Archaeological Reasearch Characterisation And Predictive
Archaeological Reasearch Characterisation And Predictive
ARCHAEOLO.GICAL RESEARCH, C}IARACTf, RISATION AND PREDICTIVE I\'IODEI,I,ING PRO.IECT. RLCORDING OF'ABORIGTN TUSB;/6E PARTI OF TIIIi RhCORDING OF'ABORI( I.AN RIVERS' ON TIIE LOWB]DGEE AND LOWER LACHLAN RIVI WETLANDS UNDER TIIE NSW RiVERS ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM (RERP) Rcport to Depaftnrerrt of Environment. CliInate Cblrnge Dr Sarah Martin May 2010 t dillt NSW Environment, Climate Change & Water \\xier lirr thr ltrturr ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This rcpod ms tunded rcugh rhe Rive6 EnvnonD.nrel Renodion Prclnm (REltP). ihc RERP is tunded by rhe NSW Corcbmcnr and tlr Aunnlirn Commonweallh\ Wdq lor rhc ruiurc waru Smln A!$nlh Prosnn. rnd aims ro sdF lhc dcdinc ol$crlaMs rhnusl, Mter Rovery rnd cffcdive marrsenenr olcnvimnmc al {aro joi'dy Thh RERP pnied \yrs supcniscd by Cmy Curcy, Mamgtr, Fr. wes Relion Cslfte & Hc ragc Division, and Bairin! Sourh Rcsional Pmsram Coodiidor,Far wsr ReCio'. culrure & Hcnble Divisioi. DECCW Roland williams. rhe Aborigiial Usc & v,lnes PLojsr Abonlinrl Cofrmuiilt Liano' Ofiicer lor rhe LoRbidglc/Lowo Lachlan. plrnned md impLcmentd thc .oisulrarion rnh rh Illy rnd Brl nald .onnuniries, end virh rhe locrl hndo*n*, .s {oll m pani.iPlrirrg i', rlt cultuEl vducs rid srchaeolosical suNsy. John Cubb! woo'ls, klyar(Nosood) SCA Senior Ficld Oflicq li the Ndional Parks & Wildlilc ScNicc, also rsisred sith lo!is1is and coftulrarioi wirh landoMem tor rhs Hayplnollhc Nellrs providin! insieh 6 inro .ultunl lsndscaPes Thc lolloLving people $ec invohed in rhc .uhurul values 3nd uses and archrcolosical fidd s' sy: Reno Woods (DECCW). John Cubbr woods (DECC\V), Roy Bmkcr (DEccw), Hry LocrlAborieinalLand Couicil (l{ay [ALC) mcmb$Jafris woods, Doslci Kcnnedy, lcmainc Dxon, Tam Dixon, Kcry Palkd, B an Cashr rtrd Balnnrld .ommunily mcmbD^ Krrci Mtrmy. Ray Mumy, Ronald Munly, John Jacklon jnr, Nyler. Mumy. BrcMoi Kennedy. Elrine tuniLl, Ed*dd (S'nokcy) Munay, claude larkson,l,'liai Pn6, willy Murny, Ricl, d Mnray, Mmcus Mumy, aM Aid.ew Smilh Roland willianr (DECCW), Badse. Bd rlso volunrccrcd hn expedxe in oltft on plins rnd animah tb' sone dGcusions wirh tlr licld rcrm abour sit idcnrification and recdding a d cultoml i',fon ion $Ney.-tony lunna Mirqhcll rro'n BrLmnald also hrd hnglhy ch.necs to dtc Mu"!'nbideee River and rhc.suL!li8 cffc.t on Spscill rhlrks ro Mick Kelly rnd Roy Ba*s lorrhrttehni.rl assrarcc in sctins up ind taininglhc fi.ld tean ro use nE Pe^oiil A$nhih (PDAI, rnd Roy for his assi$ancc li various ssrtct ol mappins lhd wm nccdcd for thc pmjcc(. Roy produed rhu naps uscd ii rhis repon ro illun.rc rbc rcsults ollhe RERP ctrl(usl vllucs suncys ln addition, tl,e Hay LALC lid Nai Nai Tribal conncil orlinised lood and tonspon'aon rbr tle Hay field wo4shon, and slio\yed prn ofrhe wo*shop !o bc hcld on Toosinbie lndiEenous hocccd Ar.! situded on rhc MumnbidCcc Rivtrend Lo*bidgce This demonndtd rbcrcsultsofdtcnliunl wds allo.arcd ro TooSmb'c lPA. 'lhh prcjccr Lvould nor brvc 6ecn posiblewnhour lhc fullcooptrrrion orrnd encou.rsomonr by.hc local hndosneE and l.nd naiagcs scns tbe Lowbinsee and Lo\qLachlan ivtrwdlands,ard it s made nuch morcsuccc$tuI$ a resulr ollhelimcandknollcdS.rhatnrnylardowEn &manrg.6 glvcrhc Ilamish cullen wad fiom Nap Nafl Bcn Brrlor, Cmie & Leanne MuQhy lron UloigsrDarid Rrnkin fion TuIra: Mick & Crrlry CaLlman fron Toopunrali Dob & Fiom G^ron lroto Ninmici Diantrc willia'ns Aom Paika Wen. Pdd Monon fio'n Du onallee, Ron Hoirc fiom Tlr Titr, P'ul Connclbn lrom Narwie, Slophh Blorc rrcm Tor] PlanB, John &(dcMclcln llom BoyorsardJMnbuns, Frinl & Du en o1d from Monkcn Gnn8c & KraOm, MichaclSpinks from ls - Y- Co.d & Nolrns chan.e. Prul Codcs llom SpiiCdalc Aho mrny rhanks ro Tom Divy lron Srare wder for sharin8 his knowlcdec, aid spccial thanks to Kenn Nobn who took rinc off rmm his paid job 1o lhoe us moutrd k Y Coed and Nolans Chancc. Repon Secrions 4.,1,5.2, l0 end ll bsed on Manin G006) inlcllcdurl propenyoflheaurbor EXECUTIVE SUMII'AFY 'lhc ,tuha.olqttat R.ronh, Ch.'rt.t.tnatiah & Ptrdi.tjv Madelr','s 44../ hrs denonimlcd the connnu,i-q connedion ber*een rft Aboriginal communirics and rhc Lorvbidgc. .id Lo$d Lachlan werlrndsr through rLe re.odins ol preconr.d ind pd${o .d trchasloercal mdcral rcmains rid pllccs $nh orhcr ryps orcuhurrl sienificrnce. uss rnd valu*. Su.h documenrarion rill enhmoo rhe rbiLityofdrAborisinalcommuniriesro.eSorirle&.eslorverlan&.oundcn.kccultunllcalnlcs,and io manrle, consene, .nd lnjor thcn hcntsc. rll. Ri!c6 Envionftdt,l R*bntioi Pmgnn (RERP) Subprog h IV Enhaicc rhc Bemfih orFn onnrnlrl w , pmvids an rddirional avenue for rhe negolidion of inrcased bcnefit ro thc idtrril .nd .ulrtrrul cdvircnncnr and ncw ofponutrirics for AboigiDilpsople ro accc$.nd cnjot rcrhn'lsas ploccs orcultunl !snificrnce Predicrive nodelins and !ip inilysis.i.bhd rh. RERP suflcy roorgcr arcN vitli r high likclihoodol contri',i,,g culhEl Esources tror previously suNeyed or recoded. 11is .ullurd tr$ aid valucs slrvcy recorded r lorrl of 1163 locdions wirh culrunl rcsourccs in smnh mas annnd ihc Losbideee rnd Lo*d La.hlan Lvdlands. The lo.arions conbi'rd a roral ol ll06 learures. includirs mounds. Diddcns, aNciral bu ak, none ancfads, hcal reraiis ovms, nddili.d tcs (including ccrcmorial rin8 trcct. rcsotrrcs and gdrhc ig localions- on'l loc'rions orhisroric siciilicance. 'rhemulonlyolrh.rrch.cologi.rlmd.ialrccodcdhdtedyrclrtcdtousemdvrlucsolserlaMs For cxanplc thc nFuids and n,iddeDs conrrin tft cooked renuins ol rquric planb .nd aninn'ls th licqrcnled rh! rv$l.nds, incLudine rcma1ns of platrr roods sud, as cuDbursi, lrke rnd river nuscl, tioD, rl,e removal ofba canocs rhrr leB usod .o .r.vsl rhtutrgh thc wdhids, lid to fish, hunr bd garh$ in thc Lvcdands smalkr crme rhaped scrs result Ao'n bark Emovrl lor smrll cmoes knorr locrlly as dm! dongs', shich the romh ptrshcd lhnugh shalloN w!.o ro cairy rood rlrcy colhcrcd such as mG$h or aqu..ic phi. rubc6. Grindln8dnhes 3nd modan 3nd penles rho indicalc on rhe prepar ior ol:ccds, roos and tubcc sro$ins in rvetlanJs:nd cpbcmdally noodcd!ruas nre napping olrhe RElil' n'ney results ilso demoirFros rh. conccnrdlon ofarchacoLoeical 'mrcrirl Theconbinarionofrhhsuney andpl.ccs. planbandanimahorc 'ds. dita snd exnrinsdabbases hrs resultd nr r silnificanr body olinfomdion rhrl iscutr6lly bciiS tr$d 1o build morc accuErc nrcdi.nvc modcls Thn rcLv modcliDg $ill cnhancc cultuml hcrirage mrnaeemcrt sflrcsics rnd \yctlrnd conscnrtior, whic], will benelii the bori!inaL communirics ollhc iegion. Tlic RERP lmcy locnscd on tle uniqrc hndfoms of the Losbidlee aDd {he Lo*sr L..hlai/Gca. roD adjrcenr delir like sliens *irh exceplionrlly hish Cumbung Sw!ftpprodudiviry and 6ioma$. warer oveiloM rhe rnq chrnneh iDro r va$ syscm of mcks. lcin-likc distibuldils, swinps, rc.d beh and laks. Thc alchscology. cth,,ohsrory. ard ctrrrcnr connnunny knoNicdec md acriritics dcmorstatc a sisniricarr Iocus or thes *cda.ds rnd Rclland resourccs by bo'i8inal p$plc olcr thc l.s 5,000 y$6 lid inio rhc trcs.trr landscancs coNnct.d s cultu'rl landscape sirhout panllel in ANrrlia, *hich mun be asisncd r high priority lor conseRarion rnn manrscmsl !ilhin ns contxr olwcdaid llndscatcs. Thc archa$lo8y also dcDotr!rer.s envimnD,etrhl chanscs ov rr lcan 5.000 yeax, rnd Nlrural rcsponses to thes cbrnses. Cutrcd AbonsLml connntrniry krowkdge hcilitatcd rhc rccordins ol{etLand and floodpLain phnt and mimals sirhraluc.and places olspeciaLvaltre lorfishins. AloltrLol57pknrs wirh cnllunluscs and l0 renl AborignD| .ommunily u$ of liinlk lenh.trltunluscs\rre'ec werlrnds includes .olledion ol lood (fish. yabby. cny. bnJr,6a,ti sn'bs. loods dc.), firesood, tdirionrl mdlcriils (sood, rcsin, fcarhss, bmk c1c.), aid famrly aqlvtrics such rs crDipi"s, bodlie, s$immine lishing, rcad,i',e aM culruml rcriviiics I', addition rhe Aborieirrl conmuDiry is actively ensaged in *ellmd regene.irion on Toogin$ie lPA.ndon DECCW consc arionarc6. Local Aboriginal .ommmiries ind non-AbonginJ la.doBnss/maiigc6 .otnmcd thar rl'cl hNc similar gorls lor obeiniig .(ldirioial lnd contliuiig cnvircnmcniel/ rnonlion and pmrecrion of*erlands, for ltrtre lcn{dions as vell .s rh. gcimllon. Thcy demonnralcd . ddcminllion ro \brk rogsho !o lom an allirn.c aincd ar potcdLtrg aDd rc{orii,g $dLaids and obroii,ie rn'ror cultunl rrer lor wellands. Lando ren ackno$ledged nionaLLdd n.nag.mcn. pracri.cs sub!' ixllyrhcrd tu \erl'nds. as onalpndices Dighr be imoDoraled did nrilgcncmpncfc inro c D rcnr manesement of rhe RE RP *erland s and nven CONTENTS lREw) Irnncudian.... & Prcditia rkde ins Ptujtt ,4i8. \\utt 2.rr , oIth P, .. .. .. . . . . . ato4 . rhc Murufbidge Rivtr (MU) ........................... . .. Nimniccrii, crc.ks (Nc), . l)F6.dPlonhlarcdNa9dn\j 1bbrq1,.1?anu,h'on'heLa\hldBQ a a tn\, tba4 n'. Pt,t : (vutt" :006) Murunbt44 P'"hE Ptcdicii raetetths(Par"taea |ddin raat) Isu ibhe rhe Ptahd Dnti,ttkn ]nattrh |tk h )aa6). . . . . . . 52'lDhtibdDnofsiGsbyHydrc 5]'2DistibdionofMoundsbycm 5.t j.2 52.3 DistibutionorotbssibTyp 52'lDntLbdionRdjoDshipbcls s 5r 2.5 Distiburion Rcl ionihip bcrs Itu Ptc t 750 Ma.tettht lRidl$ 2aae) 5.4 rtP{ tun ofrub . ....................r0 t,@\ al the L\t4 2,4,tcs aJthe Lotw LrhL,t atu 6t 6 6t PE bbt, sn t?!?,).. .. . . LdthAEe|| h vuLurt! nd snqe Lrcht n Mt Lqyb i.ts@ cu,bhhs th. cup ttturs^ m e t D^tib bnotl\habhllr tu f Major EN'rcmE'r Modind'ion An.hsb of tkdilied h?a\ er )D1b5boltuu sraa N' e 5 canvl\rlidn4Adadtaeial e5.r RlRr s"nq cmradio! P@j tal Dt., btt - rlrt 111 Ernahisbnht E\i.ld...J Ltuk' 4e^'s the trcha@he at't u'! oI 2J flJ c.,rh.,\,.d.erf or e ' ' K.trt de. .tR,t4tht,q-n.Lt.r'4 t:6 -r.d lbo Ej ot u ? ol tv to,^ '2' -d. ,.t,.t) ot. nu tutral tlt rhc unhre b low.lfk! L l46rhe'4botiginalcahnunin'and (cD RoM)..-.. 16. ^PPtNDrcls 16.t Appdrtk t Prutidite Motlet lPaiJae a lktin 244r.......... )6.2 tppddk 2 cr McppinelMclin )aaO . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .... t61 lppqde 4 16.6 awqdk 6 Ra p IDRP suvr Map, tBatk{ rata) s,ryq R,iet. t. 1 l PROJECT BACKGROUND Rivers Environm€ntrl R€storation Program (RERP) Infroduction Thc hcahh of many significanr *ellands in lhe Munoy-Dmllng Bsin is drcateied. and in Dany cms nrveBible danase has alre.dy occuftd. Thc Rivc6 Envinn'ne'ral Renomrion rroglm (RERP) h.s bccn csrablishcd ro arst rhedecline ofdre non ircs.d md iconic ri!c6 and sdlands inNSw. thrcugh markerbmed w er recovery focu$d on volunrary ac'lunition and effecrive, acrive mmascnonr of RERPfocusesor fivE are$ in .hc Mumy'Dsning Basin (risuE l.l), nancly: . . . MrqlaricMaahsi La.hlm wedandsr and LoNbidgeeFloodplrins nds. The Lowbidqee & Lower Ladhlan REFP Su 6y Arca 3 with n lhe I \tilc Acquiition and thc locus ofRERP is on the ptrrchase of Wder ,\ccss Licsncus (Subpngrem manasemen! of Rar* lor Enviroincntrl Benefis), thE o H subpmgrams suppon RERP\ capocny to han!9. . . . and d.livq cnvioi'nenrrl wd to priorily wetland!. nrcy arc: ll Bcner use of Envnonn enral Walei Subprog6m Ill BcrcrDeliveryof Envnonnenu| Wdci Subprocian lv Enhan.e Ihe benefirsofEnvnoim.nral waicr. Subprqrsn Iv ains ro boos the bcnefiG of &rq L Subprog6n on private land To do this, Engasins wilh landholdcF ro inpmvcrhc mnasement of*ellmdsheld onprivlrc l d, 2. I',ve icari',s opponu ries for rhc prch e ofDroponics rhdconuin hleh conscfldron voluc retlrnds, rnd workin! rvirh Aboriginalcommunilicsto facilnN rhcirrson'ecrion roculturrlly ihin the Recodin! ol significrnr rc{lands and foodplains lnrhc Loub,dscc & Lo}s Lacl,lan AboriqinalUse & values Projed). ( 1.2 Archreological Res€arch, Charactcrhatiotr & Predictive Modelling R?:earch, Chat te^atiur & Ptlttidi!. lE hrjdt nas $e pan\ctrlat empbisis ol do.umcnring rh. link beNen rhe Losbidsee and Loser Lachlan !rellands did roddy's boriginal co'ninuniry dmush rhe do.ummrarion ofpre conhcl rid pdi-cddlad Aboriginal hcdagc. 60lh hnsibls ind inrdrgiblc. Such documciration \vill cihaicc rherbiliry olthe Abongiml .omnunily 10 nsgorialoa.c.ssroscrlaidsorsisnificanceiourdenrkemltumllcrivilies..ndron.nagc,con$nc,and mjoy rhei' lrcftase RERI (Riven Envnonnc'! Renomdoi Prc8nm) SubprcBnm Iv prcvides rr ddnionlL avcnuc ror rhe negotiation ol increosed benelit 1o thc .an'nl rnd culruftl onvionnonr and ncs opponuDiries lorA60riginrlpcople to$ and enjoy \vdlands.s pla.cs of.ulturul siSiilicancc. In. A key rhe'ne r rhe ArchaeoloEicrl Rsc ch, Chandcnsaridn ind lrsdidivc Mod.lliq Projcd is tl'c assci'red verl ds The rldionship bdwecn chrcolosicil sn*/culrtrrul landloms and rhc rivc6 'nd plncms aid rcdands / bricf spc.ificrlly 6ks ror docunenrarion ofrhe Elarionship benlscn scdcmc tlmdal areas and ro elab. teon: . fte onsoing bensfir rhar eatr providcs to rhc undc6ktrdi',g or rhe Aborisfil archrcological valms md managementofrhose valu*l . nre presmce of natmL reeutoes \virhin rhc .ul.urul llnd$epc th'r provides rhe bsk tbr tlr . I ic haeologill reod i lid Tl,epotnrial impacr o I in undation on physlcalAboriginll mchecological sires/plrcs. Thh projed h one olfour conplcncnrary sudlcs bcine undenrken rl oush the RERF Rsodin! of bonginal Usc lnd vrlues Pm.lccr. the oiher dme bcing an arhival hisrory, oml hislory ind soriil bciefik anrlysn The roral projecr will provide addilional infdm.rioi lor rh. { tnajor usotrs ror und.naking rcgional$udics,es $ated in anilloyle (2006): L Prcdrtive nadelln\: A rcgionsl ase$nrnr predict where presenrLy unidenrified placc!.rc likcLy 2 Cth and ral latl:tape:: rcEional 6sc$mcm pnvidcs r lrndscapc pc,spcclivc on hhtory and to shor rhc dcftlftdnss ofindividual l,*itascplaces ^. ro cu11uF nlbh 3 SrrrcEit oavttuthh: A tcqi.nal ascsDrnl hci|ihts consryrrio. planning d. L!rg( $alc rhan dd which k posiblc, for iniince, d the scrle ol.n eivnonncnral lnnact r$c$'ncit (ElA) for a sinsk a. Connra r bt".lns: pmvides l ntrm6{ ol Dosiriv! bcicfiG lor Aboi8inal 1.3 The RERP Proj€ct Survey Area $fley rea fo.uscs on rhc Iiwbdgcc (Lower Murnmbideee Riv ) rnd f,o*er Lachlan Rirdwdllrds aid Floodrhi'N (Fisurcs l.l & 1.2). Th. coisidcrcd .orc wcdand ams i', Lowbidgee & Lorv Lachlanrirersynems includin!: The project . . of.rc6 n'lMeted by lai ee tlooduarem Aaas rringing rhe *iem ol inundalion in o sr ro dcrcminc.hc Thc ftrll c{rcnr LoN aDptupnlrc I)a$ uscs oln'c Mummbidlee River bclov Hit spru.ds out ovn a eFduolly \vidcnlng floodplri" i'to rhc !naieulrr shlpcd arcr calkd ft Lo*bidsee (Fieure l2). The Lorbidgee floodpkin islhsl.rgcs arer oliloodplrir *erlrnd remainins in rl,e Mum'mbiJgee Rivq v.llcy. l. inch'lcs ihc seond lrl8en red gum lorei in ,4u$rali. and signilicanr bla.k box, liA,u'n 5nd Edbed coDnnunilier 'iver (Mummbdge cMA :006). The Los6idsce besins ne l'cvlnsy ro thc {cs ol Hly ond eEdurlly The trniquc 1o loh an eietslvc and conpkx noodplain on borh 6idcs of ihe Murrunbidsee Rivs and conrinuing ro{ads Balmnald. The prolect arer rlsd indudcs the Low* Lechlan River 6on Boollgll doryn {o Oxhv rhcn throush rhe Gred Cunbuns Ssanp and rsocirted lcarures doM ro rhcjunctiotr or imponrnlrelhnd r Lachlan and rh. Mummbidgee RileN nre GrealCtrnbune Swomp is a ridens od 'dionally The modem Mumfrbdg* md Lachlan Rive6 ad n.iior, inciscd rrd rery sinuous and chirac.qiscd by suspended lord clays.nd sils. Prlr@chrnrels ihat crrried *.rfaid srndier sedimenr prior to and tuoushoul lhe l.$ glaciiltsiod can no* be ven .s vidc channels of srnd onen slilhtLy.riscd.bovc ' rhgavcr.gclcvclofrh.plcin.andasociatdlcvcsandsourcebo'deringduncs'lhoshallo\somclns rrcc lincd. prlaeoclannels may bc taprlrd by moden cEeks and rbus sill .rny noodsd Palaeoch.nncls afiect the topoEmphy and seonoDholoeJ, and d,crcfore innuence rhe nodDm ri!c6, dccks and *dland llrbirrk (Kinlsfoid 2001, Paec cr s1.1996, Prse er rl.2005). Inrcnretaron olrhe nnuenceolcnvionhe on rhc archrcolosyond culhml values hN io factor i'r thecomplexand sublle relarionshipsbctreen ihe n nyp.licofc!.urcsrndtltnorrcccntHolocencldndscalc. nre dimarc is semland sith hish evrponrion ind. qiner ruinfsll mxinum Howcver, si * and spnng ninhll and sndw ncls non rhe highlands Io rhc eai dis.hd4o rhrcugh rhe nernork ol rives, creeks,rnib nchcsand distibub e!$ar hvc6c rhe pkin and ch!'nel w rowards rheMurayRlv.r for evetrrual disharge inlo rho soulhcm occri. Prior to ihe sarer contol s]$cm mw n place, rhc spring srow mclrs prolidcd consisretrt annurl flooding, . signin.sit facror affedtug rhc arlh.eoloeJ and ctrlllFl vllucs The prcjecr rrs has an avsaec Bndienr otonly zocm/km and h wdl knoM ror it darne$and v6r ch.nopod domimkd plains (Soil Con$Na.ioi ScNiceNsw l9q0) x coishtofcltys, sihs aid $nds ornrinly fluriarilc origin. and ns pri'nary surfice learnres resuh ftun rhc evolurion orrl'c rirersy F gurc r ems overthc 2 The li$ I3 million Lower Ladrilan and Lowbidgee 1.1 Temporal scope Thc prinary focus olrhis pan olrhcproled n the pE{onlad.rth.ologlcal siics Dd stlemenr parehs Rith dre focus dn dcnonsnrins the link berween rhc mcha.olo$ and *crland eNimnmdt Holvcvc( pkc6 Nitb hisloric or co cmpomry si8iificrrcc ercourtsed dunng ftc snfley were also rc.o cd, imludingplrceswirh lood mdnedicineDlmh,fishingph.cs, lnd pl!c6 shc€ Abongiiel peopk livedon ro nations. An ovedLl dn pmjcc. h io dcnoi$Ere rhe conlniry oruse orwerlands Fom lhe ''id Holochc rhrcqh ro rod'y This piojecr is Iinkedro rro orner RERI proj*c rhd locN on rhc irchiviL hisrory a,rd oml hisrory olrhcsansxroi (wdrcru 2010 inIrcp.). 1.5 Relationship to Watcr Oivctr rhc .iveri'r trahre ol rhe pmjed rea. md the ol .hc ovcnU projcct on Ndl'idi tlr relrtionship of archaeologicil siros md cultuFl valu6 to valo is e ke] thene fl d,e rchamlosicrl andprcdicrlvcmodell,nC ThN i".luds: ' ' . Thcrcllrioishipbehr*nsenhnenrprnemand*erlands/floodedaFasi Thc oieoiig bcncfir ther sarer prcvids ro rle undeslandins of rle Aboriginal arhaslqicaL values md managemenr of tlDse valrcs! nre presmce of narukl rcsoor* wnbin rhc lultunl lan'l$lpc thoi providcs the bask ibr rhe ar.hdeological rc.ord i rnd . Thspdtn(ial lmpo.olinundarior on physical Abo rici',al arch reoloeical obj st Gires/phcet. 1.6 Worhing with the Aboriginal CommuDitics ofthe R€gior ' C.pacnyBuildingrorkshops TNo .rpacny buildins sorkshops s e hc1d, onc rr llry and one d Brlmnrld. The $pdciry building wo*shops $se dsigncd 1o dkctrs rhe Es(lrs oflbc 5ufloy aid ro prcvidc a lcnuc ror c.'n'nunity dhcusions otNe.nd valu. olucrlands, rhc bcncrls ofcnvnonmenirlknltuml MIer and srls loNard ror dr RERP pDgrrm. A finalr*o dry ro*shop Nill bc hcld ii Jui.20l0 ar Hey strh panl.Lpant fton Hay. Bilnnald aid suiiouiding rceions . TnininS On Ficld Suflcys Thc field sutreys includcd rcprescnrrl ives of 1oca1 A boisina L commun ni$ qho werc gncn raining in thc ficld in Eosnilio' md Elording o f anhdoldgica I nlrcd al and u*tu| pl'i$ $d animah. $ vell ss the use of PDAS wnh CiS $frlv'rc in rl[ ficld A roisl of25 comnunity people padi.ip&d in rdning in the ri cld, 6 rmn llay snd I 9 frcm Bal ranald. Fan o l l he krining induded l.aming abou! .hc RERP png raD nc orcuh'mllalues an d .hc ro*sh oppinB of th e cffeds o I envircnDental Ratcr and cultural wd . Conmuiii] Lirisor Roland willia'ns fsm DEccw criried our d,c lirilon bcr*een local Abonginrlpspk, orrmiariuns and communilies. I'rereied Abo dg inal pcoplc with arch acolog ri d cultuml knowkdge ol the \dlrnds weE invn.d b psnicipate $ rhe.zi',ing and field componen$ olrhis iudy. Orher AbonginaLpcoplc *irh.n inte'sr in lermin! abourrhe wellandr, including v!ry youngpcoplc, *crcalsoglvci a dFrccropadiciprt. Roland .1so .sisrcd snh rh.llal$n rirh laidowncn d lrnd nrnaseN md hcilirat.d ac.cs orb pnvalc h,fomationofier€dbyAborigi.alpeopleinthecouseolfilld\o,abou.Abonginalpoplc\vrlusin relarion ro rhe lmdscip. and archaological sit6, wcrc rcconled undemrmding ol and rhe compreharsive recorni4 of^bongin.l popL! s vllus olrhc lvcrlod landscaFs 2. 2.r 2.1 WETLAND LANDSCAPES OF THE LOWER LACHLAN AND LOWBIDGEE The Lorbidgee Sydem I The Lowb'dgee Landscape Unils The Lowbidlee hrs beon diridcd inlo dillcrunr unirsba$d on hydrclosicrldata {follo*ing Kingsfod & anificial division rhar Efleds modem infltrencas such .s rho Rsdb.nk and Mludc wci6 ar well asnr pre sate'Egula{ion hndsrrye. Howovcr i. givcs somc sructurc rorl'c following dis.u$ion ol rhis unlqlc aM coDplex tloodplai', syien Thc Lowbidlec indudes rhe Mummbdgcc Riler channel and *erlrnds on borh sides, and on 6c nidJh nonh sidc njoins onro rhc Lower Lachlan syncm, panly shorn on Fig re 2.2 as rh. Cruat Cufrbtrns Sr$np *nh d'c Loxer Lachkn pdssing rhtuugb i!. Thc boundery orthc Losbidsee h noi a definite one, but moi descnplions acccpr thd n dads shere rhe Mum'mbidgec Floodplain $ans to ridcn jN to the \d or Hry or YatrBa Lake neri Balrnrld and includs both sidcs ol rLe revensy Skrion, and .onrinucs as I Mummbldecc Rircr above Bel'anrld 's The lour mrjor laDdlon unih disctr$cd belor aid shown ii Figurc 2.1 arc thc MurruD,bidgce Rirer (MLr), ll,efiddl!s-U.n Crccks (FU), rltr Ni'n'nic-Crm cEeks (Nc). a Red6ank(RB) covennsborh sidcsolrhc Mummbdecc doMnream ioDr the Lachhn Riv{j,'ncrion (Kinesfod & Thonas 2001) androm Unils Based on Hyd'o oqy (rrcm Kinssldd irii\ 2.1.2 Th6 Muiiumbd9ee -, & Thomas 2001) s3 Rver(llU) In lhc ToogrrbiePcvcrsy rru betwcen Hay ard Maude, dimse smdier palaeochanncl fclrurcs ronn hiehsroundatcdscoflhefloodplain,foming back+Mmpt ar ihcjunctioi orthc noodplain and hish grcuidrhltpriorroMrcrreEularionsouldhavebeenreluhnyflooded{Pi8cdaL.(1996).Moundsrcnd ro be locared on rhe hisher lround ar rho edgc ofrhc g dullly \ridcning noodflei'r.o' or hishspo6and sorce bordoring dmcs rvi.hin rhk floo'ldlin- shich arc rlso crpE$ions of palaeoclan'el learures Fnm.hcwcsrofToogi'nbic.drMurtumbidgccRircrnoodplainconlinuesrorvidenddnumctuussmall creeks exit rherilerbolh 1o rhe nonb lnd souih, oftcn rorm,issMmps such m Nap Nap S* np Somc ol rbc small.iccks rci,nimtc ii s$rnips,nd othemjoin rhe larss crcek sy$!frs discus.d bclo!. Thc iver channel near Toognnbie rnd Maude has high b.nks and a l.l!c.apmi.y (Ihorol). bn n siadurlly bcconcs con$ndcd and lcvcc ba',ks tctrd to dnapper. Ihus Mter orerno$s the chmnel d loLvd flood I)ulss rhan tuthcr updream. Prlreochrnnek wirh crpnred cEeks. su.h 6 PimpaF Crcck,jor rhe nv lrom l]t Lrcl,la' synem (Fisure 2.2). Ih. Muriunbide$ Rilq n l)5nially separred liom Ninnic Crnr-Pollon Crc.ks in rhc Moarfi.ld'Nimnie-Toffy Plai'srm by r palaeochrnnelddgc thar rhc modctr l,horo 1 : Mlmnbidgcc Riv$ar Tooginbie Sho$ing Pho.o 2 : Mummbidgcc Rivqnc.rRcdbank wcnShowiig rhc Low Rivcbanks TyDical of.hs Rodbdnk thc Hlgh Rlvclbaiks Typical ofrhis Serion sdrioi (odobsr00e) Pholo 3 Bnds Flying ovn wcdands on lhc U.r. Creek Sy$m (ls Y-Coed) oflhc t Fislre2.2 Map oldr *bidgee Major Hydrologhal Fcaturcs (ron Kingsrord & T]jonas 2001). including Major Lakes and Branching Cek Systems indr Lowbidgfr Floodplain. Dshed line *as thc exrenrolrhc floodpl!in in 1902. solid boundary line marks the ri*bidace Flood Conrsl and Inigdion DGticr.NunbeEmarkrhen.insrMms:l-LachlanRiver,2'wausoBhCreek.l Murrumbidcee Riv (dark6 linc), 4-Paika Crcck,5-MonkeD Creek.6 Talpee Creek. T Kidr Creek,3-Yanga Creel,9-Uira Crcck,lo-Pollo Cre.k,ll Nnnnie Creek,12 Caifl Cdk, l3-Fiddl*s, A-Alaloi Ssamp,Lf,ooricr Lrke, M-Maudc wcir, N-Nap Nat Swamp. P-Pissery hke ond R Redbankwen. The Rdansle at the boton olrhe mrD is Yanra Ndurc Rcse c. =-s$w I 2.1.3 Nmmie CarE Oeeks (NC), The clna and Ni'nmie Creeks fom fine1y divided dhtibu.ancs rhat lsve rhc Mumnbidsee Riv up rean non lhe Maudc Wcir(Figurc2.2). Thc ivcr nows (or usal ro now) over ih banks and along deeks in.o thcsc sysrcDs orchnnels. cain crek no*ed sonrh befoft bonchiig to lhc nonh\rc to form Pollen Crtck and ro the south ro continue ls Cana Ciesk. Ninnic Crcek Nrrer ioi',ed up virh Pollen CFek bur rho nowcd ro rhc nonhwcsr ro inutrdare arcrs ncr rhe rirer. Beseen Nimmie Cftek and wougorah Creek, .onveying Mrer to rhe south, snaller ch.nncls rakc M!.r ro thc noodplain wausomh Creek nos sourhse ro nll ch.nnels and floodplains aid li'k\ np sirh Monkem and Talpee Cr@ks rh.t sinil.rly flow !o rhc sourh iojoir up with Tda Lake rnd the main chaniclofthc Mun$bidge Rirer (Kingsford & homas (2001). In rhh !rc!, pollcochunel ridses with rewo*ed alrcnareNith rhe nodem disrributrry nerMrk' sandy levees and soure botdering dun6 innueme 3id 2.1.4 Uara/Fddle6 Creei (FU) To lhc Lv.e of Toocimbic dE Gum Creek ard Ksrbury Dal&ochanncls lom disnibltarics of d'c Mtrmn,bidsee Riverard begin ro loose srldca exprc$ion ii rhcs&nny rc3ion rcar Mrude *here rl'ey ap lalgoly obscurcd by deposition or rcenr nne emined sedimcnl and dcns lisiufr (l.gc c! il. 1996:lL9) unfofruMlely mu.h olrhis lilnum hrs bcen tue ly dcar.d lornigdron.rcpsof borl' sidcs olrhe ve'(Kingsford 2003). n cxccpliod lo rhk is rhc Fiddhs-U$r Crcck.crch datedroberReen r5 25 ka (Prgc ct rl 1996,lll). pan ofthe Cum Creek paLaeocbinnd syscm whhh braichcs ro'n rhc sourhcnsidcoftheMnmnbidgee(Figre22).nofincLydividcd.l,anchofFiddle^creekleaverbe rer or the *enen side of Toogifrbic, now southrve$ tojoD tlr denned bur sinuous comc of Um Creek. in a compler set or,elict lakes includn g Lake Kia and raks Yrnlr rcar Brltuiald. uan creek follo*s r lo* ndss (lomcd itufr ns pahoo.hanncl icvccs rid sourcc bo,dtring dunet, pcrchcd onc or nvo met.s abovc rhc lienuD $ve,nps cithcr side, lhicl' m (or w e) ilooded Junng 1996319). ur.r cEek h an example df. hddsb crc.k no\ing \irhlr or ss.sonll noods (Prsc cr 'l 'crpnftd by . pilaschanicl sysrcm. Fnrthcr to dr sontlNe , disdbubries ol Um Creck continuc though rhc black hox svsnps on snd rmund Yrnla NaluE RscRe lnow incoQoftrsd in Yinet 2.r.5 Redbank sy5tem (RB) 'lhc Rcdb.nk sy$cm licltrdes borh rdes olrhe Mumm6idgce, fm:, ne thej,'ncrion *ith tho Lo\vr kchlaD Rivcr to rhc Brlranald ea (ligurc 22 rnd pholo 2) This suflcy con.cntarcd on rh. wc crn sidc olt1le it.dba'k syicm on priuls l.nd. m rh! ca$cm sidc h becly withir Ym-qr Narional Prk and hasrcccrtly becn inrensively $neyed nr some rre^ rhc Rldb.nk syscm js r lsGc noodplain discded by drnnds and rilh fes dcfiDed dinribukry crceks. Ir is ch rctriscd by rhe M hmbidgcc Rivtr thet olc lovs ersilyduero chrnnelconiricrion .id lo*banksusually wirhoutad.fitred leveeand*irh Nmerous o,(ler creeks W.lcr no$sdircdlyou! onrorhe noodpliin lotuing nvs r.d eum rorc s i'nenptrkdwirh ssrDps rndocc ional opcn Mrcr lakcs. Bllck bor {ands occur on rhc cdscs ofrhc noodplain. 'rhe *e trn marsi' of rhc Redbank syscm consds orrhe Muiray Mallee sardplain, and the inler ilngcriie .r setrdplrin, palrco luncrtes rnd noodplain occasionally romplicarcs rhis sy$cn. Paika Crcek k r dnriburary no{ligs.$ lron d,c Mnnmbidsee Riverand emptying irro Paikr Lakernd orh$ krsc l*cs, bd d,n a,ea is rho complex as the veienmoi 1.ks tuccivd sa.q (tnor ro lvdo Rgtrl.!ion) fron both thc Mlr0nbidBcc (rnd dr Lachlar as it is bdowtl,ejunction) and also tsox Crcek, apakeo{ or rbmer Lrcllan River. Onthccascnsidcolrheriv,TalrLrkcenconpasesalarseopcn\alorldkc,*nhahighsandyluiFc (rnd oLdor lunclc bchind), and r noodray rnd outler creek draddlnrs rhe 6omdary bclNen rhc d.rk soil ordr Mnrnmbidgee floodplain and inlicb ofrhc Mallc. Saidthin rcd saidy so1ls. other similrr open s?tr laks in rh! .rc. includc Yan8a an'l Pigec'! L'kcs Thc sourh andca cdscs ol rhc lrkc a' c crchcd inro rl[ Mallec Sandplain inliei md on the w$td sido thc inld cNk lid nood$ay chanctcftcd by rypicaL drk srey cncking clay soils ol rh. MumnbidBcc Rive'Lne Plaii. waugorah. Monken rnd Trlpee Crceks dLl flow sou.h and southwsr ro fill chrtrncls and fioodplrins rM finrlly rojoin trF rnh Tala Lakc and thc M!runhideec River whcn thc Mliiumbldglc Riv.r r f it coDplexiry rnd flo\s rrc ro rhe DaiD cl[nnelbefoftev rually nowin8inro rh! Muii.ytiivcr. prin!ily confiicd 2.2 The Gun Crcck/Abcrcronbie Creek System To thcsourh ofrl,e Fiddhn Uam Creek synem olher prbeochannsls.nd lhcn nodcm capturcd crccks such as Abercmmbie Creek crrry noddwrb &rour omo thc plaiis The complex i'temctio. bd\en rhe prlrco.hainck and drn nodem cEeks aDd the ropos.rphy rcsulring lrcn a Fngc of palaco.han cl iid rhc Sr Pluls- Tdrlcry, Dry Lrkc. Kmi prrt olrhc Losbidsee but n is adjrcenr ro rLe LNr, Kcri Kcni .nd Baklon s rois This n ior ricdy \ourhcD side olir and some iarions incolpotut pms ofbolh syecns, aid ir is rlso a |Dt ofrhe ctrm Creek prheochannel syvcn that also foms thc Fddlcn'Uar crek syseD ol rhe Lorbidgee. This slcrion olcuft crcck leares rhe Mu mbidsee River lun ro dE $ri of Drlingron Poinr, runilrg learures isrhe fo.usolrhe back paddock' olRavcnstrbnh- rlrouBh Cundalinc a'd then branching oul ro fomr Abercrombie Cro.k, and othduinafrcd cc*s rhat bmnch out rnos the plains. Sevedl b nch.s also h!!d ba.k ro rhc MurrumhidCee i" rhe L.rvbLdeee splacesonrle Lowbidgeeaswell area fre$mably rh! sy$cfr a.ccs so in high floods rhe Ctrfr Cru.k-Abn.nmbic Crcck s!$cm joins with tl'c 'lhc LoNbidlce syiem. Abcddnbic Crcck sy$cm has bccn tlr rocus or much olrlie achaeolosicrl rsedrch cadcd out on drc Hry Fkin (sec Scdior a). and this rese ch drrr Rill be helpftrl in nndemrandins theresulrs ofrbe RERP su cy. .cros .h$c phiis, but origin'red 6 merndea,nLne(*dndsourc.bordcngdunsofElictsr'{emsTheseLelicrsynemsnaynillopemrein noods, ilrhcy harc r mod n eek i'riled inro rhe rncient clanDcl (for cxamplc bcEronbic Crccl) rnd this can filllhe noodour rrsas, s{.mns lid laks. Oihq plhcochannck rorn mned.idsesrl'rr aE nol oasily idsitilicd as fomc! rvcr sysrc'ns Thcs are knownrs \rnd creeks by locrls or'e1eva1ed old nvq bcd oi son,c mps. such elevrred learuEs ca'norcrrry Rarer and a. *lrhou! a chanicl, hoNclcr rhet $ill innucn.c rhc floN ornood \srer by ading $ a drm wall rnd bankin! up Mrcr on rhc pLin thus ronning shrllov svamps. Acomplcx atray olmouds, budals. o! ci s a nd anofad scarcB at fouid on rhes ridEes, cspecially rhtrc rhey ovs ook flood.ou1arcas. s*amps lnd l5kcs Some orrh svrmps rturco rhcos tr side. rtrdd,h is often a focus olmomd localion. However, rl,se may nolbe lypicrlluDdrcs, bur n.y havc o giturcd !s n.endcr scnlls or orber source borneri.gdnncs rha. hlvc bcci rcworked by'eoli'nrnd fiuvirl proce$* Palascl,annel fertures vrry considedbly 2.3 The Lower Lachlan Piver 23.1 The Lower Lachlan River East olOx ey Thc Los Lachlan liircrh$ a narc* chanicl similar ro, blt smlhr dm. the Murnmbidsee Rivcr to rh. sourh Largc opci $ d lak*. sud, as Lake wrlgeen and lla f,rke, capftc w.rdlhtuugh snrlkr i',lcr cfeks lion the Lrchlar River and fmm pil.soch.nnd nccks, and thcrc arc ako 'nrny fton, h[es nre PimDatu Crcck palacochainc]complcx lEs capturcd'nodem creeks rhal fiowsouth{cd rlt Lrchlrn ro the Mumm6idsce lti'er red lum fotois cxhr ii mas $hcrc N cr lc'lcs d'c Lacl'lrD rhroush crccks inlo defined $vanps or shallow laks eM arcrs orfloodplaitr \'ith veir likedisdburries Thc Lowq Lad,lsi Rive' eNnonme conoins plheochannels, floodrunn!*, cfiluci. $rcams and rhc floodplrin PaLacochannch in thc Lad,len .athncd aE usurlly lomer rivd channek rcnDinins conmcrcd to rhc mair cbrnnel. shich rcceivc ater from *ein orLigherrb.n nornal noss in rhcmaii chnnel f_loodrunnen carry wder rvhon rhc n.ii rivqbrcaks itsbatr irom rhc ve' under high now condirions rhilc rhc is rhc rot!l arca suhjsr to floodi"s 'naLn 2.3.2 LowerLachan WeslofOxleyand The Greal Cumbung Swafrp Lo$sLachlrn Rivn\ye{oroxleyGcl rctrised by a *idenins floodpliin irh!vari.ty oflypcs ofopcnra{dlakcs.ssamps,rccdbc'lsan'lrivqrcdCunibrcds Thc Grcar Cumbuns Srrnp $rounds rhc Lorcr Lrd,latr about midMy betRccn Oxlcy rnd rhejunclion oltbe MummbiJge. and Lachlr Rivm. Thisswrmp fonnsa masive reed bed covering ibou! 50,000 hcdmN. rxc ro d'c utrprcedented doughr aid ovcFrllocatio orsare' hisherupdr rivei n *as complclcly Jry duriig rhc fi.klnoiod in seprembe' 2009i rhe reeds {ere ar sromd levol bur shootiig fton rcccn! ralis. warcr rcmrincd ir rhc Lachlan Ri'q ch.nncl in thc ioih ol.hc $vaml hui r *as complctcly drJ tunhcr doM neaF rhe Thc juncrion with the MumD,bidsee. Mirchcll dc{riber rhis lo*cr end oltle Lrchlan beins olquile differcnr chandq ro rhc 'nuddy holeJ '... the t^et Larhlan is it na Fal b.1t.t ttulfttt thar fictt il .t rts k. hdsi,' ofth? Mururb eer tr.l.)j tthi.h had bpn sa !zr.! ni athrr patls \ abrnlJoit rhctc n' .hdnreland jtn,nediate rntlins asrtt..l the Eea! thaMtkt of!t,c gtutlt r^rt lMr.h?ll Bclow .hc Clclr Cun,bune S\yflnp the Lachbn River spLi6 irro $venl small md poorly dcfincd chrnDelstli w ecoD,pktelydryartherimeolthesurvsy.Thisarcaconsntorislsndsorsand,ersoil Ldr'r l-d u' Photos: LrchLar River Krlyar scA. lon iJE l u LJr- '\ NoNood Cotuge oor C - inrc^pc6!.d with bkck c[ckrgfloodplrir clays wirhopen graslands, Black Box wood]rnds and Riv{ RcdcuDto {s TheLow Lrchlar .hanncls j oin rbc MunnbiJgoc Rnsrdnd lhc La.hlln floodlhid mdscs wirh rhc Munumbidg$ R1v$ floodlhi". 2.4 The Murray Mallee Sandplain Muray Mrllee S.ndpldn is.hatucroisc'l by ndically dlfferenr geomorpholosy, soik, veserarionaM Landlom to rhc Lorbidgee and Lo\v Lachlrn uoodp lains lr consisrs olsa.dplain wilh r dsnsc rovcr of nallee Encshpt and a Mriety oloths spccics sLch as Acacias, llolasudiii (bclrh or bla.k oak), Irkea (necdle*ood). Ercmpohil. (shubtrsh), Myoporum Gusasvood),lnd Alcdryon tosc\rcod). and is ma*c'lly hlshs rhri thc noodplaiN lr ocNn as minor i.lien in rhe lowbidgee to rh. olBalnDrld, and fonns the bound.ry ro rho Muh,mbidgcc lid Lolvs Lr.hlai iloodpl3i on 'onLerd the wei anJ nodh sidcs, som.tincs pnjcdii-q into rhefloodphitr ii long narow periNulrs while n h only p ipheral ro rc Lo*bidgcc and Lo*q kchlan, ir nsvsrhslsss innucnccs n and bouids n. laMloD. thcreforc sircs rskrcd !d $c{ mry bc lound on rhc cds$ ord,is The 'nato, 3- RECONSTRUCTING THE LOWBIDGEE AND LOWER LACHLAN WETLANDS 3.r The Lowbidgee h is ic.c$rry ro rcscne rhe pr*srrer rsulation lrndscapc ro mdcnla.d rhd rlre nood rcsim! and sdlands sere d tha( timc rhc arhacological lcdrcs rcrodod dunig sufl.y Ncrc ri usc (ingsrod (2001.2003)hasrccoisrrudcdrhcchansesroiheLowbidseebe!inninginls59rndconrintringi olhc 1990\ (note d,ar th*e fistrrts Jo nor covd rhc crccprionllLy dry p$iod ro'n 2002 unnl ?009) Fisure 3.1 sho s sonc of.hc l!.!ccs lnd chanmk btrilt on rhe Lowbidgec ro contml. block or chann.llalcr (KiDgsford 2001).lhc Lowbidsce \?s r.r.iorllly imponam wcrlond.ovcine hd103.731hedarcs % ol l ood*areB o'edlowed inlo d rhe blginiing olrhc 21]'h ccntury Lo\vbidgee sdla s asrbemain channel helo* Hly could only.dry abour 15%ofnood{orc6 FLoods srre caried rcros rhc noodphin by rhc dndbutary accks (Fddl.r. Ua'a. crim. Ninnic. Pollcn. wausonl,, Trlpec. Monkcm, Kiera. Yrnsr and lhika err.) thrr fom I highLt l crcoinccrcd icn$rk indudin! lompler \rtland sy$.ms (Kin8sford 2001:71). Thc buildiis or26 ioEges ov rle fu 1.r0 y0a6 on rlie Mum'nbidsce Rive, h$ de{royed ordegoded al Gai 7'j%oflhc noodpl.ii ind rcfi.lilig wcrl.nd h consldcdbly alrcrcd. Durlig rh. 1930\ aM l9t0\ rhe Losbidsce noodplain Ras mpidly dcvclolcd ror iEisatiotr lKing!lod 2001:69,72,71. Frazier et aL.2005302). Su!h de!elopmcnl in nscll o'e oltbe drivi'! lorces behind the efons in thc 1990\ by t "$ rccordcd and protsied. The resulrrion rnd diveBion for iri8arion lis duccJ n.dlar ourflo(t ar rhc juncrion ol lhe MtrmLnbidggc md Mutr.y.o 25% olnaruFll.!ch, and dry ye'6 dd ibnrllyoccurcd J%ofycaGnolvoc.urinSTyoofycr6(Ki',ssrb'd200r:71) The Lolbidece ea qas rlso affeded b! 1930\ ofconfinemenr synems thd prevcn{cd $.tf lrcn floLring our lron thc dhtiburlry.rNks iito rl[ srainps, ro' exan,ple caiE a\ting near Maudc. Ans 1930. n connrided rdn ro flood\raysaid splcial hlbirar orcm, *n[ dtrrc norv benrs ovcr 2,000 km ofhrccs.nd 394 kn olchannch on rhc ('no{ly s hso Lsvbide* Thc rcdudioD ,tr ilows and inisrrior dcvelopmenr on the Lowbidlee resulled ir rhc los 0176% ol tl,r fioodplain habirar. los of floodplain vegelrlidn. .id lo$ ol watcdnds- fish, toss rnd aquaric invcnebdrcs (Kingslord 2003:74-5). Thc dfribrary .reeks, such as Ab cmnbie Creek. rh lomeny noodld the Hay Phii Soulhtrc$ pmbrbly dr ceakd ro nLndion nomally $rll bcloft rhc Lo{bidgcc dhtibulary crccks lisrcd 'borc. 'i cady pd olrhc2orlcc ury whcn.hclorgc upsrcan i',rrdructurc olBuriiiuck Dam, Be'e'nbed Wen Ylnko wcn, MIA M!i', CrMlrcrc connrucrcd (Kirsslod z00r:72). Thus rhe $vamps rhdrto ofmound loerion in thc Tchsl.ry, Dry Lakc, Ravo$$fth. Ktri Ee*, Baldon, Ke'ri KeriareN mry h.v! bco sub$rntially dry ror sbont 100 yean except lor nre excep{ioDal flood ylan surh ds 1956 or 1975.I',lacr rhey nay hNe been subnanriall' dr! for.onsidcrably longcr.ln 1363. oi a floodri'nc trip from ro rh. Mun'nbidscc aftos opcn plriis \urouDdcd $itb Natel and nor beinsrbLc!o procccd rorrhe Lisnum l{arl,s , wsr*ood iopped ar'Dry lak!, so calLcd betusc for r lone rime Fiqurc3.11993mapsoJrh6Lowbidg€6shosinqlh6rnnu€ncoora.2,145kmolwalercontoleveesand bmks (P marb Paika L€v€6) b.3s4 km oi dsalion channels and c. suoivins loodways (qrey), key habitat a'.as and srorasos (black). Dala w6 nor availabre lor all are* (rrom Kinosiod & rr'dmas 2001). (j/., /: n has bccn dc$nulc ol sds, olrhough lhis ysi $nngc to say, n is qunc tull, aM abounds rith wild sccsc. ducks, rnd \yaterftns, i,, sftar vr.ietv, and plenryofsood 6a eysn$ lorthelor* gro*inson rhc n.rgin' (wcs\rood 1365:355). Padoc & Manin (2001) lound rba! dccp opcn lakcs wnh hieh slndy arge shell nidde's ard sisrificmr numb{s ol burials rnhcr rhan momds nris susgs6 thar cirhq rhcse laks wft roo dcep or rle sdiDcnr unsunrblc (cuDbunei) ere$ rrourd ihe edses ofLrke waLseem (Mitchell l8l9 voLll:66). Ar 13.16 accounr ofTrb rjke lrom G. Robinson indicdes rhd Tala and /mg. uere 20 leer deep in winrsr (herefore no! A sun.blc lor.unbungi), bur.onraincd nu$ch, wartrbids and lishi t j1hdb" .t th?'h . nrtnN Lddl t:j.l af tuat Mtu ntd 'id D'iles it1 .i'a n!le4'.. ahor dins n' rata la\'t lst' d aborisin6... rata shatto* dnd ranshu, but .1!q in \inter, 20 let vatet Nurnber [aj] .!t&r a".t n\talort: nuhv .arvanioh, pli.d'. d. e, a"d star. ... UNard: of 100 ar 200 pelia s dzn?, rhite 1d'!? , ttbet d d t*s, plafta ttiles qf $ar, hite spaon bil]s ...lesentu.l to a la,Ee urp on b.4h, \.nt thnrEh the turp ub."t t00 n.ria\ uhne.rh .h ildtd', trt! .n il w.lsdre lLake \\aleaaB], ra |a, vdnqa, .nd ot hlr ln.k p6an Raih..t rota b wot'a1l6hu4a tot rhctk. Oft lo\at o.t uttqhl (Ctoi2aao:i1.3)) 3.2 The Lower Lachlrn or the changes ro wetlrnds on the Lowe' La.hlan we{ ol Boolisal and Swrmp.ln 2009 rhis arcr was suficinecxtEm lack ofwrter, and hN been for many Thc snill Clcinv $ Lrkc on rhe edce orrhcCrcrr CDn'butr w er lake liinged by rirer red $n. Przs,lr?s Gommon reed) rnd Nmbungi when visiled in 2001 (ladoc & Mlnin 2001). ln 2009 rhis hkc \os conpLcrcly dry and rhc only rcDnan$ of rhc rccds rvcrc hlar RiverRas not rnningand the river rcd gum lorens Md nor bceo yca6. noodod lor ovq 15 Mirchclldcscibs rhc L.s$ Lichlan s havrng vcry lrBc ar@s orligium, rnd river rd snms.mddr G,€at cn'nbuns swonp asdE landolreedyhollowt(Mithe11l3l9 'eeds vol ll: 70). A reccn{ cx.mi'dion olrhe Bdoligil Worlands ju$ upirsih lrom Booligal and lhc RERP suncyara at Ulonsa Station, pairk rdcvrs ins picttrc of acenl envnon mcntrl dcsmdar ion Thcre s lndc amlysn eva,lrble rhe Crear Cumbuns tdlalds dre dt?nsire tura ins dba t t 5 t)00 ha Thq atz natia"all\ i,npa,1a"t and tto!4 is.l [ot the ld,Ee ,at.ftnt oloni.s thr) .a" l[tain lha tonn a ?un oI thc dtensie !a*d Lrchlan ris \ttla ds a d rch d der llo's run nte pprr Ld.hla We n"piigutA nat! tha" ort hu"dkn t!u6 aIMilhll ?ara\: on.l ht.t'tlogitul thot&4 L) 1a R^rr a"lt rh? atpp\ aJ nater and th! in'p1.6 ol lha th. se: to the r^d t?t Thas? a,N E s\anp.ontD n,ities *ithin the tsaaliqal ltellatds ttle a abs.a the avilable serluen.. oJ ud irt fldos'arh\ spahks ri r4'\ ( te1 PaM) b a?t?tn,ihe in riftt r?d Et"t "?hds huhh ba.kel up \ith :4'u lt thins. Thue att 10 lats.lanr a"d 123 \\Ni\ \rhin tht La.h|a, Canhtna ol uh.^, ,rErlara^, pthtps d"d 4h ird ia'as!:rt'dtattotlbtthed^E5ianalnnkrjr the riret vb jbrnd na ta t de.tine nt r rzirtklt rhe,? 61 th. nt th( La.htqn Ritu Roalixal S\a'ryr a't Xe"(ote.t but thc.t lldt sle !dt: kt vtt!:ig"i.a1 d(h(: \ allel lhe e.atos af fir Bootisat tplt Ettt !"nne: ana th6. h^E &unltA huve.oinc ed rith tha inctea\rte nVacb oI ttdjor det Qgrlatioh otnl 'livt^i,t oj Mtur hr ntisdion TtL p'rpo ioh aJ ahnat llot{ ,utthin4 Boatis.t lirn) Forbes has sisniJin l! dae[ed b 50!, O att 3a% to t 5 n in ntrtte 1391 2047 mi,ridins fith rE te,iozt rtu tnadirh oI mkr lnh th" \': h.\k,kal nt .lJlo$ has also hdh.d {ilh rntr ,tB latia" La| llaw ^t hatr in.ta:eA, thile the'2"8. ntbd ol petio.L *ith .en llar h': .letr26.1l. lt th fu|| 'Jetelopntlr, oI srattia" (1932-2007), thc 1i?9 enq of l.'Ee Jload: h n'e Eaa liEa l wet landr has d{,e.s?d b! 50%, mn'pdrcd t a |hen th? riret vas nEs ldtert The nu nb.t a"a dlation oI b .ltoad toDninE ./to\LS (340 on.l 2,500Mi.n-t)otRrntieothatthtt.a:r.tLt10%atelturza!,bti\,o1lltr*h.:.h.heed E*)ft ontth l1o$ at Boalisat vre srheariiatb lota dun E itttne '?st|.lior, ur.1 aurntu (DatnhcrFch'lu,), (Mttch-MA rn,nIh\, btrr. kotu\r'E :iEhilid ltr l ri p *iner lJ neJ lt). dnd li'nl\ dnre:i1p ndrh d ti,tp sp'i p ls?pteDtb?r Nov.,thq ,aqd dd"r wte huil1 and *als dite ed tunnret low rt,p siJrnia b l>55v4rhilefi te41a$ *ert lafa than "nnEuld1d utdih'6. Ft..tti,e .1 t1,? Ba.lis.t tvetlands rat om6 les liqwrr, Iu sh. c' au'uhont aD.r at dilleftnthtks.tthcwatc.D,'ran.rhisha'detinEaltralldett tttt t?4 gr 1\ in rh? :rbD'p \i1t hish nD'1alitu oflrces. ttte dlinnteA th hishd )AN). mh d*hne u(ela aka ,1 th. l.(t thtue ro, tiq rel ala E th" ahhaueh afd.n b) entran, leat: enar2naS). "l m\Er, crna mib 'ivet ,111 :\uV :itd hu.l th. .li!,sht |ith a los of.araq altu 'e.ent 'pnEinal D'oE dead.Ees tha litins,?es ii ea.h si:a Aa::. On Anud di.\\ nLnd 1d"nn tzl s D' .vs rc .leal *h ilc tnuitlrl< ti!. L22s shot!2d t isr aJ sev?rz \aftt a€s. rhe '? the nbn obia s dnd nuwable elkd aI {otolrrul ivr trd stha .)r 'J.ttrt! h rtu^' other depe .lent ors.rxns srch as uatethrrls ratir lirh !\, jirEs, rertiles, otiEl han de.ftased 8 35% o\Lr t ) )Nu^ ( 1991 h1 ptant a"a tn'cncbt ots tikrt, til?dL, d idilzd, alJded b| th4? .hans6. 'tt rh. R.atiEdt tvett. ds atp in s?re,e deeh'e a d ritha t riEnilut ir?nw ar.Ir^e' jl.'s to there rctla ds, llte thaw: oI \ilt h! pa.t t1't.n,'."1 hr '?habililaho, t,I iriedi.h tia^4 olle,\ ene opporurti\ to als thc bulb'tk saftn 'ehahilitate '1 hutjahdttrihpartahl wrl.ridr I 2). n6c lArtLnr sd.dl.2049: ...fhe strt ltntnps oI the Baolisdi haw erpcicne.t a t5 )an '\Jr'! rl '?d hedhhatt.l.rrtelav'!thi"ttttteti.Jh1o!tik?trdttbthedtnandntEhlu tu'rrt h"e hhnh b.tine.. tirtes, the Baalisalwtldnds red Ertt sntnq! rm! be |a! l|lith onb 15%.lalt tl,e hter \r.tdt.t t1 2aM.onside'rd h?alth:|.1l'e,e are ssia6 itpticathh\ tr' th. hhs te er1^ntafata sa oltunEitiat and aq ' .tau a Entin"tnentat .ltors ak thc k.t to td at nh L"t e.t as n'e defs'denl lorz atd '6 lijb hisrorr re.trh anent atthe t^ o rtd thct trt hc tlli.ietr ra pntide s"ns Iac'!ar..t iriEati.h rdiriries, and rt'e asa.iakd ave$ion alllar! tna! linir tht t4ovu! pda al af Jlaadplain h&s rcntpa'ul rith Fai rlttught c\trb. *idesptutl ,tplnato^ [., hatl rh? .pp?.rdhtz dd the olocidl jndio^ oI th? Boa lisal vel lands and llaodplain lArnin"E tt al. 2009.6 7-63 ) Ji)r 3.3 Floodphin River Connection & Biomnss ln neand{ing drcs wilh wcLlJcvcloncd Uood ploiis, flood ptrhs l[ve najor ccolosical impacr, scdincnr bceins ro bc dcporrcd on dr floodplains, rdbnds are proere$i'ely inu'daled and rhere is r connedion berReen lhc chinnol lnd noodplain habn'$. Floodi',E or noodplains md sdlaMs is Ihe major forcc conrollinC biorr i', ,iver ilood plair sysens and rhe bulk ol dverinc bionms is dcdv.d dircdly or indiredly nom producrion wilhin rLc floodpl.iis and no. lom dorn$rcdn rmrslon or orydnic m.(d(Pi8. cr al 2005:567). Thc amou orbio'nrs prcduccd by uoodins is rclrtcd io rl,e dumtion ofchannello rcrLand ronnccrion. ic slidh it conneds ar bankfull. or before banktull,.nd hd* long rhh lass. h is aho rclated to rhe producrive The sidth ofrhe froodpLrin, thc Nidrand norcconpl* thc noodpkln the 'no'ebiolocically Mummbidgee noodphin sidrh rnd conpkxny bcgins ro ircrcmc €pidly ftom rh. Pcvcisl/Toogimbic ea bclwccn Hay and Mludc 6 .n!$s rhc cxtcnsivc Losbidgcc icCior rbe.c d,c fioodplai' emdually lin.ascs ro a maxi'num widrh or45 kn, (Pasecr a1 2005:569). ofsrls ofincEasin! noodplain widrh ind.onplcriry includin8 rhc ofdistibulrry ch.nncls, and thc i c4lay bcNc 'cin nudsrous p.lacochanncl sy$crs One 6pect ofil,is rsion is rhat exrensive swamF 611 sirh walcr Thc Lo$bidscc rcsion has a Nmber Like ndworks rhrclph naturalbra.hes i', the rivedanks al r 1evel below hanklul l, whicb tocins rhar rhcycould (bcforc w.rrrcgul.rion) nlloftcn fom lowq noodpuhcsrs wcll$ tbchishcrnood puhs. The larsecapaciry of rhc Lo\\'bidecc ucilands .csults in r sisnilicrnr loserins olnood peaks domnrerm, lor exrmplc in d,eBalnnrld rrer. nresellandshave ro fill before rh'e isasignific.n! nood pcak atBalmield (PaCc et al. 2005:576). lt d rho sistrificanr ihar mter esapes dE river chrnnel inro the wcllmds al lor nood pulses as rellas high nood pukes, rh$ pmvidiDs moro oppdnunily lor warq 10 rca.h rhc wcrllnds. lh( is reilecled in rhs Windjrn n.aiiig of Munumbidee: M., i?o,!tac?t Ar riDes (or oncn) has ovcrnosn,or!um!dosidc'(Riclr!ilsl902b 1l61 1tc gcncmllos lyi'g nature olihe L.wbidgee $ouLd nrn have the effecr ofrelaining rdd loigsr ii *dl.nds bc.lusc olrhc lostr gnvibtioml pullof"zrer back lnlo rhe mam chamel. nre Balnnald rea \ould rherelore havc fc*n flood puhcs lhan rhc Lorbid-qee arer, be.ause rhc Lovbidscc crptrres much olrhc floodwargli irs cxrcnsivc *cnoi'ds Thn more nLlly sipLains !h! conclurons d€$n in Sc.tion 52 T rhat rhc rcncn hallolrl,e Ha] PlaiD has -o' 'noum b- ' e Io m lor '. |] .:n\ u nJU,lrdr' ' olner"o* dynami.! pmvides . unddandiig how thc splrhl rlm. v'ryiig i"nneices cie e *ructures oflhe Lo*bidgee-loqb Li.hLrn sy$cm lnd "ere6hed aid fta1nhi', habirar here$seneir] and porenrially promorc biolosic.l divssiry ind trodtrclivny ir su.h d rive ne ecosyicn (Bmdr cr a1 2004) As rb! Li.hlan.nd Muiiunbnlgc! hcad toLvards thct.luncriotr. anabnnchcs Ind diiribukry secks incrcdc and ofici flow hcrwccn rhc t"o riv s. rl s rddi.s a confltr!i.c dcnsiry cffcct rh!t i'ucaks direniry rnd prodnctivity. Thejunction or connuence ofrhc rwo i'en has crealed the najor serland habnar ol.hc Crclt Cu'nbung Swe,np, and n itr ro.n simLlrrto r dehd \yith high iinut orscdinctrr and trutierh Sinil[ly, the Lowbidgee wilh irs major distibtrlary sy$cm spreadirs aoos rhe bend iD rhc Mnnmbidsce fomB a dclk likesyiem. Thc *ide noodplali of lhc Ldvbidgcc has a ncruo'k orsirbnn.hcs and dndbutaries which incEmes rhe hrbikr div siry aid prcducririry coD,prftd to rhe corfired tmce ofrhe Mum'mbidgee ro ths e.$ olHay. This glomdry aDd incErsed conntrenres combinld wilh rh. incrcAcd nood olcd thal hivc innucnccd rh.distlbunoi of erchaeoloq,c'l'mlerial Thc rcccnr coDceF anorher &imework ldr gee 4. PREVIOAS ARCEAEOLOGICAL RESEARCII IN THE REGION 4.1 Klaver's Work on the C€ntral Murrumbidgec Archaeology Jan Klavtr\ (1937. 1995. 19931 $b rnrill chreologiol solk his locusd on rhc Cdtal aid alons Yrnco Crcck ro rhesoun,, N $ellN r$clion can of Nenanden rhat is nor on rhc Rivcinc I'hi'. Hcr fiddwork idps d( thc cdr.m cdec ofrh. nFlcd cr Hay ln 1937 sho .omplsrld a su cy alons thc C.trtsl MunlDbidcee River ard locared llz 'ear D,ounds, intlpreled lrom su ncecvidencgincludiig.L!yh.ardaiics,asovcnmouids(Klav 1937) ln 1993 Khvcr cofrpldcd a PhD on rhc se'hc pen of the Murrumbidsce rnd rhc Yrnco Crcck ard Lakc UnnraEsonthc6reancricdscolrheRircnnePhin(Klaver1993)lhisn t incdrpontn a Largcscrle suwcy $here slrc sampLed rreas over rhe edsum selion ofrhc Munnbidscc Rivcri"e Plri" aM reriali', rft samplc aEm asos thc Btioi.'lhis ciabLcd horo bcgin ro see pdrcns in mhacology ino$ rcglonal laidlonns as wcll es on rlr scrk orminor landlonns Munfrbldglc tom NerrMcn ro Hry Khvernolcd otrrioi htuq ircd li li.cnrcring mouM su l.nlsrcupLngs.aM rclrrionsliip ro proximarc rnefrd srncn aDd orhe'sites, as conlenuoraneous setr lcnenr pa! cns. ThDn lonnarioi. cvci 1i lalgc groupinss, is algtrd ro bc vcll \irhli thc.rpabilrq' ofa popularion of Diode* densiries wnhin a regnne ol scasoml or scmirdentrry Nase (Klav 1993: 4) She lound rh lhco is no lrld.ncc of 'inlc'sifi.arion on.hc c6!cd Mumnbidgc.. dcspirc rl[ tiict rhri rbe largc coDphxcs ofmounds slr rcco,tcd (l0l nDuDd! rr Cooey Poi LrEoon alone) r'd daled ro the Lare HololsDr sudd.nly appcaron rlrndsapethatha:norecodederidenceofpriorlrcbacologlcalrcrility(Kllvsl993293) ofKlirels (1993:191-203) tos.!rch n $c.rca cooe] Point Lrloon on rhc Ccnhl Mum'mbidg.c Thc cx.alanons idenriiied the momds md ovens as rcsulring fion rhc,rrr, usc olbakcd doy licd rctrincr ovcns Fits recodcd rhnusl,onl. The midde' aLso md lrui..rd pns wilh .harcoal lcnscs imororrted minoramounholbakedchyhed rer ncr.indicdiigsomcovcnrp\ h'nounds Klrvo obtrired 27 dates lrom Cooey l'oinr Lrgoo. and Columbo Crcck (South Fsftrtr Slop*. to rhe cooey Poi' LagoonhrcuroIf eai olrhe Hay Plain),lor. sqics ol mounds, olcns aM a A sisrin.anr rsped .ofrplcrcs aM r midden Hay Plain, md rh! mornds and ovcns aru mcardcron rhc Mumn,bidcee River on dr estem edgeofrhe'nidden siluared round rb! l.loon or nc.iby floodplain, Lirh a middcn oi rh. rivcrbrnk Cooc] Point Lasoon 32 mound has rscicsor L0darcsnnsi',s lmm rbour 400 BPto2,660 Br. Ho*evtr,rheea y dde mtrn b. bcnedwithcruiion.Klaverirdi.atdthattherehrsapofrbour2.000yembctslcithecanicr'co'e.f rlr. nound lnd rhc ovslyiis inound narenal. She dscribed the ov{lyin! bycr N lypicil notrid rrreriel of son ashy sill wifi some lauDalnalcrial md hc.r tor.iins. Ho*Ncr. rhc fcarur. rhlt rl'c old dale cones liom vas oDly prscnr in o'! crclvdlon pit (l r 5 our of tbr., and cvo diis snall 'ncrrct cxposlr\mrcuri obyalatc'o'cn.Thkolderfedtrrcw desfibcdtur'corc simil&rorh trotcd for orthc Mlnay vallcy !r'cxlcrn.l] complct layc! rnh a low conccntFiioi oldcnic 'nou,ids. reiairer rnd Donrirs ehe ro indicare it \yas mound Krar norcd rhc,e ws a char brak bel*een rhe rwo laye6 rnd lheol{lyin!daosirappearedquietalientolhelrtef.andmenrionssseml Thn hyer Ns dn$rty ovcrtyine r clay:ubsoil rnd conrained calcrrcous inclusions. The rrca $rs prcne to fioodi',g anddr nDUMhad somc ron hear dc$riprion and rhc locrrion, n is diffirLl{ {oacccpl rhar lhis is dcfitrirely rcd ro nDund abovc withour so,nc supponing ev id ence t he dare of apprcximd ely 2,660 Br lor r1E begirnin!ofiheCooey Poinr Lasoon 32 nound h^c .o bc . qucnion h.rk, al.hough n rslainor ftdurc nrm n appe s rhal rhe cooey Poinr LaCoon nEs, including rr nontrds md the n1ddctr elloigc fton lbou l,000BP ro 100 BP, cxrlpl for rhc onc oldqdalc rhd mry be an oven or hsged mound rl lrom an ier nound. nre Colonbo Crcck mound and rso ovcis. ro rhc sodh-c!$ ol rhc Hay, mc aLl datd d approximarcry 2.500 BP. i'ldicari,rs dndrn nrtrordcrsitc comprcr bccn scourcd by prsvious floodins. Given rhe \malr brsar i tirbrc h. {ill m All dares from Cooey Poin( nounds aid a middm, lrll e (ipad fmm the small lbatre daled ar 2660 BP), includi',s cP li2. I od,cr rhin thc darc rangc ol1000 BP .o 400 tsP. rvhich v'gge$s very loctr$ed in amund 600 yca6, rnd rhc orhcr ihrce mouds wcrc builr up ir 500. 200 ard 70 yea's icqElivcly, !hich nor suppon Klavcfs conclurons olslos. .tnodic build'up olmouids ord 6ui1r up 'locs 4.2 Prcvious Rescarch on Burirl Dietribution and Patt€rning on Lowbidgee nnd Abercronbie Creek ! ol bioln.hrcpologic.l rcscdtoholqlhsla$15orsoyerro'IheiudyofrhcLars*bunalsiresoflheLo*6id!ce,imhdng sid Toosi'nbic- rrc and s.rc *lmircd by ! iu'nbd of period (Bonhomme arcbaeololkrs ovtr a long ol riDe 1990 b) I',fonmtior otr the dnniburiotr or buriaLs on rhc ltivsinc (induding rhc Lo\ybidgcc/lown Lr.hlan). md rhe Mutrry Mdlee The Lo$bidgce aM sdrsccnr Abercrc'nbr Creck sy{c'n has bccomc Sandplain, \yrscollated by Bonho,nmc ber*een 193? rnd 1990. This included r lircnrurc scamh. malysn rhcn NSw NPwS Sirss Rcgistd(ndLvlhc DECCW AboisinaL Henhse lnfomalion Manaeemcnr AHrMs) and addirnmr cd i,,rhisnudlas: ofth. sylrn s koldld, individual bui.h I. r;o a' iii. " ". rbar ocour raidomly n \r.rt. L ,u crcd :rc! dstr.r ' Camecnesinwhichrl.ryenumberolbunrLare sociarcdinlimcandspacc(Bonhon,mc1990b: Bonhommc $o$td rhd burial disrdburion Ms relard ro gcomorphololy borh on a resiorrl scale and hndscapclcrruresa1c.ccmctcricssererortbundonrlrcadcns,onorrlfRiv iic Phitr,ard rhcy irrcaseJ ir rtrmberloMrds the SandpLain in rhe se rnd sotrrhRe olthe udyarer.Ovcmll ^lallee burilh wq.lound in.bc $ci olrh! Rircni. (including thc pqed arer) rhm in the e^r 'norc {Bonhommc I990b: l.16). A lide ranle of $nd bodies uas found ro contain buirh i'rludfg: luneft* lid luidrc f€gm.ds, sou^. bodcing duns, modlh nvr b.nk Lcvs$, prior iream lelees and cl,rnnck. alluvirl &n rnnanr. satrdDla,i nnmnh. aid rc"orkcd dunc scr. Boihommc lookld .r ! numbe, olbunaLsires aheady recorded in rhe Hay Prrir, includins drc Jmly,nd Nap Nap tc,ncrcricJ. endronns Shc rc.odcd burilh on pior n.m 1or prlaeocbmnel) i' s . rtr dod" .., '.ch.nicl(BoDhom c 1990b: l.l3). h intrcs again focu$.d on rhc Losbidlcc and Abcrcrofrbic Crlck syicnb. Thc Hry LALC mn,bos w c conccned rbour rhc nuD,bcrolbu'ials cxposcd aM rlD bea'nc intcrcsc,l in rhc mounds rl r rere onen a$ociatd with d,em. Bio rnihmpoloskt Colir Pad re rcqucncd by rh llay LALC ro inlceigarc son. olrh. sir.! rhey 1992.4 ounds in the aEa. rardoe drkd r hrd localed. and rhis rcsuhcd ii r ard obrained wh sas rhen r soDe*hd unc\pcded dde olmound 5,000 BP bund tum Jcruly Shriotr (Pedoe 1995, Padoeetal l99r). Fifry lourbuiah in scv.n lo.!lirics *.ru rc.ordcd- lnduding burills in 'ccndcict a$oclltcd wirh mouMs ar J.rrly rnd Toosimbie, rnd bunak in mounds ner Dry Lrks (P doc cr al. L99r) I conrinued n,k .ecording lork a sire pm.elion (M.nin 1996a, 1996b. 19c60 qith bio rnrh.opoloshr ludilh Litl.ron. Hiy L LC ncnbc^ lai $oods, d NSwNPWS Sites oftices Sreve Mcrednh. Brdser Bdgs md ltandcLlc Bldir. Jldirh Lnrlcton\ ongoing rtseerh l,$ .oDcentatd on bunat in rhc Lowbidssc and bcrcrombic Crcck synens. die locus olrhe Hay LALC\ orn buiaLprclcdioi prcgftnmc(Lilrlcton l99l a & 199:lb. 1995 a, l99sb& 1995c.1996, 1999,2002). Ai ovcfllcs ofh$ro* dncu$cd b,o (rle tends rlong the Muiiav Rivo rid adjacent landscaps imludinc the Hay Pbi.. 'nris anich dcsdib&l disliid fomal differencs berlen the Rnedne (including lhc Uppo Muii'y and the Mumn'bidge/L,clilan), arJ the Mumy v.lhy.orh! sc$ Gho slled rlr Mumy Mrlleed Mrllec Sandplain) i. bothlhc lom aDd pracemeDr of bunal sirs. Lirllerdn mgurd rh!! thorc is a dnrinqr ch'nec i" burirl l)3dcnx ar d'c jmcrion of rhc nvonic phin and rhc inollc. laMronn to dr se*. and thn differcrcs include sire ol burials. hnrial posirion, orienrdion olbodics rid lglscr locarioi, dcn!ry orbunals. rotal 'Dmber rprsentarion She argnes rhal rhe Mufty-Mutumbidecc Riv*inc Plain hls a Bre'rer heteroBeneity ol bunalpncri.s rhln dr Mumy ro thewsr, and th thn rcncck diilercnt poptrlalion Jisribulioi md.'otrps(Lirllcronl999:llLitrl.ton(1999:,1)ussdrhrromh$vo*at Dry Lake. Ksrn Ean. B.ldon, Tchclcry, ond Li'rots Srant, sitcs locared on the Ab{crombie Creek syiem, rnd Nap Nap, Toosimbie, da ly. Wain$si.cs ftom rhc LoNbidBcc. .J ln a nmft rc.enr rdicle Lirrleron undenook I dceilcd analysis ofh$d Lorbidgcc bunlL sircs ro ask rhc qu.{1oi: do cenercrcs erist on rhc llry Plrinl Thc ans$rr k thal i" alrhoush bnial pmcrics on the Hay PlJn *c highly vlriablc. rhcrc *!s ! tcMcncy ro pEfsspcrific locatiods lorburials. Ho deh includ.d 76 nohied sinsLe $enu,39 mullipk event, rnd a delibemk mintnrnce ofan aft. for burials,.nd ol.hsc only 4 tulfil rhe oily l7 plsc.s diat Drif rd 'etlect rdselopedrodefinsc!frc1lncs(Li.rdon2002r 105). Croups ofburiah on rhc Hsy Plar display vrdrblc chrnderidics rnd some reguLariries su$eniig norc rhan jun rcpcatcd occup ion ofrhe aEa. Ma'y pkces usod fdr burial.umr ro bc uscd ror occuparor. and : numbq of burirl plN.s lrc righdt bouidcd. romrlly prne'ned, aDd dens ro tbe poinr of cros cuni',c. Thus mas such as lenly md TooAimbic, oriSin.lly rc.odcd as ccmcrcncs,. dnpby p erncd behavior runcding prclcrcncc and/o mitrrcietrcc. ,ncludin! singlc isolated cvent, nuhiplc dispeAcd cvci( ovcr ri'nc, rnd mulriplc .lu$ercd cvcrb ovu limc Clunered elmG nry fon small, h,8hly pdreDed anJ Jcdsc groups ofb!nak, whi.h coironn to thedeunirion ofcemerery *ceprlor rL! snall!r ilnbc6 (usnrlly no rh r0 exposed individurlt. Thc lhdLlrnnmbcu aho sueesl rl'd rl'cy wtrc 'no,e peridd usd lor a much shons ol rinc rhan drc lare. Muny Rivc' ccnrtrics Thc CentaL Mnmy ..frltri.s aid clu$.rcd htrrieh on dr llay Plair rlso differ in lo.alion. whilc bolh mcas fiNotrr high gronnd ne Mlc.. here lhc sihiliriry .nds. Thc Ccihl Munry ccndsies were plrced on promftnl lddm.rks !kiblc rom r distancc rnd/or $mregic placs such as inLel/ou1ld rhannels..nd !hh is whar Dnnrred Pardoe (r933) ro su*esr rhal rhey verc redbn.l synbols. on rhc Hly Plaii clNcrcd burirh .rc (lsually) locarcd i'r lcs pnnffnr posirio's, evcn shen (rrc) prominenr localions rc av.ilablc. Litddotr (2002) ihus Daks nr poinl rlrl any n'ncrion they sc!-e is syfrbok mly bc quilc differetrr ro rhat dkplayed by Centril Mmay oomcrri.s. crit a.3 Thc Murrumbidgee Province Survey (Pardoe & Martin 2001) fiis sufley cov{cd rhc Mum'mbidgcc Ptovincc, i muqh largd 'm tb rhc Nntnt prcject and rrcas rhc Losbdscc but only nrc sourhem end ol the Lower Lrchl.n Sixry-onc slhplc Lnqludiis (quadrrh) sere exuined drin! rhe cotrAc olfiddwork, cach srfrplc rrca confimd ro one lrndfom. A lolal o I 3 47 snes or lc.ntrcs Lvcc rccodcd d!ri',C the rn fley or e half o I siles Hordcd dunns lhe s ur- ry consilted of scared tees [26%] aDd nomds [24%] Sires or hisroric and spnifurl sisniGc.ncc ro rhc communny wcrc roordc'l and tudhc' ddri]ed infomarion {ds obkiicd !boul orho sncs drar h''l bcci rccodcd prcvionsl} Sires of sp* ia L s ilnificanca ro rhc .omfruniry rccordcd dtrrirs d,n pmjcct included a Bunyip Wale ole, and Fsced Buial Arca marked by $ared Callitis Trc., borh ii rhc rvcniStarc Forcn Addirional infonnarion *as sdh{cd for rhc $onc Fish Tnp rnd St ry site i', rhe\rirpoolar Balnnrld,lhe Bora lting al Hiy. and Y!i$ Llkc Erslehawk rnd Crc$ drflming sile (Hercus 1971). Historh sit.s rc.odcd li.ludc Soaplorks Beid, Sandy Poinr .tuj Bnndons Blnd hisronq c'mpiig afas near Hry, .vo recorded ner Moonacullah, and a maDisemcnr prosnmmc was rrilrcn for Moonacullah Mission ccmdcry. A clusrq ofmourds otr rhc Murrumbidccc ii .h. .uncn! pojlcr orca hr'l lEemcnrs orhnhic nftc.irli'rludirs glas. c micandmetal.rswelL s smrcd bcs cut by a neel rxe.$gs*rirs tley weE nsed as campingsits more recer.ly1h.n orhdmounds rhit h c rcodcd in rhc rceioi. Alorrlof95 nounds rc.onLcd crc co ain.d in 27 s&nph arcs, o. tl'e L.\'bidgeq an rvenge 'nostly pq roftynhrce individual hear fttainer ovens were recoded. These oc.uned as 013.4 mounds clustr lalge .olle bis orhear ,erainer, unh or wirhoul origiml rshy & chrnoal scdimcnr. lvlon ovcns mre $cn in thc dpci.duity dw.t lNfr rivq.h!nids. H$nhs arc rltr rc' !s pathcs orbunrd crnh. or lenscs or$h and charcoal. The heanls recorded in rhe su ey came lrom kvcn localities nh aD rvemeeofrhEeheanhs ineach clLstr Fifly opln sire! Nto r..odcd in 35 slnplc mcas Opci sircs typically.oisicd of anereck and heat daincE Thcywcrcofrci vhiblcasa'sultoremsion. prnictrlrrly in prlreochannel scrlds. Trvo rnelact scar s werc rccorded in dcrail. shell n,iddens were mEly recordcd, refiecri',! rhe hcl thar *r condmrcd very fcr surycys closg 10 flo*ing srqms, hEcrbillabongs o rccodcd Ir rh,ee rms oldr LoRbidgeer 9 or ihe edge ol Tila Lake on Goolpde,.nd 3 rr Mum'mbudgee and Pcvensy Wesr on rh Mumnbidgcc Rivq ftonugc. In lddirioi Uvc dinnq cmp' midden\ \yere tbund rmund ft edse ol Tala Lake. Thcse aE s,all collcdions olbdwcen 5 and 20 musclsirelk orvalves.usurlly nackcd or lounJ in r smillirca inorn.!rtonnai( ol! firu. Thiny burials rcrc recoded from 13 loralilics Juing the rou6e olsu ey. Burills occurd marily in mouMs Mon obscnations vere olsinsle bnirh rcpresented by ii-agment olbone scarlered ov{ rhe momd su are.ftccauseofthisMsinalmo$.lL.assnbbi.s OicburialwsolachlLd:rh.rc{wcr. adul. Two burhh rcre buncd extddcd (laid om on tlEii brckt. *bilc rhe rc! s c buricd on lhen risht sidc in r scmi fiexcd position (knces dra\r up). Scan oD rFes mc mrinly rhds {h*c bmk h.s bscn kkcn lor rhc .on$ruciion oflDusi"g- c'iocs, shiclds-coola'noisGlEllo*, olal shrpedbosls) and di',ne' plateJ.ln ft coureofrhe $fle' 97sc s \yeE rcoded rngnrg in size fron o.lrm 10 3.6m in knsrh. ftrec olrhesg *cr idhlificd as honcy s orr small rnimal. Ninc scffi scre rsocirrdwifi rcli!iousactilityar r Bora Rins, rL{ rhm dryro-day Thescadrb.t*crc 'equitofren[. wnh not obviously dsso.iarcd any rcligious funcrion orwnh slc.ific tu vrried nr size fion 13 cenrinct4 ro 360 .enrimctcs in lcigrh. Widrh v.ricd ftom 9 .ci.inctcs to 55 .lnlindrcs, Ni.h an avcmgc or33 ccnlmcrrcs vcry dighr duncn orscar appcrrd d lcs rbrn 100 cctrri'ndrcsmdbdscctr l00aM200ceniiDdrcs. rsulrs orrhc slncy ard cxisring 107 sircs or featurcs rhcady in.lysisand prcdi..ivc modclGcc Sccrion 5 l) Thc li$ed AHIMS wrc Ned forr GIS ,1..t Inscribing The Plains (Martin 2006) 'lhis lhD rhcsn fo.u$cd on thc lrchacoloey ofrhc Hay Phin, rhrch itrclud$ rl'c Lowcr Lxchlan $d rl'c Lowbidgcc,as rs rms on rhc cancni sidcol ,c plri', Thc rhcsis conccntatcd on mounds, bnr rlso "rll induded infomdion on tho orhsrlypcs olsncs lound in lhc ar.a, such !s bu ah, ovcis, ertcrecr scrtcs. rhe dhmsmphic a.counb ofuses niddcis, modilicd trc.s, fish teps orhert resimrcookirg in orens rnd monndson the HryPlrir and Munry ltivenne Plain Thnrhersde(ribesrhere$,lholexcrMlionsonl*olargenouds,TchelerylandRavensvonh3,borh oi (hc Abcrcomblc Crcck s!$cn oi rhc sourlrcm cdgc orrltr Lo$bidgcc Gcc Scdioi l0r lor norc dctrik) The cxcavrnois suescn that d,c cthrohirtoricrllyobseNcd locus o. *etland pbnr loods $ch as rrt', (cumbursi), r, is1d.rr, (rrrer ribbont rnd ,olr,r.r,errl (bmilLa or mmh club-nah) bsgin in ago The use ofdrse plaN is nronsly sussened by rbe marosopic chrrcoal,inpin6onbakedclay.ais,a.dpollcn.Theconsisrmlamountofcookcdrvdlandfaun.lboic md shclL also sugrcis rhdr {crlinds *(! rhc, bu! lhar rhc major food r.sourccs !$c prcbabl} pmvidc cvidence ol DiouDds beirs $crllnd plans rhar hn l,dc cvidcn.c. con$rucrd from Ihe reDDins ofbrked diy hcltr.tainsov.nsiend dr burnr ond nasmenred laund bonc pnides evidence olrep.ritiv.uscofhotovns i' dr mounds. A deiriled rnalysh ol$dinonr tom Ralcn$otr I also confims thd the nound is prcddfrin.nrly lhc rssul!ofrhc rcp*red Ne ofrft location lor cookins in hcdrchinqovcns. Hcat rctrincr ibr d,c oreDs b been broughr onto rhc si1c. probrbly fom lhc i.a6y llkc bcd, rnd rhc bHkdoMr ofrl, ebedrerdiner lrrlely conlnburc ro build ut of mound rdinetrt CoDpared to r|e undenying lunclc. .b! nouid kd tlas rcrand reddsin colourhd gcncFlly much no..aLkaline tcnrims l,igh nrgnelir sus.lpribility Has a hiqhcrproponion olfinc sriinod pmriclcs und$0 25n'n arc llr8ely by bipolar microbladc kchDolosy, chriclcftcd by ' kchnoLogy dominalcs rhc!rcas to d'c sourh or rnd very rduced corcs Thk remd ibl! smallancrrcc thc MurruDbidsee River. bur is ako fomd ro rhr nonh ol rhc iv$ rhtrc it n D,ixed vi(h orl,{ induirios. Thh Hay PlaiD nicmblade iechnology appers to bc ! speillhcd rorm or nicroblrde toducrion aimed ar mrkin! very small!o liny gconctics- Boidil,oiih, rM a nrsc olvcry small nakc and blade rools Ulili.mi.n Corc an'l Flrke Tshnolosy (wirter 1992) occtrrs in non-frouid sircs in rhc soulhcm mcas, but is mo'edo'nimhtrr in rhc ronh and nonhcan of$c rugion. A vanatioi 6 foutrd iD ihe nonhemt,labcLled herc Split Cobblc T.chiolocy. resultins lron dE proxnnily ol.obblc sourcs loc cd iD lhe foo!slopcs to rhcnonhea{ olrhe Hry rlain. The none anefac( oflhc Hay Plrin ol rcnr .tul rdi.t scrlmds rlso provides cvidcNc of Thc disdburion ornruids arourd specific rypes locus on *orlind cnlnonncib rhar suea,'ed densc sands olcadohydnre noh pld6 Si!!dstiburiotrs dh.u$cd in moredcbil under Prcdictive Modcllins. Thc ddr ror sizc. rourdncs ard moundcdnss ofrhe Hdy Phin mouids rnd odtr arers Nirh mounds n'ssens rhal di ffcrcn r arc$ havc d iffere' t tryleJ o r tmphres of fround sizc an'l shap c, but rhar cluncr rz. is or e \rlle arribut. The lack oltumdrss and noundcdtrcs or dr orlicRisc similar ashy deposit fo nd on rhe Darling Rivcr lid Lo\vtr Lachlrn Rivc, corobonres rb.t thc Rivcni. Plali nounds arc dclibsarcly dnpcd to ctrhural tmplales or \rykr'. Thc Hay Flrin landscape Ms sparially rnd compo*d virh connruded leatLFs Nhich canicd infomalion aboul div.6c aspcc$ orcultoml lire includnrshnd lenre boundaricsiindividual ownerhip ol.onnrucrcd fcrturts such as weiniparhMys m.ikine apProvcd tourcs rid hnki',s i'nponanr phces; bunal htrts, nounds aid,or sculprcd rirss iDdicalinE rlt bunal pLrc$ ol signincam mlcs: nouMs marking i'hponmr occuprrion easi ceremorhl lerlurcs knowi !s bulb$g or bors rinssirnd er.avdcd wclhorrcscNoinlieesalsoptuvidcd'isualc!hunlinfo'D[rioninrhefonnofscaftannsculprcdtlcs (ring tees) in arcas \irh rivd rtd gun aid 6!ack bo\, 6u1 tho sctrlptd clnh coieru.riotrs lomed dt ndor elemenR of rhe ctrlrunl lind$apc, panicularly on rlr nrr trccles plai.s. s rhe Hiy Pl.ii is dcvoid olo.ks for paintcd or cngiavcd rn, otl visual me$ags rero uscd ro.osr! icrre cultunl ofnr are dncc(l! rclatcd ro the snellland te,Nre lmups. such.s porcnlhlcanoc 'nssases tE*, rins tees, the *cns, dass. rhc no$ inprcsive 6urirls.and ccftmoni.lgrouids. Thcsc hclorscd to .hc najo mh play s. Ho$ever. orher Npeds such $ nounds lnd dt paths linkirs them have been inrerprerd N h.ving moru ro do rvnh wo'ncn As\yo'ncnv e tl,e signifirinr op.tuois ii rhc mmecrg and haivcstinS ofrhc dcrr rooi cmps Nsociated sirh lhe mouids, ir k likcll' dEr ihe nrunds silnala rcmrlcco opc.rtive renure brsed on rhe min.goncnr, h!flc$ing end co opeErive hed Bkindcookiig oldense pEdi.tble $etlaDd foods su.h as 42ra (cumbungi)rhizome (MrriD 2006) Many visual .1.s Rec€nt Archaeological R€search lh! iD the Regiotr BiLl. Downs, Dry Lakc and Lakc Bcmnee Nlrural heikSe projscr (Manin 2003) .rme abour nr r.sfoisc to rl[ Aborisinal.ommunityt concems rh.r lhc in$allarioi ora \$ter resularor and rhe drying up of Dry Lrke and Lrke Ben.ncu n.y hrvc dcrnmeiral eliact on rhe cultrLnl bsikgc of.hc laks, and dr tuver Mmry fioodplanr. The mjoriry olrhe suncy rrea cncompr$s Billr Dosns, osned and operatd by rhe Billa Do$Ts AboriginalCdrDorarioi. Th. sudcy arca.onsis$ olrh! rv$ rcd 6rnk ofrlre River Mumy & is noodtliin indMing blllabongs, rcLvorkcd sndll'i" islrids gun rorc$:dr cdscs aM lakebeds ol D,f, Lrke ard Lake Benaneerrhe lwo lake inletoulla 'trd ssoks T.ila and washpeni and DDllee endphin. inlcronder.reks The archaeolosical suNey rcoded rr lolal ol 1267 localions {irh nh&ologic.l lorufs lid/or La $rh $hy deposns Ool including hy deposirs conrained iD to.rciah, includinB 167 snh 'nerrck. Diddensl, 66 snh burials, 56 sirh heal Erainer, l0 hhroric lcarures, 334 locarions $irh niddsns. 372 snh modified lees (a roralof3S6 rccs & 5r5 scaE), l7 wilh nounds (or!l dl l3 noundt,60locarions wilh ovsns, 100 {nh posiblcorcns, and onc soak. Thc mos co'n'noi orch'.ologic'lrertures recoded dtri'gdrsuneysereDiddens(10.1%)andmodifiedtees(29.4vr,lolloredbyanefads(13.2%),.hh 6urirls (5.2%), hisroric (2 4to), ho.. nkind lcarurcs (,1.4vo) and olcns (,1.3o/o). Asl'y deNsns $d mounds *r.rdatlv.lyrurc (l l% and I 3%) and porential marrlemenr problcms s{e documenlcd rnd tunagcncir rsonnnendarions DDdc. somc pmbhms e rbc dnec! oulcon! olNier, such m rhc cfiBrs ol*dd lsvlls on kgchllon lid archaologicalDatcnal- cffcds.ri'Nhllaron md mai cnanceol\y manaeqncnt iDftasrrudurc Rricr crosion olmiddens on the Riv Munay 6anks, and incre^ed vehicle rccess rhectooks.nd lak.s dri.d up. Oth$ man'gcmc toble'ns r drna8c io niddcN rtrd burirls by ubbit inlsr ion rnd inap prop rirre rippine o I mbbn wanens. drm ale romiddens rndbunaLs hy plorshiD!, vehi.le racks on btrriilsatd niddgns,mJ {hc iiaglLiry olrhcd.!d modilicd rcs drt serc risbakcd in rhe late 1300\ 1900\ or drorvned by anifi.ially rrised Rder ol archaeological m.reri.l on tsill. Dorns, ind .h! divcFity ol thc naruml morrces smh rs tmdrional lbod. rnd nrtriak, *ork tosclher ro DDke an extaodinrr! landscape thd is cnjoycd b] rhe romdtrnny. In dJdilion, rbc sharcd 'lruml gdy p.roFl conrad and hislory is unusually dcraild 3id co'nplcx, 1 Lrkc Bcmncc. washDei crcek rnd otlB pan! ofBilla Do*'s bd$een the *plorer ftom Livingnonc Mir.hcll, rh. LocaL Tharhl Thdhi psplc aid th.vnniig Meni'dec Pmkatrryi Thnwas thcn follo*rd by nund Morey dscnbcs ir his mcmonsnr BiLh DoMs knd$ape, rhe hditional lilciylc of the localpsple. rnd rhc uifoiding diJ conpl* ruLllionships bsrccn hnhsclrrid Lrt asoci ions Rith rhe $fley rrea were rlso dodLmenGd, including Pcnny Knby\ iory ofhcrchiuhodd expficnccs on Billa DoNns. The densiry and varia6iliry lnvloimctrr and ln rccognirion of thc conrintud ctrlrunl, finrull- so.hl, cducdlonal aid nltunl rcsoufc Nrg. sisnincrncc to thc Aborisinal comD,unny, atrd ih imponance s r Lnd$ipe rhd demonirats sigiific.n! aspsb olthe conracr history and lntr Abo gii.l hisrory olrhc rcgioi. ir Ms'ncidcd (Mrrtii 2003) rhat DDCCW plrcc a hish prioriry otr declarins Bilb Do Ds ar Abo sinal Place und lhe National Park! & Nildlile Ad 1974, and rn applicdion lor rhis Ras filcd wilh DECCW in Fcbru.ry Culrurclhcnsgc rscarch has rlso bccn c ried our on Yrng' Nrrional Fark over nrc lan 2 yc s,buial rhc timc ol Miting mnch of tl,is matrirl *as lnavailabk. Mick KeLly (2007) c.ried otrr r nndy ore rechnology ol Yrngr is being companng ilbbt sappinC n.s I rese ched (KaDn,irer 2010 in Drep ), and rhe Yanla Con$nrrion MmascmcnrPlrn is Dlndins. 5. s.l PREDICTIVE MODEI.I,ING Murrumbidgee Provinc€ Predictive ModelliDg (P'rdoe & Martin 2001) ofAborigi'rl siics rnd laDd Ncs rhar Th! main eoal or rlris suncy r5s ro produce a prcdicrivc propeny o$nen Nho may rish 10 grin rn could bc urd by Aborigiml people, land mrnae s rnd 'nodcl ove\_ieRoflhelikelihoodofllndingsilcslrptoducedan.pba$(lhodd{Appcndirl),$hichshows ol0 100. coloured fmm yellow 1lo$) ro red (hi!h) (Pmdos & M.nin 2001). Thn followcd a disctr$ion and nappins olsirs bd lypcs ii rcldion ro vfious CIS lay!N, ond rhe likellhood orsiles on a lcale disrncs ro wilf sourccs such 6 dunngihc200l snneyendrbeexidnrsl0TsiresnrAHIMSMreNcd fte 147 sires or fcdurss rccdrdcd lorlhis.ndlysis No snc \es rouid mo'e rlED lzkm lilD a major rivtr chrnneland 50% ofsircs nt lound \virhln I lkm of major riv* and 75% rvirhin 3 Skfr. Thcav.ragcdsrlrccorr sircfioD rninor rem is l skm 'lle noi.onfron, or modal, disramc is 0 8kn No \ite*as lound more tban l2kmAomaminorrp.m.nd 50% or sircs scrc found wirl,ir l.2km ard 75q, olsilhin 2.2km. Thcr. is a syscnaric dcsc6c li snc dven ftere are Elatively miny morc sircs sutrouDdins numbe* ftom sourcc thlr nim6 rh. 'mjor lakcs lid rhc dc.reak itr dnribution is grealer rhan lor nrerms.-rhis is panly bcc.trs! thdc arc oncn mn] sires very close ro lake maryins and pmrly bccausc rhc !r.! in whi.h srcs mry occu' iiftcases cxponcDrially shcn moving i{ay lrcn rhc sourcc in a ctculrr lrshion. Sites dtrreasd to insignificanr nunbcsbyrbontskD,dhtaDceno'nabkeNmorerhan32%ofsilcsmcfound\irhlid'isdnhce Thc maii lrndronn con*ituens ofrhe Mum'mbidee rsvinco atu Pl.ins wnh dcprc$ions, dnins etrd scalds Togerher th emakeupT5%ollhclrcaolrhcPovincc Alro€ether.plei'Nnakeup9r%olrhe fsires. ln $ch a flar landscdpe, frindr vai.rions bccomc iDponatrr becruse ry can dctminc tbe now of rdor ind thc kinds ol soih and hcncc rcgcrriion Sires rrc sisnificinrly unddi.prcscntd rn rhc four majd Phins landforms. paniculady on Plains wirb dcprc$ions. Sircs m sistrifionrlyover repHented on.hannelled llains.nd confincd ta.cs (rhcsc 3ic nainly thc floodpLains ofrh. nodcm ljvs.hrmelt channelled plrin! m nrinly fomd on rhc lower acblrn RiveF.lhi.h fom rhc prcsenrptojed,i$. Thc lal8tr nmberorsites on confined hc6 Eflech fic lacl rhd thosc rc froodplains olrh. inodcnr riv{ lhannsls. Convcfcly. buiah arc roud nore ofren or scrlded, cMnrelled and depre$ed pl.its $rhoihai o coifi'ed rac* oldr recenr iver syiems. Although panollhh bunal 'listihurio reflc s dr main dhdburion of liviDg sircs, ind n n lvcLl known th denrry or burial lblloss dcnsiry of occ{ation (Prrdoe 1933.2001). nuc aE syiemalic differc.cs Miny bun.harc fouid wnhii 'houtrds. and but a sienilicani numbq occur r*dy ftun mounds, cithcr in ccmcrci.s such as Jemly. Toognlbie occupation. Lakesand thcn soci.rcd lunclcs.onilli a Nap N.p, oras swanrc buiah a\yay rm'n 'nain as mighr bc cxpcdcd. Ovcisrrc rouid Dos rrcqucrtly dispoponior e numberolmiddens md burials. oi tlains sirh chetri.k. rhLle hcrnh! nrelyco occurlitl, ovens.beir! found drinly on sildcd pl!rns Thcrc rre cighr soil rlpes li:td for .hc Mumnbidgo. Prcvincc, llthough th. 8rer n doD,iMred by opctr cnckins .l'ys {70'r!) aid $ldedcont rsoih(20%). fte nn'jor silc qpcs (s.aftd rrccs, 'houtrds, sites a,rd burials)vrry somoqbdtuotu rhai lhc ovsallsnc rcpr*trhtion scrftd tecs aE 1cs common only on rhc rcd bmlvn clnhs, whrh h'!e lcw rc* big enoush ro trkc b k liom Mounds lollo soil distribution very closely, A do burills (.g!in. bc.lusc fto$ bunah fte found in monndt. Open sitr c horc commoily louid away toin rhe rri'r srey cE.king cllys. Sinre rbc cl.ys arc morc closcly rclsrd to vrier sonrces and theFlore more orcup.rioi (mcasurcd li borh dcnsq etrd trun,bc' ofsits). it h 1ike1y thd rhis diltcMcc rcflcds diff.r.m habnation d[rcs,cs o', dr scrldcd rd contns soils ofrLe plrins. opcn sircs (rs%) aDd beanhs (72%) are tumoP ro bc ssi thm nou'ds A0%)rnd oreN Vegeturion pmved prublemdic lor anaLysis bccru$.rlhe d'src post contad chings over nuch olrhc rtgion However, siks w*e morc commonly lound whcrc thc domlratrr spccics olrhc bliei nmtum *ere Eucrlypna or Ch.nopod and Lv.rc h$ commoily lound ir aErs domi'ded by Casurina rnJ s.2 'lnscribins 5.2.1 D stribution the Plains' Distribution Analysis (Martin 2006) of stes by Hydrology and Geomorpholoqy Mrnir (1006) redid some ofrhe GIS inllysnolPadoc & MrtiD l00l). usins a bissd dda basg 'specc (1:'ble 5.1) rhd includcd sitcs and rcrtures rcoded $ plfrolrhe rhesis pmjft1, a.d.on.c Frine on thc he Mnnxnbidlee Pmrinca. lhc sirc numbcs diffcr ftom Prrdoc a Mani' (1001) bc.ausc only rhc sirs on the snallcr llay Plai' Rere considered Aspods ol d6tiburiotr rhar woe mr cxDlrincdby rl,e GIS rnallshleE also dis.u$ed. sirc s Distributon Mappinq on lhe Hay Fain I l Sires were m.pDed again$ various CIS l!yc6 th4 wcre deremiied ro be dr mon likely ro aitsr rhe distibtrrion ol chaslolical DDrerial. All sites *cE ndppsd dglin$ hydrology. and rhcn all sitcs lnd rhe mijor sire lypes rcre mapp.d.!!ins ecomorphology (Appcidi 2 Maps I 6), sh ich c losely rnech soils. Th. vcscrrtion leyc' $rs considered unsuibble. as the velerarion over mtrrh ofaE. his b&n airercd bypon European bnd us and rabm.niSemodp diccs. M.p 1 sbow3 thar hydrclogy $rcnely influences rheovemllrre dntiburion on dr llay Plain ThcnaiiorvnoodpleinsorconfinedtrcesolrheMununbidsceandLrchlan,theLowbidseedisrnbtrkry sy{em. and nr Gum Creek palxeochrnnel synem in rhc Sourh Eilr shere n lcavcs rh. Mumnbl'lgcc, and lo*cr dosn whc'e ir beco'nes rhe Aberrombie CEek synem in rhe Hry rlain Sotrrhrsi hid .h. hishe density ofsires. nre li4e opfl Rarer hl. L.kc on.hc Lowbidecc also had r high dei y or Appendix 2 mappcd over rhc scoD,orploloEy (Appendix 2: Mips 2 6), which also closcly pre-Eropein reflecb the soik and vegelalidn ofrhe Hay Phin (Eardlcy 1999). whci tu tobl sirc dalab'se is considd.d, sits arc Nidcl] sprcad ovq thc Ilay Plain and rhe v ious geomorrhic crresories Howcve'. it n immediarely obvious r1u( dilleFnr kinds ol sncs havc diftcrcni dislnburlons. Gcomonhological landfoms which oveoll have r I'ighd densiry ol sits i.dude confined trces (MurruD,bidgcc and Lachhn Riven), pbin sith channek,plain wirh depre*ions,.nd chaincll.rl pllii. Specifi. smalkr landfoms sucb .s lunc(cs and lakcs also harc a hiBhtr rhrn svcmse site densiry. rlthough rhey only corer a $nall rea ofthe ftsiotr. Thc site'd 5.2.2 abrse rrs Dislribulion of Mounds byGeomorpholoqy Monnds are found on r numbsr ol landfoms li.luding connncd taccs or nver ch$nelr, plri', snh chamels.plain \drh deprsiotrs, pbin wi{hscddsand s$ldcd pliin. Howcvcr, lhcy arc largcly confincd Moundsare ro panictrkrpins olrhc Hay and rhh dklnbullon docs nor rcicd rlrc Cco 'nopholosy panicukny d.nsc along thc confiicd hcs. di. Lo\ybidscc rnd rhc Renem sedion ol the phin. Very rcw mounds a'r found or the Hay Phin Souihean, and none on the Hay lhin Ndnheist, thsy d. hosdor lound in la4c numbcE on thc Mummbidgee Rilernowitrg rhrousl,Ihe emtem plains Mounds oi thc \rne'n side or the plain are distdbured ov nunerous bro cdc8oncs, indicatin! thar leomorphology is no{ rbe contolliig f.cror Thc efrc gcomoj?holoeral careorics c found on rhc cadcn sidc oldieplrin. \yhich hrs lel orro mourds. s.2.3 Distrbullon olOther S Ie Types by Geomo4ho oqy AfpeDdii 2 Map l shoss rft diiri6urion olmiddens rha1rre clearly cluncdd.long rh. confincd h.s ofrhen jor nlcn and rlso on rhc l.Bc op.n wa.o hkcs {nh lundcs such as Tala Lokc ncrr Bdrrnald Middcis appcar ro becoDcentrtd in ihe rrea oftbe Mummbidsee ner Hay, bur rhis may bc. ehpling ksue rcfrfriing addilional archaeological suney in rhe Hay ud.n/honiculruFl dwclotncnt rrca. T'la L*ehrd rhe bisg.$nunbqolniddcns(9) in rnyorthc sa'nph aEes ppmdix 2 Map 5 shows rbe disribution of rhe 1*o c esories anetiidr rnd opetr siref unlikc middcisatd burials.lhcsc ri.os.r. \idc sprcrd over rhcplain Ovens arc rko $id*pEad ov d,c plaitr (Appctr'lir 2 Msp 6), thcy arc undcFrcIrcscnlld !s a carcgory as rh. oldsr NI,WS rccording sy$cb cdmbined mounds and ovens, .nd moi ovens are probrbly included und d,c cricso.y opcr mounds, 5.2.4 D shbulion Realionship between Mounds and Bunab A change in burial lo.arion oc usorihes*ic sideolr.rayrc bcgins.10$sse!ofHiyburirls e nore common rnd occur in PcrcDsy, Rh c rhc LoLlbi,lg$ sy$.n gmnps, incLLdi',s some sircsrl[r lars halc hcei (Boihofrnc 1990b, Lndcbn 1999,2002,l,a oe 1995) Appendix 2 Mrp4 sholr the disriburion olbumls t halfofrhc Hav Plain ii . sinilar Bunals on Abc(bmbic Crcck systfrju! rd the sdulh ollhe Lorbidscc e.ommonly Nsocirtd $irh pantc tightly boundcd bunalclusc6loca.qlusu.lly dbour 100n from also found in opd silcs yirh overs md inelads, in areas wirh Diounds and Approxm ely 5,l% orrcconlcd roundsoi.h.,^bscronbh Ctuok synom nouids. Howcvs, blnak rc in arcas rhar have m 'nounds conrainevidcnceof 6nriakonrhesu aceorinexposuressuchrsnbbirbu,,o\r(T,blc52). tsriik on rhc Lowbidsee o.cur in mounds. and rppnxinurcly 32% ol rcorded mouds hed vsiblc rr aho rouid oi palacochrnn.l s!$cms. higbs on noddpliiis or edses of floodplains Bu rirls on raE *ell delined soure bord in-q durs or \andhilh are rporcd fon Pcvcnsy (noNquaricd asay), lid lbbotson S.ndhilhncm M.ude (nowRind blown from orilinal lo.arion), aM havc bccn rccordedar Nap Napard Toolimbic Thusnounds in thc Lowbidgee synen aho helerhl8h numbq ofburiak, bu! rhh landfom displiys d 8rtd- vaicly of bunJ bc ions thar the Hay Plrin ivcKfy or landsca pc rcdurcs Thc Lowq Llchlan Rivddnd Hry Pliin Nonhwe{ Irndronns tcnd ro harc fcw buiah in mounds, alrhough briils kre rccorded in ash} deposirs. Buirh arerho lound on rlr lundtes olthe ldce opetr warerlakcs sud, as Yai8a Llkc and Tal! Ldkoonlhs Lowbidslcand lri Lrke on the Lo$s Lachlan. Mounds on the MunD,bidsec tud lrndlom apparendy do ior coiraii burials (T!blc 5.2). howcvci buri!ls ms rcorJcd on rLe MumLmbidgce rear Hay li nlddcns ( 1996a), usu.lLy si.guL& budals or in clLLien oll*o or rl,ree. Tl,e nrked ean etrd rcidciry ror bunah to bc ir or bsnlc tuounds on rhe ' wsrem Hay rlain appeaB ro be mnsly a ffcctcd by social facroB i', addition ro dcno s mpl, ics bu als Lowbidgcc bunals irh Budalswilh n MaiorLandroms 5.2 5 Distbuton Relatonshlp between Mounds and Ovens The disribnnoD of indlvidml hesr rttriEr hcarhs or'ov(s h diniculr ro dclinc c bcciuse ofrhc dimctrlli$ oldiLcrcnliaringbcl*een ovens and small Dourds, and sc Thc AHIMS ddabAc uifonunarcly lcndld ro lump mounds rnd orcns rolclher i'to the one c elory und{ rhe olderE.ordins synem. Ho*ever n is clerr fio'n ihc disr.ibut ion dara and nrps rh ii som. !rcas molids are nol.ssd!iiEd qilh iDdividurlovens (ofamomdt, Lile orherareas nry appcrr io 6c asociared \yirh indilidual ovoN li addition, Lrgc rcls ofrhc Hay Plain rh.r do nor brve moundr rF chrndcnscd by individudl ovcns and aso.iir.d ansfdcr scd{cs Ir rhcrcforc apnc.6lh{ thcdisdburion olovcns.nd mounds corn.idc in somc arcas, bur arc scplrarc in orhcr arcls lhccascm halloflhc Hay moily nor asociated \dih monnds, bur in d,c ucncn halfovcns m nol fotrnd \yirh somc mound complsxcs, arc lound with orhq nound complcxN, or may bc lo..rsd in lrcas $ithour,hounds. Thr i"dicates rhat nou.dsrtrd iidividul oveN onetr rprcsenr dilIerc ad,vni.s oradinerenr srk ot adiviries. 5.2.6 Distrlburlon on Mnor Landforms Similar minor landloms.cro$ rhc H.y Phin dc thc fdcus olloc.rion for.rch.cologi.almiterirl. btr. lary a(o$ landfonns. On nrc connncd tlccs or natcial 'l,trcreir 'naior 'nay on levee benks. cated ofien on dr outer beMs ol ft rive' Buriak. ovlns dnd sr.ll frounds may bc closcly msociarcd borh on lcv.c banks and oi higb grouid b.sido thc rypc ofarchacolo8ical Tlc LoNbidscc hss dircnc mi'Dr landroms rco$ irs widc floodDlain. rcsuliiig,i a hishy dcrriy rid rider v.riery ofmchacologi.alnalriil including nounds, niddhs, ovcns.nd ro tho Muronbi'lBcc Es$ l" the Peveisl' ro Meude sedrn, e orarcl'reoloCicalsites idudinC midd.trs, 'enge noudi modificdtecs rnd burials are lound or iver 1ev ccs. bil bbonss. cEcks. an abnnches, aDd edg* oflhc floodplain.nd floodplai. hishs bchind finsedionotiv$hrvc i Rnse o I archaco losic.l ma{cnal includi'-q mouDdr, burials incLLldine sires rhal have been called ceNt ies, ovens and anetrct scr(eN. all 1o lor lying{\vinps rh lignun (,t ?r/.,'re.*id spp.l wes of Mrude rhc Lowbidecc sprcads out ro rvidc snd complei floodplai',3trd e ntrgc ofrrchecoloeical sits includlig mourds, burirls (includins somc thal Lire bcan called camdcric9, oveDs, mrelacl scdrers, modified rrccs, and rcrc nid'lcis rrc rouid aloig prlsco.lEincl fcrtorcs and sourcc bonlning orcun'l rhc rJjrcc'r ' nmdenditibUlarysyeDibDnreeXiensiveljgnuDssaDpsrnd nrbcochbncls Funhq o otr Gu as 'luncs uarrcrcck). dr plaiN on rlr sourhe'n edg. or rhe Lowbid gee, or mounds,.a'npsirs, 'miorco'nplcx palaeochann microblade workshopsand burials aresiturred on slishrlyniscd e I fcalurs on an orhcsisc frarphin otgrgy sicking dry nch soil,lid rtu nd rhe edgcs ollphemstuLrlssrdd $vadps. Otrrl'c Lrhlan R olnr ilc n iddens, ash .dond'c 'ecsrcrcr.und.otrcctrt ofnounds weE recorded on ihe edge of rhe Lrke. and on rhe rnq levees. A chBrer Swamp sy$!s, loclicd on high sardy esund adjaccnr ro ! small hkc and NdLatul3 domin ed by River Red !um, 7)?r,(.umbtrnsi) and ,,?s,,rer (common Eed) i'ner creek Crcli Cunbung ln summary, rrhreolosicrln Gnalkfomdonrnnseofminorlindfoms.silhr*mnstendcncyrobe locarcd on slighrly nncd sandiq plhco.hanncl fcatur.s. Ho$cvn, somc mounds bavc b.s r$oid.d on thc loR sido olswimDs and l.kes orin nood*ays, in some cascs on rhc bbck dry soils. Minorlandloms rhar hlvc a cor.cnrarior ornatqial inclu'lcs rivq and crcc* hvccs, billabone lcv.cs, sump and lakc lunclcs orslighrlyniscd narsins, palaeochmrclferturcs on fioodplaiN. prlrcochanncl lcves orhighs beside pdr{cbrnnel seeks thd have been epruEd by modem cEeks, and soure borderi.g dunes. 'flreie n s renden.y tbr a higher densiry ard divemiry ol archaeolo modcn hydmlogy and palieoch.nnellodure! combine ro rcarc morediveac minorland$rpe lcaluRs and a nn8c ol'1iff.rcnl tytics olwdlands s.2.7 Distdbution ofSltes on lhe Hay Pialns byLargeScae Topog€phy The GIS mrpl do nol deline e rhy mounds re con.enrnred or rhe Hry rlain SouthNe$ and Lo\vbidgcc. ind ro lcscr cxrcn! rbc H.y Nonhqc$ .nd Lo*d Lachlai, in orhcr wods. on rhc lvclsn hrlr or rhc nlaii. which is rhc focus or rhc RERP tolccr Tlic burirh hlvc rn cvcn morc pronomcad coDcentrlion o. rhe w$tem hdfofrhepld.. TherefoE ftc1on orber rhan geomophoLosy al nris lcvcl ofdcfinnion mun influricc this c!$rv.$ dhtiburioi 6 lhc or sifrihr gcomorphology, orhsidesoftheplei', When rft dntibolion ofnounds and buirls m consid*d aglini the lopo!flphic conrouB ir is c1e rhcy arc.onccnr€rcd on rhc lowo hall olthc pllin Thc Plain dopN Scrdy btrr consiscnlly ftun cad to an avcnec edicir of 20cn' fskilo'ndrc (So,l Corscnlriotr Scricc NSw l990). Thc sldDss doM undl n abuts lhs hijjh sound ofrh! Muny Mrllee nflr BalnnaLd, \vhich deneds the rhll we{ Mrer sourh ro rhc Mumy Prior to dr Mtr .orbl schemes of rhe hn l00 ycrro rhc soicm half of lhc H.y Plain including rhe Lo*bidgee and Grcar Cunbmg .d.d as ! sink collori"s scrsonal floodMter and exces ninfaLl in rhc nuncrous scmi-pcmricnt mcks. lakcs ard sMnps Gee aLso Sodion 3). Alrhou8h thc vcscrriion l,m charged radicrlly ov* the li$ 150 yc!6 (Eirnlcy 1999), it appca^ rhat mounds were concert.rred ammd rhc scnipsmaidt $€mps, cEeks rid shallos lrkes ao.mingthe Eed beds bd lignum swanpJ dcscnbed itrdr edmosraphy rnd history. and morc reccn! lcolo3i.'lresearch (Errdky 1999. Ponenca 1993, Kiigsloin 2003). Tlius rhc brcrd scalc topogmphy or rhe jtry Phn G anorhsr hyd rbar has ro bc lddcd ro rhc OIS rnalysis. aLthoush tle original astrmprion th d,e brrd scrle roposraphy sm nor .lacror rha. Ms thd rhc rchlive fld.nss oldrc plaii 'ncant rotrld af!c! distiburion orsires 5.3 The Prel750 Modcllinq (Rids€s 2009) Malqohn tude* fiDm DECCW cEarcd and !'pplicd r sc (Appendix l)and infomdioi. cs of trc-1750' prcdicrile modelLi"s Thc pr..1750 modck arc 'naps d vt ol nter GtS lales desctibinE the rctatjw ,kerh.od afAhotjsindt sile laatuu's otlurng,1rhe ld tlscape as it k csln ated to haw bee prn" b Eu Pean s.tie 1.nt. Thl hdve been detirell asirig ,!Ht MS data ahd a Kt afspatial wriables .. dcscribinE the l d\cdpe Dnrlel!.lo .t tale hno acco"nt the lewl of dest'ltctjo ol ljte! in the peti.d (fot i$ta ce tan asric"rrre or utho notion): not the dctectabilit oJ dilte'E :i1e lidhups (i.e. hethd il \nuld requhe whetha' dcovtia"), or ndtutul o'i.litj.tMhtt h.4, lead to thc lrck of a fcatut to he prcsetvd. The| arc therdot? Drcant 1. Lo rej he]zsit!attlikeb,tobcinth. "ot they could he b.detl. tvhdl i,na?telit1s thc prcsent landscape ar hov edriL' Tha prc t 750 interaening p81750t"odels, the lev.loJjn,pact in the c, ?nt ladscape shotu o'npatihe lhek|la the .arrcspok.lins culot eie,r nadd! be erahttte.l b| ltpc af Each GIS lo)er des.riber the ruldiE likelih.o.l oJ lik.lihs a pdial Abarisinal sileJealure ni fie Prtt750ldhd!tupe (eg s..rt?.|tree afs1dre at1el l). The lese d lot each lofa is scaled f'a thile (l.w likelihoo.l) 1a bla.k (hiqh likehhaod). When lookrls at an)' p'?t75a tqet, the tuAet il is, the hich.r the tiketihaLtl that thu! leahtu cauld b.:fo"n.l there 2AA learr ag., ato'tling t. the p't lidiohs tdle b! the n'o.lel (Ridzes2009). Tho Pru 1750 suDrlied predici rhe relarive likelihood of lhc 'rurs modified tccs, bunak- cadh mounds, and licanhs. Tle mrps indicde rhar pnor dh.urbrncc orvariotrs kinds . . Mounds havc a hich likcLihood ofoc b po$-Eurcp$n rlong rhc confincd teccs end floodplrins olborh 'rins chyd(tibntionorerrle*e emplainsincludiig rive6,roundlakesmdialgerc.cks,wirhap plain ber*een rhc Lo*d rlchlan aid lhc Murrunbidsee This pathy disti6u onn !coincidc{nh!rcasolslighrl}loNschvarior Modilied tecs hrvc a high likclihood olo.curitre oloig d,c confined trces olrhe Lrchl3n and Mummbdse rivcn rnd on iheir noodplains including rhc Mununbi'l8cc se$e'n noodplrin rnd ib riv( rcd lum foreir, rlong rh. i0ncmus distibuhry creeks ol {he Lo*bidsce md rhcir Darowq floodplaiis, throughour rhe O,e cnnbui! S*amp md .sociarcd rivq i.d 3um ibre{s. rnd around larss Lakgs, strch is Tala Lak!. Hoispoh arcrrcas rl, coDrrir riv redgum fdre$s bclo{ thc Munumbdecc-L'chlanjuncrion, but also nr Cnmbms S* a$oclarcd . h,sh l,kelihood ol occurnng ov* large ff{s on rhc Lo$bidsee. rhe Lorvd Lachlan floodplaii, the Pimprm creek syiem bdwcc. thc Laohhn and Mumnbj'U$, rid rhe \rdern Murmbidsee noodplain below thc Lachlan.luidon. and lale Bunok havc ! nnBficB aft predicred ro occur les frtquonrly lhan drhdsirc !tp.s, and.onfin.d.o th! ianoN.onlincd ta.cs ofthc? ri!c6, rndsomcorthc la€9 crc.ks and lakcs. rhs cdgA of Hc.nhs.nd sinelc ovcnsaftrcdidcd ro occursidcly ovq thc nvdinc phin, plni.ulfily away 6omrheconfitredtrcesofthe2rivencxccprintheMandeaEaandtow ds Hay, sirhhor spo6 arcund rbg lower L.wbids.c kkcs aid wc$om Mudtrfrbidtcs nodJpLdin likcs, rh. Bdx Crcck sy$.fr ro lhc nonh- ard sonc lar8q occk sy$cms ln somc ways rhc prcdicicd dfrriburion of hernhs k opposire 10 rhrr ofnomdi modified rre$ and budals s.4 Types and Distribution of Features Prcdictcd to Occur Mounds in the suRey area Mounds ollhe Mtrmy Riverine Plain, Rlich iDcludcs rhc Hay Plain, Lowbidgcc and Lowq L..hhn, .onsn! ol dclibmrcLy mouidcd up cul.unl deporir rhrr h usually cn.ubr or elliprical in plan and a domcd ourli.c. Mounds vary in size from lensrh ol2 merres ro 200 metEs.nd nnse ii hcighl fidh ron ce inctcs up ro rK mdDs (Boihonne l990a. Klalcr 1993, Mlnin 19960& 2006, Pardoc & Manin 2001) e predicled to be .ommon k ovenyhelming evidence or baked clay liert rcraineN in mounds on the Muny Riverine rlain. inch'ding rhe Lorbidgec dnd L.wd Lachlin, horovdKhvd lound nonc hld rddnrs in Nohouds oi di.mar8ii orrhc Fr$cn Slopcs rvhcre quanzi& cobblcs w.rc qo'n'non, and shcaho mtcd 'hotrtrdroi (Klaver rhc Munnbidgec Er conrained qunuitc Erindnonc fmgmcrk re.ycled as hcat rchftn rhc 1993:277). Thcrclorc mounds ncordcd during RERP surcy ma! hlvc h.!r rcrariqothcrdun bakcd clay ifoddsoures such asGnnire nound, calcrete, or other *one rrc obhinable. The.e 54.2 Non-lvounded Ashy Depos Is ich in hcrr A scprrrtc cr(xory or ion-molndcd rshy dcposits rcrc^ ro sncs wnh ei asl'y Etainer, similar ro mounds in corre bur like middens in sl pe and loc'narnx. iotr. The' rr nor 'nore bc ju$ crposel ar ground lcvcl. or bc buri&l ind dclibciatcly noundcd, .nd n.y havc somc h!i8hr, crposed i" brnk sedrDs Thcse deposit rlso d'ffe' rioDi n'ounds itr durlins. .nd may be linom or nreguldr in shrpe. lhrs. areis ol noi-nouidsd .shy doDosns Btrc iver b \Yectr BoorigsraM oxrcy pdcentage Middens have a higher sik fie shellis usuaLly wholeo. picc.s, packed broks inlo dnd rhe shell is one. ncdly in heanh fedtrEs or in lenss. Middens rc trsually fenures ntherurn rourd to cllipticrl and rhcy rre not usurlly delibcnrcly nourdcd I', thc rivsine pLain middens are usuilly confined ro rhe l*ees on main iver chaDnelsand lrrs* \yder fe ures linc suchaslar8cbilhbongsand llr8cl!kcs(Pardoc& Madin2001.Manin2006). 5.4.4 Neanhsand HeatRetainerOvens of Heanhs conshtins ola lens h rnd.harcoal have been recorded from t1re RFI{Psuneyarea, burnr nos conmon rypc olhcdh lounJ in on pEviotrs sudeys rre hc.r retuiner ovcns. also ralled pil ovens. A'cheeoloeml evideme or hear reraiier oveN conshrs or huried, panly huricd or cxtioscd basin sh.pcd righrly pickcd clusc* of hcd ilhincr wirh a layd olchdcoil bcncdlh rbc hcar tordinrs, ,nd sondimcs r fircnsrdcnc'l pn bolo'n and sd$. Thc duec6 arc usullly circular or sliShrly clonSorcd, and vaD in sizc lmm r0 c'n to 2 mctres in mximuD dincnsion The va majoriry ofhc rcrrincr hclnhs oi rhc Hly Plain conraii bakcd day hcar rc.ainc6, ho$cvcr arcas on lhc ionhcn.nd sussn edges orthe Hq Plain ako showa ir ihe resion includs siiSlc bu ah,nultlpleburiakorla€erlmupsofbtriikthrrin be rrtu or prnially ,,rrx, bu( arc on.n rcry soft crss rre !'drd .cmcrcncs. Buiak 'my fng'netrted end disrurbed, usually rs r rcsuLr ofrabbils orlhcrilpingofmbbits Burials rsorded Mo'lified tces are ro be.otudon in mcas ofthc suney rhd lrve either lvis or dcad rivqrcd etrn or black box rEes, althoush orherspsi$ such N Mufty pite, nccdlc\ood and rircr coobah arc ako mrlv lound ro have $an in the resion (Pddoo & Monin 2001, Manin 2003). The mon common exmples olnodified tcA arc rrcs lhal hlvc had bark rcmored for rmdilionrl puposes n'ch.s.hD mrkinsofcdioos,shlcldsorcoolsmons(dishet,onencalled\.aftdtod.Whilcmanyrrcesonlyheve o'e scar, othe6 have nulripl. sca$, 3 sca6 rf not unusurl, and one tec rccordcd d Billa Do{ns, Euson. has 3 scas (Metii 2003) Sculpted tees knorr locrlly rs ting ltues"arc a signiJi.ant ryPc or ccr.monirl tee recorded rlons thc Mummbidscc Rivd non H!y. Ccrcnonial cflrcd rrces have ror bem rccordcd ii (hc Lowbid€ccatrd Lover Lrchlan, but hrle been recdrdsd hiShduP rhc Lrdtlsn end oi .hc wakoolro d,c soud, ofrhe Lo*bidgee (Orley 1320, Erhsidgc l9l3). The RERP suwey arca is nor rrr lmD, rherrca oldktibulion.nd il i3 rhcrclorc po$ible rhar crrued tees Dry bc fonnd. T.*s hare also been modified by culiig inro rhc live or dead *ood olr hollowtR. nump, or los. Tho$ !rc rhc €suk ofvarious lypes ol food *taclion. for eranplc culing tnnnah sucb as posums od oltEe mnki cutring animals n'ch Fbbils or (P doe & Mdnin 2001, Ma in2003) 54 7 goonnas out orlogs. o. cuding inro 6ees hives ro obrain hotcy Sldneand Bone Anelacls Thcanefidsprcviouslyrs.ordcdinrhcRERPsnfleyrutiilli osir broad catgdrics: . FLaked done tchnoloey, inchdlne cores, nrkes rnd flake 1oo1s. Dredofrinanrly nicobled. . . , Gronnd edeeione rechnology, includinghathct (rxet Equipnent for lood Dftp.r..ior incl!'ling Srindiqdishes md topdons for grinding sonsc.ds. and mota6rnd psrles rorpomdiDs and g.inding lood such as hads.sdsand oos HrmnrmoncsfoffcDovincnaks frofr cores,orsmall ha'n'nc6ronsfo, douchin!nakelools. bipolerfl*irg. More unusu.l lypes olsronc ancfacrs rhat Dry oc tr inclrde bonc poin! filcs, rhcbroncs for shraeniDggmund edse rdols, p.llcG lorCrindlieoclyc, aM nct sirkcs. Bone poins have bes rtcordcd in noun'ls oi rhc Lowbidsec ard Ilry Phin Southws! (Minin 1996., 1996b, 1996c), rl$c arc prcdoDirrnrly ofthc rype used ro la$cn skin .lorks or mrke rnd anvikused lor bipol!r or scmi . . hoks in the skin for se$ing cloaks, wars bags ctc 54 3 Hislo c and/or ConflictPlaces Placs ofhisroric and.ontnponry significrncc ro aborisiml people have been dord.d prcv,ously in l,.iiloc & Manin (2001) aM in AlllMS. These inclLde his.ori. liviig phccs, histonc resonre sarherin! places, rnd hisroric buri.l placcs. Thc onl history pnjed nnnin! in rmdem \ rh rhh prcjcd \vill ako recdrd hors olrhc$ piaccs These may imlude ceremonialatu.s, lor.xamplc boB ri',Es one of these is recoded in AHIMS an'l localed near Hay,.nd ir n likcly there rre nore i', rle aEr. Rins liccs and ai.stll$ory placcs have alsobccnrccodedpreviously(AHIMSmdPardoe&Manin2001) Alrhough thc stody njun 10 the wnrdjui ro mrrk bnriak md cdcnonill wes of rhe knolr dirriburion ol t!cs, uscd by phccs, ir is alMysl,osibk rhat occasiorrlcared tees exisrcd ousldcorrhc knosn distibnrion ma. tu 5.4.10 PbntandAnima Ev dence of Food. ftledcnes and Usefu MateialResources. This in.ludos plMr and animd resotrrces and placs uscd for hunringand latherins lood aM nedicines suqh as nshlngplaccs and sslml)s kioM 1o bc ftsourd ich. 5 4 1l Other P6ss b rities Fishhpsofwoodornone ed 3s a fish rlp on AHlMs, placc (1908). and is aLso an rncennl sory rccorded by Marhe*s Appendix 5 rt po$ibrc thc'errc morc ock ourcq)s in rltr !ivc^ or q.cks rhar wnr uscd ro.oi$n'crfish r.ips ll is aho posible rhar remins of \yooden nsh tups nay rlso riivc surivcd in pcmanc ly 1vol.rcas !'ch 6 billabonssand swamps (Manir l9lr5 6). f rh OchE and/or ione sources ir G po$ible ri nEe are Dore s riv banks.lakebeds orssain|'s i', sddirioi ro rh.n.kyblracro$.hcnvcrr1 BrLranrld.and rhes may have ako provided ochft and/ordoretbr$one tooh rhe riverbeds. Wd sooden anclach in sMmps sood$ sncfrcrs i' pcnnancnt wcrllnds by Hry Nllional P.*s $.lT Nho bid bccn involvcd in r searci lor such sireson Yrnsa NP by Michrcr we{aMy CAP 6- 6-l Areas ofthe Lo$er Lachlan and Lowbidge€ Previously Thc RERP suncy aiDed to avoid . , rrs rhet havc Su eyed arrcadybccnlrcvioustysuflcycd. Thc$ indtrds: nre Lowbidsce behvcen Hay and Made hs bccn rhc ola numbs olsuncys, pdicuhny arclM Hry, Pcvcnsy, Tooglmbie, Waimea Downs, MumLmbudgce. rnd Waimer Stations. Thc Abcsombir Crcck syssm rtumd Raven$vonh. Tchclery, Dry Lakc, Keri Kcni, St rNt, rnd.Jerary srarions has been . ANALYSB Th. Balr.nald rowD dr focus ofs,u,nbd.rsurlcls. ind rown comnon bas been rhe focus of ssenl suNeys rmm rhc 1970 s Moflectrlly scverl rrcas ii Yaiea Narional P.rk bcln inrhsivcly sureled, induding aiou,d Yaner Lake ad Yansa crcck, rnd rhe ionhcn rip or rhc Park do*n$rcam fom rhc junction or d'c Mum'nbidecc and Lowq Lachlai. an aH ofexrensive rnd complex *erlards rld in 2009 obrained lal'ge anoun Rcdbank Rcgul.toron rhc Mum'mbid8ee Rivcr. Kalyar (Drr.oola) NrtioFl Pmk on rhc op.n plaiis bcr\rln rhc L.wq Lacbhn River Mummbidsee Riv has ers rhar l,Nc bccn rcccirlvsuncycd 6.2 and Arcas oftbe Lower Lachlan and Lowbidgee rvith Wetlrnds not Surveyed \r The RERI suwey ained ro ral'ger landsordrLo*crLrchlanandLo\ybidg.crbdhdvsno!benrhe locusolcuhLril herilase v'ryeys. These areN include: . \ri Only rcry mlnor survcy work has bccn canisd our on rhe Lo$bidsee ofMNde. includi',s Plri'x- Hclls Ca.cs,Yaiga Nlr!rc R.scn.c Md'hl. Lakc (P doe & ri,, on Nrp Nrp. Tony 200r). The M olrhc Lorbidgcc syicns hevc nor bcci surclcd ar !ll, bur arc prcdicrcd ro 'najoriry orsii.s, bo.h iom rhe hrve lalgc nunbcf Fsdi.rivs modellins aDd liom infon,arion siven by local Aboriginal people rnd nar io n oMe6 oi rhc LoNq Lachl.n ro thc .a!r ol oxLey, lilh the Krl}ar (Noflood) scA (Mrl s mlps r d Ro} s mrps diftcr). i,ied our cxclplion ofr 'j Si{es Ecorded on rtrd oncsirdo rhc cmr oluLonga. ofrheloserlrchlanand No$ney so* hro bccn cafticd o virb tlrexceprionolonecrnoeteerhar*asrlcorded a( Gesny ii rhc Gftd Cumbung ssann, 1970k{AHrMs).ftereisalsorsnallsmpleinPddoe&Manin(2001)frcmToonuiral('oti,' very 1i(lc v'flcy Nork hs bccn caricd out on rhe we*dn side ofthe Munmbidgee Riv*nonh oflhc Balnnald toM con'non AlllMS includsonly3 siresbdweer B.lniakllndrhc L@hlan Riv junclion. rhe Tori ovcn, Marcnly rrke, snd rlt cnurh l{ole. ftere n rko a small samplc in Pardoc & Manin 1200ll fon Ankv lnor in AHlMSl. 6.3 Combining the Cap Analysis and Predictive Modelling Priority Areas nre arcas listsd abovc wnh fe{ or no rccoitcd sitcs shom in tunloe & Mrdin 2001, Mfiin2006. md the toch! DECCW prc'1750 maps iidicare ihe la€e srps in rhe dord. In addi.ioi rhc prcdicrilc nodellnrg shoNed rhich ol.hNc arcas had ! hiBh lobrbility olcotrrai',ins unacoded siB ofvarious pod!.ed a mrp (Fignft 6.t &Appcndix 3.?) before rhe nr eybcgan rha!shows rrhaeologicalsits ovcrr map thxrcombincd rheprc-1750 lik.lihood'maPs intor'priority' rcehrerd rhclikclihoodornndingsitesrscolorn lrom lor (yellow) to high(puryLc) It ha nip. This nap shows rypes. MalRidgcs oho summary or rhe Dredicrive nodelline rnd srD mdysis, lhc priorily arcas arc rhosc sn* rcolded and have r hi8h likclihood olfindingsites fie d*i hrve no or ler with lilrle orno suncy bur high pnbability rorned the cor rrcas for tbG suRcy. Horcv*, rlBe Nere exceprions where eas of medn'm ppdided ptobabili.y lvhcrc surcycd, bssed oi local knosledsc,lor examplc rhe lnwbideec h known to conbin lalge nu mbes of unEcorded sires, b^ed on infomrtlon lrom sarion fraieEcf and rhe Hry Locrl Aboriginal r-'nd Council areas wnhin thesc co'e rreas a rrnse ofdil.ertnl rypos ol \dlands and fonn.r rerlends were ra'scrcd rnd . . . lhc Lo$q La.hl!tr bdween Booligrl rnd Oxlcy, including rhe nver chinid, dhribukrysysems. iloodplain ssrmps,andopen sderlakes. werlands on the r.\s Lchl.n !o thc west ol Orlcy, i'duding rhe Lachlan River, Crear Cufrbung Swampopcn rcdbcds. nv rcdsum forey, open wdslaks. ind sh.llow hkcslnd Werlands on Lachlan anJ Munfrbidecc Rivc^juncrioi. irdnding riv red sum foren. Munmbidlee a.d Lachlan Rivochsnneh. disdbutary creeks. and lignum:Mmps. . Thc Nnn'ni./Crim crcck distiburary s]$ems ofthe Lowbidg@ beloN Maudc, & rhcn a$ociared . The Uad/Fiddl.6 Crc.k plllcochmnel syie'n ol dr Lowhid8ee below Mtudc, c.plurcd by sodcfr .rccksj ard ns slociated slamps. lakesand billabongs. . Thc Redbrnk sy em on rft renem side of rhc Mumnbidgcc, includiig ih. rircr channd, noodplain $rnN- ivcr rcd gum ibrc{s. distiburaics. ard lakes, a'd the edge dllhc mallcc orlhe RERPsutogy (Ridoes 200s). 7- THE AR CHA EO I,OG ICA L S A R lEY METHODS ?.1 Sampling Metnods Th! ydrions llrivlrc ropcnicO sonplcd wc'c detenni'rd lrom the gap rnalysis. the prediclne DiodelLi',s. rnd lrom rhe con!'llalion prcviotrdy undcnakcn by Rolrid williens with d'e reg'on! lrDd orneF aDd mana8as. Thc poposc'l $ations arc shoNn or AppeDdix I Mlp I6. ho*evcr. somc of thc .cluaL $lrions lricd fon rhis originel plan for vorious reasons. The nalions sampLed includu Uloigd. Tupm, Boyonllua,rbung, Toopunbl, Moatficld TSlt, Ninnic, Nap Nap, Tory Plains, Moikcm Cnntc, lsY- Co.d, KiaOrc, Nlrwie. Faikr we* (rnd Frika crek TSR). Tin Tin.lnd Spri.gdrle In.ddilion, aM Krlyatr (Noruood) ScA Ms empled be$use n wds uscd d .hc innid ficld suflcy taining 'fa, rlso be.ause ir srs SiveD a high prionry r.sultine rro'n the (jAP snalysn Ud prdicrire modclli'u Kslyrtr (Notrvood) sCA Ms rhc onLy non privalclyorvncd knd sanplsJdu ngrh.suncy. The finr 3 weeks iield suwey sas undenrkcn usin! Kalyitr (Nd^\ood) SCA and Hty as blscs, lid conccntarcd on rhe crncm haLlofrhcprojer!rca. Thc seond I $ccks rocu$edonrhc se ern hrllof rhc suncy area usine Balra.ald as r b e. Wilhin n.rion dificrcn yps of Ncnand meas rere .hosen and sampled, somc.incs by rcfcrcncc ro ssrclliie i'nagery end sonerimes lrom informarion supplicd by thc lerdoMeK orrhe local Aborisinal comnunity. Approximarely rwo drys \eE signed ro *ch sation, rlthousl, this was rltcrcd in somc c cs depcnding on tho slrion slzcrnd rclcvancc ofd'c landloms.onraincd Nirhin ir Some rhat bcF rccc'rly ello.rred environnrntal \arer r€re specitu,'lly lalgd.d so lhc naterial could be recoded in cdntxr wi.h.hcn.runlranecofwdlaM nl3trt rM ani'nrh. 'rcb'slosical Thcsc arcas with rcccir cNnonmenhl watcr fomed a contai rnh rhc rre rhar hive sancd ol *atr. so thc tcrm: working on the sunsycould uidsNr.nd and dcmo adjacenr b ilooded arers on N.p on rhe .nd .nimals aid rhc Nap, Spnngdsk rnd Nrnvie seE suneyed. rnd rhe efieds olculruFl *dcr oi .hc lcgcrllion ,,'d cnvinnmcn. olTooginbic IPA was rho errmined durinsrhe llay workshop. 7.2 Site Definitions Typcsofarchacologicalrcaturcswe,edefiredrnhreltrencetolheDECCWSrandrds&GuiddincsKir (Byme 1997), AndEw Long s s(ned ts. marul (Long 2003), Carc Mird,cll\ drsis on 'sognisins hcatretalGolcisandhernhs{Miichelll996),myo}n*orkoDmounds.mhyJspdsirsaidhcatrcsincr ovens (Manir 2006), the DECCW skeleroi ids ificalion manual (Kocnic 2005), 3nd Holdr*ay and Sreml (2004)book or nlkcd sronc ancrscrs. Ther *as io alcmpt ro dcnic boundaies or'\it* assnch,asrhis*asnorthepltrlosofrhcptojel *as conhry 1o tho idc. oflhc cnrnc su cy arca bclig a culonl lend{rp. olsisnilicrnce ro thc and 7.3 Survey M€thods i tial in using Pcsonrl Digital A$isranh (PDA), ser up wilh A.p.d sohMre. salellile i'nalcry rnd silc poinl Mording loms dEr Lvoc doLvtrloadcd to computr rnd mcrgcd inlo AHIMS silc cards. Dcpcndlneor rhcpcotlc prcscir on aiy ore dry, I io 4 teanB each *ilh a PDA rcconlcd sncs ii rintrsed saDplearcas. lhis suncy lvis undnrakci as Thc samllcsu!-cys rimcd to rcodr nnsc ofrrchrslogical daia includin!: Moundsaid moundrtributcs includins spatirlpaheming, sizs (lenslh, drh, heiSh0,srucrurc rnd smricraplry(often som exposuEdue ro nbbiB, {osion, n..hincry), fcaorcs sud' as ovens. pi6.concenrdionsofv.rious.ontci6(rc.ordcdrorn.uidsnrtuesorexposuE,colourrnd coirenh(recoded for mound $dac* or cxposuat, nonc rooltchnoloey (rccoldcd ro nound sudrces or exposuret & buriak (recorded lor mound su ..cs or cxposurcO & non-mouided Modlficd rrccs oivarious O,pcs Tre*RiihImdilionaliylercmovr|ofba loming 1c.s'had rs sell s sc slDpe the scalengrh, widrh,deprh, rcgroMh and hci8hr ibole 3rcund 'neasured. radi ional scan of .nd hc qpc and s6os, pre*rceorabknce ofde ma s,erc, Nwellrsnon hisioric sisnincrnce, rlso \cnlDted ring tecs. r Ancc$nlBulirh, nronnarioi reconled i'rluded ftde8leeofdisludanceolrhebudal,c 'scof nbrbance. rhe rnou nt of bon e m *irlvisiblc. lhc viy peoplc worc blrhd.1hc ag. and scx ol rhebudal, rhe condirion ofrhe bonc. rhe con!ox( olrhcbunal,and protcdioD nc6urcs needed d Hcanhs stone sid hed rerd'E ovens. *here Ehdvely undislulbcd, rcre me$ured .nd .o snts nefac6, rsorded $onc mar*ia|typo.size, rerorch.nd re.hnololicalasl)ccb. Middcns, rccordcd enlnotrnenbl comexi. sidth and dcplh of rhc deposit. shellt)"e rnd condition, rnd orher content, lenlrh. m erials rnd inform iotr asociacd uirh tadirional. hisrorir orcont.mponry Placcs of sisDificancc to thc local Aboriginal comhuniry wcrc rcconlcd This suney difiered ro eanier in .h!! rhc GAP analyns raBcrcd places ihri had not been sureyed beloE and rcre orher 'dcys predominanlly in pltua isolatd ftom lhc rcla.ivcly rec Abongiial h h.oric .ahping rllccs. qeFnonirl places.rndconnicrplaces wca recoded Places a$ocialed wnh Abonginal Rcsourcc lnd Cdhtritrg. such s places sirh lood odH lertures thai had 1cs likclihood olocludng, such as fish trps, stonc and hlbit ror or oqhrc so!rccs, sid medicine planh. aDimal loods, fish, special*oods, reeds for wervlig, aid placcs sirh '7.4 Exposure, Visibility And Brckgrotrnd Exposurc vancd tn'n poor ro nmderare. Exposure rypcs included denalion, sheer rash, gnllying, and relreatins rivcrbank sedio's, btrrin forees Ms often coifii.d to rcads, racks and thc diSgiig of rabbiis and echidiis. Mounded cuhural dcposi$ (moundO teM ro have sood exposu,e around rle sid ind rlso visibiliry *as hili in sdnc sedions of.h. sudcy arc!, bur was vcry low in relarivciy uidnturbcd rers olrivnrcdgunforcsandwoodhrdduerolcal$dbrrklittcrlndhdbasc.Lcafand6 klitterliomrhe dver red gum tees in rhe Le$ dinuded aeis redu.ed visibilny !o l0% or cvcn le$ Many areas or noodpliin for$.ho had!dcnsc groMh ormu$ard reed Bulrins rrom sinrer min. and in thes reas vhibilirvrvrs very loN, betveer l0 l5%. occurin! sone ro a fiecr t hc sun !y rean \ $ ility .o $onc ancfaqb. nrc only irttrrlly occunins do'e narcrials calcrere on or near rhe mrllee srndp hin, and r weakly camencd nolcd in rh. au duritrs rltr sufley "se sanddonc onc secrion ofihe Mummbidlee River, bolh ofwhich ato.dily dh.inguishcd iiom $onc tr*d for n.kinE, polhhineorsnndiis Th.rc was no brckgrcund see arch.eological such os naluElly natnal'mrerirl lor cxamplc, ST]RVEY RESAI,TS 8- 8.1 Numbers and Types ofF€atures Recorded A roralol lS06lcaorcs scrcrc.odcdar l16S locationsor tires (Trbh3l.Fisue3.1&Appendn4) The q,pes of featurcs recorded included nounds, orers, middens, modified rrees, rnccnnl buna[ rnefids, ccrumony & drc!fring (rint t.s), s wcll rs hisroic sits iicllding hrbnrrioi sirs Ud qonnictsncs ln dditiotr pkce\ sith ibod and medicim resources and orher nsetu I resonres w ealso morded unde. rhe renn Aborisinal Resonrce and Garhering. Mounds induded in rhe lable un'ally indude olher ryp* ol lerlurcs su.h as anclacb, hcanhs. shcll, bur arc rabuhtd as jus mouids to diffe'enriare rhem llom sn* rlrt are nor mounded bur may conlain one ornoE oflhese fedtrres lhe erceprion io this is rlDr ancstal bunat in frou.ds arc rabuLalcd scpd.tly, rd gilc. rcfcrci.c ro lhc nunboro ofbtr ah.and bccaus.buiah wcic usullly rncoDod.d lnto rkc'dy co nn rudcd nouids. aM therelore Etlecl ar addirional ctrlruul ose The lypes ofsires recoded rre sinikr ro dose reco ed in pRvious ludoys such.s Pmdoc & Manin (2001), M.nin (2006), lhc,{HIMS darlbasc, and thosc prcdlctcd ro oeur (se s{tiotr 5) Hdkwr. the knoM distibrrion of drcsc rypcs ofsires has been cxcnded inro nsw areas aiJ ns{ lindloms by rhis 3.1 also sho*s ths numbes ol f.llurcs rcqodcd ar ca.h s6rion. indicarina rhat culruEl ndoial lvidcsprcadrtrd round er Ncry place sanpkd Tl,evariarionolnu,IbesolsiresE.orneddependedpanly Tiblc n on rhc hnd$apcs safrplcd, rhc cxposurc and lisibiliq d dEse plrc*, bur aho oi tlr rnou'r olrime JtranbunE rnd Boyons combincd, but onLy halfa fcnr ar erch plece day Sprinldrle bccause ii was |nclcrr rhse rhc ndion bouidlrics woru md orposurc aid lhibilny Of die \ites recorded.4l% r.e Dounds. and 21.7% rre modified rrees, addin! up ro 62 7% olrfu roral. The renuining 37.1% consish ol hcanhs (12.7%), sonc anclacs (11.5%), middcns (5.16%), buriels (4%), AboriE inal Rsource & Gatherins (2.5%), Ceremony& Dreamins (in ihk cme Rins Trees,.54%), Connici{.23%). & Hrbildion (.3%) (Tdble 3.2 and Figuro 3.2). TableS2SummaryolNumbers& P of rhe rypcs of sircs Glodod (r4ourc*. .crcnony, confli.t & habirlrioi) hrvc lowc' thrn prcdictcd nurbss duc to sufl.y constminrs Thetr olte 'sosnition desisned suNe!. For exanple, historic or conflicl rires rrrc only recordcd ifrc hid somlon. 'ad,errlrn on lhc !c!m rhat doy or! llndowtrcr Lvho knN th. eory ofrhc sirc and Ms rblc ro providc rhedclails for rsodinc Pbnt rcsourccs lrr nor al*ays syiemticrlly E.orded. m many of the younger Erm membe6 did not recos'ise rbe tullmnse ofresourc$.l. dirioi,lc.ns did nor always rc.ord obvlols rivq rd Sums or black box and conoon pllnr infomalion t be(q obrrined fbm naps. Some 'elckrio. Tab e 3.1 Numberc and Types ot Featurcs Fecoded wesr & cumbuns swnP, 3 Fiqu€3.r FLHPSrryey Besr ks ard P?r'id Ely qadoiad Lo.alols ^': 96 q .. : IE € E iilii iii;l lliil Ei ;i! l;i f;3 E rgne32Peceldge5o'FecrueTvoe,Fe@ded 8.2 SuDmary Description I heRERPS'rue, of Archreologicrl F€.tures Recorded A roral o1536 mounds were re.orded durirs rhe suney (Table 3.1). Mounds wne the moi comnon fcarurc rccodcd, rcflc.ring rhc on s!flcline wcrlrid arcas. Mouids vere round on all satons suneyed, bul varied in sir..onlent and rlpe olasociared wellmd. Mounds vaned in size 6om 2 x 2 nctss.nd 5.n high,.o mouids ovd 160n long lnd orqonc mdrc hiSh (se Scc.ion 9lor analysis ol rou'd sizi Mounds mtuin 3sh nclr deposir and hest fti5iner. althouch rhe aDiounr ol deposit renaining vdies. Il)e delosn onen h.s. d. gEy ro olour duc.o rhc addirion ofdh,.harcoal. baked clay hear r.hines, varying mounrs ofbtrnt i'nal bone. na onen has small amounb ofvery tasmmled nusd shell. Hovevei rhe deposir may be blethed 10 Erey be d.fiated lsvin8 only b*ed clay d mino' bunr rnimaibone or Ery-boM, or dr fiier deposii 'nry1as. Low mounds or pavemenh olminly heat Ehiner e called or sone nalerialas a pNenent like 'ftniinr moundf in rhh rspon, .s mos of the .sh dd sedinenr has blo\h or bccn csdcd away. Thc n in tl'e CaiENimmie af,d UaB/F Mouids to.ordcd sn.ll.nouns olshcll, or sohc.incs no shell, and rh. shcll h bun!, highly fFencnrcd and dspened rhrcughout thc 6ound *'limdt. How.ve4 rhere is a conrinuu rro'n middetr ro mo.nd. and in sone cases ir ir difficulrro label a sne isoneorlhe orher Mouds.lso conkined fiun.l bonc, including unbumt bonc. and bumr bonc (carhoniscd and calcincd) Gcc Setion l0 ror d.riih). S$ne rnefads includine uaked 3fretuck and snmd anerads includi',s mi',ly lmsnenred or broken giinding dnhcs, rop$oncs, monais and pcsrlcs rcrc in nany mounds. Onc nound conraincd a .onplerc cd8c-8rcund honfek are Photo 7: TNoleim Mombds on luibuigal MouM (erey oval shrped fearure) A totrl olT0lordions wirh shcllniddcn wcre rc.orded (T3bk 3.1). some *ere subnrnrialmiddcns bu. niny .onsistcd or only a smsll rmoum of skll and some ovcrkpped rirh thc mound lypc lcarurc Middcns wtre lound on rhc Murnrnbidgcc an'l Ladtlrn R1v$ leveebaDks. and aronnd lakes. ir {hich il diffilull ro idcnrilyrh.shcllstccicsinrhcficld.llovev,\eholcorh4cPlc.sorn'cllto be able ro idenrily sodc p.tcms TNo species or iieshMter musel shcLl *rrc fon.d in middcns, rhc rilc muscl 1rl,rirrr./t.k{,,,). md thc billabong or hkc mu$cL l/e&s,,,, ,,,6,s, r. Mnhcns rho conhi', nsh bones such as venebne and spines. N s.ll !s yrbby casroliths MiddeN also .onbin vrrlin! amoun6 olashyssdimc and rcun'cr F$!cr middcis $crc found rlong ihe Mu.n,Ibidlee ro rhervA!olNap Naprhan lunhq cr{ as rl'e nver brnks chrnge ch acrer md bocomc 1o{q and rlid nor ro hsve ioriceable lcvccs. ln this rcgion (rhc Rcdbmk syscfr olrhc Lowbldgee), die river channcl is connrictd and rler over no{s rb. baiks rerd ily. On (hc eNtc m sccrion of rhe Losbidgcc bcdvcci Nap Nlp and Peve 6y, tft Mnn mbidsee lends Many arss olmiddcn cdnsi$ ofldgmcntd or poorly cxposed Diidden, 1o have Mrtii is very highdbaiks.lcv.cs and laiec bilhbongs, rnd niddens are moF cdmmot in rhis m.a (Partoc & 2001, Manin 2006). Middeis *ere also localed on lurnbung Sorioi on rhc Mummbidece tuvei n$r d,c iundion Lachlan Rivcr. i', arcs Bhcr rhc riverbank consh6olhilh{s.ndiersoih. Phoro 3: Juribunq Mddcn or MumD,bidlee Rivqbelovlhe Lrrhlm RivciJundioi oltle 3.2.3 Hearths/HealRetanerOvens trps olorcns vcr! rclo,dd (Tahl.3 L) Thc AlllNls ddrbAc hN r Jntrtu.rj_pc.xLled heMl*. rnd rhls !ovc6x nd8. or tdrure\ bu i', r1r RLRP rrv.y !rr,;calcgo!ui,.lrco sntofh. ,.bnrroYcns Orcns vcrc noLd ln mlids x\iDddc's. hur rko oc trrcd rii,gLr orcDs rDd dnncb ol ov.ns ir cA \ rl[ i,otrtrds o' tr,idd.trs 0.n\ m l]t rl,nJ Don rded rornd th. nigc ol Plul1trder coDnnon litrtft in Lhcsu^lyrr$ 10 rotrrdoi tu oodplri'N on endLo prlxcocbrnrd Lrkcr outonodr Lxkebcd.rnd rhcl.lsorcnd bc llcxr,clxLno Dricrnlrypc in o\c,L r ics throughourrhc strtrcr_ rer hi r,.rsolrivM't tr..king cLry soil rfu Md ftltrinor cdnsils orbkcd .lry.l,ul iD rk \rci or rhc sun.y mr cLGc k, rh! Nlun!! vrlLcc l3trdrbi m. .rl(d. Iiom srndphln soils. or rcnnnc notrdd ric rr!rctrcd somc or.trs rlso hrve hcd rcrxi',c c.ycLcd no'n \on otrr or b,old rrcll,ct such xs b,okcD lrirdir! nish Orcns tu.onLcd du, n!rh!n,n!rfui!!ri */cno'n llkDi i', drDrtr. ro rbour l.rocm indirnde. Plioro9'nrrptrd3.l..kc.TirTir ,^loLrlol5l lo.rliods1 1, rrccstrLbnmL\ \ rcco d(Irblo3.1) Mo! clnncd ri.NrmlbuLrls hos!rccodcJ in u d{r.tuL.JrDcotr\i{ oJrnall lingmcrNolbonc orlqc'pi..$olLonsboncdd\ktrll.liorbu,fllsditr$.dbj_rx]rbito|icpngofDounniturrbbns lion*er. Locdd noirbtrr ioroi rDonid d KrlyrtrScAl\onvooJ). ncrthc lk Lll.ln clcrcck. Ai t-\txbtrmL trrstrholo.xtd rheskrior un.kor Nolans Chrnccoi n treck syilm. rrd btrr s \crc rL{i h'nur. r)_nc turtLrc rnd sof(sbo singduncsirr rh! C.ra'\idtr,ir \ysrn. bolhoi rl[ Lotbid!i8 l)trlrcochanrclsoils vrn) o.!in'l buirls i' rh! Lo\rbdg$ a d Lo\$ L'd,h, ln\c boms I r c \hir. rnd chrlk) ,i DNrlr_ |)]l. -qrcr_ s,rcord.dor ft Loqbidlrcirc Lr.rrily 'nirrrltcd. i,i rol.ui ()r uDtr{Lal burial bu' xr lhe b$e olr Uin Crlcl 'no rnd Dln.rrltcd 1o rhc crrc rhd n s s liervr xs ione d souidcd likc ionc ,rlrcn hn blcrlis Dr .lLldnh Lnrlclo lxs cD[il.d pidtrres od d.sdpL]ons olrhl: btri!l ,nd {'g8r{\ rl'r111'c bor lras bcor Crobrbl! rhc lul$nrflsh{,llonrh.bois.lvl,icrhNspecdedLp r ng dsrols nr oqrnic co',ponc rhc boic,nirsxLns Dud' n'o,e rD dll rrd co'npLctlr (hence th. rotrnding lilc !oDc). S!d, tr,i',c,iLtlriotr bkes riDe so bL,itls !d r rl'c ha\csomcrnLntriry.bdnornc.cssai\oldffd'ritl'.odrrDiid10ldelloLocrnebunrkr!(o (rhrc {ligrir ror.ldcr rhrr rhe round il rppcrb ro hr\s rod!d lnnr s r r.r. rnd trobrbly toinb,ltry rhxl ir.rnc ioD oldrdcrosi( bric lirhcnnLiJ) bu,Dt Lnalorv reD,pc.rtrtrc fir. Bc.rrc rli! b A ro..l01233 nodified rfrs Nere recorded durins the strfley (T.ble 3.1), and lhcy arc rhc sccondrnos con'non archseolosical fearure rype.-lhk cdogory lncludcs ony tes nEt hrvc been culhmlly modified. including rFdirional sqlc ba* rcmoul $aB. food rti$al tees md lo8s, .nd sonc .har nay bc historic €bbir poison rrccs rnd bark hu1 removal teA, is well as ring tcs (included nder cerenony and TndirioMl bark Emoval t.cs inchded tfrs rith b3rk removed for .anos, sn.ll cdnocs or 'dn3. alongs (Cubba woods pe6..oDn.)lor colkclin! lood in swamps, cdolafrons (dhhsl, dcct bowh aM shields. Bark h$ been removed fmm borh rivd rcd gun and bla.k box, mosr carces are n, efrom riv{ rd gum 6ur sevcnl canoc scd6 rde recodcd fiom blick box All br.k re ovrl scaB recorded dunng rhe RFRP suNcv Phoro srth obviousrxe l0(L(nICanoes. 'narks hrd been mrde sirh $cd axcs. P:ik3 CreekTSR Pholo I I (Rish.):Dras-loi€ Scar, Nolans Chance Selcnl lood extcction scan were Ecorded shert an aninoL bnds cg8s, orhoney had been cut ou1ofr hollo{.rccrrunkor rslletr los. nrese include loss *hse dbbi6 or sohc orhcr ani'hrl su.l' s r soanrr have been cnt od ofan rlredy ldlld hollow log. Sc.ondlt hollow nsndins tecs or tce stuDps rcrc also cul inb rnh.n axc ro rcnovc animrl such as a posum,6ird or eoanna, or bnds eggs, or honcy. In somc cass pmplc cut into an old brrk Emoval scff file bs..usu ir involv.d lc$ effot thai cutii,g inro thc deerer sood sumutrdinx rhe *ar face (Manin 2003). Thesc lood crtadlon tc6 o! logs aanuch nrer rhan 6lrk Emoval trees, andexamples tend io be more common lrcn rhc pqiod ahcn peoFlehld $c.laxcs,6 cutins inro live orespecially derd hed Rdod is hdd work with a $one qc and thcprc.iousaxcwouldbelikclytochip Cuharerko oftctr hish up in the tee and may no! be noricad by nr recordm. Al I food rtlriova I sca6 rcco dcd durina thc RERP suNey snh obvious axe mrks h.d bccn Phoro 12(Righr) roodltadion Ini. Hollow Tnnk ard Older, Holc cur Bark RenoraL Scrr Thcsc lsdnions conrinued into $epanonlperiod, ard hdvc conrinucd jnro rhe prcsent dry, nDinly for culbml teaclingpulloses. These lypes of$as fir thc cxpccred siz ard shapeofscas cd by AboiSinal pcoplc lilinE a reditionrl lif*qle, or a conrinmlion of tldirions inro norc rcccnr rimcs lr is nol pos ible. ho*eve r, ro achal ly say ho clr lhc ba* oft.hcold s!s, rs rhc errly history became lompler rnh AbonsinaL peoplc adopring Eurcpcm tcch'olosy includins iro' ares nom rhe vsy ll6t conr'ct (Srun 13ll &Mitchcll l3l9),andpa omlhh adoprirg Abongin.l culrunlwlys ro suflive{Morcy l34l 19031.Examplesolrhe.onplcriryarcMorcykdescripronolrheAbonlinalmembo6ofrhc wtrl)!ny' culliig canocs to cmble Morey and hG lellow pNronlht wirh suns$ rhc rilo ro alrck rl,e local Abori:inrLpconlc (Morlr 13,11-1903),.nd Comnissionsr M Domld\ ll3s0) d$dprion otlhc srol ard orltrrnorus allbcngcrc$cd d Eusor rhc hclt olAboiginiLlcdplc in.iiocs. A nnec olhi$ori. !id no tudnionll rypcs olnoJificJ ucls havc also ro b! cons crd as polcnrirLly Drde b) Aboiginalpeople rorkingfor European\ or Abo.igi'rLpeopk who hrd rdortd Elmrcrf to.k rnd lyrysoltrsing brk. lh*cin!lud!brkremovedlorturopemsrylehurrooas.rhichn l be siDilar ro !trs rrcm brk rcnolcd ror txdnionll lruG Anodtrr r)rpc olfrodific.lion n nngba i.g, in som( mas lltrlc numbss ol tccs qsc nngba cd. A laicl} of p.opLc did d,e riDgbarkin!. includLtrg Etrrclc.ndiJChinlscllbo0rc*,btrrtorcirl.ll!.lsoAborisiirllabour$(Mdln2003). 'Rrbbllsmins Trss' 1o Lhc nbbk plilug pciod pdiculrrly mound thc 1900\ 1o lqr0 s \rhen ruru1\$rkc^ (ticludiDg Aborigi0olpcoplc) $s! cfinloy!d 10 poisod ribbirs *irh trscil! or!rychninc by ctr(in! inro the sapNood ol rfu te$ ard Dixi,,! rhe poion inro tl,e saf rln tlorrd ti.n rhc cur (Krlly 2007). S!!co po$lblc(bbn{lptiigrlcs\.turlco !dburscc$clion9llformorcddnils. Srore rnehcs aE ridesprsd rb,orsl,onr rhe suney area ancf.ds (1.blc 3 l). inchnLing mound!.nd rnd orcuring as Lg deposi[ on dr]prns. lLuetles 'nidJcns, aid nrbco.l'arml so,ls scc Scdiotr9 rorhorcdcrails.Nobonc!n!ftct \'s. No .d.rLrhongb bons poi s harc bco rccordcd lroD m Tlircc plrccs rhd dcmonnnre hinory oltlI caly confiicr bd*cc rh! Ncscm ldcollhc Lowbidg.c Rldbmk syicm.Tho'c'nrinsolrn unnsurl 1og btrildnrs locrlly knoR onc of rh! l.kcs.'lhc bulkling n ii.Jc ofrnu rud strm lo8s nor.hcd .nd sloIed, a bi!s{ rooD 10 p[ honcs in, and nrn ncpr ir rhc smalhr rooD \rnh smrll Iirc. Thc cD Acco iig ro rhcovndRon Horrc. rhis btriklins Lytrs d$cribsd by Neumcycrin r36ras I htrronrhirl. riddrnho^cs A Dtrskcrbrll$os tuundby rh! i,d!y lcrn abour 20 mcts lron rhe htrr. rs *e1las squm rrils. .enmic. rlrs, rnd r psto[ln$ [av.bccn rcordcdoi ' I 'dl: ('.r,Jc ' .r'.lr !f"mhi ouil. J I, lq.'.'nlv.l. o..l 'nre second conflict sire is rhe b@d area of Paiko Loke sd the Poik west hone$md on the edee of the lake. Ile ongin.l Paika homeslead ws bunl ro rhe srcund by Abonsines' aeodin3 rd Paul Conneu.n the dtanca of Paika Crek inro the lak.. The ftom Ndwic. A homcmade nNket ball ws found exhtins We* honede.d is a large brjck house complex bnilr in nag* nom 1375 b, ChinesE labouien. lhc bricks made ar Paika Cek. nrse Ms r Chinse cadp near rhe hou$ and buiial sito on the island in rhe l*e (Disne willims pe*.6nn.). Dianne showed us lho bcll(po$ibly a shjps bcll?) $ill han8ing n6r the b..* galc, il w6 tung ilufiiendly Aborisinal people appeared, so rhe men ar thc woohhed could hear it and cone back ro proted lhe fanily There is al$ a laree cellor in the house that s6 olisinally built with a hp door thd cduld be bolrcd doM lot ptotecrion lrcn Aborigiml p€opk. 'nris cellar vas lalr med lo k@p sick leorle cool, or as r mkeshin motuary, and nov hd a naitde leodilg to it rather dian hdder Dd tnp ddor. ne lriki Phoro I6, Diame Willians Rinsin! the Bell a! Paika W$l Honcsrcad nre rhi'n m.flid sne is litaflnga, also on thc vsrcm side ofrhe Losbidsee Redbmk sysrEn, said by loc.t landowncs lo havc be6 rhe locrrion of poisoninSr dried ou! by Wolmnh\ m.n and he obrained Paika rnd Nap Nap 6on rhe on8inal padomlist Hobler (who sas fo(ed by govmneni ro .b.ndan it in favou! of wensonl,). nre poi$nings are sid ro have been ffied out by flour lac.d wnh a6.nic (Pau1 Connelld pes. comm.). The mo$ likely locarion oflhis sie would be ar the entmc of Box Crftk to the lake, and/or on CoFki Crec* beloF it enrers the 1ake. 3.2.a HabllalionPlaces T*o campinc phces loom b have been used hy Aboiiginal pople in rhe 1950t weE Ecorded. The finr one ms shoM to us by lhs londoMer Ron Hom and suNey r$n nemhe6, on Tin Tin dorion whorc Box CFck runs inro Pirapun$ Lrle (!hobl7). ln rhe 1950\ AlfKolly s.nior, MN Alicc Kelly d ften oBd children includinC AllKellyjunior lived in r codrse, and Jack Walker and his Aboriginal wifo Amy Biggs liv.d i! ! loBer nouse. Another house wa o€upied by rhe fanily ol Jack Jackson (all houses iill studing. A hir larer Alf Kelly juior dd his wilc Chnsrine Mitcheu lired there and Claude J.ckson rcmmbcrcd srayin8 our theE with his father Jdck Jicksm Eon, Ray Mumy, Claud. Ray Mumy sko shored us rher he canped in rhe 1950\ wilh membN oflhc Kidy and Fmmt fmilies whilc lhsy wr. tBpping Fbbiis, This phce k marked by pepps rre6 on lhe nonh sidc of thc bddge ove! Plila CRek. rhrough ihe fence on the Ne$ 3ide oflhe min oad (photo l3). Two adjaccnt ploces on TupE wre ako E6ded is h.bnariod pltces as rhcy had r combinarion of hisronc naterial including hri.k kiln and !irs, hGtoiic c.Fmics lnd el6s, rnd a large number of *aftd lrecs conshrenr wirh coolmons. The ssociaridn vith lhis aftr and families such os the Ki6y. wrlren $d lwnlrce families suEgesed lhe nced !o recdrd these 6 habiiltion places. Tl,e rsocirtion wirh nl. Houses Behind -*: #.$ Po$ible Hcar RdninuO\en rvilh Bick. I trpn ${'o {'r' ',d q. {- Ahorigin.l psoplc in thc hhroric period *as $rcnsly su$esed by a clusrq olstone hcat Eiriner ovens. $arcd rees sirh steelue matu. and a hea! reEiner ovcn con$iniryboken 3.2.9 CeEmonv & Dr€amina reE isod.d during rhe suney, a1l lrEe riwr rtd ke6 closc io rives or major creeks. Iley *rt recorden ar seven Rine TEes eu walseers Lake, Kalyan (NoNood) SCA bcsidc tlrc Lower Lachlan River, and on Pollen Crcck on Tory PlaiN, on the tn*bidges Caid4{immic sysrcm. Rirs tes dhpla} hnnchss rh.r havc groM inro a rins as a rsult of being lied in a chaFdtrdic wy shen Phoro 20 (Righi): River Red 8.210 in cnm Rins Tree. on Pollen Creek, Torry al R€source & Galhedno A roral of33 locarions werc rccorded as having cullunl value lor rcsouEc $d satherins (Table 3.1). A €nee orplans urd for aood, medicinc, rcsin, {oodcn ancfacrs ek veft rccoded over {hE sdncy rceion. Sofre plan6 wcrc conlincdro nooded or Rendy nooded dcas, othc6located on dry noodplain or cdscs ofrhcfloodplri'K werland aninals uscd for lood, mcdicine,skins, adefrds dc *ereaL$ rc.ordcd. Scc seclion 12 lor dekils ol.hc plant 3!d ani'n* species recorded. 'ftree landlorm fcaiures dEt aft ol sigtrific ceosHoureareasw ealso E.ordcd, includins a fishins place on the Mutunbidgcc Rivsar Nanic wirh a desp hole ond a ocky bsnk wirh musel habirar and r lcdgc for cod ro hide or re$ under. A se.ond frshi!8 phce wnh nuseh ms nored oi Juanbung on a be'ld in the Mumnbidsee River The rhnd ledure Nodcd h an ourl.t.rcek ofa 6illabonson Nasie rhd is suirablc ro ser nds acos orbuild No 6sh taps bccn rccorded in the RERP rrea except lor the alre.dy AHIMs rc8istercd Bahanald rish Tmp (Fisure I1.5) However, rhe sator lcvcls ir rhe Mumnbidgee Rivd eere high during rhe sufley due roenvionmonral floss,3id rhis nade it dimculr ro scc tucks in rhe liver A rccky bank sN ouicnp in lhe bed ofrhc ftcordcd on Nsflie, rhis appmrd ro be son smd$oic bur hardtr 'nstcialnay the Mummbidsee Riv{ rirer In addirion Ray Mumy stated thsr he had heard of a rocky oulcrop in 'nc suncy did not allov tine ro inveni8arc any upercam rron B'lrmald bur below Redbank Weir. Mtc.losged places tha! may have rcmains ol wooden fish trps. 8.3 Wetllnd SampleAr€as 8.3.1 Uonga Sialion (Losr and RER? Surv€y Results Lachlan) ll,ree sanple ue* were sudeyed on l.rlanga Stalion (Fieurc 3,1 & Appendix 4.1 and maps below). he 68r snple is located on tho Lachlon River bant rnd levee and adjacenr creek. rMnps and nver *d sum fore (msp below). Mrtdal re.orded includcs nler red gln $noe tes, including smll canoes or 'dEg{lon8s' by rhe rivelbmk, mounds, an ancestml bunal on r nound. md isolared dnefdcts. Three hediun sized nounds with boked clay sd ash occur behind the ri*I]).nk and along distribuldry crcoks. Impona phnt rcsoures nored include nrer ied g!n. coobah, Old Man Weod, rhagodio, cumbutrgi, and hid a@ adjocent to a ctuking da& 8rey cl.y soil swamp l-ehlan tuvd (!op lcf. 0f map b.low) by a ddriburary sysen. A low dcnsiq cxposurc of.nefacrs, scatetd hml daina rnd isolated and clusrercd ,!sr, h6t reEiner ovens weft reco'ded on rhe scalded Ed gtonnd. T{o smll mounds or ovcn conplex.s weE rccorded on the ed8e of the red gound dd swamp, rhe ltrCcsl abour 3 metes x 3 metres wilh sone ash] d eposit A scared t* and scahes ofheat Eriiner on sliShr risss on rhc dark grcy clay swMp tloo eE rccorded. fte second s.mple h on a scolded Fd sandy sith river ftd sum foren, Gd tun 'Ihe the somple is locrred on rhe edge of a deeper sMnp oi lake wirh a distinct luncnc qpc edge and covered Nith irer rcd 8nm fored fed by a veinlike distibut ry sy$m (mop below). i1lis nerss into lhid box woodland o! slightly hi8her srcund Nirh sone red smd overlying cl.ys. A loiBc Coup of qu dong tEs i! the black hox noodland, insluding sweal Iarge adult rrees and ovd 30 fts seenlinss, vere recoded as having sigrilicmt cultunl vdu 10 lhc local Aboriginal communiq. BeNeen rhe quandongs dd lhc senp! on pale colouftd scalded soi1, r spane scarer of.nebcts (including sonc sindinA disb pieces, fl*6, and a honfch nicrcblads coF), heat retaine! sd isolared md clNrerd heat Erainr ovens occun.d. On rhc luncne-like edge of rhe sMmp a senes of larse nounds and ashy detosi. dhtulbed by siock snd lehicle hcks were rcolded, as vell as sdred black box ioes. thsc h olso a subs.nliil ahoun! ol hisroric noicrial, including gl6s, naih. non. and bicks. An dea on rop oflhe luncnc has brick features, pobably fillm chimrc]^. Modified dver red gufrs wnh bai* rcmoval scau occr in rhe swsnp. these rres hare been dead for lrobibly rbour 100 yean. The $a6 on 3 live box trcls nlJr rh! qurd.f-! trr donsa207 a t';df;i ?r8,,r nga l9 iff;;€ 6 l'jhok,ll(Lcrll: OrrlSlt ri Rne Rirtrb ,k. g. i{i Prinzr(i! rcrnc o Ulongr. Lrr,rJn Pho,o 24(L.h) CindiiBDnh Plcccs & Hcar Rcrainoon Moun'1, Ulonea Phoro 25 (Righo w ;a I d> 4 s 3.2 Ka yatr (No&ood) scA (Lowe, Lach an) rcrs rcre suRcycd oD Kilyar (Norwood) Sbt ConseBalion Area (risurc 3.1, Appcrdir 42 & bclor). Thc fi6r srmplc wrs undcnakcn along rh. Lachlan Riv( d NoNood Cotusc md lunhd'naF ci! .1oDA lhc ptuposcd Nalking rnil (map belor) MiddeDs, modified tes, ard hed rebimr wcrc rccodcd on rhc ivtrbank. Two $nallmouids wcrc rccodcd nclrihc picnic.rcaju$ bclor.dggol Thrcc smple hisl, Eround nearabcnd in the river Brck lrom therivdMnk. mo,e notrnd occumd. Modilicd rEes rrre rnq red strm and includc crnoe te6, nng ftq rnd r lood exrndior log. serenl rocarions \yirh plarr and ani,nrr food rcsourccs ako roordcd in.ludiic ord "rrc Man W!cd, wiLd spi.ich, ruby sdlbnsh, roobrh. mdrdrrtrnbr. en alons lrr creck atrd th. nodh,cascm scqrioi ol ha Lakc (mip belov) A irrge numberofsmrll romedium sized moundr Gome wirh burials). nodiued blrckbox tees. aburirl.rnda c,nrrio, w crcco kcriu,nbdor,nodiricdbreckbox rees. mounds, exposue witL anefact, rnd heat retriftr orcrs were rccodcd. Thc chacologicrl marcnal hcoi.citr donrhc loNcrcndanJ nc.kdelu bsfdrc irSoesinlo kke. Smalllo ftdnL.r sized I hish grcund,lus bcloN rhc lip orhigh gound and \irhii thc black woodland. bor rrcc Mounds do ior o.cur oi rhc high s.ndy grdund, bur below on rhe edle olrhe grty or dclb floor. To rhc mnh along lhc qcck, nounds mc pla.ld in a similar Locarion,6elow rhe his| satrdy sround. on r|e cdsc olrhc clay ad ju i,xidcrrrrmri,r Thftc ft se'rcd bkck box recs in d'c sanca@s as ihc mounds. Sca6 rcsuh ltum r.noving birk lor larse'neny coolrDons or shields, and snall to medium sized o$h There se ako rood cilrdoi cus into hollorv tnnks, lirh isd axc m ks. Moi scaftd tees ft a1ne, bul many ofth*e hrre rn old ceruzl hnk nn h holloworprnly hollowwirli ncsercpicoanic eosth, or rci$vcd bark lionrcrwornsdr! scared seclion olthe hmk i: mnch older ihan the existirs livins brlk. Mounds i', this rm hrvc vcr] litrlc shclLorbonc.losolbakcdclayh.a!rekin*, ind ashy sdimenr. somemomdson r]t rri side of dr creek neffhiCh red courrry have.rlcft drinq s sdlas bakcd clay.lnponanr lood plmG iotcd oi li rhh m.. idcludcP,,lr?a.., (pig{ccd) and C,L,,/,'i,ia {puahnc) a a a :Jjlim"xx1'" lHm,ffs:..#.ii_._.,, Tli! 1l,i'!L l,c.l. {rrrlr ( fxr b.loN) \rs!irrc $hl(lr is r utrdrtxkcr or thc nnrlio, sdiotr ol llf Lrk.. ud non! I'irnfun 511,. rlrni b Lh. \l,ftmbidg.. rnr NlouL\. ldd$r. 'nfd,ricd Nronrls \ir r rr.lrd\ \crc rc(rdld rouaL' kr ,^ Dnnid r'srLro,..okld d I nrchds\c,c,!(nd<lr.r-q P fr Lnd Litrd'bc, drinxl,ll.J c.ior I'imlr .arlct. $orrrmplclf,Lhd bli.k bo\ tr.s rd 1 ','ll \i '{tt r* ,I I 3I3 Tupr. S aion tLower Lachan) rnc rnrlc mli od lLtl,: \.'r \m!rcd. m! udnig lri. rn$, lutrcft\ r nnd m.ks oa r\o !l,rllo\ opcf \dcr rk$ ilL,r-{ lruri rli! L.(ln {r\r. ' \fdirri.rrh! mncir !dc.orrl'c ,tr., rM etrDi t)\ky Stt Fo,sr r\ \elLr\ trlo mr ttrLrr$t b rl'! I xrl'Lm Rno lrism s l. rt,NiJir '11. trL'lx b.L0\ ) Nttrnh. lild 'ditn rrditi.J bllk box t!!\ \.tu R.onlcd on L.kc NILLolr. r nrll0r (rr3p elio Thr ti:r lLnrr.lrd irlk erpon't ' r .onsiss ols.j-isli pclLcfu ! xr-s bc]$! x 10. rDdis Drlsnl Srhc rdlcRd rsD,ilc DorDd rni huL rcrri'N \s . dc\ hlrl . ., ti! r{ n.drnrls ,cr.irrcr oc(sn, lrlsuc a di! trirrvur r..orncdof blr.k bor 0clsof rh! d3! irncr $ck r. rl'r Lrkr. r.l mg soN rotrnd mddirL n{r iLr. irr hrcs(oftu, \ih !11i ..odhtrnr\lii.ld rrd d,rsdorg r.rx). nnn. orcns. rfd:F5c rrll$rs rinori. brirk kil*. Nlli (lh !l iLh ldriL! oufd rnd hrlr l, rlso rfflrtud r. r,r\r tr 'criid\ r.rx ,o (tioro lt) PlrDr ,tsou,.!s nolcd inard! bLrll b!\. [r d i tt(t/ 4r4/l1n) r i)tn! brh lli! \rq nl $A .or.drnr.J D(' r,c no'rr \&d,tL Lxk.. Lrrr cdnxrj, ! (Dr0 ri-!1,1) l,x5 x sod.d hn,dr. trfd i',ld cr!.]l li lirr,! illD 11,! Lrd,hn Rncr Sth! \$e tu.od.d. rd bhlk ho\ t!.' 'drrtr 'rodlfild ril r $ohiu'inn.ld ritr dl qud/nc !'iidiDs di\h. r bLolcr nnrr \l1h bo\ \nh 'forll' lrikl fg {rhr Dl&s lid Jr.nLe bdr.irgD,rks onoLho \nl! r \!l /\llo r si.rd! mi{obL . Oa . a,,.,:',::' lh!..i s.d cdg! olOrlcy slrlc Fo,t{ i,rrr, dsl'l) hcxt rim otr 1lr. rs jLnid or ol rfu sxrd) 'I) rin aL !r!) hcd drinr. nL!!*a thd ll'ctu 'r co\trcd rirh idi'nc uodi ilD rL! i!li$ smdph /\ n.xd r?. \r\ l.rI!d b.ndt r rrck Ln thr.!ntc olrhc.nurdl -iL ftr$l n\ nrt rtuln 5L) Mgr di {rnr llrc co.lrtrrD slii.ld 1o drg xLor! sizc sc s. on. th 1 Lircs oa dcr ilc lrc seclion 9l.l Iordiso!siof) ',' iirr b. ! a riotr(h nd Dol nd bh![ bo\ tlcs \crc rtconl inInDrpl.mrn.r Lh! Lrcr r{\cr. rrI.d! rh. brlk n d.pc.i g,.r . xy !d snrni,rir brrr b.1h.c.r,ic bi!t rronr rhc.ncr. ( lrp.r ']] .|9 N ]]0 ]]] mxp bclo\) rnD(o d!tr\cln,! Iti!!c\r 'rrlnub Tli! \!! d ri rc hrh. Lrd,hn {rrsh nanlifi.d trr!: in( rdirsr r,.srm rnd inil.'r.r,: rTupm r0 ri rrr l tr,]r hrrtNl rli{.r.,r( dr 3trd, btr, rri$ in! rLso !rf! noJiri.J tltrlc 6L(t bo\ tccs.ln! lns r cuo! tr!. onc org dc rns r.d lrD h i s.trx or r trntrk. imlLLd s l.rDo. Siitr L sriirnrirnrr,r!N\li.DLLoic xr{.no!ord !rLdrgst!lrirr\id!rrlD\lr lhcfiddnrc! i.ltr,Lc r ihtrig,. !oobit,. sd oL a+,t / / .a '. 't-oI ' 'OQ r3!rB ffin* E# $uu.rltrl Photos 1216, Blmk Box Canoe Photo17: Food Exlacriotr scar. cut Bark Removrl Scar, Tupm 3.3.4 i 'Dns alo.g Scm lnd Ov.l Scds, T!pr. oOld Toopuntal Sralion (Lower Lachan &Lowbidseo) ,\ l&gc sanplc arca oi Toopunsl lndudcd rhc cdscs or lrks fi1kd f.oD the Lacblan River and Cre.r Cumbune Ssa'np. rhc bark overlookins rhe Greai Cnmbune S*rmp, and an dea on lhc Lachlan Rivtr (figur.3.l, Appodir 14a & 4..4b and n'p belo*). Thclrmplc rmhad avery h ish den sily of mounds .nd middcns (bclow). Fauml rcmi'x ii, Doundsand drll, freshmter sMil shell, bnd bone, els shollborh s{an & duck sDr, onh niddcis,ncludc 'nu$elg hlirhs, fish bone, rodhr roclh, Md drc small mamDll ho'c Modilicd tr* shell aid bone, yrbby are very nrc in nrcr tud gtrm forc$, ,o$ibly rcflccrin! pas rcDoval by ibre*ry rcrivities or seveF channcl nDnins rhrough the Grear Ctrmbung Sramp bushfirc Mounds and middens $e found allamund lhe laks md also on rhe bank on rhc cdgc ofrhc Cren Cum6unE Ssanp. Areas ol sc ded hcal rckiner worc also rccodcd on hlgh spo( iclr rhc Lrchlan River chinncl flnnin! aco$ $c noor ofihc crclr cumbung sLvrfrp Plrnrs with ltumlusc @orded in the rrea include cumbunsi, nadoo, Dillon bush, ruby shbush and riv{ rcd gun. Thc previous Fadoe & Manin (2001) s'ryey also Mnplcd.n adjaccn! scdion ofrhc samc lakcju$ ro th. soulh ofrhc RER? survcy (pink ma*c6 beloN) Mondssidan.ennlbnriehserercordedind,naEr. Prrdoe and Manin (2001) also recorded mounds on I Lo{bidges anabnnch crcck (bclow lcft)- po$ibly pdd olrhe Pimpan cck palacochanncl. Onc noun'l distlsycd hhroic slrs, ceEnic and mertrl ireDr and a disrind hollow in rhe cenko su8gAlinB rhd n nay havc bccn oc.uplcd in rhc hh.odc p$io'1. Laj3s nounds wcrc lound tunho cdr on rh. edge orrl'e Murrunbid€ee Rivtr (bdbm risht. belor), md anefack aM mound matedal werc rho rccorded oundashallowlakeontheplain(ropnghr,below). ;1Pl I r';Jr F,"$W: 33 5 Juanbdnq & Boyoio Slalion (Lowar Lachran) lLrDbfi-r xrd tso)on! sdiofr.or( nr.h ol Ll,. lr.lih, Rnr. r,d tr' iLtr'di,ri \ I '1i. aL rfrl.!Lo\ \r . nirtrJ 1mr bc o\ crd I unnam! rj\rnp. r rr lr!foD l, .alolrhr Lo\( lrAr rtrirrorq 1rigL,. r l. ,\pp.tr1l\ l,!ri3so ) '1,!(,ci(B'hrrr\rtr,,1, notrtrdrlrA.notrtrJr.orrrir.,rD-j.olliLrDtLL,dftfrtrrLJir!rntr$!\1,!LL.Liirtrdr!n jn's boDr Jrbbr lAho 1r\. r 6.D$nr\'J trnlcrrc m l,$ nrl:r'!! I mr aL .\mrh. lr 1.1,) ,1.1,.!'. \ or! r, r) (lqr\ L. !li.r r -!. Drmd is 6e d,.\ r ir Ddrlr in u. rrd l [.d (1.) ]!,l 91r.n hrlrL Lr !1, al rdl A DaLr pLr rr.rLn br'].: (ri,rl ri[\o] fftr. s.rrr.d br rrbb(rr.,fdi Lrl,.\ rdkr! lrir fj ls[ ir! u \. 6ipnr vrnJ rLDburg r rr rl,rd.l!.d b) nlridl. ,DoLfli ol ul.d Liir 'nor borc, d\p *r'tL!tr1.\,.1 tacllt-Au R|\,/ER GREA]I OIJfu{BUING SWAililP ,r! r (hrr rrnDbLr!!!rD!io i,' trcn [Lr.!rr rnqr lic.() , thr N Jr LrDg ,rd L:rlr. brl ri,.n!r) llo, !\rnpL! rurblrg rlxrdrlh r\rtr'r.ln \n,-! ll) o 1r|.1 L r.) n,Lb$idr Llnl b q rrr d\lrnrrnnr. Canoe sm on river red Cm yse E@ded nod rte box wfth cootrmoi/snieh or 'dmg-along' A smoll rMple along r Di'o. distibtrbry cEet m tne v*rd edle oflhc floodplain sd odjreDt to rte Mauee sdndplain .lto conbi.ed . cluster of nodified bla.k box rrees, a smau nou.4 8nd ove6 (mp river md in s6 m emon. ivd ftd ann forest, a.3.6 rrru umbudgee stalion (Lowbldgee'MuftumbldgeeRive.Syslem) Mummbudg* Stalion near Maude ws previotrsly sureyed by Pardoe & Manin (2001) bu! hts ben included hse (Fig@ 3.1, Appddix 4.16 & nat & fiCurc below) s ir is s *cellot sanple of rhe MmnbidBee Rivd S'Brcm ol rhe ro*bidge. A seri6 of lalge noudi some titt dceshl hurials, a nid'len, Dd nodiffed hs w* E.oded on a DnSe of lodfoms including beside $e ab.bBnch Bldg€ cEell. or $e floodplain vilh disribulorx cEoks, and adjaelt to dre river banr. The sits plofled belos should oll bo nicndy nonh or nonheor of thei plofled position and all nonh side oflhe rivs. as shoM ir FiFr 3.3. Fiqurc 3.3 Murrudbudqa€ Mound6, Mrddans & Anc$tral Buials R@d6d by Padoe A lralin (2001). FiqurE lon Mad n {2006) 8.3.7 M@ttield TSR (Lowbidqee) Morrfield TSR *as sufleyed ind a sdi* of 14 nounds aid olher archaeoloehal marsial Ecoden on both sides of the public mad and in sone cases on rhe icn'al 6ad (below) Ihe sr..ion o\hs6 wcrc asay o. rhc rinc an'l se rherfoE did nor have acces to the narion Mounds. burials, shell, f.unal bono, anef.ds and modifredlrccs (Fieurc 3.1, ApFndix 4.6, and bclow) ne l@ated a1otrs the top of a palaeochannol sand ddg. that tu perchcd abole rhe sdhnds either side (photo 521. Thh Eised prlaeochannel divides the Mummbidgcc systcn and ihe Nimmie/Crira system of the Lonbidgee. Tft Dad follows rhe same pal.eoch.nnel nso as n prcvidcs a dry porh lhrcueh werl$ils. The pEviously ftcorded AHIMS Nimmiig Creek Moa!field site (red rrianglc) is aho locatcd on thc same palaeochannel rhe. Moatlield 60 is a large high mound beslde Nim'nie CEek rith 8.3I i;i; -t ^'iri##l; Ninoie Slalion (Lowbdqe-c) b$ted on rhe Nimmie/Cfir synem olrhe Lo*6idsee. A total ol (Figlre 31, Appendix 4.6 and below), some on rhe nonhed side ofNimnis Creek (beldw botom righr, and sone vry larg. mounds serc rc.oidcd to thc south ofNinmje Creek Scvcn nounds conraiied buriah. Some of these l$se mounds m within or on the edge olexGting lierud s*anps. and rhc orhc6 nay also hav. bccn in liciun swmps bur ae now round sithin clsrd and tloughcd Fddocks, Mounds are as brge as 30 nerres x 30 ndH and l40cm high. and contain a vaidy of faunal mrreria|includins musel:hell, fish bone, bird boie, eggshell. rnd yabby gshlnhs. Anefacrs lbund in nounds include conplete srind*ones ond nonar/penles and hacked bldes. fte lislum swamps conrdn fine1y divided dinnbuhnes of rhc crec*s such as Nihnic Crcck. Thc la€tr mounds lcnd to bc found on diehr !i$s wirhln rhcs.lignun sMmpi howver rhe field $'e' did nor have time ro sxmplB suficienr ireas ollignuh 10 deremine ifrhe€ aft also snall mounds on lowesund sirhin thh habiror. Rcso!rcc lnd CathcrinE itcns norcd inchdcfrontrrain duck. smd duck. saredHsi ibis. ivercoobah, aDd lignun. As its nanc iEplies, Nimmi. sbtion n 19 nourds w e recoded 'ho!re ro$ \1l{ lui Ni,rli s ' d rrddo.Iibso ri.lNinDi. ar{l (Nirn ].1 .":-* e3 s Nap Nap Slarion (Lowbdqee) fr'rr. \l,Kob l3!c \J!cD ral r b!Lo\) hrd rrn l, b..r rtrn. iri t irlr) n:jqlrnbr: h '].,o!l.d b) rrirftr c 'l I r! J!.n \lJrr orir..d:.o,,! tr rli! l{ &209-:rrhco\r) rh!$rrntisfiLr b,"rdnrbrrxrlfcctrtrnbtunltbol.l]h.NturnDrbid-!..Rtrf. i|s I sn3fci rro\ n*nf. \rr.ri \xs rL$.xnfr.d sod,! Lxr!! rlr \!q l,i!1, trshr- mouDds \s!,c.ord.d rt N,p N,p Box Sramp l:0s. llr rl. ll.r d.) \xt, \x|] ri L\ j L'rro!r'unid,,r Tli! AHrITs !r!To]rr! Pt rtRLtrrngt!) istocd Nlrndion lo, nDrc lh i 16y!x^(Hrnnhrtrl.D !\nrdFs.oD -'-'54r"p a t a a, :t' Nrp Nrp ShLioD u.Nn'l cunclor 1.&l rrirn-!k Lpper l.ti. Dxrr b.lo\r). irrf Nlf \r,f r9rrl0inrL&hui,L ni NrtN.orS'nonndircrt o$lcdonlhc r rd nnnl!s Lh! ivum bnl!.c srsron lion rrc Cr rr\i'nn,ic sJ_n!r NtrDNrp rr,gr \tr,dl,irLtur,$ liori r $rc.-bodd iSdrn! otfi s |rt$o!h mct l.lap Nap Sla! on Nap N€r, Strt on. a a -:":Jfilli: , Prdoc & rvirrft (1001) {neycd x sn,pLc lLdhs lrA' oD lor{ s.or ncr rhc srmc nrlr..d'rrtrd (tr'trf igl,l) A r'i.\ dr{v$ lrgc Doufds m. loctrlcd of lol arexs b \dhr(. .ncLc[. ud oLc's. votrndr,r,!. 6oD 20 . I hi!I,. Ah) 5di'n!nr. hui rdri,,{. gri ni!1. birn 6onc & clgn,c L 76 ii ll Lins dish htrrLr sh.Ll. , ylbby ganolnhs end rinorlal'ge mrmmal6one (po$ibly kMlarool i uiusudlminiSrindrig pildre) \v h ochre drins *as rlso *cordcd Mddificd black bor aM rivq rcd gum bccs dNh (oi "sc 1b! RERP v'dcy dlso sy$cm. \ so'ntlld ich $as nood.d rl\o arcaoDN'pNapsMumn$idseeRiverrndrltadjrccnll'oLhnCtuck *itl, c'NironDenblsder in Seprsmborl009 {Nap Nap 62-66- 101-112.206is dEnd.rntd hy DiodLtied be*. including 207 nrp bdos) The MumLnbidgee River in rhis .r! scrcnl tlcs s. sandupro5scrrspstec.Alonsrhci'olLunCr!!ksy$cn-souncbordcnig dtrnes i', fi Rd suD forcs wirh shrLlow sqrmps rtu .hdrddcnscd b)_ rnouid Diatcirl. oilcn noorly erpord. ri{h brkcd clay hcd turd ncr. drcll. yabby gsnolitls. rddnds includirg a 'nu$cl crnoeo, dngrlong'.Aseriesofsglksinrcfpcscn hmmcBloic. rid r livc rirorcd sur rnh snall v h licnum ss p aEchr.rderiscd by hrg. inounds lnd modifidl tees.lhenonndsdcasl!r3!!sR0'nctsx10m.b.srndW1o70.mbigh,rnd.on{ainbakcddr}hed rcralncr, cookcd bird bone. emu eg! s]tll. Iish 6onc. runLc shclL, mussel shcll. $onc lnlrads rfd rnccnnLburiils Rsso rc..nd Cdhsins itc'ns mrcd i'rlude s{ans and $k's eggs, $ood durks, rrtr atrd ligrum. h.ds.! lrly- nccdlc\rc0d. 'iv.rcoobrh u#r dil:1fl Ihoro 5l: High Mound oi Edgcor P o'o l IFdl-'m&n,jI\1.V.mbr^ Oniolhc\"t\a \'.utrd, t rrtr!l', rn, N,rN p 3.3.1C Torry Pans Station (Lowbdqee) .trtrJ s nplc \.i DnLr crni rrnN dllLrr L.\bnL!( rl,. :. nrlr mr or'i rr \r r ilr( rr (rc![ tui . ro lrck or tm ll'ilrrc I L.,\ppcmli\ r7 & r$ ar!rl. rllrrgr Lo lLrc ronr olrolcf arul u r dtr!.r.4 \$ l :j., L0l f,c!$. bfd b.i.. \\*' rardirr! !onfcr! !,Rl ( lorr I r r: 19 nlr 106 d. ). xrd ofuiD li!trl .1r r.. ).bby g$tr.1 r!-qd'.11. OD llcr rE dn[c\ Lc crel ronlrin.ll uni r Do,NL: LlN. r,crrtu r.r\ m lor bcnr,I l rc nr ,r!! nr$!lnr bu it'ls rfd dci'n\ \ilr rf.Ntu bL.irls. r br.llr b !. as! 5h!Llud bi'd bof! C,!!k. :l ar-q hrs 1 rhr" Plirr r . oe tcc lTo'ry Plri* $0). nL ,\ou,.r nl lotr) l'Lrin\ l:0 i\ r !rr!n:n ollhc\ qmdrn,tr\ rool lr nL: or' lroLlo' rl -r h.i',s\i1!:'sc,1.o,di PLri,,\ I1f AlllN{S) ir r rnn nnnpLr\\rrxtu.{'rlbl,ixsrhrlLr.b.rrnmd.dbylrcr.r L\L( xrJ l)r(c\\ la$oL t.rrd (idl,r tr,!ilcnrtroL.d irrdd.OLd \rrn Iccd. \r]c, n!m{.,!$n lnr r!r tr!. t. iir. \fotLdtr!1. ' :liil!l't'- "',ll'11..., u Ph.u jr llolrdor Ld[ralignn S\ nr. lfq r]r h j\ ..44 3 31r Monkem Gr.nse - staloi (Lowbdse€) \,r.u\ trillLi A dln 1r!trr I I \m$di\r I Nlonkdn c n!. is o(ilcd or i r. \' C,ccr i n nrr\ brL.$l TlriNsrnrL.rQsrc\lnnor1r.Dqrlrrlon. rlrq,l!lhul(Dis{ r,1. rx lour.cbords r-!s y:illyiltrn.lf, \{rnl!trn 18( ro\.r,r \ I Lrllc r.rr rsrll ,! lro'n b r Llnkbdl b) l) otrsl, -ir i'rhhr\ rorl llnl rppru ro b. h..s I rd rrc r J hul \ r!d\'.inr J rJ r.rrrLlr-. ro$lh y tu Nlorlqn l,L l rhrnis ((nsc l: \ ! !l!n! o Th!\r olr.r nor hrdlrn Lprjlro\c. hd x. l,oL:. rml Lj'nn irnr.n,crtr \'irlhr irr t,osibL! rccs \lis. r .\N{r! l,s brri brk r snrLlrlsrirhob\dx!.d,\r NA rqnorJ lnr po,{ i.l L o.-rnrLllorl. r( Jo, bordsifg dtrnc nr hrkd rl r tudiliorn \ LI or I r] {ori! Lr.d,crrirrr. D!scl n'rl. !. hnd b.r!. rnLm.tun\ rnL ni poo, roDririor LroD!y rnd \N o rh.nrp i\ r hi-!h lNdv rn.o \){n r srrcs o lnig. rd r}f.rrL! \ Nr rs. rin( 6! drnxlioa or or! cdlc iIn.l o rl'clN r\o(ir!'LLnnLLi.1] ll'.i I's liN' (tr du\ i \i'tr I hror lioD r bcdrn! (prrob on \r rfl ar.d n.\!$ ri r[ brkcd.ri n! drr Di(.s. rri.llll$ l Ll D!. ll,r L.r r\c notrrdr rn (oile rdb $ on Llnt 'n.. \0Dt r m.L or lr,c !or. r lrgr.r 100 'ot lcl md.r Ln sulpl. on yoDkcm lnnc Inh tuhr" drto$r.nd rLre c |gc iLoN.r rishL com.r 'nouid :rcl. birn bonc. fisl, bonc. llrhill. r bh(lcs, bl !tuo| 'r.' 'nlrun bcLoB) n.rcnrl.rposql . g ri'rb r\l lcsr $r* on d$scrslic r pro,ninur $trrc.-bo {in! lorrr.dgc. md n,.bbn otr rl'c I d*lurbln ri.+tllbrill5 \c,ccrno:cd oi -i ;i " :l I 3 312 ls-Y-Coed Staton (Lowbidqee) l5-Y-Cocd & Nolli{ (lro!! i! boll' l.$rcd .d rlr! Um C'!!k \r (Fignrc N r. ,\npcrdi\.le & Dljrs b.lori. Nei. rre k Y Locd btrildirg coDrGx I scncs olsn l crrurrcsofsh.I ldd.nilr[cirr$lll\.(rlo i(liY.Cocd l. 5r.5tcr. hrLo\r) Thcsc ddcr sMld\ rkcor$\ nl lm'ncdi3lc! h rlr ulh ftrahrcsrr uinlcr or N!l{ rtrl ! rnLirj.d hr LL(l\ Y c..d l.r.Lle lj? & l0L clc ) l:u,lhs cxn rgr r soDr dq,orir ioDcd otrnd n ,c.ordcd(k Y coed 5). ..,. o,"n -J l Afod,.' sxmJrLc x'cr or l\ Y roed (ri!hr) consisb ofx hi!L srndy adge thd :npe s ro b! r hncrL! dlr ret ug. |.l3mrtrkc c,c.k ir{cn,. rl,r 0oor ol \rld, i trov i,,Lsdion rDd r co plcr rmyolq!!ksridsr nti Thr srnpc mr s d,mdrNd bJ l,cxr rehircr o\cnr. rnd radlLcr. lhii h'ncr! n 1ho Ll kiloD,drA LonE lnro!l! .r orli.' t,'.f.'ri.t. l trllhough ir hxs blcr.rrcnsn. y uoJrd Th. coo-!1. hrL[ i'nrlc rjrrcm b n$, disrtri( rrl'r_ loDg borl, sid$ ollhis lrnds.rpc 3 313 Noans Chance Stalon (Lowbdq€e) ns cho.e (l'igrrc LL.,\pplrdir Lq & nrlj bcov) (LJrl]c.l.ti con,s olD,rp b!lov) i htrri,'|. \il Otr dr KL Icon:isaorxnnNh c\poslr nLli\nl.!\ brkrdcx l l)lr nrindr.trolroo, lf. nN il rrro\urcdn! sidc ol lhc f.trc.. rrc 5rnr! souclbonLci"8 dtrdc lix\ hr[.' oltrhs..oold lunL!l,rLl6.g cn[. \rbby sxnrolill,\. tish bon.. bi,d borr rnd ,ccJ b r tr$.J licl rclxtr,.' nl cook.d bi,d trccs hr\e shilLi or lool noD \!r bonr rDd nnL\rlslIll Nc lhc lrJ mon lhcbNcolrlr!snRlhil r \.',.s orinxLlro r,.dnnl stcd mmds \.t r!( !d l\-Y-Cocd 100 lrrohrlnr n,otrld bt trxmd Nolrns cl, ,c. 100) is 16 crtu\ oig br:rJ tr'cts Nidc xrd 60ctr' liigh lhu.c.or!n[ ol\o ns C ]uirc thturgh rn irr c1r!!k In LrL.l,$ r {'hmNirL ltrdr! xn trolh.' l'lrco lLnrtc o, nrxrdlinc. lrnhk.l,$$bi rirldlfrhud b.lnre $rlclrgtrLrrioD Dry rc b lln!,notrndnlb! iiotr(hnd &od.d i.N'trrr otrnJ rh! hl!. irr I rn,n b oodd\. $ rh irt.rrfts trM bui Ldd nd\Ldnxlo\ens dd!li.r\ Th. otrnds m D.Jn'm 10 LrB. ln st!. nr !\ iljL! \o n{ ali$.. l0 i 60 Dd,cs lon! by ll Drdr.s \nl. rnl ioN I'igf TLr! ddrmti r ir bitt boD!. ru'llr slidl rnd bon.. lslr bonc. nNrLslllL. )rbby lAtrollLl$. srrn o.l Sc 6 !3gn'.1. and r \irglc bu hnlr'oo loorh.'llr Douals rl{ rnd nrlio rools. {rrc urfulLy crele\ood \o,lirg LooL L01mm\ ALneboxtrec\rirlir\cryoldolLL!.rnlocdcdonrr!licrrtu.l(NdLui{oii'tj.Phol.Ll.i'dr pdly ,, rrr po$ibly llc\i rll htrit'l v$ rl{i 'to,JrL., h !l ;::f,JEi'j,l',r:", a,;7"'".,"-', ,, ",?,. . a ,.,,...,,.,,:,,, ". ",rr. .n.."'. ". a : a ,1 . '- Plioro 6.r Mtr$d Shc I lvnftr. l!Y. fi'. :'' ,:+ IL 3 314 Ta a Lake (Lowbdgee) Trh Lrl! r x$ nill !LI n !\Ditl!.in opcr \r1$ irr lr lx gro\iLrsraos d,c hkc bcrl) lL is ncJLd i o srfJplinr of rh! sodLr.m lmcud hr.n irno md ou.' h'ncr. (Fi!u! R L. /\m!,x l 9 & rirr, igl'l) Tl'. s.trrhn lILr.rrl \xnfrcd br- Prdoc n rjxdn t:001) xnd r s.,rcs or 9 sr,dr Ddd.L rDd 5 'd nN rDic tnDgr! n,crl) mindctrs lysc rc(rdd rotrn1l rlrc lrkc. xs \tll r bu'irl. r snrll rnd oJin rcA Onc togdhcrurh r possibk Die.e motrnd lkgr,ndJd' i{ h!{ d!\dribcd r\ r \hc L DoufJ. r\n r' !r/ rc.lrr bd,r \s r.Nnl.d oi x nxriotr roxd. \k5 r r.'r \maLl crtr nlc 5 nd,cs \ l D,dr* md 5un hisl, Lo$rcd or or!n \rs rl$ ddnlrL indud.d a crFc scr. l Tric I $iLl aaa d:;:tte . a-' a sc coolDon Thc sotrrhun sm. 3.315 Ka Ora Slalon (Lowbidgee) lion lrr!trre $ l. Appendix .r.e & rlotrndsr^.' oc i. org rh!lrl,h$ $lcsrlonglhcmck lbclo*). Som!oarr*! ounds 'nrpshdo{r. rc 1.r! lm-{c. ntrc$npl! rli! Ki, s161d'chrl( r_r r ll i'ltcr \']d! rtrl5i!. (hlch lldc. soD. oarhc nDu s l[rc high. o, r]t Kr om 61 notrnd. is r0 ftr$ ong \ r8 'nd$ bccn rifCld or pld'Shcd D rlic nN. Llruig rcry lirl ! rcrlinin! nroual n,rlc in r fc\ lrr pls. .j t"- l|r ?.o .. ,.,1!r',' "" a .;i,,,..,... ,. Tlr mp trl rigr shols x cotrr n'xriotr or (:)1 157 16l rlt Um rk.l sr-r.n Ki. crc inddc! r 3rotrt or Nhll! \ nly !. .d it+"c,,:l ,,ii: . , a al trrd .an.". sinlc 'i.trfil\ or!n: on r annit hxirL! lirl 1 rmLl llLlc 6Llin! noD U.rr aiccl c.,Du.rmp sli0h o1.Ds. lr.p 'i!hr RfL \irh rnrl ' r b.okcn rlL.. ri!!c ol' grndrns ni5h. nLliorli rnr riotrfds Dd nu'nd! IiLh xllry dcposir r!$rd!n 1l(Lr.O,r 50.j:r &150 rjr clc) on! .onbikd cookcd bxked cLrt lictrl ,1lrin.r. 3nn n'cLl. (DrLr n'c l nlh!,J 'nusc Pholo 67: ivrotrnd ncr Lrrm a nl.l: a a cr!cl. Kilo,. i}4: Rlnf \\roL\)N! | d,ar!!l Kir.,r Photo 69, Hollow f,.s Cur Opcn *irhArc.o Exract Food, Kia-ora a3.16 Paika wesi &Paika Creek TSR (Lowbidgee) (Figur 3 l. Appendix 4.10 & naps below) Thc largely.olerd Rnh pbushed rrhrcological natenal including ithy, shcil ftaemenr. hen retainei ya6by sairoliths and ancfads. In no$ cases n was dificulr ro bc surc *herher lhe re.odcd cxFsurcs and rcatores had been Diddens ornounds pior roploughing. Soho mcas udq rrccs halc not beer plouched and conrain trsil, deposn including shcll, )abby gsrollrhs, somc wilh tle rfrefacb, hear rekinerund hy Jeposi. ScvcFl piecs orgrindin€ dnh were Three sample rrers Rere sudsyod aound Polka Lake lcl.nd in rhc lakc was ca1crc1e Fou r nodi fi ed edga rdhncd by p eki nC. Hcat rcr ainer inclu ded brred c hy. iemne mound aDd'€coded, res wirh coolanon orshield scas *ere re.o edonTbcklandandalifrhoneorrheedseoflhelake1o thc m$ofrhc island Thc hland is aho srid ro h ave been nr burial s rcund of Chinse enployeos of lhc $arion (Diannc willia'ns pem. com). on rhc pclLcralday lokc luncte I' ilr vi.rny oltlt Paikr wcn homenead vcrydistorbed rrom rhc rdiviries rrcund rhc comp lcx (rhich dacs fiofr lhs codplcx.Thc lunctc h !l$ c$ly pa oralperiod). ard largelycovftd *irh pon-Eropeai wind blo{n narc al. Howcvo, *posnres along (he showcd shcll fmg'ncnrs. rernire Dound and calcrete hear relainer, in trst, calcrct hcar rcrai'er oven, a sikrete nake and r piece of grinding dish Ni.h silica shccn on boih sidcs i"di.aritre thar it*asused lorgiiding siLicanch sccds such as gEs seeds. Averyold riv red gum thar has been dcad fora longrlncsko hes atrovalscaron itupp hmk. The lundte 1o the soulhoflhe housc icsaid ro be rhe cinp olChineso employcs (Diannc williims pe^. comm.). and has a concentarion ofhisbnr nlroial. Scc lho Sccrion 3 2.7 for inlornarion or Paikr Lakeconflicr siles The scoDd srmple rre. R.s Thc rhnd arca samplcd on Paika Lake is on the southvei edse of rhe likc A middcn r€ord.d on a pmminmr poin! ovcrlook ine rhc lakc (Palka 205 bciwcen rhe lrbcls Faikr wei 16and Paika Lake 407) res x 50 metes rnd coniains lake mu$el shell, frtsh\aler snail shcll, cookcd lorEe bid bone and eggshell, calcrerehea( rekii*md ashydcposir. Plnolthcmldden ( sthi" a plolehcd paddock, and pan k on Ihe olher side of rhe lence and is les disruih.d. Middcn sas !l$ exposed in rro orheraEas. A sries dl30 nodificd.ocs ssc llso rccodcd, mo$lyblsck boi trecs with sizcd tr,ounds wcrc recoded coobmon orshicld sca6, bu! llso includine 2 conoc srn. Ei8hl 'ncdiun pan n,iddcn nonl,. coinciding *ith dr deepen olthelake The momds follo{a liic ftom thc lar8c shcll p8d rhe lample arca rhc lekeshof. s'd continue ofblack box tees and rre on rhs brcak in slopc rbolc The mounds .on6in lsryinB a'noun$ orbaked clay, calcEre and temile mound hed ckind, .shy dcnosir.cooked nusd sftllrnd rudle shell.and ancLct. ei "rlll'1" tit 'ri" .'. l:l;'- .,.,, li.**r::l'.:'' Anodrr sanplc wm undenaken on Priktr Wer uJ rbc dioining Tnvclling Sro.k Routc Thn enplc bcgxi er rlrcjtrtrcrion Paika crek and Paikr Lake, rnd tbllosed rfu rcck !ri inlo rhc'lSlt.-rhc juncriotr ofd,e creek ard rhe lrke h$ sn dishtrbcd by ths btrilding ola lcvlc bank ro p'!vc Lvrlcr cnrennslhc kku(prAutu.bly old.rlhan rh.Paika Lcvccbuilr ti thcc'rly 1900t).andbyplouslrins lo. Aploushcd whed licld sou ,ofrhecEekconhi'srsenssolJrkhhyfrouidslid niddcnsd'd have been distrtrbcd 10 vrryiDg dcgrccs. Onc nouid .onrx1i.d r hortrrch g'ouM edse rxe or harchel in $ner Diannc wilLims anJ shc is cx.cll.n! .ondnion. Thsc plougl inkreicd in a voluDkD conssnrlion dgilcm.nlov$ rhls m!! onc middci. Paik' crcck 41,1. conhi'E borh'nu$cl shcll and tcshwalcrsi3il drll 'lhc l'iika Cr!.k samplccon!nucd i' .p3irorrlITsR.rl,crcrc,c.o'dcd lr.gc Dun$m ol crnoe rFs, md snallcrscars. nDily larsc rircr Ed guD rlDi hare been deid for r lons rim.. ptublbly !i.c a '.. i Plroto rl: Dr! Alors sca'. Blrk I'hoLo rl: P orrl'!d NtDd. 33.17 Tin Tin Slaloi Prir.r & Nadie Wesl (Lowbidgee) TirTi',mlionnk.trlcd borroDrh!i'r,r$L:ncollhc Rdb,liit\ 1o lre r rx'lrco.hrnneL il Lh! L..hLu rhd !ill (rri* \dcr i,' ri !ll trlisr R.\ crck oLtrlrl'.lrl. Jloods lherro lir li',iiLl{l'$ urDbids{ i''grorhclrk!(r!trrc81.,\ppcndl\ rnd \hcrc C.1k .r lL N Diqx brLo,vr lh!sr flcmronCcrrk C rlcl rln, i"r Lrds m nDL M s r'cc.\ed(priorro\d.R-rLLrLion)rnl(aro'n Srdnn 1r!c N l.LN) hL or Bo\ crcrk. rnd th. NlunrnbnLlc! \ir 'xlln Cru[ !]Gcrlli iplioro nmnd of Bor lr) rhR rL.rL /\borlllLl li'nilA lr Kclr.Ldo/\lr'nr&C[ riDcKr nt rl,cnLs.ofll'c rli!. h.rh u rll rd{ liiu'.lrpDo\i'ml!Lr nuLnds 95 u fr.rk b riil lq50s latcr. li. mn]gcar \l b.!l bo\ pLfgtr Lr[c I ']iob n Ltu of! \s!,(o,drd) rkcb.d \lourds rrd lvitc 8i!-s o\rhrrcb!lrrhr D rhc LrklbnL cotrLrin bolh b.ltcd c ,I- . lc$ \ .\rr rrd L(Dirc notrfd .ry lo\fdcnsiL! olrn!lid!. r,ii ) \cn i l. I Nt$ !ro\\ r,r\ ur 1ie mtmce of Geraki Cftk ro ?itaton8d hd a noE laried afth.slogy, includin8 .ingle ovds, clu$cn dfovds. ch$Eu ofnounds, shell niddens, and adefods. A cluser ol ll small mounds wre rccodcdalongrhccrcckwhclcirrunsecrosrhclakcbcd,thelaBcstlTDcncsacrc$oidlocmhigh,but 3 netes acds and 10.n high. fte nounds conhin baked cl.y .nd remit nound heat rcbinor, .sby d.tosn, and nrc tacncns of shcll. Fudhr along ccraki crcck wo middcns wcrc recoded, and seveml noudi rh.l$Cesr 30 nerfts acos. Anelads dorded inchded seed erinding non rround -: 1..9" Pholo 76, 77 & --' :t- 73: Hear ReEiner ovons on Pnaipudar Lake Gee ako Phoro 9) 8,3.18 NaMj€ Slalion (Lowbids66) locaEd on $e Redbank syslem o. rhe wesrem side of fie Mmmbidgee River (Ft!re 3.1, Appendix 4.12 & maps belor). nre river ctamel tends b hdve low banls with lntle or no levee ed exreGive ndodplain $inps, some of which were llooded vilh envionDenrrl srrfl dunng rhe sudey in 2009. Weddds with ovirnmenlll vdd wE dive wirh emus. kangabdi .ma, shw necked ibk, hens etc. as well as inpotun! pldt eources such 6 cufrbungi, nordoo. ljgnum, rood ducks, lal, 'arerThc sholc floodplain had vry poor *posure dd vitutuy no lisibiliry dre !o and OId Mad Weed. $nrer qecds, In the list srmpl. (map belov) cmde scm dd a .naller $d weie @oded on iivr red gum along the rivedonl. An dposnrt wirh bunt clay, $hy dEposit and coo*ed tunle shell locded on rhe bad. Na ie 307 is a hrge mound or shy dQosil *posed by nvedanl msion, the mrrsials exposcd on irre bmk edEe dd scafrering dom rhe ha.l. A bilhbode cnllnce to lhe river chonnel ws ale doded as a resorrce and lathding loBlion 6 a potenlial sire lor locdins n$ neh as floods Navie is re In .he 6eond ;wl6bl mple (nap belo') lou small ro medium sized nound. *ft eorded bcrwen lhc diffi h b leate luch and a dry swanp. ftc exposurc ond lisibilily v6 very poor, nuling it sn6. Narqie 102 o lqAe plorly dposed nound exposed by fenceline disrurbance at the btck ofa rh. riverbmk. A ssamp. Tnre canoe scan and a snalld $d vere rlso moided on rive red 8un 'e&dd also rccorded as a lsurce b6nk' oi soft 6ck ourcrop on ihe rive6!.k Sn.hdide 6iE, 'bcky 'as beins a Dotenridl cdd fishing and nusel cdllerion snc. i Phoro 79, canoe Scr. Narwie Phoro30. H.aL Fca'nn& A!l'yscd,ncntof Rn b:nl,NrNie i{ Pho'o3 rBnoc \rroi Felen Loc, N,ru e 3.3.19 Sprinsdale (Lowbidgee) 'lwd s.nplc rcas wcrc suflcycd on Stringdale sbrion (Fisurc 3.1. Appcndix 4.ll & map belo*). An rrca icar rhc Mur nbidgcc Rivcr Ms smplcd for ihe suRcy. lhe riv{ has rcry low brnk ii rhis arca, rnd ro D Uml lcvee, rnd Rirh l Low floodpl n behind thc visibiliry lid cxposurc \€s rlso vcry lov. nak,ie n diffcuh to locare ary sites ir fin area. Foresry has rlso affecred rhc po$ibilny of litding A small canoe tes oronr. Dodified Ges nor on the rivnbank. as no$ lare|imbq h6 bccn cur 'lo*n. exposure olhcal r.kinn.nd lncfact $hcrc lo.d.i oi a rcad $d nc$ thc cdsc olr small swaDp. and a A sccond smplc Ms sureyed wheE ihe floodplain joirs rhe mallcc covrcd endplain peninsuh ,4 seies ol lo' nouids, $aftd bor rrccs, md a ttueftz p*de \ee rccordcd ni. imponant lood sid r.source plant prickly \atle lAcrcia ricro.ire) uas noled !mwin! on hiehq woodland ffers or dr ioodplain rnd on the edle of rhc mrllcs srndpldn. 'l\vo prcviousl! rccordcd AHIMS sircs arc scci locarcd oi rhc ca$cn cdsc orfioodDlaii laks on rdjoinine propenies a ': 9. 9.1 ANALYSrc OF THE SURVEY RESULTS DistributionofArchacolosicalMrtcri 9.1.1 Mappng fte resuxsofr1re of Archa eolog ical M ate al in the RERP Wellands 3 t) rnd lhc AHIMSdJ ldddc& Mtrdi (2001)d RERP sun_ey (Tablc aga,rs ilr rcccDr sarcllnc imasery $hich diplays ihe iveN.creeks rnd bccn addrd ro8crhq and wctlrnds (Fisure 3 I and'nrpp.d Appendix 4). This indicrres rhal mhreologicrl n.rerial is vidsly disrnburd he rypes of mtcrialHorded rnd ovqrhc RFRP snncyareaaid ir dr a distiburion ol thh Drterial corsponds closely with thc rcsulls ofprcvious arehacolosilaLsuncy work in rhe relion. including Pardoc & Mmrii (2001), Mmrii (2006)lid olhq su cy dao ii AHIMS. ds the knosn dhtibution into previously u suryeyed eas rhrt rere pRdidive identified byrlE modellin!.nd Crp An.lysis Aspeds olrhe distibrlion can bc rompdcd ro orhcr irc.s olrhc Rivqiic Plain. Sufth in rhc su!_.y drbms rhar Bonhomnc (19906) lound conraincd rhc mo$ buiaLs, inclL'dins nmcfts and luncte fnsmcnrs, sourcc bodcring Jui$, froJn ri'sr lcvccs lid t or src.m lcvoes,aid sindplali nhndsonclay noo$l!ins. Horcvcr,rl'cnrjoriryorburiaharc locarcd i" monnds. bo\r landibnns,but lone e locaGd n low areasofrhenoodpliin. Mounds and builk rscako found otr rhc.jundioi ofM,llce s$dpllin snd tloodplaii Ring.rccs prcvioudy r$ordcd on rhc Mummbidgc. Riv$ itr di. Hs drtibtrtion. recoded at Kalyan (Norrood) SCA rnd Lrke wallcc6 on thc Lorv{ Lachhn. and on Pollcn Crcck in rh.CridNimmic Crccks Sy$cm,i tu cctrtelpan ord'c Lo\ybidsce Tb. dhtiburion olhdnioml srylcmodincdncs sca'r.d by dr onovdorbrrk or rood exrmctior fron, i dosely asociared wirh wdlrnds alons rhe ivcft. larss creeks, ssrmfsaid mtuEllri tecl*s plrins a$ey fiom wcrlrnds r Dodiry 'lrc disti6udor olmodified tecs bN bcen aitecrcd by foEsrry in many are ofircr red strm fore$. On one sedion olPaiki Crs.k old dcad tccs hld bccn bulldozcd lnd bumr as part ora rebbn tarion of'noditied tees. illunEting .oitol prcCn'n, on rhc opposite s rh.r l.nd m.nagcncn! piaclic.s havcaLso affcdld rhcdhtiburioi olrnodincd rccs lhs Fsuhs olrhc spltial aid rcmponl distibu.ioi analysh indicatc that rhcrc w$ mpid ch3,'Bc i'r rl'c c ers olrhc IIay Plrin durirg rhc mid to larc Holocenc. Chrngs pcmlicnt wcdlids and panicuhrly Bcrhid plans, nexi'nisrrio ofn'crgy ind ed incei$d on obti'rcd rro'n c bohydnte rich plsnr roods thrcnsli cookins in hear rclainer ove's, locus on rnaller rang* or smller sedions of rang$, anJ Bdurcd mobiiiry th..htunoloey iinic.lcs rhlt rhc idca ol nound btriLding affc!rcd much hrq rhan lhc wdllnds, lnd mounds arc ihcrcrorc lor adnor rcsl,oi{ ro cvolvirg $dla'd hrbitat bul rened compLex so.irl iratsies conirained by habilar po.enrial Thc distiburion m.lysn abo givcs insigh6 into hhtoftll procc$.s o.curine in dic sanc ri'nc tancii.lldinB rolcn.trt oridss snd n ntnbution indi.rts rhat p tenN olnomd building, bunak aid sonc ndc ah rcner culluFl prcc.$s rha! loncd oso$ rh. rivcfic pllin. Thc dcposirs susscsk ditlcretrr rcrivitics rnd (rlcs ol 'lrtibuloi orovcns. 'nounds, $d rsliy activirics rlatcdto heat Etainercookinsoccured rnd evolved diilereniially acms rhe phin. The dhtibulion is conrmlled on rbe broadei slale by rhe lopo8.rphy of rhe Mum,mbidges/L..hlan Rncinc sith mouids lnd blriah.oi.cntltd or thr lorcr $cs.m sidc orrhc phin (the RERP sufl.y rs), d orm ,'d aneiad scaten chaaderkins dr hisher eaien side of r plrin. Thh is relaled b rft chancrer of rhe hydrolosicrl relincs, as mounds rnd asocirrsJ brials d closcly rcLrlcd rorhcbiologically'lilcncanddcpcrdrblcrcrlandsolthcLorbideccaidbonoD,cndolrl,eLrchlaDrnd rhc Grcal C'uD,bnng SM'np. The loc ior ofmourds at r finer hndfon, $ile irdicales rhrl rlley re Locded on differenr lindfoms in diffeEn!.rei!, bu1 rhi! thoy hav. a rcrdci.y ro bc lo.arcd on highcr sand ie r pslkoclf nnel o r other palaeo laMlbms The d htibu rion o I ] l1 archr eologica I mr{erial (ypes on the i'cnnc plain is ircigly cdnddcd {nh p.licdchbncl sy$lns or o1h6 \hlch providc hishssandierlmund lor ldcdrion, bur.Lso idnucn.c rhc nodcm hydrclogy dn thcan.c$ l f.arurcs (Manin 2006). 91 2 rh hsuFnnposcd Compz son with Pre 1750 Modeling The naps supplied (Ridses2009)predicr 'nodified . rhcrtbrive likelihood of t hc Imcc of ancfads, s rncd or tces, burials,canh moundr,aiJ he.nhs. Thc RERPNdcytosulri hdvc!i.bLca rc-asscssmcnr Thc Pru 1750 indicat rh p or ro po* EunpeD dhturbrnce ofrarious kinds. mounds 'mps hNe r hish likeLihood ofoccurin! along the confined t&$ rnd floodpl.ins of borh ives, atumd likes and lal8er crcks, *i.h . parchy dh.ribulion orq rhc s.$cn pLains including rhc Lowbldee od fhin bcrseen rhe L The RERP suwey indi es rh n)ounds arc found in r1le pEdickd arem. 6u1 rl[1 rhcy rlso oc tr sonclimcs in evcn srcalcr numbcn, dound s{ampy mcds idd dre.s *nh fincly dividcd distibura cs, $'ch .s Ihc Cairur'Nimmic Sysrcm and rhc lrca bc.rcci rhc Omr Ctrmhu's SsaDip 3M rl'c Lr.hlan/Mum'mbidseejuncrion ln the LolbiJgoo rlry also tnd ro bc lourd in Larg. num bc6 llong lhc nh&l pallco.hanncl lcvccs of curcit crc.ks sucl' as Uan Creek or tl'e dry palamchrrnel dividing rlr he crn Nimmie syneD on rlic LoRbidlcc. Mounds also clu er on larsc miscd sndy leatrcs lomcd lrom sourca-bodenng dtrnss, luietur or pdkeo-snnd liis dn rhc LovbidEee. such$ at Monkem G, Y coed, and Nolars chrnce. Mounds are also found on rery slilhr rises in ligrtrm counrry dn {hc Lowbidgo 'lhc R'RP sui\'cy did nor havc sulfi.iri. !lm. ro rc$ noonds arc also found ofi slighr rn* i" rl'e li€nu'n coun mounds rre locded on low cBckins cliys bcsido dividcd chiniels td th. sourh olrhc Crual Cumbune rcas, such as Faikr Lrke and raikl Thc RERP suncy also locatcd m Crclk ro rhc {At ollhc Munumbidgcc Rivq, aid asund rhc cdgcs ofihc cl.d Cumbtrtr8 Sw3,np end urh orrhc s*an,p bcrween ir md the Munmbidgcc Rivcr. and on *etlandsolthc Lrchlan River . Thc Pre 1750 maps indicate rha! prior Io poi-Etrropern dintrrbance ofvadous kiids. nddifi.d Mummbidsee nver and on their noodpldins induding rh! Mumnbnlgcc wc$cfr noodplti lnd irs riro r.d eu'n forns. alotrB dr nunc' ous d ist,bu rary flccks ofd,c Lowbidsec and tl,eir namrer noodpkins, thrcushotrt thc Crod Cumblng Ssanp rid rso.iatd ivs rcd 8um rorc$s, rnd arcund lare.' l3ks. su srhatconrain verEdgum loreds belos rhe Munmhidsee Lachlanj,'ndion, bur rlso rhe Ctrmbung ind aso.i.rcd hs diis prcdiction nrc dhtibution ofdcnse river red !u'n forcn on rhe 'efiicd noodplain of rhe Mummbidsee has been chrnsed by sarcr Egulation lid caselion ol managmlnr, so nany arcas ol lorcs arc 8os,ig ii beds or woodlrnd Rirl snsy undearorey Gcc Sedion ll) Thcsc.rcm rcnd nor !o hav! nodifrcd t.cs (cxcctr on rhc rivdbank) olrhough prcdicrcd ro lEVc a hiSh likclihood on rhc wcd.rn sidc ol ihc Munln,bidscc Rivcr, modiiicd res lrve rho bccn alfecrcd by loEnryi some arers of riv Rd gtrm for.n ippcm !o hld mo$ old ucs rcmovcd Thc Cilxr Cu'nbune Srunt s a fted bed ch ir srs p,edided ir would have modilied tees. Riv red -(um tbre s sunoundi.s lbe Crert Cumbung Ssrmp rnd nsrby hkcs .nd .hinids .lso ftN dodificd tccs, prob.bly 6. rcnrlr olrcnoval olold rrcs by lorcsrry or rorc$ firc- orchatrss i,' fore dhtiburion due ro watcrresnLarion n,c RERP strruc! *encn llich conccrhations of DDdified lrces in bla.k box voodlands nerr $amps, bks rnd creeks is . lerruE olrhe RERP suaey rev'lc. for cxrmpls on lhc south-wcecm sidc orPaikr Lrkc 'oriceible (Paika wsi), wstmsideofMalosaLake(rrpr4rndlhebolronendorlk crcck nc lh 'henonh Lrkeon Krlym SCA. This imponanl distiburi.n h nol fi'lly rcn.c!!d in lhc Prc-1750 maps. . nrePrclT50mapsindicderhalDriorropdiEuropcandhruit.i..ofvmiouskinds-burialshovc a hish likclihood ol occurins ovc.laEc ams on the wcnem side olihe Lowbidgee. dE Low{ Lachlan floodphin,rhe Pimpma Creek syiem bdveen rhe L..hlan.nd Munmbidge, and rhc wcscn Munmbideee noodpliin below rhe Lachlm jundion, rnd l ser Laks such as TaLa Thc RERP su cy hls shown rhat lhh prcdi.tql dhkibtrrion is brsically corecr, except tht leR brirk rcE found on rhe *ene side olthe Munn,bidsee Riv . T miyr.llcdlhc lo{ ivcddnks and rcndcncy lor rhc iv* in this ma roovc o* icbanks inro larse burshallow noodllari sMmps Buiahmaybclocarcdoilhcouor.dg!ofrhcfroodplain,whichis rheonly highergroud.lhe RERPsuRey indicded tMt bniah are likelyio 6e loutrd i nouMsorii dhrind clu$ss within 100 nc.rcs ofnounds. likelv 10 be foud on lake lLmdtes or Fleeod,rnne r revees o r soufc boilei n3 du ncs. . TliePrclT50mapsiidi.lttharpriortopo$-Eurcp.andhrudan..ofvdiouskinds,delactare predictd 10 oc tr les frequc.dy than orher silc rlpes, and conlined t .onfincd tacs ofrhc 2 ivos..nd some oflhs ldg{ crcoks and lakcs. An!l@$ o.c!rnor sidcly lhai nrcdictd.nd thcp is r chansc in ancfacr nalcrial, sizc and rype acro$ rhe RERf $ney rrea. and an rpprreni imrase ir lood s.i,rding aM foundi,B cquipmcnr complrcd ro rh. Mtrnnbidgss Kver ftrnhere rorlheAbercmmhieCreeksyiemtonrsonrh . Thc Prc 1750 daps rhdpriorlopos Etrropeandisrurbanceofv ious kinds, heanl,s and siigle ovens aE pedicrcd ro occur widcly ovq rhc fivqinc plain. panirul.rly aviy frcm rlE coilii.d tacasollhs 2 ircBcxclpr in rLe Maudc aica and toMrds Hay, Rirh hor spos rround d'c lowcr L.Bbidccc lakcs atrd wc$!fr Muirum b idgcc 0oodpldli ldkss,rbeBox CBck sysem 1o rhe nonh, and soN lareer eek s d dhtiburion olh.anhs n opposirerod'er of'nouids, modincd rcs and buri!k. Tlix predicrion co'respotrds with Prdoc & Manin (2001) !id Manii (:0061ind is.lso rcneded in the RERf suacy resulrs Thc Box crcek sysem Pnrpunga Lake (Tin Tii), aid Paika Lakc and crck otr d'c outs.dBcs orrhc rvcecn Munumbidgcc froodpldii, borh have a hish occurence olsinaleovens. single ovens are $id esprad nmu-qh our dr RERP suncy $. both ncar wdtands Palka 9.1.3 Samplng Effecls and Efiects ot Major Environm€ntalModilcation 'lhc mappinB (fi3ure 3 t) of locarions recorded duing rhe RERP suney and prvious snflcls only givcs inrbmrdor on thcdistiburiotr in rh.a'ers sa'nphd, ii orhd lvo,ts arcas oi lhc frats rhar h.v. nd ddr hrve,o. besn suRcyed bui ealso likely ro coDrrir arcMeologicrr ea have very poor arhaeological exposu'e and vsibiliq- d$c do nor hav. inmsdi.rsly obviotrs mch.cological mdcndL bur hdrc r hiSh polcnrial ro coniri" signifi.ant narerial. An exe,nple orrh^ arc thcivcrrcdsumrornledromsrhdhavcno.bccn$odql.ndh.vcadensecov{oflerlandba liter ol modified tes h6 been cLanecd by foresr! rclivitics. shich hrvc renovcd la'gc nunben orscarcd tccs in ihc rirorcd gun forc$s.Ii addniontegs hrvebeendmsned in bkes$h c rhe lvrrer kvels hNe been held higl, rhan nrtunl levek or fo' loigtr Mounds, friddhs, burhh aid orl'cr types of natcrial hrvc bccn or dcsroycd by plotrlhing in whcal pddocks and laser 'lisrurbcd kvelkd itrigation nelds. Mounds lnve rko bccnrttcd.d orcvcn dcstroycd by rinping lormbbirs The Jivribulion I l4 Chronology and Dsiibuion n'c distiburion ofarchacologi.aL narciaL h liikcd ro rhe kndfoms ofrle sun€y rrea. bnr ir is also complic ed 6y a rimc dhtiburion parcn unfonur cly drc only dlrd marcndl in rh! survcy aBa or orher nearby areas cofts ftom three placs on thc sourl,cm cdse orrltr LoLvbi,lecc- on Jcrly (PartLoc l9s5). T.hclfy and Rav.n$\onh Srdions, rl1 baving dates in tbe nnsc 1.500 BP ro 5.000 BP (uncalibratd) (Manin 2006). The RERI $rey nord rhickcalcde coari',s otr nu$elshell- boic and hcar rc..iidin soms nidders. mouids and bunak, sugrciiD! rhe possibiliry ol sreater anriquity .oatins Someburial! havc bcen licrvily nrcml,scd. whicl aho iDplics som! anllquiry. How!vcr.such minenlisdion crn be rfaectd by soih, sround rrerr buDirsardthercloicdocsiorgivc!traccudc dcrorasc chrcnolosy srmpLes unks a of archr eologicrl materiak ddingpmgrrm is caried otrr. c nor bedecmined rccraleLy in r]t RERf $rey du ring the $n ey, ifrheyconlomropdrems innedby lisoflh.RivtinePhiD, than 2,000 rs a,r00 ye s (Mdi', 2006). The becked blads lourd rre usually rhoushl ro be 1es rhrn.r,000 ye s o1d. burrlis nornccssarily so lor thc The recorded slll 'noutrds rcid ro be h$ ye Th. sufllving cvnhi.c of tcc modiJi. iotr sas criiicd otrt citlitr not lors beror codad. or ancr .on1!d,tobably mosrly itr thc lrd 150 30 yerr, sirh som eirherside olihk ase bncket Thr lollorin8 ecncElsotcmcnrs fom Mrni" (2006) rpply ro d'e snruey rEr: Mounds are locared rJjrcenr .d curln( or 'fo$il highly ptodudivc aid prcdidablc rcnaid habira6, \4'ich fedue r$ucs sch A ljpha, Bolboehos E nd nisia.hi, lhar wnc bakcd/srramcd in hc reirinsovens. Thk induds pcmuncn{ and sefri-pemrnonrserldnds ofrbr LoNbidgoc. Lown L..hl!n, berronbic Creok sy$m, lnd rc$ncrcd arcas or rhc confincd chi'riclofrli. Mummbidscc ENt Tlie rppeamtrce ofnounds and mound complcxes aromd 4,300 BP, and in nound numbc6 allc 2,000 BP indi.arc thar th. cxploitrnon ofwerlends, sid panicularl rourd in werlrnds. itrrensified in the mid hbllolocenc. Ths npid-build up olla4c mouids sid cotrcctrtuicd clusrcnng or'n people begln 1o locN on spccifi. patu olrhc hndsalc on sF.ifrq mcas end 'haiimisitrS nnscs ci$8y valuc of ca6ohydnic rich-plrDr ibods by cookiDg i', bcat ftainer ovens sussess smallcr or nrre redrictcd mobiLity within rrnses also occuRd dunnelhcnid ro lire Holorcnc. llc . Tempotul Rglilionshipbd*.cn Mounds and E.ology The sprli.l .tu| t.mporol dhtibutlor ol frounds oi thc Hey Pl'in indietcs d'at d'e Ldes or n'ound buildn,c appeared much laterrhrtr dr wdlands, and ihey arc not a dned response ro evolving r€llmd hrbids nr elore nounds rs0ec{ complcx sd.hlnm.cghs cons incd by hlbnar potnrill. For*mph rhcprlrcochannehofthcA6 omhicCreckslscmexisrcdintbePie;lo.eneandc y Holorcne (Pagc et aL. l9q6) rnd lhe enrnonfrcnB suirlble for rhs gro$rh oldenss prcdidablc.ops rxstd,i rhc ca y elmnrrouM4,looBPro4,loo Holoccicorcvctr carlid Thc tuve BP(M.nin2006), iidi.dligrh.[hc mounds oi rhc AbcErombicCrcck sy$c'n \v.rc iiitidcdarouM4 suitrbh lor 4pr, and othcr 5,000 BP, rhusnotrtrdsappcarcdalongri'ncrf,ertbecvolurionofwcdards 9.2 Analysis of Modified Trees Thc tLon,ne orlcnC$ by wdrh These sar o sizes do nor tudude rhc olscan inlo groups (Filure 9.1). Elmvrh, so rhg originaL sizs! iic lirgd lhai thc plorcd meNRmcns. 1h! l.rgd sca^ apFar ro bc canoc (rN- wnh rhc .rp.crcd taPcrcd cids aM rrurk rendins to bulse in ihe middle. Some aE tull sizecanos thd \se rrken from a big tss lnd prcfcnbly one Rirh rhe 1runk ctrring or bulgi'g our in rhe niddl. .o shap. rh. .!roc. Thcrc m 2 came {rs d 7 behveen4] merEs lons. Lon! bcrrcci 5.6 frctrcs loig, md eno (2003) rusgcis rhar anyrhin! dvlr 3 ndrcs h ncfiiircly . .anoc s.m. Holecvcr, carly dcpiclons or canocs show a Fnec oa sizcs scrc uscd, lonscr oncs for s@ups of pcoplc ard smallcr ons lbr individuals lwotrld susse rhar aryrhirs ov 2 metes h r caroe. ifit lm a delinic crnoe shrpe. Thcft are27 $an between 2-3 meres lons and rhey lsnd robe the samc sidrh as rhc $!is b$Lvccn 1.4 'nctes lotrC\ h oie noriceable o lierthat has ft squairh appeaHnce olhul brrl Crnoeshtpcdsr s bcrwcln I 2 net* nay be rhesmall crnoei, flodirs dislts or'dFs alongs (Gubba woods rus. comm.) n'ar {crc uscd by rh. womln ro collccr wlrcr birn cggs. roo$ aM othq squatic roods ir tbe slallo{s (tl,e BrIk Renovrl Scan kngrh x widrh in Cenrimdres ..*i Jt''- ,*31, + N + * g{.. - un, Noflood cohrge 32 nr s.fln ro.luicr mtrn L! in snc c olll0170 'scsi,' lrig r00.150 cn rnll ru! rlcr !rft,.5 trt b ilo.D nrpcd r !. (riigLr. e.L). Lof g or. or ou r!trnl ho\L nrti i!0\ ! ol b.\h iorcxqin!\d.r sdr lv!r rc.d on n. \iLh !li!l,rL) c$ nrofsi tr5ld nn rltc Ddi lhc\mrlL. o. lrgu (,lrn (jtr!!n"!rouaL Qno.s irr lr.li0cD L5oc .r!1r orfurlhu (photu!5) v.ry lof!n,ro$o\rl\!m 'nr! Ltrr hc.r !s!Lrol lt!s iqmrn[ {N rr] l,t 1ri. tntl r\ ridu rlir fn'rl oLlLi$ SoDr $n r.rl r\c ltrkr. bfl trorr nlrflilid s hrr fg iotrc r\r r ls lh! trirLir o !lntlc \!{Yrlh!.r '. o, huri, co\{ii,!\. rod L!,a,c I22 Rabbit s:pping or Rabbl Posof Trees n! npp xblJ- l{rbb L r,!poL\.rinbll,csrnrli uo\.d poisof rnd do\D Lh! rh!rrbbi':d! tr.c rh!,r{lL ol poi\ofi,,-r nbbirr Lsi,,g. s.pti',!lt irclrch rl'rt,iidL ri,,lvr,drtrl1l'. lr rhcrl \ri iLr.NnoD Ll,rrrbbfs \orl lrom Lhc crr (K. m.rl,od h. rqNod . i, kar\f xi oJ Lhc lR$ rrd L miriLrg L) l00r) lh!s,rcrsrrh LlrrNrol'r!lr ln r.d \ilr Llr:.|s.!p n! rlrD rr! ( o rhr r0rood olrhr brr. il \LrLchrv.'erlrtrplr.eloLLorrl,c!omlrbouLIDdrlsrfm.$'r!tubbi'\ro!ddli.toNqiu ni! Il lnnLt!$ !'\i\'. r $ r ''lr r!r,. LLor iln i" 1l'! Rl,ltP s d rhc *!ndi cJgc ol lhr rc irt,oro 16)rc dtr{md , rlr Nlm l. slirD lLrrlriilur'rd rrs r. irr rtA ftLjrlsl'o 5 s.iri \m r..ordi 11tsiltr D(Nns. LrJoD. Lo rh. \cn olsrl \A rlcorf .s r poinbL! ri6b !5rtt s h.! r! . $obi , i" Llrc \x,gi rc. LhN. ofr 'l d. bd frrr Nd krl..ur nblem is possible rhers is i Hovever rhc idcn.ifrcatioi ofsuc nngc ofhhroric sca6 mede ibr ditltrnr pulposes, and il nay nol always be.asy ro diffcrcntio.dhsc 1n rhe field. It is imponatrr ro bc objcdive md coisidu all po$ibililics, as scarcd tccs arc dimcull ro sisn!dtoiods.ruAoscsardAborisinrl/nonAborisimlorigir.Anexampleoflhisis.tdrc.o cda. Yanga ihlr M6 Alice Kelly asisred to r pani.ular hdnional usc (,^HIMS 47-6.0013), blt hes rpparentlybeen re rsisned as ribbihapping kN.l. h imponantro rcre thsr RH. M hews published . phoro ola rrc. rvirh sinilar Drrkings in rnorh arer and lavc a tadiliond ciplai.lion ofrhh lN obbi'rd lmn inlormank rmund 1900. compddblo ro M6 Kclly\ cxplanaiion (Mathcws 1907:27 29) Iiolder Mn Kclly\ tlc h h.d rhc balk remov.d and rhci rhc $!r racc nErkcd \yirh rxes, shilenr R.H Mdlho{s toc shows thc axc dnstlyonro ihe irtad bark ofrhe tEe. 'mrks Durine lhc RERP s!flcy on Tupn Shion Bads Brres had resewarioN abour asieniig ! $ar wirh rcros ihe Krr as r nbbit sapping rree, bec.trse.s a \ood cafls hc r$ surc rh d'ese mrks 'nsrks lrre made by a $dll rodny arc whcn lhc scar rrcc ws dry 5nd rhedb,e $p would not lave seped our B3ds* lex rhat rhhMs a 6urirltce fron the hisrori. poriod (nors rharpcoll.rcrc $illbcingbuncd ncxr ro mrrked rrees in rhe drea in 1920, m rc.odcd for.,crunirh Ktby, d,c patirrch ofthe Kirby lamily). This scd h lrrec cool!mon sizchas.4line! ofclear neelrxes o sacms the scrr, splled cvflLy Thc boto'n 2li's are No.o lrom flood*ate6. rhe rop z lincs sho{ clc.r. shallow, smallrxc.u6. n'e ba ftdoval3car h a carctully cur cookmon shape sinihrro othem neady rhat don l havc axe m ks vhiblc on the scrr iace, and it has side rceroMh. The axe marks sced ro be morc rcc.m rhan rhc coolamon scar. Brdle'iatd thd rhe axc m.rks scrccur inro dcad wood, iot srcc' sapwood: ru at the :.dt dnn her re har th" wad Ms .!1 like a .eretb idl na*ntE it risht hate bs a wirddjtni ,nat .d' e a.tus anl t"t thern, the ni! at oD lht t t:on\ bo4t I dohl helicr! rt'zr d'z :.prins nnrk, tlle bark tzs takst drz.v dnd th.t the hz" nas .tt alo thc batk wad *ent hatd. t ant a *aad Graet: Ako thek att,o r!:h a,c hutt \ ot the br.hd boto"t oI thc scat: \'hith \\,rtd t'. n'ar il tt bd+ d thdt ihe saproad t t be.d se tlk Phoro 37, t'atlJr Brdlels Trcc,'li'pr. att tietkt th.h Le. Sra.ion,2009 e-:r Anrllsis ofMotrnd 9.31 Siz€s rnd Numbcn Comparison ollround Sizes and Numberc Behveen SampeA€as A roralor536 mounds *ere recorded durins rhe suney,and lcne.h, \rnhh lid hcight mcrsuonen$ Nm taken forlj2 motrnds. The follo{ing.h.ns (fi8urc9.?) iidiclred*r all ar$ snneyed hare r nnse of mouid nzes, Nith r large number olsmrllcr momds:nd lc!* vcry Lr!! molids. Thc CarEllinmLc and U triddlcn Crcck sysems shnd ou! ds having thc l.4csr mouids aM lrlgft pcrcc'ragc oflrrge' in rlise&oareN have bee, monnds,whicb istoinfdfudby!h! facl rharranyofrhcvcry lrrse 'noutrds2001 and 2006). Thc rc.o d trcvroudy and mr mludcd in ihese figures (Pardoe & Mrnin wenem side olrhe Redbnnk sys.m .nd rhc l-osq Lacl'letr Ea oroxley appear Dor ro havc as many 1algemounds.and.hc Cuhbun8 sNflnp aid LoMr Lachlm wed oloxley scems 10 fir in rbe middlc. Th! chans aLso show thd rhc nunben or'nounds varies in ft lanous srnplc aras, howcv{ this Danl} dm to the amou'r ofrime spcnl in cich rN and thc numbcs oroih$ tyrs rcatures tb s e also ornouDds recorded rnd rhe days spenrin eich Rco ed ii in nrcd Tablc 9l sumnar(cs rhc 'uDbcn per dry Thc numbd ofo.h.rsit6 in rhc r@ rlso arc!. rid rvcrscs dr nuDb ol'nounds recoded innuenccs rhis, lor cxamllc ! lot orri'ne B€s spenr in some rreas recodn g modilicd rFes, and rLso liUucnccdiirhecaseorrhecrn Nimniesyicminth mas *hse nromds hM.lrc.dy bDcn rucodcd *rrc rvoided. The tablgindicdesho\vevorrhdt motrndsoc.urmosr ftcqmrtly i"rlic Laacreek Sy$em, Losft Lmhk[ drn dr Nimmie/Cani Creek sysem, ]virb rben ths Gful Cdnbune SMmp & 'djsm tl,ere being rignili.mlly fe!ermotrnds ii rbc Rcdblnk sy$c'h \rs o iz6s b6rw6sn Maior Landiorms t F oure I 3 Chad Showho Mound L€nsth r w dih lor aI smdo AE6 I -coe91 Compr{1o',Molro. Fsm'd€dp€' Dayr D't€'6 W6[ddSysl€rs l 9.3.2 Comparlson ot RERP Mound Sizes with olh* A€.s Table 9.2 gives the avsases and 6snEs for ldgrh, sidrh .nd hcighr of thc nounds moded and 6@surcd dudn8 rhe Nney, sd conpr* the areng* and nsnrts fd rhe sudey ro orh* aMs incltrdins ssrions of the Hay Plxin, Brlpoolon rhe EdMlns Riv*. Billa DoMs d Eunon, rhe B ham Muii.y and rhc Mrqu.ric Ma6hcs on {ho Macqtrdie Rivd,. tibulary olrhe Srrrc Fdrtn on rhe Rivor hisl,e* mounds Horded duing rhe suNey m concentrrcd i', rhc Loxbidgee Cana CreekNimnie Crtek syim. sirh ihe Lowbidgee Lrma Creek synem conlaining the sscond l.rgc$ nound sizos. lhc R.dbank serion ol rhc Lowbidgcc and .hc Losq Lachlin de cbrncrefted by lower rnd small* nounds. Compafton wirh orher areas shows rhal rhe l{a} Pbin sourhwci or Abctuonbio Creck syson on thc sollhsm odSo olrho Uaft Crock ryiefr hro rhc ld4s! and hlghst mounds of riy of rhc labulatcd slmplcs, follo\rcd by rhc CaidNinnic and thcn Ua'rFiddks crcek syiens. Tl,e cuDbnng SnaDp rho hrs a slishr teMemy ro lal'g aM bishe, nounds. Thc Rcnblnk syecm (in rhis cdc only rhc Nstm sidc olrhc Mummbidg.c tras sanpicd, no! rhe Yanca NP secrion), and ihe rwo Lo$e' La.hlan Riversampk 3ftrs (exclud'ns d'e cumbuns s*anp) are closcr ro rhe range shoRn in orh aars such as Badrm, Ba1poo1. MunDbidlee Ean and rhe Mscqnric Ms^h.s Trus d'c Abcronbic crcck Sy{em, dr Lo*bidscc oi d'c csst or ihc Mnmmbideee. and the Cumbuns Ssa p/Lachbn hrve mourds rhat aE sisnificrnily lrrser and higher rh.n any orher !s.s 3.npied and !.bularcd bclo$. This on$ ig.iD indicdca rh.r .hc dclr.s' of rhc Lo*hidgee sDd cumbnng ss€'np, dr sdjam Abrcmnbiecreek syden, eunqueinrhenunber Thc rablc indicrrcs thai ihc lonsen and "'d Tabe 9.2 FERP Mound Szes Compaisons wr' orher Are6 (Fi 9 3.3 Blials n t\rounds lhc nunbea offrounds rhd bad vhibls buriah on lhe sudacc varicd rhouehout rhc samtlc arcas lror a maxlnun of23% oi dtr Crtu/Ninnic Crck syncD oftbe Losbidsee io zero on rhe Redbrnk Sy*em (ve$ side only) olrho Lowbidecc (T.blc 9.3.3). nic Uld Cicck sy$cm had ! lowq rl'an *pcd.d pcrccneec ofmouids snh buials as rl'e prerious surueys ca"ied o much hisher percerragc ofburials (12%). sinilar ro rhc CaidNimmie sunrys (P doc&Manin2001. Manin 2006) Th^ night bc cxplaincd by ntr rsd rhet orrl'c 'nany ' *ere in very poor condilion. ard sysen durirs ihis suryey had 6een repertedly dpped for nbbi6 and nany Rere remn.n! mdmds consisring l.rglly ola pavcncn! ofhclr rcuino. Thc Abcrcrcmbic Cruck sy$cfr olthc Hay Phin sourhwest otr the sotrtl,en edge ofdr Usm creek sysen orrhe Loubidgee has rhc hishsi pcrcenhse ofmounds $irh bunrLs (5,1.4vt. The Mrnmbdgcc Eas, Hay Plaln Sourhca$ and Hay Plali Nonh Eae rcnd iot to harc burirls ii mounds,r cl$r socirl division bc&eetrrhe eNtrtr ard we*ern sedions orihe Hay rlain {Manin 2006). Table 9.3 Percnrasss o I Mounds wilh Visiblc B!ri, h by Landform ri\crr rhLn EI' i.orhr (M{ h rorn) cunbtriA s\rmp & h\rffkclhi(Mtrrii 20r0) cinx/Ninnic syscn' LoNbi4r (Miii" U 2010) ac.eeksynsn l-oNb dqee(Mad n2010) MM[ibidA.cUih & Uarasstm r,\!bidPc. (2001) Ab€rcrcmbie crcek synem (Manin 2006) sodhest(Mnii 2006) ts4 PhhNnnh!$L(Mrdi :006) Hay Phin 9.4 Stone Tool T€chnology 94.1 Core and FlakeTechnology ln many RERP surey arers only small rumbeB olanefads or isolaled anelacb w*e recodgl, eirher beeuse densiry is lo{ or bcc.usc.hcrc h a lack of cxposurc aid/or vislbilny Othorrcs d$liycd lrrser nuDrben of anefrcb. fte mrjorily of anclact in rhe suacy rrca arc nakss rcmovcd Eom corcs 'Ihe rcchnology trscd includcs rhc rcfroval ol l.rec n.kcs fom h.nd hcld corcs wnh hanm.6roncs, bur rhc rcnolal ofsmalhr bladcs ard flakcs usins borh hsd hcldrtrd {mibipolar ndhods is D,orc comDor in rhc suflcy am. Fkked aneracs have characteridic leatuR thrr dilfdenriale rhm frcm norumlly fFctured srone n erial. Anefach may bc fomed in. ntrnbor olw.ysi mo$ commonly fl a*s or blads aE produced by iriking r cdrc $irh a hamncnronc, o! bonc or rood baron. The rcsuhine lakes or blods may bc lscd astook in rhis unmodified fon. orrheyn.y bc retouchcd, thai k rodili.d,bcforc use Retouched nakes are lomed inro specifi. rool qpcs by thc Enovrl orsmall nrkes wirh 3 snrll hrnmenlone, orpr$urc flakcd $ith apoiited baton orbone orvood. Th..c.hniqucs used ror flaking in the suNey rEa includei i. ii d h.ld cdres by t hlnd held Pr0dudion ol large conc hamncr*on.. nre ventnl surfacc ofrhcse frakcs halc lho ch.nclnhtic fcarurcs ol man' nrde conchoidal nakes, vhich iidudci o plalfofr, a ring cEck or Henzian cone ar rhe impacr loint. a brlb of percusion, a bulbar sc, fi sre m. r Md ripplc marks Thc corcs will dhplay dr saft chaacrsdsrics bur in rcvcnc, or ncertive v surficc ol nakos. Thh rc.hnolo8y n mr r rhe Losbidsee prn of the suney ca. bu( toMrds aloig lhe L.{q La.hlei Rlvcr A vaiarion ol ihis tcchnolosy kndrh .s Spln Cobblc Manuf@turc, sher cobbles of sihrle. qnanzile rnd homfck !rc splir in hdland rlieo used as cores, dominales the.rtd ftun Booligal rotrads Griffith (Manin 2006) Microbhd. technolqJ resuhing are smller nakes d blades th lend ro be thin, elonS.rsd .nd {i!h relarivcly prmllel sides. The' arc rcmoved lron h.nd held cor.s $irh o hlnd hcld ha'nn,cntone uniil .bc qorc bccomcs roo $nalland lighi drn otlH rshniques me used such as rhc smibipohr Mi.robhds iii 'ndhod described below. anvil ,nd *ru.k bJ micro bhd e tec hnolqy. thalh lhecoreh r6red on 'n includes blad6 with hand I'dd hamDcnronc Eridcnce of scmi bipolir martrliclu& cNhine on the plaraoms and otushed or $cp lminalons, and r hish proponion olbetrding firelure to con.hoidal frsct!rc. coEs sllo diplay cr$ins at rhe impacr poinB .nd nay r.kc otr a disrindive keel shape. Fl* or blade *irh bcndiig fFcturc display spec'fic .h!€dcn$ics, includns a crscenric platlom *ith rlipalons theed8e, a wisf belor rho lip. md disii,nive nsnres over rhe re$ of ths ve Flsurfacc of.hc nskc. Smsllcorcs verc often bipol.rsplir inro No halvcs ro rcjuvdarc a.oirect ansle for flakins. or the splircores crn oho be used as tools. Anefac(c.hnology in rhcLo$bidge and the Aber.rc'nbic creek sy$m is largcly.onfincd ro smi-bipolar firkins merhods using exrrcmely smdl quanz and sllcerc pcbblesources, producing very s mal l fl rkes and coB (M.nin 2006). seni bipolrr r su Rey induds a varicry ol n okcs Iooh, rsi gins rron microblde lools. Ti. nlin rypcs orflskc took recoded in rhe surey e: Rerouched flakes iecord ed in t he fl ake too h to i. douch indicaring usc Tooh wnh hcavy usc-wear, srep douch and occasiomlly 'spde woodsorkinschisehGdzes)and w*ehined on enhorrhcsidcornhlfom cid. ii. Backed blades in rhc fom of small geooctlc mi.roliihs wcrc reoided Thcse me rl,ought 1o have been hrned on sped6 F3[e mo iv \ hd,reei'hernosedordis.oiJJ n.h]p! Flakcrools rlEr hNe uR wsrorrerouchalonea nmishr sidc Flake rools rhat have use vearorFrouchotly oi.ho dhkl cnd 6 9.4.2 GroundEdgeTechnooqy (h hLllszrd lotrid cdg. h dr' (xio ras brnd duri'u th. I r'ey. rc.enrly cxposd b) Io, rcmo\ir-! birk in t!$ for coocs. (ooLrmons. sl,idJs dc.. rnd r $ lor holloq ht.s rnd Loss \lo'.1 !dcs rhd hoLl, ,c'noving rk rDJ lhonpin! iind \ood lrirr a i.rc hithd r$ \.ry hr,il \oik (Nl.ry rroro 'r0 : Ctutrnd Ldlc rrc o. hxlcrcr. 94 3 Food Ginding and Poundig Equpnenl \!hoL!trrdbrckor food rr.prmlion rools fotrnddrrir!rhc$Ltrc! irrd cs.i' ins dish* rrd lopnoks rcd nnll idrig nni \c.ds M htr\r slilu' (elosl tioLnh) oi th. {trl:.r tl[t i'rLi$t.\ 1l'.r_ (crc Ncd tnr g.Ddi',! sfts red iD nhcr SoN hr\c No flxl 'ich cydcd atunn !o.n orr Lxllc Qindirrg dishcs thxr o,isir .on. c -rri ins rotrll,r Cri'nLi'u dirhci rnd 1ot!of$ ! only ki'n'n!d roualrlr! g$ b) l}Linso, lx.liin!. So[ Rd $indins qrirnncnl n mrd.'c$r!d ti ll'uuql \lun r I '! T0}llli \ I 94 Pi$corCri"tli,'! Dnl'. r k ibur( wholc and boken modm md peiles were alsorecodcd. Mona6 a.on.avc bowlshaFd surracc. and the pe{le hos a convex sudacc thar fis i o rhe bowl. Thcsc arc usc't for pouidi',s and the' srindi's hard seeds such ar i.rdoo or acacio $cd, or thcy rrc rho u*d lor smashins up had or librous mo*, cons, and tubc6 A sedsehsh virh r hmd com u.ilhcd lor food in the RERP suwey aree is 6alr,J.ror,,s (barilh or m*h club-dsh), which 3ro$ on the edCes of sMllov lakes rnd sRamps. ModaN ind pe les oordcd durine ihe snruey are usudly nade iion qnanzilc cobblcs. Thoso (wo looh $n be combined, with one or 1wo bo*l s$fac* ond ar lq$ onc coivcx sudsce fo' poundins on rhe Bon, grindins dish picces dnd \eholc or bokcn nona6, Dcnks or co'nbinarion ion* were Rorded Low$ Lachlan and LoNbidsee, indicalinsthal both hrrd seeds (such.s..aci! & nardoo) rnd solt seeds Guch as gB$) reE being Cound. The abudsn.e and size of srindins equipmenr insease roMrds .hc nonh ond nodhsesi, suggeiing grinding equipnent rzs beins tidod in frcn rbose rhroughou! rhe in all thelo$rions G sikrele. prdominantly a silcrclc sirhcld s orgiains readily visible tolhcnaked eye. Silcdc ourcrops on rhc Mumy Rircr near Endon, ard is rlso found to rhc nonh and nonhwe$ ofrhc suflcy arca toMds lvanhoe rnd f,ake Munso and tunherafield The moi codnon eonc mar$ial lscd Black hon,fek. probably sonrled ftud rhc nonhcAr ol Cifirh, was rho rcorded in the sufley. QnanziG, qu.nzand $onc wilh no cFins ! nibh Guch m ched djasp ) also occur in rhesude, mcd, bu! arc relarilely nrely used well cenentd sandio.e k used lor son sesd ginding cquipmc'r, rnd qnanzne used lor modas, psdcs $d han,mentotr* Occasionally quadzire is used lor son sed grindcrc, and silcde nodules are occasionally used for penles Edgc eround hlrchcb used oi the suney area. were made fmm. fine-gdincd mo.cnal, po$ibly a homfels lrcm the nonheo* of Griffid,. tle source of the dohin.n! da$ sihdc h not close 1lle lack of evidence for major manuliduring ot nokes md blads in rhe suney atas confims rhis Thc ev idence of spl ir b ipolar corcs indlcarcs rhar the ch* silcrete vas nor sou rc ed loc.lly; is even ths liny finishcd bipol& cores werc splir and rcused as a coft, or The ftcordcd cvidcncc olsmall semi-bipolar core! susseis rhar w lound in sonc si!6 and .he ircisrone rh3i ourcrops 6oih rlons Muiiar and on the edecs ol rhe Eudon lakes may hale ben lhc mo$ locil soudo olochic (Manin 2003). Ilaw er, the B0lrmald fish rFps aid aiy othe' un,ecorded one oulcDps mdy aho Drovide a noic Ochre .hc Rivq source of ochrc md/or sonc lor naking. Phoro95 Cnund Ochrc, Juanbuns 9.5 Conservrtion of Archaeolosical Materials 9.5.1 Associated with W€dands The Polenliallmpactof nundalion on Archaeo ogica Sites/p aces. tres if they are flooded roo long. The mo$ ob'ious impacr olinund..ion is thc dcarh of llve 'nodified periods.6ur vc flooding for exrended 6lack box and other rcN canno. sunivc Rivs ed gum can exlended tooding. su Kiqslo &Thond(2001)docuncnracscriNlpNapwhererl*eebankwspur in ro lccp high$war$ lcvcls in Nap Nrp s$amp. but when tees naned b dnM lhe na.ion n!tugcN brcachcd drc lcvee md retuned rhe swamp 1o irs natural level During lhc survcy in Scprenber 2009 Nlp Nap s*amp had ftceived envinnmenral {arerand.hc vcgctaiion was i', *cellent condition. Eatnded inund.rion ako affcc6 dcad nodin.d k* thnush ercsion and nting d rhc lop ofward lcvcl rlrenaring weninsond&ying(Madin2003). causcd by wlves and orho sns such as mouids, buiah, ancfacts !trd DiddeN rre predoDi'rnily rbove hish Mter hvclunlcs levccs r.c 6nilito niselner levek seveml Nts a6ove natum l kvels. ftes sits my he seriously rlfeded by wave emsiotr and valer scod4 ilRrrer lelels aE drificially aised (M.nin, wiftr& 1994, witrerz005) speedboak on ires ard lakes also caNe \zve adior thar bulk in erosior olmiddensand orher sns on banks (Mrnin2003). werer leveh upi ream lirm se ns ney be held ar an ificially hilh levc ls. The Balranald r hh Tmp s m an sxinplc of a vcry significanr siic rhar is now brsicllly nvisiblc bccsusc ir is lsually covcrcd by anifi cially raiscd Mrcr in 9.5.2 Poienllal dry,4 The plarcs, ns rhc rosn wcir pool mpacl of Dryins Wetands on Archaeologica Stes/Paces up orwedands on rheLoserLrchlan rnd Lo\ybidEee direcrly rffect rrchaslosicrl sites rnd oll ds dfecllig rhc cultuFl lid cnvircnm.nill conrcx!. Livc modincd trccs wlll porcnrially nd sonc rcs drt scrc rcordcd dnri',s rhe surey l,rd HeDrly example ol this is rl,e laree rivs Ed gum canoe tee on the k1yrtr (l'.Io ood) scA cllonlrail d,ath lack ol\yrrer (Photo 96). ln rddirion arcl, dcposih wcE nolcd as beins afieded by erosion rcsullins fion drdughr inJucod tes death. d.vcedatioi rnd sc'limcnt dc$eb Wal8eeb on rhe L..hlan whcrc hck ol w..d hls rcsulr.d in dcarh or meny orthc krBe nver r dic. loys and rs a Eulr rhc 6rnks .onraininE deposir s*e .ollapsine onro rhc lakcbc'l in 2009 lf Lrkc welscc^ is nor floodcd rery soon. dr te*, rhe lake banks and rhe lake landlom ibellwill6e ireticvably d.mqed wa1gs.6 sas vhncd by lan Woods f6m rl,ella] LALC ir l99s and myself. and by lrn in previouslcxB, so we wcrcablero ssslhecffsddlrhrlackolfloodingsincc1993. Phoro 96 (igho: Trcs wilh Laae c.noc sc.r oi Tbc Kllyatr ScA Cllrunl TBil, thet has Rcccnrly Died Brk, Pobsbly F om Pnlonsed 9.5.3 . RERP Suryey Conseryation Projects Fcicing & watciieorYoung Qu$dongson Ulongg laiwoods!n'lrhcHlyLALCaBrecdrorollowupwithUlongaSbrion€bbitprcorrencitrgatrdw tri"g a corcentdionof younsqurndonss g{minaled by rhe2009 linrddins. of . Co . tubbitconrfr nsefld ion A,lreemenr o n t he Paikr WenMounds 'l1lelandosner Dianne Williams s?s inrereied inr consendion igEemeDrovd r series ofmounds rhd aru cidangcrcdby wh€t farmiig in a smalltlddock on Paik! Crcck. Rq'c woods w,llrollorvthtup gas in Moundson Prilare Propeny p[pri e comol ormbbits (such poisoning) md in rrchaeological dcposic such as motrnds, middcnsand ashydeposi6. sms . Bun.l Porccrion lrcjes On Kalyatr (Nonvood) SC,^ in,' rr, dcn.rion rccordcd during thc suncy in 'tr.dir d).o\(r.d o\c b/'oL Cubb, wood\'!m DICCW Orh r{t, a nlior park ro.d \vas burialcxFscd in a minor$a!on road will bc covcrcd oro, Rcnc woods to burirk E.orded drins the suRey 10 be priorirised lor pnrecrion - Rene Woods 1o On Nokns Chancc an lollos l'p s ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF USE OF WETLANDS 10.1 Faunrl Remains Recorded during the Survey 'nre launal ftnains recoded dudns rhe RERI slnoy in rho orchoological dcposir in mounds 'niddcns, and ashy dcposirs, demo'stmte the ule of wdlands Middens lend ro hrve. hi8h pctodragc olshcll, oncn whole or broken, and in len$s or p..ksd inro heanhs. Middss conlain diffcrent sh.lllish dependins on rlre r$e of envitonncnt; rwo spcclcs of freshwster frussel shell weE lbund in nounds and ml'ld.N reconled duins r projecl, fte nver nusel (r/.rr),ruja.b',r, .nd rhc billabong or lakc Duser /dlgr,,D .,6rs, r. A thnd species. frcshwa!$ snail shcll (Norol,/, \tbh,turo), \\'s infrequcndy louid in middcns on thc rivc^, larser cieeks and laks. Snail shell sas nored in a 1ar!e mlddm ovcrlookins Paika Lrke rnd on Paika Creek (Wenem Redbanl sr$en). and on .h. low$ Lrchbn Rivd N itpa$csrhrcueh rhe CEar cu'nbunC ssrnp. laryiig rmouns ol ustrdly liogmenred md cooked or buml mu$clshell,yabbyCannlirhsandirsnenborpiccesoftunleshcllandnrrlebone.nrend$conmon smllto medium sized 6one such bone malcnal in mounds is aqualic bird bonc ofvarying sizs, ',rinly probably nom s*ans (nagpie gecss or Capc Banon .s walcrhcns, dlcks ct, wirh some nuch laqer bone geese are other posibililies, now aft in rhe r*ion). Sonc mounds aho consined rBBnens of thick Mounds E.odEd frcqucrdy conraiicd nounds conrained rhinnere$shcll e$shell consisld! with s{on cge consisrenrwirhduckesiss.Firhvenebke,sDinesaidboncfFgmensofvaryinesiasfomverysn'llio 1ar{e cod size *re lound in somc nounds Fngfrcnrcd maDml bones w e diincuh to idendry, bur somc wcrc small animals such as mdent, handicooG. or h e Rdllaby, and vcry infnqumtly lorgc Ihcshclland bonc matcrielround itr middensand nourds recordcd dudng the suwey veE very similar rosiresrecorded in pr*ious sureys iD thearea,aDd theRavensrodh 3 and T.hclcry I cxcavalons Gcc bdo{). Shcll,bnd bonc, g6rohths dcal|denon$rned the close relarionshipberween diddsns, noun&, werc focusins and ashy deposih and adjacenr serlan& and rhd rho pcoplc Nho builr ut rhc$ 'lcfosirs rhob 97 Lsn to nghr: I PlcccsofTunle Shcll, Cod venebrac, small Fish vencbrrc. MnselSlell 10.1 Other Archaeological Evidence Canoe re* exhibi! $.6 Esulring non lhe redov.l ofbdk c.noos rhat wcrc lssd to tavcl .hiough .h. wcrlands, dd b nsh, hunt and garher in rhe serl'nds. Crnoe sr6 rere ecoded i" a nnge or diffeEnr q/pes ofwerlands, frcm rhe edges ofiverbanks, omund lsles rnd swonps, along cEe*s. and in river red 8um lored. Snalld canoc shlped sca6 iesult lrom bark removal lor small .anocs known loFlly s 'dFg'alongJ, shich lhc womcn tushcd thoush shallow wdcr to car.y food they collccred slch 's mu$ek or aquatic plant tubeB or rhizones. A deep mund bovl, probably used to canr Mler. was remored ftom r river Rd gu m nerr NoRodd conage on rhe kchkn tu vsr 'Ihe hiSh densny of .ool.mon nds llso su8sen nrt dr wtbtrds wer r focus lor lood colledion md I0.J The Rateneworth.] and Tchelery I frcavarionu T]le rolloni.g provides ro wcdands ob.aincd of sone ol rhe palaeoecological infomarion that links mounds $c cxcavarions ofRovenssonh 3 an'l Tchelery I mounds (Manin 2006). a Sriel sumnary nln 10.3.1 Macroscop c charcoal and Plant lmpressions Lalgc picccs ofchrcoal sere collected lor dnins and aho for idenrinmrion to i.vesipie potedial tue1 sources and pianr foods. A roial of 14 specimens vere dissecred md prelaRd for s.anninS Elston MicrcscoFephoros.Allof,.charcodsamplesrrfionthelowerpadolrhemoundsrnddaterorrcund 14 snples are consistnl with lrrz (cumbun8i) rhizome or nem, showing the charicrerisic libre bundhs lhat in lhe ontrcl pcriod wcrc mode inro $dng and nelring. Another apDoon ro be a rhizome wirh a young roor adsing ftom rhe sudace. and one nay be ldrge 8ns like cin*r.$ (Erusrclh). $ Phragnit^ (conhon rccd). Two 6und $rucorcs l0-l I mn in diamdq app6r ro halc sronse tsues consisrenr *ith ,a/roJ.ra3,/s spp. (mNh club nsh) coms. Four sanples are sood, one of which shos growrh rinls. Thus oui rhe 1,1 sanplcs, 9 are coNhrcnr sirh wdland Dlans, an'l four !rc woodj fon what is nov r dry teele$ plai.. 4,000 BP. Five out of the Figu€ 10.1 SEM hag€ ot 3t€m or hizoms wiih lib€ bund$ consrsl€nt wiih Typha (cumbungo (ircm :r.l : Hca! re!.inen.ho conriin cvidencc olplanr usc through impesions of loavcs and oots on bakcd chy hcar rcrailcn. Ifrpre$iols ol Drrr, (cumbulgi) lcaf, or laree l6vcs with paEllcl ibbing, arc panicuhnycommon on the Tcheleo I nound hedtdaine6. llenrnalysis P,tpred pollen slides ThcRavcnswonhl cr.rvarioi pro poor condilion. incLudins thc turldid pkn{ conrrined r $nge orpollen in relatirely 10$ numbeE rnd 7ipr. (cumbuigi) did rushcs lrcm lhc Cp4'.",e ramlly, bur ako snscs rid chenopods *bich may halc comc from thc rdjrccnt plairs. or a wetbnd Ihrr drkd out. TEe pollen appeaB ro be scrrcc. bui mry include eu cr lypr. di6cnh Table l0.l lhk a r.miins .rc lxtcmcly frugncntd, 'ndl prcsci.c/abscncc iidi.rtion ol major ryp of 6unr fbr ihe spih rhmtrslour Ihe RavensRonh l nomd, shoiins rhere is litle chanle in rhe ryps of launal remains rhrcughour. Thc spc.ics rcprc$nrcd rcrc - o ,da otr.l o .l'c pl'in. s8cl) obE rd ram," l3nd. { ' lr .ll spits, bnd bone e.counk lor rhe D,ajoriry ofbone ard consisrs olfiaemenlcd pi*cs ollon! bo.e sl[n. shich can be idenrificd 6y its snoorh,lhin. cyLindicrlMlLs, bu!also incluJes som.sid bon.s ard Tbc f dialno$ic thalanecs or'clawf Most or rhe bnd bone falLs inio ihe size categones olsmallro medn'n lzcd $arerbids sucl, as dncks and srterhens. *irh some l ger piocas po$ibly bcloneing ro swans. Egigshel l 6rgmsn( c ons hrcn! * irh $van aho oc. ui. The Tchelcry I and Rarcns{onh 3 cxcavdlon matcrlal coitaiicd clLdence of rhe v'rious uks ol werlands. For cxamplc. nrmbeB of vcry small fisL rcnebr& cdt bc orpldin.d by thc lolloslng dcscriplion byoneoflhs fi^r Eurcpo.nna$onlh$ on rhcCcntnl Mumy ii rl'c 1350\ 1360\: Th{ dn iith st r rtt oisa rt! nutl, ar t". in tht lndh a\ taot\. .hc spatnins smron nq tuke tni ia s ollauns lsh tna qt\\hi.h at k$ tha, r, E ht lens1t1. d nta ra'ie ti,t thqi etch idr'on:c n hbc'. o1rot E tabtuB.kd ... mokihs . .ansist te,Eb ht b.ilitE theDt tt slo|h n1il the ps"i! t!.1 ..tit anl ttbot u kN!otubzes. r?dat lBe|.ri.lse 133e:3.1). hare d 1t1e The {erland launa in.ludcs a orfish sizN.lndic ingalinkwithriv synems durns $ onal 'anEc floodine. Fnh rmains are predoninantly very smrll venebrie, {nh laigc mosly l gmcntd venebne, and fdghlnls ofsDincs. Thc small.$lctcbFc!rc r rlE nnge or l'2'n'n diaDd*. susse*irs rlnt rii,y fisb Rcre cauehr sirh fine sicve like neb durinE lhe inilial nooding phdse. Llrgn lish may havc bcen shl ovdr longsrpcriod !s $. noods srabiliscd and rc.eded otollihs sre ve'y nre but a l,alf orolirh round i', Sprt 15 n consnteir with th of solden perch (Mz.qdd ,,'6tsr,). .nd onc l.rg. brokh vcnlbra h Mum! Cod (M,.o/ra.rel/,r,ral4. Muscl shell is mon\ vcry frasnrntcd, rlthoneh raBcr piccs cfrbrcd idenrification rs lake muscl ltlelest io at"bist s) ralher rhan rivd mu$ol lalath)t ia ja.ksa i ot.a dola) Horveler, one k4spie.e in Spir 6 h rivq nuscl, wl,i.h nEy hrvc beetr c$icd fioDrhe riverro use asa roo1. Yabby consisr of iirsnens of nippq sds, and s rolilhs. lngmlntud lunlc shclLanp$N li 'eDriis alnoi evcry spn, and sotoc olrhc bonc fnemci( nay ahobclunlc. Skelcrons and rosrh oftodci( *crc lolnd lhrouehou! rh.fround,jaw tug'ncnh wnh hth idcntiry maD] rs sMmp rrr (tlul,?,'vs) (ideniified by I mola6, 5 rooh in fi61 molar and no irdstrarion olii.nor) These bon{ te'd Io be *hole despile thcn fngiliry, and arc mo$ly uncookcd. Th( lndicaies rl'rr dry lir.d in budows in th. noud, a'd soncdicd mtunlly Nhile orlrm werecooked. Brndicoot tom rs! spe.ies (/J roo, md Fel",s?g, d* louid ac lo{n mandiblcslnd isolarcd rccrh throuthout rl[ n'ound Sonc ol rhc bonc is iot cookcd, suggcri'r8 bandicooh scarciscd on rhe nonnd rnd/o' Lived in rl,e mouM. and som werc cookcd rndcaren. Oiher hunrievidence inch'des.oprolils lound in rhc borom lrye$ofborhmoundstenrativelyidentifiedNbelonginglhebilbylanily(TCgsl996:101'106),eiden !t{ r! uncookcd bllby skeldon i', rhe bonoD la}eN ol lhe T.helery mou nd ftecopslircs{cr fouid in rhe tunnels on ft floor oft|e moLLnd, indicding the {crc living dclp in rhc mound. !s rccordcd by rrcm inrhc 1350\. Lftgc kangarco (fro$ likcly CrcyKangsroo) $cr idctrriticd lioD rrE Dolan o' o r f,,s,n-1 . ,.-d h" -,. ,t.oo-e.m.,Lte, m...mpoJ mu.r " *dbnd fauna is similarro ltavens onh3,burrh.r.isa$idr6igcofion-N.nand fauna, indudi'g emu e!3 shell, Large kaigatuo, bctong, harc sallaby. borl' wom6 . echidnr, brsh hi1 po$trm, rodsns, sd.nn., shligl. ba.l- and smk!. T]le Tchclery mou'd no$ $crc idenrificd llom a single bono, panial jaw orroolh orroorh fngmenr, md somodied natuElly shilc lirine on/in thc mound, and lhcrcforc contibutc lirilc to rhc orcFll faural bonc Howcvcr, hese excaval ions also conM in ed Ihin piecs of brked mud $me of vhich xppe to have imprint oflish fitu, rhcsc arc lcs connon rhan noml h€t rerainq piecs and a€ vcry haid .nd frado up of vcry nne for noi., sid 5re onen ubular Erher rh$ churky It is su8gstc'l sedinenr. Tles. c'n easily be rha! these aro lhc resulr ofovcn'nistsk.n b.king of foods cncded in rhe fine nud ftom the lake. An accoun! liom 1364 ofcookint on rhc Munay Rivcr floo'lplain ro rhc south of rhc Hay Plain dc$ibs cookine by corcrins thc binl or ani'nrlii son clay rnd plritrg it in a holc in ihc cound $hicl, has bccn madc rcd Table10.1 Favenswoih 3 Elcavalion P@sence or Fauna in lhe 5cm spils lrcm Top (spil l)lo Botrom r0,4 Distribufionof Sit€s Lrgc scalc GIS hipping (Padoc & Manli 2001, M'nin 2006 & Appctrdix 2) co'cluded rl, tl,e di$riburion olarchacoloCiqal mltrielsucl,I mounds. Didde's. buriak rnd modified tees is rehred ro rh. drmctcr of rlie hydnlocicrl regimes. Mourds rnd rsocialed buriih mc doslly rcLlrcd ro rhc biologically divc6c, psducrivc aid dcpcideble wedands of rhe noodrzler sinks on rhe Lo$bidlec and adjacc Lowd Lrhh Middens are lerlely confincd ro rhe rikr lcvces and krlc opcn wdrf ldk.s Modifiedteesarcloundaralllhcsclypesolrvdldnds.bu!io!onlh rcclc$phins.OvcNridortcracrs haveawidcrspariJdij btrlionrctussrhclandsapc,somcli cdrorhc'borc\yctludsrrdorheNDio,r widcly dispc$ed acros r plains. Thc adiaccnr aras ofrhe Mu'ray Rirer near Swan Hi11ro Moamr, rnd ils rnabtunchcs.hc Edwaft and wakool RiveB Riih thenasocirred noodplain s.cks,l.goons, rivo rcd eum forc$s aM swan'ps hare a sinllrr distihurion of middens. mounds rnd Dodified recs Moi sirA arc Locdcd or riv* lovscs. ma,gins ol lr8oons and sMmps, and on noodFliin mmgids on rh. fisr brcok ii slopc abovc rhc floodphin (Berrymin ind Frunkcl 1934. Bonhom'nc. 1990. Conns ct al 1979. c[ib. 1991. Edmords. l0.s Using Archacology To D€termiDe Environmental Changes 10.5.1 Daling ofSilesand Relaled Envkonmenls The Willandh World Hc ragc Arca including Muigo N'rional Pr.k is d,c beikno$ crampk in u$rlia or rrhrcolosml sites beirg uscd ro rcconnrcr pmr envimnmens. Horcrs,lhs safre holdr lor rlL rrers rhrl . $c.lrh olarhlcolo€ical sits thar pmvide eNnonNntal inlbmarion by rhen distiburion rid/or neteiah conraiied withi',. Arclaeological siles *irhin rhe RIRP survcy arca aLso conrain detaikd scien{ific inlomarion oi pat cnvnoim$rs sinply bosuse nouids and niddcDs conkruc elidcnce rhar {ould orhcRisc be Loi rhroulh hphonomir proce$s su.h a rclrhc n3 and oosion. nre Lo\s Lrchlan and Lorbidgsc lrchaolo8lcal rsso rcs olcivimnmc aL inroi,nstiotr dnr wc know from rhe Rarersronh I and Tchelcry I excivalions 5.000 BPcal.buralmoi d!finncly cxrcrds ba.k .onsldcmbly loigcr Moundtmiddcns rnd ovcns crn be dftd by rdiocrrbon drri',s ofsftLl, bone, fish oloLirbs. chtrcorl, and rhcmoluDrinsccnce and OSL dalin! olherr rekincr and sedincn(. Thc d ing of the RrvcDs$onh 3 rnd Tchelcry I mouids dcnonsralcd rhat nound buildi"c 'muM wcdlnds bcsan over 'r.r00 yean aso and th nrhryemoundsofrhcAbcttumbi!C.cksy$cmrclarc ro a peiod shen rhis sy$m cmncd hrgc anoun$ of flood wlro AbcrrcmbLc c'mk bcc nc lcs cflicicnr and in rhc conrlcr psiod otrly carrd r snrllaDiounr ofsatcr in a verr hilh flood.lhis ch.n8e i', rclatc to r chrnEe in the type ol nood ptrlses i.lhe Munmbidge. d rhc skc orlpol or '.si'nc 'nay Gun Crcck i.!rCamrhool. Thus dsrins or$rhrolosical depolits lnch rsmomds rnd niddms insight i'ropr e trvn oD ments rnd enr nonmeni r l chmSos. 105.2 Plant Remains in Stes 'lhc crcavdlons olrhq Tdrlcry I a thd the d hnohi sloicdl lt obscn.d (*.rq plrnr (ounbungi), fo.ns on \yedand loods such as nprd a'islo,/,t ibboit lnd ,o7r'J.r,'d,r (r,/i/b or manh dubnsh) bqjM in som. lrcas 6 carly s 1-5000 ycrs ago Thc us ofd,cscpla'b n copic ch coal, iDprint on baked dry uis, and pollcn found in dtr Pollen, macmsopic charcoal rnd impins olplMh oi hcar rcrlinc ctrftn1ly dry. rrcclc$plain conraiicd $cdeid plrih end ne* 4 5,000 yem ago. offieshMter musel slEll ${e lotrnd i. monnds ind hiddcns rc.odcd dnri',B ihe pmject. the iv{ muscl (,1/./r.r),,J".tJni), aid thc billebonE or l*e musd I ?/.!,,i, ,,'r,s,rJ Thc n*r nuselpLettN cool. iosi'u s er. and high oxyscn hvck. {hiLc rh! l.kcorbillabonC'nusclpdc's ii1lor slov nowing w.rd md .an .olcnt. hiehotmpsdu4s rid lo"tr ol}len lerels. aDd can bury Tro spccies tselrir mud dudngdry period! (l\Mv.nmryN se.sov. ). Th. ryp. or nusd found ii rhe occudns in the middcns along rhe Munmbidgce and Lachlan Rivcs. Lrke musel occun in sites arcuid $vamps ond laks, bur rilqmu$doflcn occun in uncxpccrcd arcas such !s inhtound qccks, dcpendins on rl,eqpe oanos experienced Rsearch on the shape ofriver muselrlonsrhe Rirer Murry has sl,oM thal lhe shapeofrlt sbell is influenced by rarervelo.iryl She s trrn the Mn|ar tn Soulh ,lt6r'alia aft ela"Eale-.vd1, t th th( .lot$l ntarEnt c,tur'ka pana iob u bl. L ot \\i18 , fietdt shcttt l/.tn lti.l.tiu attt N.r Sarrh vdt.s htlv? . .lordt ^at h . d . potu,b t?ntal i't11?.1ion. Th? tariati.h apredrs to h. aso.iatutl |ith |ata vciari4 lBalla & Bhlka l t90). wh.rc ivur ntrssol shclls rhd atu rcld(ivelJi whols o.c r in mjddcns rhoy will .onlrin .idcnca dbour lvdq flow ovcr r lorg Dcrio'l orri'nc Tl6 cv,dctrcc,rhc distibutior orrivcrand lrkc itr nourds rnd Diddens. rnd rhe ind nEr rhey crn be daied, preseft rn opponunity to 'nu$ch snail sl'cLl (N,/rl,r, 1!rrt!d!, erc ako rotrnd li sonc or tl'c riv s. creks rnd lrkes. nris sril is 1i!kd by DECCW$: naA ri'tL 4 tri,ld rt LtEhdr ils ha rll t hs!, sam pop l.njahs h.v hdl )?.atd.d.x s t|n s nt atili.tul habila^ lh iltatia" ?Ptlild in th. Mnr/4' an.l Datltnlt r\ Livc,?hx n?,r lk..retu| h Lte 2n04 fuh itiEdion ripcliha h t Mitdna Iss*. h lddirion clu$c6 or lvholc ircshsrt9 middensrlong thredenedspecics.envimnnenl.nsvgov.,) Mldd!ns wirh subn! i!liumbc6 of$holc snrilshclls thscforc prcvl'lc a uniquc sourcc ofinlormorion abolr lomcr di!tribution. ntrmbers. sizes, smfrh p renN dc. ofth contibute ro a r*overy pLan for Ihe specics. lhey aLso prcvidc cvidcrcc th Abonlinal peoplc trscd ihesesmils for ibod inrddirion ro ihe lrrserDuseh. Abo' icinal people nnd $e evidence ofsnail shelh in middcns r rangible link rilh r p.i envionnent knoM orhc iss only fmm oFl hisrory olDcupk collcdine rhcsc shqllfisl' ror food and/orbair. Middcis also .onr'in fish botrcs sud' rs cod rcrtcbr&, and y$by ea$rclirhs rhar can Bivc dcrails or dinribulion, sizes, gro hrtlcserc.overalongpenodoflime Moundsa.d/ormiddmconlainsubnrnlial amounh orbonc. iidudine tisl' boin binl bonc. boic aid tcth, yabby Sasrrolirhs. onlc sltrll 'na'nDel etc, \'hich enable a recon$rdion ofrft loods earen and rhe pr$ envbnmerh. Fhh orolirhs can be den.fied ro spccies aM irwhole c Recetrr rechioloCy ellows oroliths to bc datd and car also dctminc d,e sxliniry of rhe rztr rhc fisb *as lirins in (Tmces in rhc Srndl L.ndsc.pc Evolurionmd Human Hislory in rhc Willaidra L.kss worLd Herirlge Ars., AAA Confctonls Mound scdimcn6 aho prcvnh cvidscc ol pmr cnr'nonm.nG For crabplc the uFpq lay.* ol lhs thii lay$of rindblorvtrsand,sugscni"Crl'arararcntrd3.?00BPd'c cLimat had drio and/or windlo slasons, aid rhh rics in wi.h rh! lad rhll kangroo !id !nu cgg shcll rcr aho ibund itr thc rop lrycn orrhc mound,Dur ior in rl'c lowd laricf. Thn su#cns $ar whcn rl'c nound besar amund 4,100 BP, rl,e rrea lrs rseiving enough noodqrrd to fillsemi p marentsRrmps oi ar annualbast, bur th c qlnnarc bcca mc dricr, Nhi.h nayhivcbrcn why mourd consrud,oi $onpcd 10 5.5 The Dskiblrion ofArchaeorogica Maredal of archreologicrl material aronnd Elict sdlands also provides evidence of Fo, exa,ntre sve,nps orshrlrowl,kes d,ar ii d,c.o rrctpeiod serdo,n,cccilcd noodMler bur are sumunded by mounds gives an innedine imprssion ollow the envimnnenr h .hMgcd Daling aiJ ddiilcd !rdtuin.rion ofrhcsc momd dcposirs sould providc significinl cvidcncc ol Tne dktibnrion envnonDrnrrl charse in such arers. 10.5.6 Other Possib ilies lly incorponred, th.r en.b l. Econnndion ofpo$ cnvircnmctrrs Exrmples i',chde lipids fiom cooking plan! and annnah, rcsidurl srrrhs or $one orshellanef;'ds, and cnvnonmcnrel iidicrion snch as phyblnhs, dirbms dc. Mounds and niddcns I lso .on{a in orh q natcnlk, b orh cu ltunl and rccidenra ETHNOHISTOR]CAL EVIDENCE OF CALTUML USES OF WEILANDS AND '/ALUES . rr.1 Ethnohistorical Evidence of Links Between th€ Archreology and Us€ of During lhc 1316 cxplonrioi olrhe La.hlan, MummbidSee and Munay Rircs- Mirchell nored md described mouDds locatql iom rhc Lo*er La.hlrn ne rhe Crerr Cumbms S*anp, ro bolo\e rltr jundion orthc L,chlrn rnd Mummbideee RiveB and upnEin fidm thc cutrcnr locaton or Redbark wen. d a place called weycbr. Thk isposibly ths liNt wrirci dcsription olmounds in Aunnlia: atilitidi teatu't, tat ah'.^tJ hr 1,r il' othd, dishtEuishes th. lo.ali1t6 p'nrOalL' tf4 ure.l t the atires, ond .a{nb i,t the tqtD nonh ql b,Dr .Lry, at d\hd red br tiE', incoa*ins. Ih. tot na" t1tltci.Irotit\ .l'rsinltl€i pnisia s, xta la! the.toa.l bc^rc.n lar.r 01 hedtzd ,a".s: brt he,e |he,p there at. ra aona, tht Ane ahd h?.ohes het?t ar hard?t th. it 'nar? r2\' snn ll hil ls San qtthen tletc:. at&rnra l bh of heaps"t, .\ la he etto hthths oI'?s?'nhlit'c tol, n&r:.ka\ khs.h.d.h.d, \r,2 hdtf 'led ou4e of dEes, hdd so lat (hdnltc.t ix bca, thd ke *aD1 uvr! h! th. t^.'. trhith, i't 'e hn.:he:rca.heda tottid.h., el: a|h.ts, tav vt. tthlotelin,t the tivetl had l.tE" the d ofltle |a! &r\ hp?:sranh\a at1r1cn. t et', t|c li^t ol t'?se, fis' "ar panoo* thrtuda oJ tt otahs rle La.htan Nhet? thjs t^|er oI tha tudb nnaa! M nnnfti.teat. I undctnnot th.t rhz Eata" ar b tn h not, *hi.h i: the .h4lao.t alth! ..ltntld dav seens 1a anskt th. :aD. Ftporc, h rcl. I ltncc th! "atit.:ther?,hptqaftdi"th6e*ilnsrhen..[anil!otribtutlaselhtt]us..n1ed the areoltheltaQtobe t33e vattt s,st). Unlonunalcly rhis k rhc only dNcriprion siven by Mitchell olmomds in rhc Lowbldgcc/Loscr kcblan ar.r lrowever. he continu* b desribc mound! as h! tavcllcd sourh rlons rhc Munry River and i6 tib aries. n,cse dcscriplions arc lnl)ortatrr bc.ausc hc naks rhc point rha{ rh! motrnds lom a chrmdcrnric rnifi.irl landscape fedtrre rhr! hc a$ociatcs with rhe reed beds ol rhg Mnnmbidsee/Lachlm jundion. rhc Munay, and ns tnbuta'ies. On rhe Mumy nsd]ooLycbols*ai ttea: evcttt o ro! t.Ei.n hejan s Thq st?$ der)\hek e\en undet thc e^, o)tt d re ded bdt k fratt tE Janet al t he tut as lrt rs t aut d se.. rh? td.v dsh hitk qt t h. rahva:, $ed chic1lr.l.t nnti"e the hthd tarbtrrh),anot.fatnda"]a6, agun' qpzrt?l in E,eat nrntbe( lMit.hell 1339 ual ll:13.1) Torlie lourholrhe Muriy torrds Mt Hopc, nounds N efoundrmundlaks: Or t|'e teeent sl'o,?. \t sa\ the knainr aI trlEe ,utiv. asLl'i s Th..\ w?rc al.l a,.l ave'ErrQvtl,bush.s,bt!tht)|a|n,iskkehadatemnlaindnt:tle'u,'Jthe hnban or b l,"slt a not eaten bt thete natilr, an t ook"A in e'1h aE^ srn as lltes. lMn.heil1339 tal Il: lamcs 117). Ki6y. dcs.ribcs his iinid vicw ofthc rccd bcds.loorprdx and mounds o.lhe Mumy Rilcr nc rhel'st i'tdi.albh w sav oJbta.ksMslootpaths *hi lhq nndeEai"E !a'ddor'"the r^,aside: and the seand \as he'E atd the,? aba t a ttile apa,1 lorye na nls qt u,1h thra\tl uF. on e'tntinq tht'c w Iartut stcdtt .aD"* .tt .f tha", on t rh taokitls ai|l Jittl'a inlo thdn, dhavd'nounh thd rzE ord: Jnr tuokins the rcnry ns (the tLot at 1]te brh u:h E r$ in the reen bed:) (Kitbr 1395 .23). "hi.h T]t eyesihes accounh olMirchdl aDd Knby a$ocialc rhc frotrnds wnh Nd bods aid cdokiig ol 4,pr, (cunburgt. Mirchcll uscs rhe windju.i wod ,/ld, and Ki$y uses the Kulin language .a,4,,,,s, Nhi.h is used today rs rhe common name cumbungi' 11.1.2 ElhnohistorlcalEvidence or Plr Oven Cookinson the Rve nePlain CordoD Kirby, bom around In,t l9l9ar OxLcy on rhs loserLachlan, rold this nory aboul cookiis inovsns: ?apt. ,nainb aok.n o"t ol.!aa^. wc .t lt t ka\ta,.( ana cnu, Eoannu:, Thqril rliE. hok: litl it tith tnad to'\t,'r, t.1!rtr1t!, oht ..ok th .hd liEhi n |i'p t|ha'the\aodNasbnned,thq,dshavelallthe.aakaut.puthtlhetneat tc.ros rn'lba rips.te r t..vs d rutatMad b E^'. i|.lt. D t and tu\v ot t 'ith the,Jillintheroprih nh. dtnls wilhbisa inak like kancaroo or en , ther Dtishl p t a hot lone ht i^ aoDnth to help rcak iEht tlrrush Thai qlet 2-3 lto 6 th.! d ap.r the a\tn wc \lttn l rhan ol,1st n, tha,t.taJir E xt sL^ trds d zdt Thef d hn1' ll'en' i'fide o 1, eash nEht. r t rl'e en fdt in, pri ur the ends and.aak the,n in th. eatth ar.t (Idtlor& Ut4 l99a) I ras a kid, Erhnohisroi$lsorces prcvide dekiled and vansd cvidcncc olrh. cookiigoflood in dainqovcns rlong rlt Mumy Rirer md ih tiburancs. sone ofwhich is sumnarised hft. Eyre de$ribcd thc usc of he rehineB rnd menrions rhc wclland planG crers (1.?,4,,, spp. Md sinikr pl.nrt. cnnbligi (Tlpha spp). btttila toot or ma6h clnbrush fra1rd.r,2,,1 sppI s aples ord'c Mnmy ^nd (tyrc thal Rere cooked in ovens 1345 Volll:254,269): ^izom. b n.le h .liusins a . hLrnat hole n $e ebuna qf a sit tunu?a"dtn'] to ton',.h.ld n'r s fr? thc.turdn,.I.lbathLtbatud, nnde.v!r rl'e,h, sa as 1a hmr then' llto,ruqhb, d d)r rhe hole. )s eon as the lond arc ideqt k, be tu1liti L, hd, t hr is howt, otut. Jbr.l the aone: rokeh, u"t r i tr itle the notift oral anin'at 1. be tua!?d it it be a tatEe one. a Jer tares. ar a handflt aI s'as, "t at tha' sprtn* owt tha stona: in the ho .tn .'I the o\!n, or \tith thc rDitol .LPr\ite.l tE ^ sawallrtlnlerithhotla"esthi.hhadbeenkeptIarthatp,pos?,laidontopoIit hh .avt.nfi1hltus,.rl.ard,a".lthtrthitkl!.oa1cdu\n\!,nctnn6 rat h r,id lht hrd ...1J rE .pn is ft!"it?d Jbt eedrn's Joad, a p'rps p incipdttv .prtie.t k' weehla an.t s.t e kn6.Il1tils, thc rtc tu rhe \aht \"r .ennret fbh the ^ ord thdh nft vsdabt?: li?d tp ttd?lt nd6, kht| rd Eras t tlatzt v?ns .tr sp'tud in rna bt dles ate piled ar. thi: b the dt'al Farl d rhe oren rd g|as beins pld..A obot! tha auain,.1D.lttus urwcd' ohat rh!wt, atxl.a h ote at|. h1trriig thc H h the hmp, th" mtnnent ararnd ite base, srad al, fllhts i1 p*atds What "atifts ahoul nLorhn'J: roveEa ll ull tour.t thc!.l.,tc a ttorg \hary!.inkd nd i, thte or tnr .tillbrt ptoB rtEh t)t tth.le nds oj stas wed: ah.l Es?tuhtes, b the ho on aJ 1llt orst. Upon rithAa\9inE th. ink watct t patEd thrtush thN halcs thur tnark v.n thc h^rke!o,e\ bekA rhz r.r s,zrs hha 4 .k^r.l old 1ht .pntl?s dnn th. rhot? ri tc .: ,tlfid, tuver€d |p .s fasible la k r ht the lean' ... tn.oaknis trEetables, a sn'Ele aren r.itl !t11ik11)r kfte a fuh..htnnie!, each ottun E.erins rhe :un. bu .ttes olloa.r *tren loak?tl, rhi.h \1'. htd ptt i't (b,e 1315 vol tt: 239 2t t ) ara Or rl,eCentalMurry Rircrnsr Mormr. Currdesc bedovenuse inthe 1350\contadperiodl p the vona1, n\th thtn ha ls atul s.d r.r rs Jattan\: t h )at$titlJ, rrcapeJ a hoh in tha? \ns lbod thc roma, in 1a he h.ked, .lan1E so .a1e!P.4,!l1ld[o1'.L'.(,.r2n6"o!onci''1h.:?Par1, bano af n'? hate |ith than. tt d? \rt? D'd ri1h, thq qri.kb aE tr a qra jo hr titryoy \ h ther !a'Nn*\, t1r, tuturhttc htut or hqh.t Tt^. htry\ tup ob.,n tE :i.e af d D'ah : thr. rhe haftatn of n'e Ltr.te heiriE li"?d |ith the'n, a 1i'E Mr th.) n'e ^tue n'ade a the Jhe had bn"t da{t, al tett ana ., thc tE e.,r th,.w nar2 t,hvs oJ.tq 'rh?n |ete ta one side, and n'e hot enbe's to 1l'e ather. 7he hole b"niE the\t lda 1 'pnaved th6 ttared "ps oI ewlhnls deept i1s loa ks d hot htra: oI dr!, thc lr1ttt \'4 t'tw" thiah wrh etu!!, at rith leav: of d hd b Mtted pd\rotal, srun if posibte and \dt ddnp?d \i1h -.1e'1 At nth np'p lai.l, nulhi pa.*el the aninuh ot tuat to b. aoka: that tante analher roat rtE oI vet jlt?s nen the EtEin ir s turps ol hcak.t t taf, uh.] | t'.n t t'c r rni"c d,hds rhet w)e oren ture'?d {ith a strc?t d b.,+, and an top ola l)teserasa qnn iry oJ ean h l,t at hon ot tua tht.[oaa ra! tatNn ou1 rtll..oak.l d,.] c t.a lctrh, 1ar Be'endge, rhe fi6r Eu6pc.n pasroFlist to o.cupy llnd in rhe 1350s Swan Hill, demribed hos ove$ .. s.wal loDi1i.s...s?h.1 a site Jbt theh La'p, rh.z the abn"dane al suw dnd alhtl sa res allbod erjst ... the \yaares h\t,nenl so olJwilh ther !. ari.+: . th* beEn nith 4 ri b t \are a hale l u leet n' dianpta and eishlen incha d.zp Dninlt the .ltqsntE af the hat", atr pkres af .ta! ql aboul the liz aI .in*et bath whtch ur. h'he.t atr ur. atinb plaet on.,c \ittr. wh.h tr hato h^ h.a1 dts lil.jd U dpp, ir k ittpi d hru:hed. t tirh sa'n? boushs, or a bt"ch of s'as; il is then ftted ta the top rith Jift*aod ('rltich nE \yoarcs had pttti.$lr tallccted ld rhat r rap, rr.h ||hi.h t|'e seliredpi es oIda an taEitlb pk. l. rhe tnad is t!'en iEnited, and bt the tine i1is all b tne.l th. .14, nadul4 hdre bn,ne ba*a, tnril thq at stul, :rtila to nreEtnd tatio^ .1 r'21hlM1bri.k: oJa Be, thq arz'?dhot... ,alt the hd .t.f ir lnn the hate, the ashe: are ,ptttt! srtpt a t, a d a thin lqa afEns stishb'prared naisterea piatc.l a4t thc batta't, a nunrthcri.t6, t).h *hi.h rh? prtpaQn orast',s are iE\ ra*ed ond then arcred o*r rith tnok .la"p sns Tha hat .lq oAutu arc thal :pEa1l lquall! ota the t.? .1 rhe g.$ \ith ti. Jind zdlh ehi.h diEntu|, nne dn oJke *tatatia ... Bek)p the!"odt16,andn'eba on ol$e hal. hat beaft c,haut1.n thc|r a.e rh.a tL,\ttt h trhrn t,e's h.: ha' .anqlered he mvetins is sdaped ojl, d'd thh debris, turehtrtg!dshesa".!btntearth,hetunuthenudarqlublattlcllon'I.r.Thn pn..s hzi'E Epedted at shoi intatak, ors a seties oJ)uB, p.thops Jar .e"tuties, in no"rds, rhi6 oE ,vli, blatk 6<hr d bo! u bdnntr ol '?:rlb trqrnlt tla' i ev\ tiht tht .Eh k he.1ed b 'ppla.e nE u"atnidable \a e b ,Nstr he .runhliis, in can:ettt.n( oI the clr! heng $.d i' uh !,r,rtEhl sttz, it ril 'udiL, !ec" hot rtlc!?,hat ds sn.lmt\, btt i E ntture Borts bo, oJnrc a"inak ti.h th* se for Jaad, besides .ha'ua|, etc., tend ta hdien the lrto'th (Rcvryrq4 'nataiattt Morcydescribedcookrei',orensbiheLakeBenaneeaErrolhesourhr€iolBildnaldl hale n' he s,rrnd, a Jire knt.led in , a .l 'ndde heakn thrbush a thin"as t what surli.ientb t4'.t .t rn hE Euhl hlrh.hc: rr'2 plk?d o" the eones a1d the .ledned lsh a'4tllt la;d a then, and a" top aJdllathi.klqa alEun b'anches fh. ald sins knae.t tD hor'lane to tuq th. a,.n .aret?d p on.] thc.lilh canc art bertilull! c.oke.t uet \torz s?rron or aral ol bo,+ to nleit tar,:ts rr.t h.nda mefthM'?i nedi lad ...lMotq t3t3 1t03: 45 13) Tht n rito .vz" e.t J1.1 ,ru 'l'l d io Uee of Heal Rera Onrhere hr ' - n 'rit es tai.t in Mum. rd :|'alo* an ."_ Ov€n\ ror M6di ina P-eo.p" o- L'e Rveri-e Pldin be!" <*rnH ll.p: o\cn,trc'c!lou cd ror putnnaD alk.tians and fieutnten, thE ta*c u:c .'I th. \rp.t hilhx Thk th?r 1he last'ion af then avens, and the pati. x *atten pnch,tthes,te .onetu.t.fid tnamer as a jaint ahoul to be aoke.l (geva i.!:e, 1365:,4) h addirion dimp plnc lcavcs werc packcd orcr tl'c pit bodon'- atosu'n skitr doik sprcad ovci rhc lcavcs and rhe pexon pbcedon this, rnother cloakover the iop, and ernh piled oler ihe rop cloak (Bcv idsc, 1333:31) OnlheLachhn Riv*medicin.loversw{ealsousdduringchildbinh: The spe.tant tnatha ...tak6 hote(to a Kl t.l?n spal.. fhe aro ant\duA h1aFftpata sur.htr ptor 4.rjEEnte att. r?\Ened hotz nl th. sta,t, t oD u toa l to eEht.t4 nth6 deep i'i t'?.a rc, ard dharr s^Jed h.namlb'trd 7h?h.leklhd'frttedtilhlithdrith liEht, .tj'||Nd, mde ru4i b bc tEA ra., 6 the laboo ponr b.!ttn. A: v'or a: thc.fitc ^ :.1, d4 ?n{.r teov.s tfu ,' rhcr'ttot. Tht t.\ ,"'1 a"1, tit...h air dhtl 'r"btul, wnn" h tl'en pla.?d an the p'zs a d r.t2ttd ttirh a posutn q..lBawl?r tqat:tt7) " '4 UseofHerr Rerre'Ovensfo Eb@ Prepa'a o- fiotr Werlrnd Krcm dscribcs rhc prcFarulion olTlphaar',vo4Jal rhi:zon pai e rhoCcnt.lMumy, Ld\yb gcc $idurr rumps orfibrc ir,cn made inro neG Md orher dom ric anicles Thse neb lonrd 1l,e naple anicle ofban ber ed r ribesinhabiri,,crherced-bedsrndd,osepeftswr,ertio,{,r,BrlNaspndu.ed..rhepo$.siotrofotrcof thse DeB has always bccn.onsidered ro hc a son ^raund. d,c irso*nfl {Krem ll66a:r6l). up rhe Mumy rnd elseNher Iogdherli i ollonunc ro ?lprd fibre prcprEd on the Lowcr Mu ry vm hrded skin vegel$les cldaks dnd tugs, nds dnd bdsket, oilind ro bg oicbanggl lorioneax$, hardsmd, setpo.s and shields (Bemdt & Bemdr I99r: I16Il7). Beveridse d*cdbes in deraill]t prep aiionofnbrclor rqlic and cod !s.d .xtnsivcly lor lincs, bdb, carry bags.nd ncc nc.i SMn Hill 1o rhe sourb dlrhe Llwbidcee F1bflnrki,,B ro,n Typhr, nshes aM gientma or al'd iiduded lnitiare€mitrB in ovcns: Ire Kumpun! rrypha Mr?//d,4 ,rot, jtnishas nE lbre dntnn h a"ptqea ... ,fid 'koe the nat n.aaked (i1 prad es laad as reit as j)ht), it is nat dt ltp i o shatl sdio s tath ,tot rak(1 Nqdotet!, the sanl pct..r oll, o,tJ tht ttDdrlJe,, tan\n1r,!t oI hoth ^ h la up nra u knal olat beins tarEa thdn a soad sizd l!, ad ttt.:e taila atitL,!, ^ .. k. )zsi.h....rijkn r?jtdld i, th! sho?..f4 itut1 k ot olbu tfin Nhitc rov .. rar.Itttt pd.k&] .nn! ..whs'^ abatt to Nire, thes! to* 'nake *not arc ircpca n \ztu fat hzlv hat's . turd att dnd :tnpd ttith ttusel :hells .. tied up, a sDn nul hanks ita 11a\ hdnks .. are ntxted i'1a ha'd n uds The,bt? Rusl' Lthc"^1 ?tunt.lir|t $hnh ths F,rtuk .l16...[i1 tlo,e 1. the sr aa! posjble...ti?nih1abuh.116...sadkeAn'nkrlbr^?,iaho1r"dhd ^].u|a: bakc.t .tot fat, hour\ . .:..dpn1E [bJ :hctt: ... .J' ica . . ., anr th 6 lbtt tshtnlr tines 'rtNct n"d nds de ndde, ds dlro nds Jbt lakks du.ks rhe htr ...oj tEir n tha sidnt nalta*...1)bt? x ntth .aa'ser...onb .tptaled lar tnakins ren thi.* rord ... rc,+ed rp kb nds Jbr mpnrkE eh$ ... ajer th? is tukeh arr oJthe.r." it 'dltar bntised rith h.a,! ciuhs p'zriaus 1a ik tEeerution a"d s.t ri,tE the mr neb^r.I .ate ttttlanlt oD ckhlt ta one htnd.c.r tEtlt: t.,ts (Btvcti.J:tt 1339.7411). 11.1.5 Buaals and Wellands ,4 trniquc isplcl ofrhe Losbidgee and Lov{ Lachhn is rhal mrny burials e located on rhe flat plains rsay ftom any hlBh 8round Thisras li^r ioriccd by Mi.chcllin 1336btrtonlybroughr ro ofarcbrslosish i', r'r' Brulsch orrhe lta-v LALC during rlt carly satcs Hay Plain burial trorcdion Oografrmq On an anabnnch ollhc Lo{q L.chl.n i$r BooliSd. Mircherl(r$e:Jl 52) describcd a,rc*ly niscd hurirr ,nou nd otr soutr,r. which \yas clcany suhjo' 'r people riRrls buned then pcople on'o nooding. He perceprively points out ihar while the Daning River highgtuund,rh.poophonrhispdolrheLachhn uouldfindnoheishBvithin$entrirory andhrd1o A .hamdennic fonn or gmve ftum B wa os Lrhlan Rivtrjun up{'*n idycnsdF (Ox Lcy) Mirchcllnorcs: A, a.?no oI the ?latr,.bt at t\t a?ttau.h"n ie L".l oI 11o1la\!, I Ftte^.1l, ut :.,"2 tti\rd".e, / t.r"e, toneb hui.. it"zx.t.\rro, ?r.)) \, tht hutcti.rL !-,^rr1st,l poles a"d tarse :t'ee6 oI ha,+, and that it aaod in the pntt .f a rtot o1 hdt? .d1h o1 t,r rh,tr lttun .i.rE4, rhc !t.Io( \rhn rh( o,?o ha,,,E been,adeveryldel.ndtnoalh.thadlitnedabl,thatthistasatonb,...thelaot46 wilh a bed .f nshes \|hich had been recentl, oc.upie.l...thjs bed cowted a saw..jhe rushes ||ithin that nlita'f tokb, tae actudlD the hishtl| bed of sane nn thtt ettch?.l tetatire at fiend of the de.n'ed, (embdbb d bntht), dnd...the hoE th he'6] (i.e so{) arn .huded... rntil o 116h .enairc an the b.n* : 'ht) ata! (Miteliel I I 3 39 : 7A-7 I ). Mnchcll includcs a simplified pla', of the ridses md bunal hur ( ronb') ii his published sork (Mitchcll l3l9 vol IIrTl), hov*er. his derailed onginal dnwing olthe bunal hur and id€es is locared ir nr Mirchell LibEry (FiEuE ll.l). .aved SinilugBvesN e aho found near.he lowi end ofrhc Mummbidgeel snund rcat art cah1p, wl e seretal s.res, all acloseA in oI eroti, the tam Ena&ahle dolble o iiple ridsa, as thase /i^t sen on the pot oJ the Iahtan rhere wre three of these pa e.res aI ,ihg dte and wn. or one, etiAenn! ke uo! E@t, the asha aJa trt aweared avet the srdre. Ai anather, thi.h cohlained tuo sa$, (one af a smlt .hild) loEs of *Nd hitc.t rith |ory s'a$ wrc hnttr piled, lransversel): a"d in the thit l, rhi.h rot to . .iut thdt the dclosi,,E vee batel! rhible, the etuE had sth* into . s'asr' tollo* I rnd^laod InD the viao|| thal luch tanbs wre hade lb.nen anl boys orl, ad that th?.rl,es.ra lhe n af the pas.r, heN ains.Ithe hrt, rhith t.d bm bltb1 d abdndoned, al a the 'tudet n t'oe bodf nDs btrien bdealh, had ben awnued (Mikh.ll I339:37-33 ) On the rkins ln 1346 Robinson ee rh@ similar gnvcs wih $frh i',ss and hds ar Tala Lake on rhe tnwbidgcc ridses, h * hut tv fu hiEh, to,t t@1 Gnre... t. h ctut oftake...d.iebt sra\E, 'ajsed insida, \Dod?n shield ... visited seand s.aE .. md. fide nade aI bork atul db.t. haloe in tade tuhm b,t ko ba,+ t,t dl! ald *aad laid an s'aw ... [,lnathet] ,lhcid srdv... Figuro fi.1: Mirchel s 1336 Skerch ot a Bdiaron th€ Low6r Lachran (Mnch3n Lbrary Picrurc File DG -A6) '-fi1 ar rara 16k6, Lowb ds$ (cra'k 2 ,:] J. u 7?:23=== Fiqurc 11 3, Fiqu€ 11 Kefir'. i 3s6-7 .4. Womsn rn waierc M.uhlnq, Barranard, d Munlmblds€ (M[.h3n L Muiiuhbido.a Hrvar, 1360 (B6ck€r ln nppino 197s) tary Krelftt 1356-57 wareEolou ol No swes on Hanihon s $didn. lo*er Mudmbidge tulq, shoss No blrid huh composed of reeds plrced on a nound and suroundcd by ! ren.e of bmn.hes (Figure lrj). rrem (1366:361) .omen.s thai thc h!6 were mlde fiom btrk tudh up rhe Mumy,6ur reeds rplaced bark near the Mummbidsee jundion. and tu her doM lhe Murmy lhc rccd huts $m cncloscd with neb. A second *lercolour shows a substanriol rccd hur wptcd in 5 ner (Mirchell LibEry PDx9 l 23). Becker's 1360painlin! olwomcn in moumirs ar Bal rmald indicates rhal hdniom| buda| Dicricas conrinued ro be caded out into 1ne hisroric period (Figurc I L4). 11.1.6 Paths and Wellands P hs were subdantial pnanh! physhal feotuu refl@ting rhc large populario' on the Lowr Lachlan and ln*bidgeo, also inscdbing lhc landscapc wiih neanins. whilenndine litdeindicdion ofpedplc on the mid to upper Mummbidgee, rs he approachcd rhc Muflmbidgee-hchlujumtion, ston 0313:74) cdmmens fion tho nunbo and size of rhe p{lN rhar led from the nver, in urious dnedions acs$ rhe plain, I ws led to conclude, rhar. ot cenain seasons. i! is heft.bouts nunesusly frcquonied'. Miichcll (1339 Vol Il: 30-31) lives a similar dNcnption 6 he spprcached ihe Mumnbidgee f,achlanjuncrion lSl6j whatever reeds or polygonuD DiShr bE outidc, a.cdain sr!.c alonB lrom rhcLowcrLachlan the river, Nas almoi everywherc cled, pbbably lrcn ils consrant occuFtion by rhe Mtiv*'. Fudher i' membs ofhisporry rollowedthenativepath.unrilrheycametoabedofafinelake, and they ner some ndive who rold rhcm rhat rhc mme of ir ws wercnbr' (Milchell 1339 Vol ll:32). Thh is rowknon 6 Paika Lake. Ned Svan HiU on the Mufty River rhc fi 6r paslomlns cornented that in 3 46; The Ii^1 indicarion ee sa* o f bla.ks $s loorpalh s which rhey mrde going up and doM lh. rile$ide (Kirby 1395,23) Poths mapped oul the landscape and linked lhe significa.ielensbi rhe! wet also lavtulordesi$aled{ays rd move around wilhour oficnding. dolrdrean aboui rwo l[lf a nile acns, 1 11.1.7 Wel6. Dams, Fish TEps and Weuands An an.Nrml $ory dcsclibes rh. origin of r $one feature in Mummbidse ju$ belorv B.ldnald, rhis hls also been Ecorded thoush oral hkto.t d a fish tap suegering somc ocks hNe been placed delibesrely. The pholo below h ol rhc Balnmld nsh hps bken 5y clen Monh in 1974, infotunb {crc Mr Alf Kclly senior and Mrs Alice r€ly. Ms r€ly rdenbeied lhar h$ aarh$ ond Crandlaiher hrd raks fish aron lhc ocks, {hich fo6ed s seni-circle asos theriver(AHIMS 47 6-l). Fqurc 1r.5Th€ Ba anald Fish lraps and Story Plac6 (Pholo lakon by Glen Moris n 1974) Thc LoNbidecc/LoNcr Lachlan is mo$ly \ii.hou! (w ftqtriBd lor lhe descriFons 3f of $ak. or brush lishnraps or channek. These nnctuEs opented os lzrer nn back into rherivera rnps, bur n'os *ny connndior olsone fish in .reeks and \cns On the Mrtdf ata Munltnhi.lEd nuntbeB af wns n !tu.t.d el s.plihEs vrr h,ih hcriac the t^et bark atns blin.l:1 ia, on openins beins lqtr abo t rhe ntiddle, thtatsh *hi.h \ht"th.r(trtur\t\'tlchbrt!o\)iolthenelt,rs:na$orth.rn rh.lisll "tai,s lil l rEt. : fie .thzne havi s beins .losed, t h4l a ld he easi\ tdp nea (nkKa inro th. Ktby(139415)dcsribcs!h!Wcnbawcnbapsplcnakingfenccsor\rnsinrhecreeksonlheMunry River floodplain neer Sran Hill,jus ro rh. south ofrhc Lnrvbidecc: !fcnccado$rhcscch.nnolsolrhin $icks $uck uprighr.nd closc enoush roprevcnr the fish loine t hmulh, but lcavins r sprce ar one rde M osncd such coNrucrc'l irlldtruclurc 'llshing wcin on (he numstu s .hainds shich conduclcd ihe flood waters back inio rhe Mumy wcr olncd by indiliduah, a|d dsccndcd ro thcir h.i6' (Cuii ls33:lll)Hobler(1992:116)dsoibcdAboiginaltcoplcfishinBwi.hnctsel.aoscreeksinls456 at Nap Nlp on $e f,owbidged Perch cauChr by our favounrc narivc rho rakcs lhcn in lrg! qunrirics in rhs crcsks up *l,ich thc flood *atsnns by R inga ner asos . DscnprionsofefihendamsaEfoundinthee y lirentuEonly,a,ely, bur this nay rcfl{r the lscr rhar rch ssson an'l cvcn ilscm by rhc carlics whiro comme droB,lhey mry nol havebeen re.osnised. Dams may hare been usd to p reveni n ood\yne 6 fto'n flowiisb&k r o rhc Muray Riv$ (BcvcridSc 1339, Knby 1394:35), rhus creding lighly produdile anilicial ssrmp {osynems. St'n de$ribes a drm condnLcted on thc lower Da inER thcy htdfrlde a \on. rhtuugh thcboughsofrhich rbe renrMs nnnins likca sluicei 6ut the tunli pmsrcs of rhe floods ws sopncd by a bank rhot h!,1bccn erudually rhiown up alh{an de chrnnel' Middens rre commonly ibnnd on river kvcsj bur rho o.cur !rcund lakcs and billabones. MiddeDs contiin!vidcn.coluseofsltllfish.btrralsoconlainevidenceollidi,yabbieserc.Mitchcllds.nbcshow peopLc due musels onr olrhc dry beds olLrke and rlf Lowcr Lachlan Rilq by digsing do{n 10mu$clssunivinsinrsandyirdtrm.probrblyashallosaquil (Mirchell(13r9volI1,66) Robitson dscribe psople fishi.s aDd coLlerin! mtrsek ar Tala L*e, LoN6idgee. nr 13a6. ard drew r pictore ('isht) of r lakc mu$cl as hc srv rhd n w.s diffiren|o rhe iver mu$e1 (clark Ru.h.n Tah .de:.end"d thc totp ro a kt'E! uhp .h bunh, vnt rh'rnqh aba t 340 nd^es altaEether ten, rinen a d.hildrtn, btatk: p,Ee. said tona' fsfit'E ttuphr... lctotk 2o0a:3 1) 2) lar s|'?tk a,e LtE? tott Morcy demribs lcoplc fish,i8ar Llkc B.nancc: Ir ola dr\ it nr\ a ttut)' riqht k' ranh the blu.k Ishhls o 1 a" rhe la*e i,t ntei' ba k u,oes I hat? san d deer ar nn,e at a tiD'e helpitlE 1. drM t1,. nd bt.'ttx t.t1.1, roturnn$ fith !!ao.l t \th b"t urtdll! rith poot ,en .n ... Equalb ftiniliE \2'e the lshjrEnds ard hh.:, n'zs. hrit'e hlodeltuh thc ledsafaquoticptant:, kasdt out d"tl iten .hewd b nrc *a p !"ril pli.tbl. .hd lt la h , o . ..dtr. t. to l.ok dr, hi qtit! inr€ c"otgh b ,atl arr^tkktt tl"n?! ca.l \2ijlhns up b .isl d tcn po nds. Ihe haDk \as . Jhh hah? harblE L itir.htz horh, ohtt tnh ntueh al?liance: l ha,. nzl.htd th.n fdtthl efstt . tMor+ t8* 1ea8:.1011 t l' i I'Bo'a Marl,ess Hay nqs o (lli97:ll5 7) Ce el o-i"lEd'1h RJs. dcsribs,i ! ccrcmoiy rhar lvas hcld on rhc Mumrnbidgcc Rivd bclwcen .irrse ,ins viih a \aiscd canLctr cDb$k,ncia Ar tcls onc dcrail d carurhool, ryhich urilised r dnd W-ll€nd. Borr nnss dc $ill in crisr.ncc 1n tlt Hsy arca (AHIMS). Bom nngs m .lso i33o.i.r.d wirh *cllmds b.crusc olrhc nc.i ro lccd a la'se number olpeople for rbe dnnlion of.crcnoilcs, end .lso bc.ausc psplc dcndcd su.h ceremonies lrom dh1an. arc6 and thq, tended to tmvel elong iven complex of 11110 Anifici.l wd.r sourccs cxr.ndcd thc nnec rhd people.ould urilise or.hs hng.b oftinc atr ephenenl wcrlrid *ith p ennial phnB surh .s Typha or llgnun s*anps snh neiing 6ids could be urilivd Prrdoe and Mrdin (2001) dcsqibc a Bn$kable series of ovens and two snill mounds and anc&ct scrtre* locarcd in on ffea or tlat red plains south casr ol Hdy ind ncm an cxqavlrcd rcscnon dn cLcvcrly.eughr rhe nr offfrom a slilhr slope in lhe counrry. AlIho!8h panly filled in nov ir is definitely nan mide.nd dopcnds on rhc slishilyslopins hrrd red soilfor runoft Thc high dcnslry or'rchseoloCical n!.qial ridicates rhar d,is leature besm life ts .n bonginal wrter rsenoir Jrn Klarer ftcordcd r si'nilar feature 15 km sourh ol Hay. Thh s4€esrs thd iveift plains nay have a uiiqlo ltpe ol con$rud.d lands.ape ieatuE focusinE on the cxcavdrion oflaqc waro rcscfloi's ro cath minMter nno f lron hisher had red counlry In 13.4i 46lloblerat Nap NapSklion noled rhar to thc nonh or I he Mu.unbidgee River, rhe inh.bir.n$ of thc exrensivc plains...dccpcn rhc hollos places in rhe Li8ntrm pl.iis, and dcpcnd rhogcrher or surlace \yaref (Hohler 1992,391). whilD livine on the mnhen side olrle Lostr La.hla. in Nliyrmpdi wirh snrll ranks.lhrt rhcy hu$ hdve cxcavarcd thiifinirc comlry, Cancrcn ( 1905:5) frtquetrrly labour, as the tooh 11.1.r 'r 'nervery bidly suned lorrhcpurposc'. rheir coDnnrnd wtre 1 A signilicant ca.cgory oftee \.ulpri',! is locrllycallcd nnskeJ.Twobrui.hcsorayouistce\Yere ft e ftes were rcd iiro a ci'ctrlrr knot rhar rcmained as a dinindivc 'ring' 6 th pRviously reod.d oi rhc MurruDbidsee Rirer.lnd are e !o frark bound ics orsnall lrnd osnins FouDs o' pstiular evenb such rs bnft of a .hild (H!y Lo.rl Aborisiml Lard Council) lhk suRcy extended the knorn dhlnbullon of ri',s trees ro borh rhe Lo$bidsee disrnbukry {ecks an'l Loscr scmed tccs incLLdins canoe .Ecs arc sill a si8iificani cultunl feetorc alon! the Mtrnnbidgcc aid rrwerLdchl.n Rivc^aid rhc Lorbidsee. Mrnylres had bark renorcd lor.hcdryiiSorposu'n skins. lndrordthcsaDdshields.Thusintherc.s.long.hc vcspoplccould rcrd rbc tccs whi.h infomed pcoplc abour llnd rcnuq sctiviries md resources. This suRey confimsd thar sorcd tccs rrc nsually sellands such N creeks, ssamps eid hoth open \ard rnd shallo* likss. Erhnoemphic elidence suggcss rhlr rccs rvirh dHight berd rnd balk lor c.nocs wcrc cumrcd etrd ree t hat had a bdd i n i^.utk oI the |nptt 4t pt rtt? to i,tjt z lha1 *as hishb pti:!J, ana ila,r t,Ilhe dnr s," 1 "ihz rm^h.a h, d.orh Gnry 18t1:1,15). Morey deKri6s nrkinsolcaroes d Lrke lor,"dkihE d.a'oe af ia ba* thq auid, {tatnJ ott b. "ee, Bsnancc tuna6 eeE ol ha*, iripped Inn ldtEc eun ,!6 h"vil's !'rt bend i't t|'e hltn* thal EaE tl€:he.t afbaft thc ncccrro,)j ctr^t '1hot|, ehds: this *as ]ttrtlh pltutd on the E n hd d"d nicks ptt hside to kcrp ke b + I'rn .ttdhe bgdtrt)1 and .1h?^ la rrcp tP I'e e ds r iE ru: lotkrnes bt l k, stlopt th? hrtk into taroe la,ln L \as o liltht iob ta tuk u.iro. unh thr rrinitiE ea e la tdh.r'k, ot ta .ut a pasva, fun 4 hatton innhdkke.. d t'e sil afa" iratanenas vD hishb P.iett uh.t n.x a Jbr siqndl vn ia palurul a h, endrksc.od till... (Mats t3t3 19U.14-41.) '? Thz ,4 nngs ofolhsr rtpcs or sca6 rcsulrs iiom shiclds bk for hnh 5nd bulh] Ar)ans these h ibes tu:e|: .[at tanlrns lu'npsans n h?e: (ED1.n Gihht. ft nDkin! of docp and shlllow dishcs or'coolrmonJ, \akr *p '1d. htud. liin, hdtk, rh ipped lranr iE tLt .1kelbunddianalwdznsesdd.t ) 1.1 ... hta ki r.Ishi.Ll: \t!'! tuAc, orc htra.t,l.r P,rr24i.h ugLnrt sr?r5, ntule ott.f rcif thi.k hark sth driel dhd E1! knd, the .r l'?r nade out aJ toad, pD ato\ pdht .lose lishrins rith .lrbs ar '"ulla. n1.: (hnd1 G'ibble Atou l althelarndatian at Olhsr sc.6 mcthc rcsuhofsca(hine ror po$u'ns, eoemas snd brls natte v.ul.] .tuuiL tr Eu .L!.lot tc.2n1 s.rat.h6 a lhe bark br asendj E pos rhen *ith hj: tomha*, h. wotu 'nade atutd, anhtq smil lefs in nte batkjlrt ^: tapulhxlaestnto R.achinlt th. ho ov he woukt e'u n ine lhe !n, atc I.' ,ace: aI thc r,at rhttc trr! t<t .."si! aj lut utthttihE Opavut : vet nutte,LK anl e ) to t9t. ,1 " tathttttgc\olthcholo\iHew"ltlrl'?nttnherl'?holot!tilh.lonq$it.huhemld qf ruth the boda'n the hollav he w"l.l ba ab le ta Ltl i.l th! annrul | 6 "at hoDc " Thal tatu,e tte ottt i.t. oI the,"a b li"tt ri a1d al k" ho t ht hr tre nt"d, h? w td n'n eh, dnd itr? iriE his ha d dtat ort br the less and tail the hne a i,nal, dnd killitg n leEh\i or b| bu"lttnlt n: hca.t igan^t the tec, Aot ir to tht g,.rhtt t h.rt seeh 6 h"t ^ tt'rlf..uchli'ilhknaD,tntE.'nothihz\huhl(Etre G'ibhte,4rou tafthelarndaia And nom Oxley\ expedilion: suru, tnlaAal the ha^!' un.] ?n.he.l the 10 , r hen vJde .1 .rt tt.ttc tti\t b1tn, . mrhtbt hr ha he, 6 .l d n lie wilh his hdt.h?r Mtl oilq- ||ith rom af atr ltte ha'l hctrtt people wd ia\atds the spot rhene a,t ehu,lph1c"t - urn dh..Erzd the hallot ,ank. ni *hi.h t!'e liile .,'nnal the Hay Phin(radoe & Manin 2001), and Alet a ti'ne, fia' t taqta .tala,nil.tront I op^flht had laken reiEe ras rcmoved ro lrtt its l'h pn\ns (Cn it: kt4hdt ards Riveron the sounrc., cdsc cov{1he bodies: ol h6e pa E!: th. sEtt, w6 itippedtrLn dtdedfor (Ctt bark so ndprcteerled abo a t( aI yiel had su bsided d sher oI batk, nnrer ldtE.t tha ntiEhboutn!! tu an.t Pkul ove, tht t e tart in a ratt\hu1 1833: 311 313) R€alionshps b€rw€an Tl6Te l. of.LrF Co-slrJct€d Ld dscrpe Thc con$rudcd fcaturcs dc$ribcd abovc fomcd rclsonshi|'s th3r rho .o'nmunicarcd infonmrion sbout rhc l.ndsclps. The clomenh coisddcd fion canh, including ovcn nounds, buialfroundsand canh riigs, rhc Frhs, rh. boE rings $d {ulprufti rhe nscnons. ,nd p rclrted by a comnor m erirl rnd tft My thc mrrerial h nouldcd or sulpicd. Thcse leatuEs are rll nadc by rhc cxcavlton orcanl fo'n rhc letrd and dclibcnrc sl'rpirg 3nd packi"B dosn (Manir 2006) Erhnocmphy indicrtes thar soD,eoftlBe llaruEs sere DDde by nen (6ora ringt, sone nry have been a jdinr lfaon (budal$, Md orh.n madc by rhc cffons of Noncn (houndt. Knby (1395:76) dcsfibcs a SouI olsonctr linishln8orrhccadhwo*sonrbunaloi rhe Mu@y ncarSwatr Hill:-"hci rhc gmvc k finished the lubras will*dk orshufie overir *nh rhcir fed rogerb*as dosely ir po$ibh rnd rhey wcrc aho in cbargcofsrccprngthc!rca cvcry dly and nspotiiS it ror rEqks. Thc con$dd.d lmdsapc \s composcd by addin8 oncchnc Io anorhq (Manin 2006), forcxonplc a subnandal palhRry leads 1o rhe hur locrred wirhin the 3 budal ndses in Robinson\ dnRing (fi8ure l l.2) Mirchlll d$c bNaburial wi.h dgcsbuihonlopolan ashhill ormound: its unpte y ae heDta\..] h, ettt, at \z^ irt r^ible the ahqes oI a thd I het.hrarcd lottb, nurthetttndiotdthe La.hldn'tt.tti.1q^ a d th. Mnrar"bidse. (Mitchell the tohc k 1339 vol ll: 119). Both the rrchaeology and dhnograpby demonirde thaibe lerrures described rbove wse concenrnred around scrlands aid rhar rhcs. coi$rud.d lcaorcs to8crhq wirb rh. naNnl f.aturcs wirh ancc$nl nories fomed a cul{unl landscape Ms rhd inscnbed rh neanins and ncmoryi md wN toietucrcd, coi..prualnd and so.ialGcd' (Manin 2006) $ft 11.2 The Storied L dscapes Linking anccstrd stories to the Cultural Valucs ofWetlands Thernc*rmlioricsinfominJncdlydbo rhcsocill.o cxtorrhcarqhrcolosicalmarerialardoneran expLandioi otl.ndscal)c lnd imlonont rcrturs They desribe lol lrndsapes sucl, m rhe rced beds a'd thc tc.h$ plrirscrnc ido beins. rnd su.h as rocky brrs i. rbe rivd.nd rh. sh.pc ollakcs. Bur they aho hnmrnhe ihe lardscape rnd provide conrinuit) bdlvccn anc.eo6, aid rodey\ occuprnk (Largron 2002).1hcy providc ol rlt qay psdph oondcd ro rhe laMscape and to each orhcr. Thcse nories exphin rhs inpdnanr ldnd$ipc .hanclcristics and acdurcs olrheLoser Lacl,lM rnd Low(Munfrbldgcc. Thcy ralk abour rhc noods. the rccds. svamps,lasoons. b illrbo nss, dc.p vricrholes, dE yrm plains. the reeles phins, rhe bar d Balranald, lnd thcshanc olYarsa Lrke nre), also rell howrhesbr] bsine! crcdcd rhc landsepcs ror rl'e descendant. and lold rhem ho\vro look aftq.hccountryaid one anoiher by protcrinskin and sharins*nh kin. Thc words rnd phases, niough tmnslarcd iDro a dificBn! languigo and culrurc, ncvcnhclc$ conD ecl ions psplo havc silh rhc lan'ls apc. fin1iory. Ho{ rhc makcs rh! REds sos'a/irha Ynhr non dr Lower Lrchlan),lhe Naikcln qar. crlh rhc floods rnd summer sr.mrh tlN lmrins the rccds, funh( hclping thc rclds sroR by sRrching lhcn {ith hn bilLLcovlng rhc.oiih ii the !ens asr sisn olhis carirg for coumry and rh. ncople (Marhess 1903). Thn sis.rh rhc imponrncc pla.ed o' rhe rced bcds by rhosc rh.r tokl rh! {ory nre happy calk oflhc c.i.e invokc rhc elling d0! ofai.$!os Nh$ rhc Rivtr r,i hish nood i" rhc sun'nc norths. rnd dr Rare,s spread out on eirherside orerrhe lo*-lying l.nds and $vanps. scit by nrm b gror r Reds This iory invircs cngagcncm an'l ai itr$iptioi orthe sensei such $ ln thc a sound, smcll, *!m!h, !s dimcnsiotr orplacc making. and the visMl mnrcr than nakrirl'ronumsn.s (Lrnslon 2002:25,1). tieiscs olrccds and tl,e c'anc. oflhs Pllins (warhi wsth/M h1 Mad,i/Nrd Nari fron oicitr orrh. last teeles plri'N. rt riiq,ri rhe ha$t sent r whiiy*ind ro scattr dr soLe fire rlrt Raler rar and.odfish had bccn sclfishLy kepiig!o lhcmsclvF Thc fiE {aned itr thc rucd bcds ad slrcad to dr rl,etr lorcncd plrins, buming a1l rlt tEs (Cameron 1335J63). Thc .eclss plains themselvs arc a n,emoiaLro rbe hask whd rh. dc$cndan$ rhc conrolorfirc. and rhk hremlmbstod by rhc Srallon iamcs KsiKcn, Old Ker Kerird Kei Ersor the sourhenedseol 'Ilou rbe rcople gor Fne rnd Origin rh! Hdy lxplains rhc ft nory Burads of rhc Ctuar Y.m I'hinl (wcmba wcmb'), thc srcat Fm plritrc wcrc madc safc lvo young bustrds who rhcn flcw up inro rlr sky and bccrmc $rn. They did rhh so $enpeople .ould tLcd salcly on rft dcli.ious milky yams. and aE rememb{d by ths i!ft rh.r poim to rltr Soudrm (,.1.,.n, ,?,rrrlz) B evendge 1365 23 24). Cro$, and by rhc rnBnncc or rh c 'nyall In rhr'ThcNbkcci Cnne andrhe cms'noryGota Yora from Moamr on rhc$ois sho renr ro dE lagoons. billabongs ff svamps 1o gcl ntr$ch.ornayfish or ro dl8 ror)!/rdr. r Dlatrr w h' rubqlilcasmall run,ip thctotom. wcrc bcing ticked and killed by the Nankeen. Ths Ctu* fr.dc thc lrsoons. billabongs and semps safe by spernng theN.nkucn, $lLlbcscctr lishlng ror ciayfish in these aRas using rb.long Llrhcn on rhc bock ofhr head rhat rep'es 1he cmw.s ji! sp (J E Miller liom AllMorgrn 1905). a tisli h'p. srories explain rhe onlin ofrso lanJscap.lcdlu sncar Balnnald, rhc rcckl btr thar n 'lso a.d rhcshipcofYang! Lakc, Lvhich isrhchomcofrhcan.stalErslcl,Nvk lnd,c Origi'ollheBrin rhc Mulrufrbidge Rivcr n Brlmnald' la w hiwatli ioryl a lo* btr rcms rhc bcd oflhc Mommbidge! River, risiblc only whcn thc $rc!ft is loN. *$ rorned rmm rhe bodies olsnallboyr rhal *crcdrclNd (Mrd'e$ le03) ln by lhc ( ElglchaNk rt Lrke YanEa nory (M.l'r ,Udrl'i7,/,rri ,t/d/rt) is r veaion of rhc Eaglehr$t rnd Crcw nory.In rhh rhc E.glchllk luiish$ rhc Cro$ rorbreakiis la$ by bun,i',s him, ard rhcn spcmiieand drcwnnshim nrcnw rcturncd as r bid, ere* fearheBard Msblark. his syc: we,c whirc iiom dr oke olihe fire. This happened d a sm,'ll like bdwc.n rh. wakool 3id YaiCa L.k., Bakanakl. fic Eaglchrrk nscd to ca'np itr a huge Ire by Yrngr f,ake, md ois a rhild itutu c crrps rhe,e. fle pur rhechild hilh up in rhe rEc. h r6! child \^ rc$ucd by {hc Brc\n Trcc Crcqr$ \ o dropped his lirc iick inlorhcpipcofrhcrtoc.Thc rrccbumrdoL!traid rcll i',b rhc lrkc. aDd isnor scln ds thc ridgc rhd drvdcs rhc lakc itr lwo whd thcwdu n low(H cus l97l:ll7). EigleL vk.nd 'thc Crow noncs arc usuall)' confined ctus, mJ cxplain ies rpreseNcd by rhc sy Elglcha*k livins meaningto m,jorkidscapc rcsturs (Mariin I999a). Yanga Lako.nd rhs likc noar Kyalit mc monumen6 crealed by th*e aNenos rha! synbolise rhe sivins ollaRs ard doms ro rhe de(cndrnt, in rhis crsc ihc Doic!cs !n,t kinship nnd lhe 1rj rhe moiery and kinship em. m \ye11as Language aDd WetlaDds hdilional relarionships \yilh serlrndsrho comes fon lanBuoBc so!rccs lncluding nanss Yirha Yirha placc names from rh Boolisalindic edd ihe deep \ure$ole\ in thc rivs vcrc occupicd by lhc-Bunyip'orsiibo*serDc : Evidsncc lor peoplct cunmrly uscd lhc. rendn ceha" tn r\prh rhetaheetih, a tdtnr nanrel th. Buryip: unp at hatk wdk. Thc ,unk al o ac.p vatefiole ii th. Ld.hla \.he,e rhe c.,tnr!"aak ,1o' jttt canus, a natia an'el catd tyatet ...o|d d4r) \1 ?r hatt i,, Rnu tutis,.Iktruitbo\|saptntl (t on 1903:206) rhc rhree *ords conrain rhe sa e rod ibr mld/dep (drz,s/sar!,), and ,,,r' [,s,1] ns.ns \.cr in Yirh. Yi!h!. Hoblsr, the fid pdonlhral Nap Nap on rhe LosbidEee. rcords i'r r3,r7 ihar rhe Bunyip' or'*rrl?/i?hasbcci sccn...nca h.largcrod bsds. .rherc is now I sli!ht flood inthc Lachhn rnd n the is po$i6k ir has come onr olsone ofdrc sarerhohs rnd rakci ro rhc ral8c red bcdJ (HobLer 1992:332) A dEw'ng orihc *t. /,rn by an Aboriein.l fsm rLe Lachlin Mrn'nbidsee junclion wN like aD imncns tunh l0 recr long $hich rhey sry rrkes ltherl by rcd and cab [!hcn]...1here is one in 'hc Paik! Lake(Hoblq 1992:360) Thclrrslr,rrisrhelifeforeorsourceolwarer.f*red,powcrtut_bu. resp*td md deep Mrei,oles \,fterprrca.hcd coftccny and accoding ro prcsfibcd nles Hoblsconld ior undcd.aid thh..nd Ms rlwryr on rhe look onl lor'Burlip skeletons (lloblcr l992rll5), nor unde,nDdi"s rhat the niibow scryc canior di! and lhar poplo's $orier rbour being ealer verc an dlcmpr 1o explain ro hi'n thrr rhcy had b lollow rhe rules or rould bc li dccp rrcublc ilrhcy s\.m or lished ii' rhewis nlacc ar thc rnng !im. or sirh rhs wrong pcopk, such rs Hoblcr shosc $nnscrs smell *otrld upfr lhe ninbow serrenr (see Menri e000) ror e dt.ussion). Hoblcls dcsciplion and rbe nlacc namcs lhrcd abolc ci.blc trs ro r*onirucr a 1irr1e bn aboui ho\y people percciv. w.nand hndscrpes as the pmonificrrion ol carion bcings. etrd how rulcs shapcd rhcir rclarionship wilh rhe A nemc lor rhc Oxlcy mca rcuodd by Mithcll {1319:701. Bid}c. word for warcr, in rhis crse il has maybclclaicdlolhciamcseondpanoflhcnantMmLn6jd!ee.shich 'Mar'rao'n b?e jt At timcs (or ofren) has ovclnown, o umcd asidc' (Richmds t902b: 136t. The *ord Kalyrrnowused lorlhe KalymSCA and Nrional Prrk ahoconsi',s rhc word lor !d$, in rhhcasc rhc Anorher place name found in rhe projcd rrca rhar dNcnbcs worlmds is the name ollhe Grcar cumbuns s{afrp, Bhirh comes dirccrl} ion rhe Kulin lansuaees (we'nba wcmba, Mathi Mllhi, N.n Nad elc.) (Sronc 1911:a&.a45.), indic.ring rbd in rhe cany paionl period rhe Nord for ll,pr, semp conoined large amourh ofTypha as vcn as rhc co'n'notr rccd or Phragmi.cs. Th. n.toc h. Lrke !lmo$ d.iinircly .oncs lrom rhe Drme ol the laneurse group of d,c oxhy arca, thc Ylha Ynh!, somerines spell ro la in eany recordi,rss Tllf is tror rhc r€dirioiat pt.cs nane, recorded by Milcbel], bu{ lcarcs!h! lntn$ionlhar rhc *as a rigniri.anr caDrpins phce orrbe Yirhe Yirho pcopt. d somu ie t!,,r,e timc i" rhc ll.4 cr yhistorictsiod Wetland Lnndscape as ldentity Robiison lndi.!!.s rh.r in 1346 on oDe ieveL tbe Feople verc na'ned by rlr rypc orLvcrlord or ionwdlard counrry rhe]' lived on, and he nrkes s disridion bcrwccn .hosc th.r li*d in the reed beds. rhe olciwa!(lakcs-and\dodlinds.WbilcarTalaLakeontheLowbidgeeheiotedrh : Utonsu bla.ks D'ear reed bla.*:. tibnl ne"s th. bootkr.":1 black, na 'E nrnsu"E atz the fte.! natiw!. MEI ate tho:e bel.,tgi1q b tht htdh \ra b.ohcture thc lake hqtitt:oftletic' ttl tlzte wane(Cld t200av.l5:rt) keAs... $. the 'Eunutrsunscnds\dthsd,s.n,ewembawembrwordforreeds(Slorel9ll:,1.l4),andpmbablyrhe name lor reeds in rhe relded lmgtrages MtrrhiMtrrhi.nd N.ri Nan lrom rhc NN pdccivcd thal thosc of.hc Ndy .ountry and .ou ry rvithoui reeds lired differmly Mlsll (or Bde) n rhe common namc for ,.?.i, ?9,r,/,, rhich lrovs on rho Hiy Pldits (Poncnss 1993:51). Tbr'l.kc ndircs'boloigcd ro tho opon $.rorlakcs su.h as Yanga ond Talr, no! lhc rccdy suml)s Curdcscibcs i simil.rdivision ifrones lhe Baigdlng lYoro Yo!a)on lhc Mutra! RivqncarEchuo, ro thc sourh ollhc Hay Plain. Hc sugecss thc lan8ulgceouD sas dilided into so soups accordinero rhe lype ofcountry rhey occqied and th.r this influenced rhc lood and lils$ylc olrhc pcoplD, rhc rDd bqlpcoplc liringa frorc sedcntary llfcl stuions tnlu \hn+ RarycaDE i4 .]ide.t Th? Tat..dntuh w aposkn h linspapie,\'hilst the Vonsatpan livedthieJDa"lih and'nots. Th. principal hob at olth. wanEi@aD na: the tt nu, whith (ot ,v\) o @4' hi6,blit ^1t, dt!ta ^ t..otiq. rhreepl,oftteitlb../ti:1eti'|srhabudae.liha|setdo'nlelthebatks afiheMt,lqadth?sa,npsandttedbedsafitsinttedkteri.niiDlcu,1 l333:1At-lII). li idenrified rhenklres by mDi"s rhe Ngiyanpaacountry ro th. nonh ofrhc tnrvo rjchlan River, r then courrry. rnd could be rddresed 6y ihe namcofan'nenimponanr sMnpl sya'nps Ltr\, .n ?d dsdiasaJsnnps allaJthi.hrrutdbeadjaa ia on! another He rhoutd'rdn th.r'run6 as hc .aw aDto the tcr,toiiol E,.unJ arn ht hisht ro1,ltilnd be a.ldr's.d t^ the ane af n'? ,noe itrran a one(Be.ket te5e, Rad.liJle Bnr'r 1e)3:1)4) l1.s ManagingWcflands Erhnohisrorical rnd rrchaeololical evidence indicates tLdpeopleon rhc Low( Lrchkn and Lorbidsee also danaged rhe planG and aninals lound in rdland cnvnonmcnrs, thus inro'lucinB lnorl'd lry$ or relrtiotrships wilh rhe cultural landscape (Mrnin 2006) M.ny srhnogiiphic sorccs dc$ribc Dpr, Gumbungi) rhizom. as a majorlrovldq or rood rid frbrc oi rhe RER end ns dburrries to the soufi On his 1316 r p dosn rbc Lover La.hlar rnd Lower Mumnbidlee ror rood and nbrc Rivns, Mirchcll rccords rhc impodancc or lagoons and lMmps A.cording to Mirchell. mounds. cooking ol rhizomes, hish pdDuldion densily ind rted bsds.rc synonynoN: Ij,/', 4r'r.,e q tie oJ d t.'\? .r b 1,1rh, thith stet h d lD' 'i.r '?ul l$aa ha'd br and b shadrs ne har the nalfies e\ a.ted fun t)te rhinn a qudntin ol sh .n; . , nn& nc that trr Etttcn dii.h thq .a Bttysn, nN ba the itall!,fhlc torh. hibc! inhohitihE1t1c hon6pt, rhe'? h rrti. nad:afhrn. bekssw)? D'atr abrtuJant rhan at at! ?u .I t ht Lthlo, t hor I hu.t v,s r..t ( M th.x t 3 l 9 tt l II : 5 3) fhe ?tinceat laot ql rh6a nfiahttanb of rhe Kala'c .t Lothlh oprtut!.r b he td\.h , th n1bantu,.\.lMd eored o1. nb omrtl?da"o$ pl."r ar btl,ash, s'ayit'E ana ca thc Thc na/nu ltant' tht a,o^ d,a an! thtD aD thln hetut\ in Etuut Lr,tthx, irhk.pi.i.lre| ... 1d..2|hk wr ohi.usb t'eir thi.f laod dnonE th? tna8hes Yoi tt : 60 6 I )! tolb Drotn.r: oI bu.nt ttq', .t tut tht tr^1 tj th.:e h.aps, n a' htut rh. d"t af the .hdt.d?r afihe l.6t rt ! t iownq, rlohs tt L.thtdh, n err rl'k riEr p.'1.ok oJ n,e '??at Mtt rnlbidsee. 1u dsitaad ntat the Bdl.yan ar bultrch tual,*h;,.h h the.ltiellbod oIthe ,ativs that, n pk"a&/ in thos. kitn:, ''htn ala tib o..tbc a'c taEcthet (Mk+ttt, t33e (ttil.hell t 339 nr ftedbedson the Mumy ro ,??ds rhe sourb tow?d. \ni rcsid aE described in the $me sry: belorc 6... The lol4 ltillr aft]te atrres, tsrd rhielt, tar r':,th ttutcs ogaih qr.d,r<l tl Etttt ash tuunrte thc haltth L' huh1t'h), u h.t.lit,tt.rlt ,uhlh?rt (Mithe tst9 val tt: tta) Ths vic.onln Pdcdor or Aborigines ceoqe Augustos Robinson conobomies Mirchell\ asumplions 'ThcssflnDy d reedy country on nr Mumy ethe spoh mo fEqnencd by rhc narives.l visircd rs! ol rhese locrlnies and confcmd wirh larye p rics ofbld.ks. Wild fo*|, fish, and cdlblc oos arc in abundancc. {Robinsor 13.13:1219). $d thc,oos ofrl,e bulrush and lresh Warer Mu$k (unio) e rhe Chicrsuppons olthe AboisineJ (Robinson 1346:306). Other early desriprions oflooking ol l?rd in ovens and momds on rhe Riven.e indudc B$qidgc (1365, 1333,1339), Calns (1359), Cuir ll33r). Knbv (13e5). Krfi (ll66r), and Mdhe* (1389196). ,|loDErtlc u. t,.r pr htl: ol lhe MlnlthhidE?e. ar la |hi.h k la.dlb h1o\,.r 'Conbtnsie rollatcd b.v therLtnen snnll ta,nnttn ! d L.thla" Rnt slt . .Ihe:e s nLL a pld sn$ pnjEb b be r ed p and :eA |Mathe|| 1339.396) conp 4r (he not aI the buhu'h..)... at tp br th( tutlo\ (\t!hu) eith theit '\tE uhd shapel tike.dnr^ thlike I'e ne.l afa potata nla tuok?d krntnkr lohs lht Srone ( 191l:,144-,1-,15) scvcFl wcfrba wcnba Glnc lanBueBc Coup as Mathi Msrl'iand rhc ercsl ie,nes for vrrious prrtsrnd *ases ot ryr,r,i in RERP suflcy Rusttcs, t'ot stnbn9 lho .nhh., Ru'h.a.t d.J) Rah t d lotd) Rreh t d nLm .hh rej is Nar Nri d?tit.d frrD' thisl lala wt.t har Eah?) Na'entt lala rc.ked) bo. ikh l6ed 6 kad) (otd) k4id Jibre) jflk InMdnion Bevendse sircs the nane for the sprin! shool of4?r,l thc 1 he llarer i.n oI thjs JtdE atsa eat.n vhal !au"s; d laot a' tiEhts nlh6 tonrt ^ ^ b.! ttu no!^et ot! ct!e,84 rdtioth r, uhtl n1d E1oE.ontuh Ihltis'i:e... spen naE? il jsldrQdb th? abotiEinesioo, lBaai.lse 1339:19 20). ftis sp DAup thtuugh lhc trarousually by rhc sd olA!gu$,!s rhc scathcrrmncd, end when ebont root ii lengrh above th. vricr ir was pulkd w rnd errcn ras (Cai.x 1359150). Thc orherco,nnmn rcrm lor l,prz in rhc rray Plain arca is rhc wirrdjuri word for the rhinmer no6 of the 6ul1 rush. Who, or shi.h is made covercd. (Ihe edible is cov*ed ryirh pd ' 'rdl'r,, . rtuik) (Ri.haidsl902e:lla)Theatincof?l?r,$asigniiicrnrfboditmconrinuedinrolhe1900\Maryrcr Tucker was bom in 1904 rnd gftw up a! Malogi and Cu mn.ngung! on thc Murmylid Moona.ulhhon .hc Erlwmds Rivsjus.o thcsourh ofrhe Lo\1bidge.: 'wz dte rtu tuo^ .f rn'\ plans 6|e.ialh tl'e dtnbrnsies crofi"E arrund the nalu,al yctt nu(h wt.lnles ar .,eek The vrc thi.k an.] *hen toakal n hat 'rot ^ha t"j.r'al. lluc*et 9 7 7 : 3 7). F,o'n erhtrosmpliic evidence rc kmv rhe reed beds were ryienlrically fired and 6crc is rie olhcr cvidencc 1o indicarc rli! rhc rc.d bcdsand ii rlni.uhr D?r, ss mlnagcd or'erowi'- suCBcscd by rhc Pcrcpa dcfinirion of l?1,: 1o,gcl -planr gown in sM'np roor carcn by blacks (Nonis 1399:l0lr). Fnireol?l?rd rs a forD olrop mnagemenr. EyE described ihal or tbe Mufty River 4pra Nls u$d morcorlc$!tall sc'sois orrl'cye'r,bur it n besr &ps have ben bud ofr (Eyrc 1345 volII:269). nris quot Aom Cains, luided by Bev*idle and one of his n ive eockmen . also hinc thd fte *as nsccsrry ro kc.! (hc hprd opcn ({hich would nakc ir casytohrncs) It susscss rhn thc recd bcds chrnged i', nahrc becon,ins n,i.k and i pasable rft(rhe (hd rryr, advenl oldr pa$oralera Rl,en tnditionrlmanagemeDr merhods *ere also 'gge$s Rrs rffecred by fro$s, *hicb inprc*d rhc cndgylalucofrh.clrbohydrurc: t fl sun aneotb ra b thc linc thc Mtta, and tn'arr s'en unlit tht ^ ton. tr nd, n|'a1, bercDEs qtit. btun,and, if otde ta)rdfifrr,tu n Esso J)rex tntil lht wtns shet :prntE kp rh..fa]la*iiJt :easan: a .l sa i1 [oa on.trrD ku to yar ur1il it' v thitk ut tu ht ,rtatun\ b tt'e tt' ln^ tuhAltine tht e). n.|q,r? stztpr dn l in'pasdhle la ia.k, thaek,p 6eles ar r.'se thdn thal lcdnas 1359: 34) 1 lprd *as nol rl1 ftcd d once. bur in ssdiois or srits, amanagcmc for harvc$in8, dcsibcd by rltr fiN pany ofnrdonlish io enier the SMn Hill ma prcpmcd rhc l?l, ?tdtlhkst6ji rh'ils d aleate.l,t thedista,crhek tha bh(t: haa na1buD thc oIrip. r.hat: and Dcctct, trhet! thq the a?puran<? olo srto&]i.t .hp itt h?|brt ir ah( into n1 No dtiD'at afata des.tirtion \as thae ta nanple or b'uk .|ov the bu tilul tt.^ rhith, in ,r\t i^bhr^, Erat trr L) kn.feet hiEh ara.rk,tca ot an r@,!st J,rhl u h.tlh u nile ar hotl \ides.J1t1? r^2r ..lthce fttu at!4.vt"slbt toakit's the nD'pLnE nh? not afthe b h16h *hi.h crots in ,?eds. it laoked like larye rlt b?dr. lKirhr t395:28) Manasing l)pr, included rh. physi.allspsr ofdlCeing or pullitrg up rh'omes,i snch $ \vry as ro .n.oung. rhc riShr type orgrcMh The expenence ol r pullins up rhinms ar Rrvcns$onh Lrkc irdicftsd, ir \yrs necesrry to contol ihc lnwth of 4?r, so ir did no( bc.omo na!.d did difi.ulr ro .olle!. A combination orhancstirE rcchriquc. firiis rnd *ater contol conLd encourase this. Wder coirol Ms also nec*sary lor lhe grofrh of 41,r,, aErs needed ro be flooJcd otun sough and for long enoulh 1o allo{ gmRlh ollhg ctup. Ho{cva, Nhcn lhc laro dricd o ir wm casid !o haflc$ lndrhc &,Arrl.erbohydmte chansed to r noE en sy rich food '?2d may hNe also bcen hanesrcd prosE$ively m shallor swmps dicd ou! in s'cccssidn lid Nas i'nponanl in manhcs thd arc subjs! ro psnodl. lnundationJ (Eyru 1345 vol ll: 269) Erhnos'ephic mid $nner rnerrhe s*amps dned dss.nprions indi.d. rhar it sas oul, *hen irNas refttrod 1o as r?,,s,,/l (Slonc l91l). watr monagemem ro eirhe, hold warer in or drain nrs tft ourlcr olr Lake or ksoon' $afrps colld halc bcd (Brough SD,yth Vol l:201). ry?/i, providcs a.Jnss of impodm! rsout.s, {hhh \ould hlv! cxrcnd!d ir. is imponai.c in thc anilrl cyclc The natore rhizoDe provided carbohydnre rnd fibE, rhe young rl,izone shooh and sprnrs or e ly !'nmq floRcr ncm shoo( *cr. clrci ru! !s a salad (Bcvcndgc 1339:19-20), rhc havcs wcrc uscd lorbcddiiC (Mitdrcll1339volII)r'd rli ching(risuE llr),lcrvcs ro nlti'rB rnd wnpping food (baked clry $ith hafimprins iiom tbe excrvarions, M.nin 2006). dnd posibLy rhs pollcn whhh may also hrvc bccn catci durinc its shon season. Mapped rnd neamed in ovctrssi'nila' rotu Maori yle (rrendersan et r1. 2000:25.4 55). n}rr, u adricved plrnh ako have been mrnaled in r sinild n.nnn such as bmill! or mmslr 'nay t I or .,/z/i?ri, rhicb \yrs rn imponani food of Lands subjccr ro sh (Bolborch.ln$ tudn fioodt (Eyre lsas voL 11,269), nuy also hNe bc.efiled lroh finng lhc .lsd bcdf, rltho4h tro definilire records were found in lhc dhnoeraphi.lircnturc h mry rko have betretiredfmm rle diggins of rhe u ndergror.d coms, *als nan rgcmcnr, or lovs hsl,.rr,r,?.!.clwlronbbotrs) s's probrbly aD food csourcc of wcrlands otr rhc RERP surucy arcr. rs ir sas on d,c Munay ltiver near Orhcr reuand food c$b rtt nht k^ tr'ht trtl6trd oJD'. v hthst ol ahatt dn in.h a"d a ha[]oar b tlafar in.h in.lianettt: rhc tool ofaht pthl nin|rtqre 4 )ie]d6 rd'\'ntbds.s. hdlhint nE \ r \i|t .o"1.ir1. rh4 ar? bak.d belat? beins u1 t,atda'polaslttavtnh^k v'a sl * h appean .c td nlik |hat t tetn .l a vu'er /\r't. Tht), dr dttrl tanoDl br tt'z dtirc: lEewidse t339:24) oj Bcvtridgc indicatcs thrr trqlo.ri, was 6aked'or cooked in ovens,and *as rhcreloto probably.ookcd in mounds This planr mry hNe benefitd fton digging rnd sprcading orohc6, or Mrer manrce'nert, btr. nol firing Ir icids to bc foun'l in lrgoois and lekes, bnt can ako gro* nr rhallor $vampr rnd noodplain envnonmsn.s {Go 1932 62). Bcvcidgc also suggc$s .h!r nonnvcrlad plans irrisarcd b} noodNarcr ptuvidql scasonal food rha! supthmcNd rhc sdlaM plrnk: nre so* rhisne, dandelion yon- aid r rcroil $hich srows on counbylhic| at rimes is inurdaled arc consumed in vrs qu! ny'(Bcv$idgc 1339:20). olrhc Tchcl.ry I and Rarcissoth I nouids sft evdence tbr extended penods ol say ar thc locrnois ofdr large mounds found beside *erlrnd fedtrres on rhg wsrh lidc oflhc Hay rhin. Living closc ro !h. wdlrnds was o dncd rcsuh ofrhc nch rsourccs. but such cLosenes $ould cnablclcoplcro maiagc- qtrrt. in ersc,rndobtainmorexrciknovledgeol*ben1ohanr$,orhos ro cook or prcscNc plark sucb as 4?r, dependins on Ihe mrure of ths cmbohyd€rc conhincd ii rl'e ]l,e npid buiLd up plant. The specirlisr kro*ledge ofwdhnd plmrs may hrre rl,6 Creating enabled suRivrlrhrough sersons {hen food New Environmerts ner cnvnonmenrs a.d *lcndcd rcrla.ds Ge rlso ll.l.5 & l l 5). Thc.onnrucicd Irn'lscalc ofnouDds. n'iddcrs, drms, uc,F. rs \rllas firi"s rcgimcs. adurlly prcli'lcd nes hrbirah lor ibod resour*. Levees w e 1o lomr r* biologicrlly produdive noodphir $vamps rnd fish impoundnenh The comncnrs m.dc arumd 20 yea6 rner rhe idrol the prsoral{a indiclrc hosrhcTltha li rhc @d blds quhkly beanc r sielcd ma$ lid rhr oob roo mlrcd ro dig our easily.lhe rrpid exrft(ion olsmall mammalspccics or Ihe ltiverinc Plains anqpanomlist adved. hay also bc dnsclly toldled ro rho.hdrge in ldnd naidgcfronr, nrch ds firin3..s rvdias lhs inrodudion of shcq and crtrlc. Mo! ds. ashy dcposirs aid middcns aho ronhcd landscapc rcaturcs thlr acrually prcvidcd h$ira$ loraninrls thd would bcan orhnise m.ble b lne o.lal8e are$ ofrhe had clrysoih ord'c plairs. Krffi des.nbed rhar li th.1350\ hilb,csttrtridlcd decp i'to nouidsend Lvcrc Thc managmenrofwclhnds crealcd nt tun\ wi& ?|an^ .. t: thi Rabbil Rat olkn prcIar lntartg thc jtt ut.J a uhillsi.le d ddshillr,ewnafdwo sliEhl lldztiot, e olten fl'e on thtse *lsfive pla rs it ill :orctnA hippcn, thal th. Ptn'talu lakes a^uta'te alth. rour.l nn.l ry.n u tertktt htatk Jdkn\ Eru\r, NtidkE Irr itktl 4 httbrdio ]m'a bones. ...ifit lakes a^n"tdqe afne tbnrd it is onrfu rcns'i?n.e sak" ... hs ,,aa lte\t' is vzrl Eo.t eat 1E... deep. and atrenla nd ninhdbilea(KEIT1366b: I5). The biseer mounds cxpanded Ihe habirar alailablc for spe.ies that \rrc iDpona food itcms, and the rctoal buildiisup ornDurd\ may Mve been seen as a*?yro lnn.ov s$zmps This descriplion is likely 10 reler ro a1l mounds nol only thos connnded for buriak and .rplains thc prcscncc oran,n+r/ bllby skcLcron in rhc T.hclcry cxcavarion, rid numcrcus ruinds !id coprolnes in borh rhe Ravens*onh and Tchelery ercrvarioDs Bons and tedh 6!m die excrv bns iidi.!t. d'et bilbics, nb, rcptLcs and po$ibly bandlcoo$ inhobitcd rhcs. bie mounds, prcbably coexistine sirh hnmaDs aM supplying cena ri'nes on dr Hry Plair durins dr 1330k. mbb s cliimcd rbc moutuls and foundtuidymiilo homes ind soonounod thobilbceGiO'lNirson 1950:3). lbod 11.7 Seasonality ofUs€ ofWetlnnd Resources s rvoirabh in rhc wcrhids. Mirch.rl desribs rft hre summer errly rintrseason *here psple *h e l sely existins on Ihe mriurc. tircd and ftoncd Typha rhlzon.s. Thcrc $as a \!idc nngc ofrcsoufcs! !xcel i! rhc hcigh! of ths spring fioods. in dris pcriod pcoplc ofletr tbuid food difi.urr io obran bur rh.y may hrvc prcpand for rhn by prc$rvine Tlpba and olhd roos .nd posibly ilso Eas lid ic&ir seeds (Bemdl & Bcmd! r9%) cmwn Lrnds cd nnrditrs fo, rhc Mufl,nbidEc. rerff io rh. vcry enxioN psiod shci thc nverandcreeksrenooded (Bingham 134673)rnd abotr r lhe monlhs of JL y. Atrlu n. sepremb ,rd odobcr. *hctr rk wrrtr olrhc Mummbidscc aM Mtrrnyrrc on rhc rsc. rhcy src trmbh to procurc atry fi:h*1, *tr, and ire fored ro $,bsisr on mob, hel6s. sns seeds, tunsi &c, (MrcDonald l3s0l969l) HobLrfs'n Nap Nlp also sarcs this \ya3 a difllctrl|im. on thc Lowbidgse: rheivsisins rgain.. Tbe blrcks aE dunenns a6ou1 heE in considenble numben...rhe fish do nor 6i1e sell in Ihe river ard I Lncy.hcy lrcsofrcrimcs huigry ycicrday I obscncd som! gins prcpdin! laes mAscs olrrdpolos lor rood by pinchiig ofid'c {on'rchs. .rhcy rrc ora h€c dcsoiflion of togs rlrcy havc bcci fca$ing ulon ro. soDdimes pNt (Hobkr 1992 l3a5i6l: lzs) Ilorcvcr. rft d,c noods setkd rood war rhk Dx, h: olth. yat aKk cElrs ctc pla fil 1p.tiall! tht d"nual in in th t^d nL: hiEhzt th.,.).tit|ury unt i,wdt,t h"d1rIh tozt q ui). tot thL, rhe bia.k auck\ ot/J na at'J ntaie re$ in hallors at.ta*: aI th! sktn tnnber, a".l nte nutiv.! *at r.r. tt.i.tah.!: at rr.t ntikrja th. hr6 u\ tt,4 lase.t, then tht hi \ Dutrtlt ha o' w ld 11r ta an.l,etalthet "eas (Morcr t89t t9r8:15,Jr) fypha (ctrmbunei) dizomc, plmk tired Dd dry, also bAr aner expoire ro ftus, o.hd rcrllnd rcoh such as r,',slo.ri, (Mtr ribbonO & ,,rr",r $nc (nash clubnsh) prcscflcd ro soie ibr rhe flood period, gd$ sccds, orhtr 1ooc. htrbs. gms reds, i,ngi ac,' (Ma.Don!ld l350tle6el). prcse cd 1yph. did orh* rco6, youg sl,oob, onrcr greoN and rcot such s tow Cumbutrg, drndelion [Mics$lh or Munois], $d rEfoil [t,go,arld]" a also TnE lolh i1 & Ea lbos.hoenw 12. CT]RRENT ABORIGINAL CULTURAL VALAES OF WETLANDS rr.1 Plints with Known Cultural Uses R€cordcd DuriDg the & USES Slrvey Trble 13 I dsscribN thc plrn6 rid, cultunl uses weE recorded dudng thc sudcy, or in thc casc of rhc planswith an a e sk. a,r knom from erhnohisroric.lsourccs !o hovc bcctr plrtrh uriliscd iniheregion A toh! ol5? plans Nirb cu1!urd1 vilucs and uscs (3 fon cthmhistorical sources only) *ere recordsd duing rhc RERP strNcy Plrnb win, ,lrural uss included lood plans (sccds, rcot, tuit and sEent, Dedicineplrnt, soods.sum, Esi.,plan$u$d lor fibrc lnd ror rearins. Mrk. etc ftis rcpresen$ only pan ollhe potnliilpl.n! rcsourccs, as plans are kasonal. nol gro*in8 duo 1o drought condriotrs 'miy o' lack oldooding, or w*e nor rccosniscd by rhc suflcy rc!m. This lin dso conccntntes on plan6 fourd on rhe floodplains tho{h!n.hcmallccsandplai($thclattrMsroiafo.usofrhe 'acy.Thcsuncy bcgon abou!2 notrds afic.a sidesprcad lrt winrerminfrll, md lhh hal inprcv.d .otrdirions. ln some areas envnonmenraL Mrsr had noodcd sccrions .f noodplain rnd cEek slicms on rh. sourhcm Lo bidgcc,rhus incrcasine onrchences olrecording fioodpldD pla s Nirh culrumluscs. fto Many ofrhe planls i€orded wde knoM ar pladb wirh cultunl u$s to hedbe6 ofrte in8 teams, polle quandong, lhc older nemb4. Mosl knew of tbe filts avdlable, such as bush lonaro, laniculsly dby salibust\ Dillon busn Dd misrletoe, lnd thc uses of medioine plonls such os old me yeed, emu bu\ pig f&e dd cypes pine. Ieople w@ also hhiliar *irh plmts uled for naking vooden aftfads, reed spean, ud resins ued for Elue. Pho'o l00 Qu,ndong Ftoir & Tres, wild SFinoctr \d:ve cbcdy. w:ld Tom6. Pnckly Wdrle. Old odlr 19rreSule/o Noed tor E r'oF n"L50 5ro ilrir cft. ' ":' (BB. (Hiy & ear lcoft ?003). \rood urd ror erc. bark rnnh for skins (BB) Bnlnixd booncnngs dubr,boood!trg\ (cdl2003)rsB) Rd Pd dh.h0d b sd.d c m. shade (BB. .mds lroutur & mrdc noJJnEr(Mr*1*) rdiiotr (co (Hay LALC & 2003). youq r{rrc! c co K sdrd{ 2o0D bd\cco 2 no.$. vdy hed rubd (co( 193,, d$ suggcns tds l possibk food). \!hoh PL (ss r 6rinrfpb ). rcrr& jcm $orLd, sLd 8tui & .ookrd (co( hi6 p Ned in iem hrhs (BeY{d8c blrm. drs. krs urd sores ror\ uD,oor loorcJ & dc. (Hxy & \ inq d hr ra\ (L&M) ,003) Es u,!tr(c (L&M. crebnd re66. rinir. leivs B3l *kr iv, i rory frdn (BB). (Boiicy c L33r) ,rm ror mtu. h{d nrnhl (co( 'lriDn,e rrui sr, (EB). (c & r rqrq. BB. RrlEirld.oniudl]cs FA, .omh ) ror .olds. a€o ruv n n<kr. Hay & (BB, (BB). (B kcr r972)(NcNrrdd ni. !rubs. seds strm lBonn{y nuh ini erc. (BB). br* 6r sno$. dhhs. shjld! ('hn $0ey) HaY & iuh idL\ (BB), rcd5 \o*cd ro Dnole ror sLc (cou ,003), b k for cnio* \hicrdl.c. ($ry) rxy & (i!rcry). d$h$. bilh. l.if, srn on h$d btr6 (cotr 2003) trsr . rydd Jtu,n tuoK. wood (BB). (r) sorE sp*i$usd rofdr ldr(Gd'200o (BB). HiY & B.lnniLd connuni rdrd 0), LN( iamed ! s in ov.m(Bonmy r33i) (Ey,c r315 vorn:251,269) (Hry Drrnmrd 138) rli & 0) skn rmYide\ fibrc ror ncN (Krcrft). tuor srods GPooaro) (Bl36l), (BB). (Boii.y c. r33r). Hay & crc (cor 2003 & {ki nw {s ndilic (BB). d{odion for .drdi donllh conrLinr (cotr ud b Pllr 6od i elnh oloN .orshs. 2003). i'ouid\(Gdr2003)BL{ ae redicine &forsoorr'i'is rorio ovlbb re4D (cd' rr$h shmr N (BB,), e sp 4ki nAsc d rBB). rcsi" *d! sld rs !d6$ic(BR. sldc irui (Hay & Ealniatd crurh€n ror firb Fiso ih6Ni iib wdc se.d (BB & cor 2003) for fish poison(BB) Aouid & .ool.d (cotr :0031 !.ns & sot Nood c dr (BB) Mirc[cll {tn rood (BB). bdrcd & 6 \hirdr, cri, rPtri h{ (cdl rrui .r!n (BB & comnu €r), usd b dyc lhrek of snrs e $ s'fl ror eeens (con ?003). nsmed eav$ eden. ialk Pehd & .arn (c & J & s.d ojl us€d ski" aliDeis. rflir c b on rtunic joitrt & 'o (!B & Hry & Balnnrld en (BB). (M1349). Hny LALC a K.schrd. :003),( aon 2003). Hay & leays aEn (EB),(Bonn.yc.r33r). Hly & mor obcB bak€d ii ovoN (Bevcrdlc 1339) oYeis (Morey i. d.). (Boni.y c. r33r). e ei r ! (Gon 2003. (BB).iotd byMir.belld Lak€ walgeB ii ovdi\ (M' ii conn.. Gd' ,0o3) onmuni'jc\ P6''006). I- In$ftut for Aboieinal Dcrclopmcnr I2.2 Animnls rith Knorvn Cultural Uses R€cord€d During the Su €y laryc nngc ofnatu dls, toprih5, blrns. lirh ind orh$dquaric animah \virh.ulrurul uscs Lrcrc rccordcd dunng lhc surcy A rohl or30 ani'nrls *ith culttrfll vrlucs rrd uscs Ndc rccordcd du.i',s d,c RERP suncy lr olrnimals Ras diEdly reLared tonr mhaeololicrl siles being saw ftcqucit cridciN of cd'id as digci"B ror rib and e.hdis scar or idnbited by atrr colories somc cases tlie prese'rc rcconlcd. for crrmplc \$ ro motrMs rnd middens tb conraftd cookcd er ibtrnd dead rnd dried up clos tun1c aDd DNscl sl,ell Tht dcmoniralcd rhc nccd lor norc .ultunl rnd cnvironmcntl rloodinS. ,^rcas noodld {nh cnlnoim.nrll wdcr od rhc Lo$bnlgcc dlnne rh! sunly- such 6 al Nof Nan. Narwic rid Yrier. $flc th. foctrs orrqu ic blrd lirc such r\ dncks. sMDs rnd ibir. aDd dry rcrc bBcdingonNrwi! ind Nip Nap ,^ such.s cnus, grly kangaroos. golinlslid snlks w$!lho c rlEe rzs more lood rb, rhem in co ccntat.d esund rcccitly flood such arers EDius *ithyoun! $tre only scen in arcas thar had rcccived envimnmcrralw u,onNrNic dnd rhcbotro,h cid orUan Crcck es Recoded Durng the Fed suBey r2.3 Plsces with Cultrral Significance lhrec atu'son th. Mummbidecc Rildotr Narsierrd JMnbuns w{e singled ou!$ bsing fishinetlac.s lishdot Nr ie?05' An areaolivershichconrrincda rocky bink ii bend oi thc ivo Lvs rs habird for river musels, ind d fishing spot.h bc cspccially for cod. rs ihe rocky 6ank would drcp and rorm r ledse. rnd .od $!uld "ould ren or n undq thc lcdgc, rhc o.ks aho sussenednrposibiliryof ishr ft $ Ds(!hcNatswlstoohLsh) Nmwic20? rhedornsramentrnceofalargcbillabons{orhcrivor, ould bctn rdcll pl3.c for sc ins not.s nood rcccdcs, accoding tohirto.ical rccords rnd oral hiiory. . (1,'anbungl02-106) $6 siiShd out by rhe younEer llry & Balranrld plrcc to fish, asain a shrp bcid in lhc rivcr wirh a dccp satcrhol. Tl,e *alcr Rrs bo hish ro see evidci.e ollivine mu$cls, bur dr errensive nDsel shell midden on thobdik lold lhcm allihcynccdcdro know A cluner of fishcmcn 'niddenslikely $ berg ' d. aho coirdcrud to bc lcry rsnificrnr. The Bilrrnald comnuniry ncmbca dh.u$cd thc sensc orlosresulrins lron the lact that the rrys rlesignificrnce ofrh. Bilnnlld Fhh Trups, 'nd mc iow usually covercd overby ratc' in rhe seirpool. Ray Mtrmy rlso.old rhc tam thal hchad hca'd o l ione bar acros rirq upster m frcm Bal nru roNlids Rcdbank wcir. ro$ibly anod,erlilh Fish hdFs Hnronc campnrB nlacs recorded dndns rhe REru surycy'dql: . An hGtoic 1950\ ca'nping phce pointd oul by RIRP survcy r.!m monbq Rey Mtrrny. rhc junc.ion ofPaik! Ceck wnh d'c nrin mld rc'r . beB CLNdc Jlcksoi and Ray Tin Tin $a.ion owid Ron H Munry rho save inlormarion rbout r 1950 s1970\ and hu$ rt Tin Ti" . A hdnional nylc oven thar appems ro includ. ho.tcrainq modc fon old locally nude b.ick, \os rccodcd on TurB sration, indicaringihar ovens w{e beinjj Ncd thdc in rhc hhroric pcnod I2.,1 Knowledge of R€cenrEnvironmcntrl Chang€ ThcHayCommunrywo'kdmpvkitedUlonsaSirriononlheLorerLrchhnsorhepanlclpant.ouldse finr hand rhc eiteds of r proloneed Lack ofRderon rh.rivdrcd 8un rorc$s aM orlE kinds ot \dlands ii rhh.rq.lan woods and hr si er Flosie Fitzpati.I livcd d Ulonga Nhcn rhcy $crc youigrDuM L96l As we proceeded dnotrsl thefoBl,ssoks, iid Lignum $vamls roNonls rhc hotrsc lan rnd Flosic discused rhe mvnonncnr.l.hlngcs sinccrhc clny 1960k: Ftasie : thr lorcn nu.t: loodilt, i! ne.d\ u tlti'k rh! tis" ns Eare dov, it t:ed 1a b? .tt otzl Iu,:r\1!Lihtutieth*16th)r|Ehhap...rE*atd'oatia4piEstn..thcgar.t\ta.dn:.!'.!t h' t96t |e lrr,e.lhete. tdn: th? *. d'arinc, that ntr uN btu+. ,1 t963 Altet rc pasetl th. hau:c ar.l a.o\t to\ ot1tt t tlr thd [Laaka4 the dedd hNt:, i^ tuiblt, ilwsa]ttign \a: ttvt tttirk you .. td" l nd? . ha'se n'ro ph Fh*s ie said : k,nltghhen...itrs.dlabeallli't truunn) it a nD elor Boa lisdl. rh) dazrt l n Eet priotiry ba :' sp,?ad n'z nder rt At th. rid hark Ftosje i.1: ttdz\ na \brer in th. rntr, ib 1..t, i^ lhatkine t.h: ir \tn rtd b?. pnan4 r.11.o.1 D..l thk The tiEtum nal kat tt'ik lat..rl.t" p$h tr le thnrEh lou hal ta h un.ltr a palh n.dr rhe riwt bdnk ta : t h is b a t \.tc a hoty al .1 Flossis dnd I.n dlsd nolcd thc cumbun!i, saffton thijhs and n'q rcd gum saplings choking the nearly we rn *cit to Lrkc wrlgecF rid dr panicitans Lvcrc all slroc*cd ro $c rhcbig old rivq rcd gufrs Rere dead or dyirg arornd rhe edge olrhelake, imluding a ring ree. rar said rhrrheh bcen skii,rsoi Lakc W.lg.os in 1934 {hcn n s.s full..nd ws rdked aboul ho$ il looked rhen $r wenr rlEe in 1995, n ws qnpry bur had bcen oic quanq frllld in 1993 and ir all lookcd hc.lrhy !hon. We no.ed a ronrinuous sca(s of rnclacs, baked dry and lanrolir|s alone rlre brnk olr]t lake. rl,e brnk ras collapsins iiom Ar rhc Ulonga quandones lo.arion {s found thar a lrge itrnbd (30+) ofyoung qurndon8s had shol lrom the good nins 2 monlhs ago. Everlone dkcused rhi! ard de.ided hrll of rhc rrca orquaMonas shouldbc fcnccd wnh ! nbbitprooffcn.cros.vclhs tocs lrom being ealer by slreeprgoat/ nbbirs n i" d'e honc rhc c'nus miBhr strcad thc sccds lnd Ihc qu.idongs h.y spread. whilc qurndongs arc nor nomally thoughr olaswetlmdpla' bd hosls (thcy are panly rcorpaEsitct, so irc pan of$c rdlaids ccosy$.n.\ groR on rft open blrck soilplairs, panly becaur iheydoD'l l[ver bur rhcygrcq $clLin arcas ofnoodplain wirh lighrorsoil.nJ tcc hois. rh ies6 lcotrnc,l rrc usiigth( knowlcdgcofrhar rhc lnvitonncnr us!d ro bc like45 ye s alo 1o Eftat lrlhnds on Toosimbic usinsCultunl wrtr boushr and prid foi by the Na'i Nari T b.l Council. A! Tooginbie rhe lan frood ws in 1994. lan sboqcd rhc panicipanb of rle *orkshop how rhey hdpumped MIer inro o1d irigation cdk on lor c llgiun. rushcs, old min rvNd dc wls gto*irg aid h.ilrhy in rlBe.reN Wc conpmd n ro orhqareis or Tooginbic rhar did nor havecu ral Mro, rcrc rh.ligium \"s sitt aLivc bur norslrcorins lM also cxplaincd thrt s*ans ard orhcr6ids hrd come to Toosinbie when rhcy dry upthcs\.n! lc8gcd ir"md flew yay we rhen looked rr areas on a neighbou ngpmperydhrlso hrd ior hrd rtry *dcr and had bccn gFzcd as w.ll, in rhisaM rhc ligntrh.ppered ro bedead. fte plans ro gcr more wder lor ronscr so dry can mar r rctreid rhlr can comc back ro I hcy $?nr to crcatc a sdland similrr to whar srs ari'rg poblcns with rhc Cullunl w!1d Accos Liccnse (CAL) md{ rhc Mummbidgcc wa.osh.rinS l'|.n, in lhal rhey have ro pry lor *aler and then rft arrocarion is nor y. In 200911'c! Lvcre allocarcd and paid lor 500 gig.lirrus. btr. rhcn rhis bi Nari Na.iTri6rlcouncirhrvc scai nci in dnd orher sFccies Riihoul waminE ro l00sisrlits (rieydid norscta rctund!),sliich Lvrs 1isurfi.ictrr rorrbc Anolher problem Rilh the Cullunl W er is rhal they l,rvc ro ulc nrc *zrcr bclreen Janurry and June. *hile the narunl iood resi,ne ii,niis is beh{ecn Jnrc atrd D.ccnbtr. DECCW is.uiilnrly $o*ing *irh rhc MummbiJgee CMA, NSw Oficeofwrrerand rhe Abo.isinal Rclcrcrc. c'otrp ro rhe Mu'ru'nbidgcc CMA ir ordo !o dcvcLop atlan aound rhc 0sc ind krgcring ol thc CAL..sulring in benefit lorAboriginalcommu.ili$ and Aborisinal .ulturaL valus ofse ands was redrced $uis b n.y aid nss. S.ltunild thg olds membeB of the $fler team also pm}ided irlomation abour d,c cl,rngs ro thc civironncni. ror cxrrplc at Tin Tin sarion Claudo Jicksdn Emembered comin! oul 1o *o* d lamb narkir! rnne $hen he was nirl rtschoor IIe rooked rheplscerrtry myc,l and.onm$rcd ir $asn1 ,{1 alsays hkcrhis '1ry]ou know . Ray Munly rcmcmbcrcd liling on P.ik. Crcck in thc 19501$irb r ftnily !m$ of Knbys rnd rarant. \rhilc d,ey trpping nhbih. Thcy c!'npcd oi rhc Srock Rourc bchlid rhclcpplrrls dn {hcnonh sidc of !h."rrc mcL R.y d.ssibcd hos in rhose days rhe noodMler nsed to spread out rl1 over thc noodplri" rM d'ey lived otr duck c$scollcdqlou.ofi.ns inrhshdlloB tsesjjui ft Moreyd$cibed dEu on in rhe 1340 s 50\. Even e,n scrc rblc ro noimoutchangs rh hsd oc.urcd rorc rcccnrly. Karcn Mumy rold us.bonr hd cdnccm rhdl is b!lomins dimcull lo lind mcdicine plan6 such $ Old Man wccd hccaNc ore lack or noodin8 in rhc nghr arcs iid rh. righr o ro llrr \1.d..rr Nl nbrtr Di\tr$irrg Ndl.iLt R.$Lxln{ .i loD! Dnnr rr \ r,\ .l ., {-: I '41 :[ix l, ll'$z€ 12,5 Undcrst.nding Ctrltural LaDdscupes i.r, )r Lrr rr Lo\tldslc ,,1,! $r rnL. tr\i,, 'll u'tL 'r! sw! or'l,J$ gcnemrions.Cutrc pcApcdivcsolhndsrpcclabomtcliowcoD,rctedfeahres$rchasmoundsadas i nenory tiggcr about lrccsro"s Frccption\ and rcriors, lerdins to the .urenr o.Nprns leeling of idcmiry, risht rnd oblisatiotrs. Mounds impres rhe vai scah and naho$ of.hc plains, rhcy givc a vanragc poinr .o vicw rhc land$rpc, md rlso contain mesages abour pai evenrs and manrscmenl of In Scprcnb( 2000, Ctrbba woods and I visited anumberofnounds lo.alcd on thc edge ofrvcry Lal!! dcpresio' wilh a sourcc bordaiigduncon rhcoscm sidcoi Sr Pruk Shtionor thc LoNbidsee From rhcbpoflhcnoundsoi thc bank rhc vic$orrhclrd\canc srs i'nmense.and edn Nsed LoN eAy ir h to imaginc tr1,at rhc cnvnonDent D $ hrve looked like shen rhe people v{e living dn rhc nouids rM rhe deprcsion srs tu1lolwcr, aqulir plMB and aninals. h sls rhh cxptrici.c aM reeli"B of bcingpanolhk!r.c$06'lirerhetaubbrtbundsoexcnins,notjunrhepresenccofrhcmomds.Gubba srid he watrted more than myrhing ro brin!.hildrcnmd idult hore ro soo rhis ind imlglic in fi!n minds ,epeoplcrndrheenvnonmenrollhotrsndsoly.!reaeo(Padoc&Manri200l)ro'Cubbasrrdi"s otr rhc ad'lcd clevarion ofdr mounds ena6led him 10 view, inlerpret md bolone ro ' rh. landsapc th'r ws othesise diffiNlr ro udersrMd$ ol ns fldnc$ Th. mounds rid rl'e lands.aF se'e r nariri'e or cohpLcrc sory whcn cxptricnccd as one, but lfeirh dr nouDds or rhe deprcsion *crc .rcmcmb4' the dsprsssioi ds d goiD, rhc $ory would be unHchable. 1he elev ion enabkd Gtrbba ro pcoplc cxploited CubM also denonn.ared wcllmd enlnonfronr fullofnch rcsouncs lhar ihc $her dis Nsin! the li8n(m swmDs atodd 'lbtry rhh bclongin! to dtr lrMscrpc and rbiliry ro rcrd ii 'nouid Plrins ju* b r]t nonh ol 51. Pruls, RL{e hc _kncw'rhr. would bc mounds bccausc or die rood he lisnum suamps (now by watercoD{rc1, ploushins, bumiig. oversmzing (Eadlcy 1999. Kinlsford 20031. Ctrbbr Ms d vd !o rhc llSnum coumNs hc rclt (comctly) rha! mchaoologiis wcre lgnoring potnrioll] i'nNnant rlrccsrhroush ismrnce. He sorked our shere Ihe D,ouds would be lrom his knoslcdgc ollhc courc.s and thc llidscanc,looki"C ror the nounds rhd sould.onplct rhcticturc li hk S!flcy ldcr dr\rd rld nounds tnd robc placcd 'nind. rhc lienum swamps fibn rhc heishr ol lar8e niscd paLaeochrnnel levccs and olher ovcrlookinB palaeolcoiucs lt k sinilarto thc 51l'auLs dcprcssion. iofr thc mounds you $i vicw and i'tcrprct and rcad rhc lisnumcoutrtry. \yhich from ground kvel rppe sro6earnnpaseblcrangl.(Minin2006). Duriag dic RERP su'rey the community nrmben ofrhe lield tms experiencoJ. situilar 'ncnory' of wheE motrnds and middfls would bc loc..ql ir rhc Cr.!r Cumbuig Sranf sid Lowcr Lad'lrq cvcn rhough rlrlouDscrrcam neD,bcn had notbccn rhcrc beloEand rhe.ourrry *as cxtsnelydry qc Itr ocrober 2009, Gubbr and Kun woods liom Hay and ruDna Mirchdl frcm BalFnrLd or a 130 wcir rhlr thcy they could chsk oul kilometc fishins tip frcm Hry ro Rcdbink Cubba s4d dd so dr chmge in rhe river fio$ orer rhe yea6 and look d rhe fishing holcs, no$ ar. siLtcd up now . Borh Gubba and h'nnr rctu.omp.nng rhc cumnr orrhc rilorirh I ncn.nd w.rc told abour by thcnproh & srrndprrcnk Thc darc olrhc knoM fishins holes is ol panicularsisnificrnce to rl1local A borilinal people and r sublcd rhat ofrc up oftci durin8 rhc ficld sn.ys aid !ft$'$olk disossions The deniDensl.hanse ro rhese fishi',! hoks n sisnilicml beeusg ir dei ro crfh fish, bur also lrom ralkins 1o Pmm il iscL!.rrhlr such .hlngcs rcfllcr on his3b,lnyro it slt w nh conrintr!fishin!rh.wayh.waslaugh.inrhclhccshc\ussho\$.rd,nbrcaksorchussrhclink behvcen liimrnd tlie previou! gencmtions Thefisbingholcsare.lsorpanofrcn.mbciigho$PsPlc lived and !h e pcople $mF.d ii rhc pas, and pnvidin8 thc cur.trr gcicruriotrs rith hislory Kun, Gubbr's tciagc so',, Ms rakeD by cubbr on rhe tip !o he could also lean r link rhe ro rhis hiiory ol 12.6 Cur.cnt Aboriginal Use ofWedands Tl,e RERP suney aho noted ihe presenre olnrftrl resoures wirhii lhu \crllnds cultuEl landscrpcs thd pmvids rhe basis lor !hr arch! Nloelcal rccord, end iotcd rhc cu .$nr rh. riShr to borh lesrn end coDnnunicale cuhtrnl and spnirual knowledgei includi.g lansursc. noncs. songs, Jancing, .ncfad lrd an syls- and knowlcdgc !bou1 phnk- rDiDrls. n,cd,ci's rnd mdc ah Thcyhavcuobli$!o"rolookaitcrcuhumlp'opcny.lhcrheritnsires,adehct,resourcs matnal fdr ds aid cruns, or culrtrfll knowlcdce The slrring of bus], tucktr, ftesood, bush 'nedicine, isrn in,lonanl oblisdionthd mrinlrins kin rolilion hips and thc ftbnc ofthc socialore3nisdion niere 6 a $rcn8 oblisarion to look rlier resources nLch as lnod planc and rninat, mcdici.! planB, iift nrtirk, rnd rhe lcnenl cnvnonmcnt. s 'lhis asociatior with rcdands ror cultural plrposcs h also rcinlorccd by rhc f.mily histori.s olrhc poplcfnmrhner*,itrclud,ngpeopleNhojoinedtheRERPfieldsuneyreans The neld tcrm ,idnd.d memben olnr ver.v lrrge Knby family tbar onstuks fron rhc JLLanbun! Tonmns Gemny Tupra wcrlaids. Thc Ftiarch ortl'is r'nily, Jcrcmiah Knby {rreurc ll l). wls bon alound 1312 ar Tourong shtioD rnd died i', l9l0 ar GuD, Point or ihe Loxer Lachlrn Dear o Sbrion under r tee n rked by his son Chadie (Le. BmcLie Knby in Donrldson 1996) The lvrnl,oe Tonmy lvanhoc the patirrch ollht lamily manigd a slmd nifrcd Vicbna Yaigr, so rhc dcsc.nddn$ lroigly a$ocbrc borh \ h Tul)rr rid Yaner (Brcidrtr KctrDcdy p{s. comm.) lhedAceDdrn( of Queen cdolins oloxley, (Carcllic Famnr or willia'ht, similany halc ! $ong rsocirrion sirh tlr Lower Lachl2n and rlr Lowbidgee (Brcndan Kcnn.dy pc6. com). Anoth$ lamily hrvlig dosc rsociriion virh tlie Lo\ybidsee wcrlrrds is dr Edw ds/Lon! lamily descended lmm Lalugu, a Mrrhi M.rhi woran lrom thc Blkanlld !rc.lnd Bindul. a Ma.hi Marbifathi Talhiman from KuLkync. Olhsfamilies hrrc r and hc.'usc d,n n lhe,e rhey orisinar $!n Loig rcsldcncc in rhc mca. cxrciding ovs many I JereDirh Ki$y fioD CcFny'Tupn $slands (ph oro frcn Dcnholm 2002?) Figurc l2 Cuft nr us.s of $ctlrnds iicludc . Fshnra. IlunrineandGadirti"s Fishirs, hunring and gdh in! rc culn'nl rclilities crried oul by nenben of rl,e Aborigfil conmliirics ol Hay atul BalFnald, a conlinulrioi ol traditionll adivi.ics. Fhhlng and garhsidg lrc cr ied our as a hn,ly lcivny rnd used rs r *ay or aftnmiig k idfomlrlon,laneuagc md kiowldgc olrhc cnvnonmcnr. Hunring, lishiig and ga$cnig k a say oflifc ibr nrny peopleand theirtunilies. Therdorgoingout inrodrbu!h is impo drnr, bush ruck rtrdllush mldicinc is considcrld c$c'ri.llorpcopl!\ {cllbcing, rnd the.c{ ofslkring fdod. mcdicinc, tuod, dc. isaDrjorsrrofkeepi',gdcscenrs.oupardorhcrkinshipticsiro.g.Co monactivnicsi.dudefishins. rnd gdhsin! yrbbi!s, Mutrry srys. ducks md Juck cgss, r'arli gn'bs, river musels lor bail. and enn' .CCs, $d hurting iidud. qDmdors. tuby sahbusl'. Bal€ilkl .onmuniry hls a stong inrcc! in using rhc B.lFnlld fish tap, bur mc unablc ro us! ir town \vcn pool rnd alno{ xl$rys covcrcd rnh \arcr Rock Mllcd fish hps rnd/or loose m.k wcnsare $iLlusd rs fish trps in otl{pLacs such as BreMrina, lvilcannia Thc . SNi'niniie. Boari"s and camDiie Tooeinbi. and Atrle} Strnois and od'cr prilarc prop.nics and rivcr puhl,c 6e'rcs aie used by Aborignllcomnn'ni(y memben forcrmpin!. BBQ\ and svimmin!. and orher acliriries crricd our in cxrcndcd ft'nily !trd connutrny eouls. Thsc !drvnics rcinroec krisl'ip rics rid aho cMhl. old$ membm ro pason knowlcdee ro youngerscr ions. Carocins rnd boalins is anod,craciviry crnicd our by tlr Aboricirrlcon,murity. mai yondrLor.r M!@'nbidgcc Rivs.In Odob$1009. Cubb! and Kun woods end Punia Mnchclllidctook r fishiig cee tioDi Hry pNft jund,on ofrhe Lo*er Lachlrtr ro Redbank weir, apprcxin rcly l30ltilomdrgs by ivs ftcy did n so rhcy cotrld chcck otrt rhc ch.nsc in thc rnq flo{ ovsrhcycan aDd look rirbe rishins hohs. Dosrrc siltcd up now (Gubba woods pds. co'nm ) Aboriginal Conmsnny ncnbcG rnakc a lancry orboomemtrgs, digsing $icks. shields. clrp ii.ks rnd didgoidoos. Th. collcdn,g of the \ood, cutins, srndin! and painring lhc anclads is done N a connunsl rctirity, r dfiming rhe knBhip 1ies. Thc hmilics fed lhcy hdvc rhc ngh! !d 1ak. and usc nalu l rosour.cs such !s bork, wood, skiis. rcrrhc6. sedi ochEscic irnd ro mrnufadure anelac6, rns ind crufts lorpcnoml usc. dErins, trde rnd sale. Seveml$omen also affinrd rbq were inkrcsed in *sling reeds iiom $etbndsrnd some hrd a(enJed rveaving No*shops. Memb s of the Aborisiml .onmunily use sdlands wi.h rivo (d eur or box *oodlend to colkcr fireRood fdr pssonal usc Thh mablcs Foplc to co'ne our ro rhe bush to enjoy il. bur i1 also enabks pcoplc ro hav. wood fires at home dnr rhey would otlENise be unable 10 aflod. This is a. imponrnr culruralissue, as \ood ftcs md.ooking oi wood fircs (m.d on rhc coah, rood.ookcd i".rmpoleN as a nodcm equlvalcn! ro .ookrng itr rhc holc and cooking oa drmper and Johnny caket are esenlial culorsldirirics.hcalihy*aysoflivi',grndawryolrtallrmingculn' l idcntnt ind kinship Mert su.h as fish, soannr, emu rnd krngmoo providcs mcdicin! for a runec of h.,lrh pmble'ns or prevcnrs rhe Doblctu liom occurlng, includiig heen drese and Type ll diaberes. Old man *red rnd cnu bush are collected as r medicine for r vaiery ol prpors, includin! rs an anri baclc aLrkin warh and fo' dinking or inh.ling $!am ro rudu.c symproms orcold aM nu. A ntrse oriish. hnle sornDr, cchldn! and qhu rars a'c uscd ror nrdicine. werlards rt Toolimbie and orher,treas on rhe L.{bidg.!.id lnNcr Lachlan arc usd byrhc co'n'nuiny and by $hools as a tLacc ro .ca.h abour AbonBoal cuxurc, i'rludirg rbod mateial culrure such as scar.d rccs. nounds and middens, bur rho abour food rnd nrdicine rnd ho ro look ancr the cDlnonfre Dku$ions durin8 rhc RERP suncy highlighicd dr need io terch younse' con,munity and m {ials, including speies th.r.rc mcmbm rbout th. ianse of plant ard aninrl foods, no lonser readily lound on the floddplains Culruml 'nedicines .cachiig lhcrcforc nc.ds ro halc ! .o'hporcm or y This also hN impomnr io$ on tointodu.iig spois rhar arc 6rc cficch lor the communiry hcalrh and *elL-being. Fdr.r!mpls, young poplc isd ro bc sho$n rh. tull rtigs dl foods rhar wcrc uscd and how such r di.t crn co'rnl tbe curcni epidemic ofdiabetes ll in rle co'n'nutriry(Thorbu'r,A.w.,J.c.Bnrd,andA S.TnLsrell lq37). . Rish6 ol,\cccs ind Oc.uparion People lccl lhcy harc ngh$ ol acccs ro $dlaids and orho arcas rhr riShrorpopictaryosisd,ipor.ounry nryhrvcrhc sltrocnjoyrhenrtoraliesourccolrheive6, creeks. bkes rnd swdps, and lor.$s. How.lci rhc Abongiiel co wnhour nN iceori ng sc.c$ * as Espectine othm is an inponrd pan ol 12.7 Confinuity of Cultural Usc and Values from 4-5,000 BP All Aborisinal pcopleinvolvcd inIhesuryeysand the sorkslrcps fomd rbd il Ms inFona d.nonsFrcrhcconrnu,ryofuscor\rilendsliond,ecunenrp iod, back throngh rhe hinonc p iod, and as frr back rs dr Rrvenswonh I and T.helery I nounds 4 5,000 ys.h.3o. lrhough rhhcoi.inui.y ol uf is kno$T ro rhe Abongindl comfruniry, thc nmb.6 bcllcvc n h lmlonlnr ro bc ablc ro dcmondntc d,is to thc vid non Aboisinal popnLalion and pani(hny ro soveDmenli so rhe loc.l commu'iries crn nesotiale rccess and Droledion of wsrlinds .n(l culluFl rsourccs a$ociltd wtrh s4hnds. Colrunl tosourcs includc rhc thn$, animrh rM holisri nlaccs ortEdirioml and hkioric sisnificrnce deDonrmkd rlrough archaeololical suney. oral l,nrory Thc Abori8inal commmiry ako slarld .h.r n h lml)onanlo havc und.Branding of rhc Aboislnal archrcolosical continuiryof.ulrunlNerndhmilyhistories. *arq in rvctl'trds ro tbcilibrc m ol tl$c vrlucs, rnd the 12.8 Regenerating and Profecting Wetland Th. Hay Abonginal comnunity mcDbcr of thc Nfli Nari Tribal Council has lerd rhe way in rcecin ior of*etLrnds at Toogim6ie lndigenous Protecled Arer, on the losbidSee beNeen Hay .nd tuaEnnbia h'rligt.o,! Ptut ct t! /..a (tPA) otawd a,60a hod.)r 01.. ol N.n N.i t.hds wt .te.totd h Marth 2a04 .r.1 to\?rs lPl.[nr.le.l a.titics i1.ha]. ,,lpnrirlE rz .hd it',h.1dtion, rcpkn1i,'s r.Eetdlion a'd toh t. tti t'E *z.d: and Jaa l a itndk like larc:, a"tl p iss. ,1,tus that hdr! best llk.d 'abbits 1a keep to.* unl.[ctal irrMl: otr ut thoen\ nhtrtehltnt! ,' lle t?lEl.Jatt."d in tnnbs haltlrtE sins trtndhltnlt h.ohh The Ttihrt n6la irn hle n'd hads, Jbr a,nnrn iN se. nte laeation atd.letails oli|tpo ant (uhtul rik: a ulto tzke ,tafttd nlese sites az h?i"s pnk.ted br rchai',s eo.k l'r,n the a'ea '! tonnrlt"E risirar Mes a .l r?reEdalins th. :ites ta th.Iarl .rinral .ld'nr'(. 'erdit ot ?tat l te\EEetatia \nrk are anan'er najor t P,1 tu r ltt 240 5 alare 2 5 kila oI ^,iq ,a\ 3 5aa see in$ n?,? ed, 3,00a .l.r :eed ha rdi'hib 't'att ted. d la.ol :tc.l ettca",t, ll 1,00a ,hh^ r'rpas.leA. The hibdl Cotr'.il hds ale ateted bn d hides nt thr rrtland:, a,.l eo&nd a b!:h , ta tnt'rtt caDnt,n, asN b dit lba.t\ dltt Toosi',bie tPA is n'a"aqed in lhte *ith tarld Ca"s.r\atia, Uria" Cir''toD ltt Habitut/ lh"oserk"t )Ea. Pntcrtttl Atea ranoNcA tunnt bt a,\dtutn th'rqh tn ase re"t intetaa tun. 1 are i'Nolved i', culru'al ifte.pErarior ol 'nohb.s ld lta Lakc and rdjacmr areas on Kallar(Norsmd) sc^. rhe RhRl' rorkshop in Ocrob{ 2009 rcsuLred in : iarehent ofsuppon for urq ror ft Lowtr Lrchki. aid rhe nen,ber iould likeio help nesotiale $ppon for landosnc^ on rhe Lo{or Lachhi in o6raininssock md domesic {ald.nd hvionmcnrll ln.ddirion th. Hay Aboriginil Land Couicil The Hay aborigin.l Conr uniry hls lko shoNi inrcrc$ lid sutpon ii N'p N3p rid orl'd Lowbidsce ions rhrt have received cnvimnnental , and Rould like io help iegoriale moro oivnonnsnrll $ sd 13. PRIVATE LANDOWNERS/MANAGERS VIEWS OF ARC HAE O LO G Y AND WE TL A ND CO NNE C TIO NS Non Abo'ilinal Lando\yneEhanagsn havc i .rprcrcd lspcds of thc landscapc in pffrllel Mys io dr tudnional prc-contact communiticr by buildi',g on mounds and n,idden!, pla.ins Drds on tadilionrl pdhrays. rllcnng watr no\v and pllntine cops in lormq wcdaids. Ii rhc $dy pasoml pc"od rid morc rc.cnrly, rccd bcds and orhtr hrbir* \vftc rho fi'ed rs 5 lrnd mnascment looi rclared to the Rords lend io fo11o$ mounds thar m btrih on ths ldg.+..|. lincn raiscd palaFchrincl sedimei$. snuatd on bclu drainin8 soih abovc rhe $\€nDy country The Btrlmmld ro Hay hilhsry on rhe Losbidgee does rhr ir dr seclion lrom Jenly ro Pevensy. and rhe $rl1d M 1o Nap Nip Sr.rion 'dc rord. rl,ih tuid is anorhd cxampLc Nhcrc you cai counnng d,c nouids on borh sidcsolrhc 'lrv.'long follows 6uili alons paLaeoleat res borh on and beside momds.nd mound mrreri.l. Ths,Aboriginal wcr rcathtr rou.rry wi* comm.ndsodl lor rhc Dounds *ere qua ed rnd $ed ropavelhc roads Mrny bdhcic.ds. {oohh.ds aid cvs $ockymds ii rhg Losbidscc dnd Lo$q Lachlan mc builr on largc mouids or moutrd .onplcxcs, or on lrrge shcll middcis (for cxamllc rhc Norwood cortascaid shcares tturfr s on KalyrnSCA, rndrheiocky ds on Mo field 60 mou'd, phoro righl). The prusscc ofmounds rid midd thc paeonl hisrory by rhc icw na Pho{o 103: Sroctyads buil! on a L.ndo*nes and nanagcs inlolvcd in rhc RIRI suflcy allsho\cd a $roig intresr in thcDlintiancc rnd regeneElion ol werlands rhroushour the Lov{ Lrchlan and Lowbidsee. Mon lmdoMc6 acknowledecd lhe $tong asociarion berveen rhs arch.eologicalna!*ial and w.tlands, and trereawarc ol archamlotical sitcs on rhctl$d and porcd thcse sircs lhfrish Culktr wftd, Bob and Fiona Casron. Psrer Monon, Ron Hodc, Du$h Old, Mhhlcl Spinks md Koin Nolan all shoscd rhc suflcy elms archacoloeical sies on the salons, Ben Barlow, Cnig and Lemn. Mn'?hy, DNid Ra*in, cstl'y Cd1a1m. Paul Connellan, and Slephcn Blore spenl tine talking with lhe suRey tcams abour cnvircDmcnraLand herikBe isna,and Diinne Willhbs {nh us rheconkc!hisrory rc|.!in8 !d hfi crek Reee.emrion Commitree h trying ro sel Mter back wherc it should be rlong Paika Crtek ind inro P.ik. Lakc. Pclf Monon olDundonallcc said rhc P.ika Lcvcc was buil. around 1903 ro keep Mrer fron leavins the main floodplain and enteins Paika Lake or the oth *enem lak*. Pnorb thk, watr nooded ou! 1o ouler ldksc firs! and which soon dried up, bu!Paik. Lake {.s 13 fsetdeeplid aoodcd cvcry 3 yas, so would balc b*r alno$ ncnancnt. Tlere \rre reed beds all rnund Pa,ke Lako wheft i! noodcd ou. Pclcr lid rhc arc rrying.ogc. wds back rh6lgh Paika Crcck ro ned 20 atrd nerr Prika hle lor a tial sdl d wirh plmted qmtic planh inc ludinE black box. cu m bungi, Przs,,res reeds, and spike ru:h, and inhab ited by Mlerh ens and gdania. Perer$at.d.har cnvionmc ll wals should go .o sclcd.d aNs rhr! in.ludc bird mokcics and fish bEedins aR, and Ihrr suchrEas sLould be lenced oll ro keep iockour ftis Rry they can leep scnsirivc arcas alirc, hiSh vallc arcas wnh blils, fogs, yabbics, frsh crc. Pcrcr shoqcd rhc rcan aros $iih mounds rnd Dridde.s aromd the wcd rnd nonh edses of Paika Lrkc rnd Paikr Crck. The Paika Petr's neishbour Ron Hoare would also like ro add a lake on his pmpeny inlo r rerland Eserve. Ron also has as kcm inicrc$ in rhc hisrory ofrhc lrca rnd h6 bsn inlolv.n ii archacolqicll suncys of similar sedand! on the Mumy River Nyah sbG Forei He rdded rhathe area on rhe wenen side of Paiko Lakc whcrc thc malle. mcersfie noodplainaid rhat uc Lvcre r.coiding sircso!wsthe bullocky p dock'relc edroby Ho6ler (rhe finr paiorrlisr) $ onrse wirhqurndongJ. Ron sridrldthe Paika levee was builr between 1903-1914 {o nop riler Ed gums spreidingand b gne cxri gBzing. He shd\rd us rhc laEc iunbcn of cookinB lircs or olcns on thc cd8c lnd floor ofPitanuiga Lakc, lid !t rhc 4tan.c of Gerdki Ceck !o rhc 1akc. Ron h.s cdreftrUy sudied rhc lo.aridn olrhc ovhs.nd ch.nges ro sizc and contcirs in diffcrcnt arcas. This lakc h fillcd lom Box Crcck (a prhco.hanncl ofrhc Llchlai sy eml. rnd dmugh Genkicreck lrom rl,e Mumnbidscc syie'n nreIdtimc Box Crccknn inio d,c l.kswas1956,anda!thartincthcrc""sagioupolhoussonrhccrcck6tan.c.othchkcwhichwas lalgely an Aboriei'El canp, iicludins AlrKelly Senior and Ms Alice Kelly. AlrKellyj'r gEw up Ere. and lack walker whose *ilc $s Amy Bilgs (Ron Ho e peB. comm.). Lder Jack.Jackson and lafrily and Alfjir & Chri$inc Kclly llvcd rhcrc(Cl.udcJacksonpc6. comn.). Paul Conncllan ro'n Ninvic dcscrib.'l noutrdson lris$a.on as frrc md Ms corccn'cd th hc 'noun'lJ. *as unable ro o6rain enough envirormenral *rre, ro kcep larse ssiions ofNrsie riv red glm fore$ alive An area ofNaRie !ha! h.d obuined $?b in lune 2009 had planc seeding, bur rhe ren of.he pnpei} Ms prrched and dt tee allocarion rerimc rhe oub noodDliin hrs no nghr ro *arer Ho*evr, rhis is where rhe river rd lum forc$ $as whcn EuroFans aiilv.d- and whcrc lhc foic$ is now v6 onelially rccd b.ds (hh h conobonred by Mirchell\ 1316 descriplions ofrhe aEr). He believes thar as $rrer Ras being boneht ir should b. rdumsd.orbc rholc noodFlain. Prior ro wd.r*gularioi !hh scc.ion ol.hc noodFlain Phord l04r Clockwhq Jamic woods $d dis.u$in! rhc Archrcolosy on Nimmie. Du*cn Old & Brdser Bales on Hrmish culkn wad on r Monnd ar Nap Nrp. Peter Monon Shoving rhe Tean his Wsrl.nd a Mound dl ol100. Ho*cver rhc derdtrmed1othissccrionofrbcLowbidgcchasbccn Eetli'! lesandh$.Piulalsdpoi sdourrh!!thisnalni'tucaEshercihe Riv ina l,ih ihe Dalke . Prul md Ron Hoare 60 srated rhd rhe curenr rhickhds ofsmall.o mcdlum sDrd ivtred su'ns oi rhe inner fldodplain h ai lncfad ofwhirc mn\ naiagenrnr, vhar rhey sid older AbonEimlpeople had .lllcd whire mns wced . rnd po$ drtes the rrdirional land manrlemdl p dicas .nd rhc Ras nooded 94 yerrs out The L.wbidgec fam.6 ii rhc castcm Rcdb k Sysicm and rhe cainNimmie and Fiddhn/u i Creek Sy$enN orrhe Lo*bideee are rko keenly involved in looki4.nor rhc {c.laid cnvioimcib. Nap NlP srrrion has Eceivcd hvnonhcnr.isa.q forNapNap Swamp and 3ho for Pollcr Creck Od,crnatio's rccired some ockanddomeiic wds dosn lhe lreks. Allhoueb faming hrs ccascd ill rhe are occupicd, but as Rob OasonofNi'nn,iecommenkd this crn l go oi lorcvcr, somc rrms will be rbandoned *hich wi11 lDve resulr in nore wecds .nd fcnl aiimals such as piSs Thc InNbidgcc h o .cnificd oGaric ranning a€, and rl1 crops ar orsani.aLly !mm. Kqin Nolan dcsnbcd hos shcn the paddocks are fiooded for croppins rhousnds olbirds bresd ii rh. box and slm tces and liennm beside rhe paddockr. Mi.ha.l Spinks shoscd rhc tan a series ofd'ell niddcn cxposurs iearhn homesread conplex, and Kenn Nolan spflr l5 drys shotiig sits on Michaelk propenier rnd leaming aboul rhodclra.ology. Duscn Oldlkosbowcd us cs or Kir om had only ftcenrly due to valer renicrions, rnd Monkcm Cnnec on nvo scpararc dals. Himish CulLci-Ward fDn Non Nap Surlon aid Stvc Bloic lmn Tory Plains Srarion m boih very keen rll rrchaeolqi.alsites recorded on thef prop.nics, and havc borh supponcd ovtr a pemd or l ime t he recorn ing o I atuh. eological fcaN rcs aid rhc potcdion or 3nc e*ral budals H rmish s ho*ed rhe rcam lnhacoloCicrl sires i', severel are$ on Nap Nrp and is very kem ro hivc .ll sncs on Nat Nan E.orded and m.nag.d Hc pu! ir rhk way: ro hNe tle?tftatb ptou.l atthe:e:it.s 1\tut to to.kajiet!t'e , t en'r rt'.D'.11rc.orded skphen Blorc (*bo vrs .$.y d rhc !im. ol lhc Toiiy Plains suncy) h.s nai'trincd conhcr with dr suncytrnrnd lis oferen b help siih logisiicsifmore recording ir.aded out in his !rca, !id hc rko wrnt a1L the archaeololical ferruEs reco cd on his $arion. Srcphcn rnd matry orhr neighboun tu11y te ures and werlands, md hor rhis mdedrand rh. closc a$o.iarion beeee'i a$oci'tion can only be mainraitred ildr werlands suflive 10 live conlcxr ro thc.nhooLoey. Bob and riona Grnoi ilso sponr no$ ola day wirh rhc rcim dDsLng rlEn arclftolosical learures on Nimmie Surion and lllnine about soDcofrhc Drt.irh within them nom tlr tan. Th! LowdLachlan landowicn and nairEcN screrko i'tereied in the RERf pmsnm rnd in serirg environmenhl lzler inro $rrbnds David Rankin, manago of T!pE- srd n wonld be esy to put envnonmenrrl ward i o Muloga Lakc oi Tupre ShrionbyB'rvity Iloserer.hesaid ir sould nor Eally b.nclit.hc bnds.& es ir n not rhe rishr envinnmenr, ir would be berls 10 ptr( \der in{o rhc Oxlcy S{drc Forennex{lolupra,ffiris.laigcnvnrcdgunforcsandrouldbcormorcc'vi'otrnemlbcreiitTo ptrr {ard inlo rhc forc$ n \rculd lrvc ro bc Dnmpcd iion rl,e Lachbn River. and allhoulh lhis wotrld .o$ ir \rculd bcncfir rh. c'vi,onmen rft D,o$. Drvid suglened ir cotrld be possiblc ro n$ rh. Tupru DumpinciDlm ndure ro ser Na{er inro rlr Oxlsy Slarc Forc$ sdlands Ben Banorv from Ulonp on rhc Lo$q Lachhn Rlvs hrs r long r.m plan to neke his 3 s6.ainabl.. Hc hassold a Narer li.ensero pay ibr a pipeline ro pipe ra{s ftom lhc MtrmmbidsceRivs ro {ock wrerins point over rhe pmpcnies so hc crn dilisc the qhole ati. Ho.b n,n 20.000shlcp bur s sunainable. He r?nt 10 fence oL Mn! ro k.op it as 10,000 ro makc rhc noodplaii idocclhand puisbeep inroihecellsone d l rime *hen winrer arc .r lhcf prifrc, so sheep can rhcn removc rhctubclorc rhcy iln olcrgnzng d'c pcriniek He has a firewood.utq or a contacr rhat oily allows hm ro curde tees Ies rn rboui 20cD diaDerer tnnk, rnd hc mun hkc luD,ps xs MLl. 'll,is *ill lund rbe fcncss oi {hc noodplali. Bcn is dcvasltcd by d'c droughridckcn $drc of$. nvq rcd eum rorcst- and \ruld likc to sork in with RERI b l.y and set irer red sun fbre He hRillingro lenceoffatry henkgcaFis rhd rh. H.y LALC lid RERP tcm io'nimrc, sid rlr Hry coDnnuniry $orkshop decidcd nry *ould likc oll fro'n $ock and rab6ih 1o cnnLre $en n'niv.l Cnis Mu{hy lrom lllonsacamcwirh rhc Hayconmmiry workshop 8tuund on a rour olUlong! and ako rook thcm ro Lokc wllgm, aid discused rspecb ol dr enlironnrnral and culrtrnLhedlrge ofrheart.s. so'nc or thc yourg quaidonss ferced ColMill$lircs ii M'ude on the Lolbideeeand spent moi olhn life working on $dions in thcdntnci (bul Do* works on Krlyr SC,\). Hc ralkcd .bou. ho\r .h.y uscd ro r nr ofrecd! to \us onr" where tbe S{.np; rh.y had ro $!nd up otr catlc wcrc, and they ako used 1o fie rhe recds to force rhm our. H. aho sri'l whctr hc flcs ov woolamic ncar Maud. in 2009, ln prcvious yeas youcouldn l see them, htrr lhe bcelerlesrre so feR and so rhin fro'n rhe lack ofwd{yotr could sc!.ll lhccdrLc. t hc t4- ABORIGI AAL COM M U N I TY 4 YD BENEFITS OF RERP E \VIRONME \ fA L 11.1 Aboriginal Cultural Benefits Tac ,ltthotok,eiut R.s?.'th, ch.,a.tethdtiah & P'rdi.tive \ladel/,,,s P,?j../ h demonjr.rcd (b. conrinunrg connedion berRecn rhc Aboriginal .ofrfrunirics lnd lhc Lotrbidgcc lnd Lowo Lochlatr po{{o'tad Aborisinal hcribsc. borh bngi6le wsrLa.dsi .hrough rhc ncording or prc{onr'cr 'nd archrcolo8Lcal nne'irl rmains and placcs \yirh onrr ryp* of.uLtural sisnificance rnd value. Such dorLnEnrdion \ill enhincc rhc lbiliry of thc Aborigiml .oflnui1ry to nesonare acces ro werlaids of conseae, and enjoy 6en nerilase. The ltivero signinclnccto uidctrrkc cnlturaladL!iies, and ro 'nrnage, (RERf) Env,mDn,enhl Resomrion Prolnn Strbpro8nm lV lnhincc !h! Bcn!fits olEnlironmcnral Wd$, fovid.s ai rddnioml avctruc ror thc ncsorinion ofincrcasd benefit ro the r uraLard NlturaL cnvnonmcnt rnd ncw opponuniries for Aborigiral peopLe to a.c$s rnd enjoy srlhnds A Dl..cs of All Aboriginalpeopk i'loLled in rhe pmjed \se rdively.ngagcd in whd rh. RIR? could do b rcno'. \rtlaids for a dilcne Ense or cultunl purposs. Cunenl A6orilina1 comnuniry uscs of *crlands includ* collecrion of lood (iish, yrbby, cdt. bnds,6d,/, gnbs, planr foods d..). ncdlcli., nrc{ood. lradiridnaL m .nrk (sood, rcsln, fcdhcs, bark ct.), and ramily rcrvt,cs su.h as c'mpnig, bodi',s, siDming nshi',s, rerching and ctrlrurl acriviries. Ihe Aboiginal communny ilso uscs {c.lands lor educdionrl pulposes, leaching school chiLdrcn and rhc Nid* comnuiny ebout Aboigiiel culture and hosro l.ok rfrtr rhe envmrment ln additioD rhe Aborisinrlcommunity is adively cnlascd in sdknd ,belrArd D aaw on.^-rion c... Succestl resenerrtior ot rverLands should indudc r compdncnr ol phnl and rilmil Abonglial.ulruFluscs an'l v'lucs thar rrc curunrly mEorcxtinct on tlt Los Lrcl,irn !n'l Lowbidscc scrrrl]ds A,n exm)pte is nisla.hin rrctaz (*aler nbbont rbd $m ndr secn on the snNey bur i?s Emembered by older rem mnbe6 (Roly Willirns pc^ .on ) Th(Ms an iDpotiir lood nlrnt rhn cs\$ n nill orslosmrerand the narchy mor rube6 Grid 10 be likc r vaxy pokro) rurg brked in ovens md mounds (Bcveridgc 1339 & 6ot2003). spccics wilh Abo'igralpeople also eDphasised rhe nced b mainlain wdhnds ro providsconllxl rd rhc dr.hdcologi.rl cvidenccofrhcnrnccnolsNcof*ollands. Thc RERPworkshops lound rha. nwls iinponrir ro bc 'blc !o dcmon$Btctl[ contirury ofuseof*etLards lrom the.uftnr period, blck rhrcugh rhe hisroic pdiod. rnd as hr ba.k as rl,e Rrle'sNonh 3 and'lihslcry 1 ftounds 11.000 yc!6 !eo. Thc panicipans hclicv. rior to the sid notr Aborigiml ir is impona.r ro bc ablc to dcm poptrldion ard prniculany blovemmenr, solhe locilcommuniriss.rn ncgoria!.ac.c$ and trcrcdioi of RcrLandsandcullu lrcso rcAa$o.iarcd thrctllnds Cul{unl ssourcos include lho planb. aninals ond holistic $tland cnvionmcrh, r vell $ pLaces of hdnioialand h^rori. sisilficrfcc denrnstmtedrlirousl, rrchaeolosicalsusey, onl hinory and mhival reserch. Thc Abonginal.onmunny aho sbtd drr itis inpona roli'vestrrcri', Lvdlrndsro bcilitare an uidcsrrtrdiig orthe Abodsii,rl cultuml bnirrgc vrlucs and maralcnrnl of rhosc val,'cs, md the continuiry olcullunl us and lamily histories. 1a.2 Aboriginal Cultural/Environmental Knowledge Thc ,\borigin.l communily dcmoisrErcd rhat rhcy hrve mpon r kmwledse about rhc wctlaDd ard aninals. and 6ush loods ard mcdicincs. Curcnr Aborisinrl romdmilt kDowlcdee h.ilirrted rhe Fcording of*orllnd .nd noodplain plams and anim'k with velN as food., *ood- rcsin, Bum, fibrc, berk.t. and elso pLtrcs orspecirlvrlue tbr fishin! A lora1ol57 plmc Rirh culrril uscs (3 notd in uhnohh.oric sours oily) lnd l rc.ordcd durinB rl'c RERP suflcy Tlcy aho hrvc i'nl)onrd knosledsc abour hiltoric ard rccenl crvnonmenral chxnle ind hoR landscrpes NeE ma..!ed by rndirion.l laid franagmcir nrucri.cs Thc wcdaM eDrnonnHk. rlt rsociated iaied plant and rninll Esoures ,re ven holisric.lLy as a compldc culturil landscape thd cannorbs sub-divid.d inlo $paialc arcA olinrcrc$. For e{a'nplc. the dlvriotr or ironmenhl Mlcr is a contadiction for rhe Hry LALC anJ N.ri N.ri Tribal CounciL, as lrom In Abonginrl poinr ol vi.w culrurc and cnlnoi'nc camor be sepanted. rhey ar. pan orrhc sanc rholc (letr woods pc^ com) Th. riming ol cnvtonnctrblrcuhunl flooding sas an issue th \yN ftquenrly nised,lor cxamplc rhc (lru rderalloc.rcd 1o-looglnblc had ro bc drawi in rhc larc su'nmctartrmi. cxadly rhc opposnc Traditional Land Management Thc.rchacology, crhiohGtory a'd o'al hnbry iidic es rhat tnditional lind mrnagcmlnl pndics subimlirlly alldcd {dl.nds in rh. Lo$bidgc! lnd Lows Lachhtr. Tmditionel rii',s p,zdics. 14.3 Aboriginal ani'nals. iDpoundins olfisb, and Ein'c1unl .haiscs rcsultins ImD fisl, taps. xens, rc muring rnd impoundinE of trrler and thc buildiig olnounds rnd Lalge midde's. reacd a ctrlruftl Laidscaps and sosy$cfr thar was sub$antally alrered by Aboricinal people Thecslarion olDDnyofrhesepracricesrnerconlad {nh Eropcmsntnlly broughr rbour ne$ chanses ro rhsturlandsrhar iic considcnd rh. ldcal by cuftmmomgcs and sciciriss. but mc ii fad an mtclad oflhcdisrupriotr orAborisi'El landrrdN ft,nrmgcnent and dr intodudion of European hnd and s er mrnasemml Ctrtr6l olNcnlnds docs nor trkc iito ecconnr rl'e eflec! rhrl t dilional Laid frlnlScmcnt fEdices had on rhe eirnon'nent. 8rd rhere is lirlle deh c' (Hunphies 2007) oi how Mditional nanrlenrnr pmcrices mighr be in.oryorrsd inro ndfugcm. of rhe ltLRl' rdhnds and n!c6 Dhcu$ion ar rhc Hay RERP wo*sbop ,'dicrrcs th nrc Abo sinal h rhcsc issus \virh eovemmenirlencies and ro promore r more hdlisri. mliaecmc olaquaric llatrr. harucii',s of plrnk rrd lmrcach ro namgcncnt orwctllidssid rivc's brscd otr Abori-qirrl pcople overmrny rhousrnds of yerm. tu hisroryorDrnascmcntorrl'c wedands by 14.4 The RERP Surv€y Results P(dicrivc nodclinE and eap anrll'sn embled d'e RERP sufley ro hrget a'es d'd havee hlBh llkelLhood ofconlainin! arhacolosicalmderirland ctrlluFl rcsourcss bur norprcviouslt suncysd orrsordcd.-lhis culru€l usc and valucs survly rccodcd ! rool ol l163 lo.alions dr cuhural rn samtlc !rcs 'narcrirl arctrnd thc Lo\$idgcc rnd Lo*r LrchlaD sdlands Tl,e locariors co aiied a roral of 1106 tertorcs. including monnds, middens, ancenmL burials. $one anefach. heal Rrri' ovens, modified tEs (includlneccrcnonieliig teeo, fsotrrce aM ged'eri"B lo.dioN, rnd locarons orhntoncsienificnce. olthc archa.oloeical h dNny rchrcd ro uscaid vlllcs orwcd$ds. For 'hfisialrc.ordcd mounds rnd midden! conhin rlt cooked remai'E ol rttu ic plaDh aDd rninah rh ftoqucitcd thc wcllinds, includlng rcmains olnu$cland lrushN.trsn!il, yabby, fish, onlc and iqulli. bids and d,cir cses ExcNarcd mouMs ako cortalr cha'corl ard pollei idenrified rs belonsitrg to aqnali. lood plrnb such as cum6mgi ard manl clubrusb (Manin 2006). Canoe tees exhibir $ar Thc majority eumple dr rndlalher in re wetLands. Smaller canoc shapcd saB rcsull lrom bark rcmovrl lor smaLl canos known locrlly .s dras-aloigs" which rhe wdhcn pushed lhro gh shillo* {der ro &ny food rbet collsded such as n!$ch orr'tuati. pkDt bbc6 or Oritrdiisd6hcsrtrdn'ona'saMrsd.srhoi"dmt. locus on rh.pnp.orion olscds. tuosaid 'tomcs rubc6gtuwing in Mrlaids lnd cphcnraLly noodcd mlas lhc m.pping ol thc .tohicological RERP suncy nsulrs iho dlnonsr.rls rh! ol erlneoloCicrl 3,'d plrnt and enimls 'nereml combinalion olrhis sudoy ddrd.nd siiiine ddibdses hrs rv'lrod in r sigiificdnt body of infomdlion rl'et that is curc ly bciie Dscd ro build rorc accuErc nrcdicrivc rodch (Ridscs 2010) n'is rcw modelnrg uill enhaD.e lrunl h{irage mrnagemenl iraleeies ard wdhnd .onsnarion, Rlich \i1l bcicfi. rhc AbonginaL communirics ol!h! rceion. l4.s The Unique Landforms ofthe Lowbidgee & Lower Lachlan The RERP sufley area corrains rhe uiique landfoDs ofrhe Losbidsee rnd dr Los Lrchlrn/crrr Ctrmbmg Swrmp, which cff*rively fom No adjrrenr de1la likc slienL silh exceprionrlly hish foduciiviry lnd biona$. Itr rhcsc dckaJ, &ro ficqucnay ovcdorcd bnor $ wds rcguhrlon) rhc rnq chan.els d borh low and high nood pulses into r vai syien olcreeks, vein-like diiribulaics, sMmns lnd lak.s Thc archecolog), crhiohistory, oEl history and .uftnt.omnuiiry kno$lcd8c ond adiviries demonimte a sisnilicant lbcus on rhse \ydlards and rcrlard hources by Aboisinal people ovd rhc l.n 5,000 ycms and inlo thc ptuscnr 'lhc toound btrildrs of rhsc lvcrlind lind$|Ps consructd a .ulturrl bndscrpe th has noprmllcl ir Auinlia rnd mu$ be asisncd a hishp onry lor consc^arioD and mrnagedlnr within is conlexr ofqdland kndsrapes. The mchaeolosy rlso infoms trs abour cnvircnn.nbl clEngs ov$et lca$ 5,000 ycrs aid thc.ulonlrcspon$s ro rlBc d'mgs 1,t.6 Thc The Aboriginal Conmunity and Private Propoty Onnos Working Together lool Ahoriginrl co'nmuini.s lnd rhc non'Aboriginal hndoMcre ond land nana8c6 dcmonnrcrld they have siDilrr soals con cnoarior ol ldands BorL gmups nmn!ly believe ir the need lor addirionrland.onlinuine envnonmenolrcultunlMlerand mrirrenarce. ngcncftlion and tror$rion ol rcmaining \dands lor rhc lulurc gcncn.iois as wcll m rhc .utunt lenmrion. Borh gml'ps demonnmled a delemination ro work roserlE ro fonn an allirnce ained d trorcding aid rcsoring wdlands and obkining sufficicnr lnvnonnrnral and/ or cu huml s.1d in najor rli The pmjed dflnonimted dnr l]t Aborisinal coD,murity ard privare landownen and marrse$ all havc a need lor g8rrr $ppon as they ,ft aLl ro sone exre.r rlie.atd by govmmenr, and lind il .uh to inlom aid in jlucncc gov.mnc doision nakine. '1,rfi Borb rhc Llidowicdnanrgcn and rhc Aboriginll communny also found connon gound ii lhcir c\rensivc lnosleJle olrhc envircnmcnl rnd cnvircnnenhl chrnse, rnd also borl, fclr thrr coaonG n, l ii ) rDprlrirt Id Lrrltrr LhL\ i'nn.'rrr I ffnf.rr llnl rr j frlrt'e \ oJ rrorl. ti(t lrtnr ni rrtrl ' r! Lll\trJrli,r, I,I ^borili|rt l r(ll(luLlr.rlrtrr-!.s'o$s.drorItlrrl{rLf! 1l'xDgr \rorrl?r xrdre !j:.1tr r! itlnili.utrirtr nntuhrn . rtllrnJ lld\r( lrr$ njr b.rh lrLr r {r5. f trb.LrJonnrn b! \rs *cr r rlr. ri'nt ol rll !n\.v rr trr rrknr! trr t lc i nrin I ltt Thr rrttri, ritj Lrdrrurr$i,\lairicr.f|ldrru, ^r,!rnonD P rr orLrrr Dr((\1 $1tr$ \irr r.r.L \ {,rr ri Kryr s(.1 rhNc I.1,r Prioritics tbr |jtrr ironnrcn tal Wrter Tr'c Lol! ! n'. r-idrLrr b.r.\ rtuo ilr rrd rll (i'r t uDhnf! s\rrnl \xld r) n.r I i! rotrLirn'irg d!{l n)nnrDnir\ onr.trrr.\d.LuD! irjlr lf Lrd'ld la, uDdtr nonrlo. Dv o iUrjnlrbdhltltlrri\t_find rt$ rk dr.r.r\ tr), ordrrlr.rnLhd[].Lrl trr rtrll,nrr. l,xdh..trrrld.Jbni !r.rt.\., r,.LrLd(rtc ]\sltrr$frtrio tlr: t qu, t tt hr rt )li!rt. r t t.L,r 1 t !.t |nd ri rra \r\ tt tllt rrk) qr t t id L)tuli ho\ h h t rtn\ rt Pl,do rr: rhr r) Lur rjrLob tturtru,)tt1,, ( tr fbtrtr! s$ r06 Dra(hlicr o + Lhr Lr.lrlM ni\., 3.s] rhrtj,rr atrirllu!s\rnp In rhe Ldwbidgee sevedl aEas hare been able to obriin eNnonmenlal w , but these rre lew rnd wry fragmenred. The nain areas ofr@ent envnonndkl w.!cr are on Nap N.p and al6n! the Redbmk Sysrem on borh sidcs ol rhe Mumnbidgcc Rivcr. Evcn hcrc the oMs ol envionnenlal qarer arc lery ilemenled .dd intnpeded rnh aEd lhat tue under s*ere sfts. For exampk, Paul Connellan of Narwie had some areas nooded, but thc majoriy of his noodphin river ied gum foE$ ms under severe sb*s, dead or dying in odober 2009. Paul ws also @ncemed rhat erlnonnenlal salci wd only reachine ihe swasps, cr@ks and lakes adj.cenr ro rhe rivci. rnd the widd noodplain Ms not rceiving warei This confined noodinE and rhc anificial liming of floodine had changcd rhc distibulion of 'nre RERP $Ney reans and other AboriFinal communiiy mcmben fclihat lhc cnvnonmontll wals was bcinAuscdinal$lhanholisdcway,forexmpleronoodaEdofYangaNdioulP k ro pmvide Mter for frogs. flrey feu rhar iheft ws not sutrcieni res$rch inro whi.h mas should be givh priorily and how much mvnonmenr wder Nrs neened, and Ihar the voices ol ihe Aboriginal connuniry and rhc pivde lan'lowncrs sd nanogeE wcrc nor beine considercd adequately. For example, apnority for lhe Balnnald conmuniry is exrended shalbw noodins rcce$ible io BalFneld ro cncouEgc grce1h of Old Weed, rhich is . plant used videly in the communiiy as a medicine. Mln Phoro 107: Pollen cftek, Nap N.!, showina rhe Benefir of Envimnmenral water Theft is a clear cdnflic! in the fdc! rhar the Aboigiml mnmuniq has to pay sisnifi@ni molnrs of roney for culiu6l wler, 6 wcll as pay !o punp ir inro wedands in aftis vhere n wi nor 611 by ovedank nows froD vens. eg Toosi'nbic. CultuBl waier should bc thc samc cost as onvitunmdral w.rer Culhnl *atershouldal$ beallocard in rhe n arural n ood season ofwinr.tspring, Allocalcd cultural dd snvnonnenral saEr shduld msoriarionj as apFrendy o.oiied i.2009. al$ h e secudry. rnd not be re allooted nithour 15. REFERENCES Anon r903. Aborisimr wordsand Meaninqs.Sei eafMan6:206. Arm$ton8. J. L.. R. T. Kineslord & K M JenkiiN Febrsry 2009.1ie Eflecl Ol Resulrtins lhc Lachlan Rirer On The BoolisalWcrlinds - Thc Floodploin Rod Cum Swamts. Univc^iqorNc$ B.lla,S.A.&K.F.wolkcr.l99l Shape vandion in ihe Auirrlian frshwds mu$el ,1/,t Jy"j,.kr,,i Ircdare (Bivalvia. Hliidre). tldmbialack 220 39 t3. Bal'nc, J, rtrd w. Beck. 1996. 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