Journal - Georgia Environmental Health Association


Journal - Georgia Environmental Health Association
The official publication of the Georgia Environmental Health Association
July 2014
In this issue:
Tattooing on a Unified Front
Renovating Right
The Exposome
Raw Milk
...and much more!
Interstate Environmental Health Seminar hosted by Georgia!
The official publication of the Georgia Environmental Health Association
Volume 36
Message from the President 4
Why Your Jobs are So Important 9
Professional Certification 7
Raw Milk: To Drink or Not to Drink? 10
GBREHP Meeting 19
Pasteurization Matters 12
2014 AEC Agenda 20
Renovating Right: The Price of Ignorance 13
Conference Snapshots 21
LEED and Public Health 15
GEHA News 22
The Exposome: A New Framework for the Practice
Spotlight on Environmental Health 26
of Environmental Health 16
Georgia Facts 28
Tattooing on a Unified Front 18
NEHA Board of Directors Update 29
Featured Interview: Natalie Adan 24
GEHA Awards and Scholarships 31
Changes in Leadership at the Department of
Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin 33
Public Health 27
Arty’s Garden 35
GEHA Membership Form 36
The Georgia Environmental Health Association, Inc.
is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of
Georgia, and the recognized Georgia affiliate of the
National Environmental Health Association.
Membership dues are $25.00 per year.
Georgia Environmental Health Association, Inc.
397 Eastman Hwy
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
COVER ART: This year’s cover art is a word cloud image comprised from the text in this year’s journal. The image
was created using software available by Tagxedo at Words in the word cloud are sized
according to the frequency of each word found throughout the text of the entire publication. In other words,
Tagxedo describes their software as designed to turn words into “a visually stunning word cloud, words individually
sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.”
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
by Kathy Worthington
The goal of the Georgia Environmental Health Association (GEHA), is to promote,
support, train, and register individuals working in the environmental health fields
though out government, academia, industry and business. One of the important ways
we accomplish our goal is through the Annual Educational Conference.
In addition to the Annual Education Conference, GEHA will be hosting the 68th
Interstate Environmental Health Seminar this year. We have the opportunity to open
our hearts and our state to the other seven member states: Alabama, Kentucky,
Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. These states
have kindly contributed their best and brightest to provide us with educational
opportunities in the fields of food safety and environmental health. In addition, we
have the knowledge and expertise of our dedicated sponsors and exhibitors.
Let’s embrace the opportunity to meet someone new from another state, agency,
industry, or academia; build relationships; and form networks that will result in greater
success as we return to our everyday duties. When you return to your workplace
encourage your co-workers to become members of GEHA, and the National
Environmental Health Association (NEHA). Both are excellent organizations and bring
different items of interest to the table, yet complement each other.
All new Georgia employees with the Department of Public Health, Department of
Natural Resources, and the Department of Agriculture are now entitled to their first
year GEHA membership for free (please submit a membership application). Academia
and industry can still join for just $25. Students are encouraged to join, and
membership is just $10 per year. This year we have added the ability to register and
pay on-line using Pay pal. Next year will bring some more exciting changes as well.
Thank you to all the members, speakers, and sponsors whose hard work and
dedication make our conference possible each year.
We look forward to seeing you in Kentucky next year for the 69th annual
Environmental Health Interstate Seminar.
— Kathy
We encourage you to write to us! Send letters to
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Georgia Environmentalist
Julia Campbell, Editor
Kathleen Worthington
Chris Rustin
With special thanks to Hugh and Cathy Coleman
For more information, please contact the following:
Questions about GEHA
Georgia Board of Registered Environmental
Health Professionals
Vice President
Maggie Rickbaker
Past President
Tad Williams
Chad McCord
Tamika Pridgon
Kathryn Bennett
Philip Cadwell
Simone Charles
Krissa Jones
Jill Reade
Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christy Blair
Audio Visuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandy Shepherd
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dwain Butler
Board Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hugh Coleman
Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cathy Coleman
Constitution and Bylaws . . . . . . . . …Hugh Coleman
Conference Coordinator . . . . . . . .Allison Strickland/
Dwain Butler/ Maggie Rickenbaker
Door Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . .Christy Blair and Glen Lee
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julia Campbell
Education/Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . Phillip Cadwell
Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandy Shepherd
Exhibits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Katherine Bennett
Golf Tournament . . .John Szymanski/Chris Calhoun
Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melinda Scarborough
GBREHP . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Travis Sheppard
Legislative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Philip Cadwell
Academia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Simone Charles
Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Ford
DPH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Rustin
Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Carter
DNR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominic Guadagnoli
Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Carter
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maggie Rickenbacker
Public Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacant
Resolutions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chad McCord
Student Affiliate. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Simone Charles
Silent Auction . . . . Chris Carter and Jessica Badour
Ways and Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Szymanski
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
The Georgia Environmental Health Association, Inc.
(GEHA) invites environmental health professionals,
educators, researchers, and other persons or entities to
submit manuscripts for possible publication in the Georgia
Environmentalist. Original technical papers, review articles
or reports on experiences, research, endeavors,
management techniques, or current issues are considered.
Guest commentaries, letters to the editor, cover art, and
other items of interest to the readership are also
encouraged. Authors receive no monetary compensation for
their contributions. All material is subject to peer review.
GEHA is also accepting photos for journal publication.
Photos may include natural scenes of Georgia,
photos of Environmental Health in practice. Please, no
pictures of pets. Submit articles, letters, and photos for
publication to:, or call
404.862.2100 for information. If you would like to be
added to the mailing list for this publication, you must
become a member of GEHA. Please complete the
membership form on page 36 or contact GEHA
Membership at
The Georgia Environmentalist is published annually
by the Georgia Environmental Health Association,
Inc. (GEHA). The contents, or portions thereof, may
be reprinted with permission by contacting: Publication of articles in this
journal does not mean that GEHA endorses,
condones, approves, or recommends the use of
materials, methodology, or policies therein.
Conclusions and opinions are those of the individual
authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the
policies or views of GEHA.
Advertise in the
Georgia Environmentalist
Check out our website at
to get valuable information about GEHA
and increase your business potential!
Journal Advertising Rates
$1500 - Full page ad, recognition at annual
conference, banner at golf tournament
$500 - Full page
$250 -1/2 page
$125 - 1/4 page
$75 - 1/8 page
$50 - 1/12 page (business card size)
If you would like to advertise in the Georgia Environmentalist,
please contact Julia Campbell, Editor at:
The advertisement of any product in the Georgia
Environmentalist does not constitute an endorsement of
said product by the journal or by the Georgia
Environmental Health Association, Inc.
Advertisers alone are responsible for all performance
claims which are made for any advertised products.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any
advertisement by returning all copy and any fees paid.
Fees collected for advertisements are incorporated into the
general funds of the Georgia Environmental Health
Association, Inc.
Purchase GEHA Logo shirts and pins in time
for next year’s Annual Education Conference!
GEHA Logo Polo Shirts $20.00
GEHA Logo Lapel Pins $3.00
GBREHP Logo Pins
Send order and check made payable to GEHA at:
Georgia Environmental Health Association
397 Eastman Highway
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
 Membership
Send in the membership form and you will get the
official publication of GEHA, Georgia
Environmentalist, a discount on annual education
conference registration, GEHA publications, voting
privileges in GEHA, and much more!
 Conferences
The 2015 GEHA Annual Education Conference is
a great place to network with peers, attend
interactive educational seminars, and get your
continuing education credits. Contact GEHA for
more information!
 Professional Registration
Professional credentials are one way of telling
your clientele that your training and experience
have enabled you to answer their questions and
improve their safety. The Georgia Board of
Registered Environmental Health Professionals
offers opportunities for internationally recognized
registration, continuing education, responsible
leadership, and job growth.
In addition, the website contains:
Pictures from the annual conference
Environmental health links
Award recipients
GEHA publications
Details about the UK Partnership agreement
Over 30 documents (including lists of certified
tank installers and pumpers, study guides,
product approval documents, committee
reports, rules and regulations, educational
materials, and much more!).
GEHA is always open to comments or
suggestions for improving the website.
Please direct all comments to:
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Those desiring to be registered as a environmental health specialist/sanitarian in Georgia shall make a written
request to the Board to take the environmental health specialist/sanitarian examination. The application shall:
Qualify that the applicant will possess, within 30 days after the examination and as certified by the head or
Dean of the applicant’s college or university, or already possesses, a degree from a four-year accredited
college or university with a minimum of 45 quarter hours/30 semester hours plus one algebra or higher level
math class, with exception that those with at least four years experience as of April 2002 may qualify with 40
quarter hours/27 semester hours of science.
If you believe you are qualified, the first step toward becoming registered is to request an application from the
GBREHP address listed below. Examinations are given each July in conjunction with the GEHA Annual
Education Conference and at other times and locations under the supervision of an approved proctor. An admission
letter will be sent prior to the exam date. Registration will depend upon the final grade attained on the examination
and evaluation of the applicant’s experience.
Top 3 Reasons To Be A Registered Environmental Health Professional
1. Professional credentials are one way of demonstrating your earned expertise and validating your
credibility. It is a way of telling your clientele that your training and experience have enabled
you to answer their questions and to improve their safety. In a time of continuous budget-cutting,
it is important for our clientele to know that you have the broad-base expertise important to community and individual health and safety.
2. Professional credentials are a way of expressing your commitment to achieving your personal
best for the clientele you serve. Credentials proclaim that you care, that you are on the leading
edge of your profession and that you endeavor to stay current on emerging issues in environmental health through continuing education.
3. The Georgia Board of Registered Environmental Health Professionals is a growing, mentoring
body. It offers the environmental health professional opportunities for continuing education, responsible leadership, and job growth. Credentials make you more marketable, affording better
flexibility, mobility and job security. Position upgrades for environmental health professionals
are slowly being implemented throughout the state, partially as a result of the work of this Board.
Getting the credential is just the first step. We have a lot of work to do, and we need every environmental health professional's participation to make environmental health in Georgia the best it
can be.
Contact us and join the team!
The Georgia Board of Registered Environmental Health Professionals
397 Eastman Hwy, Hawkinsville, GA 31036
Executive Clerk, Cathy Coleman,
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
efforts of, and provides training and registration for, individuals working in environmental health fields in
government, academia, industry and business. The field of Environmental Health developed decades ago
by successfully using the epidemiologic model for the sole purpose of preventing disease. Today,
environmental concerns are becoming more prevalent among our citizens and, in Georgia; GEHA
members are leaders in the field of Environmental Health.
Inspecting and permitting on-site sewage management systems, food service establishments, tourist
accommodations, and public swimming pools - childhood lead poisoning prevention - rabies and vector
control - injury prevention - hazardous materials exposure investigations - epidemiologic investigations indoor air quality - nuisance complaints - individual and non-public water systems - Georgia healthy
Inspecting and permitting food products including meat, eggs and milk in grocery stores, bakeries, food
processing plants, bottled water and soft drink bottling plants, farmers markets and meat, and seafood
dealers - inspecting commercial scales and fuel pumps for accuracy - licensing and monitoring commercial
nurseries, lawn care companies, exterminators, pesticides, pet and animal industries - testing dairy cattle
and equipment - assuring proper formulation of fertilizers, pesticides, feeds and fuels - enforcing fair
standards in the purchase of grain and livestock - monitoring the health of livestock in the state as well as
those imported into Georgia.
The college of agricultural and environmental sciences promotes economic viability and global
competitiveness of Georgia agriculture, fosters environmental stewardship and wise management of
natural resources, and ensures the production and distribution of safe food, feed and fiber.
 To provide baccalaureate and graduate education in agricultural and environmental sciences that
promotes excellence in student achievement and prepares students to effectively contribute and
excel in a changing world;
 To inquire into the nature of agriculture and the environment, through the discovery,
interpretation and creative application of knowledge;
 To serve the public through timely education of producers, consumers and agribusiness using
relevant, accurate and unbiased research-based information, and
 To improve the quality of life through youth development and life-long education.
Georgia business and industry support and encourage a wide variety of environmental leadership
initiatives. They share a commitment to the environment based on the principle that they shall conduct
business in ways that protect and preserve our environment. Furthermore, they promote a philosophy of
shared responsibility, where all participants in the supply chain accept responsibility for the environmental
impacts occurring in their specific part of the chain. Working together with suppliers, customers,
regulators and other environmental partners, Georgia business and industry achieve an effective balance
between responsible environmental and economic stewardship.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Why Your Jobs Are Important*
by Bill Marler, JD
Bill Marler is managing partner of at Seattle-based MarlerClark, LLP, PS
( He began litigating foodborne illness cases in 1993.
Since then, he has dedicated his law practice to representing victims of
foodborne illnesses, including E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. In addition to
his law practice, Bill is a food safety advocate and publisher of Food Safety
Marler Clark has developed a nationally known practice in the field of food
safety. They represent people who have been seriously injured or the families
of those who have died after becoming ill with foodborne illness during
outbreaks traced to restaurants, grocery chains, and other food suppliers.
*This article was reprinted with permission from the Journal of Environmental Health, June 2013, (Volume 75,
Number 10, p 56), a publication of the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA),
Lauren Beth Rudolph died on December 28,
1992, in her mother’s arms due to complications of an E.
coli O157:H7 infection—hemolytic uremic syndrome.
She was only 6 years, 10 months, and 10 days old when
she died. Her death, the deaths of three other children,
and the sicknesses of 600 others were eventually linked
to E. coli O157:H7–tainted hamburger produced by
Von’s and served undercooked at Jack in the Box
restaurants on the West Coast during late 1992 and
January 1993. Roni Rudolph, Lauren’s mom, and I have
known each other for 20 years. As a parent of three
growing daughters, I cannot imagine what it must be like
not to share their lives.
Dave Theno became head of food safety for Jack
in the Box shortly after the outbreak. I have also known
Dave for 20 years. I put him under oath more than a few
times, and I faced him and his team of lawyers in several
courtrooms from 1993 to 1995.
I learned only a few years ago, however, a
significant fact about Dave—one that made me admire
him—one that I think all in food safety should emulate.
Dave and I shared the stage at the National Meat
Association (NMA) annual convention a few years ago.
The NMA is an association representing meat processors,
suppliers, and exporters. Dave spoke just before I did and
was rightly lauded as someone who takes food safety to
heart. It was his story about Lauren Rudolph and his
relationship with Roni, however, that struck all in the
Dave told the quiet audience about Lauren’s
death. He told us how her bowels liquefied and she
suffered several strokes. Dave also told us that the death
of Lauren and his friendship with Roni had changed him.
He told us all that he had carried a picture of Lauren in
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
his briefcase every day since he had taken the job at Jack
in the Box. He told us that every time he needed to make
a food safety decision—who to pick as a supplier, what
certain specifications should be—he took out Lauren’s
picture and asked, “What would Lauren want me to do?”
I thought how powerful that image was. A
senior executive charged with making a company’s food
safety decisions holds the picture of a dead child—
seeking guidance to avoid the next possible illness or
death. The image is stunning, but completely appropriate.
I wonder if other people responsible for food
safety—whether in industry or government—would ever
do such a thing. If they do not, perhaps they should?
Shortly after seeing Dave at NMA, I spent time
in South Carolina with the family of a four-year-old who
had eaten E. coli O157:H7–tainted cookie dough and was
hospitalized for months, suffering weeks of dialysis and
seizures. She still faces a lifetime of complications.
I then left South Carolina for Ohio, where I sat
across the kitchen table from a family who lost their only
daughter because she died from an E. coli O157:H7
infection. A hamburger was to blame.
These and dozens of other visits over 20 years
have left an imprint on me.
I have thought much about how we should all be
like Dave Theno. We should run our businesses,
inspections, and lives like Dave ran food safety at Jack in
the Box after the outbreak. We should go meet these
families. Sit across their kitchen tables. Go to a hospital
room and see more tubes and wires than you can count.
Understand what these people have lived though.
We should take their stories into our hearts. It is
hard, very hard, but it will give us all a real clear reason
to do our jobs.
Raw Milk:To Drink or Not to Drink?
That is the Question
by Jessica Badour and Angie Corder, Georgia Department of Agriculture
Jessica Badour is currently the Recall Outreach Specialist for the Georgia Department of Agriculture under
cooperative agreement with the Food and Drug Administration. She works on recall communications for the State of
Georgia while facilitating educational and promotional outreach opportunities for the Food Safety Division. Prior to
moving into this position in 2012, Jessica worked for GDA in the Public Affairs Office since 2010. Jessica has a
Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Hood College.
Angie Corder has worked for the Georgia Department of Agriculture for seven years, for seven years, starting as an
Agriculture Compliance Specialist, responsible for conducting food safety inspections. In 2012, she was promoted to
Training Coordinator and is in the process of building the department’s food safety training program to meet the
Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) and the Voluntary National Retail Regulatory Program
Standards (VNRFRPS). Angela has Bachelor’s degrees in both Business Administration for Marketing and Science and
Agriculture for Animal Science both from Mississippi State University.
Raw milk is a national hot
There is a growing trend of
topic, and there is a movement
consumers looking to purchase
in Georgia to legalize the sale
raw cow’s milk in today’s
for human consumption.
marketplace. Often referred to
During the 2014 regular
as “moonshine milk,” raw milk
session of the Georgia General
proponents often go to
Assembly, House Bill 718 was
extremes to get their hands on
introduced to allow for the sale
it – especially in states that do
of raw milk to consumers. In
not allow it. Georgia is one
February, a state hearing was
such state where the retail sale
held on the proposed
of raw milk for human
Photo of a dairy farm in
consumption is prohibited.
legislation but the bill
Americus, Georgia.
subsequently died and the
The GDA advocates for increased
topic has been tabled…for this year, at least.
consumption of milk, which is essential for
Here in Georgia, we have about 230 dairy
maintaining proper health. While we regulate
farms with more than 84,000 dairy cows
food safety for consumers, we also recognize
producing 1.6 billion gallons of milk annually.
milk has the potential to serve as a vehicle of
The Georgia Department of Agriculture
disease transmission and has been associated
(GDA) Food Safety Division licenses and
with foodborne illness outbreaks. Since the
regulates Georgia’s 11 Grade A processing
establishment of the National Conference of
plants, 42 manufacturing plants and 17 single
Interstate Milk Shipment and Georgia’s
service plants. Inspectors routinely collect
adoption of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance,
samples of raw and finished product for
milk-borne illness has been reduced to less
analysis, and conduct equipment tests to verify
than 1 percent of all reported foodborne
proper pasteurization processes. Meanwhile,
outbreaks, which can be attributed to
Georgia consumers can legally purchase raw
improved sanitation and pasteurization
milk for animal/pet consumption under the
processes of raw milk.
label of “pet treats.” The GDA Ag Inputs
Section licenses and regulates animal feed and
Try visiting a dairy farm. Take a tour of a
pet treats, including those made with raw milk.
raw milk operation and the potential avenues
for introducing harmful bacteria into milk are
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Raw Milk, continued…
evident all around you: fecal contaminants,
infections of the udder (mastitis), bacteria on the
udders, insects, rodents and other animals,
disease, cross-contamination from humans – and
many, many others. Bacteria in raw milk can lead
to illness and disease such as Listeriosis, typhoid
fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria and brucellosis.
Symptoms range from diarrhea to vomiting,
kidney failure to paralysis, chronic health
disorders and even death. The young, the elderly,
pregnant women and people with weakened
immune systems are most at risk for infection if
they drink raw, contaminated milk.
The only defined method to eliminating
bacteria in milk is pasteurization, which heats
milk to temperatures high enough to annihilate
risky bacteria. Raw milk supporters say the
process also destroys the “good” bacteria and
digestive enzymes. Advocates also list benefits
such as better nutritional value, reduced
susceptibility to asthma and allergies, prevention
of heart disease and cancer, getting “back to
nature” and having freedom of choice.
While many products in today’s marketplace
can pose a potential risk to consumers, raw milk
(purchased illegally or under the pretense of pet
food) may pose the greatest risk of all due to lack
of inspection and regulatory oversight. It is our
position that raw milk for human consumption
jeopardizes Georgia’s dairy industry while
endangering the consumer.
Instead, consider processors who minimally
process milk using vat pasteurization without
homogenization (this ensures safety while
maintaining what many consider a more natural
taste). Consumers should always read the label
when purchasing dairy products to confirm
pasteurization, and only purchase dairy products
from approved sources.
Follow the Georgia Department of Agriculture Food
Safety Division on Twitter and Instagram
@GDAFoodSafety for food safety tips, recalls, and
agriculture news and updates.
Jessica Badour or Angie Corder
Georgia Department of Agriculture
19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
Atlanta, GA 30034
(404) 656-3627
GEHA on Facebook!
“Like” the GEHA Facebook Page, or
“Join” the GEHA Members Group through your
Facebook profile.
Enjoy the convenience of connecting with your
friends and colleagues. Share your favorite
Environmental Health photos, videos, and other
The Georgia Department of Agriculture, along with the Departments of
Transportation and Economics, initiated an Agritourism Program in the
state of Georgia. Agritourism road signs provide tourists unique
opportunities to enjoy Georgia’s resources and companies as they
travel the roads. For more information, go to:
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Pasteurization Matters
by Cameron Wiggins, Georgia Department of Public Health
Cameron Wiggins is currently the Director of the Food Service Program for the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Cameron has worked for the state of Georgia for more than 10 years, first at the county level, then at the University of Georgia,
and lastly with the Georgia Department of Public Health. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from
Alabama A&M University, a Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, a Masters Degree in Public Health from the University of Georgia, and he is a graduate of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute (EPHLI).
When food service establishments offer foods or
drinks that contain fluid milk, dry milk, or milk products
in the state of Georgia, they must be pasteurized. The
Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations are based on
the 2005 Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Model
Food Code, and it is designed to provide the minimal
controls necessary to protect public health. Therefore, the
sale, offering for sale, or delivery of ungraded milk is
prohibited for human consumption in the state of Georgia
as per the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.)
§ 26-2-242.
Raw milk is generally derived from hoofed animals
such as cows, bison, goats, or sheep. Since raw milk has
not been treated to kill potentially harmful bacteria, it can
become contaminated by various means. Contamination
can occur from feces, infection, the environment (e.g.
feces, dirt, processing equipment), animal diseases (e.g.,
bovine tuberculosis), and even from human crosscontamination. Its consumption poses significant health
risks from pathogens such as shigella producing
Escherichia coli O157, Campylobacter jejuni, and
Salmonella. According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), infection with these pathogens can
cause severe, long-term consequences in consumers such
as hemolytic uremic syndrome or Guillan-Barré
syndrome, which can result in kidney failure or paralysis,
According to a recent analysis by CDC (2012),
between 1993 and 2006 more than 1,500 people in the
United States became sick from drinking raw milk or
eating cheese made from raw milk. In addition, CDC
reported that unpasteurized milk is 150 times more likely
to cause foodborne illness and results in 13 times more
hospitalizations than illnesses involving pasteurized dairy
products. Compilations of outbreaks of milk-borne
disease by the United States Department of Health and
Human Service’s Public Health Service (USPHS) and
FDA over many years indicate that the risk of contracting
disease from raw milk is approximately fifty (50) times
greater than from milk that has been pasteurized.
Pasteurization is a process whereby raw milk is heated
for a set period of time at a set temperature to eliminate
pathogens within the milk or milk product. Pasteurization
is recommended for all animal milk consumed by humans
by CDC, FDA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the
American Academy of Family Practitioners, the
American Veterinary Medical Association, the National
Association of Public Health Veterinarians, and many
other medical and scientific organizations.
According to the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk
Ordinance (PMO), the terms "pasteurization",
"pasteurized", and similar terms mean the process of
heating every particle of milk or milk product, in properly
designed and operated equipment, to one of the
temperatures given in the following chart below and held
continuously at or above that temperature for at least the
corresponding specified time1:
63ºC (145ºF)*
30 minutes
72ºC (161ºF)*
15 seconds
89ºC (191ºF)
1.0 second
90ºC (194ºF)
0.5 seconds
94ºC (201ºF)
0.1 seconds
96ºC (204ºF)
0.05 seconds
100ºC (212ºF)
0.01 seconds
*If the fat content of the milk product is ten percent
(10%) or greater, or a total solids of 18% or greater, or if
it contains added sweeteners, the specified temperature
shall be increased by 3ºC (5ºF)1.
Cameron Wiggins, Director
Environmental Health-Food Service Unit
Georgia Department of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street NW, 13th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 657-6534
1. Source Document: Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2009 Revision available at:
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Renovate Right: The Price of Ignorance
by William Spain , Department of Natural Resources
William Spain works for the Lead-Based-Paint & Asbestos Program at the Georgia
Environmental Protection Division. He is a Magna Cum Laude degreed chemist with
45 years of Occupational and Environmental Health experience working for the
aerospace industry, federal government, academia, and now state government. He has
held multiple health and safety professional certifications.
What owners and contractors performing
renovations, repair, and painting of pre-1978
homes do not know can hurt them and others,
and trigger substantial expenses. Fortunately
this is curable, and Environmental Specialists,
especially those associated with Health
Departments, can help administer the cure.
Homes and other structures built before
1978 often contain lead paint and coatings. The
definition of lead-based paint includes paint,
enamel, varnish, shellac, stains and primers.
Before they were prohibited, these were used
on a variety of interior and exterior residential
components where durable coatings were
desirable. The U.S. Housing and Urban
Development Administration (HUD) estimates
that 38 million residential units in the United
States have lead-based paint.
Lead-based paint can be the cause of
health and financial consequences. When a
contractor or owner does not follow lead-safe
work practices in doing renovation, repairs or
painting that disturbs lead paint, leadcontaining dust is produced. Activities like
sanding, cutting, and demolition can cause
hazardous lead dust and chips. Exposure to
lead dust has been shown to be a significant
health risk for adults, children, and even pets.
Lead can cause health problems in adults by
raising blood pressure, increasing risk of heart
attack or stroke,
increasing potential for
miscarriage and impotence, and decreasing
brain functions making it difficult to think, learn
and remember.
In children, exposure to lead can cause
permanent learning, behavior and medical
problems and substantive social costs in the
billions per year. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported
that as many as 535,000 children at any one
time have had elevated blood lead levels from
this and other lead exposure sources.
Additionally, lead-based paint or dust on a
property may cause a hazard with significant
ongoing financial consequences, including
clean-up costs and fines resulting in reduced
property value.
In response, congress passed legislation
requiring regulations aimed at minimizing these
exposure risks as a result of renovation, repair
and painting (RRP) activities in pre-1978
residences and child occupied facilities issued
and enforced by U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). In 2010, Georgia became an
EPA approved state program enforced by the
Georgia Environmental Protection Division
(GEPD). The Georgia Lead Rules (Lead-Based
Paint Hazard Management, Chapter 391-3-24)
apply to anyone who is paid to do work that
disturbs paint and coatings in or on
components of homes or child-occupied
facilities built before 1978.
In Georgia, allowing lead dust or paint chips
to get on a property is a violation of the Georgia
“open dumping” rule and can cause a leadhazard with significant ongoing financial
consequences, including clean-up costs, fines,
and reduced property value. The rules are
intended to protect residents, renters, visitors,
and neighbors, especially young and unborn
children, from lead poisoning. Also, since 1996,
disclosure has been required at the time of
rental, lease or sale, even if identified leadbased paint or lead hazards have already been
requirements for all pre-1978 residential units
are enforced by EPA and HUD.
1. Elise Gould, 2009. Childhood Lead poisoning: Conservative Estimates of the Social and Economic Benefits of Lead hazard
Control, Environ Health Perspectives, 117(7): 1162–1167
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Renovate Right, continued...
RRP Rules apply, but are not limited, to: penalties. The U.S. Occupational Health and
Painters; Remodeling Contractors; Electricians; Safety Administration cited an Atlanta contractor
Plumbers; Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning during December 2013 and levied a penalty of
Contractors; Maintenance Workers; Landlords; $14,000 for failure to comply with their lead
and Weatherization Contractors. Hiring or worker protection standard (29CFR1926.62)
becoming a Certified Lead RRP Contractor can during a residential renovation project. EPA
assure announced in another press release on February
professionalism, ensure compliance with federal 18, 2014 that they had just taken action against
and state laws, maintain safety, and protect 35 additional violators of their Lead RRP
Standards and imposed new
health. According to the
penalties totaling $274,000
There are several reasons to hire a
Certified Lead RRP Contractor, or
Economic Policy Institute,
against those violators.
become qualified to do renovation,
for every dollar spent on
repair or painting on a pre-1978
The Georgia Lead-Based
controlling lead hazards,
residence or child-occupied facility:
and Asbestos Program
between $17 and $221
12 to 18 Notices of
Protect the property value.
would be returned in health
per month with
up to several
higher lifetime earnings, tax
Maintain the safety of the home or
dollars for some
revenue, less spending on
child-occupied facility.
and the
Assure professionalism.
of all
reduced criminal activity .
It is the law.
violations. Most are issued to
contractors; however, some
employees certified for RRP activities are trained are issued to the home owner who allowed or
to avoid creating lead hazards during their caused lead-containing paint chips to be
projects. To become certified, the supervisor generated and accumulate on their property.
must take an approved eight-hour course. That Open dumping violations trigger the Real Estate
course teaches them how to: test to see if the Disclosure requirement, and can potentially affect
paint/coatings contain lead; train others who work their property value for a long time. It is an
for them; set up a work space to prevent the unanticipated expense to all involved parties.
spread of lead dust; use work methods that
Do the Georgia RRP requirements make the
generate a minimum amount of dust; clean up
cost prohibitive? The cost is minor in
safely after the work is completed; check the work
to the cost and heartache of
area to make sure that no lead dust remains;
family member, employee, or
keep and share the required lead and project
being stuck with clean-up
information and records. Renovator/Supervisor
are indications of having additional qualifications
to perform these activities in a compliant and
Ignorance or neglect of these potential
professional manner.
hazards can be both harmful and expensive. It is
Lead-safety requirements will increase project
costs by a small percentage. The additional costs
cover professional training and certification, some
materials such as plastic sheeting to prevent lead
dust from spreading, and some extra time to set
up, work and clean up safely. Good contractors
already spend time and money to complete a job
safely and well; the RRP Rules simply help make
sure their methods are lead-safe.
A contractor or owner violating the federal
EPA or Georgia Lead Rules is subject to
regulatory actions up to and including monetary
not easy or quick to educate 38 million home
owners plus additional child-occupied facility
owners, especially landlords. Members of the
environmental profession are in an excellent
position to help accomplish this justifiable social
need. The EPA booklets titled Renovate Right
and Protect Your Family From Lead In Your
Home are two of the readily available tools.
Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Lead-Based Paint & Asbestos Program
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
LEED and Public Health
by Laura Case, Southface Energy Institute
The indoor environment has a significant impact
on human health. According to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Americans
spend an average of 90% of their time indoors. In
order to ensure that building design, construction,
and maintenance team members provide a highquality environment for the occupants of a
building, several sustainable building programs and
tools are available. The most recognized building
certification program is the Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design, or LEED, developed by
the nonprofit U.S. Green Building Council
(USGBC). The LEED programs are designed to fit
in several building types and conditions, including
K-12 schools, hospitals, new construction, major
renovations, and existing buildings operations and
maintenance, to name a few.
The credits for the indoor environmental quality
category include high-quality air filtration,
increasing the outside air provided, reducing
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) found in
building products as well as other harmful
chemicals, and providing daylight and views to the
outside. In K-12 schools, requirements include
providing low noise levels along with high
acoustical quality in classrooms, so that children
can hear their teachers.
Additional credits are available for using low
VOC cleaning products, using low impact
landscape materials, such as using mulch for weeds
instead of spraying with chemicals, and
implementing an integrated pest management
system for insect control. Green procurement is
another method of assuring that an organization
All of the LEED programs have five main credit purchases products that align with sustainability
categories. Each category has a number of goals, including low VOC products.
requirements and credits. Credits have a point
value associated with them, and a team must
The USGBC’s goal is to provide a program that
provide documentation and be awarded credits in gives building teams tools to develop highorder for the building to be certified. There are performance, healthy living spaces. Southface
levels of certification, depending on how many utilizes this tool to provide technical assistance and
credits are awarded. The levels are certified, silver, sustainability consulting services for many clients
gold and platinum. A building team chooses which interested in providing healthy environments in
credits to pursue for their building in order to reach their homes, school, offices, and clinics. All of
the level of certification that they set as their goal. these efforts are most effective when building
teams work with occupants to develop a holistic
The indoor environmental quality category is approach to health and wellness that is
focused on human health and wellness. For this incorporated into building design, construction,
credit category, there are requirements that must be maintenance and procurement.
met, such as providing the ASHRAE building
Helen Talley-McRae
standard calculated amount of outside ‘fresh’ air
Communications Manager, Southface
that the mechanical system provides to the spaces,
voice: 404/604-3625 | fax: 404/872-5009
and either no smoking in or within 25 feet of the
building entrance or air intakes, or a properly
ventilated and sealed smoking room within the
*Also printed in the Southface Journal, May 01, 2014 , available at
Examples of LEED design in public health buildings around Georgia:
Chatham County Public Health Building, Savannah (Gold Rating)
Emory Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta (Silver Rating)
Georgia Department of Public Health Labs, Decatur (Case Study for Labs 21)
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
The Exposome: A New Framework for the Practice of
Environmental Health
by Melanie Pearson, PhD, Emory University
Dr. Pearson was born and raised in Georgia. She graduated from Fayette County
High School, received her bachelor’s degree from Clemson University, and her
graduate degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She returned to Atlanta
to work as an environmental scientist, managing two longitudinal environmental
exposures studies, publishing scholarly articles, and working with a local community
to address environmental concerns and implement an alternative approach to
pesticide applications for their municipal sports fields. Through this work, Dr.
Pearson developed a strong interest in community-engaged research, playing a primary role in implementing
and conducting community-based initiatives for three NIH-funded research centers.
Dr. Pearson currently works with a state-wide community of farmers, former chemical workers, residents,
and their children who continue to suffer from an industrial mix-up that led to polybrominated biphenyls
(PBB) being mixed into livestock feed, resulting in the contamination of food products distributed throughout
the state of Michigan in the 1970s. Dr. Pearson also co-leads the Community Outreach and Engagement
Core of the Emory HERCULES Exposome Research Center, working closely with Atlanta-communities to
learn the environmental health concerns of the greater Atlanta community, facilitate community-academic
collaborations, and support the community in its capacity to address its environmental health concerns.
As environmental health practitioners, we are
familiar with the multitude of exposures we face as
humans in our chemical world. The complexity is
extraordinary. Heavy metals, air pollutants,
pesticides, plasticizers, components of tobacco
smoke, and flame retardants are among the many
environmental chemicals detectable in our bodies.
There is variability in the "dose" and mixture of
exposures between each person and within a person
at different time points. Each individual's biological
response to an environmental exposure differs. In
fact, an individual's biological response can vary
based on their age (developmental stage), genetics,
diet, exposures to infectious agents, psychological
factors, and societal factors.
Despite the complexity, all of these forces
combine to impact human health and must be
considered together to accurately predict health/
disease risk and develop effective interventions to
improve human health. The traditional approach of
examining one chemical exposure at a time does not
reflect the reality of the human experience, nor can
it adequately represent the importance of the
environment in human health and disease. The
concept of an “exposome” includes all of the
external forces acting on our bodies and the
responses of the body to these forces over time. The
term was coined to capture the complexity and
totality of our exposures, and the cumulative effects.
The challenge is how to define and measure the
exposome and how to integrate and analyze the
multitude of data necessary.
University's newly established
Exposome Research Center,
Health and
aims to provide key
infrastructure and expertise to
develop and refine new tools
Understanding a and technologies to elucidate
the exposome. The exposome
Lifetime of
will require contributions from
multiple disciplines within
environmental health sciences (e.g. epidemiology,
exposure science, and toxicology) genetics,
behavioral science, nutritional sciences, and frfom
*HERCULES: is funded by the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Exposome, Continued…
stakeholders and community
partners. The data from all of
these sources will need to be
integrated and modeled using
a computational platform
(systems biology is a
promising starting point).
integrate regulatory perspectives
into the exposome science as it
evolves. In addition, several
HERCULES scientists have
research programs that use data
from state agencies such as the
Georgia Department of Natural
Resources and the Department of
Public Health. We anticipate
these types of data will play an
important contribution as
HERCULES and its exposomebased science develops.
The human genome project
aimed to discover the genetic
cause of common diseases.
Despite the many genedisease associations
identified, however, the
human genome led to the
“The Exposome by Michael
surprising realization that only
organizations also participate in
Waraksa. First appeared in an
a fraction of disease can be
the HERCULES Stakeholder
article entitled, “Mapping the
accounted for by genetics. This
Board, ensuring that the exposome
Exposome” in the September,
highlights the importance of the 2013 issue of Atlanta Magazine. science develops with community
environment in human health. Copyright by Michael Waraksa.” e n g a g e m e n t . I m p o r t a n t l y ,
The exposome complements
communities burdened with
and encompasses the genome; gene activity and
multiple environmental stressors have a deeper
expression can be induced by the environmental
understanding of the exposome. The HERCULES
community partners have expressed delight that
the scientists are finally attempting to consider
While the approach, measurement, and
the whole of their reality. These communities are
analysis of the exposome is in early stages of
intuitively aware that diet, behavior, chemical
development, the exposome has immediate
exposures, stress, any other external forces
practical utility as a tool to initiate the dialogue
combine to influence their well-being. Scientists
among multiple disciplines within and beyond
know that these factors leave quantifiable marks
environmental health sciences. By understanding
on our biological systems. It is time for the
the environmental influences within the
science to reflect this reality.
exposome framework, we can make better
decisions in our personal lives. This framework
For More Information:
can assist regulatory agencies with making
decisions about minimizing the adverse effects on
populations. Environmental Health Professionals
from local, state, and federal agencies have joined
the HERCULES Stakeholder Board and will help
Melanie Pearson, PhD
Director of Community Engagement
PBB Registry
Emory University
1518 Clifton Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30322
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Tattooing on a Unified Front
by Wesley Lingerfelt, Eternal Expressions
Wesley Lingerfelt is a professional tattoo artist and owner of Eternal Expressions in Rome, Georgia.
Wesley has worked in the body art industry as a tattoo artist since 1998, starting in Calhoun, GA where
he worked until 2003 when he purchased Eternal Expressions.
Wesley has been a member of the Alliance of Professional Tattooists since 2005, and is currently the
Alliance’s representative for the state of Georgia.
With the advent of tattoos in popular culture
today, it is imperative as responsible tattoo artists
and health inspectors that we do something to
protect not only the body art industry, but the public
as well.
We are seeing an explosion in popularity of
tattoos. Through the help of TV shows like Ink
Master, Best Ink, Bad Tattoos, and Miami Ink the
tattoo industry is reaching clients that would never
have stepped into the tattoo shop. Although the
tattoo industry has been around for over 5,000 years,
progressed at an alarming rate over the last 20.
That's right 5,000 years. For some reason unlike the
medical industry, skincare, or even the nail care
industry we've stayed in the dark, until lately. As a
result there are inherent problems, one of which is
unsafe professional practices.
As the experts, health inspectors inspect for safe
practices and enforce regulations; however, the
environmental health industry has been unable to
keep up. Often the health inspectors require more
education in tattoo practices and what they are
looking for when inspecting a tattoo studio.
Statistics say that there are over 21,000 licensed
tattoo shops in the United States, with only around
3,000 health departments in United States, how
could they keep up?
Despite this need for education among health
inspectors, this is not the biggest problem. Tattoo
artists who work in a licensed shop aren’t either.
The biggest problem in body art is home tattooing.
Rapid popularity and growth in tattooing has
spawned resurgence in the amount of home tattooist,
and that is a concern for both tattoo professionals
and health inspectors. Social media sites and other
websites such as Craigslist show that many of these
unregulated and dangerous businesses exist. A
search of these websites can turn up a minimum of
100 tattooists in a town or city, and including
persons who are unregulated, unlicensed,
uneducated in safe practices, and under-qualified for
the profession.
Like the hair and skin care industries, tattoo
businesses need strong regulations and support. This
means not only inspecting and ensuring the safety of
professional practices within the licensed studios,
but also prosecuting unregulated and unsafe home
tattooing businesses. In these situations, health
regulators often refer to law enforcement; however,
law enforcers cite the need for health professionals
to tell them who to prosecute. It is frustrating to
artists who are paying licensing fees, following
regulations, and concerned with the betterment of
the industry. Without repercussions, home tattooists
will continue to put the public at risk.
Professional tattooists complain about this often
with each other, but when shared with local elected
officials, they are not taken seriously enough. To
many it may seem that we are trying to eliminate
competition, but in fact we are trying to protect our
Jurisdictional variability further confuses the
issue. Some states regulate tattoo studios county by
county, and some have separate regulations for city
and county. At minimum we need national
regulation and standardization, with minimal
variation at state and local levels. Regulation should
include apprenticeship agendas, defined practice
hours, continuing education, and repercussions such
as fines, loss of equipment, or loss of future
We as tattooists want to have strong relationships
with the health department, and it’s time to stand
together as a unified team.
Wesley Lingfelt, Owner
Eternal Expressions, Inc.
1907 Shorter Ave SW
Rome, GA 30701
(706) 232-8999
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Annual Meeting of the
The GBREHP Annual Business Meeting was held in Macon,
Georgia on February 28, 2014.
Microbial and Environmental Sampling
Brian G. Shelton, MPH, PathCon Laboratories
Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Rosmarie Kelly, PhD, Georgia Department of
Public Health
Regional Commissions: A Resource and
Potential Partner
Laura Mathis, Middle Georgia Regional Commission
County Government and Environmental Health:
Strengthening the Partnership
Dave Wills, Association County Commissioners
of Georgia
Microbial Water Quality and Non-points Sources : The
challenges Ahead
Ade Oladeinde, PhD Student University of Georgia
For more information on becoming registered, please see instructions
on page 6, contact us on Facebook, or email
The GEHA Board of Directors and Members
congratulate individuals for completing the
Environmental Health Specialist/Sanitarian Registration
Program in 2014.
Lance Dasher
Galen Baxter
Tom Baird Jessica Stewart
Amy Grice Christine Buffington
Brant Phelps
Colin Duke
Donna Cadwell
Sharon Petit
Gina Smith
Carla Coley
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Every year, thousands of dogs and cats must
be killed in shelters throughout Georgia
because they have no home. In an effort to help
curb Georgia's homeless pet population,
specialty vehicle license plates are available at
county tag offices statewide.
Sponsored by the Georgia Department of
Agriculture, the commemorative license plates,
which feature a dog and cat depicted against a
Georgia peach, can be purchased for a onetime $25 fee when motorists renew their vehicle
registrations. Proceeds will provide funding for
GDA's Dog and Cat Sterilization Program. This
critical program provides reimbursements to
licensed and accredited veterinarians who
perform spay/neuter procedures. Proceeds
from the program also will provide educational
outreach on the healthy choice of spaying and
neutering pets.
The Humane Association of Georgia and
other partners lauded the program, which fills a
critical need in reducing Georgia's homeless
dog and cat populations. In fact, animal
overpopulation costs taxpayers millions each
year. The Dog and Cat Sterilization License
Plate can help change this, and save money
and lives by reduce the number of animals
being housed and killed in animal shelters.
"Sales of these commemorative license
plates will provide the vital funding needed to
help us control Georgia's homeless pet
population," said Commissioner Tommy Irvin.
"We encourage Georgians to support this much
-needed program by buying Dog and Cat
Sterilization License Plates for their vehicles."
Hosted by GEHA
July 16-18, 2014
Wednesday July 16th 2014
Welcome and President’s Address
Kathy Worthington, Georgia Department of Agriculture
Keynote Address
Commissioners Mark Williams, DNR; Gary Black, GDA;
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, DPH
Successes and Lessons Learned in the
Sewee to Santee Watershed and the
Toogoodoo Watershed
Lisa Hajarr, (SC)
University of Chattanooga Campilobacter and
Salmonella Outbreak
Lowe Wilkins, (TN)
Thursday July 17th 2014
Weiss Lake Recreational Vehicle Holding Tank
Regulatory Program
Thursday July 17th 2014, continued...
Adoption of the Food Code and Risk Based
Chris Smith, (GA) U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2013 Boy Scout Jamboree After Action Review:
the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Judy Vallandingham, (WV)
Steps For Healthy Homes
Charles Brookings, (AL)
Knox County Unpasteurized Raw Milk
Salmonella Outbreak (aka Cow Sharing)
Eric Coffey, (TN)
How Electrochemically Activated Solutions
Can Be the Solution to Sanitization
Ed Bosse and Laura Lois, (KY)
Methamphetamine Contamination Closes West
Virginia School
Brandon Lewis, (WV)
Lem Burrell, (AL)
Is that Licorice I Smell? Rapid Response
Team’s Role in West Viriginia’s Elk River
Chemical Spill
Judy Ashcroft, (WV)
Hoarding—Buried Alive
Vickie Blair, (SC)
Public and Household Water Treatment
Impacts On Health in Western Kenya
Dr. Jason W. Marion, (KY)
History of Sand Mounds in Maryland
John Beskid, (MD)
Risk Communication and Use of Video in the
Dissemination of Public Health Messages
Bob Safay, (GA)
Friday July 18th 2014
Cottage Food in Georgia
Tatooing on a Unified Front
Wesley Lingerfelt, Eternal Expressions, Inc. Tattoo and
Chrissy Fauls (GA)
Bedbugs, Bedbugs, and More Bedbugs!
Ed Potetz, (MD)
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
GEHA 2013 Conference was held at the Oceanfront Resort in Jekyll Island, GA
GEHA attendees enjoy golfing, networking, and speaker presentations.
Left: John Ford from Infiltrator receives a GEHA Resolution in honor of Jim Free’s memory and contributions .
Middle: Dr. Fitzgerald, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Health, gives the Keynote Address
at the 2013 GEHA AEC.
Right: GEHA Past-President Tad Williams (2012-2013) receives the Past-President’s gavel from
2013-2014 GEHA President Kathy Worthington.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
. . . Continued on
page 23
2013 Member of the Year!
DWAIN BUTLER is the Environmental Health District Director for the 16 counties in the
Southeast District, 9-2. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Georgia State
University, and began work as an Environmental Health Specialist in Wayne County in
1994. In 2001, he became the Ware County Environmental Health Manager, and in 2003
he was promoted to Environmental Health District Director. During his time as the district
director, he developed a well water safety program throughout the district which involves
testing private wells. In 2006, Dwain graduated from the prestigious CDC Environmental
Health Public Health Leadership Institute, and is working with Georgia Southern University
in Statesboro to develop an Environmental Health Public Health Leadership Institute for
environmentalists in the state of Georgia. Dwain graduated with his Master’s in Public
Health from University of Florida in 2008. Congratulations Dwain!
The Member of the Year award is a way for GEHA to recognize one outstanding professional Environmentalist for their
contributions to the field during the year. The winner is selected by the Nominations Committee. The winner must be a
GEHA member. Winners are announced at the Annual Education Conference and given a plaque and official recognition
from their peers.
At our conference in 2013, the Awards Committee Chair, Krissa Jones, bestowed the following retirees with an honorary lifetime membership to GEHA for their dedicated service:
David Brake
Thank you to the sponsors and exhibitors of the 2013 Irving Bell Golf Tournament, the
GEHA Editorial Committee Candy Count Fundraiser, and the GEHA AEC!
Savannah’s Candy Kitchen’s taffy machine celebrating 100 years!
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Thank you for joining us for the 2014 AEC as Georgia hosted the Interstate Environmental Health Seminar at the Hyatt
Regency in Savannah, GA from July 16-18, 2014. It was full of fellowship, fun, and information about current trends in food
service, on-site sewage, agriculture, hazardous materials, and much more! Join us again in 2015 for the latest in the various
disciplines of Environmental Health. Watch the GEHA website at for updated information.
GEHA instituted the golf tournament as part of the
annual education conference to raise scholarship money
for Georgia college students pursuing environmental
health careers. The tournament is named after Irving Bell,
who retired from the Coca-Cola Company after many
years as a supportive corporate liaison, and who remains a
dedicated advocate for GEHA, and an avid golfer.
Charles “Aaron” Moon was this year’s recipient of the
Irving Bell Scholarship for his successful internship work.
He is currently working on an internship through a grant
awarded from the UGA Department of Sustainability. The
grant was awarded to a PhD. Student, Keri Lydon, who is
under the tutelage of Dr. Erin Lipp. Aaron is so excited
about EH that his enthusiasm and excellent academics
make for a perfect intern. His project is quite diverse in
activities, though its main objective is to implement public
outreach and understanding of microbial water quality
laboratory standards and strategies for environmental
responsibility when it comes to preserving our water
quality. Aaron has been performing water quality testing
and general EH work on ecological systems around
campus and has developed a great outreach program to
include students across the university. First, he was
heavily involved in creating the social media buzz around
their group “UGAqua” (
The 2014 Rowe Environmental Health Scholarship
recipient was Jina Mekpongsatorrn. Jina completed an
independent research consulting project where she, on her
own, completely audited a restaurant in Atlanta and
proposed a set of changes that, when implemented, would
greatly reduce the restaurants carbon footprint. She is also
currently working as an intern in the Environmental Safety
Division at UGA under the direction of Dr. John Lambeth.
Jina shows extreme promise in the field of Environmental
Health. Congratulations, Jina!
Amelia Watson won the 2014 John J. Sheuring
Scholarship! Amelia is participating in a joint BSEH/MPH
in Health Policy and Management degree, is in the honors
program and was a UGA Presidential Leader Scholarship
recipient. She is also a member of the Roosevelt Institute,
Rotaract UGA, and the Paladia Society. Congratulations
Mary Baxter won the 2014 Dr. Harold and Mary
Barnhart Scholarship for Environmental Health! Mary is
an exemplary junior in Environmental Health Science
bachelor’s student at the University of Georgia. Mary is a
double major honors student studying Environmental
Health Science and Environmental Chemistry. She also
successfully completed a semester Study Abroad at the
University of Canberra, in Australia in Spring semester
2013. Congratulations Mary!
Continued on page 30. . .
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Natalie Adan is originally from Atlanta, GA and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Biology from Georgia Southern University. Natalie’s career with the Georgia Department of
Agriculture began in 1996 as a Pesticide Field Agent. She later joined the Food Safety Division as
an Agriculture Sanitarian and then advanced to Agriculture Manager, where she was responsible
for coordinating food recalls and complaints. She later served as the Manufactured Food Program
Manager, where she supported and supervised inspectors conducting inspections for food
processing plants and dairy facilities across the State of Georgia.
In August 2013, Natalie was appointed Division Director over the Department's Food Safety
Division. As the Division Director, she oversees manufactured food, retail food, dairy, poultry and
egg grading services. Natalie is committed to helping develop and implement a fully integrated food safety system rooted
in public health principles and focused on prevention. Natalie completed the International Food Protection Training
Institute’s Fellowship in Food Protection Program in 2011 and actively participates in many food safety associations.
GEHA: What are your favorite things about Georgia?
Natalie Adan: I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. Georgia has beautiful mountains, lakes, city living and the
coast… something for everyone, what’s not to love! Not to mention the southern hospitality and melting pot, which
brings a variety of food products to Georgia. Statistics show, one out of seven Georgians works in agriculture,
forestry, or some related sector. Agriculture contributes to more than $71.1 billion to Georgia’s economy. It’s
exciting to be involved with an industry that means so much to our state, as well as providing to the worlds food
GEHA: What, in your opinion, will be the most important environmental health issues over the next few years?
Natalie Adan: In my opinion, the most important environmental health issues are collaboration, new scientific
research, and the newly regulated industry.
Collaboration involves local, state, and federal regulatory agencies but also an important piece is industry and
academia. We are all stakeholders in food safety and ultimately work towards the common goal of public health.
Commissioner Black has said, food safety is not a destination but a journey. I believe this to be true as food safety
has an ever changing landscape.
As scientific research continues to develop we are able to identify the sources of outbreaks at a faster and more
accurate rate. Additionally, the progress made with scientific technology has allowed us to identify trace amounts of
pesticides, chemicals, etc. to a degree that there is ultimately no more “zero”. This provides the need to further
determine tolerance limits and action levels.
With the passing of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is
proposing seven new rules. These proposed rules are currently in comment period or being revised for additional
comments. Some of these proposed rules will mean additional regulations on an already regulated industry while
other regulations will be targeted at newly regulated industry. For all of this to successfully come together we must
work cooperatively with other agency partners as well as the regulated industry.
GEHA: How can Georgia environmental health professionals help to address these issues?
Natalie Adan: We need to work in the field, work on projects, and train together. We need to use science
based information to make sound decisions.
Continued next page...
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Natalie Adan Interview, continued...
GEHA: What can other residents do to help improve Georgia's environment?
Natalie Adan: Georgia residents are purchasing more locally grown products, which has increased rapidly
over the last 10 years. This not only helps reduce the carbon footprint but also helps support our community.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture launched the Georgia Grown program in 2012, which strives to
identify Georgia Grown products to consumers and educate them on their seasonality and preparation. The
Georgia Grown program includes the creation of a new certification mark that agriculture producers,
retailers, and restaurants can easily use on their products to identify them as being grown in Georgia. The
Department of Agriculture also built a new Georgia Grown test kitchen, which is used to test recipes and
film cooking and food safety demonstrations using Georgia Grown products.
GEHA: As Director of Consumer Food Safety Division at the Georgia Department of Agriculture,
what do you see as the greatest achievement for environmental health in Georgia in the last 5 years?
Natalie Adan: Federal grant funding has allowed public health programs to move their programs forward at
a master pace. The grants have also allowed us the opportunity to work more cooperatively together with all
the stakeholders and better harmonize our efforts towards our common goal of protecting public health.
GEHA: What is most rewarding to you about your work?
Natalie Adan: The most rewarding part of my job is helping to make a difference by providing education
and outreach for both industry and consumers.
GEHA: Who have been the major influences in your life?
Natalie Adan: I have been fortunate to have a number of influences in my career in food safety. Through
my participation in the International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) Fellowship in Food Safety, I
was able to form a strong bond with officials from 10 other State/Local agencies that have proven to be long
lasting with the benefits of collaboration on a variety of projects. The IFPTI Fellowship experience also
provided me with the opportunity to develop a professional relationship with Mentors from the Food Safety
arena and collaborate with IFPTI on other projects.
A variety of food safety and public health associations such as the Georgia Environmental Health
Association (GEHA), National Environmental Health Associations (NEHA), Georgia Association of Food
Protection (GAFP), International Association of Food Protection (IAFP), Association of Food and Drug
Officials (AFDO), and Association of Food and Drug Officials of the Southern States (AFDOSS) have been
beneficial in meeting colleagues and providing the educational training necessary to develop my career.
In addition, I have had colleagues within the Georgia Department of Agriculture that have provided me the
opportunity to advance my career with the knowledge, skills, ability, and resources needed to be a
successful leader.
GEHA: Do you have any advice that you'd like to give to the members of GEHA?
Natalie Adan: Use the passion you have for public health to influence a change. Through working together
we can not only provide resources to our community and beyond but also save lives.
GEHA: How can we best teach children about environmental and health issues?
Natalie Adan: I have 2 beautiful, smart daughters that I am very proud of. Environmental health issues
begin at home with our daily lives and help spread this behavior at school, work, and play. My children are
interested in learning and passing this knowledge on to others. They see the passion & dedication that I have
for the work I do and my hope is that they will choose a career path that they love. Our children are the ones
that will continue to make a difference in the future.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Accreditation of the
Georgia Department Of Public Health
2 Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is
the lead agency in preventing disease, injury and disability;
promoting health and well-being; and preparing for and responding
to disasters from a health perspective. In 2011, the General
Assembly restored DPH to its own state agency after more than 30
years of consolidation with other departments. At the state level,
DPH functions through numerous divisions, sections, programs and
offices. Locally, DPH funds and collaborates with Georgia's 159
county health departments and 18 public health districts.
Through the changes, the mission has remained constant – to
protect the lives of all Georgians. Today, DPH’s main functions
include: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Maternal and Child Health, Infectious Disease
and Immunization, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Emergency Preparedness and Response,
Emergency Medical Services, Pharmacy, Nursing, Volunteer Health Care, the Office of Health
Equity, Vital Records, and the State Public Health Laboratory.
Accreditation*: In January 2014, DPH announced the decision to seek formal, national
accreditation. If approved, Georgia would be the third state to achieve this status, joining
Washington and Oklahoma as early as 2015. In order for Georgia to receive full accreditation by the
Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), examiners will assess DPH in ten essential services of
public health. To receive accreditation, a health department must undergo a "rigorous, multi-faceted,
peer-reviewed assessment process to ensure that it meets or exceeds a specific set of quality
standards and measures," according to PHAB’s website. The process consists of seven steps: preapplication, application, document selection and submission, site visit, accreditation decision,
reports and, ultimately, reaccreditation.
Just as hospitals, schools and law enforcement agencies do, public health departments can use
accreditation to define expectations for the services they provide, set standards and measures to
evaluate those services and ensure that public health programs are responsive to the communities
they serve. Georgia’s Cobb and Douglas Public Health district and the DeKalb Board of Health are
already seeking accreditation status for their districts, along with the Gwinnett, Newton and
Rockdale county health departments. DPH Commissioner, Dr. Fitzgerald has tapped Scott Uhlich,
previously DPH’s director of the Office of Environmental Health, to lead the ongoing project.
*Reprinted from PHWeek, a publication of the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Changes in Leadership at the
Department of Public Health
As of May 1st,
2014, Dr. Chris Rustin
appointed the Director
of Environmental
Health for the Georgia
Department of Public
Health (GDPH) by
R. Chris Rustin, DrPH, REHS
Fi t z geral d.
replaces long time Director Scott Uhlich,
who retired after 35 years of service on
April 30, 2014. The Environmental Health
Section is located in the Division of Health
Protection at the Georgia Department of
Public Health and is responsible for 13
programs with a staff of over 400
Environmental Health Professionals at the
State, District and County level.
Dr. Rustin is responsible for
supervision and statewide oversight of the
environmental health programs including
the land use (onsite sewage and water),
food service, public swimming pool, spa
and recreational water park, tattoo, tourist
accommodation, chemical hazards,
tanning, healthy homes/lead poisoning
prevention and environmental health
emergency preparedness programs. Dr.
Rustin served as the Deputy Director of
Environmental Health for five years prior
to his appointment overseeing all
Environmental Health operations and
Environmental Health emergency
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
In addition to being a Registered
Environmental Health Specialist with the
Georgia Board of Registered
Environmental Health Professionals, he
holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Biology, Masters in Safety and
Environmental Compliance, and a
Doctorate of Public Health with an
emphasis in Community Health Education
and Behavior. Dr. Rustin is currently the
President-Elect of the Georgia
Environmental Health Association.
Dr. Rustin began his career as an
Environmental Health Specialist with the
Evans County Health Department.
Originally from Claxton, Dr. Rustin
worked as an Environmental Safety
Worker with the Evans County Health
Department prior to graduating college.
Upon graduation, he was promoted to an
Environmental Health Specialist, where he
worked for several years. From there he
transferred to the former East Health
District, currently the Coastal Health
District, and managed the Environmental
Health programs for Effingham and
Chatham County Health Departments,
gaining significant experience in urban and
rural Environmental Health in two very
fast growing Counties.
Chris Rustin, DrPH, REHS, Director
Environmental Health Section
Georgia Department of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street NW, 13th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 657-6534
Georgia Facts
About …
Get your Master’s or Doctor
of Public Health Degree
Three Great Opportunities !!
Georgia State University
1,228 = Animal/Animal Investigations
At Georgia State University in downtown Atlanta, the
School of Public Health provides graduate level public
health education that serves the needs of those
interested in working in public health and healthcare
including tracks in environmental health, epidemiology,
health policy, and health communication. Specifically, the
School offers a 39 semester-hour Master of Public Health
(MPH) degree program, a 15-hour Graduate Certificate in
Public Health (CPH), and a … hour Doctorate of Public
Health (DrPH). Complete your degree while working! For
more information, visit
Resulting in:
University of Georgia
Data for Rabies Cases for 2012*
3,949 = Animal/Human Investigations
2,850 = Animals Confined
966 = Animals Euthanized
774 = Tested Specimens
172 = Positive Rabies Cases
473 = Treatment Recommended for
95 = Rabies Clinics
* Due to incremental roll out of SendSS across
the state through 2012, not all counties are
represented for all months in these statistics
The University of Georgia is training the next generation
of public health policy makers, practitioners and
researchers with the new UGA master’s degree program
in public health. UGA’s Biomedical and Health Sciences
Institute (BHSI) and its Division of Public Health initially
will coordinate the interdisciplinary degree program. It will
be a unique collaboration between many UGA academic
units, including the departments of Environmental Health
Science and Health Promotion and Behavior. For more
information about this degree program, call the BHSI
office at 706,542.5922, or visit
Georgia Southern University
The Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia
Southern University in Statesboro transitioned from a
school to a college in 2006, and provides three graduate
level public health degrees that serve the needs of those
interested in working in rural communities and
underserved populations to address public health issues,
eliminate health disparities and improve health
outcomes. Areas of concentration include Biostatistics,
Community Health, Environmental Health Sciences,
Epidemiology, and Health Policy and Management. The
college offers a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree
program, a Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) and
Masters in Healthcare Administration (MHA). For more
information, visit
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
The National Environmental Health Association
by John Steward, M.P.H., R.E.H.S.
John Steward has been a leader in Environmental Health in Georgia for over 25
years. Mr. Steward is a retired Captain from the U.S. Public Health Services and
employee at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is now a faculty
member of Georgia State University, Institute of Public Health. In 2011, he became
the Region 7 Vice President of the National Environmental Health Association.
John Steward, M.P.H.
Upcoming Conference Dates:
2015 – Orlando, Florida
2016 – San Antonio, TX
The 2014 NEHA Annual Educational Conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year is the
78th Annual Education Conference and the first International Federation of Environmental Health World
Congress. Scholarship opportunities are available, and the NEHA “virtual conference” will again available
online. Dr. Mark Kiem of the CDC (Atlanta) will be presenting the keynote address.
NEHA Searching for a new Executive Director. Nelson Fabian, who has admirably led NEHA for over
30 years, has resigned to pursue other business opportunities, but will stay with NEHA until the end of
July. In the transition to a new leadership team and the beginning of a search for a new Executive
Director, NEHA will be led by three highly-capable senior staff- Rance Baker, Larry Marcum, and Jill
NEHA's organization remains strong. Membership has risen to over 5000 for the first time in several
years, finances are stable, and NEHA continues to be sought by CDC, FDA, EPA, and other organizations
for technical and administrative support and training.
The Journal of Environmental Health is also available online. Soon, members will be able to choose a
Journal that is online, paper, or to receive both. Online access will be less expensive, given the printing
and mailing costs avoided. In addition, all members receive a bi-monthly e-newsletter from NEHA to
keep up to date on opportunities, news, and other items of interest.
Changes in NEHA Leadership:
During the past year, Ms. Alicia Enriquez Collins of Lilburn, Georgia has served as NEHA
President. Next year, Dr. Carolyn Harvey of Richmond, Kentucky will be President. Mr. Adam
London, a local health official in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was elected to be 2nd Vice President
and will become NEHA President three years hence.
Mr. Tim Hatch of Montgomery Alabama was elected to be the new Region 7 Vice President.
Beginning in July, Mr. Hatch will serve Georgia and the southeastern states for a three year term.
I am completing my three-year term as the Region Seven Vice President, and I have truly enjoyed
serving as your representative to the NEHA Board of Directors. I encourage everyone to become
or remain a NEHA member and to find ways to become actively involved. Those ways include
running for office, serving as a technical adviser, writing an article, leading your state affiliate,
and other activities. Your individual effort is needed to keep environmental health vital, modern
and progressive. The returns you receive will be numerous and gratifying. I will continue to be a
contact for the Georgia State University School of Public Health graduate program.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
. . . Continued from page 23
Tiffany Eberhard received the 2014 Randall Manning
Scholarship for 2014! Tiffany is a senior double majoring in
Environmental Health and Anthropology in the Environmental
Health Sciences program at the University of Georgia. Tiffany
EH and Anthropology. Tiffany secured an internship with
Athens Clarke-County Recycling Division from August 2012June 2013 . She worked to coordinate a reusable bag day at the
Athens Farmers Market and educated children and Athens
community members on recycling and reusable bag
information. In addition, Tiffany started a local organization to
ban plastic bags in our local community called “Ban the Bag”.
She has traveled extensively and completed additional projects
in Peru and Borneo and was most recently inducted into the
Blue Key Honor Society. Congratulations Tiffany!
Amy Wong is this years’ recipient of this new award for
2014! Amy majored in environmental health science at
UGA, where she worked in Dr. Erin Lipp’s lab studying
bacterial communities in the reefs of the Florida Keys. In
...for 2014 goes to Scott Uhlich! Scott is a recent retiree as
Director for the Environmental Health Section at the Georgia
Department of Public Health. Scott has worked in Environmental
Health for 35 years as an Environmental Health Specialist for
Gwinnett County, as District Director for the Northeast Health
District, and finally at the state Environmental Health office.
Scott received a Bachelors of Bachelor of Science degree in
Environmental Health Science from the University of Georgia and a
Masters Degree in City Planning from the Georgia Institute of
Technology. He is also a graduate of the Environmental Public
Health Leadership Institute at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention from the 2008-2009 cohort.
As this year’s recipient, Scott was recognized for his passion,
strong leadership, and excellence in his work at local and state
levels in Environmental Health. He successfully developed and
approved a statewide environmental health workforce plan and
a statewide assessment of environmental health programs using
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 10 Essential
Services Instrument, a first in the U.S. Congratulations, Scott!
the summer of 2012, she worked on the campus
sustainability report at UGA Costa Rica. The following
summer, she completed an internship with the CDC through
the Summer Undergraduate Program in Environmental
Health (SUPEH). She primarily assisted with Vessel
Sanitation Program and the development of manual for
environmental health officers on cruise ships. Amy will be
starting her MPH in the fall at Yale University.
NEW! Environmental Health Leadership Award
Osii Mbata was selected the recipient of the
Environmental Health Leadership Award in its inaugural
year. Highly motivated and organized, Osii was elected last
May (2013) as the Environmental Health Science club
president. Although not funded, Osii wrote and submitted a
well written grant proposal to the UGA Office of
Sustainability to assist in some of the service the club
planned on performing. He and the club worked to establish
a battery recycling program in University Housing in order
to keep excessive metals out of our local landfill. Osii has
also organized a fundraising raffle for the club.
Congratulations Osii!
Through the efforts and connections of Rob Blake, former
GEHA Officer, arrangements were made to twin with the
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health’s (CIEH) London
Centre in the United Kingdom. Our organizations link websites,
share newsletter and journal articles, and regularly
communicate ideas, philosophies, and practices to increase
GEHA’s scope both nationally and abroad. This partnership
includes offering GEHA members opportunities to work in the
United Kingdom through professional exchanges!
Founded in 1884, CIEH’s London Centre is one of 17
centers making up its national structure. Its major activities are
the training and professional support of its members. This is
accomplished through study groups for all Environmental
Health subjects including food, housing, health and safety, and
pollution. The Centre has nearly 1,100 members in the
corporate, graduate, associate, student, and retired member
categories, and became an associate body with the International
Federation of Environmental Health in 2000. Visit GEHA’s
website at for updated information!
GEHA congratulates all of the scholarship and award winners! For information about
scholarships and awards available through GEHA, please see page 31.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Member of the Year Award
The Member of the Year award is a way for GEHA to recognize one outstanding professional
Environmentalist for their contributions to the field during the year. The winner is selected by the
Nominations Committee after all nominations are received. The winner must be a GEHA member.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lifetime membership is awarded to GEHA members who retire from the Environmental Health field.
Science Fair Award
The award recipient is selected from elementary, junior high and high school students at the Georgia State
Science and Engineering Fair.
Certificates of Meritorious Service, Appreciation, and Recognition
Presented to GEHA members who exhibit outstanding service to the association.
Irving Bell Golf Tournament Scholarship
This scholarship award is based on academic achievement, financial need, letters of recommendations,
statement of why s/he is choosing a career in Environmental Health, and evaluation of internship. The
scholarship will consist of: $1550.00; recognition at GEHA’s AEC awards banquet; hotel room, meal
expenses, and $100 for the AEC, courtesy of GEHA.
John J. Sheuring Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 1967 in memory of John J. Sheuring. $750.00 is awarded to a
Junior in the University of Georgia Environmental Health Sciences Program.
Rowe Environmental Health Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to one undergraduate University of Georgia, Environmental Health Sciences
student based on a combination of characteristics that lead to success as a professional including, but not
limited to: enthusiasm, interest in public health, integrity, involvement in environmental health
organizations, and success in environmental health courses.
Barnhart Scholarship for Environmental Health
This scholarship is awarded to one undergraduate University of Georgia, Environmental Health Sciences
student based on a combination of characteristics that lead to success as a professional including, but not
limited to: enthusiasm, interest in public health, integrity, involvement in environmental health
organizations, and success in environmental health courses.
Randall Manning Scholarship Award
This newly established fund in honor of Dr. Randall Manning is awarded to an undergraduate student who
has had exemplary performance in an internship, especially those who performed well in Georgia
Environmental Protection Division and government internships.
Environmental Health Science Award
This scholarship is awarded by the Environmental Health Science faculty and recognizes a top senior based
on academics, activities, internships, and general success in the Bachelors of Science in Environmental
Health major.
Please contact Cathy Coleman, GEHA Executive Clerk at
for more information.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
The President and Officers of GEHA
express their sincere appreciation and
thank our sponsors and exhibitors for
contributing to the success of the
Georgia Environmental Health Association
2014 Annual Education Conference and
Interstate Environmental Health Seminar.
Georgia Grown
Plastic Tubing Industries
Digital Health Department
Custom Data Processing, Inc.
Fort Valley State University
2015 GEHA Annual Education Conference
Not only does sponsoring the GEHA Annual
Education Conference show your company’s
support for GEHA and environmental health in
Georgia, it provides you with a valuable audience to
promote your products and services. Sponsorship
includes full conference registration, speaker
and an ad in the next issue of the Georgia
Environmentalist. For information, contact Cathy
Coleman, GEHA Executive Clerk,
Georgia Onsite
Wastewater Association
P. O. Box 1928, Duluth, GA 30096
Ph: 678-646-0369 Fax: 678-646-0379
Representing The Onsite Wastewater Industry
-Installers, Pumpers, Environmentalists,
Manufacturers, Soil Scientists, Suppliers,
Engineers, etc.
July 2015
For more information, visit:
86th Annual Meeting and Conference
April 2015
(706) 583-2658
Christy Kuriatnyk, Chair
GPHA Environmental Health Section
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
The Georgia Department of Agriculture publishes the Farmers and Consumers
Market Bulletin, a biweekly newspaper with articles of interest to farmers and
consumers as well as recipes, gardening tips, a calendar of events, classified
advertisements and public notices. Subscriptions are $5 per year online, $10 per
year for Georgia residents, and $20.00 per year out-of-state subscribers. Send
your subscription request via e-mail to Patricia Glenn, circulation manager, at Please include your complete mailing address and a
daytime phone number. Or, you can call (404) 656-3722.
You should receive your first copy within 2 – 3 weeks.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Plastic Tubing
Industries, Inc.
Digital Health
Department, Inc.
Government Process Management software for agencies to
manage the permitting, inspecting, invoicing, and more of
programs typical in environmental public health and
agriculture departments.
(704) 285-7500
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
Gardening Wisdom with Arty Schronce
By Arty Schronce
Create a Garden to Attract Butterflies
Getting more butterflies to visit and live in
your garden is easy; you plant what they
like. The most important plants are called
“larval host plants.” They are the ones butterflies need to lay their eggs on and that the
hatched caterpillars (larvae) need to eat. You
see, most butterflies have very specific needs
and will only lay eggs on one type or family
of plants. Monarchs, for example, only lay
their eggs on milkweeds and related plants.
Although adult butterflies will visit lots of
flowers for nectar, they will pass over a garden overflowing with flowers to get to one
of their larval host plants. Finding these
plants is essential for them to reproduce, and butterflies will
travel long distances to get to them. It is a matter of survival.
Here are some common butterflies of Georgia and some of the
larval host plants they need:
Monarch – milkweeds, including butterflyweed, milkweed
vines (Matelea)
Spicebush Swallowtail – spicebush, sassafras
Tiger Swallowtail – tulip poplar, green ash, white ash, sweet
bay, wild cherry
Gulf Fritillary – mollypop or maypop, green passionflower or
other passionflowers
Long-Tailed Skipper – members of the bean family
Silver-Spotted Skipper – black locust and other members of
the bean family
Zebra Swallowtail – pawpaw
Pipevine Swallowtail – pipevine, snakeroot
Buckeye – broad-leaf plantain, ruellia, gerardia
Red-Spotted Purple – wild cherry
Snout Butterfly – hackberry
Hackberry Butterfly – hackberry, elms
Giant Swallowtail – Hercules club, members of the citrus family
Black Swallowtail – members of the carrot family including
dill, fennel, parsley and Queen Anne’s lace
Painted Lady and American Painted Lady – thistle
Pearly Crescentspot – native asters
Mourning Cloak – willows, elms
Gray Hairstreak – beans, clover
Olive Hairstreak – red cedar
Henry’s Elfin – blueberry
The second thing is to have lots of “nectar
plants.” These are plants with flowers that adult
butterflies can feed on. The best nectar plants
have a large flower head or cluster of flowers that
the butterfly can land on and hold to as it goes
from individual flower to flower. A gust of wind
could blow them off course and it would take a lot
of time and energy to get back to feeding, so they
like to stay put and feed. Here are some favorite
nectar plants that adult butterflies like: ironweed,
butterflyweed, joe-pye weed, summer
phlox, thrift, buttonbush, butterfly bush, abelia,
lilac, lantana, liatris, vitex, native asters, goldenrod, sunflower, tithonia or Mexican sunflower,
If you are going to have a butterfly garden, you must remember
that every caterpillar is not your enemy. Learn to tolerate a few
chewed leaves. Refrain from using insecticides or use them
carefully. They won’t just kill insect pests; they kill the pretty
butterflies you want to attract, too.
Plants Are Like People
Sometimes a plant grows on you. Not literally, of course. For
example, several years ago I purchased a ‘Challenger’ daylily
because it was taller and bloomed later than other daylilies.
When it bloomed I was disappointed. The flowers were not as
intensely red as the photograph in the catalog, and the petals
were not as thin and “spidery” as I had hoped.
It was tall, however, rising to five feet or more, and extended
my daylily season by beginning to bloom weeks after my other
daylilies. I decided to keep it around a while longer instead of
immediately casting it out of my little Eden.
I am glad I did; ‘Challenger’ has proven its worth. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but now I am quite fond of it.
I was ready to dig up and give away the citron daylily
(Hemerocalllis citrina) because the fragrance wasn’t as nice as I
had been led to believe. Then I began to appreciate the slender
grace of the stems and flowers and the fact that the flowers
opened in the evening instead of in the morning like other daylilies.
Have you done this with plants as well, dismissing them without
taking the time to learn their virtues? Unfortunately, I have also
treated people that way. I’m trying to do a better job giving
plants and people a fair chance.
Both articles reprinted with permission from the Farmer’s and Consumers Market Bulletin
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36
New Member _____
(Please print or type)
DATE: _______________
NAME: ___________________________________________________________
HOME ADDRESS: _________________________________________________
Apt. #
HOME PHONE: _________________________________
JOB TITLE ________________________________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS: ______________________________________________
BUSINESS PHONE: ______________________________
Please check the appropriate membership status:
Active Member
Associate Member ( )
Student Member
Active Members are those that are employed at or retired from jobs that involve environmental health as a
major component of their occupation.
Typically, Associate Members provide products for use in environmental health related activities. Associate
Members may be anyone with an interest in environmental health issues.
Student Members attend an accredited learning institution.
Voting privileges in the Association shall be limited to Active Members and Honorary Members only.
Please send application and check (made payable to GEHA) to:
Georgia Environmental Health Association
397 Eastman Highway
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
For more information, contact GEHA or visit us online at
If you move, please inform GEHA of your new address. Any GEHA
publications will not be forwarded.
Georgia Environmentalist Volume 36