May 2015 - Temple Emanu-El


May 2015 - Temple Emanu-El
May 2015
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
(205) 933-8037
(Iyyar-Sivan, 5775)
Birmingham, Alabama
join us as we celebrate
our Confirmation Class:
Trey Collat, Zander Freehling-Kazzie, Rose Levine, Will Lichtenstein,
Gabe McPherson, Sam Morse, Carly Nadler, Rebecca Robinson,
Jack Rosenthal, Joseph Russell, William Russell, Hannah Strickland,
Adam Weil, Jordan Weisberg, Jake Weissman, Gabby Weissman,
Katie Wiatrak, Juliet Wiatrak, and Marshall Wilensky
As they lead us in Shabbat Worship
Friday, May 1 at 5:40 pm
Special Oneg to Follow
Hosted by the Confirmation Class of 5775
Our mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer,
study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness to our congregational family and the community at large.
Our Services
Friday • 5/1
5:00 p.m.
Confirmation &
Shabbat Service
Birthday Blessing
Oneg following hosted by
the Confirmation Class
of 5775
Saturday, 5/2
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Laura Center
Torah Portion: Acharei Mot/K’doshim
Leviticus 19:1-12
Friday, 5/8
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Saturday, 5/9
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Morgan Cohn
Torah Portion: Emor
Leviticus 23:1-12
Friday, 5/15
5:40 p.m.
High School Senior
Shabbat Service
Anniversary Blessing
Saturday, 5/16
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Friday, 5/22
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Saturday, 5/23
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
Numbers 1:1-4:20
Sunday, 5/24
Shavuot & Yizkor Service
Friday, 5/29
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Oneg Sponsored by Saturday, 5/30
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of
Andrew Strickland
Torah Portion:
Numbers 6:16-27
All services are webcast at
Babysitting during services available upon request
Family Promise of Birmingham
Shavuot & Yizkor
Sunday, May 24
Hess Chapel
We will be hosting our
Family Promise guests again the week
of June 28-July 5 and October 11-18.
We absolutely need your help.
This is also a wonderful opportunity for a
teenager who needs volunteer hours.
To volunteer or for more information,
please contact Matt Swerdlin at (202) 747-4271
USPS Identification
Publication Title: Our Temple | Issue Date: May 2015 | Issue Number: 73
Statement of Frequency: Published monthly except forJune/July issue
Organization: Temple Emanu-El
Name/Address:2100 Highland Avenue South | Birmingham, AL 35205 4002
Layout and Design | Kim Graham
Our Clergy & Members
Message From Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Miller
Temple Emanu-El
This May, we will
and send
our graduating
High School
off to their next
chapter of life
our blessings.
As long as I can remember, I have not seen our world in such turmoil. During my wonder
years growing up, my world was neatly divided between the good guys and the bad guys.
The good guys were the United States of America, NATO, Israel, and all those on our side
of the Iron Curtain. The bad guys were the Soviets, the Cubans, the North Vietnamese,
the North Koreans and the Red Chinese. The good guys were the integrationists and those
for civil rights. The bad guys were the segregationists and the White Citizens Councils.
And so I grew up understanding my place in the world, whom to root for and whom to
fear. We all watched the same news on CBS or NBC or ABC. A half hour. That was all
we needed. The world was simpler then.
For our children, the world is far more complex. It is hard to know who the good guys
are. Globalization has lead to a world fractured by many fissures. Nobody is far away.
Beheadings in the Middle East radicalize people in Alabama, and we feel less safe.
Anti-Semitism is on the decline in America, but its manifestations are more violent.
We are less sure who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. The world is so much
more complex and unsettling. And I say that not from the vantage of my having lived an
ample number of years, but because I have the privilege of teaching our Temple’s children
in their high school years, and traveling with them and their families as well. With the
mixed blessing of cell phones, text messages, and the internet, their world is much more
complicated than ours was and so much more difficult to navigate.
This May, we will celebrate Confirmation and send our graduating High School Seniors off
to their next chapter of life with our blessings. We are sending them off into a world that
changes more rapidly than we can imagine. But we will also send them forth into their
emerging adulthood with some eternal truths based upon our religion and the
experience of the Jewish people. We have taught them the importance of one God,
community, tradition and family. Our young people will become Jewish adults living in
an uncertain world not entirely on their own, but also with blessings and knowledge and
wisdom from their Jewish experiences and learning. Join us for Confirmation and when
we bless our Senior High School students. We will celebrate our tradition and their
future, and our future too,
See you at Temple,
Welcome Newest Temple Members
to our Temple Emanu-El family.
Please help us extend a warm
welcome to our following new members:
Patricia Lehman
Amy & Eric Morrison
Billie Marsala & Anisa Dawn
Until this past year our facilities have primarily
been used only by members of Temple Emanu-El.
Since the hiring of Fran Marlow,
her efforts have allowed the greater community to utilize our
beautiful space for their own simchas, which has helped us create a
greater understanding of our Jewish community, as well as
helped us financially. We commend Fran for her creativity
and tireless commitment to our congregation.
Our Leadership
Minutes from the Board Meeting: March, 2015
The Temple Board is proud to share monthly notes from our meetings in the bulletin to ensure that everyone is
informed about what is happening. We welcome your comments, enthusiasm and questions.
Clergy Reports
Rabbi Miller – We had a group of twenty-five members go to Selma for the march. A lot of lifecycle events have been
going on. There have been quite a few difficult funerals.
Rabbi Haas – We had a very successful Discovery School art show gala. The feedback was great and it was a
wonderful evening. Mike Koslin recognized how great the program was. There are 39 students, 16 are full day in the
Discovery School program. We have hired new teachers. There are currently 13 teachers and 39 students.
• Finance Report – Larry Goldberg - Larry reviewed the balance sheet and P&L statements. Larry discussed the budget
for 2015-6. Larry thanked the endowment for the increase in funding. Jann Blitz has worked to try to help us find ways
to get funding for programs. There is a potential for more endowment dollars if we have programs we can match them
with. There is an increase for Cantor Roskin’s position with a gift to establish a Cantorial chair from the Engel family. The
Discovery School showed a lot of growth this year. We estimate we will have a profit between the two school programs.
I discussed expenses. Some of the items here are HVAC to track the expenses for that separately since this expense has
increased due to aging equipment. We have income coming in from the use of the social halls. The motion passed to approved
the budget.
• Executive Directors Report – Mark Cohen You should have gotten an invitation to Laila’s celebration on April 10th.
There are 44 members that still have not paid dues from last year.
• Technology Committee – Julie Stein Julie reported on the virus that locked up the Temple server files. The virus
came in through someone in the school that clicked on an email. We will need to do training with the staff and plan how
to separate the school from the main servers. Also develop a plan to move applications and data to the cloud. We have
identified gaps in the wifi coverage and we are working with Netgear to get recommendations on how to configure our
wireless access points and if we need to add some points or move locations to get coverage in the main areas of
the temple.
• Cemetery Committee – Mark Cohen The work has been completed at Northside cemetery on the retaining wall.
There are some trees that need to be removed. Elmwood is looking better. The Gadsden cemetery needs some work
on headstones and on the walking path. Mark will go to Gadsden to check on the repairs. The booklet, “To Honor and
Comfort” is in its final review.
• Sisterhood – Alison Berman This Sunday is the women’s seder. There are 200 women are expected to attend. The
April 12th cooking class is cancelled but the sisterhood is co-sponsoring an author at the LJCC for a book on the history of
Maj Jong to be followed by Maj Jong games. The Sisterhood is looking for someone to serve as treasurer.
• Brotherhood – David Reese The brotherhood is actively looking for new board members.
• Endowment Report – Amy Saag Last month the endowment board voted to recommend allocations to the Temple for
2015-6 budget. There is over $440,000 available; some are designated funds. This is a $40,000 increase from last year.
Some allocations are matched to day to day expenses. They will provide 18% of budget for day to day needs. The
Cantor’s salary and associate Rabbi salary, choir, bulletin, website upgrades, are also funded through these sources.
Our Leadership and Our Youth & Education
• Personnel Committee Update – Ben Weil Executive Director Job Description – Ben sent out a draft of the job
description for the Executive Director position. Job descriptions have been documented for staff positions.
• President Report – Mike Koslin
nAnnual Meeting date – We will have the annual meeting at the Friday night service and have a bigger Oneg
afterwards. The date is Friday, June 5.
n Financial Resource Committee – Mike is establishing a long-term financial oversight committee. The committee
would be chaired by the treasurer, immediate past president and five other people. The treasurer and past president will rotate off every 2 years. Frank Siegal, Joe Bluestein, Michael Tucker, Leslie McClure, and one other person, Mike is
trying to get a commitment from. The members will serve 2,3,4 years. The committee will include separate review of audit report, contract negotiations and long-term financial impacts to the Temple. The establishment of this committee was approved.
n Family Promise of Birmingham/Tikkun Olam Chair – We need a person for the Family Promise program. We also
are looking for a Tikkun Olam chair.
n We need a host for the May onegs.
nThere will be a Membership Committee established for looking at resignation and dues relief philosophies and principles.
The Temple Board of Directors is proud to represent YOU ! If you would like to get more involved or
participate on a committee, please contact Mark Cohen M.D. at 933-8037. If you have questions or feedback,
please contact Michael Koslin at or at 913-4046.
Summer Fun is around the corner!
Our May cause is: My Child’s Closet
Session 1: May 26th - June 26th
Session 2: June 30th – July 31st
Session 3: August 3rd - August 25th
Special Summer Activities include:
Gymnastics, Drumming, Water Adventures,
Field Days, Sports, Yoga, Fabulous Friday
Spirit Days, and more!
Register your child today!
Full-Day Rates (per session):
15 Month Old Class: $875.00
2 Year Old Class: $875.00
3 Year Old Class: $840.00
Pre-Kindergarten Class: $840.00
Half-Day Rates (per session):
2 Half Days a week: $275.00
3 Half Days a week: $340.00
4 Half Days a week: $425.00
5 Half Days a week: $500.00
Camp Material Fee: $75
Camp registration Fee: $50 (For new students)
Each month,
Temple Emanu-El
chooses a specific
cause for our
Tzedakah Box.
Reserve your spot today!
Please fill out the Registration form
online by visiting our website!
For more information please call
205-933-5907 or email
My Child’s Closet is a Birminghambased organization that provides new or
gently worn play clothes, pajamas, socks,
new underwear, bathing suits and school
uniforms to kids in need.
My Child’s Closet provides a safe
environment where children’s selfesteem soars as they select clothes they
like and feel comfortable wearing. There
are no paid employees or any other
expenses at My Child’s Closet, only a
small dedicated group of volunteers.
Please consider donating new or gently
worn children’s clothes or support
My Child’s Closet with a donation.
Thank You!
Around Our Temple
Mazel Tov To...
Lauren & Drew Weil on the birth of their son,
Campbell Bowman Weil. Grandparents are Lisa & Andy
Weil of Montgomery and Lorri & Mark Sawyer of Navarre
Beach, FL; great grandparents, are Nancy & Harold Blach,
Peggy & Richard Sawyer of Anniston and Dolores Monk
of Orlando, FL. Also celebrating are aunt Amanda Sokol
(Kevin) and uncles, Dustin Weil, Samuel Sawyer and John
Mark Sawyer.
Mindy Lipsitz who has been accepted for residency in
Emergency Medicine at Dartmouth College in New
Hampshire where she will begin in July. Proud parents
are Debbie & Lee Lipsitz.
Rachel Mazer & Andrew Petrofsky on the birth of their
son Daxton “Dax” Hunter Petrofsky on Tuesday, March
24, 2015.Grandparents are Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
and Sheila & Henry Mazer of East Meadow, NY, and great
grandfather Howard Schultz. Also celebrating are aunts
and uncles, Michele & William Hayes of Houston, TX and
Alissa & Jason Natof of Bellmore, NY.
Anne & Justin Weintraub on the birth of their son George
Phillip Weintraub on Friday, March 20, 2015. Grandparents
are Judy & Steve Weintraub of Birmingham and Pat &
Robert Randall of Fairhope, AL. Also celebrating are aunts
and uncles Jamie & Rob Weintraub of Boca Raton, FL and
Allison & Andy Dickerson of Birmingham, AL.
Condolences To...
The family of Martha (Marti) Shelnutt Dillard of
Birmingham, AL, who passed away on Friday,
March 6. She is survived by her husband Larry Dillard;
daughter, Susan Dillard Phillips (David) of Columbus,
Mississippi; sons, Clint Dillard (Amy) and Chip Dillard
of Birmingham, Alabama; and several grandchildren.
The family of Lee Randal McDonald of Auburn, AL,
who passed away on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at the
age of 37. He was preceded in death by his brother,
Lewis Alan McDonald. He is survived by his wife of
14 years, Sarah Beth McDonald, and young children,
Sadie Burgin McDonald and Miller Lewis McDonald.
He is also survived by his mother, Martha Owens Smith
(Bill); his father, Randal Lewis McDonald ( Judy);
stepbrothers, Jason Robert Smith, Michael Ryan Smith,
Justin Ross Ladden (Stacy), Matthew Todd Ladden
(Stephanie); stepsister, Sara Hadley Ladden; as well as a
host of other family members and dear friends.
The family of June Wolin of Birmingham, AL, who
passed away on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. She is
survived by her husband, Al; daughter, Mackie
(Sherman) Horowitz of Birmingham, and several
grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The family of Michael David Fetter, who passed away
on Saturday, March 21, 2015. He is survived by his
parents, Susan & Allen Fetter, brother Steven Fetter
(Caren), his sister Sharon Green (Daniel), and two
nieces & two nephews
The family of Jack Joel Altmark of West Hills, CA,
who passed away on Friday, March 13, 2015. He was
preceded in death by his wife Rose Altmark. He is
survived by his son, Barry Altmark ( Julie) of
Birmingham, AL; daughter Shari Altmark of
Long Beach, CA and grandson, Aron Altmark of
Los Angeles, CA.
The family of Gloria Alexander Ethridge, of
Birmingham AL, who passed away on Tuesday,
March 24, 2015. She was preceded in death by her
husband Ralph Ethridge; daughters, Glenda (Paul)
Nagrodzki, Patsy Vacarella, and Gloria ( Jim)
Whisenhunt; son, Alex Ethridge and Ralph (Beth)
Ethridge, Jr.; siblings, Mary Bottomlee and George
Alexander; numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The family of Alex Walton Sokol, 38, of Birmingham
AL, who passed away on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
Alex was preceded in death by his grandparents, Sara &
Max Sokol and Elaine & Abraham Silver; stepmother
Deidra Sokol and stepbrother Jason Real. He is
survived by his parents, Bruce Sokol (Carleton) and
Roberta May ( Jim); sister, Jennifer Sokol Shulman
(Andy) of Dunwoody, GA; brothers, Adam Sokol
(Caryn) of Alpharetta, GA, Ben Sokol of Leadville, CO,
Brantley & David Cook of Destin, FL, Walker May
(Heather) and Turner May of Birmingham and
numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Around Our Temple
Over 200 Attend 5th Annual Women’s Seder
What better way to spend a Sunday than with 200+ women from all corners of our community.
Hosted by Sisterhood, Cantor Roskin & Rabbi Haas led an engaging service to celebrate the role of women in
the Passover story. Complete with a Hagaddah created specifically for this event, musical accompaniment from
guitarist Robin Berger, soloists and keyboard player from Living Stones Temple, and a delicious traditional meal,
woman sang and danced together as the story of the Exodus unfolded.
Thanks again to our Brotherhood Servers (David
Aarons, Alan Berman, Robert, Berman,Karl Biedinger,
Paul Blutter, Mark Cohen, Ron Cohen, Al Cohn, Jason
Epstein, Paul Friedman, Bill Goldman, Allan Goldstein,
Michael Honan, Sherman Horowitz, Barry Koretzky, Mike
Koslin, Justin Ladden, Robert Levin, David Ovson, David
Reese, Mark Solomon, Jimmy Weil & Brian Wiatrak),
Sisterhood bakers, cooks, set-up help and our
planning committee (Lisa Bebenek, Andi Berger,
Alison Berman, Sandra Berman, Susan Biedinger,
Peggy Bonfield, Linda Cohn, Lacey Epstein, Jackie
Feldman, Toby Gewant, Sherron Goldstein, Robin
Gotlieb, Carol Gross, Rabbi Laila Haas, Rona Harper,
Marilyn Haver, Ginger Held, Gail Herman, Mackie
Horowitz, Linda Jaffe, Susan Koretzky, Denise Lewis,
Dotty Little, Linda McMullen, Loretta Newfield,
Cantor Jessica Roskin, Kim Roth, Lora Schwartz,
Dodie Sokol, Lori Weil, Rhonda Weinberg, Janice
Weinstein, & Barbara Zaslofsky) and our fabulous
chairperson Sylvia Wright.
The prestigious Woman of Valor award
was given this year to Barbara Zaslofsky, who
brought the Women’s Seder to Temple Emanu-El
and served as Chair for the first four years.
Thanks also to the many people who brought toiletries
for Pathways shelter. Our collection boxes overflowed.
It was a festive event, once again, and we are already
looking forward to next year!
Around Our Temple
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Laura Center • May 2 Laura is the daughter of Christina and Sherman Center. Her
paternal grandparents are Marilyn and Morton Center of Chattanooga, TN. Her maternal
grandparents are Millie Papa of Chattanooga, TN and Jerry Papa of Madeira Beach,FL.
Celebrating with Laura are her older sister, Caroline, younger brother, Hamilton, aunts,
uncles, and dear friends. Laura is in the seventh grade at Mountain Brook Junior High School.
Morgan Cohn • May 9
Morgan is the daughter of Tracy and Al Cohn and a 7th
grader at Mountain Brook Junior High School. She is the granddaughter of Helene Urbaitel
of Atlanta, Georgia, Leon Urbaitel of Burlington, Vermont, and Bonnie and Leslie Cohn of
Columbus, Georgia and the great-granddaughter of Lillian Urbaitel of Coconut Creek, Florida
and Bess Cotton of Macon, Georgia. Celebrating with Morgan are her two sisters, Abby and
Lexi Cohn and many family and friends.
Andrew Strickland • May 30th
Andrew is the son of Amy and Ron Strickland and is
a 7th grader at Mountain Brook Junior High School. He is the grandson of Joan and Allan Morris
of Birmingham and Shirley and Ronnie Strickland of Auburn. Andrew will be celebrating with his
sisters, Hannah and Ellie, as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Andrew Strickland
is helping to collect miscellaneous sports balls as a part of his Bar Mitzvah project. If you want to
help, please donate only new or gently used balls by dropping off at Temple Emanu-El. During
the month of April and May there will be a collection bin inside the alley entrance and the
preschool entrance. Your donations will be given to the First Teachers @ Home annual holiday
gift program for preschool and school age children. If any questions, you can email Andrew at Thank you for your help!
Registration is now open for 2015-2016 All incoming Kindergarteners-8th Graders!
Please go to Click on the Youth & Education tab and register your child (ren) today.
Treat Yourself, Family and Friends
The long-running, well-known Sisterhood bulb sale
has begun for 2015, and what better way to beautify
your home and garden! Buy now for Mother’s Day or
plan ahead for summer and fall gift-giving occasions
or events. Bulbs will arrive in the Fall and pick up is
easy as can be. There is a huge variety of bulbs,
including indoor. Visit
and pay with Paypal. This is Sisterhood’s ONLY
fundraiser of the year, so beautify your world
and help support Sisterhood as we provide
much-needed support for Discovery School,
Religious School, TEENS, and other programs.
• Save the date •
Annual Meeting
Friday, June 5th
Shabbat Services
Oneg will follow
Our Yahrzeits
May the beauty of their lives shine forever, and may we always bring honor to their memory.
May 1-2
Naomi Royal
Max Weintraub
Morton Weissman
Alta Epsman
Annie Abelson
Ethel Schoenberg
Lee Wilkoff
Abraham Woolf
Mildred Frankel
Rebecca Aland
Jeanette Solomon
Gustava Estroff Zivitz
Helen Applebaum
Arthur Steiner
Anne Ascher
Gene Thompson
May 15-16
Beulah Bleiberg
Ruth Weiner
Ernest Champion
Joanne Wright
Gary Cohen
Alfred Yeargin
Abraham Cohen
Gloria Zimmerman
Ruth Dorman
May 8-9
Rose Epstein
Jack Adler
Robert Aland
Lawrence Ascherman
Frances Axel
Gene Barth
Nathan Beiman
May 22-23
Dorothy Goldstein
Elinor Bennett
Sidney Goldstein
Harold Blach, Sr.
Rabbi Milton Grafman
Jeanette Blumenthal
Roy Gresham
Edith Buxbaum
Elaine Hurvitch
Jose Camarillo
George Kirschberg
Varner Dudley, Jr.
Nellie Koplon
Florence Eisner
Louis Leaf
Alvin Filer, Sr.
Rosalyn Mason
Irving Gandler
Martin May
Anne Mitnick
Sylvia Miller
Harry Mittleman
Ellen Jacobs
James Patrick
Abe Kessler
Rubin Piha
Fedora Krentzman
Martin Pitt
Bertram Marx
Donald Raymond
Mildred Overbach
Raymond Reisman
Abraham Papier
Harry Richman
James Pipkin
Goldie Rubin
Meyer Randman
Irving Sainker
Lena Salloway
Lillie Engel Buchstane
Jack Bass
Morris Cooper
Ethel Aland Fleisher
Harry Erdberg
Sally Friedman
Aletta Filer
Miriam Gandler
Morris Finkel
Chester Goldberg
Mina Garfinkle
Rose Goldstein
Jerrell Goldforb
Paul Griffith
Jerry Howard
Irvin Gotlieb
Gwendolyn Hartman
Clara Kaplan
Harry Held
Marylyn Isay
Joseph Kushner
Dave Hess
Max Kaplan
Shirley Leventhal
Rafe Hirsch
Rose Kushner
Richard Light
Harry Kaplan
Betty Lean
Fannie May
Sam Leaf
Milton Lewis
Samuel Meyerson
Bernard Leonard
Nathan Marx, U.S.N.
Max Michael, Jr.
Julian Lichter
Lillie Zukerman
Max Lorch Mayer
Linda Montgomery
Malvin Mayer
Julius Rittenbaum
David McPhillips
Rabbi Morris Newfield
William Michalove
Minnie Salomon
Dorothy Miller
David Osband Eugene
Rose Mitnick
Linda Schwartz
Jacob Minisman
Ovson Jacques Posner
Lt. Col. (USAF Ret.)
Lawrence Mollengarden
Aaron Selber
Lena Pinkerson
Martha Shapiro
Norman Rebalsky
Louis Rogoff
George Shapiro
Audrey FriedmanRich
Sarah Saltz
Stanley Solomon
Barbara Schimmel
Samuel Schwartz
Ronny Taylor
Merle Schultz
Abraham Shugerman
Caroline Wiren
Sylvia Seidenman
Ben Siegal
Bessie Siegal
Bambi Silver
May 29-30
Esther Slater
Gertrude Simon
Harry Baskin
Allen Solomon
John Snow
Ralph Blach, Jr.
Sam Sundock
Arthur Stamler
Sophie Bookspan
Sissy Toranto
Alex Sterman
Glenn Cooper
Harry Gilbert
Max Glazer
Eli Goldberg
Eleanor Goodman
Miriam “Mimi”
Karen Mitnick
Emanuel Mogilner
Marvin Nelson
Martha Neuman
Johnny Odess
Morris Pinhas
Hortense Pizitz
Hymon Ripps
Mary Roobin
Annie Rosner
Isadore Goldfarb
Bernard Axel
Rosa Avidan
Sydney Friedman
Goldey Goldberg
Herman Schwarz
Julia Segrest
Louella Shapiro
Steve Slate
Sol Slive
D.D. Sokol
Sigfried Steiner
Fannie Weinstein
Sylvia Weinstein
Richard Wertheimer
Norvall Winnik
Steven Zaslofsky
Our Tributes
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and
loved ones through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through April 9, 2015
General & Unrestricted Funds
Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds
provide the greatest Flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs.
In Memory Of:
Jack Altmark, father of Barry Altmark
by Janet & David Aarons
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bud Gabis
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Dorothy Beck
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Jack Becker
by Lynn & Bert Bloomston
Brett Berman, brother of Allison Weil
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Edith Besser
by Ginger & Jerry Held
Bo Blach
by Dian Diamond
by Lee & Rick Dunsmore
by Marian & Ronny Epstein
by Alise & Joe Erdberg
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Joyce Helzberg
by Gloria & David Koplon
by Ferne Seigel
by Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Dan Blitz, brother of Russ Blitz
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
Bette Ann Pearl Blumenthal,
mother of Michael Blumenthal
by National Bank of Commerce
Felice Cohen
by Frances Cypress
Marvin Cohn
by Anne Cohn
by Linda Cohn
Patsy Collat
by Linda Cohn
by Marian & Ronny Epstein
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Dorothy Cook
by Frances Cypress
Arnold Cotton, father of Candy Meyerson
by Bruce Gillett
Anita Danneman
by Linda Cohn
Gertrude Davis, mother of Alan Davis
by Marian & Ronny Epstein
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
Gloria Ethridge,
mother of Glenda Nagrodzki
by Judy & Hal Abroms
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Letty & Bob Marcus
David Elliott Fleisher
by Joan Becker
by Wanda & Ross Cohen
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Ferne Seigel
Laura Beth Gill
by Gene Gill
Fred Goldstein
by Gertrude Goldstein
Samuel Goldstein
by Shirley & Julius Goldstein
Malcolm Gordon, father of Adam Gordon
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by UAB School of Optometry
Richard Gotlieb
by Linda Cohn
Janie Lee Harmon
by Joan Loretta Munn
Janet Cypress Harris,
daughter of Frances Cypress
by Betty & Bob Anfanger
by Penny Gordon
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Ilene & Allan Wilensky
James Douglas Hewell, brother of Jamie Odrezin
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Joyce Jacobson
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Lillian Birer-Lapidus
by Jerry Lapidus
Isadore “Doc” Levin
by Marissa Apolinsky
Edna Kamenshine Levine,
mother of Ilene Wilensky
by Linda Cohn
by Frances Cypress
by Dian Diamond
by Marian & Ronny Epstein
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Allen Koslin
by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman
David Lowi
by Joan & Allan Morris
Lee McDonald, son of Randy McDonald
by Nancy & David Denney
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Loretta Newfield
Hope Cogen McInerney
by Ferne Seigel
Naomi Royal
by Lana & Steve Royal
Gertrude Schulhafer
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Louis Schulhafer
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Benjamin Schultz
by Ricky Koslin
Helen Silverman, mother of Lana Royal
by Dian Diamond
Alex Sokol, son of Bruce & Carleton Sokol
and Roberta & Jim May
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Susan Brandvold
by Louise & Butch Clayton
by Linda Cohn
by Cheryl & Charlie Collat
by Jane & Melvin Davis
by Nancy & David Denney
by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Herbie Miller and Scott Miller
by Alisa & Jimmy Nadler
by Betsy & Peter Printz
by Becky & Alan Seitel
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Polly Sokol
by Linda Cohn
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Joan & Don Weisberg
David Sperling
by Bernice Barstein
by Joan Becker
by Barbara & Larry Fine
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Joyce Helzberg
by Ferne Seigel
by Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Dorothy Stuart
by Mark Friedman
Samuel Tenenbaum, Sr.
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
Sam Vitemb
by Gay Jacobs
Ida Schultz Webster
by Ricky Koslin
Joyce Weintraub
by Sarah Staff
Our Tributes
June Wolin, mother of Mackie Horowitz
by Janet & David Aarons
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Helene Elkus
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bud Gabis
by Ginger & Jerry Held
by Robbin, Anna & Sam Hessa
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Loretta Newfield
by Margo & Michael Pitt
by Lana & Steve Royal
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Wendy & Frank Siegal
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Jerry Zuckman
by Bernice Barstein
Wishing Good Health To:
Robbie Bauke
by Carol & Bob Gross
Joan Becker
by Sandra & Alan Berman
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Ilene & Alan Wilensky
Julie Bernstein
by Linda Cohn
Rosalyn Bloomston
by Doris & Fred Kanter
Connie Borbely
by Carol & Bob Gross
Lynne Cohen
by Linda Cohn
Charlotte Corenblum
by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Dana Dech
by Carol & Bob Gross
Richard Epstein
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
by Linda Cohn
by Herbie Miller
Betty Goldstein
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Elaine Kartus
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
David Koplon
by Linda Cohn
Susan Koretzky
by Sandra & Alan Berman
by Linda Cohn
Jonathan Levine
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Gerson May
by Linda Cohn
Carole Pizitz
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Betsy & Peter Printz
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Pete Roth
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Ferne Seigel
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Rick Roth
by Joan Becker
by Nancy & David Denney
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Gloria & David Koplon
by Judy & Gerson May
by Lana & Steve Royal
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Sandra & Larry Shulman
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Bernard Schulman
by Susan & Billy Lapidus
by Ferne Seigel
Sandy Seton
by Joan Becker
by Mary & Jay Cohen
by Linda Cohn
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Ginger & Jerry Held
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Herbie Miller
by Betsy & Peter Printz
by Amy & Michael Saag
Dodie Sokol
by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman
by Joan & Don Weisberg
Murray Tanner
by Linda Cohn
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Janet Wertheimer
by Gail & Charles Herman
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Roslyn & Lester Lit
by Betsy & Peter Printz
Helene Wolf
by Loretta Newfield
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of Molly Frohsin, daughter of
Elise & Hank Frohsin and granddaughter
of Carol & Henry Frohsin and Judy &
Gerson May and great-granddaughter of
Dorothy Shiland
by Linda Cohn
by Frances Cypress
Bat Mitzvah of Gabi Oser,
daughter of Rachel Oser
by Rosalyn Bloomston
Bat Mitzvah of Jamie Perlman, daughter of
Lauren Perlman and Marc Perlman
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Faye & Robbie Rosenbaum
by Elinor & Mike Staff
Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Sklar, daughter of
Stephanie & Brad Sklar and granddaughter
of Jean & Jerry Sklar
by Linda Cohn
by Dian Diamond
by Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Birth of Emma Jade Levin and Madeline
Eden Levin, granddaughters of
Faye & Robert Levin
by Linda Cohn
by Dian Diamond
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
Birth of Thea Judith Pearson, daughter of
Abby & Joseph Pearson and granddaughter
of Heidi & Barry Allen
by Linda & Doug Friedman
Birth of Daxton “Dax” Hunter Petrofsky,
son of Rachel Mazer & Andrew Petrofsky
and grandson of Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Amy & Michael Saag
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Birth of Emery “Emmy” Weil Saag,
daughter of Brittany & Andy Saag,
granddaughter of Amy & Michael Saag and
great-granddaughter of Pat Weil
by Cathy & Paul Friedman
by Debbie & Lee Lipsitz
by Karen & Joel Piassick
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Birth of Campbell Bowman Weil, son of
Lauren & Drew Weil
by Dian Diamond
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Karen & Joel Piassick
Birth of George Phillips Weintraub, son of
Anne & Justin Weintraub, and grandson of
Judy & Stephen Weintraub
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
Special Birthdays of Judy & Hal Abroms
by Linda Cohn
Special Birthday of Loretta Newfield
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Special Birthday of Dick Pizitz
by Dian Diamond
Special Birthday of Michael Pizitz
by Dian Diamond
Special Birthday of Sandra Shulman
by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein
Special Birthday of Janet Silverstein
by Joan Loretta Munn
Special Birthday of Bruce Sommer
by Joan Loretta Munn
Engagement of Carlie Gotlieb, daughter of
Robin Gotlieb, to Alex Cohen
by Linda Cohn
Lisa Engel for being honored as this year’s
Distinguished Volunteer by The National
Conference for Community & Justice
by Linda & Doug Friedman
Rabbi Laila Haas for becoming
an Associate Rabbi
by Linda Cohn
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich for being
honored by Collat Jewish Family Services
by Linda Cohn
Marriage of Caren Schiff, daughter of
Donna & Gary Schiff, to Seth Morganstern
by Linda Cohn
Marriage of Jenny Marie Wilson to
Kerry McInerney
by Ferne Seigel
Our Tributes
Designated Endowment Funds
Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide permanent
sources of income for special programming and enhancements for
our temple today,as well as for future generations.
Muncy Abroms Cultural
Arts Fund
In Memory Of:
David Fleisher
by Carol Solomon
In Honor Of:
Birth of George Weintraub
by Carol Solomon
Blach Family Fund for
Dues Endowment
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach
by Nancy & David Denney
by Jerry Lapidus
by Marion & Brad Lapidus
by Mitzi & Barry Levin
by Jane Levy
by Jan, Suzanne & Arnie Miller
by Lisa Goren Pritzker
by Sally & Jeff Rosenberg and family
by Reene Weinstein
Lee McDonald, David Sperling
and June Wolin
by Kit & Rick Roth
Wishing Good Health:
Joan Becker and Charlotte Corenblum
by Nancy & Harold Blach
Pete Roth
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Rick Roth
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
by Reene Weinstein
Mike Weiner
by Kit & Rick Roth
Gadsden Cemetery Fund
In Memory Of:
Rachel Jospin
by Charlotte Cohn
Nina & Norman Cohen Next
Generation FunD
In Memory Of:
June Wolin
by Lois & David Cohen
In Honor Of:
Birth of Dax Petrofsky
by Lois & David Cohen
Betty A. Goldstein Camp
Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Wishing Good Health:
Rick Roth
by Betty Allenberg Goldstein
Edward & Hermione Friend
Community Fund
In Memory Of:
Dan Blitz and Audrey Weil
by Linda & Richard Cohn
Lee McDonald
by Mary & David Kimerling
by Jaime & Gregory Odrezin
Wishing Good Health:
Sandy Seton
by Linda & Richard Cohn
In Honor Of:
Birth of Billy Hayes, grandson of Maureen
& Mark Petrofsky
by Linda & Richard Cohn
Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Break-The-Fast Fund
In Memory Of:
Gloria Alexander, Jack Altmark,
Alex Sokol and June Wolin
by Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein
Volunteer Fund
In Memory Of:
Jack Altmark, Samuel Goldstein,
Aaron Green, Alex Sokol and June Wolin
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
Wishing Good Health:
Carole Pizitz
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Joan Becker and Rosalyn Bloomston
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
In Honor Of:
Birth of Evelyn Joan “Evie” Sokol,
daughter of Amanda & Kevin Sokol and
great-granddaughter of
Harold & Nancy Blach
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Birthday of Grace Finkel
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
Leah’s Teen Trip Fund
In Memory Of:
Janet Cypress Harris
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
Wishing Good Health:
Janice & Sandy Weinstein
by Sharon & Ed Bromberg
Robert Loeb Education Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach
by Betty Loeb
Wishing Good Health:
Rick Roth
by Betty Loeb
In Honor Of:
Birth of Emmy Saag
by Betty Loeb
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
In Memory Of:
David Fleisher
by Janet & Morton Goldfarb
Wishing Good Health:
Joan Becker, Rosalyn Bloomston,
Carole Pizitz and Sandy Seton
by Carol & B.G. Minisman
“OurTemple” Worship
Anywhere Fund
In Memory Of:
Patsy Collat
by Rabbi James Glazier
by Lutron Electronics Company
by Betty A. Rowell
by Laurie & Zachary Solomon
Diana & Sydney Patterson
Scholarship Fund
In Memory Of:
Alex Sokol
by Allison & Ben Weil
Reese Family Fund
In Memory Of:
Polly Sokol
by David Reese
In Honor Of:
Special Anniversary of Cathy &
Paul Friedman;
Special Birthday of Barry Levin
by David Reese
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Fund for Dues Endowment
In Memory Of:
Jack Altmark and David Fleisher
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Wishing Good Health:
Joan Becker, Rosalyn Bloomston and
Sandy Seton
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund
for Dues Endowment
In Memory Of:
David Fleisher
by Jean & Jerry Sklar
Your contributions through our “Temple Tributes” help to support Temple Emanu-El’s annual operations and activities,
and further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to enrich our congregation…now and forever.
To make a Tribute Gift to either a Temple or an Endowment Fund, please contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397 or
A list of all our Temple and Endowment Funds is available on the back of the Calendar Insert in this bulletin, and on our website at
Our Tributes
Designated Temple Funds
Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond
the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide.
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of:
Frances Birnbaum, Ted Small and
Joan Sommer
by Joan Loretta Munn
Bo Blach
by Harold & Nancy Blach
Patsy Collat
by Wendy & Warren Martin
David Fleisher
by Celeste Fleisher
Janet Cypress Harris
by Fred Cypress and Joseph Sacher
In Honor Of:
Bar Mitzvah of our son, Zachary Hagedorn
by Christie & Jeff Hagedorn
Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter,
Molly Frohsin
by Judy & Gerson May
Special Birthday of Gloria Hecht,
Alice Montlack and Bruce Sommer
by Joan Loretta Munn
My conversion to Judaism
by Lutfiya Pinsler
The wonderful Rejewvenation Class
by Kelly Mitchell Winston
Rabbi Laila Haas
Discretionary Fund
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter,
Molly Frohsin
by Judy & Gerson May
My conversion to Judaism
by Lutfiya Pinsler
Caring Committee Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach and Patsy Collat
by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
Wishing Good Health:
Rick Roth
by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
Sandy Seton
by Carole & Richard Epstein
Discovery School Fund
In Honor Of:
Special Anniversary of Cathy & Paul Friedman;
Birth of Emmy Saag;
by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
Music Fund
In Memory Of:
June Wolin
by Tom Cowen
by Ann & Richard Goldstein
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Rochelle & Michael Koslin
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of:
Jack Altmark
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
by Judy & Robert Rutstein
Bo Blach
by Harold & Nancy Blach
Bette Ann Blumenthal
by Don and Michael Blumenthal
Thelma Cook
by Princess Hogan
Gertrude Davis
by Susan & Karl Biedinger
Nataliy & Avram Dresner
by Joan Ehrlich
Michael David Fetter
by Susan & Allen Fetter
Sandra Richardson
by Jamie Lee Harmon
June Wolin
by Ingrid & Howard Roskin
In Honor Of:
Bar Mitzvah of our son, Zachary Hagedorn
by Christie & Jeff Hagedorn
Bat Mitzvah of my daughter, Jamie Perlman
by Lauren Perlman
Special Birthday of Janet Silverstein
by Joan Loretta Munn
Birth of Emmy Saag
by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky
My conversion to Judaism
by Lutfiya Pinsler
A Lasting Legacy
The Rabbi Grafman Fund gratefully acknowledges the generosity and foresight of Richard Gotlieb*,
for arranging a bequest in his will to further build his family’s fund,
the Mollie & Herman Gotlieb Sanctuary Preservation Fund
for care and upkeep of our lovely and historic sanctuary.
We also greatly appreciate the love and generosity of the Ruth & Marvin* Engel Family
for further expanding their fund to now establish a Cantorial Chair, as well as continue to fund the
High Holy Day Choir and annual cantorial concerts/programs. The fund will now be recognized as the
Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial Chair and Choir Fund
When you do your estate planning, please remember the Temple!We welcome gifts of all sizes,as well as
a percentage of your estate. You may also consider naming the Temple as beneficiary of a life insurance
policy, or make a gift of real estate or a portion of your IRA. For more information on creating a named
fund, or exploring the many ways to include the Temple in your estate plans,
please contact Jann Blitz in the Endowment Office at 933-8037, ext. 234.
(*) of blessed memory
Our Sponsors
Buggy Bucks: The Perfect Gift!
Please give Buggy Bucks gift cards to your friends,
family, and employees for any celebration or occasion.
It works like this: You purchase the Buggy Bucks gift cards for Publix or Piggly Wiggly. They work just
like any gift card, but these stores give us a discount on the total amount and those
proceeds go directly to the Temple General Fund.
We take cash, checks, and can even transfer money directly from your bank! We can mail the Buggy Bucks directly to you or we can mail them directly to the recipient with
your personalized card.
Now, what could be easier than that?
Call Loretta Newfield at (205) 933-8037 or to order.
Temple Emanu-El Advertising | Information for Our Temple Bulletin
Black & white ads are sold on an annual basis only and will run for 11 consecutive months.
Available ad sizes include small, medium, large, and full page (when available).
(Sorry, color ads are not available.)
Why advertise with us?
• Businesses get an Automatic Trust Factor when
Monthly payments are available.
advertising in faith-based newsletters.
• Your advertising will be in both over 600 monthly
For pricing and other information, please contact:
circulated print editions and also in the digital
edition on our website, which is visited by not Marianne Pitts
only our members, but also many non-members.
Temple Emanu-El
• Your business is viewed in a positive light as a
(205) 933-8037, ext. 239
Community Supporter.
• Every potential customer lives in your community!
Majestic Nails Spa
4274 Cahaba Heights Ct Ste #110 Vestavia
(205) 271-2125
Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome
Organic Products & LEDgel only, Non-UV
Mon - Fri 9:30am - 7pm
Sat 9:30am - 5pm • Sun 1pm - 5pm
(205) 266-2077
Jose Katz
3900 Montclair Rd, Suite 320
Crestline Post Office Bldg
(205) 871-1008
Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm
Our Sponsors
CAT Animal Hospital
380 Summit boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35243
(205) 967-2511
FAX: (205) 967-2652
J.H. Berry
Personal & Business Protection
For All Your Insurance Needs
Giani, Marco & Giovanni, Owners
721 Broadway St. Homewood, 35209
David Lott, President

Temple Emanu-El
1465 Gadsden Hwy
Birmingham, AL 35235
1432 Montgomery Hwy
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
Gift Shop
More Floors. More Choices. More Savings.
Register for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Nathan Marcus
(205) 824-8001
It’s a great way to let everyone
know how to honor them!
© 2011 Allstate Insurance Company.
Devinci’s Pizza
2707 18th Street S. 35209
Open 7days a week
Mon-Sun 10am-10pm
Lunch & Dinner
Special Breakfast Hours
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Come see our beautiful new tallit selection
from Israel. If you register in the gift shop
you will be given 25% off the tallit purchase.
Hours for March 2015 are:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from
10:00am-2:00pm or
by appointment contact
Loretta Newfield at 933-8037.
Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Birmingham, AL
Permit No. 1137
Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material.
Please deliver immediately.
Address Service Requested
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Please let us know by e-mail:
This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood.
Our Temple
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-8037 | FAX (205) 933-8099
Please join us
Friday, May 15th
as we celebrate a special
Shabbat Blessing for our
2015 High School
Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Rabbi Laila Haas
Senior Team
Mark Cohen M.D, Executive Director
Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director
Board of Directors
Dr. Michael Koslin, President
Ben Weil, President Elect
Dr. Mark Cohen, Vice President
Dr. Al Cohn, Vice President
Sherron Goldstein, Vice President
Julie Stein, Secretary
Larry Goldberg, Treasurer
Stephen Royal, Immediate Past President
Hal Abroms
Brian Held
Debbie Barnstein
Edgar Marx, Jr
Andi Berger
Joel Piassick
Robert Berman
David Reese
Paul Blutter
Brittany Saag
Charles Collat, Jr.
Michael Tucker
Anna Slive Harwood
In the event of a family emergency after hours,
please contact us:
Rabbi Jonathan Miller: (205) 223-0916
Cantor Jessica Roskin: (205) 266-6549
Rabbi Laila Haas: (205) 777-8804
Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do.
Temple Emanu-El Events Calendar
Our Tiedakalt Box Clt'flrity for the mo tit is:
My Cltihks Closet
Torah Portion:
5:40pm Shabbat Service
5:40pm High School Senior
Shabbat Service
Anniversary Blessing
Leviticus 23:1-12
9:00am Torah Study
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Torah Portion:
B 'ltar!B 'chukotai
LevWcus 25:1-27:34
Torah Portion:
II :OOam Discovery School
5:40pm Shabbat Service
Numbers 1:1-4:20
9:00am Torah Study
I 0:30am Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of
Andrew Strickland
11 :OOam Shavuot & Yizkor
Temple offices closed in
observanceofMcmoria1 Da
Torah Portion:
Over For a List of Temple Funds
• 5~4~p~ .S'•a~b~ ~eziic•
9:00am Torah Study
I0:30am Shabat Service
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
Bat Mitzvah of Morgan Cohn
5:40pm Confirmation
Shabbat Service
9:00am Torah Study
I 0:30am Shabbat Service
Birthday Blessing
Oneg will follow hosted by Bat Mitzvah of Laura Center •
Torah Portion:
Confirmation Class of
Acharei Mot!K'doshim
Numbers 6:16:27
•••••• •• ••• •• •
Designated & Unrestricted Funds
benefiting Temple Emanu-El
We greatly appreciate the tributes and contributions made to Temple Emanu-El to
honor friends and family, commemorate significant events and remember loved ones.
Your contributions to the Temple's "immediate use" funds help support our
annual operations and fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and
tuition fees are able to provide - and gifts to our Endowment Funds help further
build our Grafman Endowment Fund to provide perpetual I permanent sources of
income to enrich our congregation ... now and for generations to come.
Temple General Fund
Endowment General Fund
Rabbi Miller Discretionary Fund
Cantor Raskin Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Haas Discretionary Fund
Music Fund
Chorale Fund
Art Fund
Library Fund
Archives Fund
Prayerbook Replacement Fund
Endowed Funds:
Muncy HarrisAbroms Cultural Arts Fund
Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial Chair
& High Holy Day Choir Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Archives Fund
Joan & Milton Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund
Cantor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund
Odess Family Fund
Ruth & J.D. Rosenberger Music Fund
Barrye & Jay ZiffCulturaiArts Fund
Abroms/Weil Hall Repair & Replacement Fund
Capital Improvements Fund
Reserve Fund
Jasper Cemetery Oversight Fund
Endowed Funds:
Abrams Hall Preservation Fund
Mollie &Herman Goflieb Sanctuary Preservation Fund
Hess Chapel Fund
Gloria Goldstein Howton Building Fund
Jasper Temple Fund
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
Cemetery Care Fund
Gadsden Cemetery Fund
Disaster Relief Fund
Tikkun Olam Fund
Caring Committee Fund
Giving Tree I Financial Assistance Fund
Celebration I Financial Assistance Fund
Endowed Funds:
Leona & Marvin ChernerCaring Community Fund
Edward & Hermione Friend Community Fund
Richard Goldner Community Service Fund
Ritual &Worship Fund
Adult Education Fund
Leadership Development Fund
Endowed Funds:
Honan Family Torah Study Fund
Religious School Fund
Discovery School Fund
BIRTYYouth Group Fund
TEENS Programming Fund
Jacobs Camp Scholarship Fund
Ms. Lois Scholarship Fund
Endowed Funds:
Gail &Jeffrey Bayer Fund for Religious Education
lves Family Religious School Fund
Robert Loeb Education Fund
Lee & Stanley Elsas TEENS Fund
Leah Marks Young Adult Library Fund
Leah's Teen Trip Fund
Barbara Abrams &Julian Aland Scholarship Fund
Betty A. Goldstein Camp Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Fig tree Scholarship Fund
Max Friedman B'nai Mitzvah Fund
Lewy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Diana &Sidney Patterson Scholarship Fund
Lester Seigel Scholarship Fund
I.E. Simon Memorial Scholarship Fund
May 2015
To make a Temple Tribute to either an ~immediate use" fund or an endowment fund,
con/act/he Endowment Office at 933-8397 or
Membership Fund
Young Adult/ Next Generation Fund
Sewing Guild Fund
Technology Fund
Endowed Funds:
Andrew Abrams Flower Fund
Beth Family Fund
Nina & Norman Cohen Next Generation Fund
Faye &Norris Friedman Social Enrichment Fund
Sherron &Allan Goldstein Break-the-Fast Fund
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund
"OurTemp/e"WorshipAnywhere Fund
Reese Family Fund
Steiner Interfaith Fund
Blach Family Fund
Deborah Chargois Fund
Patsy & Charles Coli at Fund
Ethel Aland Fleisher Family Fund
Janis & Paul Friedman Fund
Rochelle & Michael Koslin Fund
Carole & Michael Pizitz Family Fund
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich Family Fund
Kim & Neil Roth Family Fund
Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund
NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS for unrestricted purposes:
Aarons Family Fund
Gayle& Eddie Leitman Fund
Judy Todd Abrams &Ted Abrams Fund
Ralph Z. Levene Memorial Fund
Barbara & Jack Aland Family Fund
Roslyn T. Levene Fund
Leon Aland Fund
Faye & Robert Levin Family Fund
Susan &Rodney Barstein Family Fund
Ted Levite Memorial Fund
Sandra &Alan Berman Family Fund
Levitt Family Fund
Gail & Harry Bayer Family Fund
Nathan Wayne Lewis Memorial Fund
Flossie & Ira Bayer Family Fund
Letty & Bob Marcus Fund
Becker Family Fund
Judy & Gerson May Fund
Bluestein Family Fund
Gertrude & A.R. Mazer Family Fund
Buchalter Family Fund
Candy & Ed Meyerson Fund
Ida M. Cohen Memorial Fund
N.E. Miles Fund
Marion &Oscar Cohen Fund
Marvin &Marilyn Lichtenstein Nelson Fund
Roselyn & Vernon Cohen Family Fund
Loretta & Mayer Newfield Fund
Mildred & Samuel Cohn Fund
Dolly & Jerry Newmark Fund
Frances & Conrad S. Cypress Fund
Karen &Joel Piassick Fund
Dannis Family Fund
Betsy & Peter Printz Fund
Elmets Family Fund
Loris & David Rich Memorial Fund
Gladys &Alex Epstein Family Fund
Judy &James Rotenstreich Fund
Fbrine Capper Ettinger Fund
Rose & Nathan Rotenstreich Fund
Alvin V. Filer, Jr. Memorial Fund
Elise & Irving Rubel Fund
Barbara & Larry Fine Fund
Stanley Dean Friedman Family Fund
Amy & Michael Saag Family Fund
Dr. Harry & Bessie Goldner Fund
Betty &Coleman Sachs Fund
Adele & Malvin Goldstein Fund
Dena &Aaron Sachs Memorial Fund
Edward Goodman Memorial Fund
Margaret & Maurice Salloway Fund
Mimi &Seaburt Goodman Fund
Perry Schwartz Memorial Fund
Rebecca &Adam Gordon Fund
Ida W. Seigel Fund
Belle &Ike Gotlieb Memorial Fund
Anne Copeland Silberman Memorial Fund
Rosalie &Raymond Gotlieb Fund
Joseph H. Sirota Memorial Fund
Carol & Robert Gross Family Fund
Morris K. Sirota Memorial Fund
Evelyn & Jack Held Fund
Stephanie & Brad Sklar Family Fund
Ginger & Jerry Held Fund
Slive Family Fund
Cissy & Leonard Held Fund
Carleton & Bruce Sokol Fund
Carol & Donald Herman Fund
James Sokol Family Fund
Hirschowitz Family Fund
Marion & Dave Solomon Fund
Will Holloway Memorial Fund
Norma & Buddy Warren Memorial Fund
Hurowitz Family Fund
Pat &Leonard Weil Fund
Rhoda& Abe Kaplan Fund
Weiner Family Fund
Miriam &Jack Kartus Fund
Weinman/ Fierman Family Fund
Michael Koslin Family Fund
Joe, Jean & Roberta Weinstein/ Jablow Fund
Julie & Howard Koch Family Fund
Janet& Leonard Wertheimer Fund
Leah & Ronnie Leaf Family Fund