Monday Update
Monday Update
Monday Update August 18, 2014 The Monday Update is published weekly, on the John Bunter Memorial Computer by Harry Diavatis, who is solely responsible for its content. Please send correspondence, photographs and archival information to The Monday Update is posted every Monday on (Seven years of back issues are available to view.) To receive a free subscription and have the Update sent directly to your email address, go to Click on Sign up for our Email newsletter. People corresponding with the MU are requested to always include their complete name (including maiden, if applicable) and their school and grad year. It makes my job easier. Hello Classmates, Schoolmates and Friends: In this edition: Sue Aldridge-Bennett ’64, Brian Biggs ’59, Patti Byrne-Walker ’57, Juan Caducio, Christine Carrillo-Miner HH68, Ron Collins ’60, Gary Cullen SV69, Orilda Damian-Concepcion '58, Dale Dawson-DiGirolamo, Sally Diavatis, Carol Egidio-Murray ’63, Steve Erickson HH63, Maureen “Mo” Mulroy-Kocourek ’64, Ron Porcella SV62, Molly Post-Petrie ’61, Susie Schmutz ’59, Gordon Shaffer ’44, Dann Shively SV64, Steve Strunk ’70,Jim Tibbetts ’64, Gary Vaaler ’64, and Janet Vieira-O'Gara ’64. Key: HH = Hogan HS SV = St. Vincent’s HS SP = St. Patrick’s HS FF = Former Faculty G = Guest VJC = Vallejo JC SCC = Solano Community Collee Year Only (ie: ’60) = year graduated from VHS No indicator after name = VHS Class of ‘62 Index This ‘n’ That ............................................................................................................... 2 The Mailbag .............................................................................................................. 11 Apache Review of Arts by John Parks....................................................................... 18 Comedy Corner ......................................................................................................... 24 Who You Callin’ an Old Geezer ................................................................................. 25 On the Sidelines ........................................................................................................ 26 Paperback Writer....................................................................................................... 27 Newbies .................................................................................................................... 28 In Memoriam ............................................................................................................. 28 The Last Word ........................................................................................................... 29 MU Calendar of Upcoming Events ............................................................................ 30 Public Service Announcements ................................................................................. 31 Addendums ............................................................................................................... 33 The Fine Print ............................................................................................................ 44 Easy Print Order Forms The Class of ’62 Seventieth Birthday Party Reservation Form ....................... 46 The Lou DelRosario Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsorship Form .............. 47 The Lou DelRosario Memorial Golf Tournament Reservation Form ............... 48 St. Vincent’s Class of ‘64 Fifty Year Reunion Reservation Form .................... 49 Class of ’74 Forty Year Reunion Reservation Form ........................................ 50 The Class of ’59 Fifty-Five Year Reunion Reservation Form .......................... 51 This ‘n’ that: The Five Oh of ’64 (con’t)... The combined Vallejo/Hogan Class of ’64 celebrated their Fifty Year Reunion Saturday night to celebrate their Fifty Year Reunion on August 9. Here are a few pictures from the dinner/dance provided by Jim Tibbetts. Paul & Linda Barnes-Newton George & Connie Lopez-Coloma Pete & Lynn Peters-Ancheta John & Trudy Maslowski-Eisan Jim Wheeler, Olie Conklin Chavez Gail Perry-Lutz, Gene Lutz Joan Somera-Apilado, Noe Apilado Gary & Tammy Vaaler Rosemary Nelson Sue Bonner-Romano, Carol Cadloni- Bill Garcia, Ann Shallenberger- Huey Terrell, Sheila BaysmoreTedesco Garcia Rose A Gorgeous Day at the Rock The lovely Blue Rock Springs setting brought back memories for many in attendance. We have so many great photos that I’m only printing a few of them in this issue (because of space constraints) but we’ll be printing more next week. Olie Conklin Chavez (H) & Carleen Holt Weems (H) Claudia Martinez Hassler & Butch Dunkle Mo Mulroy Koucourek gives an infomercial Doris Grant Kogo & Jeanette Grant Susy Stamper, Bobby Russell (H), Kurt Hiekkila (H) & Larae Brickeen Marshall HD & Jim Tibbetts Tom Slaight & Eileen Bell Thompson (H) Linda Evans Brown & Mary Ann Oranje Michael Routh (H) & Butch Dunkle The Sunday picnic at Blue Rock Springs was the only event I was able to attend and I had a great time. Tami Post-Lambs chili may be the best I’ve ever had (no offense to the other chilis because after trying Tam’s I couldn’t switch). I also enjoyed getting caught up with a very good friend from back in the day, Butch Dunkle. He’s had a great career and I have to say he’s been very deserving. Who wouldn’t want Larae Marshall’s cookies when offered? Kudo’s go to the organizers of the combined Vallejo/Hogan Class of ’64 Fifty Year Reunion. I thought they were exceptionally well organized and had around 225 classmates and guests participating in at least one event. The Reunion Committee members were: Salli Benson-Collins, Maureen Mulroy-Kocourek, James Tibbetts, Paul Newton, Suzy Stamper, Vince Pellegrini, Gary Vaaler, Lynn Peters-Ancheta, Rick Silveira, Tami Post-Lamb, Sue Aldridge-Bennett, Reggie Banks, Carol Cadloni-Tedesco, and Rich Arnold From: Jim Tibbetts ‘64 The weekend started off with a cocktail party at Characters Saloon on Tennessee street. The party got going at about 6pm and as the night went by more and more classmates showed up. The crowd was about 80 people, and all had a great time renewing old friendships and visiting with each other. The Paragons played music and Characters set out a spread of Hors D'oeuvres. The party started to slow down around 9:30pm. I think it was the starting point for a great weekend of fun. On Saturday night the Dinner/Dance was held at USA Classics Museum on Sonoma Blvd, there was some concern about safety in the area but that was taken care of by the Vallejo Fire Department and the Vallejo Police Department, after the fire truck accident on Sonoma Blvd, Police were everywhere. The night started off at about 6pm with an open bar and Hors D'oeuvres. Alex's Catering severed the Dinner and The Paragons supplied the music. Our special guest of the evening was the luck of our Exchange Student from Iran (Mary Jamshidi) being in the USA and able to attend. It was yet another fun night of old friends and some new ones as well. Sunday was the last day of this fantastic weekend. The setting was Blue Rock Springs Park. The gang started arriving at 10am and continued to grow until we had about 100 people in attendance. Much laughter and good conversation was heard for the whole day. John "WOOF" Kocourek was the cook for the day, serving Hamburgers and Hotdogs, other brought chili and salads. Bobbi Merrill-Thomas brought 2 Champagne cakes for dessert, one in Hogan colors and one in Vallejo colors. Once again it was the end of the perfect weekend of renewing friendships with old friends, and starting a few new friendships. We are all now looking forward to a 70th Birthday Bash, planning will start soon. The one down side of the weekend was that our 2 most colorful talkers and story tellers did not show, they were both missed. Maybe they will be able to come to the 70th Bash. (Billy Gordon didn’t show because he got the dates screwed up and thought it was this past weekend. LOL. I assume that the other colorful talker is Cisco Lopez and I don’t know why he didn’t show. He’s usually real good about coming to the events and supporting his class. ...hope he’s okay.) I would like to thank all of my Committee members for all the hard work that went into this being the best Reunion ever. As a side note, I'm going to produce a CD Slideshow of all the still photos that I can get. With what I took and what Mo and Suezq have sent, there are about 150 pictures for the show. Any of the classmates that took pictures at any of the events and would like to have them in the show, please email them to me ( I also have copies of the slideshow that was playing at the Dinner/Dance, this show is of past events and not the 50th. From: Sue Aldridge-Bennett ‘64 Photos from the 50 Year reunion are posted on Flickr via Facebook on my page. For those who did not attend, you missed the best reunion EVER!!! So many classmates to chat with at this extremely well planned event. You were missed! Suezq Suezq, I missed seeing you at the picnic. Oh, well... maybe for your 55 th. LOL. From: Gary Vaaler ‘64 Hello Harry, Thank you for wanting to include the golf experience in your newsletter. It is another great experience where our classmates can enjoy each other. This is the sixth time we've had golf during reunion week and it has turned out to be a blast for everyone. I changed the title to "Golf Get Together" at our 40th year reunion and dropped the "tournament" name to maybe get more players. It worked!! This year we had 26 players which consisted of five groups as mixed foursomes and one with just guys. The mixed played a scramble which is always a lot of fun. We have no winners, just a great time. At the finish we have a raffle in the club house with prizes donated by the golfers. We had enough so everyone received a prize. We also had Blue Rock Springs gift certificates, a nice looking putter, a chipper, golf balls, and some great wines. Another successful "Golf Get Together" would not happen without committee members:Lynn PetersAncheta and Vince Pelligrini. And of course our cart girls Carol and Claudia taking pictures and providing beverages!! Our Motto: Apaches and Spartans forever From: Maureen “Mo” Mulroy-Kocourek ‘64 Hi Harry, We had a great three days of celebrating the Hogan & Vallejo Class of '64 Fifty Year Reunion. It was good to see you on Sunday. Hope Sweet Sally is feeling better. You may have heard about the horrific accident involving the Vallejo Fire Department's ladder truck. It's a wonder that nobody was killed. A VPD Press Release mentioned they would be interested in talking with any eye witnesses, in the investigation of the accident. I wonder if any of our classmates who were arriving for the dinner might have witnessed the actual accident. I spoke with at least two who saw the ladder truck just seconds prior to impact. So, if any of your readers might have seen something useful, they should contact the VPD with their information. Also, an item was found early in the evening and brought in to the check in table. It is a woman's black shrug (ask Sally to explain that to you, ha!). If someone knows who the owner might be, they can email me at and I'll arrange to get it to them. I wish I had captured on video the Paragons playing the tune dedicated to the Vallejo School Board, "Apache". What a great job they did, it was a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, one of the glitches in the program was that between the poor acoustics, a problem with one of the microphones and classmates visiting, nobody could hear Reggie when he tried to make his comments. He also introduced our foreign exchange student, Mary Jamshidi, who lives in Tehran, Iran and was in California visiting her daughter, and therefore was able to attend the reunion. Her comments could not be heard, either. It was too bad, but the show went on. Also, here's a link to Vallejo Independent Bulletin: where there are several articles of interest, particularly about the school board. Readers: I checked out the website of the Vallejo Independent Bulletin and highly recommend it to all of you who have an interest in Vallejo and the direction in which it’s headed. You’ll find some very interesting information regarding the current School Board and Superintendent. I’ve bookmarked the site and intend to check it out each week. I recommend you do the same. If you care, even remotely, about Vallejo schools and the children attending them, we need to join together to get rid of the School Board and subsequently Ramona Bishop. More on that later. The VHS/Hogan ’64 class has CD's with the slideshow that was shown at the Reunion Dinner/Dance. These CD's have 2 slideshows and 2 PDF files. The Slideshows are of the Memorial Wall with music and the main slideshow of past events with over 1900 pictures and yearbook pictures from both Hogan and Vallejo. The PDF files are the Class Cookbook and the Memorial Wall. Price on these are $5 for the CD mailed or $3 transmitted by email. Contact Jim Tibbetts at We have so many great pictures still to be displayed that I’m going to go ahead and run some of them in next week’s MU because I’ve run out of space on this one. ... The ’64 group weren’t the only ones who recently celebrated a reunion. Hilltoppers of ‘69 From: Gary Cullen SV69 This past month, St. Vincent’s Class of 1969, celebrated its 45 year reunion. The event was held at the beautiful home of Jack and Cathy Anthony in Fairfield. Over 45 classmates and families enjoyed a casual BBQ and potluck dinner, and the opportunity to reconnect with old friends. Classmate Bob Tombolini was awarded the honor of having traveled the furthest, having flown in from Singapore to attend. Members of the St. Vincent’s High School Class of 1969 Sam Kukuruza & Norma Traylor Gary Cullen & Andy Jacques Mike Ochs & Tom Servanick Kevin Traylor & Terrie SousaCorkrean Kevin Shea & Kathy Lemke Mike St. Pierre, Stephanie Ward-St. Pierre & Bob Tombolini Bonnie Warnock-Souza & Wilma O'Donnell-Jacques Brenda Gormley, Jack Anthony & Pat Mahoney What amazed me, Gary, is how many of these folks I actually know. ... Apaches Forever shirts... The Vallejo City School Board may have terminated the use of the Apache symbol by Vallejo High School but they’ve had no impact on the spirit of the Apache as celebrated by the Alums of VHS. We continue to take more and more shirt orders... Las week I added even more shirts to the order and they should be arriving in a couple of weeks. Profits that are generated by the sale of the shirts go into The Last Apache Scholarship fund. ... LIAR LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE From; Orilda Damian-Concepcion '58 Good morning, Harry, As always, the MU was very informative and interesting... thanks so much to your efforts and dedication. I have a bit of humor (?) to share with you. My husband and I were at a gathering honoring the Vietnam veterans of Vallejo this past Saturday, and guess who came by our table? None other than Mr. Ubalde himself. He introduced himself to us, and I replied, “Oh, you're the one on the Board of Education.” He said yes, and he was running again, and asked if we would vote for him. I said, before I commit to that, I have a question. I asked why the Board decided to drop the word Apache; he said because it was offensive to the Indian tribes. My husband asked... which generation of Indian tribes. Ubalde did not answer. I asked who said the Board could change the name without consulting the alumni; he said they were consulted; the presidents of each of the alumni were notified and they agreed. I told him I never heard of this until after the fact. He blamed the alumni presidents for not disseminating the info to the alumni. I told him I was/am an Apache and did not appreciate that the Board thought they were so almighty and powerful they could do as they pleased without consulting people affected by their decisions. He asked if he should take his card back; I said no, he thanked me, and I ripped up his card as soon as we went outside. I'm so angry with that SMUG Ubalde! Whew!!! Thanks for allowing me to get this off my chest, Harry. APACHES FOREVER DESPITE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION!!!! P.S. My husband, Manuel Concepcion, was one of the Vietnam veterans recognized for his service in Vietnam. We are thankful to Nestor Aliga, Col., US Army, Retired, for arranging this. Orilda: Tony Ubalde is a LIAR when he says that “the presidents of each of the alumni were notified and they agreed.” What Presidents? There are no presidents of the Alumni! THERE IS NO FORMAL ORGANIZATION. No one was consulted! Ubalde, led on by Hazel Wilson and co-conspired with Ace Ward, Adrienne Waterman, Raymond Mommsen and Superintendent Ramona Bishop unilaterally made their decision WITHOUT alumni input. To say otherwise is either a bold-faced lie or Ubalde is out of touch with reality. We need to vote Ubalde out of office. I'm afraid that he will garner the Filipino vote ONLY because he's Filipino and not because of any accomplishments. So, Orilda, what do we do to vote him out of office in November? Orilda’s Response... Harry, I will do what I can (open my mouth!), especially with the Filipinos to let them know how I feel about this man and Hazel Wilson. I'm on your side, my friend, and look forward to seeing some changes with the Board. Thank you for listening/reading. VALLEJOANS: DO YOU REALLY WANT TO RETURN THESE LIARS AND PREVARICATORS TO THE SCHOOL BOARD? YOU NEED TO VOTE AGAINST THEM IN NOVEMBER. Ubalde, Wilson and Waterman are all running for re-election. You need to tell all of your friends, relatives and associates, living and voting in Vallejo, to vote them out of office before they continue to do additional damage to our schools. Term ends: Ubalde 2014 Wilson 2014 Waterman Ward 2014 2016 Mommsen 2016 And if that’s not enough, this just in... Vallejo superintendent Ramona Bishop critiqued in recent grand jury report Bishop admits to sending email to chief of police By John Glidden Dr. Ramona Bishop Vallejo City Unified School District Superintendent Ramona Bishop has been identified as the VCUSD official who sent an email containing minor students' names and other confidential information to an official in the Vallejo Police Department, according to a California Public Records Act request sent Wednesday to the Solano County District Attorney's Office. The email became a focus of a July 8 Solano County Grand Jury report, "Release of Confidential Information by the Vallejo City Unified School District," in which the grand jury expressed concern "with the (VCUSD) official's handling of a serious incident and the release of confidential information pertaining to minors in violation of Welfare and Institutions Code 827 governing the dissemination of juvenile information. Hmmm... she’s compensated with a “professional” salary, so why can’t she act “professionally?” I wonder what the current School Board’s response will be: “Tsk, tsk, you were naughty Ramona... don’t do it again, okay?” ... ’62 is Seventy... I’m excited! This is the week that the VHS Class of ’62 will celebrate their combined 70th Birthday party at the Green Valley Country Club in Fairfield. The event will be held on Friday, August 22 and promises to be well attended with 125 classmates and guests already making reservations. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner but getting to the Green Valley Country Club on a Friday at 5 p.m. is going to be a nightmare! The traffic on I-80 on Friday is unreal starting around 2 p.m. If you’re coming from the Vacaville direction it won’t be a problem, but from Benicia (780), Vallejo ( I-80) and even Jamison Canyon(12) from Napa, be prepared to be stuck for a while. I would guess that the trip from Vallejo, which normally would take 15-20 minutes will be at least 45-60 minutes. Unless there’s an accident... in that case fahgitaboutit! If I didn’t just discourage you from attending and If you are one of those “last minute responders” this is your final opportunity to make your reservation. Registration in advance is required and you’ll find a registration form at the end of this MU on page 45. We must have your check and reservation no later than Wednesday of this week so we can give the caterer our final count. ... The Mail Bag From: Dann Shively SV64 It was great seeing a picture in the Apache Review of Art section showing the high school dance from 1947 with Joe Pallotta. As I've mentioned, my dad was with the orchestra for nearly 30 years. That's him singing at the microphone on the left side of the photo along with Joe himself. He was all of 27. Sometimes it's hard to think of our parents as being young once. Then again, sometimes it's hard to think about ourselves being young as well. Best to you and Sally. Hope her shingles turn out to be short lived. ... From: Ron Porcella SV62 What an incredible story from Dale Dawson-DiGirolamo about Korla Pandit coming to her house! My mom played the piano and was a HUGE admirer of both Korla Pandit and Liberace. Dale lived just around the corner from us in Federal Terrace, and my mom would have been at her house in a flash if she had known Korla Pandit was in town... Seemed like all the ladies loved Korla and Liberace-- I mean, what's with that...? ... From: Dale Dawson-DiGirolamo We never will know the whole story on the Korla Pandit are so right. But we later heard rumors that he would show up at former concert attendees' doorsteps, and the majority of them had young daughters... I suspect THAT is where the real story lies. ... From: Molly Post-Petrie ‘61 Hi Harry... wow awesome looking tomatoes!! I would love some seeds if you have a chance... I'll even send you a stamped self addressed envelope and if you have a different variety of tomato seeds, I'll take those too. :-) Did I ever send you a picture of 4 couples taken around one of the tables at Harrah's Club in the 60's? It was Larry and I, Carol (Cunningham) and George Cole, the Lundblads and Ron and Kathy Davis. I was looking in my sent mail and couldn't find it there, but it is not in my drafts either. Hope you and Sally are doing well. I had the shingles a couple years ago when we were on a cruise and it is not fun. Hopefully Sally's will go away soon. Molly, I’ll save you seeds from all my heirloom tomato plants. As far as the picture, no, I’ve never seen it... but I’d like to, so find it and email it to me. ... From: Patti Byrne-Walker ‘57 So, we know sooooo many people who have wonderful gardens; but we are known as "black thumbs". We have been feeding the quail, doves, mallard, and song birds, cracked corn everyday... Hmmm we got germination and two stalks came up. As you can see they are pretty tall... We have four (count em) four ears of corn developing. We are planning to set up at vegetable stand on the third fairway... What do ya think? Just had to poke a little fun at ourselves, I sure hope this will be eating corn, so we can get some benefit. Our hearts go out to those of you who have to till and plant, we just threw out the seed for the winged friends and Voila... No sweat here.... Da Da Da Da Da, Walker acres is the place to be... *I’m just a lonely corn, lonely and green I’m all alone, scarce to be seen I’ll climb real high, to the heaven’s above If I could just find, someone to... pollinate me. *apologies to Paul Anka Sorry, but your “corn plight” just made me silly and gave me the giggles. Don’t forget to pollinate the little suckers or you won’t have nuttin’, nada, zip, zilch. Every one of those corn silks is attached to a potential kernel... no pollen – no kernel. ... From: Gordon Shaffer ‘44 To continue the 100th birthday celebration of the good Dr. we all had lunch at the Sardine Can. Dr. Charles Widenmann ‘32, Gordon Shaffer ‘44, & Parker Taft ‘44. Gloria Taft ‘66 (no kidding) & hubby Franklin Taft ‘51. I hope your dear wife is getting better with less pain. Did you know that Kaiser Permanente is offering anti shingles immunization to its members with no co-pay? Maybe you could make your Monday Update readers aware of this. You just did, Gordie, thanks. ... From: Christine Carrillo-Miner HH68 Hello Harry, hope all is well. I was so surprise to see in last Monday's Apache Review of Arts, a photo of my cousin Craig Miner (pictured below, right) who is a member of the band "Ryan Shupe and The Rubber Band." The Band is an American bluegrass group founded in the mid-1990s in Ogden, UT. The band's lineup comprises Ryan Shupe (fiddle, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, lead vocals), Roger Archibald (guitar, vocals), Ryan Tilby (bass guitar, string bass, banjo, vocals), Craig Miner (banjo, bouzouki, mandolin, guitar, vocals), and Nate Smeding (drums). Our cousin is one of many gifted musicians in our family...unfortunately I'm not one! Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band is definitely a must see when they come to your town. They are currently heading to Kansas City, IA, ID, PA, VA, ME, WY, WA, OR, CO, NC and many more places. Check the band out on Facebook or on ENJOY the MUSIC :) Thanks for all you do to keep us Vallejo peeps connected. ... I hadn’t heard from my classmate da Juan Mon for a while so I wrote and asked him if he was planning to come to our collective 70th Birthday party. From: Juan Caducio Harry mon, I am trying like Hell to b up der for the 70th BD event even though I am only still 34 1/2 U.S. and won't be as old as da rest of U folks til Dec. I had planned to come up last week but Doctor's here n San Diego had put a little delay in my departure. Came up in June preparing to have hip replacements. Who would ever thought da Juan mon would be breaking down? Well gud news hips are in great shape but bad news have Trochantenc Bursitis on both sides . Having Cortisone shots dis week and next so hopefully will be running like a young buck and attending Our 70th on da 22nd. Have da Classmates cross der toes for me. Told my buddy Richard DiMaggio from Christmas Past and a few others I would be der to compare Grey Hairs and Wrinkles and C who win da Tip da Scales event. Well mi amigo and my Special " Class of 62 friends." Hoping to C U N a few, Ur Filipino Belizean Classmate, da Juan mon Remember Al a wi da One " All of Us are One " also Al a wi B Old but Happy RIGHT????? Juan, you need to be there. How could we possibly celebrate widdout da Juan Mon? ... From: Brian Biggs ‘59 Here are a couple of shots from a visit to our ranch in Oregon City by Mike (’56) and Ilene (’60) Campas. Great fun and lots of stories and tons of laughs. At our ranch: Brian, Ilene, Mike A selfie taken downtown: Brian, Mike, Ilene, Vicki ... From: Susie Schmutz ‘59 Harry, I have to say that it was wonderful seeing Bill and Jackie Harrison at their family reunion in Maui. Bill and I graduated together from VHS class of 1959, but I didn't know that they has 5 children and all those grandchildren - so great to see !!! ... From: Steve Strunk, Apache class of ‘70 Harry, went by school and look what is saw. I wonder what they are going to do with Icon? I don’t know, Steve. That’s a good question. Supposedly the mural of Naiche on the wall will stay so maybe this will, too. ... From: Steve Erickson HH63 Greetings Harry, Sally, and MU Family, Well, Harry, it's been a spell since I last visited, seems I've stayed so busy that haven't set down to read a number of the MU's so with some free time with Mize Marilyn doing her civic duty making a political meeting this morning, and off to march in a parade this afternoon, there's been no “honey will you” today... in fact she said I can have the day to myself. With neighbor Karroll getting his tackle, boat, and motor home ready for next week’s fishing trip out South Dakota, there's little danger of him needing a farm hand for the day. Specially after putting me under his semi-truck all day yesterday, pulling 12 foot of battery cables, then running around getting new ones assembled, to replace the old, then right back under the rig to drag, re-clamp them. I was so greasy, and dirty by the time I got home, Marilyn made me strip down, and hosed me off before I was allowed to hit the shower. I told her she was just being a mite kinky. My condolences in the passing of your long time friend Judith Brown. From your description she was a very gifted person. Sometimes reading the Monday Update reminds of what an ole minister said during a funeral service, “If at the end of your life's journey you can look back on equal portions of joy, and sadness then you've lived well.” At seventy plus years I think of that more often then I once did. This being one of the sad times for you, Harry. The marriage of my classmates Dan Kaiser, and Claudia Lammel , would fit under joyful portions. It's good to see two people that have shared a loving relationship with a spouse only to lose that person, and find someone else to continue that love with. This happened to a couple of Marilyn’s, classmates on their 50 class reunion, Art, and Marsha were visiting quite a lot at the gathering. Shortly after she invited Art out for coffee, shortly after that they were saying their” I Do's.” Art is part of our deer hunter’s camp, and Marsha always sends me an email to take care of her man. I hope by now Sally is feeling better from her bout with shingles, I was aware that she'd been to emergency a gain from one of Wendy's postings on facebook. Your admonishment for everyone to get the vaccine is timely at our age. I got that at the same time as my pneumonia shot. Marilyn has been putting it off perhaps she'll decide to do it after reading Sally's experience. While on the sick call good wishes for Buddy Murray, and classmate Everett Flowers in their recoveries. One of my time consuming efforts as mentioned earlier this year has been our garden. All the effort has paid off handsomely, our harvest now includes yellow summer squash, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce onions, radishes, and asparagus. We have such an abundance that we are able to share. Marilyn was an election judge the other night so I loaded a 5 gal. bucket with squash, and bell peppers, it was interesting, all the peppers were gone but not one squash? With all the tomatoes one of our staple now is B.L.T.'s, with last years washout of the garden almost forgot how delicious they are. This was an early picture, the fence is to keep the resident deer out, I have chicken wire around the base of the fence to keep Peter Cottontail out, though he found a very small area that he could get in, after numerous inspections I found it, and deprived him of my lettuce. My bicycling has been a mixed bag this season, I've had a lot of mechanical issues with my wheels, which started with a broken spoke, had that repaired then, found out the bearings in my back wheel were shot, had them replaced just before a century ride (100 miler) with longtime friend Al (he hadn't done one since our last one together 15 years ago,) I told him I had a flat land 100 good way to start back. I'd forgotten one rule of cycling Greg LeMond's, "Conditions Dictate The Ride," and so they do. On the back half of the ride we hit a 30 mph. headwind, at the rest stop Al said “Well I guess we ride our own rides, I'll see you at the finish.” It took me 7.5 hours, Al was somewhere over 8 hours. I knew he wouldn't hold it against me as he talked me to do a 200 miler with him in his second year riding with me... we were in the saddle a total of 16 total hours on 202 AA ride (no support ride). My next organized ride was a 25 mile road race in memory of one of my good friends. I spent a good part of a day detailing my faithful Cannondale, went to bed that night confident that I'd do well. Showed up early to register, and pick up my ride number, and get in a pre-ride warm up, bike was silky smooth. I suppose there somewhere around 80 participants when the starter gun went off, I'd just settled into a good spin when I hear the sickening sound of a broken spoke in the rear wheel, sometimes one can loosen the brakes, to give the wheel enough to to pass without dragging... that wasn't the case this day. I waited till there was room for me to cross over to the return opposite lane, and walked back to the start. Good came out of It though, I did my own spoke replacement, and trued the wheel, first time for that in many moons. I've been gently preparing my bride for the cost of a new set of wheels. Like my young bicycle mechanic reminds me Steve you get a lot of miles out of a set of wheels. Al, and I on our first team ride over 20 years. This years MS Society 150 tour in my Team Humana And one more from the last day of the MS 150 at the lunch stop. I thought I'd get this done with Marilyn, and Karroll out of my life for the day! When the next thing I know they both come in at the same time. Karroll was on a mission, I had get into my jeans, and boots for a 4 wheeler ride over to his brother David's to check the trail up the bluff, as last time we were there it was choked with weeds, and brush, David has mowed his hay, and was ready for me to start Fall gopher trapping. Sure enough some brave soul had opened the trail again, there was mown hay still in the fields so I told Dave I'd hit it next week. Then it was back to Karroll's. He'd forgotten to bring his filet knives for me to sharpen for his fishing trip. I don't know why I was concerned with what would keep me busy when the Conservation Service didn't call me back this season. John Parks Refrigerator Poem was appropriate for my last two weeks. The beginning of last week we were preparing for our annual 5 day camping trip with our grandchildren. I was doing all the pre-trip maintenance on our camp trailer. When I plugged in the refrigerator, there was the strong smell of ammonia, and the unit wouldn't cool,so I called the R.V. people, explained what was happening. Your refrigerator's shot. What's it going to cost for a new one? Somewhere over $1000.00. Marilyn, we'll make do with ice boxes, and discuss this when we get back, that'll work. We had a great time with the kids, swimming, walking, bicycling, miniature golf, and two days at Wild Mountain Amusement Park, camp fires at night with S’mores, always amazes me how fast time flies when you're having fun. The next morning after the trip, I'm out preparing to pull the refrigerator out of the trailer, when I hear Karroll pull up on his 4 wheeler. What you doing? Pulling the fridge, I'll help. You know I have that camper we wrecked a couple years ago, and it has the exact same unit as this, and you can have it. Wow, what a deal I'm going to save a grand. Well, his camper ended up in the farm junk yard out in the north 40. We pulled up to it , and it's full of yellow jackets... stinging wasps. I finally found my way into it, and started dismantling the front. With the wasps swarming, Karroll said I'll be right back, going to get some wasp spray. Before we were done he got stung once in the hand. We got it back to my place, and it wasn't exactly the same, he said but the cooling system's the same. He took off as I was removing the cooling units, when I went to put the one from his into mine they weren't exactly the same either. He didn't come back till late in the evening, and said how'd it go I said they're not the same. The next day Marilyn, and I spent the whole day shopping in Rochester for a small sized refrigerator, and all the odds, and ends that I'd need to get the hole in the camper filled. Yesterday morning I started doing the modifications to the trailer so the fridge would fit, when to my surprise Karroll shows up, what you doing, working on getting this fridge into the trailer. that's when I got to work on his truck. John the refrigerator is yet to get into trailer. Karroll leaves for South Dakota Wednesday... no come to think of it tomorrow's Sunday, I'll getter done tomorrow. With all this it's been a time of reflection for me it was 50 years ago, on the 4th, the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened, I had been on Okinawa less than a week. I think of this, and the Living Tree Memorial Park you've had so much to do with Harry, it means a lot to us ole vets that there are these places of remembrance. For me a special thing happened here in Fillmore County we were chosen for a State Veterans Cemetery, it's under construction as I pen this. I'll be one of the first into the County V.A. Office to reserve my plot. It's in a beautiful location on a bluff overlooking the Root River, and the Root River State Bicycle Trail that I've pedaled more mile on than any other place. Just one last though to do with your oak tree, when I established my 3 acres of Rare, and Declining Habitat I planted 300 mixed oak, an old farmer at the time said why are you planting oak You'll never live to see the first acorn. The other day as Karroll and I were heading out our driveway, stopped by one of the white oak, and said I thought that guy said you wouldn't see an acorn on these trees, that little oak was loaded with them. Reckon even a farmer can be wrong once in a while. Well Harry I can smell grilled chicken, and the cook says one call ,and it goes out the window! Warmest regards to all the MU Bunch! When you come for a visit to California you should hook up with Mike Houston ’61. He loves riding and puts in hundreds of miles each week. ... The Apache Review of Arts . . . “Chance favors the prepared mind.” By John Parks MARVIN BELL SAID ---- “Much of our lives involves the word “no”. In school we are mostly told, 'Don't do it this way. Do it that way.' But art is the big yes. In art, you get a chance to make something where there was nothing." AUGUST FIRST ---- was the 75th anniversary of Glenn Miller's orchestra recording In the Mood, one of the best swing songs ever and the ARA song of the week. Our parents took Cris and me to see “The Glenn Miller Story” at the El Rey. It was an excellent movie and a great introduction to his music, which will probably live forever. Enjoy it once again here:;_ylt=AgrW78mffAKYCFV7Wkkr6ECbvZx4?p=you+tube%2C+ glenn+miller+in+the+mood&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-764&fp=1 THE TETON PEAKS ---- Most images of the Tetons are made from Jackson Hole. This picture was taken from the west, just before sunrise. The photographer was probably standing on the cemetery hill where many residents of the Alta, Wyoming community are buried, including my mother's parents. Grandpa Christensen bought that land in the foreground and, with help from his six sons, cleared it of sagebrush and willows to create the hayfield you see now. Farmboys in that country now get muscular moving giant sprinkler pipes, the ones spraying here, twice day. To the left of this little valley is Targhee Ski Resort, surrounded by Targhee National Forest, adjoining Teton National Park. If you ever want to stay overnight in this area I suggest you check out my cousin's B&B: “Wilson's Creekside Inn”. When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down; Creep home, and take your place there, The spent and maimed among: God grant you find one face there, You loved when all was young. "Young and Old" by Charles Kingsley THE VETERANS MEMORIAL BUILDING ---- in Vallejo was the venue for some graduation “all night parties”. I was told the other day that some big names in entertainment performed there at “The Vets”: James Brown, Brook Benton, Ike and Tina Turner, to name three. Can anyone share their memories of seeing these acts, or other big names play at this hall? ROCHELLE SHROPSHIRE ---- recently asked the “What I Love About Vallejo” group to recall their '50s and '60's in Vallejo. There were two exceptionally interesting responses that I thought you might enjoy reading. The first is by Darryl Chriss: “This is to answer both of your posts about our favorite spot and the 60's, Rochelle: Our crew didn't have just one hangout spot. Most often it was just low-riding from South Vallejo all the way to the Crest through Floyd Terrace and Lofas. And once we got to the Crest we'd head over to "Cross the Highway" (the hood between Miller Ave to Tregaskis on the south side of Springs Rd) via Columbus Parkway through Blue Rock Springs to upper Springs Road. After rolling through Cross the Highway, we'd head south on Laurel to Magazine for a quick roll through Hollywood before retuning back to South Vallejo or getting on the highway heading up to American Canyon turnoff and doubling back to the rest area on I-80. We'd sit there for a while and then decide if we were going to roll on into Benicia, just for the hell of it, or just go park down at the waterfront for a while. Wherever there was a road, we were rolling. We'd stop for an hour here, or a half hour there, but for the most part we rolled. Our crew believed that fish didn't do well in stagnant water so we were always on the move. When we got tired of Vallejo we would roll into the Bay--didn't matter where, Tilden Park, UC Berkeley betting the college boys out of their tuition money at the Blue Cue pool hall on Telegraph or on a ping-pong table at the campus student center, up and down 14th Ave, Lake Merritt, Height & Ashbury, China Town, the Panhandle, Golden Gate Park all the way out to the beach or across the Golden Gate into Tiburon, Stinson Beach and from time to time we'd even venture into Pittsburg (the first time we rolled in, I thought we were actually going to Pennsylvania--I didn't know). Wherever there was a road, we were rolling with Hugh Masekela blasting Grazing in the Grass, War shouting Cisco Kid was a Friend of Mine, the Last Poets talking about the Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Gil Scott Heron singing about Living in the Bottle, Jimi Hendrix blowing our minds with Voodoo Child and Are You Experienced and even Led Zepplin wanting a Whole Lotta Love along with James Brown Saying it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud or the Impressions Moving on Up or Curtis Mayfield by himself with a Diamond in the Back, Sun- Roof Top, Diggin’ the Scene with a Gangsta Lean. We saved the Temptations, the Dells, Smokey and all the other R&B for Friday and Saturday nights when we'd step into a house party three or four cars 4-deep sporting Stetsons and Stacy Adams everybody in the crew smelling like a bouquet of British Sterling Silver or Brute cologne as advertised by Willie Mays. That's how we rolled, 24/7 damn near 365. No guns, no hate'n . . . life was about having fun.” The second response is by Robert James Ventura: “In the sixties a milkman delivered your milk to the porch, glass bottles in a metal rack, toll for the bridges was a dime, gas was 19 cents, you took a city bus everywhere they were a horrible green and tan and where that line ended you got a transfer to continue. We had a beautiful Carnegie Library, a real work of art that was torn down in the ‘70s for a wretched modern one. There was still lots of prejudice, although kids in all neighborhoods amazed at having friends of all ethnic backgrounds, Vallejo had one of the largest concentrations of Filipino families on the west coast. Mare Island was Vallejo in those days and something like one in 6 households made a living off money from MI jobs directly or indirectly. Vallejo had topless joints I remember Flamingo Joes next to the freeway. For a small town there were bars everywhere and there were “little stores” in almost every neighborhood, gas stations were service stations and they would check under the hood, your tires, wash windows, and pump gas. Fast food was rare and places including department stores had “soda fountains” where you sat and ordered food. Folks dressed nice in those days, men in suits and hats with topcoats, women in dresses hats and gloves, still a lot of building going on then so lots of open spaces away from city center, Blue Rock Springs had a train and Ferris wheel. Seemed like a lot less crime then, we played in the streets all day, other parents of the kids you hung out with had a green light to spank you if you got out of line, then you would get it again after you got home. Families were mostly spiritually centered, almost everyone I knew went to church of some kind on Sundays. At Grant school there were “hot dog days” where you would buy a hot dog and a little sundae cup with the wooden spoon for ten cents, or was it a quarter? Naps in school on those funky rugs, brothers had fros and carried cake cutters to comb them, everyone started wearing their hair long then, peace signs popped up everywhere as a result of the Vietnam war, stories of what was happening there were horrific, but not as bad as the stories our friends told when they returned from serving there. Motown and pop/rock music ruled, am radio, blue jeans (not ridiculous 250 dollar pairs on kids), the Mare Island horns reminded us day round what time it was, just as the bells from St. Vincent's.” IF YOU LIVE IN THE VALLEJO AREA ---- and like good photography, try to visit this exhibit. You'll see some work featuring local sites and sights that will probably make the visit worth your while. photo of Mare Island Shops WHO KNEW? ---- Along the coast of San Mateo county is an interesting place name: Vallejo Beach. The review I encountered the other day said this: “For camping people there are campgrounds in the vicinity. There are more pastimes here other than simply hanging out at the beach, such as boating, golfing, swimming, hiking, whitewater paddling, and fishing, so being without pastimes won't occur. At this section of shore you will not ever have a bad time. Vallejo Beach has so much fun stuff available; it is an incredibly good beach.” Go for it. LESLIE HOLLISTER, DO YOU REMEMBER ---- when my Brer Rick and your Brer Jim, as 1969 seniors at VHS, and fans of James Brown, went to his concert at the Oakland Coliseum? Rick said he thought they were the only whites there, though I doubt that was correct. They really enjoyed this young adventure. The Marcuse brothers across the street told me about Big Don Barksdale and KWBR when I was 11, and that is where I first heard "James Brown and the Flames" songs, most of which were fast, but I liked his ballads even better. This is a good movie bio about him -- though it jumps back and forth between different times in his life too much. If you like his music you'll like the movie. I THINK I FIRST LEARNED ABOUT THE “BIG FOUR” ---- (Stanford, Crocker, Huntington, and Hopkins) in Harry Gray's US History class. In the past few months I've taken my grandchildren on miniature train rides both here in Burke, VA and at the zoo in Oakland, CA, and both trains were named “The C.P. Huntington”. I happen to know that trains with this name also run at Cabin John in Maryland and at the San Diego Zoo. I was curious as to “why” this name and here's what I learned: “In 1863 one of the first locomotives purchased by the Central (later Southern) Pacific Railroad was named in honor of Collis P. Huntington, president of this company. (It was contracted by the Government to build the western portion of the transcontinental railroad.) The locomotive was preserved and can now be seen at California's State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. In 1960 a company called Chance Rides began selling a small replica of this engine to pull cars for children's train rides across the country. As of 2012, a total of 365 different C.P. Huntington train sets had been built for customers around the world. In popular culture the unique design of the C.P. Huntington locomotive inspired the appearance of The Little Engine That Could in storybook renderings.” SMOKEY THE BEAR TURNS 70---so invite him to the ’62 Party NOTE THE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING ---- in this very early drawing of Vallejo. Courtesy Tracy Valline VALLEJO CHOSEN TO BE STATE CAPITOL CITY! ---- This article has been clipped from the Sacramento Transcript Keep calm and stay cool, John ... Comedy Corner Join the battle of the sexes by sending your idea of what passes for humor to the Monday Update. Please try to keep it clean. After all we have old people reading this stuff. “ …for the hers… Carol Egidio-Murray ‘63 Several days ago as I left a meeting at a hotel; I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police, gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all, "Honey," I stammered "I left my keys in the car and it has been stolen." There was a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard his voice. "Are you kiddin' me", he barked, "I dropped you off"! Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me." He retorted, "I will, as soon as I convince this policeman I have not stolen your car." …for the hims… from Anonymous A woman stopped by, unannounced, at her son's house. She knocked on the door and then walked in. She was shocked to see her daughter-in-law lying on the couch, totally naked. Soft music was playing, and the aroma of perfume filled the room. "What are you doing?!" she asked. "I'm waiting for Mike to come home from work." "But you're naked!" the mother-in-law exclaimed. 24 "This is my love dress," the daughter-in- law explained. "Love dress? But you're naked!" "Mike loves me and wants me to wear this dress," she explained. "It excites him to no end. Every time he sees me in this dress, he instantly becomes romantic and ravages me for hours on end. He can't get enough of me." The mother-in-law left. When she got home, she undressed, showered, put on her best perfume, dimmed the lights, put on a romantic CD, and lay on the couch, waiting for her husband to arrive. Finally, her husband came home. He walked in and saw her laying there so provocatively. "What are you doing?" he asked. "This is my love dress." she whispered sensually. "Needs ironing," he said. "What's for dinner? The poor bastard never heard the gunshot. ... “Who you callin’ an Old Geezer?!” This feature will appear in large font to make it easier for some of you to read. 25 Submitted by Janet Vieira-O'Gara ‘64 ... On the Sidelines The latest news on athletes with Vallejo roots Jeff Gordon after winning the Coors Light Pole Award for the Pure Michigan 400, the four-time series champion set a new track record in the final round of qualifying with a lap of 206.558 mph en route to nabbing his second straight Coors Light Pole Award. And that was just for starters... Jeff led for 68 laps yesterday, and got his 3 rd win of the season and the 91st of his career. And to think, some people thought he was washed up. The hometown favorite is also back in the lead for the The Championship series. All the indicators were there that Jeff was going to have a great race. His pole win was the sixth at Michigan, second this season and 76th of his career. In addition, Gordon set the seventh-fastest pole speed ever in Sprint Cup Series history and the 199th career pole for Hendrick Motorsport. Yesterday, Jeff took the lead with 17 laps to go and held off the field for the win. Jeff ranks first among active drivers and third all-time. It was the third time he's won at Michigan, and the first time in over 13 years. Gordon became the fourth driver this season to win three Sprint Cup races, Next Week: Irwin Tools Night Race at the Bristol Motor Speedway ... CJ Anderson improved his chances of staying with Denver after a good effort yesterday against the SF 49ers and the . He carried 9 times for 29 yards and a touchdown and caught 2 passes for 11 yards. He seems to have come back in good shape after a mild concussion in las weeks pre-season game vs. Seattle. ... Rashad Ross was placed on waivers by the Redskins on Monday. Hopefully he’ll be able to catch on with some other team. ... Gerald Washington, a 2000 Vallejo High School graduate, is a 32-year-old heavyweight professional 26 boxer who will put his 13-0 mark on the line as he fights Nagy Aguilera at the Allan Witt Sports Center in Fairfield on August 22 . "It's going to be amazing," Washington said. "There is going to be a lot of my friends and family that will get a chance to see me box for the first time. It will be nice for them to see me compete in person.” Washington said he first started getting into boxing in the second grade, as he would constantly go to the Omega Boys & Girls Club in Vallejo before that boxing gym closed down. Around the time Washington turned 15, he put the gloves away, however, and played tennis at Vallejo High for four years and then decided to play varsity football for his senior year. After graduating from Vallejo High, Washington joined the U.S. Navy, serving as a helicopter mechanic. After four years with the Navy, he went on to play junior college football at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga. While at Chaffey, he was recruited by USC. Washington would play defensive end for the Trojans and won three Rose Bowl games. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in sociology, Washington tried out for the Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks but he was cut both times. It was around this time he began the itch to start boxing again. Washington, at 6’ 6: and 250 pounds, started 3-0 under his first trainer, Mike Rodriguez, but he moved on to join forces with trainer John Pullman after his third fight. Washington currently spends a lot of time training at Pullman's Gym in Southern California. In 2012 Washington began his professional boxing career. ... Okay, Readers, send in that little short story, essay, poem, remembrance or whatever, you always thought deserved to be published and we’ll use it here. “Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? It took me years to write, will you take a look?” Paperback Writer Robin In the dark tunnels of life 27 lives a lonely man What drives a comic to such desperation as to take his life? Two divorces his money is gone a ranch in Napa he could not afford sold Good morning Vietnam! Robin, your mind is savant your energy could not save you was there not something to turn too? Cocaine and alcohol, two bad raps depression the killer your friends saw it in your eyes where the light once was Robin, life was desperate now so are we how little we knew a voice, your voice should only a memory to be? ... Ron Collins ‘60 ... This week’s Newbies . From: Janet Vieira-O'Gara ‘64 I was in Raley's this morning and a guy in front of me had the Vallejo Sports Hall of Fame 2014 shirt on, so I started talking to him. It was Royan Hammond ‘80 inducted in Hall of Fame for boxing. I told him about the MU and he'd never heard of it. so, here's his e-mail ... Thanks, Janet. We also welcome Elizabeth Hardy-Gross, Michael Routh HH64, Virginia Buck-Apt ’64, and Carla Barber-Marrington HH64 to the Monday Update. ... 28 In Memoriam From: Sally Diavatis Pat and I worked together at Solano Middle School and Vallejo High. I was hired by Saxon Math to help Pat sell the concept at conferences. She was a good friend and I’ll miss her very much. Patricia M Wrigley SV59 January 2, 1941 – August 9, 2014 Patricia (Pat) Mary Desmond Wrigley, 73, died on August 9, 2014 at Sutter Solano Hospital after a long illness. She was born January 2, 1941 to Earline and Lawrence Desmond, and was a lifetime resident of Vallejo. She graduated from St. Vincent's High School, studied languages in Switzerland through the University of Portland, and received her Masters' degree in Special Education from UCSF. She taught in Vallejo Schools throughout her career in both regular and special education classes. She also developed and authored a series of math textbook adaptations for students with learning disabilities for the Saxon Math program, which has been used in schools throughout the United States. She is survived by her husband, Harry Wrigley, children Rebecca, Joseph, and Sarah Wrigley, sisters Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart, O.P and Margaret Eyheralde (Ron), and sister-in-law Maria Desmond. She was preceeded in death by her parents Larry and Earline Desmond, and her brother Robert Desmond. A memorial service and interment will be held at All Souls Cemetery, 550 Glen Cove Rd., on September 13th at noon. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate contributions toward funeral expenses. ... The Last Word… The Annual Napa/Solano Greek Community Greek Festival this past weekend was a big hit again with hundreds, if not thousands, of people showing up to buy gyros, moussakka, pastichio, lamb, Greek Salads, Souvlaki and, of course, those oh-so-yummy pastries. I showed up both days long enough to say hello to a few friends and also to buy enough pastries to last for a couple of days. ... The Ongoing Saga of Sally You see, what Sally had actually requested was an E ticket but somehow ended up with an ER ticket. Yep, last Monday we found ourselves visiting the good doctors and nurses at the Vacaville Kaiser again. This time because her blood count was practically non-existant. They 29 gave her 4 units of blood and sent her home on Wednesday. She is feeling a thousand per cent better, although still bothered by the Shingles. She was told that the pain could last for quite a while. Hopefully, she’s “turned the corner” and is on the mend. Oos... spoke too soon. This morning Sally discovered that there is a new rash and it looks as if the shingles is recurring. The kid just can’t catch a break! ... My new addition to the backyard patio is finished and I’m real pleased at how it turned out. At least that part of the yard now serves a purpose and will give us added space when we entertain. Sally and I enjoy having friends over and at least twice a year we’ll have a large party... usually at Christmas (indoors) and in August in the back yard. ... I have a policy that I get a haircut at least twice a year whether I need it or not. My hairdresser (barber) is none other than my good friend Cooky Longo. Poor thing... she’ll never get rich with me as a customer. Thanks for starting your Monday with me... hd ... If your class is having an event within the next year let us know and we’ll keep it posted on the Calendar. MU Calendar of Upcoming Events Date Event Place Aug. 22, 2014 VHS ’58 Pot Luck Picnic Blue Rock Springs Time 11a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 22, 2014 VHS ’62 Seventieth Birthday Party Green Valley CC 5 p.m. Aug. 23, 2014 VHS ’57 Annual Picnic Lighthouse – Vallejo Noon Sept. 12, 2014 DelRosario Memorial Golf Tourn. Blue Rock Springs West Sept. 13, 2014 HHS ‘74 Forty Year Reunion Picnic Pena Adobe Park-Vacaville Sept. 13, 2014 VHS ’69 Forty Five Year Reunion Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant – Vallejo 12:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 5 p.m. VHS Class of ’54 – Sixty Year Reunion Sept. 20, 2014 Reunion Dinner Zio Fraedos Restaurant – Vallejo 5 p.m. Sept. 21, 2014 Brunch at Passini’s Passini’s – 117 Raines Ct. 10:30 a.m. 30 VHS Class of ’74 – Forty Year Reunion Sept. 27, 2014 Reunion dinner Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant – Vallejo 6 p.m. SV Class of ’64 - Fifty Year Reunion Sept. 27, 2014 Reunion dinner Eagle Vines Golf Club – Napa 6 p.m. Oct. 4, 2014 Oct. 5, 2014 VHS Class of ’59 – Fifty Five Year Reunion Reunion Dinner Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant – Vallejo Picnic Blue Rock Springs – Vallejo 5 p.m. 11 a.m. ... Public Service Announcement Lilac Branch of Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties presents “Viva Italia” Fall Fundraiser Benefiting Green Valley Country Club 35 Country Club Drive Fairfield, CA Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 No Host Bar Silent Auction 4pm– 5:30pm Dinner at 5:30 pm Attire : Festive Casual (no denim) Please share this information with all of your friends who may wish to attend. If you are not on our mailing list and would like to receive an invitation Please contact Jeanne Mackie ( HP707-422-0573 31 ... Jazz for All Occasions The Dalt William Quintet featuring Marcella Hooks Jazz For All Occasions is a “swinging” group of musicians committed to performing America’s #1 art form… JAZZ. These talented musicians are particularly skilled in performing the great American songbook. Be it Swing, BeBop, Latin, Fusion... Upcoming Shows Sticky Rice Bistro and Bar Fairfield Saturday, September 6 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. The Sardine Can Vallejo Marina Sunday, September 14 5 p.m. Suzie Schmutz will once again this year swim a mile on Sunday, Oct. 5th to raise money for the Women’s Cancer Resource Center. I encourage our MU readers to support Suzie in her efforts. And don’t forget, your donation is tax deductible to the extend allowed by law. To donate to Suzie’s swim please go to: 32 To donate by check, make it out to the W.C.R.C. and mail it to Suzie. Contact her directly and she will provide you with her home address: ... ADDENDUM ONE: Reunion and Event Announcements (Send us your upcoming events and/or reunions and we’ll post them here every week until your event.) 33 34 35 All Alumni, Family and Friends are invited! When: Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:30 am to 4:00 pm Where: Pena Adobe Park 1 Pena Adobe Road Vacaville, CA Cost: $20.00 per person (Children 12 and under: $10.00) Main dishes, sides and dessert provided, please bring your own beverage, lawn chair, hats and sunscreen. Please RSVP and send payment by September 1, 2014 Pay via PAYPAL to or send check payable to: Linda Becker, 1225 Skyline Drive, Vallejo, CA 94591 For more Information, contact: Faith WeHara O’Hara @ 707-246-0019 or email: Linda Casinias Becker @ 707-642-7170 or email: Beth Dwyer Barlow @ 707-334-2218 or email: Lori Jones Morgan @ 707-678-3851 or email: 36 Vallejo High Class of '69 45 Year Reunion Saturday, September 13th Zio Fraedo's Vallejo Marina Appetizer's served at 5pm Buffet dinner to follow $69 per person. Reservations by July 30th $85 per person at the door Contact: for any questions/details 37 WOW!!!!!!! VHS CLASS OF ‘54 60 Year Reunion Saturday, September 20, 2014 Dinner at the waterfront Zio Fraedo's 23 Harbor Way - Vallejo 5-6 p.m. 6 p.m. “Meet and Greet” (No Host Bar) Dinner $54 each for the class of '54 Dinner Menu Mixed green salad with raspberry vinaigrette and candied walnuts and seasonal fruit Choice of: * Chicken Toscana “ topped w/ artichokes “mushrooms * Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon in Garlic Butter sauce * Choice aged New York Steak Sirloin Strip Char Broiled Dessert: Chocolate Mousse Sunday, September 21, 2014 10:30 a.m. “Brunch at Passini’s” (add $10) 117 Raines Ct. - Vallejo, CA 94591 Please RSVP and send your check and SOME WRITTEN NOTES ABOUT YOU. Are you still working? Married? The best thing you learned in high school? Just what are you doing with your life? Aw c'mon...let's make this fun! If you're not coming, send us info anyway. We'd like to know about you! Send $10 and we'll send you 'class info' on what everybody is up “to! The age old committee Joe, John, Helen, Ed, Arlene, Alex, and long “distance Barbara, look forward to seeing you all again and “catching up” on your news. Questions? Call or email Alex: n a m a s t e f r o m a l e x @ g m a i l . c o m or John j r a m a r a n t @ y a h o o . c o m (707) 373 “6468 ... 38 (707) 554-2713 ... ADDENDUM TWO: Missing Classmates (Reunion committees: Send me your lists if you want them posted here.) VHS Class of 1959 Missing Please contact Frank Bodie Addington Addison Allen Ambrose Andrews Annoni Aranas Aranas Axtell Bailey Beverly Reid Barbara J. Judith Charles Dyanne Jennie Jerry Barbara Helen Gibson Gibson Gilbert Gilmer Gordon Gracy Graham Gray Gustafik Harris Judith Roberta Jacqueline Erma Bert Samuel Adrian George William Lillie 39 Peck Pereira Perruchon Petersen Petrillo Pflueger Jr. Phenix-Turnage Pollard Pratt Puebla Jane Raquel Gloria Nancy Anthony Albert Norma Arthur Aundria Martin Ball Banks Bantugan Baptista Jr. Barlocha Barrett Baughman Bauserman Bayles Bell Bennett Beverett Binneweg Bircher Blount Jr. Bolander Booras Botello Bowen Jr. Bowen-Jerde Bowers Boylan Bradeen Jr. Brainard Braito Brasier Bray Briggs Brinkley Brown Brown Brown Brown Brunson Brunson Bryan Jr. Buckingham Buday Buehler Burge Bustamante Byram Caballero Cabot Cagonot Campanian Cantrell Castilliano Catron Chuck Sharon Walter Kathleen Ted Delores Sheila Carolyn Robert Roy Donald Joseph Barton Diane Maurice Wash Wayne Steve Santa Victor Betty Edmund Florence Allan Stanley Susan Judith Carrie Deborah Marva Evaline Howard Shirley Wayne John Margaret Norman Wanda Kathleen Alina Roberta Renaldo Norma Carl Elena Delfin Robert Phyllis Cecilia Arlette Larry Harrison-Robinson Havens Hawkins Hawkins Hayes Heizer Heller Hellman Henderson Henderson Hendrickson Henegar Hess Hickerson Hillard Hilscher Hodge Holsey Horine Horn Horn Jr. Hubbard Hudson-McGee Huff Jr. Isaac Jackson Jr. Jewett Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston -Pettit Jordan Joseph Kelly Kidd Klahn Klay Kleinmaus-Hogan Koenig Kratzer Kuehl Lawrence Lee Lennard Lennear Lerseth Lettle Mary Mary Arthur Cornine Darlene Catherine William Phyllis Eleanor Frances Carol Audrey Carolyn Morris Judith Jacqueline Richard Saundra Carolyn Lawson Willie Bennie Beverly Marvin Gaynell Paul Joan Deann Doria Dorothea Jack Laura Valora Karen Carolyn Walter Esther Yvonne Allen Sharon Marne William Earl JoAnn Yvonne Lenard Louis Jean Don Charles 40 Quick Quigley Rapisarda Raty Ray Rayfield Richardson Jr. Richmond Richwine Riedle Robbins Rogers Rollman Rose Jr. Rosoff Ross Ruffato Rumans Rutz Sage Salisbury Sampson Schock Selby Shanklin Sherseth Shorey Shrum Shumate Silva Silva Sinibaldi Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Jr. Soldavini Sorg Sparks Spring Starr Steinheimer Stepps Stockli Stopponi Strode Strong Sullivan Patricia Fred Joan Barbara Frances Otto Thomas Paul Dorothy Barbara Rochelle Richard Jeffrey Joseph Abraham Stuart Richard Robert Sue William Roy Nannie Sally Janet James Beverly Daniel Christie Jody Elaine Patricia Joseph Clyde Everett Jeanette Kathleen Velma Richard Joan Gordon James Dalvin George Judy Oddie June Mary Nancy Mary David Clark Clarke Clavo Coggins Cohen Comacho Companian Cook Cook Coon Cortez Cowen Cox Cox Cozens Craver Crick Cronhardt Crooks Crouch Crouse D'Agosta Damian Davis Dearmon Dees DeLaTorre Delgado Denig III Devine Dittman Donahue Drake Draper Jr. Drury Duane Earnest Easton Edwards Epps Estes Farr Ferronato Fitzpatrick Flynn Foerder Ford Fralick III Fraser Frye Elred Lenlenee Carol John Peggy Carmen Robert Edgar Robert Dean Richard Wilbur Richard Robert Nancy Kenneth Helen Nancy Rosemary Carole Karen Toni Tom Burnell Robert Judith Maria Adelita Robert Charles Alice Rodger Frances Feign Dennis Carolyn Yevette Sara Susan Earl Lee Kenneth William Jane Sheila Larry Richard Frederick Judith Patricia Lewis Lombard Lorenzo -Dees Lowry Luke Luzano Magarian Mahan Manning Marcacci Martin Martindale Mata Matlock Mattioda McCaslin McCormick McGee McKim McMillan McNeill McPherson Means Meiselman Meredith Merritt Miller Miller Miller Miller Misner Mitchell Moore Morgan Morse Munroe Mustain Nelson Nicholson Nolan Norris-Wilson Northway Nugent Nunn Nylund Obee Jr. O'Gara O'Neal Orpilla Orth-Murrietta Dennis Gloria Paulette Glen Ethel Sammy Patricia Dave Tituda Toni Kathryn Dennis Beatriz Martha Renaldo Carolyn Diane Essie Lola Carol Tim Judy Dale Charles Ray Melvin Bonnie Harry Robert Warren Kenneth Patricia Linda Grace Robert Dick Yvonne Sandra David Dixie Gaytha Jennie Joyce James Richard Russell Douglas John Patricia Joyce 41 Sweet Talbot Talley Taylor Terrell Thomasson Thompson Thompson-Hughes Till Tilley Tillmon-Baulwin Tipton Tolliver Torres Trotter Tuchyner Umipeg Jr. Vickrey Waddell Walker Walls Walsh Welsh Walsh Ward Warnes Warren Wentz West West White White Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Jr. Willman Wilson Wilson Wright Yee-Low Young Young Zucchero Lorna Charles Calvin Virginia Robert Philip Darwin Mary Eugene Georgia Pearl Paul Theoplis David Hursie Rosalyn Marcelo James Carol Diane Annie Jerry Jerry Judy Charles Karen Donald Richard Cora Jane Bertha Jane Bruce Frances Hal Hardy Jean Julia Sally Pat Dorothy Stuart Thomas Helen Cheung Sing Lillian Angelo Galbraith Galiza Geilfuss Germain Minnie Frederick Dale Leo Palmer Park Parker Parker Parnell Eloise Shirley LeRoy Velma Myrtle ... VALLEJO HIGH CLASS OF 1974 MISSING CLASSMATES If you know the address of any of these missing classmates, please email their address to Adams, Cynthia Addison, Linda Allison, Sharon Anderson, Bobbie Anderson, Rocky Anthony, John Avila, Lou Barnes, Margaret Bates, Sherry Beckman, Michael Bell, Gary Bennett, Karen Bickford, David Bierley, Lesley Borges, Marjorie Bormann, Victor Boyle, Patricia Bradford, Robert Brandon, Steven Brooks, Nancy Brown, Gayle Brown, Paul Browning, Deborah Buck, Deanna Buck, Edward Buseman, Emily Caldwell, Kathleen Camp, Felecia Carter, Eugene Je Chew, Douglas Jr. Murray, Michael P. Nelson, Buddy Nicholson Sybil Padilla, Frank Paiva, Dave Parjarillo, Carlos Parker, Bonita Parker, Timothy Parrish, Gloria Patterson, Patrick Perkins, Debra Peterson, Simon Piccolo, Pina (Josephine) Pillow, Patricia Pires, Rhonda Pitchford, Rhonda Pittman, Alphonzo II Porter, Sharon Pryor, Jonathan Racks, Floyd Cooks, Janice Cornelius, Rita Costa, Sharon DAVIE, Rodney Davis, Della Davis, Demetria Dean, Kenneth Dempsey, Ginny Dempsey, Mary Diaz, Louis Reynolds, Bill Reynolds, Mickie Roberts, Homer Jr. Robertson, Barbara Robinson, Georgia Robinson, Kim Rodriquez, Emily Rogers, Jeffrey Rose, Teresa Rowland, Christine Rowland, Michael Russell, Lynn Sanchez, Manuel Santos, Bruce Seeler, Connie Shaw, Hosea Shinn, Robert Simmons, Jo Ann Simmons, Sandra Simpkins, Trina Sims, Carl Sims, Linda Singer, Shelley Slaughter, Cheryl (Herrick) Smith, Donald Smith, Johnny Smith, Kerneza Smith, Nathan III Solia, Tony Sowells, Karen 42 Johnson, Janet Johnson, John Johnston, David Jones, Arthur Jones, Betty Jones, Delthia Jones, Lawrence Jones, Michael C. Kelley, Honorine Kepney, Janice Kilgore, Evelyn Kirk, Marlene Kirven, Gary Knox, Jessica LaMarque, Janice Lane, David III Leary, Michael Levin, David Lew, Dora Lewis, Cheryl Lofton, Michael Tobenkin, John Tolbert, Susan Topolinski, Mike Torres, Stephanie Tucker, Janice Turner, Carolyn Turner, Samuel Valdez, Celestine Vegas, Margaret Christensen, Beverly Clark, Debra Clark, Gerald Collins, Carl Collins, Debra Collins, Eddie Louton, Paul Low, Lori Lunde, Gloria Maccoun, James Martin, Gerald Jr Martinez, Francisco Martinez, George Martinez, Jake Matlock, Charles Mattros, Sherri McClain, Vince McClure, Beverly McCormick, Roberta McCullum, Linda McGregor, Ronda McKinney, Shawn Miles, Gary Miller, Darrell Miller, David Mills, Glorya Moore, Christine Moore, Jon Moore, Michael Morgan Roberta Morris, Vicky Morton, Linda (Whitley) Murphy, Pamelia Dion, Monica Dixon, Clifford Donnelly, Carol Duenas, Connie Dunphy, Mary Easterling, Clency Ellis, Loretta Erdman, Douglas Ernst, Daniel Floyd, Ava Ford, Doris Frazier, Michael III Frisch, Deborah Garcia, Robert Garvey, Carol Gibson, James Gibson, Melanie Golder, Deborah Goodwin, Victor Gorham, John Granger, Emily Gray, Ronald Greene, Aretta Griffin, Gwendolyn Hackett, Veronica Hahn, Ronald Hall, Monica Hantke, Kathleen Harris, Yvonne Rauch, Richard Reed, Phyllis Renker, Mark Reusser, Deborah Spencer, Debbie Stone, Robert Story, Carol Taijito, Evelyn Taylor, Alice Taylor, Cecli Taylor, Mary Taylor, Mel Terrell, Sheron (Pittman) Tevaseu, Pepe Thomas, Julie Thompson, Bobby Thompson, Joe Jr. Thompson, Tyrone Thurmon, Carolyn Harrison, Mark Hartman, Ralph Hartshorn, Gilbert Harvey, Robert Heath, Ronald Hernandez, Christine Hicks, Bernice Hlebcar, Julie Hollis, Frank Howell, Robert Ibarra, Blanca Jackson, Evelyn Jackson, Gregory Velasco, Jane Venegas, Darlene Vestal, Phyllis Walker, Dale Walker, Tommie Wallace, Denise Wallace, Mark Watkins, Charles Watson, Blancho Webb, Michael White, Gloria White, James Jr. Whorton, Denise Williams, Janice (Sample) Wilson, Crystal Winn, Paulette Wolfe, Leo Wolfe, Rita Wood, Ewell Wright, Ken Wright, Robert Young, Mark Young, Patrick Young, Roshell Youngblood, Mary (Cherry) Jackson, Vernon Jefferson, Allen Jeffries, Danita Johnson, Donald Jr. Johnson, James ... ADDENDUM THREE: Misc. Info The Who’s Who of Vallejo Musicians can be found at the site. Please send the names of musicians who have ties to Vallejo to the MU along with some information about them. The only criteria to be on this list, at the present time, is that you have had to have been an active professional musician, past or present, with ties to Vallejo. ... 43 THE FINE PRINT The Monday Update Publisher/Editor: Harry Diavatis Published: Weekly First Edition: Oct. 26, 2004 Circulation: 1,265 subscribed (est. readers 1400+) The Monday Update was originally intended to serve as a newsletter for members of the VHS Class of ’62. Over a period of time, members of companion classes (1960, ’61, ’63, and ’64) and from Hogan and St. Vincent’s, indicated an interest and began participating. Today the Monday Update has a wide and varied range of readership ranging from 1937 and into the 1990s. We also have several -guests” who have no direct affiliation with Vallejo whatsoever but are able to relate to the era.. Anyone who has an interest in, or is nostalgic for, our era is welcomed to participate. Back issues from as far back as 2007 are available on line at To subscribe to the MU go to and click on the Link- Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter.” There is no charge for accessing the Update… just the expectation that subscribers will periodically “contribute” something to the overall effort, such as a personal update, archival pictures, news, memories, anecdotes, true confessions etc… anything that may be somehow relevant or interesting to our readership as a whole. The Editor reserved the right to print, delete, or edit contributions at his discretion and is solely responsible for the content of the Update. If you send us an email and DO NOT want it published in the Update please be sure to state as much, and we will respect your wishes. The MU respects your privacy. Personal information, including email addressess and phone numbers, will not be given out without your permission. The Monday Update is not financed by, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of: Vallejo High School; the VHS Class of 1962; or the VHS ’62 Reunion Committee. (And it sure as hell doesn’t reflect the Vallejo School Board!) ... The Official VHS Class of ’62 Web Site Administrator: Bill Strong Asst. Admin: Harry Diavatis Class size: Located: Missing: Deceased: Total on File: 441 197 133 771 All members of the VHS Class of ’62 are listed on the site including Missing and Deceased classmates. Members of VHS ’62 are asked to log on to the site, register, fill out a profile and send in a current picture. Non class members may also participate and should log on as “guests.” ... YEARBOOKS ON CD Thanks to Bill Strong, many of the Yearbooks from Vallejo High, Hogan High and St. Vincent’s High are available on a CD. (Also quite a few of the Junior High Schools.) The MU will be happy to send you a personal copy, of your choice, on a CD for a free will donation towards the Class of ’62 party fund. The average donation has been $35. You may order up to five (5) yearbooks for the same donation. Bill Strong keeps finding and scanning yearbooks from all the Vallejo schools so the list keeps growing. To find out which Yearbooks are available please send your request to 44 Make your check out and send to: Harry Diavatis 5087 Green Meadow Court Fairfield, CA 94533 ... Registration Forms Easy Print Registration/Order Forms The VHS Class of ’62 Seventieth Birthday Party ............................................ 46 The Lou DelRosario Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsorship Form ............... 47 The Lou DelRosario Memorial Golf Tournament Reservation Form ............... 48 St. Vincent’s Class of 64 Fifty Year Reunion Reservation Form ..................... 49 Class of ’74 Forty Year Reunion Reservation Form ........................................ 50 The Class of ’59 Fifty-Five Year Reunion Reservation Form .......................... 51 45 Hey Vallejo High Class of ’62! Our hats off to you... ...and other members of your class as you celebrate your SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY (That’s a lot of candles!) Let’s come together and have a grand celebration for reaching this milestone... Green Valley Country Club –Fairfield Friday, August 22, 2014 5 to 10 p.m. Admission: $15/ $25* per person *For non-class members The fee covers the cost of the dinner and other associated costs with putting on an event. Buffet Dinner Fried Chicken BBQ Ribs Corn on the cob Potato Salad Green Salad Watermelon Please print all information legibly and return to address provided - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name _____________________________ Email or Phone _____________________________ Please include maiden name if applicable VHS ’62 grad OR School attended and year of graduation _______ Yes, I plan on being there to celebrate with the Class of ‘62. Name of guest___________________________ I understand that the cost to attend the event is $15/$25 per person (whether I choose to eat or not) and I have enclosed a check for _____ people in the amount of $__________ Make check payable to VHS62 and mail to: VHS Class of 1962 448 Cedar St. Vallejo, CA 94591 46 47 The Louis Del Rosario Memorial Scholarship Third Annual Golf Tournament Friday September 12, 2014 Blue Rock Springs West Golf Course Shotgun start at 12:30 PM Entry fee of $125.00 per golfer ($400.00 for a foursome) includes green fees, cart, tee prize and dinner. Raffle prizes, silent auction will follow the tournament Scramble format – Closest to the pin and Monte Carlo Holes GOLFER REGISTRATION 1 Name: E-Mail: Handicap/Average Score (circle one): 2 Name: E-Mail: Handicap/Average Score (circle one): 3 Name: E-Mail: Handicap/Average Score (circle one): 4 Name: E-Mail: Handicap/Average Score (circle one): Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: TEE SPONSORSHIP $125.00 Specify exact wording: E-Mail:______________________________________Phone:__________________ Tax ID: 51-0230236 ADDITIONAL DINNER ONLY: $40.00 per person TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: Make Checks Payable to: Louis Del Rosario Memorial With “2014 Golf Tournament” in Memo Line Mail to: Russ Sturgeon / 727 Beechwood / Vallejo, California 94591 SILENT AUCTION AND RAFFLE Interested in donating a Silent Auction or Raffle Prize? Please contact Veronica “Tiny” Tosh at (707) 695-5622 or (707) 642-2810. 48 49 50 VALLEJO HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1959 55th CLASS REUNION October 4, 2014 October 5, 2014 Dinner/Dance - $75 Picnic - $10 Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant 23 Harbor Way Vallejo, CA 94590 Blue Rock Springs Park 650 Columbus Parkway Vallejo, CA 94591 5:00 p.m. – No Host Cocktails 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner (Roast Beef, Chicken Marsala, Baked Salmon, Pasta Primavera) Class will provide – hot dogs/hamburgers, buns, condiments, plates, & utensils Please bring own beverage and a salad/side dish 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Dancing Public parking - $4/day - $3 for Vallejoans Make check payable to VHS Class of ’59 Mail to Vallejo Senior Hi Class of 1959, 164 Robles Way, Box 237, Vallejo, CA 94591 Information: Dean Craig (707) 980-3838 or Frank Bodie (916) 765-4586 Email: RSVP EARLY - RESTAURANT SEATING LIMITED TO FIRST 150 RESERVATIONS Please return this section with your check payable to “VHS Class of ’59 by September 1, 2014 Name of Classmate (Maiden Name) Address/email Name of Spouse/Guest(s) Number attending Amount of Payment Enclosed Dinner $ Picnic ... 51
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