Message From The Executive Director
Message From The Executive Director
The Whatcom Humane Society’s Newsletter Winter 2014 Message From The Executive Director Dear Friends, Laura Clark Executive Director Statement of Principle: The Whatcom Humane Society believes that all animals, as sentient beings, have value beyond economic measurements and are entitled to legal, moral, and ethical consideration and protection. Vision: Our community treats all animals with kindness, respect, and compassion. Mission Statement: The Whatcom Humane Society: • Advocates for animals; • Educates the community to promote humane treatment and respect for animals; • Provides for abandoned, injured, abused or neglected animals. Happy New Year! If 2014 is half as exciting for the Whatcom Humane Society as 2013 was, we are in for quite a year. We ended last year, settled into our beautiful new facility, but with so much work ahead of us. This year, our dedicated staff and volunteers will remain committed to our mission and core values ~ providing care and services to any animal in need, while working to pay the balance of our new building construction costs and fundraise for daily operations. As an open-admission facility, we turn no animal away, regardless of the animal’s age, breed, temperament, physical or medical condition. Included in this newsletter you will find our 2013 animal statistics. We are very proud of our efforts to reduce pet overpopulation in our community with continued community education, our low-cost/free Spay/Neuter programs and adoption services. Our efforts are proving to be successful. The number of homeless, unwanted and abused animals received into our facility is declining, while our adoption statistics continue to rise. Our new facility will allow us to carry on our lifesaving efforts and more. We have some exciting programs that will be launched in the coming year. A monthly Pet Loss Support Group will offer free services to those mourning the loss of a beloved companion animal. A Behavior Help Line will provide assistance to pet owners who need guidance and aid dealing with animal behavior issues in their household. Our humane education programs will include our annual Kids Poster Contest this spring as well as a new essay contest for junior-high and high-school kids (winning essays will be published in a future PawPrint) and finally, our longtime goal of offering kids summer camps will be realized with the first camps tentatively scheduled for this July. I can honestly say that I’m truly excited each day when I drive to work. I’m so proud of our organization and the work we do. I’m equally as excited when I think about our future plans and the work still left to be done. None of this work would be possible without the support of our members, donors, business partners, corporate sponsors, community partners, staff and volunteers. Working together, we can and do make a difference. I look forward to continuing to serve WHS and the animals in 2014. I thank you all for your ongoing support and confidence in our organization and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. With Sincere Appreciation, Laura Clark, Executive Director WHATCOM HUMANE SOCIETY CARING FOR ANIMALS SINCE 1902 Board of Directors Victoria Savage, President Janet Hofmann, Vice President Pam Went, Secretary Drew Wilkens, Treasurer Ria Bordian Janise Rands Jennifer Sonker Neal Swanson Kevin Williamson Deb Wright Staff Executive Director Laura Clark Administration Kate Meuth Alldredge Leanna DeRoss Animal Care Adriana Willmersdorf, Manager Sarah Hansen, Supervisor Amy Campbell, Lead Raena Anderson Amy Armstrong Kyle Berger Tina Deming Emily Iacobucci Jesse Johnson, Farm Caregiver Alicia Langdon, Foster Care Coordinator Leigha Maland Animal Control & Rescue/Field Services Paul Evans, Manager Rebecca Crowley, Lead Officer Michael Anderson, Dispatch Randy Ascanio Carrie Anderson Vicky Gibbons Marcus Newton Meganne Shannon-Johnson Finance/Accounting Dana Berger Special Events Dana Browne, Manager Community Outreach/Humane Education Cari Sachkowsky Volunteer Services Carly Brewer Customer Service Danielle Yencopal-Smith, Lead Peter Anderson Zakia Kaminski Paws Awhile Gift Shop Dedicated Volunteers Veterinary Services Karen Rounds, DVM Joni Ascanio, Vet Tech Progra ms & Services • Adoptions & Animal Care • Lost & Found • 24 Hour Animal Control & Rescue • Investigations of Cruelty & Neglect • Licensing • Community Outreach & Special Events • Humane Education • Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program (SNAP) • Pet Food Bank • Veterinary Services • Volunteer Services Location OUR NEW LOCATION! 2172 Division Street Bellingham, WA 98226 HOURS OF OPERATION! Wednesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday - Monday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed to the Public Tuesday and Major Holidays Phone: (360) 733-2080 Fax: (360) 733-4746 2 WHS Cage-free Cat Colony Room – Cat Ca m! Our cage-free cat colony room is equipped with a webcam so folks can see what’s going on in the colony room. Visit www. and click on the “Cat Cam” photo to check in on the feline residents of the colony room. MEOW! No Autographs Please Don’t forget to tune in and see or hear about the WHS shelter animals every week as they strut their stuff on local radio and television. PETWATCH TV, CHANNEL 26 (COMCAST) & BELLINGHAM BTV, CHANNEL 10 Airs daily ~ times can vary, so check your local listings. Note: PetWatch is also available throughout Western Washington on Comcast On Demand. Tell your friends and family to check their cable system and tune in KAFE RADIO 104.1 FM “KAFE CRITTER” SEGMENT Airs every Wednesday morning at 6:15 am & 8:15 am on the Dave & Mandy In The Morning show on KAFE 104.1 FM. Check out to see fun video of the Kafe Critter each week! Thanks to all our friends in the media for helping find homeless, unwanted and abused animals new homes! A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course! Each year WHS provides care and comfort to thousands of homeless, unwanted and abused animals. Currently, our farm facility is caring for several horses, all in need of permanent, responsible and loving homes. Last year, 31 horses received care and services at our farm facility. The majority of these horses arrived at WHS underweight, needing extensive veterinary care, treatment and specialized care. For information on how you can help, support or adopt a horse in our care visit our website at or email our farm caregiver at: WHS farm caregiver Jesse Johnson with Sham, one of many horses WHS received last year 3 2013 Animal Statistics WHS Animal Control & Rescue Call Dispatch History Type of Call WHS 2013 SHELTER STATISTICS (2012/2013 comparison) Foster Progra m Animal Intake INTAKE Type 2012 2013 Species 2012 2013 Stray 2182 1929 Cats 195 129 Owner Surrender 1458 1330 Seized/ Protective Custody 16 Transfer in 62 1 0 Wildlife 342 412 TOTAL 3999 3733 Dogs 25 1 Ferret 1 0 Small Animals 5 0 Horses 0 0 Rabbits 2 0 TOTAL 228 130 2012 2013 Adoption 999 1135 866 Redemption 909 Transfer Out 556 207 TOTAL 2464 2208 Behavior 0 0 Cat Abandoned Animal 49 35 Agency Assist 87 86 Barking Dog 230 230 Bite 155 141 Cruelty/Neglect 27 18 Dangerous Dog 6 1 DOA pick up request 482 496 Dog at Large 675 719 Exotic Animal 0 3 Injured Animal 233 229 Livestock 241 232 No License 4 9 Nuisance 13 12 Owner/Community Education 4 13 5 6 Service Call 109 153 Sick Animal 43 41 Stray 796 842 Vicious 312 337 Welfare 569 610 Wildlife 68 93 4108 4306 TOTAL # of Calls WHS Euthanasia Statistics 2011 Bird 2013 Patrol Request Animal Outcome OutCOME Type 2012 2012 Bite 2013 Comparison Feral Kennel Stress 3 Medical Other 1 0 3 2 8 2 14 5 5 224 185 125 4 5 3 48 74 47 0 0 4 1 1 4 0 1 0 0 3 1 Horse 0 3 2 Lizard 0 2 0 4 4 3 2 3 1 78 49 Chicken/Rooster 2 2 42 1 Dog 37 28 32 2 4 2 9 25 11 0 1 0 294 1 179 1 83 0 4 2 5 4 2 2 0 6 2 Duck Ferret Guinea Pig 0 2 7 Goat Hamster 0 0 1 Llama Mouse Rabbit 4 1 1 Rat 0 2 2 0 1 0 Sheep Turtle/Tortoise TOTAL 4 4 121 84 87 11 30 14 295 180 83 19 7 13 283 289 192 WHS Animal Intake Species Specific 2012 2013 Comparison Owner Surrender Seized/ Protective Custody Bird (fancy) 23 25 4 0 7 15 Cat 830 687 13 9 1004 826 Chicken 16 19 51 32 67 51 1 1 1 1 Stray Transfer In Wildlife TOTAL Arthropod Cow Dog 533 476 Donkey 73 46 0 1 2 1 0 42 1847 1523 1 1728 1588 3 0 2 1 0 6 4 3 6 9 7 5 2 17 9 24 Fish 0 5 4 0 32 5 Goat 1 4 11 9 1 1 28 0 10 5 1 0 0 1 Guinea Hen 0 2 1 0 1 2 Guinea Pig 9 38 17 17 26 55 Hamster 23 6 23 6 Horse 6 9 9 9 20 31 2 3 3 3 0 1 3 4 2 2 2 1 5 13 Lizard 1 0 Llama 0 1 Mouse 3 0 0 4 Rodent (other) 1 0 1 0 2 1 Pig Rabbit 15 25 Rat 21 19 1 0 Sheep 0 3 1 61 7 26 26 0 1 0 3 4 1 31 4 1 1 2 2 2 Turtle/Tortoise Wildlife TOTAL 0 7 3 6 0 3 Space 1 0 0 3 3 101 92 109 106 102 76 46 31 1 2 0 1 9 2 7 2 99 102 119 33 43 36 7 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 17 2 6 0 2 0 1 1 4 1 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 3 6 3 13 4 1 1 1 5 17 0 0 1 167 132 205 235 146 2 400 3 13 246 406 4136 3870 TOTAL Unweaned Temperament 0 1 0 246 Physical Condition 2 28 3 13 Snake Owner Request 219 0 42 Ferret Peacock 3 1121 1063 0 2 Duck Goose 2 8 0 0 1 37 121 112 72 5 1 1 0 4 125 82 72 113 0 24 87 15 0 61 8 0 12 12 12 1103 848 621 19 21 11 363 372 334 1 2 5 2 12 30 0 1 0 7 15 4 1 4 7 0 2 0 0 1 5 0 0 3 10 8 1 4 1 0 0 27 15 33 4 8 6 2 0 0 11 0 52 16 17 1 0 4 2 0 6 49 49 86 263 206 153 128 102 80 1593 1318 1078 5 WHS Pet Loss Support Group Whatcom Humane Society’s monthly Pet Loss Support Group offers support and resources to help with the loss of a pet. The WHS Pet Loss Support Group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6 pm to 7:30 pm in the multi-purpose room at the Whatcom Humane Society. There is no charge for this group, no reservations needed, and people (please do not bring pets) are free to attend as often as necessary throughout their grief process. The WHS Pet Loss Support Group provides a safe, supportive place, where pet owners can share stories about their pet and work through their grief with others who have suffered a similar loss. This program provides supportive help for those who have been touched by the loss of a pet, anticipating the death of a pet, dealing with the difficult decision of euthanasia, have suffered from a lost or stolen pet, or are wondering when/if they are ready for another pet. For more information, please contact Cari Sachkowsky at (360)733-2080, ext # 3016 or email Whatcom Hu mane Society Animal Control Officer Saves the Day! Recently, WHS exec director Laura Clark received the following email: Dear Director Clark, I am writing to commend WHS animal control officers Paul Evans and Rebecca Crowley. My old farm truck was broken down in the southbound lane on the side of Highway 5 on the bridge over Guide Meridian. I feel it is worth mentioning that prior to your officers assisting me I was passed by and (for lack of a better word) simply ignored by no less than 2 other clearly marked law enforcement vehicles. Your employees gave me a push out of traffic and even helped me to secure my battery in its correct position, which as it turned out was my problem. I had thought I was out of gas. Officer Evans took the time to get his hands dirty, to secure my battery back into its correct position and gave me a jump. Officers Crowley and Evans were helpful, courteous and even waited after successfully jump starting my truck prior to leaving the scene. They did that in order to be certain that I would be safely on my way. They are an asset to the people of Whatcom County. I for one, am impressed and humbled by their eagerness to help and to go far above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you for your time. Please feel free to write should you have any questions or comments. Sincere Regards, Cathleen M. Stein Blaine, WA 6 THANKS for taking the time to write Ms. Stein (we are so glad you are okay!) and GREAT JOB Officer Evans and Officer Crowley (pictured here caring for some baby ducks WHS recently received). We are proud of you! Wish List uPostage stamps - both first class and post card uNew dog toys and treats uNew cat toys and catnip uArt supplies for humane education programs (new or quality used) uDonated “air miles” to send staff to training conferences (please check with the airline for their policy regarding donated miles) uBlankets & towels (no electric blankets please) & Bathmats u Paper towels & Newspapers (minus the ads please) uDog walking harnesses – Gentle Leader easy walk harnesses, sensi-harnesses for dog walking and training – all sizes, but especially L & XL uSturdy dog leashes and flat buckle collars uQuality new or used tractor uLarge stall mats, head halters and lead ropes for the horses and livestock at our farm facility uU nopened bags and cans of dog & cat food (any brand!) uHamster, rabbit, guinea pig and domestic rat food and treats uQuality new or used laptop or desktop computers uW hite and colored copy paper for our copy machine uGift Cards to any of the following businesses: PetStop in Sehome Village, Costco, Home Depot, Lowes, Kelly Ridge Farm & Garden, Whatcom Farmers Co-op, Joanne Fabric, Michaels, Fred Meyer or Haggen Food & Pharmacy uN ew or quality used gas powered lawn mower and weed wacker. uCat scratchers and clumping cat litter (Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract brand especially appreciated) uHay, straw and grain for horses and other livestock For more information, please contact Cari Sachkowsky at (360)733-2080 or email Check out our wishlist! Visit, “gifts & wishlists,” then type in Whatcom Humane. 100% of the proceeds benefit the animals at WHS. Check it out… the last week of every month features a “paws”itively fabulous sale — all donated items are 50% off. Wow! Paws Awhile, the eclectic gift shop of the Whatcom Humane Society, features quality new and donated merchandise. Paws Awhile features 1200 10th Street Suite 105 Historic Fairhaven unique gifts, home furnishings, Open Every Day antiques, books, speciality pet 11am – 5pm supplies, seasonal items, cards, (360) 752-2970 jewelry and much, much more. PLEASE NOTE: Paws Awhile is no longer accepting consignment items. Thank you. 7 2014 WHS EVENT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sponsoring a Whatcom Humane Society event is a great way to market and advertise your business to thousands of animals lovers in the community. Our annual fundraising events are designed to be diverse, FUN, exciting, inspiring, educational, and build community awareness about issues involving animals in our community and beyond. Monies raised from each event are vital to our annual operating budget. 2014 WHS fundraising events include: • Woof & Whiskers Awards Luncheon • Dog Days of Summer Run/Walk & Festival • Masquerade Gala Auction • Happy Tails Calendar • Wine Raffle/Party • And More! Sponsorship opportunities range from $250 - $3,000. THANK YOU & TWO PAWS UP to our 2013 Event Sponsors: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Country Dog Grooming Alcoa Animal Emergency Care Bank of the Pacific Bow Wow & Woofs BP Cherry Point Dewey Griffin Frank and Mary King The Franklin Corporation Joana Schmidt Jonathan Rands, Attorney at Law Katie’s Cupcakes Kulshan Veterinary Hospital Larson Gross Life Cycle Pet Cremation Lynden Tribune Maplewood Animal Hospital • Michael Brodsky, Attorney at Law • Mt. Baker Care Center • North Fork Brewery & Beer Shrine • Northshore Veterinary Hospital • Parker Remick • PetStop • Positive Canine Guidance • Sadie & the Rat Pack • SSC • The Barkley Company • Village Veterinary Hospital • Walk In Health Clinic • WECU • Whidbey Island Bank • Yellow Cab For more information about WHS events and/or event sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dana Browne at (360)733-2080, ext # 3014 or email: events@ 8 You “Auto” Donate! You “auto” donate your old car, truck, boat, boathouse, RV or trailer for the animals at the Whatcom Humane Society. All donated vehicles must be in good running condition - no “junkers” please! Your donation is tax deductible and will help support the programs and services that WHS provides all year long. For more information please contact Laura Clark at (360) 733 2080, ext. #3026 or email director@ “Friend” us on Facebook & Twitter “Friend” us on Facebook & Twitter! Become a “fan” of the WHS Facebook and Twitter page and receive updates about what’s happening at our shelters and the latest up-to-date information on animal-related issues in our community. ************************* Want to receive the latest WHS news via email? Sign up and join our email newsletter list. Email your address to: In the “message” line, type “join email news list.” Thanks!
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