lynnwood link - Lynnwood Community League
lynnwood link - Lynnwood Community League
November, December, January LYNNWOOD LINK President’s Pen I know it seems a little early to be talking about New Year’s but this year Lynnwood will be hosting a Family New Year’s Eve Party. Who: You What: Party with snacks, drinks, DJ, fireworks, full bar all within walking distance from home Where: Lynnwood Hall When: Tuesday, December 31st, New Year’s Eve 7:00pm – 12:00am Why: Because it will be a great time! Please see inside for more details. Thanks to all the volunteers that came out on National Tree Day. We spent the afternoon planting shrubs and put fresh ground cover around the hall. There was even a write up about Lynnwood in the Examiner newspaper. When you’re out and about exploring the walking trails in the neighborhood that are on our new Walking Map be sure to stop by and admire the hall thanks to all the updates done by Platinum Construction & Consulting. If you don’t have a Lynnwood Walking Map but would like one, head down to Jasper Place Library and pick up a copy. With winter soon approaching and our tendency to hibernate, don’t forget about Wednesday night yoga. It’s close to home, affordable, fun and good for you. Indoor soccer has started and this year Lynnwood has a U16 girls and U10 boys team playing. Watch for outdoor soccer registration notices to appear in late February. Hockey season is also in full swing and it won’t be long before our outdoor ice is ready to go. Lynnwood Canuck’s are having their annual Silent Auction at Elmwood Hall on November 16th. If you would like to make a donation or buy tickets please contact Jill at 780-488-2009. Enjoy the rest of the fall season and I hope to see you around the neighborhood. Peter Lynnwood Community League President 2 Lynnwood Link HEY LYNNWOOD!! WE NEED YOUR HELP We require volunteers in order for our community to remain strong!! TREASURER VICE PRESIDENT CASINO COORDINATOR Please contact Pete for more information and a detailed description of duties. 780-456-4568 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lynnwood Link Update I just wanted to make mention that although the newsletter will continue to run bi-monthly, the months in which it is distributed will be changing; this newsletter is for November, December & January and the next one will be for February & March, please email your submissions for the next edition no later than January 15, 2014. Thanks, Jill Need a venue for your next event? Be it a birthday party, retirement or perhaps a family gathering… Lynnwood Hall is available. Contact Jessica: and visit our website for costs and availability *membership is required November, December, January The parents of the Lynnwood Canucks Hockey Teams are holding their annual Silent Auction on Saturday November 16th, 2013. Contact Jill if you would like tickets or perhaps have an item to donate 780-488-2009 When: Saturday November 16 7:00pm Where: Elmwood Community Hall 16415 - 83 Avenue Tickets: $10 each – call Jill 780-488-2009 or email All proceeds go to Lynnwood Hockey. Help us keep community hockey alive and have a fun time doing it!! Our season is in full swing with 2 novice teams & 1 initiation 2A team and the kids are having an absolute blast!! We are looking forward to what the season is going have in store for us… YOGA Lynnwood’s First FAMILY NEW YEARS PARTY Every Wednesday evening at the Lynnwood Community Hall December 31st at the hall 7:30 – 9:00 pm 7:00 pm – 12:00 am Instructed by Keely Scott Fireworks Show at 10:00 weather permitting We require a minimum of 12 participants to run our class. Snacks, Prizes, DJ, Skating, Fire and Loads of FUN! Tickets to be purchased in advance, no drop-in $7.00 per person or $20.00 per family Email Katrina for tickets: Contact Carol for more info 780-484-2465 4 Lynnwood Link Community League Memberships Expired August 31st Contact Nancy for your 2013/2014 membership or come purchase one Sept 14th at the Corn Roast: Family – $30 Single – $15 Senior – no cost Residents new to Lynnwood on the last 6 months – no cost Benefits of a Lynnwood Membership Free admission to any WEM attraction (family memberships only – 1 time use, Sept-Feb) Free Family Swim at Jasper Place Pool every Saturday 6pm – 7pm Sept-June 10% discount on Annual, Multi-Admission or Continuous Monthly Pass for any City of Edmonton sport and fitness facility A great way to meet neighbors & make friends Access to hall rentals, skating rinks, tennis courts, & more A say in facility and park development, traffic management & urban planning And much more… visit for more info Snow Shoveling Season is right around the corner…. Snow that remains on sidewalks is hazardous for everyone, but especially for people with limited mobility who may be severely injured from a fall on ice or snow. Un-cleared walkways also make it difficult for people who deliver services in our community - mail carriers, meter readers, delivery drivers, firefighters, and paramedics. That is why the Community Standards Bylaw requires that you clean the public walks around your property down to the pavement within 48 hours of a snowfall. When you remove snow promptly after a snowfall, you play an important role in keeping our city moving safely in difficult weather. Be your neighbourhood's urban hero and make it great, within 48. For your safety, free sand is available at the Lynnwood Community Hall parking lot in the green bin. November, December, January An Athletic & Graceful Olympic Sport Movement to music with ribbons, hoops, balls & ropes Ours is a one stop Salon… Christmas Special: Bring in this ad to receive $5.00 of Nails Now offering Gel & Shellac Polish A few of our services… Wedding hair & make up packages Hair Care, Skin Care & Tanning. Eyebrow Threading – gives the best arch! Shellac Gel Polish We perform Dermabrasion Facials with Diamond Tip; Anti-Aging Treatments & Anti Pigmentation Treatments… Ear piercing for babies is done with 2 operators at the same time… We have a Massage Therapist who is also a Holistic Practitioner – claim her services on your insurance!! All of our products are European. We carry specialized shampoo for thinning hair and booster for fast and fuller hair growth. Come on in and try us out… Gift Certificates available for all our services 780-484-7255 #101, 15503 – 87 avenue Located in Whitehall Square REGISTER NOW CLASSES STARTING FEB. 5, 2014 RIO TERRACE SCHOOL Beginners Ages 5 to12 780-460-8709 or 780-917-2851 6 Lynnwood Link Lynnwood Community 15525 – 84 ave Edmonton, Alberta T5R 3Y1 What’s going on around Edmonton? Advertising in the Link November 3 Daylight Savings – Fall Back Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour Newsletter is delivered bi-monthly to over 800 households and businesses November 15 Christmas on the Square Holiday Light Up Lynnwood Residents & Businesses business card size $20 1/4 page $40 1/2 page $50 full page $80 Non-Lynnwood Residents & Businesses business card size $25 1/4 page $45 1/2 page $75 full page $100 Please submit content for the February/March issue no later than January 15, 2014 Contact Jill Get your copy of the Westend Seniors Activity Centre Program Guide to see what’s going on, from walking groups to pot lucks to wood carving to cooking workshops there is an activity for everyone… 9626-176 Street Edmonton AB T5T 6B3 780-483-1209 Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am – 4pm Location: Sir Winston Churchill Square Free Admission. Kick off the holiday season as the square comes alive with live music and family entertainment all leading up to the arrival of Santa 780-424-4085 November 16 Lynnwood Hockey Hall Party Join us to raise funds for our community hockey teams! All proceeds support Lynnwood Hockey Elmwood Community Hall 16415 - 83 Avenue Call Jill for tickets or to donate 780-488-2009 December 5 – 23 Celebrate the Season Location: Alberta Legislature Free Admission. Celebrate the season is an annual holiday tradition at the AB Legislature. Free hot chocolate is served in the rotunda with AB choirs performing every evening 7-9pm and school groups performing weekdays at noon December 31 Family New Years Party At Lynnwood Hall 15525-84 Ave DJ, snacks, fire, skating and fireworks 7:00pm – 12:00 am Email for tickets, $7 each or $21 per family January 15, 2014 Deadline to submit content for the February/March Lynnwood Link Newsletter January 24-February 2, 2014 Ice on Whyte Festival Location: End of Steel Park, Gateway Boulevard and Tommy Banks Way Adults $5 Children $2.50 Come outside to play! The park will be filled with ice and snow carvings, a giant ice slide, children’s play area, food, live music, hot chocolate and more…
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lynnwood link - Lynnwood Community League
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lynnwood link - Lynnwood Community League
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