Vidocq Journal 2012 Quarter 2


Vidocq Journal 2012 Quarter 2
The Vidocq Society – Solving Unsolved Murders and Cold Cases
Quarterly Journal!
Scott Dunn
Remains Found
Page 1
Volume Twenty Three Number Two 2012
Fast Forensics
Vidocq Motto
Veritas Veritatum
2012 Vidocq Awards
Dinner Invitation
Digital Forensics with
Peter Stephenson,
Books and
Pages 2 & 3
Page 4
Page 5
Pages 6 - 8
Pages 9 - 13
Bookspan's Bullets
With Dr. Bookspan
Remains of Roger Scott Dunn Identified
By William L. Fleisher, VSM, Vidocq Society Commissioner
To My Fellow Vidocqians:
It is with mixed emotions that I report that the Lubbock Texas authorities have been able to positively identified the remains of Roger Scott Dunn, which were found last week near his late
residence.! This is both sad and satisfying for the Dunn Family.!Scott’s father, Jim Dunn, VSM, has
lived to see the recovery of his son’s remains and will now be able to give them a proper burial.! This
will surely give him and his lovely wife, Barbara, relief.! Yet, this also opens old wounds and hurts. I
ask that all of you keep the Dunns in your thoughts and prayers. And, I pray that Roger Scott Dunn
will be Resting in Peace once and for all.
Here is the link to the story from LubbockOnline:
More from - Finally At Rest - Roger Scott Dunn:
The Vidocq Society helped solve the 1991 murder of 24 year old Scott Dunn when no weapon and no body could be
found. The book, Trail of Blood, by Wanda Evans and Scott’s father James Dunn came out in 2005. Click to get the
book Trail of Blood.
Bookspan's Bullets by Jolie Bookspan, MEd, PhD, FAWM, VSM
Each issue brings you summarized forensic news and education. Bookspan’s Bullets is
dedicated to Frank Bender, VSM, who inspired and requested the column beginning in 1997.
count.” The morgue is also designed with a lounge, a cafe
and digital information panels to allow mourners to follow the washing and wrapping of the dead in accordance
with Islamic tradition. Click each source for more:
Ga Coffins Honor the Dead The
Way They Lived
Coffins of the Ga tribe, of the West African country of
Ghana, are large brightly colored art forms reflecting an
aspect of the person’s life, trade, status in the tribe or
family, a clan totem, or things the person loved. Ga coffins are hand-made for each person and may be a carpenter’s plane for a carpenter’s burial, a fish for a fisherman,
sewing machine for a seamstress, a treasured automobile,
a coca cola bottle, a lobster, a chicken, onion, shoe, a
vice like beer or cigarettes. The Ga people want to honor
their dead in ways that celebrate the way they lived. Ga
coffins are also called figurative coffins or proverbial
coffins - abebuu adekai. Click each source for more:
- Sources:
DNA Fingerprinting For Wine, Rice,
& Drugs
Wine producers are using DNA fingerprinting to identify
which grapes have gone into making each wine, to be
able to guarantee authenticity. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are working on DNA fingerprinting for medicines
to identify counterfeits more readily. Chefs at a hotel in
India use DNA labeling to identify types of basmati rice
delivered to know optimum cooking settings.
- Sources:
- Source:
Itodt - Interesting Thing of The Day
Washington Post
Watch a short movie:
Forensic DNA Detects Illegal Whale
DNA detective work found that sushi restaurants in Los
Angeles, USA, and Seoul, South Korea, illegally sold
whale meat from Japan. Analyses of sequences confirmed
that the products included three species of whale protected from international trade. The findings resulted in
police raids on the restaurants. Japan, Iceland and Norway say they can prevent smuggling by matching the
DNA of whale meat sold in markets to a register of all
legally caught whales, however, those countries have, so
far, refused to make their DNA registers public.
- Source:
Biology Letters, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0239
Turkish Morgue Installs Alarms So
Still-Living Can Signal and Escape
A mortuary in Malatya, in rural eastern Turkey, has outfitted their morgue with alarms and electronic motion
detectors that can, “detect the slightest movement by a
living person emerging from a coma or long period of
unconsciousness… and send out an alarm” in case any of
the bodies have been declared dead by mistake. The 36
refrigerators also have interior door handles. A system at
the feet of the supposed deceased can open the refrigerator in case of contact, allowing the occupant to climb out.
Akif Kayadurmu, head of the municipal funerals service,
told the state news agency Anatolia, “The resurrections
may be rare but we have taken every possibility into ac-
Researcher Contact:
Continued on Next Page
Bookspan's Bullets
By Dr. Jolie Bookspan, VSM
Continued from Previous Page
fingerprint into two parts. The first contains ridge patterns, the second has distinctive features such as the point
at which two ridges merge. Combining one part of each
print creates a new and unique print for authentication.
Can Computers Catch a Lie from
Eyes Alone?
Researchers at the University at Buffalo, State University
of New York (U.B.), claim their video-analysis software
can analyze eye movement successfully enough to identify if a subject is lying 82.5 percent of the time. Counterintelligence special agent Joe Navarro comments on fundamental flaws with the study: “One problem with this
research is its over-reliance on the face as the only place
to evince information from the body. I can tell you as an
investigator and somebody who’s studied this not just
superficially but in depth, you have to observe the whole
body; it can’t just be the face,” he says, adding that a
failure to take body language into consideration could
lead to “an inordinate amount of false positives.”
- Source:
New Scientist 17 December 2011 issue 2843.
- Researcher Contact: Arun Ross RC Byrd Associate
Professor, West Virginia University and Asem Othman.
Dr. Bookspan loves good science. Send
forensic jokes, quotations, websites and
stories for possible inclusion in
“Bookspan’s Bullets.”
- Source:
Scientific American. Comments by readers of the linked
story are also helpful. Editors recommend checking them.
Email: Bookspan’s Bullets
Laser “Unprinter” Removes Ink
from Copies
Engineers at the University of Cambridge have developed a process to “unphotocopy” by removing toner ink
from paper. Short laser pulses heat printed words and images until they vaporize, erasing them. The engineers say
the process works with common papers and toner inks,
and is more eco-friendly than recycling.
By William L. Fleisher, VSM, Vidocq Society Commissioner
- Source:
Leal-Ayala1 DR, Allwood JM, Schmidt M, & Alexeev I.
Toner-print removal from paper by long and ultrashort
pulsed lasers. Proceedings of The Royal Society A journal.
2012, doi: 10.1098/rspa.2011.0601
I would like to introduce you to Noir Con 2012. Noir
Con is a mystery fan’s delight. They will be honoring
the memory of our own Frank Bender at their upcoming convention. !Run by Lou Boxer and Deen Kogan,
the organization has been big supporters of the Vidocq
Society, and I invite our members to learn about this
great event at
Researcher Contact: J. M. Allwoo:
Dates: 8-11 November 2012.
Location: Society Hill Playhouse. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 19147.
Contact: (215) 923-0210.
Online Registration:
Merge Two Fingerprints to Create
Novel Authentication
A software technique developed at West Virginia University in Morgantown, blends two fingerprints to create a
third, which could provide a solution to fingerprint copying for purpose of data hacking. New software splits a
News of Vidocq Members
Origins of Vidocq Motto
Veritas Veritatum
Hon Lynne Abraham Lectures at
College of Physicians
By William L. Fleisher, VSM, Commissioner
By the Editors
Albert Laurilliard, VSM, gave us “Veritas Veritatum” as
our motto. It is from a medieval collection of poetry
called the Carmina Burana, Latin for “Songs from
Beuern” (short for Benediktbeuern). Composer Carl Orff
later wrote music based on 24 of the poems. Here is the
Latin and English text:
The Honorable Lynne Abraham appeared at The College
of Physicians of Philadelphia, Tuesday, 17 April, 2012, to
give the annual Robert L. Sadoff, MD, FCPP Lecture: A
Prosecutor Takes a Hard Look at Ethical Issues. She discussed ethical issues she believes are essential for prosecutors to embrace and practice. Ms. Abraham called on
her years of service as both Common Pleas Judge and
District Attorney of Philadelphia to illustrate her concerns. The Honorable Lynne Abraham, is a partner in
Archer & Greiner, PC.
Veritas veritatum,
via, vita, veritas,
per veritatis semitas
eliminans peccatum!
te verbum incarnatum
clamant fides, spes, caritas,
tu prime pacis statum
reformas post reatum,
tu post carnis delicias
das gratias,
ut facias beatum.
o quam mira potentia,
quam regia vox principis,
cum egrotanti precipis:
surge, tolle grabatum!
Vidocq Member Badges
Members who wish to have
Vidocq member badges, contact:
Rosa Lazinger
Vidocq Society
Truth of truth,
The Way, the Life, the Truth
Who by the strait paths of thy Truth
Drivest our sin beyond the threshold of our door,
To thee, Incarnate Word,
Faith, Hope, and Charity
Continually do cry
Thou who dost set thy prisoner at thy bar and then Makest him a man again,
And for that forespent carnal ecstacy
Givest such grace,
That he accounts him blessed.
O miracle of strength!
O kingly word,
That once a sick man heard
‘Arise, take up thy bed, and ‘go thy way.’
-------Full text here
Carmina Burana Manuscript photo from Wikipedia
Carmina Burana album photo by the NJ Symphony
Cost is $10. Ms. Lazinger
can advise style and ordering details
Healthy Wishes
Our thoughts to Vidocq members Bill Kelly,
Donna Fontana, Joe McGillen, and others who
wish to keep their names private during their
~ Your Friends and Colleagues at
Vidocq Society
Vidocq Annual Awards Banquet
You are cordially invited to the
Annual Awards Dinner
Sunday, 30 September, 2012
6:00 p.m. To 11:00 p.m.
Held at the Luxurious Pen-Ryn Mansion
1601 State Road, Bensalem, Pa. 19020
Telephone: 215-633-0600
Hors d’Oeuvres, Top Shelf Open Bar: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Seating 7:10 p.m.
Main Course Including Vegetarian
Sweet Desserts, Coffee & Tea
Presentation and Awards
Dancing, Port Wine and Fine Cigars
Guests Encouraged
Black Tie or Dress Uniform Suggested
Kindly RSVP no later than 1 August, 2012
with names of attendees
and your check for $125.00 each person
Send payments to:
Vidocq Society
Second Floor 1704 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Banquet information: Contact Banquet Chairman
Joseph M. O’Kane, VSM (215) 322-2279
Purchase advertisements for the Awards Program.
Sell $1000.00 in ads, receive two dinner dance tickets:
Contact Treasurer Zeff Lazinger (484) 362-8800
Digital Forensics with Peter Stephenson, PhD
AntiSec and Anonymous – The New
Cyber Terrorism
By Peter Stephenson, PhD, VSM, CISSP, CISM, FICAP
still in place today. Mark’s definition of cyber terrorism
“Cyberterrorism is the premeditated, politically
motivated attack against information, computer
systems, computer programs, and data which
result in violence against noncombatant targets
by sub national groups or clandestine agents.”
I have been told by people who are supposed to know
better, that there is no such thing as cyber terrorism. After all, terrorists kill people - lots of people – and who
ever heard of someone being killed by a computer?
Well, I really could not disagree more.
I am well known in the information security community
for opposing “Chicken Little” “the sky is falling” pronouncements. There is more than enough hype in today’s journaltainment to satisfy even the most depraved
gossip-monger. What passes for news and journalism in
this age of sound bites and commercials that exceed the
programs they sponsor in duration is, in my view, an embarrassment to every American journalist. That said, this
is the real deal. Cyber terrorism is a genuine threat to
our nation and our way of life and, yes, people can get
I like that. It covers the bases and it does not say that
thousands of people need to be killed, maimed or deprived of their property in order for there to have been a
cyber terrorist attack. We do need to think a bit about
“violence” but I’ll get to that momentarily.
What is AntiSec?
AntiSec is one of today’s big cyber buzzwords. Believe
it or not, it does have a real meaning, unlike many
buzzwords that fit in that category of pure hype and that
sprang unbidden out of some would-be journalist’s
imagination. AntiSec is a movement that opposes security of information and computing systems. More accurately, AntiSec is the philosophy behind Operation AntiSec. For that definition, let’s get it straight from the
horse’s mouth:
In a paper I wrote some years ago I attempted to define
terrorism and found that, if one examines the laws and
treaties of other nations, one find a wide disparity in
definitions – over thirty, in fact. If we cannot define terrorism clearly, how are we to define cyber terrorism?
What I did find, however, was that there are some elements that all definitions seem to have in common.
Those elements include, but certainly are not limited to,
acts against non-combatants, acts intended to terrorize or
cause wide-spread fear, acts that are ideologically motivated, and acts carried out by sub-state groups or agents.
That said, of course these definitions are very contemporary and if one looks at the history of terrorism one finds
that those elements have not always been present. For
example, during the Russian Revolution it was not uncommon to see terrorist acts carried out against the Czar
and the ruling regime.
“Operation Anti-Security, also referred to as
Operation AntiSec or #AntiSec, is a series of
hacking attacks performed by members of hacking group LulzSec, the group Anonymous, and
others inspired by the announcement of the operation.”
Going a bit further into the motivation behind the
“The groups involved claim that the operation
aims to protest government censorship and
monitoring of the internet. LulzSec members
also mention ending what they believe are corrupt racial profiling and copyright laws as a goal
of the operation.”
So, given that we still need a working definition of cyber
terrorism, at least for the purposes of this article, I will
take one from my old friend and colleague, Mark Pollitt.
Mark is a retired FBI special agent and he started the
FBI’s digital forensic units – the CARTs – and the regional computer forensic lab system, both of which are
Continued on Next Page
AntiSec and Anonymous – The New Cyber Terrorism
Continued from Previous Page
Cyber Terrorism and AntiSec
Let’s return to FBI Special Agent (ret) Pollitt’s definition.
It has three elements:
What kinds of actions does Operation AntiSec carry out?
“LulzSec [a leading proponent of the AntiSec
movement] launched the first attacks of the operation against the Serious Organized Crime
Agency, the national law enforcement agency of
the United Kingdom that handles cybercrime.”
What about an example of Operation AntiSec? Here is
one from one of the other major proponents of the AntiSec movement:
The premeditated, politically motivated attack
against information, computer systems, computer
programs, and data
Results in violence against noncombatant targets
By sub national groups or clandestine agents
Let’s take them on at a time. Premeditated: certainly
there is no doubt about this one. The core groups in
Anonymous and LulzSec announce their intentions
broadly to the world using many different venues such as
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. They appear behind
grinning masks intended to represent Guy Fawkes, plotter against English Parliament in 1605. They proclaim in
ominous droning tones that we all should fear them. And
then they announce their intentions.
“We have used a Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) campaign to draw attention to abuses of
power and the criminalization of dissent. Some of
us participated actively in these attacks, and while
we are aware of the severity of those actions, we
believe they were in service of a greater good.
Operation Payback aimed to tarnish the public
image of those entities who aided in the attempted censorship of WikiLeaks. The carefully
chosen targets included Visa, Mastercard, Postfinance Switzerland, and PayPal.”
Politically motivated? Certainly no doubt about this one
either. Looking at the quotes above and taking a cursory
tour of the Operation AntiSec, Anonymous and LulzSec
web sites that much is very clear; in-your-face clear, in
Although the movement claims to oppose various government crimes against the people – censorship, suppression of dissent, etc. – it can hardly be denied that taking
down Mastercard would have an impact on noncombatants. Anonymous claims that no card processing
was hampered, but that probably is arguable.
Against information, computer systems, computer programs and data… this is a no-brainer. It is the declared
target of these individuals.
Violence against non-combatant groups? This one is not
quite so clear. In fact, it appears that the proponents of
Operation AntiSec are rather indiscriminate when they
target. Sometimes, as in the MasterCard attacks the target
is arguably non-combatant. Sometimes the target is the
government but certainly not a combat component of the
government. And sometimes it is against a government
agency that is, again arguably, a combatant group in that
it support the armed military.
So, who are Anonymous and LulzSec? They claim to be
everyone. They are not organized. They operate in cells
– though they do not characterize themselves in that
manner – of one to a few individuals. They do not claim
to be hackers. However, the key individuals in these organizations who have been arrested are, in fact, very
competent hackers.
They claim to be pervasive and, certainly, the lay public
believes that. One organization claimed that Anonymous
is among the most influential organizations in the world.
That may or may not be true but they certainly are a
force with which to reckon. But most important, why do
I claim that they are cyber terrorists?
Certainly there have been lots of attacks against law enforcement but whether that constitutes a combatant group
is a good topic for debate. One of the most egregious activities of Operation AntiSec is “doxing”.
Continued on Next Page
AntiSec and Anonymous – The New Cyber Terrorism
Continued from Previous Page
Doxing is the systematic collection of personal and professional information about an individual and his or her
family. It can include emails, personal address and
phone numbers, information about the individual’s family including children and anything else that can build a
portfolio or dossier on the person. This collection of
documents (or “docs”, hence the term “doxing”) then is
made public. At the least, it can be embarrassing. At
worst, it can cost the individual his or her life and have
catastrophic impact on the individual’s family and job.
Law enforcement officers often are the targets of doxing
“During the past 15 years, technological innovation and globalization have proven to be an overwhelming force for good,” Obama said in the introduction to the strategy. “However, transnational criminal organizations have taken advantage of our increasingly interconnected world to
expand their illicit enterprises.”
Those are the facts. That same interconnected world also
provides a conduit for terrorism and subsequent murder
on a grand scale. Imagine, for a moment the additional
lives that would have been lost on 9/11 if hackers had
disabled the traffic light system, the ATM banking machines, the 911 phone system, the emergency dispatch
system, the subway management system and the air traffic control system all in support of the 9/11 terrorists.
Believe it or not – and you really should believe it, because it is a fact – the ability to do all of this was available in 2001. This is what is called a force multiplier and
it is absolutely the most frightening aspect of cyber terrorism.
Sub national groups or clandestine agents. No question
here. Unless Anonymous became a sovereign state while
I wasn’t looking this fits them to a tee.
So What?
So what does this mean to us in the crime solving business? It means that there is a new troublemaker in town.
And this time it is a really bad bunch of dudes. It means
that more and more there are cyber components to the
crimes we strive to solve. That much is an object lesson
for us and, for now, it sounds as much a philosophical
warning as it does a practical one. For those of us concerned specifically with cybercrime it is the here and
now. No Chicken Little for us. For the rest of our colleagues it is, for now a cautionary tale.
Is Operation AntiSec cyber terrorism? Certainly it is. Is
it effective? Many argue that it is superbly effective.
Can we combat it? Only if we understand it and respond
accordingly. Is the sky falling? Not yet, but I did feel
something hit my head recently. Might just have been a
nut from a squirrel in the tree I was walking under, but,
unfortunately, today those are not the only kinds of nuts
we need to be concerned about.
But there really is a bit more to it than that for all of us –
and this is the “cautionary tale” part: this is the future. It
is with us and it is going to stay with us. There will
come a day – not too far in the future, I fear – when
groups such as Anonymous evolve way past the stage of
hactivism - a term, the validity of which I am prepared
to debate on the grounds that it is, in my view, an excuse
for terrorism, hooliganism and criminal activity in cyberspace – an enter the stage of full-blown terrorism and
organized criminal enterprise. That day is nearly here.
Indeed, some would argue that it is here and has been for
some time. When this crime wave hits us, we need to be
ready for it. I don’t care what your politics are, this
statement by President Obama when he unveiled his
strategy to combat transnational organized crime is right
on the money:
Until next issue……
Dr. Peter Stephenson, VSM, CISSP, CISM, FICAP, holds
a PhD in digital investigation and a Master’s Degree in
diplomacy with a concentration in terrorism. He is the
director of the Norwich University Center for Advanced
Computing and Digital Forensics and is an Associate
Professor of cyber investigation at that university.
Books and eBooks By and About Vidocq Members -
Effective Interviewing and
Interrogation Techniques,
Third Edition, by Nathan J.
Gordon and William L. Fleisher. A practical manual providing the forensic
practitioner/investigator critical insight into human behavior, enabling one to become a
better interviewer, interrogator
and, most importantly, an expert detector of truthful and deceptive behavior. Gordon
and Fleisher have created a one-stop guide to mastering
the art of credibility assessment during an interview, with
successfully tested techniques for obtaining a confession
from guilty suspects. Forensic practitioners, law enforcement, the intelligence community, the private security sector, attorneys, and forensic and criminal justice
students will all find this volume a valuable resource.
• The only book to address FAINT, IIT, and MITT in
one source
• Enables the interviewer to obtain a confession that can
stand up in court
• Includes an online workbook with practical exercises
to assist the reader
The third edition expands chapters on torture, assessing the interview, statement analysis, MITT, and interrogation. It contains new chapters on passenger screening,
and report writing, along with new case studies. Also
covered are ways to maximize the collection of information from a prospective employee, and legal considerations. The Forensic Assessment Interview Technique
(FAINT) and the Integrated Interrogation Technique (IIT)
were developed at the Academy for Scientific Investigative Training and are used by forensic practitioners and
investigators to detect truthful or deceptive behavior.
FAINT is applicable to all forensic type interviews and
incorporates the assessment of nonverbal behavior, projective analysis of unwitting verbal cues, statement
analysis and the Morgan Interview Thematic Technique
(MITT). This volume teaches how to combine, apply and
quantify these techniques to reach a numerical conclusion to the truthfulness of the interviewee. Order here in
hardcover and Kindle.
Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques by
Richard H. Walton, EdD, VSM,
provides effective and accessible
information to those responsible
for investigating and resolving
previously examined, but still
unsolved, cold case homicides.
The book merges theory
with practice through use of case
histories, photographs, illustrations, and checklists that convey
essential, fundamental concepts, while providing a
strong, practical basis for the investigative process. It
combines proven techniques from forensics, psychology,
and criminal investigation, and focuses on technologies
that may not have been available at the time of the crime.
This guide defines the characteristics of a cold case
homicide; details various investigative methods used by
law enforcement agencies; explores the actual
experiences of detectives in reopening case files; and
presents current technologies such as ViCAP, HITS, and
TracKRS used in the identification of cases related to the
reopened case, or its perpetrator. It also highlights
technological changes that contribute to law
enforcement's abilities to solve cold case homicides, such
as computerized print technology, the specificity of
DNA, and the expanding data banks that enable the
linkage of previously unknown suspects to the crimes
they committed. Available for order in hardcover and
Submit Books By and About Members
for Listing in the Vidocq Journal
!Graphic of Cover
!Author Bio and Member Status
Email Dr. Bookspan, Science Editor
Continued on Next Page
Vidocq Society in Print: Books By and About Members
Continued from Previous Page
Deadly Betrayal: The CBS
Murders is based on an actual
major, high-profile investigation, told from the inside by
FBI man Don Richards, VSM.
“An undercover agent is
killed in a Chinese Tong gangwar and FBI Supervisor Dan
Robertson can't prove the operation was authorized. He is
set up as the scapegoat, and
told to involve himself in a safe
white collar fraud case until
things get sorted out. But that case is far more sinister,
and soon Robertson finds himself partnered with NYPD
Detective Richie LeBeau in a complex multiple murder
investigation which might connect to the Tong. Overcoming personal clashes, inherent distrust, agency rivalry, and leaks to the media, they use every crimesolving and forensic technique to identify the killer, and
build their case. When sharp legal maneuvering threatens
to dismantle their work and free the killer, they must find
a way to resurrect the case and bring justice to a terrible
crime.” Click to order Deadly Betrayal.
The Murder Room. Michael Capuzzo introduces
the founders of the Vidocq
Society, talented courageous sculptor Frank
Bender, Commissioner
William Fleisher, and
criminal profiler Richard
Walter. Learn what inspired
them to help solve cold
case murders. Click to order in Print, Kindle Edition
and Audio Versions.
The Girl With The
Crooked Nose by Ted Botha.
Tells of Frank Bender’s work
as a forensic artist and founding member of the Vidocq
Society, to bring attention
and resolution to hundreds of
neglected murders of women
near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
From this work, Frank and
his daughter Vanessa have
donated time and talents to
assist the Ni Una Mas project (Not One More). Click to
order The Girl With The Crooked Nose.
In Someone’s Daughter, historian Silvia Pettem tells of
a young woman, known only as "Jane Doe," found murdered in 1954 in Colorado. Pettem spurred the Vidocq Society
and Boulder County Sheriff’s
Detective Steve Ainsworth to
find the woman's name and
killer. Several Vidocq members
selflessly volunteered resources and time: Dr. Richard
Froede and Frank Bender did
skull and facial reconstructions. Dr. Walter Birkby, Dr.
Robert Goldberg, and Dr. Terry
Melton worked on DNA. Fred
Bornhofen coordinated. Many others contributed. In October 2009, DNA comparison with a surviving sister confirmed Jane Doe's identity as Dorothy Gay Howard, an
18-year-old missing from Phoenix, Arizona. Click to order Someone’s Daughter.
In Trail of Blood, The Vidocq
Society helps solve the murder of 24
year old Scott Dunn. Scott's parents
never gave up when his killers left
no body, no weapon, only blood, so
much blood. “When Jim Dunn got
the heart stopping call every parent
dreads: "Your son has disappeared"
on a Sunday night, it set into motion
a six year nightmarish odyssey of
desperate searches. Dunn turned to
Richard Walter of the Vidocq Society, forensic
pathologist and criminal profiler, who consulted Scotland
Yard, studied DNA evidence and blood spatter patterns,
and then pointed out who he deduced killed Scott Dunn,
and why.” Click to order Trail of Blood.
Continued on Next Page
Vidocq Society in Print: Books By and About Members
Continued from Previous Page
I Have Lived in the Monster: Inside the Minds of the World’s
Most Notorious Serial Killers by
Robert K. Ressler and Tom
Shachtman. Agent Ressler, who
coined the term “serial killer” in
the 1970s, recounts his years since
leaving the FBI, working as an independent criminal profiler on
some of the most famous serial
murder cases of our day. Piecing
clues from crime scenes, along
with killing patterns and methods,
Ressler explains his role assisting investigations of such
perplexing international cases as England’s Wimbledon
Common killing, the ABC Murders in South Africa, and
the deadly gassing of Japan’s subway. We’re also witness
to Ressler’s fascinating, in-depth interviews with John
Wayne Gacy, plus a shockingly candid discussion with
“cannibal killer” Jeffrey Dahmer. Click here to order.
Investigating Religious Terrorism and Ritualistic Crimes by
Dawn Perlmutter, VSM, director of
Symbol & Ritual Intelligence, is
the first complete resource to assist
in crime scene identification,
criminal investigation, and prosecution of religious terrorism and
occult crime. It analyzes occult and
religious terrorist practices from
each group’s theological perspective to help you understand traditional and contemporary
occult groups and domestic and international terrorist
religions, demarcate legal religious practice from criminal activity, and acquire techniques specific to occult and
terrorist religion crime scene investigation. Click here to
order in hardcover and Kindle.
Investigating Computer-Related Crime, Second Edition (2004) by Peter Stephenson with NEW Third edition
coming soon. Written by an information security specialist,
this second edition of Investigating Computer-Related Crime
discusses cybercrime, its investigation, and the difficulties encountered by both public law
enforcement officials and private corporate investigators.
The book offers insights into
collecting evidence, interrogating suspects and witnesses,
handling crime in progress, as well as issues involving
the authorities, and helpful case studies. Updated chapters incorporate new kinds of attacks, current work of the
Digital Forensic Research Workshop and their investigative model, new operating systems, the impact of the Patriot Act, and new ways of analyzing computer media.
448 pages.
Order here in hardcover edition and here for Kindle electronic version.
Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives by John E.
Douglas, Ann W. Burgess, &
Robert K. Ressler. This authoritative book represents the data,
findings, and implications of a
long-term F.B.I.-sponsored study
of serial sex killers. Specially
trained F.B.I. agents examined
thirty-six convicted, incarcerated
sexual murderers to build a valuable new bank of information
which reveals the world of the
serial sexual killer. Data was obtained from official psychiatric and
criminal records, court transcripts, and prison reports, and
from extensive interviews with the offenders. Detailed
information is included on the FBI’s Violent Criminal
Apprehension Program (VICAP) along with a sample
VICAP Crime Analysis Report Form. Attention is given
to child/adolescent formative events, societal perceptions
& pressures which may be motivational to sexual killers
who exhibit aberrant thought patterns, deviant behavior,
and aggression linked to sexual expressivity. 234 pages.
Click to order in Kindle, paperback and hardcover.
Continued on Next Page
Vidocq Society in Print: Books By and About Members
Continued from Previous Page
sample standard operating procedures from three different
agencies to use as a guide for setting up a cold case unit
and a list of additional resources a department may look
to for assistance. 264 pages. Click to order.
The Unknown Darkness: Profiling the Predators
Among Us by Gregg McCrary.
McCrary’s 25 years in the Bureau have yielded over 1000
cases to draw upon. The 10 he
describes in the book reveal the
strengths and pitfalls of modern
criminal investigation, including
the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, the
Buddhist Temple Massacre in
Phoenix, Arizona, the search for
the Scarborough Rapist (who
eventually became a serial murderer), the prosecution of Jack Unterweger (an international serial killer who committed murders in Czechoslovakia, Austria and Los Angeles), the Sam Sheppard murder case and others. McCrary answers what happens at
the crime scene, what kind of person does it take to grapple with the serial killers among us, and exactly how do
we disarm the enemy. 400 pages. Click here to order in
hardcover or paperback.
Healthy Martial Arts by
Jolie Bookspan, Med, PhD,
FAWM is for all in law enforcement, military, athletes,
and those who need to be in
top shape and prevent injuries for work and life. Covers
training techniques for all
athletes, strength, abdominal
training that transfers to Spec
Ops (train like you fight),
nutrition, flexibility, performance enhancement drugs
and foods, soreness, injuries,
breathing, spirit, speed, balance, joint stability, back,
neck, and knee pain prevention, handling stress, making
training and daily life healthy, brain power & mental exercise, wheelchair athletes, more. Dr. Bookspan is a sports
medicine specialist, military scientist, 4th degree Black
Belt, 2009 Master Instructor of the Year, and former full
contact fighter inducted into the International Black Belt
Hall of Fame. Healthy Martial Arts won Reader’s Choice
Award of the International EUSA Martial Arts Association. Approx 200 photos. 228 pages. Click here to order
from Amazon, or here ( for
print and eBook from the Author’s website.
Cold Cases: An Evaluation Model with Follow-up
Strategies for Investigators
(Advances in Police Theory and
Practice) by James M. Adcock
and Sarah L. Stein, begins with a
historical perspective on how
cases get to the point where it
appears all investigative leads
have been exhausted, and includes a chapter on understanding the process of homicide and
those who kill. Next, the authors
explain the evaluation model,
theories of the crime, evidentiary
issues and concerns, informational and behavioral aspects relative to the crime and the participants in the
crime, and documents investigative strategies for future
efforts on the case. The third section discusses the investigation, questions investigators must ask, choice of
interview/interrogation techniques based on the behavioral aspects involved, and how the growth in technology
since the date of the incident might provide new opportunities to uncover clues. Finally, the authors suggest
how investigators can maximize their efforts and obtain
not just an arrest, but a conviction. Appendices include
Diving Physiology in Plain English by Dr. Jolie Bookspan, former research physiologist for the U.S. Navy, inducted
into the NAUI SCUBA instructor Hall of Honor. For divers,
search and rescue teams, training departments. Clear information to understand (not memorize) physiology and medicine,
and apply all to safer decompression, thermal, equipment,
gas mixing, fitness to dive, rescue, and other protocols. Order
from the Hyperbaric Society
publisher, retail stores, or the author through website:
Continued on Next Page
Vidocq Society in Print: Books By and About Members
Continued from Previous Page
The Ab Revolution by award winning research scientist
Jolie Bookspan, MEd, PhD,
FAWM, teaches a groundbreaking sports medicine method now
used by athletes, military, law
enforcement personnel, and top
spine docs and rehab centers
around the world. It trains spine
and pelvic angle to neutral,
quickly stopping a major source
of lower back pain, and functionally strengthening abdominal
and core during actual operations. Part I teaches neutral spine
for back pain control in everyday life (no exercises needed). Part II covers functional
strengthening from simple to the toughest you can get.
No flexion that stresses discs or reinforces bent-forward
posture. Change your knowledge of exercise, biomechanics, posture, back health, neutral spine, and what abdominal muscles do. New Third Edition Expanded - 114
photos and drawings in 124 pages, gym-bag 6x9” size.
Click here to purchase from Amazon or here
( for print and eBook from
the Author’s website.
Death Investigations (Jones & Bartlett Learning Guides
to Law Enforcement Investigation) by James M Adcock, PhD,
! and Steve Chancellor. Each
crime type requires a unique approach with distinct steps. This
book presents the specific functions and processes necessary to
accurately assess and document
cases (Homicides, Suicide, Accident, Natural, and Undetermined). Click here to purchase.
Stretching Smarter Stretching Healthier by military
researcher Jolie Bookspan, MEd,
PhD, FAWM. Not the same old
stretches. Immediately helpful innovative techniques to retrain daily
movement habits to make flexibility, mobility, and injury prevention
built-in to daily life. Stop injuries
and poor posture from bad stretching. Nearly 200 ilustrations guide
you step-by-step. Click here for
or from
the Author’s website.
Fix Your Own Pain Without
Drugs or Surgery by Jolie
Bookspan, MEd, PhD, FAWM.
Prevent pain common to enforcement work: Upper and
lower back pain, neck, shoulder,
rotator cuff, hip, knee pain, and
foot pain. Ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, fasciitis, pronation, supination, and flat feet.
Herniated/ bulging/ slipping/
degenerated discs, sciatica,
swayback, lordosis, spondylolisthesis, SI joint, pinched nerve and impingement. Plus stories from real patients in each chapter illustrate what
works, what doesn’t, and when. Drawings and photos
illustrate concepts. Each page, of 330 total, has specific
things to do, things to avoid, things to check for, and/or a
story of people who did and didn’t fix pain and why.
Click here to order from Amazon or here
( from Author’s website.
Health & Fitness - How to Be Healthy Happy and Fit
for The Rest of Your Life, 3rd ed,
by Dr. Jolie Bookspan. Very helpful if you have a desk job. 31
chapters of what works & what
doesn’t for healthier body, spirit,
and brain. Includes heart, cholesterol, diabetes, digestion, osteoporosis, body fat tests, weight
loss, supplements and performance enhancing products, mental
and emotional health. Full chapters on fixing discs, neck pain,
upper and lower back pain, leg cramps, and headaches.
Sections on knee and shoulder pain, ankle sprains. Funny
Facts about the body, and an A to Z glossary. 379 pages
all-in-one-source. Click here to order from Amazon or from Author’s website.
2012 Meetings at Union League
Meeting Reservations
Next Meeting Dates in 2012
Please Mark Your Calendars
Only Vidocq Society Members (VSMs) and their guests
who are pre-registered and accompanied by members
may attend Vidocq Society meetings.
You must reserve your place with Ms. Gloria Alvarado at
Vidocq, 215-545-1450, by close of business, the Monday
before each meeting. There is a tight head count.
By Close of Business
Meeting Date
Jun 18
21 June
July and August No Meeting
Meetings are the third Thursday of each month at the
historic Union League at 140 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, The Union
League has a dress code; Business attire is required for
both men and women—jackets and no jeans.
Cost for the luncheon meeting is $35.00 per member and
$40.00 for non-member guests. Both members and guests
with reserved places will be asked to pay if they do not
honor the reservation made for them.
17 September
20 September
1 August
Awards Banquet
Sunday 30 Sept
15 October
18 October
12 November
15 November
December No Meeting
Parking is available at reduced rate, courtesy of Ryan
Shapiro, VSM. The garage is on Sansom Street opposite
the Union League entrance, between Broad and 15th
Street. Get your parking validation at the meeting.
Get In Shape - Self Defense
The Vidocq Society
Shotokan Karate
Novice to Black Belt
The Vidocq Society is a Nonprofit, 501c(3) corporation, which, by the terms of its charter, is a fraternal
organization comprising
professionals and nonprofessionals who
meet in a social
setting to discuss
unsolved crimes.
Our work is pro
not consider
sented to us. Our
to act as a catalyst
ance to law ento assist them in solving
Small class, Personal attention.
Fitness, injury prevention, katas,
confidence, self defense.
bono and we do
every case presole purpose is
and provide guidforcement agencies
these crimes.
Mondays: 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Thursdays: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
2nd Floor
2100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Entrance on 21st Street
Opinions offered by our members are personal opinions offered in the spirit of cooperation and goodwill,
based only upon the facts presented, and should not
be considered formal or legally binding opinions of
the Vidocq Society.
Taught by:
Paul Plevakas, Karate Sensei
3rd Degree Black Belt
Black Belt Hall of Fame
Telephone: (215) 778-2634
Solve The Mystery
Vidocq Society Journal
A new mystery each issue
The Vidocq Journal © Copyright 2012
Published by The Vidocq Society,
Q. The fraud some consider to be the greatest fraud
in publishing was perpetrated in 1981 when the
German publisher Gruner and Jahr purchased
the “Hitler Diaries.“ Three experts declared the
diaries genuine based on handwriting. It was
later revealed as a hoax. What was the crucial
Super-sleuths, send your verdicts to
Dr. Bookspan, science editor
a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization
Second Floor 1704 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19103
Voice: 215-545-1450 — Fax: 215-545-1773 —
Subscription $100 per year
William L. Fleisher -
Deputy Commissioners
Fred A. Bornhofen -
Benjamin J. Redmond -
Solution to Last Solve the Mystery:
Q. What does the term "forensic" mean in Latin?
A. “Before the forum.” In 44 B.C., Roman physician
Antistius was summoned to examine the corpse of
would-be emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. “Before
the forum” - the place for judicial business - is
where Antistius made his fateful decision.
Ed Tenuto -
Paul D. Plevakas and Jolie Bookspan Plevakas, Editors
Submissions to: Vidocq Editors

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