Campaign #1 - Chamoy Creative
Campaign #1 - Chamoy Creative
Chamoy Creative Q3 & Q4 2015 - San Antonio, Tx WB Liquors CHAMOY CREATIVE, LLC- Confidential and Proprietary About Chamoy Creative Chamoy Creative is a Full Service Advertising Agency based in San Antonio, TX. Who we are Why Choose Chamoy? Shopping Our Services Chamoy Creative is a millennial creative agency with digital at its core. Our agency runs under a millennial innovative mindset: Confident, decisive, trend setting, and limitless. We know we can and WE WILL make a positive impact in our community and on the brands we work on. Founded by Young Experienced Advertisers. We are just the right combination between experienced and excited about innovating the way we advertise. We are young, hungry, and ready to create a strong brand presence in this digital heavy world we live in today. Traditional Take advantageAdvertising of Shopping Campaign Optimization tactics. • Branding 1. Use the Bid Landscapes tool to capture traffic within your • Creative Direction/ Campaign margins. • Research/ Strategy/ Planning 2. Raise mobile bid adjustments to reach “on-the-go” • Media Placement/ Media Buy shoppers. • Art Direction/ Design 3. Organize your promotional campaigns by using Custom • inHispanic Insights /Campaigns Labels your Merchant Center feed to categorize holiday products. • Production (video & photography) • Event Marketing Prepare your merchant center feed for holiday Local Support. No Video Calls or Webinars. At Chamoy Creative we take our customer’s time and needs very seriously. This is why we offer local support to provide the best service and quality of work possible. As millennials, we are diverse and bicultural. We strongly believe on the importance of brands having a strong presence in all major markets and throughout all digital platforms. This is why we are highly active and experienced in Google Analytics, Keyword Search, Display Banners, Social Media and Website development. Our agency is equipped to meet your every need- from traditional to digital advertising. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary All-in-One Online Business Solutions. With Chamoy Creative you don’t have to shop around, we have all you need to move your business forward. We are a one stop shop fully equipped to provide all you could ever need. 2 promotions. Ensure all products are included and approved in the data Digital & Social Media Services feed ahead of time. Also, try revising your feed to include • Insights &and Optimization shopper-friendly titles attractive, professional photos of your products. • Search Engine Marketing • • • • • • Behavioral and Geo Targeting Banners & Rich Media Email Marketing Social Media Engagement & Listening Reputation Management Website Design/ Enhancement MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Meet The Team 1.1 Meet The Team - Digital Marketing Director Oscar Peña - Founder & CEO “The Metrics Guy” Nooneunderstandstheenormouspowerthatastrongdigitalplan canhaveonacompany’ssuccessasmuchasourDigitalMarketing Director,OscarPeña.Hehaswitnessed=irst-handhowabrand’s digitalpresencecantakethemfrominvisibletorecognizable.Oscar hasdedicatedhisentirecareertohelpingbrandsdevelopaweband socialmediapresencethatwillconvertintosuccess.Heisadigital marketingveteranwithovertenyearsofexperienceinConversion Optimization,SEM,AdvancedAnalyticsandSocialStrategies. HisexperiencegrowingupbetweenMexicoCity,ChicagoandSan Antoniohasgreatlyshapedhisabilitytocommunicatetoadiverseand multiculturalaudience.Oscar’sattentiontodetailandexpertisehave landedhimnumerousinteractiveprojectswithaward-winning agenciesintheUnitedStatesandLatinAmerica.Heistrulyan innovatorandstrategistinthedigitalmarketingindustry. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 3 MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Meet The Team 1.1 Meet The Team - Creative Art Director Alejandro Perez-Segnini “The Visual Communicator” Alejandro“Ale”Pérez-Segniniisatrueartistwhohelpsbrands communicatewiththeirtargetmarketvisuallyandinteractively. HehasspenthislifebetweentheUnitedStatesandVenezuela, workingforhighlyrenownedagenciesandmediacompanies,like BromleyCommunications,MarketVision,CanalUnoand MakinandoProductions. Fromgraphicdesign,motiondesign,audioengineering,web designand3-Danimation–Alecandoitall.Hiscreativityand visionshinethrougheverysingleoneofhisprojects. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 4 MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Meet The Team 1.1 Meet The Team - Marketing Strategy & Copywriter Maria Fernanda Revilla “Not your typical copywriter” MariaFernandaRevilla,a.k.a.“Fer”,isnotyourtypical copywriter.FernandagrewupalongtheMexican-American borderattendingschoolinBrownsville,Texasandlivingin Matamoros,Tamaulipas.Heruniqueupbringingasan“American” bydayand“Mexican”bynighthashelpedhercreateadvertising campaignsthattrulyconnectwithboththeHispanicandgeneral markets. Today,sheboastsanimpressiverésuméthatincludestelevision, radio,print,socialmediaanddigitalcampaignsforGeneralMills, WesternUnion,OrlandiValuta,Enterprise,Nationaland AlamoCarRentals,NBA(Hispanic)andSusanG.Komen. Fernanda’sworkhashelpedbrandsbuildcommunitiesinwhich theyinteractregularlywiththeirtargetmarket.HerSpanishcopy trulyre=lectsthelanguage,feelingsandtrendsoftheHispanic culturesheisapartof. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 5 MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Meet The Team 1.1 Meet The Team - Content Marketing Director Lauri Revilla “The Contentologist” OurContentMarketingDirector,Lauri,trulybelievesinthepower ofwords.Growingup,youcouldalways=indherburiedinsidea bookorraidinganeighbor’slibrary.Afewyearsago,Lauri decidedtoleavehercareerinmentalhealthtopursuewritingand contentproductionfull-time. Asapsychologistturnedcontent-marketer,Lauridrawson hertrainingandexperiencetocraftcontentthatevokesfeelings fromthereaderandallowsbrandstobuildrelationshipswith theirconsumers.Herworkhasbeenpublishedinrenowned publicationslikeLivestrong,Ehow,GlobalPostandEliteDaily andhasobtainedover1millionviews.Laurihasalsoworkedas afreelancecopywriterforbrandslikeEnterpriseandAlamoCar Rentals,GeneralMillsandWesternUnion.Sheisalsoan EnglishSpanishtranslatorwithextensiveexperiencein“transcreating”advertisingcampaigns. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 6 MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Liquors Creative Campaign Proposed Plan WB Liquors 7 WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors INSIGHTS: Since our goal is to target millennial women we wanted to create a 2.0 version of the current “Let’s Celebrate” campaign. The goal is to transmit the neatness, lighting, and decoration from the stores to our creative pieces. We want to appeal to the public while we establish a special connection with millennial women in a very subtle way. We also want WB Liquors to be a brand that is known for adapting to the changing times- it should be perceived as modern, clean, fun, and made just for “you”the real consumer. IDEA: “Let’s Celebrate” is a well established campaign that has already gained ample recognition. It’s versatility allows the brand to use it seamlessly throughout different channels. It’s call to action nature motivates consumers to celebrate life, moments, and any special occasion with WB liquors. We wanted to take this idea and do an evolution of it. Our goal was to further connect with millennial women in a subtle way, while still being inclusive of the general market. We wanted to add a fun, artsy, and social media inspired look. The photography is something you would upload to Instagram with a filter. It is very adequate to the times we are living today. It has a fresh new look that still connects to the current campaign. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 88 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors Let’s Celebrate 2.0 CAMPAIGN: WB Liquors will establish a deeper connection and gain more attention by adapting to the way people live, interact, and celebrate everyday moments. We do this by using creative that not only transmits the way we share moments via social media platforms, but also features the way we celebrate life with our loved ones. Our campaign invites people to celebrate life’s special moments with WB Liquor. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 99 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors Billboards (OOH) Let’s Celebrate 2.0 CAMPAIGN DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 10 10 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors Let’s Celebrate 2.0 CAMPAIGN DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 11 11 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors Let’s Celebrate 2.0 CAMPAIGN DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 12 12 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL WB Campaign #1 Campaign #1 - WB Liquors Social Media Let’s Celebrate 2.0 CAMPAIGN DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 13 13 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Search Ad Campaign Campaign #1 - WB Liquors DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 14 1414 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Search Ad Campaign Campaign #1 - WB Liquors DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 15 15 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Promotion Landing Page Campaign #1 - WB Liquors O P F DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 16 16 WB LIQUOR | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL The Institute for Women's Health Creative Campaign Proposed Plan WB Liquors 17 IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health INSIGHTS: When it comes to women’s health issues- the first thing women resort to is not a doctor, it is to their mom, sister or friend. They ask each other all types of questions, including what doctors they’ve visited and why. It all comes down to… WORD OF MOUTH. Women know that recommendations from the people they trust goes a long way. IDEA: There is a taboo that all women feel about going to a doctor, especially a “women’s” doctor. Your first visits are usually accompanied by your mother, friend or sister and if you go alone you always need that little push or reminder to get your annual exam, to go get those bumps checked out and to ask specific questions to your doctor. And it is those friends and family that recommend that you visit your doctor, that push you to be preventive and therefore, in many instances they end up saving your life. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health SAVE A FRIEND CAMPAIGN: It is through word of mouth that we can save families and friends by recommending them a doctor they can trust and feel comfortable with. As a friend, your duty is to encourage them to get educated and to take preventive measures that could save their lives. DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 19 19 IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health “Save a Friend” - Facebook Posts DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 20 20 IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health “Save a Friend” - OOH DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 21 21 IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health “Save a Friend” - Display Advertising DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 22 22 IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL IFWH Campaign #1 Institute for Women’s Health “Save a Friend” - Geo-targeted Mobile Advertising “Save a Friend” - Google Search Advertising DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 23 23 IFWH | MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Chamoy Creative Our Services Traditional Advertising • Branding • Creative Direction/ Campaign • Research/ Strategy/ Planning • Media Placement/ Media Buy • Art Direction/ Design • Hispanic Insights /Campaigns • Production (video & photography) • Event Marketing Chamoy Creative Full Service Advertising Agency based in San Antonio, TX. Digital & Social Media Services • Insights & Optimization • Search Engine Marketing • Behavioral and Geo Targeting • Banners & Rich Media • Email Marketing • Social Media Engagement & Listening • Reputation Management • Website Design/ Enhancement (210) 901-9060 DMG- Confidential CHAMOY CREATIVE, and LLCProprietary Confidential and Proprietary 24 24 MARKETING & ADVERTISING PROPOSAL Financial Proposed Proposal Plan Thank You Thank You WB Liquors Advertising / Digital Marketing & Management 25