The Boston Broadside


The Boston Broadside
The Boston Broadside
2 0 1 4
DeLeo’s Bill (HB 4121) to
place massive intrusions on
the freedom and rights of
legal gun owners
The cannons of
liberty are needed
now more than ever.
This issue is dedicated
to the continuous
struggle for freedom.
As every day, our rights
get chipped away at by
an ever-expanding and
bloated government
and indifferent or selfpromoting politicians
and political hacks,
brave voices emerge
to stand in opposition.
Some such brave
voices include fathers,
mothers and sisters and
brothers (including the
Pelletier family and all
the ‘Kuhner Country’
supporters who traveled
to Boston on a Saturday
afternoon on Memorial
Day weekend, giving of
themselves, their time,
their energies, their
coin, to help stand in
opposition to a tragic,
incompetent, wasteful,
shameful, and vindictive
government). Other
voices include those
patriots who take to
the airwaves, including
noted radio talk show
hosts Jeff Kuhner,
Michael Graham, Howie
Carr, and Ed Lambert
amongst others.
In this issue, we touch
upon the latest Free
Justina Pelletier rally,
because she could be
your daughter, or your
granddaughter This
COULD happen to you.
We also touch upon
“wolves in sheep
clothing” proposed gun
legislation which many
have likened to, of all
things, pre-WWII Nazi
We also touch upon
apparent misuse of
taxpayer money, pork
du-jour, and begin
our series on fat-cat
politicians, living high
off the hog from the
seemingly endless
gravy-train of political
If in your travels,
you see something of
interest, please share
it. We’re trying to give
voice to the voiceless.
- Editor
Mass. Gov.’t
Seeks to Gut
2nd Amendment Rights
WRKO Talk Show Host Jeff Kuhner, Bri any Jennings, Assistant Program Director Bill Cooksey,
and Dr. Grace Vuoto lead Rally at Mass. Statehouse to Free Gov’t Held Child Jus na Pelle er
‘Kuhner Country’
Out in Force to Free
Justina Pelletier
Thousands Turn Out at Statehouse for Memorial Day Weekend Rally
By Lonnie Brennan
Mr. Kuhner told the crowd as he introduced
Justina Pelletier’s father, Lou Pelletier, who
risked jail time to speak out against the judge’s
The ‘Boston Bulldozer’, WRKO talk show
orders, to free his daughter. “She still would be
host Jeffery T. Kuhner brought the power
rotting at Boston’s Children’s Hospital,” Mr.
of Kuhner Country and a tremendously
Kuhner said.
overflowing protest/rally
“This is a patriot. This
(held on Memorial Day
is a loving father,” the
weekend in honor of a young
incredibly popular force
lady’s 16th birthday), to the
for freedom said. “He
steps of the Massachusetts
wants what all of us wants
Statehouse. The message
and all of us deserve: he
to the absent Democrat
wants his daughter back
Governor Deval Patrick (out
home with him and his
on yet another junket) and
wife and her sisters where
his administration: let a
she belongs.” The crowd
young lady who is no danger
exploded with applause.
to herself or others go home
In 2013, yes, more than
to her sisters, her mother,
months ago, Justina
her father, her friends.
was kidnapped
Free Justina Pelletier from
course) by
debilitating incarceration.
Boston’s Children’s
“Had he not violated the
Hospital, in concert with
gag order slapped on him by that arrogant
Harvard University, Judge Joseph T. Johnston,
judge (Joseph T. Johnston, Jr.), nobody
Jr., and the notoriously incompetent
would know about Justina Pelletier today,”
Kuhner Country Rallies for Justina - page 4
Transportation Secretary Davey
Charged with Wrongful Use of State
Resources to Kill Ballot Initiative
Democrat House Majority Leader
Robert DeLeo just slammed House
Bill 4121 before the legislature. The
aim: to create a government registry
of all guns in the Commonwealth
similar to what the Germans did prior
to confiscation. His bill also seeks to
further consolidate power and give
Democrat Governor Candidate and
current Attorney General, Martha
Coakley, the right to outlaw the
ownership of any gun in the state that
she feels citizens should not have.
“We’ve not seen such
an aƩack on gun owner
rights–hidden like wolves
in sheep clothing–since
pre-WWII Nazi Germany.”
Gun owners and other 2nd
Amendment supporters charge that
Speaker DeLeo’s bill, which comes
in the wake of a series of gun rights
‘listening tours’ led by State Rep.
Hank Naughton (chair of the Joint
Committee on Public Safety and
Homeland Security), represents a
massive government intrusion on the
rights of taxpaying, legal gun owning
citizens of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts and United States of
Rep. Naughton had conducted a
series of meetings last year around the
state (see related story) as part of his
subsequently aborted campaign for
attorney general (he found little if any
support for his message, his campaign,
and his fund-raising, and subsequently
withdrew from the race).
In addition to creating a gun registry,
further restricting the sale of guns and
placing that power in the hands of one
Democrat DeLeo’ 2nd Amendment Assault
- page 9
Group Exposes E-mail Done on Taxpayer Dime - Files FOIA
Take a deep breath and ponder this dilemna:
If the legislature decides to abdicate any
future responsibility for tax increases, and
instead creates a forever-automatically
increasing gas tax that they never have to vote
on again, and never have to be held accountable
for, and that tax is linked to inflation, but is
also a component of that inflationary computed
number, guaranteeing a perpetual upward
increase in taxes, and so on, and so forth, over
and over and over, year after year,
what’s a government official who
stands to earn a higher salary,
bonuses, perks, and other treasures
from the tax increase to do?
Answer: Use all the government
employees and equipment and
communications, and resources at
his disposal, to oppose repealing
the tax that keeps on giving.
And, giving the Mass.
If you like what you see here, this newspaper it is totally self-funded,
employee’s actions to date,
so if you want to help out and see more of these, please subscribe,
it appears that’s exactly what
advertise, or go to our website at and
Transportation chief Richard
contribute from $2 to $200. It will be appreciated.
Wrongful Use, page 8
Davey outed
by an automa c
tax increase
group for
role in use
of gov’t
to defeat
ci zen’s
pe on
Mark Jackson holds his Patrick “FAIL” (a hit
poster at the Jus na Pelle er Rally: One of
Many ‘Confron ng Governor Patrick’s Lies’ and
concerns with Children’s Hospital and D.C.F.
June 2014 The Boston Broadside
House Minority Leader Brad Jones - Living
the Good Life on ‘Campaign Donations’
With no opponents, perennial politician f nds spending funds is an easy thing to do
C. Bartley ($400).
life as he faced a challenge from Representative
Lewis Evangelidis (R-Holden) for the House
With virtually no opposition, and with tremendous
Broadside Columnist
Minority Leader position. When asked why he was contributions to his ‘campaign’ accounts, and his
challenging Battlin’ Brad for the House Minority
Battlin’ Brad Jones (R-North Reading) has been
subsidized living on approximately 97% of that
Leader slot, Evangelidis replied that “he is tired
a longtime fixture in the Republican political scene
income, and his poor record of standing by House
of watching fewer and fewer Republicans be
and this helps him bring in beaucoup bucks
Republican Representatives and candidates, the House
elected to the state Legislature”. When Jones was
Republican Caucus needs a new leader.
After graduating from North Reading high school,
he spent time working in the school system as a tutor elected as House Minority Leader, the GOP had 23
Brad Jones has been House Minority Leader since
Representatives out of 160 total Representatives
and substitute teacher before attending The Johns
2003 and in that period the number of Republican
in 2003, but 16 in 2009. Fortunately, Battlin’ Brad
Hopkins University. He received his associate’s
Representatives has only increased from 23 out of
battled hard against Evangelidis and pulled out a
and bachelor’s degrees from Harvard University
160 to 29 out of 160. We need a new leader for the
9 to 7 victory to keep his spot as House Minority
Extension School in 1987 and 1988, and joined the
House Republicans who will make the Republican
Leader. This prompted Evangelidis to announce that Caucus into an Active Opposition and an Effective
North Reading Housing Authority in 1988. Jones
he would run for the Worcester County Sheriff’s seat Alternative to the tax-borrow-and-spendingalso ran for Republican State Committeeman in
in 2010 (and win) instead of remaining in the House addicted left-wing social engineering agenda of the
1988 from the First Essex and Middlesex district,
of Representatives.
but finished second in a three candidate race. Jones
Democrat majority. We need a new leader, someone
Being House Minority Leader has been ‘berry
served the Housing Authority until 1992, when
who is not content to be a well-lubricated lackey
‘berry good to Battlin’ Brad Jones. Battlin’ Brad’s
he joined North Reading’s Finance Committee.
of lobbyists, lawyers, PACs and other individuals
annual base salary is $67,229 as of 2013 and he
Jones also worked as a legislative aide to former
and organizations that derive their livelihoods from
pulled in $3,276 in per diems pay for traveling
Representatives Richard Tisei and Robert C.
taxpayer-funded government spending. It’s clearly
into Boston. As Minority Leader, he also gets an
Krekorian from 1989 to 1993.
obvious that Brad Jones seems content to preside
additional $22,500 stipend for holding that position. over a rump Republican caucus in the Massachusetts
In 1993, Jones won election to the North Reading
As House Minority Leader from a safe Republican
House of Representatives as well as serve as a “Loyal
Board of Selectmen, and served two terms on the
district, Battlin’ Brad brings in beaucoup bucks
Opposition” to the Democrat majority.
board. He acted as the board’s chairman from 1995
to 1998. In 1999, he rejoined the Finance Committee from his campaign contributors, over $730,000
and remained a member until 2002. In 1994, he won from 2001 to 2013. Battlin’ Brad brought in an
average of $56,250 in annual contributions
Opposes Republican Leadership’s Go-along-toa special election to the House of Representatives
from his donors, which helps him supplement
and has been re-elected since, only facing four
get-along Scheme of Increased Debt and Taxes
the nearly $90,000 in salary he brings in as
opponents during this period. In 2003, Jones
House Minority Leader and the $3,276 in per
became the House Minority Leader, succeeding
In the last 60 days, the House has passed a $36
diem pay. This includes $98,000 in money
Francis Marini. Based on Jones’s career history, it
billion budget and almost $15 billion in bond bills.
from various political action committees and
is obvious that he is a creature of government who
The Republican leadership in the caucus believes
$102,000 from lobbyists, many of whom were
derives his livelihood from the taxpayers and his
that going along with the Democrats on big spending
former Democrat politicians and staffers. In
self-esteem from politics.
bills will help their districts and is the most effective
In 2009, Battlin’ Brad had to battle for his political total, Battlin’ Brad brings in nearly $150,000
way to legislate on Beacon Hill. The theory is that we
annually from his salary, per diems and
are so outnumbered, we should take the crumbs that
contributions received.
the power brokers will share with us.
Battlin’ Brad’s $150,000 in annual salary per
I, along with other members of the Republican
diems and contributions received enables him to
caucus, reject this strategy. In order to grow our
live the good life. Jones has spent $135,775 on
numbers and bring change to Beacon Hill we must
Meals, Events and Coffee for the office, nearly
offer opposition that includes the willingness to expose
$60,000 on gifts and donations to non-political
the corruption and lack of transparency that exists on
organizations, $34,150 on travel and lodgings
Beacon Hill. The fact that there is almost no input
and $40,795 on advertising from January 2001
$2.00 each
on most legislation has become the norm. This only
+ $1.50 postage (any quantity)
to December 2013. This pales in comparison
benefits the power brokers and political insiders.
The Broadside aims to point the cannons of liberty (FREE SPEECH)
to the $38,225 that he has given to Republican
at those who would deny us of our basic founding freedoms. Our
The Democrats have utilized this spoils system,
candidates and party-related political action
goal is to give a voice to the voiceless, and shine light into dark
our tax dollars for pet projects and taking
committees. Perhaps Jones could cut back
corners of government, relentlessly.
for them, to their benefit for a generation.
on the spending for food, meals, events and
Some may call this a ‘conservative’ newspaper. We call it a commonThe
leadership is now using it for their
sense newspaper which will give voice to those who the typical
even coffee and use the money to increase his
ones who suffer are the hard
Media ignores.
donations to Republican candidates?
and struggling families of our
While we’ll spread ink on stories about political
Jones also donated $100 to the extremist
hacks, and career tax abusers, we will also
Commonwealth. The results of this type of leadership
Democrat State Senator Katherine Clark
showcase heroes in our midst – courageous
are higher taxes, more regulation, and an erosion of
individuals who valiantly refuse to be silenced,
(D-Melrose), who was endorsed by the
our rights. It is my opinion that we must fight for broad
who continue to fight for liberty, for their
Democratic Socialists of America and spent
families, for our children, our future, our nation.
principles that help the entire Commonwealth and all
$300 on event tickets for an event hosted by
of our families.
Proudly brought to you by the First
the Thomas Finneran Charities, Inc (which was
Amendment. Yours in liberty.
We must continue the battle to roll back taxes. Voting
founded by the crooked and convicted House
p.s. If you like what you see, please contribute
tax increases one year and then supporting
Speaker Tom ‘Felon’ Finneran). At least
to the cause. We need you.
spending the next only confirms the tax
Finneran’s wife Donna has contributed $1,100
working families and small business.
to Jones over the years. Jones has also received
We must continue to fight to restore the cuts to
money from former
Local Aid. Our local communities are best suited to
Democrat legislators
provide service for the largest segment of our citizens,
like State Senate
yet the power brokers refuse to properly fund our
cities and towns. This has caused an upward spiral in
Brennan ($1,800),
Deadline for submission of events and advertising
property taxes and a reduction in basic services to our
House Speaker
Charlie Flaherty
is 5 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Beacon Hill insiders refuse to hold bureaucrats
Tax funded benefits are going to people
Linda Rapoza - Advertising Manager
Kevin Harrington
the rules and who are not entitled to
($400), former State
benefits, yet little is done to stop the fraud.
Senators David P.
Finally our rights are being chipped away at. Free
Magnani ($295) &
speech, gun rights, and parental rights are all under
Biff McLean ($300)
Lonnie Brennan - Editor
and former State
Proudly published monthly
The idea that we must surrender to the Democratic
Reps William Cass
Other contacts:
on Beacon Hill is short sighted and simply
in the United States of America.
($1,675), Stephen
doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that
Let freedom ring
Karol ($1,500), Peter
is broken. Not only do we need to change
Larkin ($1,200)
2014, we as Republicans need to change
Dennis Kearney
All contents ©2014 Broadside Communications, Inc., or their respective parties as noted or
allowed by law. All rights reserved. Contact the publisher for reprint permissions.
($600) R. Emmet
Online publication data and print publication dates may vary from month-to-month to ref ect coverage. Hayes ($500) & John
Rep. James Lyons (R-Andover)
By Joshua Norman
Rep. Lyons Calls for Change
The Boston Broadside
The Boston Broadside
The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy or items submitted for publication.
The Boston Broadside June 2014
Republican Gubernatorial Candidates
Charlie Baker and Mark Fisher Meet in Boston to
Discuss the Future of the Massachusetts Economy
By Ted Tripp
Political Reporter
On Monday, June 2nd, Republican
governor hopefuls Charlie Baker and
Mark Fisher came to District Hall on
Northern Avenue in Boston to answer
questions about the future of the
Massachusetts economy. It was only
the second time the two candidates
had met to express their views and no
other forums or debates are scheduled
before primary Election Day on
September 9th.
The forum was moderated by
R. D. Sahl of Boston University’s
College of Communication. There
was a panel of three posing questions
to the candidates: Rick Dimino,
president and CEO of A Better City;
Daniel O’Connell, president and
CEO of Massachusetts Competitive
Partnership; and Bruce Mohl, editor of
Commonwealth Magazine.
There were no opening or closing
statements by the candidates and there
were no questions permitted by the
audience. All the panel’s questions
were supposed to be based on the
future of the Massachusetts economy.
Question: In a recent poll, only 51%
of the people think Massachusetts
is headed in the right direction. Do
you think we are headed in the right
Baker: If you live inside Rte. 128
and work in the high tech sector, you
might think we are headed in the right
direction. But if you live outside 128,
where there are fewer jobs, where
there is more traditional industry, you
probably don’t think we are headed in
the right direction.
Fisher: We are definitely on the
wrong track. We have the problems
with EBT card abuse, a recent $1.3
billion tax increase, the probation
department scandal … one scandal
after another.
Question: How do we generate more
economic activity and jobs?
Fisher: First of all, we shouldn’t
pander to regions or industries. We
must reduce taxes and regulations
so that we have a better business
climate for all. A rising tide floats all
boats. Then individual businesses and
regions can take on the planning for
their own futures.
Baker: The Pioneer Valley is
noted for its many machine shops
and Worcester is one of the top 50
manufacturing centers in the country.
As a state we can do more to focus
our resources on specific regions of
the state that have unique advantages.
We should also streamline the state
decision making process so that
businesses can make their own
expansion or hiring decisions in a
more timely manner.
We are losing
young people
is an
place to live.
How can we
Charlie Baker and Mark Fisher
keep recent grads here?
Baker: Part of the problem is that
land costs are high with too many rules
and regulations. The state should work
with developers to bring underutilized
and abandoned land back into use for
affordably priced housing.
Fisher: The problem is that
there aren’t enough jobs. Make
Massachusetts more business friendly,
then the jobs will come and the young
grads will stay to work here.
Question: Should we have casinos in
Baker: Yes, but only one. Casinos
are generally bad for Main Street. The
question of casinos in Massachusetts
should be on the November ballot for
the voters to ultimately decide, even
though the attorney general is trying to
keep the question off.
Fisher: Casinos are generally not a
good idea, but if the people want it,
they should have it. It should be on
the ballot for them to decide. If we do
have a casino, the taxpayers only have
limited funds, so the money they now
spend on the lottery will likely go to
the casino.
Question: Should we raise the
minimum wage?
Fisher: No. When government gets
involved dictating wages, things spiral
out of control. Mass. Turnpike toll
takers average $80,000 a year and
with overtime can make $130,000,
as examples of out-of-control
government largess.
Baker: Yes, but as in the House
version of the bill that includes such
items as increasing the Earned Income
Tax Credit and other similar benefits.
Question: Should the Olympics
come to Boston?
Fisher: Yes, if there can be shown a
net economic benefit.
Baker: Yes, even if the net economic
benefit is not so obvious. It might be
good to incorporate the Olympics in
plans for the future of the region.
Question: Forbes writes that
Massachusetts is the highest cost state
in the contiguous 48 states. How can
we become more competitive?
Baker: Energy is a big factor in
this. We can and should better utilize
energy management companies to both
reduce our energy use and cost for
both private and public entities.
Fisher: The problem is the high
Proudly published monthly
in the United States of America.
Let freedom ring
Yes, amazing, a NEW NEWSPAPER for BOSTON!
Look for our ‘Nation-at-a-Glance’ Section in the July edition along with
some explosive quotes from Boston’s Media Giants
cost of
and its poor
tried to
impose a tech
tax last year;
Photo - Ted Tripp
it’s now trying to impose an automatic
gas tax increase; it’s subsidizing Cape
Wind and supported Evergreen Solar
before it went bankrupt. These are just
a few examples of what makes it so
expensive to live here.
Baker: I am also opposed to the
automatic gas tax increase. (When
asked if he supported Cape Wind, he
just said most of the decisions have
already been made on the project
without answering the question.)
Question: Should we expand the
bottle bill?
Baker: I am opposed to any
Fisher: I am opposed to any
Question: Have you taken the
Citizen for Limited Taxation Tax
Pledge not to raise taxes?
Fisher: Yes. We have a spending
problem, not a revenue problem. We
need to get taxes lower.
Baker: I am not going to raise taxes.
But I will not sign the pledge because I
want to retain the flexibility to reform
the tax code in the future if I can make
it simpler or more fair.
Question: Reports have shown that
our transportation infrastructure is in
dire need of an upgrade. Where will
we get the money?
Fisher: Even without the tolls, the
Massachusetts Turnpike more than
pays for its upkeep and maintenance
by the income from its toll plazas.
The way to pay for state infrastructure
improvements is to get the economy
moving, create the jobs that come with
it, and then the added taxes from a
vibrant economy will more than fund
the improvements needed.
Baker: In the past and even now
much of the capital money set aside
for projects has been spent instead on
operating expenses. We are starting
to address this. Once the Legislature
fixes this problem with increasing
money for expenses, there should be
more capital money available for the
infrastructure projects.
Question: Should the state go ahead
with a south coast commuter rail
Fisher: Rte. 24 is a nightmare to
travel; there are a lot of accidents. The
state must first demonstrate that people
want the commuter rail line and will
use it. Then the rail line must show
that it can pay for itself.
Perhaps a better solution
would be to bring jobs
to New Bedford so those
people wouldn’t have
to travel to Boston for
Baker: First we
should develop the New
Bedford waterfront to
see if that alleviates
a lot of the problem.
The rail line is a 10-
year planning project, so nothing will
happen for a long time.
Question: How can we improve
public transit - RTA/MBTA?
Baker: We have to look for better
ways to provide services. Sometimes
another agency or department has
a similar program, but it runs much
more efficiently or less expensively.
We must share these better
Fisher: Competition is the key.
When government is the only provider,
it loses sight of efficiency and cost.
Competition brings that back into
Question: What can government
do to bring high speed Internet to the
Fisher: If we make Massachusetts
more business friendly, private
companies will come in and establish
high speed Internet on their own.
Baker: Government has a role to
play, just like it did when assigning
frequencies in the digital revolution.
Question: What should
Massachusetts do to address Climate
Fisher: First it was Global Cooling,
then it was Global Warming, and now
it is Climate Change. The fact is that
the earth has not warmed in the past
17 years. The science isn’t settled
on whether or not man is having any
effect on the climate.
Baker: Climate is changing and CO2
plays a role in it. We should reduce
our carbon footprint. It makes sense
to develop new rules on waterfront
properties and make investments in
such infrastructure such as sewers to
address rising sea levels.
Question: Should we have a single
payer system for health care?
Fisher: No. RomneyCare already
gives us 15-20% higher health care
costs than the rest of the country. The
way to get health care costs down is
to have people buy catastrophic health
insurance and pay out of pocket for
routine doctor visits or treatments.
That is how true insurance is supposed
to work.
Baker: No. Make health care costs
more transparent so people know what
they are paying and can shop around.
Costs of similar treatments or tests by
nearby hospitals can vary by 400%.
More competition is also needed to
drive down prices.
Question: Is health care a right?
Fisher: No. The Declaration of
Independence says we have the Right
to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness. These are given to us
by our Creator, not government. If
government gives us a right, it has the
power to take it away. Government
cannot impose happiness on us. If
government says we have the right to
health care, where does it stop? Do we
have the right to a car? To a swimming
Baker: Yes. Government has already
indicated to us that we have a basic
right to health care. I would like
it to be administered by state and
local officials, rather than the federal
government, because they are more
accountable to the people here in
June 2014 The Boston Broadside
Kuhner, Brittney, Cooksey and Grace lead ‘Kuhner Country’ in Massive Rally Against Children’s Hospital
Kuhner Country, from Page 1
speciality is diagnosing kids who fake
stomach pains. Justina never saw her
gastroenterologist, and instead got sent
to a lock-down ward. At one point,
Mr. Pelletier phoned 911 to report
the kidnapping of his child when
Children’s Hospital refused a transfer
back to Tufts Hospital, and also denied
the Pelletier family from obtaining any
second opinions. Children’s Hospital,
in connection with Harvard and the
D.C.F. swore out a complaint against
the Pelletiers for refusing to take their
diagnosis, and only their diagnosis,
and subsequently said paperwork was
rubber-stamped by Judge Joseph T.
Johnston, Jr. The Pelletiers have been
fighting ever since to regain custody of
their incarcerated daughter. Governor
Patrick has, according to the Pelletiers,
lied repeatedly to protect D.C.F., and
has presented no evidence other than
the parents wanting a second opinion
from Tufts, for reasons to take the child
from the family.
“This could be your daughter.
Beware, do not go to Children’s
Hospital” one mother at the rally
screamed out. “I’ll never bring my
child there,” another mother said as she
hugged her daughter, pulling her close.
Justina’s sister, Jessica, was also
treated by Tufts years ago, for the same
illness, and was present at the rally
and introduced along with her father.
Her other sisters and mother attended
a family visit with Justina, as despite
the scheduled protest rally in Boston,
D.C.F., “which has treated Justina
Pelletier with less rights than the
Boston Bomber” (see related stories),
scheduled the family’s weekly visit
with Justina at nearly the same time
as the rally, forcing the family and Mr.
Pelletier to split their time.
“The biggest mistake in life,” Kuhner
said about Gov. Deval Patrick “is not
admitting that you made a mistake.”
State Representative Jim Lyons
(R-Andover) who has continued to
expose the savage nature
of the treatment of Justina
Pelletier by ‘an indifferent
and spiteful D.C.F. and nonresponsive Governor Deval
Patrick,’ presented Justina’s
sister, Jessica, with 16 pink
roses, in honor of Justina’s
16th birthday. Rep. Lyons
had, along with Rep. Marc
Lombardo (R-Billerica)
submitted multiple bills and
amendments to try to get
the legislature to open the
veil of secrecy around the
D.C.F./Children’s Hospital
affair and return the girl to
her family and ensure she
gets proper medical care.
All efforts were resoundly
defeated by the Democrats in
the House of Representatives,
in concert with the lack of
action by Republican House
Minority Leader Brad Jones
(who offered virtually no
resistance to the Democrats)
and multiple Republican
representatives, including
Photo: Boston Broadside
Rep. Sheila Harrington who revealed
had been treated by world-renowned
on the House floor her previous work
Tufts Medical Center. Justina was
with a neighboring state’s D.C.F.
admitted to Children’s Hospital more
and urged blind trust and support of
than 16 months ago complaining
the Democrat Gov. Deval Patrick’s
of flu-like symptoms and stomach
D.C.F. and court system, and Rep.
pains. At the time, her Tufts doctor
George Peterson, Lieutenant to
had transferred to Children’s, hence
Brad Jones, who gave a disjointed
the visit, but upon arrival, the then
rant against any efforts to either
14-year old was rapidly diagnosed
investigate the estimated more than
by a young psychologist whose
$2 million spending on the Pelletier
Mass. Department of Children and
Families (D.C.F.). According to
their own admissions and media
reports, D.C.F. currently has at least
140 known missing, killed, raped, or
injured children’s blood on their hands.
The number of ‘kidnapped’ children,
taken from their parents, used as “lab
rats” by Children’s Hospital, as Miss
Pelletier’s father Lou Pelletier and
others have charged, is unknown at this
“Lou and Linda Pelletier are the
exact examples of parents who
are unafraid of the bureaucracy in
Massachusetts,” Representative Jim
Lyons (R-Andover) explained as he
praised Lou Pelletier for his courage
in standing up to an out-of-control
government and rubber-stamping of
D.C.F. actions by Judge Johnston (who
was booed in absentia).
“While Justina, has been held,
against her will,” Rep. Lyons told
the crowd, the Governor “is globetrotting across the world, and not
taking into account that he has violated
the Constitutionally protected rights
of Lou and Linda Pelletier. This is
something we have to continue to
The crowed erupted with chants of
SHAME against Deval Patrick.
“I want you all to join with me,
and demand, and demand, Governor
“Who does he think he is,” Rep.
Lyons continued, “to take kids away
from parents? Who does he think he
is? Do not let this die. We must keep
this alive. Parents from Connecticut,
begging to be with their children. That
is not America. That is not America.
That is Governor Patrick’s America.
Please keep up the fight, and thank you
to Lou and Linda Pelletier.”
Miss Pelletier suffers from a rare
illness and prior to the de facto
kidnapping by Children’s Hospital,
PHOTO By Michael Mosca
‘parent-dectomy’ nor the passage or
consideration of any bill to free the
‘Parent-dectomy’: Children’s
Hospital term according to media
reports, and reported by even the
Boston Globe, who also noted that
during an 18-month period at least 5
other children were either snagged
from their parents, or threatened with
a ‘parent-dectomy’ if they didn’t do
what Children’s told them to do), Yes,
this girl’s life appears to have been
more about money for hospitals, pride,
politics, D.C.F., special facilities that
take in children and get paid by the
state, and again, politics.
State house hall insiders have
speculated that the well documented
public feud between “the Democrat
enabler Jones and Rep. Lyons,” an
ardent supporter of accountability and
transparency, “has and will almost
always...guarantee that Brad will
oppose any measure of his, even if it’s
to feed the homeless, Brad would, you
know...find a way to kill it” one source
who refused to be named suggested.
Jeff Kuhner led the assembled crowd
of Pelletier supporters in a birthday
song for Justina who celebrated her
15th and 16th birthdays, in a lockdown facility.
The crowd, at its largest swell,
garnered the attention of at least 11
security officers including Mass. State
Police officers and undercover and
semi-undercover officers who warily
tried to contain the swell which pushed
4-5 deep into the street, and overflowed
across the street from the statehouse.
Several cars with anti-Deval Patrick
signs made their way through the
congested street, along with calls
against Children’s Hospital.
As Mr. Pelletier held a copy of
the Massachusetts Constitution out
before the crowd, he urged Democrat
Governor Deval Patrick and Secretary
John Palonowicz, and commissioner
Erin Deveney, to “read it,”. The more
than 4,300 supporters of parents rights
erupted against Deval Patrick and
Children’s Hospital.
Not just the steps of the statehouse,
but the sidewalk, the street, and the
area across the street was crowded
with ‘Kuhner Country’ supporters and
supporters of the Pelletier family who
were outraged at the state’s kidnaping
of a child, of locking the child in a
psych facility, and allowing her body
to wither to the point where the former
figure skater is now confined to a
wheelchair, with unknown damage to
her, both physically and emotionally.
And, the case of course, has more
twists and turns, including a nurse who
withheld/hid presents from the child,
‘employee’s of Children’s Hospital
who claimed they were not employees,
because technically while they might
work in the building, wear the badge,
etc., their checks bear the name of a
separate foundation.
At the heart of it, an apparent
“pre-determined” protocol to secure
children who fit a certain set of
criteria, have them declared ‘wards
of the state’ and then conduct any and
all experiments on the children they
desire, legally, has been charged by
Mr. Pelletier, a situation he likens to
the experiments of Josef Mengele,
who from 1943 to 1944 performed
‘experiments’ on humans at Auschwitz
Details are still emerging about Dr.
Jurriaan Peters, Dr. Dave D’Amaso,
young psychologist Simona Bujoreanu,
Dr. Alice Newton and others involved
in the incarceration of the child.
Asked to describe Mr. Pelletier, one
supporter close to the case said “he’s
aggressive, he wants his daughter to be
well, to get medical attention, to be in
school, not in a psych ward. You know,
Children’s had cops lock her up. They
took the parents out of the place. They
didn’t even get to say good-bye to her.
Mad? Are you kidding, These doctors
are out of control. Who wouldn’t be
Conservative Cinema
Summer’s coming. Good movies that can be watched with our families aren’t easy
to find, and those of quality are especially rare. I’ll be adding one great movie to this
list every month. Enjoy! - Linda Rapoza
Kirk Cameron’s “Monumental - In Search of America’s National Treasure” (2012)
“Heaven Is For Real” (2014) – based on the true story of Colton Burpo
“Son of God” (2014)
“God’s Not Dead” (2014)
“Gifted Hands” The Ben Carson Story (2009)
“The Bible: The Epic Miniseries” (2013)
“2016” (2012) presented by Dinesh D’Souza
“America” (coming July 4, 2014) – Dinesh D’Souza’s follow-up to “2016”
“October Baby” (2012) – A young woman seeks the truth about her own birth.
The Boston Broadside June 2014
Democrat Speaker Bob DeLeo and Republican Minority Leader Brad Jones
Lead Charge to Fill the Pork Barrel: to Borrow ~$2 Billion for Pet Projects
DeLeo-Jones Duo: Together
again, raising taxes, increasing
Massachusetts Debt Load, on
heels of huge state budget
special spending increases
June 5, 2014
“There’s more pork in the bill
than at a bacon factory,” Rep. Marc
Lombardo (R-Billerica) wrote as two
omnibus bills (Roll Calls # 382 and
383) thundered through the statehouse,
adding nearly $2 billion in debt, and
requiring untold thousands in interest
In a Spring session which found
the House too busy to investigate an
estimated $2 million in spending, on
just one D.C.F. prisoner (see related
stories on Justina Pelletier), the House
DID have plenty of time to vote
in the Fluffernutter as The Official
Sandwich of the Commonwealth of
Now, in keeping with disjointed,
lopsided priorities, in a time when
there’s ‘no money for roads and
bridges, no money for cities and
towns’, Democrat Speaker Robert
DeLeo and embattled House Minority
Leader Brad Jones joined forces to
saddle the taxpayers with another $2
billion in spending, all to be borrowed
at the costs of tens and tens of millions
in interest.
Some of the items they’ll be
borrowing money for include:
• a Kayak park in Orange
• tens of millions for golf courses in
Braintree and Weston
• $5 million for improvements to
Riverside Park in Haverhill
• $1 million for the Winnekenni Castle
Park in Haverhill
• $9 million for a ‘decorative pier’ at
Revere Beach
• $15 million for design and
construction of safety headquarters at
Revere Beach
• $1.5 million for recreation fields in
• $10 million capital improvements at
Horseneck Beach State Reservation in
• $2 million to extend bike trails in
• 1/2 million for a visitor center in
Freetown State Forest
• $20 million for design and additional
construction of “Historic Parkways” in
• $1 million for a Recreational Road
footbridge in Auburndale
The various big bills will require
issuing bonds and saddling this
generation and future generations
for a series of loosely proposed, and
often grandiose ‘ball-park pulling the
numbers out of the air’ pet projects
Brad Jones
DeLeo’s ‘unoffical Republican Whip’
Photo: Boston Broadside
Borrowing his way to power and popularity
Speaker Robert DeLeo - ‘The Gravy King’
Pushes legislation to plunge Massachusetts into more debt....
including more than $15 billion in the past two months
alone, including ‘special earmarks’ and funding for a plethora of studies, pork, and make-work projects, at a cost of
millions more in interest payments over the next 30+ years...
Photo: Facebook
for their supporters opponents noted
Including in the jumbling is millions
to pay for studies, engineering work,
contract work, and union work to
design, reconstruct, or otherwise
expend almost $2 billion.
An earmark of $65 million is noted
for mitigation and studies and “any
costs associated with or arising out of
the federal improvement dredging of
Boston Harbor, including a feasibility
study for installation of shore power
facilities and an analysis of noise and
air pollution” in the area.
Rep. DeLeo, who is from Winthrop
stands to announce a lion’s share of
the funding in and around the Bostonadjacent areas. Other legislators will
also tout in the coming months their
MassGOP Chair Kirsten Hughes
Announces Fundraiser/Event to Honor
Former Republican Governor Infamous
for Endorsing Barrack Hussein Obama
Dear Friends and Supporters, MassGOP
Chair Kirsten Hughes began her e-mail of
June 6, 2014 announcing “we are honoring
our former Governor, Bill Weld, with the
Lincoln-Reagan award for his service to
the Commonwealth - and I just wanted to
personally invite you to attend. We need your
help to make Bill’s night great! The evening
is scheduled for Wednesday, June 18 at the
Broadside File Photo Seaport Hotel in Boston and will feature
Bill Weld, Ma Sisk, & A y. Vincent Devito special guests Charlie Baker and Karyn Polito.”
Donation: $100 pp, $150 per couple.
at March 2014 MassGOP conven on
Spending includes a Pleasure
Pier for Revere Beach, a
Plethora of ‘Studies’, and a
who’s who of pork
for various salons to bring
home for the Fall 2014
re-election campaigns...A
perks from playing along with the
House leaders, in a play-and-get paid
scheme we will be tracking in future
Just one bill, H4138 was introduced
with 1100 lines, laden with spending
and bonding “up to 30 years” to
support the expenditures, some
reasonable, most questionable.
‘Green’ initiatives and studies, as
well as the acquisition of conservation
land was, however, also included in
the various bills as was protection of
freshwater sources.
Republican Rep. and Jones Supporter
Betty Poirier (R-North Attleboro)
recently infered in a Sun Chronicle
column how getting along goes a
long way towards getting the pork.
The Rep. reaped $300,000 out of the
ever-expanding state budget for a pool
in North Attleboro and for a regional
children’s center in Fall River. Poirier,
along with areas Democrats will also
see $5.1 million for sludge and landfill
activities at the wastewater treatment
facility in Attleboro.
8 Voter ID Bills Proposed in Mass.
By Thomas Wholley
With Republicans growing more
optimistic daily about the prospect
of a big election year at both the
national and state levels, calls for more
stringent voter ID laws have increased
throughout the country, to ensure
integrity at the polls.
Even in the state of Massachusetts
there are eight bills pending that
propose mandatory requirements for
voters to produce documentation when
they check in at the polling stations for
the purpose of voting in elections.
Six of the bills have come from
Republican lawmakers in the House:
HB 572, HB 580, HB 586, HB 592,
HB 626 and H. 3308 Two of the bills
have been introduced in the Senate: SB
335 and SB 339.
Most proposed legislation requires
a valid government issued photo
identification card and some bills, such
as H.3308 even require valid proof of
residence if requested by an election
official, such as a copy of a current
utility bill, bank statement, government
check, or other government document
that shows the name and address of the
person requesting to vote.
Democrat Opposition to ID Laws
Sounds reasonable doesn’t it? Pure
common sense if you asked me, but
yet the opposition mounted by the
Democrat party has been intense in
spite of the immense popularity of the
idea across the nation.
After all how could you possibly
oppose ensuring the integrity of one of
our most valuable constitutional rights,
as well as one of our most important
responsibilities as a U. S. citizen?
You need a photo ID card to do
many things like drive a car, check in
at an airport, or enter a military base or
government building, as well as many
Keeping Elections Honest - page 12
June 2014 The Boston Broadside
Jeff Kuhner and ‘Kuhner Country’
Huge Crowd of Parents, Children, Friends, and Supporters from throughout the state
Rally to protest Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Deval Patrick, D.C.F., and Judge Joseph T. Johnston, Jr.
Patrick Cadigan of Braintree with his daughter Emily (including note from Jus na smuggled
out of lockdown facility “I want to go home”
The Boston Broadside June 2014
Rally on Justina Pelletier’s 16th Birthday
Jessica Pelle er - one of Jus na’s
sisters, hugs Bernade e Lyons and
thanks her for her family’s support
of her sister.
Jeff Kuhner saddened as Lou Pelle er
relates the mistreatment of his daughter
Joe Kelly, Sophia Kelly, and Joanne Kelly - FREE JUSTINA!
Crowds filled out across
the street, stood on fences,
benches, walls, and crammed
to get a view across the sea of
One of many signs against a previously ‘saintly’
but now concerning Children’s Hospital
Jessica Pelle er receives 16 pink roses for her sister Jus na’s 16th Birthday, from Rep. Jim Lyons.
Lou Pelle er, Jus na’s Father (middle), thanks Rep. Lyons for his courageous support.
Susan Maloof - Urging Freedom for Jus na
June 2014 The Boston Broadside
Public Unions Share the Blame For VA Deaths
By Betsy McCaughey
Encouraging vets on Medicare to
use civilian care instead of Veterans
Affairs’ could cut the patient
backlog at the VA by as much as
half, solving a national crisis.
Almost half of vets are older than
65, and nearly all vets using the VA
have Medicare coverage. Often,
they’d be better off getting their bypass surgeries and cancer
operations at civilian hospitals that do higher volumes of
these age-related procedures and have better survival rates,
instead of sticking with the VA. But the VA fails to tell
them. The culprit is the American Federation of Government
Employees, the union that dominates the VA. For AFGE, the
VA is a jobs program. The union wants more patients, bigger
VA budgets, and more staff, never mind what ailing vets
Nine months ago, the VA rolled out a $9.3 billion program
to refer vets needing specialists to civilian medical centers,
if the wait at their VA is too long or if they live too far away.
AFGE is fighting the program, even accusing VA executives
of deliberately causing the backlog. “Create a Crisis and
then out-source the work. They will dismantle the VA
Healthcare System a brick at a time,” charges the union’s
AFGE President J. David Cox Sr. insists the only remedy
is more VA staff. “Chronic understaffing,” is the problem,
he says. It’s hard to fathom how Cox can make that claim.
VA hospitals have no clue how many staff they need. A 2012
audit by the VA’s own inspector general found that hospitals
lacked any method for calculating staffing needs, in part
because of resistance to measuring worker productivity.
The union opposes outsourcing. Worse, vets are being
discouraged from accessing civilian care, even when
they are desperate and have insurance to pay for it. The
VA’s health care budget is based on how many vets enroll
and how much care they use. For the unions, the bigger
that budget the better. Even if it means letting vets with
Medicare, who could get timely civilian treatment for their
cancer or heart disease, die in line instead.
RAND Corporation researchers cite data showing vets
often have a better chance of surviving high-risk heart and
cancer surgeries at civilian hospitals that perform them
frequently (the exception is the Houston VA). Long waits
at VAs increase the risk of needless death. Boston VA
researchers found patients aged 70-74 who wait more than
31 days for treatment face a 9 percent increased risk of
African-Americans and low-income seniors are most
likely to stick with the VA. One reason is that out-ofpocket costs are lower there than with Medicare. But that
can be rectified easily, a change that RAND researchers
recommend. Vets could be issued a special Medicare card
that eliminates the Part B premium and reduces Part B
copays and deductibles to the small fees the VA charges
($15 for a primary care visit, $9 for 30 days of medications,
$50 for specialist visits).
One million vets who seek care at the VA are covered
by Medicare Advantage, the private plans the federal
government purchases for seniors. Astoundingly, the VA
spends 10 percent of its medical care budget treating
seniors who have Medicare Advantage, even though the
federal government also pays over $3 billion a year to
Medicare Advantage insurers to cover the same people.
Paying for the same care twice: what a waste.
As long as AFGE dominates the VA, the inefficiencies
and corruption won’t be fixed. The union’s contract is filled
with mind-numbing rules to prevent workers from being
given a new task, changing shifts or being disciplined for
shoddy work. The place is run for workers, not patients.
Shockingly, many VA facilities don’t give vets a reminder
call a day or two before their appointments, a practice
standard in civilian medical offices. The result is that noshow rates are as high as 45 percent, tragic when vets are
waiting for an opening.
All the more reason to help waiting vets get civilian
care. But be prepared for a battle with the VA’s self-serving
unions and their ally, the Democratic Party.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New
York and the author of “Beating Obamacare.” She reads the law
so you don’t have to. Visit To find
out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other
Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators
Syndicate web page at
DOT Employees Rally to Oppose Elimination of Automatic Gas Tax
Increases - Partisan Use of Taxpayer Equipment and Time Questioned
Davey, from page 1
Davey has done, and intends to do,
opponents to the automatic gas tax
increase have charged. Davey revealed
during a radio debate on WATD that
he empowered the employee, his
opponents note and cite that as he was
in receipt of the email, knew about it,
did nothing about it, reprimanded no
one, he owns this issue.
Interesting sidenote: the average
salary of those on the e-mail is
$106,000 PLUS benefits. An ethics
complaint filed against Mr. Davey
was summarily dismissed with just
two short paragraphs noting that he
has leeway to take an interest in such
matters that may affect his department.
The Book Nook
June 1, 2014 – Ann B. Davis (Alice
Nelson on The Brady Bunch) died
on Sunday, June 1, after suffering a
subdural hematoma (she hit her head)
the day before. She never regained
consciousness. Ann was 88. After
playing the beloved role of Alice
Nelson on the Brady Bunch, she retired
from show business in the late ‘70s,
but appeared in various commercials
and several stage productions. She
played a unique role in the 1995
“Brady Bunch” movie, where she
played a truck driver who convinced
runaway Jan to return home.
What’s on your Summer Reading List? Below are some of my favorite books
about how we came to be where we are in America today. I hope you’ll enjoy
these as much as I still do. Begin building your own library by utilizing the
Gift certificate (page 11) with your home-delivered 1-year subscription to The
Boston Broadside… and start reading!
- Linda Rapoza
1. “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” - Judge Robert H. Bork
2. “Liberal Fascism” – Jonah Goldberg
Too strange it hurts
3. “The Road To Serfdom” - F. A. Hayek
4. “After America” – Mark Steyn
5. “Liberty and Tyranny” Mark Levin
6. “The Burden of Bad Ideas” – Heather MacDonald WITH
7. “The Tyranny of Clichés” – Jonah Goldberg
8. “Treason” – Ann Coulter
OBAMA (in absentia)
9. “Conservatives Betrayed” – Richard A. Viguerie
We don’t negotiate
10. “The Professors” – David Horowitz
with terrorists.
11. “Men in Black” – Mark Levin
Except when we do.
GOAL Responds
to MA Legislature
Moving To Enact
Ch. 180 Part 2
Once again Massachusetts
Government has ignored the will of the
Over the last year and a half, Hank
Naughton, Chairman of the Joint
Committee on Homeland Security and
Public Safety held numerous forums
for discussion and public hearings
in regard to possible new legislation
which would address “gun violence”.
Now we have to ask, what was the
point? This new legislation did not
come out of the committee. Whoever
wrote this clearly ignored any and
all input provided by law abiding
gun owners and those who wish to
see Massachusetts adopt law more
respectful of our Second Amendment
Instead we get Chapter 180 part 2,
a continuance of the disastrous acts of
1998. Once again we get legislation
that is vague and poorly written. If
enacted it will only provide more
avenues for the state to disarm and
penalize law abiding gun owners,
while having no effect on crime.
This legislation must be stopped.
Call your State Representative and
State Senator let your voice be heard!
Here are some points to discuss, in no
particular order SECTION18:
Would outlaw the private sale of
lawfully owned guns between licensed
individuals who have already had
background checks. Under current
law, these are limited to four (4) in
a calendar year. Please ask your
legislator how this will stop violent
criminals from illegally selling guns
to each other? What is the point of
this? Where is proof of need for this
change? There is virtually no record of
straw purchase prosecutions!
Stigmatizes gun owners by putting
the National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline number on LTC’s. Please ask
your legislator why gun owners are
being singled out, especially given
the fact that hanging and suffocation
account for two-thirds of suicides in
The renewal form sent by DCJIS
will now include an affidavit to verify
if you have lost any firearms for had
firearms stolen since your last renewal.
Does that just mean handguns?
What is the purpose of this affidavit
when we already have existing law
stating gun owners must report lost
or stolen firearms? Should this pass,
how do they plan on verifying this
The summary also includes guns
acquired which is not reflected in
the language of the bill. Please ask
your legislator if they are planning
on starting a gun registration. This is
harassment, plain and simple.
Gives the Attorney General
authority to disapprove of any firearm
on the Approved Firearms Roster.
Given the current political climate
in Massachusetts this is a scary
proposition - should this pass it will
give one individual the power to ban
any and all firearms. Please tell your
gun grab, page 9
The Boston Broadside June 2014
Party Integrity Fosters Party Unity
By Joshua Norman
been of CORE interest to some voters. VCV hopes to
make it easier for everyone to get a feel (good or bad) on
how candidates stand on CORE issues. I recently played a
Republican operatives have asked me many times why
major role in updating the existing profiles of nearly all of
I put so much effort in evaluating Republican candidates
the incumbents and in many of the well-known challengers
and party operatives. As I am well known for my
for office, which confirmed my earlier thesis that evaluating
research and data analysis capabilities in the Republican
Democrats is easy because the overwhelming majority of
community, I have been asked why I don’t spend as much
them were tax-borrow-and-spending-addicted left-wing
time evaluating Democrat candidates. Regarding when
social engineers as shown by their voting records. We will
I evaluate Democrats versus Republicans, evaluating
update our website further when the list of candidates for
Democrats is easy. If Democrats want to run for state or
federal office, the only question isn’t whether they are tax- legislative office this year is finalized by the Secretary of
State’s Election Division.
borrow-and-spending-addicted left-wing social engineers,
but when they will expose themselves as such. It’s as good
Many times Republican candidates campaign as
a thing to bet on as any I guess.
conservatives in general and fiscal conservatives in particular
only to support elements of the Democrat Party’s big
In contrast, exposing Republicans In Name Only and
government program of more taxes, more spending and more
Democrat infiltrators within the GOP is actually much
left-wing social engineering. Scott Brown campaigned as
harder. Even when I have verifiable evidence of a
the 41st vote against ObamneyCare but served as the 60th
candidate that pledges to support Barack Obama’s agenda
Vote for Dodd-Frank and voted with the Democrats 53% of
or who criticizes our party or donates to Democrats, or
the time. The Republican Party’s brand messaging to voters
votes for tax increases, higher government spending and
is confusing, diluted and voters don’t understand what we
says that he’s “to the left of Obama” on anything, I have
stand for. When we elect Republicans who campaign on
encountered significant cognitive resistance from many
conservative rhetoric but govern as left-wing Democrats, we
Republican voters when sharing this data. It’s as if they
can’t believe that our state party would be nominating such get the worst of both worlds electorally because we have to
deal with the fall-out of bad left-wing government policy and
candidates, so they ignore the real, clear and verifiable
the Democrats and their allies attack us for our “conservative
evidence staring them in the face.
Republican policies”.
When I discuss wasteful government spending,
Massachusetts Republican Party operatives need to
Republican operatives I know shout, sweat, and sing. When
I oppose tax increases, they are in glee and really like to see understand that party integrity will foster party unity between
the fur fly. However, the minute I question them about their establishment operatives and grassroots activists as well as
“self-proclaimed moderates” and conservatives. If the 2014
donations to Democrats, and lack of voter databases, and
Massachusetts Republican State Convention was run better
inability to support local candidates and lack of strategic
than it was and the voting process had been more transparent,
planning & operational execution,--they don’t want to
there would not have been so much controversy afterwards.
furnish any of the fur.
Activists would have spent more time putting in work for
What good is our party platform when we have
the three candidates running for special election on April 1st
candidates and operatives like Gabriel Gomez, Charlie
instead of questioning the convention outcome and could
Baker, Richard Tisei, Brian Herr, John Chapman and
have helped pull out a victory or two in those races. Instead,
Kirsten Hughes that reject many of its planks. The GOP
all three candidates lost in districts where Scott Brown pulled
does need Party Unity if it wants to defeat the Democrats.
in 43%-57% of the vote in 2012 and received 3%-10% lower
However, it needs Party Integrity first if it ever wants to
vote share in 2014 in their respective districts than Brown
achieve Party Unity. How can the Republican Party run
did in 2012.
against Democrat Party incompetence and corruption
In closing, I’m proud to have coined the term “Party
when their very own 2014 statewide convention was run
Integrity Before Party Unity” in response to the controversial
poorly and its integrity was rightly called into question?
2014 MA-GOP State Convention. If our activists have
Finally, what kind of message does it send Republican
confidence that party leadership runs the party’s electoral
operatives, activists and even voters when a MARAprocesses fairly and transparently and that their votes count,
endorsed candidate for the legislature donates and votes
they will be more motivated to get involved in the electoral
for an establishment candidate running against a MARAprocess. If they have confidence that the candidates stand
endorsed candidate for a statewide office, especially when
it is done for various tinkering tactical technocratic reasons for the values and principles of our party, they will be more
inclined to put in the necessary work for candidates. I fight
of “electability”?
Party Integrity because I know that it will foster Party
I recently joined the Advisory Board of VoteCoreValues.
which will help the Republican Party be electorally highlights how each office holder and
competitive and victorious in Massachusetts.
candidate stands on various positions that have historically
legislator this plan to ban is not ok!
Increases penalties for violation
of firearms storage laws with new
mandatory minimums and severe
penalties including up to 15 years in
prison. Please ask your legislator why
they would pass a “one size fits none”
law, especially when we already have
very strict storage laws which have not
proven to do anything except remove
personal choice for the law abiding.
Stigmatizes the lawful commerce of
firearms by requiring retailers to post
suicide prevention information at each
purchase counter. See points above for
section 28.
Gives authority to the Colonel of
the state police to determine who is
suitable to become a certified firearms
Removes language recognizing
nationally recognized firearms
Gives authority to government
entities with very little experience
on firearms education for citizens to
establish a standardized curriculum for
mandatory firearms safety courses.
Democrats Seek
to Enact Sweeping
Gun Control Laws,
Frustrating Legal
Gun Owners
Democrat Gun Grab from page 1
individual with apparently no
guidelines or constraints, the
introductory 21-page bill would also
place new costs and restrictions on
legal gun owners from selling their
guns or transferring their guns to other
legal gun owners (for example, from
father to son, or mother to daughter, or
any other transfer), without a new layer
of restrictions.
The Gun Owner’s Action League
of Massachusetts (GOAL), one of
the state’s protectors of the 2nd
Amendment to the United States
Constitution is outraged with the
timing and content of this massive,
complicated, new additional layer of
restrictions on legal guns owners.
GOAL has issued statements,
press-releases, e-mails, and website
postings in strong opposition, noting
“the speaker’s bill inflicts costs and
pains on legal gun owners, while doing
next to nothing to prevent criminals for
obtaining and using guns.”
The National Rifle Association
(NRA) noted “the NRA will continue
to stand opposed to any gun laws
that have no effect on criminals,
do not reduce violent crime and
only restrict, harass and impose
unnecessary costs and burdens on
law-abiding citizens.”
A hearing on the bill was held at
the Statehouse on the First Tuesday
in June. Subsequent to the meeting,
GOAL issued some additional
• It’s time to throw away the term
“unsuitable” in our legislation. Work
with GOAL and use the “prohibited
person” language - it is unconscionable
to restrict the civil rights of an
individual based on “suitability” - the
burden of proof for denial should
always be on the government. Denial
based on an arbitrary “suitability”
decision is discrimination at it’s finest.
• Changing the issuance of FID cards
from “shall issue” to “may issue” - this
would give MA Chiefs of Police final
say over who can legally own firearms
Adds mandatory curriculum
even if the person has a perfect record!
including suicide prevention and “harm Possession of a shotgun or bolt action
rifle could be illegal!
Adds mandatory live fire training.
• Banning the private sale of firearms
That would then disqualify Home
from licensed individual to licensed
Firearm Safety courses and Hunter
individual is ridiculous at best. MA
Ed courses to be approved classes for
residents who are issued FID/
LTC permits are among the most
There is much to be concerned about highly vetted individuals in the
Commonwealth. There is no reason
with the above section - please ask
to change the already restrictive laws
your legislator why this legislation is
regarding private sales.
needed and what is the purpose of it?
• Granting the Attorney General even
more power over which common use
There is no reason for doctors to
firearms can be legally transferred in
speak to families about the “roles” of
MA is nothing but harassment of law
firearms in the home.
abiding gun owners in MA. Those that
deal in illegal arms sales do not pay
Amendment 1 - Freedom of
Religion, Press, Expression.
attention to the list!
Ratif ed 12/15/1791.
• Expanding the list of automatic
Congress shall make no law
disqualifiers and giving the issuing
respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting
authority ability to deny a firearms
the free exercise thereof; or
license to individuals with minor
abridging the freedom of
misdemeanor convictions of up
speech, or of the press; or the
to 1 year is ridiculous, please see
right of the people peaceably
Representative Beaton’s testimony
to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress
from yesterday’s hearing regarding this
of grievances.
Legal Gun Owners Question Convoluted New Anti-Gun Bill
Gun grab, from page 8
10 June 2014 The Boston Broadside
Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption
By Ted Tripp
the United States since 2005, the longest stretch of time since
at least 1900. And tornado frequency is low with both lives
lost and damage having steadily decreased over the last 60
In early May the White House released its latest report
on how we are all doomed as the climate continues to spin years. All this while carbon dioxide is steadily increasing.
There are many more examples I could give, but let’s
out of control because we evil humans are burning fossil
about what the press and government bureaucrats like
fuels to keep warm, run our cars and keep the economy
93% or in some cases 97% of scientists
humming. That was the essence of the 829-page report,
is caused by burning fossil fuels
entitled the “Third U.S. National Climate Assessment.”
that the earth is getting warmer
As you know, the phrase “Global Warming” has been
science is settled: Global
pushed aside because the public has become weary and
is the truth about these
even skeptical of it, particularly during some of these harsh
winters. So the scaremongers in our liberal establishment
The 97% figure has been used a lot lately, but in a Wall
adopted the new phrase “Climate Change” to keep the
Journal column Joseph Bast and Roy Spencer
populace on edge about droughts, hurricanes, floods,
this unrealistically high number was reached
heat waves, sea level rise, etc. Now, with polls showing
polls and cherry picking data to get the
that even the threat of Climate Change is not able to
Warming advocates want. It’s a
galvanize people to open their wallets for more taxes and
there are a great number of climate
government control, we hear talk of “Climate Disruption.”
and other scientists
It’s all the same old stuff, just under a new label with the
carbon dioxide
hope that people will somehow NOW start to pay attention
that natural
and support Big Government policies. After all, Big
effect on what
Government has done such a wonderful job with our health
scientists and
care system (not to mention the Veterans Administration
degree or
hospitals), why shouldn’t we let it totally
regulate and dictate our energy policy?
I also find it curious that this report came Warming” has
release of carbon dioxide … is causing or will, in
out in May, not in January or February when been pushed aside
most of the country was suffering under one because the public the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating
of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the
of the worst winters in memory. I suppose
has become weary Earth’s climate … .”
it’s possible that the report wasn’t ready
Skeptical scientists from prominent institutions
then, but it’s also possible that the report was and even skeptical
the world periodically hold conferences
ready and not released earlier because even of it, particularly
research, and have formed the
a complicit media would have laughed at
International Panel on Climate
the report’s conclusions on a bitter cold day
report the results. Their next
during a frigid Boston winter.
harsh winters
conference will be in July in Las Vegas if you are
Let’s review some scientific data that was not in or not
inclined to attend. I report this because you will not see it
emphasized in the White House report. First of all, there has in the mainstream news media. This will be the 9th such
been no - that is NO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH - increase in
conference presenting papers showing that the science is
the global temperature of the earth over the last 17 years.
not settled and there is much research showing that the wild
That’s right, even though carbon dioxide has continued to
predictions of the Global Warming community are nothing
steadily increase over this same period, the temperature
more than fantasy.
at the surface of the earth or in the atmosphere has not
Finally, I would like to say a word about science. Science
increased. Some measurements actually see a slight cooling
the study and knowledge of the physical world that is
trend. Most scientists, even those who believe in global
on experiments and proven facts. Thus, science is
warming, also agree with this finding of zero temperature
settled as new information or new facts come
increase, although they have no firm explanation for the
the prevailing assumptions. At various
pause and claim the increase will eventually resume.
points in our history the scientists of the day thought the
Up through the end of April, the year 2014 is on
earth was flat or the sun revolved around the earth. They
track in the U.S. to be the coldest start of any year on
considered the science settled at the time - until new
record. I’m sure you knew it was cold, but did you
information came along to challenge the current views that
know it was THAT cold? And National Oceanic and
had been accepted for centuries. In some cases the scientists
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data reveal that
with new views counter to those held by the powerful
the cold temperatures of this past winter were merely the
elite were thrown in jail and threatened with heresy.
continuation of a 20-year winter cooling trend. Since 1995,
Unfortunately, today, many of those with views opposite to
winter temperatures have cooled by more than 2 degrees
the government’s position on Global Warming are getting
Fahrenheit according to the government’s own numbers.
perilously close to the same treatment. Professor Lennart
A new research paper from the University of Colorado
Bengtsson’s recently forced resignation from the Global
using space gravimetry calculates that the sea level is rising Warming Policy Foundation shows just how low the Global
at the rate of less than 5 inches per century, which is actually Warming believers will go to discredit those who oppose
lower than the average rate of sea level rise over the past
110 years. This is a far cry from the one to four feet of sea
It’s a sad era we live in for what is supposed to be an
level rise the White House wants us to believe will happen
enlightened and modern world of scientific discovery.
by the year 2100.
For references to cited facts and additional information, please visit the
What about severe weather? There has actually been a
online version of the Boston Broadside and click on the links in this
decrease in both hurricane and tornado activity in recent
years. No hurricane of category 3 to 5 has made landfall on article.
“This is one
of my favorite
pictures anyone’s
ever taken of
- Brad Paisley
Send us your
military photos
for prin ng in
our upcoming
edi ons. Be
sure to include
your name
and contact
informa on and
any details...
Gas Tax Signature
Collecting: Round 2
Last fall, grassroots volunteers
collected over 100,000 signatures from
voters across the state to repeal the
new law linking the gasoline tax to
inflation. If the law is not repealed, the
gas tax will go up automatically every
year – without a vote of the legislature.
What scared most people about this
tax, and what motivated them to get
out and collect signatures for the
repeal, was the lingering fear that if the
legislature got away with linking the
gas tax to inflation, would any other
tax be safe from automatic increases?
The legislature was presented with
our petition and the accompanying
certified signatures just after
Thanksgiving last year. They had until
May 7, 2014 to act on the petition. I
am sure that nobody will be shocked
to hear that the legislature ignored our
petition, and so ignored the appeal of
the voter.
By not acting on the petition,
Mass General Law now requires that
volunteers go back out and collect
another 12,000 certified signatures.
That translates into about 20,000 ‘raw’
signatures. Our deadline is June 18,
2014. If you would be interested in
helping to gather signatures, or to
donate to the cause, please visit our
website at www.stopautomatictaxhikes.
Steven Aylward
Republican State Committeeman and
Co-Chairman of the Committee to Tank
Automatic Gas tax Hikes
By The Numbers- June 2014
• 63% - number of Americans who disapprove
of Obamacare
• 30% - number of doctor bills that are
expected to go unpaid by Massachusetts after
converting patients to MassHealth, etc.
• 0 - Number of religious holidays Catholic
Justina Pelletier was able to attend over a period
of 16 month of incarceration by Massachusetts
(if you don’t count the curious “Easter
• $1 million - amount of bribe money
Republican Gov. candidate Mark Fisher thought
he was going to get offered by someone,
sometime, but could only name names of
people who suggested he run for another office,
and who directed him to contact specific folks
(fundraisers) at the MassGOP to seek financial
assistance from the MassGOP, during his 60+
minutes on WRKO radio in May 2014.
• 89% - the number of registered voters in
Mass. who are NOT Republicans
• 9% - the increased risk of stroke amongst
patients age 70-74 who have to wait more than
31 days for treatment, according to Boston VA
• 5 - the number of Taliban ‘generals’ released
in exchange for an accused traitor, collaborator,
deserter. 1 - number of hometown parades
cancelled for the homecoming of accused traitor
• unknown - hundreds of thousands spent by
Democrat Deval Patrick on various trips around
the states and around the world to increase his
profile while not having enough time to do his
job at the Statehouse: leaves DeLeo in charge
• 158 - number of new ratings entered for
politicians at
Facebook Photo
The Boston Broadside June 2014 11
The Rapoza Report - June 2014
“Shining the light of truth on the offerings of
liberal pabulum” – Linda Rapoza
Warning to liberals & RINOs: This column is not for the faint of heart!
Liberal indoctrination manuals
(otherwise known as “news” rags) are
filling up with curious proclamations
about same-sex marriage suddenly
becoming “acceptable and supported”
by citizens everywhere. National
activists in black robes are singlehandedly declaring the legal votes
of citizens, in legal elections
on legal ballot questions, to be
“unconstitutional”, and are literally
wiping those votes right off the
books (along with due process and
the “consent of the governed”). After
almost 300 years, one wonders what
else could possibly be hiding in the
14th Amendment.
On cue, pundit-propagandists and
anti-Christian bigots are flooding their
near-bankrupt echo chambers with
declarations of community support
for sodomy while ramping up reports
with claims of health benefits due
to SSM. Sorry to disappoint the
malcontents, but this is not about
“hating homosexuals”. It isn’t even
about “marriage”. This is about a
majority now being ruled and regulated
by a tyrannical minority of judicial and
political militants.
The politically incorrect fact is that
the entire country does not support
SSM, and have proven it through the
constitutional process time and time
again. Were it not for disgruntled
leftists stampeding over to the courts
to have votes they don’t agree with
nullified, they’d have nothing to
Media shills for the Democrat
Party no longer concern themselves
with their own credibility, nor do they
have respect for the Constitution or
the rule of law. Today’s media is the
mouthpiece for tyranny. Like the old
Soviet politburo, the priority of the
Democrat Party is “party loyalty”.
The ends justify the means, (as Hillary
Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky, would
say), and if they can tweak polls and
statistics in order to further their cause,
they WILL do it.
Marching in a parade in costumes
intentionally designed to shock and
offend is tolerated. Activist freaks
donning nun’s habits and painting
themselves up like clowns for the
precise purpose of disrespecting
Catholics and/or disrupting a
Catholic Mass is tolerated. Even
the brass-balls professionals who go
for the gold by marching up to the
altar in costume with their tongues
out looking to receive the Body of
Christ are tolerated. (And, by the
way, those Catholic priests who are
accommodating this crap will face their
own judgment soon enough. So be it.
I’m pretty sure that handing over Our
Savior to Satan won’t be considered
“charitable”, “tolerant” or even
“forgiving”, but good luck explaining
that one when the time comes.) The
only people who are NOT tolerated by
the Democrat Party, by the courts, or
by the media… are Christians.
All of this was born out of the sexed establishment years ago, and has
now managed to infiltrate our public
school systems. It’s always been a
well-orchestrated effort by the Left to
indoctrinate children to the “normalcy”
of deviant behavior in order to create
now in a spiritual war… against us!
societal acceptance and “tolerance”
These days, the Left doesn’t seem
for immorality. This is about a
coordinated effort for the manipulation, to have a problem being openly antiSemitic either, (which would explain
intimidation and harassment of
why they hate Christians, and why
Christians in order to open wide the
Senator and millionaire Harry Reid
doors to making a freakish sexual
is obsessed with the Koch brothers).
agenda the law of the land.
Christians live by the biblical principle
Why do you think Democrats are
always talking about early childhood that God blesses those who bless the
Jewish people and curses those who
education? The sooner they can get
their hands on the kids, the easier it is curse the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3).
to indoctrinate them. They’d grab them Christians believe in the Word of God
over the word of man. They understand
fresh from the womb if they could.
that God doesn’t hate sinners, (and
Sadly, instead of protecting and
neither do good Christians), but they
feeding the flock, many in the Catholic also realize that His demands for
hierarchy were looking the other way compliance shouldn’t be taken lightly.
as the wolves were entering the pen
(Ephesians 5:3-6)
(and the seminaries), and now they’re
Christians are filling Bible-based
paying the price. More and more
to overflowing all across this
Catholic Schools and the Catholic
around the globe. BibleChurches that were supposed to be
are not willing to
preserving them are closing. You
freedom in
can’t expect to fill the pews of the
churches with more Catholics if you
don’t support the schools that educate
Catholic children. If you won’t educate
them, the government will.
forcing us all to get into, Christians
Establishment Republicans scold
are putting on their battle gear because
conservatives for talking about the
they’ve come to realize that the Left
“social issues”. Only Democrats
isn’t interested in “live and let live”
and activist judges on the courts are
anymore, and that they’re out to put
allowed to speak of this, and they
an end to freedom of speech and
have the final say. The rest of us are
religious expression if it isn’t speech or
supposed to just shut up and sit down, “religion” they agree with.
forget about individual sovereignty,
Professional bullies, (who lobby
and become willing accomplices to
more tax money to spend on
judicial fiats. (What happened to the
federal programs to discourage
9th amendment?)
bullying) have become the nation’s
This is evil stuff we’re looking at,
chief peddlers of hate and bullying
and we’d better get a grip because
intent on beating Christians into
the stakes couldn’t be higher. Now
submission on issues they know they’ll
that the Left has seen some success
never get approval of at the ballot box.
in controlling the Catholic Church,
Like their view of the Constitution,
they smell blood in the water, and are the Bible to them is also “living”,
planting their feet firmly in their own and in need of being modernized to
self-serving muck for the censorship of fit the times. This viewpoint is vital
Christianity. Our own government is to bringing modernity to biblical text
Other Votes of Note on Beacon Hill: Teen Voting, Etc.
• Changes in Election Law (H4207).
The House voted 147-4, and Senate
38-0 to allow online pre-registration
for 16 and 17 year olds in order to be
ready by the time they’re 18; and early
voting beginning 10 business days
before any primary or general election.
• Public Hearings on All Tax Hikes
(H4069). The House by a vote of 11831 rejected an amendment requiring
the Legislature to conduct at least 6
public hearings in different parts of
the state on any legislation that would
increase any tax or fee. Amendment
supporters, who maintained this as
reasonable and in the public’s interest
to insure their awareness of such
legislation, went down to defeat on
mostly partisan lines: (Republicans for;
Democrats against).
• Vote to Withhold $65 Million
for Obamacare Health Connector
Until Report is Made. The House
(H4069) by a vote of 110-40, rejected
an amendment to withhold $65
Million in funding for the Obamacare
Health Connector until the state
conducts a review of the financial
impact. Amendment supporters
(mostly Republicans) claimed it was
irresponsible to fund the Connector
without knowing how it will affect the
state financially. Opponents (mostly
Democrats) insisted that the governor
had already agreed to provide impact
study information.
• An Amendment to Rate Substance
Abuse Programs. The Senate (S2133)
35-4 voted against creating a website
providing information on the success
rates of substance abuse programs.
Supporters (Republicans) claimed this
would create transparency. Opponents
(Democrats) claimed the possibility
that treatment facilities, in fear of
getting a bad rating, would not take on
difficult cases.
• Sales Tax Holiday (S4). The Senate
voted 32-7 rejecting an amendment to
allow consumers to buy most products
under $2500 on Aug. 9-10 without
paying the state’s 6.25% sales tax. The
amendment was defeated mostly on
Party lines. Republicans argued for the
consumer, while Democrats claimed
the state couldn’t afford this.
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because all of the Left’s priorities
have to do with weaving poison into
the culture while deconstructing the
fabric of society through regulation
crafted for controlling “we the people”
- our lives, our children, our property,
the fruits of our labor, our thoughts,
behavior, and so on. As the agenda
is moved to the next plateau, anyone
who objects to being controlled is to be
Whatever the ruling class decides
to call an “offense” is now punishable
with job loss, the denial of the
right to run for office, reputationsmearing through boycotting of
private businesses, followed by the
blacklisting of the “perpetrator” by
the mobs in the media. What’s next,
a prison term? How soon will they
be building “re-education” camps?
(Aren’t a few football players already
serving that sentence?)
Do we even remember what
freedom looks like? Because it sure
as hell isn’t this. The Left is ramping
up their agenda because they’re
concerned there may be a tsunami
coming in November, and there’s little
time remaining for their friends in
Washington to continue to serve them.
As they circle their own collective
wagons in order to bully Biblebelieving Christians into submission
through a government that’s now so
broken and corrupt that it no longer
represents the people the Framers were
concerned with protecting, I believe
they will discover that they’ve overplayed their hand. Their endless efforts
to characterize conviction as “anger
and hate” will not work in the end,
because the “paradise” they’re intent
on creating is a House of Cards.
12 June 2014 The Boston Broadside
$15 in taxes
per fill-up?
LY, The Legislature has link
the Gas Tax to the Consumer Price Index,
and, as the price of GAS is part of that
index, they’ve created a self-fulfilling
upward increase in taxes, forever: as gas
taxes increase automa cally, gas prices
increase automa cally, so gas tax increases
automa cally, so gas prices increase
automa cally....forever!
This is more than about a Gas Tax. It is about
government scheming to link ALL taxaƟon
to inflaƟon (they are looking now at making
Here is what you can do:
• · Despite having gathered tens of thousands of signatures to stop this,
the House of Reps has rejected our efforts and have now forced us to
gather an additional 20,000 signatures to get this issue before the voters.
What’s worse, we’ve uncovered through various e-mails, GOVERNMENT
VIOLATION OF CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS to keep you, the voter, in
the dark, and spread lies to STOP automatic increases to their departments,
their salaries, their perks, their early retirements! Please check out our
website, and help us collect signatures.
• Provide Financial Support. Those who oppose our Ballot Initiative
are well funded. In order to fight them and to fight for the taxpayers, we
urgently need your help. You can donate on-line, or by mail.
Make your check payable to:
The Commi ee to Tank the Automa c Gas Tax Hikes
154 Worcester St, Watertown, MA 02472
Proudly Paid for by the CommiƩee to Tank AutomaƟc Gas Tax Hikes
Democrats Oppose Voter-ID,
Empower Illegals and Criminals
Voter ID, from page 5
Democrats say such laws would
disenfranchise the poor. And that
places of employment, so what is the
complaint is just plain downright…
big deal about needing one to vote.
As I contemplated the political
The low income democratic voter
reality of this perplexing dilemma, the
group includes many whom need ID’s
following thought crossed my mind.
to qualify for government programs
The Democrat party establishment,
such as food stamps and welfare. If
especially under the current
there was a shortage of ID cards for
administration is obsessed with
these programs which by the way are
using government to control every
growing exponentially under Obama,
facet of our lives through unending
particularly in the case of food stamps,
bureaucratic regulations. Yet when it
don’t you think we would have heard
comes to voting, the policy is: Come
on in folks and vote. We trust you. NO about it by now, from democrats, or
their media.
Any half hearted google search
Cries of disenfranchisement make no
stories about the trend toward
voter ID legislation will produce a
The arguments submitted by those
barrage of stories promoting the anti
opposing voter ID laws have been
ID view, which might explain why
nothing short of ridiculous, particularly
Conservatives seem to be losing the
when accompanied with emotional
debate when there is no evidence to
pleas to prevent the disenfranchisement
support that assumption.
of those incapable of acquiring an ID
Are republicans really losing the
card for a variety of reasons.
public debate?
The truth is very few people lack
If they are...then Republicans need to
valid photo ID cards, except maybe
the debate back.
a few senior citizens, who don’t
The burden of explanation should
drive a car anymore, but even they
be on the people who do not want an
could probably still have an expired
easily enforceable, widely popular
license, which along with additional
system for ensuring voter security.
documentation showing their current
address should be sufficient proof.
And they should not be shy in
pointing out incidents that indicate
Government installations like the
Registry of Motor Vehicles that already that Democrat operatives within
the government and the media are
produce drivers licenses could be
actively involved in making it easy for
converted easily enough to print a
voter fraud to exist as in the case of
photo ID card for voting purposes, I
the scandal involving IRS executive
Lois Lerner and Congressman
In the 34 states that already have
Elijah Cummings currently under
passed voter ID card laws, there have
investigation in Washington, for
been no reports of Senior citizens
shutting down a group in Texas that
being disenfranchised because they
was investigating voter fraud.
couldn’t figure out how to acquire a
But back to Massachusetts…With
photo ID.
suspicions running high as
Nothing short of an act of God can
behind Democrat
stop most Senior citizens from making
it to the polls on election day and it
has been that way for a long time in
this country. After all they have a lot
to lose, particularly under the present
administration that continues to turn
republican poll watchers will be tasked
a blind eye to taking measures to save
with keeping both eyes and ears on the
entitlement programs.
alert at the polling places this election
Another amusing criticism of
day. There is too much at stake not
proposed voter ID laws is when
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