November 2015 - Runnells Christian Church
November 2015 - Runnells Christian Church
The Good News Runnells Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) A monthly publication of Runnells Christian Church ~ Issue 186~Nov 2015 Annual Bazaar & Harvest Supper Saturday, November14 It’s time for our annual BAZAAR and HARVEST SUPPER. If you would like to make (or buy) something to donate for our craft sale, it will be appreciated. The bazaar and bake sale will start at 3:00 p.m. We have a bake sale where cookies, candies, breads of all kinds, rolls, pies, cakes, jams and jellies are sold. Can you think of anything you can make or bake? Our ROAST BEEF SUPPER is served from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Our roast beef menu includes salad bar, mashed potatoes and gravy, home -grown sweet-corn, green beans, bread, iced tea, coffee and pie for dessert. Adults-$10.00/ Children 6-12-$5.00 / Children 5 & under-free. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US! Any questions about the var ious activities, call -966-2587. Coffee Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. November 1 is All Saints Sunday, the day for remembering those we have loved and who have passed from our earthly presence. Ecclesiastes 3 says; “For everything there is a season…a time to be born and a time to die.” On All Saints Sunday we honor those who have completed their seasons here on earth. Also on that day we will dedicate memorials that have been November 1 given in memory of those who have died since November of 2014. Those whose memorials are being dedicated this year are: Dick Thomas and Max Ingle as well as memor ials used for One of the things for which we new landscaping this year from are very thankful is the gift of Herb Miller and Velma Rinehart. the Word of God. To help our children get into a good habit of reading, we will present Youth Bibles to our 2nd grade It is that time of year to begin thinking and planning for the Outreach class, plus any older children Auction. The auction is the venue used by the congregation to raise who have not received one. money for local outreach. All monies raised from this auction are placed The children we know will receive a bible are in a fund to assist families in the South East Polk district who encounter Brayden Poller, Rylie Beattie, Addison Nelson , emergency assistance for their rent, utilities, etc. Any family in this area Grace Davis, Gavin Thompson. is eligible for assistance once each year. We are hoping that you are able to be a part of our outreach efforts by either: (If you know of any child who should receive their a donation of an item(s) bible this year, please call the church office, 966-2587.) a donation of a service(s) a donation of baked goods or by attending and purchasing items at the auction Last year we exceeded our goal of $5,500! This year we plan to keep our goal at $5,500; however, we will gladly accept any contributions above and beyond. If you are able to provide a donation, please connect with Kristen Danley Greiner, Mary Beth Martin, Julie Underwood The Grief Support Group will meet at church or Beth Sagar. Tuesday, November 10 at 6:30 pm. (Please note If you have never been before, we strongly encourage you to come! It is a night of great fun and fellowship. So save the we have changed to Tuesday evenings.) date: November 29, 2015 at 5:30pm -- the meal is being proPlease contact the church office with any questions. vided by our wonderful CWF cooks! See you there! Bible Sunday- Nov. 15 Outreach Auction—Nov. 29 age of 45 and live with two middle aged children. This is a change from the way it was years ago. Change is happening and the church must change to remain relevant and be a meaningful presence. I have long believed that the church must become “missional.” That is, the church must realize the change that is occurring and react positively to it and in ways that are relevant and attractive to a changing world. But change is not always easy. In the book of Revelation John the Revelator is given a vision of the throne room of God. He sees the One on the throne, a rainbow surrounding the throne, a crystal sea proceeding from the throne, twenty four elders sitting on thrones of their own, and four living creatures. Whenever the four living creatures gave glory and honor to God, the twenty-four elders fell down before God and cast their crowns onto the crystal sea that proceeds from the throne of God. They all sang a song, declaring God to be worthy. One of the interpretations of this vision is that God is worthy to receive honor and glory from all of creation and all of redeemed humanity. Suddenly, the author sees a slaughtered Lamb standing in the midst of the throne room. The Lamb was declared worthy and the four living creatures and twenty four elders sang a new song, declaring that the Lamb is worthy. I know, because change is happening in me, too. As I tried to explain Sunday morning, there seems to come a time when people “just know” that it’s time to move from one chapter of their lives to another. I have enjoyed being your minister. There are some things I hope that I have done well. But as with everyone else, there are some things in every endeavor that I have not been able to do well or at all. I have been in settled ministry for seven years now. Ministry is rewarding; but it can be emotionally and spiritually challenging, too. The truth is, I came to a place these past couple of months where I “just knew” settled long term ministry was beginning to wear me out. There are gifts that I bring to it; but there are other things that I am not so good at that seems to sap my energy. I “just knew” that it was time to turn that chapter in my life. I can’t point to any one event or any two or three or five events. I God, it seems, is always doing something new. just knew that, for me, it was time to turn to From the very beginning the scriptures show us a different priorities. For me, those priorities are progressive understanding of a God doing and spending time with my family. (The prospect of saying new things to Abraham, then to Moses, which of which is scaring my youngest son to then through the prophets and then through death! But revenge can be sweet, can’t it?) As I Jesus. Change is a natural part of life. Change is tried to explain on Sunday, my life seems to have always happening about us and within us. Our been devoted too much to finding affirmation and bodies, for example, are changing every moment identity in work and as a result, my family came in of our existence. The only time change is not second place more often than they should have. happening in us is when we die. Change is also I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated the happening within the Runnells community. The support and affirmation of the congregation. I distance between Altoona and Pleasant Hill isn’t will always remember the way you accepted us as far as it once was. People are moving into the with laughter, good natured ribbing and genuine Runnells area, building homes on acreages and the affection. I will always wish and pray the best for surrounding area is changing. The demographics you. God bless you. God’s very best to all of you that I looked at shows that the average persons in and I will be seeing you along the way. a seven mile area around Runnells are members of Pastor Brad Thornton a younger family. The parents have an average Caring Hands Food Pantry provided by churches, organizations Do you know Donated and families in the SEP area. The October 2015 someone in need of In September of 2015, meal in October will be provided by $50.00 279 families came to the Kim Beyers, and in November Dee assistance in the pantry for assistance, 521 Bucklin is providing the meal. SEP school district? adults and 305 children, making a total of 826 Statistics for the Clothes Hanger for Regular food pantry individuals. A total of September are: 161 families assisted – hours: 8,136 lbs. of food was (315 adults and 206 children) totaling 521 given out this month, along with 275 individuals. Clothing items totaled 2,337 Monday & Wednesday $8.00 vouchers from Fareway and/or and household items 52. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Brick Street Market for perishable foods such as milk, meat and eggs. There has On behalf of our clients, we say, “Thank 1st & 3rd Saturdays been lots of produce (green beans, You,” to all of the individuals, churches, 9:00 am-11:00 am peppers, apples) donated as well. Rent businesses, schools, and organizations for assistance checks for $985.00 were written your generous donations of food, money as well as utility checks for $1,498.02. Items especially and time, and we pray your lives will be richly blessed. needed this month: “Simple Supper” is provided for our food Cream of Chicken Soup pantry clients the last Monday of each From Caring Hands newsletter Cream of Mushroom Soup month from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. This dinner (Small Cans) is held at Adventure-Life Church, but is Caring Hands Food Pantry Please consider helping at the Food Pantry. Runnells Christian Church furnishes 2 volunteers on the third Monday of the month from 4-6 pm. If you are in high school at SEP, this would qualify for the Silver Cord program. Food Pantry Challenge Report The month of October we hosted a Food Pantry Challenge to see which Iowa school has the biggest fan base at RCC. Our big winner for the second year in a row was Iowa State University Of course the biggest winners are the clients of the Caring Hands Food Pantry who received your generous donations. Thanks to everyone who donated! 7 veggies 24 soup 11 pkg mashed potatoes 1 hamburger helper 4 mac n cheese 20 bars soap 10 cereal 5 misc. 2 feminine hygiene products 1 can chicken 6 Dinty Moore beef stew 2 spaghetti 6 chili 6 pasta 3 shampoo 5 rice 22 veggies 20 bars soap 1 soup 13 shampoo 7 toothbrushes 2 jello 5 misc. 1 cereal 5 soup 1 chicken 1 salmon 1 peanut butter 32 soap 2 feminine hygiene products 2 veggies 9 rolls toilet paper 3 shampoo 2 deodorant 2 toothpaste 2 toothbrushes 1 floss $20.00 Please Remember the Food Pantry this month! Chi-Rho and CYF News October was off to a running start for the Chi Rho and CYF at the Caring Hands Hunger Run. Myles Beattie won third place in the 12 and under division. Youth group runners were Carly Phipps, Charlie Roberts, Jane Nelson, McKenna Phillips, and Myles Beattie. Representing the up and coming youth was Zach Funk. Participants from the congregation were Lynn Phipps, Lacey Nelson, Mike Miller, Tiffany Phillips and Katie Temple. The weather was blustery but the race was a great way to raise funds and awareness for Caring Hands. Pumpkinville was our second meeting in October. There was a wonderful crowd of youth and members of the congregation and their families. The maze was daunting, the food was plentiful and the fire was awesome. November will be a service month for the youth groups. On the first we will be making cookie mix in a jar, tying fleece blankets and painting chairs for the church bazaar and the outreach auction. On the 15 th the youth will be going door-to-door in Runnells to collect food for the Food Pantry. Please bring donations to the church if you would like to contribute but don’t reside in Runnells . The meetings will be held at the church from 5:30-7:30. Supper will be provided and friends are welcome. Submitted by Katie Temple Leaders: CYF -Mike and Deb Bracewell Chi Rho—Mike Miller, Julie Underwood, Katie Temple Book Group News We will meet November 24, at 7:00 pm to discuss the book, A Winter’s Dream by Richard Paul Evans. (From the Prologue of A Winter Dream) The story I'm about to share with you begins with a dream. . . . Whether the dream was prophetic or the cause of all that happened, I'll never know. But for years, I kicked myself for telling the dream to my father, who, for reasons I'll never understand, chose to share it with my eleven brothers. Joseph Jacobson is the twelfth of thirteen siblings, all of whom are employed by their father's successful Colorado advertising company. But underneath the success runs a poisonous undercurrent of jealousy; Joseph is his father's favorite and the focus of his brothers' envy and hatred. When the father seems ready to anoint Joseph as his heir, the brothers make their move, forcing Joseph from the company and his Denver home, severing his ties to his parents and ending his relationship with his soon-to-be fianceé. Alone and lonely, Joseph must start a new life. Joseph joins a Chicago advertising agency where his creativity helps him advance high up in the company. He also finds hope for a lasting love with April, a kind woman with a secret. However, all secrets hold consequences, and when Joseph learns the truth about April’s past, his world is again turned upside down. Finally, Joseph must confront his own difficult past in order to make his dreams for the future come true. A Winter Dream is an ingenious modern retelling of the Old Testament story of Joseph and the coat of many colors by the master of the holiday novel. Everyone is invited and welcome! We need help Decorating! Sunday, Nov. 22 after wor ship and Saturday, November 28 star ting at 9:30a.m. we will be decorating the church for the Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, November 29. We need lots of help—people who can climb ladders, fluff garland and who enjoy decorating. Please come help anytime Sunday after worship or Saturday morning. Poinsettia Order Form In order to decorate our church for Christmas, we are offering the opportunity to order a poinsettia. Poinsettias may be dedicated in memory of a loved one or in honor of a living per son. You ar e welcome to take your poinsettia home after worship on Christmas Eve. Last day to Order is Sunday, December 6. 6 ½” Poinsettia # ___ @ $9.00 Total $ _____________ Ordered by: ________________________________ In Memory of :_____________________________ ________________________________ In Honor of: ________________________________ ________________________________ Checks payable to Runnells Christian Church or RCC with Poinsettia written in the memo area. Along with your check, orders may be left in the church office or placed in the collection plate. T h a n k Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your faithful gifts to the Caring Hands Food Pantry! There continues to be a great need in the community as in August, 306 families came to the pantry for assistance needing food, personal items and/or financial help. Nine thousand, ninety pounds of food was distributed. On behalf of those we serve, thank you! Caring hands Food Pantry Y o u Noisy Offering Report We want to thank everyone who supported our October Noisy Offering. You donated $211.12 when our cute, smiling kids passed the metal pans among you. These donations will be used to help support the Jim Elleffson Free Medical Clinic. Our November Noisy Offering will go toward the Caring Hands Food Pantry. Thank you for your support! A great big thank you to the guys who cooked the fish and French fries, Jon Gaudette who made the beans, all the kitchen help and everyone who brought dessert. A special thanks to all who came and supported our fundraiser! We received donations of $1,384.00 and after expenses of $488.70 we have $1045.30 to go toward our general expenses! Jim Adkins Cindy Bensley Blaine Calhoun Don DeGroot Kelly & Jodi Dirks Christopher Greiser Karl Grigg Bob Hershey Donald Kain Gina Kern Cate Kelly Prairie Vista Village: Maria McClellan Doris Miller Maxine Phipps Haelynn Morgan Norwalk Rehab: Carl Mott Randy Waltz Gene & Janet Pepper Prayer Concerns Good Samaritan Center, Belinda Rinehart Indianola: Betty Robbins Brandi Ross Lilith Thomas Kim Wentland The Rose of Des Moines: In an effort to keep our prayer concerns current, Lola Bullington names will remain on the list for four weeks. At Valley View Village: that time names will be removed unless you have called the office to ask that a name remain Jeanne Vermie All Military Personnel Including: Greg Bartelma Troy Bunch Patrick Feeley David Funk Aimee Wells Michael Waltz on the list and give an update on the person’s well-being. Thanks for your help! Home Communion The Elders are taking Communion once a month to those who are homebound, in nursing homes or hospitalized. If you are not receiving Communion or know of someone who would like Communion brought to them, please contact Elder Chair, Tammy Gaudette at 515.957.8324 or 515.707.3715 or Building Loans — Church Extension—15-Year Loans 1) Amount of Loan (May 2008): $340,000.00 New (May 2014) Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $668.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $10,686.10 2015 Building Fund Donations -Paid on Principal $6,910.00 2) Handicap Access Loan (April 2008): $35,000.00 Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $258.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $16,493.81 From October 13: Hello sports fans- here is your highly anticipated Week 5 Update. It was another exciting week of fantasy football. So was Week 4. So exciting, in fact, that the Ol' Commish completely forgot the update. Some teams are still finding their identities and adjusting lineups, others are dialed in and rolling. This is a marathon and not a sprint, however, and often the tortoise catches that hare. Nobody's out at this point and anything can happen. In the Eastern Division, Phillips is tied for the lead with Armed Rodgery and Bracewell Beasts with a record of 3-2. Pink Camo, Terminators, and Team Zak are right behind at 2-3. Good tight race in a very evenly matched East. Over in the Western Division, things are stretched out a little. My Little Ponies is way out in front with an impressive record of 5-0. Starburst and Cheez are tied at 3-2, Kimble is alive at 2-3. Lazy Teenagers and Team Phipps are struggling early on with one win to four losses each. In Week 5, Phillips edged Camo, 124-125. In the Bracewell Bowl, Evan handed Mike a 105-87 loss. Zak got his 2nd win in a low-scoring affair, 70-60. Cheez-its routed Phipps, 103-72. Kimble lost 137-100 to a gritty Starburst squad. In the next couple weeks we'll start to see things more clearly. Everyone is very much alive in the hunt for the ultimate sports prize- the RCCFFL Trophy! Regards, The Commish (Jim Coulson) From October 22: Hello again! Week 6 didn't disappoint- there were several big wins/ losses. Starburst fell to Pink Camo, 119-98; Cheez-Its slipped past Beasts, 101-98; MLP continued her streak with a win over Zak, 125-80; Lazy Teens beat big brother Armed Rodgery, 119-80; Phipps Bested Terminators, 125-114; and Kimble fell to Phillips, 100-84. The East is led by a tough Phillips squad with 4 wins. Camo, Rodgery, and Beasts are locked in a tie for 2nd with 3 wins each. Terminators and Zak are trailing with 2 wins, but are still very much alive.. In the West, MLP still dominates with a 6-0 record, Cheez is close behind with 4 wins. Starburst is in sole possession of 3rd with 3-3, and Kimble, Teenagers, and Phipps are a game back with 2 wins apiece. It's still anybody's trophy to win, and the ever-present injury bug hasn't been too much of a factor as of yet. Lots of games left- stay tuned folks!! As always, please, no pew-side wagering. Kind Regards, The Commish From October 28: Hello folks- here's your highly anticipated Week 7 Update. Zak beat Cheez, 91-57; Camo beat Kimble in a shootout, 153-120; Phillips handed MLP her first loss, 131-103; Terminators bested Teens, 109-71; Beasts over Phipps, 131-96, and Rodgery and Starburst tied with 88 points each. The divisions are stratifying now that the season is moving along, although all 12 teams are very much alive in the Playoff hunt. The West is still led by MLP with a record of 6-1; Cheez is a couple back at 4-3; Starburst is next with 3-3-1 (that tie could cost her later); Kimble, Teens, and Phipps are knotted at 2-5. In the Eastern Division, last year's Champion Phillips is solidly leading with 5-2; Camo and Beasts are a game back at 4-3; Rodgery is hanging around with a record of 3-3-1; Terminators and Team Zak are bringing up the rear with 3 wins to 4 losses. Hopefully this league is as fun for the fans as it is for those in the arena of competition. Once again this year, all of the staff and crew here at RCCFFL-HQ would like to remind our fan base to turn out en masse for the fast-approaching Outreach Auction. It's a wonderful opportunity to have an evening of fun and fellowship, while helping those in our community that are in need. Kind Regards, The Commish (U. S. Post Office requires P.O. Box 30 on all church mail.) Check the calendar for future events in November. For new business, we discussed the need for a committee to gather details on whether to go with new pews or chairs. The committee was formed and quotes will be gathered for future COUNCIL MEMBERS: discussion. We will get the SWOT Sheila Aukes, Chair per son analysis at a future meeting. The Mary Beth Martin, Secr etar y CWF will officially manage the folKatie Temple, Vice Chair per son lowing meals Easter breakfast, Sherry Johnson & Jeff Robbins, Funeral dinners, Bazaar/Harvest supMembership Co-Coordinators Tammy Gaudette, Chair of the Elder s per, Rally Day breakfast, Holiday tea and the Outreach auction dinner. Jill Simonsen & Julie Underwood, Education Co-Coordinators Bill Ingle, Finance Coor dinator Pat Jesse, Missions and Evangelism Bob Miller, Pr oper ty Coor dinator Kathi Burns, Wor ship Coor dinator Would you know where to get first aid supplies or the AED if needed? 1.Where are the First Aid Kits? One is in the secretaries office and one on the north kitchen wall! 2.Where is the AED? The next council meeting is on November 11, 2015 at 7:00pm. In the entryway by the small sanctuary door. (by the elevator) All are welcome to attend the council meetings. The Church Council met on October 14, 2015. There was no old business to discuss. Reports were received from each Committee Coordinator. More details are in the monthly minutes. Runnells Christian Church The Body of Christ: Place Stamp Here J E SUS Building Runnells Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ) 309 Brown Street P.O. Box 30 Runnells, Iowa 50237 (Please use P.O. Box 30 when addressing all mail to Church) Phone: 515.966.2587 E-mail: Website: Church Staff: Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Brad Thornton—515.240.1243 Council Chair: Sheila Aukes Church Secretaries: Barb Miller/Sherry Johnson Children’s Choir Director: Sheila Aukes/Tammy Feeley Bell Choir Directory: Sheila Aukes Pianist: Tammy Feeley Organist: Myrna Hunt Custodian: Leonard Northway Nursery Attendant: Connie Schillinger Growing Address Service Requested Serving
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