violation. Our staff exhausts all avenues to gain compliance before requesting a probation warrant or scheduling a revocation hearing. A hearing may be necessary for the Court to consider the facts and circumstances of the violation when a probationer serving a misdemeanant sentence violates the conditions of probation. When these circumstances occur, the Probation Officer will file a revocation petition with the Court and schedule a hearing so that the Court may revoke or modify the sentence. If a probationer violates the conditions of probation and the Probation Officer has documented all efforts to obtain the cooperation of the probationer, with approval of the Office Manager, the Probation Officer will prepare a Petition for Revocation of Probation for the sentencing judge. The result will be a probation violation proceeding in which the Probation Officer will provide testimony to assist the Court in considering the revocation of the sentence. This is a “last resort” effort after other intermediate remedies have not been effective, when circumstances make other options unfeasible, or when the judge directs such action. Sentinel utilizes online services to access local Sheriffs’ and Police Department records in order to conduct daily reviews of inmate lists to determine probationers who have been arrested. This information is used to promptly address violations and reduce the amount of time needed to process revocation Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 71 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 146 150 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 hearing schedules. During revocation hearings, the Probation Officer will provide testimony and produce documentation that the probationer has violated the conditions of probation. The testimony provided by the Probation Officer will assist the Court in determining whether the probation sentence should be revoked. Violations of any condition of probation will be investigated and the Court will be informed of violations in a delinquency report prepared by the Probation Officer. The Probation Officer will prepare all necessary documentation to conduct probation revocation hearings and address violations. According to Court policies, the Probation Officer will recommend appropriate sanctions and/or sentence modifications. Prior to violation reports being submitted to the Court, each document is reviewed and approved by Sentinel Management. This internal control ensures every available option was utilized prior to the issuance of a violation report and the accuracy of the document submitted to the Court. Sentinel only requests warrants after our exhaustive case management efforts yield no other remedy for a non-compliant probationer. Because we strive for constant improvement in the services we provide to the Courts, Sentinel initiated the first known "Warrant Recovery Program". Sentinel developed a centralized approach to warrant recovery where Warrant Recovery Officers share a central database of all warrant cases that enables them to effectively locate, process, and collect outstanding fines from these violators regardless of where they reside. Sentinel Warrant Recovery Officers are tasked with delivering the initial communication to probationers that have probation warrants issued against them. This communication is initially in the form of telephone calls made to all available contacts listed in our case management system. Based on the results of these attempted telephone contacts, warrant notification letters may be sent to the defendant if a valid address is available. Our Warrant Recovery Officers work in support of our field offices, the Court, the probationers, legal representatives, and other members of the criminal justice community to locate probationers with outstanding warrants. They compile reports, review warrants to ensure their validity, and closely work with our local offices to ensure our Courts of have the best warrant follow-up information and service. In addition, we employ and utilize outside databases and Internet searches in order to gain any and all contact information that is available to use in locating absconded probationers. 4.9. Court Liaisons (Court Room Staffing) The Contractor's court representatives shall appear in Court daily and provide status reports to Judges and Court personnel. These court representatives will utilize data from the Clerk's case maintenance system for newly sentenced probationers and facilitate the presentation of Violation of Probation hearings to the Court. The Contractor's court representatives shall also assist in the electronic submission of all court-orders, orders of modification and violation documents. It is estimated, that court representatives processed approximately 2,250 documents each month in 2014. Sentinel staff provides our customers with excellent and efficient services and attend each court session held at the local courthouse(s) to explain to provide status reports to the judges and Court personnel. Our staff utilizes a laptop computer to access our case management database in order to provide the Court with immediate information and respond to Violation of Probation hearings. We will electronically submit court-orders, modifications, and violation reports as required by the Court procedures. Our Court Services team is anticipated to include six (6) individuals and one (1) Court Services Manager; however those numbers may change once we review daily operations within the courthouse(s) 4.9.1. The current provider has assigned five Probation Counselors/Court Liaisons to the Tampa Court House and one to the Plant City Court House. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel anticipates using our Court Services team to provide service within both the Tampa Courthouse and the Plant City Courthouse. Initially this team will consist of six (6) individuals and one (1) Court Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 72 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 147 151 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Services Manager. After implementation and upon review of the daily activity within each court house the number of staff may be modified to ensure professional and efficient services are being rendered. 4.10. Supervision Requirements The services covered in this Contract do not include the direct provision of residential or outpatient treatment and rehabilitation services. 4.10.1. Domestic Violence Supervision - Strict monitoring is required to verify that clients attend violence/batterer intervention and counseling if ordered by the Court. The purpose of these services is to: identify the triggers that lead to violence and develop skills to avoid violence in the future. The Contractor's staff may also be required to contact victims to provide referral information and other necessary assistance. In addition to the client checking-in at the program office, the probation counselor may make contact with victims or witnesses. 4.10.2. Personal Development - If court-ordered, the Contractor shall be required to monitor school attendance or GED progress, completion of parenting classes, or other programs that develop necessary life skills that encourage the client to refrain from criminal conduct. The Contractor may provide information on other services such as anger management or behavior modification, money management, etc. 4.10.3. Social Service Referrals - The Contractor shall provide referrals or linkage to a variety of social service agencies, including faith-based organizations, for clients needing housing, health care, food, clothing, or personal assistance so probationers can comply with court requirements and avoid recidivism. This assistance shall extend to emergency shelter, short-term housing, furniture, and medication, or transportation to meet urgent/immediate needs. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered such as community service, AA attendance, or counseling, our Probation Officers provide the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. They cooperate with the probationer with the assignment of community service locations, coordination of AA attendance, and ensure all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file within SenTrack, our proprietary case management system. Our local Office Manager monitors our Court Services and Case Management activities to ensure these services and activities are properly conducted and coordinated. Sentinel’s Case Work staff will coordinate with local employment agencies, free or low cost health providers, transportation agencies, counseling, substance abuse programs (alcohol and/or drugs), and any other rehabilitative services our program population may need during their transition back in to their communities. Our local Probation Officers will be fully versed in the referral services available within the County that could potentially be of value to the Misdemeanor Probation Services program participants and/or their families. By providing these probationers with contact information and assistance to locally-based organizations, including faith-based groups and special needs associations, our goal is to assist the probationers in their successful transition back into the community. The participant’s Probation Officer will maintain accurate records within SenTrack regarding the frequency of participation as well as any information provided by the rehabilitation supervising agency; e.g., attendance history, compliance history, etc. Sentinel’s Case Work staff will coordinate with local employment agencies, free or low cost health providers, transportation agencies, counseling, substance abuse programs (alcohol and/or drugs), and any other rehabilitative services our program population may need during their transition back in to their communities. Sentinel can also provide counseling and access to programs to reduce recidivism through cognitive behavior modification techniques. Our Sentinel Success Center (SSC) program has been designed as a Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 73 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 148 152 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 facet of an offender supervision program, such as the proposed Misdemeanor Probation Services program, to provide intensive community-based services to offenders with the intent of supplying programs that will allow offenders to safely live in the community to complete their probation requirements. The program serves to aggressively and systematically confront entrenched criminal behavior in participants. We offer a customizable program model for agencies that will provide services to address the probationer’s criminogenic needs. The programs we have chosen to deliver (Moral Reconation Therapy® and Moral Reconation Therapy-based courses) have proven through numerous studies to reduce recidivism in high-needs offenders. The cognitive behavioral services program will assist the probationers’ successful reintegration into their communities upon release from prison and reduce recidivism through effective community reintegration, thereby increasing public safety. The Sentinel Success Center cognitive behavioral services programs are designed for offenders who have deeply-rooted problems that require intensive programming services. These intensive services are coupled with evidence-based behavior change programs that have proven to reduce recidivism in offender populations throughout the country. Our programs are directly geared to impact the most significant of the criminogenic risk and need factors. Listed in order of importance: Antisocial attitudes, values, and beliefs (criminal thinking); Pro-criminal associates and isolation from pro-social associates; Particular temperament and behavioral characteristics (i.e., egocentrism); Weak problem-solving and social skills; Criminal history; Negative family factors (e.g., abuse, unstructured or undisciplined environment, criminality in the family, substance abuse in the family); Low levels of vocational and educational skills; and Substance abuse. Sentinel provides other MRT-based course offerings to meet the criminogenic needs of the probationers. We have provided pricing information for our “Education and Cognitive Skills Courses” under our Cost section of our proposal response. These courses include, but are not limited to: Substance Abuse – a module utilizing a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse prevention called “Staying Quit” that focuses on risky situations, scripting changes, coping with urges and cravings, being around users, understanding support issues, and taking charge of life choices and behaviors. Anger Management and Problem Resolution – a skills training program employing the workbook “Coping with Anger” that focuses on the causes of anger and how to control behavioral reactions to anger especially within confrontational situations. Parenting and Family Values – a program designed to help probationers develop parenting skills and assess the values related to their family by teaching probationers to confront their parenting skills and habits, perform a clarification of the values regarding their family, and establish appropriate discipline routines. Budgeting and Money Management – a training program centered around the workbook “Responsible Living” that addresses responsible budgeting, needs versus wants, and accepting the rules in life. Job Readiness – a program targeted to individuals who are about to re-enter the workforce after a long absence, or who have a poor work history, which provides targeted services such as communication skills, presentation skills (dress and mannerisms), and following instructions. Specialized Supervision Programs Sentinel has developed and successfully implemented the following Specialized Supervision Programs to address specific offender populations and/or meet our customer’s needs. These programs are: Intensive Probation Supervision Domestic Violence Intervention Pre-Trial Diversion An outline for each program is provided on the following pages and each program can easily be modified to meet the Court’s needs and objectives. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 74 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 149 153 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Intensive Probation Supervision Program: The Intensive Probation Supervision Program’s (IPS) objective is to provide a publicly acceptable sentencing alternative for selected offenders who pose a manageable risk to the community, require more supervision than can be afforded under Basic Probation Supervision, and require a program of stringent supervision and compliance with the conditions of probation. The program is divided into three (3) phases (see table below) of 180 days in duration that provides stringent supervision and demands strict compliance to the conditions of probation. As each phase is completed, the reporting demands are decreased until the offender is released to Basic Probation Supervision. Any or all of the phases of the IPS Program can be modified to meet the Court’s needs. Intensive Probation Supervision Program Phases. The three (3) phases of the IPS Program can be tailored to meet the needs of the Misdemeanor Probation Services program. This phase requires the offender to perform eighty (80) hours of community service at a rate of eight (8) hours per week. The offender is required to report to the IPS Officer once a week by telephone and twice per week to the Phase I probation office; the IPS Officer completes weekly collateral contacts with the offender's family members, employer, neighbors or counselor. During this phase, the offender submits to biweekly random alcohol and drug screens. Phase II Phase III Program Release This phase requires the offender to report once a week by telephone to the IPS Officer and report once per week to the probation office. The IPS Officer performs one monthly collateral contact. The offender submits to monthly random alcohol and drug screens. This phase requires the offender to report biweekly to the probation office. The IPS Officer performs one monthly collateral contact. The offender submits to random alcohol and drug screens. After successful completion of Phase III, the offender is eligible to be presented to the Court for release to Basic Probation Supervision to complete the remainder of his/her sentence. Domestic Violence Intervention Program: The Domestic Violence Intervention Program is designed as a Pre-Trial Supervision program for domestic violence offenders and stresses immediate intervention with the goal of preventing further acts of violence. The Probation Officer monitors the defendant's activities as a condition of bond until court disposition. The defendant is immediately referred to domestic violence counseling and reports to the Probation Officer as directed. The Probation Officer accompanies the defendant to court and summarizes the defendant's behavior and progress in counseling for consideration by the Court. In order to participate, the defendant must: Have a desire for counseling and a willingness to participate in the program. Reside within the jurisdiction of the Court or within an approved distance. Participate in the Domestic Violence Intervention Program as a special court-ordered condition of bond. Abstain from the use of alcohol and drugs unless lawfully prescribed. Submit to random alcohol and drug screening and bear the cost of such testing. Be truthful in all dealings with the Program Supervisor. Report immediately to the Program Supervisor any contact made with any law enforcement officer. Not leave the jurisdiction of the court without prior permission of the Program Supervisor. Report as directed by the Program Supervisor. Pay a monthly supervision fee to Sentinel. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 75 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 150 154 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Comply with all conditions of the Domestic Violence Intervention Program. Pre-Trial Diversion Program: The Pre-Trial Diversion program is designed to allow first-time qualifying offenders the opportunity to make amends to their community, family, and themselves. Successful completion of the program results in the Court granting a motion to dismiss the case. Failure to comply with any of the program's requirements can result in expulsion from the program and prosecution for the original offense. Sentinel will supervise a Pre-Trial Diversion program for persons charged with a crime, before or after any information has been filed or an indictment has been returned in the Court. Such programs will provide appropriate counseling, education, supervision, and medical and psychological treatment when appropriate. The defendant must: Be employed or continue education. Complete eighty (80) hours of community service at a rate of eight (8) hours per week. Participate in counseling as directed by the Pre-Trial Diversion (PTD) Officer. Be truthful in all dealings with the PTD Officer. Not engage in unlawful activities or associate with any person having a criminal record or suspected to be involved in criminal activity. Not have outstanding traffic citations or pending criminal charges. Not use drugs unless prescribed by a medical doctor. Provide copies of prescriptions and medications to PTD Officer. Submit to drug and/or alcohol screening as directed by PTD Officer. Not consume any alcoholic beverages at any time or place. Not travel outside the state without obtaining permission from PTD Officer. Keep the PTD Officer informed at all times prior to any change of address. Fulfill all requirements of the Pre-Trial Diversion Program. Maximum program duration is twelve (12) months from the date of sentencing. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will result in rejection from the program and prosecution for the original offense. 4.10.4. The probation counselor shall complete the following tasks as part of the supervision of clients to ensure compliance with all conditions of probation: Each client will be provided a full orientation and on going case management through monthly meetings with their Probation Officer. All interactions with the client will be documented in our case management software, SenTrack, and available for review 24/7 by the Court. Following the initial appointment interview, the probation counselor shall closely monitor the activities of the client to ensure compliance with all terms, conditions and special conditions of the court orders and supervision plan. Each probation counselor shall maintain written records of the client's activities while on supervision. This written record shall include, at a minimum, any personal or telephone contact or correspondence with or about the probationer, verification of compliance with court orders, and report of any non-compliance with court orders. The written records shall be maintained in the Contractor's case management system. Sentinel provides professional and courteous service to all probationers and maintains a professional relationship with offenders who are completing court-ordered requirements. The Probation Officer meets with the offender at least once a month to provide guidance and direction to the offender in completing the conditions of probation and to monitoring his/her progress. Appointments are scheduled to accommodate the offenders work schedule and efforts are made to avoid time lost at work due to Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 76 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 151 155 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 reporting to their Probation Officer. Additionally, Sentinel provides alternative reporting times during evening hours to accommodate those offenders who work long or unusual hours. The primary objectives of case management are to protect the community, enforce conditions of probation, and to assist probationers in becoming law-abiding citizens. Sentinel accomplishes these goals by utilizing the strategies described in the following sections. To effectively supervise a case, the Probation Officer will develop and implement a Supervision Plan. The Supervision Plan outlines the specific strategies to be employed by the Probation Officer to achieve the supervision objectives. The Case Assessment serves as the foundation of the Supervision Plan. Each risk and employment factor identified in the assessment will be appropriately addressed in the Supervision Plan. The Probation Officer will select the most appropriate method of supervision based on the identified factors. The Supervision Plan will be modified whenever additional risk or employment factors are identified or when the Probation Officer becomes aware of new problems or concerns. The Case Assessment and Supervision Plan determines the frequency of office contacts, inclusion of random drug testing, payment plans and schedule for completion of special conditions. Probationers will receive at least one face-to-face contact per month with their Probation Officer or Case Manager and high-risk probationers may complete as many as four office contacts per month. Sentinel Probation Officers document each interaction with the client in SenTrack. During each compliance meeting, Sentinel staff complete a written client interview that documents demographic information, contact information, verification of compliance with special conditions, verification of compliance with payment, confirmation of compliance with no-contact orders, and general case management information shared during the meeting. Any items that need to be addressed with the client are done so during the compliance meeting and documented in the Client Interview. These interviews may be signed by the client to ensure complete understanding of the information they received. The Probation Officer completes the following activities when processing a new case and revisits each requirement during subsequent follow up meetings with each probationer: Reviews and explains the sentence of probation and each condition of probation to ensure the probationer completely understands all aspects and requirements of the sentence. Complete assessment to determine indigent status. Provides linkage to community agencies to complete special conditions of probation such as community service work. Provides linkage to community treatment agencies to complete substance abuse, anger management, or batterer’s intervention programs. Completes a financial assessment and sets a payment schedule. Schedules a date for his/her next appointment. Documents completion of all of these activities in the probationer’s case management record. Updates case management system with new information on: employment, counseling, financial, demographic or other major issues in the probationers lives. Documents community service completion, progress, and communicates deadlines to the probationer. Documents completion of screenings, participation in treatment and monitors any special conditions of the court. Coordinate with community service programs (including city departments, county agencies, approved non-profit or faith-based organizations) for monitoring of clients' community service obligations. As part of our program model, Sentinel is employing a full-time Community Services Coordinator who is responsible for establishing relationships with local community partners who are experts in their fields. He/she will be responsible for establishing the “linkage” to each available provider based on their level of service expertise and the needs of the offender. All referrals and linkage will be documented in SenTrack Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 77 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 152 156 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 as a special condition and measured as part of our monthly operations report. Results of each provider will be measured on an annual basis to ensure effective services are being rendered from each community partner. In cases where additional conditions of probation are ordered such as community service, AA attendance, or other counseling our Enrollment Officers provide the initial referral to appropriate community agencies. They cooperate with the probationer to get community service locations assigned, AA attendance coordinated, and ensure all instructions are clearly noted in the probationer's electronic case file. Probation officers are required to follow up and document compliance with community service during each compliance meeting. Documentation of these interactions can be found in the Special Conditions section within our SenTrack software. Ensure that all defendants have equal access to all probation programs, services and activities. Sentinel will ensure each defendant has equal access to all probation programs, services, and activities. Cooperate with all treatment agencies, schools and other programs to which clients are referred/linked. In any case where a treatment agency, school, or other program does not appear to be providing the proper service, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Court. As part of our program model Sentinel is employing a full-time Community Services Coordinator who is responsible for establishing relationships with local community partners who are experts in their fields. He/she will be responsible for establishing the “linkage” to each available provider based on their level of service expertise and the needs of the offender. All referrals and linkage will be documented in SenTrack as a special condition and measured as part of our monthly operations report. Results of each provider will be measured on an annual basis to ensure effective services are being rendered from each community partner. In the event Sentinel finds a program partner not meeting the obligations set forth as a community service provider, we will immediately notify the Court and seek direction. Verify the probationer's home address and any subsequent changes in residence through rent/mortgage receipts or utility bills or other appropriate documents with the probationer within the first thirty (30) days of the probation period, unless specifically waived by the Court. Copies of residence verification documents shall be placed in each client's case file. During the initial visit with each probationer they will be given a document that describes the necessary documentation that must be provided during their Enrollment/Orientation process. This document will outline rent/mortgage receipts, utility bills, and make the client aware of the need to provide any document that may prove where the participant resides. These documents will be copied and retained in the client’s file. Verify the client's employment through pay stubs/receipts or other appropriate documents during the probation period and continue to review such pay documents during monthly reporting visits. Copies of employment verification documents shall be placed in each client's case file. Ongoing verification of the client's financial status shall be conducted, especially when problems related to finances or money management have been identified. Financial verification must be documented in each client's case file. At each compliance meeting, Sentinel will confirm employment through the collection of time cards, pay check stubs, and customer invoicing for self employed probationers. Each of these documents will be Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 78 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 153 157 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 reviewed in order to verify the client’s financial status and to ensure he/she is capable of maintaining compliance with the payment schedule. All documents will be stored in the client’s case file and any major changes in income that affect the client’s ability to comply may be addressed with the Court and the Clerk to modify the payment schedule. Identify a certified substance abuse testing laboratory(ies), fee(s), and method(s) the Contractor will refer clients to for testing. The cost of testing must remain nominal for the client and should not exceed the disclosed fee(s) or subsequently approved fee(s). Sentinel will provide drug testing services at the request of the Court for the participants enrolled in the Misdemeanor Probation Services program. Sentinel utilizes a six-panel drug screening product that identifies the following controlled substances: Marijuana, Cocaine, Barbiturates, Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, and Opiates plus a five-panel screen for adulterants. All staff members who assist in the collection of urine specimens receive Sentinel policies and procedure training. We have provided the participants’ costs under the fee schedule provided within proposal Cost section. Sentinel will also provide a list of certified substance abuse locations to each participant for those individuals who prefer an outside service provider. We will provide the location, type of test (oral or urine), pricing, and confirmation cost to the probationer for each lab on the list. The current contractor refers probationers to appropriately credentialed outside organizations of the offender’s choice for drug testing services. Any drug testing services ordered by the Courts is performed at the cost of the probationer and is not included in the monthly cost of supervision. The cost of these services varies by the provider and the types of ancillary services that are included in the fee. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] As stated above, (with Court approval) Sentinel will offer the participant the ability to receive a six-panel drug screen on-site at the Sentinel office or they will be provided a list of outside providers that have been approved in advance by the Court as acceptable locations. In either scenario, we understand the cost of the drug screen will be paid by the probationer directly to the provider of the drug testing service. The current provider processes approximately 100-150 substance abuse testing referrals per month. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel appreciates this information as it is helpful as we establish staffing levels and seek to provide information to our community drug testing partners. Encourage and assist unemployed and underemployed clients to improve their employability through job placement, skill building, education and/or training. The client shall be informed of government and private sector employment opportunities; provided guidance and/or placement assistance; provided referral or linkage to job readiness and transportation assistance; and provided information on educational programs that are locally available. The Contractor shall ensure that information, instruction, linkage and assistance in obtaining the aforementioned services and proper documentation required for work are included in the case plan. Sentinel counsels and directs unemployed offenders regarding how to conduct a proper and successful job search through our established connections / referrals in the community. All progress is monitored by the Probation Officer. Probationers are required to maintain employment as a condition of probation and, through our Employment Assistance Program (EAP), Sentinel counsels and directs unemployed offenders regarding how to conduct a proper and successful job search. Referrals to community employment agencies are made and offenders are directed to employment opportunities. The Probation Officer monitors the offender's job search and progress with employment. We feel it is better for the Court if we can assist offenders in finding employment because they will have a greater chance of completing Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 79 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 154 158 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 their probated sentences. Doing so saves the Court time, saves jail costs, and assists the offender in maintaining their family responsibilities. In addition to our own EAP program, Sentinel will also link with community providers of job placement assistance and skills training locations. We understand the ability to help individual probationers may be found outside of our walls, and we are committed to finding those community resources that may be better prepared to serve the individual probationer. Through our Community Coordinator we will be constantly looking for new avenues to assist our probation population. Identify if the offender was charged with a new criminal offense during their period of supervision, regardless of the type of crime or classification. The Contractor shall conduct a criminal record check prior to requesting an early termination of probation, at least thirty (30) days prior to a successful termination of probation and/or before the completion of a violation of probation affidavit. A full file review will be conducted by the probation counselor and a supervisor thirty (30) days prior to any release to ensure all obligations have been met and, then a final criminal record check will be conducted ten (10) days prior to termination of the case. Sentinel will conduct criminal history reviews of the offender’s record 30 days prior to termination and/or before filing violation a probation affidavit and respond appropriately to any new offense committed. Full file reviews will be conducted 30 days prior to the end of a case and a criminal record check completed ten (10) days prior to case termination to ensure case requirements have been completed and no outstanding violations exist. 4.10.5. Termination shall not be recommended prior to the probationer's having completed payment of restitution, fines, fees, or court costs, without notifying the Court that the conditions have not been completed. Sentinel will ensure all probationers have paid their financial obligations before case termination. The Court will be notified of any probationer that has a remaining balance 60 days prior to case termination so the Court will have time to take appropriate action to resolve the delinquency. 4.10.6. In any case where the Court's jurisdiction has been lost prior to all conditions, including all special conditions, of probation being satisfied by the probationer, the Contractor shall transmit a copy of the case file to the judge in whose courtroom/division the case was heard. The probation counselor shall transmit, with the case file, a cover letter on the Contractor's letterhead outlining in detail the efforts made by that probation counselor to seek compliance with the terms of probation. In any case where the probationer fails to complete all court-ordered conditions, Sentinel will submit a copy of the case file and a Delinquency Report outlining the efforts the Probation Officer made to achieve compliance with the terms of probation to the sentencing judge for review. Sentinel makes every effort through effective case management to ensure no case expires with unmet conditions and that delinquent cases are brought back before the Court for review and proper disposition. 4.10.7. The Contractor shall follow-up and enforce the conditions of probation and all special conditions of probation. Sentinel will ensure all probationers have completed their conditions or probation before case termination. The Court will be notified promptly if a probationer becomes delinquent, and the Court will be notified at least 60 days prior to the end of a case if the probationer has not completed all conditions so the Court will have time to take appropriate action to resolve the delinquency. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 80 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 155 159 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.10.8. The Contractor shall arrange for the transfer of supervision for misdemeanant defendants residing in other areas in the State of Florida as available and if ordered by the sentencing Court. The Contractor shall notify the sentencing Court, in writing within five (5) days when a receiving jurisdiction in the State of Florida does not accept transfers, so that the Court may resolve this issue. The Contractor must transfer supervision of defendants residing in other states if applicable. Sentinel is familiar with coordinating and processing of transfer cases with other agencies as well as out of state defendants through Interstate Compact offices. Sentinel will facilitate successful transfer of supervision as directed by the Court and promptly notify the Court if supervision is not accepted so the Court may resolve the issue. 4.11. Caseload Requirements The Contractor shall continually meet the requirements below regarding the number of clients per counselor or team, regardless of the number of cases. Continuous supervision must be maintained. Supervisors will monitor the continuous supervision of a client by: 4.11.1. Assigning new cases to a probation counselor who is not currently exceeding the maximum caseload. The maximum caseload established by contract with the current provider is “165-185” offenders per misdemeanor probation counselor. A prospective Contractor may suggest an alternate maximum caseload based on their proposed model; however, justification for the change must be included in their proposal [Added per Amendment 5389.1]; Assigning new cases to a probation counselor who is not scheduled for prolonged leave; Immediately reassigning responsibility for the supervision and management of a caseload if the assigned probation counselor is absent due to extended illness, disability, termination of employment, or other absence; Assigning or reassigning investigations, violations, or field contacts, to other staff until the assigned counselor returns. Short-term absences of two (2) weeks or less may be covered by the immediate supervisor or a designated counselor during such absence. In our model, Sentinel staff are utilized in specialized positions such as Court Services, Enrollment, and Community Service coordinators. By placing staff in non-caseload carrying positions we are able to focus on certain aspects of the case management process thus allowing our Probation officers more time to have face to face contact with the probationer. Further, through the use of our automated reminder calls and the use of our Contact Center, we have taken more of the administrative follow up and provided first level support for our field offices. By doing so, our local Probation Officers need only to provide follow up to those individuals who have failed to respond to earlier attempts and, thus, the number of clients that fall into this category is reduced. Supervision Levels: Typically, probationers assigned to our programs can be divided into two (2) general categories. Some only have to complete their financial responsibilities to the Court, the victim, or both. Others, in addition to this financial responsibility, must also complete other requirements of the Court, such as community service, drug testing, treatment, or counseling. These two (2) groups require distinctly different levels of supervision and are handled by different supervision teams within our offices. By creating multiple levels we provide the probationers the ability to move down in service level (and cost) by completing special conditions early. Further, we better balance our case management activities around those client who actually need face to face counseling as opposed to those who only have to remain financially compliant. This model offers both the financial incentive for early completion of special conditions and ensures a client who has only a financial requirement receives the best price possible and does not pay for services he/she does not need. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 81 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 156 160 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Financial Services (Level I) For those probationers who only have financial obligations to complete, our focus is to provide timely and accurate collection and remittance of all required payments. Probationers are required to maintain contact with their assigned Sentinel officer on a monthly basis. Compliance Services (Level II) The majority of probationers assigned to our programs have requirements that extend beyond financial obligations. These may include community service, drug testing, counseling, treatment, victim restitution, or electronic monitoring. These cases are significantly more difficult to supervise than those with only financial obligations in that the additional requirements are often concurrent and must be completed prior to the sentence end date. These cases usually require more frequent office contacts and more direct and sustained communication between the probationer and the Sentinel officer. For this reason, we assign our more senior officers to these cases, and the client/officer ratio is reduced due to the nature of the required supervision. Staffing ratios of probationers per Case Manager are as indicated below: Supervision Type Staffing Ratio Level I – Financial Services 250 to 300 probationers per Case Manager Level II – Compliance Services 250 probationers per Probation Officer Intensive Supervision 150 to 185 probationers per Probation Officer To ensure proper supervision staffing ratios for specialized caseloads, such as intensive probation supervision, electronic monitoring, or domestic violence offenders, ratios are less than 250 per Probation Officer. Staffing ratios will be evaluated monthly and as requested provided to the Court for review. Management will review workloads and staffing schedules monthly to ensure workloads are properly balanced and that any staff vacancies are covered and duties reassigned for staff experiencing long-term absences. 4.11.2. Clients shall be supervised by probation counselors whose caseloads shall not exceed the maximum number of clients established by the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator. Sentinel acknowledges that clients will be supervised by probation counselors whose caseloads must not exceed the maximum number of clients established by the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator. Sentinel is committed to stable staffing in order to provide consistent case management associated with each probationer. 4.11.3. The Contractor's supervisory staff shall conduct random reviews of case files to ensure that probation counselors and court liaisons are monitoring and adequately documenting all conditions of supervision for all cases. Sentinel operates and enforces an internal auditing process that randomly examines cases and reviews compliance. This practice ensures that probation counselors and court liaisons are monitoring and adequately documenting all conditions of supervision for all cases. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 82 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 157 161 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.12. Staffing Requirements The Contractor shall maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to ensure that: 4.12.1. Court coverage will be provided as needed and/or as directed by the Chief Judge; Sentinel will maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to ensure that court coverage will be provided as needed and/or directed by the Chief Judge. Sentinel is committed to stable staffing in order to provide consistent case management associated with each probationer. Furthermore, our staffing plan reflects our commitment to maintain caseload ratios that comply with court requirements. Our current plan includes seven (7) people assigned to the courts on a daily basis. 4.12.2. Professional program records and fiscal management is maintained throughout the course of the Contract; Sentinel will maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to ensure that professional program records and fiscal management is maintained throughout the course of the Contract. Monthly we will be reviewing reports both internally and with the Courts that identify the fiscal performance of the program and the overall collections to the County. 4.12.3. Probation counselors are at the educational levels required below and in sufficient quantity to meet the case load levels specified; Sentinel will maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to ensure that probation counselors are at the educational levels required below and in sufficient quantity to meet the case load levels specified. Sentinel requires a four-year degree, background check, and pre-employment drug screen for all Probation Officers. In our training program, our Probation Officers receive a minimum of 174 hours of initial training and an average of forty-eight (48) hours of annual in-service training. Our training program exceeds the required curriculum and ensures that Sentinel Probation Officers serve their courts in a professional manner. We conduct pre-employment criminal background checks to ensure our staff does not have a criminal background. No one is employed with Sentinel that has a felony conviction or a misdemeanor conviction of a high-aggravated nature. Additionally, Sentinel is committed to stable staffing in order to provide consistent case management associated with each probationer. 4.12.4. Bilingual probation counselors or interpreters are available for Hispanic clients. Sentinel will employ sufficient number of bi-lingual staff who are capable of assisting probationers who cannot speak English, especially Hispanic clients. Our bi-lingual staff are willing to assist with probationrelated court proceedings when possible. 4.13. Staff Background and Qualifications 4.13.1. All of the Contractor's staff shall undergo a criminal background check to ensure that they have not been convicted of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement. Sentinel acknowledges that all Sentinel staff must undergo a criminal background check to ensure that they have not been convicted of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 83 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 158 162 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Our goal has always been to hire individuals that meet the qualifications, experience, integrity, and educational backgrounds (where applicable) for each position required for the programs. Our preference will be for staff who have experience in dealing with this type of population with respect to any type of counseling, treatment, or possibly moderate corrections interaction. Upon employment position needed, our Human Resources Department posts required positions on job boards and with local colleges in the area where we will be providing contractual program services, such as required by this type of program. After reviewing potential applicants, those who meet our qualifications are interviewed by telephone; if the applicant passes the telephone interview, he/she is sent an Application for Employment that must be completed to begin the process of the background check for criminal convictions. After the application is received, reviewed, and approved, an interview is set up with the hiring manager. If the hiring manager makes an affirmative selection, an offer is made to the applicant contingent on the applicant passing a background check, educational verification, and drug screen. Sentinel processes our background checks using HireRight, a company that specializes in performing employment screenings. HireRight developed the industry’s first internet-based background screening solution and partners with some of the top e-recruitment solution providers in order to expedite their screening processes. In addition to the services provided by HireRight, Sentinel performs a USIS Widescreen National Criminal/Sex Offender search, state-specific misdemeanor and felony checks based on addresses received from their personal Experian TRAC report by social security number, and five-panel drug-testing on our employees. Sentinel’s review process ensures that the candidates meet all background, educational, and experience standards as set forth by contractual obligations. We do not hire persons with felony convictions or misdemeanors with moral turpitude. At no time will we ever disclose confidential data to any unauthorized personnel without written approval of the participating agency and all program data will be maintained in accordance with secure data protection standards. The only staff members who will receive information on program participants are personnel that are assigned to this program’s operations and no information is disclosed by these staff members to any third party without written authorization of the participating agency. Each employee is required to acknowledge and sign a Confidentiality or CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) form when hired; any violation of these requirements may result in the possible termination of Sentinel’s employees. All records created for defendants referred to this program will remain the property of the participating agency. Upon completion of services, all records will be returned to the participating agency or destroyed under direction of agency authorized personnel. Additionally upon hiring, all our employees are provided an employee handbook that outlines Sentinel’s no tolerance policy regarding compromising relationships with participants, their families and/or customer staff. We will report any conflicts of interest, improprieties, or the appearance thereof, immediately to the participating agency. 4.13.2. The Contractor shall provide affidavits from all employees associated with this Contract attesting to their criminal history status, military record, and educational accomplishments. The employee must disclose if they have been dishonorably discharged from any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Sentinel acknowledges that, if selected for award, we must provide affidavits from all employees associated with the Misdemeanor Probation Services contract attesting to their criminal history status, military record, and educational accomplishments. We further acknowledge that our employees must disclose if they have been dishonorably discharged from any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 84 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 159 163 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.13.3. The Contractor shall ensure that employees meet the minimum qualifications established by the American Correctional Association as referenced in Section 948.15 (3)(b) Florida Statutes and the following: All Sentinel employees meet the qualification standards established by the American Correctional Association. 4.13.4. Probation Counselor/Court Liaison: An appropriate four (4) year degree from an accredited degree-granting college or university or have completed a career development program that includes work related experience, training, or college credits providing a level of achievement equivalent to a bachelor's degree; and meet the contractual requirements for supervising misdemeanor probationers. Sentinel requires a four-year degree, background check, and pre-employment drug screen for all Probation Officers. In our training program, our Probation Officers receive a minimum of 174 hours of initial training and an average of forty-eight (48) hours of annual in-service training. Our training program exceeds the required curriculum and ensures that Sentinel Probation Officers serve their courts in a professional manner. We conduct pre-employment criminal background checks to ensure our staff does not have a criminal background. No one is employed with Sentinel that has a felony conviction or a misdemeanor conviction of a high-aggravated nature. 4.13.5. The Contractor shall identify what constitutes a career development program equivalent to a bachelor's degree in its program policies and retain documentation supporting staff appointments in its human resources files. Before employment, Sentinel verifies each staff member meets the educational and training qualifications necessary to fulfill their position and retains documentation of these credentials in the staff members training file. 4.13.6. The Contractor shall provide a training program for probation counselors that assures continual improvement and meets changing requirements of misdemeanor probation. Sentinel employs mature, intelligent, and well-trained staff and places great emphasis upon hiring staff from the local service area. Sentinel requires a four-year degree, background check, and pre-employment drug screen for all Probation Officers. In our training program, our Probation Officers receive a minimum of 174 hours of initial training and an average of forty-eight (48) hours of annual in-service training. Our training program exceeds the required curriculum and ensures that Sentinel Probation Officers serve their courts in a professional manner. We conduct pre-employment criminal background checks to ensure our staff does not have a criminal background. No one is employed with Sentinel that has a felony conviction or a misdemeanor conviction of a high-aggravated nature. 4.13.7. The Contractor shall provide ongoing training to enhance staff's ability to effectively present to the Court violations of probation, modification of probation, pre-sentence investigations and case status reports. The Sentinel training program aggressively promotes training for all service roles and utilizes training modules specific to the probation staff for all courts that we serve. Our training program utilizes a regional classroom equipped with computer connections via a wide area network that can accommodate up to 14 students. Our Training Department also utilizes a "mobile classroom" – a set of eight (8) laptop computers connected to the instructor's laptop through a local network that enables the use of "live" data and real Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 85 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 160 164 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 networking simulations. The mobile classroom is an integral part of all new offices and our continuing education program as it can be set up on-site to provide excellent technology-based training for newly launched offices and convenient training sites for more frequent in-service training. Our training is directly tied to the position each employee holds as well as whether their skill level is basic, intermediate, or advanced within their career field. This trains them in what their roles are specific to what task they will be expected to perform every day and ensures they understand what is expected for them to graduate to the next professional level. All training is conceived using task analysis from the field as well as Quality Circles from within Sentinel’s most experienced staff. The Training Manager designs the training and matches it to the skills everyone has agreed are appropriate. We began an aggressive revamping of our entire training system with the creation of the “StarSystem” an acronym for “Sentinel Training and Resource System”. We have incorporated all training into the StarSystem that is a combination of self-paced, computer-based training and traditional instructor-led training. The following are a sample of some of the training modules currently available to Sentinel staff: Subject Hours Credit 1 20C10-01 Basic EM 4 2 20C10-02 EM for Officers 6 3 30A10-01 History of Probation 4 4 30A10-02 Ethics and Professionalism 4 5 30A10-03 Confidentiality 4 6 30A10-04 File Maintenance 4 7 30A10-05 Other Probation Documentation 4 8 30A10-06 Sentencing Dates 4 9 30A10-07 End Dates 4 10 30A10-08 Time Remaining 4 11 30A10-09 Arrearages 4 12 30A10-10 Balances 4 13 30A10-11 Collections 4 14 30A10-12 Reporting 4 15 30A10-13 Change of Status 4 16 30A10-14 Failure to Report Follow-up 4 17 30A10-15 Basic Contacts 4 18 30A10-16 Difficult Defendants 4 19 30A10-17 The Interstate Compact 8 20 30A20-01 Alcohol Abuse 8 21 30A20-02 Drug Abuse 8 22 30A20-03 Drug Testing 8 23 30A20-04 Workplace Safety 8 Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 86 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 161 165 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Subject Hours Credit 24 30A20-05 Motor Vehicle Laws 8 25 30P10-01 Liabilities and Responsibilities 4 26 30P20-03 Overview of Probation Law 8 27 30P20-06 DATIA Certification Prep Course 8 28 30P20-08 Introduction to State Law 24 29 40A20-05 Multiculturalism 8 TOTAL HOURS 174 4.14. Hillsborough County Public Safety Coordinating Council The Board of County Commissioners has a strong Public Safety Coordinating Council (the Council) to advise the County on certain criminal justice matters. The Council will review the provisions of this Contract and may report on the effectiveness of the Contractor and results of Misdemeanor Probation Services. The Chief Judge will recommend, to the Board of County Commissioners, whether or not to continue the Contract, renegotiate the Contract, or solicit for a new Contract. The Council may, from time to time, make formal suggestions or recommendations for the addition, deletion, or modification of probation programs or services. The Contractor shall collaborate and cooperate with the Council. Sentinel acknowledges that the Board of County Commissioners has a strong Public Safety Coordinating Council (the Council) to advise the County on certain criminal justice matters. We further acknowledge that the Council will review the provisions of this Contract and may report on the effectiveness of the selected contractor and results of Misdemeanor Probation Services. We acknowledge that the Chief Judge will recommend to the Board of County Commissioners whether or not to continue the Contract, renegotiate the Contract, or solicit for a new Contract. We further acknowledge that the Council may, from time to time, make formal suggestions or recommendations for the addition, deletion, or modification of probation programs or services. If selected for contract award, Sentinel will collaborate and cooperate with the Council. 4.14.1. The Contractor shall implement modifications to its procedures and records as may be formally requested by the Council. Sentinel understands that if selected for contract award we will be required to implement modifications to our procedures and records as may be formally requested by the Council. 4.14.2. Should the County implement alternative programs or a combination of community service programs it is anticipated that specifics for the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council and the Contractor. Sentinel understands that, if the County implements alternative programs or a combination of community service programs, the specifics for the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council, and Sentinel. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 87 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 162 166 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.14.3. Should the County decide to implement an electronic monitoring program during the course of this Contract it is anticipated that the specifics of the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council and the Contractor. Sentinel understands that, if the County implements an electronic monitoring program during the course of this contract for Misdemeanor Probation Services, the specifics for the program would be the result of a cooperative effort of the County, the Council, and Sentinel. 4.15. Reporting Requirements 4.15.1. In addition, to the financial transaction reports to the Clerk of Circuit Court and the required monthly financial transaction and performance reports to the County, the Contractor shall also electronically submit a quarterly and separate annual report to the Chief Judge, the Council Chair (for distribution to the Executive Committee), and the County. The quarterly and annual reports shall contain the following information for the specific period: Caseload ratio as noted above by location and overall; List of active employees by job title and years of experience (with detailed reporting on new hires and a listing of employees who have been terminated or have left); Active caseload by type of case with location summaries and overall; List of any complaints from clients about alleged abuses by the Contractor's employees; Probation/supervision fees ordered, collected, and retained by location and overall; New cases opened by location and overall; Number of clients served by location and overall; Cases closed by location and overall; Type of termination by location and overall; Violation cases during the previous quarter by location and overall; Assessments collected and disbursed by location and overall; Detailed report on paid court costs, fines, fees, restitution by location and overall; Detailed report on community service hours planned and satisfied by location and overall; Detailed report on conversion of ordered costs/fines/fees converted to community service hours and the monetary value to the community by location and overall; and, Detailed report on the required accidental injury insurance policy(ies) procured by location and overall. Sentinel will provide quarterly reports and annual year-end reports providing, but not limited to, the number of probationers supervised, the amount of fines, statutory surcharges, and number of probationers whom supervision has been terminated. We include statistics related to community service, drug screens and other performance results. When requested, we will provide additional information to the Court in a timely manner. We will provide customized reports to the Court as requested. 4.15.2. The Contractor's annual report should summarize the quarterly data and detail: how much money the Contractor collects in fees from the offenders they serve in all jurisdictions; and how much money the Contractor currently collects in fines, costs and restitution in all jurisdictions; and how many violations and arrest warrants are issued and for what cause in all jurisdictions. Sentinel acknowledges that the annual report must summarize the quarterly data and detail for the County: how much money collected in fees from the offenders served in all jurisdictions; how much money currently collected in fines, costs and restitution in all jurisdictions; and how many violations and arrest warrants are issued and for what cause in all jurisdictions. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 88 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 163 167 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.15.3. The Contractor shall provide reports to the Chief Judge, the Public Safety Coordinating Council, and the County as required by Florida Statutes Chapter 948.15 and all other reports as required in this Contract with the County. Sentinel will provide all information requested by the Chief Judge, the Public Safety Coordinating Council, and the County as required by Florida Statutes Chapter 948.15 and all other reports as required in this Contract with the County. Today, Sentinel has more than 150 reports available from within our SenTrack software, and we are happy to customize reports on behalf of the County. 4.15.4. The Contractor shall provide operational, revenue, and statistical reports as required by the County, the Court, the Council, and Florida Statutes. Sentinel will provide operational, revenue, and statistical reports as required by the County, the Court, the Council, and Florida Statutes. Today, Sentinel has more than 150 reports available from within our SenTrack software, and we are happy to customize reports on behalf of the County. 4.15.5. The Contractor shall maintain individual case files and auditable financial records of all fines, restitution, and supervision fees received, expended and disbursed by the Contractor. Sentinel maintains all case management and probationer performance data in our proprietary software, SenTrack. Within this system we track the progress of community service, fine payment, drug screens, report dates, and other court order conditions. All activity is time- and date-stamped within the software. SenTrack allows Sentinel to manage both the case management aspects and financial aspects of the offender case through one (1) software program that is web-accessible and can be interfaced with the County or Court. Currently, we capture more than 100 different data elements within our software and have customized more than 150 reports for the customers we serve. All of our records are auditable by the County at anytime. We will also provide 24/7 access to our SenTrack case management software to ensure complete transparency with the Court/County. 4.15.6. The Contractor shall Contract with a licensed external independent Certified Public Accountant to complete an annual financial report audited and certified accurate, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The scope of the financial audit will include both operations in Hillsborough County and any other entity or parts of the company that may reside outside of the County. The audit will review all data and reports maintained by the Contractor and certify them as accurate. The final report shall be provided to the Chief Judge, the Council, and the County within one hundred eighty (180) days following the close of the Contractor's fiscal year. Sentinel acknowledges the requirement for the selected contractor to contract with a licensed external independent Certified Public Accountant to complete an annual financial report audited and certified accurate, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. We further acknowledge that the scope of the financial audit will include both operations in Hillsborough County and any other entity or parts of Sentinel that may reside outside of the County; the audit will review all data and reports maintained by Sentinel and certify them as accurate. We will provide the final report to the Chief Judge, the Council, and the County within one hundred eighty (180) days following the close of Sentinel’s fiscal year. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 89 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 164 168 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 4.15.7. The Contractor shall maintain a file containing information on all cases referred to the misdemeanor program. Records shall be maintained six (6) fiscal years past termination of the probation period. The information in the file shall include the name of the probationer, case number, charge(s), probation disposition, correspondence, payment records, and any known prior criminal record. Sentinel will maintain a file containing information on all cases referred to the misdemeanor program. We will maintain records for a minimum of six (6) fiscal years past termination of the probation period. We further acknowledge that the information in the file will include the name of the probationer, case number, charge(s), probation disposition, correspondence, payment records, and any known prior criminal record. 4.15.8. The Contractor shall also record and maintain statistical data concerning the number and types of cases assigned, supervised, terminated, and completed. The statistical data shall also include the number of contacts/visits with probationers; the hours of community service performed by probationers; and such additional information as may be required to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Contractor's activities. Sentinel will record and maintain statistical data concerning the number and types of cases assigned, supervised, terminated, and completed. The statistical data will also include the number of contacts/visits with probationers; the hours of community service performed by probationers; and such additional information as may be required to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Contractor's activities. Sentinel maintains all case management and probationer performance data in our proprietary software, SenTrack. Within this system we track the progress of community service, fine payment, drug screens, report dates, and other court order conditions. All activity is time- and date-stamped within the software. SenTrack allows Sentinel to manage both the case management aspects and financial aspects of the offender case through one (1) software program that is web-accessible and can be interfaced with the County or Court. Currently, we capture more than 100 different data elements within our software and have customized more than 150 reports for the customers we serve. 4.16. Transition of Misdemeanor Probation Services The Contractor shall work with the current misdemeanor probation service provider and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator for a sixty (60) day period to provide for the complete and seamless transition of services. During this period, both the Contractor and the current provider will work in a collaborative manner to ensure all past and current misdemeanor cases transition between the Contractor and the current provider. Sentinel will work with the current misdemeanor probation service provider and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrator for a 60 day period to provide for the complete and seamless transition of services. During this period, both Sentinel and the current provider will work in a collaborative manner to ensure all past and current misdemeanor cases transition between Sentinel and the current provider. In order to ensure each major task is completed on time and in accordance with Court expectations, Sentinel will be following the same script we have used in more than 100 program transitions. Sentinel will meet in Hillsborough County within five (5) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed. Sentinel will meet with Court and County representatives to begin the implementation of the contract. During this kick-off meeting, Sentinel will provide the Court with a detailed schedule with milestones for implementing the Probation Services program. This schedule will be finalized by authorized Court representatives prior to the implementation of the schedule. The anticipated Project Implementation Plan for Hillsborough County is shown below and may be modified as needed upon final approval of the Court/County. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 90 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 165 169 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Sentinel’s Program Director, Mr. Chris Cush, will be responsible for the management of this program; Mr. Cush has more than seventeen (17) years of experience within the Probation Services industry and has opened more than twenty (20) offices in his career. He will be located within Hillsborough County and will be allot 100% of his time to the Hillsborough County operation. Mr. Cush will direct the Implementation team and he will be available to meet with Court personnel on a regular basis to ensure the program correctly and successfully deploys. Mr. Cush would also be responsible for performing audits and inspections on a regular basis to ensure Sentinel remains at the highest level of service for the Court. During implementation Mr. Cush will be supported by the most experienced team of individuals available in the probation services arena including the following individuals: Sentinel Staff Member Mark Contestabile Shane Johnson David Heifetz Subin Anthony Dr. Steve Durana Thomas Williams Katrina Wright Jason Wood Title / Responsibility Owner, Sentinel Offender Services IT and Network Configuration IT / Software Interface and Customized Reports IT/ Software Interface and Customized Reports Chief Technical Officer Field Operations Field Operations Training and Quality Assurance Years of Experience w/Sentinel 18 17 2 8 7 15 15 15 Upon notice of award (or intent to award), Sentinel would provide the County and Court with a detailed week-by-week schedule of each task and the benchmarks Sentinel utilizes to ensure completion as needed. Sentinel has provided a chart below illustrating a general timeframe for program deployment followed by a narrative Approach of Work and a Project Plan in line item format. Approach of Work As Sentinel currently operates 17 full-service probation offices providing similar private probation services throughout the Southeast, Sentinel has in place the resources to quickly implement services for Hillsborough County. Sentinel estimates that within 60 days it can initiate and transition the services Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 91 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 166 170 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 requested. During this time Sentinel would complete the following activities: Week One. Upon notice of award, Sentinel will arrange to meet with Court staff within five (5) days to establish a start date, discuss program requirements, and establish notification procedures and contact points. During this time, Sentinel will be meeting with members of the Salvation Army’s current staff to finalize offers of employment and training schedules. Sentinel will finalize our selection of a local office facility and any local licenses would be obtained or applied for as well, if necessary. During this time, Sentinel will also finalize the order for the more than 30 computers and workstations anticipated to be necessary to complete this project. Sentinel will also be requesting the creation of a “Software Interface Committee” that will serve as the oversight committee for software interfacing and report customization. It is recommended that this committee include members from the Clerk of Court’s office, the Court, Tyler, Sentinel, and the Sheriff’s office. This committee will be created to ensure software programs are developed and maintained in a fashion permissible by the Clerk’s Office while still allowing back-end enforcement information to be available to the Sheriff’s Office. It is recommended that this committee meet every two (2) weeks during the 60 day implementation phase. It will be this committee that approves on-going program development, testing procedures, and provides final acceptance of deployed programs/features. Week Two. Sentinel’s staff will meet with Court personnel to finalize all program procedures and contact points, including, but not limited to, format requirements for all reports. Sentinel would also provide the court with copies of all documents that Sentinel intends to utilize as part of its normal operation of the program. These forms could then be modified if needed to meet the requirements of the Court. Also during Week Two, Sentinel will submit a tentative Standard Operating Procedure to the Court for review. Following a review, Sentinel would request a meeting to finalize the Standard Operating Procedure and begin training staff accordingly. Sentinel will complete interviewing of Salvation Army staff and other local candidates and make offers of employment to selected individuals that have been found suitable for hire. It is anticipated that the transition of case files will not be able to be completed electronically as it is our understanding that limited digital information is available from the incumbent vendor. During the second week, Sentinel would request access to all available records, files, etc, for purposes of beginning the data entry process within our software, SenTrack. Of note, it will be important that our data entry specifications are clearly articulated to the Software Interface Committee and, specifically, Tyler so we are able to ensure data integration occurs immediately following completion of data entry. It will be the data entry and software configuration process that is absolutely critical to the future success of software interfacing and accurate data exchange going forward. Week Three. Sentinel IT staff work diligently to complete the software interface requirements. Local Operations staff will continue with the data entry requirement of the transition, and local management will continue addressing logistical issues including office build-out, court coverage schedules, creation of local office documents for the probationer, and general preparation items. Office supply orders will be placed in advance and meetings with Court and County stakeholders will continue to ensure the entire process is being completed in transparent manner thus providing visibility to all concerned parties. The Software Interface Committee will meet during this week to be provided an update from both Tyler and Sentinel on the software interface project. Open items will be addressed, and it is anticipated that test data may be exchanged during the following week in an effort to begin the de-bugging process. If successful, this will leave an additional three (3) weeks of time for software improvement, testing, and confirmation of program success. Week Four. Intensive staff training begins, and Sentinel’s Implementation team will finalize all logistical requirements of the program with Court personnel. Office-specific documents and the Standard Operating Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 92 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 167 171 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Procedures would be finished / finalized and presented to Court for its final review. Sentinel’s local staff would be introduced to Court personnel to begin establishing a firm relationship. It is critical that Sentinel and the Salvation Army communicate in advance regarding those employees who are transitioning from the Salvation Army to Sentinel. We want to ensure that the training of staff does not negatively impact the current operation just prior to program transition, thus we are committed to working professionally with the Salvation Army management team to coordinate training times and locations. During this week, Sentinel and Tyler will be exchanging data via the newly created interface and systems testing will occur internally between the two (2) organizations. Once internal testing is complete, access will be provided to the Clerk of Court’s office so thorough testing may begin with all approved data elements. This will leave an additional two (2) weeks of time for software improvement, testing, and confirmation of program success prior to beginning the transition of actual probationers to Sentinel. Week Five. Training will continue and Sentinel’s Branch Office would prepare for operational deployment. Data entry will have been completed and the data exchange program will be in the debugging process. During this week, documentation would be provided to the Salvation Army for purposes of notifying the probation population of the new reporting locations, times, phone numbers, etc. Sentinel would request a meeting with Court officials and the Salvation Army to ensure we are all of the same page as it relates to communicating with the probationer and that full transparency occurs. Sentinel, Tyler, and the Clerk’s Office will confirm final testing and software interface has been successfully developed and implemented. Of Note: It is likely that neither the Salvation Army nor the Court has considered the financial impact of the initial month of transition. For many vendors, they would assume that they would be paid for any month or portion of a month that they provided services. Sentinel, however, is recommending a solution that would allow the County to avoid double payment and for the Salvation Army to be paid for their services during the transition. At the present time, the actual dates for program transition cannot be accurately anticipated due to unanticipated delays in proposal review and contract award. What is safe to forecast is that the program implementation and transition will take at least 60 days to complete, thus a quality implementation plan will take into account the changing of the calendar month. Sentinel’s proposal is to have all the pre-transition work done by the end of the fifth week following contract award. By setting the schedule appropriately, we are suggesting that the end of the fifth week st coincides as closely as possible with the 1 day of the calendar month. That would allow the actual transition of the probationer’s reporting to the office to occur within the first three (3) weeks of the calendar month (transition). This would allow the final week of the month to be used to locate those individuals who failed to transition. More importantly, however, is that this will allow the County and the client to avoid any double billing for the transition period. It is our proposal to allow Salvation Army to maintain the supervision fee for the entire month of transition. This would allow the County to avoid an invoice from Sentinel for the month in which the transition occurred and should encourage the Salvation Army to cooperate fully with the transition efforts since they are being paid for the entire month. By avoiding any prorated fee distribution to multiple vendors, Sentinel has made the transition as smooth as possible and demonstrated our financial commitment to Hillsborough County, the Court, and the success of the program going forward. During the transition we will work closely with the Salvation Army to coordinate start dates for those employees who have transferred to Sentinel. This will ensure the Salvation Army has enough remaining staff to complete their portion of the transition and that neither company is over/under staffed during the Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 93 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 168 172 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 process. Weeks Six through Eight. At the beginning of the sixth week, and throughout the transition period, Sentinel will be bringing in experienced staff to assist in oversight and on-the-job training. Specifically, Sentinel will be putting Thomas Williams, a 15 year Sentinel employee, over one (1) field office and Katrina Wright, a 15 year veteran, over the second field office. Program Director Chris Cush, with 17 years of experience, will be on site at the Courthouse(s) ensuring court service operations are proceeding as expected and that any unforeseen issues are addressed immediately. Mr. Cush will have immediate access to our IT staff who will be available as needed throughout this transition. Beginning in Week Six, and as close to the first on the month as possible, Sentinel will begin receiving probationers for their monthly reports. We anticipate we can get the entire program in for their monthly appointment within a three-week period, assuming coordination with the Salvation Army and that only a small number of non-compliant participants will be left to contact at the end of Week Eight. Project Plan Task Completion Week Activities Staff Assigned Kickoff Meeting Week One Sentinel Key Executives and support staff; stakeholders from the County and Court. Actual date subject to schedules on both sides. Contract Award Week One Notification of award complete, contract negotiations and contract documents signed. Staff Recruitment Week One HR Dir. begins recruitment of existing Salvation Army Staff and local residents for any on-site positions needed to be filled. Equipment Requisitioning Week One Operations staff begins requisition process of any equipment needed for program. Week One Creation of a “Software Interface Committee” that will serve as the oversight committee for software interfacing and report customization. Define specification for program interface project. Week One Operations staff meets with Court staff to determine actual number of participants slated for program, both for immediate transition and projected full rollout. Establishment of program guidelines and introduction of Standard Operating Procedures. All utilities and related support arranged as needed. Operations Week Two Review proposed documents, Standard Operating Procedures, begin data entry process of existing cases. Operations / Facilities Week Two Finalize lease and build-out schedule for office locations. Finalize any outstanding contractual items. IT Meeting Operations Meeting Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush HR Dir., Julie Hunt Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Software Engr., David Heifetz Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Prog. Dir., Chris Cush P a g e | 94 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 169 173 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Completion Week Activities HR Dir., Julie Hunt Week Two Complete interviewing of Salvation Army staff and other local candidates. Make offers of employment to selected individuals. Prog. Dir., Chris Cush and IT Team Operations / IT Week Three This week is a work-week for the IT staff and Operations staff to continue to prepare for software integration and facilities preparation. No major projects are anticipated for this week. This week is provided to address all preparation items such as phone lines, routers, workstations, and unexpected items that may arise. IT and Engineering Week Four Beginning testing of software interface with Tyler. Operations Week Four Based on participant population, initial shipment of equipment/computers sent to the Sentinel to support staff training and initial transition. Training Week Four Begin intensive training of newly hired staff and complete new hire paperwork and company handbook introductions Training Dir., Jason Wood Week Five Continue staff training on documentation requirements, software utilization, and available case management reports Training Dir., Jason Wood Week Five Sentinel, Tyler, and the Clerk’s Office will confirm final testing and software interface has been successfully developed and implemented. IT Team and Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Operations Week Five Coordination with Salvation Army the exact details of the probation transition to Sentinel including location, time, and date to report. Contact numbers, maps, and addresses will be provided to the participant prior to their scheduled appointment. Operations and On-site Sentinel Support Team Week Six Through Eight Sentinel support staff members will arrive and be on-site for probationer transition. Additional staff will consist of Katrina Wright, Jason Wood, Thomas Williams, Steve Queen, and an IT representative. Sentinel Implementation Team Quality Assurance Team Quality Assurance Week Eight Members or our Quality Assurance Team will arrive to ensure program operations, case files, and general operating parameters are being properly established and implemented. The team will audit files and begin making a plan for improvement for the following quarter. Operations Week Eight Meet with the Clerk’s Office, Court, and County Officials to review the current state of the program Pres./CDBO, Mark Contestabile Task HR Dir. Training IT Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Staff Assigned Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 IT Staff – Shane Johnson, David Heifetz Prog. Dir., Chris Cush Training Dir., Jason Wood P a g e | 95 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 170 174 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Task Completion Week Activities Staff Assigned and outline a plan for any unexpected issues. Prog. Dir., Chris Cush 4.16.1. It will be a priority to ensure current probationers are aware of the changes and any new direction they need to make for the Contractor. Sentinel has transitioned some of the largest probation programs in the country and recognizes the importance of clear and constant communication with the probationer throughout the process. In order to ensure complete communication we have tried to provide a financial incentive to the Salvation Army to cooperate with our local Sentinel staff as their cooperation will be critical to communicating with the probationer during participant interviews prior to the transition. It is our proposal to allow Salvation Army to maintain the supervision fee for the entire month of transition. This would allow the County to avoid an invoice from Sentinel for the month in which the transition occurred and should encourage the Salvation Army to cooperate fully with the transition efforts since they are being paid for the entire month. By avoiding any prorated fee distribution to multiple vendors, Sentinel has made the transition as smooth as possible and demonstrated our financial commitment to Hillsborough County, the Courts, and the success of the program going forward. During the transition, we will work closely with the Salvation Army to coordinate start dates for those employees who have transferred to Sentinel. This will ensure the Salvation Army has enough remaining staff to complete their portion of the transition and that neither company is over/under staffed during the process. Specifically, we will be working with the Salvation Army to: Provide advance written notice to the probationer of the pending transition up to and including a mailer to each probationer if possible, notifying them of the transition. Provide a schedule of probationer appointments by day during the transition. Provide daily reconciliation of probationer transfers throughout the month of transition. Request a message be placed on wall the within their facilities providing Sentinel contact information to each probationer. Request the automated answering service at the Salvation Army be modified to provide a message regarding the transition. Forwarding of telephone lines to Sentinel once the transition is complete. 4.17. Other Costs The County will retain funds from the cost of supervision fees necessary to support the salary, benefits, and operating expenses for one (1) full- (.5) half-time project manager position of the County's or their designee or agent, to oversee the program, ensure good communication, monitor the Contract, audit case files, evaluate data, problem-solve issues that may arise, act to integrate services through interagency collaboration, develop expanded service arrays and pathways for clients, and determine the impact of these services on crime and recidivism. Additional sums may be required if it becomes necessary for the County to process monthly invoices and/or payments to the Contractor. [Edited per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands and acknowledges that the County will retain funds from the cost of supervision fees necessary to support the salary, benefits, and operating expenses for one (1) part time project manager position of the County's or their designee or agent, to oversee the program, ensure good communication, monitor the Contract, audit case files, evaluate data, problem-solve issues that may arise, act to integrate services through interagency collaboration, develop expanded service arrays and pathways for clients, and determine the impact of these services on crime and recidivism. We further Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 96 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 171 175 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 understand and acknowledge that additional sums may be required if it becomes necessary for the County to process monthly invoices and/or payments to the selected vendor. 4.17.1. The County anticipates the annual retained amount to be approximately $35,000. [Added per Amendment 5389.1] Sentinel understands and acknowledges that the County anticipates the retained supervision fees to be approximately $35,000 annually. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Technical Approach • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 97 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 172 176 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Cost Initial Cost-of-Supervision Fee Note to Suppliers Per Administrative Order #S-2010-026, Misdemeanor Probation Fees, Section 1, Cost-at-Supervision Fee, the cost-at-supervision fee for the first month cannot exceed seventyfive dollars ($75.00). Sentinel understands and acknowledges that, per Administrative Order #S-2010-026, Misdemeanor Probation Fees, Section 1, Cost-at-Supervision Fee, the cost-at-supervision fee for the first month cannot exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Cost-of-Supervision Fee Note to Suppliers Per Administrative Order #5-2010-026, Misdemeanor Probation Fees, Section 1, Cost-of-Supervision Fee, the cost-of-supervision fee for the second month and thereafter cannot exceed fifty-five dollars ($55.00). We offer our services at no cost to the Court and County. The following fees are directly paid by the sentenced probationer to Sentinel with no cost incurred by the Court or County for any of the services listed below. The court order directs the probationer to pay a monthly supervision fee to Sentinel in an amount approved by the Court and specified in the contract. A probationer is never charged more than the contract amount. Of note: Sentinel will continue to comply with the Clerk Fee of $12 which is being assessed per sentencing event. Sentinel will monitor the payment of the $12 as required by the Clerk / Court and include that amount in calculations of monthly payments. Sentinel understands that the $12 is assessed and collected by the Clerk and in no way represents revenue to Sentinel. The following table illustrates the cost of services provided by Sentinel and as documented in the following Fee Table: Probation Supervision and Case Management Service Type Cost One-Time Enrollment Fee $15.00 (one-time fee) Basic Probation Supervision – Financial Services $45.00 per month Compliance Services $49.00 per month Intensive Probation $49.00 per month Domestic Violence Intervention Program $49.00 per month Pre-Trial Diversion Program $45.00 per month Substance Abuse Detection Screens $15.00 per screen (6-panel test) Drug Test Lab Confirmation $20.00 Alcohol Test No Cost Electronic Monitoring (EM) Supervision* * = Offender Funded (the participant is responsible for all cost relating to EM) Service Type Cost Radio Frequency (RF) House Arrest $6.00 per day Global Positioning System (GPS) Passive tracking service level at $9.00 per day Active tracking service level at $11.00 per day Breath Alcohol Testing BA/RT at $6.00 per day MEMS 3000 at $4.50 per day Voice Recognition $3.00 per day Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Cost • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 98 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 173 177 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Value Added Services Service Type Warrant Recovery Program Cognitive Skills Programs Kiosk Collection Services Call Center Support Services Cost 35% of base fines and fees collected $20.00 per session No Cost No Cost Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Cost • Atlanta, GA 30328 • P a g e | 99 678.443.9525 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 174 178 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Required Forms Sentinel has provided the following required submittals as a supplement to this section of this proposal as required by RFQ No. 5389: Substitute W-9 Equal Opportunity Questionnaire Insurance Certificate Affirmative Action Policy Disadvantaged Minority-Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Licenses Financials On the subsequent pages, we have provided the requested documentation concerning the past three (3) years demonstrating the financial stability of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. At the time of the proposal submission, Sentinel’s audit for fiscal year 2014 was not complete. Upon completion we can provide our audited 2014 financial statement. Please note: Sentinel is a privately held company and we respectfully request that our financial documents remain CONFIDENTIAL since our ownership status does not require public disclosure of this information. We have marked each page of our Financial Statements “Confidential”. Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Required Forms • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 100 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 175 179 Page 176 180 Page 177 181 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C. No. Ext): PRODUCER Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc. Newport Beach CA Office 100 Bayview Circle Newport Beach CA 92660 USA FAX (949) 608-6459 (A/C. No.): (949) 608-6300 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE Holder Identifier : DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 04/16/2015 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A: Sentinel Offender Services, LLC 201 Technology Drive Irvine CA 92618-2424 USA INSURER B: Everest National Insurance Co Travelers Property Cas Co of America 10120 25674 INSURER C: First Mercury Insurance Company 10657 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570057412095 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested X POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY LOC JECT $50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE $1,000,000 $2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 OTHER: B X HIRED AUTOS X X $1,000 Comp Ded X UMBRELLA LIAB X 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) EXCESS LIAB DED $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY ( Per person) X C P8109193R128TIL14 ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS B Y AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $1,000 Coll Ded X NJ-EX-0000048318-01 OCCUR 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 EACH OCCURRENCE $3,000,000 $3,000,000 AGGREGATE CLAIMS-MADE 570057412095 CLAIMS-MADE POLICY NUMBER CF1GL00054-141 Certificate No : ADDL SUBR INSD WVD Y TYPE OF INSURANCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER / EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? PJUB9194R057TIL14 Y/N N N/A 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 X (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below PER STATUTE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Hillsborough County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida is an additional insured on the GL & Auto policies. Contractual Liability Coverage is Included in listed General and Auto Liability Policies and General Liability Policies include a Separation of Insureds (severability of interests) provision. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hillsborough County - BOCC Risk Management Division 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard 26th Floor Tampa FL 33602 USA ACORD 25 (2014/01) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Page 178 7777777707070700077763616065553330770524676117554407671124663615222073661564056031110747537360075450007244025566256511075063157727745120777452573711675407715154702374650077727252025773110777777707000707007 6666666606060600062606466204446200622226422460026006220004060062020062200042402602000622220426024002006222024240042000060002040422620200622220406004202206000206262202600066646062240664440666666606000606006 INSR LTR A X 182 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/20/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): E-MAIL ADDRESS: Patriot Risk & Insurance Services 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite #400 Irvine, CA 92618 FAX (A/C, No): (949) 486-7900 (949) 486-7950 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE www.patrisk.com 0G55454 INSURER A : INSURED INSURER B : Sentinel Offender Services, LLC 201 Technology Drive Irvine CA 92618 NAIC # Greenwich Insurance Company Aspen Specialty Insurance Company 22322 10717 INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 24312622 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROPOLICY LOC JECT LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $ OTHER: COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS $ $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ A UMBRELLA LIAB ✓ EXCESS LIAB ✓ CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below B MTE9031461 FOLLOWS E&O ONLY OCCUR 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 $ AGGREGATE $ PER STATUTE Y/N Primary Professional Liability (E & O ) Insurance EACH OCCURRENCE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT N/A 1,000,000 1,000,000 $ $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT LP79659 $ 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 Each Wrongful Act: $1,000,000 Retention: $150,000 Total Limit: $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) 30-days notice of cancellation / 10-days for non-payment of premium. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hillsborough County - BOCC Risk Management Division 601 E. Kennedy Blvd, 26th FL Tampa FL 33602 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Leonard E. Ziminsky ACORD 25 (2014/01) CERT NO.: 24312622 Annette Romero © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 4/20/2015 1:43:35 PM (PDT) Page 1 of 1 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Page 179 183 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Sentinel Offender Services (SOS) is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with antidiscrimination law, it is the purpose of this policy to effectuate these principles and mandates. SOS prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and affords equal employment opportunities to employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetic information. SOS conforms to the spirit as well as to the letter of all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, SOS will take action to employ, advance in employment and treat qualified Vietnam-era veterans and disabled veterans without discrimination in all employment practices. Scope The policy of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination applies to all aspects of the relationship between SOS and its employees, including: Recruitment Employment Promotion Transfer Training Working conditions Wages and salary administration Employee benefits and application of policies The policies and principles of EEO also apply to the selection and treatment of independent contractors, personnel working on our premises who are employed by temporary agencies and any other persons or firms doing business for or with SOS. Dissemination and Implementation of Policy The officers of SOS will be responsible for the dissemination of this policy. Directors, managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing equal employment practices within each department. The HR department is responsible for overall compliance and will maintain personnel records in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Procedures SOS administers our EEO policy fairly and consistently by: Posting all required notices regarding employee rights under EEO laws in areas highly visible to employees. Advertising for job openings with the statement “An Equal Opportunity Employer” Posting all required job openings with the appropriate state agencies. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 1 Page 180 184 Forbidding retaliation against any individual who files a charge of discrimination, opposes a practice believed to be unlawful discrimination, reports harassment, or assists, testifies or participates in an EEO agency proceeding. Requires employees to report to a member of management, an HR representative or the general counsel any apparent discrimination or harassment. The report should be made within 48 hours of the incident. Promptly notifies the general counsel of all incidents or reports of discrimination or harassment and takes other appropriate measures to resolve the situation. Harassment Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination and violates SOS policy. Prohibited sexual harassment, for example, is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. SOS encourages employees to report all incidents of harassment to a member of management or the HR department. SOS conducts harassment prevention training for all employees, and maintains and enforces a separate policy on harassment prevention, complaint procedures and penalties for violations. SOS investigates all complaints of harassment promptly and fairly, and, when appropriate, takes immediate corrective action to stop the harassment and prevent it from recurring. Remedies Violations of this policy, regardless of whether an actual law has been violated, will not be tolerated. SOS will promptly, thoroughly and fairly investigate every issue that is brought to its attention in this area and will take disciplinary action, when appropriate, up to and including termination of employment. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 2 Page 181 185 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC (SOS) Affirmative Action Policy Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion or National Origin It is the policy of SOS, LLC to take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, without regard to their religion or national origin. Such action includes, but is not limited to the following employment practices: hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training. Employment practices have been reviewed to determine whether members of the various religions and/or ethnic groups are receiving fair consideration for job opportunities. 1. The policy concerning SOS’s obligation to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin is communicated to all employees via employee handbooks, policy statement and the Affirmative Action Policy. 2. Internal procedures have been developed in this policy to insure that SOS’s obligation to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin is being fully implemented. 3. Employees are informed at least annually of SOS’s commitment to equal employment opportunity for all persons, without regard to religion or national origin. 4. Recruiting sources have been informed of our commitment to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin. 5. Employment records of all employees are reviewed to determine the availability of promotable and transferable employees. 6. Contacts with religious and ethnic organizations will be made for purposes of advice, education, technical assistance and referral of potential employees as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this policy. 7. SOS engages in recruitment activities at educational institutions with substantial enrollments of students from various ethnic and religious groups. Reasonable accommodations to the religious observances and practices of employees or prospective employees will be made, unless doing so would result in undue hardship. In determining whether undue hardship exists, factors such as the cost to the company and the impact on the rights of other employees. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 3 Page 182 186 Policy Statement - Equal Employment Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities and Protected Veterans It is the policy of Contractor, (SOS) not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because he or she is an individual with a disability or a protected veteran, (i.e., disabled veteran, Armed Forces service medal veteran, recently separated veteran, or other veteran who served during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized). It is also the policy of SOS to take affirmative action to employ and to advance in employment, all persons regardless of their status as individuals with disabilities or protected veterans, and to base all employment decisions only on valid job requirements. This policy shall apply to all employment actions, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, recall, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship, at all levels of employment. Employees and applicants of SOS will not be subject to harassment on the basis of disability or status as a protected veteran. Additionally, retaliation, including intimidation, threats, or coercion, because an employee or applicant has objected to discrimination, engaged or may engage in filing a complaint, assisted in a review, investigation, or hearing or have otherwise sought to obtain their legal rights under any Federal, State, or local EEO law regarding individuals with disabilities or protected veterans is prohibited. As CEO of SOS, I am committed to the principles of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity. In order to ensure dissemination and implementation of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action throughout all levels of the company, I have selected the Human Resources Director as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Manager for SOS. One of the Human Resources Director’s duties will be to establish and maintain an internal audit and reporting system to allow for effective measurement of SOS’s policy. In furtherance of SOS’s policy regarding Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity, SOS has developed a written Affirmative Action Policy which sets forth the policies, practices and procedures that SOS is committed to in order to ensure that its policy of nondiscrimination and affirmative action for qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified protected veterans is accomplished. This Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment upon request, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact the Human Resources Director at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Robert A. Contestabile, CEO Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 4 Page 183 187 Review of Personnel Processes SOS reviews annually its personnel processes to determine whether its present procedures assure careful, thorough and systematic consideration of the qualifications of known individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. This review covers all procedures related to the filling of job vacancies either by hire or by promotion, as well as all training opportunities offered or made available to employees. In determining the qualifications of veterans, SOS limits its consideration of a protected veteran’s military record, including discharge papers, to only that portion of the record, which is relevant to the specific job qualifications for which the veteran is being considered. Based upon SOS’s review of its personnel processes, SOS will modify the personnel processes when necessary, and will include the development of new procedures in this Affirmative Action Policy to ensure equal employment opportunity. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 5 Page 184 188 Review of Physical and Mental Job Qualification Standards SOS will continue to review physical and mental job qualification requirements whenever a job is vacated and the company intends to fill it through either hiring or promotion and will conduct a qualifications review whenever job duties change. No pre-employment physical examinations or questionnaires are used by SOS’s hiring process. If at any time in the future, SOS should inquire into an employee’s physical or mental condition or should conduct a medical examination, SOS affirms that such inquiries or exams will be conducted in accordance with the Section 503 regulations and that information obtained as a result of the inquiry or exam will be kept confidential, except as otherwise provided for in the Section 503 regulations. The results of the examination or inquiry will only be used in accordance with the Section 503 Regulations. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 6 Page 185 189 Reasonable Accommodation to Limitations Due to Disability SOS commits to making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified disabled veterans, unless such accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the conduct of its business. SOS also commits to engaging in an interactive process with the person requesting the accommodation (or their representative), as needed, to determine an appropriate accommodation. Undue hardship will be determined by assessing whether the requested accommodation would cause significant difficulty or expense, as provided for in the Section 503 regulations. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 7 Page 186 190 Harassment Prevention and Prohibition against Retaliation Employees and applicants of SOS will not be subject to harassment because of disability or their status as a protected veteran. If an employee or applicant believes that he/she has been subject to harassment, he/she may file a complaint with the Human Resources office. Any employee or applicant who believes that they have been subject to harassment because of their disability or status as a protected veteran should promptly contact a manager in their chain of command, or promptly contact the Human Resources at 949-4531550 for assistance. Retaliation, including intimidation, threat, or coercion, against an employee or applicant because they have objected to discrimination, engaged or may engage in filing a complaint, assisted in a review, investigation, or hearing or have otherwise sought to obtain their legal rights under any Federal, State, or local EEO law regarding individuals with disabilities or protected veterans is prohibited. Any employee or applicant who believes that they have been subject to retaliation because of their disability or status as a protected veteran should contact the Human Resources at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 8 Page 187 191 Internal Dissemination of Policy Copies of our affirmative action policy will be made available for inspection to any employee or applicant upon request to promote understanding, acceptance and support. Policies are re-emphasized to managers and supervisors annually. SOS’s Affirmative Action policy and the EEO poster are posted on bulletin boards located throughout our facilities and office work areas. All applicants have been invited to identify themselves as an individual with a disability, as defined in Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and/or as a protected veteran under the equal employment opportunity provisions of the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, if they wish to benefit under this affirmative action policy. Such invitation has been posted on bulletin boards throughout the facility and work areas. Employees may self-identify at anytime. All employees are advised annually of the company’s policy and encouraged to aid in SOS’s affirmative action efforts to ensure a fair and effective policy. Briefing sessions are conducted annually for managers and supervisors to review the applicable regulations and to discuss such affirmative action measures as training and reasonable accommodation. When making internal Equal Opportunity audits, implementation of this affirmative action policy will be reviewed. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 9 Page 188 192 Audit and Reporting Systems The Human Resources Director has the responsibility for developing and preparing the formal documents of the AAP and EEO. The Human Resources Director is responsible for the effective implementation of the AAP; however, responsibility is likewise vested with each department manager and supervisor. SOS’s audit and reporting system is designed to: • Measure the effectiveness of the AAP/EEO policy; • Document personnel activities; • Identify problem areas where remedial action is needed; and • Determine the degree to which SOS’s AAP goals and objectives have been obtained. The following activities are reviewed at least annually to ensure freedom from discrimination or stereotyping of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans in any manner, including that which may limit their access to any job for which they are qualified: • Recruitment, advertising, and job application procedures; • Hiring, promotion, upgrading, award of tenure, layoff, recall from layoff; • Rates of pay and any other forms of compensation including fringe benefits; • Job assignments, job classifications, job descriptions, and seniority lists; • Sick leave, leaves or absence, or any other leave; • Training, apprenticeships, attendance at professional meetings and conferences; and • Any other term, condition, or privilege of employment. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 10 Page 189 193 Responsibility for Implementation of AAP Responsibilities of the Equal Employment Opportunity Manager In furtherance of SOS’s commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, the Human Resources Director has the responsibility for designing and ensuring effective implementation of SOS’s AAP. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. The development of the AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, policy statements, personnel policies and procedures, internal and external communication of the policy, and monitoring the effectiveness of these actions; 2. Reviewing all personnel actions, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with SOS’s affirmative action obligations; 3. Reviewing the qualifications of all applicants and employees to ensure qualified individuals are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner when hiring, promotion, transfer and termination actions occur; 4. Assisting in the identification of problem areas and the development of solutions to those problems; 5. Monitoring the effectiveness of the policy on a continuing basis through the development and implementation of an internal audit- and reporting-system that measures the effectiveness of the policy; 6. Keeping the CEO of SOS informed of equal opportunity progress and problems within the company through quarterly reports; 7. Reviewing the company’s AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans with all managers and supervisors at all levels to ensure that the policy is understood and is followed in all personnel activities; 8. Auditing the contents of company bulletin boards annually to ensure that compliance information is posted and is up-to-date; 9. Serving as liaison between SOS and enforcement agencies; and 10. Serving as liaison between SOS and organizations for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 11 Page 190 194 Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors Managers and supervisors are advised annually of their responsibilities under the company’s AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans and of their obligations to: 1. Review the company’s Affirmative Action policy for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans with subordinate managers and supervisors to ensure that they are aware of the policy and understand their obligation to comply with it in all personnel actions; 2. Assist in the identification of problem areas, formulate solutions, and establish departmental goals and objectives when necessary; 3. Review the qualifications of all applicants and employees to ensure qualified individuals are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner when hire, promotion, transfer, and termination actions occur; and 4. Review all employees’ performance to ensure that nondiscrimination is adhered to in all personnel activities. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 12 Page 191 195 Training to Ensure AAP Implementation Training is provided to all personnel involved in the recruitment, screening, hiring, promotion, disciplinary and related employment processes, to ensure that the commitments made in SOS’s AAP are implemented. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 13 Page 192 196 Invitation to Self-Identify for Protected Veterans 1. SOS, LLC is a Government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, (VEVRAA) which requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance veterans in employment. VEVRAA prohibits discrimination and requires affirmative action in all personnel practices regarding protected veterans. The statute covers disabled veterans, Armed Forces service medal veterans, recently separated veterans, and other veterans who served during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized. 2. An invitation to veterans: If you are a recently separated veteran, other protected veteran, or Armed Forced service medal veteran, we would like to include you under our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. The term “recently separated veteran” refers to any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran’s discharge or release from active duty. The term “other protected veteran” refers to a person who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized, under laws administered by the Department of Defense. The term “Armed Forces service medal veteran” refers to any person who, while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985 (62 FR 1209).4 An invitation to disabled veterans only: If you are a disabled veteran, we would like to include you in our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making any necessary accommodations for your disability. The term "disabled veteran" refers to a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who, but for the receipt of military retired pay, would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Defense, or was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. An invitation to both: If you are a disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, other protected veteran, or Armed Forces service medal veteran, we would like to include you under our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. 1. You may inform us of your desire to benefit under the policy at this time and/or at any time in the future. 2. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 14 Page 193 197 3. The information you submit will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of disabled veterans, and regarding necessary accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if you have a condition that might require emergency treatment; and (iii) Government officials engaged in enforcing laws administered by OFCCP, or enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, may be informed. 4. A written copy of this Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact Human Resources Director at 949-453-1550 for assistance. 5. If you are a disabled veteran it would assist us if you tell us about (i) any special methods, skills, and procedures that qualify you for positions that you might not otherwise be able to do because of your disability so that you will be considered for any positions of that kind, and (ii) any accommodations that we could make that would enable you to perform the job, including special equipment, changes in the physical layout of the job, elimination of certain duties relating to the job, provision of personal assistance services or other accommodations. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making accommodations for your disability. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 15 Page 194 198 Invitation to Self-Identify for Individuals with Disabilities 1. SOS is a Government contractor subject to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities. 2. If you have a disability and would like to be considered under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. 3. You may inform us of your desire to benefit under the policy at this time and/or at any time in the future. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making any necessary accommodations for your disability. 4. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act. 5. Information you submit about your disability will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of qualified individuals with disabilities, and regarding necessary accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if the condition might require emergency treatment; and (iii) government officials engaged in enforcing laws administered by OFCCP or the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, may be informed. 6. If you are a qualified individual with a disability, we would like to include you under the affirmative action policy. It would assist us if you tell us about (i) any special methods, skills, and procedures that qualify you for positions that you might not otherwise be able to do because of your disability so that you will be considered for any positions of that kind, and (ii) any needed accommodations that would enable you to perform the essential functions of the job, including special equipment, changes in the physical layout of the job, elimination of marginal job duties, provision of personal assistance services or other accommodations. 7. A written copy of this Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact the Human Resources at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 16 Page 195 ITB NO: _______________________________________ BIDDER NAME: ____________________________________ Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Instructions Bidders submitting bids to provide construction services to Hillsborough County will be evaluated on their compliance with Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise (DM/DWBE) participation goals as established by the program. If the dollar value goals for DM/DWBE participation on a project have not been met, the bidders will be required to complete the following form to document their Good Faith Efforts (GFE) in obtaining DM/DWBE participation. The three lowest bidders submitting on a project, who fail to meet the DM/DWBE contract goal, must complete this form to document all good faith efforts that were expended prior to the bid opening. There is a total of 1260 available points. In order to meet good faith efforts, a bidder must obtain at least seventy percent (70%) or 882 points. The bidder must show that they took all necessary and reasonable steps to achieve the DM/DWBE goal. When negotiating in good faith with interested DM/DWBEs, it is the bidder’s responsibility to select economically feasible portions of work available to DM/DWBE subcontractors, so as to facilitate designated DM/DWBE participation. Bidders using good faith efforts should consider a number of factors when negotiating with DM/DWBE subcontractors and should take a firm’s price and capabilities as well as contract goals into consideration. Scoring Details/Instructions Part A – Solicitation: Five (5) Points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed in Part A. A copy of the solicitation, whether email or fax must include documentation of who the solicitation was sent to, their receipt of the solicitation, or returned as invalid in order to be awarded points in this section. An additional three (3) bonus points may be awarded for those businesses that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 150 bonus points plus 90 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 240 points. Part B – Follow-Up: Twenty-five (25) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed that includes all follow-up documentation. In order to receive full points in this section, submitted documentation must consist of confirmation emails, phone logs, written negotiation documentation, etc. Submitting a copy of a mass email or phone log will not be viewed as acceptable unless it includes specific details for each subcontractor listed. Nine (9) bonus points will be given for those businesses that will be utilized on the project and are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 500 points may be earned with a possible 180 bonus points, totaling 680 points. Part C: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for attending the pre bid conference, total points will be awarded depending on which of the senior leadership attend. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part D: Ten (10) points maximum may be awarded for providing appropriate access to full sets of plans and specifications of the specific sections of this project to subcontractors and/or suppliers. A maximum of ten (10) points may be received in this section. Part E: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for advertising subcontracting opportunities in a Minority or Trade Paper. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part F: Twenty (20) points maximum may be awarded for contacting the Economic Development Department’s Small/Minority Business staff for assistance. Documentation of how contact was made and the outcome of the assistance provided by staff must be submitted in order to receive points in this section. Points will not be awarded for simply calling the office or help accessing the PRISM website. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part G: Fifteen (15) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed in part G. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 125 points may be received in this section. Part H: Fifteen (15) Points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 125 points may be received in this section. Part I: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for indicating assistance provided to DM/DWBE business in obtaining bonding, insurance and/or lines of credit. Page 7: The affirmation page must be signed and dated in order to be admissible. Page 8: Extra space has been provided for any additional information required or additional information you may wish to submit. Failure to fully and clearly complete this form and attach all supporting documentation may result in rejection of the bid. ER-15 Page 196 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Points you may receive for the GFE are shown below. Bidders will be deemed in compliance, if an overall score of 882 points is achieved. In order to receive points, you must provide all supporting documentation, labeled clearly (Part A, B, etc.). Scoring will be determined by Hillsborough County Small/Minority Business Staff. PLEASE NOTE: DM/DWBE businesses who have graduated from the Hillsborough County DM/DWBE Program, who have been denied certification by Hillsborough County, or who have already received reciprocal certification and it has expired, are not eligible for consideration in subcontracting activities. Part A. Solicitation. The bidder must provide the name of the DM/DWBE businesses that the bidder has solicited for use as a subcontractor on this project. Points will be awarded for up to thirty (30) businesses; however, you may list as many as you wish. Five (5) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional three (3) bonus points may be awarded for those businesses that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 150 Points plus (90 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 240 Points. a. Name of DM/DWBE Business (to receive points, fill in information for each column a-f)* b. Subcontracting Activity Description (project specific) c. Phone No. (###) ###-#### d. Name of Certifying Agency (if Hillsborough County 3 bonus points) ** e. Certification Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy)** f. How was notice submitted to the DM/DWBE (i.e. email, mail, fax, or other written documentation.)?* mass email or faxes will only count if documentation is included that shows that the email and faxes were received or not received. If they were not received unless phone calls or other means of notification was made they will not count toward GFE (Additional space provided on Page 7). 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. *You MUST provide all detailed supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. In order to receive points, documentation MUST have been submitted to potential DM/DWBE’s at least ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. ER-16 Page 197 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part A. (continued) a. Name of DM/DWBE (to receive points, fill in information for each column a-f)* b. Subcontracting Activity Description(project specific) c. Phone No. (###) ###-#### d. Name of Certifying Agency (if Hillsborough County (3) bonus points)** e. Certification Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy)** f. How was notice submitted to the DM/DWBE (i.e. email, mail, fax, or other written documentation)?* .)?* mass email or faxes will only count if documentation is included that shows that the email and faxes were received or not received. If they were not received unless phone calls or other means of notification was made they will not count toward GFE (Additional space provided on Page 7). 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. *You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. In order to receive points, documentation MUST have been submitted to potential DM/DWBEs at least ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. ER-17 Page 198 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part B. Follow-Up. Please list DM/DWBE businesses that provided a response to your solicitation for this project by Subcontracting Activity Descriptions. In the Subcontracting Activity Description column, please describe the specific component of the contract. Points will be awarded for up to twenty (20) businesses; however, you may list as many subcontractors as you wish. A maximum of twenty-five (25) points will be awarded for each DM/DWBE listed that includes all supporting documentation, i.e., confirmation email, phone log, negotiation documentation. You MUST include the appropriate documentation for each subcontractor in order to receive points. Nine (9) bonus points will be given for those businesses who will be utilized on this project and that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 500 points plus 180 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 680 points. e. Followed-up and g. If no to e, provide reason for c. Provide name negotiated with rejection of follow-up, bid or no of Certifying DM/DWBE prior to bid from Sub-Contractor** Did a. Name of DM/DWBE Business & Agency (if bid?** Yes or No they not return repeated phone Hillsborough b. Subcontracting Activity Person that Responded. Provide detailed d. Date of Initial f. Accept Bid calls or individual emails. Price County (9) bonus Description(project specific) Must fill in ALL information for each Date/Documentation Response Yes or No was to high after negotiation, they points)** column a-g to receive 25 Points. of the various forms of were not available. Be specific for follow-up and each one individually to receive negotiation used, if the 25 points. yes 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. *You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-g. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. Page 199 ER-18 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part C. Pre-bid Conference Participation. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be awarded for attending the County’s pre bid conference. The total number of points awarded will depend upon which senior leadership attended. Which senior leadership, employed by the Bidder and who can interface with the DM/DWBE, attended the Pre-bid conference? Check one box per person, but check all who attended. (Provide a copy of Pre-bid Conference Sign-in Sheet with your company’s attendees highlighted). Part D. Availability of Details, Plans and Specifications. A maximum of ten (10) points may be awarded for providing appropriate access to full sets of plans, specifications and specific sections of this project to subcontractors and/or suppliers. A maximum of ten (10) points may be received in this section. How did Bidder provide access to full sets of plans, specifications and specific sections for this project to Subcontractors and suppliers? Check boxes for all methods that were used. 1. Owner/Corporate Officer (10 points) 1. 2. Sr. Estimator (5 points) 2. Made available at Bidder’s Office (2 points) 3. Project Manager (5 points) 3. Faxed, emailed or mailed specific sections to Subcontractors and/or suppliers (attach copy of documented notice) (7 points) Directed to local plans room (1 point) Part E. Name of Trade or Minority Focused Paper Advertised (20) Points may be awarded for publishing a notice of solicitation for subcontractor opportunities in minority focus print media and/or minority trade organizations. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. a. Name of Minority Focus Print Media or Minority Trade Organization. To receive points must fill in information for each column a-b b. Date Ad Ran (mm/dd/yy) *Must provide copy of ad(s) 1. 2. Part F. Contacted Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff for assistance. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be awarded for contacting the Economic Development’s Small Minority Business Staff for assistance. Documentation as outlined in the instructions will be the basis for awarding points. Points will not be awarded for simply contacting staff or help with accessing the PRISM website. 20 Points Available 1. By telephone or in writing? Yes (20 points) No (0 points) Provide the date and name of the Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff contacted and the assistance they provided. Describe the outcome that resulted from your contact with the Economic Development’s Small Minority Business staff. The Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff should be contacted at least five (5) working days prior to bid opening. (The section below must be completed in order to receive the possible twenty (20) points for Part F). Staff Name: _________________________________________________________ Describe assistance provided by Economic Development’s Small/Minority Business staff: Date Contacted: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the outcome that resulted from your contact with Economic Development’ Small/Minority Business staff: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ER-19 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part G. Developing Relationships Please provide the name of the DM/DWBE business that the owner, partner or principle officer of the bidder has met with in person, within the last sixty (60) calendar days for the purpose of developing a partnering relationship. Points will be awarded for up to five (5) businesses; however, you may list as many subcontractors as you wish. Page 200 Fifteen (15) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of seventy-five (75) points plus fifty (50) bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 125 Points. c. Name of Certifying f. Typical e. Date of a. Name of DM/DWBE Business and Owner’s Name that Bidder met with to d. Phone No. Agency (if Hillsborough Project Size/ Meeting develop working relationship: 15 points (to receive points, fill in information for b. Subcontracting Activity Description (###) ###-#### County 10 bonus each column a-f)* Dollar Amount (mm/dd/yy) points)** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part H. Sustained Relationships Please provide the names of DM/DWBE businesses that the bidder has sub-contracted on other Hillsborough County projects, other government and private sector contracts within the past two (2) years. For those subcontractors listed, please provide the copy of contract and subcontract value. For those subcontractors listed, please provide the subcontract values. Points will be awarded for up to five (5) DM/DWBE businesses; however, you may list as many as you wish Fifteen 15 points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded per business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum 75 Points plus 50 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 125 Points. a. Name of DM/DWBE Business and Owner’s Name that Bidder contracted with to sustain working relationship* (15 points will be awarded for every DM/DWBE business listed) b. Name of Certifying Agency 1st Project (if Hillsborough County: 10 bonus points** c. Name of Project 2nd Project d. Subcontract Value e. Name of Project f. Subcontract Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part I. Bonding/Insurance/Line of Credit Assistance If the bidder determines that the DM/DWBE needs to have bonding, insurance and/or a line of credit, points may be awarded for indicating assistance provided to the DM/DWBE in obtaining any of the aforementioned. Yes No (20 points) (0 points) If you answered yes, you must submit documentation of the assistance provided in order to receive points. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. * You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. Total Points ___________ Bonus Points ________ ER-20 ITB NO: ____________________________________ Grand Total _________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Page 201 205 Page 202 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ER-22 Page 203 207 Page 204 208 Page 205 209 Page 206 210 Misdemeanor Probation Services Hillsborough County RFQ No. 5389 Supporting Documentation Sentinel has provided the following supporting documentation as a supplement to this section of this proposal: Product Brochures Sentinel – City of Atlanta Municipal Court “SenTrack Application Interface” Document Sentinel Offender Services 5 Concourse Parkway N.E., Suite 775 Supporting Documentation • Atlanta, GA 30328 • 678.443.9525 P a g e | 101 • sentineloffenderservices.com Page 278 211 Sentinel’s RF Patrol electronic monitoring system is one of the most reliable electronic home monitoring units available. Currently in use across the United States as well as internationally, the two piece system is comprised of a non-removable ankle transmitter and a home monitoring unit that communicate with each other to monitor the presence of the participant within the residence. Developed and designed with several key performance features, the RF Patrol unit has been proven in service and is currently in use by hundreds of agencies across the country. Transmitter features include fiber-optic strap security, dual transmission capability, builtin battery and water SFTJTUBOU.The home monitoring unit is available in landline or cellular models and can monitor multiple ankle transmitters, making it an ideal solution for supervising participants at halfway homes and/or group living areas. RF PATROL TRANSMITTER KEY FEATURES HOME MONITORING UNIT KEY FEATURES Small, ankle-worn transmitter Front panel LCD WaterSFTJTUBOU Built-in back-up battery Built-in battery Non-volatile memory Fiber-optic strap for increased security Anti-tamper security technology Hypoallergenic design Available in landline and cellular models RF HOME MONITORING Trak Series 102313 GPS TRACKING ALCOHOL MONITORING KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page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´KRXVH DUUHVWµ PRQLWRULQJ RI WKH *36 WUDFNHG SDUWLFLSDQW ZKLOH DW WKHLU UHVLGHQFH 7KLV VHUYLFH HOLPLQDWHV FRPPRQ LVVXHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK *36 WUDFNLQJ LQFOXGLQJ GULIW SRLQWV ZKLOH D SDUWLFLSDQWLVDWKRPHDQGWKHPDQGDWRU\XVHRIKRPH]RQHVZKHQXVHGZLWKRXU3ODWLQXP+RPH 8QLW,QWKHHYHQWWKDWWKH*36UHFHSWLRQLVOHVVWKDQRSWLPDORXU8QL7UDNGHYLFHLVHTXLSSHGZLWK $GYDQFHG)RUZDUG/LQN7ULODWHUDWLRQ$)/7ZKLFKVHUYHVDVDVHFRQGDU\WUDFNLQJV\VWHP UniTrak 1 One-Piece GPS Tracking unit )LEHURSWLFDQWLWDPSHUVWUDS 5HOLDEOH86%FKDUJLQJSRUW $FWLYH3DVVLYHRU+\EULGWUDFNLQJ /('OLJKWVDQGYLEUDWLQJPRWRUDOHUWV 5HGXQGDQW5)KRPHPRQLWRULQJRSWLRQ 5XJJHGZDWHUUHVLVWDQWGHVLJQ &RPPXQLFDWLQJYLDZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNV ,QQRYDWLYH(DV\&OLFNGHVLJQIRU 2QERDUGPHPRU\VWRUHV*36SRLQWV VLPSOHLQVWDOODWLRQ +\JLHQLFDQGFRQYHQLHQWGLVSRVDEOH DQGGDWD $)/7&HOOXODU7HFKQRORJ\ VWUDSDQGEDFNSODWH 0RUHWKDQKRXUVRIEDWWHU\OLIH &RPIRUWDEOHDGMXVWDEOH K\SRDOOHUJHQLFVWUDS RF HOME MONITORING GPS TRACKING ALCOHOL MONITORING .,26. VOICE VERIFICATION Page 280 213 ! " #$% & " ! ' % ' " & ( ! #)% ' ' & ' ' " ' &(' ! ! * #$&+' " % ' ! ' ,- !& 0. One-Piece GPS Tracking 6nit Extensivestoreandforwardcapabilityin AdvancedA-GPStechnologyquickensGPS caseofcommunicationoutage locations AFLTtechnologytracksindoorsand GPS-impairedenvironments Touchenclosureformechanicalshockand impactresistance Cut-freestrapinstallationprevents straptampers SuperiorAccuracy 3tamperalerts:strap,deviceandbackplate RF HOME GPS TRACKING Offenderacknowlegementofbeep and ALCOHOL MONITORING vibratealerts KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page 281 214 It’s time to take the guesswork out of alcohol testing. ,QWURGXFLQJ 6HQWLQHO·V QHZHVW DOFRKRO PRQLWRULQJ GHYLFH %$57 %$57 LV D SRUWDEOH OLJKWZHLJKW KDQGKHOG GHYLFH WKDW EULQJV WKH ODWHVW LQ DOFRKRO PRQLWRULQJWHFKQRORJ\WRDJHQFLHVQDWLRQZLGH8QOLNH WUDQVGHUPDOXQLWV%$57LVQRQLQYDVLYHDQGHTXLSSHG ZLWKDGHHSOXQJIXHOFHOOVHQVRUWKDWSURYLGHVUHOLDEOH DQG WUXH %U$& UHDGLQJV WKDW DUH EDVHG RQ GHILQLWLYH GDWD %\ FRPSDULVRQ WDEOHWRS XQLWV GHVLJQHG IRU KRPHXVHDUHODUJHDQGQRWWUDQVSRUWDEOHZKHUH%$ 57 LV VPDOO HQRXJK WR ILW LQ D SXUVH RU SRFNHW7R 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GDPDJHGVWROHQHTXLSPHQW 5HSRUWFUHDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLV &UHDWHVDQGPDLQWDLQVFXVWRPDJHQF\SURILOHV DQGQRWLILFDWLRQSURFHGXUHVEDVHGRQFXVWRPHU UHTXLUHPHQWV $YDLODEOHE\SKRQHHPDLODQGID[IURPDPWR SP3670RQ)UL Page 285 SENTINEL 218 Sentinel’s Integrated Voice Recognition program, VoiceTrak, is the flagship in a suite of innovative Automated Telephonic Solutions. Operating as a high-integrity, PC-based telephony reporting system designed for Community Corrections applications, VoiceTrak gathers and reports curfew and compliance information to program officials. Sentinel’s VoiceTrak solutions are supported by our national Monitoring Center by providing assistance with the enrollment process, reporting systems and customer service assistance (Help Desk). Sentinel’s VoiceTrak captures call-in information and provides it to your Agency for entry into internal system(s), and to record compliance with court-ordered reporting requirements. Sentinel can customize this service for your agency and enhance it with other value added services to improve the success of your program. Our VoiceTrak system uses an approach in which we manage operation of the entire service, including system hardware, software and customer support. Your agency will be responsible only for selecting the offenders, assisting with enrollment, and enforcing any required sanctions for non-compliance. VOICETRAK Automated Telephonic Solutions • Regular, periodic check-ins via • Customized offender reporting • Check-in questions customizable telephone per agency • Web-based enrollment process • Biometric offender identification • Cost effective solution for low-risk offenders • Replaces unreliable mail-in program models RF HOME MONITORING GPS TRACKING • Multilingual availability ALCOHOL MONITORING KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page 286 219 Sentrack Application Interface Created: 23 January 2009 Last Revision: 01 October 2013 Document Number Sentinel-Eng-01232009-01 This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. • • • • • The Information herein shall remain the sole property of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. Nothing contained in this document shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license or otherwise, expressly, implied, or otherwise, for any invention, work of authorship, discovery or improvement hereafter made, conceived, or acquired by use of this document The rights and obligations of the recipient of this document may not be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred without express written permission of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. Receiving Party of this document must use at least the same degree of care to maintain the Confidential Information as Receiving Party uses in maintaining as confidential its own confidential Information, but always at least a reasonable degree of care Receiving Party of this document must restrict disclosure of the Confidential Information of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. solely to those employees of Receiving Party having a need to know such Information Page 287 220 Revision History Version 1.00 1.01 1.02 Date 23JAN2009 29JAN2009 01OCT2013 Author Dr. S. Durana Dr. S. Durana Subin Anthony Description Initial release Add Client Unique Identifier Add SOAP Page 288 221 Chapter 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.5.8 4.6 4.7 5 5.1 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Title Scope Background Communication Mechanism Message Data Fields Client Info Address Court Judge Case Number Offense Info EM Number Months sentenced Days sentenced Fine Amount Court Cost Offense Offense Date Court One Time Fees. Onetime Fee Financial Items Fee Amount Time Stamp Message Data Record Creation SOAP Examples Create Client Record POST Example Create Client Record POST Response Success Example Create Client Record POST Response Failure Example Page 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 13 13 Page 289 222 1 Scope This document establishes the methods and formats necessary to electronically exchange information between Sentinel Offender Services and its clients. 2 Background This document describes the preferred mechanism to electronically exchange information with Sentrack. Electronic interfaces have the following significant benefits: • • • • • • 3 Reduction of errors induced by manual transcription processes Availability of vital data in a timely manner Reduction of staff workloads Greater efficiency of limited resources Higher quality of service to Sentinel serviced courts Facilitation of Kiosks as the mechanism to gather financial payments Communication Mechanism The Sentrack Application Interface uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which is a communications protocol for exchanging inter-linked text documents (hypertext). HTTP, a stateless protocol, permits a client to issue a request to a server which results in a response. The current Sentrack implementation operates with standard eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as the encapsulation format to convey the requests and subsequent responses. The client establishes a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection to a Sentrack host on a predetermined port. Resources to be accessed by HTTP are identified using Uniform Resource Locators (URL) using the HTTPS: security scheme. HTTPS: is a URL scheme syntactically identical to the HTTP: scheme used for normal HTTP connections, but which signals the browser to use an added encryption layer of SSL/TLS to protect the traffic. SSL is especially suited for HTTP since it can provide some protection even if only one side of the communication is authenticated. The POST method defined herein to create data records in Sentrack is idempotent, id est, multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single request. The POST method here is such that sending an identical POST request multiple times will not further affect state or cause further side effects. Page 290 223 4 Message Data Fields 4.1 Client Info The Client Info data set includes basic information about the defendant. Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Home Phone Date of Birth (DOB) Client Unique Identifier Address Condition Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Format Alphanumeric (30) Alphanumeric (20) Alphanumeric (30) NNN-NNN-NNNN, NNNNNNNNNN YYYY-MM-DD Alphanumeric (30) XML DataSet 4.1.1 Address Name Street City State Zip 4.2 Condition Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (50) Alphanumeric (40) Alphanumeric (2) Alphanumeric (10) Court Court is the name of the court wherein the defendant was sentenced. Name Court 4.3 Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (50) Judge Judge is the name of the judge who sentenced the defendant. Name First Name Middle Name Last Name 4.4 Condition Mandatory Optional Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (30) Alphanumeric (20) Alphanumeric (30) Case Number Case Number is a mandatory field which uniquely identifies the case. Name Case Number Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (22) Page 291 224 4.5 Offense Info Offense Info is a data set containing the specific details of each offense associated with a case. 4.5.1 EM Number EM Number is a unique mandatory field which correlates either to the Case or Citation Number. Name EM Number Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) If the Case does not contain multiple offenses, the EM Number is either the Case Number or Citation Number. If the Case contains multiple offenses, the EM Number is one off the following: • • • Case Number and unique suffix, e.g. 1234DR1-1, 1234DR1-2, 1234DR1-3 Unique Citation Number, e.g. 1897501CATL Citation Number and unique suffix e.g. 1897501CATL-1, 1897501CATL-2 4.5.2 Months sentenced Months sentenced is the number of months which must be served for the offense. Name Months Sentenced Condition Optional Format Numeric 4.5.3 Days sentenced Days sentenced is the number of days which must be served for the offense. Name Days Sentenced Condition Optional Format Numeric Months Sentenced, Days Sentenced or Both Months Sentenced and Days Sentenced must be specified. Days Sentenced or Months Sentenced may have a value of zero (0) if not applicable. Page 292 225 For example, legal combinations include: Months Sentenced 0 (Not Present) 1 2 2 Days Sentenced 10 10 10 0 (Not Present) The following examples are not legal: Months Sentenced 0 0 (Not Present) Days Sentenced 0 (Not Present) 0 4.5.4 Fine Amount The Fine Amount is the dollar value of the fine and does not include court costs, fees or surcharges. Name Fine Amount Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents Dollars are separated from cents by period. A two digit cents field is mandatory. Dollar amounts must have a minimum value of ‘0’. 4.5.5 Court Cost The Court Cost is the dollar value of the Court Cost. Name Court Costs Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents 4.5.6 Offense The Offense is the legal description of the offense used by the court for sentencing. Name Offense Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 293 226 4.5.7 Offense Date The Offense Date is the date when the offense was committed. Name Offense Date Condition Optional Format YYYY-MM-DD If the Offense date is not specified, the software shall use the Sentence Date for the Offense Date. 4.5.8 Court One Time Fees Court One Time Fees are non-recurring financial items levied by the court per offense at the time of sentencing. Onetime fee Financial Items Onetime fee Financial Items include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Technology Fee Program Fee Special Condition Fee Extradition Costs Failure To Appear ECADAP Revocation Court Cost VIP Fee CCJ Bench Warrant Fee Jail Construction Fee Attorney Fees Warrant Fee Municipal Court Jail Fee Photo Fee Contempt Fee Misdemeanor Fee Transportation Costs Drug Confirmation Fee Community Service Fee EM Hook-up Fee Translator Fee Name Financial Item Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 294 227 Fee Amount The Fee Amount is the monetary value of the Financial Item. Name Fee Amount 4.6 Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents Time Stamp Time Stamp is the system date and time of the response to any request. Name Time Stamp 4.7 Condition Optional Format Alphanumeric (40) “Fri Jul 21 13:07:14 EDT 2006” Message Message is a textual human readable description that is saved in Client comments section. Name Message Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 295 228 5 Data Record Creation 5.1 SOAP The SOAP Web service exposes the following two methods • ValidateUser: This function is used to obtain a valid session string to be used for further web method calls. POST Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <ValidateUser xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <randomHash>string</randomHash> <userName>string</userName> <hmac>string</hmac> </ValidateUser> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <ValidateUserResponse xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <ValidateUserResult>xml</ValidateUserResult> </ValidateUserResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> Page 296 229 • sosService: This is the method to be called for enrolling new clients. The session string to be used is the valid session obtained by calling the web method described above. The input XML should have the schema as described in the previous section. POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <sosService xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <docId>int</docId> <session>string</session> <xData>string</xData> </sosService> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <sosServiceResponse xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <sosServiceResult>xml</sosServiceResult> </sosServiceResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> Page 297 230 6 Examples 6.1 Create Client Record Input XML Example <ClientRecord> <ClientInfo> <FirstName>David</FirstName> <MiddleName>ATLWS</MiddleName> <LastName>Warner</LastName> <HomePhone></HomePhone> <DOB>06-06-1991</DOB> <ClientUniqueIdentifier>9492516-11CRYT7211TN43</ClientUniqueIdentifier> <Address> <Street>220, Langson Drive</Street> <City>Test City</City> <State>AB</State> <Zip>02345</Zip> </Address> </ClientInfo> <Court>ATLANTA MUNICIPAL COURT</Court> <Judge> <FirstName>GARY</FirstName> <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> <LastName>JACKSON</LastName> </Judge> <CaseNumber>314CRTT027234YT43</CaseNumber> <SentenceDate>06-20-2011</SentenceDate> <OffenseInfo> <EMNumber>1224234994#16T-T-N43</EMNumber> <MonthsSentenced>12</MonthsSentenced> <DaysSentenced>0</DaysSentenced> <FineAmount>150.00</FineAmount> <CourtCosts>0</CourtCosts> <Offense>16-8-14</Offense> <OffenseDate>06-17-2011</OffenseDate> <CourtOneTimeFee> <FinancialItem>FTA</FinancialItem> <FeeAmount>300</FeeAmount> </CourtOneTimeFee> <TimeStamp>2011-09-19T10:12:29</TimeStamp> </OffenseInfo> <OffenseInfo> <EMNumber>1224234994#16T-T-N43</EMNumber> <MonthsSentenced>12</MonthsSentenced> <DaysSentenced>0</DaysSentenced> <FineAmount>150.00</FineAmount> <CourtCosts>0</CourtCosts> <Offense>16-8-14</Offense> <OffenseDate>06-17-2011</OffenseDate> <CourtOneTimeFee> Page 298 231 <FinancialItem>FTA</FinancialItem> <FeeAmount>300</FeeAmount> </CourtOneTimeFee> <TimeStamp>2011-09-19T10:12:29</TimeStamp> </OffenseInfo> <Message></Message> </ClientRecord> 6.2 Create Client Record XML Response Success Example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 17:07:15 GMT Connection: close <sentinel> <result success="1"> <message code="200" text="OK" /> </result> <responsearray> <request refnum="10282364-11TR071021" casenum="11TR071021-1" success="1" message="Client Info added successfully" /> </responsearray> </sentinel> The <result success=”1”> says that the request was processed. It doesn’t say whether the intended action succeeded. The result of the intended action is appended to the “responsearray” element. 6.3 Create Client Record XML Response Failure Example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 17:07:15 GMT Connection: close <sentinel> <result success="1"> <message code="200" text="OK" /> </result> <responsearray> <request refnum="10282364-11TR071021" casenum="11TR071021-1" success="0" message="EM Number already exists " /> </responsearray> </sentinel> The success=”0” in request element, says that the intended action did not succeed. Page 299 232 Examples of other messages that could appear in request element Client First Name is mandatory Client Last Name is mandatory Court Name is mandatory Case Number is mandatory Case Number already exists in the system EM Number is mandatory Client Unique Identifier is mandatory Offense field is mandatory EM Number already exists End of Document Page 300 233 Sentrack Application Interface Created: 23 January 2009 Last Revision: 01 October 2013 Document Number Sentinel-Eng-01232009-01 This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. • • • • • The Information herein shall remain the sole property of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. Nothing contained in this document shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license or otherwise, expressly, implied, or otherwise, for any invention, work of authorship, discovery or improvement hereafter made, conceived, or acquired by use of this document The rights and obligations of the recipient of this document may not be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred without express written permission of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. Receiving Party of this document must use at least the same degree of care to maintain the Confidential Information as Receiving Party uses in maintaining as confidential its own confidential Information, but always at least a reasonable degree of care Receiving Party of this document must restrict disclosure of the Confidential Information of Sentinel Offender Services, LLC. solely to those employees of Receiving Party having a need to know such Information Page 301 234 Revision History Version 1.00 1.01 1.02 Date 23JAN2009 29JAN2009 01OCT2013 Author Dr. S. Durana Dr. S. Durana Subin Anthony Description Initial release Add Client Unique Identifier Add SOAP Page 302 235 Chapter 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.5.8 4.6 4.7 5 5.1 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Title Scope Background Communication Mechanism Message Data Fields Client Info Address Court Judge Case Number Offense Info EM Number Months sentenced Days sentenced Fine Amount Court Cost Offense Offense Date Court One Time Fees. Onetime Fee Financial Items Fee Amount Time Stamp Message Data Record Creation SOAP Examples Create Client Record POST Example Create Client Record POST Response Success Example Create Client Record POST Response Failure Example Page 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 13 13 Page 303 236 1 Scope This document establishes the methods and formats necessary to electronically exchange information between Sentinel Offender Services and its clients. 2 Background This document describes the preferred mechanism to electronically exchange information with Sentrack. Electronic interfaces have the following significant benefits: • • • • • • 3 Reduction of errors induced by manual transcription processes Availability of vital data in a timely manner Reduction of staff workloads Greater efficiency of limited resources Higher quality of service to Sentinel serviced courts Facilitation of Kiosks as the mechanism to gather financial payments Communication Mechanism The Sentrack Application Interface uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which is a communications protocol for exchanging inter-linked text documents (hypertext). HTTP, a stateless protocol, permits a client to issue a request to a server which results in a response. The current Sentrack implementation operates with standard eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as the encapsulation format to convey the requests and subsequent responses. The client establishes a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection to a Sentrack host on a predetermined port. Resources to be accessed by HTTP are identified using Uniform Resource Locators (URL) using the HTTPS: security scheme. HTTPS: is a URL scheme syntactically identical to the HTTP: scheme used for normal HTTP connections, but which signals the browser to use an added encryption layer of SSL/TLS to protect the traffic. SSL is especially suited for HTTP since it can provide some protection even if only one side of the communication is authenticated. The POST method defined herein to create data records in Sentrack is idempotent, id est, multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single request. The POST method here is such that sending an identical POST request multiple times will not further affect state or cause further side effects. Page 304 237 4 Message Data Fields 4.1 Client Info The Client Info data set includes basic information about the defendant. Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Home Phone Date of Birth (DOB) Client Unique Identifier Address Condition Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Format Alphanumeric (30) Alphanumeric (20) Alphanumeric (30) NNN-NNN-NNNN, NNNNNNNNNN YYYY-MM-DD Alphanumeric (30) XML DataSet 4.1.1 Address Name Street City State Zip 4.2 Condition Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (50) Alphanumeric (40) Alphanumeric (2) Alphanumeric (10) Court Court is the name of the court wherein the defendant was sentenced. Name Court 4.3 Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (50) Judge Judge is the name of the judge who sentenced the defendant. Name First Name Middle Name Last Name 4.4 Condition Mandatory Optional Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (30) Alphanumeric (20) Alphanumeric (30) Case Number Case Number is a mandatory field which uniquely identifies the case. Name Case Number Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (22) Page 305 238 4.5 Offense Info Offense Info is a data set containing the specific details of each offense associated with a case. 4.5.1 EM Number EM Number is a unique mandatory field which correlates either to the Case or Citation Number. Name EM Number Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) If the Case does not contain multiple offenses, the EM Number is either the Case Number or Citation Number. If the Case contains multiple offenses, the EM Number is one off the following: • • • Case Number and unique suffix, e.g. 1234DR1-1, 1234DR1-2, 1234DR1-3 Unique Citation Number, e.g. 1897501CATL Citation Number and unique suffix e.g. 1897501CATL-1, 1897501CATL-2 4.5.2 Months sentenced Months sentenced is the number of months which must be served for the offense. Name Months Sentenced Condition Optional Format Numeric 4.5.3 Days sentenced Days sentenced is the number of days which must be served for the offense. Name Days Sentenced Condition Optional Format Numeric Months Sentenced, Days Sentenced or Both Months Sentenced and Days Sentenced must be specified. Days Sentenced or Months Sentenced may have a value of zero (0) if not applicable. Page 306 239 For example, legal combinations include: Months Sentenced 0 (Not Present) 1 2 2 Days Sentenced 10 10 10 0 (Not Present) The following examples are not legal: Months Sentenced 0 0 (Not Present) Days Sentenced 0 (Not Present) 0 4.5.4 Fine Amount The Fine Amount is the dollar value of the fine and does not include court costs, fees or surcharges. Name Fine Amount Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents Dollars are separated from cents by period. A two digit cents field is mandatory. Dollar amounts must have a minimum value of ‘0’. 4.5.5 Court Cost The Court Cost is the dollar value of the Court Cost. Name Court Costs Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents 4.5.6 Offense The Offense is the legal description of the offense used by the court for sentencing. Name Offense Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 307 240 4.5.7 Offense Date The Offense Date is the date when the offense was committed. Name Offense Date Condition Optional Format YYYY-MM-DD If the Offense date is not specified, the software shall use the Sentence Date for the Offense Date. 4.5.8 Court One Time Fees Court One Time Fees are non-recurring financial items levied by the court per offense at the time of sentencing. Onetime fee Financial Items Onetime fee Financial Items include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Technology Fee Program Fee Special Condition Fee Extradition Costs Failure To Appear ECADAP Revocation Court Cost VIP Fee CCJ Bench Warrant Fee Jail Construction Fee Attorney Fees Warrant Fee Municipal Court Jail Fee Photo Fee Contempt Fee Misdemeanor Fee Transportation Costs Drug Confirmation Fee Community Service Fee EM Hook-up Fee Translator Fee Name Financial Item Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 308 241 Fee Amount The Fee Amount is the monetary value of the Financial Item. Name Fee Amount 4.6 Condition Mandatory Format Dollars and Cents Time Stamp Time Stamp is the system date and time of the response to any request. Name Time Stamp 4.7 Condition Optional Format Alphanumeric (40) “Fri Jul 21 13:07:14 EDT 2006” Message Message is a textual human readable description that is saved in Client comments section. Name Message Condition Mandatory Format Alphanumeric (40) Page 309 242 5 Data Record Creation 5.1 SOAP The SOAP Web service exposes the following two methods • ValidateUser: This function is used to obtain a valid session string to be used for further web method calls. POST Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <ValidateUser xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <randomHash>string</randomHash> <userName>string</userName> <hmac>string</hmac> </ValidateUser> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <ValidateUserResponse xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <ValidateUserResult>xml</ValidateUserResult> </ValidateUserResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> Page 310 243 • sosService: This is the method to be called for enrolling new clients. The session string to be used is the valid session obtained by calling the web method described above. The input XML should have the schema as described in the previous section. POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <sosService xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <docId>int</docId> <session>string</session> <xData>string</xData> </sosService> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soapenvelope"> <soap12:Body> <sosServiceResponse xmlns="http://sentrack.net/services"> <sosServiceResult>xml</sosServiceResult> </sosServiceResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> Page 311 244 6 Examples 6.1 Create Client Record Input XML Example <ClientRecord> <ClientInfo> <FirstName>David</FirstName> <MiddleName>ATLWS</MiddleName> <LastName>Warner</LastName> <HomePhone></HomePhone> <DOB>06-06-1991</DOB> <ClientUniqueIdentifier>9492516-11CRYT7211TN43</ClientUniqueIdentifier> <Address> <Street>220, Langson Drive</Street> <City>Test City</City> <State>AB</State> <Zip>02345</Zip> </Address> </ClientInfo> <Court>ATLANTA MUNICIPAL COURT</Court> <Judge> <FirstName>GARY</FirstName> <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> <LastName>JACKSON</LastName> </Judge> <CaseNumber>314CRTT027234YT43</CaseNumber> <SentenceDate>06-20-2011</SentenceDate> <OffenseInfo> <EMNumber>1224234994#16T-T-N43</EMNumber> <MonthsSentenced>12</MonthsSentenced> <DaysSentenced>0</DaysSentenced> <FineAmount>150.00</FineAmount> <CourtCosts>0</CourtCosts> <Offense>16-8-14</Offense> <OffenseDate>06-17-2011</OffenseDate> <CourtOneTimeFee> <FinancialItem>FTA</FinancialItem> <FeeAmount>300</FeeAmount> </CourtOneTimeFee> <TimeStamp>2011-09-19T10:12:29</TimeStamp> </OffenseInfo> <OffenseInfo> <EMNumber>1224234994#16T-T-N43</EMNumber> <MonthsSentenced>12</MonthsSentenced> <DaysSentenced>0</DaysSentenced> <FineAmount>150.00</FineAmount> <CourtCosts>0</CourtCosts> <Offense>16-8-14</Offense> <OffenseDate>06-17-2011</OffenseDate> <CourtOneTimeFee> Page 312 245 <FinancialItem>FTA</FinancialItem> <FeeAmount>300</FeeAmount> </CourtOneTimeFee> <TimeStamp>2011-09-19T10:12:29</TimeStamp> </OffenseInfo> <Message></Message> </ClientRecord> 6.2 Create Client Record XML Response Success Example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 17:07:15 GMT Connection: close <sentinel> <result success="1"> <message code="200" text="OK" /> </result> <responsearray> <request refnum="10282364-11TR071021" casenum="11TR071021-1" success="1" message="Client Info added successfully" /> </responsearray> </sentinel> The <result success=”1”> says that the request was processed. It doesn’t say whether the intended action succeeded. The result of the intended action is appended to the “responsearray” element. 6.3 Create Client Record XML Response Failure Example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 17:07:15 GMT Connection: close <sentinel> <result success="1"> <message code="200" text="OK" /> </result> <responsearray> <request refnum="10282364-11TR071021" casenum="11TR071021-1" success="0" message="EM Number already exists " /> </responsearray> </sentinel> The success=”0” in request element, says that the intended action did not succeed. Page 313 246 Examples of other messages that could appear in request element Client First Name is mandatory Client Last Name is mandatory Court Name is mandatory Case Number is mandatory Case Number already exists in the system EM Number is mandatory Client Unique Identifier is mandatory Offense field is mandatory EM Number already exists End of Document Page 314 247 Sentinel’s RF Patrol electronic monitoring system is one of the most reliable electronic home monitoring units available. Currently in use across the United States as well as internationally, the two piece system is comprised of a non-removable ankle transmitter and a home monitoring unit that communicate with each other to monitor the presence of the participant within the residence. Developed and designed with several key performance features, the RF Patrol unit has been proven in service and is currently in use by hundreds of agencies across the country. Transmitter features include fiber-optic strap security, dual transmission capability, builtin battery and water SFTJTUBOU.The home monitoring unit is available in landline or cellular models and can monitor multiple ankle transmitters, making it an ideal solution for supervising participants at halfway homes and/or group living areas. RF PATROL TRANSMITTER KEY FEATURES HOME MONITORING UNIT KEY FEATURES Small, ankle-worn transmitter Front panel LCD WaterSFTJTUBOU Built-in back-up battery Built-in battery Non-volatile memory Fiber-optic strap for increased security Anti-tamper security technology Hypoallergenic design Available in landline and cellular models RF HOME MONITORING Trak Series 102313 GPS TRACKING ALCOHOL MONITORING KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page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´KRXVH DUUHVWµ PRQLWRULQJ RI WKH *36 WUDFNHG SDUWLFLSDQW ZKLOH DW WKHLU UHVLGHQFH 7KLV VHUYLFH HOLPLQDWHV FRPPRQ LVVXHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK *36 WUDFNLQJ LQFOXGLQJ GULIW SRLQWV ZKLOH D SDUWLFLSDQWLVDWKRPHDQGWKHPDQGDWRU\XVHRIKRPH]RQHVZKHQXVHGZLWKRXU3ODWLQXP+RPH 8QLW,QWKHHYHQWWKDWWKH*36UHFHSWLRQLVOHVVWKDQRSWLPDORXU8QL7UDNGHYLFHLVHTXLSSHGZLWK $GYDQFHG)RUZDUG/LQN7ULODWHUDWLRQ$)/7ZKLFKVHUYHVDVDVHFRQGDU\WUDFNLQJV\VWHP UniTrak 1 One-Piece GPS Tracking unit )LEHURSWLFDQWLWDPSHUVWUDS 5HOLDEOH86%FKDUJLQJSRUW $FWLYH3DVVLYHRU+\EULGWUDFNLQJ /('OLJKWVDQGYLEUDWLQJPRWRUDOHUWV 5HGXQGDQW5)KRPHPRQLWRULQJRSWLRQ 5XJJHGZDWHUUHVLVWDQWGHVLJQ &RPPXQLFDWLQJYLDZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNV ,QQRYDWLYH(DV\&OLFNGHVLJQIRU 2QERDUGPHPRU\VWRUHV*36SRLQWV VLPSOHLQVWDOODWLRQ +\JLHQLFDQGFRQYHQLHQWGLVSRVDEOH DQGGDWD $)/7&HOOXODU7HFKQRORJ\ VWUDSDQGEDFNSODWH 0RUHWKDQKRXUVRIEDWWHU\OLIH &RPIRUWDEOHDGMXVWDEOH K\SRDOOHUJHQLFVWUDS RF HOME MONITORING GPS TRACKING ALCOHOL MONITORING .,26. VOICE VERIFICATION Page 316 249 ! " #$% & " ! ' % ' " & ( ! #)% ' ' & ' ' " ' &(' ! ! * #$&+' " % ' ! ' ,- !& 0. One-Piece GPS Tracking 6nit Extensivestoreandforwardcapabilityin AdvancedA-GPStechnologyquickensGPS caseofcommunicationoutage locations AFLTtechnologytracksindoorsand GPS-impairedenvironments Touchenclosureformechanicalshockand impactresistance Cut-freestrapinstallationprevents straptampers SuperiorAccuracy 3tamperalerts:strap,deviceandbackplate RF HOME GPS TRACKING Offenderacknowlegementofbeep and ALCOHOL MONITORING vibratealerts KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page 317 250 It’s time to take the guesswork out of alcohol testing. ,QWURGXFLQJ 6HQWLQHO·V QHZHVW DOFRKRO PRQLWRULQJ GHYLFH %$57 %$57 LV D SRUWDEOH OLJKWZHLJKW KDQGKHOG GHYLFH WKDW EULQJV WKH ODWHVW LQ DOFRKRO PRQLWRULQJWHFKQRORJ\WRDJHQFLHVQDWLRQZLGH8QOLNH WUDQVGHUPDOXQLWV%$57LVQRQLQYDVLYHDQGHTXLSSHG ZLWKDGHHSOXQJIXHOFHOOVHQVRUWKDWSURYLGHVUHOLDEOH DQG WUXH %U$& UHDGLQJV WKDW DUH EDVHG RQ GHILQLWLYH GDWD %\ FRPSDULVRQ WDEOHWRS XQLWV GHVLJQHG IRU KRPHXVHDUHODUJHDQGQRWWUDQVSRUWDEOHZKHUH%$ 57 LV VPDOO HQRXJK WR ILW LQ D SXUVH RU SRFNHW7R 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GDPDJHGVWROHQHTXLSPHQW 5HSRUWFUHDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLV &UHDWHVDQGPDLQWDLQVFXVWRPDJHQF\SURILOHV DQGQRWLILFDWLRQSURFHGXUHVEDVHGRQFXVWRPHU UHTXLUHPHQWV $YDLODEOHE\SKRQHHPDLODQGID[IURPDPWR SP3670RQ)UL Page 321 SENTINEL 254 Sentinel’s Integrated Voice Recognition program, VoiceTrak, is the flagship in a suite of innovative Automated Telephonic Solutions. Operating as a high-integrity, PC-based telephony reporting system designed for Community Corrections applications, VoiceTrak gathers and reports curfew and compliance information to program officials. Sentinel’s VoiceTrak solutions are supported by our national Monitoring Center by providing assistance with the enrollment process, reporting systems and customer service assistance (Help Desk). Sentinel’s VoiceTrak captures call-in information and provides it to your Agency for entry into internal system(s), and to record compliance with court-ordered reporting requirements. Sentinel can customize this service for your agency and enhance it with other value added services to improve the success of your program. Our VoiceTrak system uses an approach in which we manage operation of the entire service, including system hardware, software and customer support. Your agency will be responsible only for selecting the offenders, assisting with enrollment, and enforcing any required sanctions for non-compliance. VOICETRAK Automated Telephonic Solutions • Regular, periodic check-ins via • Customized offender reporting • Check-in questions customizable telephone per agency • Web-based enrollment process • Biometric offender identification • Cost effective solution for low-risk offenders • Replaces unreliable mail-in program models RF HOME MONITORING GPS TRACKING • Multilingual availability ALCOHOL MONITORING KIOSK VOICE VERIFICATION Page 322 255 Page 323 256 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Sentinel Offender Services (SOS) is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with antidiscrimination law, it is the purpose of this policy to effectuate these principles and mandates. SOS prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and affords equal employment opportunities to employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetic information. SOS conforms to the spirit as well as to the letter of all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, SOS will take action to employ, advance in employment and treat qualified Vietnam-era veterans and disabled veterans without discrimination in all employment practices. Scope The policy of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination applies to all aspects of the relationship between SOS and its employees, including: Recruitment Employment Promotion Transfer Training Working conditions Wages and salary administration Employee benefits and application of policies The policies and principles of EEO also apply to the selection and treatment of independent contractors, personnel working on our premises who are employed by temporary agencies and any other persons or firms doing business for or with SOS. Dissemination and Implementation of Policy The officers of SOS will be responsible for the dissemination of this policy. Directors, managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing equal employment practices within each department. The HR department is responsible for overall compliance and will maintain personnel records in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Procedures SOS administers our EEO policy fairly and consistently by: Posting all required notices regarding employee rights under EEO laws in areas highly visible to employees. Advertising for job openings with the statement “An Equal Opportunity Employer” Posting all required job openings with the appropriate state agencies. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 1 Page 324 257 Forbidding retaliation against any individual who files a charge of discrimination, opposes a practice believed to be unlawful discrimination, reports harassment, or assists, testifies or participates in an EEO agency proceeding. Requires employees to report to a member of management, an HR representative or the general counsel any apparent discrimination or harassment. The report should be made within 48 hours of the incident. Promptly notifies the general counsel of all incidents or reports of discrimination or harassment and takes other appropriate measures to resolve the situation. Harassment Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination and violates SOS policy. Prohibited sexual harassment, for example, is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. SOS encourages employees to report all incidents of harassment to a member of management or the HR department. SOS conducts harassment prevention training for all employees, and maintains and enforces a separate policy on harassment prevention, complaint procedures and penalties for violations. SOS investigates all complaints of harassment promptly and fairly, and, when appropriate, takes immediate corrective action to stop the harassment and prevent it from recurring. Remedies Violations of this policy, regardless of whether an actual law has been violated, will not be tolerated. SOS will promptly, thoroughly and fairly investigate every issue that is brought to its attention in this area and will take disciplinary action, when appropriate, up to and including termination of employment. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 2 Page 325 258 Sentinel Offender Services, LLC (SOS) Affirmative Action Policy Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Religion or National Origin It is the policy of SOS, LLC to take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, without regard to their religion or national origin. Such action includes, but is not limited to the following employment practices: hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training. Employment practices have been reviewed to determine whether members of the various religions and/or ethnic groups are receiving fair consideration for job opportunities. 1. The policy concerning SOS’s obligation to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin is communicated to all employees via employee handbooks, policy statement and the Affirmative Action Policy. 2. Internal procedures have been developed in this policy to insure that SOS’s obligation to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin is being fully implemented. 3. Employees are informed at least annually of SOS’s commitment to equal employment opportunity for all persons, without regard to religion or national origin. 4. Recruiting sources have been informed of our commitment to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin. 5. Employment records of all employees are reviewed to determine the availability of promotable and transferable employees. 6. Contacts with religious and ethnic organizations will be made for purposes of advice, education, technical assistance and referral of potential employees as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this policy. 7. SOS engages in recruitment activities at educational institutions with substantial enrollments of students from various ethnic and religious groups. Reasonable accommodations to the religious observances and practices of employees or prospective employees will be made, unless doing so would result in undue hardship. In determining whether undue hardship exists, factors such as the cost to the company and the impact on the rights of other employees. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 3 Page 326 259 Policy Statement - Equal Employment Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities and Protected Veterans It is the policy of Contractor, (SOS) not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because he or she is an individual with a disability or a protected veteran, (i.e., disabled veteran, Armed Forces service medal veteran, recently separated veteran, or other veteran who served during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized). It is also the policy of SOS to take affirmative action to employ and to advance in employment, all persons regardless of their status as individuals with disabilities or protected veterans, and to base all employment decisions only on valid job requirements. This policy shall apply to all employment actions, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, recall, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship, at all levels of employment. Employees and applicants of SOS will not be subject to harassment on the basis of disability or status as a protected veteran. Additionally, retaliation, including intimidation, threats, or coercion, because an employee or applicant has objected to discrimination, engaged or may engage in filing a complaint, assisted in a review, investigation, or hearing or have otherwise sought to obtain their legal rights under any Federal, State, or local EEO law regarding individuals with disabilities or protected veterans is prohibited. As CEO of SOS, I am committed to the principles of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity. In order to ensure dissemination and implementation of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action throughout all levels of the company, I have selected the Human Resources Director as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Manager for SOS. One of the Human Resources Director’s duties will be to establish and maintain an internal audit and reporting system to allow for effective measurement of SOS’s policy. In furtherance of SOS’s policy regarding Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity, SOS has developed a written Affirmative Action Policy which sets forth the policies, practices and procedures that SOS is committed to in order to ensure that its policy of nondiscrimination and affirmative action for qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified protected veterans is accomplished. This Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment upon request, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact the Human Resources Director at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Robert A. Contestabile, CEO Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 4 Page 327 260 Review of Personnel Processes SOS reviews annually its personnel processes to determine whether its present procedures assure careful, thorough and systematic consideration of the qualifications of known individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. This review covers all procedures related to the filling of job vacancies either by hire or by promotion, as well as all training opportunities offered or made available to employees. In determining the qualifications of veterans, SOS limits its consideration of a protected veteran’s military record, including discharge papers, to only that portion of the record, which is relevant to the specific job qualifications for which the veteran is being considered. Based upon SOS’s review of its personnel processes, SOS will modify the personnel processes when necessary, and will include the development of new procedures in this Affirmative Action Policy to ensure equal employment opportunity. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 5 Page 328 261 Review of Physical and Mental Job Qualification Standards SOS will continue to review physical and mental job qualification requirements whenever a job is vacated and the company intends to fill it through either hiring or promotion and will conduct a qualifications review whenever job duties change. No pre-employment physical examinations or questionnaires are used by SOS’s hiring process. If at any time in the future, SOS should inquire into an employee’s physical or mental condition or should conduct a medical examination, SOS affirms that such inquiries or exams will be conducted in accordance with the Section 503 regulations and that information obtained as a result of the inquiry or exam will be kept confidential, except as otherwise provided for in the Section 503 regulations. The results of the examination or inquiry will only be used in accordance with the Section 503 Regulations. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 6 Page 329 262 Reasonable Accommodation to Limitations Due to Disability SOS commits to making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified disabled veterans, unless such accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the conduct of its business. SOS also commits to engaging in an interactive process with the person requesting the accommodation (or their representative), as needed, to determine an appropriate accommodation. Undue hardship will be determined by assessing whether the requested accommodation would cause significant difficulty or expense, as provided for in the Section 503 regulations. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 7 Page 330 263 Harassment Prevention and Prohibition against Retaliation Employees and applicants of SOS will not be subject to harassment because of disability or their status as a protected veteran. If an employee or applicant believes that he/she has been subject to harassment, he/she may file a complaint with the Human Resources office. Any employee or applicant who believes that they have been subject to harassment because of their disability or status as a protected veteran should promptly contact a manager in their chain of command, or promptly contact the Human Resources at 949-4531550 for assistance. Retaliation, including intimidation, threat, or coercion, against an employee or applicant because they have objected to discrimination, engaged or may engage in filing a complaint, assisted in a review, investigation, or hearing or have otherwise sought to obtain their legal rights under any Federal, State, or local EEO law regarding individuals with disabilities or protected veterans is prohibited. Any employee or applicant who believes that they have been subject to retaliation because of their disability or status as a protected veteran should contact the Human Resources at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 8 Page 331 264 Internal Dissemination of Policy Copies of our affirmative action policy will be made available for inspection to any employee or applicant upon request to promote understanding, acceptance and support. Policies are re-emphasized to managers and supervisors annually. SOS’s Affirmative Action policy and the EEO poster are posted on bulletin boards located throughout our facilities and office work areas. All applicants have been invited to identify themselves as an individual with a disability, as defined in Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and/or as a protected veteran under the equal employment opportunity provisions of the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, if they wish to benefit under this affirmative action policy. Such invitation has been posted on bulletin boards throughout the facility and work areas. Employees may self-identify at anytime. All employees are advised annually of the company’s policy and encouraged to aid in SOS’s affirmative action efforts to ensure a fair and effective policy. Briefing sessions are conducted annually for managers and supervisors to review the applicable regulations and to discuss such affirmative action measures as training and reasonable accommodation. When making internal Equal Opportunity audits, implementation of this affirmative action policy will be reviewed. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 9 Page 332 265 Audit and Reporting Systems The Human Resources Director has the responsibility for developing and preparing the formal documents of the AAP and EEO. The Human Resources Director is responsible for the effective implementation of the AAP; however, responsibility is likewise vested with each department manager and supervisor. SOS’s audit and reporting system is designed to: • Measure the effectiveness of the AAP/EEO policy; • Document personnel activities; • Identify problem areas where remedial action is needed; and • Determine the degree to which SOS’s AAP goals and objectives have been obtained. The following activities are reviewed at least annually to ensure freedom from discrimination or stereotyping of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans in any manner, including that which may limit their access to any job for which they are qualified: • Recruitment, advertising, and job application procedures; • Hiring, promotion, upgrading, award of tenure, layoff, recall from layoff; • Rates of pay and any other forms of compensation including fringe benefits; • Job assignments, job classifications, job descriptions, and seniority lists; • Sick leave, leaves or absence, or any other leave; • Training, apprenticeships, attendance at professional meetings and conferences; and • Any other term, condition, or privilege of employment. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 10 Page 333 266 Responsibility for Implementation of AAP Responsibilities of the Equal Employment Opportunity Manager In furtherance of SOS’s commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, the Human Resources Director has the responsibility for designing and ensuring effective implementation of SOS’s AAP. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. The development of the AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, policy statements, personnel policies and procedures, internal and external communication of the policy, and monitoring the effectiveness of these actions; 2. Reviewing all personnel actions, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with SOS’s affirmative action obligations; 3. Reviewing the qualifications of all applicants and employees to ensure qualified individuals are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner when hiring, promotion, transfer and termination actions occur; 4. Assisting in the identification of problem areas and the development of solutions to those problems; 5. Monitoring the effectiveness of the policy on a continuing basis through the development and implementation of an internal audit- and reporting-system that measures the effectiveness of the policy; 6. Keeping the CEO of SOS informed of equal opportunity progress and problems within the company through quarterly reports; 7. Reviewing the company’s AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans with all managers and supervisors at all levels to ensure that the policy is understood and is followed in all personnel activities; 8. Auditing the contents of company bulletin boards annually to ensure that compliance information is posted and is up-to-date; 9. Serving as liaison between SOS and enforcement agencies; and 10. Serving as liaison between SOS and organizations for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 11 Page 334 267 Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors Managers and supervisors are advised annually of their responsibilities under the company’s AAP for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans and of their obligations to: 1. Review the company’s Affirmative Action policy for individuals with disabilities and protected veterans with subordinate managers and supervisors to ensure that they are aware of the policy and understand their obligation to comply with it in all personnel actions; 2. Assist in the identification of problem areas, formulate solutions, and establish departmental goals and objectives when necessary; 3. Review the qualifications of all applicants and employees to ensure qualified individuals are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner when hire, promotion, transfer, and termination actions occur; and 4. Review all employees’ performance to ensure that nondiscrimination is adhered to in all personnel activities. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 12 Page 335 268 Training to Ensure AAP Implementation Training is provided to all personnel involved in the recruitment, screening, hiring, promotion, disciplinary and related employment processes, to ensure that the commitments made in SOS’s AAP are implemented. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 13 Page 336 269 Invitation to Self-Identify for Protected Veterans 1. SOS, LLC is a Government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, (VEVRAA) which requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance veterans in employment. VEVRAA prohibits discrimination and requires affirmative action in all personnel practices regarding protected veterans. The statute covers disabled veterans, Armed Forces service medal veterans, recently separated veterans, and other veterans who served during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized. 2. An invitation to veterans: If you are a recently separated veteran, other protected veteran, or Armed Forced service medal veteran, we would like to include you under our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. The term “recently separated veteran” refers to any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran’s discharge or release from active duty. The term “other protected veteran” refers to a person who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized, under laws administered by the Department of Defense. The term “Armed Forces service medal veteran” refers to any person who, while serving on active duty in the Armed Forces, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985 (62 FR 1209).4 An invitation to disabled veterans only: If you are a disabled veteran, we would like to include you in our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making any necessary accommodations for your disability. The term "disabled veteran" refers to a veteran who is entitled to compensation (or who, but for the receipt of military retired pay, would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Defense, or was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. An invitation to both: If you are a disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, other protected veteran, or Armed Forces service medal veteran, we would like to include you under our affirmative action policy. If you would like to be included under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. 1. You may inform us of your desire to benefit under the policy at this time and/or at any time in the future. 2. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 14 Page 337 270 3. The information you submit will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of disabled veterans, and regarding necessary accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if you have a condition that might require emergency treatment; and (iii) Government officials engaged in enforcing laws administered by OFCCP, or enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, may be informed. 4. A written copy of this Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact Human Resources Director at 949-453-1550 for assistance. 5. If you are a disabled veteran it would assist us if you tell us about (i) any special methods, skills, and procedures that qualify you for positions that you might not otherwise be able to do because of your disability so that you will be considered for any positions of that kind, and (ii) any accommodations that we could make that would enable you to perform the job, including special equipment, changes in the physical layout of the job, elimination of certain duties relating to the job, provision of personal assistance services or other accommodations. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making accommodations for your disability. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 15 Page 338 271 Invitation to Self-Identify for Individuals with Disabilities 1. SOS is a Government contractor subject to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities. 2. If you have a disability and would like to be considered under the affirmative action policy, please tell us. 3. You may inform us of your desire to benefit under the policy at this time and/or at any time in the future. This information will assist us in placing you in an appropriate position and in making any necessary accommodations for your disability. 4. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act. 5. Information you submit about your disability will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of qualified individuals with disabilities, and regarding necessary accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if the condition might require emergency treatment; and (iii) government officials engaged in enforcing laws administered by OFCCP or the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, may be informed. 6. If you are a qualified individual with a disability, we would like to include you under the affirmative action policy. It would assist us if you tell us about (i) any special methods, skills, and procedures that qualify you for positions that you might not otherwise be able to do because of your disability so that you will be considered for any positions of that kind, and (ii) any needed accommodations that would enable you to perform the essential functions of the job, including special equipment, changes in the physical layout of the job, elimination of marginal job duties, provision of personal assistance services or other accommodations. 7. A written copy of this Affirmative Action Policy is available for inspection by any employee or applicant for employment, during normal business hours, in the Human Resources Department. Interested persons should contact the Human Resources at 949-453-1550 for assistance. Sentinel Offender Services Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Version 2015 Page 16 Page 339 ITB NO: _______________________________________ BIDDER NAME: ____________________________________ Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Instructions Bidders submitting bids to provide construction services to Hillsborough County will be evaluated on their compliance with Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise (DM/DWBE) participation goals as established by the program. If the dollar value goals for DM/DWBE participation on a project have not been met, the bidders will be required to complete the following form to document their Good Faith Efforts (GFE) in obtaining DM/DWBE participation. The three lowest bidders submitting on a project, who fail to meet the DM/DWBE contract goal, must complete this form to document all good faith efforts that were expended prior to the bid opening. There is a total of 1260 available points. In order to meet good faith efforts, a bidder must obtain at least seventy percent (70%) or 882 points. The bidder must show that they took all necessary and reasonable steps to achieve the DM/DWBE goal. When negotiating in good faith with interested DM/DWBEs, it is the bidder’s responsibility to select economically feasible portions of work available to DM/DWBE subcontractors, so as to facilitate designated DM/DWBE participation. Bidders using good faith efforts should consider a number of factors when negotiating with DM/DWBE subcontractors and should take a firm’s price and capabilities as well as contract goals into consideration. Scoring Details/Instructions Part A – Solicitation: Five (5) Points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed in Part A. A copy of the solicitation, whether email or fax must include documentation of who the solicitation was sent to, their receipt of the solicitation, or returned as invalid in order to be awarded points in this section. An additional three (3) bonus points may be awarded for those businesses that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 150 bonus points plus 90 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 240 points. Part B – Follow-Up: Twenty-five (25) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed that includes all follow-up documentation. In order to receive full points in this section, submitted documentation must consist of confirmation emails, phone logs, written negotiation documentation, etc. Submitting a copy of a mass email or phone log will not be viewed as acceptable unless it includes specific details for each subcontractor listed. Nine (9) bonus points will be given for those businesses that will be utilized on the project and are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 500 points may be earned with a possible 180 bonus points, totaling 680 points. Part C: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for attending the pre bid conference, total points will be awarded depending on which of the senior leadership attend. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part D: Ten (10) points maximum may be awarded for providing appropriate access to full sets of plans and specifications of the specific sections of this project to subcontractors and/or suppliers. A maximum of ten (10) points may be received in this section. Part E: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for advertising subcontracting opportunities in a Minority or Trade Paper. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part F: Twenty (20) points maximum may be awarded for contacting the Economic Development Department’s Small/Minority Business staff for assistance. Documentation of how contact was made and the outcome of the assistance provided by staff must be submitted in order to receive points in this section. Points will not be awarded for simply calling the office or help accessing the PRISM website. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. Part G: Fifteen (15) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed in part G. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 125 points may be received in this section. Part H: Fifteen (15) Points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 125 points may be received in this section. Part I: Twenty (20) points may be awarded for indicating assistance provided to DM/DWBE business in obtaining bonding, insurance and/or lines of credit. Page 7: The affirmation page must be signed and dated in order to be admissible. Page 8: Extra space has been provided for any additional information required or additional information you may wish to submit. Failure to fully and clearly complete this form and attach all supporting documentation may result in rejection of the bid. ER-15 Page 340 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort Determination Form Points you may receive for the GFE are shown below. Bidders will be deemed in compliance, if an overall score of 882 points is achieved. In order to receive points, you must provide all supporting documentation, labeled clearly (Part A, B, etc.). Scoring will be determined by Hillsborough County Small/Minority Business Staff. PLEASE NOTE: DM/DWBE businesses who have graduated from the Hillsborough County DM/DWBE Program, who have been denied certification by Hillsborough County, or who have already received reciprocal certification and it has expired, are not eligible for consideration in subcontracting activities. Part A. Solicitation. The bidder must provide the name of the DM/DWBE businesses that the bidder has solicited for use as a subcontractor on this project. Points will be awarded for up to thirty (30) businesses; however, you may list as many as you wish. Five (5) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional three (3) bonus points may be awarded for those businesses that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 150 Points plus (90 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 240 Points. a. Name of DM/DWBE Business (to receive points, fill in information for each column a-f)* b. Subcontracting Activity Description (project specific) c. Phone No. (###) ###-#### d. Name of Certifying Agency (if Hillsborough County 3 bonus points) ** e. Certification Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy)** f. How was notice submitted to the DM/DWBE (i.e. email, mail, fax, or other written documentation.)?* mass email or faxes will only count if documentation is included that shows that the email and faxes were received or not received. If they were not received unless phone calls or other means of notification was made they will not count toward GFE (Additional space provided on Page 7). 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. *You MUST provide all detailed supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. In order to receive points, documentation MUST have been submitted to potential DM/DWBE’s at least ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. ER-16 Page 341 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part A. (continued) a. Name of DM/DWBE (to receive points, fill in information for each column a-f)* b. Subcontracting Activity Description(project specific) c. Phone No. (###) ###-#### d. Name of Certifying Agency (if Hillsborough County (3) bonus points)** e. Certification Expiration Date (mm/dd/yy)** f. How was notice submitted to the DM/DWBE (i.e. email, mail, fax, or other written documentation)?* .)?* mass email or faxes will only count if documentation is included that shows that the email and faxes were received or not received. If they were not received unless phone calls or other means of notification was made they will not count toward GFE (Additional space provided on Page 7). 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. *You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. In order to receive points, documentation MUST have been submitted to potential DM/DWBEs at least ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. ER-17 Page 342 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part B. Follow-Up. Please list DM/DWBE businesses that provided a response to your solicitation for this project by Subcontracting Activity Descriptions. In the Subcontracting Activity Description column, please describe the specific component of the contract. Points will be awarded for up to twenty (20) businesses; however, you may list as many subcontractors as you wish. A maximum of twenty-five (25) points will be awarded for each DM/DWBE listed that includes all supporting documentation, i.e., confirmation email, phone log, negotiation documentation. You MUST include the appropriate documentation for each subcontractor in order to receive points. Nine (9) bonus points will be given for those businesses who will be utilized on this project and that are currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of 500 points plus 180 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 680 points. e. Followed-up and g. If no to e, provide reason for c. Provide name negotiated with rejection of follow-up, bid or no of Certifying DM/DWBE prior to bid from Sub-Contractor** Did a. Name of DM/DWBE Business & Agency (if bid?** Yes or No they not return repeated phone Hillsborough b. Subcontracting Activity Person that Responded. Provide detailed d. Date of Initial f. Accept Bid calls or individual emails. Price County (9) bonus Description(project specific) Must fill in ALL information for each Date/Documentation Response Yes or No was to high after negotiation, they points)** column a-g to receive 25 Points. of the various forms of were not available. Be specific for follow-up and each one individually to receive negotiation used, if the 25 points. yes 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. *You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-g. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. Page 343 ER-18 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part C. Pre-bid Conference Participation. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be awarded for attending the County’s pre bid conference. The total number of points awarded will depend upon which senior leadership attended. Which senior leadership, employed by the Bidder and who can interface with the DM/DWBE, attended the Pre-bid conference? Check one box per person, but check all who attended. (Provide a copy of Pre-bid Conference Sign-in Sheet with your company’s attendees highlighted). Part D. Availability of Details, Plans and Specifications. A maximum of ten (10) points may be awarded for providing appropriate access to full sets of plans, specifications and specific sections of this project to subcontractors and/or suppliers. A maximum of ten (10) points may be received in this section. How did Bidder provide access to full sets of plans, specifications and specific sections for this project to Subcontractors and suppliers? Check boxes for all methods that were used. 1. Owner/Corporate Officer (10 points) 1. 2. Sr. Estimator (5 points) 2. Made available at Bidder’s Office (2 points) 3. Project Manager (5 points) 3. Faxed, emailed or mailed specific sections to Subcontractors and/or suppliers (attach copy of documented notice) (7 points) Directed to local plans room (1 point) Part E. Name of Trade or Minority Focused Paper Advertised (20) Points may be awarded for publishing a notice of solicitation for subcontractor opportunities in minority focus print media and/or minority trade organizations. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. a. Name of Minority Focus Print Media or Minority Trade Organization. To receive points must fill in information for each column a-b b. Date Ad Ran (mm/dd/yy) *Must provide copy of ad(s) 1. 2. Part F. Contacted Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff for assistance. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be awarded for contacting the Economic Development’s Small Minority Business Staff for assistance. Documentation as outlined in the instructions will be the basis for awarding points. Points will not be awarded for simply contacting staff or help with accessing the PRISM website. 20 Points Available 1. By telephone or in writing? Yes (20 points) No (0 points) Provide the date and name of the Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff contacted and the assistance they provided. Describe the outcome that resulted from your contact with the Economic Development’s Small Minority Business staff. The Economic Development Department’s Small/ Minority Business staff should be contacted at least five (5) working days prior to bid opening. (The section below must be completed in order to receive the possible twenty (20) points for Part F). Staff Name: _________________________________________________________ Describe assistance provided by Economic Development’s Small/Minority Business staff: Date Contacted: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the outcome that resulted from your contact with Economic Development’ Small/Minority Business staff: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ER-19 ITB NO: ____________________________________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Part G. Developing Relationships Please provide the name of the DM/DWBE business that the owner, partner or principle officer of the bidder has met with in person, within the last sixty (60) calendar days for the purpose of developing a partnering relationship. Points will be awarded for up to five (5) businesses; however, you may list as many subcontractors as you wish. Page 344 Fifteen (15) points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded for each business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum of seventy-five (75) points plus fifty (50) bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 125 Points. c. Name of Certifying f. Typical e. Date of a. Name of DM/DWBE Business and Owner’s Name that Bidder met with to d. Phone No. Agency (if Hillsborough Project Size/ Meeting develop working relationship: 15 points (to receive points, fill in information for b. Subcontracting Activity Description (###) ###-#### County 10 bonus each column a-f)* Dollar Amount (mm/dd/yy) points)** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part H. Sustained Relationships Please provide the names of DM/DWBE businesses that the bidder has sub-contracted on other Hillsborough County projects, other government and private sector contracts within the past two (2) years. For those subcontractors listed, please provide the copy of contract and subcontract value. For those subcontractors listed, please provide the subcontract values. Points will be awarded for up to five (5) DM/DWBE businesses; however, you may list as many as you wish Fifteen 15 points may be awarded for every DM/DWBE listed. An additional ten (10) bonus points may be awarded per business that is currently Hillsborough County DM/DWBE certified. A maximum 75 Points plus 50 bonus points may be received in this section, totaling 125 Points. a. Name of DM/DWBE Business and Owner’s Name that Bidder contracted with to sustain working relationship* (15 points will be awarded for every DM/DWBE business listed) b. Name of Certifying Agency 1st Project (if Hillsborough County: 10 bonus points** c. Name of Project 2nd Project d. Subcontract Value e. Name of Project f. Subcontract Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part I. Bonding/Insurance/Line of Credit Assistance If the bidder determines that the DM/DWBE needs to have bonding, insurance and/or a line of credit, points may be awarded for indicating assistance provided to the DM/DWBE in obtaining any of the aforementioned. Yes No (20 points) (0 points) If you answered yes, you must submit documentation of the assistance provided in order to receive points. A maximum of twenty (20) points may be received in this section. * You MUST provide all supporting documentation in relation to items a-f. **Please provide copy of DM/DWBE certification that includes certification expiration date. Total Points ___________ Bonus Points ________ ER-20 ITB NO: ____________________________________ Grand Total _________ BIDDER NAME: _________________________________________ Page 345 278 Page 346 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ER-22 Page 347 280 Page 348 281 Page 349 282 Page 350 283 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C. No. Ext): PRODUCER Aon Risk Insurance Services West, Inc. Newport Beach CA Office 100 Bayview Circle Newport Beach CA 92660 USA FAX (949) 608-6459 (A/C. No.): (949) 608-6300 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE Holder Identifier : DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 04/16/2015 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A: Sentinel Offender Services, LLC 201 Technology Drive Irvine CA 92618-2424 USA INSURER B: Everest National Insurance Co Travelers Property Cas Co of America 10120 25674 INSURER C: First Mercury Insurance Company 10657 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 570057412095 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Limits shown are as requested X POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROX POLICY LOC JECT $50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE $1,000,000 $2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 OTHER: B X HIRED AUTOS X X $1,000 Comp Ded X UMBRELLA LIAB X 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) EXCESS LIAB DED $1,000,000 BODILY INJURY ( Per person) X C P8109193R128TIL14 ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS B Y AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $1,000 Coll Ded X NJ-EX-0000048318-01 OCCUR 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 EACH OCCURRENCE $3,000,000 $3,000,000 AGGREGATE CLAIMS-MADE 570057412095 CLAIMS-MADE POLICY NUMBER CF1GL00054-141 Certificate No : ADDL SUBR INSD WVD Y TYPE OF INSURANCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR / PARTNER / EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? PJUB9194R057TIL14 Y/N N N/A 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 X (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below PER STATUTE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Hillsborough County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida is an additional insured on the GL & Auto policies. Contractual Liability Coverage is Included in listed General and Auto Liability Policies and General Liability Policies include a Separation of Insureds (severability of interests) provision. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hillsborough County - BOCC Risk Management Division 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard 26th Floor Tampa FL 33602 USA ACORD 25 (2014/01) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Page 351 7777777707070700077763616065553330770524676117554407671124663615222073661564056031110747537360075450007244025566256511075063157727745120777452573711675407715154702374650077727252025773110777777707000707007 6666666606060600062606466204446200622226422460026006220004060062020062200042402602000622220426024002006222024240042000060002040422620200622220406004202206000206262202600066646062240664440666666606000606006 INSR LTR A X 284 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/20/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): E-MAIL ADDRESS: Patriot Risk & Insurance Services 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite #400 Irvine, CA 92618 FAX (A/C, No): (949) 486-7900 (949) 486-7950 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE www.patrisk.com 0G55454 INSURER A : INSURED INSURER B : Sentinel Offender Services, LLC 201 Technology Drive Irvine CA 92618 NAIC # Greenwich Insurance Company Aspen Specialty Insurance Company 22322 10717 INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 24312622 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR ADDL SUBR INSD WVD TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROPOLICY LOC JECT LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $ OTHER: COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS $ $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ $ A UMBRELLA LIAB ✓ EXCESS LIAB ✓ CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below B MTE9031461 FOLLOWS E&O ONLY OCCUR 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 $ AGGREGATE $ PER STATUTE Y/N Primary Professional Liability (E & O ) Insurance EACH OCCURRENCE OTHER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT N/A 1,000,000 1,000,000 $ $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT LP79659 $ 10/11/2014 10/11/2015 Each Wrongful Act: $1,000,000 Retention: $150,000 Total Limit: $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) 30-days notice of cancellation / 10-days for non-payment of premium. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hillsborough County - BOCC Risk Management Division 601 E. Kennedy Blvd, 26th FL Tampa FL 33602 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Leonard E. Ziminsky ACORD 25 (2014/01) CERT NO.: 24312622 Annette Romero © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 4/20/2015 1:43:35 PM (PDT) Page 1 of 1 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Page 352 285 Page 353