January 2016 - Runnells Christian Church
January 2016 - Runnells Christian Church
The Good News Runnells Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) A monthly publication of Runnells Christian Church ~ Issue 188~Jan 2016 Coffee Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all Ages 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Runnells Christian Church Scholarship Fund (Disciples of Christ) In 2010 a scholarship fund was established for eligible youth in our congregation for higher education. Applications are now available in the office for the 20162017 academic year. Guidelines to Apply for the Runnells Christian Church Scholarship Fund The high school student must be accepted by an accredited college, university or technical school, with a “C,” or 2 point grade average. The student must be enrolled in a course of study leading to an accredited degree, associate or undergraduate. Eligibility for Scholarships: 1. Be an active member of the Runnells Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ), Runnells, Iowa. 2. Strive to attend church at least once a month. 3. Should maintain a minimum of regular attendance, at least once a month, in youth group. 4. Consideration for aid will be based upon character and personality, grade point average and involvement in church activities. 5. Scholarship applications are due by April 30, 2016 for the 2016-2017 academic year. Please help us un-decorate the church after worship January 3! Save your bottles & cans! Our youth will be collecting Jan 3 – 10 Our Thanks to Everyone who Purchased Poinsettias! Jerry Adams In memory of Carole Adams Bracewell family In memory of Gene Reed. In honor of Dorothy Reed, Nancy Bracewell and Gary Bracewell Tom Epps In memory of Judith Ann Epps Tammy Feeley In memory of her mom Lori and Belva Freel In memory of Larry, Brenda and Lester Freel John and Norma Grinstead In memory of our parents Lyle and Marlene Gulling In memory of Debra Gulling Hays family & Rebecca Tabor In memory of Howard Hays and W.B. Tabor Myrna Hunt In memory of Burdette Hunt Bill and Marti Ingle In memory of Max and Jeanette Ingle Bill Irwin In memory of Shirley Irwin and Lowell and Maxine Irwin Sherry Johnson In memory of Jim Bullington Cindi Larson and Ben Leal In memory of Ben’s mom, Leona E. Leal and in honor of Bernardo II and Loren and Karen Larson Doris Miller In memory of Herb Miller, John & Alta Wallace, Velma Rinehart, Keith and Vava Gulling Tom & Joyce Miller In memory of Clyde & Pauline Busby, Kenneth & Gretchen Miller Bernie Mills In memory of Delbert Mills Katie Temple In memory of Dr. David Temple Janice Thomas In memory of Dick Thomas JoAnn Thomas In memory of Ed Thomas, Bill and Lona Thomas, Clella and Grover Murrow Caring Hands Food Pantry turkey dinner on Sunday, December Do you know Donated 20th, provided by various churches. December 2015 someone in need of November of 2015 was The January 25th, 2016 meal will be another big month as assistance in the provided by Cross Way Church $100.00 328 families came to the Statistics for the Clothes Hanger for SEP school district? pantry for assistance for November are: 195 families assisted – a total of over 1,000 (391 adults and 326 children) totaling 22 veggies Regular food pantry individuals (635 adults 717 individuals. Clothing items given 20 fruit hours: & 397 children). A total totaled 2,797 and household items-58. 20 bars soap of 8,157 lbs. of food was 18 tuna Monday & Wednesday given out in November, along with 322 On behalf of our clients we say a 4 pasta 4:00 pm-6:00 pm $8.00 vouchers from Fareway and/or “HUGE THANK YOU” to all of the 5 rice Brick Street Market for perishable foods. individuals, churches, businesses, 8 soup A turkey or turkey breast along with all schools and organizations who were Diapers 1st & 3rd Saturdays the “Fixins” for a Thanksgiving meal 9:00 am-11:00 am so very generous in donating food and 6 boxes feminine was also given to each family in Novem- finances to the pantry this Christmas hygiene products ber. Rent assistance checks for $796.98 Season. The Sharon Townsend family 12 misc. were written as well as utility checks for again donated a semi load of food to $598.69. the pantry. It is all so much A “Simple Supper” is provided for our appreciated, and we pray your lives will food pantry clients the last Monday of be richly blessed. Items especially each month from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. needed this month: This dinner is held at Adventure-Life We wish you all a Very Church, but is provided by churches, Merry Christmas!! Canned Peas organizations and families in the SEP THANK YOU FOR LOVING OTHERS Canned Tuna area. The December meal will be a From Caring Hands newsletter Caring Hands Food Pantry Please consider helping at the Food Pantry. Runnells Christian Church furnishes 2 volunteers on the third Monday of the month from 4-6 pm. If you are in high school at SEP, this would qualify for the Silver Cord program. With Prayers and Heartfelt Sympathy Our prayers & Christian sympathy go out to the family & friends of: Please Remember the Food Pantry this month! Betty Postal, Tammy Feeley’s mom who passed away on December 2 at the age of 92. Michelle Aguilera, who passed away on December 19 at her home in Runnells at the age of 43. May God’s peace comfort you in the time of your loss. The Grief Support Group will meet at church Tuesday, January 12 at 6:30 pm. (Please note we have changed to Tuesday evenings.) Please contact the church office with any questions. Michelle Lee Aguilera, 43, passed away Satur day, December 19, 2015 at her home in Runnells. Michelle was born June 26, 1972 in Des Moines, Iowa to Michael and Janice (Kline) Loving. She loved being a grandma and enjoyed spending time with her whole family. Michelle liked all animals and lovingly referred to her pets as her “zoo”. Michelle is survived by her fiancé, Ed Johnston; children, Tabitha Fast (Daniel Hellmers), Tristan Fast (Jaici Pritchard), and Tomas Loving; step-children, Chris Johnston (Hilary) and Raechelle Johnston; her father, Mike Loving (Dee); grandchildren, Nevaeh Hellmers, Aubree Hellmers, Mayva Fast, and Apollo Johnston; siblings, Carol Loving and Rob Loving; “frienda”, Tammy Balderas and her family; aunt, Alice Jean Singh; and other loving family and friends. She was preceded in death by her mother, Janice Loving. A celebration of life will be held from 12 to 3 p.m., Saturday, January 9th at Runnells Christian Church, 309 Brown St., Runnells. CAPtions: In response to a new internal calling that became an itch there seemed no other way to scratch, we moved to our little Warren County farmstead just over four years ago. Our imagination at the time was limited to vegetables – vegetables and a handful of fruit trees. It was a surprising move for two “townies” who had neither experience with nor aspirations for farm life. We were starting from scratch in this endeavor I described as a writing project with an outdoor classroom. In the subsequent years, the garden has grown to a quarter of an acre, the “handful of fruit trees” has grown to a mixed fruit orchard of a couple dozen trees, and inexplicably, despite our vehement protests that it would never happen, we began keeping chickens. The quarter-acre chicken yard now protects 27 heritage breed laying hens of over a dozen breeds, housed in two moveable coops. I've learned a lot from the garden – about seasons, about soil, about plant families and rotation, about patience and attentiveness and pacing and the gift – and sometimes curse – of rain. And I am still learning. I figure on a scale of 1 – 100, I am at about 1.5. But it's the chickens who routinely take me to school. They are a constant fascination – a small civilization with social cliques, pecking order, individual personalities, inspiring friendships, and occasional squabbles. And we have this basic reciprocity: I provide them with food and water, and they provide me with eggs. It's fairly simple. The ratio, however, is rarely even. During certain months, the number of eggs I gather far out-paces the energy I invest. This time of year my investment catches up as the work remains constant while the egg harvest drops to a paltry one or two a day. In the garden, life has fallen dormant and has no need of me until spring. In the chicken yard, however, one truth remains: the chickens don't much care if it is sunny or snowy, balmy or sub-zero. They expect to be fed. In the chicken yard I am tending to life on a much more immediate level. It's tempting to think of a church’s interim season as a kind of garden in winter – quiet, dormant; essentially on hold until the next season of pastoral life begins. The chicken yard, however, is a better metaphor. Living, active, fruitful; not seeing this pastoral winter as altogether relevant. We might feel like sitting back and lazying in through this time in-between, but there is ministry to be done, discipleship to be practiced, faithfulness to be deepened, witness to bear. The chickens expect their food and water and occasional treats regardless of the weather. And the world around us needs the church, whether a pastor is in the office or not. I am excited and honored to share this time with Runnells Christian Church. What I have experienced in our short time together is a talented, positive, resourceful congregation determined to thrive as a Body of Christ. Thanks for sharing ministry with me. Together, we will keep bringing the feed and water, and seeing what kind of eggs we can find. I look forward to seeing you Sunday – if not before. Timothy Cap Diebel Interim Pastor Tim Diebel Cell Phone: 515.201.8503 Email: timdiebel@gmail.com Chi-Rho and CYF News December started with a jolly time of shopping for our Seasons of Sharing families. One family was sponsored by the youth groups, one family by the Outreach Fund and 2 families gifts were purchased by the congregation from the Giving Tree. The gifts were wrapped by the youth and distributed to the families in time for Christmas. What a wonderful way to share with those in need. The CYF group assisted with the Caring Hands Christmas dinner at their second meeting of the month. It was a great way for the clients of the Food Pantry to eat a Christmas dinner out. The Chi Rho youth played holiday games, heard the Christmas story from the book of Luke, and had a white elephant exchange. John and Norma Grinstead joined us for the fun! Thanks to Denise Pfister for our meal. January 3rd will be a game night, knowing that some folks won’t be back from vacation yet. CYF will be playing board games while Chi Rho will be doing Cow games and Minuteto-win-it type games. For our second meeting of the month, on January 17th the CYF will be preparing a meal for the Ronald McDonald House. The Chi Rho group will be making dog and cat beds and toys for the Jasper County Animal Rescue League collection. The youth groups meet at the church from 5:30-7:30. (CYF may make modifications for the meeting on the 17th.) A meal is provided and guests are welcome! Animal Rescue League Drive The Runnells Christian Church youth groups are hosting a drive for the animal rescue league this January. [There will be a collection box in the narthex.] Canned kitten food Pop flats Canned dry kitten milk formula Hand sanitizer Dog collars and leashes Kongs and creamy peanut butter for Kongs Small dog beds Cat litter Soft toys for cats (mice, etc) Rawhides for dogs Wash cloths, towels, blankets Scented sprays or plug-ins Laundry detergent AA or AAA Batteries Dish soap Glass Cleaner Trash Bags (Any Size) Paper Towels Latex/Plastic Gloves Bleach Writing pens Note books Envelopes Dry erase markers STAMPS!!! Office Furniture and a Computer Thunder shirts for dogs Chi Rho will be making dog and cat beds and toys to donate. Thank you in advance for your donations. There are many different ways you can help the animals at the Jasper County Animal Rescue League and Humane Society! From do it yourself projects at home, to monetary donations and shopping, there is a way for everyone to make a difference to Jasper County's animals! Submitted by Katie Temple Leaders: CYF -Mike and Deb Bracewell Chi Rho—Mike Miller, Julie Underwood, Katie Temple These two CYF and one graduate along with Mike and Deb Bracewell, served drinks at the Caring Hands Christmas dinner on 12/20/15. Also on 12/20/15. Sarah Miller, Jordan Pfister and Rosie Bracewell put together 8 care packages for Care for Camps to distribute to the homeless living in camps in downtown DesMoines. Save your bottles & cans! Our youth will be collecting Jan 3 - 10 Results of the RCC Outreach and Silent Auction And the results are in . . . Drum roll please. Angie Miller was gracious to bid $400 to take an airplane ride Jill Thornton bid $200 and is taking the beautiful child’s handcrafted rocker home. Myrna Hunt and a friend will take a hot air balloon ride for her bid of $200. Thank you to all for again, making the Silent Auction a fun & successful event that helps many families in the SEP area. Special thanks to Rodney Henry, Dave Funk and Tecvisions Balloon Rides who are offering their time and talent for the auctioned gifts. -Thank you! And the grand total of our Outreach Auction and Silent auction is $6263.57! A new record for Runnells Christian Church and way over this year’s goal of $5500.00. Thank YOU! We will be able to help so many people with your generous donations! December 13, 2015, Ken and Emily Hartman dedicated their son, Parker George Hartman. Pastor Tim introduced Parker to the Congregation. And he captured everyone’s heart! T h a n k Runnells Christian Church, thank you for praying for my grandson Christopher Greiser. Christopher is a very spiritual, kind young man who lives with a mental disease-he belongs to Wakonda Christian Church founded by Fraizier Thomassen who was a minister at Runnells in the forties. I truly appreciate having him in your prayer concerns. Bless You! I’m thankful I grew up in the Runnells Christian Church-many happy memories! Love to all! Roberta Mott Traviss Y o u Gary Bracewell Christopher Greiser Gina Kern Evon Kelly Ardis Lanzilotta Roger Mahnke Maria McClellan Leah Reeve Betty Robbins IT’S A Girl! Congratulations to Sarah (Elam) and James Rutherford on the birth of their daughter, Mya Sue, who was born on December 7, weighing 7lbs 11oz and 21”. Proud grandparents are Bob and Carol Elam and greatgrandmother, Helen DeJoode. Prayer Concerns In an effort to keep our prayer concerns current, names will remain on the list for four weeks. At that time names will be removed unless you have called the office to ask that a name remain on the list and give an update on the person’s well-being. Thanks for your help! Our Mortgage Payments! We owe $4,972.34 on a $340,000 mor tgage fr om2008 for the remodel of our building at 4.99% interest and on our $35,000 handicap loan, we owe $16,094.65 at 4.99% inter est. We ar e paying $668.00 on the $340,000 loan and $258.00 on the handicap loan monthly. We thank everyone who has contributed and are continuing to contribute to paying down the principal of our loans. Any amount that helps us reduce the amount of interest we are paying will mean we are just that much closer to paying off the mortgage. If you are new to the congregation, we would invite you to consider making a gift to the principle of our mortgage. Thank you for all your support. IT’S A BOY! Congratulations to Haylee (Grove) and Donald Ferns on the birth of their son, Bishop Wayne, who was born on December 3, weighing 6lbs. 13oz and 20”. Proud grandparents are Larry & Teena Grove. Prairie Vista Village: Maxine Phipps Norwalk Rehab: Randy Waltz Good Samaritan Center, Indianola: Lilith Thomas The Rose of Des Moines: Lola Bullington Valley View Village: Jeanne Vermie All Military Personnel Including: Greg Bartelma Troy Bunch Patrick Feeley David Funk Aimee Wells Michael Waltz Building Loans — Church Extension—15-Year Loans 1) Amount of Loan (May 2008): $340,000.00 Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $668.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $4,972.34 Bldg Fund Donations -Paid on Principal in 2015 $13,530.00 2) Handicap Access Loan (April 08): $35,000.00 Percentage rate: 4.99% Monthly payment: $258.00 9/10/15 Loan Balance: $16,094.65 Runnells Christian Church Scholarship Fund Bill O’Brien, a long time member of our congr egation, felt called to help the young people of our congr egation and our scholarship fund was his dream. His initial gift got The Runnells Christian Church Scholarship Fund started. Memorials when he died in August 2010, along with memorial gifts from Iola Weaver, and Katy McGowen and Kip Williams, helped to establish the fund. Since that time we have added memor ials fr om Ed Thomas, Harry and Evelyn Winegar, Shirley O’Brien, Lois Howard, Burdette Hunt, Joyce Thompson, Dwain DeReus and Dick Thomas. All funds received now and in the future will be invested in a permanent trust at the Christian Church Foundation and the income will be used to pr ovide scholar ships for higher education. It is the hope of the Memorial Committee that one day the fund will grow large enough to offer some support for any member of our congregation who is pursuing a higher education. Anyone may donate at any time to the Runnells Christian Church Scholarship Fund. Noisy Offering Report Book Group News We will meet Thursday, January 28, at 7:00 pm to discuss the book, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson (DSMPL BOOK CLUB SET) (from Amazon.com) In the small village of Edgecombe St. Mary in the English countryside lives Major Ernest Pettigrew (retired), the unlikely hero of Helen Simonson's wondrous debut. Wry, courtly, opinionated, and completely endearing, the Major leads a quiet life valuing the proper things that Englishmen have lived by for generations: honor, duty, decorum, and a properly brewed cup of tea. But then his brother&'s death sparks an unexpected friendship with Mrs. Jasmina Ali, the Pakistani shopkeeper from the village. Drawn together by their shared love of literature and the loss of their spouses, the Major and Mrs. Ali soon find their friendship blossoming into something more. But village society insists on embracing him as the quintessential local and regarding her as the permanent foreigner. Can their relationship survive the risks one takes when pursuing happiness in the face of culture and tradition? Online Bill Pay Doing Homework? Sunday Ball Game/ Practice? Send the Church your offering through your online banking & bill pay with ease & convenience! Set the Church up as a payee: Runnells Christian Church. Your account number is your phone# plus area code: example: 515.123.4567 Address: P.O. Box 30 Runnells IA 50237-0030 Thank you to everyone who supported our Noisy Offering in December. You donated $228.57, when our cute little kids passed the noisy bread pans among you. These donations will be used to help support our Christmas Outreach Fund! Our January noisy offering will go toward International mission trips. Thank you for your support! Pastoral Search Committee Deb Bracewell—515.669.8739 Lori Clark—641.891.3483 Sherry Johnson—515.202.0501 Cindi Larsen—515.669.3447 Jack Merkle—515.202.7058 Bob Miller—515.360.0030 Beth Sagar—515.418.3683 You are encouraged to call them with any questions about the search process. Please pray for our Search Committee and our church as we begin this process. From December 3: Well folks, we're down to the last couple weeks, and 9 teams out of 12 are still in the hunt for the playoffs! It'll all be determined this coming week. Both Division leaders were beat this week. East leader Phillips fell to an ambitious Kimble 103-111, with Kimble's win he's still alive but will need help. MLP, your repeat Division Champ was beaten by Team Zak, 82-92; Starburst slipped past Pink Camo, 89-78; Terminator fell to Team Phipps 132-116- way to play for pride Blair! Armed Rodgery beat up baby brother Lazy Teenagers, 90-60; and the ol' Bracewell Beasts won a nailbiter against Cheez, 106-102. Lots of good games this week. The East is still led by Phillips, 9-3; Rodgery has 8-3-1; Beasts and Zak are knotted up with 7-5; Camo is alive with 6-6 and has lots of total points for the tie-breaker; Terminators are eliminated with a solid record of 5-7. Camo needs some help, as does Zak and Beasts, but it could happen. The West has 2 teams eliminated, both at 3-9. Phipps and Teens. Kimble is hot and needs help with 4-8, but is alive; Cheez has 5-7, Starburst has 5-6-1, and MLP has locked the bye with 9-3. It's been pretty competitive so far, and with one week to go it's still very much in play. Shout out to all who made the Auction a success- Great job!! Another great turnout with many generous donations, bids, and contributions, especially with so many young people participating. Great way to enter into the Season! Have a great week and stay tuned for the big finish! Kind regards, The Commish From December 9: Hello folks- it's Playoff time!! But first let's check some scores. Cheez edged Zak, 110-99; Kimble beat Camo by 1, 99-98; Starburst fell to Rodgery, 121-131; Terminators whipped up on the Teens, 135-51; Phipps beat Beasts, 109-102; and in what could be a Super Bowl preview, Phillips knocked off MLP, 96-91. We bid a sad farewell to half of the teams this week. Kimble, Camo, Zak, Phipps, Teens, and Terminators all fall from Playoff contention. They will play through the consolation ladder, but cannot win the Trophy of Trophies, the RCCFFL Trophy (we here at RCCFFL HQ have heard that Team Phillips is already making room in the ol' trophy case). Good job to all of these teams, and see you next year. The Playoff matchups are: Rodgery/ Beasts in the East with Phillips on the bye; Cheez/ Starburst in the West, MLP enjoying the time off with the bye. Winners advance, losers will play for 3rd-6th. There are some really good teams left. The cream definitely rose to the top this year and it will be a hard fought race to the end I'm sure. Stay tuned and see you all next time. Kind regards, The Commish From December 16: Hello sports fans and welcome to the 2nd round of the 2015 playoffs! In the 1st round of the Eastern Division, Armed Rodgery beat the Bracewell Beasts, 121-83. The Beasts had a fine season, made a lot of good decisions regarding personnel, and we thank this classy organization for their participation. Speaking of class- scoring 121 points at this point in the season demonstrates what a solid team Rodgery drafted and managed- good job and good luck to them against defending Champs, Team Phillips. Phillips is coming off the bye and will be chomping at the bit to repeat. Good luck to them as well. Great matchup in the East. Over in the Western Division, Cheez-Its fell to a red hot Starburst, 129-97. Cheez had a good record, and improved quite a bit this season. Scoring 97 in the playoffs and losing has to sting, but we here at RCCFFL HQ would bet they'll be a contender next year. See you next year Cheez! Speaking of contenders, this Starburst team is peaking at just the right time to go all the way. They'll have to get through a very tough My Little Ponies team, however. MLP is always wellmanaged and up to the task- this should be a good one! Best of luck to them both! RCCFFL Fun Fact- either MLP or Starburst will be the 1st female-owned team to compete in the Super Bowl! It's gonna be Guys vs. Gals in Super Bowl 2. Next week we'll know who's in the big game, and competing for the RCCFFL Travelling Trophy!! This season has flown by but it ain't over yet! Kind regards, The Commish From December 22: Well folks, Super Bowl 2's matchup has been set! It all comes down to this last game which features Armed Rodgery, managed by Devin Gaudette vs. My Little Ponies, Managed by Peyton Goode. To reach this game, Armed Rodgery had to play his way through the playoff bracket, and defeated defending champ Team Phillips, 152-95. My Little Ponies took the easier path, by earning the 1st round bye, and defeated Starburst, 142-133, despite a late rally by Starburst. We bid a heartfelt good-bye to Zach, Carter, and Lynn- good season guys. Good luck to MLP and Armed Rodgery next week in Super Bowl 2!! One of these fine teams will walk away with the greatest trophy in fantasy sports. Kind regards, The Commish From December 29: Well fans, we crown our 2015 RCCFFL Super Bowl Champion, as My Little Ponies defeats Armed Rodgery, 142-119!!! These two owners drafted solid rosters, and both teams were well-managed the entire season. Rodgery kept it fairly close, in spite of MLP's QB Kirk Cousins scoring 50. That was pretty much the difference. Both squads' players turned in solid points up and down the roster. Congratulations to Peyton Goode for a great season and a well-earned title! There will be a trophy presentation at a later date- stay tuned for that. As was the case last year, thanks for tuning in to RCCFFL Update. Hopefully this has been a fun time for all involved. Thanks to the ladies who put the updates in the bulletin and everyone who participated. Hope to see you next year! Kind regards until next year, The Commish Teams are: Armed Rodgery- Devin Gaudette, My Little Ponies- Peyton Goode, Rod Kimble- Trent/ Cody Nelson, Bracewell Beasts- Evan Bracewell, Runnells Terminators- Mike Bracewell, Cheez-Its- Jon Gaudette, Starburst- Lynn Phipps, Team Phillips- Zach/ Carter Phillips, Pink Camo- Jenny Coulson, Lazy Teenagers- Alex Gaudette, Team Phipps- Blair Phipps, And Team Zak- Zak Underwood Submitted by “The Commish” (Jim Coulson) We would like to thank everyone who made our Advent and Christmas season special. We thank everyone who helped decorate our church including those who came to fluff the garland and hang the garland. Thanks to Jeff Robbins who donated our beautiful Christmas tree again this year. Thanks to those who hung tree lights, set up the trees in the Narthex and in the Fellowship Hall and all who participated in our Hanging of the Greens service. Enormous thanks to those who donated, designed and created items for our Outreach and our Silent auctions. And to our famous Auctioneer, Jim Coulson and his partner, Bill Ingle. We want to thank the CWF for preparing and serving the meal before our auction. Thanks to Jill Simonsen and Julie Underwood for coordinating our Children’s Christmas Program. Thanks to the Sunday School Teachers and Sheila Aukes, our children’s choir director, and all the performers for a beautiful Christmas Program. Thanks to the our to our Adult Choir and director, Mike Miller, our Bell Choir and director, Sheila Aukes, and to all of our special musicians for lifting our Christmas spirits with your performances. To Mike Miller and Alex and Devin Gaudette who always make us sound good. Special thanks to JoAnn Thomas for her beautiful screens during our services. Thanks to those who gathered to go caroling around town. Your gift of music meant so much to those to whom you sang. Special thanks to our Pastor, Tim Diebel, and our Worship Coordinator, Kathi Burns and our Elders for all your work on our many worship services. And thanks to everyone who came to experience the Advent season at Runnells Christian Church! Apologies to anyone whose name was not mentioned, we especially thank you! (U. S. Post Office requires P.O. Box 30 on all church mail.) COUNCIL MEMBERS: Sheila Aukes, Chairperson Mary Beth Martin, Secretary Katie Temple, Vice Chairperson Sherry Johnson & Jeff Robbins, Membership Co-Coordinators Tammy Gaudette, Chair of the Elders Jill Simonsen & Julie Underwood, Education Co-Coordinators Bill Ingle, Finance Coordinator Pat Jesse, Missions and Evangelism Bob Miller, Property Coordinator Kathi Burns, Worship Coordinator are in the monthly minutes. Check the calendar for future events in January. For new business, we discussed and approved going thru Techsoup.org to update the office software. There will be research done on a better way to send mass emails. We approved using an online directory, with printed versions for those that want it. The search committee of Beth Sagar, Bob Miller, Jack Merkle, Sherry Johnson, Cindi Larsen, Lori Clark, and Deb Bracewell, was approved. Sheila Aukes will be an ex officio Member as the Council chair. Thank You for Recycling Ink and Toner Cartridges Bring cartridges from work or home. Ask your family or neighbors if they have used cartridges. You may bring them to Church or Drop them off at Staples. (Church acct is 515-966-2587 Runnells Christian Church/Barb) If you donate 20 a Month the Church will receive $480.00 a year for supplies. The next council meeting is on DECEMBER COUNCIL SUMMARY January 13, 2016 at 7:00pm. Interim Pastor Tim Diebel Cell Phone: 515.201.8503 Email: timdiebel@gmail.com The Church Council met on December 9, 2015. All are welcome to attend the There is work and research being council meetings. done how to move or tear down the house and garage on the lot across Submitted by Mary Beth Martin the street. Reports were received from each Committee Coordinator. More details Runnells Christian Church The Body of Christ: Place Stamp Here J E SUS Building Runnells Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ) 309 Brown Street P.O. Box 30 Runnells, Iowa 50237 (Please use P.O. Box 30 when addressing all mail to Church) Phone: 515.966.2587 E-mail: runnellscc@msn.com Website: www.runnellscc.org Church Staff: Ministers: The Congregation Interim Pastor: Tim Diebel Council Chair: Sheila Aukes Church Secretaries: Barb Miller/Sherry Johnson/Deb Bracewell Choir Director: Mike Miller Children’s Choir Director: Sheila Aukes/Tammy Feeley Bell Choir Directory: Sheila Aukes Pianist: Tammy Feeley Organist: Myrna Hunt Custodian: Leonard Northway Nursery Attendant: Connie Schillinger Growing Address Service Requested Serving
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